Sections: Logopedia.



  • consolidate knowledge of spring changes in nature, about insects;
  • expand the behavior of the word lexical dictionary;
  • to form word skills.

Correctional and wellness:

  • to form the right articulation of sound "F";
  • develop overall and small motorcy with the help of television alphabet;
  • automate the sound "w" in the syllables, words and suggestions;
  • develop phonmematic hearing and perception;
  • improve attention, memory, logical thinking.


  • form cooperation skills, positive installation for participation in occupation, initiative and independence;
  • raise communication skills in the game and in class, interaction, feelings of goodwill;
  • to raise a desire, the desire to pronounce the sound "F" correctly;
  • raise prostibilities;
  • relieve a sense of love for nature.

Equipment: mirrors, sets for compiling schemes for each child, insect figures, ball, speech therapy theater, mathematical plates, sets of artheterapeutic equipment (painting with fingers), demonstration box office letters.

Structure occupation

I. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist: Listen carefully to the poem and determine which sound most often hears:

  1. Beeting brave one day,
  2. Juge, expected dinner important.
  3. Must he was at dinner
  4. To serve the bubble dozen.

II. Development of common, shallow and articulation motility. Work on the development of breathing and voice.

1. Overall relaxation "cam"

Hands on the knees,
Cams are compressed
Hard with tension
Finger pressed,
Fingers are stronger squeezing -
We let go, we split.
Know girls and boys
We rest with you.

2. Development of the total motility "Beetle".

The beetle crashes on the branch d eat crawling on the floor narrow chalkboard
The beetle falls from the branch to the ground, turn on the back,
chatting legs chat hands and legs
The beetle turns children run, having swamped "wings" - Hands
Gets up and flies.

3. Development of shallow motility "Beetle".

I am a fun May beetle, squeeze
I know all the gardens around.
Above the lawns circling index finger and a little finger
And the name is Juju. dilute on the sides of the mustache, move them
Do not bite a mosquito angry squeeze the cam, index finger forward "Trullings"
I'm already running home mysinets and thumbs up, relaxing, lowering down the "foot".

4. Face massage.

The bright spring sun shines and caresses our face (face stroking).

But the breeze is still cold (tapping with the pads of the fingers throughout the face).

Still, the sun is stronger (stroking face).

5. Development of mimic muscles.

Speech therapist: frown eyebrows, close the right eye, then left, inflate cheeks.

6. Development of articulation motility. Development of articulation Praxis. Preparation of the articulation apparatus to the correct pronunciation of the sound "F".

Speech therapist ( tells the mirrors): Sit down straight, pressing your back to the back of the chair, putting my hands on your knees, place the mirror so that you are clearly visible "house-mouth."

"Spatula". The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide front edge of the tongue on the bottom lip and hold it in such a bill from 1 to 5, then from 1 to 10. Follow the lips to be tense, the lower lip does not stretch to the lower teeth. The side edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

"Naughty tongue." Smile. Operate your mouth. Quietly put a tongue on the lower lip and, pursuing his lips, pronounce the sounds of P'-five-five. Conduct language lips several times on one exhale.

"Fungus". The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide language with the entire plane to the sky (the language is embrying) and hold the bill from 1 to 5, then from 1 to 10. Language will resemble a thin mushroom hat, and a stretched subwinding bridle is its leg.

"Delicious jam." The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide front edge of the tongue lick the top lip, making the movement of the tongue from above, then pull the tongue into the mouth, to the sky center. Follow the language not allowed, the lower jaw did not move.

"Harmonic". The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. A wide language to press to the sky (the language is embrying) and, without releasing the language, disclose and close the mouth. Lips are still, the language does not preserve.

"Cup". The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Language is dried. The side edges and the tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is omitted, bent the book. Hold your tongue in this position and hold it in this position on the account from 1 to 5, then from 1 to 10. To ensure that the lips do not stretch into teeth, the lower jaw was fixed.

After each exercise, it necessarily gives time to relax, reminds that you need to swallow saliva. Each exercise is 3-5 times. The teacher makes articulation exercises, and children repeat them and control their actions, looking at reflection.

In the store beetles went,
The ball was bought there.
I will inflate the ball
I will play with a ball.
Blow our ball children make a long breath, inflating belly
Find out big.
Stay such and do not be sway. lost breathing
Once, and burst! strong, fast exhalation

Children perform an exercise holding hands on the stomach (control over the movement of the abdominal wall).

III. Exercises for the development of pronunciation and literacy learning.

1. Announcement of the subject of classes.

Speech therapist: Today we will go to the country of Zhezhendia, where different insects live. And the chief ruler has a beetle. Favorite his sound "g".

2. Arcticulation of sound "F":

  • Sponges are rounded and slightly stretched forward.
  • A wide tongue upstairs forms a "cup".
  • Warm air jet goes in the center of the tongue.
  • Sorry sings.

Speech therapist: Turn into the beetles and make it how the beetles buzzes in the meadow. Attach your hand to the throat and feel like "sings" voice.

3. Sound characteristic.

Speech therapist: sound "w" consonant, solid, ringing.

4. Development of phonderatic hearing.

The game "Traffic light".

I spend the speech therapist: I will pronounce the words, and you listen carefully. If in the Word there is a sound "F", lift the blue card:

curtain, larks, plasterer, shelf, forget-me-not

orangery, Animals, Travel, Cake, Dragonfly,

chastushki, snowflakes.

5. Isolation of the sound "w" from the word composition, the development of shallow motility of the hands.

Working with cards.

Figure 1 [Speech Started Notebook on Sounds LC]

Speech therapist: Determine the sound of "F" in words by pictures. Color the color pencils on the sound "F" at the beginning of the word. Circle the picture on the office to the sound "F" in the middle of the word. Make out proposals for these pictures.

IV. Fizkultminutka [V.I. Kovalko Alphabet Fizkultminuts for preschoolers]

Speech therapist: planted the sound "F" to the tongue, heaway as beetles and flew.

The beetle flies high
Low lowers.
Again quickly he flies
And buzzing, buzzing, buzzes.
Slows down its flight
And sits on the flower.

Children perform a movement in line with the text.

V. Exercise "Beetle" [E.A. Voronova logo in speech groups DOU for children 5-7 years] Figure 2.

The direct index finger and the little finger are deployed to the sides behind the back and the child will move. The remaining fingers are compressed in a cam.

Performance options.

  1. Right hand.
  2. Left hand.
  3. Two hands at the same time (two beetles).
  4. Alternately.

Vi. Exercises for the development of the lexic and grammatical side of speech.

Game with ball "One - a lot."

Speech therapist: So, we go to the country of buzz. These are guys, insects. Do you think who lives there? Today we will talk about what the inhabitants of this country are able to make.

The butterfly flies, and butterflies .............

bee honey collects, and bees honey .......

osa Jalith, and the wasps .........

beetle buzzes, and beetles ...............

komar Rings, and mosquitoes ...............

dragonfly dies, and dragonflies .........

fly in the house flies, and flies .............

grasshopper jumps, and grasshoppers .........

spider Puttina Web, and spiders ...............

Game with ball "Say gently"

Boot - Sapozhok

VII. Acquaintance with the letter "g".

1. Show the letters "F".

2. Children find the letter in the demonstration checkout of letters.

3. Children collect the letter on the mathematical tablet.

4. Drawing letters on the sand.

5. Pressing the printed letter in the notebook.

6. Alphabet of the campaign of the letter "F" [M.Yu. Kostyleva show and tell]

7. Written words with the movements "Beetle"

Well - children make movements on the sound "w" hands are compressed in cams, hands are crossed in front of the breast. Giving the sound "f", make quick small trembling movements with their hands. Repeat movements with shaved hands.
Y -stretching forward palms from ourselves.
To -a sharp movement pressed cams to the chest.

8. Drawing up a sound scheme and writing the word "beetle".

VIII. Development of connected speech.

1. Reading the fairy tale of Yudina "greedy toad" with installation for memorization.

2. Conversation on the fairy tale. Calling words from a fairy tale with sound "F".

3. Speech therapy finger theater.

Dolls: already, toad, beetle and bumblebee.

IX. Outcome, assessment of children's work.

Homework: Crossword on the letter "F".

Guess the riddles, write down the deposit into the crossword.

1. Do not buzz when I sit,
Do not buzz when I go,
If in the air is circling,
That is widowed.

2. This beast is some strange:
Neck, like an arrow of a crane.
To get your mouth to herbs
Twice the ...

3. In Golden Ducks
Ducklings hid.

4. The nest of his own in the field viet
Among thick plants.
His songs and flight
Entered the poem.

List of used literature

  1. IN AND. Kovalko Alphabet Fizkultminuts for preschoolers - M., "Vako". 2005
  2. M.Yu. Kostyleva "Show and tell me" - M., Creative Center "Sphere". 2007
  3. E.A. Voronov logo in voice groups DOU for children 5-7 years old M., Creative center "Sphere". 2006
  4. Speech therapy notebook on sounds
  5. M.V.Skvortsova "Speech therapy games" - C-n., Publishing House "Neva". 2004
  6. T.A.Tacchenko "Correction of phonetic violations in children" - M., "Vlados". 2005
  7. E. Krauza "Speech therapy massage and articulation gymnastics" - S.-P., "Crown Print". 2004
  8. N.V. "Correction system" S.-P., "Childhood-Press". 2001
  9. G.A.Kasha "Preparing for the school of children with the lack of speech." M.: 1985

The purpose of the lesson: I exercise a child in highlightingsound [F] and a clear pronunciation. Continue to learn to determine the presence of a given sound in the word. Secure the knowledge of the letters of J. Exercise in the ratio of sound and letters, in reading the syllables with this letter. Develop a phonmematic rumor, attention, memory. Educating the ability to answer the full offer.



Speech therapy Individual occupation

Topic: "Sound and Letter G, Well."


1. Exercise student in highlighting on rumor and clear sound pronunciation [F]. Continue to learn to determine the presence of a given sound in the word. Secure the knowledge of the letters of J. Exercise in the ratio of sound and letters, in reading the syllables with this letter.

2. Develop a phonmematic rumor, attention, memory. Educating the ability to answer the full offer.

3. Rail interest in learning activities.

Travel course.

I. Organizational moment.

Today, some guest is going to work for us. But who you will learn later.

Before meeting the guest, you need to warm up, make gymnastics.

  • "Fence"
  • "Tube" - watch the lips to be rounded, and the teeth are closed.
  • "Swing"
  • "Cup". It should be wide, large, made out of mouth.
  • "Breeze" - Bake on the spout.

Bring a cup in the mouth and hold there.

It's time to find out who came to visit us.

II. Message of a new topic.

1. Message Topics Classes

Guess who?

Six legs without hoofs,

Flies - buzzes

Falls to the ground - crawling. (Bug)

How can I call a little beetle (bug)

If you see several beetles, as they will call them. Who are they? (Beetles)

Beetle, bug, beetles - what is the first sound you hear? (G)

Today we will exercise in the pronunciation of this sound.

2. Clarification of sound articulation.

How do we pronounce this sound?

The lips are rounded and somewhat pronounced. Teeth are broughtlied. The tip of the tongue is raised to the edge of the nose. The tip of the tongue is trembling. Voice ligaments vibrate.

What is the sound?

When pronouncing sound, the air meets the barrier. He is a consonant, sonorous, solid. The sound "F" is indicated by blue square.

3. Automation of sound.

The beetle learned different songs, let's sing with him.

Forces, Zham Ms. 2. Zham Ms. Maja.

JO-JO, JO-JO-Jo. Jo-Jo-Jo, Jo-Jo.

Zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu

Repeat cleaning.

Zhai Ms. - Toad, met hedgehog

Zhu -ju -ju - I'll show you a beetle

Zh - Zhi - Cut the sharp knives

4. Fingering gymnastics.

Zhu - Zhu ...

I am a fun May beetle. (circular movements by index finger)

Zhu - Zhu ...

Over the lawns circle.

5. The game "I will start, and you finish)."

bRO Ma.

vS (Zhu) bu

ho glya


6. Lotto (pictures, in the names of which sounds soundg)

7. The game is "big - small."

I will be a big beetle, and call great objects, and you are small beetles and you will call small items.For example: meadow meadow.

flag - Checkbox Step - Couple

snow - Snow Pie \u200b\u200b- Pie

coast - Circle Circle - Circle

friend - Friendly Iron - Iron

boot - Cottage cheese boot

8. Determination of sound availability in words:Sting, Shilo, Bag, Snake, Puddle, Giraffe, Belly, Vase, Acorn, Pajamas, Castle, Pattern, Jacket, Dinner, Fat, Thunderstorm, Fire, Noise, Umbrella, Toad.

9. Determination of the sound of the sound in words based on the picture.

Pictures get out of the basket.

10. Sound analysis.

Toad puddle

Take the word clearly.

What is the first sound? (g)

Describe it (consonant, solid, ringing)

What chicken is designated? (blue), etc.

How many sounds in this word? How many vowels? How many consonants?

11. Fastening knowledge letters J.

Beetle falsing you a riddle:

"This letter is wide and looked like a beetle

What is this letter? "

12. Layout letters from sticks.

13. Reading syllables.

Ms, Jo, Zhu,

Already, coolant,

Maria Semibokova
The speech therapy class "sound [F]. Letter w "



To acquaint with the letter J.

Fasten printing and reading skills;

Expand the behavior of the word lexical dictionary;

To form word skills.

Correctional and wellness:

To form the right articulation of sound "F";

Develop overall and small motility;

Automate the sound "w" in the syllables, words and suggestions;

Develop phonmematic hearing and perception;

Improve attention, memory, logical thinking.


Form cooperation skills, positive installation for participation in occupation, initiative and independence;

Raise communication skills in the game and in class, interaction, feelings of goodwill;

To raise a desire, the desire to pronounce the sound "F" correctly;

Raise prostibilities;

Equipment: Lightning machine Macvin, Solid Sound Symbols, Plasticine, Cashier Letters and Slots, Notebooks, Handles, Reading Cards.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, the famous Lightning McWine racer arrived to visit us. He came to tell the poem. Let's hear.

About whom we told us Zipper Mcvin?

What is the first sound we hear in the word beetle?

2. Announcement of the subject of classes.

Consider the sound of J.

Sponges are rounded and slightly stretched forward.

A wide tongue upstairs forms a "cup".

Warm air jet goes in the center of the tongue.

Sorry sings

Recall the sound characteristic of J.

3. The game "Traffic light".

I will pronounce words, and listen carefully. If the word is the sound "f", lift the blue card, the sound symbol:

curtain, larks, plasterer, shelf, forget-me-not

orangery, animals, travel, cupcake, dragonfly, chastushki, snowflakes.

And now in the poem:

Beetle - bug

Answered lesson.

Instead of words: "Murmuts a stream"

Posted by: "" Zheuzhat buzzer "

4. Acquaintance with the letter J.

What letter beetle indicated the sound?

Stated Snowflake Letter J.

The sun will not melt it already.

What does the letter be like?

Laper from plasticine letters J.

What color letter f?

5. Physical hours: "Beetle":

On the lawn, on the chamomile.

Beetle sat in a colored shirt.

Zhu-Zhu, zhu-zhu-zhu.

I am friends with daisies.

Swing in the wind

And quietly leaning.

Once, two, three, four, five spinned beetle again.

6. Work with a cashier of letters.

Drawing up, converting syllables: Ms - puddles - puddles.

Open the box of letters and syllables. Find the letter w and put it in front of yourself. Find the letter A and put it on the right of the letter J. Read what happened.

Now find and put the letter at the left of the letter J. Read what happened.

Now turn the syllable of the story of the puddle. What do we have to do? Read the word.

How many letters in the word?

How many sounds?

Call consonants, vowels.

How many syllables in this word?

Now change the word so that it turns out the word puddles.

What sound do you hear in the end of the word puddles? You hear, and we will write and. Remember Rule: Just Write with the letter I.

7. Printing Like letters, words in notebooks: Beetles, puddles.

8. Game "Say gentle"

Boot - booze, pie -, circle -, flag -, iron -, meadow -, friend -, stack -, shore -, cottage cheese -, snow - ....

9. Reading syllables on cards.

10. Drafting proposals with a word in which there is a sound of J.

Guys, remember the words in which there is a sound and come up with this word with this word.

11. Sleeping a puzzle.

12. Outcome classes. Analysis of children's activities.

Publications on the topic:

"Sound [y] and the letter y. Speech Studies in 1 class Topic: Sound and Letter O. Grade 1 Purpose: Acquaintance with sound and way of letters A. Tasks: 1. Develop a sound-letter analysis of words. 2. Activate.

The abstract of the front speech therapy "Sound [Sh] and Letter" Objectives: fixing the correct pronunciation of sound; Sound selection and definition of sound position in the word; Exercise in use of magnifying.

Abstract speech therapy classes for children of the preparatory group with FFN "Migratory birds. Sound [h], letter h " Migratory birds, sound and letter h Goal: 1 Development of articulation and general motorcycle 2. Development of phonderatic hearing 3. Acquaintance with features.

The abstract of the speech therapy exercise on the formation of the correct sound in the preparatory group "Sound [C]. Letter C » Software content: Secure the skill of the correct sound pronunciation [C]; Teach to determine the position of the sound [C] in words; introduce the letter.

Speech therapy classes in the preparatory group "Sound [P] and the letter" P " Objectives: 1. Correctional and educational goal: to acquaint children with the mechanism of formation of sound "P"; 2. Correctional targets:.

Abstract speech therapy classes in the senior group "Sound [E] and Letter E" Purpose: consolidate the skills of distinguishing and the correct pronunciation of the sound "E"; develop phondatic hearing; Learn to form a form of a parent.

Galina Polomoshnova

Abstract Claim "Sound [F]"

Software tasks


1) clarification and consolidation of the correct sound pronunciation [F];

2) Development of phonderatic hearing: allocation of sound [F] for rumors among syllables and words;

3) Expanding the function of language analysis and synthesis, fixing the ability to divide words to syllables, determination of the place of sound in the word;

4) fixing the symbol symbols symbols

5) clarifying the lexical meaning of the words "jacket", "Jacket", "Jumper", "Pajama", "Vest"; consolidation of consumption in speech. In R. P. and TV. P.


1) teaching children to guess riddles and understand their hidden meaning;

2) the ability to coordinate with the movement;

3) Improving psychophysical functions: attention and memory;

4) Development of speech breathing, the ability to produce a long-term air jet.


1) Education in children of speech and auditory attention.

Equipment: toy ladybug, scheme for sound characteristics, "funny" tongues, cards for determining sound space in a word, pyramid with pockets, box, pictures: beetle, toad, knives, skiing, jacket, magazine, clothes, artist, cranes, Bear, doggy, house, tulip, iron, drawing of a jacket and vest, sleeves and collar.

Travel course:

1. Org. momentgaying out the children of the studied sound [F] on the cleaningory.

The one who lists carefully and tell me the last syllable of the cleanlator.

Zhamäzhaya there are needles in E (Ms)

Zhu-Zhu-Zhu somehow came to e (zh)

Little Just Jouting For now (zh)

But the same hedgehog e. (same)

Zhai Myshaya leaves from e. (Ms.)

Speech therapist: "What kind of sound most often did you hear in these cleanrs?" (Sound [F])

2. Sound pronouncement [F

Speech therapist: "When we pronounce the sound [F], the tip of the tongue rises for the top teeth, the teeth are almost compressed, between them only a narrow pitch."

Take the sound [zhd-zhr-zhr-zhr?

The speech therapist: "Guys, while you burned, a beetle flew to the sound to the sound - Ladybug. She wanted to talk to you. And how do the beetles talk? " (buzz)

"Let's talk to God's crown, and it will look, whether you can also buzz as well as beetles" (children say [zhd-zhd], and the speech therapist watches articulation)

"Well done guys, God's cow liked how you talk in the language of Zhukov, but she knows nothing about the sound [F]. What is he? Let us tell her. "

3. Sound characteristic [F] according to the "Rechetics" scheme

Speech therapist: "Expite the sound again [F] and think, the language and lips interfere with the air freely out of the mouth?

? - Sound [F] vowel or consonant?

? - Call or deaf? Why?" (Children answer: [Well] - the consonant sound, since the air meets the barrier on the way: language, teeth, lips. [Well I say with the inclusion of voice, so it is ringing)

? - What other ring consonants do you know? (Children call studied ringing consonants)

4. Sound selection [F] for rumor from syllables and words

Speech therapist: "Well done guys, you know everything about the sound [F]. And now the Ladybird will look if you can hear the sound [F] in syllables and words. She brought for you funny zhabia tongues. Have you seen how toad catches midges? She opens his mouth, instantly suits his

long tongue and it catches the midge. And you will with the help of such tongues will catch the sound [F] in the syllables and words that I will talk. Along the language only on the sound [F]! "

Among the syllables:

Among words:

Strength-Shila-lived ears-dinner-bond Mike-bunny-lawn

Var-heat-gift Жук-bitions-bow Luza-Lasha

5. The game "Magic Box"(working with pictures)

The speech therapist: "Guys, you coped well with the task, and for this, God's cow wanted to make you a gift. She brought a magic box with him. It contains different pictures. Ladybug wants to give you pictures with words on the sound [F], but it makes it difficult to do it. Choose all the pictures with sound [F] and define its place in the word (where is it? At the beginning, in the middle or in the end of the word) "

( Children call pictures, determine if there is sound in their name [F] and put them on flanneluga).

Speech therapist: "Well done, you correctly identified words. Let's call them again, and God's cow will play with you in the game "Day - Night." I will say "night", you will close your eyes, and God's cow will hide some picture. I will say "day", you will open your eyes and call the picture that is not enough. "

Children lose and the second version of the game: the speech therapist shifts the pictures in places, and the children say that has changed.

6. Fizkultminutka

I'm a beetle, I'm a beetle, Smoothly swing their hands

I live here rhythmically crossing the legs.

I am all the buzz, the buzz Hands --rup, "Wanted".

Zhuzhu: Zhr?

Mouse over the forest Rotate with elongated hands

And circling ... palms on the chest.

Or I sit on the leaf ... Hands on the hint, bold posture.

And I did not publish, not a crow Skim hands, jump and arms to the sides.

I am a beetle, and therefore Hands with a mouthpiece, "Wanted".

Zhuzhu: Zh ...

7. Game "Pyramid" (determining the number of syllables in the word)

I spent the speech therapist: "I have a pyramid, but it is broken, it needs to be built. The pyramid consists of 4 strips: at the bottom of 4 squares for 4-hypest words, above - for 3-hches hypers 3 squares, even higher - for 2-hches 2 squares, and at the top for single-staple words 1 square. Fill the pyramid with pictures and say from how many syllables consist of words "(children, using pictures from the task number 5, collapse the number of syllables in each word and determine the place of pictures on the pyramid).

8. "Guess yourself, commend my friends"(puzzles)

1) Run along the board boards and legs. (Skiing)

2) Horg, but not a bull, six legs without hooves, flies - howl, sit down - the land is Root. (Bug)

(Children guess the riddles and make sound analysis words)

9. "Babushkina game"

The speech therapist: "Guys, while we gave way to riddles, God's cow flew away to guess their children, and we left 100 rubles and said:

What you want to buy, but choose the outfits only with the sound [F] in the title ... prepared. Attention!

Respect full offers »

? - Do you buy a dress or pajamas?

? - Do you choose a jacket or raincoat?

? - Did you like the jumper or sweater?

? - Do you stop your choice on jacket or coat?

? - Do you size a shirt or vest?

? - Buttons on the jacket will be orange or red?

Shoes, too, choose with sound [F] in the title. Choose: bots, shoes, sandwalks, slippers, shoes.

? - We will buy jewelry?

(The speech therapist once again, together with children, calls all words with sound [F] from this game and clarifies their lexical meaning).

The jacket is part of a male costume - a jacket with a postponed collar and fastening floors.

Pajamas - sleeping, home or hospital suit consisting of a jacket and trousers.

Jacket - short outerwear, mainly female.

Vest - Short men's clothing without a collar and sleeves.

Jumper - knitted sweaters, powered through the head.)

Speech therapist: "Answer, without which?"

Jumper without ... (buttons)

Vest without (sleeves and collar)

Jacket with what?

Jacket with ... (buttons, sleeves and collar)

10. Outcome classes

? - What kind of sound we studied today?

? - Can I sing it?

? - What words with sound [F] Do you know?


1. Ozhegov S. I. "Dictionary of the Russian Language" M. "Russian", 1986

2. Uspenskaya L. P., Uspensky M. B. "Learn to speak correctly", M. "Enlightenment", 1993

3. Lopukhina I. "Speech Stopedia" (Exercises for Speech Development) with. -P. Delta, 1997

Korzozova Elena
"Sound and letter w." A summary of literacy training in the preparatory to school group

Purpose: Automation of the correct sound pronunciation [F] In the speech of children, acquaintance with the letter J.

1. Correctional and educational:

secure the correct pronunciation of sound [F], introduce children with the letter J.

2. Correctional and developing:

continue to develop a phonmematic hearing and perception, sound analysis and synthesis skills, the ability to use beefing verbs, coordinate the numeral with the name nouns, develop logical thinking;

3. Correctional-educational:

Educating politeness, feeling of kindness and mutual assistance.

Equipment: fabulous heroes of the bee of Zhuzh, foal, basket with tasks,

figures 1,2,5, panel (speech glade, seeds, matches, cash boxes and syllables.

Structure occupation

1. Organizational moment. He will sit down who read the word on the board:

Mouse, cat, reed, hat, marsha, cockerel, car, pillow, slut, fur coat. (Automation studied at the previous occupation [sh]).

2. Studying a new material. Your ears are strained, the third sound I call me: a puddle, a knife, I sit, Ryzhik, maybe a bed, a crow, run, fire, skiing, leather, meadow. What kind of sound did you hear? Well done, today we will talk about the sound [F], get acquainted with the letter that means it.

3. Acquaintance with Bee Jujay. This is a bee of Zhuzh. She flew to us from the country of buzz.

Bee buzzes: "Zhu-zhu-zhu"

I do not live

I sit on the branch.

And the buzz, and the buzz, and the buzz.

How does the bee buzz? Children "buzzing" (zhd-zh)

What is the sound?

4. Sound characteristic The consonants, always solid, ringing. What color is this sound designated? Let's settle the sound into the castle.

5. Automation of sound [F]. Bee Zhuja flew to visit you not just so, she prepared you the tasks you need to perform. And she has for you for you: "It is always beautiful, clearly and leisurely." Bee with a basket in which tasks are prepared on separate sheets.

Task number 1: "Give Gifts Zhanna and Masha." Beetle, hedgehog, hat, chess, knives, tire, fur coat, car, bear, skiing, ears, mouse, cat, acorns. (Children choose pictures with sound [F] for Zhanna, and with the sound [sh] for MAC).

Task number 2: "Mysterious pictures". The speech therapist shows a sheet of paper on which the contours of various items with sound are drawn [F]. Children, choosing the subject, clearly utter the sound [F]. (I see Giraffe ... etc.).

Task number 3: "Skate-ka". Numerical coordination with nouns. We consider items that the children saw in the task number 2, while showing them figures 1 2 5 (one giraffe-two giraffe is five giraffes).

Task number 4:"Foal". Use of submissive verbs. With the help of a speech clearing made of material with your own hands, the children move toy - the foal, pronouncing the console verbs (the foal ran, ran, ran out, etc.)

6. Fizminutka. Movable game "Bear and Bee". Children (bees) are buzzing, running around the group, and the bear catchings them. (The bear is chosen in advance and put on it a mask).

7. Acquaintance with the letter J. Guys, what looks like a letter g (show the letter). Reading a poem:

This letter is wide and looks like a beetle.

Yes, at the same time, the beetle makes a buzzing sound.

Layout letters from seeds and matches;

Work at the box office (house for the letter g);

Printing words: toad, beetles. Sound analysis of the word beetles.

8. Outcome classes. Surprise moment.

A foal comes to visit and gives children a book "greedy toad".
