The structure and functions of the urinary system

Lesson using reference abstract

Equipment: Tables "Allocation authorities", model "Building of mammal kidney", the diamond "structure and work of the kidneys".


I. Fixing the material studied earlier

The board has three student.

Task 1st student: to talk about the exchange of substances in the body using the following scheme:

Supporting concepts

Homeostasis - the body's ability to resist the changes in the medium and maintain the relative constancy of the composition, as well as the intensity of physiological processes.

Metabolism- A combination of metabolic processes and energy and their biochemical transformations in a living organism or a set of chemical transformations of compounds associated with a cell interconnected and with the environment and providing a cell life.

Anabolism(or assimilation) - the processes of the synthesis of complex organic substances from simple. These processes are also called plastic Exchange: Of the simple nutrients are formed by the rich energy of the cellular cells - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. These processes need energy.

Catabolism (or dissymilation) - the processes of cleavage of complex organic substances to simple. These processes are also called energy Exchange: Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are split and oxidized to inorganic substances. These processes are accompanied by the liberation of energy, which is consumed on the synthesis of new substances, muscular movement, the work of the internal organs, mental work, etc.

Teacher. Where do these processes flow?

Student. In a cage.

Teacher. What is needed for this?

Student. Participation of enzymes.

Teacher. Is there any relationship between these processes?

Student. Yes. They occur in the cage at the same time, and many of the final catabolism products are primary for anabizm. Energy released during catabolism is spent with anabizm.

Teacher. What laws of dialectics obey the process of metabolism?

Student. The law of preserving and turning energy, the law of unity and the struggle of opposites.

Task 2nd student: to talk about the processes of allocation and characterize the types of these processes.

Supporting concepts:

Defecation - Removing untapped food residues through anal hole. These are not metabolic products, because Untustrial food does not fall into the cells of the body and in the process of matabolizm is not involved. Energy to remove these residues is not required.

Excretion - Allocation of substances from cells not to be further used in the body and from the bloodstream with urine and sweat. Energy when excrected is consumed.

Secretion - Isolation of the cell substances that are used within the body itself. For example, the selection of enzymes in the composition of the gastric juice or saliva. Energy is consumed.

Task 3rd student: to tell about the final products of the breakdown of the main substances of the cell ( working with schemes).

Teacher. What happens to the end products?

Student. The part is used by the body, others are removed to the external environment.

Teacher. How does this happen? After all, most cells are located deep in the body, and not on the border with the environment.

Student. All these substances fall into the blood and is transferred to the allocation authorities.

Teacher. What are these organs?

Student. Lightweight, kidneys, leather, intestines.

Teacher. We summarize, analyze the table.

Teacher. Give the selection process.

Student. Selection- This is the process of removing the finite products of metabolism from the body, as well as the removal of excess water, salts and other substances.

Teacher. What kind of organ systems is this process?

Student. With urinary, blood, respiratory, skin, digestive.

II. Studying a new material

Teacher. So, from Table. 1 shows that the greatest amount of substances are removed through the kidneys. The kidneys are the organs of the urinary system. With the structure of this system and its functions, we will get acquainted in today's lesson.

Work is conducted in groups. Each group receives a task. The work report is issued as a reference abstract in notebooks and on the board.

The main task is to establish the relationship between the functions and the structure of the urinary system organs. Creative task: make circles of Euler according to any fragment of the lesson.

Functions of the urinary system

Teacher's story.

1. Selective (excretion) - remove:

a) finite dismissions;
b) excess water and salts;
c) poisonous substances (alcohol, drugs);

2. Regulatory - provides constancy:

a) the inner environment of the body (blood volume, lymph and tissue fluid);
b) Osmotic pressure - kidneys regulate the concentration of salts in the blood and tissue fluid, washing cell. If the concentration of salts in the liquid is greater than in the cell, water comes out of it, the cell is moving and dies (plasmolysis); and vice versa, if the concentration of salts in the liquid is less than in the cell, water enters the cage, it swells and bursts;
c) the ionic composition of the liquid - the kidneys hold or remove certain salts from the blood depending on their shortage or excess in the body;
d) acid-alkaline equilibrium - the kidneys maintain a neutral blood reaction, depending on the circumstances, retaining or removing from the body of coal acid ions, chlorine, hydrogen and ammonium, whose presence determines the level of blood pH. Ammonium ions are formed from ammonia, which is synthesized in the cells of the kidney themselves;
e) arterial pressure - removal of fluid from the body reduces blood pressure.

3. Secretorial

Hormones are formed - biological regulators (by the kidney synthesized by the kidneys activates the regulator that controls blood pressure).

The structure of the urinary system

Task group number 1

1. Give signatures to fig. one.
2. Fill and analyze the table. 2.

Jobs Group number 2

1. Give signatures to fig. 2.
2. Tell me where the kidneys are located, how many of them are, which are weighted. (Working with the "Allocation Organs" table.)
3. Describe the features of the blood supply to the kidneys. (Working with the diameter "Building and the work of the kidney.")

Task group number 3

1. Give signatures to fig. 3.
2. To tell about the internal macroscopic structure of the kidney (uluja is used).

Task group number 4

Using a tutorial * (§ 41, p. 129-130), fill out and comment on Table. 3.

Task group number 5

Using a textbook * (§ 41, p. 129-130), describe the process of urinary.

The results of work in groups are made in the form of a reference abstract in notebooks and on the board.

Internal (microscopic) kidney structure - the structure of nephron

Teacher's story. The main provisions are recorded in the support abstract.

The kidney has a very complex microscopic structure. The unit of the kidney structure is nephron - renal caller (Fig. 4). Nephron has microscopic dimensions. In each kidney about 1 million nephrons.

The renal caller begins in the cortex of the kidney layer with a small capsule having the shape of a two-way bowl formed from two layers of epithelial cells. There is a sliding space between these layers - the cavity of the capsule. From it begins the renal reproach of 1st order, formed by one layer of epithelial cells. The channel is descended in the brain layer of the kidneys, there forms a loop of gene, then returns to the cortical layer, receiving the name of the 2nd order channel. Here it wriggles again, merges with the same adjacent tube and forms a collective tube of nephrone, passing inside the pyramids.

Collective tubes merge, forming larger output ductures. They pass through the brainstant to the tops of the pyramids of the pyramids. The total length of the tube of one nephron is 35-50 mm, and the total length of the channel of the entire kidney reaches 120 km.

Each individual channels highlights its small portion of the daily amount of urine.

Inside the renal capsule is a capillary ball, formed from branches of a renal artery, departing from the aorta. It is called the brings arteriole.

The capillary ball is tightly adjacent to the nephron capsule, and the blood plasma substance is easily diffused from the vessel to the cavity of the capsule.

Capillaries are collected in the arteriole. She again disintegrates the capillaries that the convolent tube and loop of Genla. After that, the capillaries form a vein flowing into the lower hollow vein, according to which the blood purified from slags returns to the bloodstream. This also added to reabsorption products. And the waterproof enters the renal loin.

Urinary formation

Teacher's story.

The process of formation of urine and removing it from the body is called diuresis.

This is a very complex process, it is closely related to the blood supply to the kidneys, exceeding many times the blood supply to other organs. This ensures blood purification from the cells continuously entering it from the cells to be removed from the body with urine.

Diuresis takes place in two stages (phases).

1. Filtration - substances brought by blood in the capillaries of the glorify, filtered into the cavity of the nephron capsule. This is due to a significant pressure difference in the glomerulum (70 mm Hg. Art.) And in the cavity of the capsule (30 mm Hg. Art.).

Such high pressure in capillaries is provided:

- slow blood stream;
- pressure difference in bringing and handing out the arteriols;
- High blood pressure in the opposing arteriol (renal artery departs from the aorta, where the blood is under the highest pressure).

Filtered liquid is called primary urine. In composition, it corresponds to blood plasma without proteins (Table 3).

As part of the primary urine, many necessary organisms of substances (sugar, amino acids, vitamins, hormones) and if they are removed by the body, the excretion process will become very wasteful. But this does not occur, since there is a reverse absorption of substances into the blood in the next phase.

2. Reabsorption - occurs when promoting primary urine through an convinced tubule, which are tightly braided by capillaries.

Reabsorption proceeds:

a) passive - on the principle of diffusion and osmosis;
b) actively - thanks to the activities of the epithelium of renal tubules with the participation of enzyme systems with considerable energy.

When reabsorption, the primary urine gives blood water, glucose, amino acids, vitamins, a significant number of potassium and sodium ions - this ensures the constancy of the inner medium (the second kidney function).

Such substances like urea, ammonia, sulfates, other productivity products, as well as excess, for example, glucose are not intimidated, the concentration of them in the urine during the tubules increases, and the secondary urine is formed, which should be removed from the body (the first kidney function).

In addition to reabsorption in the tubules, there is a selection of harmful substances into their abnormalities and in the bloodstream from the external environment (dyes, antibiotics, sulfonamides, etc.). If these substances have not been filtered into capsules, then they are removed from the blood through the capillary network that is powered by an incommodified channel.

Yellow urine depends on the Pigment of UROCHROM - the product cleavage of hemoglobin.

Regulation of the urinary system

Teacher's story.

The process of formation of urine by the kidneys is regulated by nervous and humoral systems. A person can monitor the process of urination, you can develop a conditional reflex.

Urigation reflex arc: bladder receptors ® Sensitive path of neuron ® Urination center in the spinal cord ® Intermediate brain ® Big Hemispheres ® Motor Path of Neuron® Muscles of the bladder sphincter.

When changing the concentration of salts in the blood, the receptors of blood vessels irritate. If the body lacks a lack of moisture or a lot of salted food has been eaten, the concentration of blood salts increases and hormone stands out in the pituitary vasopressin. It enhances the reabsorption of water in the tubules - the liquid returns to the bloodstream and the volume of urine decreases, while the amount of salt released remains at the same level. And, on the contrary, if the concentration of blood salts decreases, then hormones are distinguished that reduce the reabsorption of water and contributing to its removal from the body.

Tying lesson

1. The kidney is a complex biological filter.

2. The structure and operation of the kidneys allows to clean the blood, deriving unnecessary substances from the body, and maintain the constancy of the inner environment of the body.


1 - adrenal gland;
2 - kidney;
3 - ureter;
4 - bladder;
5 - urethra

Fig. 2. The external structure of the kidneys: 1 - "Gate" kidney;
2 - renal artery; 3 - renal vein; 4 - ureter

Fig. 3. Internal (macroscopic) building kidney:
1 - cortical layer; 2 - cerebral layer consisting of renal pyramids; 3 - nipples; 4 - Lohanka; 5 - ureter

Fig. 4. The structure of nephron: 1 - nephron capsule; 2 - cavity capsule; 3 - epithelium convolving channel of the 1st order; 4 - Loop Genla; 5 - convolving channel 2nd order; 6 - collective tube; 7 - Capillary tangle; 8 - bringing arteriols; 9 - blood filtering; 10 - enduring arteriols; 11 - blood flow to the lower hollow vein; 12 - reabsorption; 13 - urine current; 14 - Renal Lohanka

* Biology. Human. Tutorial for the 9th grade of general education institutions. Edited by A.S. Batuev. - M.: Enlightenment.

Sections: Biology

Class: 8

Tasks lesson: disclose the role of the allocation in maintaining the constancy of the body's intergenesis; become acquainted with the basic ways of excretion of the exchange products in the human body; To form ideas about the structure and functions of the urinary system organs: kidneys, bladder, ureters and urethra; about the features of the kidney work; On the regulation of urination. Disclosure the consequences of the disorder of the kidneys, show the causes of the diseases of the urinary and the basics of their prevention.

Lesson plan:

    Organizing time.

    Actualization and testing of knowledge.
    Conversation with students about the role of metabolism in the body.

    Studying a new material.

Teacher's introductory word.

In the process of metabolism, decay products are formed. Some of these products are used by the body, others are removed from it. Through the lights are excreted from the body carbon dioxide, water, volatile substances. The intestine highlights some salts, sweat glands - water, salts, organic matter. The main role in the excretory processes belongs to the kidneys. The kidneys remove water, salt, ammonia, urea, urinary acid from the body. Many alien and poisonous substances resulting in the body or adopted as medicines are removed through the kidneys. The kidneys contribute to maintaining the constancy of the composition of the inner environment of the body. Excess water or blood salts are able to cause changes in osmotic pressure, which is dangerous for the vital activity of the cells of our body. The kidneys are removed from the body of excess water and mineral salts, restoring the constancy of the osmotic properties of blood. The kidneys maintain a certain constant blood reaction. When accumulated in the blood of acidic or alkaline products, the exchanging through the kidneys increases the release of excessive salts. In maintaining the constancy of the blood reaction, a very important role is played by the ability of kidneys to synthesize ammonia, which binds acidic products, replacing sodium and potassium in them. At the same time, ammonium salts are formed, which are derived in the composition of urine, and sodium and potassium are preserved for the needs of the body.

The student's message "How is the allocation of vital products in single and multicellular organisms.

The urinary system consists of urine-forming organs and urinary organs. The urine authorities include kidneys, and urinary organs include ureterals, bladder, urethra.

The kidneys - paired organs, beanoids located in the abdominal cavity. Mass of the kidneys - 320 grams. Kidney - biological filter. Right kidney below left. Under the kidneys there is a liver - the largest iron of our body. Outside the kidney is covered with a sturdy elastic capsule.

Fig. 2.

Ureterals depart from the kidneys. The length of the ureters is 30 cm. Urine smoothly goes into the bladder. Every 7 seconds from the kidneys, another portion of urine is coming out. The bladder is an unpaid organ, a capacity of 300-500 ml. Urine release occurs reflexively. Reflex is produced by 2-3 years.

Microscopic kidney structure:

The structural unit of the kidney is nephron. In each kidney, there are about 1 million nephron, it is possible to compare with a pearl, which squeezes the painted kidney or a precious filter embedded in a simple mouthpiece. Top of the kidney is covered with a cortical layer, and under it is a brain layer. In it are Capsules Sillyansky, similar to glass. In the glasses there is a capillary ball, which is surrounded by a Bowman capsule, which goes into renal channels.

Fig. 3.

Breasts of the kidneys:

The kidney gives us a "wonderful network of arteries." Nowhere in the body does not occur such a sequence of vessels: artery, capillary, artery. Urine is formed in nephron. The formation of urine goes in 2 stages:

The composition of urine is determined by the condition of the body. If a person suffers from diabetes, then sugar appears in the urine. If food is rich in carbohydrates, then after severe physical work in the urine, sugar may appear. The kidneys synthesize biological active substances (Renin - an enzyme involved in biochemical processes). In just a day, 1.5 liters of urine is formed.

Independent work.

Students issued forms with an imaginary patient's urine analysis. A task of students - is there any deviations in urine tests? ( Appendix 2.) Results are written to the table:

The kidneys is a vital body and violation in their work leads to renal diseases.

Renal diseases: enuresis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis. Enuresis - urine incontinence; cystitis - inflammation of the bladder; Pyelonephritis is the inflammation of the kidney lochank.

Preventing diseases requires compliance with certain hygienic rules: proper nutrition, timely treatment of teeth, angine, hardening, cautious treatment with medicines, poisons, compliance with personal hygiene rules.

They are like two big bobs,
The ligaments were entrenched.
At the spinal column,
Cozy accommodated.
Filter kidneys Our blood,
With unprecedented stubbornness
To internal environment
Constancy held.
Nephron contains capsules,
Channels and gloves,
Nephrons whole million
Contain our kidneys.
Blood passes through Nephron,
Khannelitz here decides,
What to return to the body
And what he removes.
We must take into account
What we are most expensive
Berechin should not only honor
But our kidneys too.

4. Fastening the material studied.

Questions to students:

    To the urinary system refers?

    What authorities relate to urinary authorities?

    Why are the kidneys are called biological filters?

    What is nephron? How is it arranged? How does it work?

    How is urine formation?

    Causes of renal diseases?

    How to warn renal diseases?

5. Task for the house: p.41, 42.


    V.V. Book, G.G. Shvetsov Biology lessons. 8th grade. Moscow "Enlightenment" 2010

    RD Mash, A.G. Dragomilov Biology. Human. 8th grade Moscow "Venta - Count" 2006

    RD Mash. Man and his health. Moscow. 1996

    V.V. Xerofontova, V.V. Evstafyev. Anatomy and human physiology. Moscow. 1996

    T.V. Kozac Biology. 8th grade. Volgograd. 2004

Methodical materials Biccan O.Yu. Maou Lyceum No. 102 of Chelyabinsk Development of Biology lessons

Abstract lesson

on the implementation of problem learning technology
The subject of the lesson: the structure and function of the kidneys

8th grade

  1. purpose: Represent the final stage of metabolism in the body occurring in the kidneys and urinary organs.

  2. Tasks:

  1. Bring students to identifying the role of kidneys in the removal of decay products from the body;

  2. explain the functions of the kidneys and urinary organs in maintaining the homeostasis of blood and the inner environment of the body as a whole;

3. To promote the development of students' skills to identify and formulate the learning problem (theme lesson) and find ways to solve it;

4. Continue the development of students' skills to allocate the main thing and conclude on the material studied;


5. Create a positive emotional attitude to study.

3. Type of lesson: Formation of new knowledge and skills

4. Logic approach: inductive

5. Methods:

Common- problem-dialogic

Private- verbal-visual

Specific- Explanation, viewing video phrases, conversation.

6. Ensuring lesson:

Teacher: Table depicting the system of urinary, kidney and nephron organs; Video of the "excretory system", a lesson abstract; textbook; Workbook to the textbook; Prepared cognitive tasks.

Pupils: textbook; Workbook to the textbook; notebook.

Literature for the teacher.

1. Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology: Man: Textbook for students 8 grade educational institutions. - 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: Ventana-Count, 2006. - 272 p.: Il. (Chapter 7. Urinary System. § 39. Building and renal functions. P. 157-159).

3. Mash R.D., Dragomilov A.G. Biology. Man: Grade 8: Methodological manual. - 2nd ed., Doraby. - M.: Ventana-Count, 2004. - 288 p.: Il.

4. Rezanova E.A., Antonova I.P., Rezanov A.A. Man biology in tables and schemes: ed. E.A. Rezanova. - M.: "Edition", 1998. - 208 p.

Literature for students.

1. Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology: Man: Textbook for students 8 grade educational institutions. - 2nd ed., Pererab. - M.: Ventana-Count, 2006. - 272 p.: Il. (Chapter 7. Urinary System. § 37. Building and renal functions. P. 157-159).

2. Mash R.D., Dragomilov A.G. Biology: Man: Workbook No. 2 for students of grade 8 of general education institutions. - 2nd ed., Doraby. - M.: Ventana Graf, 2005. - 80 s.: Il. DURING THE CLASSES

Teacher's activities

Activities of students

Type of blackboard

1. Organizational moment - 1 min.

- Wake up call. Sit down. Let's start a lesson.

2. The stage of creating a problem situation and formulating the problem (lesson topics) - 7 min.

- We repeat the material we studied. We work in the ranks (form 3 groups). In each group, I distribute a sheet with tasks on the topic "Exchange of substances and energy". Pay attention to the sixth task: you need to write 2-3 sentences explaining the expression: "Feed, it means to extract energy" And read them (a representative from each group). The task is carried out for 3-4 minutes.

So, let's listen to your explanations for expression.

Visual appeal to individual students

Good, well done. All of you, of course, right, food is an energy source for the implementation of internal synthesis processes of substances of various activities (physical, mental).

Temporary activity of students after change.

Embed to perform the task.

The students say that with food the body receives various nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), which are the source of energy to carry out the processes of the vital activity of cells (growth, development, synthesis of new substances, etc.).

- Attention while you performed tasks, on the slide, the statement of the famous biologist Zalmanov Alexander Solomonovich from his book "The Secret Wisdom of the Human Body." Carefully read and comment on this statement.

- What thoughts do you have? What fluid in continuous movement supports our life?

Well done, of course, as you correctly noted, the blood flow ensures the transport of nutrients and oxygen to all cells of our body.

But in addition to the delivery of various substances, the blood performs not yet an important function in the body. What do you think, what?

Completely correctly, blood takes unnecessary cells substances and exchange products. But then such a question arises How these substances are neutralized and removed from the body, because many of them are toxic? - Please listen to your suggestions. ( If difficult: You know that in the body every specific function is performed by one or another organ or system of organs, for example, digestion occurs in the gastrointestinal organs).

- You absolutely said that there are organs that perform the function of isolating or removing unnecessary and often harmful substances for the body.

So, specify the topic of our lesson. ( What do you think there will be the topic of our lesson).

Read the statement A.S. Zalmanov.

This statement shows well the role of blood and lymph in our organism. It is the movement of blood in the body ensures the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells.

- Picks from cells of the exchange products (carbon dioxide, unnecessary substances). Can say about the immune response.

Probably, in special organs, where the removal of harmful substances occurs.


"Life is the eternal movement of fluids between cells and inside the cells. Stopping this movement leads to death. Partial slowdown in this movement in some organ causes partial disorder. The overall slowing down of extracellular liquids causes a disease. "

A.S. Zalmanov

3. The stage of updating and correction of reference knowledge and skills - 4 min.

- Absolutely correct. In the human body, substances are formed that can cause its poisoning or violation of functions. In the removal of unnecessary substances, various organs are involved (carbon dioxide is removed through the lungs; excess salts are output from then through the skin). But the main part of harmful substances is removed from the body with urine through the organs of the urinary system.

We open a notebook and write the subject of the lesson "urinary system. Building and kidney function. "

Record theme lesson.

20.02.2007. Urinary system. The structure and functions of the kidney

4. Stage of opening a new knowledge - 20 min.

Explanation on the Table "Building of the Kidney".

Human has two kidneys. The magnitude of each - with a man's fist. The location of them is easy to determine: put your hands on the belt so that the thumb is ahead, the rear four fingers show the position of the kidneys in our body.

So attention, consider the structure of the kidney. In the kidney distinguish the cortic and brain layer and renal loin. Nutrients and cellular exchange products come to the kidneys across the renal arteries. Blood cleansing occurs in special formations, functional units of the kidney - nephron. In each human kidney, about 1 million nephrons, which occur in the basic processes leading to the formation of urine.

Each nephron begins with a microscopic capsule with a long tube. The capsule and part of the Netron Canal are in the cortex of the kidney layer, the rest in the renal pyramids of the brain layer (they are 7-10). At the top of the pyramid there are holes, of which urine enters the renal loch. Renal artery branches in kidneys into smaller arteries. The capsule includes an artery (which is called incoming arteries), forming a capillary tank in it. Archings leaving the glorula significantly thinner incoming. - What do you think it leads to? Of course, as a result, a large pressure is created in the glomeruloma, so that liquid part of crude blood, containing both useful (water, minerals, vitamins, glucose), and harmful substances (uric acid, urea), is seeping; and the cells remain in the vessel; The formation of primary urine is occurring.

Pressure is created.

- It is interesting to note that about 180 liters are filtered per day. Blood plasma, and 1-1,5l is formed. urine. What do you think it happens? I listen to your opinions about this. Note that in the primary urine contains the useful organism of the substance (glucose, vitamins, water).

/ Who thinks differently? Who will express ... Thought more than

Well done, of course, in the body all arranged in such a way as to maintain useful substances and extract unnecessary.

Attention, we look at the table, leaving the artery from the capsule again branching on the capillaries that the canal walls are soaked. In this case, the reverse absorption (reabsorption) of the beneficial substances into the blood. Harmful substances remain in the tube and then enter the system of enduring tubes and in the renal locher. Next, urine urine accumulates in the bladder and through the urethra removed from the body.

View video film.

So, it is important for us to understand that thanks to the kidneys in the human body, homeostasis is supported. - Who remembers the definition of homeostasis?

- Additional filtering occurs. The necessary substances return to the artery.

Homeostasis is the constancy of the inner medium.

Hanging tables "Building kidney", "urinary system organs".

5. The stage of applying a new knowledge is 5 minutes.

- Who worked carefully at the lesson, may ask such a question: "What happens in the human body with excess nutrients, because they can also harm?" . How do you answer this question?

Of course, the kidneys support the constancy of the body's interior.

What do you think, what information does the urine medical analysis give?

Currently, there are various devices "artificial kidney". Knowing the structure of the kidney, you can assume what processes should produce these devices.

Apparently, in addition to harmful toxic substances, the kidney removes some of the extra nutrients, which can also harm the body.

First of all, the analysis shows the state of the kidney work, but also, more importantly, the metabolic processes in other tissues, organs and in the body as a whole.

6. The stage of information about the homework is 1 min.

Houses § 39, pp. 157-159 Read, in the working notebook number 2, perform tasks 129, 130,131.

7. Stage of summing up lesson (reflection) - 2 min.

So, summarize our work. Note, today you yourself completely formulated theme lesson. This is already talking about many things. Please, who wishes to make a conclusion on the lesson: "What did we know? What did you learn? "

The structure and functions of the kidneys.

Plan for the study of a new material:

  1. The value of the selection
  2. The system of urinary organs
  3. Connection structure
  4. The structure of nephron
  5. Functions of nephron

A) primary urine formation

B) secondary urine

6) the structure and functions of the urethra, ureters, bladder.

During the classes

P: The main structural unit of the body is the cell. For its vital activity, nutrients and oxygen are needed, which in the process of assimilation and dissimulation form energy substances: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as carbon dioxide and harmful substances. Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are used by the body for its construction. Energy is spent on the vital activity of the body, carbon dioxide is released through the respiratory system, and harmful substances through the allocation organs. It means that the constancy of the composition of the inner medium is maintained by removing the final products of the exchange and excess of other substances through light, skin and kidney. The accumulation of such substances in the inner environment can lead to its poisoning and death.

Open the notebook and write down the topic of our today's lesson "Building and Functions of the Kidney"

So, the main part of harmful substances is removed from the body with urine through the allocation organs: kidneys, ureter, bladder, urethra. We will make a scheme of the structure of the urinary system.

System of isolation organs

(Teacher, listed, draws the diagram on the board, then also shows using the table "Paired kidney", demonstrates the kidney models.)

The kidneys are the main organ of the urinary system. The person 2 has 2, located at the loan level, on both sides of the spine. The magnitude of each of them with a human fist.

Cork layer


(Teacher uses the transverse cutting table, draws a scheme)

Nephron - structural kidney unit.

Bud - The system of microscopic renal tubules, begin in the cortex of the kidney layer with a two-layer capsule, the wall is located from one layer of the epithelium, due to which the blood purification is easily.

The renal capsule performs the filter function. The capsule includes an artery, which has a large diameter, forming a capillary tank in it, and leaving a smaller diameter.

Now sketch the building of the nephron.

The structure of nephron

As a result of a solid structure of the kidneys, urine formation is stages.

The leaving of the gloring artery is much thinner incoming, due to which a large blood pressure is created in the glomerulum, and a liquid part of crude blood containing both useful and harmful substances is seeping from the glider.

The resulting liquid in the cavity cavity capsule containing beneficial, organic substances as glucose and harmful inorganic substances: urea, urinary acid, potassium, sodium - called primary urine.

P: Write the definition of primary urine.

Primary urine

Let's make a scheme "The composition of the primary urine"

Primary urine

Output: The composition of the primary urine is part of both organic and non-organic substances.

P: From the renal capsule, the primary watering enters the renal channel. Its thin walls suck water and some dissolved substances from primary urine, such as: sugar, urea, urinary acid is absorbed. So, those substances remain that do not need the body - secondary urine. We write the determination of secondary urine. Secondary urine is a liquid formed from primary and containing inorganic substances. Let's make a "composition of secondary urine".

Secondary urine

Inorganic substances: urea, water

urine acid, potassium, sodium.

Output : The secondary urine consists only inorganic substances and water.

P: Guys pay attention to the "Composition of primary and secondary urine" table. Let's analyze this table.

The composition of the primary and secondary urine

Name of substance

Plasma blood


The ratio of the II and I urine.



  1. Urea



65 times more

  1. Uric acid




12 times more

  1. Glucose

0,1 – 0,15

0,1 – 0,15


  1. Potassium


7 times more

  1. Sodium




Approximately as much

P: Guys, list the substances located in the blood plasma

U: In the blood plasma there are substances such as: urea, uric acid, glucose, potassium, sodium.

P: right! And what substances are in the primary urine?

U: In the primary urine there are all the same substances that are in the blood plasma.

P: True! During the day of the primary urine, 150 liters are formed. What are the features of the composition of secondary urine?

U: In the secondary urine there are urea, uric acid, potassium, sodium. The organic substance is absent.

P: True! During the day, the secondary urine is formed only 1.5 liters.

The table shows that the content of I and II urine is different. This is due to the fact that all nutrients are absorbed by the kidneys, and harmful substances are taken out of the body, it is water that makes the removal of harmful substances from the body.
So, we found out that the composition of the primary and secondary urine is spilled, due to the complex structure of the kidneys.

Even secondary urine is pushed by small volumes to the renal pelvis, ureter, bladder. Pushing urine occurs due to the reduction of the thin layer of smooth muscle tissue.

In the bladder there is additional suction of water into blood. When the volume of the bubble comes to a certain limit, the urine on the short urethra is displayed out through the sphincter.

Sphincter - This muscle of a rounded form formed by the cross-striped cloth, which is under the control of the highest department of the CNS - the bark of large hemispheres of the brain, so the person is able to consciously detain urination.

Thus, we found out that the kidneys play a very important role in our organism. With their help, there is a process of discharge from the body of unnecessary substances generated during the exchange processes.

And to secure, guys, read in the tutorial §39 and verbally answer the questions presented there. Learn drawings 69 and 70 of the structure of nephron, kidney and urinary system.

Thus, we found out that the kidneys play an important role in our organism. With their help, there is a process of discharge from the body of unnecessary substances generated during the exchange processes, and thereby maintains the constancy of the inner medium.


1.Kova kidney function in our body?

2.What is the difference in primary and secondary urine?


  1. Read §39
  2. Learn all records in the notebook.

Student notebook sheet.

The structure and functions of the kidneys.

urinary system

Kidney ureter bladder urethra

Cork layer

Kidney brain layer renal pyramids nephron


Nefron is a structural unit of kidneys.

The structure of nephron

Primary urine

Organic substances water inorganic substances: urea,

Urinary acid, potassium, sodium

Primary urine - This is a liquid formed in the kidney capsule cavity containing organic and inorganic substances.

Secondary urine

At the lesson, we will receive an idea that there are organs allocation in the human body and what they need. Consider the structure of the kidneys, their functions. We will understand the kidneys and learn about their enormous role in the functioning of the body.

Isolation is the most important part of the metabolism - the elimination of decomposition products from the body, which can no longer be used. Removal of food decomposition of nutrients enrolled in the body provides homeostasis (constancy of the inner medium).

From the body are removed: Carbon dioxide, excess water, urea, uric acid, salts and other chemicals.

One of the excretory organs are lungs. Lungs are removed from the body carbon dioxide and some water in the form of steam, as well as urea, salts and water sweet glands Skin. And the main organ of the excretory system is kidney.

Kidney output From the body, many substances, namely urea, excess water, urinary acid, other chemicals.

The kidneys - pair bobdoor organs are located at the back of the abdominal cavity, at the level of the first and second lumbar vertebrae (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. Kidneys

Mass of each kidney - about 150 grams, length - about 12 cm, width - 7 cm, thickness - 3 cm.

The kidneys are attached to the abdominal wall with a layer of connective tissue and are located on both sides of the spine, over the lower back, behind the stomach and liver (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The location of the kidneys

The kidney is covered with connective and adipous cloth. The curved edge of the kidney turn to the spine, the blood vessels are included in the kidney, innervating nerves, there is also a renal loch. A ureter renewing with a renal loin, which connects the kidney with the bladder connected to the urethra (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. Connection structure

Fig. 4. Scheme of the urinary system

The kidney consists of two layers of the cortical outer layer (dark brown) and a brain inner layer (light brown). These layers are interconnected by renal pyramids (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5. Layers of kidneys

In the cortex layer are nephron, and in the brain layer - kidney tube (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6. Structure of layers

Each kidney is about 1 million nephrons. Nefron - Structural functional unit of kidney, providing filtering processes.

Nezron consists of a Capsule of the Shumyan-Bowman and the renal tubule (Fig. 8).

The capsules located in the cortex are microscopic cups of two layers of epithelial cells, between them - a slight-shaped space, the kidney tube begins, the capillary tank is located inside the capsule, it is formed by a repeatedly branching renal artery. At the outlet of the capsule, the arterial vessel is also branched on the capillaries that the canal walls are tired (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7. The structure of nephron

The channel, which moves away from the capsule, is called the first-order convulsion channel and passes through the cerebral layer, forming a loop of gene, returns to the cortical layer, forming second-order channels, it flows into a collecting tube (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8. Structure of the Canalza

Collective tubes are combined into output flows, turning into renal pyramid on the tops of the renal pyramids.

The kidneys work under heavy load, in 4-5 minutes, all the blood of the body is filtered through them. The blood supply to the kidneys is not like other human bodies. The vessel system is artery - capillaries - arteries. Because of this building, the organism from harmful substances occurs urine.

Urine is formed Due to the fact that the blood of the attractive artery falls into the capillary tank (bringing a vessel 2 times wider than the excessive vessel), an overpressure of blood is created in the glomeruloma, due to it, blood filtering occurs in the cavity of the Capsule of Schulyansky-Bowman, thus arises primary urine. It contains many more useful organisms of substances (glucose, vitamins, amino acids, minerals) and decay products (urea, ureaic acid). In an adult, about 200 liters of primary urine is formed in the adult in nephron. From the lumen capsules, the primary watering is moving along the convoluted station, its walls are adapted to reverse suction (reabopling) The substances contained in the primary urine (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9. Urya education

With reabsorption, water, sodium and potassium salts, vitamins, amino acids come back to the body. Some substances enter blood without high energy costs by osmosis and diffusion, others, on the contrary, as a result of high energy costs. In addition to reabsorption, in the tubules occurs secretion. Secretion - flow from blood in the urine of some chemicals (uric acid, alien chemicals) (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10. Secretion and reabsorption

As a result of reaberence and secretion in the renal tubules from the primary urine, it is formed secondary urine - The product that is subject to removal from the body.

Fig. 11. The content of secondary urine

During the day, a healthy person forms 1.5-2 liters of secondary urine. According to the collecting tubules, the secondary urine enters the renal pelvis, then in the ureters in the bladder, from it, from the body from the body (Fig. 12) is derived from the urefactory channel.

Fig. 12. Research channels of secondary urine


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  2. Vakhrushev A.A., Rodionova E.I. and others. Biology. 8th grade. (Know yourself). - M.: 2009. - 304 p.
  3. Dragomilov A.G., Mash R.D. Biology. 8th grade. - 3rd ed., Pererab. - M.: 2008. - 272 p.
  4. Sonin N.I., Sapin M.R. Biology. Human. Tutorial for grade 8. - M.: 2012. - 288 p.
  5. Rokhlov V.S., Trofimov S.B. Biology. Man and his health. 8th grade. - 2nd ed., Ched. - M.: 2007. - 287 p.
  6. Book V.V. and others. Biology. 8th grade. - M.: 2010 - 255 p.
  7. Lyubimova Z.V., Marinova K.V. Biology. Man and his health. 8th grade. - M.: 2012. - 255 p.
  1. Internet portal "" ()
  2. Online portal "Festival of pedagogical ideas" Open Lesson "()
  3. Internet portal "" ()


  1. What organs of the excretory system do you know?
  2. Describe the structure of the kidneys.
  3. What is reabsorption and secretion?
  4. After that, the secondary urine is formed?
