Fragment of a French lesson. Phonetic charging.

Phonetic charge - special training exercise... It includes the lexical and grammatical material of the lesson. The material of phonetic charging can be a sound, a word, a sentence or a small text (poems, rhymes, sayings)

Phonetic exercises should be at the beginning of the lesson (at the initial stage), before reading (at the middle stage), at the end of the lesson (at the senior stage)

For analysis, I took a textbook for the fifth grade of Beregovskaya E.M. The Bluebird Lecon 1 (page 10). Each lesson in this textbook provides for the development of phonetic skills in schoolchildren.

Fragment task:

1) Introducing a new sound. The nasal sound "o".

2) Training students in the perception and pronunciation of the sound "o" in familiar words.

3) Consolidation of the sound "o".

Lesson fragment progress:

The teacher explains to the students the new phonetic sound... In this case (page 10), this is the nasal sound "o", expressed by the letter combinations –on, - om. The teacher draws the students' attention to words that sound similar in Russian. Further, the teacher offers to listen to the poem, the text of which is in the textbook (in front of the student's eyes). Children together with the teacher read a poem in chorus, then separately. Further, this poem is given to children at home (memorize).

L'ourson est sur le balcon.

L'ourson est sur le wagon.

L'ourson est sur le gazon.

L'ourson tombe.

Son bonbon tombe.

Fragment of a French lesson. The game.

Play is a kind of human activity, one of the reflexes of human self-development. Game exercises are provided for this reflex in the methodology. The game has a teaching, developmental and educational impact on the student.

For analysis, I took a textbook for the fifth grade of Beregovskaya E.M. "Blue bird". In this tutorial, the author provides a whole section for each lesson called "Distractions", where exercises for students are presented in a playful way. Since this is the first year of study, the game is one of the best ways to assimilate and form speech skills and abilities, not out of necessity, but at will.

Language games involve operations with language units and are designed to form pronunciation, lexical, grammatical, spelling and pronunciation skills at the pre-communicative level.

P. 165 Devinettes.

Speech games are designed for speech training in a foreign language. Prepare for various types of speech activity.

P. 121 “In Russian, we say:“ An apple falls not far from an apple tree ”. And how do the French say in such cases? If you figure out how to use the key on the left, you can easily decipher this French proverb. " (tel arbre, tel fruit)

Role-playing games are aimed at the formation, development of speech skills and abilities in conditions that are as close as possible to the conditions of real communication. The distribution of roles among students is envisaged.

P. 45 "Make the cat and dog masks and act out" Le chat va a la chasse "

Fragment of a French lesson. Grammar.

To answer this question, I used a textbook for the fifth grade of Beregovskaya E.M. Bluebird Unite 1. Each Unite in this tutorial has a grammar section. Unite 1 of this tutorial provides a grammar section. Unite 1 on page 50 provides such a section.

The practical purpose of the lesson is to develop the practical skill of conjugating the verb "avoir".

The teacher explains to the students the conjugation of the verb “avoir” in the affirmative, negative and interrogative forms. Further, the teacher proposes to make students a few exercises, shown in the textbook, to consolidate a new grammatical skill:

- No. 15, page 52. Assignment: Explain what Julie and Pierre have and do not have. (below are pictures)

-№ 16 page 52. Assignment: Replace the squares with the appropriate form of the verb "avoir" (sentences are given in French, where students insert correct forms the verb "avoir").

This textbook proposes an explicit approach to the formation of grammatical skills, namely the deductive method (teaching grammar from rule to practice).

Lesson objectives. grammatical material.

2) Educational: development communication skills.

3) Developing: the development of the creative activity of students.







Fragment of a French lesson for grades 6-7.

« Fun grammar»

Kolpinsky District Teachers' Pedagogical Studio

"The use of a systemic - activity approach in teaching and upbringing of students"

Lesson objectives. 1) Educational: repetition of previously learnedgrammatical material. 2) Educational: developmentabilities of communicative activity. 3) Developing: the development of the creative activity of students.

French teacher

Pesnyak N.V. (School number 404)

St. Petersburg

La grammaire amusante (“Fun grammar” fun lesson)

Before showing the scene, two of its participants take the opening remarks.

La langue française est très belle et précise. On peut exprimer n`importe quoi en français mais seulement non pas n`importe comment! (The French language is very beautiful and accurate, you can express anything in it, but just not somehow, it requires a lot of respect.)

Tout une langue exige qu`on apprenne très bien sa grammaire pour que le langagesoit sans fautes, comprénsible et belle! (Any language requires a serious attitude towards oneself from the one who studies it, so that the speech is competent, understandable and beautiful,)

And today our miniature is offered to your attention, in which we tried to show in a comic form a fragment of a French lesson.

On stage - a miniature classroom: tables, chairs, notebooks, textbooks, grammar tables on the tables ... Students and a teacher enter the “class” (on stage). Two participants are guests in the form of the verbs “ETRE” and “AVOIR.” (all participants wearing appropriate costumes) The bell rings.

The “students” sit down at the tables and begin to whisper, the strict “teacher” tries to put things in order: she looks angrily, then picks up the bell and rings the bell again. The girls stand up and greet the "teacher" and the entire audience. The lesson begins.

The script is in poetic form.

P. (“Professeur de français)- Bonjour, Mademoiselles, bonjour, mes cheries! Asseyez-vous s`il vous plait! (the girls sat down and talk quietly again) Mesdemoiselles, ne bavardez plus! Silence!

Nous commençons! Aujourd`hui nous continuons la leçon de grammaire,

C`est notre discution d`hier. Rappelez-moi, s`il vous plaît, son sujet.

Mademoiselle, Cathie, je vous en prie!

1 . - Madame, peut-être, peut-être (pronounced with great doubt) ...

ce sont les adjectifs ou bien les propositions interrogatives ...?

P .- Comment ?! Les adjectifs !? Les propositions interrogatives !?

(outraged) Non, M-lle, non! Aux leçons il faut être beaucoup plus attentive! ……… .Les propositions interrogatives !!! (continues to resent)

2. - Madame! Madame! (one of the students pulls out her hand)

P. - S`il vous plaît, M-lle Olga.

2 .- C`est le système des articles, n`est-ce pas?

P. - Le système des articles ?! (indignant again) Oh, Mon Dieu, aide-moi!

Est-ce que ma question est très difficile?

2 .- Madame, alors je crois ... (uncertainly) que c`est le sujet du nom, n`est-ce pas?

P .- Oh, non! J`ai mal au cœur! (grabs his heart) Vous n`y êtes pas!

M-lle Claire, VOUS, VOUS devez le dire, bien sûr!

3 .- Bien sûr, M-me, bien sûr. Soyez en sûr! Hier nous avons parlé du sujet des verbes.

P .- Merci beaucoup, ma chérie. (All breathe freely)

Chers amis!

La grammaire, c`est toujours difficile!
Mais il faut l`apprendre,
C`est très utile!

1. -D`accord! Pas de langue sans grammaire,
C`est vrai.Il faut l`apprendre
Pour bien parler!

2 . -Le sujet des verbes
N`est pas facile, il faut travailler
Pour réussir!

3. -Dans la langue française
Il y a beaucoup de temps:
Le future, le présent, le passé composé
Et le plus- que- parfait ... ... ...

4. -D`accord.Moi, je peux ajouter encore
Les temps immédiats: le passé et le futur
Et ce n`est pas tout,
Je vous assure!

5. -Oui, c`est ça! Je crois qu`il y en a plus que ça!

" fr." -Mes amis!
Attention au passé composé!
Nous en avons beaucoup parlé!
Qui peut nous présenter
Sa formation et ses difficultés?
Olga, Claire, Marie ou peut- être Cathie?

3. -S`il vous plaît! Si vous voulez:
Le passé composé se forme facilement
Avec le verbe “ETRE” et le verbe “AVOIR”.
Ils sont auxiliers et je les connais bien,
Je les connais bien
Et j`en suis très fière!

2. -Le verbe auxilier, nous mettons au présent,
Et le conjugué prend la forme spéciale,
Cette forme s`appelle PARTICIPE PASSE,
Je pense que vous la connaissez.

" fr." - Aujourd`hui, nous avons invité le verbe “ETRE” chez nous,
Si nous prenions son interview?

E ... -Bonjours mes amis!
Je suis "ETRE", le verbe auxilier.

Il y a quinze verbes que je préfère.
6 ... -Pourquoi quinze (15) verbes, M-r, pourquoi?

E ... -Ils se conjuguent avec moi!

6 ... -Quand, M- r, quand? S`il vous plaît, dites- moi!

E. -Au passé composé et au plus- que- parfait.
Ils faut les connaître!

6. -Quel est le premier verbe?

E. -Le premier verbe c`est “NAITRE”!

6. - Et le deuxième? E ... -Le deuxième est “SORTIR”!
Le troisième est le verbe “ALLER”!

6. M- r, continuez!

E. -Ensuite “VENIR” et “ARRIVER”,
Puis viennent “RENTRER et REVENIR”.
Et le dernier - le verbe “MOURIR”.

6. -Vous préferez seulement quinze (15) verbes?

E. -Oui, M-lle.Voulez- vous répéter
Cette liste des verbes avec moi?

6 ... -Bien sûr, M-r, aidez- moi!
Le premier c`est “NAITRE”, le deuxième - “SORTIR”,
Le troisième - “ALLER”.
Ensuite - “VENIR et ARRIVER”,
Puis viennent “RENTRER et REVENIR”

E. - M-lle, où est le verbe “MOURIR”?

6 ... -Non, non, M-r! Ce verbe ne me plaît pas!

E. -Et tout de même, il se conjugue avec moi!
M- lle, je serais bien content: conjuguez “être”
S`il vous plaît au présent!

6. - Avec plaisir, “mon Sire”:
Je suis, tu es, il est, elle est,
Nous sommes, vous êtes,
Ils sont, elles sont.
Ces formes, nous les connaissons!

E. - M –lle, vous êtes Anasthacie?

6.-Oui, M-r, oui.

E ... - Vous êtes charmante et je vous remercie.

6 ... - Vous êtes aimable, votre compliment est très agréable
Puis je vous poser une question maintenant?

E. - Je vous écoute attentivement.

6. - Dites - moi, s`il vous plaît:
Contactez- vous avec le verbe “AVOIR”?
Je veux le savoir.

E. - Oh, M-lle, c`est mon vrai ami
Dans la grammaire et dans ma vie.
Aujourd`hui, il est venu de Paris.

A. -Bonjours, mes amis! Bien content de vous voir!
Je suis le verbe "AVOIR"
J`ai un grand pouvoir
Et j`ai beaucoup de devoirs.
La plupart des verbes français,
Au temps passé
Me demandent de l`aide,
Et je les aide, je les aide toujours,
Chaque minute, chaque heure et chaque jour:
Le lundi, le mardi, le mercredi, le jeudi,
Le vendredi et même le samedi ... ..- Et le dimanche ??? (tous ensemble)

A. - Et le dimanche aussi, mes amis, aussi!
Du matin au soir et dans la nuit
Sous la neige, sous la pluie, sous le soleil
Je travaille comme une abeille!
Je travaille, travaille
... “And I don’t play the fool!
I always help everyone! "

" fr." - Notre conversation est venue à sa fin.
Je voudrais encore ajouter de moi- même:
Il faut apprendre la grammaire
Pour parler bien une langue étrangère!
Nous finissons notre discussion
Merci beaucoup pour votre attention!

FIN . (lesson participants bow and leave the stage)

3. Fragment of a French lesson on the development of monologue speech using visual supports

The next chapter of this term paper we will devote to the practical application of theoretical material and compose a fragment of a lesson for 20 minutes on development oral speech based on a visual image.

The development of this fragment is carried out on the basis of the textbook by D.S. Vadyushina "French language" textbook for grade 10.

However, before proceeding directly to the description of the stages of development of monologue speech using visualization, it is necessary to refer to the school curriculum in order to determine what knowledge and skills students should have at the senior stage of education.

In accordance with the program, from the standpoint of a monologue statement, grade 10 students should be able to convey information, describe, compare, tell about what they have seen, heard, read, express their thoughts in this regard, and also use simple and complex sentences and combined sentences in their statements. grammatical structures. Students should be trained in discussion skills. As for the type of monologue statement, this is a description with emotional assessment and expression of relationships, narration, reflection, story. The approximate length of the statement is 10-12 phrases.

We will use Unité III's picture “Les ados et les adultes” to develop a fragment of the lesson. Work with this visual image can be suggested on the topic "Les jeunes et la société".

PURPOSE: to teach to describe and analyze a situation and identify a problem, to participate in an elementary discussion, to speak logically and coherently on the problem of relationships between adults and adolescents, using both already known language material and introduced in the course of work.

Based on the theoretical material of this work, we will consider the stages of the development of monologue speech based on the selected picture.

Stage III. Interpréter

Pupils give their opinion on the following questions: Est-ce que tu trouves l'image claire et parlante?

1. Est-ce que l'image te fait penser à un problème?

2. D'après vous, quel est le rôle de l'école dans la vie des jeunes? L'école, ça sert à quoi?

3. Qu'est-ce qui est important pour les jeunes?

4. A cause de qui et de quoi il se produit des conflits entre les ados et les adultes?

5. Qu'est-ce qu'on peut faire pour arranger un conflit, pour éviter des conflits?

Possible linguistic material: ne pas avoir de l'attention, trouver de l'incompréhension, manquer de respect, s'entendre bien / mal, autoritaire, sevère, apprendre à vivre dans la société, former des opinions, gagner de l'argent, sport, musique, ne pas être important, cultiver, faire des reproches.

Stage IV. Apprécier

Dire si c'est une image réussie / intéressante / forte / parlante / amusante / difficile à comprendre et si elle vous plaît et pourquoi.

Stage V. Développer le sujet

Pupils are encouraged to formulate and express an opinion on the topic "Les jeunes et la société" based on their own experience.

The teacher asks questions:

1. Selon vous, quels sont les principaux problèmes des jeunes?

2. Le chômage, ça vous dit quelque chose?

3. Quels sont vos espoirs, vos projets?

4. Que voulez-vous changer?

The outline is given:

A mon avis, le principal problème des ados et des adultes est ...

Et moi, d'habitude je ..., mais ...

Pour moi, le chômage c’est premièrement ..., deuxièmement ..., finalement ...

Je me sens ..., en plus ..., mais ...

Pupils (3-4 people) are involved in a discussion on each of the questions, using speech clichés:

Je suis pour ton idée / contre ton opinion / d'accord avec / Je pense comme / autrement / J'ai une autre idée / opinion / Je n'ai aucune idée à ce sujet / Je ne sais pas quoi dire

Thus, the implementation of this work contributes to the formation of the ability to compose and argue a statement on the language material worked out in advance or introduced in the course of work, the development of discussion skills, allows you to discuss the importance and role of society in the life of young people. Also, the above material and tasks meet the requirements school curriculum for students in grade 10.


After analyzing the above data, we can conclude that in the course of writing this work, the relevance of the topic was established, which is determined by the theoretical and practical importance of problems related to the role of using visual supports for the development of oral speech of students in high school high school.

In the first two chapters, we revealed the concepts contained in the title of the topic of this course work. Namely, we considered the process of speaking as a form of oral communication and, in particular, the place of monologic utterance in the system of oral speech. We have determined that teaching speaking provides a solution to educational, cognitive and communicative tasks of forming students' knowledge and value orientations. At the senior stage of teaching the French language, students' statements are characterized by subject-semantic content and grammatical structure. The ability to speak presupposes the development of the ability to express one's thoughts in a communicative, meaningful and grammatically normative way. In the process of teaching monologue speech, students master the basic functional types of speech for oral expression, such as monologue-description, monologue-narration, monologue-reasoning.

In the second chapter, we revealed the originality of the use of visual images and determined the status of the visual supports used to develop speaking. The units of learning, depending on the stage, are: a description of paintings, a statement based on a new topic based on a picture. Composing stories from illustration requires students to be able to make an assumption about its content, express agreement (disagreement, express a hypothesis).

The third chapter was devoted to the practical aspect. On the basis of theoretical material, we tried to trace the process of development of oral speech based on clarity.

Based on the study, the goal of this work, as well as the tasks arising from it, can be considered achieved. Since, in accordance with the first set task, we have determined the specifics of the use of a monologue statement, which acts as one of the types of oral speech.

As a result of solving the second problem, we revealed the originality of visual supports, which lies in the fact that the use of visual images makes it possible to solve communicative tasks in a complex, since the same picture allows us to state, inform, describe, characterize, tell, argue, exchange opinions.

In accordance with the third task, we found that the individual-age characteristics of students in the senior grades occupy an important place in the development of oral speech, since the success of teaching speaking largely depends on them.

Based on the theoretical material, we have established that clarity provides more strong memorization foreign language material, makes it easier for students to understand, and also increases interest in the subject. This fact was confirmed in practice, during the study of the development of monologue speech using visualization as a support. This allowed us to solve the last problem of this work.

Thus, having summarized our questions, we have indicated and described the main features of the problem raised.

List of used literature

1. Babinskaya P.K., Leontyeva T.P., Andreasyan I.M. and etc. Practical course methods of teaching foreign languages. - Minsk: Tetra Systems, 2003 .-- p. 92.

2. Vadyushina D.S. French (study guide for grade 10). - Minsk: Higher school, 2004. - p. 78.

3. Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages. - M .: Academy, 2004. - p. 169, 190, 198, 205, 215.

4. Galskova N.D. Modern methods of teaching foreign languages. - M., 2000 .-- p. 197; 203.

5. Gez N.I. Methodology of teaching foreign languages ​​in secondary school. - M .: Higher school, 1982. - p. 252.

6. Grigorieva E. Features of teaching speaking and discussion in French lessons in VIII – IX grades. // Foreign languages ​​at school with the application Methodical mosaic. - 2007. - No. 5. - with. 34 -38.

7. Grigorieva E.Ya. French (a collection of exercises for the French language textbook for 10-11 grades). - M .: Education, 2001 .-- p. 42.

8. Gromova O.A. Audio-visual method and practice of its application. - M .: Higher school, 1977.

9. Elukhina N.V. Oral communication in the classroom, means and techniques of its organization. // Foreign languages ​​at school. - 1993. - No. 2. - with. 27-29.

10. Zaremskaya S.I., Slobodchikov A.A. Development of students' initiative speech. - M., 1983 .-- p. 17-25.

11. Zimnyaya I.A. Psychological aspects of teaching to speak a foreign language. - M .: Education, 1987.

12. Komkov I.F. Methods of teaching foreign languages. - Minsk: Higher school, 1979. - p. 121.

13. Kulagina I.Yu. Age-related psychology. - M .: Creative Center, 2004. - p. 203.

14. Maslyko E.A., Babinskaya P.K. Teacher's Handbook foreign language... - Minsk: Higher school, 1996. - p. 76, 283, 342.

15. Passov E.I. Communicative method teaching foreign language speaking. - M .: Education, 1991. - p. 6, 130.

16. Passov E.I. Foreign language lesson in high school. - M .: Education, 1998. - p. 111, 142.

17. Passov E.I., Antyushina M.O. Vocabulary? No problem (tutorial). - M .: Foreign language, 2001. - p. 83, 89.

18. Passov E.I., Kobzeva L.A. etc. The art of communication (textbook). - M .: Foreign language, 2001. - p. 118, 128, 132, 134.

19. Programs for institutions providing general secondary education with Russian as the language of instruction. - Minsk: National Institute of Education, 2004. - p. 73, 78.

... (to organize a discussion), expressing your own opinion on the problem; writing a script based on a listened story and staging it in class, etc. CONCLUSION So, in our work, we examined how technical teaching aids affect the effectiveness of learning a foreign language in a junior school age... As a result of the work carried out, we came to the conclusion that the main ...

Otherwise, and therefore, to consolidate the skills of this type of reading, exercises similar to those indicated above are also needed. In addition to the general principles that determine all teaching of a foreign language in secondary school, teaching reading should also take into account a number of more specific provisions due to the specifics of this type of speech activity. 1. Learning to read should ...

And any other) language is the problem of a clear, intelligible and meaningful analysis of an English lesson. The solution to this problem will make it possible to significantly raise the level of teaching English, especially in secondary school, where, as a rule, there is a study of the basics of English-speaking communication and laying the basis for further improving the knowledge of students in English. Consider ...

The purpose of the lesson: To intensify the communicative and cognitive activity of students and to promote the development of their creative abilities.

Main goals:

1. To activate the use of MF with verbs in the speech of students in the near future tense.

2. To generalize the material on education and use of the near future tense.

3. To develop thinking and speech activity and the independence of the ability to formulate thoughts by means of a foreign language. Develop the skills of creative use of LUs in new speech situations

4. To develop the skills of monologue speech on the topic (US "Our beloved animals"

During the classes

1.Start of the lesson:

Bonjour mes enfants! Nous allons travailler d "apr? S le plan suivants: d" abord nous allons rep? Ter le grammaire. Nous nous rappellons comment se forme et quand emploie-t-on le futur dans le pass ?. Puis, nous allons parler de nos animaux dom? Stiques.

2.Phonetic charging: (slides)

With "est la famille de Papillon: papa-papillon, maman-papillon et les enmfants-papillons. Papa-papillon aime le bouillon. Sa fille Camille est tr? S gentille. La famille de papillon va de Marseille? Dijon.

Monsieur Sagnol a un magn? Tophone espagnol. Il va au bois chercher les champignons. Ce champignon est bon. C "est le champion des champignons.

(Phrases in rhymes are written randomly. It is necessary to restore order and read the rhyme)

3. Work on grammar.

1) Listening and playing MF

Je vais dessiner Nous allons danser

Tu vas lire Vous allez travailler

Il va? Crire Ils vont se promener

Elle va chanter Elles vont jouer

2) Dites que vous allez faire la m? Me chose. (slides)

P.ex. Pierre va jouer a l "ordinateur. Et toi?

Moi aussi, je vais jouer? l "ordinateur.

Et moi non je ne vais pas jouer? l "ordinateur.

Pauline va lire un r? Cit. Et toi?

Nicolas et Michel vont jouer au tennis. Et toi?

Paul va faire ses devoirs. Et toi?

Marie va promener son chien. Et toi?

Michel va acheter des croissants. Et toi?

Anne et Lucie vont faire la vaisselle. Et toi?

4. Performing the exercise on the card.

Compl? Tez les phrases!

Maman ... pr? Parer le d? Jeuner.

Nous ... aider maman.

Michel et Nicolas ... r? Parer le tabouret.

Vous nettoyer la cage du perroquet.

Le grand-p? Re… promener le chien.

Tu ... acheter des croissants et du lait pour le petit d? Jeuner.

Et moi qu "est-ce que je ... faire?

Je… enlever la poussi? Re.

5. Generalization of the material on the education and use of Futur imm? Diat.


6. Relaxation pause.

Un, deux, trois

Un petit soldat

Quatre, cinq, six

Fait l "exercice.

Regardez en haut!

Regardez en bas!

Regardez? gauche!

Regardez? droite!

7.Conversation (US "Animals")

Aimez-vous les animaux? Quelle animal avez vous? la maison? Qui a un chien?

Qui a un chat? (une tortue, un lapin, un hamster, un perrroquet)? Il s "appelle comment? Il a quel? Ge? Qu" est-ce qu "il mange? Il est sympas? Etc

8. Student stories. (US Mon chien).

9.Work on the counting poem.


Introduction of LU

un chameau, une souris, un cochon, un ver, un corbeau. un dromadaire, un canard.

En France il y a les enfants qui aiment compl? Ter les comptines avec des noms des animaux. Veux-tu le faire, toi aussi? Compl? Tez les po? Sies!

Un jour? Paris

J "ai vu une… (une soris)

Qui depuis bordeaux

Suivait un… (chameau)

Elle m "a dit? Lyon

J "ai vu un… (cochon)

Qui depuis Nevers

Suivait un… (ver)

Tout les animaux

Ont dit au ... (corbeau)

Viens donc? Dinard

Avec le ... (canard)

Pour l "anniversaire

Du vieux…. (dromadaire)

Home assignment.

Reading the text on page _______

10. Lesson summary.

  • A model of the organization of a piece of UP in a French lesson on the topic "le Noël".

We bring to your attention a model of organizing a fragment of the educational process in a French lesson on the topic "le Noël" on the material of the French manual "la France aux cent visages". ()

The model includes:

  1. presentation of linguistic and cultural texts:

  • "La fête des enfants" - the main text;

  • La veillée, La crèche, Le sapin, symbole de vie, La messe de nuit - additional texts.

  1. a system of exercises aimed at optimizing the work with the text.

Since this model is a prototype and, in fact, is designed for a whole series of lessons, we take the liberty of offering its "virtual" description in one lesson.

The model consists of three stages: 1) heuristic conversation; 2) work with a linguistic and cultural text; 3) creating a collage scheme.

  1. ^ Heuristic conversation on the topic

The first task that the teacher is called upon to solve is the formation of positive motivation for learning. In practice, this can be realized through the technique of "heuristic conversation", which can have the following form and content:

  1. the teacher puts on the blackboard the title of the theme “le Noël”, the image of the obligatory attributes of this holiday (Père Noël, arbre de Noël), selects the appropriate piece of music (chansons de Noël: “Mon beau sapin”).

  2. the teacher organizes the conversation on the topic using stimulating cues and leading questions (Aimez-vous cette fête joyeuse? Quels symboles du Noël connaissez-vous? Sont-ils les mêmes en France qu'en Russie? etc.).

Thus, the very concept of "le Noël" ceases to be abstract, empty for students, filling with personal meanings, reflects the life experience and worldview of students.

  1. ^ Working with a linguistic and cultural text.

The developed system of exercises is designed for several lessons, therefore it combines the analysis of several linguistic and cultural texts (Appendix 1), which in a certain way changes the work plan at the pre-text stage and provides for the obligatory fixation of each completed text transformation operation in a special "window" (Appendix 1).
Pre-text exercises

  1. Regardez attentivement les titres des textes donnés dans le schéma. (Annex 1)

  2. Essayez. de déterminer le texte –base. Marquez le avec les feutres.

  3. Mettez en ordre logique le schéma proposé. (Annex 1)

A. Le travail avec le texte de base

  1. Lecture - ballayage.

    1. Essayez de déterminer le genre du texte selon sa structure et son titre.

    2. Après la lecture - ballayage repairez les mots connus.

    3. Déterminez la signification des mots nouveaux:

      1. dérivés des racines connues (offrande, dépaquer, Sauveur);

      2. internationaux (réserver, époque, présent);

      3. selon le contexte (“Si tu n’est pas sage, le Père Noël ne passera pas. Il est passé... Les enfants découvrent l'objet de leur désir ").

  1. Lecture analitique:

    1. Relisez le texte avec le support du vocabulaire “Aide –parole”;

    2. Commentaire linguistique:
vider valises (f)

Défaire marchandises (f)

  • rite (m) = culte (m), cérémonies (f) religieuses;

    1. Commentaire linguistico-culturelle:

  • veillée (f) = pendant le Noël le temps de préparation entre le repas du soir et la nuit de 24 à 25 déсembre, la coutume consacrée à des reunions familiales, à la préparation à la messe de nuit;

  • offrande (f) = don que l'on offre à la divinité, à une personne sacrée;

  • Christe (Sauveur) = nom donné au Jésus de Nazareth (messie);

  • Antiquité (f) = ancienneteté, temps très ancien (adj. Antique)

  1. Post-text exercises:

    1. Exercices d'immitation:

  • Écoutez et répétez après le speaker les mots et les groupes de mots suivants: se réveiller, depuis la veillée, trouver le sommeil, dépaquer les cadeaux, espérer le cadeau de toute force, faire des offrandes, participer au rite, réàserver q , offrir les cadeaux à qn, le Christe Sauveur, faire des offrandes au Christe Sauveur.

    1. Exercices de substitution:

  • Comblez les lacunes avec les mots donnés:

  • Le present de Noël rappelle ... qu'on a fait au Christe Sauveur.

  • … Ils ont entendu, à travers la porte, les voix des parents, les rires des amis.

  • Autrefois le cadeau a été ... aux enfants, aujour'hui il s'offre à tous.
Les mots: réservé, des offrandes, depuis la veillé.

    1. Exercices d'identification:

  • Donnez les synonymes ou les mots proches du sens de ceux-ci (dépaquer les cadeaux, faire des offrandes, le rite)

  • Trouvez les mots qui ont le sens suivant:

  • La préparation à la messe de nuit.

  • Quelque chose que les enfants espèrent de toute la force pendant la nuit de Noël.

  • Un personnage de Noël qui apporte des cadeaux aux enfants sages.

  1. La lecture globale:

    1. Analisez tous les paragraphes du texte dans le but de trouver les mots-clès. Marquez les avec les feutres.
§ 1 - veillée, Père Noël, heure attendue;

§ 2 - offrande, Christ, cadeau;

§ 3 - cadeaux à tous.

    1. Trouvez le titre pour chacune des paragraphes.

    2. Vous appuyant sur le schéma proposé, faites le résumé du texte.

^ B. Le travail avec le texte supplémentaires
Work with satellite texts is organized according to the laws of the "project method" (in pairs, in small groups).

We propose to divide the class into three groups, each of which should become an expert in a specific issue related to the tradition of celebrating Christmas in France (such a creative laboratory can be called "Les traditions de Noël").

The following goals are set for the participants:

  1. General:

  • be able to clearly, clearly, competently tell their classmates about the studied tradition;

  • mutually enrich each other with the knowledge gained.

  1. Specific:

  • read the text based on the "window" diagram (Appendix 1);

  • using the dictionary "Aide - parole" to set the meaning of the keywords highlighted in the text;

  • analyze semantic milestones;

  • check the correct understanding of the information using the "Fiche de contrôle";

  • prepare a summary of the text.

Each team has at its disposal:

  1. block collage of all texts (Appendix 1);

  2. a copy of the text with highlighted paragraphs and semantic milestones;

  3. dictionary "Aide - parole";

  4. the "window" scheme (contains a sequence of operations with text);

  5. "Fiche de contrôle" (checks the adequacy of the understanding of information);

At the end of the work with the text, each team chooses its representative to participate in the conference for the exchange of experience. During the allotted time, the representative of the three teams exchange information. The teacher's task is to make sure that the children communicate in French and help in case of lexical or grammatical difficulties. The result of the work done can be the organization of a holiday lesson on the theme "le Noël en France".

The sequence of using collage as a technique for teaching French at the middle stage of secondary school described in this paragraph reflects one of the possibilities of using this technique and is focused on a series of classes, united by the task of building a mental image of the realities of a foreign language reality in the minds of students along with the assimilation of the corresponding linguistic means of expression.


2.2. Interpretation of an iconographic document

When talking about an audiovisual system (in which two kinds of analyzers are involved: visual and auditory), then, more often than not, they refer to the picture rather than the sound. This is understandable. Sound is a fairly static component of the language, while we have insufficient understanding of the nature of the iconographic image.
^ Basic Provisions

practice of introducing audiovisual means.

  1. Any image conveys some kind of information and is not a neutral reflection of reality. ()

  2. The interpreter of the image gives him a certain meaning or meanings .. Thus, these meanings vary depending on the person, his psychological characteristics, social and ethnicity.

  3. When a "picture" is introduced into pedagogical practice as a teaching method, it is necessary, first of all, to know for whom it is intended - the addressee, the audience.

  4. "Pictures" always act as messages, taken not in isolation, but in context.

  5. In audiovisual techniques, the emphasis is on authentic documents that were not created specifically for work in the classroom, real images as they exist in the life of society. () They are "the embodiment of language in context" and convey real communication.

  6. The introduction of audiovisual means involves certain material costs for the installation of special equipment, training of new personnel, etc. This, of course, is not a scientifically based argument, but it becomes a decisive condition when it comes to their application in school practice.

^ Basic systems

interpretation of the iconographic document.
In his article, Michel Tardy, already in 1969, noted that for readers, the functioning of images is based on three basic systems:

  1. image of the world (le monde);

  2. diegesis (la diégèse);

  3. fantasme (le fantasme).

The basic system is a certain type of organization, constructions that are not a property of the image, but are communicated by certain rules and laws of schematization. ()

  1. Image of the world (le monde).

A picture, first of all, is an image of the world. In the development of this basic system, only one problem can be traced - this is the problem of analogies. ()

  1. Diegesis (la diégèse).

This is a story told by a single image or a series of pictures: elements - attributes of reality cease to fulfill their true function and take on the role of a “code” (“un chapeau + une paire de lunettes + un col blanc + une serviette = cadre”). Diegesis is built on the concept of "additional meaning" (la connotation). With such an alignment of forces, an adult has more opportunities to find several meanings of the image, since he has a wider stock of socio-cultural knowledge than a child. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to show students the various ways of perceiving the "iconographic message".

  1. Fantasme (le fantasme).

Phantasm is what allows the interpreter of the picture to show "iconographic imagination". () An image conveys a meaning that it does not directly carry in itself. The reader's personality, his psychological experience, his idea of ​​a person, his personal visual images, i.e. phantasms.

^ Interpretation of an iconographic document as one of the techniques for monitoring and evaluating the modern methodology of teaching the French language.
The problem of control and assessment has become one of the pressing problems of teaching foreign languages.

Today, the question is about how to develop methods that could easily identify the level of training, as well as introduce them into the training system itself. Therefore, it is impossible for the old methods of monitoring and evaluation to be applied in the new conditions.

The picture is used as a substitute for a real communication situation and provides that contextual environment, which, on the one hand, serves as a stimulus for the subject of the statement, and on the other hand, guarantees control of the knowledge gained.

Without it, it is difficult to adequately assess the level of knowledge of students and the material they have mastered. After all, language practice does not consist only in the mechanical reproduction of the content of the textbook, but presupposes speaking, understanding, constant creativity. ()

When working with an iconographic document, students are faced with the "visual cliché" of public communication. They do not do school exercises, but actually pass a test, as a result of which the degree of their skills and abilities is revealed.

Of course, within the school, it is impossible to create a natural linguistic situation and there will always be a certain amount of artificiality. But you can bring it as close as possible to the real conditions of communication of a native speaker of a foreign language, using authentic iconographic documents (drawings, comics, photographs, posters, etc.).

In such conditions, control can also acquire a natural character, i.e. to be differentiated, as if this test took place in the conditions of real communication.

It is this main condition that determines the success of the use of iconographic documents at the stage of control of the assessment of knowledge in the modern methodology of teaching French as a foreign language.

^ Model of the organization of UP in the French lesson at the middle stage of secondary school using the method of interpreting an iconographic document.
Since this method of teaching French is quite new for Russian comprehensive school, then the main task of this study is to acquaint not only students, but also teachers of the French language with the strategy of interpreting an authentic iconographic document.

The presented series of exercises was developed on the basis of the technique of "describing a picture" by B.Blot, S.Boulot and J.Clévy (France, C.R.E.D.I.F.). () The figure by D. Wocinski () was chosen as the material.

The picture interpretation strategy includes several stages:

  1. brainstorming;

  2. classification of information extracted from brainstorming;

  3. analogy table;

  4. possible options for bringing the waste material into speech.

Now let's dwell in more detail on the content of each of the stages.

  1. Collective discussion:
a) primary presentation of the picture.

For the first acquaintance, the picture is hung on the board or each student receives a copy of it. The purpose of this operation, which lasts 5 - 10 minutes, is to start a discussion in French of what the picture depicts and communicates to its “readers”.

B) extraction of basic information.

The teacher gives orientation by a series of questions with the following content: Combien d'images voyez-vous? Qui est l'auteur de cette image? Quel est le genre de l'image en question? Est-elle en couleur? Combien de plans y a-t-il?

C) extraction of detailed information.

Qui / que voyez-vous?

Key words and phrases are jotted down on the chalkboard as students express their opinions. Further, they are analyzed from the point of view of form and content, i.e. each element of the picture is given a certain meaning or meanings.

The teacher names the most frequent ones:

mains soignées

Coiffure à la mode

vie aisé


d) secondary presentation of the picture

At the most opportune moment, the teacher shows the "working picture" again. The details of the image are consolidated, the nuances of the content of the images are clarified.

At the final stage, students, at the suggestion of the teacher or on their own, give a name to the iconographic document and justify their choice.

  1. Classification of information.

The purpose of this operation is to logically organize the information displayed on the board. For this, Carroll's diagrams are used, plotted on parchment paper. (Appendix 2) This work is carried out in small teams of 4 - 5 people.

A) first of all, each team is given the task to identify the information that can be seen with the naked eye and plot it on the diagram on the left side. (See Appendix 2, item A)

  • Révélez dans un premier diagramme les informations touchant ce qui a été réelement vu sur l’image.

  • Notez les à gauche dans chaque ensemble.

  • Portez dans le diagramme # 2 les informations touchant ce qui ressort de l’interprétation.

  • Notez les à droite dans chaque ensemble. (See Appendix 2 point B)

c) the teacher asks to superimpose one diagram on top of another.

  • Superposez les deux diagrammes établis en les faisant coïncider.

  1. Analogy table.
With the help of the resulting diagram (created by overlaying diagrams A and B), it will not be difficult for students to find analogies underlying the artist's intention.

The most common criterion for organizing analogies in a table is grouping them according to topics: behavior of characters, appearance, their accessories, location in space.

  • En vous appuyant sur le diagramme C, révélez quelques oppositions significatives pour la compréhension des idées de l'auteur. (See Appendix 2, paragraph C).

  1. Possible options for bringing waste material into speech.
The final step is a series of creative exercises. Their main goal is to bring into speech the worked out structured information of the iconographic document. For this, the interpretation is reproduced in a situation that is as close as possible to the conditions of real communication.

The following options are possible:

  • Racontez cette image à un camarade, par téléphone, lettre, commentez la pour le journal de classe etc.

  • À partir d'une description minutieuse du dessin de Wocinski, faites la dessiner par votre ami qui ne l'a pas vue.

  • Imaginez la suite du dessin.

  • Imaginez un jeu dramatique à partir de ce dessin.

Thus, the introduction of audiovisual means of teaching a foreign language (French) is the key to improving the modern methods of teaching French in secondary schools.

The scope of application of the descriptive technique of the picture is extensive and affects various stages of pedagogical action: the stage of introduction, development, consolidation and control of linguistic and cultural material. The versatility of the described method does not exclude some difficulties in its use in the modern Russian school. However, experimental teaching has shown its viability as a method for intensifying teaching French in the linguistic and cultural aspect at the middle stage of secondary school.

Conclusions for Chapter II:

  1. As a result of the analysis of the teaching materials, Elukhina N.V. et al. () it was revealed that this manual does not have a sufficiently good system of preparation for reading a linguistic and cultural text, namely, a meager set of visual supports, their standard use at the level of describing a picture as a schematized image of reality.

  2. The proposed model for organizing UP in a French lesson at the middle stage of secondary school using collage techniques and the interpretation of an iconographic document gave practical confirmation of the prospects of the chosen direction of work with linguistic and cultural material.

Among positive characteristics were noted:

  • the formation of positive motivation for learning;

  • flexibility in supplying new material;

  • efficiency of new material submission;

  • maximum compatibility with traditional forms of processing linguistic and cultural material.

In the course of our research, we:

  1. studied a variety of psychological, didactic, linguistic, methodological literature of domestic and foreign authors;

  2. conducted an analysis of the teaching materials (), which made it possible to trace on practical material the implementation of the principles of teaching the French language in the framework of the linguistic and cultural aspect;

  3. taking into account the identified shortcomings, a series of exercises was developed based on collage techniques and the interpretation of an iconographic document.

From the standpoint of the work done, we came to the conclusion that:

  1. the trend of recent years - the acquisition of a foreign language in close connection with the study of the culture of native speakers - is not accidental. Linguistic and regional studies have taken a firm place in the methods of teaching a foreign language;

  2. clarity, as the basic principle of general didactics, refracted through the prism of the linguistic and cultural approach, is reflected in the organization of the “semantisizing image”;

  3. from point of view modern trends in the methodology of teaching a foreign language, the text is considered as the main communicative unit, a carrier of linguistic and general knowledge about the world, and working with it - as a way of forming a "thesaurus" of an individual, reflecting the linguistic and global picture of the world of a native speaker;

  4. The considered techniques of collage and interpretation of an iconographic document as ways of visualizing and structuring linguistic and cultural information are universal techniques that allow you to actively assimilate educational material of various linguistic and linguistic and cultural complexity.
We believe that the problem under study is of indisputable interest, both for methodologists-researchers and for accounting practitioners, touching upon a wide range of psychological, didactic, linguistic, methodological issues and providing rich material for further study.


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