Most of the other former inhabitants of the Earth belonging mainly to the lunar gods (cohesives, multiple creatures, Yaksha, etc.), as well asdark-skinned aliens davon-KalakesThere was, according to the described descriptions, yellow, copper, brown and red eyes, which can be called the eyes of different shades of karelo. Change and co-amphibians, as well as, apparently, Rakshasa (or some part of them) were deprived of the hair cover on the body, and the color of their skin varied over wide range - from yellow to violet and almost black. In contrast to them, many former inhabitants of the Earth, such as a friend of Hilgamesh Enikid, as wellmonkey people Vanara Wood covered. A W. Satirov, Silenov and devils Abundant hair was on his feet.

In several places "Mahabharata" it is said that Rakshasi had narrow smoke eyes, and nagini in human doors were very beautiful and possessed a beautiful figure. To this you need to add their hypnotizing brown eyes. Rakshasov describes vertical pupils and similar to the ears sinks.
The characteristic feature of the amphibious cohesives, Rakshasov, as well as, according to some descriptions, the ore, were red, red-red or flame-red hair. Swan, having sent many interesting materials, argues that the amphibians were green eyes.
If it was so, their descendants could be red-haired and green-eyed residents of ancient Ireland (and after their departure from there - the White Indians of America), which in Irish sagas are described as part of the Goddess Danan's tribe. They may have been absorbed by this tribe or are included in it by mistake. Characteristic feature Red-haired - very light skin, which immediately burns in the sun. It is possible that this is the result of the ancestors of the red-haired people under water.
Other types of cohesives most often had black or iscin-black hair. The same hair color was both davon-Kalakes.
Judging by the preserved images of the "old people" and the ancient gods, they possessed impressive childbearing bodies, and the intimate proximity between them occurred in the position of duty, face to his back (it's not by chance that the Christian church preaching the ideology of the solar gods condemns such a method of seitium); Apparently, the most important part of intimate relationship was the process itself. For those who lived in the underground settlement, the Tulance of the "old people" were widely practiced homosexuality, to which the solar gods and modern successors of their ideology were intolerable. Taking into account that many stempes and other former inhabitants of the Earth moved on four legs, such a situation in mating was the most likely for most of the planting.
Finally, another important hereditary feature of the coopers, apparently, is a preservative or "attaching" voice, which I often had to hear in the inhabitants of Southeast Asia. I also believe that the heritage of the Smeylade is a hieroglyphic letter, which was used by them due to the characteristics of their physiology.

Readwork P.OLexenko on the language of communication of human-like gods and NGA "Sanskrit - the language of the gods"

Where in humans is good and evil? Once again about the divine and demonic halves and characteristics of the character of a person

It is easy to see that in countries with a hot climate, the skin color of people is noticeably darker than in countries with cold. Also, closer to the equator increases the width of the nose, the thickness of the lips, the acting of the face forward. This distribution of signs is explained as follows.

In deep, antiquity, probably in the upper Paleolithic, biological device to the conditions ambient It was very important. The man was not yet armed technically, to effectively protect himself from the action of the elements. In such conditions, the skin color, for example, played a vital role for heat exchange. Dark skin pigment absorbs a much larger amount of ultraviolet, preventing the body against the danger of cancer. Although dark skin is stronger than the sunlight, more efficient skin glands saves overheating. The temperature of the skin of the neurode in the same conditions is less than that of the European or Asian. Light leather is more susceptible to ultraviolet radiation. This can be useful in the northern hemisphere, because in the conditions of relatively low insolation - solar illumination - there is a problem of Rakhita - disadvantage of D. So, in the northern latitudes, an increase in skin sensitivity to ultraviolet saves children from Rahita. Adaptive value have curly hair and an elongated high shape of the head of equatorial populations. Curly hair creates an air pad on the head, and the air is one of the best thermal insulators. In addition, the NEG hair contains more air bubbles than in the hair of a mongoloid or a European one. The elongated narrow and high head of equatorial groups has a smaller top area with the same volume as the low wide head of the northern peoples. It saves it from excessive overheating in the sun.

The large width of the mouth and the significant width of the mucous membranes of the Negroid are useful in the hot climate, as they increase the surface of the evaporation of moisture, cooling the body. Flavored wide nose has a similar value. At the same time, the small sizes of the nasal cavity do not allow air to be additionally heated when inhaling.

The opposite value has a high long nose of European views and northern mongoloids. Air passing through a long nasal move time to warm up and gets into the light warm. The orthoganatism of the northern races - the shortenness of the face - enhances the bending of the nasal stroke and protects the nasophalnation from supercooling.

The width of the eye gap is noticeably different from representatives of different races. A narrow section of the eyes of the Mongoloids, Bushmen and Tuaregov protects the eyeball from dust, wind and too bright sun on open spaces. At the same time, the eyes of the Mongoloids are significantly distinguished by a large number of subcutaneous fiber intended for the conservation of heat.

A more exotic example of the adaptive value of racial signs can serve Steatopiagia Bushmen, Gottentotov and Andamanians. Fat deposits on buttocks and hips serve as a supply of nutrients in the conditions of their sharp deficiency. Thanks to the sculptures of the Upper Paleolithic, we know that Steatopiagia was the usual phenomenon in Europe about 25-20 thousand years ago, during the formation of racial complexes

Classic racial features include the features of appearance - the color and shape of the eyes, lips, nose, hair, skin color, the structure of the face as a whole, the shape of the head.

Mongoloid, or Asia-American, a big race, which is sometimes called "yellow" on the outdated terminology, covers about 50% of the entire population of the globe, that is, 1.3 billion from this amount is almost half the Chinese are about 600 million people. The main mass of representatives of the "yellow" race occupies huge spaces of Asia, especially its northern, oriental, central and southeastern areas. The Mongoloid Race also spread also in Oceania and on the mainland of America. Very many mongoloid groups are part of the population of the USSR, mainly its Asian part, where the characteristic representatives of them are Yakuts, Buryats, Tungus (Evenks), Chukchi, Tuvintsy, Altaica, Gilyaki (Nivhi), Aleuts, Asian Eskimos and many others. In the European part of the USSR, the Mongoloid anthropological types are part of Bashkir, Tatars, Chuvash and some other peoples. For a large mongoloid race, the following signs are characteristic: the skin is light or dark, with a yellowish or yellowish-brown tinge; The hair on the head is almost all of all straight and rigid (tight), usually black; Beard and mustache, as a rule, are developing late and weakly; The hair of the tertiary cover on the body is almost absent. Representatives of many anthropological types of this race, especially in northern Mongoloids, the face is large, ahead is the average (mesognatism); Due to the growth and speech of the cheekbone on the parties, it is significantly glorified; Karie's eyes, their incision among most medium, but many are narrow, and the outer angle of the eye crack is often higher than the internal; The top of the upper age is developed strongly, very many almost reaches the eyelashes, goes to the lower eyelid and completely or partially covers the inner angle of the eye, capturing a tear tubercle: a special fold is formed; The nose of medium width, protrudes weakly, usually we move with low (the Indians perform strongly, the transfer is high, the Eskimos is low); the position of the nostrils in most averages; lips Thin or medium thickness, upper cooler; The chiner is developed medium; Head in very many mesocal. The Mongoloid Large Race is divided into three small races. The first of them is a mongoloid, or asian continental; Second-journal Mongoloid, or Asia-Pacific; Third-American (Indian). Representatives of northern Mongoloid, or, as it is also called, the Central Asian, small races are, for example, Buryats and Mongols. These are quite typical mongoloids, which, however, differ in somewhat weakened features, as they have skin color, hair and eyes brighter, hair is not always tight; But the beard almost does not grow, lips are thin, the face is large and flat. In the south-east of Asia, the Southern Mongoloid Race prevails, most of the representatives of which - Maletsev, Yavantsev, Zondtsev -Women are more dark; The face is narrower and low; The lips of the middle thickness walking thick; nose is wide; Epicantus is less common than in northern Mongoloids; Beard develops, although not much; pa head in some wavy hair; Growth is slightly lower than that of northern Mongoloids, and significantly lower than the Chinese. The third Mongoloid Race -American (Indian) is a transitional nature, as it has more weakly pronounced mongoloid features and at the same time some features rapprite the CE with the European-type type. In the Indians, hair is usually straight and tight, black; Beard, mustache, tertiary hairproof body develop poorly; The skin is yellowish brown, dark eyes, brown; The face is very wide. On these signs, the Indians are similar to typical mongoloids. However, in the fold of the upper eyelid (which is also developed strongly, but the epicatus, as a rule, does not form), according to a strongly speaking nose, often with a convex back, on medium or high height of the transfer, as well as by the total type of face, the Indians resemble the European phones. Some tribes celebrate hair waviness on the head

As it always happens, according to folk wisdom, Name the thief is always louder to all shouts: keep your thief! "The same can be said about those." Workers "who came up with the myth that Russians are a mixture of various peoples, including the Mongoloids.

However, genetic and antlopologicis are just talking about the opposite: it is Russians with their haplogroup R1A1 are the most purebred European views, together with other Slavs and Eastern Germans (which are actually numb by Slavs). But even the Western Germans (for the exclosions of the indigenous bavarians) retained much more European-like genes than the same English-saches, which, in essence, are representatives of a hybrid race, which, except the European-like, and the Genes of Archantropov.

And that is why they hate Slavs, but especially Russians, already at the genetic level. From here, you can understand why Anglo-Saxus is clearly or secret throughout its history, but always intrigued against Russia and Russia, pushing other European and even Asian peoples to attack our country. Hate to Russian, aggressiveness and the desire of any price to world domination is all the result of the presence of animal genes of Archantropov. They also force Anglo -kal politicians to lie and actively use the "double standards", especially in relation to Russians and Russia.

And the fear of the fact that their genetic inferiority will open to the whole world, forces them for centuries for centuries to invent Russian and Russia-Russia of various kinds of non-residents, one of which is just the myth of the mixed origin of the Russian people and about his "Mongoloid". By the way, just with the help of this myth, Anglo-Special services "washed brains" Ukrainians after 1991, scaring their new "invasion of the Mongoloid Russia-Horde."

But how are things really? Yes, everything is exactly the opposite! Here, for example, several interesting research, which is mentioned by traveler, biologist, Anthropologist Sidorov in his book "For family seals":

"I broke several pages, and my monograph N.N. Cheboksarova" Mongoloid elements in the population of Central Europe ". Surprised the number of people who studied scientists. They were not much - not a little, but as many as 8,500 people.

"Well, the work has tested this Cheboksarov! I unwittingly admired me. - How old did he work? "

And I wanted to find the conclusions made by scientists. When I found them, I did not believe my eyes: N.N. Cheboksarov, referring to their work, argued that the main sign of the Mongoloid - Epicantus in Russians in a developed form is almost not found. Its barely noticeable primitives from the 8500 examined, he met only 12 people! In Germany, the undeveloped epicantus is noticeable in 8% of citizens. Estonians, Latvians, Germans, French, even Western Ukrainians consider us, Russians, semi-evitates.

Scientific articles are written that we, the Russians, arose from the mixing of Finns, the Urals and the ancient, who left Europe to the east of defective European-like tribes. Little this, from the 6th century we were periodically pressed, then Huns, then Avars, later Pechenegs, Polovtsy and Finally, Mongols. But the data of anthropological research says that we, Russian, more europeanoids than the Germans! What does it mean? In the Germans of the Mongoloid signs of 2% more than we have. How could the Mongoloids in Western Europe? Are these descendants of mysterious tungres? Hybrid tribes mixed with the European Petecantrope? I did not find another output.

"If so, then much in the behavior of Western Europeans becomes clear. It turns out, over time, the genetic animal complex is sprayed throughout western Europe. As a result of this phenomena, the population of the central part of Germany and Austria became more mongoloid than we, Russians! Well, - I argued. - All this concerns the descendants of Peteitronts. But in Europe there were also noons - Neanderthals. "Nemens" means not able to say, that is, dumb. From them there was the word Germans. But the few did not possess the Mongoloid. It is a pity that N. Cheboksarov did not conduct research along Nemetov. Otherwise, there could be conclusions even more curious. "

I shut up a few more pages of the selection and came across the article by Kozhevnikov called "Rusology". It spoke about the results of the anthropological expedition of 1955-1959. B. Bunac. Scientist examined a hundred groups of Velikors. In his work, Bunak revealed the maximum and minimum limits of deviations and came to the conclusion that they are minimal among the Russian people. Different groups of Russians, despite the huge remoteness of each other, were almost homogeneous ethnos!

"How could it be? - I wondered. - Is the ancient Arian Genofund really for thousands of years of isolation of Russian childbirth almost not changed from each other? He had to become different in itself, under the influence of various living conditions, not to mention the genetic mixing factor with other ethnic groups. But for some reason did not. Why? Is it really so powerful with us, Russians, as Jaroslav says, star nature, that even the Millennium isolation does not change it?

And the Balts, the French, Anglo-Saxons, even the Blood Brothers Poles are considered to be semi-valves ... Here you are alone almongols - semi-metal! Why do you, gentlemen of Wester, consider us "Mix Lord"? Oh, not for whether you yourself imagine in your most hybrid race? V. Bunak did not make such an output, but noted that the Russian anthropological variation of changes is twice as fewer than the Germans, French, the British and other nations of Europe.

It turns out that we, Russians, on racial sign purebred Europeanoids, besides extremely homogeneous. The Western Europeans are completely different. They are twice as much as we, the Mongoloid and other signs, but the latter are confident that they are a standard of the Europeanid race, and we are Velikors, Belarusians and Malorus - a mixture of the Mongoloids, Finno-Thieves and Lady Hybrid Slavs. All the opposite! As it should be in our overtaken world!

... Having thought about what came to mind, I found in the journal "Issues of Anthropology" for 1995. Article V.E. Dreams on the methodology of statistical intergroup analysis of anthropological data.

- "Consideration of a mixed set of features," I read a long promising header.

Transfill the article, I took up her study. There was nothing new in the work of the delicé. Scientist, as well as his predecessors, now applying mathematical analysis, came to the conclusion about the anthropological unity of the Russian ethnos. Moreover, according to his research, we, Russians, brighter than the other nations of Europe. Among us by 25-30% more blondes than in Germany, Denmark or Sweden ... From what I read, I was thrown in the heat.

"It turns out that" Blond Bestia "is not the Germans at all, and we, Eastern Slavs! The German Blondes are in the main mass of numb children's descendants of Western Slavs and the inhabitants of the Baltic order of Rus. "

I did not come to another output. Thinking a little, I took up the study of the article "Craneology of the peoples of Eastern Europe and the Caucasus in connection with the problems of their origin."

This work was written outstanding Soviet anthropologist V.P. Alekseyev, the one, who has repeatedly mentioned Uncle Yush. Therefore, I read it with special attention. Conclusion at V.P. Alekseeva was the same: Russian ethnos is more uniform than any Western. In addition, referring to the works of his colleagues, Alekseev came to the conclusion that in the Russian ethnicity, despite its homogeneity, the ancient inter-barred differences are traced. For example, Belarusians originate from Radmich and Dregovich, right-bank Ukrainians from Drevlyan. The same with other groups of the Russian population.

Chernigovs are a copy of their ancestors - Northerners, Smolyan and Pskovichi - Curvic, Novgorod and Pomra are very similar to medieval Slovenia. According to Alekseeva, the Russian ethnos is ancient in Europe, a purely nordic population in Europe. Despite the bare-visible specialists with intergovernmental differences, it is interspersed and surprisingly homogeneous. To the question of how this could happen, the scientist did not respond in his work.

Thoroughly examining the article V.P. Alekseeva, I briefly looked in the Russian anthropological journal No. 3 and the article Krasnova, the scientist wrote it in 1902. He examined ten russian provinces. The scientist conducted his work at military calling points. And what conclusion: the same. Russians in the bulk of their masses are blondery art. Blondes among them in the south of 20% and above. North from 50 to 70%.

Personal articles of several more anthropologists, I discovered an odontological study A.A. Zubov. The teeth published their work in 1970, during the greatest flourishing of Soviet science. To the surprise of the researcher, among all those studied by him groups of the Russian ethnos, he did not find spoonful mongoloid teeth. According to A.A. Zubet, Mongoloids in the entire history of the Russian people never mixed with him.

Teeth first of Soviet scientists question the fact of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. In his opinion, the Mongols and Mongoloid Turks never had in Russia, and those who were considered to be Mongol-Tatars were not at all. I looked at work and other researchers. They all claimed the same thing. For a few minutes I stopped at the conclusions of genetics. In their opinion, the Russian ethnos is more than 90% uniform and belongs to the European-like Nordic race. Hybrids in it were 8-9% from the strength, there are practically no mongoloids.

"So semi-pine-semi-waves, half-chowered semi-guns, semi-aluminum semi-mongols! - I thought, going to my bedroom. - Everything is from Krylov's Basnie, when the lily was thrown onto the tail of the label that he was daring. The last thousand years on earth reigned the time of labels. Labels are imposed by peoples with degenerative western civilization. The whole world understands this, but can not do anything. And if anyone begins to fight intensively with this misfortune, cross hiking crusades were organized in the Middle Ages. Nowadays, there are such and bomb, and conquer. "

.. In recent decades, Russian and foreign scientists have carried out genetic studies that have fully confirmed that it is Russians (together with Belarusians and Eastern Ukrainians) are the most purebred carriers of the haplogroupR1A1, and, consequently, research and conclusions V. Bernaka N. Cheboksarova, V. Derezabina, V.Alegseeva, A. Zubova fully confirmed.

Now the three characteristic "habitat" of people with the greatest admits of non-European genes, which have quite clearly coincided with some traditional "foci" Russophobia: Western Ukraine (with the territories of Poland), Bavaria and England are revealed. Thus, it is possible to make characteristic conclusions and with respect to our "libidoids", which hate all Russian, scold Russian people and work on the enemies of our state. It is quite obvious that the mystery of the manifestation of the disease of the worship before the West should be sought for everything in the same animal genes of Archantropov.

The structure of the face of the Mongoloids is very peculiar. Their hair is straight, iscin-black, thick and hard, like a horse mane. Unlike the rest of the races, the Mongoloids have round hair around, and the other races are oval. It is on this that the Mongoloid hair is only straight. Mongoloids have wide individuals with strongly protruding cheekbones, flat noses, black or dark-brown eyes, dark skin. Men on the faces rare mustache and beard. Particularly unusual and peculiar to the structure of the eyes of the Mongoloids: they are narrow and the internal angles of them are located below external, which creates the impression of deoxy. The upper eyelid and swollen, cut by the longitudinal fold, often hanging on his eyes. In the inner corner of the eye is the epicantus, the so-called third century. No less peculiar in the Mongoloids and teeth. Front cutters - wide, in the form of Sovic shovel; This feature is rarely found in people of other races.

The Mongoloid Race is divided into a number of types: Central-East Asian (Classical Mongoloids), Tibetan, Northeast (Arctic), North, South, Tien Shansky, Pamiro-Fergana, West Siberian, Ural and Lapland Types. Ural and Lapland types are marching, transient types between the Mongoloids and the Northern Court of Europe. In the West Siberian type, there is an Eastern European admixture of European views. And in the Pamir-Fergana type, there is an anterior-Asian admixture of the European en. Southern type has an Assault adherence.

Pacific Mongoloids include two small races: Far Eastern and South Asian. The main area of \u200b\u200bthis group of options is limited in the west of Indian and Tibet, in the north - Central Asian deserts and mining systems of Hingane and the Range, in the south of Wallace Line, held between the probe islands and the so-called great Australia, which includes New Guinea and Australia.

Far Eastern small race. Skin color is dark. The eyes are dark, like the rest of the Mongoloids. Straight hair, hard and very dark. Adult epicantus occurs from 70 to 95% of cases. Tertiary hairproof is poorly developed. Body length is medium or above average. The face is narrow, medium width, high, flat. The brain skull in the horizontal section is small, but high. The nose is quite long, with a straight back, weakly- or medium. A significant percentage of China's population, Korea, Japan has clearly pronounced features of the Far Eastern race.

South Asian Small Race. The skin color is darker than that of the Far Eastern race. There is some percentage of wavy hair. Epicantus is less common (20-50%). The face is less flattened and relatively lower. The lips are thicker, and the nose is relatively wider. The brain skull is also small and relatively wide. The forehead often has a convex form. Body length small. Race is widespread in the countries of South and Southeast Asia.

Northern Mongoloids. Their modern Western border passes approximately by Yenisei, the southern border corresponds to the northern for the Far Eastern race, the northern and eastern borders of oceanic.

North Asian Small Race. The skin color is brighter than the previous ones, in some groups a significant percentage of ceiling. The hair is dark and dark blond, usually straight and tough, but there are populations (for example, Evenks), who often have soft hair. Often there are also light-brown shades of painting of randomy. The face is usually high and wide, very flat. There are relatively low-grade options. Brain skull with large horizontal diameters and small altitude. This is one of the important distinctive signs of the Northern and Pacific Mongoloids. The nose varies the magnitude and degree of speech. There are groups with very flat stand. Epicantus is often found. The eye cut is very small. The length of the body is medium and below average. This small race is quite clearly divided into two morphothype - Baikal and Central Asian. Baikal has a kind of combination: Maximum Mongoloid in Face Morphology (maximum flattened) and minimum in pigmentation (the brightest among the mongoloids). The features of the North Asian race underlie the anthropological type of many indigenous peoples of Siberia: Evenks, Yakuts, Buryat, etc.

Arctic small race. Distribution area is approximately from the Verkhoyansky ridge in the West to Greenland. The southern border passes by about 60 °. shir Pigmentation is darker than the North Asian race (closer to Pacific). Hair straight and tough, Epicantus - from 30 to 50%. Nose speech is moderately weak. The face is less flattened, but more proximated than the North Asian race. Face often has a pentagonoidal outline due to a long distance between the corners lower jaw. The o-shaped form of legs characteristic of many mongoloid populations has a weakly characteristic of the Arctic race. According to some proportions, these mongoloids differ significantly from the continental (body and hand relatively shorter, the leg is longer, the chest is more rounded). With a strongly developed bone and muscles, subcutaneous fat is poorly developed, which also significantly distinguishes the Arctic groups from other mongoloids. This anthropological type is found in Eskimos, Chukchi, American Indians, Koryakov, but the most clearly expressed in Eskimos.

American race. It occupies an extensive territory of the American continent with the most different environmental conditions. Despite the fact that several morphothips are isolated inside the race, it is enough in basic features. At the same time, differences from the rest of the mongoloids are quite significant, which gives some researchers to allocate it into a separate large race. For most populations and morphothypes of American Indians, a large nose is characterized, sometimes with a convex back. Facial flattened face is moderate and even small. Epicatus rarok. Total facial and head sizes are often large. Body length is medium and large. For most populations, an increased massiveness is characteristic (with full nutrition). Some "non-phypical" of American Indians is often considered as the preservation of the morphological features of the ancient mongoloids.

Divorce. Lecture number 9. Mongoloids
Anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky on transitional versions, characteristic features and variability of representatives of the Mongoloid race / Rovybodsky course: 10 lectures of the Anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky racial variability mankind

How did the transitional variants of the Mongoloid race? What signs are most characteristic of her representatives? What is the Mongoloid Race most numerous? This tells the candidate of biological sciences Stanislav Drobyshevsky. Also in

Stanislav Drobyshevsky - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Anthropology of the Biological Faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, scientific editor of the portal. The course "Divisia" - 10 lectures of the anthropologist Stanislav Drobyshevsky about the racial variability of mankind.

Mongoloids - Stanislav Drobyshevsky

- Mongoloid race - it is also called the Asian race - this is a race, on the one hand, with a huge range, half of about Asia, the mass of all sorts of islands, with a huge number. As everyone knows, some Chinese are more than a billion. On the other hand, surprisingly monotonous - from north to south and from west to east. Among all the so-called big races, it is probably one of the most uniform.

What does not exclude, of course, the presence of some options. Moreover, the Mongoloid Race, since in the edges in contact with other races, has transitional options. Transitional groups between Europeanoids and mongoloids are already two races. This is the Ural Race - representatives living in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Trans-Urals, in Western Siberia.Such superate representatives often refer to Khanty and Mansi. Naturally, not only they come there, because the Urals, or the Uraloids, are found at the Tatar, in Chuvash, at the Morder, Marytsev, from Ketov in Western Siberia and a lot of anyone else.

Ural raus averaged between the Mongoloids and Correspondence. From the point of view of the Court of view, they may seem by the Mongoloids, but, from the point of view of the Mongoloids, they will seem to the Europeanoids. It is also expressed in the shape and color of hair, and in the form of an eye, and in any other way. True, there is a big question: the Ural Race arose here due to isolation or due to the mixing of the Mongoloids and Correspondence? Most likely, both factors had a value.

Representatives of the South Eibirsk race live south. There also include representatives of many nations, but two main people are considered typical representatives - these are Kazakhs and Kyrgyz.

Regarding the origin of the South Iibirsk race, it is probably known for the origin of any other race, since these were nomads, not so long ago they have developed there in the form of the South Iibirsk race, this region is well studied archaeologically and Paleooanthropologically. Therefore, the addition of the South Eibirsk race - as the mixing of the European winds who lived here earlier, in the Bronze Age, with the Mongoloids, which from the early Iron began to come here, somewhere XVI century All these movements ended - described and studied very well. There are also transitions between the Mongoloids and Equatorians in Southeast Asia, but there is a matter of scientific plan, because these transitions are not described with almost anyone.

Mongoloids are characterized by a whole set of pretty bright signs. The skin color is sufficiently light on a global scale, some of the northern people are very light, but, say, in Indonesia there are pretty dark skin shades, although Equatorial never reaches.

The hair is almost the same with all the mongoloids - straight and black. And not only direct. They are still so-called tight.

The diameter of the hair is large than and different from straight hair, say, northern Europeanoids, whose hair is also straight, but soft, thin.

This sign in the Mongoloids to the extreme is monotony, and any options are practically the same. Although options are found. For example, in some groups of Yakuts and Evenks - up to 40% with rusia hair, sometimes happening with very light. Some believe that this is the influence of the impurity of the Russians, but most likely it is its own state, because they lived in isolation, and in isolation such signs often appear by themselves. At the very south of the settlement of the Mongoloids, there are sometimes very wavy, even almost curly hair due to mixing with equatorials - for example, in the Philippines it is not uncommon.

The characteristic feature of the Mongoloids is a small cut of the eyes and the presence of Epicatus. Epicantus is a fold in the inner corner of the eye, which covers the tear tubercle, and in most groups of the Mongoloids the frequency of this epicantus from 98 to 100%. Slightly smallerly she is in the south - say, in the same Indonesia, in the Philippines. Due to mixing with equatorials there, the frequency of the epicantus may decline.

It is characteristic that Epicatus is available not only at the Mongoloids. Regardless, apparently, he originated at Buschmen in South Africa, from representatives of the South African race, and Epicatus meets, naturally, among the Indians in America, but they are related to the Mongoloids in any way, and occurs from the European winds. 50% of European children also have Epicatus. But the European appeared for the years to three-four usually disappears, if he was at birth, and the Mongoloids remains for life. Although it must be said that both the Mongoloids in the old age frequency of the epicantus decreases.

A typical feature of the Mongoloids is a lower growth of beard and mustache. The minimum in the world, less than they do not. Some people have men, naturally, in all her life there is practically no beard, nor mustache. What is connected and the displaced perception of this sign by the Mongoloids themselves: for them, such a beard, as now, let's say, I will have a sign of incredible old age. What I personally came across a couple of times when my Mongoloids perceived as a very old man. Chinese, for example. They have been depicted, say, Confucius all the time with a long beard. But if you look closely, it is long, but still goes along the lower edge of the face, because it is almost impossible to imagine a beard, it is almost impossible for them, because they do not have this.

Also for the Mongoloids is very characteristic of a flattened face: in the horizontal plane, the person is up to extremes flat. Although sometimes it is exaggerated in the descriptions, exaggerate, but nevertheless the fact that there are separate individuals, whose nose will not touch the nose, if you put it on the cheekbones. It turns out that the face is not only flat - it is actually indulged inside. This, of course, some extreme options are very rare, but the fact that in other races there is no such thing, and the flattened facial flattened.

But the form and sizes of the person at the Mongoloids are quite a variable, as well as the shape of the nose. It is often represented by residents of Russia that the Mongoloids necessarily should be some small, concave, but this representation is drawn from communicating with our Mongoloids - Northern, Siberian. And more southern may have completely different forms of the nose. Mongoloid lips can be different. As a rule, it is thorough than that of the European windows, but the fantasy than the equatorials. Something more or less average.

Mongoloids are very monotonous in fact, but nevertheless, options can be distinguished. In the south, South Mongoloid Race, or South Asian Race, which is the same. There is a term "Malay", still somehow, but they are less used. This race is most equatorial. They have the most dark leather among the mongoloids, the most protruding jaws - up to a developed prognathism.

In some groups, the lips reach equatorial values: very thick, wide, deployed.

In the Philippines, in Southeast Asia in some places there may be wavy, almost curly hair and so on and so on.

Obviously, this is the result of mixing with equatorials. Although not as ancient, because Paleoanthrology shows that the Mongoloids appeared here about 2-3 thousand years ago. Prior to that, there was a completely different, protoavraidoid, Melanesian - is called differently - but on the fact the East Equatorial population.

In terms of numbers, most of the Mongoloids belongs to the East Asian race. This is most of China, except the north of the South, Korea and Japan himself. Given that in China, a billion people - minus the most north and south, but still the same billion remains. Representatives of this East Asian, Far Eastern race, as they call it differently, have an intermediate state between southern Mongoloids and Northern. They have a rather bright skin, but still darkness than in the north, but lighter than in the south. They have a narrow, but high face. In the south, the face is small, in principle, and here it is narrow, high, but also flattened. What is characteristic of the nose most often convex. In the Chinese, for example, according to statistics, 60% of the convex nose backs. The Japanese also has nothing to do with the exact number, but about the same. The nose is usually quite narrow. Japanese are particularly rapidly narrowing the nose.

Inside this Far Eastern, or East Asian, races are distinguished sometimes types, options: Japanese type, Korean type, several types in China. But the data is not so much, because, for example, we studied mainly Koreans living in Kazakhstan. Koreans in the Korea itself anthropologically almost no one studied, oddly enough.

Representatives of the North Asian race, which is divided into two types. This is Central Asian: Mongols, Buryats, partly Yakuts - they are the largest among the Mongoloids, the most massive, with a large flat face, with a very large frequency of Epicatus. And the second option is the Baikal Race, or the East Eastosibirsk, as its Bunak, for example, called. This, for example, Evenks. Not only the Evenks, there are many nations in Siberia, and most of the same do also apply. They are slightly smaller than the Central Asian race, and from all other mongoloids are distinguished by a relatively large frequency of blond hair and light eyes, sometimes up to blue eyes. At the same time, the form of the face they have the most mongoloid, that is, the most flat face, the most concave nose back and the largest sizes of the face - their face is very high, and very wide.

This is an example of the fact that Race is a conditional concept. Let's say Evenks in the form of the face - the most mongoloids, and in color of the eyes and hair - the minimally mongoloid. This suggests that the concept of "Mongoloid" is our construct, which is designed for convenience, but do not need to try to shove real people. In fact, real people are primary, and ideas are secondary.
