05/13/2018 3 608 0 Igor

Psychology and society

The XXI century is a lot of psychological problems associated with inconsistency between ideas and values \u200b\u200bthat have developed in society earlier and which the modern age of informatization, globalization and an open society dictates us. In this regard, the epoch in which we live can become a century of psychology. Now in the world, and especially in Russia, psychological education is strongly developing, but even the person who has nothing to do with psychology, very often in his life faces the concept of cognitive dissonance. What does it mean with simple words?


Cognitive dissonance - what is it?

The cognitive dissonance (from the Latin "Cognitio" - perception, knowledge and "Dissonantia" - inconsistency, lack of harmony) - this is a mental state of a person who is associated with internal discomfort, contradiction caused by the inconsistency of previously established as a result of the previous experience and knowledge of the subject, phenomenon , process, person and newly received, more real and relevant, information about them.

Simple words, cognitive dissonance is an internal imbalance that arose as a result of a collision in the minds of opposing ideas of perception of reality.

The contradiction between what is familiar and correct, and the fact that there is in fact, leads to a violation of inner harmony, misunderstanding, primary rejection and rejection, and forces it infinitely scrolling it in the head, analyze and look for the causes of what happened.

The history of the appearance of the effect

To deeply understand the essence of any concept, it is necessary not only to understand its meaning, but also to know the story of its origin.

For the first time, the concept of cognitive dissonance became the famous American psychologists of the twentieth century Fritz Hyder and Leon Festinger. And in 1957, the festinger was developed by the theory of cognitive dissonance.

The reason for the appeal of these psychologists to describe the effect of internal discomfort was an earthquake in India, which occurred in 1934. After him, for many years, the inhabitants of this country massively spread no confirmed rumors that this kind of natural disasters can be repeated throughout India. As such actions, they fought their own fears about the possible repetition of terrible events and restored the balance between the information they received from external sources, and real reality. The festinger called this effect by cognitive dissonance - the discrepancy between the acquired experience and knowledge with the perception of reality.

The proposed theory, which studies the effect of the effect of internal discomfort per person, on what methods and methods he chooses to overcome this discomfort, has become indispensable for explaining the reasons underlying various conflict situations.

All theory is built on two main hypotheses that formulated the festinger:

  1. At the first signs of the occurrence of an internal imbalance, a person will do everything to get rid of it, because he negatively affects mental condition.
  2. A person makes every effort to avoid situations associated with the enhancement of the effect of cognitive dissonance.


  1. There was an idea that the teacher should be calm, kind, polite and benevolent. What only inner dissonance can lead the fact when you go to the class in which your child learns, and see how the teacher on high colors scolds students and behaves inadequately and quite aggressively. Such behavior of the teacher completely contradicts the image of a good and good teacher, which is in his mind each of us.
  2. You know that this person is the leader of a large company, has a fairly high income, always dressed in expensive clothes, walks in the best cafes and restaurants in the city. And here, walking down the street, one day you meet it, cleaner trash in the park. You immediately arise internal imbalance between how you represented it, and how you saw it at the moment. And he just participated in the universal cleanup for cleaning the territory of his hometown, the initiator of which was himself.
  3. You are a lover of driving strong alcoholic beverages. Every day you encounter information about the dangers of alcohol and its negative impact on the human body, which causes cognitive dissonance between, without which you can no longer do, and what you hear about the harmful habit at the moment.

The reasons

  • the inconsistency of generally accepted moral norms and rules of behavior by our ideas about what is good and what is bad. Each of us has experience, knowledge of how to behave in different life situations, but very often we fall into the trap of past experience and cannot find a way out and make the right decision in new realities. Therefore, forced to act in accordance with the laws of society and family;
  • the incompression of the image of a person who has developed in consciousness for a certain period of time to meet him, with those actions that we can observe from the side in any unexpected situation;
  • the discrepancy between the words, actions and behavior of another person compared with our words, actions and behavior;
  • neon understanding, condemnation and rejection by the people around us, which is caused by generally accepted, cultural, moral, ethical judgments and views.

How to get rid of internal discomfort?

The easiest way is to prevent situations that can lead to internal imbalance (try to avoid negative information and stressful situations, because it is easier to prevent the problem than to solve it).

If the problem failed to avoid, you can first take an attempt to adapt to it: the constant conviction itself is that it was inevitable for specific reasons, and the teaching themselves does not respond to it in the future. To do this, you can not watch TV, not read news or not to communicate with those people who are unpleasant.

But there are such cases when it is necessary to get rid of the very discomfort, but on the reasons leading to it.

Tips to help return spiritual harmony and internally change:

  1. Look for alternatives to the current situation. Think about how you or someone could do otherwise, what would it lead to. Such self-analysis will give the opportunity to decompose everything on the shelves, build a logical chain of what happened, and then the situation can already be not taken so close to the heart.
  2. Change the behavior model. This is relevant when your actions harm you and close people, constantly lead to different difficulties and problems. If it is not possible to do it yourself, you can seek help from specialists: a psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist.
  3. Do not live in past errors: Analyze them and continue to enjoy life. The experience you received, use not to repetition such situations, but to prevent them.
  4. Develop, expand the boundaries of your consciousness, do not dwell on the bad.

Important! I never encounter cognitive dissonance in reality is impossible. But this is not necessarily, after all, experiences, doubts carry in itself a huge value associated with the fact that they are a powerful impetus for self-development and new achievements and victories. The most important thing is not to overdo it with their number and be able to adequately react to situations leading to the inner disharmony.

I hope that after reading this article, two mysterious and complex words - Cognitive dissonance - will never cause imbuming.

Psychology is an exciting science that helps us in life. But some concepts widespread in this area remain incomprehensible to most people. Such is the popular term cognitive dissonance. How can I explain such a phenomenon? What is cognitive dissonance with simple words? Let's deal with!

What is cognitive dissonance: simple term explanation

In psychology, under the term "cognitive dissonance", it is customary to understand a certain mental state of a person. It is always accompanied by discomfort, which occurs against the background of non-stalking or inconsistencies in his consciousness of certain contradictory concepts and ideas.

Of course, such a definition may seem complex. But actually it is not! After all, every day almost each of us is faced with similar problems. Usually a person unconsciously enters such a state. There is a variety of factors that do not depend on us.

Scientists formulated a special definition that reveals the essence of cognitive dissonance. This is a special psychological phenomenon. It is accompanied by an explicit contradiction between a pair of cognitions. How to explain it so that everyone is understandable? In fact, almost all people often have to choose, for example, between personal principles and installations adopted in society. As a result of this choice, an internal disagreement arises. It makes a disorder between convictions and actions of a person. That is why you have to justify your own actions. In the mind of a person there is a conflict.

If you explain what cognitive dissonance in psychology is simple words, this is a feature of the psychological state, when a person is forced to find an excuse for one or another situation by accepting it.

The origin of the term and his scientific explanation

Also worth getting acquainted with the origin of this word. The term has greek roots. The concept occurred from two words from Latin: "Cognitio", which can be translated as "knowledge", and "Dissonanita", which is explained as the absence of harmony. That is, the meaning of the word is reduced to a complex state of accompanying mental discomfort due to contradictions in his consciousness in the psychological sense. They are caused by a collision:

  • ideas;
  • beliefs;
  • reactions relative to a specific object or phenomenon.

The founder of the theory of cognitive dissonance was the American psychologist Leon Festinger. He developed this idea in 1957. With the help of such a psychological presentation, the scientist tried to explain the nature of the occurrence of conflict situations in the field of personal development, when internal discomfort is accompanied by various explanations of events or other people's actions.

At the same time, the American psychologist himself put forward two hypotheses of such a theory. The first version of the occurrence of cognitive dissonance is explained by the desire of a person to eliminate any contradictions and the reasons that caused it.

The second hypothesis of the theory of cognitive dissonance is due to the neutralization of the internal discomfort of a person through the desire to avoid situations that can cause a clash of ideas and a contradiction of beliefs.

Causes of cognitive dissonance

What could be the causes of this psychological phenomenon? Several factors are distinguished, which can lead to cognitive dissonance:

  • the discrepancy of the public opinion with the opinion of one person;
  • logical inconsistency of various facts;
  • certain situations that occurred in the present, but not relevant to the experience gained in the past;
  • acquaintance with the new customs of other cultures;
  • unfamiliar traditions.

What is interesting, the influence of cognitive dissonance on human life is often not perceived seriously either underestimated. In vain! After all, such a state causes a lot of difficulties for a person, since to make a decision in a difficult situation, he has to abandon his own knowledge and principles to do somehow otherwise.

As a result, there is a controversial situation. Under its impact, there is a change in installations and principles. That is why it often becomes an impetus for:

  • rethinking their actions;
  • thoughts;
  • actions;
  • errors.

Thanks to this inner dissonance, a person changes his own beliefs, so that the intrainarity conflict is neutralized.

That is, cognitive dissonance is the inconsistency of the actions and thoughts of man.

Examples of cognitive dissonance

To better understand the meaning of such a phenomenon, it is worth bringing a life example. It happens that a person unconsciously or specifically violates certain rules (in rare cases committing crimes). At the same time it is very important for him to find an excuse for himself and for society. As a result, he begins to invent or look for factors capable of softening his guilt. This allows you to weaken internal discomfort.

On a note! Often, a similar clash of concepts occurs not only in one person, but from the whole team.

There are other examples of cognitive dissonance, which clearly draw an idea of \u200b\u200bthe psychological discomfort of a person.

Example 1.

So, often in life there are situations associated with catastrophes, explosions, terrorist acts. All of them are accompanied by the death of people. A person understands that it is wrong. But at the same time, he needs to find a certain explanation or justification for such a situation to come to terms with the situation. Everyone is looking for their understanding. For example, some explain this fate or a strange coincidence. Others - arguing about accidents, etc.

Example 2.

Here is another example. The life situation develops so that a person receives a proposal for work, which does not correspond to its moral values \u200b\u200band stood. But at the same time, a high payment is proposed for such work. There is a state of cognitive dissonance. It turns out that you can perform work and get a reward for it. Then the material side outweighs. But you do not want to feel mercantile. In such a situation, a person begins to invent a justification for himself. He convinces itself in the fact that it is only a single manifestation of mercantility, which is caused by unforeseen circumstances and the need for money.

But in such a life situation there is another choice. For example, a person can refuse such work. Accordingly, it will not receive the material remuneration. It would seem that everything is done correctly! But usually a person begins to make himself thinking that he missed the benefit. Again there is a need to repay inner dissonance. How can it flow? Usually, a person convinces himself in the fact that he is decent, honest, non-member, and money reward is insignificant.

Example 3.

There are other illustrations of cognitive dissonance. For example, the team appears a person who is unpleasant to you. Your views on the workflow and the life of the polar. But according to the rules of good colors, it is impossible to ignore a colleague or join him into an open conflict. You have to show politeness, greet, smile and shaking your hand. At the same time, such a person causes a mass of negative emotions, this irritation wants to show openly.

Such a life situation is not uncommon, it clearly demonstrates the emergence of the conflict between the sensations of the person and its knowledge. As a result, the choice arises. You can go into an open conflict. Usually in such a situation there is an excuse for such a plan: I must defend my interests, beliefs and moral values.

The second option is to adhere to the rules of good tone taken in society. Again, a person here finds himself an excuse. He convinces himself in the fact that it is well brought up, and this is how people in civilized society behave.

Example 4.

Also an example of the occurrence of cognitive dissonance can be called justifying people with their harmful habits. Someone eats at night, but finds that explanation - otherwise he cannot fall asleep. Others smoke, but argue that this allows them to get rid of stress. Alcoholics, drug addicts, etc. Also in the depths of the soul are aware of what they do wrong, but they always have several versions that explain such behavior.

Ways to reduce cognitive dissonance

Since conflicting situations significantly worsen the quality of human life, most of us seek to reduce such unpleasant sensations. How can this be achieved? There are several methods for reducing psychological discomfort:

  1. Signing yourself when you have to look for an excuse for our own actions in order to submit them correct and rational.
  2. Changing the behavior's line when a person understands and realizes what is incorrect and acts in opposition to its values. Then it is necessary to direct all the aspirations in the opposite direction.
  3. Drawing up a presentation of the situation. In this case, it is necessary to collect all the facts and information about the situation, which will make it possible to form an objective understanding of it. Based on this, it is recommended to build a new line of behavior that will not be in doubt.
  4. Filtering information. This method implies a decrease in psychological discomfort and implies a concentration of attention only on the positive parties. At the same time, the entire negative caused by such a state is recommended to ignore.

It is also worth remembering that the state of internal discomfort is easier to prevent, than to fight his manifestations. It is recommended to avoid negative thoughts and any negative information that can go against your personal ideas, principles and beliefs.

These two words are quite common, they are used on television, in the press, on the expanses of the Internet, but still do not everyone know what they mean. The cognitive dissonance.

Let's try to figure it out in everything that is connected with this expression. It happened from Latin analogues meaning inconception.

Inner inconsistency, the contradiction cause a discomfortic mental state. It occurs in a collision with any contradictory in the consciousness of man with ideas, memories, beliefs.

Not just a state, but the response in response to the resulting contradiction. To be clearer, consider the situation that can cause cognitive dissonance.

You have a long time you know any person, but do not know that he has a twin sister. And here it appears in front of you with her. From the surprise of such a variant of the development of events, you have a condition described as a cognitive dissonance, which represents a vivid impression that accompanied by a significant contradiction.

At such a moment, a sharp conflict of the prevailing ideas arises in consciousness.

The origin of the concept

When did this expression arise? Who introduced him to everyday life? It happened not so long ago. In the fifties, the psychologist Leon Festinger put forward the theory, which explains the various internal contradictions in the consciousness of a person who provoke such a state.

You can cause such an acute reaction anything, the situation, the actions of one person, society. The theory gives an explanation of the very phenomenon, influence on man, consequences, varieties, methods of confrontation.

The author of the theory formulated two main postulates. The first is that when cognitive dissonance occurs, the body takes attempts to resolve the contradiction in order to eliminate the state of discomfort, reach a consonance (consistency).

Another feature is that a person tries to avoid such situations. The reasons for the appearance were called several:

  • logical inconsistency; "Cultural Features";
  • personal opinion does not correspond to the common;
  • inconsistencies in the present submissions and the situation that has arisen.

As a result, it is adjusted by some beliefs (because of the "programming" of a person to maintain consistency). That is why people are trying to justify their actions in every way (the opinions, beliefs, impressions are calibrated, so that the discrepancy is eliminated).

The man who received is not good, is trying to justify himself, console: "It should have happened," the circumstances should be guilty. "

Cognitive dissonance has a degree (amenable to measuring using the Fourier hologram), it may appear when a person stands before choosing, while its degree will depend on significance. The appearance of dissonance (regardless of the extent) encourages the body with all sorts of ways to resolve the contradiction or at least achieve a lesser extent.

There are four unconscious four strategies for this. The first is to change behavior, the second in the adjustment of one or more cognitions (convince itself in the opposite), the third involves filtering the incoming information regarding this issue. The fourth way is an improved first: to take for true not its previous beliefs about this, but new ones, and on their basis to draw conclusions.

For example, a person has a bad habit, and one day from an authoritative source learns about the extreme harm to health. Options for the development of further events are several:

  • changes his behavior based on heard;
  • will deny the obvious, trying to prove the opposite all the time;
  • will try to find independent evidence of its rightness;
  • avoid any information regarding the unpleasant consequences of this harmful habit. This minimizes the conflict between knowledge and behavior.

Examples of dissonance

To remember the expression, here are some examples. You know a person as good, quiet, calm and accidentally become a witness of how he is in a rage, shouting to his wife, calls her. Knowing him for many years, you can not believe that this is the same person. Its current behavior radically does not coincide with the established characteristic, so much that it introduces the state of cognitive dissonance to the very state.

Another example. You work in the company where the staff of the workers exceeds a thousand people. And suddenly see how her owner, who has a matter of huge money, sweeps the floor in the office.

One more example. Going down the street, you notice the begging "at work" and involuntarily witness the way he sits in an expensive car, parked nearby. An unexpected inconsistency will cause cognitive dissonance.

For an ordinary person, the term "cognitive dissonance" causes a stupor. In this review we will present this concept in a more affordable sense.

From a scientific point of view, cognitive dissonance is a mental state in which a person, facing a stressful situation, is experiencing an internal imbalance, contradictions arise with the usual perception of reality. "Cognitio" - knowledge, "dissonantia" - no consonance.

An example of cognitive dissonance in life can be considered the situation when one day you meet your friend and exact copy of it - twin, which had no idea. You have a feeling of contradictions from surprise. The state of the psyche at the moment is dissonance. Simply put, he arises in response to the unusual manifestations of previous situations other than your views, the behavior of another, which does not fit into the established norms and so on. Most often, the process is not controlled in no way, the person is not able to foresee such a reaction.

History of the term

The term was proposed by the American psychologist Fritz Heider, he developed the theory of cognitive dissonance. And in widespread use, the concept was included, thanks to its compatriot, Leon Festingor. Festinger fully described this phenomenon, in 1957 he founded a whole direction - cognitive psychology.

Researchers relied on rumors that appeared after the occasion of an earthquake that occurred in India in 1934. Citizens of neighboring regions, to whom disaster did not come, began to transfer incorrect information that underground shocks will be repeated and will be strengthened, this time will affect all nearby areas. These rumors that do not have real reasons were flooded with all of India.

The festinger studied and tried to give a logical explanation for the fact that residents massively believed in bad news, the reasons for which was not available. The scientist concluded that a person is characteristic of looking for internal harmony for himself, establish a balance between what encourages behaving in a certain way, and what information is given from the outside. That is, citizens handed out false reports, unconsciously trying to drown out and justify their own fear of the threat to a possible earthquake. They were unintentionally explained, thereby, their own irrational state.

Basics of theory

Leon Festinger developed the theory of cognitive dissonance, which largely advanced psychology forward. Allowed science to give an explanation to some conflict situations arising both between people and inside the person. According to the festingre, cognitive dissonance is the discrepancy between the subject of experience with the perception of the actual situation.

His theory reveals aspects of how the imbalance arising affects the individual. There are different types of dissonance, methods of getting rid of psychological stress. Leon Festinger formulated 2 main hypotheses:

  • As soon as the subject feels an internal contradiction, it begins to apply the efforts aimed at overcoming it, as it generates the strongest internal voltage.
  • The second assumption is directly from the first. The individual makes every effort so as not to fall into stressful situations when cognitive dissonance is fully manifested.

Leon Festinger, forming his direction, proceeded from the postulates of Gestalt Psychology. According to his theory, the person appeared to perceive as an unpleasant event requiring correction. The entity faced with an internal imbalance receives a certain stimulus to change in its thinking:

  • personality absolutely changes the former installations and views;
  • or replaces the concept of that which is closest to the traumatic situation that caused cognitive dissonance.

In Russia, the concept was introduced by Viktor Pelevin. The famous writer applied the term in his artworks, using simple words to explain it, affordable to any person.

In everyday life, some people are called puzzling their events. Most often, such internal contradictions characteristic of cognitive dissonance are manifested due to religious discrepancies, moral and ethical or against the background of bright emotions in response to any other unexpected effect.

Causes of cognitive dissonance

Internal conflict, mismatch occurs for a number of reasons:

  • Misconception by public rules of behavior and personal beliefs;
  • The contradiction between the thoughts adopted by man and the behavior he chooses, and the fact that he sees from another subject;
  • If a person from stubbornness, protest enters the conflict with established ethical, cultural standards, has radical ideas, he inevitably faces a misunderstanding of others, which causes dissonance in his personality.

Cognitive dissonance in practice

Let's analyze several examples.

A) Your friend was kind, quiet and calm with you. Did not increase the voices on others, with each meek, harmless. It is a complete sense of a decent person, sympathized with you, thanks to her kindness and righteousness.

But one day you see him on a walk with my wife. A friend does not notice you yet, because his natural, real behavior. You are heard in shock, as he insults the spouse, covering it with a mat, with aggression. Maste fists, expressing the Istrick. For you, the moment of discrepancies of your established image comes, opinions about this person and its real behavior.

B) You are arranged to work in a prestigious, large organization, where more than thousand employees work, each of which has excellent wages. And the general director of the enterprise is a millionaire, a person with a high sufficient, status. And here in one of the working days you come to the common kitchen, where all employees eat, and are watching how your boss, owner of the largest company and means, washes the floor. He only brought order for subordinates, which was not filmed after dinner. And you have a cognitive dissonance - the mismatch between the ideas about the behavior of a high position person and what was observed in reality.

C) Walk you along the sidewalk and notice how a dirty man without a certain place of residence asks him to file trivia. At the same time, stand behind the shelter, that is, the beggar does not see you. After about five minutes, this subject suddenly gets up, takes his belongings and goes to parked nearby a car. And it is difficult to imagine that the homeless may have a car! What causes you cognitive dissonance.

Methods of getting rid of internal discomfort

First consider another example. Suppose a person is a smoker with experience. All around tell him about the dangers of this habit: doctors, close, colleagues at work, press. Sooner or later, he can experience cognitive dissonance, because it does not understand what is dangerous smoking, and why everyone actively opposes. You can overcome the voltage:

  • By changing your behavior - get rid of the bad habit;
  • Relator to change the attitude. Inspire that there is no danger from smoking, and everyone surrounding only exaggerate and do not have reliable knowledge
  • I do not react, ignore the incoming information

The last two strategies will hardly bring effective results. Since the dissonance situation may repeat and aggravate.

So, the methods of overcoming the internal conflict can be described as follows:

  • Change your actions. If you understand what you do something wrong, do not meet the expectations of your or loved ones, then change the tactics of behavior. Possible and complete rejection of any action
  • Change your relationship. In order not to feel guilty or shame, convince yourself what you do wrong, go the right way. Overestimate attitudes towards the situation.
  • Dosage information. Do not take criticism to your account, do not react at all, and try to capture only positive opinions. Take care of yourself from the possible influx of negative emotions
  • Inspect the situation from different angles. Light it in all parts, details to have a complete dataset, which will allow you to choose an acceptable behavior strategy if the former does not work. Her and stick.
  • Add other items. You can bring another factor in the situation that it will dilute the consequences of its perception. Task - carve out a positive side from stressful phenomenon. Create a more profitable position for personality.


Cognitive dissonance is definitely a kind of test for personality, her endurance. But it should not be fused on experienced stresses, negative phenomena. He is able and benefit. To do this, you should learn not to justify before yourself in unsuccessful attempts to reduce the effect of internal disharmony. Instead of panic reaction to you, a coolness will come to you, which will help extract the lesson from anxious situation and become stronger.

The feeling of psychological discomfort, uncertainty, confusion is familiar to every person to every person. One of the common causes of such a state is, according to modern psychologists, cognitive dissonance. What is hiding under this scientific term? We will find out in this article.

A bit of history

Creator of the theory of cognitive dissonance - Leon Festinger, a scientist from America. In the late fifties of the last century, the main provisions of this topic formulated. For complicated words, the phenomenon is completely familiar to the usual person. The word "cognitive" from the Latin word "knowledge". The concept of "dissonance", translated from Latin meaning "not consonant", has come to psychology from the field of music, where it means "not harmonious." The cognitive dissonance - This is a discrepancy between the human knowledge, beliefs, observations and new information.

Process mechanism

In the process of human development in his mind, a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe surrounding reality is formed, which is called the "picture of the world". It combines all knowledge, beliefs, faith, personality presentation in the associated system. Everyone it has its own depends on the level of education, education, personal qualities. A person feels part of the world.

We strive to find a logical explanation to everything. Any contradictions, inconsistencies, violations of the laws of the world cause a feeling of confusion, fear, insecurity. Even for a small child, stability is important, regularity.

Modern reality is so unpredictable, diverse, that such inconsistencies and contradictions arise in consciousness quite often. This is a normal phenomenon that is even useful because it makes react to the surrounding reality. This is one of the mechanisms of survival.

Strategies for behavior

Leon Festinger noticed that people do not behave, experiencing cognitive dissonance. He allocated several behavioral strategies:

  • Man seeing that his beliefs and behavior contradict new information changes himself. This is a complex behavior that requires the manifestation of great will. Let us give a specific example. Beer lover learns that it is also harmful and dangerous to health, like any other alcohol. He finds the strength to give up this habit.
  • Second behavior strategy: Ignoring new information. Our lover of beer, faced with an inconvenient information for him, prefers her not to notice. The strategy option is to filter the incoming information: it does not notice the facts about the dangers of beer, but immediately clings for any mention of alcohol utility.
  • Decitment of new information: Our hero begins to argue with new information. If he managed to find information about the usefulness of beer, he makes them for himself the only right. He himself will be in it sincerely believe. For the human brain, psychological comfort is more important than objectivity.
  • Cognitive dissonance leads a person in an unpleasant state of uncertainty, uncertainty. There is a need to get out of it as soon as possible.

What method chooses a person depends on his personal and volitional qualities.

Examples of life

The most vivid examples of cognitive dissonance occur when serious changes occur in the world, or large scientific discoveries that change the generally accepted ideas about the world appear. Recall the story:

  • The opening of Copernicus, Jordan Bruno radically caused a revolution in the minds of people.
  • The theory of Darwin turned the ideas about the divine occurrence of man.
  • The famous theory of Einstein's relativity has changed the scientific picture of the world.

All these discoveries changed the picture of the world accepted by society, so the reaction to them was the most diverse - from hostile denial before adoption.

The phenomenon contrary to his moral values \u200b\u200band ethical standards for a person. Recall the recent past of our country in the transitional post-Soviet period: what was condemned: speculation, love for money, began to manage life. Many could not adapt to new realities.

A person since childhood is facing a cognitive dissonance state. The reaction to such critical moments may be different. The surrounding adults must be carefully related to the rapid consciousness of the child and prepare it for a meeting with an unpredictable reality. For example, if the family followed religious education, parents should think about how to combine contradictory paintings of the world - faith and science.

The most dangerous adolescent age. The child who lived in the family atmosphere, where there were ideas about morality, good and evil, facing severe reality. You should not cut it off from reality, it is better to prepare for a meeting with her.

In order to be a successful person, it is important to be able to respond to changes to the surrounding world. The only correct strategy does not exist. The flour of choice is a manifestation of cognitive dissonance, which accompany us throughout life.
