February 8 is an annual holiday for the Russian scientific community. On this day, not only prominent scientists and academicians, but also university teachers, researchers and ordinary students who have decided to devote their lives to experiments and research. Despite all its importance, the holiday is not the official weekend.

history of the holiday

In 1724, Emperor Peter I issued an order, according to which a body similar to Western European Academy should have established. His task would be to develop science in the state. On February 8, the Senate issued the corresponding decree. So the Academy of Sciences and Arts appeared, which was destined to become the progenitor of the modern Russian Academy of Sciences. The feature of the institution was that the financial situation of the students did not interest his leadership.

Notes could not have any money, but those who sought to associate their career with scientific activities. The Academy has changed the names, but its goal for centuries remained the same. In 1925 it was called the USSR Academy of Sciences. It is with this period that the most noticeable discoveries are associated with its existence: the emergence of a nuclear power plant, the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, the development of cosmonautics.

Then the day of science appeared for the first time, but celebrated him on the first Sunday of April. After the collapse of the USSR, the institution began to be called the Russian Academy of Sciences. The holiday was continued to celebrate, but at the informal level. And only in 1999, after 275, after the appearance of the Academy, a decree was issued on the introduction of the official day of Russian science.

And again the reformer Peter first brought a little Western European defendant into the country. According to his decree of February 8, 1724, the Academy of Sciences was approved. Hence the memorable date is the day of science. The most interesting thing is that the name of the institution did not change in any way, to the Academy of Sciences, depending on historical events added abbreviations and the names of new old states. Since 1925, the institution was called the USSR Academy of Sciences, and since 1991, the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Official date

Day of Russian science began to celebrate only since 1999. According to the presidential decree, the holiday was officially fixed for February 8, thereby building the historical bridge between our and Petrovsky times. And how many excellent scientists presented the world Russia in different epochs. This is a simple rustic boy, who later became one of the most outstanding sacred sons and founding Moscow University. We are talking from Mikhail Lomonosov, who later commemorates the day of Russian science of the year. These are the outstanding scientists of the 20th century Academician Pavlov, Tsiolkovsky, Kapitsa, Landau, Kurchatov and Korolev. And this is only a small list of our famous scientists of compatriots.

Ahead of the planet all

Our country has become a legislator in a number of scientific spheres. We first flew into space, made important developments in nuclear power and biosphere. Our great scientists received the Nobel Prize in various fields. The first of them was the famous Professor Pavlov for the work, in which the foundations of the physiology of digestion were described. On the day of science, it is also worth remembering the outstanding biologist Ilya Mesnikov, who received a premium for work on immunity. In 1978, the domestic physicist Peter Kapitsa was noted by the Nobel Prize for the most important discovery in physics, proof of helium superfluidity. Science Day in Russia is not an empty word and not the legacy of Soviet developments. The most recent scientist has become a physicist of Novoselov, which the Swedish Academy of Sciences noted for the studies of graphene. It happened quite recently - in 2010.


The Russian Academy of Sciences includes at once 9 directions, depending on the scope of study, which are located in Moscow. Also, RAS 3 regional offices and 15 large scientific centers. Science Day is celebrated in all branches of a large scientific structure. The Russian Academy of Sciences is a whole city, scattered through the expanses of the country, with a population of 50 thousand people. Among them are honorary "residents", and this is 500 academics and 800 corresponding members. Despite the fact that the official date, according to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, was established on February 8, most of the staff of the Old Manual, prefer to celebrate the day of science, as before, in the third Sunday of April.

The long-term tradition to celebrate domestic scientific achievements in Russia was interrupted, unfortunately, in the early 1990s and was resumed only by the Presidential Decree of June 7, 1999 "On establishing the Day of Russian Science". According to this decree, the date of February 8 is not chosen by chance. In addition to 1724, the Russian Academy of Sciences was established on February 8, the 275th anniversary of which was quite widely celebrated in our country.

The importance of science

It is in this frosting holiday on February 8 worth noting the importance of Russian science in our life. After all, we every day we use many scientific discoveries and do not even think about it.

For almost 3 centuries, Russian science opened a huge variety of great names and achievements to the world, she always walked in the advanced ranks of world scientific progress, especially in the field of fundamental research. The very world is known for the names of such outstanding scientists as N.A. Dollezhal, M.V. Lomonosov, D.I. Mendeleev, I.V. Kurchatov, E.K. Tsiolkovsky, P.L. Kapitsa, ld Landau, I.V. Kurchatov, A.P. Alexandrov, I.P. Pavlov, P.L. Kapitsa, S.P. Korolev and great many others. Scientists of Russia were largely "pioneers" of science - so, for example, the teaching of the biosphere was developed, an artificial satellite of the Earth was launched, the first nuclear power plant was commissioned.

There is still a holiday of science, the third Sunday of April, who celebrated all the years of Soviet power. In 1918, between April 18 and 25, Lenin amounted to the "sketch of the plan of scientific and technical works," which was the actual recognition of the tips of science. Until today, many scientific teams celebrate the day of science "on the old style" that is, in the third Sunday of April.

At all times, science was a powerful resource of economic transformations, the most important component of national wealth, the driving force of technical progress. The scientific and technical potential of any country is the most important national resource, one of the foundations of industrial development. The use of scientific knowledge ensures the economic growth of the country, thanks to the achievements of science and its technologies generated, the well-being of the population is significantly increased.

From the history of the Academy

The creation of the Academy of Sciences is directly related to the reform activities of Peter I aimed at strengthening the state, its economic and political independence. Peter understood the importance of scientific thought, education and culture of the people for the prosperity of the country. And he began to act "from above." According to his project, the Academy differed significantly from all related foreign organizations.

She was a state institution; Her members, receiving a salary, should have been provided by the scientific and technical services of the state. The Academy has connected the functions of scientific research and training, having an university and gymnasium. On December 27, 1725, the Academy celebrated its creation by the Big Public Assembly. It was a solemn act of the emergence of a new attribute of Russian state life.

The first president of the Academy was appointed Medic of Lawrence Bluchostrost. Taking care of the compliance of the activities of the Academy of World Level, Peter I invited leading foreign scientists to it. Among the first were mathematicians Nikolai and Daniel Bernoulli, Christians Goldbach, physicist Georg Bulfinger, astronomer and geographer Joseph Delilov, historian G.F. Miller. In 1727, Leonard Eileler became a member of the Academy.

The scientific work of the Academy in the first decades was carried out on three main areas (or "classes"): mathematical, physical (natural) and humanitarian. In fact, the Academy immediately joined the multiplication of the scientific and cultural wealth of the country. At his disposal she received the richest kunstkamera collections. Anatomical theater, a geographic department, an astronomical observatory, physical and mineralogical cabinets were created. The Academy had a botanical garden and instrumental workshops. Large botany I.G. worked here. Gmelin and I.G. Colereter, Founder of Embryology K.F. Wolf, famous naturalist and traveler P.S. Pallas. Work on the theory of electricity and magnetism was carried out by G.V. Richmann and F. Epinus. Thanks to research of academic scientists, the foundations for the development of mining, metallurgy and other industries of Russia were laid. Work on geodesy and cartography. In 1745, the first general map of the country was created - "Atlas Russian".

The activities of the Academy from the very beginning allowed her to take an honorable place among the largest scientific institutions in Europe. This was facilitated by the wide fame of such paintings of science as L. Eileler and M.V. Lomonosov.

Contribution M.V. Lomonosov

A whole epoch in the history of the Academy and Russian science was the scientific, educational and organizational activities of the Great Academic and Encyclopedist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

He enriched it with fundamental discoveries in chemistry, physics, astronomy, geology, geography; made a great contribution to the development of history, linguistics and poetics; organized in 1748 the first chemical laboratory; Actively participated in 1755 at the basis of Moscow University, now on the right of his name.

At the initiative of the Academy and, with its participation, comprehensive expeditionary studies were carried out, which made a huge contribution to the disclosure of the natural resources of Russia, and ethnographic studies of the country's territories from white to the Caspian seas, from Western regions to Kamchatka. Great North (1733-1742) and academic expeditions 1760-1770, capital works of participants of expeditions I.G. Gmelina, S.G. Gmelin, A.P. Gorlans, S.P. Kraschinnikova, S.P. Pallas and others played an outstanding role in the development of geography, biology, ethnography, history and culture of the peoples of Russia and were highly appreciated in Europe, opening up the European researchers.

They decided the question of the Strait between Asia and America and the northeastern borders of Russia. Maps of surveyed areas were drawn up, their animal and vegetable world were studied, minerals were revealed, history, ethnography, economic activity of the peoples living there and their languages \u200b\u200bbegan. Floating together with V. Bering G.V. Steller became a pioneer in the study of the nature and life of the peoples of Alaska and the Aleutian islands.

In 1748, the appointment of the first Russian president of the Academy took place, the graph K. G. Romumbovsky became. Domestic scientists began to be elected to the Academy. The first Russian academicians were S. P. Krasheninnikov - the author of the first natural science book ("Description of the Earth of Kamchatka"), written in Russian, M.V. Lomonosov, poet V.K. Tremakovsky, and later Astronomers N.I. Popov, S.Ya. Rumovsky, PB Inhodtsev, Naturalists I.I. Lephein, N.Ya. Ozerkivsky, V.F. Zuev, etc.

Scientific publication

The dissemination of scientific knowledge was actively promoted by the edition of the Academy. Articles about natural phenomena, minerals, machines and devices, travel, about distant countries and peoples, about diseases and their treatment, about poetic and dramatic arts, and many other things, were published in "Notes on Vedomosti". A large audience was among the Academy published in two languages \u200b\u200b"calendars" or "monthly", which also regularly outlaw articles on historical and natural science topics. And although by the end of the century, private publishing and journalism was gained strength, in propaganda of science, the leadership was preserved precisely academic publications (we maintain it still).

Dawn was the subject of the Academy issued in 1755-1764. In Russian magazine "Monthly Works, to the benefits and entertainment employees." Later, "Academic Izvestia" and other popular publications, who made articles of academics and translations of foreign scientific and popular literature appeared.

The Academy played a huge role in the preparation and holding of school reform in the 1980s --90s of the XVIII century. Members of the Academy have developed the main provisions of the reform, participated in the preparation of the first professional pedagogical personnel, amounted to and published about 30 textbooks and benefits. By definition S.I. Vavilova, "in the XVIII century. And at the beginning of the XIX century. The Russian Academy was generally synonymous with Russian science."

In 1783, in parallel with the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy began working, which was the main task of which was the compilation of the dictionary of the Russian language. Its members were famous Russian writers and poets - D.I. Fonvizin, G.R. Derzhavin, since 1833 Genius of Russian poetry A.S. Pushkin, as well as scientists S.K. Kotelnikov, A.P. Protasov, S.Ya. Rumovsky and others. One of the initiators of the creation and the first chairman of this academy was Princess E.R. Dashkov. In 1841, the Russian Academy was abolished, and part of its members joined the Academy of Sciences, making up the branch of the Russian language and literature.

The main responsibilities of the Academy are followed from the very purpose of its appointment, common with all academies and scientists in societies: to expand the limits of human knowledge, improve the science, to enrich them with new discoveries, distribute enlightenment, to send, in colic, the knowledge to a good one, adapting to the practical use of the theory and useful consequences of experiments and observations; Her in brief words is the book of her duties.

To the duties common with the other academies, the position directly turn their works in favor of Russia, spreading the knowledge of the natural work of the empire, seeking the means to multiply such, koi make up the subject of the people's industry and trade, to the improvement of factories, manufactory, crafts and arts - sources of wealth and power of states. "

Achievements of Russian scientists in various fields of sciences are widely known outside our country. Hundreds of greatest discoveries, often worth the scientists of life or health, put forward Russia ahead, in the age of scientific progress. The economic transformations of the state were largely due to a powerful lever - science. A modern person is obliged by many aspects of his life to the community of Geniyev.

February 8 throughout the country is celebrated holiday - day of Russian science. Scientists and professors, doctors and candidates, teachers and students, in short, all who, anyway, belongs to science, widely celebrate this holiday. In total, on February 8, it is not, however, honored scientists on this day throughout the country.

Russia has always been famous for outstanding people, despite the rather meager investment in the development of scientific discoveries, as a result of which the so-called "brain drain" often occurs. Tutorials for any subject fisting the names of Russian scientists. A huge reservoir of the most important discoveries is based on our nation's shoulders.

On February 8, 1724, the Russian Academy of Sciences was founded to indicate Peter the Great, Renamed during the Soviets in the Soviet Academy, and after the collapse of the USSR, the newly returned to the indigenous name. In honor of this great event today, the whole country celebrates the Day of Russian Science on February 8.

Of course, in Soviet times there were attempts to postpone the day of honoring Soviet scientists for the period from April 18 to 23, praised V.I. Lenin, however, and in this business enthusiasm historical justice. In 1999, B.N. Heltsin signed the corresponding decree.

February 8 is an important solemn day. On this day, government certificates are heard, new titles are established, grants are awarded to perform new ideas, the most important conferences on the exchange of experience are being held. In the Kremlin Palace, a magnificent ceremony is organized, on which the outstanding science figures receive well-deserved state awards.

The media on this day demonstrate to the public interview with scientists, body and radio broadcasts about new achievements, stories about the difficulties and problems of research work, often comparable to the exploits. Educational institutions on this day are organized by the "Evening of the meeting of graduates", carry small seminars or class hours with stories from the life of modern science workers.

The life of the scientist is very difficult and at the same time amazing. Each scientific activity is ready to give the study of one molecule or ion all his life so that future generations can always use these discoveries. And while our scientists are selflessly working for the benefit of our homeland, we have something to be proud of.

Day of Russian science, which is celebrated on February 8, is a relatively young holiday that appeared at the end of the 20th century. The date of February 8 was not chosen by no accident. It was on this day that February 8, 1724, Peter first signed a decree on the basis of the Academy of Sciences and Arts. It is curious that learn at the Academy could not only siblings from the rich noble families, but also the children of the low-cost people - the main thing that they were talented and had a craving for knowledge.

The contribution that the Academy of Sciences has introduced into the development of the economy, new technologies, mathematics, physics, medicine in the 18-19 centuries, it is difficult to overestimate. At this time, deep research is carried out in different scientific fields, museums are created (including the famous Kunstkamera in St. Petersburg). The foundations of many fundamental teachings are laid.

Science Day in the USSR

In 1925, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR appeared. Research and discoveries of Soviet scientists have made an invaluable contribution to world science. It was in the USSR that the first nuclear power plant was launched, the first artificial satellite of the Earth was created, such a science appeared as astronomy and biology appeared on a fundamentally different level of astronomy and biology.

The holiday of the day of science in the USSR, of course, existed, but they celebrated him in the third Sunday of April. This is due to the fact that in mid-April 1918 V.I. Lenin published an article by the "sketch of scientific and technical works", which determined the goals and ways to develop science in the coming decades.

Science Day in modern Russia

In 1991, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR was renamed Russian Academy of Sciences. Eight years later, in 1999, in honor of the 275th anniversary of the foundation of the Academy of Sciences, the President of the Russian Federation was signed an order to establish the day of Russian science. Since then, February 8 is the official holiday of all Russian scientists. True, many scientific teams celebrate their professional day and in mid-April, on the "old way". Therefore, we can safely say that Russian science has as many as two holidays. Well, our scientists fully deserve this!

Traditions of the Day of Russian Science

Although the day of Russian science is not a day off, it is widely noted in almost all scientific groups. It became a good tradition on this day to hold seminars and arrange scientific conferences. On this day, the protection of theses is often appointed, because to get a candidate or doctoral degree in the holiday of all scientists - this is especially honorable!
