German mathematician, astronomer and physicist, participated in the creation of the first electromagnetic telegraph in Germany. Until the oldest, he used to produce most of the calculations in the mind ...

On family legend he is already in 3 i knew how to read, write and even fixed the countable mistakes of the father in the payment statement for the workers (the father worked at the construction site, then the gardener ...).

"At eighteen years he made an amazing discovery regarding the properties of the seventeenthist; This in mathematics has not happened for 2000 since the time of the ancient Greeks (This success decided to choose Karl Gauss: what to learn further languages \u200b\u200bor mathematics in favor of mathematics - approx. I.L. Vikentyeva). His doctoral dissertation on the topic "The new proof that each whole rational function of one variable can be represented by the product of valid numbers of the first and second degree" is devoted to the solution of the main theorem of algebra. The theorem itself was known before, but he proposed a completely new evidence. Glory Gaussa It was so great that when, in 1807, French troops approached Gottingen, Napoleon ordered to care the city in which the "greatest mathematician of all times" lives. From Napoleon, it was very kind, but Glory has a root side. When the winners put in Germany to Germany, they demanded from Gauss 2000 Franks. This corresponded to about 5,000 current dollars - a rather large amount for the university professor. Friends offered help Gaussrefused; While a prosperity was passed, it turned out that the money was already paid by the famous French mathematician Maurice Pierre de Laplas (1749-1827). Laplace explained his act by what Gauss believes, who was 29 years old, "the greatest mathematician in the world", i.e., assessed it a little lower than Napoleon. Later anonymous admirer sent 1000 francs to Gaussu to help him settle with Laplas. "

Peter Bernstein, Against Gods: Risk Taming, M., "Olympus Business", 2006, p. 154.

10 years old Karl Gaussu Very lucky with the assistant teacher of mathematics - Martin Barters (he was then 17 years old). He not only appreciated the talent of the young Gauss, but managed to overtake him the scholarship from the Duke of Braunschweigsky for admission to the prestigious Collegium Carolinum School. Later, Martin Barters was a teacher and N.I. Lobachevsky

"By 1807, Gauss developed the theory of errors (errors), and the astronomers began to use it. Although in all modern physical dimensions requires an indication of errors outside the astronomy of physics notthey stated about the estimates of the error until the 1890s (or even later). "

Jan hacking, presentation and intervention. Introduction to the Philosophy of Natural Sciences, M., "Logos", 1998, p. 242.

"In recent decades, the problem of physical space has become of particular importance among the problems of physics. Research Gaussa (1816), greater (1823), Lobachevsky(1835) and others led to non-child geometry, to awareness, which still undersally dominated, the classical geometric system of Euclidea is only one of the infinite set of logically equal systems.Thereby, the question arose, which of these geometries is the geometry of the actual space.
Another Gauss wanted to solve this issue by measuring the amount of the corners of a large triangle. Thus, the physical geometry turned into an empirical science, the physics industry. These problems were subsequently considered in particular Riemann (1868), Helmholz (1868) and Poincare (1904). Poincare emphasized, in particular, the relationship of physical geometry with all other branches of physics: the question of the nature of the actual space can be solved only within the framework of some general physics system.
The Einstein then found such a common system, in which the answer was given to this question, response in the spirit of a particular non-smooth system. "

Rudolf Karnap, Hans Gan, Otto Neratov, Scientific world-upsion - Viennese circle, in Sat.: The magazine "Erkenntnis" ("Cognition"). Favorites / Ed. O.A. Nazarova, M., "Territory of the Future", 2006, p. 70.

In 1832. Karl Gauss "... built a system of units in which three arbitrary, independent basic units were taken as the basis: length (millimeter), mass (milligrams) and time (second). All other (derivatives) units could be determined using these three. In the future, other systems of physical quantities built on the principle proposed by Gauss appeared with the development of science and technology. They were based on a metric system of measures, but differed from each other by the main units. The issue of ensuring uniformity in the measurement of values \u200b\u200breflecting those or other phenomena of the material world has always been very important. The absence of such uniformity gave rise to significant difficulties for scientific knowledge. For example, until the 80s of the XIX century, there was no unity in the measurement of electrical values: 15 different electrical resistance units were used, 8 units of electr communication force, 5 electrical current units, etc. The current position greatly made it difficult to compare the measurement results and calculations performed by various researchers. "

Golubytsev V.O., Dantese A.A., Lyubchenko B.C., Philosophy of Science, Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2007, p. 390-391.

« Karl Gauss, like I. Issak Newton, often not published scientific results. But all the published works of Charles Gauss contain significant results - there are no raw and passing works among them.

"Here it is necessary to distinguish the most research method from presentation and publishing its results. Take for example three great, - you can say ingenious - mathematicians: Gauss, Eilera and Cauchy. Gauss Before publishing any work, it has exposed its presentation by the most careful processing, making extreme caring about brevity of presentation, the grace of methods and language, not leavingat the same time traces of the black work, which it reached these methods. He used to say that when the building was built, then they do not leave those forests that served to build; Therefore, he not only did not hurry with the publication of his works, but he left them to crawl out of the years, and dozens of years, often to this work at the time returning to bring it to perfection. […] Its studies on elliptic functions, the main properties of which he opened 34 to Abel and Jacobi, he did not bother to publish within 61, and they were published in his "heritage" approximately 60 years after his death. Euler. I received just back Gauss. He not only did not disassemble the forests around his building, but sometimes even as if clutched it with them. But he sees all the details of the method of his work itself, that Gauss is so carefully hidden. For the finish, Euler was not chased, he worked immediately and published in the form of how the work turned out; But he was far ahead of the printed funds of the Academy, so he himself said that the academic publications would have enough work 40 years after his death; But here he was mistaken - they were enough for more than 80 years. Cauchy I wrote such a lot of work as excellent and hurried that neither the Paris Academy, nor then mathematical magazines could accommodate them, and he founded his own mathematical journal in which only his work was placed. Gauss about the most metering of them was expressed as follows: "Cauchy suffers from mathematical diarrhea." Is it unknown, did the Cauchi talked to the retaliation, that Gauss suffers from mathematical constipation?

Krylov A. N., My memories, L., "Shipbuilding", 1979, p. 331.

«… Gausshe was a very closed man and led the recovery lifestyle. It not published a lot of discoveries, and many of them were re-made by other mathematicians. In publications, he paid more attention to the results, without giving much importance to the methods of their receipt and often forcing other mathematicians to spend a lot of strength on the proof of his conclusions. Eric Temple Bell, one of the biographers Gauss believes that his impairment detained the development of mathematics at least fifty years; halfwill mathematicians could become famous if they received the results, years, and then the archives stored for him. "

Peter Bernstein, against Gods: Risk Taming, M., "Olympus Business", 2006, p.156.

Gauss, Karl Friedrich(Gauss, Carl Friedrich) (1777-1855), German mathematician, astronomer and physicist. Born on April 30, 1777 in Braunschweig. In 1788, with the support of the Duke of Braunschweig Gauss, the Collegium Karolinum entered the closed school, and then in Gottingen University, where he studied from 1795 to 1798. In 1796, Gaussu was able to solve the task that did not respond to geometry efforts from the time of Euclide: he found a way to build using Circular and ruler Right 17-square. On the Gauss itself, this result made such a strong impression that he decided to devote himself to the study of mathematics, and not classical languages, as he expected at the beginning. In 1799, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the University of Helmstadt, in which for the first time gave strict proof of the so-called. The main theorem of algebra, and in 1801 published the famous Arithmetic studies (DISQUISITIONES ARITHMETICAE.), considered the beginning of the modern theory of numbers. The central place in the book occupies the theory of quadratic forms, deductions and comparisons of the second degree, and the highest achievement is the law of quadratic reciprocity - the "golden theorem", the first complete proof of which led Gauss.

In January 1801, Astronomer J. Pyatszi, who made up a star catalog, discovered an unknown star of the 8th magnitude. He managed to trace her way only throughout the arc 9 ° (1/40 orbit), and the task of determining the full elliptical path of the body according to the data available, the more interesting, which, apparently, was actually a speech about the long-estimated Mars And Jupiter Little Planet. In September 1801, Gauss was engaged in the calculation of the orbit, in November, the calculations were completed, the results were published in December, and on the night of December 31, the famous German astronomer Olbras, using Gaussian, found a planet (it was called cerebral). In March 1802 another similar planet - Pallada was opened, and Gauss immediately calculated her orbit. His methods for calculating orbits, he outlined in the famous Theories of the movement of celestial bodies (Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium, 1809). The book describes the least squares method used by them, and to this day remains one of the most common methods for processing experimental data.

In 1807, Gauss headed the Department of Mathematics and Astronomy in Gottingen University, received the position of director of the Göttingen Astronomical Observatory. In subsequent years, it was engaged in issues of the theory of hypergeometric rows (the first systematic study of the convergence of rows), mechanical quadrature, centuries-old perturbations of planetary orbits, differential geometry.

In 1818-1848 in the center of the scientific interests of Gauss was geodesy. He conducted both practical work (geodesic surveys and compiling a detailed map of the Hannover kingdom, measuring the arc meridian Gottingen - Alton, undertaken to determine the true compression of the Earth) and theoretical studies. They laid the foundations of higher geodesy and the theory of so-called was created. Internal geometry of surfaces. In 1828, the main geometric treatise Gauss was published General studies on curved surfaces (Disquisitiones Generales Circa Superficies Curvas). In particular, the surface of rotation of permanent negative curvature is mentioned, the internal geometry of which, as it was revealed, is the Lobachevsky geometry.

Research in the field of physics with which Gauss has been engaged in the early 1830s, relate to different sections of this science. In 1832, he created an absolute system of measures by introducing three main units: 1 sec, 1 mm and 1 kg. In 1833, together with V.Veberom, he built the first electromagnetic telegraph in Germany, who connected the Observatory and the Physical Institute in Gottingen, performed a greater experimental work on earthly magnetism, invented a unipolar magnetometer, and then bifilar (also jointly with V.Vebere), created the foundations of the potential theory In particular, the main theorem of electrostatics was formulated (Theorem Gauss - Ostrogradsky). In 1840, I developed the theory of building images in complex optical systems. In 1835, he created a magnetic observatory under the Gottingen Astronomical Observatory.

In 1845, the University instructed Gauss to reorganize the Foundation for the support of widows and children of professors. Gauss not only coped perfectly with this task, but also simply made an important contribution to the theory of insurance. July 16, 1849 Gottingen University solemnly noted the Golden Anniversary of the Gaussian dissertation. In the anniversary lecture, the scientist returned to the topic of his dissertation, offering the fourth proof of the main theorem of algebra.

Johann Karl Friedrich Gauss (briefly), born 30 april 1777 of the year in Braunschweig, Lower Saxony, Germany. Father Gebhard Dietrich Gauss Mason, Gardener. Mother Dorothea Benz Housewife. IN 1782 year, entered the State School of St. Catherine. The little Carl could easily solve mathematical tasks than hit his teacher Mr. Buttner. It was Buttner first to discovered the mathematical talent of Karl. He insisted that the boy would in no case threw his studies, and came further to the university. Karl began to learn from Martin Barters, his older for eight years old, talented mathematics. IN 10 For years, Karl independently brought the theorem about the Binoma. IN 1788 year, began to study in the Martino-Catarineum gymnasium, where he succeeded in mathematics, ancient Greek, Latin, English. IN 1792 year, he entered Caroline College, upon completion he received a degree in mathematics. IN 1795 of the year, Gauss entered the University of Getgetinen. After only six months, Gauss brought the mathematical formula to find all the right polygons, which can be built using only a ruler and compass. IN 1807 year, Gauss accepted the Department of Astronomy in Göttingen, which he held until the end of his life.

Scientific achievements

The theory of numbers was his favorite mathematical activity. IN 1801 year, he published one of the greatest works in the history of mathematics - "Disquisitiones ArithMeticae", this book is written in Latin. In it, he recorded the formal evidence of many of his early discoveries, the modern theory of numbers begins here. Gauss documented significant breakthroughs, such as the law of quadratic reciprocity, its formulation of modern modular arithmetic and congruence is the idea that was based on its unified approach to the theory of numbers. The admirers of the talent of the scientist, said that Gauss did for the theory of numbers the same as Euclidea made for geometry. He also studied the theory of potential and solve equations with private derivatives - these equations have numerous applications in physics, including electromagnetism and gravity. IN 1809 By year, he published an important two-volume work on the movement of heavenly bodies - the theory of the movement of celestial bodies. IN 1821 year, he invented Heliotrope is a mirror that reflects the sun's rays on very long distances. Heliotropics were used in geodetic works in Germany more 150 years. He began to participate in geodesic work for mapping and saw the importance of writing remote positions with great accuracy. IN 1832 The year with the assistance of Weber, Gauss conducted experiments whose results allowed him to determine the magnetic field of the Earth using the units of millimeters, grams and seconds. In other words, he showed that the Earth's magnetic field can be determined using purely mechanical measurements - mass, length and time. IN 1833 The year Gauss and Weber invented one of the world's first telegraph systems. They also invented a binary alphabetical code that provides a connection between the Weber building and the Gauss Astronomical Observatory at a distance of about 1.5 miles. TO 1835 Their telegraph lines were laid next to the first railway Germany.
Gauss used his huge mathematical arsenal for analyzing the behavior of electrical and magnetic fields, it formulated two laws: the Gauss law, which connects the electric field with the distribution of electrical charges that cause it. The Gauss's Law on Magnetism, which states that magnetic monopolis do not exist.

It opened the Egregium theorem connecting the curvature of the surface with distances and angles.

Family and recent years

Gauss tolerate could not travel and left Göttingen only once in 48 years - to go to the conference in Berlin. He was passionate about the literature, his library, numbered 6,000 books written in different languages. IN 1805 year, he married Joanna Ostochff, they had three children. Unfortunately, the wife of Gauss Johann died in October 1809 of the year. IN 1810 The year Gauss married Johanne Wilhelmine, they also had three children. Karl Friedrich Gauss died peacefully in a dream in Göttingen 23 february 1855 of the year. He was buried without a brain on the Göttingen Cemetery Albanifridhof, not far from the university. His brain was preserved and stored in the physiological department of Göttingen. Gauss was so proud of his young achievement in the form of a sevenfoon that he asked to cut the figure on his tombstones. His desire was not fulfilled - the Mason said it would be too difficult to cut a semi-broth, who does not resemble a circle.

Karl Friedrich Gauss (it. Carl Friedrich Gauß) - an outstanding German mathematician, astronomer and physicist, it is considered one of the greatest mathematicians of all times.

Karl Friedrich Gauss was born on April 30, 1777. In the duke of Braunschweig. Grandfather Gauss was a poor peasant, father - gardener, bricklayer, caulier channels. Gauss at an early age manifested unusual abilities for mathematics. Once, at the calculations of his father, his three-year-old son noticed a mistake in calculations. The calculation was tested, and the number specified by the boy was true. Little Carlo with the teacher was lucky: M. Barters rated the exceptional talent of the young Gauss and managed to overtake him the scholarship from the Duke of Brownschweigsky.

It helped Gaussu to complete the college, where he studied Newton, Euler, Lagrange. Already there, Gaus made several discoveries in higher mathematics, including proved the law of reciprocity of quadratic deductions. Lenaland, however, discovered this most important law earlier, but it did not manage to prove strictly, Euler was also failed.

From 1795 to 1798, Gauss studied at Gottingen University. This is the most fruitful period in the life of Gauss. In 1796, Karl Friedrich Gauss proved the possibility of constructing with the help of a circulation and ruler of the right seventeentiforn. Moreover, he allowed the problem of building the right polygons to the end and found the criterion for the possibility of constructing the correct N-carbon using a circulation and a ruler: if N is a simple number, then it should be the species n \u003d 2 ^ (2 ^ k) +1 (number Farm). This discovery Gauss trembled very much and bequeathed to portray on his grave the correct 17 square, inscribed in the circle.

March 30, 1796, a day, when the right seventeenthist was built, the Gauss diary begins - the chronicle of his wonderful discoveries. The next entry in the diary appeared on April 8. It reported on the proof of the theorem of the quadratic law of reciprocity, which he called "Golden". The two openings of Gauss did through ten days, a month before he was 19 years old.

Since 1799 Gauss - Privat-Associate Professor of Brownshweag University. Duke continued to follow young genius. He paid a publication of his doctoral dissertation (1799) and complained to a good scholarship. After 1801, Gauss, without glowing with the theory of numbers, expanded its circle of interest, including natural sciences.

The world fame of Karl Gauss acquired after the development of the method for calculating the elliptical orbit of the planet For three observations. The use of this method to a small planet of Cereter made it possible to find it again in the sky after she was lost.

On the night of December 31, on January 1, the well-known German astronomer Olbers, using Gaussian data, discovered the planet called cherry. In March 1802 another similar planet - Pallada was opened, and Gauss immediately calculated her orbit.

His methods for calculating orbits Karl Gauss outlined in the famous Theories of the movement of celestial bodies (Lat.Theoria Motus Corporum Coelestium, 1809). The book describes the least squares method used by them, and to this day remains one of the most common methods for processing experimental data.

In 1806, his generous patron of Duke Braunschweigsky dies from the wound received in the war with Napoleon. Several countries in vain invited Gauss to service. On the recommendation of Alexander, the von Humboldt Gaussa appointed a professor in Gottingen and the director of the Göttingen Observatory. He held this position to death.

With the name Gauss, fundamental studies are associated with almost all major areas of mathematics: algebra, mathematical analysis, theory of functions of complex variable, differential and non-chloride geometry, probability theory, as well as in astronomy, geodesy and mechanics.

In 1809 he was published new masterpiece Gauss - "Theory of the movement of the celestial bodies"where the canonical theory of recruitment of orbits is settled.

In 1810, Gauss received a premium of the Paris Academy of Sciences and the Gold Medal of the Royal Society of Londonwas elected to several academies. The famous Comet of 1812 was everywhere, using Gauss calculations. In 1828, the main geometric memoir Gauss "General studies on curved surfaces" was published. Memoir is dedicated to the inner geometry of the surface, i.e. what is associated with the structure of this surface itself, and not with its position in space.

Research in the field of physics with which Gauss has been engaged in the early 1830s, relate to different sections of this science. In 1832, he created an absolute system of measures by introducing three main units: 1 sec, 1 mm and 1 kg. In 1833, together with V.Veberom, he built the first electromagnetic telegraph in Germany, who connected the Observatory and the Physical Institute in Gottingen, performed a greater experimental work on earthly magnetism, invented a unipolar magnetometer, and then bifilar (also jointly with V.Vebere), created the foundations of the potential theory In particular, the main theorem of electrostatics was formulated (Theorem Gauss - Ostrogradsky). In 1840, I developed the theory of building images in complex optical systems. In 1835, he created a magnetic observatory under the Gottingen Astronomical Observatory.

In each scientific field, its depth of penetration into the material, the courage of the thought and the significance of the result was amazing. Gauss called the "king of mathematicians." He opened the ring of whole complex Gaussian numbers, created the theory of divisibility for them and with their help solved a lot of algebraic problems.

Gauss died on February 23, 1855 in Gottingen. Contemporaries recall Gauss as a cheerful, friendly person, with an excellent sense of humor. In honor of Gauss, the crater on the moon, a small planet number 1001 (GAUSSIA), a unit of measurement of magnetic induction in the SSS system, Volcano Gaussburg in Antarctica.

Karl Friedrich Gauss, the son of the poor man and an uneducated mother, independently solved the riddle of his own birthday and determined it as April 30, 1777. Gauss has shown all the signs of genius. The main work of all his life, "arithmetic studies", the young man ended back in 1798, when he was only 21 years old, although it will be published only in 1801. This work was of paramount importance for improving the theory of numbers as a scientific discipline, and presented This area of \u200b\u200bknowledge is in the form in which we know it today. Gauss's stunning abilities so hit the Duke Brunshweagsky that he sends Karl to training in Karlov Collegium (now Brownshweag Technical University), which Gauss visits from 1792 to 1795 in 1795-1798. Gauss goes to Gotttening University. For his university years, mathematician has proven a lot of significant theorems.

Start of employment

1796 It turns out to be the most successful both for Gauss himself and for its number theory. One after another, he makes important discoveries. On March 30, for example, it opens up the rules for constructing the right seventeenthist. It improves modular arithmetic and greatly simplifies manipulations in the theory of numbers. On April 8, Gauss proves the law of reciprocity of quadratic deductions, which allows mathematicians to find a solution to any quadratic modular arithmetic equation. On May 31, he offers the theorem of prime numbers, thereby giving an accessible explanation how simple numbers are distributed among integers. On July 10, the scientist makes the discovery that any integer positive number can be expressed by the sum of no more than three triangular numbers.

In 1799, Gauss protects the dissertation in absentia, in which the theorem leads new evidence that each whole rational algebraic function with one variable can be represented by the product of real numbers of the first and second degree. It confirms the fundamental theorem of algebra, which states that each non-permanent polynomial from one variable with complex coefficients has at least one complex root. His efforts greatly simplify the concept of complex numbers.

And at this time, the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi opens the dwarf planet Cercher, which instantly disappears in the sunny glow, but, after a few months, when Piazzi expects to see her again in the sky, the cherry does not appear. Gauss, who was just 23 years old, having learned about the problem of astronomer, takes care of her permission. In December 1801, after three months of hard work, he determines the position of Ceres on the Star Sky with the error of everything in half grades.

In 1807, the brilliant scientist Gauss receives the post of professor of astronomy and the heads of the Astronomical Observatory of Gottingen, which he will occupy the rest of his life.

Late years

In 1831, Gauss meets Professor Physics Wilhelm Weber, and acquaintance it turned out to be fruitful. Their joint labor leads to new discoveries in the field of magnetism and the establishment of Kirchoff rules in the field of electricity. Formulated Gauss and the law of his own behalf. In 1833, Weber and Gauss are inventing the first electromechanical telegraph that tied the observatory with the Institute of Physics Gottingen. Following this, in the courtyard of the Astronomical Observatory, the magnetic observatory is being built, in which Gauss, together with Weber, is based on the "magnetic club", engaged in the measurements of the magnetic field of the Earth in different points of the planet. Gauss also successfully develops the technique of determining the horizontal component of the Earth's magnetic field.

Personal life

Gauss's personal life was a turn of tragedies, starting with the premature death of his first wife, Joanna Ostoff, in 1809, and the death of one of their children following her, Louis. Gauss marry again, at the best friend of his first wife Frederic Wilhelmine Waldek, but she, after a long illness, dies. From two marriages, Gauss was born six children.

Death and heritage

Gauss died in 1855 in Gottingen, Hannover (now - Lower Saxony in Germany). His body was cremated and buried in Albanifridhof. According to the results of the study of his brain Rudolph Wagner, Gauss's brain had a mass of 1.492 g and a brain cross-section of 219.588 mm² (34.362 square inches), which scientifically proves that Gauss was a genius.

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