The character in psychology is a qualitative characteristic of the person who combines the sustainable properties of the psyche. This concept combines the qualities and properties that determine the behavior, relationships and individual manifestations. Character is in close relationship with temperament: they determine the peculiarities of the behavior of the individual in various situations. But the temperament is recognized as a congenital feature, while character changes throughout life.


Character in psychology is defined as a high-quality individual characteristic that combines the constant and sustainable features of psyche that determine human behavior and attitude to other people. If you appeal to the literal translation from the Greek language, the character means to accept the feature. Very informative, this topic pretends A. G. Maklakov in the textbook "General Psychology".

The nature of the person unites the totality of all its qualities and properties, which in one way or another affect the behavior, activity and individual manifestations. The combination of essential qualities determine the principles of human activity, as well as the peculiarities of response in various situations. If briefly, the character of a person is formed, is determined and formed throughout life.

Typical ways of behavior of a particular personality are determined by the relationship between the character and personality itself. Distinctive features are determined by the type of nervous system, and the dynamics of the nature of the environmental conditions. And they all have a natural dependence among themselves. Specific combinations are determined by the temperature type. Character in psychology is defined as:

  • a combination of stable motives and behaviors that determine the behavioral type of individual;
  • equilibrium means between the inner and the outside world, the feature of the individual adaptation to the effects of outside;
  • a pronounced feature of the typical behavior of each individual person.

The character trait is a stable and constant stereotype of behavior. According to the direction of development of the individual, it is possible to allocate individual, that is, leading individual traits and general, minor. Leads reflect the essence of the character of a separate personality, and it will be its exact definition. It is worth noting that in various situations a person may show the features, not inherent in him. This is especially true of extreme conditions.

In the system of interpersonal relations, scientists revealed four groups of character traits that form symptom complex:

  • the features characterizing the relationship between the individual with the surrounding people, society, the team (sensitivity, responsiveness, sociability, respectfulness and opposite to them - rudeness, contempt, closure, worn, egoism);
  • the features characterizing how the person belongs to activities, work (hard work, initiative, perseverance, diligence, conscientiousness and opposite - laziness, passivity, irresponsibility);
  • the features that determine the attitude of the person to themselves (modesty, self-criticism, self-esteem and opposite - self-conceit, overestimated self-esteem, vanity, arrogance, susceptibility, arrogance);
  • features of attitudes towards others (thrift - negligence, accuracy - slope).

The main group recognized the features that determine the attitude towards other people. Indeed, according to psychological theory, all the important qualities of the person are being formed in society. It is important that without evaluating behavior around nature, the characteristics of the character cannot be understood.

Manifestations and character content

Knowledge of the character of a person allows you to foresee its actions or actions in a certain situation. This allows you to adjust the behavior with the maximum benefit for others and with minimal losses for the individual itself. Characteristic can not be called all the features, they are only essential and most often manifested. They say about a person with character: "He did, as he had to do, because he had a strong character."

In the formation of specific behavioral stereotypes and lifestyles, the conditions of surrounding are playing a major role. In various social groups, certain character traits and the types of identity are developing. The more favorable possibilities, the higher the level of nature formation. The formation of the best character traits occurs with the high moral and cultural education formation.

Excessive development of any individual traits are called an accentuation. According to behavioral characteristics from a psychological point of view, people are accepted on introverts (closed) and extroverts (sociable). There are also types of character classified at accentuations:

  • Hypertension. It belongs to people sociable, word, with a developed facial man. Also for them is characterized by the manifestation of irritability and frivolity. They have at a high level developed energy and initiative.
  • Distant. Determines the nature of the person with a pessimistic orientation, closedness. Such people feel discomfort in large companies, avoid crowded places. Friends are authority, exacerbated sense of justice. Slow, if we are talking about making an important decision.
  • Cycloid. The mood is often changing, it may be over sociable, then overly closed.
  • Excitable. Very conflicting people. In the family show authority, poorly establish relationships with colleagues. Attentive and neat, if you are in the state of apathy. Very irritable and hot-tempered if the mood is bad.
  • Stuck. True provocateurs, inconspile, are too demanding both towards them and others.
  • Pedantic. At this nature, the pathological traction is detected to notice the little things.
  • Anxious. It is characteristic of self-dedicated personalities, absolutely conflict and weakness. Always try to find support from others, overly self-critical, but friendly.
  • Demonstrative. Self-configured, conflict, bright intrigues. Well adapt to any conditions. They have artistism and extraordinary thinking, but at the same time hypocritical and selfish.

Dominant spiritual or material needs have a direct impact on the change in characteristics of character. Deep and sustainable interests are based on personality self-sufficiency. The insecure man rarely has the meaning and depth of behavioral principles. Such personalities often change their opinion.

The relationship of character and temperament

Temperament and personality character form its structure. Character is high-quality properties, and temperament is a combination of properties affecting the behavior of the individual. As the temperament is manifested, depends on the peculiarities of the nervous system. It is a congenital parameter that practically does not change throughout life, while individual features are formed and changed in any age period.

Character prerequisite is temperament. They are very closely intertwined in the personality structure, but are different from each other in their qualitative features. If you can find and separate people with the same temperament, then each of them will differ much from the other in nature. The power of emotions, attitude towards people, impressionability and other qualities determine the mental incorrect of individuals.

Congenital foundation of temperament contributes to the formation of the personality, as an integral part of the society. Thanks to it, the dynamism of the flow of both behavioral and mental processes is determined. The temperament does not determine the conviction of views and interests, but provokes behavioral reactions, pace and intensity of mental processes. In accordance with the interconnection of the nature and temperament, four psychotypes of the individual, which are most fully described in the works of A. G. Maklakova:

  1. 1. Choleric - have impulsive, fast and impustic temper. These personalities are distinguished by unbalanced features, are subject to frequent emotional flashes. Nervous processes are in a state of increased excitability, because of what a person often gets tired. Choleric constitute a major risk group of persons experiencing stressful situations and the state of panic attacks.
  2. 2. Melancholics - suffer from permanent apathy and excessive vulnerability. Even the slightest obstacles cause panic and sharp experiences. Frequently characterized as individualized by self-esteem and unrealized plans. Very suspicious, apathetic, sinkless and uncommunicable.
  3. 3. FLEGMATICS - Sustainable in their aspirations and endeavors. Initiatives, successful, active and calm. Hide his emotions, they are difficult to remove from equilibrium or provoke to conflict. Understood actions in work or communication are compensated by adjacent and loyalty. Unshames in their views, they know how to listen, but take other people's advice in exceptional cases.
  4. 4. Sanguines are active personality, with a lively and mobile warehouse of the mind that do not like secrecy and slowness. Rapid response Even in the most extreme conditions makes them leaders in any social group. Failures and losses perceive as proper and begin to act even more active. They achieve their goals, but hard work differ only when the work gives them true joy.
  • 2. Athletics people are distinguished by high growth, wide chest and developed muscles. Power and restrained. Hide their feelings from others and do not allow to interfere in personal life. Poor adapt in new conditions, practical, unprepaid, stingy on compliments and pleasant words.
  • 3. Asthenics people are thin with poorly developed muscles and an elongated face. Serious, closed and stubborn personals. With a negative attitude towards changes and innovations. Prefer loneliness to noisy companies. Possess an increased degree of anxiety, stubborn, selfish.
  • According to psychological research, the character changes throughout the life of a life path with the formation of those traits that are important for specific circumstances. In the period of 20-30 years there are experiences concerning the creation of the family and the birth of children. The state of love, the establishment of new connections at work and in the group of friends is prevalent over others. At the age of 30-40 years most people are obsessed with plans and goals about the future. All active activities are directed to the realization of the conceived.

    Upon reaching 50 years, the attention of each personality is focused on the assessment of the life achieved for the living. Individual properties are modified, wisdom comes, dimension, tolerance. After 60 years, most persons begin to worry about the lived years. I always want to nostalgate and not think about the future. Slave features of character dimension, slowness, peacekeeping.

    Surely you had to hear the phrase: "How many people, so many characters". From the point of view of psychology, this statement is correct, because there are no two identical people. We are distinguished by the principles, favorite hobbies, reaction to different events and stimuli. It is the types of character of a person, the individual combination of personal qualities determine the actions of people.

    Temperament - features and classification

    The character determination is a set of persistent, relatively constant, determining the attitude of a person to the world and its behavior. Experts identify several criteria for which the classification of temperaments occurs.

    It should be noted that psychologists consider temperament and character as two complementary concepts. The formation of a personality occurs under the influence of individual behaviors. It should be understood that the features and types of character are formed and manifested under the influence of temperament.

    We understand the terminology

    Before moving towards the topic - the education of the personality - it is necessary to understand the main concepts, namely, temperament and character - what differences.

    • - human behavior in various situations. This is a combination of individual qualities that a person acquires throughout life. Features of the personality are determined by the social environment in which the identity is developing.
    • Temperament - emotional response to external stimuli. These are the innate properties of a person, due to the biological and mental features of the individual.

    It is important! Specific character traits are disclosed depending on the social environment and the environment where a person turns out. The temperament does not change and remains constant, regardless of conditions and concomitant circumstances.

    In psychology, it is customary to assess only the features and types of individual qualities of a person. It can be said that a person has a good, bad or strong, but no such estimates apply to temperament. Based on the estimated judgments, the specialist identifies personal disadvantages and selects the strategy to eliminate them.

    Various typology of individual qualities

    The most popular is the typology proposed by a psychologist from Germany as Krechmery. In his opinion, the types of character of a person depend on the peculiarities of his figure and physique.

    Classification by Krechmera

    1. "Picnics". Externally, it is dense, prone to overweight people, low or medium height, a large head, short neck and small features of the face. From a psychological point of view, such people are cyclotimics - emotional, easily come to contact, quickly adapt to new circumstances and living conditions. It is in this category that people inclined to manic-depressive syndrome are most often found. In read about disharmonious identity development.
    2. Athletics. Externally, these are high people with broad shoulders, strong muscles and chest. From a psychological point of view, people like "Ixotimics" are practical, restrained. Weaknesses of character - authority, inability to show emotions and adapt to new circumstances. With complex psychological disorders, such people develop epilepsy.
    3. "Asthenics". People of this type can be found on a thin physique, insufficiently developed muscles, long legs, hands and an elongated face. The psychological type - schizotic - they are human stubbornness, closure and inability to adapt to life circumstances. People of this psychological group are prone to schizophrenia.

    Types of character in Jung's classification

    Another classification was suggested by the Swiss Psychiatrist Karl Gustav Jung. The dominant criterion of typology is the dominant emotional functions - feelings, intuition, thinking and sensation. In his opinion, the external or inner world prevails in each person to a certain extent. In this regard, Jung classifies people into two types - introverts and extroverts.

    The introverts are closed, focused on their inner world, are deliberately separated from external circumstances. They tend to analyze events, worry, listen to personal feelings and. So people are difficult to get acquainted and change habits.

    Extraverts are direct, open to communication, active. They have a lot of friends, because the worst for the extrovert is loneliness. Favorite passion - travel, and a favorite way to rest - a story with friends, tell the anecdotes and, of course, become a soul of the company.

    Types of character for temperament

    Another common classification is a comparison of a specific temperament with specific individual qualities. In this case, it is necessary to consider that in everyday life it is impossible to meet a person with pronounced features of a particular temperament. People are more inherent in mixed temperament types.

    1. Choleric - It is peculiar to such manifestations - gustiness, the rate of decision making, passion and impass. What character traits require correction - emotional impassable and fast fatigue. Cholerics are characteristic of quickly and is irrational to spend their strength.
    2. Phlegmatic person - leisure, emotionally stable, does not show emotions. What qualities dominant are perseverance, balance, performance and adjacent in operation.
    3. Melancholic - A person who is peculiar to the experiences on each even minor event. Weaknesses of character - emotional vanity, excessive impressionable.
    4. Sanguinik - It is a movable, "alive" person, with frequent change of mood. What traits of the nature of the dominant - quickly responds to all events, it is easily experiencing trouble. It has expressive facial expressions and high productivity in, but provided that the task is interesting for him.

    Many are interested in the question - whether character changes. Indeed, personal qualities are formed and change throughout life. The process in early childhood begins. The first individual traits in the child are already manifested in preschool age, parents can highlight a certain image of behavior and attitude to the world.

    If you want to raise a child with a strong person, to form perseverance, courage and excerpt from the baby, bring it to collective games with a specific plot and rules.

    How to raise the character and teach a child to work and responsibility? Since childhood, entrusted the baby. Simple tasks are gradually complicating them. Thus, the child is formed discipline, excerpt, the behavior and the baby is determined to learn to evaluate their actions and decisions. Thus, happens.

    The new stage begins with the admission of a child to school when his ability to communicate with classmates is manifested, performing new responsibilities. As a result of the change in the situation and the lifestyle, the child develops organized, accuracy, hard work.

    It is important! In childhood, the child's character and their habits affect the identity of the kid. School team playing a major role in school in school - Classmates, teachers.

    The nature of the child is revealed by the following areas during school study:

    • organizations and systematic;
    • dedication and perseverance;
    • accuracy and hard work;
    • discipline;
    • consciousness of debt and responsibility to the school team;
    • collectivism and sense of partnership.

    In adolescence, personality characteristics are developing most actively, because at this age the child is attracted to adulthood, higher demands are presented to it. Feelings such as debt, responsibility, participation in the collective life of the class are manifested more consciously.

    Change the nature of the child is possible. Psychologists note that there are no children, the personal characteristics of which could not be transported. However, the process requires the participation of a specialist who will be able to determine the shortcomings of nature and will select the most effective strategy for further action.

    How to educate better personality characteristics

    The best benefit on improving nature is the book Brooks Brooks "Way to Character". She tells how many successful people say: "Yes, you can wake up your best personal qualities and fully realize yourself."

    First of all, a strong character requires education from an early age. The task of parents is to form a certain worldview that determines the behavior and actions. To do this, use a certain system that involves a combination of game, labor and training activities, in the process of the child accumulates the useful skills of proper behavior.

    It is necessary to put a child in such conditions so that the activities of the baby fully corresponded to the prompt principles. It is impossible to raise a strong character, if you do not offer the child conditions in which he needs to show courage.

    The most important means of raising a strong character is labor. Trusting a child socially significant tasks that require overcoming difficulties, you raise such features of a harmonious and successful personality:

    • dedication;
    • perseverance;
    • collectivism.

    It is important! One of the conditions for the competent organization of educational events is the coherence of educational events at school and parental education.

    Self-education of character is the most important stage of the formation of personal qualities. Teach the child to reading, because on the example of the literary heroes, he compares his behavior, learn to make a decision, contact with friends and adults. Another step of successful self-education is the ability to restrain the unwanted habits. Remember the expression - we sleep the habit, get married. So that in the future did not have to adjust negative individual qualities, pay attention to children's habits.

    In order to promptly recognize and eliminate the negative traits of nature, parents must interact educators in kindergarten and teachers at school. The personal qualities of the child are largely formed under the influence of adult judgments and actions.

    About the types of people and personal qualities - look at the video.

    This is a combination of individual mental properties of the personality, which are formed in the activity and manifest themselves in behavior.
    Main feature and difference character from synonymy concepts in that character always Manifested in activities, in relation to and human behavior.
    We judge the character of a person on the basis of his actions and actions. For example, we are talking about that man responsible, purposeful, decisiveIf, for example, its attitude and behavior in work, the team corresponds to these manifestations.
    Only stable and stable characteristics for this person, for example, even very funny people may feel the feeling of sadness, but they will not be twisted and pessimists.

    Character formation

    The formation of character occurs under the influence of various social groups: family, School, Company of friends, Institute, Working Group.

    Parents and family are influenced by the very first influence on the child, and therefore it is very important which foundations are laid for a small child.
    During life, character changes. For the development of nature, life circumstances, lifestyle, development of views and values \u200b\u200bof man have the impact.

    Traits - These are the mental properties of a person who determine his behavior in typical circumstances.
    Allocate different classifications character traits.

    In one of the classifications, character traits are associated with mental processes and allocate volizage, emotional and intellectual traits.
    Solving traits: Demanding, perseverance, self-control, independence, activity, organization, etc.
    Emotional traits of character:pryingness, impressionability, burning, inertness, indifference, responsiveness, etc.
    Intelligent features:deepiness, intelligence, resourcefulness, curiosity, etc.

    In another classification, the character traits allocate by the nature of the attitude of a person to activities, other people, to themselves and to things.
    In relation to person to other people: sociability, goodwill, responsiveness, respect, etc.
    In relation to man to work: Diligence, responsibility, initiative, perseverance, etc.
    In relation to the person to itself: Self-esteem, self-criticism, self-conceit, egocentrism, etc.
    In relation to the person to things:accuracy, thrift, slope, etc.

    Character and temperament

    Temperament and character are interconnected in the personality structure, but have a number of fundamental differences:

    character has a social nature (formed during life), temperament has a biological nature (laid at birth).
    - Character changes, temperament remains stable

    Temperament affects the development of individual character traits. Some properties of temperament contribute to the formation of certain character traits, others counteract. For example, phlegmatic temperament does not contribute to the formation of hot spirits and irritability.

    The dynamic characteristics of character also depend on the temperament. For example, quick temper will be brighter to manifest themselves at the choleric than the Sanguinique.

    And in turn, depending on a number of character, a person can restrain the unwanted circumstances of the occurrence of temperament. For example, restraint and tactfulness will be able to restrain the manifestations of choleric temperament.

    Types of character

    There are a number of theories offering a description of the types of characters.
    E. Srecmerdescribed 3 types of character depending on the type of human body. Types of Krechmera characters: Schizotic (asthenic), Xotymik (Athletic), Cyclothimik (Picnic)

    German psychologist Karl Leongard described 12 types of characters of accentuated personalities. The accentuation is a pointed trait of the nature between the norm and pathology (psychopathy).

    Later his ideas developed A.E.Lichko, but its typology of characters is more and more to the pathology of characters.

    Erich Fromm.- The famous representative of Neofreedism brought the following main types of social characteristics: "Mazochist Sadist", "Destroyer", "Conformist-Avtomat".

    Karl Jung. - The Swiss psychologist and psychiatrist - proposed his theory of identity types depending on the allocation of the dominant mental function (thinking / feeling, intuition / sensation) and the direction of the external or internal world (extracetic and introverting types).

    In the consequence of the idea of \u200b\u200bKarl Jung were developed Isabelle Myers Briggs.. She proposed the theory of types, which described 16 types of personality - 16 types of human characters.

    Features of behavior, communication, attitudes towards people, subjects, work, things show the character traits that individual possesses. According to their aggregate, the opinion of the person is determined. Such clichés as the "soul of the company", "boring", "pessimist", "Cynic" become the result of the evaluation of the character traits of a person. Understanding how the character is arranged, helps in building relationships. Moreover, it applies to both their own qualities and other people.

    Man character traits: classification.

    2. Other people

    • Clearness-sociability. Shows the openness of a person, his discrepancy, how easy it is to get acquainted, how he feels in a new company, the team.
    • Truthfulness faith. Pathological lies lie even in trifles, hide the truth, easily betray. There are people who embarrass reality, most often they do this due to the fact that reality seems to them boring or not enough.
    • Independence-conformity. This quality shows like a person. Whether he is leaning to his experience, knowledge, opinion or goes on someone and it is easy to suppress.
    • Roughness-politeness. Nalled, internal experiences make a man rude. Such people are rude in queues, public transport, disrespectfully belong to subordinates. Politeness, although it relates to positive traits, may have a mercenary oppression. She can also be an attempt to get away from confrontation.

    3 things

    • Accuracy-slope. Creative disorder or pedantic cleanliness in the house can show how neat man. It is possible to characterize it in appearance. Ruddy people often cause antipathy, and there are no always wishing to consider a broad soul for external suggestion.
    • Chickenness-negligence. It is possible to evaluate a person by its attitude to accumulated property, borrowed subjects. Although this trait of a person was in a real group, it can manifest itself towards people.
    • Greed and generosity. To be called generous, it is not necessary to be a philanthropist or give the latter. At the same time, excessive generosity is sometimes a sign of irresponsibility or an attempt to "buy" someone else's location. Greedness is expressed not only in relation to other people, but also to themselves when a person because of fear remain without money, saves even in trifles.

    4. Own Ya

    • Require. When this line of personality is pronounced, two extremes appear. A person who is demanding about himself is often the same strict and to others. He lives according to the principle "I could, then, and others can." It may not be tolerant to other heavy weaknesses, not understanding that every individual. The second extreme is built on uncertainty. The person is self-hearted, considering himself not perfect enough. A bright example can serve, workolism.
    • Self-critical. A person who can criticize himself is healthy. Understanding, adoption and analysis of their achievements and lesions helps in the formation of a strong personality. When the balance is broken, is observed either, or self-called.
    • Modesty. It is necessary to understand that modesty and are different concepts. The first is based on the value system, grafted when upbringing. The second is a call to development. In normal condition, modesty is manifested in moderation, peace of mind, knowledge of the measure in words, expressing emotions, financial spending, etc.
    • Egoism and egocentrism. Similar concepts, but the feature here is egoism, but egocentrism is a way of thinking. They only think about themselves, but use others for their own purposes. Egocentrics are often misanthropes and who do not need others, who consider that no one is worthy.
    • Self-esteem. Shows how the identity feels internally. Externally, it is expressed in high assessment of its rights and social value.

    Evaluation of personality and types of characters.

    In addition to the main features of the nature of the relationship in the system, psychologists also identify other spheres:

    • Intellectual. Resourcefulness, curiosity, frivolity, practicality.
    • Emotional. Personality, sentimentality, impressionability, quick temper, cheerfulness.
    • Volitional. Courage, perseverance, purposefulness.
    • Moral. Justice, responsiveness ,.

    There are motivational traits, which move the personality, determine its guidelines. As well as instrumental features, they show what exactly the desired method will be achieved. So, for example, the girl can manifest themselves when she persistently and initiatively achieves the lover.

    About what kinds of character are, put forward the theory of Gordon Alport. The psychologist divided them into the following types:

    • Dominant. They determine the behavior of the individual as a whole, regardless of the sphere, and at the same time affect other qualities or even overlap them. For example, kindness or greed.
    • Normal. They are also expressed in all. These include, for example, humanity.
    • Minor. They do not particularly affect something, are often arising from other features. For example, adhering.

    There are typical and individual properties of the person. Typical is easily grouped, noticing one of the dominant qualities or several secondary, you can "draw" a personal portrait in general, to determine the type of character. It helps to predict actions, it is better to understand a person. So, for example, if an individual is responsiveness, then most likely he will come to the rescue in a difficult situation, will support, hearse.

    Positive and negative character traits.

    Personality is a balance of positive and negative qualities. In this regard, everything is conditional. For example, it is considered a bad property, but some psychologists argue that it can become a motive for working on himself or improving his life. The curvature of positive traits, on the contrary, can lead to their transformation into negative qualities. Persistence develops into obsession, initiative to egocentricity.

    Strong and weak character traits should be distinguished, they often have to remember when filling the summary. Many they are terrified, because it is not easy to evaluate themselves. Here, a small crib:

    • Weak. Formality, irritability, impactivity, impulsiveness, inability to silent or say no.
    • Strong. Persistence, sociability, patient, punctuality, organization, determination.
    • Negative. , vitality, cruelty, tune.
    • Positive. Kindness, sincerity, optimism, openness, peacefulness.

    Character features are formed as a child, but they may change, transform depending on life circumstances. It's never too late to change what I don't like.

    Each person has its own character. And the characters of men and women are generally different. What are the positive qualities of a person inherent in women and men? How are the same qualities manifest as representatives of a strong and weak half of humanity?

    Man as creating nature is represented by the creature special, multifaceted. He is able to think, analyze, feel, make actions and various actions that benefit and harm both to himself and the world around him.

    His behavior is influenced by such concepts as morality and morality. All this creates the character of Homo Sapiens, makes man a man.

    What is character

    The character of a person is a combination of sustainable mental processes (properties) that affect his behavior and manifest themselves in its actions. Each of us has its own set of qualities, which drives various actions.

    Some character traits depend on the type of nervous system, others are formed under the influence of the environment.

    Each person has its own set of qualities, the list of which includes positive and negative features. They are formed under the action of surrounding people and life circumstances.

    Depending on the state of the environment, society and the degree of its influence on the individual, people can prevail good and bad character qualities.

    The presence and superiority in the human character of certain qualities depends on many indicators: temperament, families, faith, geography of residence and, of course, from sexual sign.

    A man and a woman are different not only by external data, but also behavioral manners affecting their inner motivation. The description of the "right" qualities of both sexes shows the general and different in their characters.

    Positive qualities of man

    The division into negative and positive qualities of a person occurs under the action of a public assessment. People themselves determine: "What is good, and what is bad."

    What brings benefits, material and spiritual benefits, pleasure and joy, pleasant emotions, considers good.

    A person in whose character there is a lot of positive qualities is a role model. However, it is known that "bad people do not happen." So division on "+" and "-" quality conditionally. It all depends on the identity and society relationship system.

    In accordance with these indicators, 4 groups of character traits can be distinguished(Since we are talking about positive qualities, only they will be marked in each group and their list can be continued) :

    1. Attitude to society, team: sociability, collectivism, sensitivity, responsiveness, respect for people, kindness, goodwill.
    2. Attitude to activity: hardworking, conscientiousness, operational, discipline, responsibility, perseverance in achieving the goal.
    3. Attitude towards yourself: self-esteem, modesty, pride, self-critical, honesty.
    4. Attitude towards things: Everness, accuracy, generosity, selflessness.

    In each person, certain features prevail, which makes it different from the other. The personal advantages of one people make others admire them, take an example with them.

    Manifestation of character traits in men and women

    Women Men
    • · By nature, more sociable;
    • · Can speak for a long time, as you please and with anyone;
    • · Easy and quickly enter into verbal contact. The topic of the conversation does not matter.
    • they say more with familiar people essentially in the case;
    • narrow number of topics;
    • it is more difficult to tie a conversation and quickly stop it, if he is not interesting to them.
    easily agree to the request for assistance and provide it as their strength and opportunities. respistance connects with rationalism: how to help with maximum benefit to help.
    • · Manifests all: animals, children, old men, men;
    • · Borders with sacrifice.
    selective, well thought out, rational;
    Caring for others
    everyone is present without exception and finds a manifestation in children, a man, parents, at home sincere empathy and care for relatives and other people's people; manifests itself in making money and ensure family.
    often committless acts, however, they always know what they want, but more at an intuitive level The ability to clearly submit and formulate goals, determine the ways to achieve them and seek implementing
    different in good partnership and discipline at any age the quality characteristic of most adult men, but not boys
    "Bee", "spins like a protein in the wheel," can simultaneously perform various cases (especially at home) most hardly workers, but aimed at solving one practical task
    Important quality that is present most are not distinguished by accuracy in clothes, receiving food, as they consider it secondary: "Dirt tanks are not afraid"
    Embrances - generosity
    transzhira in the money, but ongoing in things; generosity is manifested in emotions and feelings they know the price earned money, so they try to be overwhelmed; generosity is weighed and rational. Generous man always adore women
    Characteristic for most loving ladies. In women, loyalty agrees with devotion men polygamus, so to keep loyalty to one woman for some of them - nonsense. However, there are many alielubes among them

    Thus, the same character traits in men and women can manifest themselves in different ways. But there are among the set of qualities those belong only to a weak half and those who possess courageous people.

    Main features of women

    • Woman's intuition. Feelings of a woman, her understanding and analysis pass through the heart, which perceives the surrounding and gives him an assessment. Often she avoids some actions, without thinking about anything. Just it stops something, as if she picks up for children, her husband, parents, with which she is supporting and supporting.
    • Patience. A woman is able to withstand any pain, physical and moral, moral humiliation and whims of a man. In family life, female patience and wisdom are especially important, as they save marriage.

    • Tenderness, soft, sensuality, love - mandatory female qualities. They are inherent in every representative of weak gender. They force men to make actions and support them in a difficult moment.
    • Empathy - Quality that does not give a woman to pass by and not to support the need for a helpful, which leads to sincere compassion.
    • Romantic. This feature possesses every woman who dreams of a "Prince on a white horse", "hovers in the clouds" in "pink glasses".
    • Meekness, The ability to silence when over the head "Thunder and Lightning", the ability to move anger and indignation of a man.
    • Mystery. Each woman should be a mystery, not affordable to comprehend a man. If a woman is an "open book", it loses interest in a strong floor.

    • Women's weakness. The powerlessness of the weak floor representatives is not manifested in what it does, but in what it is capable of. Many women, having a strong character, keep him in secret and do not show anyone. But at the right moment, durability and will appear, which for others become a surprise.

    Main features of men

    • Masculinity, strength, courage, the ability to make actions is purely male qualities that make it attractive in the eyes of a woman.
    • Perseverance and purposefulness, pragmatism and the ability to seek their own character of a volitional person who can create. It is the creativity of a man that allows you to create new cities and establish connections.
    • Dedication - The quality that moves the power of the floor to the feats and accomplishment with the price of his life.

    • A responsibility. Most men think not about themselves, but about their children, his wife, loved ones. This makes them reliable and able to protect what they really are expensive.
    • freedom - One of the features that allows a man to realize himself in life and for which they stand until the latter. For each of them, internal and external freedom, which give him many possibilities.
    • Scale thinking And independence in decision-making make a man strong and confident in themselves, able to make discoveries and move progress.
    • A sharp mind and a special sense of humor - Qualities that help others in good time and in a difficult moment.

    The main qualities characteristic of representatives of different floors are indicated here, but there are much more differences.

    Video: Exercises for the development of good qualities
