Vitya Korobok

Pioneers heroes

Moscow, kid, 1980

Pioneers heroes are Soviet pioneers who have committed feats during the formation of the Soviet authorities, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War. The official list of "Pioneers-Heroes" was decorated in 1954 with the compilation of the honorable book of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V. I. Lenin.

Artistic and documentary story.

Artist V. Yudin.

Ekaterina Josephovna Suvorin

Vitya Korobok

Vitya Korobok

Sheeps and rinsing the sea. Green waves with white foam scallops roll on the sandy beach. Rolled and run away in the sea.

Vitya stands on the embankment and follows the waves. That's what huge came, just before his legs did not come. And for her one more. He bounced back, took out a pencil from the bag, a notebook. "Eh, trouble, all the notebook is written. Never mind! You can draw on the cover. "

Vitya sat on the pile of pebbles, washing the sea, the bag is on his knees, the notebook on her and began to sketch waves. "If you come out, I will show Nikolay Stepanovich" ...

No, I did not have time to draw. Failed.

Now I wanted to draw something completely different. Mountains, and in the mountains partisans. When the school was on the excursions, drove through Shepetovka to Kiziltash to the Sudak himself. Here in the Civil War, all the roads were segged by partisans ...

Sit on pebbles coldly ...

Vitya jumped up, threw a notebook in a bag and ran home.

On Sunday, he long considered in the gallery of the picture of Aivazovsky. Nikolai Stepanovich Barsamov, the artist, head of the gallery, came to him, spoke about the picture "Ninth Val".

He had already watched Vitina drawings earlier. They liked it - ordered to bring new ones, show him.

"How to be a real artist! .."

On the way home, Vitya ran to his friend.

- Ege! Yura! Are you at home?

- At home! - Once in response.

- We will write down today!

They decided to keep a diary, to record everything interesting in it, which happened to them.

And we still agreed to write the story of two buddies-Ruvantsi, about all their practices, adventures.

- We will write about yourself, right? - asked Yura.

"To myself and not about myself," Vitya laughed. - One let's call ... Tom. It seems to be me. Okay? And you - you will be bin. Okay?

"Okay," Jurah agreed, - Ben and Tom.

"Yes," said Vitya, Tom and Ben.

And they began to sing:

Tom and Ben, Tom and Ben!

Benom, Benom!

It became very fun. They sang a few more times, then Vitya jumped up:

- completely forgot! Coal from the cellar must be brought.

Another day after the lessons of Vitya said:

- Listen, Ben, I call you in the mountains. We will look for dugout partisans there.

Yura laughed:

- You see, Tom, I am pleased, but if we leave for a long time, my grandmother will grieve, honestly ... that is, not my grandmother, but Ben.

- What?! - shouted tom. - Ben never had a grandmother! ..

Both took place.

"You know what," Vitya said seriously, "say it's frowning. Do you agree to travel or not?

- I? Travel? - asked Yura. - This minute? Wait a minute. Me or bin? ..

Vita had real journey. This year he studied well, and he was sent to Artek from school.

He was driving and rejoiced all that he was waiting for him. Once he was already in Artek. There, boats and boats, they rolled all the guys far into the sea; There swing, stilts, even bicycles ...

Vita liked when the mountain was singing in the morning, when they raised the Arktov flag, and he got into the wind ...

Divities arranged different games, went hiking ... And in the evening they gathered by the fire, and the leader Zoya told about the heroes of the civil war, about the partisans. Then everyone sang the favorite song Viti.

Suddenly trouble came. On the radio announced that the war began with the fascists. The guys quit, listened to the conversations of the elders.

On the other day above Artek appeared fascist bombers.

Children from the artequa began to hurry on homes.

Leased and Vitya. He worried about his father, who has recently been sick, and about Mother: "Probably, I'm worried about me."

Sirena roared in the port. Enemy airplanes dumped bombs.

Victoria Karpovna did not find a place.

- We must leave for the village. Most likely returned Vitya ...

From the bus stop, Vitya did not go, and ran.

That's there, the explosions, clouds of smoke and dust, were heard upwards.

"That's what she, war, terrible ..." - thought Vitya.

He was already at the wicket when he heard the opposing whistling whistling bomb. In the window of the second floor there was a glimpse of the mother. A cloud of rubble, dust, bricks clouded with a crash. The wall of the house together with the window was crumbled and fell. "Mum!" - shouted Vitya.

Father was in the yard, rushed to the destroyed house.

Together with the vita and passing redarmers, the mother was digging. "Ambulance" took her to the hospital.

Fascists broke into the city. Many people who did not have time to leave, went to the mountains.

The fascists were enough for the first suspicion, hung on the embankment - they put the gallows there - or hid in the trucks for the city and shot in the rock.

In the city it became gloomy, scary. People with caution ran through the streets.

Father sat at home, looked into the blanket, his shiny.

It was difficult to twit: it is necessary to get food, bread, cooking praise, heat the oven ...

But we tweak only twelve years.

Fascists sent after her father, demanded that he worked in the printing house. Mikhail Ivanovich did not want to go. He threatened the Gestapo.

Upset, he dressed and gone to consult with friends.

The other day the father was going to work in the printing house. Vitya looked at him.

"Don't see Kosovo," her father looked at his son. - So necessary. If we do not fight, we will turn everything into slaves ...

Vitya often walked through the streets of the city, like all the boys. The Germans did not pay attention to him, he looked under his years.

Vitya saw: the fascists hijacked in Germany women, children. Those who remained, forced to go to work: clean the port from rubble and iron after bombing, steering the coast of barbed wire ...

Vitya regretted that he was still small, and then he would have been fought for a long time on the front with a rifle in her hands or, maybe shouted from the machine gun ... And now what could he do?

Soon there was a rumor among the inhabitants: partisans appeared in the mountains. They attacked fascists, put mines - exploded and flew into the abyss of the car.

Vitya decided: "I'll go to the partisans!"

These days, Vitya somehow made friends with his cousin Sasha, also a schoolboy, together was rushed around the city. Somehow they went to the house where Yura lived, find out what with him. In the courtyard, the German day put Samovar. Imagining the moment, they entered the room. There was no one there. On the shelf, next to the officer fodder, was lying browning. Vitya grabbed him, sachet nodded, and they ran away.

The revolver was burned in the hollow in the mountains.

A few days later, Vitya and Sasha were asked to help the soldier unload the car. The soldier even promised to give bread and sugar.

Vitya, tanic boxes, groped the cartridges and pockets.

There were three weeks.

Nobody came with the search. So it cost.

Late in the evening, Vitya dug browning, brought home, he wanted to hide in the Seine, so that with the first opportunity to go to the city to the partisans. Knocked in the door. Opened a neighbor, doctor Nina Sergeevna. I had to go to the room with browning and cartridges in your pocket. Father and an unfamiliar man were sitting at the survey.

"That's my son," said Father. - The guy is deft. Clever.

Vitya smiled. He never praised him so much.

The man began to ask Vitu if he noticed, where the Germans are standing, their cars, guns. Can not Vitya find out where the headquarters are located.

"And I already know," said Vitya. - There is headquarters in the Kachmar Lane. There are many fascists.

"That's what ..." said the stranger, "the exact data is needed. Understood? Accurate.

"I understand," Vitya answered quietly and got up.

His heart jumped. Vitya did not know that it was a scout of the front Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozlov, but he felt that this was his own man and he had to help.

- And that's what else ... You did not see me and do not know. - And I turned to Mikhail Ivanovich: - I need to pass.

"We print," the father replied, "just a sample to get."

"Uncle Kolya called me," said the stranger and knocked down the hollow pocket of Viti: "Give weapons." Your business is different.

- I understood, - worried, answered Vitya. - I wanted to leave for the partisans.

- You need here. Komsomolets?

- I did not have time. Pioneer only.

- It's also good. So we agreed. And yet - it is impossible to record. Remember. I do not look for me - I will find you. Act, brother, serving the Soviet Union.

- Serving the Soviet Union! - with pride repeated Vitya. His eyes shone.

For all days now, Vitya walked along the streets first with Sasha, then one. I watched where the troops are located where the generals, officers live. Satisfied with the soldiers, He greeded in German, fucked, asked new words, listened to conversations ... And he himself remembered well, what tools unload in the port from ships, how many tanks, anti-aircraft.

For several days, Vitya spinning near the distant post, where the clock took the pass from the overlooking the city. It was necessary to get a sample. The case helped him. The wind pulled out of the hands of the hour pass. Vitya imperceptibly stepped on him. Chose a moment, raised and ran away.

For two years already in Feodosia, fascists. On the streets of the clouds. In houses searches, arrests. The state farm "Red" in the city turned into a death camp. Enemies leucted.

Behind the father of Viti began to follow. He was called for interrogation, demanded that he would say who prints flyers.

The boxes decided: it is necessary to leave the city. Victoria Karlovna will go to the village of Subash, and Vitya with his father - to partisans.

Vitya pulled out his pioneer tie, hid it under a shirt. Before leaving once again passed through the city.

Over the destroyed wall, wide branches of the scared walnut tree were coil. Victor stood, looked. There was no one around. Brave idea came to his head. He ran into the ruins of the wall, got to the tree, climbed on the branches to the very top and tied a pioneer tie there.

Vitya jumped, moved away, until the very end of the street, and turned around. In the rays of the setting sun fought the red tie in the wind.

"People will be happy," he thought with pride.

Two days later, Vitya with his father had a guerrilla.

Autumn came with rains, wind. The chorester quickly out.

People frowned. We slept all together to warm up. Sometimes the fire was lit under the mountain, dried clothes.

The partisans went on the road, destroyed enemy soldiers, guns, cars.

Vitya asked Kulikovsky to send it to the partisans in the watch, on posts.

"You are waiting for another thing," Kulikovsky said. - You still look out the area, all the roads, all the trails, from where they go and where. The locality we have a prosecution - mountains, ravines, cliffs.

Here is the task. Vitya goes to the village of Barakol. Slowly, as if walking.

Here is the clock. And there is another one. Need to remember.

Vitya is calmly enters the village, walks down the street. The car is worth. And in the courtyard soldiers. Vitya runs up to the next courtyard, the hoop is lying there, grabs him and drives down the street. Let them look at the soldiers. He just plays.

Aunt Fields in Barakol

Patty bake, pies bake ... -

sinks Vitya and fun running for the hoop.

Soldier cuisine. Rustic guys stand gone. Hungry. And here it smells so tasty!

Vitya looks into the courtyard. There are a lot of soldiers. He stands and believes. Soldiers drive children. Behind the gate - tanks. How many of them? He looks back into the courtyard. In front of him German.

"Their Villa Essen ... I want to eat," says Vitya.

- But! - shouts he and looks at Vitu blond eyes with white eyelashes.

Aunt Fields in Barakol

Cheerfully lives ...

Machine gun. Gun. One, two. But another one. Do not get sick.

Belobryny goes behind him.

Need to run.

Without thinking, Vitya rushes to the nearest hut.

A pale woman surprisingly looking at Vitu.

- Aunt! Aunt! - Hurry up to say Vitya, until the whiteobryman entered. - My grandmother did not come yet? Tell me, didn't my grandmother come?

The German has already entered. Not paying attention to him, the woman comes to Vita and hurts him on his back.

- "Grandmother!" I will give you a "grandmother"! Where does the hoop work? You do not know what, I need a hoop on a barrel.

- Yes you? - Says a boy, and a woman kicks him on his back.

Then raises the eyes on the German:

- You see the pan, what kind of mischievous. Grabbed the hoop and ran. And I need him on the barrel. And now "Grandma, Grandma" ...

And, unexpectedly laughing, says Vite:

- Will you eat porridge, chaloput? - And addressed to German: - Sit, Pan.

German takes under the visor and leaves.

- Eat, stupid, eat! - Woman whispers. - Where did you come from? Everyone else is enough, you do not know what?

Vitya silently swallows cold porridge.

- So my such, only older. Where he is now, who knows him ... Well, go soon. Who will ask, say: came to aunt from the city ...

The next day, the guerrillas moved to the village of Barakol. Ahead, next to the Combrig, went by Vitya.

Partisans destroyed guns, tanks. Fascists in Barakol were defeated.

New task. Intelligence in the village of Ayseres. Vitya was with the sick father.

They managed to find out: and about the number of troops, and their guns. Now you need to leave soon.

As for the purpose, there was a lot of soldiers on the streets on the streets.

Vitya, maybe, it would be unnoticed to escape from the village, but Mikhail Ivanovich barely walked, His Shatalo. It was unlikely that he could, without paying attention to, go out in the field.

And Vitya came up with how to be.

He took out the harmonica and, approaching the group of soldiers, began to play a German song. He fake, a German soldier began to singing, straightening him, and others joined him. Vitu surrounded. He played Katyusha.

Vitya pulled the time to give to leave the father. He passed from one song to another.

The peasants were out of the hut, stood, listened.

And suddenly Vitya began to:

On a military road

Walked in fight and alarm

Combat eighteenth year ...

He saw a woman, teenagers: an old man came out of the house and looked at Vitu in love with his eyes. Some girl, having granted a handkerchief on his eyes, looked silently. The Germans overwhelmed.

Vitya is alarmed. He sharply moved to the dance, first he tried a little, then waved his hand, it seems to be tired of playing, and, having missed, wandered down the street. It was getting dark. He easily left the village, caught fire.

Mikhail Ivanovich could not lead the guerrilla on Ayseres. He was very sick. This made Vitya.

Almost the entire group of fascists in Ayseres was destroyed.

The partisans had to change the parking lot. Krakokov had to be searched in warmth. Vite had to return to Feodosia with his father.

The city seemed dead. So few people remained there. There were several people near the bazaar, they exchanged something on the products. The krakokov seemed that someone's unknown eyes looked at him, he did not notice whose, the man turned away.

The next day of the boxes were arrested.

Through a small dusty window barely breaks through the light. Recently there were several people here. They are increased.

Now there are two - Vitya boxes and Valya Kovtun. He is a little older than Viti, he is very scary: he got into the cloud, grabbed him. He managed to put the leaflets, did not find anything, but still scary ...

What's with the Father, Vitya does not know.

Yesterday interrogated. German lieutenant, sitting at the table, said something like a whip. He moved to Vita, shouted:

- Partizan? Acknowledge! From the forest came! Want to stay stay, say.

- Not in the forest.

- Your father said that they were.

- Could not say. We in the village were.

- Log! - He waved his hand once, the other, his whip burned out the scars on the neck and shoulders ...

The face of Viti waded. He pulled out all the growth.

- I don't know anything, I will not say anything! - I shouted with a greeted Vitya and bit his lips.

He was thrown back into the chamber. Vitya applies his frozen hands to the neck, where the scars burn.

"They think that we will conquer that we will bow to them like slaves. Will not work!.."

Bowing the chin into his knees, he sighs hard ... The fourth of March 1944 is the birthday of Viti, he is fifteen years old.

Mother brought two novels - Father and Son: everything that could get - crackers and seler. Take only one nodule.

- Mikhail Ivanovich Korobkov is not here. He was sent to Simferopol.

Silence comes in prison. Everyone knows: so they say when there is no more person.

The partisans were drawn who betrayed boxes who were the enemy that met them at the bazaar. The traitor was sentenced to death.

"... when the war end and run the fascists, then I will write a picture, like me with you, Valka, sat here in prison. Everything is as I will write. You are sitting here white, like a wall, and your eyes you have such that it hurts. And then I stand and tell you: not sad, Valya, our life is ahead. You will see, I really write such a picture. And the sea will write, and the mountains will write, our mountains, and the sky ...

Beyond the wall is heard, someone's moans.

- Victor boxes !!!

"Again," Vitya whispers sadly, it gets up and immediately goes on the clockwork.

The shaft is hard and scary. What they do from Vitea! Why are it so tormented? Valya is waiting for a long time. Then falls asleep and cries in a dream.

When he wakes up, Vitya sits on the cold floor, stretching his legs.

- What are you? - Asks Valya. - Became?

Vitya is silent. Valya raises it from the floor, puts on the Nara.

- What did you do with you?

Vitya deeply sighs:

- shot.

- In you?

- It seems to be in me ... into the wall above your head. At me, the plaster flew out ... You do not think, I was not afraid. The fascist asked: "Show where the partisans are?" I say: "Although shoot, I will not say anything." The fascist shouted: "Stand on the wall!" Got up. I stood well. Not blinked. I thought, anyway, let them shoot. Better die.

Vitya seems to fail somewhere, long silent ...

- Give you to block water.

- Gada! Gady! - Valya worries, brings a mug.

- Nothing. You sleep. Are they people? They say: your father was shot, and shoot you. Oh, get out! I'm not so so ... let them not think that we can conquer. I still do not give them ...

The ninth of March an officer entered the camera. It was six o'clock in the evening. At this time, there were no interrogations. There were many people in the cell, on the eve they brought new arrested. All silently climbed, looked hard on the officer.

- Do not go out! - shouted Valya. Vitya got up, smiled at him.

"When you get out," said Vitya, "Find mom, pass: I died for my homeland!"

He slowly swallowed and blocked the floors of his jacket, hesitation, what else to say, but nothing else could come up with.

Flip-eyed boy Vitya, Frainer and Dreamer! You wanted to be an artist, depict unusual people, unknown places, glorious cases of heroes.

You wanted to write a book about the fun and funny adventures of the two Rouventians to laugh at those boys who will read by recognizing themselves, their comrades. You dreamed of long journeys, about unusual exploits.

You yourself made a feat.

Risching to get under the enemy's bullets, you walked around the mountains and valleys, climbed along the rocky slopes, drank through spiky shrubs. He knew the road to Ayvalyk and Suuk-Su. You courageously helped the Motherland to fight the fascists.

You did everything that I could, Vitya. You did more than how I could - you gave your life. Pioneers will forever remember your glorious name, Victor boxes! Motherland will not forget his son!

The name of Pioneer Hero Viktor Koroskkova is listed in the book of the honorable of the All-Union Pioneer Organization. V. I. Lenin.

By the decision of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, one of the ships of the Soviet fleet was assigned the name Viti Korobkov.

Born in the worker's family, grew up in Feodosia. He studied at High School No. 4, for excellent studies twice was awarded a trip to the Pioneer Camp "Artek". During the German occupation of Crimea, he helped his father, a member of the urban underground organization Mikhail Krakokov. Through Vitu Karakkova, the connection was maintained between members of the partisan groups who hid in the Older Forest. Collected information about the enemy, participated in the press and distribution of leaflets. Later he became an intelligence of the 3rd brigade of the Eastern Association Partisan of Crimea.

Monument Vita Koroboku

Monument to partisan Vita Korzkov in Feodosia

Pioneer-partisan Vite Korobokov in the post-war time in Feodosia in the square on Gorky Street was installed a monument. The authors are sculptor V. Poselsky and architect V. Kupriyanov.

The collection of funds for the construction of the monument was organized on the initiative of Komsomol members in the year. An active part in this event adopted the youth of Feodosia, the Crimea and the whole of Ukraine. The monument was opened in June of the year at a city center rally.

The monument is made of bronze on a pedestal of polished dark gray granite and solved traditional composition-plastic techniques for the 1950s. Thorryly worked out all the details, right up to the smallest collections of clothing. The monument depicts a pioneer-partisan, which steals along the wall with a rolled leaflet in his hands. An inscription is carved on the pedestal: " The glorious Pioneer-partisan Vita Krakokov, who died in the fight against fascist invaders on March 9, 1944. From pioneers of Ukraine».



  • Radyancy Encyclopedia Istorії Ukraine. Volume 2. Kyiv, 1970. P.475.
  • Shapovalova S. N. "Crimea. Monuments of glory and immortality. "


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Watch what is "Vitya boxes" in other dictionaries:

    Vitya Korobokov (born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War. Contents 1 Biography 2 Monument Vita Krakokov ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see boxes. Vitya Boxes Birthday March 4, 1929 (1929 03 04) Place of birth of Feodosia, Crimean ASSR, USSR Date of death ... Wikipedia

    Vitya Korobokov (born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War. Contents 1 Biography 2 Monument Vita Krakokov ... Wikipedia

    Vitya Korobokov (born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War. Contents 1 Biography 2 Monument Vita Krakokov ... Wikipedia

    Vitya Korobokov (born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War. Contents 1 Biography 2 Monument Vita Krakokov ... Wikipedia

    Vitya Korobokov (born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan traffic during the Great Patriotic War. Contents 1 Biography 2 Monument Vita Krakokov ... Wikipedia

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    Pioneers Heroes Soviet pioneers who committed feats during the formation of the Soviet authorities, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War. Images of the pioneers of the heroes were actively used in Soviet propaganda as examples of high morality and ... ... Wikipedia


  • Young heroes of the Great Patriotic War, Pechersk Anna Nikolaevna. This collection is compiled from the stories about the unparalleled exploits of young heroes, on a par with fathers and mothers, older sisters and brothers of those who, in the years of the Great Patriotic War for defense ...

On March 4, 1929, Vitya Korovkov was born in Feodosia - Crimean Pioneer-Partizan. His father worked as a typewriter in the printing house, and the boy long before the school knew the alphabet and learned to read. And Vitya loved to draw, was an observant and very artistic child.

Vitya studied well, and he was bought twice with a ticket to "Artek". The second time in 1941 urgently had to return to Feodosia, home. The city was bombed with might and main, and once a fragment of the shell was wounded by Vitina Mother - thoughts about evacuation had to be left.

Fascists occupied the city, installed their orders everywhere, and the printing house also moved into their submission. The wit horribly did not like that his father, who always told him about the heroes of the Civil War, is now working on the Germans. For Viti - it was a shame, dishonor. But to speak with the Father on the souls, as it was before, the boy could not - he always came from work, which did not give him any joy.

Once, Victor picked up a leaflet in which it was written: "Death of German invaders!" The boy read that the army is not inactive, and the partisans live in the occupied cities, they strike the enemy strikes. Only over the month, the partisan detachments of the Crimea destroyed 130 Hitler's soldiers and officers, undermined 20 cars with cargo. In the city already talked about it, they talked about the attack on the Hitler's column on the Sudak-Sala highway. The text ended with the words: "The enemy will be broken, the victory will be behind us!" And below attributed: "Read and pass a comrade!"

The idea that the party acts in the city is a partisan detachment, rooted the decision of the boy to talk to the Father openly and help than perhaps these people. With a turbulent conversation, it turned out that Mikhail boxes and is a member of the city underground organization, but held his views in secret from his son, considering it an unfeigned child. And now he saw his son honest, straight, responsive - as she taught him on combat examples of past heroic years. A leaflet that Vitya brought home, he himself decided to convey - but how? who? The provocateurs are crying in the city, he did not have the slightest concept, and I did not have time to consult. At these moments, he met a man with a mustache, as it turned out later - a traitor who advised to hide the leaflet under the floor. But the boy came in a different way, sticking it into ruins. And the policemen were granted to the boxed, turned over to the bottom, but left with nothing.

The entire able-bodied population of the fascists sent to Germany, and children and women - clean the port from stone fragments after bombing. Vitya also helped adults, sometimes he found cartridges, weapons and stored his trophies in a secluded place. A 12-year-old boy became connected between the partisans and the urban underground organization.

He led to observing the location of the German headquarters, behind the movement of cars, took into account how many combat guns arrive in Feodosia through the port. Partisans needed to pass into the city in a mass number - the senior boxes agreed to print them at their own peril and risk, but was needed a sample. A few days in a row, Vitya near the sentries, joked, asking German words, referring to the correctness of the translation. As suddenly, about a miracle, the desired wind pulled out of the hands of the clocky document and Vitya imperceptibly came to him with his foot, raised, and when everything calmed down, he left the ravis. So Vitya boxes helped the partisans.

The successes of underground activities contributed to the tightening of the Gestapovtsev in the city - more places, arrests. The state farm "Red" in the city turned into a death camp. Behind the father of Viti began to follow. He was called for interrogation, demanded that he would say who prints flyers. The boxes decided to leave the city to the partisans, and Mother Victoria Karlovna Send to the village of Subash. Vitya pulled out his pioneer tie, hid it under a shirt. Before leaving once again passed through the city. And suddenly the bold thought originated in his head: having swallowed the walls of the wall, got to the tree, it climbed on the branches to the very top and tied a pioneer tie, which was waving and shone in the sun's rays.

Two days later, Vitya with his father had a guerrilla, they were enrolled by the scouts of the headquarters of the third brigade of the Eastern Union of the partisan of Crimea. The tasks of the young partisan included the study of the terrain, important highways and country roads, any paths, fixation of all objects (as it were to say intersection area): mountains, gorges, valleys, ravines, rocky cliffs.

The first task of the young scout was the armament of the village of Barakol. The walk was lucky to glory. On the go, writing a song about a strange name, Vitya recorded in memory, how many military equipment in the service of the fascists of this village. The next day, the partisans destroyed guns, tanks, defeating the fascists of the Barakoli.

Vitya received the same task for the village of Ayseres. This time, the Intelligence boxes came together, and fixing all the objects, intended to leave. That day there were a lot of soldiers on the streets, and my father felt no matter and could pay attention to himself. Then Vitya came up with such a move: approaching the military group, the German melody began to play on the lip harmonica, the men began to sing together, other Fritz began to pull up. Vitya pulled the time so that his father could leave - and he succeeded. And Vitya with the harmonica walked on, from the hut to the hut, wearing favorite melodies: "Katyusha", the Russian dance, but then pretended to be tired of playing, and wandered forward. In the twilight, he easily left the village and caught up with his father.

The guerrillan Vitya Krakov brought to Ayseres (his father was not even able to climb - so he was bad). All the fascists in this place were destroyed.

On February 16, 1944, the father and son were in Feodosia on the next task. The city was deserted, people were almost no left, and they seemed to be suspicious. The boy's flaw did not let down, but it was too late - the next day of the boxes arrested.

Vitu was thrown into the chamber to the Valase Kovtun, a city underground that fell during the plaid. And although there was no material evidence of his fault, the young man was still grabbed.

During the torture, Vitu was beaten by belts, the horse whipping the skin on the neck and shoulders, but the teenager was kept adequately without giving his combat comrades.

On March 4, 1944, Vita turned 15, he dreamed that when the fascists would drive, he will become an artist and write a picture: the sea, the mountains, and the sky ... and now "Let the fascists do not think that it is so easy to conquer". On March 9, 1944, Vitu shot, the last words of the ceamer were: "When you leave, find mom, pass: I died for my homeland!" And Fatherland did not forget the name of the brave pioneer. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Vitya Korobokov was posthumously awarded the medal "For the courage".

Its name is a school in which he studied, adjacent to her street, a children's camp of recreation in Big Yalta. The Feodosian local history museum has a stand dedicated to the pioneer-hero. And in 1959 in the urban square on Gorky Street, a monument was installed, Vita Korobkov. The monument depicts a pioneer-partisan, squeezing with a rolled leaflet in his hands. An inscription is carved on the pedestal: "The nice pioneer-partisan Vita Krakokov, who died in the fight against fascist invaders on March 9, 1944. From pioneers of Ukraine ".

Pioneers, children of war, young partisans, together with adults approaching our victory over fascism - all of them in the immortal regiment of the thousand-year Russian history.

Vitya Korobok (Born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, the Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.


Born in the worker's family, grew up in Feodosia. He studied at High School No. 4, for excellent studies twice was awarded a trip to the Pioneer Camp "Artek". During the German occupation of Crimea, he helped his father, a member of the urban underground organization Mikhail Krakokov. Through Vitu Karakkova, the connection was maintained between members of the partisan groups who hid in the Older Forest. Collected information about the enemy, participated in the printing and distribution of leaflets. Later became the explosion of the 3rd Brigade of the Eastern Association Partisan of Crimea.

Monument Vita Koroboku

Pioneer-partisan Vite Korobokov in the post-war time in Feodosia in the square on Gorky Street was installed a monument. The authors are sculptor V. Podolsky and architect V. Kupriyanov.

The collection of funds for the construction of the monument was organized on the initiative of Komsomol residents in 1957. Active participation in this event was adopted by the youth of Feodosia, the Crimea and the whole of Ukraine. The monument was opened in June 1959 at a citywide rally.

The monument is made of bronze on a pedestal of polished dark gray granite and solved traditional composition-plastic techniques for the 1950s. All items are carefully worked out, right up to the smallest folds of clothing. The monument depicts a pioneer-partisan, which steals along the wall with a rolled leaflet in his hands. An inscription is carved on the pedestal: " The glorious Pioneer-partisan Vita Krakokov, who died in the fight against fascist invaders on March 9, 1944. From pioneers of Ukraine».

In literature

Test Yakova Alekseevich Yershova "Vitya Korobokov - Pioneer, Partizan"

Write a review about the article "Krakov, Victor Mikhailovich"



  • Radyancy Encyclopedia Istorії Ukraine. Volume 2. Kyiv, 1970. P.475.
  • Shapovalova S. N. "Crimea. Monuments of glory and immortality. "


Excerpt characterizing boxes, Victor Mikhailovich

When, having bought a caftan (with a view to only participate in the People's Protection of Moscow), Pierre met Rostovaya and Natasha told him: "Are you staying? Oh, how good is! " - The thought flashed in his head, which was really good, even if I would have taken Moscow, he would stay in her and fulfill what he was predetermined.
Another day, he, with one thought, does not regret himself and keep up with anything from them, walked with the people for a three-necked stamping. But when he returned home, making sure that Moscow would not protect Moscow, he suddenly felt that what he had previously thought was only the opportunity, now was needed by necessity and inevitability. He had to hide his name, stay in Moscow, to meet Napoleon and kill him in order to or die, or stop the misfortune of all of Europe, which was, according to Pierre, from one Napoleon.
Pierre knew all the details of the attempted German student on the life of Bonaparta in Vienna in 1809 and knew that this student was shot. And the danger that he subjected his life in the performance of his intention, even stronger him.
Two equally strong feelings irresistibly attracted Pierre to his intention. The first was the feeling of the needs of the victim and suffering in the consciousness of general misfortune, then the feeling, as a result of which he went to Mozhaysk, and drove into the most dust of the battles, now ran away from his home and, instead of the usual luxury and amenities of life, slept, not undressing on hard sofa and eating one food with Gerasim; Another - was the indefinite, exclusively Russian sense of contempt for the entire conditional, artificial, human, to all of what is considered by the majority of people with the highest wondering of the world. For the first time, Pierre experienced this strange and charming feeling in the Slobodsky Palace, when he suddenly felt that both wealth and power, and life, everything with such an effort and shovers, - all this if it is worth something, Only on that pleasure with which all this can be thrown.
It was that feeling, as a result of which the hunter recruit the last penny, the man climbed the mirror and glass without any visible reason and knowing that it would cost him his last money; That feeling, as a result of which a person, committing (in a matter of the sense), insane cases, as if triggers their personal power and strength, stating the presence of a higher standing outside of human conditions, trial of life.
From the very day, as Pierre's first time experienced this feeling in the Slobodsky Palace, he was incentively under his influence, but now only found him complete satisfaction. In addition, at the present moment Pierre supported in his intention and deprived the opportunity to renounce him what was already done on this path. And his escape from the house, and his caftan, and a gun, and his statement Rostov, that he remains in Moscow, everything would not only lose sense, but all this would be contemptuous and funny (what Pierre was sensitive), if He after all this, as well as others, left Moscow.
The physical condition of Pierre, as always it happens, coincided with moral. Unusual coarse food, vodka, which he drank these days, lack of wine and cigars, dirty, non-heated underwear, half a sleepless two nights spent on a short sofa without bed - all this supported Pierre in a state of irritation, close to obeying.

Was already a second hour of afternoon. The French have already entered Moscow. Pierre knew it, but instead of acting, he thought only about his company, turning through all his slightest details. Pierre in his dreams did not imagine the same process of hitting the strike, nor the death of Napoleon, but with an extraordinarily brightness and with sad pleasure posed his death and his heroic courage.

Vitya Korobok (Born on March 4, 1929 in the city of Feodosia, the Crimean ASSR, RSFSR, died on March 9, 1944, there is also a member of the partisan movement during the Great Patriotic War.


Born in the worker's family, grew up in Feodosia. He studied at High School No. 4, for excellent studies twice was awarded a trip to the Pioneer Camp "Artek". During the German occupation of Crimea, he helped his father, a member of the urban underground organization Mikhail Krakokov. Through Vitu Karakkova, the connection was maintained between members of the partisan groups who hid in the Older Forest. Collected information about the enemy, participated in the printing and distribution of leaflets. Later became the explosion of the 3rd Brigade of the Eastern Association Partisan of Crimea.

On February 16, 1944, the Father and the Son of the boxes came to Feodosia with the next task, but after 2 days were arrested by Gestapovians. For more than two weeks they were interrogated and tortured them in Gestapo, then they shot - first the Father, and on March 9 - and his son. Five days before the execution, Vita Korobokov turned fifteen years.

By the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Vitya Korobokov was posthumously awarded the medal "for the courage". Since 1977, in High School No. 4, the Pioneer Scout Museum is open. His name is named by the school in which he studied, adjacent to her street received the name of Koroskos, a children's camp of rest in Big Yalta.

Monument Vita Koroboku

Pioneer-partisan Vite Korobokov in the post-war time in Feodosia in the square on Gorky Street was installed a monument. The authors are sculptor V. Podolsky and architect V. Kupriyanov.

The collection of funds for the construction of the monument was organized on the initiative of Komsomol residents in 1957. Active participation in this event was adopted by the youth of Feodosia, the Crimea and the whole of Ukraine. The monument was opened in June 1959 at a citywide rally.

The monument is made of bronze on a pedestal of polished dark gray granite and solved traditional composition-plastic techniques for the 1950s. All items are carefully worked out, right up to the smallest folds of clothing. The monument depicts a pioneer-partisan, which steals along the wall with a rolled leaflet in his hands. An inscription was carved on the pedestal: "The nice Pioneer-partisan, Vita Krakokov, who died in the fight against fascist invaders on March 9, 1944. From the pioneers of Ukraine.

In literature

Test Yakova Alekseevich Yershova "Vitya Korobokov - Pioneer, Partizan"

Tales of Catherine Josephovna Suvorina "Mount Mountain"
