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Have you ever thought, looking at the logos and the names of famous brands, which inspired designers to create them, what is their story? Or maybe they generally appeared by chance?

We are in website We wondered about such a question and today we will tell you about the most interesting of them.

A fabulous castle was always depicted on the logo of the most famous animated studio in the world. Initially, his prototype was German Neuschwanstein. But in 2006 he changed Cinderella Castle from Paris Disneyland.

The name of the Danish company-producer of Lego toys comes from a reduction in the Danish phrase "Leg Godt" - "Play Good".

Max Kite, who was responsible for the work of the Coca-Cola division in Germany during World War II, decided to create a new product. The name of the drink was the result of a collective discussion, which began with the call of Kite to the participants to "use their imagination" (in German - "Fantasie"), for which one of those present, Joe Knipp, immediately said - "Fanta!".

Not without mythology in the title founded in Denmark Pandora jewelry house. From the ancient Greek it is translated as "all gifted." According to mythology, Pandora was the first woman created at the Teling of Zeus to the punishment of people for the abduction for them to promote Divine Fire.

Cadillac luxury car brand has received its name on behalf of the ancestor of the company's founder, the mechanics of Henry Lyland - the French colonial administrator and the commandar of Antoine Lome de Lammot de Cadillaca.

The British contraceptive brand Durex is an abbreviation from Durable, Reliable, Excellence (strength, reliability, superiority).

The purpose of some companies is to report that the use of their brand will improve part of our lives. What did Levi do with the logo to convey this information? He ingeniously hid the part of the body that most of us want to emphasize when wearing jeans. If you have not seen this before, now you will always see it.

The founder of the company Pierre Omidyar created an analogue of the site still during his work at Echo Bay Technology Group, which was located in the town of Echo Bay (Nevada). Omidyar wanted to register the website "", but it turned out that the name was already busy, and he cut it to "". Nevertheless, many think that eBay is an abbreviated "Electronic Bay" ("Electronic Bay").

Ecology of life. Children: You will not find words like the "Tupi-Tupi-Mom" or "Marketing" in any dictionary (so far!), But believe us: these parent terms just need to know. At least in order to laugh at their pedagogical errors and failures in the difficult case of raising children.

You will not find words like a "Tupi-Tupi-Mom" or "Maritime" in any in a single dictionary (so far), but believe us: these parent terms just need to know. At least in order to laugh at their pedagogical errors and failures in the difficult case of raising children.


Samulation for Mom, which is slow, but inevitably takes a bitter fact: it cannot help her child with a homework in mathematics. Because no matter what a decade, she went to high school, all the formulas to the last swirls weathered from her head. Filty. And it seems that forever.

Facebook PTSR *

When you share with your friends on Facebook incredible wisdom, which is given your four-year-old child, and the next day you re-read your post and understand what I wrote to nonsense, because they simply turned out to completely disable the critical perception of reality.

* PTSD - post-traumatic stress disorder

Ice cream

It is considered to be completely normal to stuff a first-class ice cream plot in the freezer. Anyway, the taste receptors of your children are still not developed enough to assess the difference between ice cream for $ 5 per 500 ml and cheap.


A sharp and sharp jelly seizure about the competitiveness of your younger in the eyes of another mother, when she recalls that her child of the same age already programs with the Scratch program, and yours still plays in Minecraft.


It is ideally appropriate to age, weighted, honest and at the same time, the humiliating definition that you give a "adult" the word, about which a child asks you, and then discover that he meant "Prostration", and not "prostitution".


The sound that you pull out of the depth of the exhausted soul when your second-grader is no longer climbs into the dear, worthwhile salary, the blue jacket, which you bought him a month ago for the spring concert.


The huge relief that you feel when your child has finally gathered all the LEGO details scattered around the house. Because you threatened to confiscate all his electronic games, if it does not do this, but in fact you do not have enough spirit to fulfill such a sinister threat.


When you make a child apologize for some rudeness or tactlessness (for example, for the remark that the grandfather's new girl has a silicone breast), although in secretly completely agree with him.


Stone despair, after you finally packed your two-year-old kid in all layers of winter clothes and suddenly felt ... Park. First you decide to go for a walk as it is, and then sigh and start to unpack it to wash. As a result, by the time you finally finished, the baby is ready to take away.

SBEP (thank God, it's Monday!)

Acronym prayer of any employee.

Do you come up with such terms in your family? Share with us your unique parent "vocabulary." Perhaps it is your neologisms here to someone very lacking!published

P.S. And remember, just changing your consumption - we will change the world together! © Econet.

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It is believed that on average we use a smartphone for more than 4 hours a day, however, we often use the same functions and do not even suspect the most interesting, useful and unexpected capabilities of the phone. But in the last couple of years, smartphones and application developers have embedded their most amazing ideas, sometimes inspiring science fiction.

We are in website Found and tested really cool chips and tricks that our smartphones make in themselves and which will be useful in different life situations.

1. Projeate the Card Augmented Reality on the Windshield of Your Car

If you are driving in the dark, in the fog, during the rain or just for unfamiliar places, download Hudway, enter the destination and place your phone on the control panel. Your smartphone will project the card with GPS support to the windshield without the need for additional equipment.

2. Your phone can read barcodes

As well as QR codes. All major app stores have many free barcode readers that can process the information received. Here are 2 the main reasons why it is cool:

  1. You can scan the barcode on most packets that are included in USPS, UPS and FedEx systems, and automatically transmit this information to your device.
  2. You can get more information about the product in applications such as Redlaser who will be checked whether the more profitable price for the goods elsewhere is available.

3. Your phone works fine with a telescope

4. The camera of your phone can see blood pulsing under the skin

Application developers, such as Instant Heart Rate (Available for iOS, Android and Windows), argue that they can read your cardiac rhythm through the smartphone chamber. Place your finger in front of the camera, and the application will start tracking small changes in the color of the skin due to blood pulsation, and then measure your pulse. And the Cardiio application (iOS) can measure the pulse, tracking the colors of the face.

5. With a smartphone, you can scan and digitize old negatives

Of course, this is not the best way to scan and digitization, however, if you need a quick view of your old negatives, you can use the negative effect of your camera or use some of the many specialized applications, such as Helmut Film Scanner (Available for Android).

6. Phone camera recognizes fonts, items or restaurants

Applications such as Amazon's Flow (Available for iOS and Android) can recognize objects, places and even text. A new Google Lens feature, which is part of Google Assistant (available on iOS), can recognize any restaurant in the photo, immediately offering the reviews and rating of the establishment. Whatthefont application will be able to tell you what the font is made by one or another inscription, simply scattering your photo.

7. Smartphone can take pictures while shooting video

In recent years, neurology has opened us a new point of view on the nature of emotions. Now scientists can accurately indicate which parts of the brain are responsible for specific emotions. In 2013, a group of psychologists published the results of the study in which they argue that they found a connection between certain neurons and human emotions. Scientists have determined the location of anger, disgust, envy, fear, happiness, lust, pride, sadness and shame.

Tiffany Watt Smith, Researcher of the University of London, says: "We expanded the concept of emotions. Now emotion is not only a psychological, but also a physical phenomenon that can be traced in our brain. " Tiffany Smith in his "Book of Human Emotions" collected 154 precise names of different feelings from around the world. This book can be called "detail of emotions", because it describes a lot of specific sensations that you probably didn't even know. "When you give new emotions of the name, they are becoming not so terrible. It is easier to manage feelings when you know more about them, "says Tiffany Smith.

With Smith, strange things happened during the writing of the book - she began to experience emotions often with whom he had just met. Perhaps she came across them before, but now they became easier to identify, knowing the exact definition. For example, during the work of Tiffany, the influence of emotions called "Greng Jai", which means "unwillingness to take assistance from other people, not to disturb them once again," and refused the proposed assistance.

Below are the 10 most accurate words describing feelings. We warn you: having learned the exact name of the emotion, you will most likely experience it more often.

1. "AMAE"

To be adults means being completely independent. But sometimes I want someone to take care of you, helped with the cargo of problems and responsibility. The Japanese word "AMAE" means the feeling of complete confidence in the spouse, parents or oneself, which helps to flourish relations. Japanese Psychoanalyst Takeo Doi (Takeo DOI) offers the following decoding: "AMAE is an emotion that implies the love of another person to you as of granted." The emotion "Amae" is similar to children's love, it confirms another translation - "behave like an invoked child."

2. "L'appel du vide"

Did you have such that you are waiting for the platform train, and a thought suddenly appears in your head: "What will happen if jumping from the platform?" Or are you going on the car on the mountain road, on the one side of which breakdown, and feel a strange desire to sharply pull the steering wheel and fly into the abyss? In 2012, American psychologists published an article and called this feeling "phenomenon of heights", noting that it is not necessarily associated with suicidal inclinations. In the end, the French term "L'Appel Du Vide" chose for this emotion, literally meaning the "Call of Empty". This emotion causes a strong alarm, because we have a feeling that we do not trust our own instincts. There is no reason to be afraid, but it is not necessary to forget that you should not go on your emotions.

3. "awumbuk"

This emotion is associated with guests. When your home is full of guests, and all the hallway is littered with shoes and bags, you will unwittingly want it all sooner. But when guests leave your home, you feel empty. This feeling is known to everyone in Papua - New Guinea, so there he had his own name, "awumbuk", translated - "The feeling of emptiness after the care of guests." Fortunately, the people who gave the name of this melancholic emotion, knows how to deal with it. When the guests go, the owners of the house leave the full bowl of water overnight, so that it absorbs "purulent" air. The next morning, the whole family rises early in the morning and pours water out of the cup into the garden, after which the usual life continues.


In 1984, the writer Douglas Adams (Douglas Adams) and producer John Lloyd (John Lloyd) jointly released a book called "The deeper meaning of life: a dictionary of expressions that are not, but they should be." Smith in this book found an interesting word for his work - she chose the term describing the situation when a person annoying someone is annoying to see when the opponent will end patience. Adams and Lloyd give the following definition: "This feeling, when I really want to know how much you can irritate a person."


Being in someone else's country, people often commit atypical actions for themselves. They can chat with strangers in the bar, although they never do at home. When you feel a stranger on a non-rigid earth, it worries you and disorient. For this mixture of emotions there is a French word "depaysement", or "be outside the country". Testing "Depaysement", you feel a stranger. Of course, you may be disturbed to get lost - after all, all the signs and pointers are written in an unfamiliar language, but the most painful is the realization that you are now far from home.

To demonstrate emotions, we will need this white cat:

The cat sits on the table and drops its paws from him all the items that put on his owner on the table. It can be said that the cat is experiencing "ilinx", the French word to describe the strange desire of meaningless destruction. Sociologist Roger Callois (Roger Callois) In explaining the word "ilinx" makes a reference to the practices of the ancient mystics, which with the help of chaotic dances were included in the state of the trance. Nowadays, this emotion can be experienced, succumbing to a momentary desire to create chaos and kicking the office basket for garbage.

7. "Kaukokaipuu"

People, for example, Irish origin who have never been in Ireland may experience a strange feeling - they miss the country associated with the ancestors that have never visited. In Finland, this feeling is called "Kaukokaipuu" - longing to the place in which a person has never been. In fact, it is a specific option for the desire to change places when a person is sitting at home and dreams of traveling to distant countries, for example, to New Zealand or in Hawaii, and the feeling is so strong that even comparable to nostalgia.

8. "Malu"

You consider yourself a man with confident social skills, but where do they disappear when you find yourself in the elevator with the general director of your company? Residents of Indonesia know this feeling well and gave him a name. The term "Malu" means a sharply emerged feeling of embarrassment and inconvenience caused by the presence of a high-ranking person. In Indonesia, an unusual attitude towards this emotion: it is considered absolutely normal and even talks about good manners. Therefore, do not worry, being in a similar situation the next time, your embarrassment is the indicator of courtesy.

9. "Pronoia"

In the book of Jerome David Salinger (J. D. Salinger) "above rafters, carpenters" one of the heroes, Simor Glass, exclaims: "Lord, if I really have some kind of clinical case, then I'm probably a paranoid the opposite. I suspect that people come into collusion to make me happy. " After 30 years, Sociologist Fred Goldner (Fred Goldner) gave the name of the opposite paralysis of the case - "Pronoia". This emotion can be described as a strange feeling that everyone around want to help you.

10. "Torschlusspanik"

Life passes. The end is approaching. In a literal translation from the German word "Torschlusspanik" means "fear of closing doors", that is, an unpleasant feeling that time is outcome. Crowding and avoiding the feeling of panic will help the German ideome "Torschlusspanik IST EIN Schlechter Ratgeber", meaning "Torschlusspanik is a bad adviser."
