If you've ever studied English, you should definitely have some residual knowledge. Sometimes interest in the language wakes up a few years after graduation from high school or university. In many cases, a person is forced to start learning a language by going to a job that requires communication with foreigners. The prospects of going abroad, both to work and to study, also become an incentive for learning English.

How to evaluate yourself?

In order to find the most optimal course of study for yourself, you need to pass a test for the level of knowledge of English language... This will save you both time and effort, and sometimes significant funds. The most popular and effective is the multiple choice lexical and grammatical test, in which the questions are arranged in order of increasing difficulty.

We suggest you take an English test for beginners

In the initial part of the test (the first 10 questions), it is determined whether the subject is fluent in the forms of the verb be, simple tense forms of the main verbs and modal verbs.

If a person answers at least the first eight questions out of these ten, it means that he has an elementary level of lexical and grammatical skills, and, after repeating the material a little, he can take up exercises of this type from the upper-elementary section.

Having stepped over the upper-elementary level, you can take on the next 10 test questions. So, here is a test of English for beginners. Your goal is to get 15 or more correct answers!

The test is over, what's next?

You have passed the English language test. Take a look at the results, and if you scored more than 15 points, go to the new one pre-intermediate level... But keep in mind that to overcome this barrier, you need to seriously engage in the so-called four types of speech activity:

  • Listening - listening to texts with different degrees of information perception. The main ones are: 1) listening with the assimilation of the main idea; 2) listening to the text in order to determine specific information and 3) mastering detailed information by listening to the text;
  • Reading - performing tests for the same purposes, only already having supporting speech materials in the form of printed texts.
  • Writing - learning how to write personal letters and compose statements with elements of personal reasoning (in other words, write an essay)
  • By speaking - which is the main goal of learning English.

You can practice all these exercises online. You will feel the effect of learning according to the method of Oleg Limansky very quickly and be sure to complete the test for 20 points!

By the way, if you like tests, on our website you will find a large number of tests in English online on a wide variety of topics: grammar, vocabulary, articles, prepositions, tests for pupils, students, USE and many others.

The Elementary level of knowledge is the key to the English language, since the basic rules are passed on it, thanks to which it will then be possible to build more complex structures.
This test is suitable for those who have decided to study English in courses and want to know which level of English learning to apply for: Beginner or Elementary. At the level Beginner
At the level Elementary

The test will help you determine your level of English proficiency (mainly in terms of grammar). If you want a more "correct" diagnosis, do not use dictionaries, Internet search engines, etc. (you can do this after the diagnosis).

In the sentences instead of ellipses, you need to select and mark the suggested word or phrase. After answering all questions, click the "Show result" button. The program will assess your knowledge and give an answer with recommendations. Try to get through the answers in no more than 15 minutes.

Are you ready? Don't get distracted, close the room door, turn off the TV, and let's get started!

Elementary test

You are taking a level test Elementary - elementary or basic level.

1. Anna and Kate _________ to the cinema last Sunday.
A) d\u003e B) don’t go C) didn’t go

2. I had breakfast ________ ago.
A) this morning B) three hours C) 7.30 a.m.

3. When _____ you last _______ tennis?
A) d\u003e B) do / play C) did / played

4.______ you like _______ coffee?
A) do / any B) are / some C) would / some

5. There isn’t ________milk in the fr\u003e
A) many B) much C) a

6. Have you got _________ brothers?
A) some B) any C) the

7. The buildings in Venice are __________ the buildings in New York.
A) older than B) more older than C) much old than

8. Vienna is __________ city in Austria.
A) the most beautiful B) the beautiful lest C) more beautiful than

9. This restaurant is very, very good. It’s __________ restaurant in London.
A) the better B) the good C) the best

10. I ________ a jumper and a jacket because it’s cold today.
A) wear B) ’S wearing C) 'M wearing

11. ________ Jim _____ today?
A) Do / work B) Is / working C) Does / works

12. Look, it's very cloudy. It __________.
A) 'S going to rain B) rainy C) raining

13.When _____ Polly _____ with her friend in Madr\u003e
A) does / going to stay B) - / is going to stay C) is / going to stay

14. I'm going to Egypt ___________ the pyram\u003e
A) seeing B) to see C) going to see

15. _________ d\u003e
A) When B) Why C) Where

17.______ you ever _____ Mexican food?
A) Have / eat B) Have / ate C) Have / eaten

18. Olivia __________ to Rome.
A) has never been B) has ever been C) hasn’t never been

19. ‘I’ve met Robbie Williams.’ ‘When __________?’
A) have you met B) d\u003e C) did you meet him

20. Raquel and James have _______ had a baby.
A) yet B) just C) ever

21. Has Nigel cooked dinner _____?
A) yet B) ever C) just

22.________ ’s the weather like in Mexico City?
A) low B) What C) Which

23. My grandmother started work ________1960.
A) in B) by C) on

24. It's snowy - please drive _____.
A) carefully B) easily C) careful

25. Let’s go for a ______ swim.
A) quick B) badly C) well

You typed.

Level Test: Beginner or Elementary?

This test is suitable for those who decide learn English via Skype or on courses, and wants to know which level of English language training to apply for: Beginner or Elementary.

At the level Beginner learning starts from scratch. This is the stage to which one can go who has never learned a language or has learned for a very long time and has been ineffective, that is, there is almost no knowledge left.

At the level Elementary grammar also starts from the very basics, but nevertheless it is designed for those who have at least a superficial acquaintance with the language, know a number of words and have an idea of \u200b\u200bsimple grammatical phenomena. From this level, those who have studied English at school or tried to study themselves usually begin their studies.

The key to the test

If you scored less than 10 correct answers - your level Beginner , we recommend starting from scratch.

If you have scored more than 10 correct answers - your level Elementary ... The foundation of knowledge has been laid, keep learning.

If you answered 19-20 questions correctly, your level of knowledge may be higher, take the test Elementary or Pre-Intermediate .

Take the Level Test: Beginner or Elementary?

If you find an error, please select a piece of text and press Ctrl + Enter.

My favorite sport …… tennis.

Roberto is Italian. He’s …… Italy.

…… you help me, please?

Moscow is the …… of Russia.

  1. country
  2. nationality
  3. capital

I leave for work …… quarter past eight.

The doctor told me that I …… smoke.

  1. won’t
  2. mustn’t
  3. doesn’t

…… that man in the red hat?

  1. Whose
  2. Who's

Is …… your new car? It's great!

  1. these
  2. there

This letter is for Tom. Give it to ……

We …… to school every day.

She often …… fish because it's good for her.

  1. eates

She …… a letter at the moment.

  1. write
  2. is writing
  3. writes

What …… on Saturdays?

  1. are you doing
  2. do you
  3. do you do

Look at Jane! She …… a red dress today!

  1. wearing
  2. is wear
  3. is wearing

Yesterday we …… to the cinema and saw a great film.

  1. have gone

When …… Rome? Last summer or last winter?

  1. are you visiting
  2. do you visit
  3. did you visit

London is …… than New York.

  1. nosiest
  2. noisy
  3. noisier

Paris is the …… city I’ve ever seen.

  1. beautiful
  2. more beautiful
  3. most beautiful

…… your homework yet?

  1. Do you finish
  2. Are you finishing
  3. Have you finished

…… you help me with my project, please?

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Elementary level - first steps in English

The Elementary level of English is the foundation on which your knowledge of English will be held

In the European system of levels of proficiency in a foreign language, the A1 Elementary level has the same letter designation as Beginner. However, it is the Elementary level of English that is considered the survival level. That is, the knowledge gained at this stage is enough to communicate in English at the everyday level. For example, if you are abroad, you can check the direction of travel with local residents, make purchases, book a hotel room, etc.

As a rule, students come to the Elementary level with a small amount of knowledge acquired in the Beginner course, at school or in another educational institution... If you previously studied English, it means that you already have at least some basic knowledge, even if it seems to you that you have studied for a long time and do not remember anything. In fact, you have already "got acquainted" with the English language, you know letters and sounds, can read, you can introduce yourself and say simple phrases about yourself, your friends, family, home. This is enough to start studying at the Elementary level.

We recommend that you start learning English at the Elementary level if you:

  • have studied English a little or not for a long time, received basic knowledge;
  • you hardly speak English, although you know basic grammar and about 300-500 words;
  • have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bEnglish grammar and would like to understand all tenses and constructions;
  • you have basic knowledge, but do not understand English at all by ear;
  • completed the Beginner training stage in English courses or with a personal teacher.

Material that a person should know at the Elementary level

If you think your English is slightly better than the categories described above, you may already have an Elementary level of English. Check the table below to verify this. It is believed that you know English at the Elementary level and can move to the Pre-Intermediate level if you have the following knowledge:

Skill Your knowledge
You understand how the verb to be (I am a student, It is cold) is used.

You know three simple tenses (Present, Future and Past Simple), present continuous (Present Continuous), have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe present perfect time (Present Perfect).

Do you understand the difference between sentences in the future tense: I'm going to bake a cake (construction to be going to), I'll bake a cake (Future Simple), I'm baking a cake (Present Continuous to indicate future action) ...

You know three forms of drive-drove-driven irregular verbs.

You can ask questions to your interlocutor (Word order in questions).

You understand the difference between a cat and the cat (indefinite and definite articles).

You are not surprised that you can say a cookie but not a toast (Countable and uncountable nouns).

You understand what a lady's dress, James' house (Possessive Case) means.

You know the degree of comparison of adjectives (big-bigger-the biggest).

You understand the difference between that cup, this cup, these cups, those cups (Demonstrative pronouns).

You know the object pronouns (me, him, her, us, them) and how to use them.

You know some adverbs of frequency (often, usually, always, sometimes) and mode of action (well, quickly, hard).

You know what There is no snow on the ground (There is / are / was / were) means.

You know what the sentences I can read, I can’t swim, You should work (Modal verbs can / can’t / should) mean.

You understand what I like reading, I hate shopping means (Construction like / love / hate + -ing).

Your vocabulary is between 1000 and 1500 words and phrases.
You know commonly used words and phrases in English.
You can tell about yourself, your family, and your home with a few simple sentences.

You know how to communicate your preferences and hobbies.

You can easily describe your work day and weekend getaway.

You can shop overseas or chat with hotel staff within the vocabulary you are familiar with.

You can talk about simple everyday topics.

You can answer simple questions within familiar topics.

You understand adapted literature at your level.

You can understand the signs and announcements in public places or on the street.

You can understand the essence of general news.

You understand the audio recordings adapted to your level.

You understand what native speakers are telling you if they speak phrases slowly and use vocabulary you know.

You can write a simple personal letter to a friend.

You can write a short text about yourself, your hobby, family, home.

You can fill in simple personal data.

If you are still not sure about the choice of the level of study, we recommend that you test your knowledge using our test to determine the level of English.

The Elementary level program includes the study of such topics in the training course

Grammar Topics Conversational topics
  • To be
  • Present (Simple, Continuous, Perfect)
  • Future Simple + be going to
  • Past Simple (Regular / Irregular verbs)
  • Imperative
  • Word order in questions
  • Demonstrative Pronouns
  • Object Pronouns
  • Possessive Adjectives and Possessive S
  • Articles
  • Singular and plural nouns
  • Countable and uncountable nouns
  • Adverbs of frequency
  • Adverbs of manner
  • Prepositions
  • Modal Verbs (can, can’t, should)
  • Like / hate / love + Ving
  • There is / are
  • Comparative and Superlative degrees of Adjectives
  • About myself and my family
  • Countries and Nationalities
  • Personal Preferences (likes / dislikes)
  • Daily routine
  • Holidays
  • The weather
  • Food and drinks
  • Sports and fitness
  • Music and Films
  • Houses and Furniture
  • Places in city
  • Transport
  • In shops (clothes, coffee)
  • Dates and Numbers
  • Describing a person

How your speech skills will develop on the Elementary course

In the Elementary course, as with other levels, you will work on four core skills: By speaking, By listening, By reading, By letter... You will get acquainted with simple grammatical structures of the English language, replenish your vocabulary with the most necessary words and phrases, and develop the correct pronunciation and intonation.

Your main task at any level is to learn speak (Speaking). At the Elementary level, you can already take part in a small dialogue, ask questions within the framework of the topics you have studied and understand the answers to them, especially if the interlocutor does not use words unfamiliar to you. You can tell a monologue of 5-10 sentences about yourself, your family, hobbies.

At A1 Elementary, you will learn understand by ear (Listening) some familiar words and simple phrases that sound rather slow and clear. As material for listening, simple texts and dialogues are used, which will be completely understandable to you after the second listening.

Concerning reading (Reading), new texts in English will be present in almost every lesson. Each of these texts is a source of new words and expressions that you have to learn at this level. On the Elementary course, the basic vocabulary is studied: you learn the words and phrases most needed in everyday life. Also at this stage, you will fix the reading rules in your memory. You will learn to read correctly "automatically" all the combinations of letters encountered without checking the dictionary. Moreover, you will do this while reading an interesting text.

Concerning letters (Writing), then the training will begin with the simplest steps. You will learn how to sign postcards, fill out small questionnaires, where you must indicate your first name, last name, nationality, and so on. By the end of the level, you will already be able to write small essays and personal letters.

English Elementary vocabulary (Vocabulary) will expand to 1000-1500 words. A1 level is full of the most useful words and phrases that are often used in all typical communication situations (shop, airport, on the street, etc.). Most of the words at this level are universal and can be used in writing and speaking, regardless of style. However, the amount of material for study will be quite large, because even for simple dialogues, we need to know many words. But don't be intimidated by being forced to learn word lists by heart. The communicative technique is aimed at mastering the language in the process of communication, so you will memorize new words through dialogues on the topic being studied.

Term of study at the Elementary level

The term for studying English at the Elementary level depends on the individual characteristics of the student and his initial knowledge. The average duration of study for an Elementary course is 6-9 months. While this is one of the earliest levels of language proficiency, it offers a wealth of material that will allow you to express yourself in the most common situations of daily communication. At this stage of study, you acquire basic knowledge, which is why it is important to lay a solid foundation, which will subsequently allow you to achieve high levels of English proficiency.

And for those who want not only to test their knowledge of the English language, but also to improve them, we suggest registering for English language courses via Skype at our school. The teacher will determine your level, strengths and weaknesses and help improve your knowledge.

English levels: A1 to C2, Beginner to Proficiency

Langformula.ru\u003e English Blog\u003e Notes on Language and Culture\u003e English Levels: A1 to C2, Beginner to Proficiency

No matter how you study the language, on your own or in courses, you will surely come across the concept of "levels of English" or "levels of English proficiency", as well as such incomprehensible designations as A1, B2, and more understandable Beginner, Intermediate and so Further. In this article, you will learn what these phrases mean and which language levels highlight, and how to determine your level of English.

The levels of English are designed so that language learners can be divided into groups with approximately similar knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking and writing, as well as to simplify testing procedures, conduct exams, for different purposes related to emigration, study abroad and employment. This classification helps in recruiting students for the group and preparing teaching aids, methods, language teaching programs.

Useful sites in English:

Of course, there is no clear boundary between the levels, this division is rather conditional, needed not so much by students as by teachers. In total, there are 6 levels of language proficiency, there are two types of division:

  • Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,
  • Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency levels.

They are essentially just two different names for the same thing. These 6 levels are divided into three groups.

Table: levels of knowledge of English

The classification was developed in the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, it is fully called the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (abbreviated CERF).

English levels: detailed description

Beginner level (A1)

At this level, you can:

    Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and simpler phrases to solve specific problems. Introduce yourself, introduce others, ask simple questions of a personal nature, for example, "Where do you live?", "Where are you from?", Be able to answer such questions. Maintain a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly, clearly, and helps you.

Many who have studied English at school have a command of the language at about Beginner's level. Only elementary vocabulary mother, father, help me, my name is, London is the capital... You can understand well-known words and phrases by ear if they speak very clearly and without an accent, as in the audio lessons for the textbook. You understand texts like the "Exit" sign, but in a conversation with the help of gestures, using individual words, you can express the simplest thoughts.

Elementary level (A2)

At this level, you can:

    Understand common expressions on general topics, such as: family, shopping, work, etc. Talk about simple everyday topics, expressing simple phrases... Tell in simple expressions about yourself, describe simple situations.

If you had 4 or 5 in English at school, but after some time did not use English, then most likely you speak the language at the Elementary level. TV programs in English will not be understandable, except for individual words, but if he speaks clearly, you will understand the interlocutor in simple phrases of 2-3 words in general. You will also be able to tell the simplest information about yourself, incoherently and with long pauses for thinking, say that the sky is blue and the weather is clear, express just a wish, and place an order at McDonald's.

Beginner - Elementary levels can be called "level for survival", Survival English. It is enough to "survive" during a trip to a country where the main language is English.

Intermediate level (B1)

At this level, you can:

    Understand the general meaning of clear speech on general, familiar topics related to everyday life (work, study, etc.) Cope with the most common situations in travel, travel (at the airport, hotel, etc.) Write a simple coherent text on common or familiar topics to you. Retell events, describe hopes, dreams, ambitions, be able to briefly talk about plans and explain your point of view.

The vocabulary and knowledge of grammar are enough to write simple essays about yourself, describe incidents in life, write a letter to a friend. But in most cases, oral speech lags behind written, you confuse tenses, think over a phrase, pause to find a preposition (to or for?), But you can communicate more or less, especially if there is no shyness or fear of making a mistake.

It is much more difficult to understand the interlocutor, and if it is a native speaker, and even with a quick speech and a fancy accent, then it is almost impossible. However, simple, clear speech is well understood, provided the words and phrases are familiar. You generally understand films and series with subtitles, if the text is not very complicated, and with some difficulty you understand the general meaning without subtitles.

Upper Intermediate (B2)

At this level, you can:

    Understand the general meaning of complex text on specific and abstract topics, including technical (specialized) topics in your profile. Speak fast enough for communication with a native speaker to occur without long pauses. Write clear, detailed text on different topics, explain point of view, argue for and against different points of view on the topic.

Upper Intermediate means good, solid, confident language skills. If you are talking about a well-known topic with a person whose pronunciation you understand well, then the conversation will go quickly, easily, naturally. An outside observer will tell you that you are fluent in English. However, you can be confused by words and expressions related to topics you do not understand well, all kinds of jokes, sarcasm, hints, slang.

You know grammar in the volume of the school curriculum - that is, sufficient for most tasks, the vocabulary allows you to read simple fiction in English, understanding most of the text, or literature in your specialty. Uncomplicated films are understandable with or without subtitles, many shows, TV programs are also mostly understandable.

Often the Intermediate - Upper Intermediate level is sufficient for many tasks. For example, it is not uncommon for emigrants to speak the language at this level, and this is enough for them to live and work in an English-speaking country. Having reached this level, many abandon classes in courses, with a tutor and improve their language skills only through practice.

Advanced level (C1)

At this level, you can:

    Understand complex, voluminous texts on many topics, understand the hidden meaning (read between the lines). Speak fluently without thinking about expressions or choosing words. Have different styles of speech, communicating flexibly and effectively both in an informal environment, and in a professional or academic environment. Write clear, well-structured and detailed text on complex topics.

Excellent level. If you communicate on topics you understand, you may be mistaken for a native speaker. You can write freely in English, you can write texts of different genres using stylistic techniques, pictorial and expressive means of the language. You understand practically everything that you hear by ear, with the exception of difficult special moments, watch movies and TV shows without any problems.

Proficiency Level (C2)

At this level, you can:

    Easily understand almost any speech or text. Summarize information obtained from various oral and written sources, analyze and compose your own presentation based on it. Speak fluently, unmistakably, expressing subtle nuances of meaning in various difficult situations.

The level of an educated native speaker. You understand almost everything, you can express any thought in any form, using the subtleties of language. The foreigner in you can be betrayed by ignorance of the cultural characteristics of the country. For example, you will not understand a joke from some 90s TV show, a reference to a popular song.

Not all English language learners strive to achieve the Advanced level, and even more so Proficiency. Usually such a good command of the language is simply not needed, a more modest level is enough. However, if you practice a lot, read and listen in English, communicate with native speakers, then you may well reach the Advanced level.

To reach Proficiency, it is desirable to live in an English-speaking country, constantly communicate in English and at the same time consciously and regularly improve your knowledge of the language: read a lot, write, study various subtleties.

Inaccuracies and inconsistencies in language proficiency levels

In textbooks like “Headway” and in language courses, a six-level classification is often used, which differs from the above (European). Here's a rough ratio.

As you can see, this gradation of Advanced and Proficiency levels (in the “CERF” sense) is not at all, probably because you cannot finish your studies to such advanced levels with textbooks alone - you need extensive practice.

But that's not all.

In one language school I saw a division into 24 levels, that is, each of the six was divided by another 4. There were some absolutely wonderful names like Beginner Starter, Beginner Two or something like that. The other had only 3 levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced.

It is important to remember that the levels were invented primarily for the convenience of compiling textbooks, methodologies, testing, to simplify the distribution of students into groups, to test knowledge when applying for a job, and only in general terms characterize the real language skills of students.

In practice, in a group of students with an Intermediate level, there will be a noticeable difference between the skills of students, because language skills are a difficult thing, and the very concept of “Intermediate level” is broad. Someone remembers words better, but is embarrassed to speak, someone has difficulty in grammar, but he speaks fluently using simple constructions, and for someone it is difficult to read simply because there is no habit of reading in their native language. Some are close to, relatively speaking, the lower boundary of the level, while others are close to the upper, but both fall into the same group.

In addition, language skills are fickle. They can both develop and worsen. For example, my speaking skill quickly "rusts" without practice, though it recovers quickly. But what can I say, even the proficiency of the native language deteriorates significantly if you do not use it for a long time. People living in other countries for a long time begin to speak with an intonation atypical for their native language, confuse cases and forget certain words.

How to name your level of language proficiency ?!

I don't like to resort to the standard six levels. When you say "advanced" or "intermediate", the interlocutor can mean anything by that. Often people with a rusty, stale Intermediate level say that they have “absolutely zero level” although their skills need only be lubricated and stirred up, and someone brags about Proficiency, not being able to pronounce the word correctly.

If you write the level of English on your resume, then one HR manager knows how it will be deciphered. In general, it is not customary to be modest in a resume. As the saying goes, a person is never as close to perfection as in a job interview.

I think that in a conversation, if they ask about the level of English, it is easier to say in understandable expressions like “confident”, “fluent”, “speak well, but do not understand well” or something like that. And in the resume to boast of descriptive knowledge, for example: “I know the language confidently”, “I speak English fluently”, “I know at the everyday level”. If knowledge of the language is an important point in employment and you need to go through an interview in English, then whether you are at least C2 with a bunch of certificates, it will be the interview that will judge your language proficiency.

How to determine your level of English?

Once you start working on your English, it would be nice to know where you are now, but how do you know what level of English you are? First, let's decide what exactly you need to know. Testing the student for the level of English, they determine the skills in reading, listening, writing, speaking, as well as the approximate volume of vocabulary, knowledge of grammar. And if vocabulary and grammar can be more or less “measured” with the help of special tests, then it is more difficult with speech skills. I suggest two ways to determine your English level: 1) fast and imprecise, 2) long but accurate.

1. A quick way to find out what level of English you have

A quick but imprecise way is an online test. Of course, no online English test will be able to test your communication skills in the language, the quality of written work, but you can still get some idea of \u200b\u200bthe level, especially about the listening comprehension and grammar skills. Consider the Puzzle English test of English proficiency.

You are asked to answer 36 questions to test listening, writing, speaking and grammar.

It is noteworthy that to test listening comprehension, not the phrases recorded by the speaker like “London is the capital” are used, but short excerpts from films (Puzzle English specializes in learning English from films and TV shows). In English-language films, the speech of the characters is close to how people speak in real life, so the test can seem harsh.

Chandler from Friends doesn't have the best pronunciation.

To check the letter, you need to translate several phrases from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The program provides several translation options for each phrase. To test the knowledge of grammar, a quite ordinary test is used, where you need to choose one option from several offered.

But you're probably wondering how a program can test your speaking skills? Of course, an online English proficiency test will not test your speech as a person, but the test developers have come up with an original solution. In the task, you need to listen to a phrase from the film and choose a line that is suitable for continuing the dialogue.

Talking is not enough, you also need to understand the interlocutor!

The ability to speak English consists of two skills: to understand the speech of the interlocutor by ear and to express your thoughts. This assignment, albeit in a simplified form, tests how you do both tasks.

At the end of the test, you will be shown a complete list of questions with correct answers, you will find out where you made mistakes. And of course, you will see a chart showing your level score on a scale from Beginner to Upper Intermediate.

2. Test to determine the level of English with a teacher

To get a professional, “live” (and not automated, as in tests) assessment of the level of the English language, you need english teacherwho will test you with assignments and interviews in English.

This consultation is free of charge. First, there may be a language school in your city that offers free language tests and even a trial lesson. This is a common practice now.

Another, less troublesome, option is to go through such a “trial and test” lesson with a teacher on Skype. Many online English schools (which teach remotely, via Skype) offer this service. I took a trial lesson at the SkyEng online school, you can read more about this in the SkyEng school review.

In short, I signed up for a trial lesson-test, got in touch on Skype at the appointed time and my teacher Alexandra and I held a lesson, during which she “tortured” me with various tasks in every possible way. All communication was in English.

My test-check lesson on SkyEng. We check the knowledge of grammar.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher explained in detail to me in which direction I should develop my English, what problems I have, and a little later she sent a letter with a detailed description of the level of language skills (with grades on a 5-point scale) and methodological recommendations.

This method took some time: three days passed from the application to the lesson, and the lesson itself lasted about 40 minutes. But this is much more interesting than any online test.

Friends! I am often asked, but now I am not in tutoring. If you need a teacher, I HIGHLY recommend this wonderful site - there are native (and non-native) language teachers for all occasions and for every pocket. I recommend this site, because I myself have taken more than 80 lessons with the teachers I found there - and I advise you to try!

Test to determine the level of English

This test proposes to determine the level of knowledge of English grammar. Also, this test will help you check your weaknesses that need to be tightened up (you can always get theoretical knowledge here).
And one more thing: no one is prohibited from taking this online test of knowledge of English out of curiosity.

We will open the curtain of intrigue in advance and tell you what result you can expect after passing the test, namely, what levels of English:

Level 0 - Full beginner (or full ... beginner)
Level 1 - Elemantary (elementary)
Level 2 - Upper-Elementary (highest elementary)
Level 3 - Pre-Intermediate (lower intermediate level)
Level 4 - Intermediate (intermediate level)
Level 5 - Upper-Intermediate (upper intermediate level)
Level 6 - Advanced
Level 7 - Super-Advanced (super-advanced).

For similarities and nuances about the levels of the English language, you can contact around the clock
to the article Have you determined your level of English? "

Nice bonus: after passing the test, you are expected. personal certificatethat confirms the level of proficiency english grammar... You can and should print it, decorate it with wallpaper, show off to friends and parents. And if there is nothing to brag about, then do not despair, but make up for lost time and improve in English. In order to get the best result in a week / month.

Online English proficiency test. Beginner / elementary grammar

Elementary level

According to the common European scale of language competence CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), it is customary to distinguish six levels: A1 - Beginner, Elementary, A2 - Pre-Intermediate, B1 - Intermediate, B2 - Upper-Intermediate, C1 - Advanced, C2 - Proficiency ... The Elementary level of English includes the minimum set of knowledge that is required to survive in a foreign country. Without worry, knowledge at the Elementary level will help you to go to the store, check into the hotel and even maintain a simple conversation. What is this level and what features it has is detailed below.

What is Elementary Level

The most necessary communication skills, basic phrases are the English Elementary level. What does it mean? This is the A1 level or, in other words, the basic level of English. The student will be able to solve only pressing problems, it is not for nothing that he is called the level of survival. To make sure that the student's knowledge corresponds to the level, it is enough to pass a standard test. Many tests are free and the results can be found immediately online. Other options for determining the level are EF SET and TOEIC. According to the established criteria, in order to confirm the Elementary level, you need to score 31-40 points according to EF SET, TOEIC Reading - 115-270, TOEIC Listening - 110-270.

A basic level of English provides the essentials. Shopping? - Easy. Give directions to the taxi driver? - You are welcome. As soon as the conversation flows into an informal channel, the student may experience some problems. You can keep in touch with the Elementary level, but if a student plans to make friends, this will be more difficult, because a set of standard common phrases is unlikely to help the business. A simple conversation on a familiar topic will be within the power of the student, and in order to understand the interlocutor, he must speak in simple phrases and short sentences. Watching TV or reading a newspaper is also unlikely to be enjoyable - it will not be enough to understand the basic level.

Readiness to learn

Many people think that the Elementary level is level 3 English, but in fact it is level A1. Before you start learning English at the Elementary level, you need to complete the Beginner level. However, this is not necessary if the student has some skills left from school or university. In the Beginner course, the first acquaintance with the language takes place - the alphabet, numbers, the construction of the simplest sentences. If the student has an understanding of the language system, he can start learning English at a basic level.

Some signs indicating that the student will cope with the tasks at the Elementary level:

  • he had an elementary basis after school or he studied the language at the Beginner (Starter) level;
  • the student's vocabulary is about 300-500 words;
  • has difficulty building sentences, however, can answer simple questions or at least understand them;
  • has difficulty hearing speech, even if the pace is slow;
  • familiar with the language system, at least superficially;
  • can give his name and make several sentences about his age, job; able to understand simple sentences and
  • answer the questions asked when meeting (What is your name? How old are you?);
  • can count up to 100;
  • knows what the English letters are called, knows how to read, can spell a word.

On average, a course of study takes about 200 teaching hours - this is about six months or 9 months. Ultimately, it all depends on the student's abilities and desires - he can set the desired duration and frequency of classes himself. Someone can master this level in a much shorter time, it is determined by the individual abilities of the student. It should be remembered that "Practice makes perfect", i.e. Practice is the path to excellence. Elementary is no exception. What level it is and what topics will be studied in the course, read below.

Elementary Themes

Elementary - the level of English that covers a certain range of grammatical and lexical topics. Regardless of the chosen textbook, there, one way or another, standard topics will be touched upon. If the student has studied at the Beginner level, some topics may seem the same. Perhaps the topic is repeated, but the vocabulary and grammar there will be more complicated. Each new level of learning is a deeper level of immersion in the language, not only repetition, but consolidation of the acquired knowledge and their systematization.

The course of study includes the following grammatical topics:

  • main english verb to be in the present, past and future tense (Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple);
  • imperative designs or imperative mood (Imperative mood);
  • currently in the aspects of Simple, Continuous and superficial acquaintance with Perfect;
  • three / two types of future tense: Future Simple, Present Continuous, to be going to;
  • simple past tense (Past Simple) and irregular verbs in three forms;
  • word order in different types of sentences (Word order);
  • demonstrative Pronouns
  • objective Pronouns
  • adjectives and degrees of comparison (Degrees of Comparison);
  • case indicating belonging (Possessive Case);
  • plural nouns (Plural Nouns);
  • the definite and indefinite article;
  • countable and uncountable nouns (Countable / Uncountable);
  • adverbs of frequency
  • adverbs of action (Adverbs of Manner);
  • prepositions of place, time (Prepositions of Place / Time);
  • modal verbs: can / can’t and should;
  • gerund (Gerund) after some verbs: like, love, hate;
  • location construct there is / there are.

Lexical topics, for the most part, are also standard:

  • about myself and my family (About myself and my family);
  • countries of the world, languages \u200b\u200band nationalities (Countries and Nationalities);
  • personal preferences that we love and dislike - like / dislike (Personal Preferences);
  • professions, work and daily routine (Jobs and Daily Routine);
  • holidays and traditions (Holidays);
  • dates and numbers (Dates and Numbers);
  • weather (The weather);
  • food and drinks, ordering at a restaurant (Food and drinks);
  • sports and a healthy lifestyle (Sports and fitness);
  • transport and fare (Transport);
  • city \u200b\u200band places in the city, how to navigate, ask directions (Places in city);
  • music and films (Music and Films);
  • houses and furniture, describing the furnishings of the apartment (Houses and Furniture);
  • shop and shopping, ask about the cost of the item (In shops (clothes, coffee);
  • description of the character and appearance of a person (Describing a person).

After completing training at the level, the student will be able to maintain a conversation on these topics. For successful communication, frequently used words and phrases should remain in memory.

Learning outcomes for level A2

The level of the English elementary, like other levels, involves the development of four basic skills - Listening (listening to speech), Reading (reading), Writing (writing), Speaking (speaking). To understand that the student is ready for the next level, you can test his acquired skills. What a student should be able to do at the Elementary level:


The student understands short sentences and phrases that are commonly used and common. The rate of speech should be slow or moderate. It is undesirable if the sentence contains ambiguity. The student can highlight the main idea from audio recordings that are adapted for the Elementary level. Knowledge of the English language and its listening comprehension is possible within the familiar topics related to the main areas of life. The student will understand simple stories about family, work, or description of appearance.

Like listening, the student develops reading skills by reading short, simple texts. On the street in an English-speaking city, he can easily understand a sign or announcement, and in a restaurant he will make an order after reading the menu. The student focuses on familiar words and sees the information he needs. He is able to understand simple personal writing. At this level, adapted literature is the best option. As a rule, the student reads fairy tales without difficulty and short stories with simple vocabulary. The student often refers to the dictionary.

The student can easily fill out a questionnaire or registration form, and if necessary, write a simple note or a short personal letter. The results may not always be perfect, but experience comes with practice.



At the Elementary level, vocabulary ranges from 1000 to 1300 words. Words and phrases are common, so in simple situations the language barrier will be minimal.

When taking a level test, a student is usually faced with a grammar test. Grammar is the most common criterion for determining any level. Elementary English includes many topics as the knowledge base is laid down at this stage.

Having tried to answer the questions posed, the student can test his knowledge.

Elementary student:

  1. Knows the peculiarities of using the verb to be. How to understand these sentences and are there any mistakes? - He is a doctor. I am thirty-six.
  2. Knows how to use Present Simple, Future Simple and Past Simple, Present Continuous and a little Present Perfect. What is the difference between these offers? - Mike paints pictures. He painted three pictures last month. He is painting a picture right now.
  3. Understands the difference between different forms of future tense - Future Simple, Present Continuous and to be going to, for example: I’ll buy a computer. I'm going to buy a computer soon. I'm buying a computer tomorrow.
  4. Knows irregular verbs in three forms. How do you end these chains? Give -… - given. Think - thought -.
  5. May ask a question, paying attention to the correct word order. How should these suggestions be corrected? - Writing are you a note? You do have a job?
  6. Understands the difference between a definite article and an indefinite article. How to translate these sentences, paying attention to the articles? There was a house. The house was new, but ugly.
  7. Understands how Countable and Uncountable nouns differ. Which sentence is correct? - I have many money. I don’t have much money.
  8. Knows how to use the possessive case. Which sentence is correct and why? My parents ’house is in Moscow. Mike’s Smith’s mother is a nice woman.
  9. Knows the degree of comparison of adjectives. How do you end these chains? Big -… - the biggest, but comfortable -… -….
  10. Knows object pronouns and can easily translate the phrase “I like her”.
  11. Knows how the types of demonstrative pronouns differ. What is the difference between: this house and that house? And these flowers and those flowers?
  12. Understands what the turnover there is / there are means. Which sentence is correct and how is it translated? There is an orange in my bag. In the fridge is there an apple.
  13. Knows the gerund and when to use it. How is it correct? - I love watching Netflix or I like watch cartoons.
  14. Knows how to use frequency / mode adverbs. Which of the sentences is correct? - I sometimes go to the theater. Mike goes always shopping to Walmart.
  15. Knows modal verbs and knows how to use them. What is the difference between: I can do it. I should do it immediately.

Learning a language is a fun process, but it takes a lot of effort and time, even at the Elementary level. English level A2 allows the student to communicate the simplest topics in standard situations.

Friends, you already know what the entry level and the basic level of learning English are. If you have already passed these steps of learning English, then we sincerely congratulate you! Possession of the Elementary level is a huge plus for English learners, because it is a basic, basic level that allows you to navigate in everyday conversational situations, maintain dialogue and communicate.

If you've passed this level, it's time to test yourself. We want to offer you English tests. Such tests will allow you to check and assess how well you speak Elementary English. If you're ready, go ahead!

Testing our knowledge of English

Take a look at the test below. It contains tasks of the Elementary level. Take your time with his decision, do not rush, think. The main thing is to be confident in yourself!

  1. A) didn’t go B) don’t go C) didn’t go

2.He had breakfast ________ ago.

  1. A) this morning B) three hours C) 7.30 a.m.

3.When _____ you last _______ football?

  1. A) did / play B) do / play C) did / played

4 .______ you like _______ tea?

  1. A) do / any B) are / some C) would / some

5.There isn’t ________sugar in the cupboard.

  1. A) many B) much C) a

6.Have you got _________ sisters?

  1. A) some B) any C) the

7.The buildings in Rome are __________ the buildings in Washington.

  1. A) older than B) more older than C) much old than

8.Paris is __________ city in France.

  1. A) the most beautiful B) the beautiful lest C) more beautiful than

9.This restaurant is very, very good. It’s __________ restaurant in Moscow.

  1. A) the better B) the good C) the best

10.I ________ a sweater and a parka because it’s cold today.

  1. A) wear B) "s wearing C)" m wearing

11 .________ Tim _____ today?

  1. A) Do / work B) Is / working C) Does / works

12.Look, it's very cloudy. It __________.

  1. A) "s going to rain B) rainy C) raining

13.When _____ Alice _____ with her friend in Paris?

  1. A) does / going to stay B) - / is going to stay C) is / going to stay

14.I "m going to Egypt ___________ the pyramids.

  1. A) seeing B) to see C) going to see

15 ._________ did you buy your anorak? "" At a store in town. "

  1. A) When B) Why C) Where

16. "How much did you pay for your book?" ____________

17 .______ you ever _____ American food?

  1. A) Have / eat B) Have / ate C) Have / eaten

18.Jim __________ to Athens.

  1. A) has never been B) has ever been C) hasn’t never been

19. "I" ve met Leonardo Dicaprio. "" When __________? "

  1. A) have you met B) did you met him C) did you meet him
  1. A) yet B) just C) ever

21.Has Ann cooked lunch _____?

  1. A) yet B) ever C) just

22 .________ "s the weather like in London City?

  1. A) low B) What C) Which

23. My grandfather started work ________1960.

  1. A) in B) by C) on

24.It "s wet - please drive _____.

  1. A) carefully B) easily C) careful
  2. Let’s go for a ______ swim.
  3. A) quick B) badly C) well

The next test in English is to check the knowledge of the Elementary level. This test will help you determine your level of knowledge in English - Elementary or Beginner:

1.My favorite sport ... handball.

is be 2.Carlo is Italian. He’s ... Italy.

to at 3 ... you help me, please?

4.Moscow is the… of Russia.

5.I leave for work ... quarter past seven.

6.My friend told that I… smoke.

7 ... that boy in the red cap?

8.Is… your new car? It’s wonderful!

9.This postcard is for Jim. Give it to ...

10.They ... to school every day.

go 11.He often ... fish because it's good for him.

12.She… a letter now.

13.What… on Sundays?

do you do 14.Look at Alice! She ... a green dress today!

15.Yesterday we ... to the cinema and saw a great film.

16.When ... Praga? Last summer or last winter?

are you visiting

17.London is ... than Boston.

18.Paris is the ... city I’ve ever seen.

19 ... your homework yet?

Have you finished

Are you finishing

20 ... you help me with my homework, please?

The next test is Elementary level to check grammar knowledge. This test is designed for verb tenses:

1.I "m afraid he __________ (do) his homework now. Call again at about 6.30 p.m.

2.Why __________ (they arrive) late for every lesson?

3.Miss anders __________ (teach) us this year. She's got a different class.

4.My brother __________ (have to) wear a uniform at his school. He wears what he wants.

5 .______________ (you go) to Italy for your holiday every year?

6.We _________ (go) for a walk in the forest. Do you want to come?

7.I ____________ (go) out with my friends on Saturday nights.

8.Where ___________ (they have) the chess club on Tuesdays?

9 .____________ (he have to) walk to University every day?

10.There _________ (be) some stockings on the floor.

You can also search the Internet for basic level tests and solve them for yourself to reveal your knowledge. We hope you have passed all of our tests and fully achieved a basic level of knowledge of the English language. Do not stop at the achieved results, conquer the next peaks! We wish you good luck!
