In 1918-1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of the Union in 1922-1946, after the war, was the largest army in Europe.


The old army served as an instrument of class oppression of the working bourgeoisie. With the transition of power to workers and exploited classes, it was necessary to create a new army, which will be the stronghold of Soviet power in the present, the foundation for replacing the army of the Army in the near future in the near future and will serve as support for the coming socialist revolution in Europe.

In view of this, the Council of People's Commissars decides: to organize a new army called the "Worker-Peasant Red Army", on the following grounds:

1. The worker-peasant Red Army is created from the most conscious and organized elements of the working people.
2. Access to its ranks is open to all citizens of the Russian republic at least 18 years old. Everyone comes to the Red Army, who is ready to give their strength, his life to protect the conquests of the October Revolution, the authorities of the Soviets and Socialism. For entry into the ranks of the Red Army, recommendations are needed: military committees or public democratic organizations standing on the platform of Soviet authorities, party or professional organizations or at least two members of these organizations. Upon joining integer parts, a circular order of all and the name vote is required.

1. The warriors of the worker-peasant Red Army consist on complete state content and over this 50 rubles. per month.
2. Disabled family members of the Red Army Soldiers, who were previously dependent, are provided to all necessary in local consumer regulations, according to the decisions of local bodies of Soviet power.

The Supreme Governing Body of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army is the Council of People's Commissars. The immediate leadership and management of the army is concentrated in the Commissioner for Military Affairs, in the Special All-Russian Collegium established at it.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar - V. Ulyanov (Lenin).
Supreme Commander - N. Krylenko.
People's Commissars on Military and Maritime Affairs - Dybenko and Zipovsky.
Folk Commissars - Pasta, Zatonsky and Steinberg.
Managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissars - Vlad. Bonch-Broevich.
Secretary of the Council of People's Commissar - N. Gorbunov.


The Supreme Governing Body of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army was the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR (since the formation of the USSR - the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR). The leadership and management of the army was focused on the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs, in the Special All-Russian Collegium established with it, since 1923, the Soviet and Defense Council of the USSR, since 1937, the Defense Committee for SCC of the USSR. In 1919 - 1934, the direct leadership of the troops carried out a revolutionary military council. In 1934, the People's Commissariat of Defense Defense of the USSR was formed to replace him.

In the conditions of the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, on June 23, 1941, the Supreme Command rate was formed (from July 10, 1941 - the bid of the Supreme Command, from August 8, 1941, the Supreme Command Betting rate). From February 25, 1946 to the collapse of the USSR, the Department of Defense of the USSR was carried out by the Armed Forces.

Organizational structure

Tits and squads - Armed troops and squads of sailors, soldiers and workers, in Russia in 1917 - supporters (not necessarily members) of the left parties - Social Democrats (Bolsheviks, Mensheviks and "Interdistrict"), Socialists and Anarchists, as well as red partisans Steel the basis of RKKE detachments.

Initially, the main unit of the formation of the Red Army, on a voluntary basis, was a separate detachment, which was a military unit with an independent economy. At the head of the detachment was the Council as part of a military leader and two military commissars. With it consisted of a small headquarters and an inspectorate.

With the accumulation of experience and after the initiation of military officers in the ranks of the Red Army, the formation of full-fledged units, parts, compounds (brigade, division, corps), institutions and institutions began.

The organization of the Red Army was in accordance with its class character and military requirements of the beginning of the 20th century. Common-country compounds of the Red Army were built as follows:

  • the rifle housing consisted of two or four divisions | divisions;
    • division is made of three rifle regiments, an artillery regiment (artpolk) and technical parts;
      • regiment - from three battalions, artillery division and technical units;
  • cavalry corps - two cavalry divisions;
    • cavalry division - four-six regiments, artillery, armored parts (armor), technical divisions.

The technical equipment of the RKKA military compounds with firing facilities (machine guns, guns, infantry artillery) and military equipment were mainly at the level of modern advanced armed forces of that time. It should be noted that the introduction of the technique made changes to the Organization, which was expressed in the growth of technical parts, in the emergence of special motorized and mechanized parts and in strengthening technical cells in the rifle troops and Connection. A feature of the organization of the Republic of Red Army was that it was reflected in her class character. In the military organisms of the Red Army (in units, parts and compounds), there were political bodies (political departments (political studies), political parts (politicians)), leading in close collaboration with the command (commander and commissioner of part) political and educational work and ensuring the political growth of Red Army and their activity in combat training.

At the time of the war, the current army (that is, the RKKK troops that host military actions or provide them) is divided into fronts. The fronts are divided into the army, which includes military connections: Rifle and cavalry buildings, rifle and cavalry divisions, tank, aviation brigades and individual parts (artillery, aviation, engineering and other).


Rifle forces

Rifle troops - the main body of the troops constituting the main bones of the Red Army. The highest rifle unit in the 1920s was a rifle regiment. The rifle regiment consisted of rifle battalions, regimental artillery, small units - communications, sapper and other, and headquarters of the regiment. The rifle battalion consisted of rifle and machine guns, battalion artillery and battalion headquarters. Rifle company - from rifle and machine-gun platforms. Rifle platoon - from offices. The department is the smallest organizational unit of rifle troops. It was armed with rifles, manual machine guns, manual grenades and grenade launchers.


The greatest unit of artillery was an artillery regiment. It consisted of artillery divisions and regiment headquarters. The artillery division consisted of batteries and division management. Battery - from platforms. In the platoon - 4 guns.

The artillery corps of the breakthrough (1943 - 1945) is the compound (hull) of the RKKA artillery in the Armed Forces of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. The artillery corps of the breakthrough were part of the artillery of the reserve of the Supreme Command.


The main unit of the cavalry is a cavalry regiment. The regiment consists of saber and machine-gun squadrons, regimental artillery, technical units and headquarters. Sabel and machine-gun squadrons consist of platoons. The platoon is divided into separations. Soviet cavalry began to form simultaneously with the creation of the Red Army in 1918. Of the disbanded old Russian army, only three cavalry regiments were included in the RKKK. In the formation of cavalry for the Red Army, a number of difficulties were met: the main areas that were in the army of cavalry and riding horses (Ukraine, South and South-East of Russia) were engaged in the White Guards and were occupied by the armies of foreign countries; There was not enough experienced commanders, weapons and gear. Therefore, the main organizational units in the cavalry were originally hundreds, squadrons, detachments and shelves. From individual cavalry regiments and horse detachments, the transition to the formation of the brigades soon began, and then divisions. Thus, from a small equestrian partisan detachment of S. M. Budyonny, established in February 1918, in the fall of the same year during the battle for the Tsaritsyn, the 1st Don Cavalry Brigade was formed, and then the summary Cavalry division of the Tsaritsyn Front.

Especially vigorous measures to create cavalry were undertaken in the summer of 1919 to confront the army of Denikin. To deprive the latest advantages in cavalry, they needed larger than division, cavalry compounds. In June - September 1919, two first horses were created; By the end of 1919, the number of Soviet and the cavalry opposing it was equal. The fighting in 1918-1919 was shown that the compounds of the Soviet cavalry were a powerful shock force capable of solving important operational tasks both independently and in cooperation with small connections. The most important stage in the construction of the Soviet cavalry was the creation of the first equestrian army in November 1919, and in July 1920, the second horse army. Connections and associations of cavalry played an important role in operations against the army of Denikin and Kolchak at the end of 1919 - early 1920, Wrangel and the Army of Poland in 1920.

During the civil war in individual operations, the Soviet cavalry accounted for up to 50% of the number of infantry. The main method of the actions of units, parts and compounds of Cavalry was the onset of equestrian building (equestrian attack), supported by a powerful milling machine guns from the Tacanok. When the conditions of the terrain and the stubborn resistance of the enemy limited the actions of cavalry in the equestrian system, it was a fight in hurked combat orders. The Soviet command during the civil war was able to successfully solve the use of large cavalry masses to perform operational tasks. Creating the world in the world of mobile associations - horse armies was an outstanding achievement of military art. The horse armies were the main means of a strategic maneuver and the development of success, were used to be massive on decisive directions against the enemy forces, which at this stage were the greatest danger.

Red cavalry in the attack

The success of the hostilities of Soviet cavalry in the years of civil war was helped by the vast of theaters of hostilities, stretching of enemy armies on wide fronts, the presence of poorly covered or not occupied by the troops of the gaps, which were used by the cavalry compounds to enter the flanks of the enemy and performing deep raids in his rear. Under these conditions, the cavalry could fully realize his combat properties and opportunities - mobility, suddenness of the strikes, speed and determination of action.

After the Civil War, the cavalry in the Red Army continued to remain a rather numerous sense of troops. In the 1920s, she shared on strategic (cavalry divisions and corps) and military (divisions and parts included in the rifle compounds). In the 1930s, mechanized (later tank) and artillery shelves, anti-aircraft drugs were introduced into the cavalry divisions; For cavalry, new combat charters were developed.

As the mobile bodies of troops, the strategic cavalry was intended for the development of a breakthrough and could be used by solving the front command.

Cavalry parts and divisions took an active part in the hostilities of the initial period of the Great Patriotic War. In particular, in the battle for Moscow, the Cavalry Corps under the command of L. M. Dovatarov said himself. However, during the war, it became more apparent that the future behind the new modern weapons, so by the end of the war, most cavalry parts were disbanded. At the end of the Great Patriotic War, the cavalry as a genus of the troops finally ceased to exist.

Armored troops

Tanks manufactured by HIPP them Comintern - the largest tank plant in the USSR

In the 1920s, the production of own tanks began in the USSR, and together with him the foundations of the concept of combat use of troops were laid. In 1927, special attention was paid to the combat use of tanks and their interaction with infantry units. For example, in the second part of this document it is written that the most important conditions for success are:

  • the sudden appearance of tanks in the composition of the attacking infantry, simultaneous and massive use of them on a wide plot in order to disperse artillery and other opponents of the enemy;
  • the echelonization of tanks in the depth while creating a reserve from them, which allows you to develop an attack on a greater depth;
  • the close interaction of tanks with infantry, which fixes those engaged in them items.

The most complete questions of use, revealed in the "temporary instruction on combat use of tanks" released in 1928. It envisaged two forms of participation of tank units in battle:

  • for direct infantry support;
  • as an advanced echelon, acting outside the fire and visual connection with it.

Armored troops consisted of tank units and compounds and from parts of armed armored vehicles. The main tactical unit is the tank battalion. It consists of tank mouth. The tank company consists of tank platforms. The composition of the tank platoon is up to 5 tanks. Rota armored car consists of platoons; Place - from 3-5 armored vehicles.

T-34 in winter camouflage

For the first time, tank brigades began to be created in 1935 as separate tank brigades of the reserve of the Main Command. In 1940, tank divisions were formed on their basis, included in the mechanized buildings.

Mechanized troops, troops consisting of motorized rifle (mechanized), tank, artillery and other parts and divisions. The concept of "M. IN." Appeared in various armies by the beginning of the 1930s. In 1929, central administration of the mechanization and motorization of the Red Army was created in the USSR and the first prototype mechanized regiment was formed, deployed in 1930 into the first mechanized brigade in the composition of tank, artillery, intelligence regiments and collateral units. The brigade had 110 MS-1 tanks and 27 tools and was intended to study issues of operational and tactical use and the most advantageous organizational forms of mechanized compounds. In 1932, on the basis of this brigade, the world's first mechanized case was created - an independent operational compound, which included two mechanized and one short-grain brigade, a separate anti-aircraft artillery division and had over 500 tanks and 200 cars. By the beginning of 1936 there were 4 mechanized corps, 6 separate brigades, as well as 15 regiments in cavalry divisions. In 1937, the central administration of the mechanization and motorization of the Red Army was renamed the main management of the Red Army, and in December 1942 the management of the commander of armored and mechanized troops was formed. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, armored and mechanized troops became the main shock force of the Red Army.

Air Force

Aviation in the Soviet Armed Forces began to be formed in 1918. Organizationally consisted of individual aviation detachments, which were part of the Air Fleet District Office, which in September 1918 were reformed into front-line and army field controls of aviation and aeronautics at the headquarters of fronts and international armies. In June 1920, field governments were reorganized into air fleets headquarters with direct submission to the commander of fronts and armies. After the Civil War of the 1917-1923 of the FRONT Air Force transferred to the Military Districts. In 1924, aviation units of military districts of military districts were reduced to homogeneous aviation squadrons (18-43 aircraft), transformed at the end of the 20s to aviation brigades. In 1938-1939, aviation of military districts was translated from a brigade to the regimental and divisional organization. The main tactical unit was the aviation regiment (60-63 aircraft). The Aviation of the Red Army, was based on the main property of aviation - the ability to apply fast and powerful blows from air over long distances, not available for other types of troops. Aviation combat facilities were aircraft armed with bombs of fugasic, fragmentation and incendiary, guns and machine guns. Aviation possessed, at that time, high flight speed (400-500 and more kilometers per hour), the ability to easily overcome the fighting front of the enemy and penetrate deep into his rear. Combat aviation was used to defeat the living strength and technical means of the enemy; To destroy its aviation and the destruction of important objects: railway units, enterprises of the military industry, communication sites, roads, etc. Intelligence aviation had its appointment to conduct aerial intelligence in the rear of the enemy. Aviation auxiliary appointment was used to adjust the fire of artillery, for communication and observation of the battlefield, to export in the rear of patients and wounded, requiring urgent medical care (sanitary aviation), and for the urgent carriage of military cargo (transport aviation). In addition, aviation was used to translate troops, weapons and other means of struggle over long distances. The main unit of aviation was the aviation regiment (airlock). The regiment consisted of aviation squadrils (aircadryry). Avaskadrilla - from the links.

"Glory to Stalin!" (Victory Parade 1945)

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, aviation of military districts consisted of separate bombardment, fighter, mixed (assault) aviation divisions and individual intelligence aviation regiments. In the fall of 1942, aviation shelves of all kinds of aviation had 32 aircraft, in the summer of 1943 the number of aircraft in the shelves of assault and fighter aircraft was increased to 40 aircraft.

Engineering troops

In divisions, it was envisaged to have an engineering battalion, in Rifle Brigades - a sapper company. In 1919, special engineering parts were formed. The management of engineering troops was carried out inspector of engineers at the field headquarters of the republic (1918-1921 - A. P. Shoshin), heads of engineers of fronts, armies and divisions. In 1921, the leadership of the troops is entrusted to the main military engineering management. By 1929, regular engineering parts were in all kinds of troops. After the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in October 1941, the position of the head of engineering troops was established. During the war, engineering troops built fortifications, created a barrier, mined the terrain, ensured the maneuver of the troops, carried out passes in the mineral fields of the enemy, ensured overcoming its engineering barriers, forcing water obstacles, participated in the storming of fortifications, cities, etc.

Chemical troops

In the Red Army, the chemical troops began to develop at the end of 1918. November 13, 1918, the Order of the Revoensive Council No. 220, the Chemical Service of the Red Army was created. By the end of the 1920s, chemical units had in all rifle and cavalry divisions and brigades. In 1923, gas-masked teams were introduced in the states of rifle regiments. By the end of the 1920s, chemical units had in all rifle and cavalry divisions and brigades. In the Great Patriotic War, in the chemical troops were: technical brigades (for smoking and masking of large objects), brigades, battalions and rods of anti-chemical protection, flank battalions and companies, bases, warehouses, etc. During hostilities, they supported high readiness anti-chemical protection of parts and compounds in case of applying chemical weapons, destroyed the enemy with the help of flamers and carried out a smoke disguise of the troops, continuously conducted intelligence in order to open the preparation of the enemy to the chemical attack and the timely prevention of their troops, participated in ensuring the constant readiness of military units, compounds and Associations to the fulfillment of combat missions in the conditions of possible use of the enemy of chemical weapons, destroyed the lively strength and technique of the enemy with flamely-incendiary means, carried out masking of their troops and rear objects with smoke.

Signal Corps

The first units and parts of communication in the Red Army were formed in 1918. October 20, 1919 Communication troops are created as independent special troops. In 1941 introduced the post of head of communication troops.

Car troops

As part of the Tar of the Armed Forces of the USSR. In the Soviet Suns appeared during the Civil War. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 consisted of divisions and parts. In the Republic of Afghanistan, military motorists assigned a decisive role in providing OKSVA with all types of material resources. Car parts and units were transported by cargo not only for troops, but also the country's civilian population.

Railway troops

In 1926, the servicemen of the individual corps of the RKKK railway troops began to conduct topographic exploration of the future highway Bama. 1st Guards Marine Artillery Railway Brigade (transformed from the 101st Sea Artillery Railway Brigade) CBF. The title "Guard" was awarded on January 22, 1944. 11th Guards Single Railway Artillery Battery CBF. The title "Guards" was awarded on September 15, 1945. Four railway corps were: two bams were built and two in Tyumen to each rosary of the road were packed, bridges were erected.

Road troops

As part of the Tar of the Armed Forces of the USSR. In the Soviet Suns appeared during the Civil War. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 1941-1945 consisted of divisions and parts.

By mid-1943, in the road troops consisted of: 294 separate road battalions, 22 management of military roads (VAD) with 110 road compendent sites (DCU), 7 military road controls (BT) with 40 road detachments (up to), 194 Suggesport companies, repair bases, bases for the production of bridge and road structures, training and other institutions.

Labor army

Military formations (associations) in the Soviet Soviet Republic in 1920-22, temporarily used on the work on the restoration of the national economy during the civil war. Each labor army consisted of conventional rifle compounds, cavalry, artillery and other parts engaged in labor and at the same time preserving the ability to quickly transition to a state of combat readiness. In total, 8 labor armies were formed; In military administrative terms, they obeyed the RVSR, and in economic and labor - the Council of Labor and Defense. Predecessor of military-building parts (military-building detachments).

Personal composition

A political commissioner was appointed to each Krasnoarmeysk division, or political officers with the authority of the abolition of orders of the division commander. It was necessary, since no one could know whose side in the next battle will take the former royal officer. When by 1925, quite new teams were grown, the control was weakened.


  • April 1918 - 196,000 people.
  • September 1918 - 196,000 people.
  • September 1919 - 3,000,000 people.
  • Autumn 1920 - 5,500,000 people
  • January 1925 - 562,000 people.
  • March 1932 - 604,300 people.
  • January 1937 - 1,518,090 people.
  • February 1939 - 1 910 477 people.
  • September 1939 - 5,89,400 people.
  • June 1940 - 4,055,479 people.
  • June 1941 - 5,080,977 people.
  • July 1941 - 10,380,000 people.
  • Summer 1942 - 11,000,000 people.
  • January 1945 - 11,365,000 people.
  • February 1946 5,300,000 people.

Military duty and military service

Red Army women go to the attack

Since 1918, the service has been voluntary (built on a voluntary basis). But the self-awareness of the population was not quite high enough, and on June 12, 1918, Sovvrkkom published the first decree on the call for the military service of the workers and peasants of the Privolzhsky, the Ural and West Siberian military districts. This decree was published a number of additional decrees and orders for calls to armed forces. On August 27, 1918, he was published by the first decree on the call to the Red Fleet of Military Sailors. RKKA was a militia (from Lat. Militia - army), created on the basis of the territorial-militia system. Military parts in peacetime consisted of an accounting apparatus and a small amount of command formulation; The larger part of it and the ordinary composition attributed to the military units on the territorial sign, held military training by the method of Winoyskaya training and on short-term training fees. The system was based on military commissariates located throughout the Soviet Union. During a draft campaign, young people were distributed on the basis of the quotas of the General Staff according to the birth of troops and services. After the distribution of recruits, officers were taken from parts, and sent to the course of a young fighter. There was a very small layer of professional sergeants; Most sergeants were conscripts who passed the training course to prepare them for the post of younger commanders.

The service life in the army for infantry and artillery is 1 year, for cavalry, equestrian artillery and technical troops - 2 years, for air fleet - 3 years, for the sea fleet - 4 years.

Military training

The military education system in the Red Army is traditionally divided into three levels. The main is the system of higher military education, which is a developed network of senior military schools. Their students are called cadets. The term of study is 4-5 years, graduates receive the title "Lieutenant", which corresponds to the position of the "platoon commander".

If in peacetime, the training program in the schools meets higher education, in wartime it is reduced to the average special, the training time is sharply reduced, and short-term team courses are organized by half a year.

One of the peculiarities of military education in the USSR was the system of military academies. Students in them get higher military education. This is the difference from Western countries in which the academies are usually preparing junior officers.

The Military Academies of the Red Army experienced a number of re-formations and redeployments, and are divided into various types of troops (Military Academy of Rear and Transport, Military Medical Academy, Military Academy of Communications, Academy of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment, etc.). After 1991, a virtually incorrect point of view is promoted that a number of military academies are directly inherited by the Red Army from the royal army.

Interest officers

As in any other army of the world, a system of training officers of stock was organized in the Red Army. Its main goal is to create a large reserve of officers in case of universal mobilization in wartime. The general trend of all armies of the world during the 20th century was the steady increase among the officers of the percentage of people with higher education. In the post-war Soviet army, this figure was brought to 100% in fact.

In accordance with this trend, the Soviet Army considers almost any civilian with higher education as a potential stock officer in wartime. For their training, a network of military departments for civilian universities is deployed, the training program in them corresponds to the Higher Military School.

Such a system was applied for the first time in the world, in Soviet Russia, to armared by the United States where a significant part of the officers is prepared at the courses of the Rosavskaya training of officers of the reserve, and in officer's candidate schools.

Armament and military equipment

The development of the Red Army reflected general trends in the development of military equipment in the world. These include, for example, the formation of tank troops and air force, the mechanization of infantry and its transformation into motorized rifle troops, disbanding cavalry, appearance on the scene of nuclear weapons.

The role of cavalry

A. Warsaw. Cavalry's offensive

The First World War in which Russia was actively involved, was sharply different in nature and scales from all previous wars. The continuous multi-kilometer line of the front, and the protracted "Equal War" made almost impossible to be widely used cavalry. However, the civil war in its nature was sharply different from the First World War.

It treated its peculiarities excessive stretchability and fuzzy of front line lines, which made a wide combat application of the cavalry possible. The specifics of the civil war treats the combat use of Tacanokov, the most active troops of Nestor Makhno.

The general trend of the interwar period was the mechanization of troops, and the refusal of equestrian thrust in favor of cars, the development of tank troops. Nevertheless, the need to complete cavalry disagreement was non-obvious for most countries of the world. In the USSR, in favor of the preservation and further development of cavalry, some commander grew up during the civil war.

In 1941, the Red Army consisted of 13 cavalry divisions deployed to 34x. The final cavalry disbandment occurred in the mid-50s. The US Army Command published an order for the mechanization of cavalry in 1942, the existence of cavalry in Germany ceased with its defeat in 1945.

Armored train

Soviet armored train

The armored train was widely used in many wars long before the civil war in Russia. In particular, they were used by English troops for the protection of vital railway communications during the English-Board Wars. They were used during the civil war in the United States, etc. In Russia, the "boom of armored trains" came to the civil war. It was caused by its specificity, such as the actual lack of clear front line lines, and the acute struggle for railways, as the main means for rapidly transfer troops, ammunition, bread.

Part of the armored traders were inherited by the Red Army, while the serial production of new, many times exceeding old, armored traders. In addition, up to 1919, the mass production of "surrogate" armored trains collected from submitted materials from ordinary passenger cars in the absence of any drawings was maintained; Such an armored train had a worst security, but could be collected literally per day.

By the end of the Civil War, there were 122 full-fledged armored trains in the central council of armor units, the number of which by 1928 was reduced to 34.

In the interwar period, the production technology of armored traders was constantly improved. A lot of new armored trains were built, railway air defense batteries deployed. Armored parts played an important role in the Great Patriotic War, first of all, in the protection of railway communications of the operational rear.

At the same time, the turbulent development of tank troops and military aviation, which occurred during World War II, sharply reduced the value of armored trains. By Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of February 4, 1958, the further development of railway artillery systems was discontinued.

The rich experience accumulated in the field of armored traders allowed the USSR to add to its nuclear triad also nuclear forces of railway basing - combat railway rocket complexes (BZHRK) equipped with RS-22 missiles (on the terminology of NATO SS-24 "Scalpel"). Their benefits include the possibility of departing from the use of the developed railway network, and the extreme difficulty of tracking from satellites. One of the main requirements of the United States in the 80s was a complete disbandment of BZHRK as part of a general reduction in nuclear weapons. The United States themselves unawares BZHRK do not have.

Military rituals

Revolutionary red banner

Each separate building part of the Red Army has its revolutionary red banner, presented to her from the Soviet government. The revolutionary red banner is the emblem of the part, expresses the inner spike of its fighters, united by constant readiness to speak at the first request of the Soviet government to protect the conquests of the revolution and the interests of the workers.

The revolutionary red banner is in the part and accompanies her everywhere in her hiking and peaceful life. The banner is awarded part for the entire time of its existence. Awarded by individual parts of the Red Banner is attached to the revolutionary red banners of these parts.

The military units and compounds that have proven their exceptional devotion to the Motherland and showed outstanding courage in the battles with the enemies of the Socialist Fatherland or who showed high successes in the battle and political training in peacetime, are awarded "honorable revolutionary red banner." "Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner" is a high revolutionary reward for the merits of the military unit or compound. It reminds military personnel about the hot love of Lenin-Stalin's party and the Soviet government to the Red Army, about the exceptional achievements of the entire personnel of the part. This banner serves as a call to improving the quality and rates of combat training and constant readiness for the protection of the interests of the Socialist Fatherland.

For each part or compound of the Red Army, the sacred is its revolutionary red banner. It serves as the main symbol of the part, and the embodiment of his combat fame. In the event of a loss, the revolutionary red banner, the military unit is subject to disbanding, and directly guilty of such a shame - a court. For the protection of a revolutionary red banner, a separate post of Karaul is established. Every soldier passing by the banner is obliged to give him a military greeting. In particularly solemn cases, the troops are held a ritual of the solemn removal of a revolutionary red banner. To be included in a banned group directly conductive ritual is considered to be a great honor, which only the most worthy servicemen are honored.

Military oath

Mandatory for recruits in any army of the world is to bring them to the oath. In the Red Army, this ritual is usually carried out a month after the call, after passing the course of a young fighter. Before bringing to the oath, soldiers are forbidden to trust the weapons; There are a number of other restrictions. On the day, the oath soldiers receive a weapon for the first time; He fails, comes to the commander of his unit, and reads a solemn oath before building. The oath is traditionally considered an important holiday, and is accompanied by a solemn removal of a combat banner.

The oath text sounded as follows:

I, a citizen of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, entering into the ranks of the workers' and peasant Red Army, I take an oath and solemnly swear to be honest, brave, disciplined, vigilant fighter, strictly keeping military and state secrets, unquestioning all military charters and orders of commanders, commissioners and Chiefs.

I swear in conscientiously studying a military thing, everybody to take care of military property and to the last breath to be devoted to his people, its Soviet Motherland and the working and peasant government.

I am always ready on the orders of the workers' and peasant government to defend my homeland - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and, as a warrior of the working and peasant red army, I swear to defend her courageously, skillfully, with dignity and honor, without sparing his blood and life itself To achieve full victory over the enemy.

If, by evil intent, I break this solemn oath, then let me suffer from harsh car of the Soviet law, universal hatred and contempt of workers.

Military greeting

When moving in the system, the military greeting is performed as follows: the guide applies the hand to the head of the head, and the system presses his arms along the seams, all moving together to the accidental step and turning his head as far as the granted head passed. When passing the devices or other servicemen, it is enough to fulfill military greetings guides.

When meeting, the junior rank is obliged to be the first to welcome the elder; In the event that they relate to different categories of servicemen (soldiers - an officer, the junior officer is a senior officer), the senior in charge can perceive non-fulfillment of military greetings when meeting, as an insult.

In the absence of a headdress, a military greeting is given by turning the head and the reception of the construction position (hands on the seams, the body of the body is straightened).

The decomposition and dissolution of the Russian army (see the laws on democratization of the army and the fleet. 1917-1918) left the Soviet government without armed forces. Because of this, it was forced to conclude the Brest World on the Branch conditions with Germany and its allies and fulfill new requirements in Germany. Therefore, from the beginning of 1918, the creation of a new army began. Initially (in the not published handling of the Supreme Commander N.V. Krylenko dated 29.12.1917) It was supposed to be called the "revolutionary national socialist army", but since January 1918 she was named the "Workers' and Peasant Red Army" (RKKA).

Until July 1918, it was built on a voluntary basis and did not become serious. In particular, the Red Army was not able to successfully resist the mass performances of the anti-Bolshevik forces, which began in April - May 1918. Therefore, in July 1918, a universal military service was introduced in Soviet Russia. It was classified: the people from and in part of the middle classes of the old order (including former lawyers and representatives of free professions) were not called in the system parts, but to the militia that carried out economic tasks.

Decree of SNK about the workers' and peasant Red Army.15.1.1918

Organize a new army called the "Worker-Peasant Red Army", on the following grounds.

1) The worker-peasant Red Army is created from the most conscious and organized elements of workers classes.

2) access to its ranks is open to all citizens of the Russian republic at least 18 years old. For entry into the ranks of the Red Army, recommendations are required: military committees or public democratic organizations standing on the platform of Soviet power, party and professional organizations or at least two members of these organizations. Upon joining integer parts, a circular order of all and the name vote is required.

1) The warriors of the working and peasant army consist on full state content and, over this, receive 50 rubles per month.

2) Disabled family members of the Red Army soldiers, who were previously dependent, are provided with all necessary in local consumer regulations, according to the decisions of local bodies of Soviet power.

The Supreme Governing Body of the Workers' and Peasant Army is the Council of People's Commissars. The direct leadership and management of the army is concentrated in the Commissioner for Military Affairs in the special All-Russian Collegium established at it.

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

Supreme Commander

N. Krylandko

Folk Commissars for Military and Maritime Affairs


Folk Commissars




SNA decree on the socialist worker-peasant red fleet. 14.2.1918

The Council of People's Commissar decides:

The fleet existing on the basis of royal laws on universal military service, declare to be loosened and organize a socialist worker-peasant red fleet on the following grounds:

1. Food and discontinuity is included in the account of the content equally for all employees, regardless of the position.

2. Supplying the personal composition of the fleet and those in their families with the subjects of essentials, broad and harchers, temporarily produced by order to this time existing. In addition, due to the transition of the fleet for voluntary principles, the personal composition of the fleet should begin to organize a central cooperative in the port-base of fleet and its departments by ports where it will be necessary.

Note. Pretty food on ships and teams are produced on voluntary artistic principles.

3. All seafarers of the military fleet, former sailors, both those who fired from the service and remaining at a voluntary basis, should be issued in return for outfitting for the term of 1918 with money at the rate of 1918.

4. All employees on a volunteer principle in the fleet are insured at the expense of the state in case of illness, injury, disability and death. (Decree of the Council of People's Commissars.)

5. In view of the impossibility on the technical conditions of railways, to make the simultaneous dismissal of sailors of all the timelines of the service who did not want to continue those on the volunteer principle, the dismissal will be made from the first February periodically, with a period of time, demanding to not overload railways, with Fleet sailors held under the above reasons receive the content in their part until the day of dismissal on the old position.

6. On all those who are on sick holidays from the first February of this year, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars on State Insurance is distributed.

All sailors of the military fleet, dismissed until January 25, no more than one month, retain the types of monetary content according to the old situation within a month, that is. until February 25 (according to the old style), after which they are excluded in their parts from all types of contentment and are considered dismissed at all.

The transition of the fleet for volunteering began to be considered from February 1 (old style) of this year, the service and issuance of a salary on a new provision is considered from the date of concluding a contract.

7. Pupils of training detachments and schools wishing to swim on combat vessels are allowed to continue training on the old salary of the content until April 15 (old style); From the 1st to the 15th of April (old style), exams will be made, and students, to withstand those, can search for themselves places on ships and enter into contracts for service on them. In case of finding places, the Central Committees of Flotov will assist them. Instructors pay new salaries of content from February 1 to April 1 (old style), which term the question of the organization of training detachments will be finally found out. The state of instructors after February 1 (old style) to strictly construct with the number of remaining students. Instructors turned out to be superior to the state can be contracted on the general reasons for combat vessels.

8. The Central Committees of Flotov should begin to disband the crews, semi-platforms and the mouth, presenting their decisions in the collegium of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs for Divorce on Flotom and the Maritime Agency.

9. In carrying out the transition of the fleet for volunteer principles, no part has the right to issue and demand monetary content for a new position, and the port office does not have the right to issue without a new table of configuration approved by the Fleet Reorganization Commission at the Central Sea Committee.

The central committees of the seas will be approved as soon as possible to submit states for the approval of the Board of the People's Commissariat for Maritime Affairs.

10. The staffing of ships on the proposed staff on a volunteer principle is assigned to the commissions that are compiled on ships. The commission includes: the ship commander (in the coastal parts of the head of the part), the chairman of the ship or team committee, the senior specialist of the specialty for which the person and the doctor hires.

11. In view of the possible recording of a larger number of wishes to enter the fleet, something will be necessary depending on the staff developed, acceptance commissions should take into account the deadlines of the service in the presence of several candidates for one place of the specialist, and the old years are given the advantage.

Position and rules on the service on the ships of the military fleet and in marine parts

Agreement upon admission to the volunteer principles in the military fleet of the Russian Soviet Republic

(When any person arrives at the service, the supplied sample form should be filled and sent in one copy to the configuration department at the Central Committee of the Fleet, one - remains in ship cases and one - is issued to the person entering the service.)

Sample Blanca

Surname and name (fully) ____________________________________

Sequence No. for the ship when admission ______________________

Location and time of birth _______________________________________

The physical state

Height _________________________________

incoming person: chest volume __________________________

% disability _________________

Field or lesson _____________________________________

organizations standing on the platform of Soviet power _______________

Time arrival for the ship _________________________________

Title (specialty) _______________________________________

The ship that wishes to go _________________________

Place of the former service, time and reason for dismissal and

residence before admission _______________________________


Responsibilities and rights under the Contract for employees in the military fleet of the Russian Soviet Republic

1. "The name of the Socialist Republic, I undertake to serve in my conscience, by no means breaking the contract, until __________________"

2. "I undertake to fulfill the service orders given by the Germans in their specialty, by the team formulation, and on duty members of the ship committee, if they do not go into incision with a general service provision. In addition, I undertake to execute all existing service rules and instructions. For non-fulfillment of such Under ordinary conditions and in terms of the fight, I am punished with the definition of the ship committee. If the offense entails a punishment coming out of the Committee, I am going to the court of revolutionary tribunal. "

3. "I undertake carefully and honestly treat your duties, as well as to keep the people's orphanage, for the deliberate damage of which the corresponding deduction from my content is established."

4. "For a delay in service, for a negligent attitude towards the driver and guard service and for an inaccurate attitude, I am punished at the discretion of the ship's committee."

5. "For Escape from Service, which is equivalent to the violation of the contract, subjected to or excluding from professional unions, or from a democratic organization, or be charged for public works."

(The concept of escape is unauthorized no more than five days without any reason.)

6. "In the case of loss in the personnel in the battle on any ship, as well as in cases of the formation of a new ship, I undertake to order a command organization to switch to another ship, which will be indicated."

7. "Listing at least one year, I have the right to a monthly vacation with preservation of content, in addition, in emergency cases, I am allowed for a period of no more than three days, not counting the road, with the passage in both cases happens at my expense." .

8. "In each case, special commissions are organized for the admissibility of termination of the contract under the central committees of the seas.

"I declare that all the questions asked for me in compiling this treaty answered honestly and truthfully, with all the above in this Agreement agree and promise to honestly and correctly serve in a military fleet of the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic in all of the above conditions. This Agreement was concluded by me voluntarily. , without coercion, in what and handing "________________

"We, the following, declare that inspected and interviewing the contract that sent to the service in this service ____________ recognized it suitable for service in the military fleet of the Russian Socialist Soviet Republic and find that he is a person of excellent health and physique, deprived of physical flaws and is quite normal, in than and paint:

Ship commander _________________________________________

Chairman of the Ship Committee _______________________________

Doctor _____________________________________________________

"___" month year ______"

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

People's Commissar for Maritime Affairs

People's Commissar for Military Affairs

N. Zipovsky

People's Commissar of Labor

A. Hatpnikov

Managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Bonch-Bruevich

Decree of the WTCIK on the service life in the working and peasant red army. 26.4.1918

1. Any citizen who will voluntarily entering the ranks of the Red Army, undertakes to serve in it at least 6 months, considering the obligation from the date of signing.

2. Any Soldier of the Red Army, who opens the ranks of the army to the expiration of the specified period, is responsible throughout the severity of revolutionary laws, up to the deprivation of the rights of a citizen of the Soviet Republic.

Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee

J. Sverdlov


V. Avanesov

Resolution of the V All-Russian Congress of Councils on the Organization of the Red Army. 10.7.1918

1) The Russian Soviet Republic is similar to the fortress, which imperialist troops besieged from all sides. Inside the Soviet fortress, a counter-revolution raises the head, who found a temporary support in Czechoslovak mercenaries of the Anglo-French bourgeoisie. The Soviet republic needs a strong revolutionary army, able to crush the bourgeois monitoring against the counterrevolution and give fire to the onslaught of imperialist predators.

2) The old tsarist army, which was created by violence and in the name of maintaining the domination of the proceedings over labor noses, suffered a terrible defeat in the imperialist. She turned out to be finally finished by the owner of the Cadet and Concremary Policy, criminal offensive June 18, Kerenischina and Cornilovshchina. Together with the old building and the old army I collapsed and crumbled the old military administrator in the center and on the ground.

3) Under these conditions, the working and peasant power did not at first have other paths and means of creating an army, except for a set of volunteers who were ready to become under the banners of the Red Army.

4) At the same time, the Soviet government has always admitted, and the 5th All-Russian Congress of the Soviets again solemnly confirms this that on every honest and healthy citizen, between the ages of 18 and 40, there is a debt for the first call of the Soviet Republic to stand on her defense from external and internal enemies.

5) In order to conduct compulsory education to the military case and mandatory military service, the Council of People's Commissars established the Soviet bodies of local military administration, in the form of district, provincial, county and volost military commissariators. Approving this reform, the All-Russian Congress of Soviets impresses the strictest on the ground to all local councils; The condition for the success of all events in the creation of the army is a consistent centralism in military management, i.e. Strict and unconditional subordination of volost commissariats by county, county-gabn, the provincial - district, district - People's Commissariat for military cases.

6) The 5th Congress of Soviets requires all local institutions of strict accounting of military property, its conscientious distribution and spending on the states and regulations established by the central authorities of Soviet power; Arbitrary seizure of military property, its concealment, illegal assignment, unscrupulous spending should from now being equated to the greatest state crimes.

7) a period of random formations, arbitrary detachments, handicraft construction, should be left behind. All formations should be carried out in strict accordance with the established states and according to the expansion of the All-Russian General Staff. The working and peasant red army should be built so that with the lowest cost of strength and means to give the greatest result, and it is possible only with the systematic use of all types of military science, which it came out of the experience of the current war.

8) To create a centralized, well-trained and equipped army, the use of experience, knowledge of numerous military specialists from the number of officers of the former army is necessary. They must all be taken into account and are obliged to become on those posts, which they will indicate the Soviet power. Each military specialist who honestly and conscientiously works to develop and strengthen the military power of the Soviet Republic, has the right to respect the working and peasant army and to support the Soviet power. A military specialist who will try to use his responsible post treacherously for a counter-revolutionary conspiracy or betrayal in favor of foreign imperialists should swing death.

9) Military Commissars There are pastryors of the close and unstable inner communication of the Red Army with the workers and the peasant regime as a whole. On the posts of military commissars who are entrusted with the fate of the army, only flawless revolutionaries must be put, persistent fighters for the work of the proletariat and the village poor.

10) The most important task in creating an army is the upbringing of a new team composition, entirely imbued with the ideas of the working and peasant revolution. The congress impresses the People's Commissar for Military Affairs to double their efforts on this path, through the creation of a wide network of instructing schools and attracting capable, energetic and courageous soldiers in their walls of the Red Army.

11) The working and peasant red army should be built on the basis of iron revolutionary discipline. A citizen who received weapons from the Soviet power to protect the interests of the working people is obliged to unquestionably obey the requirements and orders of the commanders set by the Soviet authorities. Hooligan elements that rob and rape the local population or arrange robberies, skins, panties and deserters who leave the fighting posts, must fight mercilessly. The All-Russian Congress is incurred by the military commissariat to attract the answer to the answer to the answer of those commissars and commanders who congently the inconsistencies or watch through the fingers to violations of military debt.

12) As long as the bourgeoisie is not expropriated, and is not subordinate to the universal service, until the bourgeoisie seeks to restore its former domination, to arrange the bourgeoisie to arma the enemy, which at any time is ready to betray the Soviet republic to foreign imperialists. The congress confirms the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars on the creation of a rear militia of the bourgeoisie on the staffing of non-blood parts, miniature and working teams. Transfer to the system parts can only be obtained by those bourgeois elements that actually detect their loyalty to the working classes.

13) The congress is charged to all Soviet institutions, all professional, factory-factory organizations to fully promote the military department in the field of compulsory training of the workers and not exploiting foreign labor of the peasants. It is necessary to create rifle societies and tires, a device of maneuvers and military revolutionary festivities and wide agitation aimed at improving interest in the military case in the working class and the peasantry.

14) Welcoming the appeal of the working ages of two ages in Moscow and Petrograd, as well as an attack on the mobilization on the Volga and in the Urals and taking into account the desire of world predators again involve Russia into an imperialist slaughter, the Congress considers it necessary to make a mobilization of several workers and labor peasants throughout the country. The Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars are responsible to issue a decree that determines the number of age categories subject to immediate call, as well as the terms and conditions of admission.

15) surrounded by enemies from all sides; Face to face with a counter-revolution based on foreign mercenaries, the Soviet republic creates a strong army, which will be guarded by the working and peasant power before the hour, as the European and the world working class rebelled the Militarism mortal and create the conditions of peaceful and fraternal cooperation of all peoples.

Stenographic report of the V All-Russian Congress of Soviets R., K., S. and K, D. M., 1918. P.180-183

Decree of SNK on the rear millennium. 20.7.1918

The Council of People's Commissar decides:

1) All citizens who are not subject to call in the working and peasant Red Army aged 18 to 45 are subject to calling into a rear militia.

2) The call for the service in the rear militia is made simultaneously with the appeal to the Red Army on the same territorial areas and age categories.

3) Doubts about the belonging of persons to be serviced by military service, to a category or that category of calls is permitted in the manner prescribed by the Agreement of People's Commissariators for Military Affairs, internal affairs and labor with the participation of representatives of the All-Russian Central Council of Trade Unions.

4) The call and reception on the service of the militia is made on the basis of the instructions produced and approved by the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

5) All the persons listed in Article 1 of this Decree are appointed to the service to the service in particular work parts on the grounds set out in the applied privilege of the rear militia (Appendix 1).

6) All persons adopted by the service in the rear militia must remain in service throughout the year.

The militia designed to military service, the monetary content is issued on the same grounds as Red Army, if he proves that he has kept himself before calling himself and the family of his personal hired labor.

7) To persons evading the call, and to persons contributing to such evasion, the punishments set forth in the following articles.

8) the guilty of a failure to appear in the rear militia, in the obvious resistance to this call or evasion from the execution of such under false pretexts is subject to punishment, an imposed local court, and where it is not - the court of the revolutionary tribunal, imprisonment for a period not less than 2 years connected with forced work, and confiscation of all property.

9) This punishment is the guilty of promoting and declining to non-fulfillment of militia duties, in facilitating to run, to the shelter of the evading, as well as in the failure of the authorities about the avoidance of the perpetrator.

10) Property of all persons from which in one form or another received or receives the content that has declined, and, first of all, the property of the nearest relatives is subject to the definition of local councils of workers and peasant deputies of partial confiscation within up to 100.000 rubles.

11) In addition, before carrying out universal labor service, and to facilitate the call to the rear militia, the strict registration of all citizens subject to the appeal is established in accordance with the accompanying rules (Appendix 2nd).

12) The confiscated property enters the Family Field of the Red Army.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

Managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissar


Attachment 1

Regulations on the rear millennium, formed on the basis of the decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated July 20, 1918

1. Persons adopted for military service on the decree of the Council of People's Commissars dated July 20, 1918 are credited to the rear militia and are appointed to the service in particularly formed working parts.

2. Persons enrolled in the rear militia, during the state are called the name of the militia.

3. The militia is considered to be held at military service and for all crimes and misconducts are responsible for military laws.

4. The deadline for the mandatory service of the militia - one year, which calculates from the date of reception of the militia to the service of adopted commissions.

5. The militia designed to military service, the monetary content is issued in accordance with Art. 6 decree dated July 20, 1918.

Food and broad motion All militias are obtained by the standards established for the rear parts of the Red Army in the intensdunt prices; In cases where they prove in front of the local authorities mentioned in Art. 3 decree dated July 20 agencies, which is deprived of the opportunity to pay for your satisfaction, such as it can be free, if the corresponding power does not consider at all necessary to dismiss them from the composition of the rear militia.

6. Credible political and official attitude of the militia are transferred to the provincial commissariatants on military cases, by agreement with the departments of the local council of workers and peasant deputies and the People's Commissariat on internal cases in the soldiers of the Red Army, and or are transferred to the system, or left on them posts corresponding to their special training.

The service conducted by the following persons in the militia before the listing to the Red Army is counted on them in the deadline for the mandatory service in the Red Army day per day.

7. Working parts of the rear militia are formed in the form of separate working battalions, individual working mouth and operating teams. The latter are formed if the number of militias does not exceed one hundred people.

8. All of the above, in Art. 7, parts are formed in relation to the organization of the internal regulation, household and contentment on the same grounds as the corresponding military units of the Red Army.

9. The militia cannot be appointed to all command posts, to separated heads inclusive, as well as on the posts of commissioners and instructors.

10. Appointments to all command posts to commander of separations inclusive, as well as instructors are manufactured on the grounds specified in the order of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs of June 17, by No. 468, by agreement with the department of the Office of the provincial councils of workers and peasant deputies.

11. Specified in Art. 10 The bombings are considered in the military service in the Red Army in all on the same basis as appropriate persons in the military units of the Red Army.

12. The formation of work units is assigned to the provincial commissariants on military affairs and on their instructions to the county (or relevant) Commissars for military affairs.

Formed working parts are subordinate to the above-mentioned commissariates.

13. Work units are formed depending on the number of existing militia and the kind of upcoming work, in accordance with the national and local needs and instructions of the central government.

14. Working parts can be formed for the following appointments: for sparse, construction and road works, for work in the intenshest, food, dyeing and other warehouses, as well as in warehouses of other departments, for work in various military workshops (shoal, tailoring, bakery, Mukomolny, sugar, hay-pressed and other), for work on the billery of fuel and food, for loads on railways and waterways, as well as for other appointed appointments caused by the national and local needs.

In the production of public works of an unborn nature, the appointment on such works of parts is made by the Commissioner for Military Affairs under the agreement with the relevant authority of that department, according to which work is made.

15. Work units are formed or for a special purpose, or a common opportunity, as a workforce reserve for different appointments.

16. In work units formed for special purposes, the number of militias is prescribed, which is caused by the need of the upcoming case. In this case, if the required number of militias does not exceed one hundred, then the command is formed; with the number of 100-300 people, a separate company is formed; With a large number of people, the desired number of non-individual mouths are formed in separate battalions.

The number of mouth in the battalion should not exceed six.

17. Working parts of general purpose are formed in the form of individual battalions, as part of 2-6 mouth. If the battalion is insufficient, a separate company is formed to form a battalion (if the militias are less than a hundred people) or a team.

18. The militia parts must be equipped with: a) working parts of general purpose - a chant tool for the staff of the part and b) special working parts - a corresponding special tool for the tables approved in the general manner established for this.

19. When appointing militias in working parts, it is necessary to assign people with respect to the special preparation in terms of special purpose in order to be used in order to be used by their special knowledge.

20. The call and reception for military service of the militia is made on the basis of the instructions produced and approved by the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

21. By the time of the call to the corresponding commissariats should be: a) the appropriate prefabs were formed and equipped with food, b) frames of all marked working parts were formed, provided by the premises and stocks of food and c) a numerical distribution of the expected militias on working parts expected.

All these works should be completed with such a time calculation in order to avoid long-term accumulation in the receiving commissions and at the prefabricated points of the large number of militia.

22. The militia work units and militias received by military service are recorded by the same institutions and on the same rules on which the Red Army team is conducted.

23. All militants between the ages of 18 and 45, who have not received even on military service and those who graduate, are maintained on the general basis with other military-rich, as a special category.

Appendix 2.

Regulations on the rules for registering the population for enrollment in the rear militia

1) All persons aged 18 to 45 are subject to registration for enrollments to the rear militia, which are not subject to a call to the actual military service in the working and peasant red army or will not be accepted as such as volunteers, somehow: a) persons living on non-educated income (interest from capital, admission from property and so on.), b) Persons who use employees in order to extract profits (owners of industrial, trade and agricultural enterprises, etc.), c) members of the Soviets and Board of joint stock companies, companies, all kinds of partnerships, director, managers, heads, trusted such societies, d) former jury attorneys, their assistants, private attorneys, other petitions on affairs, notaries, exchange brokers, trade and commercial intermediaries, employees of bourgeois press , e) monks and spiritual ministers of churches and religious cults (all religions), e) the faces of the so-called free professions, if they do not fulfill socially useful fun Kci, g) Former officers, officials, students of UNCERSK schools and cadet corps and persons who do not have certain classes.

2) in relation to the persons listed in Art. 1, marks are made on registration cards that they are engaged in socially useful work, on the presentation of the certificate of relevant Soviet institutions and organizations or the councils of trade unions; With respect to students, on the presentation of appropriate certificates, the registration cards mean information relating to their stay in the educational institution.

3) household committees, and where they are not, homeowners, managers, heads of houses or wipers - in cities, volost and rural advice - in villages are obliged within five days from the date of receipt of the registration card of the People's Commissariat for internal affairs to submit to local councils of workers and peasant Deputies information about living in their homes - in the city, and in villages - living within the villages of male faces, according to the registration card requirements.

4) Persons guilty of non-fulfillment of the requirements of the 3rd article of this provision, as well as registered persons who gave themselves incorrect, incomplete or inaccurate information or declined from the cottage of the required information, indulge in the local court.

5) Registration cards manufactured by the People's Commissariat for internal cases are sent to them by the local council of workers and peasant deputies in 3 copies for each person subject to registration (Card Shape - Appendix 3).

6) Local councils of workers and peasant deputies are sent by belonging to persons and institutions named in paragraph 3 of this provision, the above registration cards in 3 copies for each person to be registered and immediately sent to their completed posts in the provincial Council of Workers and peasant deputies for transfer to the provincial commission for military cases for further direction and production, one copy is sent to the People's Commissariat for internal affairs and one - are stored.

Appendix 3.

Registration card of the person to be credited to the rear militia

1. Year of birth.

2. Surname.

3. Name and patronymic.

4. Province.

6. Volost.

7. Village or village.

8. Education.

9. What property has:

a) agricultural enterprise;

c) factory;

e) workshop;

e) trade enterprise;

g) commercial institution.

10. Does hired labor and to what extent.

11. Tools for existence:

a) capital;

b) income from property;

c) profit from trade;

d) income from the enterprise.

12. The genus of classes in 1914 to the war, until the February Revolution and Currently.

13. Is it in spiritual rank.

14. Is the service.

15. What position does it take.

16. Whether and for what.

17. Resource.

The decree of SNK on taking into account suitable for the military service of citizens aged 18-40 years. 29.7.1918

In order to create the workers' and peasant Red Army, the Council of People's Commissar decides:

1. All citizens of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, suitable for military service, aged 18 to 40 years old are considered to be military-obligated and will have to appear on the first call of the worker and peasant government.

2. All the military-ridden military-ridden decrehendments should be recorded, for which immediately enter into force by the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs "Temporary Guide to Accounting Military Racheled" and "The procedure for entering into the action of the meaningful temporary manual."

3. All expenses caused by the production of military-ridden metering should relate to the relevant units of the estimates of the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

Managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Bonch-Bruevich

Decree of SNK on liberation from military service for religious beliefs. 4.1.1919

1. Persons who are not able to take part in military service in their religious convictions, to provide the right to decide on the decision of the People's Court to replace this for a certain period of calling his peers by the sanitary service, mainly in infectious hospitals, or other relevant generally-eye work, on the choice of the most invited.

2. The People's Court of Justice, when deciding to the replacement of military service, another civil duty requests the examination of the Moscow "Joint Council of Religious Communities and Groups" for each individual. The examination should extend both the fact that a certain religious conviction excludes participation in military service and that the person acts sincerely and conscientiously.

3. In the form of withdrawal, the Joint Council of Religious Communities and the Groups on a unanimous decision has the right to initiate special petitions to the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the Councils on Completion of Military Service, without any replacement for its other civil obligation, if the inadmissibility of such a replacement can be specifically proven From the point of view not only a religious belief, but also sectarian literature, as well as the personal life of the relevant person.

Note: Excitation and maintenance of the exemption of a certain person from military service is provided to both the "unified Council of Religious Communities and Group", and the Council is given the right to apply for the consideration of the case in the Moscow People's Court.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

People's Commissar of Justice

Managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Bonch-Bruevich


L. Fotieva

Resolution of the Council of Labor and Defense about the appeal in the ranks of the Red Army of citizens not Russian nationality of Siberia, Turkestan, etc. Okrain. 10.5.1920

The Council of Labor and Defense ruled:

1. Recognize that citizens are not Russian nationality of Siberia, Turkestan and others. Okrain is subject to call in the ranks of the Red Army on the same grounds with the rest of the Russian Federation of the Federal Soviet Republic.

2. Provide the right to local (regional) bodies of Soviet power, by agreement with the provincial district military commissariats, All-Russian headquarters and field headquartersIn cases where it is in local conditions and features will be recognized as desirable and appropriate, temporarily free from calling to the army of the one or another nation or a group of citizens not Russian nationality, presenting a motivated explanation of such a measure every time approval of the Council of Labor and Defense.

3. The citizens of non-Russian nationality are not exempted from the summary of the appeal to the state labor obligation subject to local domestic and economic conditions.

Chairman of the Board of Labor and Defense

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

Secretary of the Council of Labor and Defense

Alexander Saturn

February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, which until 1993 was called the Day of the Soviet Army and the Navy. Until 1946, the Soviet army was called the Red Army. Why exactly February 23 is the birthday of the Red Army?


Documents on the formation of the Red Army

III All-Russian Congress of Soviets accepted January 12 (January 24 for a new style) of 1918. Declaration of the rights of the worker and the operated people, paragraph 5 of which said:
« In the interests of ensuring all the fullness of the authorities for the workers' masses and eliminate any possibility of restoring the power of the exploiters, armament of workers, the formation of the socialist red army of workers and peasants and the full disarmament of the property classes».

15 (28) January 1918 Chairman of SNK V. I. Lenin signed the SNK decree on the organization of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army (RKKKA), January 29 (February 11) - Worker-peasant Red Fleet (RKKF).

In February 1918, peaceful negotiations between Soviet Russia and Germany in Brest-Litovsk were torn by the head of the Soviet delegation, Lvod Trotsky, who refused to adopt German ultimatum, put forward the absurd slogan "no war, nor the world," and announced the Germans that Russia stops war without signing Peace treaty.

Immediately after the breakdown of negotiations in Brest-Litovsk, on February 18, 1918, Germany and Austria-Hungary moved to the offensive throughout the front. The main blow was applied by German troops in the direction of the capital - Petrograd. The number and organization of only the above-began to form the Red Army (based on the old Russian army and the workers - the Red Guards) did not allow to provide a fairly effective opposite to the enemy. On February 19, the Germans captured Dvinsk (now Daugavpils) and Polotsk, February 20 - Minsk, February 25 - Pskov and Revel (Tallinn). February 24 V.I. Lenin wrote: "In fact, we cannot fight for a minute, for the army against the war, the army cannot fight. Week of war with the Germans, before which our troops simply fled, from 18 to 24 February 1918, quite proved it. " (Satv. T. 35, p. 384). February 25, Lenin writes: "... painfully-shameful reports on the refusal of regiments to maintain positions, to refuse to protect even the Narva line, to destroy everything and all during the retreat; We are not talking about the flight, chaos, roofs, helplessness, grinding. " (Ibid., P. 394).

Chairman of the Sovnarkom V.I. Lenin convinced his comrades, overcoming the resistance of Trotsky and some other leaders of Soviet Russia and the party, which is necessary, on the one hand, organize resistance to German troops , on the other hand, immediately agree to the Brest Brest World with Germany not to lose everything. Soviet Russia was vital to the residue to strengthen his army.

The Russian leadership followed Lenin and began to work out both of these directions.

"Socialist Fatherland in danger"

On February 21, the Council of People's Commissar (SNK) appealed to the people with the written V.I. Lenin decree-appeal "Socialist Fatherland in danger!":



Socialist Fatherland in danger!

To save the exterminated country from new military trials, we went to the greatest sacrifice and announced the Germans about our consent to sign their conditions of the world. Our parliamentarians 20 (7) in the evening left the regime in Dvinsk, and there is still no answer.The German government is obviously medletes with the answer. It clearly does not want the world.

By completing the instruction of capitalists of all countries, German militarism wants to strangle Russian and Ukrainian workers and peasants, return land owners, factories and plants- bankers, power- monarchy.The German generals want to establish their "order" in Petrograd and in Kiev. The Socialist Republic of Soviets is in the greatest danger.Before the moment, the proletariat of Germany, the sacred duty of workers and the peasants of Russia rises and defeated the Republic of Tests against the Haling of Bourgeois-Imperialist Germany.

The Council of People's Commissar decides: 1) all the forces and funds of the country are fully provided to the case of revolutionary defense. 2) All the advice and revolutionary organizations are charged to protect each position to the last drop of blood.3) Railway organizations and associated tips are obliged to prevent the enemy by all forces to use the communications device; During the retreat, destroy the paths, blow and burn railway buildings; The entire rolling stock is wagons and locomotives - immediately direct to the east into the depths of the country. 4) all bread and in general food reserves, as well as any valuable property that threatens the danger to get into the enemy's hands should be undoubtedly destroying; Observation of this is assigned to local councils under the personal responsibility of their chairmen. 5) Workers and peasants of Petrograd, Kiev and all cities, towns, villages and villages along the new front line must mobilize battalions for digging trenches under the guidance of military specialists. 6) All workable members of the bourgeois class, men and women under the supervision of the Red Guards should be included in these battalions; Resistive- shift.7) All publications opposing the case of revolutionary defense and becoming on the side of the German bourgeoisie, as well as seeking to use the invasion of imperialist pollens in order to overthrow the Soviet power, are closed; Workable editors and employees of these publications are mobilized to grow tagging and other defensive work. 8) Enemy agents, speculators, louds, hooligans, counter-revolutionary agitators, German spies are shot at the crime scene.

Socialist Fatherland in danger! Long live Socialist Fatherland! Long live the International Socialist Revolution!


In accordance with the decree of the SNK, the Supreme Commander N. V. Krylenko on February 21 signed an order for the declaration of revolutionary mobilization.

Birthday of the Red Army

February 23, 1918 in Petrograd, Moscow and other cities held rallies under the slogan: "Protection of the Socialist Fatherland". This day laid the beginning of the mass mobilization of revolutionary forces across the country and began the birthday of the Red Army and the Navy.

On the same day, on February 23, 1918, there was the first collision of the Red Army with advanced Germanic parts in the area of \u200b\u200bthe villages of Big and Small Lopatino under Pskov. Poorly trained and demoralized revolutionary units that did not have a single management and devoid of officer personnel could not have a significant resistance to the regular parts of the German army.

However, now the Germans could not count on the unhindered promotion of Russia deep into Russia and the capture of Petrograd became problematic. It pushed them to sign the world, so the necessary Soviet Russia.

Signing and cancellation of the Brest world with Germany

On February 24, 1918, the decision of the SNK on the adoption of the German conditions of the world was published. In early March, the Brest world was signed. German troops stopped fighting. By the way, the Brest world was canceled by the Soviet government at the end of the year after the defeat of Germany in the First World War.

In the meantime, Soviet Russia continued to form the workers' and peasant Red Army and the working and peasant red fleet, which in the fall of 1918 turned into a mass army and the fleet.

At the end of the Civil War on November 1, 1920, the number of army and the fleet was 5,427,73 people ().

Decree on the creation of the working and peasant Red Army (RKKE) was adopted on a voluntary basis in the period when Soviet Russia and Germany negotiated the conclusion of a peace treaty. On May 29, 1918, in the context of the civil war, a compulsory set in the RKKK

« The old army served as an instrument of class oppression of the working bourgeoisie. With the transfer of power to workers and exploited classes, it was necessary to create a new army, which will be the stronghold of Soviet power in the present, the foundation for the replacement of the People's Army in the inensive weapons of the proletariat in the future and will serve as support for the upcoming socialist revolution in Europe.

In view of this, the Council of People's Commissars decides: to organize a new army called the "Workers' and Peasant Red Army" on the following grounds:

I / The worker-peasant Red Army is created from the most conscious and organized representatives of the working people.

Access to the rows is open to all citizens of the Russian republic are not under the age of 18. Everyone comes to the Red Army, who is ready to give their strength, its life to protect the conquests of the October Revolution and the authorities of the Soviets. For entry into the ranks of the Red Army, recommendations are needed: military committees or public democratic organizations standing on the platform of Soviet authorities, party or professional organizations or at least two members of these organizations. Upon joining integer parts, a circular order of all and the name vote is required.

I / Warriors of the working and peasant Red Army consist in full state security and moreover 50 rubles are obtained. per month.

2 / Disable family members of the Red Army soldiers who were previously dependent were provided with all necessary from the Soviet authorities

The Supreme Governing Body of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army is the Council of People's Commissars. The direct leadership and management of the army focuses in the Commissioner for Military Affairs in the All-Russian Collegium established at it.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Ulyanov (Lenin)

People's Commissar for Military Affairs

V. Ovseenko I. Krylenko N.Podvsky "

Taken from:

Document No. 108. The historiographic tradition in highlighting the history of the civil war in Russia.

"For a long time, civil war in Russia was interpreted in accordance with "A brief course of the history of CPS (b)" , According to which civil war was a form of struggle between the dictatorship of the proletariat and the counter-revolutionary forces. At the same time, opponents of the dictatorship of the proletariat were presented as "a foreign military intervention against the Soviet power, supported by counter-revolutionary rebellion of the enemies of Soviet power within the country." There was another characteristic interpretation of the Civil War from the position of the "brief course" as "of the war of workers and peasants, the peoples of Russia against the external and internal enemies of Soviet power." This reflected schematization of the path of the external stroke of events, reduced them to the collision of the exploiters and operated. Other approaches and assessments cut off.

Back in the second half of the 20th. There was a lot about independent research on civil war. One of the authors - S.A. Alekseev - on the basis of a large actual material class in the Civil War, divided into three groups: two, actively opposing each other - urban and rural bourgeoisie - on the one hand, the proletariat and the village of Poor - on the other hand; As a third, quantitatively large, he represented a small bourgeoisie.

Similar views in the "brief course" of the development did not receive. On the contrary, it was picked up and used as possible in the literature immediately after the civil war method, in which any facts were assessed in favor of the winners. The presentations of the Civil War were reduced to the crushing defeat of three campaigns of the Entente, to the empires S. Budenny and K. Voroshilova . Essentially, a legend was created about the Civil War, where the greatest tragedy, folk tests were replaced by the luffed victories over white. In the artistic literature, realism in the description of the civil war, manifested in the 20s. in prose M. Sholokhov , M. Bulgakov , Al. Tolstoy , I. BabelSubsequently, the literary and political situation was also supplanted.

The authors who wrote about the Civil War, being in emigration, revealed completely different approaches. Rejecting the thesis of Marxists about the inevitability and patterns of civil war as a manifestation of social progress, they represented the events of 1917 - 1920. As a rampant anarchy, the "new edition" of Russian Discharge. In such a way, wrote V.V. Shulgin, PN Milyukov and others. General A.N. Denikin It was directly called "Essays of the Russian Discharge."

The prolific author of Emigration was another general - P. Krasnov. His view of the events of 1917 and the next for them was a look at the Orthodox believer, the root of the problems for which was the "loss of Russia of God", i.e. Forgetting Christian values \u200b\u200band sinful temptations.

In general, determining the causes of the Civil War, the emigrants almost did not disperse, the main guilt for her placed on the Bolsheviks. A huge amount of research came out of the feather historian S.P. Melgunova. In one of them - "Red Terror in Russia 1918-1923" - It leads numerous facts designed to confirm the main role of the Bolsheviks in the unleashing of civilians in Russia.

It is essential that the emigration of civil war, its meaning and lessons analyzed more thoroughly. Multi-volume editions were published: in Berlin - "Archive of the Civil War", "White Business", in Paris - "White Archive", in Prague - "Free Siberia" and "on someone else's" and others.

From the mid-50s. In Soviet historiography and literature, the process of gradual expansion of topics and plots related to the events of 1917 - 1921 began. The understanding of the special role of the peasantry in the war was returned. Most authors were worked out by the "brief course" installation, but remained largely due to ideological censorship - one-sidedness of estimates and conclusions. Written A. Solzhenitsyn

in the 60s. "Gulag Archipelago" It is an exception confirmed by the general situation. In this book, Solzhenitsyn tonality and methods of selection of facts, Melgunova repeated many ways.
Intensive research searches related to the Civil War prepared an exit on its new conceptual vision. In the second half of the 80s. There is a change in quality in concepts and assessments from many historians - civil war specialists. For example, the doctor of historical sciences of Joffe openly admitted the change in his views on many problems. About his movement from the apologetics of "red" to the description of the civil war as a national tragedy was spoken by P. Volobuev. The works of quite many authors are evidenced about the noticeable evolution of views on civil war.

Modern historiography and journalism include a wide range of approaches and concepts on civil war issues. Joffe expressed the opinion that "the fatal inevitability of the Civil War did not exist. The choice was in the hands of political parties, first of all their leaders." In his opinion, the Bolsheviks themselves contributed to the emergence of the foundation, "on which a powerful anti-Bolshevik movement unfolded." Positions, similar or loved ones, adhere to historians V.A. Alekseev, S.I. Konstantinov, S.M. SMYNAGO, T. Osipova, Yu. Simchenko et al. Explorer U. Felstinsky's essence of the Civil War Explains the Bolshevik admonulum in the choice of political funds. He calls their politics "madness in the name of the idea."

... Writers A. Znamensky, V. Soloohin, Publicists Nazarov, V. Mikhailov, E. Losev, V. Kolinov, M. Miroshnichenko consider civil war by the result of a sharp activation of anti-state, antipatarian forces, among which they allocate the Jews who held the leading posts In the Bolshevik party and state apparatus.

With all such positions, such researchers do not agree as A. Kozlov, P. Golub, V. Miller, Y. Polyakov, Yu. Geller, N. Efimov, V. Polycarpov, V. Kozlov, Bordyugov, V. Ustinov, and others . A. Kozlov argues: "Civil war as a sharp aggravation of class contradictions in specific historical conditions can hardly prevent then. Y. Polyakov adds to this: "... Roots hatred in injustice, in a huge property inequality, rooted by the psychological opposition to the poor and rich, dominant and subordinates. The explosion was objectively inevitable, class hatred should sooner or later splash out."

The difference in views on civil war makes itself felt at the level of mass consciousness, i.e. Event Overtime 1917-1921 So far, society is solved to some extent. Many historians and writers today, aware of the fear of such a split, expressed from the standpoint of national reconciliation. Historian V. Bortnievsky spoke like this: "I think it is logical to argue that civil war in Russia was a feat and tragedy for both winners and defeated." With his thesis was solidified and. Ushakov. B. Starkov and others. Writer Yu. Vlasov in such revolutions presented his vision of the civil war: "The Russian people rushed to happiness, to life without owners, ... to life in justice - and prayed. This is a victim in the name of mankind. The price of this victim Humanity gained invaluable experience ... The experience was paid by the unearthly sufferings of a large and light people ... ". Writer B. Vasilyev calls on "to understand that the civil war has nothing to do with anything with anything, which has never been the winners ... and comprehend that the brothers, so generously, and long shedding each other, fought for Russia. For her Tomorrow, which has seen and understood every side of the parties ... Let Russia wandes the wreath of grief and respect for the red and white obelisa. Then repentance comes. And only the Civil War will end. "

Taken from: course of lectures. Ch. I1. / Ed. Academician of Lichmanan B.V. Ural state those. Un - T, Yekaterinburg, 1995. P. 103 -107

Soviet Society of 1920-1930s. Historical experiment of socialist construction and its consequences.

After the end of the civil war and the refusal of the Bolshevik party from the policy of military communism, on the basis of a new economic policy, which combined market mechanisms with state regulation, national economy was restored in the USSR in a short time. In the mid-1920s, when the issue of the choice of paths of further development was elected, the path of forced construction of socialism on the basis of socialist industrialization of industry and mass collectivization of agriculture was elected. During the first five years (1928-1932 and 1933-1937), a "big leap" was carried out in the creation of the material and technical base of socialism in the USSR.

Document No. of the Central Committee report. From the resolution XIV CVP Congress / b /

At the XIV Congress of WCP / B / (December 18-31, 1925), a course was taken to the industrialization as the main task of economic construction.

(See Chrestomitia on the history of the USSR 1917-1945, p. 277)

Taken from: CPSU in resolutions and decisions of congresses, conferences and plenums of the Central Committee of the Central Committee. M.1984.t.3.c.428-430.

Document No. Materials for the report of V.V. Kuibyshev at the VIII All-Union Trade Union Congress about the first five-year plan of industry development. No later than December 10, 1928 (extraction)

1. The five-year plan of the national economy as a whole and industry in particular, being a segment of the general master plan for the socialist reorganization of the national economy, should ensure that it was indicated in the "Directives on the preparation of the five-year plan of the national economy" adopted at the XV CVP Congress (b), Extended reproduction of the socialist industry on the basis of expanded reproduction in the national economy in general; further conducting a course on the industrialization of the national economy and an increase in the material and technical level of its development; improving the defense capability of the Soviet Union and further exemption from capitalist dependence both through the line of raw materials and in particular means of production; Improving the material and cultural standard of living of workers and strengthening the Union of the working class and the peasantry and on the basis of the overall development of the national economy and its logistical reconstruction and increase the specific gravity of the socialist sector in the city and the village.

At an angle of view of the permission of these basic tasks, the design of a five-year plan of economic development should be conducted. In particular, in particular, five-year-old designs should be checked from the point of view of the right relationship with the peasantry, strengthening the leading and transforming role of the Socialist Industry in relation to agriculture, which ensures the rise of the Industrial Bashnotsko-Seednotsky farm and the intensive growth of the socialist sector of the village (collective farms and state farms).

2. Construction of socialism in the country technically backward, in the situation of the hostile capitalist environment predetermines and determines the pace of our economic and in particular industrial development. The directive in the shortest historical period to catch up, and then and exceed the level of industrial development of advanced capitalist countries turn into a categorical imperative, in the underlying condition and the main premise of the permission of the problem of socialist transformation of our farm ...

Determining the rate of development of agriculture (supply of agriculture with chemical fertilizers, agricultural machines, etc.), the industry at the same time is determined by agriculture as a consumer of industrial products, the manufacturer of raw materials of agricultural origin, processed by industry, as the manufacturer of those export Funds where the industry largely builds its plans for the means of production and scarce raw materials and materials, and, finally, as a source of extension resources for the policy of industrialization of the national economy.

Taken from : http: //history.doc/en; source: Industrialization of the USSR. 1926-1928 - M., 1969. P. 309-313.


KuibyshevV. V. (1888-1935) - Soviet statesman. Since 1926 he headed the Supreme Council of the National Economy (HSSR), who led by industrial enterprises of allied importance.

Document No. Industrial production in the first five-year plan (1928-1932)

(See Chrestomatiya on the history of the USSR 1917-1945, p. 289)

Taken from: Communist.1987.№18.S.83

Document number I. Stalin. About the bilbo houses and prospects for the development of agriculture. From the performances in various areas of Siberia in January 1928. Short record. (Excerpt)

"... I am entrusted to me ... discuss with you the question of the prospects for the development of agriculture, about the deployment plan in your area of \u200b\u200bbuilding collective farms and state farms.

You should know that in the bread balance of our country we have a lack of more than 100 million grain pounds this year. In this regard, the Government and the Central Committee had to press the bilboation in all areas and edges to fill this gap in our bread balance. The deficit will have to be covered primarily at the expense of high-yielding areas and edges so that they are not only fulfilled, but also exceeded the battery plan.

... deficiency, if it is not liquidated, will lead to the fact that our cities and industrial centers, as well as our red army will be delivered to a difficult situation, they will be badly supplied, they will threaten hunger. It is clear that we cannot allow it.

... You say that the harvest plan is tense that he is imparting. Why do not mind where did you get it from? Isn't it a fact that the harvest do you have really unprecedented this year? Isn't it a fact that the pay plan this year in Siberia is almost the same as last year? Why do you consider the plan not fulfilled? Look at the Kulatsky farms: there are barns and sheds full of bread, bread lies under the sheds due to the lack of storage sites, in the kulak farms there are bread surplus at 50-60 thousand poods on each economy, not counting stocks on seeds, food, focus, cattle, and You say that the bottle plan is impartial. Where did you get such pessimism?

You say that the fists do not want to donate bread that they are waiting for price increases and prefer to lead a disassembled speculation. It's right. But the fists are waiting for no price increases, but require price increases tripled in comparison with state prices. Do you think that you can satisfy fists? The poor and much of the middle peasants have already passed bread at state prices. Is it possible to allow the state three times more expensive than bread cams than the poor and middle peasants? It is worth only to put this question in order to understand all the inadmissibility of satisfying the coulars.

If fists are disassembled on bread prices, why don't you attract them for speculation? Do not you know that there is a law against speculation - 107 Article of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR, by virtue of which guilty of speculation is involved in judicial responsibility, and the goods confiscate in favor of the state? Why don't you apply this law against scraper speculators? Are you afraid to break the calm of the Lords of Kulakov?!

... You say that your prosecutors and judicial authorities are not ready for this case. But why in other parts and regions, prosecutor's and judicial authorities turned out to be ready and act quite successfully, and they are not ready for the application of the application to speculators 107? Who is to blame for this? Obviously, your party organizations, which, as can be seen, do not work well and do not ensure that the laws of our country are fulfilled in good faith. I have seen several dozen representatives of your prosecutor's and judiciary. Almost all of them live in Kulakov, consist of fists in chips and, of course, try to live in the world with fists. They replied to my question that fists at the apartment cleaner and feed better. It is clear that such representatives of the prosecutor's and judicial power cannot be waiting for something possible and useful for the Soviet state. It is not clear why these gentlemen are still not cleaned and not replaced by other, honest workers. I suggest:

a) demand from the fists of the immediate delivery of all surplus bread at state prices;

b) in the event of a fool failure to submit to the law, - to draw them to judicial responsibility on 107 Article of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and to confiscate the bread surplus in favor of the state so that 25 percent of the confiscated bread was distributed among poor and low-power middling at low state prices or in a long-term loan.

As for the representatives of your prosecutor's and judicial authorities, all unfit with posts and replace honest, conscientious Soviet people.

You will see soon that these measures will give excellent results and you will succeed not only to fulfill, but also to exceed the battery plan.

But this case is not exhausted. These measures will be enough to fix the situation this year. But there is no guarantee that the sabotage of filings from Kulakov will not repeat in the next year. Moreover, it is safe to say that there are fists, there will be a sabotage of bilbo groups. To raise the bilboation on a more or less satisfactory basis, other measures are needed. What kind of measures? I mean the deployment of the construction of collective farms and state farms.

The collective farms and state farms are, as you know, large farms capable of using tractors and cars. They are more commodity farms than landlords and colace farms. It should be borne in mind that our cities and our industry are growing and will grow every year. This is necessary for the industrialization of the country. Consequently, the demand for bread will grow every year, which means that payments will also grow. We can not put our industry dependent on Kulatsky whims. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the collective farms and state farms, as bread surversals, could be achieved over the next three or four years. It would push fists to the background and would give the basis for more or less proper supply of bread workers and the Red Army. But in order to achieve this, you need to deploy might and main, do not regret the strength and means, the construction of collective farms and state farms. This can be done, and this we must do. ... "

Taken from:

January 15, 1918 The Council of People's Commissar received a decree on the creation of the working and peasant Red Army (RKKA) on a voluntary basis. On January 29 (February 11), decree was signed on the creation of the working and peasant Red Fleet (RKKF). The immediate management of the formation of the Red Army was carried out by the All-Russian Collegium, established under the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs.

In connection with the violation of the truce concluded with Germany and the transition of its troops in the offensive, on February 22, 1918, the government appealed to the people with the signed V.I. Lenin decret-appearance "Socialist Fatherland in danger!". The next day, a mass record of volunteers in the Red Army and the formation of many parts has begun. In February 1918, the Krasnoarmeysian detachments had a decisive resistance to the German troops under Pskov and Narva. In honor of these events on February 23, a nationwide holiday was celebrated every year - the day of the Red (Soviet) army and the Navy (later the Day of Defender of the Fatherland).

Decree on the formation of the Dobrovual Work and Peasant Red Army 15 (28) January 1918

The old army served as an instrument of class oppression of the working bourgeoisie. With the transition of power to workers and exploited classes, it was necessary to create a new army, which will be the stronghold of Soviet power in the present, the foundation for replacing the Army's permanent army in the near future and will serve as support for the coming socialist

revolutions in Europe.

In view of this, the Council of People's Commissar decides:

organize a new army entitled "Worker-Peasant Red Army", on the following grounds:

1) The worker-peasant Red Army is created from the most conscious and organized elements of the working masses.

2) access to its ranks is open to all citizens of the Russian republic at least 18 years old. Everyone comes to the Red Army, who is ready to give their strength, his life to protect the conquests of the October Revolution, the authorities of the Soviets and Socialism. For joining the ranks of the Red Army, recommendations are required:

military committees or public democratic organizations facing the platform of Soviet power, party or professional organizations or at least two members of these organizations. Upon joining integer parts, a circular order of all and the name vote is required.

1) The warriors of the working and peasant red army consist on full state content and over this 50 rubles are obtained. per month.

2) Disabled family members of the Red Army soldiers, who were previously dependent, are provided with all necessary in local consumer regulations, according to the decisions of local bodies of Soviet power.

The Supreme Governing Body of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army is the Council of People's Commissars. The immediate leadership and management of the army is concentrated in the Commissioner for Military Affairs, in the Special All-Russian Collegium established at it.

Chairman of the Council of People's Commissar

V. Ulyanov (Lenin).

Supreme Commander N. Krylenko.

Folk Commissars for Military and Maritime Affairs:

Dybenko and Zipovsky.

Folk Commissars: Pasta, Zatonsky and Steinberg.

Managing the affairs of the Council of People's Commissar


Secretary of the Council of People's Commissars N. Gorbunov.

Decorates of Soviet power. T. 1. M., Gos.Isd-per political literature, 1957.

The appeal of the Bolshevik government

To save the exterminated country from new military trials, we went to the greatest sacrifice and announced the Germans about our consent to sign their conditions of the world. Our parliamentarians 20 (7) in the evening left the regimes in Dvinsk, and there is still no answer. The German government is obviously medletes with the answer. It is clearly on wanting peace. By completing the instructions of the capitalists of all countries, the German militarism wants to strangle the Russian and Ukrainian workers and peasants, return the land of landowners, factories and plants - bankers, power - monarchies. The German generals want to establish their "order" in Petrograd and in Kiev. The Socialist Republic of Soviets is in the greatest danger. Before the moment, the proletariat of Germany, the sacred duty of workers and the peasants of Russia rises and defeated the Republic of Tests against the Haling of Bourgeois-Imperialist Germany. The Council of People's Commissar decides: 1) all the forces and funds of the country are fully provided to the case of revolutionary defense. 2) All the advice and revolutionary organizations are charged to protect each position to the last drop of blood. 3) Railway organizations and associated tips are obliged to prevent the enemy by all forces to use the communications device; During the retreat, destroy the paths, blow and burn railway buildings; The entire rolling stock is wagons and locomotives - immediately direct to the east into the depths of the country. 4) all bread and in general food reserves, as well as any valuable property that threatens the danger to get into the enemy's hands should be undoubtedly destroying; Observation of this is assigned to local councils under the personal responsibility of their chairmen. 5) Workers and peasants of Petrograd, Kiev and all cities, towns, villages and villages along the new front line must mobilize battalions for digging trenches under the guidance of military specialists. 6) All workable members of the bourgeois class, men and women under the supervision of the Red Guards should be included in these battalions; Resisting - shoot. 7) All publications opposing the case of revolutionary defense and becoming on the side of the German bourgeoisie, as well as seeking to use the invasion of imperialist pollens in order to overthrow the Soviet power, are closed; Workable editors and employees of these publications are mobilized to grow tagging and other defensive work. 8) Enemy agents, speculators, louds, hooligans, counter-revolutionary agitators, German spies are shot at the crime scene.

Socialist Fatherland in danger! Long live Socialist Fatherland! Long live the International Socialist Revolution!

Decree "Socialist Fatherland in danger!"

RESOLUTION OF THE WTCIK on the forced set in the working and peasant army

The Central Executive Committee believes that the transition from the volunteer army to the universal mobilization of the workers and the poorest peasants is expandingly dictated by the whole situation of the country, both to fight for bread and for reflections of revealing, on the basis of hunger, counter-revolution, both internal and external.

It is necessary to immediately proceed to the forced set of one or several ages. Due to the complexity of the case and the difficulties of its simultaneous holding on the entire territory of the country, it seems necessary to begin, on the one hand, from the most threatened areas, on the other hand, from the main centers of the labor movement.

Based on the foregoing, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee decides to prescribe the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs to develop within a week for Moscow, Petrograd, the Don and Kuban regions, the plan for the implementation of forced recruitment in such limits and forms that would have a certain extent violated the course of the production and public life regions and cities.

The relevant Soviet institutions are prescribed to adopt the most energetic and active participation in the works of the military commissariat on the execution of tasks assigned to him.

White camp view

Another half of January, the Soviet power announced the decree on the organization of the "Workers' and Peasant Army" from the "most conscious and organized elements of the working class". But the formation of a new class army went unsuccessful, and the Council had to turn to the old organizations: partitioned parts from the front and from spare battalions. Accordingly, the separated and processed, Latvian, sailor troops and the Red Guard, which formed by factory-based committees. All of them walked against Ukraine and Don. What power moved these people deadly from the war, for new brutal sacrifices and deprivation? The least is the devotion of Soviet power and its ideals. Hunger, unemployment, perspectives of idle life and enriching robbery, the inability to get a different order into native places, the habit of many people in four years of war to the soldier's case, as the craft ("declared"), finally, is more or less sensory Evil and hatred, brought up with centuries and incited the strongest propaganda.

A.I. Denikin. Essays of Russian Discharge.

Defender of the Fatherland Day - Holiday History

The feast originated in the USSR, then on February 23, he was celebrated annually as a nationwide holiday - the day of the Soviet Army and the Navy.

The document established on February 23 as the official Soviet holiday did not exist. Soviet historiography connected to the timing of the hosts to this date with the events of 1918: 28 (15 at the old style) January 1918, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) led by the Chairman Vladimir Lenin adopted a decree on the organization of the working and peasant Red Army (RKKU), and February 11 (January 29 at the old style) - the working and peasant Red Fleet (RKKF).

On February 22, Decree-Appeal of SNK "Socialist Fatherland in danger!", And on February 23, mass rallies were held in Petrograd, Moscow and other cities of the country, where workers called on to defend their fatherland. This day was marked by the mass entry of volunteers in the Red Army and the beginning of the formation of its detachments and parts.

On January 10, 1919, the Chairman of the High Military Inspectorate of the Red Army Nikolai Zdovsky sent a proposal to the Presidium to celebrate the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, timed to the celebration of the next Sunday before or after January 28. However, due to the late submission of the application, the decision was not accepted.

Then the initiative of the celebration of the first anniversary of the Red Army took over the Moscow Council. On January 24, 1919, his Presidency, who at that time headed Lev Kamenev, decided to dry these celebrations of the Day of the Red Gift, held in order to collect material and cash for the Red Army.

With the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (WTCIK), the Central Committee on the organization of the celebration of the anniversary of the Red Army and the Day of the Red Gift, which was held on Sunday on Sunday on Sunday, was established.

On February 5, "TRADE" and other newspapers published the following information: "A red gift day device throughout Russia was postponed to February 23. On this day, the anniversary of the creation of the Red Army, which operated on January 28, will be organized on this day around the cities and at the front.

On February 23, 1919, Russian citizens first celebrated the anniversary of the Red Army, but in 1920, in November 192, this day was not celebrated.

On January 27, 1922, the Presidium of the WTCIK published a decree on the fourth anniversary of the Red Army, which said: "In accordance with the Decree of the IX All-Russian Congress of the Councils on the Red Army, the Presidium of the All-Russian Congress draws the attention of the executive committees on the coming anniversary of the creation of the Red Army (February 23)."

The chairman of the Revoensovet Lev Trotsky made a military parade on this day on Red Square, thereby laying the tradition of the annual national celebration.

In 1923, the five-year anniversary of the Red Army was widely celebrated. In the decision of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee, adopted on January 18, 1923, said: "On February 23, 1923, the Red Army will celebrate the 5th anniversary of its existence. On this day, five years ago, the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of January 28 was published the same of the year, which was the beginning of the workers' and peasant Red Army, the proportion of the proletarian dictatorship. "

The tenth anniversary of the Red Army in 1928, like all previous ones, was noted as the anniversary of the decree of the Sovnarkom about the organization of the Red Army of January 28, 1918, but the date itself was associated directly from February 23.

In 1938, a new version of the origin of the holiday date was presented in the "short-term history of the History of the WCP (b)", not associated with the decree of the Council. In the book, it was stated that in 1918, a decisive response was given to the German invaders under Narva and Pskov. Their promotion to Petrograd was suspended. The day of repulsion to the troops of German imperialism - February 23 was the birthday of the young Red Army. " Later, in the order of the People's Commissar of the USSR Defense of February 23, 1942, the wording was slightly changed: "The young detachments of the Red Army, who first entered the war, the heads were broken by German invaders under Pskov and Narva on February 23, 1918. That is why the day February 23 was declared in the day Birth of the Red Army. "

In 1951, an next interpretation of the holiday appeared. In the "History of the Civil War in the USSR" it was stated that in 1919 the first anniversary of the Red Army was celebrated "in a commemorative day of mobilizing workers on the defense of the socialist partician, the mass entry of workers in the Red Army, the wide formation of the first detachments and parts of the new army."

In the federal law of March 13, 1995, "On the Days of the Military Glory of Russia", the day on February 23 was officially called "the day of the victory of the Red Army over the Kaiser troops of Germany (1918) - the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland."

In accordance with the changes made to the Federal Law "On the Days of the Military Glory of Russia" by the Federal Law of April 15, 2006, from the official description of the holiday, the words "Victory Day of the Red Army over the Kaiser Troops of Germany (1918)" are excluded, and also set out in the singular The concept of "defender".

In December 2001, the State Duma of the FS RF supported the proposal to make February 23 - the Day of Defender of the Fatherland - a non-working festive day.

On the Day of Defender of the Fatherland, the Russians are honored those who served or now in the ranks of the armed forces of the country.
