There was a stuffy January night of the Argentine summer. Black sky covered with stars. "Medusa" calmly stood anchor. The silence of the night did not disturb the wave burst, nor the scrupted gear. It seemed that the ocean slept deep sleep.

On the deck of schooners lay half-naked pearls. Tired by the work and hot sun, they swore, sighed, cried in heavy nice. Hands and legs have nervously twisted. Perhaps, in a dream, they saw their enemies - sharks. In these hot windless days, people were so tired that, having graduated from, could not even raise the boat on the deck. However, it was not necessary: \u200b\u200bnothing foreshadowed the weather change. And the boats remained overnight on the water, tied in anchor chain. Rei were not aligned, rigging is badly pulled, unacceptable Cleiver drove a little bit with a weak blow of the breeze. All the space of the deck between the tank and Utah was bungled by piles of pearl-pearls, coral limestone wreckage, ropes, on which the catchers fall on the bottom, canvas bags where they are put on the shells, empty kegs. Near the Bizan-mast was a big barrel with fresh water and an iron bucket on the chain. A dark stain from the spilled water was visible around the barrel on the deck.

From time to time, then one, then another catcher rose, staggering in a half, and, coming to the legs and hands of sleeping, beat to a barrel with water. Without opening the eye; He drank the water bucket and rolled where it fell, as if he did not drink water, but pure alcohol. Lovers Tomil thirst: in the morning before work there is dangerous - there is too strong pressure in the water in water, "therefore worked on an empty stomach, while in the water it didn't get dark, and only before bedtime they could eat, but fed them with Salonina.

Night on the watch stood Indian Balthazar. He was the closest assistant Captain Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa".

In his youth, Balthazar was a famous pearl catcher: he could stay under the water of ninety and even a hundred seconds - twice as much as usual.

"Why? Because in our time they knew how to teach and started teaching us from childhood, "Balthazar told young pearl catches. "I was still a boy of about ten, when my father gave me to the tender for the tender for Hose." He had twelve guys of students. He taught us so. It will throw a white stone or shell into the water and orders: "Dive, get out!" And every time it throws deeper. You will not get - score to the linus or the leaf and throw in water like a dog. "Dive again!" So taught us to dive. Then he began to teach us to get used to the longest under water. The old experienced catcher drops to the bottom and gives a basket or network to anchor. And then we dive and we assure under water. And until you get up, do not shown. And you'll seek - get your whip or lin.

Bey us mercilessly. Not many have sustained. But I became the first catcher in the whole district. Good earned. "

Together, Balthazar left a dangerous fishery of the pearl seeker. His left leg was dismissed by the teeth of the shark, his side washed the anchor chain. He had a small shop in Buenos Aire and traded with pearls, corals, sinks and marine rarers. But on the shore he missed and therefore was often sent on pearlov. Industrialists appreciated him. No one better than Balthazar knew the Laspan Bay, his Bregs and those places where pearl sinks were found. Cathesians respected him. He knew how to please all - and catches and owners.

He taught the young catches to all the secrets of the fishery: how to delay the breath, how to reflect the attack of sharks, and under a good hand - and how to strain a rare pearl from the owner.

The industrialists, the owners of Schun, knew and appreciated him for the fact that he knew how to see it unmistakably evaluate the pearls and quickly select the best in favor of the owner.

Therefore, industrialists willingly took him with themselves as an assistant and adviser.

Balthazar was sitting on a barrel and slowly smoked a thick cigar. Light from the lantern attached to the mast, fell on his face. It was oblong, not akin, with the right nose and big beautiful eyes - the face of Arakan. The eyelids of Balthazar were hardly lowered and slowly climbed. He dreamed. But if his eyes slept, the ears did not sleep. They wake up and warned about danger even during deep sleep. But now Balthazar heard only sighs and the muttering of sleeping. From the shore pulled the smell of rotten pearls, - they were left to rot to make it easier to choose pearls: the sink of a living mollusk is not easy to open. This smell would seek an unusual person disgusting, but Balthazar was not without pleasure inhaled it. He, tramp, pearl seeker, this smell resembled the joys of the attorney life and the exciting hazards of the sea.

After the sample of pearls, the largest shells were transferred to the "Medusa".

Zurita was calculated: he sold the sinks to the factory, where they made buttons and cufflinks.

Balthazar slept. Soon fell out of weakened fingers and a cigar. The head bent on the chest.

But before his consciousness, some kind of sound came, who came from the ocean. The sound was repeated closer. Balthazar opened his eyes. It seemed that someone was a pipe in the horn, and then as if a vigorous young human voice shouted: "A!" - And then the octave above: "Ah! .."

"Sea Devil"

There was a stuffy January night of the Argentine summer. Black sky covered with stars. "Medusa" calmly stood anchor. The silence of the night did not disturb the wave burst, nor the scrupted gear. It seemed that the ocean slept deep sleep.

On the deck of schooners lay half-naked pearls. Tired by the work and hot sun, they swore, sighed, cried in heavy nice. Hands and legs have nervously twisted. Perhaps, in a dream, they saw their enemies - sharks. In these hot windless days, people were so tired that, having graduated from, could not even raise the boat on the deck. However, it was not necessary: \u200b\u200bnothing foreshadowed the weather change. And the boats remained overnight on the water, tied in anchor chain. Rei were not aligned, rigging is badly pulled, unacceptable Cleiver drove a little bit with a weak blow of the breeze. All the space of the deck between the tank and Utah was bungled by piles of pearl-pearls, coral limestone wreckage, ropes, on which the catchers fall on the bottom, canvas bags where they are put on the shells, empty kegs. Near the Bizan-mast was a big barrel with fresh water and an iron bucket on the chain. A dark stain from the spilled water was visible around the barrel on the deck.

From time to time, then one, then another catcher rose, staggering in a half, and, coming to the legs and hands of sleeping, beat to a barrel with water. Without revealing the eye, he drank the bucket of water and rolled where he fell, as if he did not drink water, but pure alcohol. Lovers Tomil thirst: in the morning before work there is dangerous - there is too strong pressure in the water in water, "therefore worked on an empty stomach, while in the water it didn't get dark, and only before bedtime they could eat, but fed them with Salonina.

Night on the watch stood Indian Balthazar. He was the closest assistant Captain Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa".

In his youth, Balthazar was a famous pearl catcher: he could stay under the water of ninety and even a hundred seconds - twice as much as usual.

"Why? Because in our time they knew how to teach and started teaching us from childhood, "Balthazar told young pearl catches. "I was still a boy of about ten, when my father gave me to the tender for the tender for Hose." He had twelve guys of students. He taught us so. Throws a white stone or sink into the water and orders: "Dive, get out!" And every time it throws deeper. You will not get - score to the linus or the leaf and throw in water like a dog. "Dive again!" So taught us to dive. Then he began to teach us to get used to the longest under water. Old, experienced catcher drops to the bottom and gives a basket or network to anchor. And then we dive and we assure under water. And until you get up, do not shown. And you'll seek - get your whip or lin.

Bey us mercilessly. Not many have sustained. But I became the first catcher in the whole district. Good earned. "

Together, Balthazar left a dangerous fishery of the pearl seeker. His left leg was dismissed by the teeth of the shark, his side washed the anchor chain. He had a small shop in Buenos Aire and traded with pearls, corals, sinks and marine rarers. But on the shore he missed and therefore was often sent on pearlov. Industrialists appreciated him. No one better than Balthazar knew the Laspan Bay, his shores and those places where pearl shells are found. Cathesians respected him. He knew how to please everyone - and the catches, and the owners.

He taught the young catches to all the secrets of the fishery: how to delay the breath, how to reflect the attack of sharks, and under a good hand - and how to strain a rare pearl from the owner.

The industrialists, the owners of Schun, knew and appreciated him for the fact that he knew how to see it unmistakably evaluate the pearls and quickly select the best in favor of the owner.

Therefore, industrialists willingly took him with themselves as an assistant and adviser.

Balthazar was sitting on a barrel and slowly smoked a thick cigar. Light from the lantern attached to the mast, fell on his face. It was oblong, not akin, with the right nose and big beautiful eyes, - the face of Arakan. The eyelids of Balthazar were hardly lowered and slowly climbed. He dreamed. But if his eyes slept, the ears did not sleep. They wake up and warned about danger even during deep sleep. But now Balthazar heard only sighs and the muttering of sleeping. From the shore pulled the smell of rotting clam-pearls - they were left to rot to make it easier to choose pearls: the shell of a living mollusk is not easy to open. This smell would seek an unusual person disgusting, but Balthazar was not without pleasure inhaled it. For him, tramp, pearl seeker, this smell resembled the joys of attributive life and the exciting hazards of the sea.

After the sample of pearls, the largest shells were transferred to the "Medusa". Zurita was calculated: he sold the sinks to the factory, where they made buttons and cufflinks.

Balthazar slept. Soon fell out of weakened fingers and a cigar. The head bent on the chest.

But before his consciousness, some kind of sound came, who came from the ocean. The sound was repeated closer. Balthazar opened his eyes. It seemed that someone was a pipe in the horn, and then as if a vigorous young human voice shouted: "A!" - And then the octave above: "Ah! .."

The musical sound of the pipe did not resemble the sharp sound of the ship's siren, and the cheerful chief did not resemble the cry at the help of the drowning. It was something new, unknown. Balthazar rose; It seemed as if she was immediately confused. He walked over to board and vigorously looked around the surface of the ocean. Sleeply. Silence. Balthazar pushed the foot lying on the deck of the Indian and when he rose, quietly said:

- screaming. It is probably is he.

"I don't hear," Indian Guron, standing on his lap and listening to the knees. And suddenly silence again broke the sound of the pipe and scream:

Huron, having heard this sound, noodled, as under the blow of Beach.

- Yes, it is probably is he, "Said Guron, clanging from fear of his teeth.

Other catchers woke up. They slid to the illuminated lantern to the place, as if looking for protection from darkness in the weak rays of yellowish light. Everyone was sitting, clinging to each other, listening tensely. The sound of the pipe and voice was heard once again, and then all silenced.

- It is he

- "Marine Devil," fishermen whispered.

- We can no longer stay here!

- It's terrible shark!

- call the owner here!

Barefoot sputs heard. Yawning and scratching hairy chest, the owner came out on the deck, Pedro Zurita. He was shirtless, in some canvas pants; On a wide leather belt hung a revolver holster. Zurita approached people. The lantern illuminated his bedsphany, bronze from the tan face, thick curly hair, fell by strands on the forehead, black eyebrows, fluffy, raised upside down and a small beard with a snap.

- What happened?

They spoke all at once.

Balthazar raised his hand as a sign so that they were silent, and said:

- Personal! - answered Pedro sleepy, lowering his head on the chest.

- No, not meant. We all heard "Ah! .." and the sound of the pipe! - shouted fishermen.

Balthazar forced them to silence them with the same hand movement and continued:

- I heard himself. So can only "devil" can. No one shouts at sea and is not a pipe. It is necessary to get away from here faster.

"Tales," Pedro Zurita also answered sluggish. He did not want to take from the shore on the schoon, not yet overloaded, silent shells and starved with anchor.

But he could not persuade the Indians. They worried, waved their hands and shouted, threatening that tomorrow they would come ashore and walk in Buenos Aires, if Zurita would not raise anchor.

- Damn it would whine this "sea devil" with you! Okay. We will raise anchor at dawn. - And, continuing to grumble, the captain went to his cabin.

He no longer wanted to sleep. He lit a lamp, lit the cigar and began to walk from the corner to the angle along a small cabin. He thought about the incomprehensible creature, which for some time they appeared in the local waters, scaring fishermen and coastal inhabitants.

No one has seen this monster, but it has already reminded himself several times. Basni composed about him. Sailors told them with a whisper, having fun looking around, as if fearing so that this monster would not overhear them.

One of this creature hurts, others suddenly helped. "This is Maritime God," the old Indians said. "He comes out of the depths of the ocean once in the millennium to restore justice on Earth."

Catholic priests assured superstitious Spaniards that this is the "Sea Devil". He began to be people because the population forgets the Holy Catholic Church.

All these rumors transmitted from the mouth to the mouth reached Buenos Aires. A few weeks of the "Sea Devil" was a favorite theme of chronicles and feuillystone boulevard newspapers. If, with unknown circumstances, schooners, fishing courts, or spawned fishing networks, or disappeared by the caught fish, accused of "Marine Devil". But others said that the "devil" sometimes threw a large fish in the boats in the boats and once even saved drunk.

At least one drowning assured that when he was already immersed in the water, someone picked it from the bottom behind his back and, so supporting, fell to the shore, hiding in the waves of the surf at that moment when the rescued stepped on the sand.

But the most amazing thing was that no one saw the "devil". No one could describe how this mysterious creature looks like. Of course there were eyewitnesses - they awarded the "devil" with a horned head, goat beard, lion paws and a fish tail or depicted him in the form of a giant horned toad with human legs.

Government officials of Buenos Aires first did not pay attention to these stories and newspaper notes, considering them to leisure their fiction.

But the excitement is mainly among the fishermen - everything intensified. Many fishermen did not decide to go to the sea. Lov declined, and residents felt a lack of fish. Then local authorities decided to investigate this story. Several steam boats and motorboats of police coast guard were sent along the coast with the order to "delay the unknown person who sow troubles and panic among the coastal population."

The police ruined in the La Playing Bay and the coast of two weeks, detained several Indians as malicious distributors of false rumors who sow anxious, but the Devil was unpacked.

The police chief published an official message that no "devil" does not exist that all this is only the fiction of ignorant people who are already detained and will incur proper punishment, and convinced the fishermen not to trust rumors and take on fishing.

For a while it helped. However, the jokes of the Devil did not stop.

One night, the fishermen, who were quite far from the coast, were awakened by the bleeding of the goat, who some miracle appeared on their barcase. Other fishermen turned out to be cut off the pulsed networks.

Journalists' delivered by the new advent of the "devil" were now expecting to clarify scientists.

Scientists did not leave for a long time.

They believed that the ocean could not exist an unknown science of the sea monster, which makes the actions that only a person is capable of. "A good deal," scientists wrote, "if such a creature appeared in the lowest exposed depths of the ocean." But scientists still could not allow such a creature to be reasonably coming. Scientists, together with the head of the maritime police, believed that all this was the tricks of some mischievous.

But not all scientists thought so.

Other scientists referred to the famous German Naturalist Konrad Geesner, who described the sea virgin, sea devil, maritime monk and sea bishop.

"In the end, much of what ancient and medieval scientists wrote about, despite the fact that the new science did not recognize these old teachings. The divine creativity is inexhaustible, and we, scientists, modesty and caution in the conclusions will be more than anyone else, "some old scientists wrote.

However, it was difficult to call scientists with these modest and cautious people. They believed in miracles more than in science, and their lectures were like a sermon.

In the end, to resolve the dispute, sent a scientific expedition.

Expedition members were not lucky to meet with the Devil. But they learned a lot of new things about the actions of the "unknown person" (the old scientists insisted that the word "face" was replaced by the word "creatures").

1. In several places on the sandy fellows, we have seen traces of the narrow feet of human feet. Traces went out of the sea and led back to the sea. However, such traces could leave a person who came to the shore on the boat.

2. The networks inspected by us have cuts that could be produced by a sharp cutting gun. It is possible that the networks hooked over sharp underwater rocks or iron wreckage of sunken vessels and broke out.

3. According to eyewitnesses, the thrown to shore, for a significant distance from the water, Dolphin was accomplished by someone at night in the water, and on the sand traces of the legs and as if long nails were found. Probably some kind of candle fisherman dragged the dolphin into the sea.

It is known that Dolphins, hunting for fish, help the fishermen in that they drive it to shames. Fishermen often cut down from the misfortunes of dolphins. Traces of claws could be made by the fingers of a person. The imagination gave tracks the look of claws.

4. The goat could be brought on a boat and fell up with some joker.

Scientists have found other, no less simple reasons to explain the origin of the traces left by the Devil.

Scientists came to the conclusion that no marine monster could make such complex actions.

And yet these explanations satisfied not all. Even among the scientists themselves there were those that these explanations seemed doubtful. How could the most deft and stubborn joker make such things, not falling asleep for people's eyes? But the main thing about what scientists were in their report, was that the Devil, as was established, performed his feats for a short time in various places from each other. Or "The Devil" knew how to swim with unheard of speed, or he had some special devices, or, finally, the "devil" was not alone, and there were several of them. But then all these jokes became even more incomprehensible and threatening.

Pedro Zurita recalled all this mysterious history, without ceasing to walk along the cabin.

He did not notice how dawn and the pink beam penetrated into the window window. Pedro redeemed the lamp and began to wash.

Pouring his head with warm water, he heard frightened cries that came from the deck. Zurita, not king to wash, quickly climbed along the ladder.

Naked catches, with a canvas bandage on the hips, stood in the side, swung their hands and randomly shouted. Pedro looked down and saw that boats left for the night on the water are bother. The night breeze took them quite far into the open ocean. Now the morning breeze slowly rushed to the shore. The oars of boats scattered on the water swam in the bay.

Zurita ordered the catches to collect boats. But no one was decided to get off the deck. Zurita repeated the order.

"I myself climb into the paws" Devil, "said someone. Zurita took the Coburur of the revolver. The crowd of catcher moved and coughed at the mast. Cathes were hostile to Zurit. The collision seemed inevitable. But here intervened Balthazar.

"Araukanian is not afraid of anyone," he said, "the shark did not reach me, and" the Devil "of the old bones. "And, folding his hands above his head, he rushed from his side into the water and swam to the nearest boat."

Now the catchers approached the board and with fear were observed for Balthazar. Despite the old age and sore leg, he walked perfectly. In several crawls, Indian fell to the boat, caught a floating paddle and got into the boat.

"The rope is cut off with a knife," he shouted, "and cut off well!" The knife was sharp as a razor.

Seeing that with Balthazar, nothing terrible happened, several fishermen followed his example.

Can society be adopted who do not look like others? As a rule, no, even if this someone is very similar to a person in his spiritual qualities. This happens in reality, and in fantastic works, which allegorically reflect the worldview of most people. Alexander Belyaeva Roman "Man-Amphibian" is widely known and very popular. This is the most famous writer book. You can see a lot of interconnections of characters, relations of people, contradictions and prejudices. And, of course, the theme of wealth and sincere feelings is clearly visible here, this confrontation was and will always be, unfortunately.

Salvators really appreciate the local population, it can cure incurable diseases, assist in the most running cases. He is interested in the possibility of transplanting organs, and not only from person to man. Once he brought a child who is on the verge of death. Salvator manages to make him a change of gills shark, and now the boy can breathe under water. Only a doctor understands that the Indians will not accept such a child, and decides to leave him ...

Along the coast, rumors have been rumored about the existence of an unknown creation. It scares the gathers of pearls, cuts networks, interfering with fishermen getting prey. Sometimes it is having fun rushing on the dolphin. He is already afraid of not only fishermen, but also the locals. The creature was called the "Sea Devil". The captain of one of the teams, whiskers of pearls, was dissatisfied with the situation, it brings him considerable losses. And he decides that it would be nice to catch this creature and use for its own purposes.

On our site you can download the book "Man-Amphibian" Bellyaev Alexander Romanovich for free and without registration in FB2 format, RTF, EPUB, PDF, TXT, read the book online or buy a book in the online store.

© Petrov M. F., Heirs, illustrations, 2000

© Tretyakov V.N., Illustration for Binding, 2000

© Makeup series. JSC "Publishing House" Children's Literature ", 2018

* * *

Amphibian Man

Part one

"Sea Devil"

There was a stuffy January night of the Argentine summer. Black sky covered with stars. "Medusa" calmly stood anchor. The silence of the night did not disturb the wave burst, nor the scrupted gear. It seemed that the ocean slept deep sleep.

On the deck of schooners lay half-naked pearls. Tired by the work and hot sun, they swore, sighed, cried in heavy nice. Hands and legs have nervously twisted. Perhaps, in a dream, they saw their enemies - sharks. In these hot, windless days, people were so tired that, having graduated from, could not even raise the boat on the deck. However, it was not necessary: \u200b\u200bnothing foreshadowed the weather change. And the boats remained overnight on the water, tied in anchor chain. Rei were not aligned, rigging is badly pulled, unacceptable Cleiver drove a little bit with a weak blow of the breeze. All the space of the deck between the tank and Utah was bungled by piles of pearl-pearls, coral limestone wreckage, ropes, on which the catchers fall on the bottom, canvas bags where they are put on the shells, empty kegs.

Near the Bizan-mast was a big barrel with fresh water and an iron bucket on the chain. A dark stain from the spilled water was visible around the barrel on the deck.

From time to time, then one, then the other catcher rose, staggering in a half, and, coming to the legs and hands of sleeping, beat to a barrel with water. Without revealing the eye, he drank the bucket of water and rolled where he fell, as if he did not drink water, but pure alcohol. Lovers Tomil thirst: in the morning before work there is dangerous - there is too strong pressure in the water in water, "therefore worked on an empty stomach, while in the water it didn't get dark, and only before bedtime they could eat, but fed them with Salonina.

Night on the watch stood Indian Balthazar. He was the closest assistant Captain Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa".

In his youth, Balthazar was a famous pearl catcher; He could stay under the water of ninety and even a hundred seconds - twice as much as usual.

"Why? Because in our time they knew how to teach and started teaching us from childhood, "Balthazar told young pearl catches. "I was still a boy of about ten, when my father gave me to the tender for the tender to Hozse." He had twelve guys of students. He taught us so. Throws a white stone or sink into the water and orders: "Dive, get out!" And every time it throws deeper. You will not get - score 1
Tench - Thin rope.

(Note. Author.)

Or the screak and throws into the water like a dog. Dive again. So taught us to dive. Then he began to teach us to get used to the longest under water. Old, experienced catcher drops to the bottom and gives a basket or network to anchor. And then we dive and we assure under water. And until you get up, do not shown. And you'll seek - you will get a drop or lin.

Bey us mercilessly. Not many have sustained. But I became the first catcher in the whole district. Good earned. "

Together, Balthazar left a dangerous fishery of the pearl seeker. His left leg was dismissed by the teeth of the shark, his side washed the anchor chain. He had a small shop in Buenos Aire and traded with pearls, corals, sinks and marine rarers. But on the shore he missed and therefore was often sent on pearlov. Industrialists appreciated him. No one better than Balthazar knew the Laspan Bay, his shores and those places where pearl shells are found. Cathesians respected him. He knew how to please all - and catches and owners.

He taught the young catches to all the secrets of the fishery: how to delay the breath, how to reflect the attack of sharks, and under a good hand - and how to strain a rare pearl from the owner.

The industrialists, the owners of Schun, knew and appreciated him for the fact that he knew how to see it unmistakably evaluate the pearls and quickly select the best in favor of the owner.

Therefore, industrialists willingly took him with themselves as an assistant and adviser.

Balthazar was sitting on a barrel and slowly smoked a thick cigar. Light from the lantern attached to the mast, fell on his face. It was oblong, not akin, with the right nose and big beautiful eyes, - the face of Arakan 2
Arakans (Note. Author.)

The eyelids of Balthazar were hardly lowered and slowly climbed. He dreamed. But if his eyes slept, the ears did not sleep. They wake up and warned about danger even during deep sleep. But now Balthazar heard only sighs and the muttering of sleeping.

From the shore pulled the smell of rotting clam-pearls - they were left to rot, to make it easier to choose the pearls: the shell of a living mollusk is not easy to operate. This smell would seek an unusual person disgusting, but Balthazar was not without pleasure inhaled it. For him, tramp, pearl seeker, this smell resembled the joys of attributive life and the exciting hazards of the sea.

After the sample of pearls, the largest shells were transferred to the "Medusa". Zurita was calculated: he sold the sinks to the factory, where they made buttons and cufflinks.

Balthazar slept. Soon fell out of weakened fingers and a cigar. The head bent on the chest.

But before his consciousness, some kind of sound came, who came from the ocean. The sound was repeated closer. Balthazar opened his eyes. It seemed that someone was a pipe in the horn, and then it's like a cheerful, young human voice shouted: "A!" And then the octave above: "Ah!"

The musical sound of the pipe did not resemble the sharp sound of the ship's siren, and the cheerful chief did not resemble the cry at the help of the drowning. It was something new, unknown. Balthazar rose, it seemed to him as if she immediately smoothed. He walked over to board and vigorously looked around the surface of the ocean. Sleeply. Silence. Balthazar pushed the foot lying on the deck of the Indian and when he rose, quietly said:

- screaming. It is probably is he…

- I do not hear, - Indian Guron answered as quietly 3
Gurona - Tribe of American Indians. (Note. Author.)

Standing on his knees and listening. And suddenly silence again broke the sound of the pipe and scream:

Huron, having heard this sound, noodled, as under the blow of Beach.

- Yes, it is probably is he, "Said Guron, clanging from fear of his teeth.

Other catchers woke up. They rumbled to the illuminated lantern, as if looking for protection against darkness in the weak rays of yellow light. Everyone was sitting, clinging to each other, listening tensely. The sound of the pipe and voice was heard once again, and then all silenced.

- It is he…

- "Marine Devil," fishermen whispered.

- We can no longer stay here!

- It's terrible shark!

- call the owner here!

Barefoot spacing heard. Yawning and scratching hairy chest, the owner came out on the deck, Pedro Zurita. He was shirtless, in some canvas pants; On a wide leather belt hung a revolver holster. Zurita approached people. The lantern illuminated his bedsphany, bronze from the tan face, thick curly hair, fell by strands on the forehead, black eyebrows, fluffy, raised upside down and a small beard with a snap.

- What happened?

They spoke all at once.

Balthazar raised his hand as a sign so that they were silent, and said:

- Personal! - answered Pedro sleepy, lowering his head on the chest.

- No, not meant. We all heard "A - A" and the sound of the pipe! - shouted fishermen.

Balthazar forced them to silence them with the same hand movement and continued:

- I heard himself. So can only "devil" can. No one shouts at sea and is not a pipe. You need to quickly leave here.

"Tales," Pedro Zurita also answered sluggish.

He did not want to take from the shore on the schoon, not yet overloaded, silent shells and starved with anchor. But he could not persuade the Indians. They worried, waved their hands and shouted, threatening that tomorrow they would come ashore and walk in Buenos Aires, if Zurita would not raise anchor.

- Damn it would whine this "sea devil" with you! Okay. We will raise anchor at dawn. - And, continuing to grumble, the captain went to his cabin.

He no longer wanted to sleep. He lit a lamp, lit the cigar and began to walk from the corner to the angle along a small cabin. He thought about the incomprehensible creature, which for some time they appeared in the local waters, scaring fishermen and coastal inhabitants.

No one has seen this monster, but it has already reminded himself several times. Basni composed about him. Sailors told them with a whisper, having fun looking around, as if fearing so that this monster would not overhear them.

One of this creature hurts, others suddenly helped. "This is the Maritime God," the old Indians said, "he comes out of the ocean depth of times in the millennium to restore justice on Earth."

Catholic priests assured superstitious Spaniards that this is the Sea Devil. He began to be people because the population forgets the Holy Catholic Church.

All these rumors transmitted from the mouth to the mouth reached Buenos Aires. A few weeks of the "Sea Devil" was a favorite theme of chronicles and feuillystone boulevard newspapers. If, with unknown circumstances, schooners, fishing courts, or spawned fishing networks, or disappeared by the caught fish, accused of "Marine Devil". But others also told that the "devil" sometimes threw a large fish in the boats in the boats and once even saved drunk.

At least one drowning assured that when he was already immersed in the water, someone picked it from the bottom behind his back and, so supporting, fell to the shore, hiding in the waves of the surf at that moment when the rescued stepped on the sand.

But the most amazing thing was that no one saw the "devil". No one could describe how this mysterious creature looks like. Of course, eyewitnesses were found, they awarded the "devil" with a horned head, goat beard, lion paws and a fish tail or depicted him in the form of a giant horned toad with human legs.

Government officials of Buenos Aires first did not pay attention to these stories and newspaper notes, considering them to leisure their fiction.

But the excitement is mainly among the fishermen - everything intensified. Many fishermen did not decide to go to the sea. Lov declined, and residents felt a lack of fish. Then local authorities decided to investigate this story. Several steam boats and motorboats of police coast guard were sent off the coast with the order "to delay an unknown person, sowing troubles and panic among the coastal population."

The police ruined along the La Playing Bay and the coast of two weeks, detained several Indians as malicious dissectors of false rumors who sow anxious, but the Devil was unfortunately.

The police chief published an official message that no "devil" does not exist that all this is only the fiction of ignorant people who are already detained and will incur proper punishment, and convinced the fishermen not to trust rumors and take on fishing.

For a while it helped. However, the jokes of the Devil did not stop.

One night, the fishermen, who were quite far from the coast, were awakened by the bleeding of the goat, who some miracle appeared on their barcase. Other fishermen turned out to be cut off the pulsed networks.

Amented by the new advent of the "devil", the journalists were now waiting for clarification of scientists.

Scientists did not leave for a long time.

They believed that in this part of the ocean could not exist an unknown science of the sea monster, which makes a thing for which only a person is capable of. "A good deal," scientists wrote, "if such a creature appeared in poor depths." But still they did not allow such a creature to come reasonably. Scientists, together with the head of the maritime police, believed that all this was the tricks of some mischievous.

But not all scientists thought so. Some referred to the famous German Naturalist Konrad Geesner 4
Konrad Geesner- The famous German scientist of the XVI century. Posted by "Animal Book", which had an unusually strong influence on naturalists for a long time. (Note. Author.)

Who described the sea virgin, sea devil, maritime monk and sea bishop.

"In the end, much of what ancient and medieval scientists wrote about, despite the fact that the new science did not recognize these old teachings. Divorce creativity is inexhaustible, and us, scientists, modesty and caution in conclusions will be more than anyone else, "they wrote.

It was difficult to call scientists with these modest and cautious people. They believed in miracles more than in science, and their lectures were like a sermon.

In the end, to resolve the dispute, sent a scientific expedition.

Expedition members were not lucky to meet with the Devil. But they learned a lot of new things about the actions of the "unknown person" (the old scientists insisted that the word "face" was replaced by the word "creatures").

"one. In some places on the sandy fellows, we have seen traces of the narrow feet of human legs. Traces went out of the sea and led back to the sea. However, such traces could leave a person who came to the shore on the boat.

2. The networks inspected by us have cuts that could be produced by a sharp cutting gun. It is possible that the networks hooked over sharp underwater rocks or iron wreckage of sunken vessels and broke out.

3. According to eyewitnesses, the thrown to shore, for a significant distance from the water, Dolphin was accomplished by someone at night in the water, and on the sand traces of the legs and as if long nails were found. Probably some kind of candle fisherman dragged the dolphin into the sea.

It is known that Dolphins, hunting for fish, help the fishermen in that they drive it to shames. Fishermen often cut down from the misfortunes of dolphins. Traces of claws could be made by the fingers of a person. The imagination gave tracks the look of claws.

4. The goat could be brought on the boat and climbed by some joker. "

Scientists have found other equally simple reasons to explain the origin of traces left by the Devil. They concluded that no maritime monster could make such complex actions.

And yet these explanations satisfied not all. Even among the scientists themselves there were those that these explanations seemed doubtful. How could the most deft and stubborn joker make such things, not falling asleep for people's eyes? But the main thing about what scientists were in their report, was that the Devil, as was established, performed his feats for a short time in various places from each other. Or "The Devil" knew how to swim with unheard of speed, or he had some special devices, or, finally, the "devil" was not alone, and there were several of them. But then all these jokes became even more incomprehensible and threatening.

Pedro Zurita recalled all this mysterious history, without ceasing to walk along the cabin.

He did not notice how dawn and the pink beam penetrated into the window window. Pedro redeemed the lamp and began to wash.

Pouring his head with warm water, he heard frightened cries that came from the deck. Zurita, not king to wash, quickly climbed along the ladder.

Naked catches, with a canvas bandage on the hips, stood in the side, swung their hands and randomly shouted. Pedro looked down and saw that boats left for the night on the water are bother. The night breeze took them quite far into the open ocean. Now the morning breeze slowly rushed to the shore. The oars of boats scattered on the water swam in the bay.

Zurita ordered the catches to collect boats. But no one was decided to get off the deck. Zurita repeated the order.

"I myself climb into the paws" Devil, "said someone.

Zurita took the Coburur of the revolver. Cathes moved and crowded from mast. They looked hostile to Zurit. The collision seemed inevitable. But here intervened Balthazar.

"Araukanian is not afraid of anyone," he said, "the shark did not reach me, and" the Devil "of the old bones. "And, folding his hands above his head, he rushed from his side into the water and swam to the nearest boat."

Now the catchers approached the board and with fear were observed for Balthazar. Despite the old age and sore leg, he walked perfectly. In several crawls, Indian fell to the boat, caught the floating paddle and walked into the boat.

"The rope is cut off with a knife," he shouted, "and cut off well!" The knife was sharp as a razor.

Seeing that with Balthazar, nothing terrible happened, several fishermen followed his example.

Riding on dolphin

The sun had just asked, but was already a lot of fare. The silver-blue sky was cloudless, the ocean is not moving. "Medusa" was already twenty kilometers south of Buenos Aires. On the advice of Balthazard, the anchor threw in a small bay, at the rocky shore, two ledges rising from the water.

Boats scattered through the bay. On each boat, according to custom, there were two catches: one dived, the other pulled out the diver. Then they changed roles.

One boat came up pretty close to the shore. The diver captured the legs of a large coral limestone debris, tied to the end of the rope, and quickly sank to the bottom.

The water was very warm and transparent - each stone on the bottom was clearly visible. Corals were closer to the shore from the bottom - fixedly frozen bushes of underwater gardens. Small fish, cast gold and silver, sneaks between these bushes.

The diver dropped to the bottom and, bent, started to quickly collect the sinks and put the bag tied to the strap. His comrade for work, Indian Guron, kept the end of the rope in his hands and, having frowning through the boat, looked into the water.

Suddenly he saw that the diver jumped on his feet as quickly as he could, waved his hands, grabbed the rope and pulled her so much that he almost pulled Huron into the water. The boat swung. Indian-Guron hurriedly raised his comrade and helped him climb the boat. Having discovered the mouth, the diver was hard breathing, his eyes were expanded. A dark bronze face was gray - so he pale.

But the diver could not answer anything - he fell to the bottom of the boat.

What could you scare it at the bottom of the sea? Guron bent and began peering into the water. Yes, something is happening there. Little fish, like birds, envied the leaders, hurried to hurry in thick thickets of underwater forests.

And suddenly, Indian Guron saw, because of the protruding an angle of the underwater cliff, something similar to the crimson smoke appeared. Smoke slowly sprawled in all directions, painting water in pink color. And then something dark seemed. It was a shark body. It turned slowly and disappeared behind the protrusion of the rock. Criminal underwater smoke could only be blood, spilled at the bottom of the ocean. What happened there? Guron looked at his comrade, but he was motionless on his back, catching the air wide open mouth and meaninglessly looking into the sky. Indian took his oars and hurried to take his suddenly sick comrade on board "Jellyfish."

Finally, the diver came to his senses, but as if he lost the gift of the word - just washed, shook his head and fade away, protruding his lips.

The former catcher surrounded the divers surrounded the diver, they were looking forward to his explanations.

- Speak! Finally shouted the young Indian, raging the diver. - Speak, if you do not want your cowardly soul to flew out of the body.

The diver twisted his head and told a deaf voice:

- Videl ... "Sea Devil".


- Yes, speak, speak! - impatiently shouted the catches.

- I look - shark. Shark floats directly at me. End to me! Big, black, already the mouth opened, now there will be me. I look - still swims ...

- Another shark?

- "Devil"!

- What is he? Does he have a head?

- Head? Yes, it seems there is. Eyes around the glass.

"If there is eyes, then there should be a head," the young Indian said confidently. - Eyes to something yes pinned. Does he have paws?

- Paws like a frog. Fingers are long, green, with claws and membranes. Itself shines like fish scales. Sweeping to the shark, flashed with a paw - Shark! Blood from the bugger shark ...

- And what are his legs? - asked one of the catches.

- Legs? - tried to remember the diver. - There is no legs at all. There is a big tail. And at the end of the tail two snakes.

- Who are you frightened more - sharks or monsters?

"Monsters," he answered without hesitation. - Monsters, although it saved my life. This was is he

- Yes, it was is he.

"Sea Devil," said Indian.

"Ansky God, who comes to the help of the poor," the old Indian corrected.

This news quickly spread through boats, floating in the bay. Cathes hurried to Schoon and raised boats on board.

Everyone was overwhelmed by a diver saved by the Sea Devil, and forced him to repeat the story without end. And he repeated, telling all new and new details. He remembered that the monster's nostrils flew out a red flame, and the teeth were sharp and long, into a finger of magnitude. His ears moved, on the sides were fins, and behind - the tail, as a paddle.

Pedro Zurita, naked on the belt, in short white pants, in the shoes on the boss legs and in a high broad-breasted straw hat on the head, shoe shoes, walked along the deck, listening to conversations.

The more the narrator was fascinated, the more Pedro was convinced that all this was invented by a catcher, frightened shark approach.

"However, maybe not everyone is invented. Someone spells shark belly: after all, water in the bay Porozovel. Indian is lying, but there is some kind of truth in all this. Strange story, damn it! "

Here, the reflection of Zurita was interrupted by the sound of a horns who suddenly despite the rocks.

This sound struck the crew "Jellyfish" like a thunder blow. All conversations immediately stopped, the faces pale. Cathes with superstitious horror looked at the rock where the sound of the pipe came from.


Alexander Romanovich Belyaev (1884-1942) is one of the founders of Soviet science fiction. They created a whole series of exciting works, in an entertaining form popularizing the most interesting questions of science and technology. The present publication included well-known stories: "Amphibian Man", "CEC Star", "Laboratory Dublwe", "Wonderful Ocha".

Amphibian Man

Star CEC

Laboratory of Dublwe.

Wonderful OK

Artist V.P. Slauk

Alexander Belyaev

Amphibian Man



Riding on dolphin

Failure Zurita

Dr. Salvator

Patient granddaughter

Wonderful garden

Third Wall



Day ionandra

Girl and darkness

Servant igthyandra

Again in the sea

Little revenge

Looking at Zurita

Unpleasant meeting

Sprot Fight



This is the "Sea Devil"!


Unusual captive

Abandoned "Medusa"

Sound ship

Part of the third

Newly new father

Legal incident

Brilliant madman

The word defendant

Star CEC

I. Meeting with Chernobod

II. Demon of indomitability

III. I become a detective

IV. Failed pursuit

V. Candidate of Candidate


VII. Short journey

VIII. Heavenly infant


X. At the director

Xi. Scientific spiderman

XII. Tyurin training

XIII. To lunar orbit


XV Stardays

XVI. Kramer has the character

XVII. Zoolaboratory


XIX. Strange disease

XX. Chernoborodny Evgeniev-Pale

XXI. Finally I am withstanding the character

XXII. Earth and stars

Laboratory of Dublwe.

Wonderful OK

Behind the sea bass

Herald of the accident

Blind old woman


The right hand of Blass Hurghesa

The fate of the expedition is solved

Unhappy man in the USSR

Travel to the world of atom

Misha Borin goes to teleexpensive

In the Atlantic

Underwater trip

Neexless guest

Akul Catcher

HELLO! Listen and look!

World Sensation

Visit of the doctor

Transplant in air

One against three

Searches for sunken teleglasa

Boat "Leviafan"

Fights adventurer

The story of Mr. Scott

Azores gives news

Millionaire loser

Second visit Scott.

Car meets a new country

Adventure on the way

Underwater duel

Under the light of stars

Over the ruins "Leviafan"

Alexander Belyaev

Amphibian Man



There was a stuffy January night of the Argentine summer. Black sky covered with stars. "Medusa" calmly stood anchor. The silence of the night did not disturb the wave burst, nor the scrupted gear. It seemed that the ocean slept deep sleep.

On the deck of schooners lay half-naked pearls. Tired by the work and hot sun, they swore, sighed, cried in heavy nice. Hands and legs have nervously twisted. Perhaps, in a dream, they saw their enemies - sharks. In these hot windless days, people were so tired that, having graduated from, could not even raise the boat on the deck. However, it was not necessary: \u200b\u200bnothing foreshadowed the weather change. And the boats remained overnight on the water, tied in anchor chain. Rei were not aligned, rigging is badly pulled, unacceptable Cleiver drove a little bit with a weak blow of the breeze. All the space of the deck between the tank and Utah was bungled by piles of pearl-pearls, coral limestone wreckage, ropes, on which the catchers fall on the bottom, canvas bags where they are put on the shells, empty kegs. Near the Bizan-mast was a big barrel with fresh water and an iron bucket on the chain. A dark stain from the spilled water was visible around the barrel on the deck.

From time to time, then one, then another catcher rose, staggering in a half, and, coming to the legs and hands of sleeping, beat to a barrel with water. Without opening the eye; He drank the water bucket and rolled where it fell, as if he did not drink water, but pure alcohol. Lovers Tomil thirst: in the morning before work there is dangerous - there is too strong pressure in the water in water, "therefore worked on an empty stomach, while in the water it didn't get dark, and only before bedtime they could eat, but fed them with Salonina.

Night on the watch stood Indian Balthazar. He was the closest assistant Captain Pedro Zurita, the owner of the schooner "Medusa".

In his youth, Balthazar was a famous pearl catcher: he could stay under the water of ninety and even a hundred seconds - twice as much as usual.

"Why? Because in our time they knew how to teach and started teaching us from childhood, "Balthazar told young pearl catches. "I was still a boy of about ten, when my father gave me to the tender for the tender for Hose." He had twelve guys of students. He taught us so. It will throw a white stone or shell into the water and orders: "Dive, get out!" And every time it throws deeper. You will not get - score to the line 1 or the leaf and throws into the water like a dog. "Dive again!" So taught us to dive. Then he began to teach us to get used to the longest under water. The old experienced catcher drops to the bottom and gives a basket or network to anchor. And then we dive and we assure under water. And until you get up, do not shown. And you'll seek - get your whip or lin.

Bey us mercilessly. Not many have sustained. But I became the first catcher in the whole district. Good earned. "

Together, Balthazar left a dangerous fishery of the pearl seeker. His left leg was dismissed by the teeth of the shark, his side washed the anchor chain. He had a small shop in Buenos Aire and traded with pearls, corals, sinks and marine rarers. But on the shore he missed and therefore was often sent on pearlov. Industrialists appreciated him. No one better than Balthazar knew the Laspan Bay, his Bregs and those places where pearl sinks were found. Cathesians respected him. He knew how to please all - and catches and owners.

He taught the young catches to all the secrets of the fishery: how to delay the breath, how to reflect the attack of sharks, and under a good hand - and how to strain a rare pearl from the owner.

The industrialists, the owners of Schun, knew and appreciated him for the fact that he knew how to see it unmistakably evaluate the pearls and quickly select the best in favor of the owner.

Therefore, industrialists willingly took him with themselves as an assistant and adviser.

Balthazar was sitting on a barrel and slowly smoked a thick cigar. Light from the lantern attached to the mast, fell on his face. It was oblong, not akin, with the right nose and big beautiful eyes - the face of Arakan. The eyelids of Balthazar were hardly lowered and slowly climbed. He dreamed. But if his eyes slept, the ears did not sleep. They wake up and warned about danger even during deep sleep. But now Balthazar heard only sighs and the muttering of sleeping. From the shore pulled the smell of rotten pearls, - they were left to rot to make it easier to choose pearls: the sink of a living mollusk is not easy to open. This smell would seek an unusual person disgusting, but Balthazar was not without pleasure inhaled it. He, tramp, pearl seeker, this smell resembled the joys of the attorney life and the exciting hazards of the sea.

After the sample of pearls, the largest shells were transferred to the "Medusa".

Zurita was calculated: he sold the sinks to the factory, where they made buttons and cufflinks.

Balthazar slept. Soon fell out of weakened fingers and a cigar. The head bent on the chest.

But before his consciousness, some kind of sound came, who came from the ocean. The sound was repeated closer. Balthazar opened his eyes. It seemed that someone was a pipe in the horn, and then as if a vigorous young human voice shouted: "A!" - And then the octave above: "Ah! .."

The musical sound of the pipe did not resemble the sharp sound of the ship's siren, and the cheerful chief did not resemble the cry at the help of the drowning. It was something new, unknown. Balthazar rose; It seemed as if she was immediately confused. He walked over to board and vigorously looked around the surface of the ocean. Sleeply. Silence. Balthazar pushed the foot lying on the deck of the Indian and, when he rose, said quietly:

Screaming. This is probably he.

I can't hear, "Indian Huron answered as quietly, standing on his knees and listening. And suddenly silence again broke the sound of the pipe and scream:

Huron, having heard this sound, noodled, as under the beat of Beach.

Yes, it is probably he, - said Huron, clanging with fear of his teeth. Other catchers woke up. They slid to the illuminated lantern to the place, as if looking for protection from darkness in the weak rays of yellowish light. Everyone was sitting, clinging to each other, listening tensely. Sound pipe ...
