1.1. These Rules for admission to educational programs of higher education - Programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter referred to as Rules) determine the procedure for the admission of citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship (hereinafter - incoming) to the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" (hereinafter - KFU, University) for training in educational programs of higher education - programs for training scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter referred to as welcoming programs), including features of entrance tests for disabled people.

1.2. These reception rules are developed on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, including:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 12, 2017 No. 13 "On approval of the procedure for admission to training on educational programs of higher education - programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school";

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 11/19/2013 No. 1259 (Ed. Dated February 04, 2016 No. 373) "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on educational programs of higher education - programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture)" ;

Charter of KFU, other local regulatory acts of the CFU;

Other regulatory legal acts of authorized federal executive bodies in the field of education.

1.3. CFU announces admission for graduate studies training (hereinafter referred to training) in accordance with the license for the implementation of educational activities for the relevant areas of higher education training - programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (hereinafter referred to as training) for full-time and correspondence .

1.4. For admission to graduate school programs, the postgraduate study commission is organized (hereinafter referred to as the Admission Office). The composition, the powers and procedure for the activities of the admission committee is determined by the Regulations on it. The CFU Rector of the CFU is the chairman of the CFU. The Chairman of the Admission Commission appoints the responsible secretary of the admission committee, which organizes the work of the Admission Commission, as well as a personal reception of the applicants, their legal representatives, proxies.

1.5. To the development of graduate school programs, KFUs are allowed by persons who have an education not lower than the highest (specialty or graduate).

The incoming submits a document on education and qualifications certifying the formation of an appropriate level (hereinafter - a document of the established sample):

The document on education and the qualifications established by the federal executive authority, carrying out functions on the development of state policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of education, or the federal executive body that performs functions to develop public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of health, or federal the executive authority that performs the functions of the development of public policy and regulatory legal regulation in the field of culture, sample;

State Sampling Document on Education Level and Qualification received before January 1, 2014;

The document on education and the qualifications of the sample established by the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov "(hereinafter - the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov) and the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education" St. Petersburg State University "(hereinafter - St. Petersburg State University), or a document on education and a sample qualification document, established by decision of the collegial body of the educational organization, if the specified document is issued to a person who has successfully passed the state final certification;

Document on education and qualification issued by a private organization engaged in educational activities on the territory of the Skolkovo innovation center, or provided by part 3 of Article 21 of the Federal Law of July 29, 2017 №216-ФЗ "On Innovative Scientific and Technological Centers and changes to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation »Organizations that carry out educational activities on the territory of the innovative scientific and technological center;

The document (documents) of a foreign state on education and qualifications, if the education specified in it is recognized in the Russian Federation at the level of the relevant higher education (not lower than the specialist or magistracy) (hereinafter referred to as the document of the foreign state on education).

1.6. Admission to training is carried out at the first rate. Training on graduate school programs in the CFU is carried out by full-time and correspondence forms of training.

1.7. Admission to graduate student training is carried out at seats in the framework of the control numbers of the admission of citizens to study at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as control figures, budget allocations) and places under education agreements concluded Acceptance of training at the expense of physical and (or) legal entities (hereinafter referred to as contracts for the provision of paid educational services). As part of the reception check digits, the reception quota is allocated for targeted training (hereinafter referred to as the target quota).

1.8. Admission to training is carried out under the following conditions for admission to training (hereinafter referred to as the conditions of admission) with a separate competition for each set of these conditions:

Separately on the head organization, and in its branches;

Separately in full-time and correspondence forms of training;

Separately according to graduate studies, depending on their direction (profile): For each direction of preparation or for each graduate school program (set of graduate school) within the direction of preparation (according to various graduate school programs, training can be carried out in various ways);

Separately as part of the control numbers and under contracts for the provision of paid educational services;

Separately to the place within the target quota and places within the framework of the control numbers less than the target quota (hereinafter - the main places within the framework of the control numbers).

1.9. Acceptance of graduate studies is carried out according to the results of the KFU of entrance tests.

1.10. Consider the rules for admission to educational programs for higher education - training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" of March 14, 2018 No. / 77 .

2.1. When taking training for postgraduate programs on full-time and absentia forms of training in place in the framework of control numbers, for full-time education for training in contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following deadlines are established:

2.2. When taking training for graduate school programs on absentia education for training under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the following deadlines are established:

2.3. Admission to training is carried out on a reception application that applies to the application of the necessary documents (hereinafter referred to as the documents required for receipt).

2.4. The incoming can provide the authority to the trusted person to implement actions for which these Rules have established that they are implemented by incoming, and which do not require the personal presence of the incoming (including submitted to the COP documents necessary for admission, to disclose these documents). The trustee carries out these actions upon presentation of an incoming and executed in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, a power of attorney for the implementation of relevant actions.

2.5. When visiting the CFU and full-time interaction with the CFU officials, the incoming (trustee) places the original document certifying the person.

2.6. Reception of documents necessary for admission is carried out in the KFU buildings, as well as in buildings in which branches are located.

2.7. The documents required for receipt are presented (sent) to the university in one of the following ways:

Submitted by the incoming or trustee to the university;

They go to the university through public postal operators. Documents are sent by letter to the address: Russia, 420008, Kazan, ul. Kremlin, 18, Federal State Autonomous Educational Establishment of Higher Education "Kazan (Volga) Federal University" (FGAOU in CFU), Admissioning Commission of graduate school CFU;

They are sent in electronic form signed by a strengthened qualified electronic signature at: [Email Protected].

2.8. If the documents necessary for admission are submitted to the university by entering or trusted, entering or trusted with a receipt of documents.

2.9. In the case of the directions of documents necessary for admission, through public postal operators or in electronic form, these documents are accepted if they entered the university no later than the deadline for receiving documents established by these reception rules.

2.10. The university hosts on the official website a list of persons who have submitted documents necessary for admission, with an indication of reception or refusal to accept documents (in case of refusal, indicating the reasons for refusal).

2.11. In a learning application, the incoming indicates the following information:

Surname, name, patronymic (if available);

Date of birth;

Information on citizenship (absence of citizenship);

Details of the Personality Document (including an indication when and by whom the document is issued);

Information about the document of the established sample, which seems to be incoming in accordance with paragraph 1.5 of this Regulation;

The receipt conditions specified in paragraph 1.8 of these Rules for which the incoming intends to enter training, indicating the priority of enrollment on various conditions of admission;

Information on the need to create for incoming special conditions when conducting entrance tests due to its disabilities (indicating a list of entrance examinations and special conditions);

Information about the intention to pass the introductory tests is remotely (indicating the list of entrance tests and their placement);

Information on the presence or absence of incoming individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when admission to training in accordance with these Rules (in the presence of individual achievements, indicating information about them);

Information on the presence or absence of the incoming need to provide a place to stay in the hostel during the period of training;

Postal address and (or) email address (at the request of the incoming);

The method of returning documents filed applicants to admission to training (in case of not incurred for training and in other cases established by these Rules).

2.12. The appointment of admission is recorded with the certification of the personal signature of the incoming facts:

1) Familiarization of the incoming (including through public information systems):

With a copy of the license for the implementation of educational activities (with the application);

With a copy of the certificate of state accreditation (with the annex) or with information about the absence of the specified certificate;

With the date (dates) of the completion of the reception of the document of the established sample;

With the rules of admission, approved by the university, including with the rules for filing an appeal on the results of entrance tests;

2) the consent of his personal data entering the processing;

3) familiarizing the information applicant on the need to indicate the application for the reception of reliable information and submission of genuine documents;

4) the lack of an incoming diploma on graduate studies (adjuncts) or a diploma of the candidate of science - when admission to training in place within the framework of control numbers;

5) The obligation to submit a specified sample document no later than the day the admission of the document of the established sample (if the incoming did not submit the specified document when applying for admission).

2.13. When applying for reception, the incoming represents:

Document (documents) certifying personality, citizenship;

The document of the installed sample (the incoming may not submit a document of the established sample when applying; at the same time, the incoming indicates the application for the admission of the obligation to submit the specified document no later than the end of the receipt of the document of the established sample);

If necessary, the creation of special conditions when conducting entrance tests - a document confirming disability (the specified document is accepted if its validity period expires not earlier than the submission of an application for admission; if the document does not specify its validity period, the document is valid during the year, starting with Dates of his issuance);

Documents confirming the individual achievements of the incoming, the results of which are taken into account when admission to training in accordance with these Rules (submitted at the discretion of the incoming);

Other documents (submitted at the discretion of the incoming);

4 photos (3x4) of the incoming.

2.14. The document of the foreign state of education seems to be a certificate of recognition of foreign education, with the exception of the following cases in which the submission of the specified certificate is not required:

When submitting a document of a foreign state on education, which corresponds to Part 3 of Article 107 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ;

When submitting a document of a foreign state on education, which is recognized by KFU on its own in the manner prescribed;

When submitting a document on education that meets the requirements of Article 6 of the Federal Law of 05.05.2014 No. 84-FZ "On the peculiarities of legal regulation of relations in the field of education in connection with the adoption of new actors to the Republic of Crimea and the formation of new actors in the Russian Federation - the republics of the Republic of Crimea the cities of the federal significance of Sevastopol "and on amending the Federal Law" On Education in the Russian Federation "; At the same time, the incoming submissal represents the document (documents) confirming that the incoming applies to the number of persons specified in Article 6 of Federal Law No. 84-FZ.

2.15. Admission can represent originals or copies of documents submitted for admission. Requires copies of these documents are not required.

2.16. The admission statement is submitted in Russian, documents performed in a foreign language - with the translation into Russian, certified in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. The documents received in a foreign state are submitted to legalized in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, or with an affautionary of the apostille (except in cases where, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and (or), the international treaty and the simplicity of the apostille are not required).

2.17. The university returns documents to the incoming if the incoming presented the documents necessary for admission, with violation of these Rules (except for the case when the specified violation applies not to all the receipt conditions specified in the reception statement).

2.18. The university has the right to verify the accuracy of the information specified in the application for the reception and authenticity of the documents filed. When conducting this test, the CFU is entitled to contact the relevant state information systems, state (municipal) bodies and organizations.

2.19. The incoming has the right at any stage of the receipt of training to withdraw documents filed for admission to training, submitting an application for the revocation of documents in one of the methods specified in paragraph 2.7 of these Rules. Persons who recalled documents are dropped out of the competition. KFU returns documents to these persons.

3.1. When admission to training in one educational program, a list of entrance tests, the estimation scale and the minimum number of points cannot differ when taking training in the parent organization and in branches, when admitting various forms of training, as well as when receiving places within the target quota, The main places within the framework of control numbers and places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

3.2. Entrance tests are conducted in Russian.

3.3. The following introductory tests are passed:

Special discipline corresponding to the direction (profile) of the postgraduate program (hereinafter - special discipline);

Foreign language;


3.4. The list of entrance exams for each preparation direction up to October 1, the previous reception is posted on the official CFU website on the Internet section in the "Reception Commission" section.

3.5. Programs of entrance examinations are formed in accordance with the requirements of federal state educational standards of higher education according to the programs of the specialist and (or) program of magistracy.

3.6. Introductory tests are carried out in oral or writing.

3.7. The level of knowledge of the incoming is assessed by the examination committee. Each entrance test is estimated separately.

3.8. In coordination with the Department of Education CFU and the Chairman of the Examination Commission, entrance tests can be carried out using remote technologies.

The introductory test using remote technologies is carried out in real-time video mode individually. Test timetable is accommodated in the manner and timing established by these Rules.

3.9. The maximum amount of points that the incoming can receive in one exam is 100. The minimum number of points confirming the successful passage of the entrance test (hereinafter referred to as the minimum number of points) for each entrance test is 40 points (satisfactory).

3.10. The minimum number of points cannot be changed during the reception.

3.11. One introductory test is carried out simultaneously for all applicants either at various times for various groups of applicants (including as the specified groups of those who have submitted documents necessary for admission).

3.12. For each group of incoming, one entrance test is carried out in one day. At the request of the incoming he may be given the opportunity to take more than one entrance test in one day (if there is such an opportunity at the university).

3.13. The incoming once rents each introductory test.

3.14. Persons who have not passed the introductory test for a valid reason (illness or other circumstances confirmed by documented) are re-allowed for surrendering the introductory test in another group or in a reserve day (if there is an appropriate opportunity in accordance with the schedule of entrance tests).

3.15. During the entrance examinations, their participants and persons involved in their conduct are prohibited to have and use the means of communication. Participants in entrance tests cannot have and use reference materials and electronic computing equipment.

3.16. If there is a violation of this Rules coming during the entrance examinations, authorized university officials have the right to remove it from the venue of the introductory test with the preparation of an act of removal.

3.17. The results of the introductory test are issued by the protocol in which the questions of the examiners for the incoming one are recorded. A separate protocol is conducted on each incoming. Protocols for receiving entrance tests are stored in the personal case of the incoming.

3.18. The results of the entrance test are announced on the official CFU website in the relevant section and at the information booth no later than three working days from the date of the introductory test.

After declaring the results of the written introductory test, the incoming (trustee) has the right to get acquainted with his work (with the work of the incoming) on \u200b\u200bthe day announcement of the results of a written entrance test or during the next business day.

3.19. Persons who received on any introductory testing less than the minimum number of points that have not passed the introductory test without a good reason (including those deleted from the venue of the introductory test), re-admitted to the commissioning of the introductory test and who did not pass the entrance test, reach out of the competition. University Returns documents to these persons.

3.20. When you return to the submitted documents through public utility statements, the documents are returned only in terms of document originals.

3.21. Citizens with disabilities and disabled people will learn entrance tests in the order, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter - individual characteristics) of such incoming.

4.1. According to the results of the introductory test, the incoming (trustee) has the right to file a violation in the appeal commission, according to the incoming, established procedure for introductory testing and (or) on disagreement with the evaluation of the results of the entrance test.

4.2. The composition of the appellate commission is approved before the start of entrance examinations by order of the rector.

4.3. Appeal is filed with one of the methods specified in paragraph 2.7 of Section 2 of the Rules.

4.4. During the consideration of the appeal, compliance with the established procedure for conducting an introductory test and (or) the correctness of the evaluation of the results of the entrance test is verified.

4.5. Appeal is submitted on the day announcement of the results of the entrance test or during the next business day. The appeal of a violation of the established procedure for conducting an entrance test may also be filed on the day of the introductory test.

4.6. Consideration of the appeal is carried out no later than the next working day after the day of its submission.

4.7. The incoming (trustee) has the right to be present when considering the appeal.

4.8. After consideration of the appeal, the appellate commission decides on changing the evaluation of the results of the introductory test or leaving the specified assessment unchanged.

4.9. The decision of the appellate commission declared by the protocol is brought to the attention of the incoming (trustee). The fact of acquaintance of the incoming (trustee) with the decision of the appellate commission is assigned by the signature of the incoming (trustee).

4.10. For each appeal statement, the chairman of the appellate commission or his deputy approves the personal composition of the members of the appellate commission, which is entrusted with the consideration of this application. In consideration of the appeal cannot participate in the examiners who have taken an oral exam or verified written work.

4.11. The Appeals Commission has the right to leave an assessment without a change, change it to a higher or lower, but not entitled to recommend conducting a repeated exam.

5.1. Approaching training has the right to submit information about its individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when admission to training. Accounting for the results of individual achievements is carried out by accrualing points for individual achievements as an advantage with an equal number of points for all entrance tests.

5.2. The incoming submitting documents confirming the receipt of individual achievements.

5.3. Accounting for the results of individual achievements in the form of points is carried out according to the following criteria:

Publications on the topic of the selected scientific direction in the publications indexed in the International WEBINCE and SCOPUS - 3 points for each publication in the international quotation-analytical databases for each publication;

Grant for the implementation of research work on the topic of the chosen scientific direction: as a manager - 3 points, as a performer - 2 points;

Publications on the topic of the chosen scientific direction in publications included in the list of reviewed scientific publications recommended by VAC to publish the main scientific results of theses ("List of Vac"), as well as copyright certificates for inventions, patents - 2 points for each publication, author's certificate or patent ;

Articles, Texts, Abstracts on the topic of the chosen scientific direction, published in the works of international or All-Russian scientific symposia, conferences, seminars - 1 point for each publication;

Diplomas, certificates, certificates of winners of international and All-Russian scientific competitions, student olympiads and creative festivals, the subject of which corresponds to the direction of training (scientific specialty) in graduate school - 1 point for each diploma;

Document on education and qualifications with honors - 1 point.

6.1. According to the results of entrance examinations, the university forms a separate list of applicants for each competition. The list of incoming does not include persons who climbed the less minimum number of points based on the results of one or more entrance tests.

6.2. In graduate school, persons who have a higher number of points scored on entrance tests are credited. The maximum amount of points scored on 3 entrance tests is 300 points. With an equal number of scored points, persons having a higher score on special discipline are credited. With an equal number of scored points for all entrance tests, persons with individual achievements, which are taken into account by the Admission Commission in accordance with Section 5 of these Rules are credited.

6.3. Accounting for the results of individual achievements is carried out by summing up points accrued according to the results of presented (confirmed) individual achievements approved by the minutes of the meeting of the admission committee.

6.4. Control over the accuracy of the information provided for individual achievements is assigned to the admission committee. Copies of documents confirming individual achievements are checked with originals when submitted to the Reception Commission. Applicant is responsible for providing false data.

6.6. In the incoming lists, the following information on each incoming is indicated:

The sum of competitive points;

The number of points for each introductory test;

The number of points for individual achievements;

The presence of the original document of the established sample (application for enrollment for enrollment) (presented in accordance with paragraph 1.5 of the Procedure);

6.7. The incoming lists are posted on the official CFU website and on the information booth and are updated daily (no later than the beginning of the working day) before the publication of the relevant orders for enrollment.

6.8. University establishes the day of completion of the admission of the document of the established sample, no later than which incoming represents:

To enroll in place within the framework of the control numbers - the original document of the established sample;

To enroll in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services - the original document of the established sample or a statement of consent to enrollment with the application of a certified copy of the specified document or a copy of the specified document with the presentation of its original to assign a copy of the Admission Commission.

On the day of completion of the admission of these documents, they are submitted to the university no later than 18 hours.

6.9. Enrolls are subject to applicants that submitted the original document of the established sample (application for enrollment) in accordance with paragraph 8.8 of Section 8 of these Rules. Enrollment is carried out in accordance with the ranked list before filling in the established number of seats.

6.10. Excluded (released before the completion of crediting) within the target quota are added to the main places within the framework of the control numbers according to the same intake conditions.

6.11. Enrollment on places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services is carried out after enrollment to places within the framework of control numbers or, regardless of the deadlines for enrollment within the reference digits.

6.12. Enrollment for training is completed until the day of the school year. The university returns documents to persons not enrolled in training.

6.13. Terms of completion of the receipt of the original document of the established sample or statements about consent to enrollment in accordance with paragraph 2.2 of Section 2 of these Rules, as well as the timing of the publication of orders for enrollment, are established by order of the KFU Rector.

Information on the deadlines to complete the reception of the original document of the established sample or statements about the consent to enrollment in accordance with section 2 of the Rules, as well as the deadlines for the publication of orders for enrollment is posted on the official CFU website on the Internet section in the "Receive Commission" section.

6.14. Orders about enrollment for training are posted on the day of their publication on the official CFU portal and on the information booth and should be available to users of the official site for 6 months from the date of their publication.

7.1. CFU adapts to targeted training within the target quota in the areas of preparation included in the list approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 11, 2019 No. 186-p.

7.2. The reception quota for targeted education is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

7.3. Reception for targeted training is carried out in the presence of an agreement on targeted training concluded between the incoming and body or organization specified in paragraph 1 of Article 71.1 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter - the Customer of the target education) In accordance with the Regulations on the target training and a typical form of the Target Treatment Treaty, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.03.2019 No. 302.

7.4. When applying for admission to target training, the incoming submissal submits, in addition to the documents specified in paragraph 2.13 of this Regulation, a copy of the Target Treatment Treaty, certified by the Customer of Target Training, or an incomplete copy of the specified agreement with the presentation of its original. Admission to the target training in the interests of security of the state is carried out if there is information in the COP of the concluded agreement on targeted training obtained from the relevant federal state body, which is the customer of targeted education, and without the presentation of the coming copies of the Targe Treatment Agreement.

7.5. In the list of applicants within the target quota, information about customers of target learning is indicated.

7.6. In the list of persons submitted for admission, and in the list of applicants within the target quota, information relating to the reception on targeted training in the interests of the state's safety is not specified.

7.7. Enrollment to places within the target quota of persons, the preparation of which is carried out in the interests of the state's security, is issued by a separate order (orders), which is not subject to the CFU on the official website and on the information booth.

8.1. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to receive higher education at the expense of budget allocations in accordance with the International Treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws or by the Government of the Russian Federation, quota for the education of foreign citizens and stateless persons (hereinafter - the quota for the formation of foreign citizens), and at the expense of individuals and legal entities in accordance with the contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

8.2. Admission to training within the quota for the education of foreign citizens is carried out in accordance with the areas of the federal executive body, which performs the functions of government policy and regulatory regulation in the field of education. Enrollment for training within the quota for the formation of foreign citizens is carried out by a separate order (orders) of the CFU.

8.3. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who are compatriots living abroad have the right to receive higher education on par with citizens of the Russian Federation, subject to the compliance with the requirements provided for in Article 17 of the Federal Law of May 24, 1999 No. 99-FZ "On State Policy Of the Russian Federation in relation to compatriots abroad "(hereinafter referred to as Federal Law No. 99-FZ).

8.4. When submitting documents necessary for admission, a foreign citizen or stateless person indicates a statement about the reception of the details of a document certifying the identity or a document certifying the personality of a foreign citizen in the Russian Federation or the person of a stateless person in the Russian Federation in accordance with Article 10 of the Federal Law Of July 25, 2002 No. 115-FZ "On the legal status of foreign citizens in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as a document certifying the identity of a foreign citizen), and represents in accordance with paragraph 1.5 of section 1 of these rules of the original or a copy of the identity document, Citizenship or a document certifying the personality of a foreign citizen.

8.5. A foreign citizen or a stateless person who is compatriots living abroad are presented in addition to the documents specified in Section 2 of these Rules, originals or copies of the documents provided for in paragraph 6 of Article 17 of the Federal Law No. 99-FZ.

8.6. Foreign citizens who come to study on the basis of international treaties submit besides the documents specified in Section 2 of these Rules, documents confirming their assignment to the number of persons specified in the relevant international treaties.

8.7. Reception of foreign citizens and individuals without citizenship for educational programs containing information that make up the state secret is carried out only within the quota for the education of foreign citizens in compliance with the requirements provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

Orderadmission to educational programs of higher education - programs for the preparation of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia from 01/12/2017 N13.

Information on the timing of the beginning and completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, the timing of entrance testing

Testations of admission to training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school CFU in the 2020/2021 academic year:

  • from June 22 to July 31, 2020 - receiving documents to graduate school;
  • from August 10 to August 30, 2020 - carrying out entrance tests;
  • September 4, 2020 - accommodation on the official website of the CFU and the information booth of the Admission Commission of the KFU of the Pofamile List of persons whose enrollment may be considered by the CFU Administration Commission, for each direction of preparation, indicating the amount of scored points for all introductory tests;
  • September 7, 2020 - completion of the reception of the original documents of the established sample from the incoming;
  • September 14, 2020 - edition of orders for enrollment on budget places;
  • September 18, 2020 - Completion of applicable information on consent to enrollment when admission to training on places in the provision of paid educational services.
  • September 30, 2020 - the publication of orders to enroll in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services.

Number of seats for training

The applicants pass the following introductory tests (are arranged in order of priority when ranking incoming lists):
1. Special discipline, appropriate orientation (profile) of training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school;
2. Foreign language;
3. Philosophy.

List of entrance tests and their priority when ranking incoming lists

Score of estimation and minimum number of points confirming the successful passage of the entrance test

Introductory tests are assessed by the examination committee on the stubble system. Each entrance test is estimated separately. The minimum number of points confirming the successful passage of the entrance test is 40 (satisfactory). In this regard, the following compliance scale is set: excellent (80-100 points), good (60-79 points), satisfactorily (40-59 points) in increments of 5 points.

  • Individual achievements are taken into account if they correspond to the chosen direction of training in graduate school;
  • Publications in publications indexed in the international quotation-analytical databases of WEB OF SCIENCE and SCOPUS - 3 points for each publication;
  • Grant for research work: as a manager - 3 points, as a performer - 2 points;
  • Publications in publications included in the list of reviewed scientific publications recommended by VAC to publish the main scientific results of dissertations ("List of Vac"), as well as copyright certificates for inventions, patents - 2 points for each publication, author's certificate or patent;
  • Articles, Texts, Abstracts Reports, published in the works of international or All-Russian scientific symposia, conferences, seminars, monographs, educational and methodological manuals - 1 point for each publication;
  • Diplomas, diplomas, certificates of winner of international and all-Russian scientific competitions, exhibitions, student Olympiads and creative festivals - 1 point for each diploma (diploma);
  • A diploma of higher education with honors - 1 point.

Information on the possibility of submitting documents required for admission in electronic form

To submit documents in electronic form, it is necessary to prepare the entire package of documents according to the requirements (section "Documents"), scan in color with a resolution of at least 200DPI, to name each file by the abbreviated name of the document and the surname of the applicant (for example, "IA application"). Then send to the e-mail address of the training framework of the highest qualification department of the CFU Education Department [Email Protected].

Kazan University is considered to be one of the best higher educational institutions in the country. According to the latest data, KFU is located in the fifth place of the rating of the most popular higher educational institutions in Russia, which was compiled by Yandex. In total, 264 universities of our country are indicated in this list.

As in other universities, it is necessary to dial the required number of score points to receive the required number of points. For the help of applicants at the university, preparation for testing is being prepared. Also, for a number of potential students, entrance exams are carried out in the CFU itself, that is, excluding points on the exam. These include:

- Disabled applicants;

- Foreign citizens;

- incoming on the basis of higher or secondary vocational education.

Documents for receipt

If the number of points you have enough, or successfully commissioned entrance tests at the university itself, you can safely collect a package of documents in which:

- certificate (or diploma of already received education);

- Copies of the passport, SNILS, INN.

- four photos 3x4;

- for a number of specialties will require a decorated medical certificate;

- Appointment certificate.

Budget places

The high quality of education and places in world rankings of the best educational institutions led to what to do in the CFU to the budget was extremely difficult. Those who could not conquer high passing points still have the opportunity to study at Kazan University - learn on a commercial basis. Consider what will be in the COP of training in 2017-2018 academic years.

Prices in KFU for training in undergraduate


CFU is preparing specialists in many directions, so the training price can be different depending on the demand of the specialty, form of training and other factors. Thus, the lowest price for undergraduate programs in 102390 rubles per year is established for the following areas:

Anthropology and ethnologyInstitute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies (hereinafter: IMI)
Pedagogical education (hereinafter: software) (2 profiles)
Regional science of the Russian Federation
Mechanics and Mathematical ModelingInstitute of Mathematics and Mechanics. N.I. Lobachevsky (hereinafter: imm)
Mathematics / (and computer sciences)
With two preparation profiles
Institute of Physics (hereinafter: IF)
BYChemical Institute. A.M. Butlerova (hereinafter: hee)
Prof. Education (by industry)Legal (hereinafter: ÜF)
Fundamental informatics and inf. technologiesInstitute of Computational Mathematics and Information Technologies (hereinafter: Ivmite)
Applied Mathematics and Informatics
Philology (applied)Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication. L. Tolstoy (Next: IFMK)
PO (2 profiles)
Prof. Education (interior design)
SociologyInstitute of Socio-Philosophical Sciences and Mass Communications (hereinafter: IsFNMK)
Political science
Religious studies
PO (2 profiles)Institute of Psychology and Education (hereinafter: IPO)
PSYCHOLOGY-PO (hereinafter: PPO)
TourismInstitute of Management, Economics and Finance (hereinafter: IUEF)
PO (2 profiles)

At a significant part of the specialties in KFU, the price of 114970 rubles is established both for the first year of study and for the next. The list of similar destinations includes:

BiologyInstitute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology (hereinafter: IFMB)
Ecology and environmental managementInstitute of Ecology and Nature Management (hereinafter: IEP)
Land management and cadastry
Soil science
applied mechanicsImm.
Applied InformaticsIvmite.
A television
Public Advertising and Communication
Cartography and geoinformatics
Quality controlEngineering Institute (hereinafter: AI)

The following table shows the specialties in the price range from 116 to 132 thousand rubles per year.

A fairly common price of 14,4600 rubles per year is established for study in the following areas:

Those who have a budget within 160 thousand per year should be applied to the following specialties:

The highest price, 169050 rubles for the year of study, is established for training in the following specialties:


Internally in absentia in KFU can only be trained in two specialties:

  • "Linguistics" in having for 60 thousand rubles per year;
  • "Jurisprudence" on the SMF for 106 thousand 200 rubles a year.


Many applicants who are going to fully work at the time of study are arrived at the correspondence form. In addition to combining work with learning, Zochka also attracts a low cost of learning in CFU in 2017-2018. So, most accessible in terms of cost (only 46,200 rubles per year), the specialties are:

A little more expensive, 53100 rubles for the academic year, will cost training in the following areas:

As for the rest of the specialties, there is much more than more variation of prices:

Training rate in CFU (2017-2018) in the magistracy


Despite the fact that most educational directions in CFU are preparing bachelors, university can also be entered by one of the specialties for masters. The most accessible and at the same time the most common price for full-time training in the magistracy is 113780 rubles per year. It is installed for the following specialties:

The second as an accessibility and prevalence, the price of study is 12,6370 rubles and covers the specialty below.

Nearly 8 thousand more (133,800 rubles) will have to pay annually for training "personnel management" on Jewefe.

Prices for training for the rest of the specialties for masters-glasses can be viewed in the table below.

Cost (thousand rubles for the academic year)DirectionFaculty
144,6 Software engineeringWshitis
Applied InformaticsIvmite.
Business Informatics
Applied math
152,1 Inf. Systems and technologies
Inf. safety
International relationships
Biotechnical systems and technologiesII
154,8 International relationshipsImoiv
160,02 GeologyIntr.
Oil and gas business
160,5 GMUJews
168 Economy
174,9 Economy (Banks and Real Economics)Jews
177,84 History of ArtsImoiv
Technical PhysicsII
271,5 Biology (in English language)IFMB

Correspondence and internally correspondence forms of training

Internally, masters in CFU can be trained in just one specialty: "Management" at the Faculties of the IUEF and VSB. Such preparation will cost 102 thousand rubles per year.

As for the "Zaughter", this form of study at Kazan University is more popular, since it allows you to fully combine work and study. The most inexpensive directions are "Religious Science" and "Theology" in the IPFNMK. For training in these specialties will annually take 45 thousand rubles, and for the study of "history" to the immoiv - 50.1 thousand rubles.

A little big price (53.1 thousand rubles) is established for the following areas of preparation:

For the rest of the specialties, individual prices are installed, which can be seen in the table below:

Prices for training in the KFU specialty

Some specialties in KFU imply a longer training in length in five years. As a rule, this refers to directions, one way or another associated with medicine. It is probably why on a specialty in KFU can only be studied in person.

The most common cost of studying in Kazan University at a specialty - 114970 rubles for each academic year. This price is set for the following directions:

At 121800 rubles per year will be trained in the specialty "Economic Security" at the Faculty of Jews. On the "information", the Safety is installed higher price of 14,4600 rubles.

The most expensive training in CFU on the specialty is the directions of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology. Prices for studies on various specialties fluctuate from almost 140 thousand to 450 thousand rubles per year.

Budget places Kfu.

As in all universities for a number of applicants, the provision of free educational services is guaranteed (naturally within the quota). These include:

  • disabled children;
  • children who are orphans, as well as those who are left without parental care;
  • disabled due to injuries received by time or disease;
  • as well as veterans of hostilities.

Budget seats for listed applicants allocated only 10 percent of the total amount of students adopted for training in CFU in the next year. The calculation is based on the directions of training in order to evenly distribute budget places on specializations.

Scholarships of students KFU.

The scholarship is the financial support for students of secondary and higher educational institutions.

In KFU, it is represented by three types:

- Academic - paid according to the result of the certification, conducted 2 times a year. In the absence of satisfactory assessments and academic debts, the student receives 1590 rubles every month, honors can count on financial support in the amount of 2385 rubles;

- Increased - only 10 percent of students from a number of goodness and excellent students are issued without academic debts for special differences and achievements in certain areas of activity. The size depends on the course on which the student studies, and varies from 500 to 9000 rubles;

- Social - it is issued regardless of the success of school-orphans, disabled children and other students who need social financial support (a more detailed list can always be found on the university website). The size of the scholarship is 2385 rubles.

Payments are made only to students-glads at the expense of the federal budget.

c) information on the timing of the reception, including the deadlines for the beginning and completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission, carrying out entrance examinations, completion of acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment at each stage of enrollment

  1. according to the magistracy programs full-time and part-internally education forms:
  • - additional deadlines only for applicants under contracts for the provision of paid
  • educational services: receiving documents from July 27 to 19; Holding entrance tests from August 20 to August 25.

2. According to the program of magistracy on correspondence form of training:

  • - the term of commencement of the reception of documents necessary for admission - June 20;
  • - the deadline for the completion of the reception of documents necessary for admission - July 26;
  • - additional deadlines for entering foreign citizens under contracts for the provision of paid educational services: receiving documents from July 27 to August 26; Holding entrance tests from August 27 to September 7.

e) Special Rights Information

Special rights upon admission to graduate programs are not provided.

(e) Information on the possibility of passing entrance tests conducted by the organization independently, in the language of the Republic of the Russian Federation, in which the organization is located in a foreign language

Entrance tests are conducted in Russian. Along with the conduct of entrance examinations in Russian, entry tests of the professional orientation in the areas of training "Pedagogical Education", "Philology" can be carried out in the Tatar language.

g) information on the procedure for taking into account individual achievements of the incoming

When taking training on graduate programs: the winners and prize-winners "Olympiads for the federal universities entering the magistracy", as well as the Olympiads held by CFU for entering the magistracy, during the year of the relevant Olympiad, is provided with the preferential right of enrollment upon admission to CFU to the Master's Program In the direction of the Olympiad, with other things being equal.

The results of the winners of the Olympiad "I - Magistrand KFU" can be credited as entranceing tests on the program of magistracy, the appropriates of the Olympiad directions - within one calendar year from the date of receipt of the Olympiad diploma.

The winners of the Olympiad "I - Magistrand KFU" can be equated to persons who received maximum points based on the results of entry tests on the Master's Program, the appropriate areas of the Olympiad - within two calendar years from the date of receipt of the Olympiad diploma.
Diplomuses (winners, winners) of the All-Russian Olympiad of Students "I - Professional" (hereinafter - the Olympiad) can be equated to persons who received maximum points based on the results of entry tests for educational programs / training / integrated groups of areas of preparation of the following level of education, corresponding to the areas of the Olympiad - For two calendar years from the moment of receipt of the Diploma of the Olympics. "

h) information on the possibility of filing documents for admission to training in electronic form

Electronic submission of documents on

i) information on the features of introductory tests for persons with disabilities, disabled

1) The Admission Office ensures entry tests for applicants from among persons with disabilities and (or) disabled (hereinafter, together - incoming disabilities), taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, their individual capabilities and health status (hereinafter - individual features ).
2) Entry tests for applicants with disabilities are carried out in a separate audience.
The number of applicants with disabilities in one audience should not exceed:
when renting an introductory test in writing - 12 people;
when passing the introductory test in oral form - 6 people.
A presence in the audience is allowed during the commissioning of a larger number of admissions with limited health capabilities, as well as conducting entrance tests for incoming health capabilities in one audience in conjunction with other incoming if it does not create difficulties for entering the introductory test.
The presence in the audience during the commissioning of the assistant's entrance test from among the employees of the organization or attracted persons providing the necessary technical assistance coming with disabilities, taking into account their individual characteristics (occupy workplace, move, read and make a task, communicate with teachers conducted by introductory test).

3) The duration of the introductory test for incoming health capabilities is increasing by the organization's solution, but not more than 1.5 hours.
4) Advanced health capabilities can in the process of putting an entrance test to use the technical means necessary for them in connection with their individual characteristics.

When conducting entry tests, the following additional requirements are fulfilled depending on the individual characteristics of the limited health capabilities:
4.1) for blind and visually impaired:
tasks for performing on the opening test are consistent with the assistant;

4.2) For persons with severe speech disorders, deaf, hearing impaired entrance tests, carried out orally, are carried out in writing (additional entry tests of creative and (or) professional orientation, entrance tests when admission to the magistracy - to solve the structural unit);
4.3) For persons with impaired motor functions of the upper limbs or the absence of upper limbs:
written tasks are pressed by assistant;
the introductory tests conducted in writing are carried out verbally (additional entry tests of creative and (or) professional orientation, entrance tests when admission to the magistracy - by decision of the organization).

5) The conditions specified in paragraphs 1-4 of the Rules are granted on the basis of an appointment of admission containing information about the need to create relevant special conditions.
6) CFU can carry out the introductory tests with remote technologies that come with disabilities.

k) Information on the conduct of introductory tests using remote technologies

CFU can be carried out in the manner prescribed by the rules of admission or other regulatory act, introductory tests using remote technologies, subject to the identification of entering entrance tests.

l) Rules for filing and consideration of appeals on the results of entrance tests conducted by the organization independently

The rules for submission and consideration of appeal based on the results of entrance tests conducted by the organization independently provided for in

m) information on the need (absence of the need) passing the coming compulsory preliminary medical examination (survey)

Upon admission to training in the specialties and areas of preparation included in the list of specialties and areas of preparation, when admission to training on which applicants are undergoing mandatory preliminary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner prescribed when concluding an employment contract or a service contract for the relevant position or specialty, Approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 14, 2013 No. 697, incoming undergoing preliminary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner prescribed when concluding an employment contract or a service contract for the respective posts, profession or specialty.

List of specialties and preparation directionswhen admission to which you need to provide copy Medical reference (medical detention) (Form Certificate 086-y):

13.04.01 Thermal Power Engineering and Heat Engineering

04/13/02 Electric power industry and electrical engineering

23.04.01 Transport Process Technology

04/23/02 Ground transport and technological complexes

04/23/03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes

All surveys and consultations of specialists can be passed in the Polyclinic of Professions No. 11 at the address: Naberezhnye Chelny HPP Street. Bathenchuk d. 3 / 59a (Student stop). With you, it is necessary to have a certificate from a psychiatrist at the place of residence.

Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 14, 2013 N 697 Moscow "On approval of a list of specialties and areas of preparation, when admission to training under which applicants undergoing mandatory preliminary medical examinations (surveys) in the manner prescribed when concluding an employment contract or service contract According to the relevant position or specialty. "

h) Programs of entrance tests conducted by the organization independently:

o) Sample Treaty on the provision of paid educational services

To work correctly, we recommend using modern versions of browsers. The electronic submission of documents is an equivalent personal appearance procedure in the CFU Adsid Commission at the submission stage. The procedure for submitting applications for admission to CFU indicating the directions of training and specialties is carried out from any electronic device that has access to the Internet. For registration in the Social and Educational Network CFU "I will be a student" you must have a valid E-mail (email).

If the filling of an e-questionnaire of an applicant is difficult, then you can drive up to the reception committee. Our specialists will help you.

Citizens of preferential category (disabled, orphans) must personally submit documents to the reception office at the address: Naberezhnye Chelny, Peace Ave., 13a (Sport Complex), Kab. 5 and provide immediately a complete package of documents, in addition to the standard package of documents, to confirm the appropriate benefits ("Pink Help". IPR, birth certificate, certificate of death of parents, decisions of the court on the deprivation of parental rights, etc.)

Olympiadnikum (winners and winners of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad, Olympics, which are included in the list, approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation) to speed up the procedure for confirmation of the maximum possible number of points on one or all entrance examinations (in the event of an electronic submission of documents) Reception Commission recommends sending a scanned copy to e-mail Diploma marked "Olympiad".

t) Information about the presence of a hostel (s)

All nonresident students of the CFU 1 courses of full-time education (budget and contract) are provided to a bed-place in four dormitories on the basis of the lists of non-resident students for settlement in the hostel formed in the departments of the Naberezhnevninsky Institute. For the settlement of nonresident students in the hostel allocated 1510 seats. (When submitting documents to the reception commission, it should be noted in the Personal Account that you need a hostel).

Information Source: Reception Commission
