Sometimes the success of our undertakings largely depends on the ability to convince the person to take our point of view.

But, unfortunately, this is not so simple, even if on our side the truth and common sense. The ability to convince is a rare, but very useful gift. How to convince a person? The conviction is a way to influence the consciousness of people, addressed to their own critical perception.

The essence of the belief is to initiate internal consent from the interlocutor of internal agreement with certain conclusions, and then, on this basis, create and consolidate new or transform old settings that are worthwhile.

Skills of convincing communication can be leaned with both different trainings and independently. Principles and methods of convincing speech given below will teach you the ability to convince, they are equally effective for use in conviction as one person and the whole audience.

Clear understanding of your own intentions

In order to change either to form people's opinion, or in order to encourage them to any actions, it is necessary to clearly understand their intentions and be deeply confident in the truth of their ideas, concepts and ideas.

Confidence helps to take unambiguous solutions and implement them without hesitation, occupying an unshakable position in estimates of certain phenomena and facts.

Structure of speech

Permission of speech depends on its structure - thoughtfulness, sequence and logicality. The structure of speech allows you to more accessable and more clearly explain the main provisions, it helps to clearly follow the planned plan, this is better perceived and remembered by the listener.


Effective accession will help to interest and attract human attention, establish confidence and create an atmosphere of goodwill. Introduction should be brief and consist of three, four proposals denoting the subject of speech and telling about the reason why it should be known as we are talking about.

Introduction Specifies the mood and tone of speech. A serious start gives speech discreet and deep tone. The humorous principle lays a positive mood, but it should be understood that I started with a joke, tuing the audience for a playful way, it will be difficult to talk about serious things.

It should be clear, clear and meaningful - a convincing speech cannot be incomprehensible and messy. Spice the main provisions, thoughts and ideas into several parts. Think out smooth transitions showing the connection of one part of the performance on the other.

  • a statement of facts that can be checked;
  • expert opinions, judgments of people who have authority in this area;
  • , animating and explaining the material;
  • specific cases and examples capable of explaining and illustrate facts;
  • description of your own experience and its theory;
  • statistical data that can be checked;
  • reflections and forecasts about future events;
  • funny stories and jokes (in a small dose), in meaning reinforcing or disclosing the provisions on which is discussed;
  • literal or figurative comparisons and opposition illustrating approval through the demonstration of differences and similarities.


The conclusion is the most difficult and important point of convincing speech. It must repeat the said and strengthen the effect of all speech. What is stated in conclusion, a person will remember longer. As a rule, it is at the end, together with the summary of the above, it sounds a call to action, which describes the actions and behavior of people necessary to the speaker.

Evidences in support of your idea

More people are rational and rarely when I do what they are not profitable. Therefore, it would be necessary to convince a person to find good arguments that explain the justification and feasibility of the proposal.

The arguments are thoughts, statements and arguments used to confirm one or another point of view. They give an answer to the question why we must believe something or act in a certain way. The persuasive speech largely depends on the correctness of selected arguments and evidence.

What criteria should be for evaluation and selection of arguments:

  1. Good are the arguments that are supported by solid evidence. It happens that the speech sounds convincingly, but it is not supported by the facts. Preparing speech, make sure your arguments are unsacreable.
  2. Good arguments must be competent and concisely embedded in the offer. They should not sound the nefple.
  3. Even if your argument is well supported and justified, he may not be perceived by man. People react differently. For some, your facts and arguments will sound convincingly, while others do not consider the arguments you used, the main to assess the situation. Of course, you cannot certainly know what impact your argument will have on a convinced, but at least to approximately assume and evaluate what the result will be, you can, on the basis of a person's analyzing (audience).

In order to make sure that you will be represented by a really fun proof, you should ask for at least three questions:

  1. Where did the information be taken from which source? If the evidence is taken from a biased or unreliable source, it is better to either eliminate this proof from their speech, or to search for confirmation in other sources. Just as the words of one person deserve more confidence than the words of another, and more reliable are some printed sources compared to others.
  2. Are the information of fresh? Ideas and statistical data are short to be outdated. What was three years ago, today may be incorrect. Your overall compelling speech may be doubted due to one inaccuracy. This cannot be allowed!
  3. What do you have to do with this information? Make sure that the proof serves as an explicit substantiation of the arguments given by you.

Feeding information and formulating targets with orientation to installation and audience

Installation is a stable or predominant feeling, negative or positive nature associated with a certain question, an object or a person. Usually, in words, such installations people express in the form of opinions.

For example, the phrase: "I think that the development of memory is very important both for everyday life and for professional activities" is an opinion expressing a positive installation of a person to develop and maintain good memory.

To convince a person to believe in the first place, it is necessary to find out what position it takes. The more information you bring about it, the more chances you have to make the correct assessment. The more experienced you will be in the field of analysis of the audiences, the easier will make your speech convincing.

Installations of a person or group of people (audiences) can be distributed on a scale, from frankly hostile, to exclusively favorable.

Describe your audience as: having a negative installation (people adhere to the point of view of absolutely opposite); not having a clear opinion on this (listeners are neutral, they have no information); Positively configured (listeners share this view).

The difference of opinions can be represented in this way: hostility, disagreement, discreet disagreement, nor against, restrained favor, favor, exceptional favor.

1. If the listeners fully share your opinion, understand what you are talking about and agree with you in everything, then you need to adjust your goal and concentrate on a specific action plan.

2. If you think that on your topic, the listeners do not have a certain opinion, put the goal to convince them to act, forming them from them:

  • If you believe that the audience does not have its own point of view, because it is not informed, then your paramount task to give it information sufficiently, to help understand the essence of the case, and only after that handle convincing calls that prompted the action.
  • If the audience relates to the subject of neutral, it means that it is capable of objective arguments and can perceive reasonable arguments. Then your strategy is the representation of the best of existing arguments and reinforce their best information.
  • If you think that listening to you do not have a clear position, because the subject they are deeply indifferent, it is necessary to direct all the efforts to move them with this indifferent position. Speaking to such an audience, do not focus their attention on the information and use the material confirming the logical chain of your evidence, it is better to focus on motivation and contact the needs of listeners.

3. If you assume that you disagree with you, the strategy should depend on whether the installation is completely hostile or moderately negative:

  • If you assume that in relation to your goal, the person is configured aggressively, definitely, it is better to go out from afar or put in front of it is not such a global goal. It is pointless to count on persuasive speech and a complete coup in relation to and behavior after the first conversation. Initially, you need to change the attitude to a bit, "plant grains", make it seem to think about what your words have some importance. And later, when the idea to settle in a man's head and "let the roots", you can move on.
  • If a person has a position of moderate disagreement, simply bring him his arguments, hoping that their weight will make him get up on your side. Talking with people negatively tuned, try to express the material clearly and objectively, so that slightly disagree wanted to think about your offer, and absolutely dissentless, at least they understood your point of view.

Motivation power

Motivation, initiating and guiding behavior, often arises as a result of the use of incentives with certain value and significance.

The impact of the stimulus is most strongly when it is part of a significant goal and indicates a favorable relationship of remuneration and costs. Imagine that you ask people a few hours to donate to participate in some charitable program.

Most likely, the time that you convince them to spend, will be perceived not as a stimulating remuneration, but as costs. How to convince people? You can present this charitable work as a significant incentive giving reward.

Let's say you can make the public to feel the importance of the case, felt socially responsible, people with consciousness of civil debt, felt herself with noble assistants. Always show that incentives and rewards outweigh the costs.

Use incentives that meet the basic needs of people, they better act. According to one of the popular theories in the field of needs, people express a great tendency to action when the stimulus offered by the speaker can satisfy one of the important unmet needs of the listeners.

Right manner and speech intonation

Responsibility of speech and ability to convince assumes the rhythm model of speech. The intonation of speech is: the power of the sound, the height of the tone, tempo, pauses and stress.

Disadvantages of intonation:

  • Monotonicity acts depressingly even on a person with the ability to listen and does not allow perception even very interesting and useful information.
  • Too high tone annoying and unpleasantly acting on a rumor.
  • Too low tone may cast doubt on what you say and give your disinterest.

Try your voice to make speech beautiful, expressive and emotionally rich. Fill your voice with optimistic notes. At the same time, a slightly slow, measured and calm tempo of speech is preferable. Between the semantic segments and at the end of the sentence clearly hold the pause. And the words inside the segment and small offers pronounce as one long word, psyched.

Start developing voice and diction. Not too late, but if you want to convince a person who knows you well, sometimes it is better to speak the usual tone for you without experimenting. Otherwise, your surroundings may consider that you are telling a lie, since speak uncharacteristic for you tone.

36. Channel Communication

Channel Communication- Funds or ways with which and on which information is transmitted.

Allocate the following types of communication channels: 1) direct- communication channel when information is transmitted directly from the informed person to an informed face; 2) Indirect- communication channel when information is transmitted through third parties; 3) official- providing accurate and reliable information; 4) unofficial- Canal providing unverified information by rumors, exchange of views without reference to reliable sources.

Ways to persuade the audience:

1. Direct way of belief- The belief that occurs when the interested audience focuses on the beneficial arguments. Not only the arguments themselves are convincing, but also stimulated by reflections.

2. Indirect way of belief- The conviction that takes place when random factors affect people, and when it is not necessary to appeal to mind. This way of exposure uses hints that inclined to approve without inflatable.

Severe four term convictions:communicator; Message (information); transmission channel; the audience.

Audience behavior: 1) Thinking, interested audienceit gives back to direct belief, it is most susceptible to reasonable arguments; 2) inattentive audienceit turns out under the influence of indirect hints, most of all affects it, if she likes the switch.

The effect of a good mood:messages become more convincing if they are associated with positive feelings. People in a good mood take more hasty solutions.

Communication channel selection rule:than more productive information, the more convincing the proposed messages. Messages lungs for understanding are most convincing in shape videos. Print messagesprovide the best inclusion and memorization and are more convincing for difficult messages. Persuasive is determinedcompliance with the complexity of the message and selected variety of communications.

Not indirect information has the greatest impact on people, but personal contact with people. But the media and personal views are interdependent, as they are formed under the influence of the media. Impact of the mediait occurs in a two-stage communication stream: from the media - to man, from a person - mass.

Audience reaction for message: 1. If it makes you think about counterproofs, it is more difficult to change the former opinion. 2. Warning that the controversial message will now be accessed, stimulates counterproof and reduces persuasiveness. 3. If you manage to suppress potential objections, persuasive disputes increases.

Methods for promoting mental processes: 1)rhetorical issues; 2) rows of communicators (a consistent performance of three speakers leading to one argument, instead of one speaker, which would give all three arguments); 3) use by a speaker of relaxed poses, multiple repetitions.

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Channel 3: Networking Networking - the art of improving links and dating. Networks can be as positive and negative. What is negative nonmaturging? Imagine that a person is suitable for you and says: "Hello, I'm so, I have a typography, you need something

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Attract attention, to convince the public in the correctness of his point of view, to become a leader in the eyes of people, inspire confidence in certain ideas and positions is capable of a convincing speech. This is a process in which a skilled speaker transfers to people a message needed to persuade the public in any aspect, changes in a certain point of view or encouraging a specific action.

The structure of convincing speech always implies compliance with several simple, but important principles: concrete, orientation on the listener, the presence of evidence, the control of the reaction of people, motivation, openness.

Listeners must understand what you want from them. Simple language, you must declare your point of view. Ask yourself the question: what do you want from the listeners? What effect should your speech produce? What should people do, what to think about, what are their thoughts as a result of conviction?

Do not say a lot of extra words. A convincing speech should not contain indirect phrases or proposals that are not relevant. The listeners always feel the trick and try to influence them by bypass routes. They will rather make what you need if you are extremely brief and sincere.

Principle 2. Focus on the listener

Any audience holds any installations. Installation - a sense of audience associated with any reason, an object, man, a question, etc. Installation is, a kind of opinion. For example, the phrase "I believe that it is necessary to seriously engage in foreign languages" means that a person has a positive attitude to own foreign languages.

The convincing speech obliges a speaker to find out what the audience listeners are held on a specific issue. The correct analysis of the target audience helps more adequately evaluate the chances of the success of a public speech. Having collected all the necessary information about the orientation of people to your installation, you can form an approximate action plan:

  • If the listeners are positive about your installation, that is, you share your opinion on a specific question, then you should think about what you would like from them. Your task is to develop a specific plan of speech, which will help encourage people to make the need you need.
  • If the audience's opinion is neutral or it is simply missing, you need to form it, and in a profitable light for you. If people are not aware of the question that you voiced, you need to inform them, then inclined to our beliefs. If people have the necessary information, but occupy a neutral position, your task is to bring as many arguments as possible that confirm your point of view. With such a strategy, attract the audience to its side will not be difficult.

Separately, it is worth discussing the situation in which the listeners do not agree with your point of view:

  • If the audience does not accept your goal, but set up moderately, not hostile, it is worth trying to attract them to your side with the help of arguments and facts. Information must be presented objectively, briefly. There should be no vague, lies or inexpensiveness. Imagine yourself at the site of the listeners. A good speech is such words that, if you do not change the point of view on the opposite, then at least make skeptical people begin to believe the speaker and think about his opinion.
  • If the audience is tuned hostile, any attempts to immediately change her opinion through a public speech, most likely, fiasco will end. In this case, to the topic of the conversation, it is better to approach from afar, starting speech with a slight, but adequate proposal to people. You must show that even a little your idea is worth something. Later, in another speech, you can offer people to advance further. Probably, by this moment they will already be perceived as a person who offers decent goals.

But it is not necessary to rely too much on one speech. Sometimes even the best words do not lead to the desired goal, if we are talking about a hostile audience.

Principle 3. We collect evidence

Even in everyday life, we do not do anything without reasons. That listeners need reasons due to which they will find your idea rational and support it. You need to collect evidence of your rightness, that is, explain why your goal is worthy of attention.

If you are familiar with the theme of your speech, most likely you already have reasonable arguments. If not, try to collect them as much as possible. Then choose some more worthy, important.

Standing evidence should be:

  • Confirmed by facts.
  • Have a direct attitude to the topic of performances.
  • To be interested in the audience.

Ask yourself: Where did you get these evidence, are you modern and refer to a speech? Answers to these questions will be prompted, the correct arguments you have collected.

Principle 4. Control the reaction of people

The structure of persuasive speech should be logical and consistent, only so you can remain the head of the position and attract attention. Methods of optimal construction of a speech is not necessary for a long time, they have long made up and sounded well-known psychologists and speakers, you can also read them in our article -. To monitor the situation, you can use several methods.

Method of voicing evidence

If the audience has not yet addressed certain positive or negative installations regarding your question, you can use this method. In accordance with him, you describe your goal, and then voiced the assembled evidence. At the same time, the second most important proof says at the beginning of the speech, the most important argument is voiced at the end, and everyone else is in any order in the middle.

Here is an example of a convincing text built on this method:

"Dear colleagues (aligns, allies, friends)! I would like to raise the topic so important for the modern public - the topic of protection of nature. Many of us completely forgot that she is very fragile that it needs to be protected. In our interests to ensure the ban on emissions of harmful chemicals from the local plant in the river. And that's why:

  • We live at the expense of natural resources, and water is our main wealth. As you know, water from this river drink animals of our region, not to mention that vegetable and fruit plants are watered by this water, the fruits of which we will buy and eat.
  • Due to the increased pollution of the river, we lose the summer holiday. According to local ecologists, after 2-3 years to swim in the river will be categorically prohibited.
  • Chemicals lead to the fact that the river begins to dry. Local forexistors suggest that our great-grandfathers can no longer find it.
  • Since the river is the main in the city, water from it enters our water pipelines. We poison your body with chemicals, like our children and parents. Almost no filter is capable of cleaning water from chemicals by 100%.

All data are collected from reliable sources and confirmed by the relevant documents. I suggest you familiarize yourself with them now or contact me later. Surely you divide my goal with me and sign a petition that requires to prohibit chemical emissions to our river. "

Method of solving problems

This is an equally effective way that is suitable when communicating with the audience, configured neutrally or even slightly negatively. He suggests:

  • The wording of the actual problem.
  • The belief that your proposal is capable of solving it.
  • The belief that your offer is the best of any possible, since it brings a maximum of positive results.

An example of the same text built on this method:

"Now I have never acutely faced the problem of pollution of our river chemicals. Water is our main wealth. Just imagine all emissions from the local plant direct or indirectly fall into your body. This is not a hoax, according to data that I kindly provided our stists and laboratory technicians, 50% of tap water contains these chemicals and exactly the same amount of vegetables and fruits proposed in supermarkets were grown by watering from the river. What can already say that in a few years you swim in the river will be dangerous for life? No filter is capable of cleaning water from such poison impurities. As you know, such chemicals cause severe oncological diseases.

You can help avoid such a course of events and maintain the health of the population. I created a petition that at least 1,000 people should sign, to consider it. By signing the petition, you will do everything possible for your safety and security of loved ones.

According to my data, this problem has already tried to solve with the help of rallies and voting, but it did not lead to the desired result. Local authorities are obliged to consider petition and take appropriate measures if at least 1,000 people subscribed to demand. We will be able to demand justice, completely relying on modern legislation. For all questions you can contact me, how to get acquainted with all documents. "

Method of comparative advantages

This method is that you list the audience all the advantages of your offer. It is suitable for communication with the audience positively configured to you.

An example of the text drawn up by this method:

"Today we need good specialists than ever. But not every person can afford high-quality training. I propose to consider my proposal regarding improving the quality of education in ordinary public schools.

Your positive voices for my project will help me achieve that there will be new modern computer equipment in schools, elective to foreign languages \u200b\u200bwill be introduced, and each student already with 5 class training will be able to choose the profile that interests itself in order to develop.

In accordance with the analysis of the results, these measures will lead to the fact that:

  • Children will be more willing to attend school and learn more purposefully.
  • At the exit from school there will be almost ready-made professionals in some areas.
  • Cut into university children will be 50% easier.
  • Significantly will increase the level of social life, the number of low-income people will decrease due to the preparation of high-quality labor resources that can earn good money.
  • Children will find their interest classes, because of which the number of guys will decrease, aimlessly fluttering through the streets. According to my estimates, it will affect the decline in child crime.

You can support the project by contacting me directly. "

These examples are quite common, but it is possible to understand the essence of a convincing speech and make a good way.

Principle 5. Motivation is important

People must have a stimulus. And this is not just a solution to their problems. They must feel that they want to go for you. The most popular incentive is to recover to civil debt. If the public is confident that her actions are truly an important human and heroic act, she will go for you without any questions.

Be careful if what you demand from people will cost them money or time, the result from their loss must match their expectations.

For example, in one of the texts, people should spend time to stand in line and sign the petition. But in return, they will receive their health and health of loved ones. You remove the disease threat from them, this is motivation.

Principle 6. We will be honest and open

Your sincerity is the fastest and most effective way to trust of listeners. Here are some tips:

  • Speak only the truth.
  • Do not exaggerate the results that you should expect. This is also, kinda, deception.
  • Never criticize those who do not agree with you.
  • Provide sources of your information.

The most important advice: imagine yourself on the site of your listeners. After what words would you support yourself? The answer to this question will be your convincing speech.

Sometimes the success of our undertakings largely depends on the ability to convince the person to take our point of view. But, unfortunately, this is not so simple, even if on our side the truth and common sense. The ability to convince is a rare, but very useful gift. How to convince man?

The conviction is a way to influence the consciousness of people, addressed to their own critical perception. The essence of the belief is to initiate internal consent from the interlocutor of internal agreement with certain conclusions, and then, on this basis, create and consolidate new or transform old settings that are worthwhile.

Skills of convincing communication can be leaned with both different trainings and independently. Principles and methods of convincing speech given below will teach you the ability to convince, they are equally effective for use in conviction as one person and the whole audience.

How to convince man

The principle of convincing speech number 1 - Clear understanding of your own intentions

In order to change either to form people's opinion, or in order to encourage them to any actions, it is necessary to clearly understand their intentions and be deeply confident in the truth of their ideas, concepts and ideas.

Confidence helps to take unambiguous solutions and implement them without hesitation, occupying an unshakable position in estimates of certain phenomena and facts.

The principle of convincing speech number 2 - Structure of speech

Permission of speech depends on its structure - thoughtfulness, sequence and logicality. The structure of speech allows you to more accessable and more clearly explain the main provisions, it helps to clearly follow the planned plan, this is better perceived and remembered by the listener.


Effective accession will help to interest and attract human attention, establish confidence and create an atmosphere of goodwill. Introduction should be brief and consist of three, four proposals denoting the subject of speech and telling about the reason why it should be known as we are talking about.

Introduction Specifies the mood and tone of speech. A serious start gives speech discreet and deep tone. The humorous beginning lays out positive moodBut here it is worth understanding that starting with a joke, tuing the audience on a playful way, it will be difficult to talk about serious things.

The main content of the speech

It should be clear, clear and meaningful - convincing speech It can not be incomprehensible and mesbar. Spice the main provisions, thoughts and ideas into several parts. Think out smooth transitions showing the connection of one part of the performance on the other.

  • a statement of facts that can be checked;
  • expert opinions, judgments of people who have authority in this area;
  • quotes, animating and explaining the material;
  • specific cases and examples capable of explaining and illustrate facts;
  • description of your own experience and its theory;
  • statistical data that can be checked;
  • reflections and forecasts about future events;
  • funny stories and jokes (in a small dose), in meaning reinforcing or disclosing the provisions on which is discussed;
  • literal or figurative comparisons and opposition illustrating approval through the demonstration of differences and similarities;


The conclusion is the most difficult and important point of convincing speech. It must repeat the said and strengthen the effect of all speech. What is stated in conclusion, a person will remember longer. As a rule, it is at the end, together with the summary of the above, it sounds a call to action, which describes the actions and behavior of people necessary to the speaker.

The principle of convincing speech number 3 - Evidences in support of your idea

More people are rational and rarely when I do what they are not profitable. Therefore, it would be necessary to convince a person to find good arguments that explain the justification and feasibility of the proposal.

The arguments are thoughts, statements and arguments used to confirm one or another point of view. They give an answer to the question why we must believe something or act in a certain way. Persuasive speech largely depends on the correctness of selected arguments and evidence. By drawing out a list of arguments, they welcome them carefully, think about the fact that they are suitable in a particular case, whether they will affect this audience or not. After we have weighed everything "for" and "against", choose from the remaining two or three most effective.

What criteria should be for evaluation and selection of arguments:

  1. Good are the arguments that are supported by solid evidence. It happens that the speech sounds convincingly, but it is not supported by the facts. Preparing speech, make sure your arguments are unsacreable.
  2. Good arguments must be competent and concisely embedded in the offer. They should not sound the nefple.
  3. Even if your argument is well supported and justified, he may not be perceived by man. People react differently. For some, your facts and arguments will sound convincingly, while others do not consider the arguments you used, the main to assess the situation. Of course, you cannot certainly know what impact your argument will have on a convinced, but at least to approximately assume and evaluate what the result will be, you can, on the basis of a person's analyzing (audience).

In order to make sure that you will be represented by a really good proof, you should ask for at least three questions:

  1. Where did the information be taken from which source? If the evidence is taken from a biased or unreliable source, it is better to either eliminate this proof from their speech, or to search for confirmation in other sources. Just as the words of one person deserve more confidence than the words of another, and more reliable are some printed sources compared to others.
  2. Are the information of fresh? Ideas and statistical data are short to be outdated. What was three years ago, today may be incorrect. Your overall compelling speech may be doubted due to one inaccuracy. This cannot be allowed!
  3. What do you have to do with this information? Make sure that the proof serves as an explicit substantiation of the arguments given by you.

The principle of convincing speech number 4 - Submission of information and formulated targets with orientation to the settings of the audience

Installation is a stable or predominant feeling, negative or positive nature associated with a certain question, an object or a person. Usually, in words, such installations people express in the form of opinions. For example, phrase: " I think thatmemory development It is very important both for everyday life and for professional activities."This is an opinion expressing a positive installation of a person to develop and maintain good memory.

What would convince man to believe First of all, it is necessary to find out which position it takes. The more information you bring about it, the more chances you have to make the correct assessment. The more experienced you will be in the field of analysis of the audiences, the easier will make your speech convincing.

Installations of a person or group of people (audiences) can be distributed on a scale, from frankly hostile, to exclusively favorable.

Describe your audience as: having a negative installation (people adhere to the point of view of absolutely opposite); not having a clear opinion on this (listeners are neutral, they have no information); Positively configured (Listeners share this view).

The difference of opinions can be represented in this way: hostility, disagreement, discreet disagreement, nor against, restrained favor, favor, exceptional favor.

  1. If the listeners fully share your opinion, understand what you are talking about and agree with you in everything, then you need to correct our goal and concentrate on a specific action plan.
  2. If you think that on your topic, there are no definite opinion on the listeners, put the goal to convince them to act, forming the opinion they have:
    • If you believe that the audience does not have of his point of viewbecause it is not informed, then your paramount task gives her information sufficiently, to help understand the essence of the case, and only after that, to handle convincing calls that prompted the action.
    • If the audience is in relation to the subject neutral, it means that it is capable of objective arguments and can perceive reasonable arguments. Then your strategy is the representation of the best of existing arguments and reinforce their best information.
    • If you think that listening to you do not have a clear position, because the subject they are deeply indifferent, it is necessary to direct all the efforts to move them with this indifferent position. Speaking to such an audience, do not focus their attention on the information and use the material confirming the logical chain of your evidence, it is better to focus on motivation and contact the needs of listeners.
  3. If you assume that you disagree with you, the strategy should depend on whether the installation is fully hostile or moderately negative:
    • If you assume that in relation to your goal, the person is configured aggressively, definitely, it is better to go out from afar or put in front of it is not such a global goal. It is pointless to count on persuasive speech and a complete coup in relation to and behavior after the first conversation. Initially, you need to change the attitude to a bit, "plant grains", make it seem to think about what your words have some importance. And later, when the idea to settle in a man's head and "let the roots", you can move on.
    • If a person has a position of moderate disagreement, simply bring him his arguments, hoping that their weight will make him get up on your side. Talking with people negatively tuned, try to express the material clearly and objectively, so that slightly disagree wanted to think about your offer, and absolutely dissentless, at least they understood your point of view.

The principle of convincing speech number 5 is the power of motivation

Motivation, initiating and guiding behavior, often arises as a result of the use of incentives with certain value and significance.

The impact of the stimulus is most strongly when it is part of a significant goal and indicates a favorable relationship of remuneration and costs. Imagine that you ask people a few hours to donate to participate in some charitable program. Most likely, the time that you convince them to spend, will be perceived not as a stimulating remuneration, but as costs. How to convince people? You can present this charitable work as a significant incentive giving reward. Let's say you can make the public to feel the importance of the case, felt socially responsible, people with consciousness of civil debt, felt herself with noble assistants. Always show that incentives and rewards outweigh the costs.

Use incentives that meet the basic needs of people, they better act. According to one of the popular theories in the field of needs, people express a great tendency to action when the stimulus offered by the speaker can satisfy one of the important unmet needs of the listeners.

The principle of convincing speech number 6 - Right manner and speech intonation

Persuasive speech and ability to convince It assumes the rhythm model system of speech. Speech content is: the power of the sound, the height of the tone, pace, pauses and stress.

Disadvantages of intonation:

  • Monotonicity acts depressingly even on a person with the ability to listen and does not allow perception even very interesting and useful information.
  • Too high tone annoying and unpleasantly acting on a rumor.
  • Too low tone may cast doubt on what you say and give your disinterest.

Try your voice to make speech beautiful, expressive and emotionally rich. Fill your voice with optimistic notes. At the same time, a slightly slow, measured and calm tempo of speech is preferable. Between the semantic segments and at the end of the sentence clearly hold the pause. And the words inside the segment and small offers pronounce as one long word, psyched.

Start developing voice and diction. Not too late, but if you want to convince a person who knows you well, sometimes it is better to speak the usual tone for you without experimenting. Otherwise, your surroundings may consider that you are telling a lie, since speak uncharacteristic for you tone.

Do not forget that the persuasiveness of speech and the ability to convince also depends on a number of skills and skills, and in particular from:

applications of some methods manipulating people;

from visual contact with the audience, which not only helps to establish a connection with it and simplify the impact (read - the "Power Power"), but also makes it possible to understand how you understand what you are talking about;

from the ability to present yourself (in the event that you communicate with an unfamiliar or unfamiliar person) and perform the first impression;

from the ability to keep naturally - talking need to give the body a free and convenient posture.

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Offer to drink. If you want to convince a person in something, while talking to offer him a hot drink, such as tea, coffee or cocoa. If you offer a warm drink, a person on the subconscious level will demand you as a warm, pleasant and hospitable person. Cold drink can have the opposite effect. As a rule, people feel cold and crave warm food and drinks when they feel isolated from society. Satisfy their need and they will become more susceptible to your words.

  • Ask questions that suggest a positive answer "Yes." Start the conversation, asking questions that suggest a positive answer, for example: "Today is good weather, isn't it?", "You want to buy a car at a bargain price, right?"

    • When you make someone say "yes," you will be easier to persuade a person to say: "Yes, I will buy it."
    • It is best to ask uncertain issues, but make sure your wife is aware of why you make compliments to another girl.
  • Break the barrier of touches. It doesn't matter whether you make a deal or invite someone on a date, touch this person by chance. Easy touch can increase your chances of promoting goods or services - the source at the subconscious level is activated by the desire to get close.

    • Do not press for people! Try to ask a person about the service a few weeks later.
    • During the conversation, try to be as pleasant as possible. If a person is located to you, you will have more chances to get what you want.
    • There are several ways to look more influential. You can wear a black suit that is popular with judges, police and clergy or maintain a neutral face. But to be dominant - it does not always mean to be convincing. If you are a seller, you will rather find a common language with the buyer, and not scare it. If you are the controller, you are more likely to keep people in a fist, to conquer and dominating them.
    • Know when to stay. There are people extremely stubborn, and there are those who just wake up others.
    • If you agree to pay later, sign the contract and use the trusted third person who will attend.
    • Use the same methods as the sales assistant to take revenge on it and sigh it. For example, buying a car, lead a conversation. Ask questions, answers to which you know: "Sales of cars fell, isn't it?", "Guys, I think you already need to write off the 2012 car!" Thus, the seller will climb out the skin to sell the goods. Remind employees that their wages have decreased by making it any discount.
    • Share your opinion regarding the situation in which a person was. Let's say someone discovered that it could see the future. Tell him how you were scary to detect something similar. Perhaps first a person and will not share with you a story about his gift - wait a few days. Then tell him about the famous psychic. Perhaps now a person will reveal. It is necessary to act in stages - often this is how people open.
    • Do not speak too much. Your tasks is to understand potential customers, and not climb into the wallet. Demonstrate the ability to listen and understand that people see that you are willing to serve them for good. Too many words are a waste of time, both your and potential customers.
    • Make them think: "This is what I need!" So convincing people will be easier.

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