Hello, dear readers! Our whole life is a series of events. Some forgotten instantly, while others are able to hurt considerable time. They spoil the mood, cause negative feelings and complicate the future.

Today we will talk about how to forget unpleasant memories. You will learn how they are formed, as in fact, they affect your life, why you concentrate on them and how once and forever of the previous life.

Where do memories come from

As a rule, memories are not taken from nowhere. They are called other people's words, new events, some objects with which you have a connection. They can be destroyed and created. At one time we constantly think about rest, others pay off relations with a person, the third unpleasant episode.

Your brain tries to keep closer information that has a value for you, but it is not able to evaluate its "importance". Therefore, if you often think about some moment, the brain assigns this situation to the category "significant" and purposefully with each other case renews the process.

In addition to the frequency, the value for the brain also has intensity and emotionality. Some thoughts we dedicate longer time, and others consider "intimidated along and across." These events go to the background.

A person is unable to influence his own brain and change the category of importance of the event, but may contribute to the fact that the memory will go to the background. For this you need to try to pay unpleasant thoughts from the past as less than possible time. You cannot get rid of a sudden gust of thoughts, but quietly control the discussion: to give him an hour or just a few minutes - to solve you.

You will not find anything new if you can constantly overflow from empty to the empty problem. You may like to share your emotions and a status that causes this event. Remember that the longer you will continue to do it, the longer the harm to your psyche.

You need to remove emotional affection. Make it real.


Recently stumbled upon articles from the Internet on psychology on this topic, in which people advise to avoid places and events that cause unpleasant memories. Not entirely agree with this recommendation. First, because most often it is quite difficult to do, but, secondly, it's not entirely right.

Let's a little about pleasant. The process is the same. Remember your last vacation. When you only returned from it, the transfer on TV or the word "travel" from the mouth of the friend called the wave of emotions, the memories of the beach, the sea, cities and museums, as well as a long story about a recent trip. There was time, and the story was becoming shorter, and emotions are less.

Avoiding, but replacing some unpleasant emotions by others and continue. You increase the time to overcome. You carry the cargo in yourself, deliberately try to avoid certain places, drown out pain. At the same time, notice, you do not cease to think about the incident.

Sooner or later, you will have to face what will cause a relapse, but if in the usual rhythm by this time, he would no longer cause so many senses, then in the case of long it will become much brighter. You risk already encountered not just with an object causing unpleasant memories, but take a look into the eyes of real fear.

Imagine, you have a child and he is afraid of clowns. You try to protect it in every way from the object: do not go to the toy shops, avoid circuses and mass events. At 12, when he returns from school, he finally faces clown. Do you think he will forget about his phobia or comes running home pale in shock? Was it no better to slowly teach him to the fact that there is nothing demonlic in clowns?

Do not be afraid to face what revives in you, but try to talk less about them and think.

One frank conversation

First of all, you should discuss the event in detail from the past, which causes emotions from you. Ideally, it would be nice to discuss with a psychologist, but you can talk with a comrade.

Discuss the widow, do not be afraid to share. You must speak and achieve the maximum result. You should not have unspoken thoughts that will continue to torment the soul. Decide everything to keep looking for new conclusions.

I can also advise you a book José Silva "Reason Management"where you will find real techniques in order to reduce the pressure of the events to the psyche, as well as many other valuable recommendations for improving life.

To new meetings and do not forget to subscribe to the newsletter.

These three ways really help to forget the past. For the greatest efficiency I recommend combining them with each other.

To leave a negative past behind and gain full control over your life - register Alexander Gerasimenko's training "" (8-9 June, Moscow).

The first way to forget the past

Receive NLP. Imagine a wall on which photos from different moments of your life are pasted. Here you go to school, here is your first love, here you earned the first penny, it happens the nightmare that you try to forget ... All significant and even some ordinary moments of your life should be on this wall. Imagine all photos with colorful, only a negative event - black white. Get out and look at the wall of your life from the side. See how many colors on it and how, in scale, this black and white photo. Now mentally, you press it up to sizes of 3 for 4 cm. Next, continue to "glue" photos on the wall of your life. Cland the future. Continue to fill in the wall with paints. Any your dreams, pleasant moments, vacation, your children, how they go to school ... Images in which you help other people. Pictures where people admire you. As a result, a black and white photo will be surrounded by color photos from all sides that go far away from him. You look at the wall and understand that the influence you want to forget is just a single event. It has its borders, it locals and now takes only an insignificant part of your wall of life. This is a black and white photo - this is not your life. Your life is color, bright and desirable.

As a result of this exercise, negative memories were localized, and a lot of happiness and events appeared around them. You have not forgotten the past, you limited it, and it no longer applies to the present and future.

The second way to forget the past

Listen in your imagination oppressive the shocking event from your past you want to forget. Yes, I urge you to climb into this terrible past, which you are so afraid. But do it in a special way - in the form of black and white cinema with funny music in the back background. Turn on the cinema and take your place on the rear rows of the cinema. Insert the viewers in your cinema in the hall. Add hysterical laugh in places. Some plots scroll back in advance to make a movie funnier. Scroll your movie until you stop being afraid.

Having gave funny sounds and distorting the picture, losing it with the ass in advance, you can "paint" black and white memories of your past and change your attitude to them. This technique allows you to correct the memory. You will do the same thing you did in school with a twos in a diary with a blade. You were erased her and painted the four in her place. "Diary" of your life after this exercise will look great, and you can stop worrying because of the "bad estimates" in the past.

Third way to forget the negative past

This method is very practical. It does not include any games with his own mind and not only helps to forget disturbing memories, but also changes your attitude to what happened to you in the past.

I will explain it in the language of metaphor. First, imagine that the past, which you need to forget this nuclear reactor. Even years later, he radiates radiation and poisonous everything around. Living nearby people, that is, your, infected. You can not sniff more flowers, because your sense of smell gives all odors distorted. It is felt in everything from a burnt power station that pursues you even in a dream. Radiation needs to be eliminated. The reactor must be concrete and buried the event in the past. And please. Betonize!

If your memories are worried about you, and you are sitting in the kitchen and think "how to forget them", then you only twist ashes and blow on her. Memories continue to poison life. In another case, you may want to distract from painful thoughts and seats the TV. This does not work. This is the same thing that cover the radioactive focus of the canlenka.

Remember to forget the unpleasant past, it must be concrete. How can I do that? Just - Burrying the focus of the explosion under massive actions. Our memory is limited in opportunities and cannot hold everything that we have experienced. The more active actions we have taken, the more we survived, the more layers of the "concrete" will cover the event you want to forget.

Those. Massive actions requiring your 100% attention and will be concrete for an exploding reactor. Take yourself with bright actions. It is very difficult if you know, worry about the past, when you wear a mountain of skiing. It is unlikely that you will remember the haunting negative at the time when you will perform from the stands before a large audience.

It is necessary to start laying the layers of concrete, which do not miss your past at present and the future. Take bright, bold, active actions and your past will remain in the past.

In the life of each person there were periods that would like to strike out from memory. Some, despite all the difficulties, take themselves in the hands and go to a new step, only occasionally remembering the shocks that occurred, others cannot constantly think about the past, thereby depriving themselves the chance to be happy in the present and future. It does not matter which cargo of the past does not give you peace: parting with a loved one, missed opportunities, the death of loved ones, betrayal of friends, the feeling of guilt ... Now it is time to forget the past forever and start living real. How to stop living past?

Do not think about the past: why doesn't it let us go?

Many wonder: why are some people who survive very serious shocks and tests, are quickly restored and start a new life, others fall into many years of depression and cannot stop living past after the unsuccessful completion of the two-month novel?

Answers to this can give psychology, here much depends on age, the atmosphere, in which a person lived in childhood, on the type of character and personality. And even if you consider yourself to a weak type, close to the heart that takes any life tests at all, does not mean that you are not able to cope on your own and not think about the past.

Most often, we cannot forget the past and live by the present, since we feel our fault for the situation, we are tormented by the thoughts that we could do otherwise - and thereby change the final ...

... Sometimes the past does not allow yourself to forget about yourself, as we do not let go of past resentments, we believe that we did it unfairly.

Our bad memories look like a suitcase with useless trash, which we are in habit everywhere we drag with you ... Do you need such a cargo?

... And sometimes to forget the past and live by the real, it does not work because we like this state of pity for yourself, we are not ready to change, grow, comfortably sit in your shell, cherish your grief, closing from around the world around us. Here is a masochism. How to change the situation and again begin to enjoy life?

How to forget the past and start living in real: 5 steps to a happy life

Healing from old wounds - the process is complex and often long, but what would not lay for our shoulders, each of us cease to stop living in the past. These are the stages will help forever part with experiences:

1. First step - Aware that the past has passed that it is the thoughts about him that they interfere with fully live real, plan the future. Of course, it is not easy to do this, but you really want to breathe full of breasts again?

2. Step two - sorry. Now it does not matter who is to blame for what happened in the past, and who embedded: You or offended you. It is impossible to reverse the time, everything has already been done, and your today's suffering will not change the accomplishing fact. Mentally ask for forgiveness or sorry, you can go to church. If you offended a person and know how to contact him, you can call and apologize. And that's it. Purchase page. People have the right to mistakes: And you and your loved ones are no exception. If you think that you have committed earlier too seriously or apologize to you in front of whom, switch to the care of others. You cannot change what happened, but you can help others and make their life better. Volunteering in orphanages, nursing homes or in shelters for homeless animals - think in this direction.

3. Step Three - Do not regret. Sorry about the missed opportunities, spent time, collapsed relationships - the path to nowhere. Regrets, as well as pity for yourself - in general, extremely destructive feelings. Try to look at the situation from another point of view: you have received experience, you learned to your mistakes, you will no longer allow the repetition of this situation in your life. And you also know what? Suffering and constantly regretting yourself, you destroy not only your life, but also the lives of loved ones who are hard to see you in such a state. You do not feel sorry for you?

More often, remind yourself that our life is only in one direction - to the future, nothing can be reversed. Think about what could be - useless

4. Step fourth - Reboot. If the pain is still fresh, you are inside the negative emotions from the inside, do not try to be strong, let me shout one day, cry, smash the cup in the end. You can go to the gym and walked to breed a boxing pear. Throw the pain out - so forget the past and start living here it will be easier.

5. Pitch fifth - The replacement rule. Think of how much time and strength you spend on empty - not letting the past resentment and regret yourself. Instead, you might change for the better. For a start, you can go to the salon, change the color of the hair, make a manicure, radically change the image or make a search in the end. Sign up for driving courses, learning a foreign language, needlework. And most importantly - do sports. Perfectly eliminates yoga thoughts. If you have new interests and hobbies in your life, it simply will not be space for regret and thoughts about the cargo of the past.

But in general it seems to me, one of the most effective ways to forget the past - clear the physical space around yourself:, spend (read where R) led me, streamline the little things like books and ... I release things from the past life, it is physically feeling how life changes!

Get rid of the shipment of the past and let go of past resentments much easier than you now seem to be, the main thing is to start acting right now. It will not pass and several days, as you get into a new, happy and interesting life.

Life is full of events, and they are not always joyful: some of them want simply to erase from the memory. However, often a person mentally loses the negative situation in the head, returning to it again and again. However, this habit you can get rid of this habit, and this will help the tips described below.

How to forget an unpleasant event?

Reflecting on how to forget something forever, you should resort to the next method. You will need to survive the negative event again, without changing the plot. It is important that you felt emotionally happening in the past. Remember all the little things that you can.

Then imagine that all this happened not with you, but with someone else. What advice would you give this person? Surely you would see the situation at a different angle. Enter the position of people who participated in it. What emotions do you feel now? Most likely, you will not be so insulting from everything happening. After that, imagine how the picture dims up, and then disappears from your field of view. You can even mentally drown it in sulfuric acid. She no longer, she disappeared, died, which means you can let everything go. Understand that the past is dead and never return. As soon as you understand this for yourself, the pain will pass.

How can you forget something scary?

It is possible to erase from the memory a terrible event by switching your brain completely to another. It may be work, a new hobby, dating. Also should not be alone, otherwise the thoughts about what happened will just pursue you. Better for some time to be in a circle of friends, relatives. Of course, from time to time you will have to emerge the memories of a negative event in mind, but it will all hurt you every day.

Some people are disturbed by nightmares in which they return to that terrible reality and worry it again. In this case, it is necessary to think before bedtime only about good. For example, thank the highest forces for the fact that the positive happened over the past day. It can be:

  • meeting with old friend;
  • smile or the first words of your child;
  • pleasant memories - cute kitten or puppy, beautiful butterfly.

Also before going to bed, you can see a comedy, a concert of your favorite artist, listen to a new album. It is important that you are distracted from what will oppress you. As a result, sleep you will go in a raised mood, which means you will dream only pleasant dreams.

How to forget something bad in your life?

Bad events often happen in a person's life, and most often he blames the relative, a friend, familiar. As a result, hatred appears, and it does not give live calmly. It is very important in this case to forgive the man who caused you evil, and let go of him. This will help you meditation. Sit into a comfortable chair or go on the bed, close your eyes and make some deep breaths and exhale. As soon as you fully relax, you can proceed to meditation. Imagine a place where you will be as comfortable as possible and call your offender there. Look in his eyes, look in his face features, consider his clothes.

And now you will express everything you think about him. Surely, you have a lot of accumulated. You can not be shy in expressions. As soon as you tell your abuser about what you feel, it will be easier for you.

The next step will be forgiveness. Take a person by hand, look at his eyes and tell me that you forgive him. Make it you need sincere. Speak the words "I forgive you", so many times until you believe it. After that, the offender can be released: take a look after you, wish happiness and surround love.

You must feel ease, she will be familiar with the fact that you let go of the situation. If not, you need to do this exercise every evening. Perhaps you will have a month or week, do not spare time, as you will become easier. As a result, a bad event will not rule in your consciousness, the brain will simply forget it.

How to forget negative events forever?

Forget something forever will help the next exercise. For him, you will need to find a sheet of paper, saucer, matches and handle. Sit at the table and describe the negative event that happened to you. Remember all the details. As soon as you realize that you have nothing more to add, re-read the written and tear the sheet, representing how the negative situation is erased from your memory.

Then take a saucer, put a piece of paper into it and burn them. Carefully look at the flame, imagine how all your insults and memories are burning in it. Once the paper completely burns, wash the ashes of water. Everything, this memories no longer, it is not imperative over your mind. Remember this and enjoy today's day without returning to the past.

More advice on the ledge of memories oblivion can be read in our article -.

Greetings all my readers and subscribers, and those who only decided to join the large number of people involved in self-development and their health. This article will talk about our negative memories, which sometimes like a "snowball" pursue us. We will learn from them effectively get rid of.

Every person in his life makes a lot of mistakes, and this is quite normal. We are not robots to do everything perfect. But some people remove the experience of them, and others are engaged in self-vacation, remembering the mistakes again and again.

Some, especially strong negative memories bring a sense of awkwardness, shame or fear, and it is very bad from a psychological point of view. From this, the mood is greatly spoiled and can on this basis, and it is very difficult to deal with it.

Anyone has to make mistakes in life, and most importantly learn how to extract positive moments from them and not focus on the past. We hope the following advice, even a little help you forget everything bad in your life.

1 Learn to love yourself

It is necessary in any situation to take itself as you are, and not to drive into the rigid frames imposed by society. If you love yourself and begin to enjoy life, it will also be favorable to you.

2 Stop forth on their problems and past failures

If you constantly pursue negative memories from the past and interfere with living normally, you can try to take advantage of this psychological technique.

Imagine the problem in full force. You need to survive her again, only already in your thoughts. Remember all the details sensations. Try to make it as bright and natural. After you have reached the maximum visual perception, imagine the problem in the form of some image that came at that moment.

Watch it from the side, carefully peering into the details and though it is mentally removed from my head, thinking about something good. You can then consolidate the result, for example, by pressing from the floor. This method of replacing negative positive is used in the army. And she works well.

3 See future problems and trouble from a philosophical point of view

There is no such thing that everything goes like oil. Any person has problems, both in the past and in the future. The difference between successful people and losers is to scale them.

One person with a breakdown of the car and the lack of money for its repair can be completely demoralized, and professional military, for example, can fight for his life and be in a practically hopeless situation, but at the same time.

All problems are relative, and mean exactly so much as we attach importance to them.

4 Reception "Draw a problem"

Of course, many of us are not artists, but if negative memories are not retreating, take a sheet of clean paper and draw a problem. Picture the first thing that fell into your head. This acts as well as the previous reception, only with the help of graphics it is possible to work more hard to work. After you drew it, burn the leaf. After several sessions, the experiences should significantly decrease.

After performing these exercises, think about good ,. Life is beautiful if it refers to it in a positive way! Good luck to you!
