GVE stands for"State final exam" and is carried out using tests, tickets, assignments. Like the standard OGE, it began to be used in secondary educational institutions since 2002 and today it serves as a mandatory certification for students in grades 9 and 11.

In essence, the GVE serves as an analogue of a single state examination(the main state exam), however, it is intended for a specific category of students and has some differences.

What is GVE?

GVE is one of the forms of attestation carried out at the state level among schoolchildren who have mastered the program of general or secondary education. This exam is passed only by those students who, for some reason, cannot pass the standard test.

Certification provides for the passing of examinations in oral and written form. Compulsory subjects are mathematics and Russian, the rest of the student can take at his discretion.

When passing the certification in the Russian language, students are offered the choice of writing an essay or presentation with creative task... During testing, there are assistants in the classroom who can provide technical assistance to the student.

Exam options in mathematics consist of ten tasks, including problems in arithmetic, probability theory, geometry and algebra. All of them require a detailed answer and a solution that should demonstrate the student's knowledge of mathematics.

Who takes the GVE?

The list of students is determined by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and includes students who are trained in closed educational institutions, institutions of the penitentiary system, as well as students with disabilities.

The latter include children with mental or physical disabilities - deaf and dumb, poor seeing, having severe speech disorders, diseases of the locomotor system, including people with disabilities of different groups.

To take part in the exams, students or their parents (persons replacing them) must, by March 1, write an application for delivery indicating the list of selected subjects and provide documents confirming the impossibility of participating in the regular certification. This can be the conclusion of the medical commission or a certificate of disability.

How does the GVE differ from the USE or the OGE?

The main difference between the GVE and the USE or OGE is access to exams for certain categories of students. If the exams are taken by healthy children living in their own families, then the GVE is intended for schoolchildren in penal institutions or with health problems.

The difference lies in the organization of the certification. GVE is test with the implementation of certain tasks, while the exam and the exam are a combination of testing, solving problems or performing creative work.

Today it is difficult to find at least one student who has not been affected in one way or another by the reform of the educational sphere. Having got used a little to such terms as GIA and USE, I very quickly had to get used to the new OGE and GVE. However, the change in abbreviations did not add clarity to the essence of these concepts.

Exam in grade 9 - GIA, OGE or GVE what is the difference?

What is the OGE?

First of all, OGE and GVE are parts of an integral system (State Final Attestation) in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 and are held in the 9th grade. That is, the GIA, as defined by legislation, can take place in two forms - GVE and OGE:

1) OGE is carried out using CMM (control measuring materials) for all students in secondary general education educational institutions countries and persons with foreign citizenship, stateless, refugees, displaced persons who have independently mastered the entire required volume of the educational program and have access to the GIA.

2) GVE is carried out through a written and oral examination - texts, topics, assignments, tickets, tests - for all students of special secondary educational institutions of a closed type, including those who are punished in the form of imprisonment, and people with disabilities.

As for the definitions themselves, the decoding of the OGE is as follows - "The main state exam". Accordingly, the GVE is the “State Final Exam”. They are compulsory for all students finishing 9th grade and consist of two compulsory subjects (mathematics and Russian) and two optional subjects.

What is GVE?

This format of the unified state exam is taken by all ninth-graders and eleventh-graders who have any restrictions on their health or study in specialized closed-type institutions. The rest, who do not have health problems, undergo GIA in the form of OGE according to standard tests (CMMs).

However, in the coming year, the Department of Education has already provided for some changes in the system of state examinations. For example, the GIA (OGE) 2015 will begin no earlier than May 25 in all compulsory subjects and no earlier than April 20 for the rest. All information regarding the OGE will be published in the media and on the official websites of education authorities by April 1.

Changes in GIA 2015 (OGE)

In the OGE 2015, changes will also affect the issuance of a certificate of maturity. Now, to get it, you must pass at least four exams (two compulsory and two optional) with a grade of at least "satisfactory". In addition, mathematics and Russian, as before, remain unchanged to delivery. The rest of the subjects are individually selective for each student and make up a list of twelve disciplines, including the OGE in English language: physics, chemistry, computer science, geography, social studies, literature, history, biology, German, Spanish and French languages... As for the content and procedure of the GIA, the structure of the measuring materials and the duration of the exam itself remain unchanged.

Thus, the OGE and the GVE are, in essence, two names for the same general process of passing the final exams, the difference between which is only in minor positions.

The GIA-9 Procedure defines the following approaches to the assessment of examination papers in the form of GVE-9:

“The examination papers are checked by two experts. Based on the results of the check, the experts independently assign points for each answer to the tasks examination work... The results of each assessment are entered into the verification protocols by subject commissions, which, after filling out, are transferred to the RSCI for further processing. In the event of a significant discrepancy in the points given by two experts, a third check is assigned. A significant difference in scores was determined in the assessment criteria for the corresponding academic subject.

The third expert is appointed by the chairman of the subject committee from among experts who have not previously checked the examination paper.

The third expert is provided with information about the points given by the experts who previously checked the student's examination work. The points given by the third expert are final. " (p. 48 of the GIA-9 Order).

"The results obtained in primary scores(the sum of points for correctly completed tasks of the examination work) is transferred by the RSCI to a five-point assessment system ”(clause 52 of the GIA-9 Order).

“The results of the GIA are recognized as satisfactory if the student in compulsory academic subjects has minimal amount points, determined by the executive authority of the subject Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of education, a founder, a foreign institution ”(clause 60 of the GIA-9 Procedure).

In addition to the requirements of the Procedure listed above, the following approaches to the assessment of examination papers in mathematics are defined:

For each correctly completed task, 1 primary point is set;

The task is considered completed correctly if the graduate has chosen the correct solution path, the course of his reasoning is clear from the written record of the solution, and the correct answer is received;

If, based on the results of checking the examination paper by two experts, amounts are received that diverge by two or more primary points, then for tasks in which discrepancies are found, a third check is assigned; in other cases of discrepancy in the assessment given by two experts, the higher grade is considered final;

The results of the state final attestation are recognized as satisfactory if the graduate, when passing the state final exam in mathematics, received a mark not lower than satisfactory ("three").

State final certification (GIA) is mandatory and is carried out at the end of the 9th and 11th grades. Its purpose is to determine the compliance of the results of mastering educational programs with existing standards and requirements.

GIA after grade 9 includes compulsory exams in the Russian language and mathematics, as well as exams in two academic subjects of the student's choice. You can choose from physics, chemistry, biology, literature, geography, history, social science, foreign languages, informatics and information and communication technologies. GIA after the 9th grade is carried out in the form of the main state exam (OGE) or in the form of the state final exam (GVE).

GIA after grade 11 includes two compulsory exams in Russian language and mathematics. Students take exams in other academic subjects on a voluntary basis of their choice. You can choose from literature, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, history, social studies, foreign languages, computer science and information and communication technologies. GIA after grade 11 is carried out in the form of a unified state exam (USE) or in the form of a state final exam (GVE).

GIA in the form of OGE and USE is carried out using control measuring materials, which are complexes of tasks of a standardized form. The form for passing the GIA in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam is a general rule for students of educational organizations, including for foreign citizens and stateless persons, refugees and internally displaced persons. In addition, students take the exam and the exam in the form family education or self-education, admitted to the GIA in the current year.

GIA in USE form in mathematics is conducted at two levels:

  • Unified State Exam in Mathematics basic level... This exam is aimed at those who do not need mathematics in further education. Either training is not assumed at all, or it is assumed in specialties, for admission to which it is not required entrance tests in the academic subject mathematics.
  • Unified State Exam in Mathematics profile level... The results of this exam are recognized as admission to universities for undergraduate and specialist programs.

GIA in the form of GVE is conducted in the form of written and oral examinations using texts, topics, assignments and tickets. The form for passing the GIA in the form of GVE is an exception to the general rule and applies to students:

  • with disabilities;
  • disabled children and disabled children;
  • mastered in 2014-2016 educational programs v educational institutions located on the territory of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol;
  • in special educational institutions of a closed type;
  • institutions executing punishment in the form of imprisonment;
  • in educational organizations located outside the territory of the Russian Federation, and implementing educational programs for accreditation in the Russian Federation.

These students, at their discretion, can choose individual subjects for passing the SIA in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

Also, the GIA can be conducted in the form established by the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, for students who have studied their native language and native literature and who have chosen an exam in native language and literature for passing the GIA.
