"Our Homeland Lesson" is your associations when you hear the word Russia? A. Pushkin. 9. Familiarization with additional sources of information. President of Russia. 6. Creative student work. S.rahmaninov. State symbols of Russia: coat of arms, flag, anthem. Russia is our sacred power, Russia is our beloved country. Moscow Red Square St. Petersburg Bridge over the river Neva.

"Russia is our homeland" - the coat of arms of Russia. Murom. Cathedral of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Khokhloma. What did you do? Murom on the Oka. Language is a distinctive sign of the ethnic. Red stripes - sunny dawn. In the side of the steppe song we sing, the land is dried by a heat. The Motherland is ........................ Another wondered a bathrobe. Suzdal and Rostov. Lake Baikal.

"Motherland" - covered with pretty dust of the centuries of past being. Russia is my homeland. Fields of endless Russia, my sad land ... draw your homeland. Come up with a brief story on pictures. Homework.

"Lermontov Rodina" - the theme of the Motherland in Lyrics M.Yu. Lermontov. Not exception was M. Yu. Lermontov. Why is the love of the poet to the homeland "strange"? Larine hero Lermontov in general "strange." Analysis of the lyrical poem "Motherland". "I love me out ...!" - exclaims the lyrical hero. The Russian landscape is beautiful in its simplicity, ordinaryness, naturalness.

"What is the birthplace begins" - where is the homeland begins ... where does the homeland begins? From the windows, burning away, with the old fatherly budenovka, that we found somewhere in the closet. Many paintings - childhood memories saw in the poem, heard, felt and tried to convey. Symbols of the Motherland is all that surrounds us. Wherever they flew, be sure to return to their homeland even in thoughts.

"The word of the Motherland" - each of us is a descendant of any old ancient kind. Word in context with painting. Alien country, someone else's land. Symbols of the Motherland. Treatment analysis, word structure. Pedigree - a list of generations of one kind. Z.A.Potich.) Motherland Praodin (word-forming dictionary A.NTichonov.).


Motherland, like parents, do not choose, she gives us together with birth and absorbing with childhood. For each of us, this is the center of the Earth, regardless of whether it is a big city or a small village somewhere in the tundra. Over the years, becoming adults and fading your destiny, we join this center all new and new edges, we can change the place of residence and move to the province; Once a paradoxically, the "province" in this case is capable of being a big city, but the center is still there, on our "small" homeland. It is impossible to change it.

Small homeland gives us much more than we are able to realize. Human qualities made from childhood and adolescence must be divided by half: half from parents and half of the land cultivated us. It is able to correct parental education errors. The first and most strong ideas about the good and evil, about beauty and deformity we endure it and all your life then correlated with these original images and concepts. The nature of the native land is inhabited in our souls forever.

The features of the "small" homeland and the spirit of her, even in the city she, even in the village, always noticeable in the works of the writer. Because the "small" homeland is not only nature in the village and history in the city, but also human relationships, way of life and the tradition of living. This is the language, and faith, and certain inclination made from the earth itself along with her salt. These are the "birthplace" spots of each person, and the writer is visible in particular ...

(By V. Rasputin)


Unfortunately, our abundant talk about morality is often too general. And morality consists of concrete things - from certain feelings, properties, concepts. One of these feelings is a feeling of mercy. The term is somewhat outdated, unpopular today and even as if rejected by our lives. Something inherent only for the same time. "Sister of Mercy", "Brother of Mercy" - Even the dictionary gives them as obsolete concepts.

Withdraw with mercy - it means to deprive a person of one of the most important effective manifestations of morality. Ancient this, the necessary feeling is characteristic of the whole animal and bird community: grace for defeated and affected. How did it happen that the feeling of this is behind us, stood, turned out to be launched? I can argue, leading a lot of examples of touching responsiveness, condolences, true mercy. There are examples, and nevertheless we feel, and long ago, the decline of mercy in our lives.

I am confident that a person is born with the ability to respond to someone else's pain. I think that this feeling is congenital, given to us with instincts, with a soul. But if this feeling is not used, does not exercise, it weakens and atrophically.


In the life of each person there must be one dog. A dog that saved him from danger, a dog that screamed loneliness. Or simply awakened the hidden forces, gentle and trembling, necessary, as the air, pressing, like bread, is the forces of love for all living things. Maybe in the life of a person the dog is offended, beaten ...

In my life, the dog is a new one, with its help an open horizon of life. New rushing string. New experiences, new suffering and joy. Sobaccia must serve another person, she should awaken a good feeling in the heart. This is not my discovery. This is an ancient wondrous discovery of the people, many many nations. I discovered the open. Open for myself. This novelty would breathe new forces, rejuvenated.

Awakening of kind. This is a thin process that requires great participation of all public forces. After all, good may not wake up. Maybe awakened, die. At first, this feeling is weak, fragile. But if you help him climb, give it to strengthen, it will become a great strength.

He who loves dogs, he loves people stronger. There can be two cruelty in a person. Easy one. If a person is cruel to dogs, he is cruel and to people. Good, like evil, indisputable. It is one of the most difficult manifestations.

Academician Pavlov set a monument to the dog for helping him to make the greatest discovery. Maybe over time, we will have more monuments and other dogs. For example, a monument to dogs, protecting the border, or Minor dogs, sanitation, connected and the fact that they went with an explosive on his back towards the fascist tanks. Or maybe one of the monuments will be erected by our four-legged friend for helping to wake up a great feeling of humanism, kindness, love for all living things in young hearts.


According to psychologists, the mood mainly depends not on the events as such, but on how we perceive them. After all, the mood shows how we estimate what happened, and how to perceive your behavior at this time. If we acted in some situations to harm our personality, there are unpleasant experiences, we begin to feel unhappy. The behavior that makes us stronger contributes to our development, and then the mood is improving, joy arises.

But unpleasant emotions, it turns out, useful. Each unpleasant and even negative experience has very important positive functions. For example, fear is a protective reaction, a signal of the need to show caution. Sadness is a way to get used to the loss, to accept them.

However, often the positive aspects of negative emotions cannot manifest themselves without our efforts. Imagine, for example, this situation. You are looking for a gift to a friend for a birthday, but do not find anything suitable. When after long searches, come home, remember that a friend recently envied the fact that you managed to buy just a newly released album of your favorite group. You also like this album, and it is very sorry to part with him, but at the same time in the depths of the soul you understand that it would be a truly good gift. You are sad to give the disc, but, overcoming yourself and giving it a friend, you will experience pleasure, because you have pleased a friend, and even because it is, and your own opinion about you has become higher. (215 words)

I probably like all people, the homeland is the place where I was born, where I live and study is a fatherland, a native country, warm and sunny. The place where I feel good and comfortable, where I can relax and body and soul. Where my childhood goes, a place where I will live, and work in the future, the city in which I will stay on your whole life.

They say "visiting well, and at home is better." This phrase is just that it is regardless of where a person is (in the neighbors or someone else's country) - at home is definitely better. Motherland is a man's house and it doesn't matter how big it is or small.
All that for me is native, which is close and loved, belongs to the Motherland. Favorite landscapes, fields, forests, native village, house at the end of the street, friends and relatives, parents and my animals - all this is part of me and my homeland. This is the best place on the whole earth and it will always be in my heart, no matter how far I am.

There is not a single person who would have no homeland. Everyone has a place where they are good and cozy now or was sometime. This is part of human life.

I recently told me mom as they and dad went abroad to earn money when I was not yet. She said how old they had a time after some time, as they wanted home to their native land and to loved ones. As they did not hurt on someone else's bed, although she was new and comfortable, but they wanted home to their native sofa. Alien language, laws and terrain, they could not tolerate for a long time and returned three months later instead of the planned six. Parents were so happy from one species and atmosphere of native edges, which refused to make a lush wedding, to which they themselves copied and earned money. Scribed modestly, and after sat in a narrow family circle.

This love to motherland They laid and me. Whatever it is good abroad at the grandmother, and at home everything is much better at home. And I always look forward to returning to your favorite beautiful city.

This simple word causes not simple sensations and feelings that are very hard to pass. It was I will not be able to part with my native edges for a long time and I believe that everything will be fine. I believe in a decent and fast prosperity of the country, and all the bad will necessarily disappear. I - Patriot and proudly I can say that my step-off is the best and infinitely can tell about all its merits and disadvantages. I love her as it is. Motherland, like parents, do not choose.

The sacred duty, the duty of each person is to defend their homeland and defend its rights.

Brief mini writing reasoning What is Motherland 4 class

Homeland? But what does this mean? How to understand this term? Maybe it is a lane, a house, an apartment in which a person spent his childhood? The country in which he has grown? Or maybe completely planet Earth? Unlikely. Motherland is a place in which the person seeks to get. Corner, which is filled with comfort and comfort. The territory for which he will fight if you need.

And also, this is the place where you love and are surrounded by the care of loved ones. Such a deep meaning is invested in the small word of the birthplace. For different people, it has something personal and intimate. We are one-sole, as if life, it is impossible to exchange or choose another. It is still possible to reflect on the fact that Motherland still means long. It seems to me that every person must formulate the meanings of this word.

But if I ask me how I understand this word, I will answer: "Motherland is all what you value. Everything that is so important to you, be it a place or people. Homeland Corner, where it pulls back again and again! "

Writing reasoning what is homeland

In the broad sense of the word of the Motherland - this is our big country called "Russia". In the geographical sense, this - as the great Russian poet Sergey Yesenin said "One sixth part of the Earth with the name of the brief Russia". She spread out of the Pacific Ocean in the Far East to the Baltic Sea in the West. When the sun rises in Kamchatka and a new day begins, the residents of Kaliningrad just lay down to sleep. This is the Crimea returned to his native harbor.

In the historical sense of the Motherland, it first ancient Russia led by the Great Novgorod, then Russia, then the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. And now Russia is Russian Federation.

Motherland are people who live on this one sixth of the land, rejoice and sad together with their country. These are people who in a terrible Godina did not throw their country and did not run away abroad, like rats with a sinking ship or cockroaches. These are people who stood to death in the Brest Fortress and under the walls of Moscow. These are people who survived 800 days of blockade in a besieged Leningrad. These are people who broke the ridge by the fascist beast and watered the banner of victory over defeated Reichstag. Motherland is millions of people in the rear, which at the factories were victory. Motherland is the winners who were a solemn march on the Red Square of Moscow in 1945. Motherland is people who, in difficult conditions, mastered the virgin lands and conquered the ocean depths. These are people who brought their country into space. Motherland is athletes who appear under the Russian Tricolor and cry from joy, standing in the first place a pedestal of honor, under the sounds of the Russian anthem.

Each man has his own homeland. This is not only the place where it was born. This is the place where you live at this time. It may be a small village where the beloved grandmother lives, with a river, where learned to swim. For another person, the Motherland is a bench, where the first time he said "love" and kissed the girl. Motherland is a place where ships and submarines are returned from distant trips. From flights here are striking and cosmonauts. From such personal moments and there is our huge homeland. Native, people, parents, Motherland are all the same named words that have come from the word "Rod." And the Russian people, and the native heart of the forest and the fields, and the three-color flag, the kreraman battle on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin is all our beloved homeland. And the other we do not need. Do not choose their homeland and parents.

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