It may seem that the skills of the letters are completely unsuitable in modern society. All less often, the handle turns out to be in our hands, because the necessary information can be found on the Internet or photographed on a mobile phone chamber. However, beautiful handwriting still causes admiration.

If you think that the letter formed by the letter will not change the letter, then you will be surprised by how plastic there may be a person. A few weeks and even days of training - and you will notice the result. Learning how to write beautifully, you can make adjustments to your handwriting. What are the pros? The signature will be the same on all documents, you can independently fill out the postcards with your relatives and loved ones, and easily discern your own entries.

Ready to find out the secret of the right letter?

How to learn to write beautifully writing calligraphic handwriting?

Calligraphy is ancient art of a beautiful letter. You accurately heard about the Chinese school, where people learn to write hieroglyphs correctly. Of course, such science requires not only time, but also forces. Cyrillic school also has many centuries, but you will not need to spend your whole life to study the slightest aspects of the letter. If you want to know how to learn to write beautifully, then be prepared for permanent training. Practice in this case is much more important than theory.

With the principles of calligraphy, you have already encountered, although they could not be aware of this. Recuseused in primary grades- This is the real example of simplified Cyrillic calligraphy. Of course, suitable letters, for the correct design of which will take several minutes, in ordinary life neither children nor adults will be available. But such a "simple" option will help to achieve a smooth handwriting.

You can purchase recipes in the Stationery store, and then proceed to training.

Starting always need one more familiar from school years. gymnastics for hands. Remember the children's poem "We wrote, we wrote, our fingers are tired ..."? This "charging" must be arranged before each training.

First circular motions Brush, then bending-extension of the fingers. After that, stretching brushes and compressing in fists. Such gymnastics will noticeably simplify the task and prepare hands for the upcoming load.

Pay attention to preparation of workplace. In an uncomfortable position, you will not be able to concentrate on the letter.

The desk should be free from other items (stack of books, laptop, tea and coffee mugs), it should be sheets of paper, recuse and several handles. Sit on a chair with a back or in an office chair so that the back is straight. Remember that elbows must lie on the table if they are "hanging in the air", then you have taken an incorrect position. The distance between your eyes and a sheet of paper should be at least 30 centimeters. If you see bad, use the points, but do not narrow, the back should remain straight.

How to learn to write beautiful handle?

Do not strive to immediately sit down for recipe and "minimize" letters. It is best to disassemble them into separate elements: curls, lines curves, complex transitions. Look, with what patterns you have problems when writing. This approach will bring quick positive results. Having learned to withdraw everything sophisticated elements, do not go to the letters, and try to increase speed. Quick tempo complicates the task, but allows you to bring the movement to automatism.

Only after that you can proceed to work with the cutting. Start from the first letter And slowly output all the elements, trying to get closer to the original. Watch not only that the letters are similar to the sample, but also so that they are located inside the string.

Pay attention to:

  • size letters;
  • compliance with the same inclination;
  • the endings of the Words (they often "crawl" or "joined" with a quick letter);
  • uniform gaps between words;
  • signs of punctuation and numbers (they should also learn to write correctly).

No secret to how to learn to write beautifully handle, no. You only need patience, preferabity and desire to change your handwriting. And yet we advise you to use in the process of workouts of the handle of different shapes. You will notice that they are slightly, but everything affect the final result. Remember the form that allows you to write beautifully and quickly, try to use only such knobs.

How in 5 minutes learn to write beautifully?

The perfect handwriting is a painstaking work that requires strength and time. If you want to know how in 5 minutes learn to write beautifully, the answer will disappoint you. Daily training should last at least 15-20 minutes, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain.

How to learn to write beautifully with your left hand?

Why can a man who can write with his right hand learn to write left? There are many answers to this question. First of all, such exercises are useful for the brain, as they develop the second hemisphere. Another "plus" is the second working hand, such a skill is useful in the future. In addition, many find this process in interesting, developing will, as well as creative skills. It is possible that you can draw with your left hand much better than right.

How to learn to write beautifully with your left hand? Take the standard position at the table: direct spin, distance to paper sheet 30 centimeters. Position the leaf to the left corner up. So you will be much easier to remove the letters.

Start writing with large letters, trying to make them as simple as possible and understandable. Do not rush and do not get drunk calligraphy. Your task at this stage - teach left hand to handle And regular physical Loads. Be prepared for the fact that the fingers get tired quickly, and the handle will slip out of the hands. These sensations will be held through several workouts. Make small pauses every ten minutes.

As soon as your hands get used to the load, start working with crop. Remember that your goal is not speed, but the maximum resemblance to the original. If the constant repetition of letters seems too boring you, then try working with simple text. It is best to keep it before your eyes, and not invent.

Increase the tempo of writing It is possible only after you learn to bring all the letters of the alphabet, numbers and punctuation signs. This work will take a lot of time, but the result will certainly surprise you.

If so, then you came across just an ideal article to do it.

Studying calligraphy is a difficult process, but with the right methodical materials it may take less time than you think.

What is calligraphy?

This term is borrowed from ancient Greek language and means the art of a beautiful letter.

It is assumed that instead of simply writing beautiful letters, calligraphers should follow a number of rules and traditions, including those that regulate the location and placement of letters in the text.

How to master calligraphy? What is even more important, does it really make sense to do it?

For example, if you are a designer, modern calligraphy will become an excellent skill to add to your resume and most fast way Attracting customers with elegant logos, signs, cards, invitations, etc.

Our article about calligraphy for beginners will help you familiarize yourself with all these things and will help you in learning calligraphy, and will give your work recognizable and individual style.

Here is our compact calligraphy guide:

Studying calligraphy - where to start

How to learn calligraphy? The first step on this path is to take the right equipment, including the best calligraphic handles. Calligraphy with a pointed pen will require you to learn how to use a feathers handle. Including such that is made of a metal tip - pen, and attached by a special holder.
All such guides on the basics of calligraphy recommend these pens, as they do not contain ink inside and cannot cause any damage - instead you will dock them into a special container during the letter and benefit from their flexibility to experiment with different lines. Thus, your feather will never be subject to corrosion and will not clog, despite the huge number of different inks that you must use to complete your project.

How to use handles for calligraphy? Here are the tools that you need:

  • Feathers
  • Holders for feathers
  • Paper suitable for feathers
  • Ink


The beginners who learn how to use a calligraphic handle, we recommend the Nikko G-Nib feather. It is relatively rigid and draws beautiful lines with the desired level of flexibility.

Holder for feather

There are two types of pen holders: straight and oblique (inclined). The first view is best suited for vertical styles of calligraphy, while inclined holders facilitate a combination of several different styles.

High-quality and acceptable by price alternative is the inclined holder for Feather Speedball Oblique Pen Nib Holder, as well as Tachikawa Comic Pen Nib Holder for Various Pen Nib - Model 25 (excellent choice for vertical styles, as it keeps stronger than other similar holders).

There are designers who use the same holder for all calligraphic handles, but we advise novice to try several different options before choosing one holder.


Roughness of ordinary paper will not allow you to use it for calligraphy. Among other problems you will encounter situations when your feather clings to paper and leaves irritating ink blots.

In addition, ordinary printing paper has more fibers and, therefore, absorbs ink and allows them to spread inside the sheet, which is likely to be an obstacle to smooth and clean lines to which calligraphs are striving.

To make calligraphy more efficient and enjoyable, buy paper that is suitable for feathers and feather handles. For example, the popular brand Rhodia, whose paper is very smooth and stable ink. Available several types of paper: clean sheets, in line or point grids.


There are several types of ink suitable for feathers, but newcomers should always choose high-quality black samples. Our choice is Speedball Super Black India, as these inks are very dark, waterproof, and in addition to this at a reasonable price.

As with any creative process, calligraphy is best practiced in a pleasant working environment.

A comfortable and well-organized table, where you can place all your accessories and feel positive and relaxed - the best place to work out your calligraphy skills.

Choosing a better job

To extract the maximum of calligraphy practice, choose a convenient and relaxing place where you can conveniently put your legs. Organize accessories well and keep the place not cluttered to provide enough space for movement with your hands.

The writing paper should be placed on a special written board or at least 5-6 sheets. Thus, you will have a soft surface that will allow you to write more naturally than on the table, and the surface will not allow your paper to rip.

Preparation of instruments

Make sure that there is no fluffy towel and a cup of water so that you can clean the pen. Paper towels also fit perfectly, but keep in mind that their fibers can cling to the tip and cause annoying klex.

Your ink should be placed in a bottle with a wide neck or in a jar so that you do not touch her sides with the pen. And put a bottle wherever you cannot overturn it. Basically, your work tools must be within reach, but still at a safe distance. For example, we put them in a roll of ribbons or even close them to avoid risk.

As mentioned earlier, you must place the feather inside the holder. The easiest way to do it is to take the pen somewhere near it, and then insert the pen inside the holder using its external ring.

Make sure you do not hold the pen after the tip, as it can drive it and deform. To do everything correctly, find the YouTube manual and follow the instructions.

Maintenance strichi calligraphy

Structural elements of calligraphy are thick downstream strokes and thin touches up. Thin ascending strokes are easy to draw, as you do without effort to hold the pen and move it up.

Thick strokes, on the other hand, require greater pressure when the pen moves down. Of course, you must balance and combine both movements to get the best change in line.

Before you start, plunge the feather deep into the ink tank, making sure that the breathing hole on the back of the pen is completely closed. Wipe extra ink on the side, and you can start writing.

Here are the rules that you should follow:

First go downward strokes. Do not press too much - it will help watch the change in the thickness of the line. So you also protect your feather.

Experiment with different loops and combine thinner ascending and thick downward touches. The loops from continuous lines will help you to connect them and come up with an ideal combination.

Continue with thick descending strokes and slowly release the feather, moving to the bottom.

Change order. Draw downlithing strokes so that it seemed that they were flowing down.

Continue with ovals. Apply a strong pressure on the left side and a lighter pressure on the right side.

It often happens that a new pen is draws two parallel lines instead of one, or "railways", as experienced calligraphes call them. The reason is that you are either too much pressed on the pen, or there is little ink left.

Equipment and tips on strokes for professionals

For those of you who are confident that you start writing professionally, we have prepared some jewelry that you can add to your beautiful inscriptions.

Changeable letters

Easy way to give your letter an experienced look - change the slope. You can easily change the width of the strokes and the length of their connections. Start by changing the distance between the letters and give the baseline the inclined, step or curved view.

Similar changes will help change the feeling that makes your letter, as well as the message that it transmits. Is it a formal, dynamic or eccentric style? Think about it!

You can also change the way of forming letters, make them a bit thinner, round or even to connect them differently. Do it several times, and you will probably come up with a completely new design.

Crew and decoration

You are learning calligraphy, so you need to do some stokers. Rocks can be added to your text, like curls and hinges so that it becomes more beautiful and striking. For example, you can cross heavy lines easier to show that you take care of the visual balance of the text.

Another option is to decorate calligraphy with special drawings, consistent with your words, or use banners to highlight important lines. The harder is your design, the smarter will start drawing a pencil and test it.

Traditional calligraphy

SpenceRian and Copperplate are excellent examples of traditional calligraphic handwritten fonts. Now there are not many font options based on them, but their classic elegance is indisputable. Special projects may require dating from you with them, and this is also useful as a workout.

Perfect feathers

Your perfect feather should be sharp, flexible and easily reacting. Thus, you can draw thinner lines and enrich them with spectacular and elegant finish. For requiring project delicacy, we recommend, in particular, three excellent pen:

  • Speedball No. 101.
  • Brause 361 Steno Blue Pumpkin
  • Brause 66 Extra Fine Arrow

None of these feathers will simply be used, but all efforts are worth it.

Useful tricks

You just started to monetize your calligraphy skills, but something still looks completely wrong. You may have problems using the pen, and in this case you can find the following tips useful:

If you have problems with strokes:

  • Instead of doing like everything, try artificial calligraphy and look like strokes look and draw. Write carefully and fill the spaces. So you will imitate the perfect lines and see what you actually should do.
  • Practice on print sheets until you learn how to make the letters of an ideal form. It is easy to find samples of basic strokes and uppercase letters on the Internet.
  • Start with smaller pencil drawings and slowly calculate them with a pen. As soon as the ink is dried, erase all the traces of the pencil.
  • Larger letters easier to see critical errors.

If your letters have a careless slope:

  • During classes, use the tilt recommendations. Draw one own, using the transport, or even apply the usual paper. Place a page with a sample under the sheet - it will facilitate the process.
  • To create the correct slope, turn the paper. You will immediately see what position is the best for you.
  • To do without turning paper, replace the current holder for the pen on the inclined.

If you have a non-hard hand or she is tired:

  • Use training strokes for workout
  • Keep the pen freely and shake your hand
  • During the letter, move your entire hand, and not just the wrist.
  • Spend more time to workout. Make more exercises, even when you just use your phone. This will help make the movement of the hand smooth and natural.

If ink is simply not left to re

  • Some of the new feathers have a very thin oil layer, which may not coincide with your ink. To prevent a serious problem, wipe it with alcohol (or a soft toothbrush and paste) or just skip it through the flame.
  • The problem may also conclude that there are dried inks that interrupt their stream. In this case, take the pen cleaner and clean it.
  • Keep in mind that regularly used pen requires periodic cleaning and maintenance. To clean it correctly, remove it from the holder, carefully clean it with a brush and let him dry before using it again.

If your job may require some update:

  • Change feathers and try a few new ones.
  • Change ink. You can find many types of ink suitable for calligraphy, but feathers can usually carry any liquid capable of leaving traces when applied to paper. Some designers even prefer to use unconventional methods and make their drawings with watercolor, coffee or berry juice.

Choose style

Unlike the Calligraphs of the past, designers today can choose any style that they like, or even professionally master several styles to perform various projects. As discussed earlier, the knowledge of several styles of calligraphy is useful for demonstrating the individuality of the writer, transmission of an important message or simply additions to the formal case. Here are some popular ideas that may inspire you:

Union of styles

If the tone is classic and vintage, it does not mean that the font will not look modern. The union of such styles will impress everyone who sees your work, ranging from your friends to the Queen of England!

Elegant calligraphy

The writing of the text may be interesting and complex at the same time, and elegant calligraphy of this proof. Mixing the classic writing letters with energetic curls is the best choice that you must use in the design invitation to the wedding and in other special cases.

Romantic and art

Did you happen to you that a concrete thin font reminds you of romance?

These lace inscriptions have beautiful curls with a steep slope that are suitable for exquisite capital letters and invitations that will attract your guests.


Fancy inscriptions seem easy and relaxed, and usually inspire us to think about fairy tales and escape from reality. This is due to their smooth baseline and dynamic angles that this font style determines our mood, as a well-written poem makes us dream of adventures.

Cheerful font

Regardless of age, you always attract beautiful invitations - trick, which designers are often used. The perfect font for such invitations is a cheerful, made with playful baseline lines and rounded letters to set a good tone of the time.

Important facts about calligraphy

  • Calligraphy is not mastered overnight. You must practice as often as possible and more often.
  • It will take no more than two hours and several attempts to understand whether you can really do calligraphy.
  • If you are not focused 100%, it will not work. And this is the end of the story.
  • Calligraphy is not only what you write, but also what you wrote. That is why you should always write "real" words and transmit a meaningful message.
  • You must learn continuously. Doing it, you will find a huge world that will hobble you and make you look for more. This entertaining process simply has no equal.
  • The difference in quality, so make sure you buy high-quality materials and accessories.
  • Calligraphers are usually friendly people and stunning interlocutors. Thus, they are your best source of information and inspiration, and you must immediately start looking for a mentor.

The best five options for calligraphy

Next, we will present the most important basic principles of calligraphy distributed by five different approaches, sets of lines and letter forms. This section will also help learn about various tools and methods that can be used for your projects, and we recommend that you try them all.

Dual pencils

Dual pencils are simple and very helpful for those who draw calligraphic letters. They can also be used to create large and attractive inscriptions for posters, banners and similar promotional materials.

You need a pair of well-sharpened pencils and two rubber tapes. First, lay the part of the side surface of the pencils so that they fit tightly to each other.

Leave them together in a vertical pointing position and make sure that their tips are at the same level when the paper is touched. For this purpose, you can fix them with scotch or rubber ribbons at both ends.

Then take a dual pencil and hold it in the usual drawing position. Ideally, it should be directed at an angle of about 45 degrees.

While both pencils are placed on paper, slightly click on them and lead them forward and left. The distance between their points is something that forms, the so-called, "invisible feather".

When you move your hand, you will draw a double line, and if you decide to make circles, pointing them in one direction, your double pencil will create unique thin and thick tapes with unsurpassed accuracy.

If you do not feel confident with the angles of the pen, carefully think over all movements and directions.

For this process, three different skills will be required: work with an angle of inclination of the pen; hand direction; And the right pressure on paper.


These handles are more than comfortable, very bright and, most importantly, much cheaper than all such tools.

Of course, there are also minuses, and the ink of these pens tend to disappear over time, or maybe look too heavy and can be easily damaged under the slightest pressure. That is why these handles are an excellent tool for training, but not the best alternative when performing important projects.

To select a marker for yourself, take a pen and sheet of paper. To start, take two markers: 3-5 mm and 1.5-2 mm. Start with a wider

You will not have to worry about paper: markers are well written on paper for printers, parchment (not the best option for beginners) or similar materials.

The pressure should be easy and smooth, as many calligraphes, passing training make a mistake, pressing too much. It will not improve work with the marker, but only spoil it. On the other hand, the preservation of contact with paper will bring much better results.

Touch the paper with only one tip angle, and then try another to see how your letter looks like.

Put the tip of the entire width to the page, and then slowly download it: feel that one of the corners does not touch the paper, and the other still remains on it? It's almost like magic!

This time put the entire width of the tip on the page, making sure that both corners relate to it accordingly. Remember that this is the perfect contact for the letter, and, if you crush more, then any angle of the tip will break off the paper.

The angle of inclination of the pen and pressure is two different points, and the pen should be indicated to the left and forth about 5 degrees. Doing it, the hand should be moved to draw weak and beautiful ribbons.

For clearer lines, think about buying a better marker, but you should think about it only after you feel confident in practical calligraphy professionally.

The best set at the best price that we recommend is Sharpie Calligraphic, which contains 12 feathers of different colors and sizes; And Staedtler Duo is a set of 2 full-quality markers. An excellent set that does not smear and does not happen, called Calligraphy Pen Set and comes with four light-resistant inks in the main colors.

As already discussed earlier, it makes no sense to buy special paper for calligraphy while you learn how the printer paper is cheaper and suited for our purposes.

However, if you are annoyed by constant ink stains, you can consider the option of buying notebooks for the office of ampad or tight paper for drawing, for example used in the UK, but keep in mind that it will cost a little more expensive.

Calligraphy with the help of filled handles and handles with cartridges

You will need: handle, separate ink feed (bottling for refueling or included cartridge).

The filled feathers and feathers with cartridges are operated as follows: In each handle there is a large tank filled with more liquid ink, and these inks will flow through the case partitions controlled by the internal mechanism. Thus, the ink will fall right inside the pen block and will be easily applied to the page.

With a similar handle, you will also get several feathers of different sizes and a wide selection of cartridges for use with the main handle case.

The greatest advantage of using the filled handles and handles with cartridges is that they are easy to operate on horizontal surfaces, thanks to their advanced mechanical control mechanism ink flow.

Unlike feather handles that need to be carked into ink, with these handles ink on ending in the middle of the word and, this is definitely a much safer option for clumsy beginners.

The ink cartridges are more liquid to do not dry and do not score the insides of your handle. It also gives them an adorable subtle view when applied to paper.

The feather itself is also quite rigid, given that its mechanisms should be screwed into the case. This means that ink cartridges in combination with a flexible and responsive pen, can really transform all your calligraphy experience.

In the same way, as feathers, the handles with the cartridge system of refueling flows effectively.

This does not change the fact that the ink remaining inside the handle over time can dry and clog out, which imposes the need to maintain them properly. You will need to thoroughly wash the pen, but you can never remove all inks that are stuck in their tank.

The filled handles and handles with cartridges are considered to be the most convenient calligraphy specialists, as well as characteristic of many popular websites. For this reason, beginners are strongly recommended to use them.

Feather handles and goose feathers

There are many different types of handles, but there are several basic principles that apply to all feathers. For example, all the feathers consist of the following items:

  1. Holders for feather - The holder is the area that the writer will compress during operation, and therefore it should be comfortable and soft for hand. Most often, holders have internal metal devices at both ends of the pen, so you can safely move them.
  2. Feathers - These are metal ends of the handle, which have two separate parts and the extended "language", which holds them together. Their tip has a square cut to completely in contact with the paper, and is usually quite flexible so that the ink can be unhindered and evenly distributed over the surface.
  3. Reservoirs Sometimes being inside the structure of your pen and look like small inclined bowls on the side used to supply ink in the gap. Some of them look in the form of separate metal cups that you must bage on the rein, before you can use them, including those that are located on top and bottom of the pen. The main function of the tanks is to collect a little ink and maintain them in the top of the slot so that you can write at least a few words before replenishing them again.

The tanks will not always be inside the pen, which allows you to buy each of the three elements separately, namely mix and compare them with each other. Options are infinite and cannot be combined in one manual, but the experience of popular calligraphers can help you take the right decision.

As a beginner, you can also want to save time and strength, and, therefore, think about buying a pre-assembled set for calligraphy. In most cases, you will give 4-6 different feathers with holders and tanks, and they will cost less than if you bought them separately. We once again recommend a set for a calligraphic letter from Speedball, where you will find the holder and even 6 different feathers.

Ink may not enter your kit, so start searching for suitable inks.

Best Types of Ink for Feather Handles

The best results are achieved using matte and thick ink, such as Chinase, India ink, or even the gouache paints that you have previously diluted to achieve the desired consistency.

For weak strokes, you can consider watery inks typical of feather-pen.

Instead, you can take a medium-sized brush suitable for watercolors, and then replenish the reservoir at the top of the pen slot.

Calligraphy on inclined surfaces

With a featful handle you will be easier to write on inclined surfaces than on the usual desk. Including on the easels and chalkboard, located on your knees and supported by the edges of the table. Calligraphy requires a lot of time, so make sure you are comfortable.

  • First of all, select a stable surface for a letter that will not slide.
  • Adjust the seat position and make sure you are comfortable and you are not sitting in tension.
  • If possible, fix the surface of the paper on the inclined surface (you can use office plasticine (Blu Tack) and isolate).

If you use a goose feather or a feather handle:

  • Keep ink / paint open and put it next to your hand that you do not write.
  • Choose a good "parking lot" to safely make a handle, and avoid splashing ink on other surfaces. You can take a small saucer in which your tools will be placed, while you have a break or if you interrupt a telephone conversation.

Please note: refueling handles with macania into an open bottle with ink will result in the ink to fall on the holder and, ultimately, your fingers will get dirty while working.

How to fill the pen:

  • Take the handle in your hand and keep it in a horizontal position.
  • Lower the refueling pipette or brush in such a way that you can take only a few drops.
  • Keep the horizontal position of the pen when the ink set in the tank.
  • Put the saucer on the place and put the pipette / brush on the saucer and leave the handle in a horizontal position. Otherwise, you may have to consider ink stains from your knees.
  • Take the waste paper sheet and check how the ink runs on each side of the inclined board. Only after that you can perform the main tasks.

The choice of ink, feathers and the surface for the letter will determine how often you have to replenish the tank. At best, you will do it after several words, not a few letters, but it can also depend on the speed you work with.

The same rules apply when you use a goose pen. Unlike steel feathers, a goose feather is more flexible and faster, especially when you use it on cheap and rigid paper.

The unprofessional can break the paper with a goose pen and a featful handle.

If you are not sure what you know what you are doing, we recommend that you look for similar calligraphy methods that require less effort to study.

Calligraphy with sponges and flat brushes

Here is the most "dirty" (approx. - Because you are most likely blurred hands) approach to calligraphy, which we have prepared in this guide:

The thinner of the side of the brush, the better results you reach. The recommended width is from 6 to 20 mm, preferably with a more rigid texture (for example, sable and nylon instead of bristles). Flat brushes are long and short, the latter are considered the best option that retains control over the line due to the fact that they are short and tough.

You can take a conventional cleaning sponge and cut it on cubes, and then turn into the most amazing calligraphy tool. When used, do not forget to protect your hands from the ink with rubber gloves.

There are several important differences between writing calligraphy with a pen and a flat brush.

Brush, for example, very flexible and soft, and will react to a stronger pressure, creating thicker lines, and this is not what traditional feathers actually make. Another feature of the brushes is that they, as a rule, the ink end pretty quickly, and, it happens, they create a modern texture and a unique, rough look.

The best way to use brushes is an inclined surface (approximately 30 degrees). However, horizontal surfaces are also well suited.

However, you must control the pressure you apply, since any change can affect the clarity of your lines and cause the paint to flow on the page down page. But, of course, you can do it intentionally (it looks absolutely delightful!).

Another interesting effect of sponges is that when working with ink, they create spotted (inhomogeneous) effects, similar to the line drawn by brush, and create interesting contrasts and dropping lines that look very attractive.

Ideally, you must use viscous and matte inks, for example, India, a very watery poster paint or diluted paint gouache for your sponges and brushes. Liquid and watery inks will not stay on the sponge, and thus your letters will look careless and uneven.

The greatest advantage of using sponges and large brushes is that they leave enough space and wet ink on line letters so that you can add additional colors, mix them in an interesting way or just give them to drain.

When mixing multiple colors in one letter, take a small volume - any bright color (white is also perfect for) and draw the basis of the letter form. Then place it on the horizontal surface and pour a few drops of darker and contrasting colors. Do not move it until it dry completely, unless you originally intended to mix the paints and achieve a unique color.

Mastering artificial calligraphy

Artificial calligraphy is, in fact, modern calligraphy, created using a standard handle (gel, ball and so on). For many designers, standard handles help to fully get acquainted with calligraphy, and there are two important reasons for this:

The thing is that standard handles do not frighten the beginner and are often more flexible, and more accessible than feathers. In the end, these are the tools you used since yourself remember, and you already have enough muscle memory to work and create a beautiful calligraphy.

However, artificial calligraphy not only for beginners. Regardless of your professional level, you can find its use useful for your important projects.

Build your own set of feathers for calligraphy

That's what you need:

  • A pair of feathers from Nikko G - At the beginning of this post, you had the opportunity to learn more about the quality of these feathers, which are often called the best option for beginners.
  • Straight handle. A good choice is a pen from Manuscript PEN, as it has a versatile pen insert. We also recommend cork holders of the company GENERAL due to their flexibility and ease of use.
  • 32 # LASER JET PAPER - or just take the paper for the printer. This is an economical solution that nevertheless prevents ink spreading.
  • Bottles with a screw cap and SUMI ink (India ink is also well suited). Both brands ink matte and provide the desired viscosity.
  • Water is to clean the pen from time to time, you will need a cup of water.
  • No fibrous towels and fabrics. You can also use paper towels, but you must be careful, not allowing the feather cling to their fibers.

Instead of buying expensive, overvalued calligraphic sets for beginners, we recommend that you collect your own and choose only those tools that are convenient for beginners are available at a price and, indeed, useful for you.

Cleaning feathers

When buying, all feathers go in factory oil, as this oil helps them to maintain a commodity look and does not give them to spoil. At the same time, it is almost impossible that oil and ink and ink are simultaneously, so clean the pen thoroughly before you begin to use it.

After you finish, you will see how ink flows on Peru smoothly and do not leave Kleks on paper, as it would be with butter on it.

Assembling feathers

Most of the beginners choose the Speedball plastic knobs due to their Nikko G feathers, but there is nothing wrong with the use of universal pen holders.

These holders have rims and 5 metal petals, which allows the use of many feathers of different sizes and types.

How to keep a handle

Holding a feather handle is no different from holding a standard handle. This means that you still have to use a thumb and index finger, squeezing the holder and put the middle finger for the handle for additional support. During drawing, use a ring finger and a little finger to carry out weak lines.

Packaging handles in inkwell

It does not matter which feather you use - the quality of the letter will continue to depend on how deeply you plunged it.

From a technical point of view, it means that you immerse the pen just above the ventilation hole (central) so as not to impose too much ink on the pen and do not give them to drain while you write.

You should also shake the feather over a cup with water to make sure that all the excess inks fell.

You are ready for work!

The main difference between the conventional ballpoint handles and feathers is an angle of inclination: modern calligraphes must follow to keep the angle of tilt the pen relative to the paper.

You should never keep the pen vertically, but write at an angle of 45 degrees between the handle and paper.

It should not be kept too vertically, since the feather can catch the paper fibers and affect how ink flows.

How to teach first grader to write beautifully? Here will help the recius. Daily exercises And help develop calligraphic handwriting.

Danila went to the first class. For the first two quarters, he learned, he learned to read, and there are no problems with the score.

The difficulties arose only with the letter. Well, it does not work with his beautiful letters, even cry.

The current recipe for first-graders for some reason does not absolutely provide for the production of a beautiful calligraphic handwriting.

More recently, the notebooks for such babies were in frequent oblique line, each beak fit into his framework. I'm not talking about the fact that at the beginning of the first heartbanks for a long time and stubbornly wrote sticks, hooks, zagunks, but only then they moved to writing the letters of the alphabet.

It is clear that in our computer age, it is much more important to be able to quickly dial texts on the keyboard than to write beautifully from hand. But after all, the first grader praises or scolded precisely for written text.

That's why we decided to download and print the right recipe. But it turned out that the Internet is not so easy to find what it comes to first-graders.

Here is a more or less suitable option:

Tyk, tyk, tyk ... hear? These are our fingers knocking on the keyboard of a laptop or smartphone. We recruit SMS, print the post and, it seems, I completely expel the handwritten letters from our life. But the letter from hand is great training. Develops a concentration, attention and relieves stress.

How well, we have calligraphy. Beautiful letters. Exquisite lines. Delightful inscriptions. It can be mastered on its own. We just came out recurring for calligraphy and cyrilli creeper. "A" and "B" in all its glory.

Do you think your handwriting is not good enough? It's time to fix it →

Cyrillic beauty

Yes, it is easy to get the phone and "fill" a note. But calligraphy is not just recording information. This is art therapy and pleasure. Let's not deny himself in it.

For someone calligraphy - meditation, which helps to find a sincere equilibrium. For someone - creative recharging. And for someone - the way to multiply the designer forces. An inexhaustible source of beauty and self-improvement.

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Today, the character of a person can be determined by the handwriting. How this or that letter will be withdrawn, each special curl tells about what the temperament and attitude to life will be taken. But still there is an opportunity to change the handwriting in adulthood, make it more beautiful. Methods Many: Calligraphy courses, autotraining, independent classes and even neurolinguistic personality programming. Let's focus on independent classes.

The process of mastering the letter in childhood is one of the most difficult. You have to train a lot, apply all the skills acquired early (classes of shallow motility, coloring, cutting for kids). But it was so long ago, and for long adult years it is not easy to remember how one or another letter was displayed. Proven fact that many with age have the handwriting deteriorates. And you should not notice these changes. They can say about many things. For example, the problems of psycho-neurological. Bad, incomprehensible and clumsy text to the employer can say about the inorganic and unbalanced personality. Of course, this is not a categorical problem. But strying man It will not be so easy to figure out the doodles, snapshots and circles on the same work. And then go on vacation will not work, only if you type a statement.

Calligraphy specialists and schedules say that by changing the handwriting, the world around will change. It is worth checking this statement. Today it is not at all difficult to download in the Internet for adults. And the method of constant repetition, positive results will begin to appear. And over time will become noticeable, although not significant, but such significant change will affect the course of fate.

Working with adults for adults - a fascinating occupation for matured students

When a person is engaged even for 15 minutes a day, there is a tangible benefit from recurring to correct the handwriting of an adult, he not only recalls the initial skills, but also calms down. After all, in this business requires not a small concentration, attention, perfection and calmness, so that the pencil goes on paper without removal. You can engage in self-improvement possible not only at home, but also as a small break at work. Because when you try to bring beautiful letters with a pencil, my breathing should not be intermittent and calm.

Beautiful capital letters, quick writing - not easy. But it is this will give it to understand the surrounding about the collens and self-control of man. Classes must be held regularly. And only perseverance and the desire will give their fruits. And even if, at the beginning of the path, the correction seems that this is a useless spending time, then these doubts will leave.
