Did you think what fonts are? What makes them special in the world of computers or what makes them unique from each other? Why some people claim that the Writing of Proposal italics means that you use another font than when writing without a run? Want to learn more about the fonts and how to find them in Windows or on the Internet? In this guide, I will try to answer all these questions and explain various little things that together make up the font and family of fonts.

Let's start:

What is a font?

The font is a set of characters, usually letters, numbers, punctuation marks and other characters. Fonts are characterized by their size, weight and style. Fonts can be greater than others, or they can be more fat or in a consecutive than others.

All these characteristics are applicable to the fonts that we use today, except that we usually usually use and see the fonts displayed on the screens of all kinds. At the same time, we always rely on paper and similar materials. The fonts used on computers in web browsers, in office applications or any other applications, are still determined by the same characteristics: size, weight and style.

Let's look at these three main characteristics one after another and see what makes them meaningful. Probably, everyone heard about the ARIAL font, so we use it as an example.

What is the font size?

The font size is usually defined at points, which are often equivalent to pixels on computer monitors. For example, Arial font is 18 points means that the font you use is called arial and that its characters (letters, numbers and other characters) are of size or height, if you want, a maximum of 18 points. The offer written in 24 points Arial looks like this:

What is the weight of the font?

Fonts are also characterized by weight. The weight of the font refers to the thickness of the characters that it contains, or, more precisely, to the thickness of the strokes of the characters. For example, the font can be ordinary, fat, easy. The usual weight means that the symbols of this font are standard. Light font means that its symbols are thinner than a similar standard or ordinary font. In addition, fat font means that the characters are much thicker than the usual form of this font.

The font also has more scales, such as lighter, bold or greasy. Sometimes, the weight of the font can be specified in numbers, such as the font can be light 100 or a fatty 600 font. However, the usual computer user will deal with standard font weights and bold fonts. Below you can see an example of the ARIAL font highlighted in bold, along with the usual 18 points arial.

What is the font style?

Finally, the third essential characteristic of the font is his style. Fonts may be meaning (or inclined), compressed (or narrow), expanded, etc. For example, symbols from an internal font have a different tilt. Symbols from compressed or narrow font have a narrower interval than the standard interval between them, while the extended font has broader intervals between its characters. Here is an example of fonts with different styles:

In addition to the three main aspects that determine it (size, weight and style), the font is also characterized by other things, such as the design, the method that it is presented, symbols (using points or with vectors), or their orientation. For example, Arab fonts are designed to read right to left, and not from left to right, as fonts used for European languages.

What is the font family?

The font family is also called the headset and is a collection of all fonts that have the same similar characteristics in design. Fonts belonging to one family may vary in size, weight and style, but have the same main design.

For example, when people think about Arial, they think about the Arial font family, and not about all the fonts that it contains. For example, Arial font contains a variety of different fonts, such as Arial Light, Arial Regular, Arial Italic, Arial Medium, Arial Bold, Arial Black, Arial Condensed, Arial Narrow, Arial MonoSpaced, Arial Rounded, Arial Cyrillic, Arial Greek, and others .

Although they all differ from each other, they all have the same design that makes them similar. For example, letters can have a different weight or have a higher slope, but in the end they all look the same.

Fonts like files on your computer

Fonts are stored as files on Windows computers and other operating systems. This means that each of them has a name, expansion, size, and so on. In the same way as executable files almost always have the extension ".exe" in Windows, fonts have several specific frequently used extensions. The most common font extensions are ".ttf" and "OTF".

« .Ttf."It is an abbreviation from TrueType fonts, font formats created by Apple and licensed Microsoft for free use in the 1980s. Because of this, this format is now most widely used on Windows computers.

« .Otf."Comes from OpenType, and this is a font format built on TTF or TrueType. OpenType is also a subsidiary Microsoft, but this time it has been implemented using Adobe instead of Apple. OpenType fonts are used on Windows computers, as well as on websites on the Internet.

On computers and devices with Windows fonts, like everything else, stored in files. These font files are located in the system section in which Windows is installed in the folder " Fonts" In other words, they are in " C: \\ Windows \\ Fonts».

To proceed to the font management in Windows 10, you need to open " ParametersWindows"And go to the menu" Personalization».

Select fonts on the left side of the window. On the right side, you will see all the fonts installed in Windows 10. Click on the font for which you want to see more details. You can also use the search field at the top to enter the font name you want to view, and then click on the appropriate search result.

After selecting the font, you will be shown examples of text using this font. You can use the text box at the top with the message "Enter here to view the font" to enter the text.

If you have chosen the font family, you will receive a drop-down menu with all font options in the family. The metadata section is updated based on the font selected in the drop-down menu.

If the selected font is variable, in the window " information about font"An additional link is displayed" properties of the variable font".

In the Variable Font Properties window there are two drop-down menus. The first menu shows design options that make up the font family. The second menu shows the axes of variation. This means that in addition to design options, the font allows full flexibility, so it can produce any other options that are necessary. Just as in the previous window, you have a text field where you can enter your text to check the results of your options.

How to remove fonts in windows 10

To remove fonts, you need to enter the Font Management section. To do this, go to the section " Settings → Personalization → Fonts"." Select the font you want to delete and click on it. In the Font Details window, click " Delete».

Confirm the deletion and font will be deleted.

Where to download new fonts

If you want to install new fonts on your computer.

For this there are several sites where you can download secure, free fonts:

Hard to read at low permissions

Low resolution fonts were the problem of the first fonts used on the screens of computers. Instead of smooth lines, the fonts created torn lines that impede the reading of texts. TrueType fonts significantly improved the use of Hinting technology. Later, smoothing was added and, finally, subpixel rendering. Microsoft implemented the last called ClearType. Cleartype Can be enabled or disabled in Windows depending on user preferences.

Subpixel visualization uses the advantages of technology used in LCD screens. For each pixel on the screen there are three actual pixels on the LCD screen for each of the main colors (red, green, blue). White color is obtained by running all three pixels with maximum intensity. Subpixel rendering displays various information about each color pixel to smooth the edges.

Some people are worried about this technology, because the fonts seem colored to them, not black. The effect is worsen if the background on the screen is not white. If you have this problem, you can disable this feature in Windows.

Brief history of fonts

Historically, the word font, or the font, meant a set of different characters that were either cut out of wood, or are formed from molten metal in shape. The first font probably appeared when the first print technique was developed. It happened in East Asia, somewhere in 206 BC. - 220 AD, when the Chinese began to use xylography on fabric and paper. The invention of Johannes Gutemberg of mechanical printing in Europe is about 1450 in the chronologically as follows. It was a moment when Gutenberg hired a scribe to help him design and create the first font of the Western world. According to Wikipedia, it has only 202 characters, but he served to press the first books in Europe. Shortly after that, Gutenberg created a second font with 300 characters, which he used to create the world's first printed Bible. It is known as Gutenberg's Bible, or the Bible with 42 lines, the Bible Mazarin or B42. Regardless of the name she wears, it marks the beginning of the era of the printed book in Europe and in general in the Western world.

After that, many different types of fonts were developed, but the font growth period was in the 20th century, when the seal became the industry, and industrial printing machines became commonplace. It was a period of widespread printed books and newspapers, and thus it was the birthday of many different fonts.

Finally, starting with the last half of the 20th century, people moved from reading on paper to read on the screens. Due to the growth of the Internet, reading news and search for written information, in general, are becoming increasingly popular on computers, tablets, smartphones and other similar devices. People not only began to pay much more attention to how fonts look like when displaying on screens, but also more people than ever before, began to create fonts. Thus, today, it is probably almost impossible to know how much different fonts exist.

What fonts do you prefer?

I hope that in this article I managed to shed light on what fonts and font families. Write in the comments which fonts you prefer to use. If you have any questions on this topic, do not hesitate to ask in the comments below, and I will do everything possible to answer them.


m. German. Set, cast, for printing, letters. Fonts (sets) are obtained by name, for them and designate them. At first, Punsons (Cecani) were cut on steel, koimi from one strike in copper matrix (Liaki), and the font (set) is poured from the Garut, tin alloy, lead, zinc and iron sawdust. Each of the sets is given, handwriting it, a special name; The lower line, the usual set: Cicero, and to it oblique, italic, cursik; Registered or large: hull, different names: English, long, black, thick, Egyptian, etc. Then, small: Petit and Spit Petit, which is the slightest type of diamond, on the turnover of our asyagiations.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


font, mn. Fonts and (talk) fonts, m. (schrift - letter). A complete set of typographical liter of a specific pattern for a set containing the alphabet with all the signs of the punctuation, numbers. Fonts on the character of the drawing of letters are divided into headsets. Cursing font. Latin font.

only units. Printing (printing in 5 values), printed letters. Large font. Small font.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I. IGOV, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, MN. -, -Oh, and -s, m. The form of written or printed signs. Printed, handwritten, hand-drawn sh. Font drawing. Set of sh. (obtained as a result of typographic set). Typographic sh. (A set of liter and other elements for a set). And arr. Font, -ay ,y.

A new intelligent-word-formational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    Figure, drawing letters.

    A complete set of typographical liter of a particular pattern containing the alphabet, punctuation marks, numbers, mathematical, chemical, and the like. signs.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


The font (schrift) in printing is a set of a lender, reproducing any alphabet (Latin, Russian, Arabic, Greek, etc.), as well as numbers and signs. Fonts differ in the character of the figure (see headset), slope (straight, italic, inclined), saturation (light, bold, bold), size (seekel).


(Schrift, from Schreiben ≈ to write), graphic shape of signs of the alphabetic system of the letter. Depending on the reproduction technique, Sh. Distinguish the trace. Its main types: handwritten written by pen or other instruments on soft material (papyrus, parchment, paper, et al.; See Paleography); hand-drawn brush or other tool on signs, vases, fabric samples, originals, covers, covers, title sheets and other elements of publications; engraved, carved or carved on a tree, metal, stone or other solid material, is used for inscriptions on monuments, architectural structures (epigraphics) or on engraving; A typical, compiled from a separate liter and other elements and intended for a manual or mechanized text set, reproduced when printing mainly on paper (such sh., With the exception of S. set-writing machines and photophone machines, called typographical). In a narrow sense, the typographic sh. Call a set of typographical litera intended for a set. Typographical, drawn and engraved sh., As well as sh. Photographic and photophonamial machines reproduced by printing method, are called printed sh. In accordance with the purpose of typographic S. are divided into text "for text dialing; title ≈ for set of covers, title sheets, headers; Acceentials ≈ for a set of small typographic forms (diplomas, blanks, labels, ads, etc.). The contrast (the ratio of the thickness of the bases and the connecting strokes of the letters), the presence and shape of the seeds differ mainly 7 groups of typographical sh. ( fig. one). The special group includes S., which in the figure cannot be included in the specified groups, including handwritten, imitation (for example, S. typewriting machines), etc. Depending on the inscription, which is determined mainly by the slope of the point, its width and saturation (the ratio of the thickness of the stroke to the width of an intrabic lumen), typographical sh. There are straight, mean, inclined; Normal, narrow, wide; Bright, bold, fat. Sh. One and the same drawing are divided into sh. Different kegiles; Sh., Miscellaneous by Kehel and drawing, but the same in character pattern, are combined into one group called the headset of the font. Each headset has the name, such as Elizavetinskaya, Bannikovskaya, School, etc. The assortment of the headset of S., used in the printing houses of the USSR, is regulated by standards. Drawing of the first typographic sh. Was created on the basis of handwritten sh., For example, a handwritten semi-wool ( fig. 2A.,

    ≈ Russian sh., Gothic S. (Gothic Letter) ( fig. 2A.,

    ≈ Latin sh. The original source of modern RUS's typographic sh. Is a civil font approved by Peter I in 1708 ( fig. 2A.,

    ; The original source of modern Latin sh. ≈ S. Antikva ( fig. 2A.,

    Arriving in the era of revival at the end of the 15th century. Some headsets S., which appeared at the beginning of the 20th century, are used in the printing houses of the USSR so far: literary (previously called Latin), Elizabethan, academic ( fig. 2B, 1≈3).

    To the number of headsets developed in the USSR from the late 40s., Include: ordinary new ( fig. 2B, 4), Bannikovskaya, Lazur ( fig. 2B, 5, 8) ≈ for literary and art publications and art books (based on civilian S. Petrovsky period and S. Renaissance); School ( fig. 2B, 2, 6) ≈ for school textbooks and publications for children; new newspaper ≈ for newspapers; magazine chopped ≈ for magazines ( fig. 2B, 7); Rerberg, Accidental Telingatra, Bajanovskaya, Kuzanyan ( fig. 2B, 9≈12) ≈ for title elements (based on ≈ Drawn Sh. Soviet artists) and MN. Dr. often the same Sh. (Usually a classic sample) can be gained publications of political, scientific, artistic, children's and educational literature.

    Many drawings of modern Latin S., widely used in foreign countries, are created on the basis of classical samples, such as Garamon (France, 30s. 16 V., fig. 2V., 3), a cloth (United Kingdom, early 18 century), Baskerville (United Kingdom, mid-18th century, fig. 2V., 1), Bodyney (Italy, early 19th century, fig. 2V., 2) and others; To the original samples of modern lat. S. refers Sh. Type of Egyptian (with very small contrast, with serifs of a rectangular bru-shaped) ≈ Memphis ( fig. 2V.,

    Beton, such as grotesk (without serif) ≈ Futura, Gill-Sans, Univers ( fig. 2V., 4), etc.

    Lit.: Schitsal A. G., Russian Hand-drawn Book Font Soviet Artists, M., 1953; His, Russian typographic font. Questions of history and practice of application, M., 1974; Spear N. A., Design and production of printing fonts, M., 1959; Bolshakov M. V., G. V., G. V., Shitsal A. G., Book Font, M., 1964; TOTS V., Modern Font, M., 1966; Vorontetsky B.V., Kuznetsov E. D., Font, 2 ed., L., 1975; Updike D. V., Printing Types. Their History, Forms and Use, v. 1≈2, CAMB., 1962; KAPR A., Schriftkunst, Dresden, 1971.

    A. G. Shitsal.



Font (← schreiben. - Write) - Graphic drawing of the design of letters and signs that make up a single stylistic and composite system, a set of characters of a certain size and pattern. In a narrow typographic sense, the font is called a set of typographical liter, designed to set text.

A group of fonts of different types and kegiles having the same drawing, a single style and design, is called a headset.

Examples of the use of the word font in the literature.

This book, allegedly, the autobiography of a gentleman who has achieved maturity into the reign of Queen Anna, printed by ancient font and written by an old syllable.

All water and polishing mirrors, all mirrors of inexhaustible dreams, corals, mosses, pearls and fish, turtle routes through the eyelid and lightness only one sunset, all generations of araucarium, sharp fontwho will not erase the night from the page, - all without excluding separate and mysterious, like me, they mixed here.

Another counterfeiter spent years of hard work, which thoroughly engraved the image of the banknote, and when everything was already as if he could take it and write a serial number shorter than necessary font!

I even see printed contrast font Bodyni The name of my publication: the mathematical assessment of aesthetic factors in the literature, and the signature of Haldan-4.

But German comrades managed to get only Borges - font Larger.

By typing this article last, the girls were announced by the printing house of Avral: the wet tidy was made and put in order of the verstotka and cash register with fonts.

Using the options of this tab, you can choose fontsoh cartridge, determine the boot method fonts In the printer and install new printer fonts.

First of all, high technique for the bench, ranging from the legends of its introduction to the public turnover and ending manufacturers: paper, font, angular stamp, incoming correspondence stamp, knowledge of the chronology of structural and personnel changes in the institutions of the security department.

With uniform shutdown vertically, the distance between the baseline lines font Neighbor lines are always the same, t.

When the vertical floating shutdown, the spaces are added not only between paragraphs, but also between the baseline lines. font Neighbor lines.

And that all warranty craftsmen will soon dissolve special lanterns for reading invisible font.

The letter was inscribed was demotic fontWhich, at that time, only a few, because the priests and government scribes were considered a fiction of frivolous and godless.

With a convex lens of 4.5 diopters, the patient gained normal vision into the distance, and with the addition of another convex lenses in 4 diopters, he was able to read font Diamond with 10 inches.

But with the arrest of the DOKOKOV, only part was captured fonts And printing machines, the rest he either destroyed, or reliably hidden.

Symptoms of printers on a typewriter are the mismatch of the horizontal location of printed signs in the line, differences in size and pattern of the same name printed signs, the differences in the color of the dye ribbon and, finally, differences in defects fontIf the prepress was made on another typewriter.

  • a combination of signs of writing a language or group of languages.
    • Words and phrases of foreign font inscribed by ink.
    • Works of ancient Greek authors, in the script and in translations in languages \u200b\u200bwith Latin font, Described under a latinized form of the author's personal name.
  • letter style, handwriting.
    • On the thick leaf sheet, the prince wrote a medieval Russian font Phrase: "Smart Igumen Pafnuti has put the hand."
  • special totality of letters and other printed si with certain features of drawing and mi.
    • The document is dialed with a Schoolbook font.
  • colloquial. (), Color or font (3) used when set.
    • The name is printed with capital letters, font- fat.
    • Somehow opened a solid newspaper: font Small, words are all smart.
  • polygr. Liters from solid A used with traditional E text.
    • From the textbooks on printing, I knew that the most terrible - scatter - scatter the cash desk with font Or already ready set.
    • They managed to bear out of the printing house, where the fascist newspaper was printed, a few kilograms font.
  • comp. and, designed to implement work with "font" 3 ..
    • In addition, the CompactFlash slot can be installed memory cards for storing written documents or connected fonts.
  • "Hand writing" computer
  • ... Braille is based on a combination of six points
  • type of drawing of printed letters
  • type of printed text
  • external HIV printed letters
  • headset
  • its size in kegs
  • a set of signs for a set of texts, usually including an alphabet of at least one language, numbers and punctuation marks and having a common character pattern
  • set of litera
  • liter kit in rhythm with pin
  • private typographic liter.
  • italic, Petit
  • m. German. Set, cast, for printing, letters. Fonts (sets) are obtained by name, for them and designate them. At first, Punsons (Cecani) were cut on steel, koimi from one strike in copper matrix (Liaki), and the font (set) is poured from the Garut, tin alloy, lead, zinc and iron sawdust. Each of the sets is given, handwriting it, a special name; The lower line, the usual set: Cicero, and to it oblique, italic, cursik; Capital or large: body, different names: English, long, black, thick, Egyptian, etc. Then, small: Petit and Spit Petit, which is the slightest view of the diamond, on the turnover of our asyagiations
  • stacking letters
  • hand writing in the newspaper
  • typographic alphabet
  • form of letters
  • form of printed letters
  • form of printed signs
  • form of written signs
  • what else, besides the bizarre picture, was once a grotesque
  • what is usually cast from Garth
  • what is cast from Garth
  • petit, italics and Gothic
  • (it., From Schreiben - to write). 1) cast from typographic metal and employees for a set of manuscripts of various values \u200b\u200band therefore various names. 2) in a mountainous business - a chute in the ground for water flow.
  • metal letters used in printing houses for dialing and printing.
  • it. Schrift, from Schreiben, write. Letters, the same largest and format.
  • typographic listers: largest wear different names: Cicero, Corps, Borges, Petit, Barrel, etc.
  • Typographic alphabet.
  • Hand writing in the newspaper.
  • What else, besides bizarre picture, was the grotesque sometime?
  • Set of timer.
  • What are usually cast from Garta?
  • FONT Braille is based on a combination of six points
  • what are cast from Garta?
  • "Hand writing" computer

Synonyms for word font

    • aBC
    • alphabet
    • headset
    • graphics
    • writing
    • letter
    • handwriting
    • sink


    • lite

Higonima for the word font

    • web font
    • system Font

Single words for font

  • adjectives

    • font


    • font

Frameology for Word Font

    • accident font
    • arabic font
    • web font
    • gothic
    • glagaric font
    • civilian font
    • greek font
    • humanistic font
    • bold font
    • capital font
    • square font
    • kirillovsky font
    • computer font
    • kursing font
    • latin font
    • set of font
    • inclined font
    • print font
    • written font
    • poster font
    • bold font
    • semi-owned font
    • chopped font
    • cursive
    • serphic font
    • system Font
    • scropper font
    • slavic font
    • text font
    • typographic font
    • uncial
    • authorized font
    • checker font
    • font without senses
    • braille
    • font with serifs

What is a font?

First of all, let's consider the concept of "; font";. The font is a set of characters of a certain size and pattern. In other words, a computer font is a program that can be used in all Windows applications, including PowerPoint.

New term

Font is a method for encoding text information used when transmitted as an image. The font determines the mutual correspondence between the symbols of a certain alphabet and their images, which are called literals. Font signs have certain ornamental characteristics, such as serifs, decorative curls, etc.

Sources of fonts on the computer

Fonts are included in the Windows system set, developed by application manufacturers and are supplied with them. Finally, there are firms engaged exclusively by the production of fonts for all occasions.

Historically, there is a few font standards for personal computers in the world. Adobe Systems Corporation Fonts (Type 1) fonts (Type 1) fonts, and Microsoft Fonts (Trueter Standard Fonts). Both standards have their advantages, which led to their parallel coexistence. In PowerPoint used Trueur fonts.

Often large font collections are supplied with some graphic, publishing or office programs. An example is MS Office, which includes a huge set of fonts. Unfortunately, as a rule, these fonts are not Cyrillic, and therefore their use in Russia is limited. On the Internet there was a similar situation. There is a huge selection of free or fertile free fonts, but not many of them are Cyrillic.

Classification of fonts

The classification of fonts by order is entangled and contradictory. But, despite the huge number of fonts for use, they can be divided into just 3 groups:

    fonts with serif (antiqua - serif);

    sourling fonts (Grotesque - Sans Serif);

    other - decorative (decorative), handwritten (script), etc.

Font types are depicted on fig. 3.1..

Fig. 3.1. Three types of fonts

Different studies have shown that fonts with serifs are read easier, as serfs help you move to move from the letter to the letter, and the letters do not merge with each other. On the other hand, the letters without serifs are easier to read in fonts of a very large or very small size. But it is almost impossible to establish uniform rules, because in addition to the design, the font shaft, string length, interlintage, free space, and even paper (when presenting products in paper) is of great importance. Decorative fonts have an arbitrary symbol pattern and are used mainly as design elements. They are not recommended to be used as the main text, as they are uncomfortable. Headers, catchy selection - this is the place of such fonts in the text.


The need to choose from a large number of fonts can scare a novice. But you should not be afraid, look close to which fonts use your colleagues, create a font catalog of fonts available at your disposal. Select 5-10 fonts that you most like, and use them. Gradually add new stains to your headset, diverse your style.

Installation of fonts in Windows

During Windows installation, setting standard fonts set, the files of which are recorded on the hard drive. Windows and other applications use these default fonts. It is always possible to further establish additional or remove the fonts already installed.

The most convenient to install a new font using a pictogram. Fonts in Control panels, when you click on which a window opens with a list of fonts already installed in the system ( fig. 3.2.).

enlarge image
Fig. 3.2. Window fonts

To install a new font serves as a team File - Install Font. In the dialog box that appears when performing this command Adding fonts You should select a folder in which the font (or fonts) is installed in the system.


In Windows, there is a special system folder of Windows \\ Fonts fonts. In order for the fonts that you install, were copied to this folder in the dialog box. Adding fonts A special check box is provided Copy fonts in Fonts folder. Being installed, the font is entered into the system registry, after which it becomes available to all Windows applications (and for PowerPoint too).

Text, Text Style, Design Attributes

New term

Text (from lat. Textus - fabric, connection) - 1. Every recorded speech (literary work, an essay, document, and a part, excerpt from them). 2. Main part of the printed set (without illustrations, drawings, tables).

When considering not a separate liter, and their totality (forming text), new terms appear. In the presentation, each element of the text of the book, whether it is the main text, title, note, etc., has its own design style.

New term

The style of text is a set of all parameters of the design of the text inherent in this segment.

Text style attributes include the following concepts: font headset; Inscription; Kehal; INTERLINAGE; interbustural lumen; Ramselnory space; swap; indent of the first line; trashing (indents on the right and left); Mezabzatsky chop; Other decoration techniques. However, since the font and type font and tycography are separate and big topics, then here on each of these terms on the topic "; font and text"; We have no opportunity to stop.

New term

Typography - graphic design of printed text using a set and layout using norms and rules specific to this language.

The concept of paragraph

When working with text, an important role is played by the concept of paragraph - an indent or a gap at the beginning of the text, chapter or red row. Usually, the new paragraph of the text begins indenting the first line (sometimes it is called a red string), in which the space of a certain value is inserted before the first letter. An indentation of the first line (paragraph indent) can be positive (in this case, the first line is shifted to the right relative to all other lines of paragraph) or negative (the first line goes to the left for the edge of the main text, that is, all lines of paragraph starting from the second, shift relative to the first line Right to some kind of fixed distance). In addition, paragraph may not have a paragraph number. To designate this situation in typographic production, the term stupid string is adopted.

Paragraph indent is a signal to a peculiar pause that organizes reading. From large blocks that are not dismembered by paragraphs, reader perception is dulling or not in the desired key. Having significant parts of the text, the paragraph acts as a kind of accent actively affecting a person.

New term

Paragraph (ABSATZ - Red Row, literally - a ledge) - this is an indent in the initial line of printed or handwritten text (part of the text associated with semantic unity and dedicated to the first string indentation). In the graphic editors of the text, the paragraph is a sequence of strings, aligned to the left and right at some borders.

The news makers are sometimes called paragraphs "; graphs"; to emphasize their difference from book paragraphs. Graphs are short thoughts segments. Standard newspaper paragraphs consist of three or four sentences, that is, about 40-50 words. Graphs are a design element that makes newspaper space free and alive. The reader is reluctant for reading materials that look big. The division on the counts makes the material more readable, since it does not look like a creepy and verbose.

Adding text to slide

On the slide can be made:

    Adding the main text or the text of the title within

    Adding text to the shape,

    Adding text to the inscription.

Add basic text or header text within

The slide layout contains frames for text and objects in various combinations. The appropriate framework introduces the text of the slides, subtitles and the main text. The frame is represented by a dotted boundary, inside which contains the text of the slide header.

To add a basic text or header to the slide, follow these steps.

Click within the text frame and enter the text or insert it from the clipboard ( fig. 3.3.).

Fig. 3.3. Entering text in prototype


If the text does not fit in the frame, then as new signs enter the font and the line distance will decrease to the desired size.

Adding text in the figure and creating an inscription

Text can be enclosed inside figures, such as squares, circles, contours and curly arrows. When entering the text in the figure, it becomes embedded in it, and, therefore, it will move and turn together with it. When the text is located on top of the figure, it is independent of it, that is, it does not move together with the figure.

    To add the text to become part of the figure, select the figure, and then enter the text or insert it from the clipboard.

    So that the added text can be moved independently of the shape, command Insert - inscription Add a text field, and then enter the text or insert it from the clipboard ( fig. 3.4.).

Fig. 3.4. The upper text is part of the figure and rotates with it, and the lower text is not part of the figure and independent of it.

The inscriptions are used to place the text anywhere in the slide, including outside the text frame. For example, you can add a title to the figure by creating a text field and placing it near the drawing. With the help of the inscriptions, you can also add text to figures when it does not need to be associated with them.

Creating lists

In some prototypes, the text is automatically formatted as a labeled list, and in other prototypes - no. To create label lists on the tab the main Find a group Paragraph (fig. 3.5).

Fig. 3.5. Group of paragraph

Here are the tools familiar to everyone who worked in MS Office, and, in particular, tools for creating lists.

Creating a speaker notes

Too large amounts of text makes a slide confusing and incomprehensible to the audience. Rapporteur notes help in the presentation process to save the screen from excess text content, at the same time allowing you to track all the data required during the presentation ( fig. 3.6.). Good notes can help keep the attention of the audience and prevent excessive slide loading text.

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Fig. 3.6. An example of a presentation containing speaker notes

Simultaneously with work on the content of slides, enter your notes under the slide in the notes area. Usually the speaker prints these notes and looks into them during the presentation. However, if notes are too big and not placed on the notes page, they will be cropped when printing. To simplify work with the area of \u200b\u200bnotes, it can be enlarged by dragging the separation marker.

Slide text transformation in SmartArt drawing

In Power Point, you can turn the text slide in the SmartArt pattern with one click.

New term

Figure SmartArt is a visual view of information that can be configured in accordance with the needs of the PC user. Text transformation in SmartArt drawing is a quick way to convert existing text slides into professionally looking graphic illustrations.

To convert an existing text in the SmartArt drawing, click the prototype containing the text. In a group Paragraph tabs the main Click on the button Convert to SmartArt drawing. The desired version of the text conversion in the picture, select from the options collection. Having found the desired picture SmartArt, click it to apply to your text. An example of the text conversion of the Slide in the Smartart drawing is given on fig. 3.7..


The collection contains SmartArt drawing mockups that are best suited for labeling lists. To see how the SmartArt drawing looks like with the desired text, hover the pointer to the sketch of this picture SmartArt.

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a) Prototype

b) prototype transformed into a pyramidal list (Figure SmartArt)

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Fig. 3.7. c) Figure SmartArt based on marked text (option)

Now the Smartart drawing can be moved, change its size, turn, add text to it, apply another express style to it (fast style).

New term

Express Style (Quick Style) - a set of formatting parameters facilitating the formatting of documents and objects.

Although the SmartArt drawing is easiest to create for the existing text, you can go to another way and first insert the desired picture SmartArt, and then add text to it.

Tips when working with Smartart, Color and Text

    Before creating a picture SmartArt, imagine what type and layout will be suitable for the best data display. Try several different options and find the one that graphically illustrates text information.

    SmartArt drawings are most effective when the number of figures and the number of text are not maximal, but are minimally sufficient to display information. Necessary a large number of text may adversely affect the visual view of the SmartArt drawing and make it difficult for perception.

    Some SmartArt drawing layouts are well designed for specific situations. For example, layout Balacoming arrows (a type Communication), Designed to display two opposite ideas or concepts. And in order to display more than two ideas, go to another layout, in which there are more shapes for text, such as layout Simple pyramid (a type Pyramid).

    When working with SmartArt drawings, it is useful to know certain key combinations ( table. 3.1.).

Table 3.1. Keyboard shortcuts when working with SmartArt pattern

the name of the operation

Keyboard shortcuts

Add new picture Smartart

Open interactive certificate

Switch between text area and SmartArt drawing

Go from the text area to ribbon

Press the Ctrl + Shift + F2 keys to go to the SmartArt drawing, and then press the Alt key to go to the tape

When the figure is chosen, go to another figure in the picture SmartArt

Increase text indent in text area

Reduce text indent in text area

Add tabl sign to text area

Select several shapes in the field of text

Select a text string in the text area, then press the SHIFT + arrow keys to select additional figures.

After adding a picture SmartArt Open collection of layouts where you can view and change all layouts

Increase the size of the chosen figure

Shift + up arrow or arrow to the right

Reduce the size of the selected figure

SHIFT + down arrow or arrow left

Change the size of the shape with small steps

Ctrl + Shift + arrow up, down arrow, right arrow or arrow left

Move the figure in the desired direction

Arrow up, arrow down, arrow right or arrow left

Move figure with small steps

Ctrl + Arrow Up, Down Arrow, Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Rotate the figure in the desired 15 ° direction

Rotate figure for 1 °

Alt + arrow to the right or left

When working with text in color publications, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

    assign the background and text contrasting colors. It is about the contrast of color, and not just about various brightness. For example, black letters on a red background are read with great difficulty, so that such a combination should, if possible, avoid;

    check the contrast of text and background on the monochrome image. Although this technique does not work, but in most cases, when two colors look contrast in a monochrome image, they will look contrast and with color printing;

    avoid an annoying combination of color tones for printing volumetric text. For example, a combination of yellow with red is very effective for printing products with a label "; NEW!";, But such a color solution in most other cases is inappropriate;

    avoid too light and poorly distinguishable shades. Too light texts are problematic with their prints, regardless of whether it is good or poorly so such a tint looks at the slide. Poor reproduce thin lines for which a light shade of color is selected. It may even work out that such a color will look just like dirt on paper.

Adding footer to the presentation

To add slide numbers, time and date, company emblem, a presentation header or file name, the name of the speaker, etc., at the top or bottom of each page of issuing or notes or at the bottom of each slide, use footer.

On the tab Insert in a group Text Click on the button Persecutors - fig. 3.8..

Fig. 3.8. Step window

To add the footer to the slide in the dialog box Persecutors On the tab Slide Check the box footerAnd then enter the text to be placed in the center of the bottom of the slide.

    For the information of the lower footer is displayed only on the selected slide, click Apply.

    To display the function of the footer on all presentation slides, click Apply to all.

To add footer to the issuance or notes page in the dialog box Persecutors On the tab Notes and issuing Check the box Page header or footerAnd then enter the text to be placed in the center of the upper part (top footer) or to the center of the bottom (footer) of each page of the issuance or notes. Then click on the button Apply to all (fig. 3.9.).

Fig. 3.9. Step window, Tab notes and issuing


In this window, the field View Displays the upper and footer information in the place where it will be displayed in the slide on the issuance or notes page.

Check spelling, sending to review

Despite the fact that in the Office PowerPoint 2010 program, spelling is automatically included, at the end of working with a presentation, it is recommended to check orphography again. To check spelling in the presentation, press the keys Ctrl + Home.To move to the beginning of your presentation.

In a group Spelling tabs Review Select Team Spelling. If Office PowerPoint 2010 detects spell errors, the dialog box appears and the first word is allocated with an error detected by the spell inspection tool ( fig. 3.10.). The presentation author determines how to fix the error found by the program. After fixing the word with the error, the program finds the following word with an error, etc.

Fig. 3.10. Found an error in the word "; banner";

So, before displaying the presentation, it is necessary to correct orphographic errors and eliminate other shortcomings and spaces. Click the tab Review On the ribbon to perform spell check. Perhaps the need for other users to view this presentation and added their notes. Team Create Note Available in group Noteswhich is also on the tab Review. To add a note, you just need to select this command and enter a note for individual slides.


When viewing notes for moving on them, use the buttons Back and Forward in a group Notes.

Styles for text fields

To create a signature to the drawing, insert the text field. This can be done using the command. Insert - inscription (fig. 3.11).

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Fig. 3.11. An example of creating a text field tool inscription

Now activate the tab Format. Tab Format field Tools drawing Contains styles of text fields and other figures ( fig. 3.12.).

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Fig. 3.12. Drawing Tool Field Tab

To get acquainted with this tool, activate the inscription to the image and hover the mouse to any style - a preview of the style applied to the text field on the slide will be performed. Select the desired style for a text field, or several styles at once ( fig. 3.13).

Fig. 3.13. Selection for a text field of several styles at the same time

Example 3.1. Translation of the word or text to another language

In PowerPoint 2010 there is a built-in translator and you can translate the text written in another language, such as phrases or paragraphs, individual words or the entire file. In addition, you can create a document in one language, and then translate it to another language using the Microsoft Translator machine translation service.

To translate a specific word or offer, highlight them ( fig. 3.14.), then execute the command Review-translation (fig. 3.15).

Fig. 3.14. Text for translation is highlighted

Fig. 3.15. Group Translation on the Review tab

Choose a language for translation (we will translate from Russian to English) - fig. 3.16.

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Fig. 3.16. Select language for translation

Follow the command Translate selected text. The result of the translation will appear in the area Transfer In chapter Reference materials - fig. 3.17.

Fig. 3.17. Offer translated


You need to connect to the Internet.


To change the language from which or to which the translation will be completed, select it in the area Transfer In chapter Reference materials. For example, to translate text from English into Russian, select English (USA) in the list Original language and Russian (Russia) in the list Translation language.

If you execute the command Mini translator, then the mini translator will be enabled after that, you can specify the cursor to the word (or proposal), which must be translated, and the translation will be shown in the mini translator - fig. 3.18.

Fig. 3.18. When you hover the mouse pointer to the word in the mini translator, its translation is displayed. From mini translator text is easily inserted into the slide

Example 3.2. Insert in slide characters and formulas

To insert into the presentation of mathematical formulas on the tab Insert in a group Symbolsclick on the arrow next to the item Formulaand then select Insert a formula (fig. 3.19).

Fig. 3.19. Insert formula

A number of popular formulas are offered by the program as templates ( fig. 3.20).

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Fig. 3.20. Billets of popular formulas

To insert frequently used or pre-formatted formulas on the tab Insert in a group Symbols Click on the arrow next to the formula inscription, and then select the desired formula from the list ( fig. 3.21)

Fig. 3.21. An example of insertion into the Pythagorean slide theorem

To write your own (your) formula on the tab Constructor in a group Structuresselect the desired structure of the structure (for example, a fraction or radical), and then click on the icon of the required structure. If the structure contains the setup, then click the placeholder and enter the necessary numbers or characters ( fig. 3.22).

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Fig. 3.22. Constructor tab disclosed to work with formulas

To insert into the presentation of characters, for example, the euro sign, on the tab Insert Find a group Symbols (fig. 3.23).

Fig. 3.23. Group Symbols active

Click on the icon Symbol and select the desired symbol from the set ( fig. 3.24).

Fig. 3.24. Set of Wingdings Font Symbols

Adding to the presentation notes

In Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 you can add, edit and delete notes.

New term

Note - This is a note that you can attach to the letter or the word on the slide or to the entire slide.

To add a note to the text or object (table, diagram, drawing or text) on the slide, select the object. On the tab Review in a group Notes Click on the button Create Note (fig. 3.25)

Fig. 3.25. Showing the Create Note Button

Enter the notes text and then click Outside the Note field ( fig. 3.26) - Note will be created.

Fig. 3.26. Note created

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Fig. 3.27. On the left is shown Sketch Notes - On Right Note Revealed for Reading

To change or delete Note - Click Sketch Notes and Group Notes Select the desired tool ( fig. 3.28.).

Fig. 3.28. In the Note group, the commands are shown to change and delete Note

    Never hurry when choosing fonts for publication, try to seriously apply even to small things. The font is a powerful tool that can not only write, but even draw ( fig. 3.29).

Fig. 3.29. Example of font drawing

    Remember that each additionally installed on the computer font takes a piece of RAM. Be reasonable, follow the quantity of fonts, and delete extra (not used in operation) fonts.

    Carefully treat the use of particularly finished (decorative) fonts, the inept use of which can push readers from your materials. Beautiful, but the bluff font is a common start-up error.

    When choosing a font for publishing, it should be processed from its ease for reading and adequacy, i.e. compliance with the style of publication. For strict documents, it makes sense to apply only classic fonts and no more than two per page. In other cases, it is also important to observe the measure; It is believed that the maximum number of fonts on one page is three. A large number of fonts used testifies to the absence of professionalism from the author of the publication (as well as abuse of decorative fonts).

    The general principle for work is the use of seeding headsets for the main text and chopped - for headers and other elements. But there is no rules without exception. In one document, you can restrict ourselves to chopped headsets, in another - only with serifs. It must be borne in mind that the text scored with chopped font is harder to read (especially for large volumes of text).

    For headlines and subtitles, use a more fatty design. Avoid identical headers for headers and basic text. On the other hand, for headlines and subtitles it is better to use similar headsets; The same applies to those cases when there are several headsets in the main text. If the title takes more than three lines, the headset must be equal to the saturation of the main text. If the headings and text headsets match, separate the header from the text. Using a bold font inscription for the first words of the header, you like you to give a cap, and the set in italics will help separate the title from the main text without distracting attention. If the header takes less than three lines, the headset has a more solid species, which has the main text.

    The resolution of your printer also affects the choice of fonts. On a 600-point "; laser"; Any small font will look quite decent. But on the 300-point ";innik"; - unlikely. Remember that on the monitor screen, in general, any font comes with a resolution of 72 dpi.

    Pay attention to the length of the lines. No wonder the newspapers and brandy magazines are usually in two or more columns. For readability of the usual text decorated with a bowl 9-10, the optimal string length is about 85 mm (permissible from 63 to 125 mm). Detection of readability In this case, you can partly compensate for an increase in the distance between the lines (interlingem). Choose for the main text Kehal 10 - put the interlintage by 1-2 points more, i.e. 11-12 points), if the length of the line you have in the limits recommended above. And add another 1-2 point if it approaches 170-180 mm.

    For readability of the text, the fields play an important role. Do you know that about 50% of the page area occupy in the classic printing field?


In this lecture, the reader learned the basic information on typography and font, learned to create a speaker notes and transformation of the text of the slide in the SmartArt drawing. Now you can add footer to the presentation and check the spelling of the text of the slides. The next lecture will be no less interesting and is dedicated to the topics and work with drawings.
