For the first time since 1941, Yamal became the center of the outbreak siberian ulcers. The military is involved in the fight against the consequences. Quarantine due to the infection of deer by the Siberian ulcer, from which more than 2.3 thousand animals died, was introduced in one of the districts Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug On July 25.

Today, the Siberian ulcer was detected from 23 residents. On the eve, it became known about the death of a 12-year-old boy, such data reported Interfax to the press service of the governor. In total, in the district hospital, Salekhard is 90 nomadsMost of them are children.

Ministry of Defense Enhances the group of specialists to localize the outbreak of Siberian ulcers in Yamal. More than 250 servicemen, 19 units of special techniques, mobile laboratories, four Mi-8 helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles are directed there by airplanes of military transport aviation from Yekaterinburg. It will further enhance another 50 specialists and 13 units of special equipment from the composition of the departments of radiation chemical and biological protection.

It is noted that the military has already begun processing the area in the area where Quarantine is introduced. They were committed to the work on the destruction of dead animals and disinfection of the territory.

The authorities of the region believe that the reason for the outbreak of infection has become an unusually warm for the Far North Summer. According to experts, deer in search of food could stumble upon the place of old death of the sick animal from behind the heat.

Tuesday Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova He stated that the focus of Siberian ulcers in Yanao Localized, there are no threats to other regions. At the same time, it should be understood that the hearth disease in the region appeared "on the century," said NSN veterinary doctor Andrei Podlozhov.

"Now these deer will be separated by this ulcer throughout the region. And in the conditions of permafrost, it will be stored for centuries, that's for sure. Animals are not protected, so they will scatter around the entire region. The fallen birds will disappear and beasts ... That is, it is almost forever! ", I explained the doctor.

According to the expert, vaccination against Siberian ulcers, which is now actively carried out in the YNAO, the event is risky and can aggravate the situation.

"Vaccinations against bacteria exist two species - either killed or weakened vaccine. In this case, we are talking about the weakened bacterium of Siberian ulcers, which does not cause a disease, but causes some signs with which the body produces antibodies to this bacterium. With a weakened vaccine need to be treated very carefully: if the body is weakened, infected with something else - cold, allergies, and so on, the vaccination can not give a guarantee from infection, but on the contrary to infect a person, "Andrei Sublodiers NSN.

In Salekhard flew out russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsova. She will hold a meeting on the organization of medical care and anti-epidemic events, examine the diseased, check the organization of assistance directly in the hearth disease.

In the meantime, the investigating authorities find out how timely the authority of the region revealed a Siberian ulcer and adopted the necessary measures.

anthrax - Especially dangerous infectious disease. It is characterized by a high level of mortality in the absence of treatment, and can also lead to death even in case of necessary treatment.

Pets of infection are usually served by pets: cattle, horses, goats, sheep, camels, and bloodsowing insects.

What happens in the focus of the epidemic

In Yamal, the outbreak of Siberian ulcers - a long-forgotten deadly disease. According to official information, the unprecedented heat in the region led to the tragedy. But, according to the local residents, it was not possible to prevent the tragedy due to banal negligence.

A quarantine was introduced in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. At least a month. Under the ban selling fresh meat, fish, berries and mushrooms. Olenevoda, whose plague were located in the zone of infection, lost their homes and earnings. To eliminate the consequences of Yamal, troops of radiochemical and biological protection, security rescuers and physicians from the federal center were abandoned.

About what is happening in the region, the central media report casual, information is given strictly dosed. And each plot ends optimistic: "Everything is calm in Yamal. There is an animal vaccination. Foci of danger are awesome. The problem is practically solved. "

As in fact, things are in the region than people in Yamal are concerned and why the tragedy failed to avoid - in our material.

Help "MK":

"The bacterium of the Siberian ulcers with air falls into the lungs, and from there - to the lymph nodes that are inflamed. Symptoms of Siberian ulcers: Initially, a patient has a high temperature, chest pain and weakness. After a few days, shortness of breath appears and reducing oxygen levels in the blood. Once in the lungs, the pathogen of the Siberian ulcers quickly spreads throughout the human body. Frequently appears cough with blood, X-ray can show the presence of pneumonia, the body temperature of the patient is often rising to 41 degrees. There is a swelling of lungs and cardiovascular failure, as a result, it is possible to hemorize in the brain. "

"Deer was dying quickly, in a few hours"

This is what the representatives of the Yamal administration are written in social networks: "There is no epidemics on Yamal. Quarantine is entered locally, the boundaries of the district for entry and the departure of people are not closed. The sanitary and epidemiological state of the time stay of the people exported from the quarantine area is under the supervision of sanitary doctors, in medical institutions - initially regime objects - the level of security control, disinfection and access is enhanced. The vast majority of nomads from the quarantine territory are healthy, but they receive prophylactic treatment from Yamal doctors. "

According to the latest data, 90 people were hospitalized on Yamal with a suspicion of a dangerous infection. Twenty diagnosis of Siberian ulcer is confirmed. Included, including three children, younger of which are not and year. According to some reports, three people died - two of them children. All hospitalized - nomads who grazed deer 200 kilometers from the village of Yar-Sale. As a result of the mass case, 2500 deers were used. It is animals that became carriers of infection.

All Yamal tundra today has become a quarantine zone. 250 military and special equipment arrived here from Moscow and Yekaterinburg. It is necessary to vaccinate the surviving deer, to disinfect the territory and utilize the carcasses of the dead deer. They will burn them. Only high temperature can be killed by a Siberian ulcer.

Reindeer Families transported to nearby villages

SC employees now find out whether Siberian ulcers in the region have been revealed.

However, even good news do not calm the residents of the villages near the infected zone. People pack things and move to Salekhard. To whom there is nowhere to run from a sinking ship, daily handle the house with chlorine and pop up with masks. Massive mass events in the region are canceled.

"Children walk with swollen necks, but the authorities are silent about it"

The capital of the Yamal district, which the misfortune dishes, - the village of Yar-Sale. The zone of infection is from the village of 200 km.

A radical resident of the village of Elena is going to wait a hot season in Salekhard from relatives.

In the shops of Yar-Sale, we have a ball with a ball - all the deer and semi-finished products of 2015 disassembled, "the woman says. - People understand that this year there will be no problem, so we will remain without meat. Berries and mushrooms were also banned from collecting. Those who have already patched the mushrooms for winter and boiled jam, recommend it all dispose. We have all the garbagers are now clogged with compotes and jam.

They banned the export of meat, deer skins and fish from our villages. On TV they say that the hearth is localized, but it is not true. Deer case is still observed in different places, for example, in punges, only about it is silent.

The number of patients with Siberian ulcers, according to our data, increases every day. A 12-year-old child who died of ulcers, so far does not seem to bury. It can not be buried according to the traditional customs of the Nenets, it is necessary to crem. But parents are against. As a result, the body was laid by Chlorine, the morgue employees are waiting for the consent of the mother to cremation.

Vaccinations also make not everyone. Alive only those who contact patients and helps utilize carcasses of dead animals in the tundra.

But the rumor has already passed that from August 6, still begin to instill all the inhabitants of the village. But deer who did not have time to get infected, like everyone else. Although it was necessary to do before. But nomads waved with these rules with hand. For what and paid.

The plague of all reindeer breeders who were in the danger zone burned. Personal things were disposed of. Women and children tundrovikov transported to safe areas. Those who categorically refused to leave the spaces based, provided new plague in the pure core and issued antibiotics.

You understand the deer for the Nenets - life. It is clothing - Malitsa, Yagushushka, Kisa, and food, and a means of movement, and housing: the plague they are made of deer skins. So in a few weeks, these people lost all, - adds the interlocutor. - those nomads who have no Siberian ulcers have been identified, just in case, isolated from society. They were temporarily settled in the boarding schools, under the castle.

My friend works with infected nomads. He said that tundroviks take antibiotics. The dishes from which they eat are carefully treated with chlorine. For 10 liters of water, 160 chlorks tablets are put. Workers' institutions themselves do not remove masks and gloves.

According to her, nomads in normal conditions feels bad for us. Now they are fed by porridge, liquid soup, pasta. But they can't live without meat and fish! Their organism is other food, except venison, does not perceive. I heard that some turns from such a meal.

And they are trying to not let them out. But some still go out in some way. Children walk them. Many of my neighbors have already become dismissed and leave for large cities in order not to expose themselves danger. Most Sellian will travel their children away from here to relatives.

Among the dead tundroviks - grandmother and grandson. "Two members of the family of reindeer breeders died from ulcers, Grandma of 75 years old and grandson of 12 years. The boy, when he was still alive, said that he drank blood and ate freshly reindeer meat, "the staff of the village administration told. Details of the life of this family selyan do not know. They say nomads with them did not communicate. Yes, and in the village, they visited once every six months, they were raised by the products in bulk, so that it was enough for 5-6 months, and went back.

I heard that the case continues in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bend of Yuriece and in the Lata Maretho River area - a woman continues. - Locals say that the children go there with swollen necks, the dogs are too swollen. The swollen neck is inflamed lymph nodes - one of their symptoms of Siberian ulcers. But for some reason about it silent.

But the neighbor is Elena, hope is more optimistic.

I believe the local media. If they say that the situation has stabilized, deer grafted, they were overtakers to a safe place, it means that it is. All patients are located in the Salekhard Hospital. My girlfriend said that there are 48 people in the infectious compartment with a suspicion of an ulcer. Omon is on duty around the clock. Log in only pass, so there is nothing to fear in the village.

Healthy reindeer herders were brought to us, which should be reacted somewhere until they restore their home. The people remaining without plague and livestock settled in our medical center, there are about 60 people there. I understand that officials will do our best to prevent the scandal.

All the plague of nomads who were in the infected zone were disposed of

In fact, the Siberian ulcer came to the region not on July 16, as the entire media tube, but much earlier. Tundroviks themselves told us that the first deer fell on July 5th. The reindeer herds called the district administration, but they ignored their calls. Then the nomads had to contact the district center. It was just July 17th. By that time, the pungent was about 1000 deer.

"Olenevod went four days to report a misfortune"

Men in Yar-Sale belong to what is happening philosophically: be it will.

Alexander from the village of Yar-Sale told how he sees the situation.

I am not very worried about the fact that next year I will not eat meat. If we consider that there were 700,000 deer in the area, the order of two thousand was killed, I think this problem should not arise. That's just to whom the tundroviks will sell this venison? It is unlikely to have to try to try it.

Also in the area banned selling deer horns who bought the people as the subject of the interior. The export of this product is also categorically prohibited. Employees of the Housing and Communal Services of Housing and Communal Services are made daily entrances of houses with chlorine. I think on weekends and your accommodation processing just in case.

In the village, closed all cafes, the restaurant is still working, but they say it is not long left for him. Disco and massive walking canceled. There is no public transport in the village, so there is nothing to cancel. In Salekhard, until buses are allowed. But passengers carefully check - it is impossible to export and import meat, fish, berries, mushrooms.

Is it possible to avoid the tragedy? And is there any wines of the authorities that Siberian ulcer came to Yamal? Nikolay from Salekhard, who regularly circles over the reindeer villages, told us the story that the media chose.

When a slight cost of cattle began, the tundroviks decided that the deer was thin from the heat. In this July, there was an atypical weather for our edge - reached 38 degrees.

Here is a message that has spread through social networks from nomads (a screenshot has been preserved): "Near the Lake Yebno on the 12th Chumov Overhead, 1,500 goals died, dogs died. Everywhere stench, rotten, SMRR. Furuncula appeared in children. People do not export, the government does not have any help, while silent about it. The authorities have become known a week ago about our misfortune, but they do nothing. Soon they will begin to die in the tundra. Please help publish. Save people. "

Message remainsless.

But now representatives of the administration of the Yamal region claim that the author of the message is an ordinary troll.

All wines ordinary negligence, - Nikolai continues. - The reindeer herders were looking for the head of the Yamal district. But in the administration they were answered that he was in the tundra of the reindeer herders. But no one was seen from the representatives of the administration. District officials arrived only after a couple of weeks, when there was already a passage of livestock, more than 1000 goals were calculated.

Those who were there, they say, the picture resembled a horror movie about zombies. All cablet with animal corpses. Deer died quickly, in a few hours. Just fell and for some time continued to breathe barely. People went around, many have already become sick by that time, barely moved, their shiny. But the local officials realized that the case acquires a serious turn, but they tried to correct the situation on their own. Did not work out. And our governor asked for help from the superior authorities.

And only after that the help came. Connected all structures: MES, Rospotrebnadzor, Ministry of Health, veterinarians from nearby regions were sent to the place.

Judging by the srangian radio, it is still far to complete liquidation, "Nikolai continues. - In those places, water is infected in lakes and in streams, people are afraid that the groundwater flows into OB and there is a possibility of infection of large water and its fauna. But, as scientists say in place, this can not be.

The authorities also report that allegedly from July 22 with people on the council was the therapist. There was no doctor there, according to my data. Sanitary aviation arrived to them only on the 23rd. And the doctor was brought on July 24 at the cable. For all this time, birds are predatory and the beasts bored the corpses. Okay, deer fell, after a dozen years he will restore his herd. But what the number of people infected there can translate for a hundred - it's scary.

- Olenina to buy exactly now no one will become?

Even many locals say that there will be no venison for at least a couple of years. But there is a risk that some poachers, not knowing about ulcers, were separated by the dead mascaras, the pans were spilled, the skins were removed and the amount had time to take out. Now the local government is looking for everyone who did it to destroy what they managed to take out.

- deer meat expensive?

It is worth it from 180 rubles. up to 280 rubles. For 1 kg. Reindeers sell on 180 rubles, state farm - 250-280.

All Yamal Tundra today has become a quarantine zone

The words of my interlocutor are partly confirmed by the Minister of Health of Veronik Skvortsov, an emergency arrived in the region. She said that the infected territory can be wider than previously reported: "From one hearth, very small, it all started. But then, for a certain time, new foci were revealed, there are several of them today. "

Infectiousons recognized: bacteria were broadening deer and animals who have eaten the corpses of the died of illness, as well as birds and insects. The radius of infection can be up to hundreds of kilometers from the hearth. However, experts say that far animals could not leave.

"After a visit to me the infected zone burned all my personal belongings and money"

The representative of the administration of the Yamal district Ravil Safarbekov, as can, soothes the people in social networks. Here are some of his messages.

"Now everyone is working on wear: doctors, veterinarians, scholars, the government of Yamal, the district administration, public organizations, volunteers, etc. Many days do not sleep, feed on the go.

Institutions and laboratories of Russia were connected to solving the problem. The situation is constantly changing, new data come. In order to prevent the proliferation of infection, the quarantine zone is increased, which means it is necessary to relocate even more families of the reindeer herders in pure places. Epidemiologists prohibit the movement of personal belongings - and therefore, each family requires new plagues, equipped with 100%.

New personal belongings, new narts, new clothes - this will not be ascended by a single reserve fund of the area, which empty in a couple of days. Please help! "

"The governor confirmed that all the largest TEK companies connected to work - allocate techniques, helicopters, specialists, large amounts of money to buy the necessary things and means of assistance."

"Tundroviks that are in the boarding school are conditionally healthy, nevertheless there is reinsurance."

"I myself was in an infected zone. After the visit burned all my personal things, money. I barely threatened not to touch the technique, the camera, cellular, which was lying in the backpack until the end of the flight. They were treated with chlorine, other liquids and gave. Personally passed thermometry, washing, receiving new things. Not a single person who visited the zone of infection will not miss.

Also Ravil Safarbekov explained the reason for what happened.

"I am not an expert, but scientists say that the wild heat relieved spores of ulcers. When I flew between the foci, I saw the Nenets cemeteries (Nenets by tradition expose the coffin on the surface of the earth, do not bury). So there is a suggestion that burial under the monthly heat was excited. There is also a version that weed out the place of the case of deer from ulcers in the Middle Ages. Then the people and deer were a little, and they left the walled places, leaving the corpses on the spot. There was nowhere to go. The heat gave Bacillle Card Blanche: she settled in deer, killed and, perhaps, through the soil or meat moved to people. "

Rescuers on Yamal in advance were vaccinated and operate in special protective clothing

In the meantime, the Posselkhoznadzor's head of Rosselkhoznadzor criticized the action of the authorities of Yamal to prevent the outbreak of Siberian ulcers. Nikolai Vlasov said that the reindeer herds had no opportunity to report the case, and the veterinary doctors learned about the epizooty of Siberian ulcers five weeks after it began. Also, the Vlasov also indicated that the largest flash is a huge danger for future generations, because in time to dispose of the corpses of deer will not work.

What happened on Yamal is an unprecedented case. And the main mistake of the authorities is the absence of a lighter vaccination.

In 2007, the vaccination of deer from Siberian ulcers was canceled in Yamalskaya Tundra. The veterinary service of the Yamal district reported: this is due to the fact that the virus is simply not able to survive in the conditions of the northern climate. The safety of animals was then confirmed by scientists from Moscow ...


On August 2, the authorities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District were forbidden to export meat, horns and deer skins from the area where the outbreak of Siberian ulcers occurred. The regional government clarified that the slaughter of deer at this time of the year there is no on Yamal. And all residents of the region urge not to buy meat on spare points. At the moment, more than 2,200 animals died from the ulcer virus, and quarantine was introduced in the area.

Meanwhile, in one of the metropolitan stores selling venison, we explained to us that, regardless of the situation in the district, all the game arriving on sales, the veterinary survey was held twice. The first time - on the site of the face.

In addition, the party coming to us is checking on the veterinary station to which we are attached, - explained in the store. - There the meat check for all the probable viruses. Or we can receive venison, already undergoing heat treatment, and therefore disgraced. But in any case, the last time the meat was supplied in the fall. And after the epidemic, the priest was not, and we do not know when it will be.

In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, a 12-year-old child died from Siberian ulcers. The next day, 20 local reindeer herders were in the hospital. Governor Yanao Dmitry Kobylkin ordered to conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances of the incident, as well as to provide parents psychological and all other necessary assistance.

"I was informed about the death of a boy in our hospital. There are no words to pass my condition. I sympathize, empathize parents. God sees, we reinsured from the first day, did everything possible to preserve the life of everyone who fell into trouble. Literally fought for the life of everyone. But the infection showed its cunning. Returning after 75 years, she took the life of a child ... "," said the Governor Yanao. According to "Life" We are talking about a boy from the Yar-Salinsky district named Denis. His grandmother also became a victim of Siberian ulcers - both of them eaten the reindeer meat, sick of the Siberian ulcer.

The head of the region also appealed to those in the quarantine zone: "Dear Yamaltsy! Countrymen! There is nothing more than life. Take care of yourself, carefully follow the recommendations of doctors, follow them with the other. We will defeat this infection. We are not alone, everyone helps us.

But today we all should be attentive and extremely careful not to give infections a single chance! "

With suspicion of Siberian ulcers, about 90 people were now hospitalized, press secretary of the Governor Natalia Slapownova, exported from the hearth. "All the speakers are good. Doctors are watching their condition around the clock. Among the hospitalized about 50 children, "she said. On Tuesday, the press service is also that the Siberian ulcer was confirmed in 20 reindeer herders, which are located in the Salekhard district hospital.

Panic rumors are spreading in the city, for example, that the disputes of Siberian ulcers have already fallen into the water supply system of the city. Authorities these messages deny and call no panic. "There are no epidemics on Yamal. Quarantine is introduced locally, the borders of the district for entry and the departure of people are not closed, "the governor's press service said.

In sewage samples in Salekhard infections were also not detected.

Russian Health Minister Veronika Skvortsov sent the main infectious officer of the Ministry of Health of Professor Irina Shestakov, as well as specialists of children's infections to assist regional doctors. "Gazeta.Ru" also became known that in Yamal, the head of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA of Russia) Vladimir Nikiforov is now. He refused to comment on the situation in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, but noted that the Siberian ulcer would not reach Moscow.

In order to overcome the infection, 200 specialists from the troops of radiation, chemical and biological protection (RCBS) of the Central Military District (CVO) arrived at Yamal. 30 units of military and special equipment were allocated to maintain work on the disinfecting of the area, including cars of increased traffic and authoring stations, as well as aircraft and helicopters of air-space forces (VKS) of Russia. Before sending the military, their preventive vaccination was carried out.

The main task of the RHBS troops was the destruction of the remains of infected animals - disputes of Siberian ulcers die at 140 degrees Celsius.

"When burning, old car tires, fire mixtures and petroleum products use. Upon completion of the soil processed by descher, "the assistant commander of the commander of the Troops, Colonel Yaroslav Roshchupkin, said. To date, the remains of more than 50 deer destroyed.

The actions of the military have already given the result: as of Tuesday, the focus of Siberian ulcers in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District is localized, there are no threats to other regions, reported in Rospotrebnadzor. All events will continue until all animals are vaccinated and the Office will not make sure of the safety of people, told "Interfax" On Tuesday, the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova. "From the infectious hospital today, 10 people are issued, who finished antibioticophylaxis," she clarified

At the same time, from those who were not hospitalized, but was under medical supervision and received antibiotic pyrofilax (such 269 people), today 151 people were fully completed.

The last time the outbreak of Siberian ulcers was registered on Yamal in 1941 - then five700 deer fell, while it was removed only 313. From the end of the XIX century to 1941, 68 outbreaks of this infection occurred on the territory of the peninsula. However, since 1968, YNAO was officially entered into the list of "pure" from the Siberian ulcers of the USSR territories, and since then no case of infection has been fixed.

The current infection struck three deer herds, as a result of which more than 1,500 goals were killed.

Currently, control over herds is strengthened throughout the district, and reindeer herds presented a special memo with the prevention of contamination and a brief description of the nature of the Siberian ulcers.

In addition, a ban on the removal from the Yamal district of any meat, pans and skins. Strengthened veterinary control and inspection at all airports, railway stations, river ports and all transport hubs of the Autonomous Okrug. Nomads, which found themselves in the epicenter of infection, vaccinate, reindeer herders from other security areas will also be brought.

Even before it became known that the district struck the Siberian ulcers, the reindeer herds associated the case of animals with anomalous heat: almost a month before the outbreak of infection, the temperature was in the range of 30-35 degrees, which is destroying for reindeer. Some specialists suggest The deer in search of feed on the site of the fatal permafrost stumbled upon the corpse of a long-dead animal infected with a Siberian ulcer, and thus began to transmit infection. Now the veterinarians will have to instill more than 40 thousand heads of the world's largest flock of reindeer.

20 cases of the disease of the Siberian ulcer were confirmed, just reported Irina Shestakov, the main freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for infectious diseases. In the evening, the Minister of Health clarified: 23 cases. People are exported from the hearth disease and lie in the infectious compartment in Salekhard.

Deer deer more than two thousand. This is a slight part of the total livestock. The total number of Yamal herds ranges from 700 thousand to a million goals in the days of the hotel.

One child could not be saved. He had the form of the disease that is almost not treatable. On Saturday he was brought, on Sunday morning did not become a boy.
There were rumors that his grandmother died several days from Siberian ulcers. Infectiousist comments: Woman born in Tundra 1937 died, doctors do not know. This happened a few days before the detection of the hearth. Whatever the reason, experts work out as if it were a Siberian ulcer.

Wastewater from the hospital through sewage treatment facilities fall into Ob. Can the pathogen get into nature in this way?

This question is strictly strictly controlled. All products of the vital activity of patients and contact are destroyed by the rules. Rospotrebnadzor conducted wastewater research at the outlet of the hospital and at the outlet of the sewage.

The disease is almost not transmitted from person to man. The main way of infection - through patients with animals and through infected soil.

The deceased boy was a meat of deer with blood. All patients were simply on the infected area, they have a skin shape that is transferred easier. The Salekhard hospital was delivered to all contacts, about a hundred people. They get chemoprophylaxis.

Information for hunters. Do not notice that the animal hurts the Siberian ulcer, it is almost impossible: the disease proceeds rapidly, sometimes 3-4 hours. In any case, it can be seen that the animal is patient.

It was rumored that it was not recommended to collect berries and mushrooms throughout Yamal. Spores live in a hundred years old - it is confirmed by science. Maybe more. In the zone of infection, it is strictly forbidden to collect wilderos, mow grass. And although Salekhard is far from the danger zone, I will refrain from walking in the forest and all gathering.

The carrier of the Siberian ulcers is impossible. If the disputes fell into the body - the disease will manifest.

Vaccination has begun. With the "clean" zone moving towards the area of \u200b\u200bmorbidity to localize it. The hearth is located in the Yamal district. Put the vaccine can every resident of Yamal. But the infectiousist suggests reasonable to vaccination.

The vaccination makes sense:
- if you are in the risk group (working with meat, with animal skins);
- If in the near future you are planning a trip to the danger zone.

In other cases, there is no particular sense in it.

Do not buy with meat, fish, berries, mushrooms.

For Siberian ulcers, the characters are increased temperature, ulcers on the skin, increased lymph nodes. There are other, less characteristic signs. If the disease is suspected immediately begin to treat antibacterial drugs according to a special scheme in accordance with the International Protocol.

Even if you were not in the zone of infection, but I found the slightest similar signs, in no case do not self-medicate. Run to the doctor!

Localized hearth and flocks. Not only surviving deer from the affected herds, but also in the vicinity of several tens of kilometers - a peculiar airbag was created.

This dangerous infectious disease is mainly striking animals, but as of August 2, 2016, 86 people already hit the infectious branch of the Salekhard hospital with suspicion of Siberian sibirsk. In 8 patients, the diagnosis was confirmed, 1 child died.

1. What happened on Yamal

Last week, it became known about the massive case of deer on Yamal (Municipal District of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug): over a short time, more than 2,300 animals died. The results of the analyzes confirmed the worst concerns of veterinarians and infectiousists - "I woke up" the Siberian ulcer.

The reason for the outbreak of the Siberian ulcers, Yamal officials call an anomalous heat: In July, the temperature was kept at 35 ° C, the disputes of the Siberian ulcers were excavated from the permafrost, the reindeer excavated the abandoned cathomilion and became infected with a deadly infection.

Today, 86 people from the quarantine zone are in the infectious department of Salekhard, among them - 51 children. Doctors confirmed the diagnosis of 8 patients, 1 child died.

The governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (YNAO) Dmitry Kobylkin described the situation as "medium" and stated that infectiousists do everything possible so that the patients survived.

The focus of Siberian ulcers in the tundra is already localized, more than 200 people from the parking lot of reindeer wheels receive preventive vaccines.

2. What is dangerous Siberian ulcer

Siberian ulcer (Anthrax, Maligncourse carbuncoon) is one of the most dangerous infectious diseases in the world. This zoonosis spreads primarily among animals, but to the causative agent of infection - the sporing-forming bacterium Bacillus Anthracis is susceptible to the person.

The source of the epidemic of the Siberian ulcers is a cattle. From person to man, the disease is usually not transmitted.

The Siberian ulcer flows lightning around: in a few hours the patient's condition can become critical, and without timely antibacterial treatment he dies.

The greatest danger is not bacteria, but the disputes of Siberian ulcers: they can be in the ground dozens of years. To suppress the outbreak of infection, the masses of the dead animals are buried deep into the ground, the cattleochils fall asleep the lime powder and other chlorine-containing antiseptics.

Today, all the grains are applied to cards and guard, but people and animals may be near the abandoned burial, which melting a terrible threat.

3. Who can infect Siberian ulcers

Infection of the Siberian ulcer mainly occurs through the skin: even several dozen arguments have enough. The disease is not transmitted from a person to man, but if people have meat or work with a sick animal skin, they can get infected.

Specialists say that the infection cannot spread to other regions of the Russian Federation: in the summer, deer are not clogged, and at the time of quarantine, the export of any animal husbandry products from Yamal is strictly prohibited.

If you live far from INAO, the only way to get infected is to buy meat from poachers or animal skins without veterinary printing.

To stop the spread of Siberian ulcers, the veterinarians are going to vaccinate more than 40 thousand reindeers, and the reindeer breeding will receive the vaccinations and preventive course of antibiotics.

4. What symptoms of Siberian ulcers in humans

The incubation period of the Siberian ulcers in humans is 3-14 days. Symptoms of the disease depends on its shape.

  • For skin form of Siberian ulcers Furuncules appear on the skin of the patient, which will be cushed and gradually black; The body temperature rises to 40 or more degrees, there is strong intoxication, nausea, vomiting.
  • Intestinal shape of Siberian ulcers It occurs if you try the meat of the patient of the animal. The infection begins with a sharp abdominal pain, fever, chills, vomiting with blood and diarrhea.
  • Pulmonary form of Siberian ulcers - The most dangerous. It is accompanied by pain in the chest, coughing with blood and choking.

It is easiest to cure the skin shape of the Siberian ulcers: timely diagnosis and antibacterial therapy reduces mortality to 1-2%. If bacteria fall into the stomach or light, sepsis develops, which can lead to death. Without timely treatment, 70-80% of patients die from the septic form of Siberian ulcers.

5. Does the Siberian ulcer threatens Ukrainians

If you live far from the focus of the outbreak of the Siberian ulcers, the probability of infected is almost equal to zero. Exception is people buying cheap animal husbandry products without veterinary printing.

In Ukraine, over the past 15 years, the cases of Siberian ulcers were recorded three times - in 2003, 2012 and 2016.

In the spring of 2016, in Chugueva, the Kharkiv region, the Siberian ulcers revealed in sows, which was contained in the private sector. Chuguevsky district is considered unfavorable software, because in Soviet times the corpses of patients of animals simply buried to the ground.

In order not to expose yourself the risk of Siberian ulcers and other infectious diseases, buy food products only in specially designed places.
