One of the most developed, well-thought-out and best in the world is the education system in England, despite its certain conservatism. It was formed for several centuries, and still obeys strict quality standards formed for all this time.

British education at all levels - school, middle professional (post-school) or university - is evaluated high enough both by the students themselves and their future employers. It is thanks to such popularity and high assessment, many countries adopted the main aspects of the United Kingdom's educational system.

Features of the Educational System England

One of the first important documents regulating this issue was the "Law on Education" from 1944. He basically concerned school education, but also determined the entire educational system in principle.

In England, education is required for all citizens 5-16 years. Training up to 5 years depends on the opinion of the parents, and after 16 years - the student itself. You can pass training for free of charge in public educational institutions in England or a fee in private schools (almost always this guesthouses, where students also live while studying).

In general, the education system in England consists of four steps:

  • primary education or Elementary School - for children 5-11 years old,
  • secondary education in England Secondary School - for students 11-16 years old,
  • post-school education or Further Education - for students of 16-18 years,
  • higher education.

Some educational steps can be held in some educational institutions without moving from one to another, and some are only in specialized agencies. Below in detail will look at the main levels of learning in England.

Preschoolers in England

Before the start of school visits, 3-4-year-old children can go to Nursery or kindergartens. There are kids to develop with the help of games, begin to learn to count, write and read. There are so-called full-cycle schools, where children are trained from 3 to 18 years. Preschool institutions, like everyone else, can be private and state.

For children from 5 years, preparatory classes are organized in private or public primary schools, and this training is already necessary.

School studies in England

Most guys in England arrive to study at 5 years on the preparatory courses, after which the 7 years begin to study in the younger school, and at the age of 11, they are moving to high school. Moreover, the secondary education can be obtained either in the same institution where he was trained before it or in college.

While the child is studying at the initial stage, the items are chosen by their parents.. Learn children English, history, mathematics, geography, art, music and some other disciplines.

Secondary education in England is considered mandatory up to 16 yearsFurther, the student decides himself, stopped to learn and start working or continue learning to study at the university. All schools are engaged in preparing children to obtain a general evidence of education (GCSE) or professional qualifications certificates (GNVQ).

Training in England schools provides 38-week school year. Trimesters are divided by vacation, 6 weeks in summer and 2-3 weeks for Christmas and Easter holidays. In the middle of each trimester there is also a weekly break. Typically, training in schools provides for a visit to 5 days a week.

Schools can be divided by sexual sign: There are mixed educational institutions where boys and girls are studying together, and there are separate schools - separately for girls and for boys. Adhertors of separate and mixed learning always have their undeniable arguments that determine the benefit of this or another type of schools.

After graduation

In England, to receive a university or continue learning in college for higher education, the usual GCSE certificate is not enough, and therefore students pass the so-called post-school learning to pass the A-Level exam.

For passing the A-LEVEL exam, a biennial training course is provided, during which the exams are surreated at the end of each school year. At first, 4-5 items are selected for study, and during the transition to the second training course - 3-4 disciplines. Choosing the necessary items, the student himself determines its further specialization.

Usually students from other countries come to study in England begin their studies from the A-Level program.

An alternative to this course for foreign students is the Foundation program, intensive training on which the only year lasts. Students at the same time pay attention to one or two subjects, as well as studying the language to understand in the future of the British academic university vocabulary.

Professional education (Further Education) In England, includes training courses or certain courses for the degree of bachelor. In general, the term "vocational education" denote courses for those graduates who complete their studies after 16 years.

Higher educational institutions in England

After the successful examination of the A-Level exam graduates can go to receive a professional or higher education. In essence, the final exams are also introductory.

Higher education in England can be obtained at the University, Institute or Polytechnic College, where scientist or a doctoral degree is expected. This includes courses for bachelor's degree, postgraduate programs and MBA programs.

The English higher education is charged for foreigners, and for their citizens, however, the fee for it in some and others is different (for foreigners the cost above). In England there are about 700 educational institutions where you can get scientific degrees.

Universities in England are divided into unitary and collegial. Unitary universities include branches and faculties, and collegial - combine several tens of colleges. The latter includes the most famous and prestigious Oxford and Cambridge Universities.

In higher educational institutions, English students start learning from October. Trimesters usually last about 8-10 weeks. Summer holidays start always from June 1 and last until September 30. As in Russia's universities, the main forms of work are seminars, lectures and laboratory work. Tutorials are also held, where for small groups of students (2-10 people) the tutor (teacher) holds its own classes.

In successfully learning at the university, you can get the first or higher degree. To obtain the first degree, the course of study lasts 3-4 years, in the field of medicine - 6 years. After receiving the first degree - bachelor - and the continuation of studies or implementation of research work is possible to obtain a master's degree.

Doctor of Sciences are obtained for an outstanding, invaluable contribution to science. Inventions or research for practical application universities are also encouraged to award a doctoral degree.

Of course, for each student the choice of university will be individual. Nevertheless, below we present a list of institutions that have proven themselves as the best for dozens (and sometimes hundreds!). Maybe one of them will be suitable for you?

  • Open University of Great Britain

It was founded in 1969 by Personal Decree Elizabeth II: today is considered the largest educational institution of England. More than 200 thousand people (both British, and foreigners) are learning here, offices work in 13 cities, and the affiliate network is represented by institutions in 50 world states.

  • University of Glasgow

One of the oldest universities of the United Kingdom, which began its work in 1451 (4th place among the oldest universities in the world!). It is included in the list of the best universities of the planet (only 1% of the total number of world universities).

  • Medical universities - and specifically Aston University

Founded in 1895, the university is considered the best in the country to prepare qualified medical professionals in various directions.

  • University of York

Based in the County of Yorkshire in 1965: the classical education and the highest qualifications of the teaching staff allowed him to quickly enter the top 10 of British universities, as well as ten to the best research centers of the country. Separately, it is worth noting a very high level of successful graduate employment - more than 97%.

  • Cambridge university

The legendary alma mater of the powerful world of this: politicians and rulers, kings and other monarchs, the elites of the modern world and the Nobel laureates. Repeatedly recognized as the best university of the world. Today, the Cambridge includes 31 college (three - traditionally female), in which more than 19 thousand students study.

  • Oxford University

The oldest and one of the small number of the most prestigious universities in the world: the date of its foundation is lost in the centuries, but it is known for certain that already in the middle of the XI (!) There is already a teaching in its walls. The incredible number of famous graduates, among which the political, cultural, scientific elite of the modern world, and huge opportunities on campus - today Oxford is a whole city in the city where there is absolutely everything that a person needs. The structure of Oxford includes 38 colleges where more than 20 thousand people study (about a quarter are foreigners).

  • University of Manchester

It was founded in 1824: today it is in this university that the highest competition among Asbiturines of Great Britain. More than 500 diverse programs and courses are taught, and on research potential, the University of Manchester follows Oxford and Cambridge immediately.

  • University of Leeds

Founded in 1904, today is considered one of the largest universities in the country. Best in the UK on the teaching of foreign languages, in the field of chemical sciences, electronics and transport systems.

  • University of East England

An amazing university, founded in 1963, is extremely popular among students thanks to a unique combination: the highest rating in Britain and the world, the excellent quality of educational programs, a high level of research programs - and at the same time the low cost of training.

  • University of Bata.

Founded in 1966 and since then did not go to the national top 20 universities. Very strong in teaching business disciplines, technical sciences. At the same time, it offers a fairly democratic cost of study.

  • University of Sheffield.

More than 3200 teachers, more than 35 thousand students and the most active research work make this university one of the most visible in the UK and the world. Annual subsidies for research account for about 5 million pounds of sterling: the development of scientists and students are used in NASA, Microsoft, Sony, Philips and other international corporations.

Secondary education in the UK

It is no secret to deal with universities and higher schools of Great Britain the easiest way to receive secondary education in the same country. Briefly describe the secondary education system in the United Kingdom to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe overall national curriculum leading to the best universities.

Education for all British citizens is 5-16 years mandatory. Up to 6 years, parents can send a child to Nursery or kindergarten, where kids 3-4 years old learn to count, write and read, and already in 5 years, children learn in the preparatory classes and are preparing for the main school program. After 16 years and the receipt of incomplete secondary education, the student can start labor activity, to obtain professional qualifications of GNVQ or to enroll on Sixth Form (A-Level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U) to prepare for the university.

The main stages of British school education:

  • Initial classes (5-10 years). SAT or COMMON ENTRANCE EXAMINATION exams for switching to high school
  • High School (11-14 years old) - usually preparations for the GCSE program, studying a wide list of major academic items
  • GCSE (14-16 years old) is a biennium, final secondary education program. Schools for students of this age are usually already called Upper School
  • High School: Preparation for Sixth Form Universities (this may be the course A-Level, IB, Cambridge Pre-U).

Schools in the UK are usually divided into government (free training for citizens of the United Kingdom) and private (paid and fairly expensive, available for foreigners). Parents, sending a child to study abroad, choose private schools: most private schools - guest houses, that is, they provide accommodation and food at the time of study, fully guarantee the safety and comfort of each student, offer the widest choice of electives, additional art and creativity classes , modern infrastructure and equipment.

In addition to private schools, high school students to prepare at universities can choose international colleges - every year they are becoming more and more in the UK. The strong parties to international colleges should include the most efficient language programs aimed at improving the English level (specially adapted for foreigners), as well as the focus on training for universities. These schools do not provide a complete educational cycle (from 3-5 years to senior school), which gives them the opportunity to focus on the pre-sonological training of students.

Higher education in the UK: Preparatory Preparation Programs

Two types of programs for foreign applicants allow you to prepare for admission to the most efficient. The certificate of full middle score (4.5 - 5) and the results of the language test will help you to enter either the preparatory course in the university, or the program of the National Center for Training Students from abroad.

An excellent choice for our applicants will be a universal, allowing you to quickly improve the language and adapt your own knowledge to the system. The program introduces Russian applicants with learning methods, gives the basis of knowledge on the necessary subjects. Usually a full course of training schoolchildren under the database of the Selected University, so they can familiarize themselves with the student residence, find out closer teachers, choose the most interesting communities and clubs. Many private colleges and higher schools offer training on this pre-university program, but the world-famous Cambridge and Oxford provide a more complex procedure for the arrival of foreigners.

A significant part of private institutions reserves in advance its students in British educational institutions, so for guaranteed receipt of children it is necessary to obtain sufficient test points in English and pass exams on subjects. The choice of objects is determined by the requirements of the university, but for all disciplines, lectures, practical classes and seminars are provided; Programs offer mandatory modules and selective. UFP duration: 1-1.5 years.

Next Dovuzon Program for Foreign Students - CERTIFICATE OF HIGHER EDUCATION. This newly developed complex allows successful students to be enrolled immediately to the second course of the university and to get a higher education in England faster, as it combines the Foundation program and one year of the bachelor courses. Students in one year (46 weeks) at a very high level study English and a number of academic items. CHE certificate indicates that the student has the initial level of higher education and is able to continue their studies in the future.

For admission to the universities of the top list, a more advanced level of pre-university preparation is needed, which offers. For two years of preparation, the schoolchildren takes up to 7 profile items. The results of the exams on them are taken into account as entranceing to the university. Many leading universities in Great Britain consider the passage of the National A-LEVEL program with a prerequisite for the receipt and receipt of higher education in England.

The program of the International Standard is also among the leaders of the pre-welcoming courses. IB was developed outside the country, but in Britain, many educational institutions are called preferred for foreign citizens. Now the IB program is recognized in more than 100 countries, so its passage will allow you to choose any prestigious university in the world. For two years of study, schoolchildren undergo compulsory 3 subjects in very detailed and 3 - at the general level. All students learn the theory of knowledge as a separate subject, developing self-learning skills. Additionally, disciplines are studied to choose from.

Higher education in the UK: Programs for certified specialists and students of universities in Russia

Students who are already trained in Russian universities can also continue their studies at the University of England. The education system in the UK allows for the course of the course below from the Russian Federation or admission to the magistracy after the completion of the 5th course in the Russian Federation. For each category of applicants, their own transition programs are provided, allowing to complete higher education in England.

First of all, we note the classical program of the undergraduate: it is this course that is the most popular in the UK a course of higher education, and it is precisely for bachelor courses that students of Russian universities are most often translated (for example, with the help of transfers programs). Usually the bachelor's degree can be obtained for 3-4 years, but for certain specialties (medicine, architecture) of the period can be increased to 6 years. The curriculum includes seminars, and practical, and theoretical classes - but in general, practical work at universities in Britain is many times more than in Russia: these are a variety of research, scientific work, production practices and internships, group presentations, etc. . In addition to the mandatory disciplines, each student chooses an additional, optional direction: for example, if the study is conducted at the Law Faculty, in addition to the main area of \u200b\u200blaw, the student can improve knowledge on taxation, international law or M & A.

The program will help Russian students continue to study in another country and will familiarize our compatriots with life and requirements in British universities in detail. Studying on Diploma, the student passes the first undergraduate course and improves English. Foreign students will be familiarized with the curriculum, adapt to the local mentality. You can enter Diploma from 75 to 85 points for the TEFL language exam (or IELTS 5.5) and an excellent certificate of full education at school. After completing the program, the student goes to the second course of the undergraduate in its specialty and receives higher education in the UK.

Business education in the UK is available for owners of a Russian higher education diploma (equivalent of a bachelor's diploma in England). Those who wish to get a degree of a doctor or master can pass a pre-MBA preparation program and pre-masters. Training on them continues usually 1-3 trimester, and the duration depends on the level of the English and the desired specialty. You can enroll on business programs after receiving 6.0 on the IELTS or 550 TOEFL points. For reception on Pre-MBA, the experience of leading work from 2 years and more is required.

The Graduate Diploma program allows specialists with a bachelor's diploma in the Russian Federation to get a master's degree. The feature of the program is a change in the direction of preparation. That is, if a specialist decided to change the qualifications and choose another professional direction, it should be prepared on the 6-12-month Graduate Diploma program. Also an indispensable condition for successful studies in the magistracy is active scientific and research work: it will not work out exclusively with general lectures and seminars here. Two semesters of study allow you to master the basic knowledge of the new specialty and submit documents to the Magistracy of English University. For admission to the program, 70-80 points on Language TOEFL (IELTS 5.0 - 5.5) and the presence of a Russian university diploma are required.

Bachelor and Master - Higher Education in the UK

Especially in England, there is a long and rich history of formation. From the founding of Oxford and Cambridge in the 12th-13 centuries, universities were always among the most respected and prestigious. Foreign applicants invariably choose traditional British quality, the confirmation of this is numerous foreign students, who are now in universities in more than 65 thousand - higher education in England is valued very high.

Universities of the countries provide for a diverse subject specialization and are world leaders on a variety of qualifications. The training system in Scotland is slightly different from English, and for obtaining a bachelor's degree, students here are studying for 4 years. The passage of practice is a prerequisite for many respected educational institutions. Often it is the practical stage of learning that increases total bachelor's programs for 1 year. A more prolonged practice is provided for special programs: architecture, medicine, dentistry. Students of these specialties need to be trained up to 7 years. In England, the Master's degree can usually be obtained in 1-2 years, depending on the direction of preparation.

An important aspect of obtaining higher education in England is its high price: the cost of courses will correspond to the prestige of the university, the duration of training selected by the specialty. Despite an impressive fee, it is very difficult to do, because such a diploma is highly quoted in all countries and allows the graduate to build a brilliant career abroad. On average, students pay 9 - 13 thousand pounds sterling a year. The professions of a lawyer, a physician, MBA, are most expensive, the professions of the lawyer, the MBA, will need to pay at least 21-5 thousand pounds per year. British educational institutions also provide other items of expenses: registration collection, deposit, training materials, as well as accommodation and food, additional classes and excursions, personal pocket expenses.

Please note that for foreign students there are a variety of scholarships and financial grants that can cover a significant part of the training costs. Of course, for British citizens and citizens of the European Union opportunities more (for example, they may be awarded scholarships 100% of the cost of studying), but also for Russian students there are hundreds (really hundreds!) Opportunities - Do not neglect them: Higher education in the UK - item More than expensive.

Students entering British universities should take into account that, most likely, study abroad will be much more difficult than in Russia - even if you do not have a linguistic barrier. For example, on most of the bachelor programs in each semester, no more than 4-5 objects are studied in each semester, but at the end of the student semester there is a large comprehensive test in all directions, and every 3 months there is a rather complicated level of knowledge level. Remember that a variety of cribs (and "paper" and electronic) in the UK are very strict - you may not have a strict comment, but the next day you will see your name in the list of expenses expelled without the right to restore. Bribes in English universities are also a phenomenon of a single, and the punishment for teachers is much more stricter than for students: you simply will not be able to find such a teacher who agreed to risk a career for a paid exam. Only their knowledge and diligent studies!

How to choose the university in England?

  1. Explore the profile and specialties that offer different universities, and choose from them those options that are suitable in the direction.
  2. Explore the university rating from The Complete University Guide and The Times Subject Tables.
  3. Determine the geographical position, the ability to travel, proximity to the airport and major cities.
  4. Examine the scientific and material base of the university, what opportunities it offers to students.
  5. Learn which policies of the university adheres to foreign students, is it possible to receive scholarships on your specialty.
  6. It is worthwhile to ask the results of the official audit by the Quality Assurance Agence for Higher Education.
  7. Find out what requirements for the incoming that you need to explore additionally.
  8. Learn about the cost of courses.
  9. Take care of the comfort of living, learn about living conditions in the residence and students' requirements.

General Statistics on Education in the UK - Ratings, specialty, universities

United Kingdom: subjects, statistics and ratings

Statistics - Education

The cost of living in the UK

Higher Education - Statistics

Accommodation options in the UK for students

Approximate expenses

Training Programs - Summary of Elder School and University Preparation

Name Transfer Equivalent Min. age Duration
Next stage Cost
General certificate of secondary education middle incomplete education 14 1-2 A-levels. 15,000 USD +.
Advanced level 16 2 university 15,000 USD +.
Education. Business and Technology Council secondary special education 14 2-3 university / work 15,000 USD +.
Oxbridge Preparation. Preparation for Oxford and Cambridge middle finished education 17 1 university 15,000 USD +.
International Bachelor. middle finished education 16 2 university 18,000 USD +.

Higher education systems in Russia and England (Great Britain) have their own similarities and differences. This in our educational institutions are all equal and can be trained independently of anything. And there there is a huge selection of schools classifying gender signs (schools for boys, for girls, mixed), age of students, degree of preparedness, etc. Nevertheless, both of them are recognized worldwide as one of the best.

Modern England Education System: Scheme, Story, Structure, Features

If you want to learn more about the types of education in the UK, and make a comparison of the education systems of Russia and England, read on.

So, let's start with the very first - from the story!

A little from the Higher Education History in the UK

Higher education Great Britain began to actively develop in the XII century. It was then that Cambridge and Oxford Universities were founded, which continued to remain the only ones in the territory of England until the beginning of the XIX century. True, in the Scottish Saint Andrews, Glasgow, Aberdeen and Edinburgh since the 15th century, universities began to be based.

In the XIX century, the kingdom of the industrial revolution was overwhelmed. It was at that time that the people experienced an acute need to prepare experienced managers and administrators. Demand gives birth to a proposal, and now new universities began to appear everywhere: in London, Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, Rading.

All these universities were built from red bricks, so that people immediately got into the eyes of their difference from the gray stone walls of Oxford and Cambridge. That is why they began to call red-friendly.

After the Second World War in the UK, modern universities began to appear, which were to satisfy scientific and technical progress. So there were "glass" (due to their modernity) Universities of Sussex, Nottingham, Exeter, Kiel, Vorvika, Essex and Kent.

The third large wave of "universitization" came at the end of the 20th century. Then the authorities began to actively re-equip the polytechnics in universities.

The differences between universities of old and new samples are barely noticeable, but they still have. For example, new institutions of higher education are focused on communicating with trade and industrial enterprises, trying to adjust programs in conjunction with employers' requests.

However, the old universities are also trying to retrain and get up on this faithful way. They are interested in establishing links with national and local economies. But this does not mean that there are such traditional theoretical disciplines such as literary studies, literature, philosophy, history, natural sciences.

Foreign students most often mounted by old universities, widely known abroad

UK education system in general

As in many European countries, the education system in England consists of five steps:

  • preschool
  • initial
  • average,
  • preparing for higher education
  • higher education.

The first three stages for UK students under 16 are mandatory.

By type of functioning Schools are divided into:

  • private Schools- domes INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS). They are considered more prestigious and 85% are intended exclusively for English children. These independent institutions are perfectly equipped not only technically. In their possessions, several hundred hectares of land, on which all school properties are located: training buildings, sports sections, swimming pools, residences for residence.
  • state (State Schools). Free for everyone. Designed mainly for the citizens of the kingdom and for foreigners 8-18 years old, whose parents have the right to permanent accommodation.

All of them adhere to a single state minimum, but each school has the right to have its own "highlight", which will attract a different audience.

We will not talk about the peculiarities of pre-school and younger school education. We are interested in a more conscious age in which we can think or begin to build a career.

Secondary Education (Secondary School) or Senior School

Children aged 14 to 16 years old are studying in high school. The main task of this instance is to prepare students to hand over the state exam, after which they receive certificates of obtaining general secondary education called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education).

In the training program, schoolchildren take 7-9 subjects, mandatory for the delivery of the state examination.

From 16 years old, students are engaged in hard preparation for admission to the university. Having finished learning, they can choose one of two events development options:

  • get a job (as a rule, to the scope of services);
  • to enter the university.

If they choose the second way, they will have to go training courses A-levels. - This is a two-year program, during which at the end of each year you need to pass exams. During the first, it is proposed to study 4-5 profile items, in the following - another 3-4 subjects. Moreover, each subject of the student chooses on the basis of how much they will be useful for its future specialty.

If the program has been successfully completed, the student can safely enter the selected university.

And there is such an interesting thing as UNIVERSITY FOUNDATION YEAR (UFY) - The same, only for a shorter period of study (9 months). This program is suitable for the preparation of foreign students, provided that they own a high level of English. Here, students are engaged in the study of not only specialized disciplines, but also study academic English in more detail.

Students who have successfully completed this program can quietly flow into any higher educational institutions. BUT! They cannot qualify for training in those universities that are included in the top 5 universities of the country (among them Oxford and Cambridge).

Training in these universities is possible only after the student program A-LEVEL

Higher Education (Higher Education)

Higher education is a training program, after the passage of which a student is assigned a scientific degree:

  • Bachelor Degree - bachelor's degree
  • Master Degree - Master's degree,
  • Doctoral or Phd Degree - doctoral degree.

Let us analyze in more detail what is each of them.

Bachelor Degree

This is the first step of higher education, which is assigned to a student of a higher educational institution subject to the successful end of three courses. But there are universities whose learning time increases this bar until 4 years by passing Sandwich Courses. - Mandatory work practice.

There are also special "complex" industries, to obtain a bachelor's degree, in which it will have to learn 7 years (dentistry, medicine, architecture, etc.).

There are 7 types of bachelor's degrees depending on the specialization:

  • V. - Bachelor of Humanities;
  • Bed - Bachelor of Pedagogical Sciences;
  • EENG.- Bachelor of Technical Sciences (Engineering and Engineering);
  • BSC. - Bachelor of Natural Sciences;
  • LLB.- Bachelor of jurisprudence;
  • BMUS. - Bachelor of music;
  • Vm - Bachelor of medicine.

Master Degree

The second level is characterized by the wealth of specializations and trends and is considered post-diploma education.

Depending on the program selected, you can undergo a course on the improvement of the knowledge gained, to pass the master's program of scientific and technical focus, etc.

Here you have to learn after the undergraduate for another 1-2 years, visiting lectures and practical classes. At the end, each student is obliged to provide a diploma project made in all the rules, as well as to pass the state. Only in case of successful passage of these tests, the student is awarded a diploma and assign a master's degree.

In the case of training on a research and development program, students work on a diploma during the entire training. And at the end they are assigned a master's degree in philosophy (M.Phil - Master of Philosophy).

Phd degree

The doctoral program will be fully devoted to research work.

The term of its passage is 2-3 years. At the end of the student, it is necessary to publish the results of its work in specialized publications. In addition, he will have to write the dissertation.

If it happened to successfully cope with all these tasks - congratulations! You have become the happy owner of the doctor of philosophy (Ph.D. degree).

The cost of studying in the UK (Higher Education)

Higher education in the UK is paid for everyone: for their own, and for foreigners. But for visiting students will be more expensive!

Citizens of Great Britain have a unique right to receive higher education in debt. You can not give it immediately, but after receiving a diploma and a successful device for work. Even the minimum salary of 21,000 pounds per year will help to cover debt.

You will laugh, but the whole comic situation is as follows: if you did not receive a diploma or did not get a job with minimal labor, the debt is not necessary!

But exemplary rates so you can really appreciate your financial opportunities and the ability of our parents. So, one academic course after receiving the usual secondary education will cost for foreigners:

  • audit lesson - 5000-7000 pounds;
  • laboratory classes (according to natural scientific specialties) - 6000-9000 pounds;
  • practical classes - 15000-17000 pounds.

Before admission, try to find out whether you need to make an extra charge in the selected university for the use of cabinets and laboratories. In some universities, there is a surcharge for the use of working materials (for example, photographic materials on the course of design).

When planning, do not forget about additional expenses:

  • use of books and textbooks (300-500 pounds annually)
  • new clothes (500 pounds);
  • accommodation (depending on the place from 6000 to 9000 pounds per year).

College Choice / University of Great Britain

Now, in fact, let's talk about the university itself, on which it is worth staying.

Studying the entire list of higher educational institutions of the kingdom, you may find that many of them offer the same course. The catch is that the depth of study of the subject can be different in different universities. For example, in some course, the course is taught in a shortened version, in the other - more in-depth.

The most important thing when admission to the English university is to decide on the specialty that you like. The main "problem" of the UK education system is that a huge reservoir of responsibility for training falls on the shoulders of the student himself, and not on teachers and the university as a whole, as in our country.

Studying here, you will have to get used to the idea that the lion's share of study and research will be conducted independently. No one will force you or intimidating you. Want success - work a lot! Therefore, it's not to live without huge enthusiasm.

By the way! For our readers now there is a 10% discount on any type of work

If you choose a specialty for prestige considerations or for another reason, you fail to be 90%.

When choosing a university, it is important to pay attention not only to the program itself, but also for the accommodation conditions that the university offers. Here are the main questions that it is important to know the answer before entering English College / University:

  1. Does university have their own housing? Does the University of Acadess to Foreign Students? Foreigners get a place guaranteed or on general rights with citizens?
  2. Do facilitudes have its own library? The absence or bad equipment of the library will make you spend a bunch of time and money additionally, because you will have to contact the inter-university library service. Old universities, as a rule, collected during their existence an impressive base of books. New will be more modern funds of applied orientation.
  3. Are there any sports facilities? Is it possible to use students that are not far?
  4. Is there a special course of vocational guidance for beginners? Do I need to pay for it and how much?
  5. Are there any conditions for disabled students?

Quality of education Great Britain

Each year, numerous services and publications conduct their research, as a result of which you can find out the rating of both a specific educational institution and education system of a particular country.

The United Kingdom traditionally occupies the highest places in these rated universities (1, 2 or 3 positions), so you can safely choose this place to get your higher education.

The point is left for small - to find time and money to go. Well, a lot of knowledge! We will have to learn very well in your school and write all the controls perfectly. If you do not want to waste your local education potential, you always have a service assistance service, which will easily cope with any task.

The education system in England is developing for many centuries for many years and today is one of the best in the world that meets high quality standards. Streaming managed to achieve after the adoption of the first important regulatory act in this area, namely, the 1944 Education Act. From this began a glorious story.

Education in England today is necessarily for all citizens of the country at the age of five and sixth. In the structure of the educational system, two sectors are distinguished: state and private (paid training). In general, the state operates two systems on which the educational process is being built: one of them acts directly in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, and the second - in Scotland.

Secondary education

In England, schools are very diverse. Personal schools are common, where students not only receive knowledge, but also live. Such educational institutions appeared in Britain even during the early Middle Ages, mostly they opened in monasteries. And from the twelfth century, Pope entered the duty for all Benedictine abode to create charitable schools. Later, the training fee began to charge.

At first, in the aristocratic families, the belief was prevailing that it was better for children to study at home, rather than in monastic schools, but then an understanding came that, regardless of the origin, the children were better to gain knowledge along with peers. This opinion was the foundation for the formation and development of privileged guest houses, some of which have been functioning to this day and for more than a thousand years they have been trained and cultivated by the elite of British modern society.


The education system in England includes:

1. Pre-school institutions.

2. Full cycle schools for children aged three to eighteen years.

3. Institutions for younger students who are divided into Junior Schools and Primary Schools.

  • Junior Schools learn children aged from seven to thirteen years. They are taught a special common initial cycle of objects, and ends with the examination by the exam, the successful delivery of which is necessary in order to enroll in the elder school.
  • PRIMARY SCHOOLS take children aged four to eleven years old. In the second and sixth years of study, the SATS exams are surrendered - they, as in the previous case, are needed for admission to senior school.

4. Institutions for senior schoolchildren are divided into Senior Schools, Secondary School and Grammar School.

  • Senior Schools are designed for children of thirteen - eighteen years. In such schools, first teenagers learn two years, then pass the exams GCSE, and then pass another biennial training program.
  • Secondary School provides the opportunity to receive education for children from eleven years.
  • The Grammar School also taught the children from eleven-year-old age, but there are in-depth programs. In such a school, you can even get full preparation for admission to the Higher Educational Institution.

5. University preparation schools are designed for older adolescents at the age of sixteen or eighteen.

In addition, in the United Kingdom of the school are classified depending on the sexual activity of students. There are separate educational institutions for boys and for girls, as well as mixed schools. There are many supporters of separate education of children of different floors, which argue their position because the boys and girls develop physically and emotionally in different ways, and in the case of separate training they do not have to adapt to each other.

in England

It can be obtained in private and in the public school. Often the British give children to Nurserie and kindergartens aged three to four years. Pre-school education in England continues until a child achieve a child and includes learning to read, writing, account. As a rule, the development of children occurs in a game form. In many private schools, countries have preparatory classes for children from five years. At their end, children continue to receive primary and secondary education in the same educational institutions.

Primary School

As already mentioned, the majority of parents give children to school for five years (in preparatory classes). In general, in England begins with a seven-year-old age and continues until the kids reaching eleven years. After that, children go to high school classes, as a rule, within the framework of the same educational institution. In this sense, education in Russia and England is not much different. In the guys study mathematics, English, music, geography, history, art and technology industry. Related items Parents are chosen independently.

high school

It should be noted that education in England in English is being carried out, and for children to sixteen years it is necessary. Medium schools teach adolescents aged from eleven to sixteen years old and prepare them for a general certificate of secondary education (GCSE) or a national certificate of professional qualifications (GNVQ).

Secondary education in England as one of the most important tasks is responsible for the formation of independent, confident, creative personalities. At school, students are mastering the overall special training cycle in different subjects, after which the exams follow. To successfully pass exams (for seven-nine subjects), which is necessary for admission to the elder school, schoolchildren begin to prepare them from fourteen years.

School for the preparation for the university

Upon completion of the mandatory educational cycle, sixteen-year-old boys and girls can either go to work, or continue their studies in Sixth Form - school, where preparations for admission to the university. Wishing to master the biennium A-levels, which implies the passing of two exams: after the first year of study - AS, and after the second year of study - A2-Levels. In the first year, four or five items are studied, and in the second - three or four. At the same time, their students choose themselves from the fifteen-twenty proposed options, missing disciplines are absent. Thus, young people define their future specialization, which will continue to develop three or five years of study in higher education institution.

Foreign students, as a rule, begin their education in England from a biennium A-Levels.

Professional and higher education

The United Kingdom has more than six hundred private and state universities and colleges, where young people can find a profession. In schools are offered a variety of ways for the preparatory course A-Levels gives students the opportunity to receive or professional, or higher education in England. The first is to master the course of training in the selected specialty, and the second already includes undergraduate programs, magistracy, receiving a doctoral degree, as well as MBA.

Tuition payment

Education in England is paid both for its citizens and for foreigners, but for the latter its cost is much higher. Citizens of the country have the opportunity to study, and the state requires his return only if, after receiving a diploma, a person will be able to get a job with a salary at least 21 thousand pounds per year. Otherwise, it is not necessary to return debt. Recently, controversy does not subscribe to the English parliament, and many deputies are inclined to increase it.

International assessment of the quality of educational services

The international studies conducted indicate that in the last decade, the quality of secondary education in England has a negative dynamics regarding training for universities of school graduates. As for higher education, the international rates of higher educational institutions the United Kingdom traditionally stands in the second third position.


The modern education system of England is based on its own traditions of learning the younger generation, copied centuries. It's not easy, she deserved the status of the reference. Once it was already mentioned, many educational institutions of the UK are known for their centuries-old history and are famous for the amazing learning quality.

Currently, the British education system includes four main stages:

  • Primary education - from 5 to 11 years;
  • Average - from 11 to 16 years;
  • After school - from 16 to 18 years;
  • Higher - from 18 years old.

The main stages of education in England (based on public schools):

  • children 5 - 11 years old attend primary school;
  • children 11 - 16 years old are studying in high school;
  • at 16 - 18 years - get a complete secondary education;
  • in 18 - 22 students receive a bachelor's degree.

Before going to school, the child passes the course of preschool training (since 3 years), during which the emphasis is on educational issues and developing classes, the material is presented in the game form. Knowledge at this stage do not overload. The main principle is all your time.
In 5 years, all children without exception are necessarily starting training in, where they learn to 11.

When moving to high school to the basic list of items, accurate sciences and additional lessons are added: geography, history, basics of religion, art, music, foreign languages.
At the age of 16, children end the middle school. In order to get a diploma of medium education, you must pass the graduation exam GCSE. However, this diploma does not give the right to enter higher education institutions.

To try their strength to enter into, it is necessary to become the owner of the A-LEVEL certificate (with a fairly high middle score), which is issued at the end of the course in schools on university preparation - the so-called Six Form. Training here lasts two years, throughout this period there is a deep immersion in the study of 4-6 selected items. At the end, the exam is rendered, based on the results of which the A-LEVEL certificate is issued.

The academic year in English schools is divided into trimesters. The holidays among the school year twice, last two weeks, are confined to Catholic holidays - Easter and Christmas, summer holidays - six weeks. During each trimester there is a short seven-day break.

From the middle (school) education in the UK is expected:

  • Transfer of cultural experience. Schools and other general educational institutions should transfer the cultural heritage to the new generation, the wisdom of previous generations, which are recognized by centuries to be valuable and diligently protected by the British.
  • Socialization of the younger generation. Schools are conductors to adopted behavioral models and values \u200b\u200bbehind this. Children are aware of the social roles that they have to play in society, in the professional field of activity, personal, family.
  • Preparation for the profession. There are in mind the knowledge and skills necessary for subsequent professional activities. This includes both academic knowledge and practical skills necessary for mastering a specific profession.

In England There are many schools for children requiring a special approach. They are visited by children with mental or physical disabilities. The program in them is easier and focused on the features of students. Here in the process learning Must be connected to psychologists and physiotherapists.

Many parents have a cherished dream - give their child for training in. Pupils here, in addition to the prestigious and high level of formation, and complete content. The spectrum of items studied in a private school is much wider than in the state, and the teaching staff is characterized by high qualifications and an impressive material base.

Do not forget that the school education system in the UK is famous for the strictest discipline, so even in a private school, where the training is paid and worth an impressive money, do not wait for the training. Students can be deducted for poor performance and not appropriate behavior.

The modern system of higher education in England is distinguished by its democraticness. In universities, a rich selection of various courses from which you can choose exactly to you, and if necessary, and generally change the list of selected items to study.

Universities of the United Kingdom are divided into two types:

  • College (consisting of colleges. For example, Universities of Cambridge and Oxford);
  • Unitary (with faculties and departments in the form of divisions).

The British government fully entrusted the formation of educational policies to higher educational institutions, the state only controls the quality of teaching.

Everyone, without exception, students of English universities have access to libraries and scientific laboratories equipped with modern standards. Students have the opportunity to visit various electives. Educational programs allow you to get one in the learning process, but two scientists from different directions.

In the UK quite popular and. This learning format is, as usual, passes independently, but with a support for training materials, designed specifically under such students, as well as on periodic consultations from teachers in online mode and email.

Historically, it happened that british education Reminds the pyramid: in the early stages, training is carried out on a wide range of disciplines, in the future their circle is narrowed on the basis of the selection of students themselves, which in 14 years determine which exams will be submitted in the future.
