Prepared and hosted:

Group teacher No. 13


E.I. Karpov

Target: development of cognitive and creative activity of children on the topic "Space".


Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about space, the solar system;

Activation and enrichment of the dictionary: helmet, astronaut, solar system, planet, comet;

Raise pride in your people, your country;

To instill a caring attitude towards the planet Earth;

Develop emotional perception through photo, video and audio materials.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the structure and conquest of space;

Examination of photographs, videos and posters on the topic "Space";

Classes in visual activities on the topic "Space";

Design of the stand and screen "Cosmonautics Day";

Working with parents: making crafts, helmets, reading books about space.

Materials and Attributes: helmet, planar rockets, laptop, TV.

Lesson progress.

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Educator: We are warmed by a ray of sunshine

We deserve the best

The whole universe smiles at us

And everything works out for us

We are cheerful and energetic

And we're doing great.

1. Who was the first to fly into space (Yuri Gagarin) slide 1.

2. Who flew to people in space? slide 2.

3. Who was the first woman to conquer space? (Valentina Tereshkova)Slide 3

  1. And what qualities should an astronaut have?


And now you guys

I will ask one question...

School of young astronauts

Are going to open.

Would you guys like

Do you want to go to this school?


I'm very happy, but first,

Speaking without further ado,

One wish is not enough

Everyone should be healthy!

Well, are you all healthy?

Children: Yes, healthy!

Educator: Is everyone ready for the test?

Children: Yes, ready!

Educator: Cosmonaut training begins with a warm-up. Our test will also begin with a warm-up.

Coordination of speech with movement.

We will try very hard

(jerks with bent arms in front of the chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind

(run in place)

The best swim in the world

(hand strokes)

Sit down and get up again


And lift dumbbells.

(imitate lifting a dumbbell)

Let's be strong and tomorrow

All of us will be taken as astronauts!

(marching in place)


I propose to play the game "How to take your place in the rocket"

Find the rocket by shape, find the rocket by color, ticket number and rocket.

Cards are distributed with the image of the number of the rocket, the geometric figure, the color of the corresponding rocket.

Educator: You have passed the test, now you can go flying


If we want to go to space

So let's fly soon!

Our boldest will be

Fun, friendly crew

Educator: Look what happened, we ended up at the cosmodrome. And what do we need to do before sending?

Children: Wear helmets.

Voice-over via ICT: the head of operations is talking to you. Get ready for the launch of the space crew!

1. Take your seats.

  1. checking the fuel
  2. Turn on the engine - R-R (cam rotation)

3. The report 10.9, ... 0 launch begins (video clip of the launch of the Rokot rocket).

Educator: And now, young cosmonauts, I will guess riddles for you, we listen carefully to the riddles, we speak diligently.

1. In space through the thickness of years

Icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is ... (Comet)

2.From heavenly from the river

Bubbles scattered

And in the sky at night

Glittered with silver.

It's late at night

Appeared ... (stars).

3. By ship by air,

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We are rushing on ... (rocket).

4.Lights the way at night,

The stars won't sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she can't sleep

In the sky shines for us ...

5. The planet is blue,

Beloved, dear,

She is yours, she is mine

And it's called...

6. A yellow circle is visible in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old

But already a scientist -

I know it's not a circle, but a ball,

Strongly hot.

Educator: Now let's remember the planets.

Finger gymnastics

All the planets in order

Call any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four is Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is eighth in a row.

And after him already, then,

And the ninth planet

called Pluto.

Educator: And now look out the window around the starry sky.

Space is the world of stars, it is very diverse. Stars appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the Sun.

Teacher: What planet do we live on?

Children: Earth

Teacher: That's right guys. Why is our planet Earth called the blue planet? because most of Our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes.

And it's time for us to return to earth. The children take off their helmets and go out into the circle. Each medal "Young Cosmonaut" is awarded.

Abstract of the lesson in middle group on the theme "Space"


Generalization of children's ideas about space, to acquaint children with the history of the origin of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, to give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate the children's vocabulary with the words: space, planet, astronaut.


Pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, hoops and rings.

Musical arrangement: "Space music" - Space "Magic fly"

Lesson progress:


Children, look at these pictures (pictures of stars, planets). What do you see (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

And besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day, the sun, and at night, the moon.

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. The word "cosmos" means "everything in the world." The universe is everything that exists.

Did you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you know it was planet Earth? (she is blue)

Why is our planet so blue? (blue color is oceans, rivers and seas)

Our planet Earth is part of the universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People have invented telescopes, these are special devices that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships. (display of the spaceship)

Spaceships have been tested for a long time so that flights on them are safe for humans. It was not people who were the first to fly into space, but the dogs Belka and Strelka made the first successful flight into space. (show children pictures of animals). And after the flight of the dogs was successful, the first man flew into space.

Tell me, children, who knows the name of the first astronaut? (Yuri Gagarin) - show a photo of an astronaut.

This flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then this day is celebrated as Cosmonautics Day.

Do you know what the clothes of astronauts are called? (suit)

Let's put on spacesuits. Let's imagine that spacesuits are small hoops (children stand in hoops and each from bottom to top, threads the hoop through themselves). And now you are ready and we are going to travel to solar planets. The Sun has its own family - these are 9 planets. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Show the children a picture of all the planets in the solar system, describe what they look like, list them.

But our ship is not simple, to fly to each next planet, you need to guess the riddle.

The first planet we will fly to is Mercury. The planet closest to the Sun, this planet has very strong temperature drops from +350 to -170 degrees.

riddle: In space through the thickness of years

Ice flying object

His tail is a strip of light

And his name is (comet)

Well done riddle guessed, now we can fly further. The next planet is Venus.

And the riddle is this: A big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer

And there are no seeds. (Sun)

Well, and you have guessed this riddle, which means that our ship can fly further.

Now we are flying to Mars. Mars is sometimes called the red planet. Do you know why?

Rocks on Mars contain large amounts of iron, and iron turns reddish-brown when it rusts.

Let's guess the riddle so that our ship will fly:

At the grandmother's hut

Hanging loaf of bread

Dogs bark, can't reach (month)

And now we are waiting for the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter. And the following riddle:

The whole blue path is strewn with peas (stars)

Ahead of us is a planet with rings - Saturn.

Riddle: Only one in the sky at night

Large silver hanging orange (moon)

Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly and we will fly to the rest of the planets without stopping.

Ahead of us are the planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.

So it's time to return home, so that we can remember our journey and take photographs and drawings. Children draw planets with soap bubbles.

Abstract of a lesson in the middle group on familiarization with the outside world on the topic: "The road to space."

Program content:

To acquaint children with the globe, with the concepts of earth-planet, spaceship, rocket, astronaut.

To acquaint with the location of cities on the globe, green spaces and water space. Introduce the concept - space - the space between the planets.

Introduce the profession of an astronaut.

To consolidate knowledge about aircraft: rocket, lunar rover.

Develop constructive creativity. To form in preschoolers a respectful attitude towards the work of adults. Develop observation, visual and auditory memory, fine motor skills.

Preliminary work: Looking at an illustration about space, reading books about space "Dunno on the Moon".

Vocabulary activation: globe, planet, spaceship, rocket, lunar rover, astronaut.

Material: globe, rocket parts.

Course progress.

Educator: Children came to visit us today Luntik. He recently returned from a trip to the moon. He really liked it there. But unfortunately he did not have time to meet all his friends there. He wants to go back to the moon. Let's remember where the moon is?

Children: In the sky.

Educator: What else can we see in the sky?

Children: Sun, stars, clouds.

Educator: How do you get to your house from kindergarten? Why?

Children: We return with my mother on foot, because we live nearby. We return by minibus, because we live far from the kindergarten.

Educator: Guys, if we want to go to another city, how can we get there? On what transport?

Children: By car, by bus, by train, by plane.

Educator: all cities are on a planet called Earth. It looks like this (puts out a globe, offers to consider it). What do you think this part of the green globe looks like?

Children: On the grass, on the leaves of the trees.

Educator: you are right, these are the green spaces of our planet. What do you think this blue part of the globe looks like?

Children: On the water, the river.

Educator: We have already said that another city can also be reached by plane. But planes fly only over our land. And Luntik needs to get to the moon. The moon is located very far from the earth, look at how our earth is located in relation to the sun and the moon.

(Teacher shows a picture.)

Educator: What do you think the space between the planets is called?

Children: it's called space.

Educator: So how can Luntik get to the moon?

Children: On a rocket, on a spaceship.

Educator: Who controls the rocket? (Astronaut).

Educator: Look, this is an astronaut near his rocket. What do you think the clothes are on him?

Children: Space suit.

Educator: What do you think suits are for?

Well done boys. And now I propose to take a break and play the game we are astronauts. Let's pretend we are astronauts. What do we need to wear to go into space? (suit) We put on a spacesuit. Astronauts train a lot before flying to the moon, and now we will do exercises.

One-two, there is a rocket

Three-four, take off soon

To fly to the sun

Astronauts need a year

But dear, we are not afraid

After all, each of us departs

Flying over the earth

Let's say hi to her

children raise their hands

spread their arms to the sides

circle with hands

puts his hands on his cheeks, shakes his head

arms to the sides, tilting the body to the right and left

bend your arms at the elbows

spread their arms to the sides

raise their hands and wave

Educator: Here we rested. Let's remember:

Who came to our class today?

What does he want?

How can we help him?

And now, guys, I suggest you design and stick a rocket to fly into space. Imagine yourself as a constructor.

Educator: Here are some beautiful rockets we got. Now Luntik can safely fly to the moon.

Educator: But earlier people they did not know how to fly into space, and only on April 12, 52 years ago, the first cosmonaut flew into space. His name was Yuri Gagarin. Then other astronauts also flew. Astronauts have been to the moon and learned that there is nothing alive there. And then people sent to the moon aircraft without people - a lunar rover. He explored the moon.

Children, did you like our lesson?

And where did we send Luntik today?

Who was the first to fly into space? What else did you like about the lesson? Let's say goodbye to Luntik.

natalia ligostaeva
Open lesson in the middle group "Journey into space"

Target: to summarize the primary ideas of children about outer space, space bodies(planets, stars, astronauts.)


Systematize ideas about the planet Earth (located in outer space; The earth is big, round; green and brown represent dry land: land, forests, mountains; blue, blue: water surface; there is air on earth; there is life on earth; the earth is beautiful; m (we live on planet Earth)

Summarize primary ideas about different objects related to outer space(many different planets, stars, sun, moon)

Concretize ideas about the work of people in outer space(in space fly and work there astronauts, rockets are used to move, for space special costumes required)

To contribute to the formation of the ability to independently determine the choice of plot for visual activity, material, method of image.

Equipment and materials: general decoration groups in line with the theme « Journey into space» : starry sky, planets, layouts space rockets, musical accompaniment, multimedia accompaniment, "rocket building material", sheets for drawing, various visual material (pencils, paints, wax crayons, stencils on the theme « Space» , coloring pages on the topic « Space» .

Lesson progress:

Children play on their own. AT the group lights out, turns on "starry" backlight and « space melody» (slide 1 "Starry sky").

caregiver (surprised, very emotional): Guys, where are we? (children's answers) How did you guess that we outer space? (children's answers). caregiver: AT outer space people cannot just move around, they need special transport. What are people on travel in space? (slide 2 "Pictures of a rocket, car, aircraft, ship"). Where is our rocket? (suggestions children: you can make a rocket yourself, for example, from chairs, rugs, or just imagine ... an option acceptable for most children is chosen together). How convenient it is for us, it's wonderful for everyone to fly together in a beautiful rocket! Look out the windows (the teacher draws the attention of the children to the interactive game, what do you see there? (children's answers) Yes, it's wonderful and very interesting. space. AT outer space there are stars and planets (slide 3 "Planets of the solar system"). Do you know the names of the planets? Name them.

In order, all the planets will be called by any of us -

One is Mercury, two is Venus,

Three is Earth, fourth is Mars.

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn

Seventh is Uranus, eighth is Neptune.

And the ninth planet is called Pluto. Well done!

What else can be seen? space rockets(slide 4, starry sky (slide 5) and even flying saucers (slide6). We live on a wonderful planet. What is it called (children: planet Earth). (slide 7 "Earth"). Look how beautiful she is, big, colorful: green, blue, brown. Why is our planet this color? What does blue, blue color mean on our Earth? (seas, rivers, oceans, lakes) What about green and brown? (land, forests, mountains)

caregiver: Only on our planet there is air that people, animals, plants can breathe. There is life on our planet!

caregiver: (slide8) Guys, who is this? How did you guess that this astronaut? That's right, he's wearing a spacesuit. What is a spacesuit for? (he defends astronaut allows you to breathe) What should be astronauts? (answers children: strong, dexterous, courageous).

caregiver: Astronauts during the flight you have to perform very difficult and important tasks. Do you want to be like astronauts? Ready for assignments? (children's answers) Listen carefully to riddles about space, if we correctly and unanimously name the answer, then in the window we will see the picture-answer. (slides 9 10 11 "Guess pictures"):

Adults and children know

That the sun does not shine at night.

Chubby and pale

Always alone among the stars. (Moon)

You warm up the whole world

And you don't know fatigue

Smiling at the window

And everyone calls you. (Sun)

The coals are burning

Scoop can't get it

You can see them at night

And you can't see it during the day. (Stars) .

caregiver: Expensive astronauts, you guessed it right! Unfortunately, our rocket is running out of fuel, it's time for us to return to our beloved planet. Fasten your seat belts tight (children imitate fastening, we fly up to the ground. Let's circle the whole Earth in a circle and land. (slide 12 "Earth")(Song excerpt sounds “The earth is visible in the porthole…”). Here we are on Earth! Did you like it?

After travels, guys,

Get on the charger.

To become strong and dexterous

(arms are bent to the shoulders, show how strong they are)

Let's start training:

(move through text)

Hands up, hands down

Right - left lean,

turn your head

And spread your shoulder blades.

Right step and left step

And now jump like this.

Guys, what do you remember the most? (children's answers). But our mothers and fathers have never seen space. Which of you wants to portray our travel to please your parents?

(Children, at will, go over to individual drawing, choosing the material with which they will depict space: paints, pencils, wax crayons.

I suggest that the children decide for themselves what they will draw, I help organize the workspace, I remind you of posture, if necessary I provide assistance, I advise, I propose to seek advice from my comrades ... If there are children who do not want to draw, I suggest that they draw using stencils or color the finished picture space theme. After completing the drawing, we arrange an exhibition for parents "Our space weekdays» .)

Julia Volokhova
Open lesson "Space" in the middle group

Open lesson in the middle group« Space trip» .

Target: Clarify and expand children's ideas about outer space how about unity space objects.


Introduce children to the concept space, space suit, planets, solar system, telescope, astronomer;

To form the ability to fully answer the questions posed, to enrich vocabulary new words (telescope, name of planets, astronomer) ;

Fixing the account within 5, form an idea of ​​​​the reverse account;

Develop attention, observation, establish similarities and differences;

Develop creativity and imagination in children;

Equipment: laptop, presentation, music on space theme, laser flashlights, geometric shapes made of cardboard (rectangle, three triangles, circle, poems, riddles, stories about the planets of the solar system, encyclopedic data, models of planets and the sun, coloring pages on the topic « Space» , colour pencils.

Motivation: The caregiver dims group room(closes the blinds, turns off the light, turns on space music and laser dots and rays run in different directions along the walls and ceilings.

caregiver: Look children, what is it? Where did we get to? It seems to me that this is a starry sky, and you?

caregiver: Guys, let's go with you to space especially since we have a good reason for this. Who knows what holiday the whole country celebrates on April 12?

Children: Day astronautics.

caregiver: That's right guys.

caregiver: And who knows how to get to space?

Children: On a rocket.

caregiver: Right, in space you can fly on a rocket.

caregiver: Tell me, is a rocket a transport?

Children: Yes.

caregiver: Yes, that's right, a rocket is a vehicle. What types of air transport do you still know?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Guys, let's try to assemble a rocket, and Cyril will help me. From which geometric shapes consists of a rocket?

Children: Rectangle, triangle, circle.

caregiver: Well done! Now we need to figure out how we will fly to space. What do we need for this?

Children's answers: (suit, food)

caregiver: That's right, first we need to make sure that our clothes are in order cosmonaut-suit.

Children with the teacher stand in a circle and the warm-up begins.

Warm up "Preparing for Flight".

1. The test of the suit begins. Is it comfortable to wear a helmet on your head? (turns, tilts of the head to the right-left, forward-backward, circular rotation of the head).

2. Astronaut can move in space using a device placed in a satchel on his back. Checking how tightly the knapsack is held behind the back (circular motions raising and lowering shoulders).

3. Are the numerous zippers and buckles fastened well? (turns and tilts of the body to the right and left, back and forth, circular movements of the body, tilts to the feet).

4. Do the gloves fit snugly on the hands? (rotational movements with the hands extended forward at chest level, variable and simultaneous swings of the arms, raising the arms up in front of you with alternate flexion and extension of the hands, lower them down through the sides, also alternately, bending and unbending the hands).

5. How does the radio work, does it not junk? (half squats, jumping on two legs in place) .

6. Boots do not press? (walking in a circle on toes, heels, outer and inner feet from the toe, lateral canter left and right, step in single file).

7. Are you okay? "heating system" spacesuit? Is it easy to breathe in it? (inhale - hands up, exhale - hands down) .

caregiver: Well done! Now I'm sure we're all right! And what kind of food will we take in space?

Children's answers.

caregiver: Well, I think we are ready for the rocket launch and we can go to space. We count from one to five and reverse order. All the guys we are with you outer space! See what can be seen in outer space?

In order, all the planets will be named by any of us:

Once - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars,

Five - Pluto,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Eighth - Neptune.

caregiver: Well done guys, everyone knows the names of the planets. And now I will tell you about them.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in the solar system. The planet is named after the ancient Roman god of commerce, swift-footed Mercury, as it moves through the sky faster than other planets.

Venus - the second planet of the solar system is named after Venus, the goddess of love from the Roman pantheon.

Earth is the third planet from the Sun. The only thing known to man at the moment, the body of the solar system in particular and the universe in general, inhabited by living organisms.

Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun in the solar system. Named after Mars, the ancient Roman god of war. Mars is sometimes called "red planet" due to the reddish tint of the surface.

Pluto is one of the largest known dwarf planets in the solar system.

Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun. Saturn is named after the Roman god of agriculture.

The blue planet is not about the Earth, but about the distant many satellite planet Uranus, the seventh in a row from the Sun.

Neptune is the eighth and most distant planet in the solar system. The planet was named after the Roman god of the seas.

caregiver: Tell me guys, what do the planets look like from the earth? When we look at the night sky, what do we see?

Children: Stars.

caregiver: That's right, we see the stars in the sky, look at what the starry sky looks like.

caregiver: And who knows the name of the instrument in which the stars are visible? Such an instrument is called a telescope.

What is the name of a scientist who observes the stars? Astronomer.

caregiver: And now I suggest you stay not only astronauts but also planets. But, the planets move around the sun, and now I will turn on the music, and you will show me how you imagine it.

Children show a scene "Solar system". The girl-sun stands in a circle, and eight children-planets move around the sun.

caregiver: Well done guys, and now I'll check what you are creative personalities. I suggest you sit down at the tables and try to decorate the pictures on our theme. « Space» .

Children sit down at the tables and begin to decorate.

In the process of drawing, children read poems about outer space, talk about their drawings and share their impressions received on lesson.
