Ancient engineers and their aircraft and technology

Erich von Daniken Born on April 14, 1935 in Solingen (Switzerland). He studied at the college of St. Michael in Freiburg, where in his student years was carried away by the study of old manuscripts. Faminess von Danikinu has already brought his first book, "Returning to the Stars" ("Chariots of the Gods"), published in 1968 and became a bestseller in the USA, Germany and still in 38 countries. In 1970, the documentary film "Memories of the Future" was put on it, which attracted a wide interest of the audience as a researcher, which was raised by the researcher. Erich von Danikin - a member of various writing organizations, a laureate of a number of premiums. In 1998, he founded the Association of Research on Archeology, Astronautics and SETI Problem. In 2003, you were open to Switzerland the theme park of the entertainment "Riddles of the World", the origins of the creation of which was Danyn.

Erich von Danikin is absolutely convinced: the Millennium back on Earth landed alien beings, which ancient people considered the gods. He is also convinced that a person is obliged to the appearance of astronauts on Earth - humanoids from distant planets, to the prehistoric times to land and left here a lot of traces of their stay.

Before disappearing in the universe, the all-in-law left for primitive humanity, mathematical and astronomical knowledge, which our ancestors used to build the most mysterious structures on Earth. The author explores the engraved stones, clay figures of South American Indians and mysterious images on the plateau, analyzes, compares and makes stunning conclusions.

Artifacts indicating the presence of the Egyptians in the era of the new kingdom of high technologies, which in particular are this fresco

This artifact was discovered yet. in 1848, in the temple of Abidos in the vicinity of Cairo When at the time of the collapse of the facing tile at the site of the connection of the wall and the ceiling of the room managed to consider the ancient layer of masonry. Scientists of that time, despite numerous disputes, could not understand what exactly was depicted on the fresco and what information was trying to convey to us the ancient Egyptians. But at the end of the 20th century, the forgotten sensation appeared again, because without a doubt everyone had already understood what was shown on the fresco, and the scientific world preferred to dying.

Also found found in South America in the 19th centurygolden airplanes, throw any of those archaeologists then simply could not because of ignorance by them about the existence of such devices.

For comparison

According to various data in the museums of the world, about 30 figures were discovered, externally resembling aircraft. They were found mainly in the burials of the Indian leaders of the South American Province of Tolima.

One of these gold airplanes found costa Rica is stored in the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin.A lot of messages about such finds in Peru and Venezuela. But with all this, the figure figures and were not recognized as academic copies of aircraft. They could not even give a clear explanation about their destination, only suggesting that the figures could be amulets or just bad decorations. Although they, even judging by the tail plumage (vertical keel and horizontal stabilizers), which noneof the existing flying animals on Earth, there is no doubt reflect the aircraft.

Engineer Jack A. AllrichThe former US Air Force technique made a conclusion in the figure provided him with the similarity with the "F-102 Delta Dagger" - a reactive aircraft having a limit speed of 1185 km / h, which was made by the American company "Convair" from 1955 to 1964. At the same time, he noted a greater similarity of the wings provided by the instance with the wings of the hydrosapol.

In 1996, German aviation fans fond of aircraft Konrad Lyber, Peter Belting and Algund An Enbodeciding to check the flight characteristics of gold airplanes, created two copies with a 16-teach increase in full preservation of proportions with analogs. As a prototype, a figurine described Sanderson, from the Museum of Bogota And such a figure from the Institute. Smithon (US, Colombia District).

One of these models was equipped with a propeller engine, and the other model with a reactive engine. As the subsequent experiment, both copies showed, for persuasively painted with aircraft designers in golden color, showed excellent aerodynamic properties. Models could not just fly, but also, with the help of radio control, perform figures related to the highest pilot Such as a barrel, the dead loop and they are similar. Moreover, they could plan freely with disabled enginesand make maneuvers even with wind gusts.

The success of airmodists has not been ignored. At the invitation of German Aviation and Cosmonautics, they in 1998 held demonstration performances, after which experts unanimously recognized that gold figures are copies of devices, created by man for flights.

An interesting figure in the form of a bird was discovered even during the time of attractive search for gold figures by the Egyptian professor of anatomy Khalil Messikha. He, being a member of the Aeronautics club and the Royal Club of Aviamodelists of Egypt, noticed that the bird figurine was kept in the showcase of the Archaeological Museum of the Cairo, the film either is very similar to the plane or glider. All that was bird in it is the nose of the beak and drawn against the one side of the bird eye.

As reported in the information plate, this "bird", having the inventory number "6347", was discovered in the north of Sakkara in 1898 When excavations of the burial of PA-DI-IMEN, dated by two hundred and a year before our era. This product weighing 39,120 grams, 14.2 cm in length, and wings with a wing 18.3 cm was made of solid rock trees (Sicacher or Javore).

Most of the professor struck the similarity of the tail of an ancient product having a vertical keel, with the tail part of Colombian "airplanes", as well as the fact that the contours of the hull and wings clearly possessed aerodynamic properties. For some observers, this creation was reminded by the aircraftist "Lockheed" Military Transporting Plane "C-130 Hercules".

Halil Messikha, having decided to test his assumption, made an accurate copy of this museum exhibit, making small additions to the council of constructors of aircraft constructors: stabilizers, without which sustainable planning, and a motor with a propeller. After all these changes, his model was calmly lifted to the air and even transport small loads, while developing speed up to 105 km / h.

The demonstration of the aircraft opportunities of the Wooden Ancient Egyptian "bird" prompted the employees of the Egyptian Museum to cut off their stoppers in search of such bird-aircraft. In early January 1972, an exhibition of aircraft models was held in the main hall of the museum Ancient Egypton which 14 figures discovered were shown. However, despite the recognition of these products as copies of the aircraft of antiquity, most of the Egyptologists continue to firmly, that is a bird and only a bird.

Given that few people remember the study period of "gold airplanes", it should be reminded that these figures played a significant role in the development of aircraft construction. The Lokhid Aviation Design Bureau, taking a deltoid wing and tail plumage from her, created the world's first supersonic aircraft, thereby making a real breakthrough.

Recently, scientists increasingly and more often began to be inclined to the fact that we are not alone in the universe. It is possible that all the artifacts found, testifying to the possession of people in the prehistoric period of a high level of knowledge, may also be irrefutable evidence of the land visits to alien civilizations.

Using high technologies and electricity BC

Winged God Flying

And in this image of God has a wrist watch? compass? Fashionable handbag?

But interesting images on the frescoes of the church, built in the 17th century

But the Baghdad battery found during the excavations of the ancient city in Iraq

for comparison, the galvanic element was first in 19th in the 19th century

And this design of the ancients is very modern LAP reminds

And then on the fresco, the electrical switch is depicted?

And here on the bas-relief is a man with a modern earphone and microphone?

Deliy pillar:

Column made from pure Iron., but practically not subject to corrosion. The researchers believe that the case in specific climatic conditions Delhi, due to which a special film was formed on the surface of the monument, protecting it from destruction. The conjunction of the column inscription in Sanskrit says that it was delivered in honor of the victory of the king Chandragulate above the peoples of Central Asia.

The Deliy Still is a string string slightly more than 7 meters and weighing 6.5 tons.

Scientists are not interested in the mystical properties of the monument, but materialFrom which he is made. The pillar is made of pure iron 600 years ago and at the same time not suffered from corrosion.

"Scale" - Paleuofologists argue that the Deliy Still is a special sign left by aliens who have ever seen the Earth. "Earthlings" - chemists tend to the earthly origin of the phenomenon. They believe that the lack of corrosion is not at all alien hands, but a consequence of special climatic conditions in the area of \u200b\u200bDelhi, when a thin film is formed on the metal, which does not give to appear rust. But then there is a new question, why the rest of the iron in the Indian capital quickly rust?

P.S.All the above material causes a lot of doubts about the loyalty of many existing theories and, it is possible that sooner or later, scientists still have to revise and change all the history of human development written.

Incredible finds. The mystery of the golden aircraft. Forbidden history

Nikolay Levashov. Tale about clear falcon. Past and present.

Erich von Danikin film 1 chariot of the gods memories of the future

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On December 12, 1903, in the town of Kitty Hawk (North Carolina), the brothers Wright produced the first in history a long-term controlled flight on a self-apparent aircraft. In any case, this event is assessed today.

And was it familiar to a person a sense of flight before, hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Some researchers are confident in the existence of data confirming this fact, but knowledge about it is alas! - were lost. Material evidence of flights in antiquity is represented by mysterious artifacts of South America and Egypt, as well as Egyptian weak pictures.

The first example of this kind of objects was the so-called Colombian Golden airplane. It dates back to 500 BC. e. And belongs to the culture of Tolima, whose representatives inhabited the elevation of Colombia in 200-1000. n. e. Discovered drawings Archaeologists traditionally consider images of animals and insects, but some of their elements can be associated with the technology of creating aircraft. These in particular include: a deltoid wing and a high vertical plane of the tail of the tail.

Another example is a pendant of Tompac (gold and copper alloy in a ratio of 30:70), stylized under flying fish. It refers to the culture of Kalima, which occupied the territory in the south-west of Colombia (200 BC. E. - 600. N. E.). A snapshot of this coulon is in the book of Erich von Denicen "Gold Gods", published in 1972. The author believed that the find was an image of an aircraft that used unearthly cosmic aliens. Although the figure, according to archaeologists, was a stylized image of a flying fish, some signs (in particular the abis of tail) have no analogues in nature.

A few more gold subjects were made by representatives of Culture Sin, who lived on the Colombian coast of 300-1550. and glorifying his jewelry art. Objects about 5 cm long they wore on the neck as pendants on the chain. In 1954, part of the products Sin, together with the collection of other valuable artifacts, the Colombian government sent to the exhibition in the United States.

After 15 years, the modern reproduction of one of the artifacts was provided to the study of the cryptosisist Ivan T. Sanderson. He concluded that the subject had no analogues in the animal world. The front wings in the form of a triangle with smooth edges differ, for example, from the wings of animals and insects. Sanderson believed that they were rather mechanical than biological origin, and even went on in their reasoning, suggesting that the subject was a model of a high-speed apparatus that existed at least 1000 years ago.

The appearance of the ArteFact Plane proven Dr. Arthur to have taken an experiment in the aerospace tube of the Aeronautics Institute in New York, and he received positive results: the object could really fly. In August 1996, a copy of one of the gold models, built at the rate of 16: 1, was launched into the sky with three German engineers algundum Enbu, Peter Batent and Conrad Lebbers. From the results of the study, they concluded that the artifact rather resembles a modern shuttle or a supersonic airliner "Concord" than an insect.

Most of these amazing South American pendants had four wings (or two wings and tail). They were not like famous insects and birds. It is possible to agree that these are stylized models, but their similarity with aircraft and spacecraft seems amazing. However, assuming that objects are indeed models of certain air vehicles that can fly, many questions arise.

The first problem is that mainly the wings of the models are very shifted back, that is, there are far from the center of gravity, which prevents stable flight. The second is that the nose is absolutely not similar to the front of the aircraft.

Supporters of the theory of ancient aircraft spent surprisingly little studies, finding out the answer to the question of the origin of artifacts. On websites in articles on the aircraft of Decolumbovy America, it is mainly said as subjects found in the tombs of South or Central America, but in most cases there are information about their origin and dating. Perhaps partly because of still thriving in Colombia plundering of the ancient tombs, the contents of which then appear in the antiques of South America.

Most of the Internet sites dedicated to South American ancient aircraft are compilation of the article by the Loou-World J. Yanke (1996), posted on the Anomalia and Riddha Website. In conclusion, it must be said that without establishing the origin of these amazing artifacts and cultures, to which they belonged, to consider their models of ancient aircraft would be rampant.

Another model resembling a small plane was found in the city of Sakkara in Egypt. Egyptologists consider it a hawk with polluted wings and dating IV - III centuries. BC e. It was most likely found in 1898 in the tomb of the padd names in the northern part of Sakkara. The object made from the Sicomora is 14.2 cm in length with a wings of 18.3 cm and weighs about 39. The hieroglyphs on the tail of the bird says: "Offering Amon", and the God of Amon in ancient Egypt usually associated with rain.

The ancient model until 1969 was kept in the Cairo Museum, while Professor Anatomy Halil Messikha, who noticed that she resembles a modern aircraft or glider and, unlike images of other birds in the museum, legs and feathers. . According to Messikha, the exhibit has a number of aerodynamic characteristics. After his brother, a flight engineer by profession, created a flying model from a balsion tree, confidence of Dr. Messikha in the fact that the saccary bird is a large-scale model of an ancient glider, strengthened.

However, Martin Gregory from Harlow (Essex County) does not agree with this conclusion. For more than thirty years, he was engaged in designing, manufacturing and launching gliders. Experimenting with the design, Gregory came to the conclusion that the model could not fly without the helm of the height (fixed horizontal caudal coating of an airplane), which the object had never had. Even after Gregory attached a height wheel to the model, the results were not comforting.

The researcher suggested that it was a fluger or a children's toy. Larry Orkutt, the user of the website "Popular Secrets", based on the data on bird figures on the top masts of boats and ships, bas-relief images of the period of the new kingdom (XII century BC), which can be seen in the church of Honsu in Karnak, called Object with vane, which showed the direction of the wind on the vessel. Orcutt also noticed on his back and tail tracks of paint. This may indicate that at one time the model of the bird was colorfully painted.

Black eyes, which in reality are pieces of volcanic glass, drown in the head of the model are not visible on most photographs of the object, which gives it similarity with airplane. So, although the poultry from Sakkara has a pair of aerodynamic properties, the version that this is the only preserved model of the Egyptian aircraft seems unlikely. Most likely (this is evidenced by skillfully made boards for games and toys) the artifact was a figurine depicting a bird, or a children's toy.

Probably, the most controversial evidence of flights in antiquity is mysterious rock paintings, made on the panel of the pharaoh of the XIX Network I Dynasty I in ABIDOS. At these amazing drawings, it seems to be a helicopter (possibly, the tank) and something similar to the spacecraft, or on the jet plane. This so-called ABIDOS temple helicopter has become a legend.

So, whether these stunning hieroglyphs can be considered evidence that the Egyptians in the XIII century. BC e. have the technologies of the XXI century? Unfortunately, some photos on the Internet are specifically adjusted with digital technology so as to highlight the features resembling an aircraft. However, other, unprocessed photos with hieroglyphs similar to modern air vehicles are known.

Catherine Griffis Greenberg from the University of Alabama in Birmingham, like many archaeologists and egyptologists, argues that unusual rock paintings are a paletmpuser - inscriptions made on top of the old. According to the Egyptologists, in this case, the plaster layer was applied on top of the same images and other pictures were made.

From time to the influence of weather conditions, the plaster began to disappear, leaving fragments of old and new inscriptions, which, overlapping at each other, created images resembling modern aircraft. Significant part of the rock paintings Ancient Egyptian: Pharaohs who came to power, tried to assign their predecessors and diminish their authority. In the case of a helicopter shown in the panel of the temple in Abidos, apparently, the following happened: Pharaoh Rosa II, followed by such a sin, carved on the stele of his predecessor, the pharaoh of the network I, their own inscriptions, and the text appeared hieroglyphs with part of the title Ramses II, which is transferred to the GAK: "One of the two Lords, who conquers nine foreign countries." This inscription overlap the royal title of Pharaoh Network I, originally carved in stone.

Those who believe in a helicopter from Abidos, argue that in the rock-painted paletps drawn over the image exactly repeat the old lines - an incredible coincidence. However, there are other facts that deny the availability of aircraft in ancient Egypt. One of them is a complete lack of mention of any flying machines in all known sources of ancient Egypt. Somewhere there must be similar images, but they are not!

In addition, this applies to all theories about the ancient artifacts), there is no data on the existence of auxiliary technical means necessary to create aircraft. Suppose that representatives of Egypt and South America cultures created cars, prototypes of helicopters and aircraft. But then there must be a colossal manufacturing industry, not to mention the extraction of fuel and metals. But what about the equipment for storage of equipment?

Is it just that? If ancient people flew on modern aircraft and helicopters, of course, would preserve much more evidence than the collection of dubious models and the only panel with hieroglyphs carved in the temple above the doorway. We will not deny that a person's dream of flight is obliged to their origin to many ancient cultures, including Indian literature. Perhaps this idea inspired the inhabitants of South America to create mysterious models. And whether the dream was implemented - this question and today remains discussion.

Vymnika Shastra - Ancient Indian Treatise on Flights

Detailed information about the Vimanov is contained in the book " Vymnika Shastra", or" Vimnik Prakaranam "(translated from Sanskrit -" Science of Vimanov "or" Treatise on Flights ").
According to the same data, Vymnika Shastra was discovered in 1875 in one of the temples of India. It was drawn up in the IV century BC. Mudrenia Maharshakh Bharadvayji, who used even more ancient texts as sources. According to other sources, its text was recorded in 1918-1923. Venkataka Charma in the retelling of the wisdom medium, Pandita Satambray Shatra, who dictated 23 books "Vymniki Sastra" in a state of hypnotic trance. The sub-abrahe chasti himself argued that the text of the book for several millennia was recorded on palm leaves and was orally transmitted from generation to generation. According to his testimony, "Vymnika Shastra" is part of the extensive treatise of the wiser of Bharadvayji, entitled "Yantra Sarvasva" (translated from Sanskrit "Encyclopedia mechanisms" or "All about machines"). According to other specialists, it is about 1/40 part of the Labor "Vimana Vidyan" ("Science about aeronautics").
For the first time, "Vymnika Shastra" was published on Sanskrit in 1943. Three decades later she translated on english Director of the International Academy of Sanskrit research in Mysor (India) J. R. Josier, she was published in 1979 in India.
In the "Vymnika Sstra" contains numerous references to the works of 97 ancient scientists and experts on the construction and operation of aircraft, materials science, meteorology.
The book describes four types of aircraft (including devices that could not catch fire or crash) - " Mother Vimana", "Sundar Vimana", "Tripura Vimana"And" Shakun Vimana". The first one had a conical form, the configuration of the second was rocket-like: " Tripura Vimana "was a three-story (three-story), and on the second floor there were cabins for passengers, this multipurpose apparatus could be used for both air and underwater travel;" Shakun Vimana "looked like a large bird.
All aircraft were created from metals. The text mentions three of their kind: "Somomaka",
"Soundalika", "Mouthvika", as well as alloys that can withstand very high temperatures. In addition, Vymnika Shastra gives information about 32 basic parts of aircraft and 16 materials used in their manufacture, absorbing light and heat. Various devices and mechanisms on board the Vimana are most often called "Yantra" (machine) or "Darpaan" (mirror). Some of them resemble modern television screens, other - radar, third - cameras; Also mentioned devices such as electrical generator generators, solar energy absorbers, etc.
The whole chapter "Vimanic Shastra" is devoted to the description of the device " gUHAGARBHARSH YANTERbut".
With it, with a flying vimana, it was possible to locate the objects covered under the ground!
It is described in detail in the book and about seven mirrors and lenses, which were installed on board Viman for visual observations. So, one of them, called " mirror Pindjules"It was intended to protect the eye of pilots from blinding" Devil's rays "of the enemy.
Vymnika Shastra calls seven sources of energy, leading aircraft in motion: fire, earth, air, sun energy, moon, water and space. Using them, the Vimana acquired inaccessible to earthlings of the ability. So,
the power of "Guda" allowed the Vimanams to be invisible for the enemy, the power of "Parksha" could disable other aircraft, and the power of "pratya" to emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles. Using the energy of space, the Vimana could beat it and create visual or real effects: starry sky, clouds, etc.
The book also tells about the rules for managing aircraft and their service, describes the methods of training pilots, power mode, methods for making special protective clothing for them. It also contains information on the protection of aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and manual for switching the engine to "solar energy" from the source of free energy - "antigravity".
In the "Vymnika Sstra", 32 secrets are revealed, which must know the airproof from knowledgeable mentors. Among them are quite understandable requirements and rules of flight, for example, the accounting of meteorological conditions. However, most secrets concerned knowledge inaccessible to us and today, for example, the ability to make Viman invisible for opponents in battle, increase or decrease its size, etc. Here are some of them:
"... Collecting the energies of Yaa, Vias, Praäas in the eighth layer of the atmosphere covering land, attract the dark component of the solar beam and use it to hide Viman from the enemy ..."
"... through Vyanrathia Vicarans and other energies in the heart of the solar mass, bring the energy of the essential flow in the sky, and mix it from Balaha-Vicarana Shakti into a balloon, forming a white shell, which will make the vimant invisible ...";
"... if you enter the second layer of summer clouds, collect the energy of Shaktyakarshna Darpana, and attach it to Parissh (" Galo-Vimana "), you can generate paralyzing power, and the enemy's vimana will be paralyzed and disabled ...";
"... the projection of the beam of the light Rohini can be made visible objects ahead of Viman ...";
"... Vimana will move zigzag like a snake, if you collect a danduvact and seven other energy energies, connect with sunbeams, skip through a winding center of Vimana and rotate the switch ...";
"... By photographic Yantra in Viman, get a television image of items inside the enemy's ship ...";
"... if you electrify three types of acid in the northeastern part of the vimana, to expose their exposure to 7 types of sunlight and start the resulting force in the TRISHER mirror tube, everything that happens on Earth will be projected onto the screen ...".
According to the doctoral. Thompson from the Institute of Bhaktivedandans in Florida, USA, the author of the books "Aliens: a view from the depths of the centuries", "Unknown History of Mankind", in these instructions there are so many parallels with eyewitness stories about the features of UFO behavior.
According to various researchers of Sanskrit texts (D.K. Kanjilla, K. Nathana, D. Childress, R.L. Thompson, etc.), despite the fact that the illustrations of the "Vymnika Shastra" "polluted" in the XX century it contains Vedic Terms and ideas that can be genuine. And the authenticity of the Vedas, "Mahabharata", "Ramayana" and other ancient Sanskrit texts, which describe aerial vehicles, no one has doubts.

I invite everyone to a further discussion of this material on the pages

© A.V. Koltypin, 2010.

It should be recognized that many secrets secrets ignore one very important fact. While it is believed that most flying plates have the source of their origin of extraterrestrial civilizations and government military programs, an ancient India and Atlantis may be another possible source. What we know about flying objects of ancient India, we learned from the recorded ancient Indian sources that have come down to us through the century. There is no doubt that most of these sources are genuine. Among them - good famous peace Epos of India, consisting of hundreds of epic works, most of which are still not even translated from Sanskrit into English.

Indian Emperor Ashoka (273 BC-232 BC) founded the "secret society of nine unknown people", which consisted of great scientists in India, who had to make a catalog and give a description of the main sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret, because it was afraid that the achievements of science described by these people on the basis of ancient Indian sources would be used for the destructive goals of the war. Ashka became an enemy of the wars and adopted Buddhism after he defeated the army of the enemy in bloody battle.

Members of the Nine Unknown People Society have written nine books in total. One of them was the book "Secrets of Gravity", she is known to historians, although none of them ever seen her, and in this book, mostly it was said about "gravitational control". Perhaps this book is still stored somewhere in the secret library of India, Tibet, or somewhere else, maybe even in North America. Believing the possibility of the existence of this book, of course, you can understand the reason why Ashoka wanted to leave such knowledge in secret. Imagine that it could happen if the Nazis had this knowledge during World War II. Ashoka knew about the devastating effect in cases of using such high-tech aircraft and other types of "futuristic weapons" during wars, which destroyed the ancient Indian "Frame Empire" many millennia ago.

Just a few years ago, the Chinese found documents written in Sanskrit, in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to the University of Chandigarh (India) to translate. Doctor of this university Ruth Reina recently stated that these documents contain instructions for the construction of inter-storage spacecraft.

She said that their movement in space was based on the principle of "anti-gravity" using a system similar to the "lagic" system, an unknown internal force, which exists in the physiological structure of a person, a certain "centrifuge force, is quite powerful enough to neutralize gravitational attraction" . According to Indian yogis, it is "lagima" gives man the possibility of levitation.

Dr. Raina said that according to the documents found, on board such machines, called the "Astra" text, the ancient Indians were able to send a detachment of people to any planet. It was reported that in manuscripts, the secret "Antimi", or the "Invisible Happers", was described, was described by "Garima", i.e. That "how to become heavy like lead mountain."

Naturally, modern scientists did not perceive these texts seriously, but still reacted more positively to their value, when the Chinese stated that they included the study of a certain part of these ancient manuscripts into their Space Program! This became one of the first examples of recognition by the government to study anti-gravity.

In the manuscripts, there is no clear statement that the interplanetary flights were ever committed, but there is mentioned, along with other things about the planned flight on the moon, although it is not clear from the text, whether the flight was committed, or not. Nevertheless, in the Great Indian Epos, Ramayana is given detailed description Flights to the moon in Viman, or "Astra", as well as the battle on the moon with Asvin, Aircraft of Atlantis.

I have brought only small confirmations that have emerged recently, on the use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology, used in ancient India. In order to more fully understand this technology, we need to refer to the most remote times from us.

The so-called "Frame Empire" of Northern India and Pakistan developed at least fifteen thousand years ago on the Indian sub-continent. It was a nation consisting of residents of numerous large cities, many of whom are still found in the deserts of Pakistan and North and Western India. The civilization of the frame existed in fact, obviously, it was located during the time of civilization of the Atlanta somewhere in the midst of the ocean, known to us as the Atlantic. She was ruled by "enlightened priests-kings." The seven greatest major cities of the frame were known in the classic texts of the Hindus as "seven cities of Rishi"

According to the ancient Indian texts, people had flying cars called "Vimanami". In Indian epic, it is said that these were round aircraft, they had two decks and a tower with embrasures, the overall picture resembles a kind of flying saucer. They flew with wind speed, while heard "melodic sound". In the epic, at least four different types of vimanov are described: Some had a shape of a saucer, another long cylinder (cigar-like flying vehicles). The ancient Indian texts about the vimanas are numerous, they can be described only in a variety of huge volumes. Ancient Indians manufacturing these air ships themselves wrote reference books for the management of various types of machines, and many similar directories have survived to this day, some of them were even translated into English.

The so-called Samara Sutranthara is nothing more than a scientific treatise, considering in different aspects a journey in Viman. In 230 sutra, the design of the aircraft is described, takeoff, flying per thousand miles, ordinary and forced landing, even possible collisions with birds. In 1875, Vyamanik Shastra, the text of the fourth century BC, written by Bharadvadji wise, was re-opened in one of the temples of India. In it, using even more ancient texts, a description of the combat departure of Viman was given. The text included information about the management of the ship, precautions for long-range flights, about protection against storms and lightning, and how to switch the ship to "solar energy" using the source of free energy, the name of which is similar to the "anti-gravity".

Wymannika Shastra, (or Vimianik Sharastra) has eight chapters with diagrams describing three types of aircraft, including devices that do not burn in fire and do not break. The text also mentions 31 necessary part of these devices and 16 species of materials used in their construction. These materials absorb light and warmly, for this reason they were considered suitable when designing Vimanov. The document was transferred to English, it can be ordered through Vymaanidashaastra Aeronautics by Maharishi Bharadwaaja published. Translation into English, the editors and print implemented Josyer, Mysore, India in 1979 (unfortunately there is no complete address). Mr. Josier is the director of the International Academy of Studies by Sanskrit, which is located in MySore (India).

It seems that there may be no doubt that the driving force of Vimanov was a certain force close to "anti-gravity". The vimans took off vertically and were capable of hanging in the sky, like modern helicopters or airships. Bharavayji wise mentions seventy authoritative names and about ten experts in the field of air travel. But these sources are lost.

The vimans were kept in premises similar to the hangar, they were called Viman Grich. It is known that Vimana worked on some kind of yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes a mixture was used, which included mercury, which is very confused by writing on this topic in our time. It seems that the writers of a later period, describing the vimans, took materials from texts written earlier, and therefore it is clear that they were confused by the principle of the movement of Vimanov. As for the "liquid of yellowish-white color", then according to the description, it is quite similar to gasoline. Perhaps the Vimana flew using various means, including internal combustion engines and even motors of the "pulsating reactive engine".

It is interesting to note that the Nazis were the first to build pulsating jet engines for V-8 missiles, known as "buzzing bombs." Hitler and his approximated showed an increased interest in ancient India and Tibet, where they sent their expeditions in the early 1930s in order to collect esoteric evidence of flying antiquity devices. Perhaps during those expeditions the Nazis collected some scientific information.

According to the description given in Drone Parve, (parts of Mahabharata) and in Ramayane, Vimana had the form of the sphere and could fly at a huge speed, using a strong whirlwind formed by mercury interaction. He moved like UFO, up-down, then back-forward, depending on the desire of the pilot. In another Indian source, "SAMAR", it is said that the vimans were "iron machines with a smooth surface; They charged the mercury mixture, which when taken down shot from the tail of the apparatus in the form of a roaring flame. " Another work called Samarangana-SutraDhara describes the process of building such flying apparatuses. It is possible that mercury was somehow connected with the process of movement of the device, most likely with the control system. It is curious that Soviet scientists were discovered in Turkestan caves and in the Gobi Desert apparatus, named by them "Old Tools used in navigation of space aircraft". They are technical devices made by their glasses or porcelain and having a hemispherical shape ending with a cone, and a droplet of mercury is visible within this device.

Obviously, the ancient Indians flew on these devices over the entire Asia, reaching Atlantis. It is possible that they flew to South America. Scrolls found in Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan are still not deciphered. This city may have been one of the "seven cities of the Rishi owned by the Empire frame." Such scrolls found elsewhere - on Easter Island! They are called the Scriptures of the Rongo Rongo and look very similar to the Scriptures of Mohenjo Daro, they are still still not yet to decipher.

Was there an Easter Island Air Base on the way for the Vimanov of the Frame Empire ?? (Imagine that the passengers pass through the Mohenjodaro vimader field, they hear a soft voice from the speaker: "Frame Airlines, a flight N 7, departing to Bali, Easter Island, Naska and Atlantis, ready for flight. Passengers ask to go to the exit n ... ") Announced the flight to a huge distance in Tibet, reports the" fire chariot ". This flight was described as follows: "Bhima flew, sparkling in the sun, with a crash, like thunder. The flying chariot shone like a flame in the summer night sky ... She was rushed like a comet. It seemed that the two of the sun were shone in the sky, and then the chariot rose above, refreshing the heavens. "

In the jainan text of the eighth century Mahavir Bhavabhuti, borrowed from later texts and traditions, read: "Pushkar's flying chariot, there is a lot of people in the capital of Iodhya. The sky is filled with huge flying machines, black in the night sky, but lit by lights, they acquire a yellowish glow. "

Vedas, the ancient poetic works of the Hindus, were considered the most old Indian texts describing the vimans of various shapes and sizes: "Akhnikhotra-Vimana" with two engines, "Elephant-Vimana", which had an even greater number of motors. Vimana of other types, named by bird names, were known for the names of the birds: kingfisher, Ibis and some animals.

Unfortunately, Vimana, like most scientific achievements, were used mainly for wars. Atlanta used flying cars "Vaili", close in design to the Vimanam in order to conquer and subjugate the world. I think you can trust Indian texts. Atlants, known as the "Asvin" name in Indian texts, were obviously even more advanced technologically compared to the ancient Indians, moreover, they had a militant temperament. Although it is not known for certain about the existence of texts about the Vailiha Atlantov, but some information about this came from esoteric, occult sources describing their flying machines. Just like the Viman Indians, the Vaili had a cigar-like shape and could easily maneuver, both in the sky, even in the above-ground space and under water. Other their devices had the shape of a saucer and could obviously dive into the water.

According to Eklal Kieshan, the author of the article "The Last Edge", which appeared in 1966, - Vahili were built by altlants for the first time 20,000 children back, and the most common devices, similar to the saucer, inside which were trapese-like intersections with three hemispheric compartments with motors in bottom of the device. They used a mechanical anti-gravity device driven by motor capacity in 80,000 horsepower.

Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts tell about the terrible war between the Atlanta and the civilization of the frame that happened 10-12 thousand years ago. In war, such a weapon was used, which cannot even be submitted to readers until the middle of the current century.

Ancient Mahabharata, being one of the sources describing the vimans, continues the story about the terrible destruction, which carries the war: "Weapons looked like a reactive projectile charged with all the energy of the universe. The dazzling column of smoke and flame, sparkling as if a thousand sunsus shone their magnificence in everything ...

A bolt from the blue! The gigantic messenger of death, which turned into ashes of a whole race of Vrishnis and Andhakas ... The bodies of people were burned beyond recognition. Hair and nails fell out, the dishes crashed without impact, and the birds became white ... After several hours, all foods became unbearable. In an attempt to avoid fire and to wash off a pair of radiation soldiers rushed into the water ... ".

It may seem that atomic war describes in Mahabharat! Such terrible descriptions are found in other ancient Indian manuscripts. Also there are often describing the use of a variety of fantastic weapons and flying machines. One of them describes the battle on the moon between two flying machines - Viman and Vailix! The above excerpor very accurately describes how an atomic explosion can look, as well as the destructive effect of radioactivity on everything alive. Temporary relief brings only jump into the water.

When, in the last century, the archaeologists started the city of Rishi, Mohenjo-Doro, they discovered skeletons of people right on the streets, some of them are compressed as if they hung a fatal danger over them. These skeletons are also strongly like those that were found on the streets of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities with aches of brick and stone walls that have turned into glass can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation of such a transformation except as the fact that this is the result of the atomic explosion.

With the Cataclysms, the immersion of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of the frame atomic weapons, the world rolled towards the "stone century".

Translation of Galina Yermolina.

Sanskrit texts are full of references to how the gods fought in the sky, using the vimans, equipped with weapons as deadly, as well as used in our more enlightened times. For example, here is an excerpt from Ramayana, in which we read:

"Paspak machine that resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by powerful Ravana; This beautiful air car is sent anywhere in the wild, ... This car resembles a bright cloud in the sky ... And the king of the frame entered it and this beautiful ship entered it. Under the command, Raghira rose to the upper layers of the atmosphere. "

Vimana - an aircraft, the descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the "vymnika-sastra". These devices could move as a squeezed atmosphere and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. The vimans were activated both using mantra (spells) and solid mechanical devices. Waitmar fell on the mainland, which was named by Star Travelers Daria - the gift of the gods. Aitman is a small flying chariot.

At Waitmar were representatives of the four peoples of the Allied Lands of the Great Race: the childbirth of the Aryans - Harics, siren Daarian; Birth of Slavs - Rasen and Svyatarusus. Daarians performed the duties of pilots with the exception of Piccolo. Weitmar fell on the mainland who was named after star travelers Daria - the task of the gods is brushless. Harics led cosmonitive work. Viotmars - great celestial vehicles capable of postponing in wither your up to 144 Waitman. The entire Vimana itself is an intelligence ship. All Slavic-Aryan gods and goddesses have their own Waitmans and Weitmars,
corresponding to their spiritual possibilities. I am expressed by the modern language, the heavenly ships of our ancestors are biological robots that have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to transfer them both inside the worlds Navi, Javi and Slavo, and from one world to another. In different worlds, they take different forms and have different properties necessary to fulfill their destination. For example, to people of the Earth, God highly flew to Waitman, having a form
a huge eagle, and God is Svarog (which Hindu Brahmins call Brahma) - on Waitman in the form of a wonderful swan.

From Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of an unusual volume, we learn that someone named Asura Maya possessed about 6 m in a circle, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a whole treasury of information related to conflicts between the gods that solved their differences using the guns, obviously, just as deadly as those that we can apply. In addition to "bright missiles", the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. "Dot Indra" operate with the help of a circular "reflector". When turned on, it gives a beam of light, which, being focused on any purpose, immediately "devours it with its own power." In one particular case, when the hero, Krishna, pursues his enemy, Shalva, in the sky, Saubha made Viman Shalva invisible. Not frightened, Krishna immediately keeps a special weapon:

"I quickly put an arrow that killed, looking for sound."

And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite reliably in Mahabharat, but the most terrible of them was used against Vrish. The narration says:

"Gurkha, flying on her fast and powerful Viman, threw in three cities of Vrishi and Andhak the only shell charged with the whole force of the universe. The split column of smoke and fire, bright, like 10,000 suns, rose in everything with his magnificence. It was an unknown weapon, iron Lightning strike, a gigantic messenger of death, which turned into ashes of the whole Rasha and Andhahkov. "

It is important to notice that records of this kind are not isolated. They are correlated with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of the effect of this iron zipper contain an ominous recognizable ring. Obviously, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted a little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

Vymnika-Sutra describes various types of vimanov, their characteristics and engine systems. The vimans are able to fly in the atmosphere, under water, under the ground, in open space and even outside our universe. They can be purely mechanical or used for flight various space energy, as well as vitality. For example, the vimans are described ("Heavenly Chariots"), made of flowers or a young church, eliminated with the root. Descriptions of various flying ships are found in Ramayane, in Rigveda (II thousand BC) and in other works that have come down to us from deep antiquity. Five types of aircraft are called: Manda Vimana, Vimana Sundra, Vimana Trirap, Shakun Vimana and Agniorta. Thus, the Viman's Human and Swiman Sundra have a conical shape. Mandus of the Vimana is described as a three-tier flying ship with a propulsion at base. On the second "floor" - the room for passengers. Sundra Vimana is in many ways similar to the Maman, but in contrast to the latter has a more streamlined form. Tripura Vimana - the ship is bigger. Agniortes, unlike other ships, fly on the basis of reactive traction. Ancient sources argue that there are flying ships for wanderings not only within the universe, but also in other worlds and spaces populated by perfect creatures.

Perhaps the most impressive and causing information that in some of the ancient records about these allegedly mythical vimans they say how to build them. Instructions, in their own way, are quite detailed. In Sanskrit SAMARANGAN Sutradhar is written:

"A strong and durable should be done by the Vimana Corps, like a huge bird from a light material. Inside it is necessary to put a mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus under it. With the help of force hidden in mercury, which leads the leading tornhead in motion, a person sitting inside can Travel through the sky over long distances. The movements of Vimana are such that it can be vertically climb, vertically decrease and move tilted forward and back. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and heavenly entities can go down to the ground. "

Khakafa (Babylonian laws) declares completely unequivocally:

"The privilege to manage the aircraft is great. Knowledge of flight - among the most ancient in our heritage. Dar from" those at the top. "We got it from them as a means of saving many lives."

An even more fantastic information given in ancient chaldean work, a syphranium, which contains more than a hundred pages of technical details about the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that are translated as a graphite rod, copper coils, a crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.

Many riddles of UFO mysteries can watch a very important fact. In addition to assumptions that most flying plates of extraterrestrial origin or, maybe, the government's military projects, and their possible source can be ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about the ancient Indian aircraft, comes from the ancient Indian written sources that have come down to us in a century. There may be no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; There are literally hundreds of them, many are well-known Indian EPOS, but most of them are not yet translated into English from the ancient Sanskrit.

The Indian king of Ashoka established the "secret society of nine unknown people" the Great Indian scientists who had to catalog the many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret, because it was afraid that the information of the advanced science, collected by these people from the ancient Indian sources, can be used in the evil intended war against which Ashok was determined, being addressed to Buddhism after the victory over the enemy army in bloody Battle. "Nine Unknowns" wrote only nine books, presumably each one. One of the books was called "secrets of gravity." This book, famous for historians, but have never been seen by them, was mainly a majority with control over. Presumably this book is still somewhere located in the secret library of India, Tibet or anywhere else (it is possible that even in North America). Of course, assuming that this knowledge exists, it is easy to understand why Ashoka kept him secret.

Ashoka was also aware of devastating wars using these apparatus and other "futuristic weapons", which destroyed the ancient Indian Ram Raj (Rama Kingdom) a few thousand years before him. Only a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them to transfer to the University of Chandrygarh. Dr. Ruf Reina from this university recently stated that these documents contain instructions on the construction of inter-storage spacecraft! Their way of movement, she said, was "antigravitational" and was based on a system similar to the "I" used in Laghim, which exists in the mental structure of a person, "centrifugal strength, sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction." According to Indian yogam, this is the "Laghima" that allows a person to levitate.

Dr. Reina said that on board these cars, called the Astra, the ancient Indians could send the detachment of people to any planet. Manuscripts also talk about the opening of the "antimony" or invisible hat, and "Garima", allowing to become heavy as a mountain or lead. Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but they began to relate to their value more positively, when the Chinese announced that they used some of their units to explore the space program! This one of the first examples of a government decision to allow the study of anti-gravity. (Chinese science is different from European, for example, in the province of Sinjiang there is a state institution engaged in the study of UFO. - K.Z.)

The manuscripts do not say definitely, whether the interplanetary flight has ever been taken, but it is mentioned, among other things, the planned flight to the moon, although it is unclear whether this flight was actually implemented. Anyway, one of the great Indian epos, Ramayana, contains a very detailed story about the journey to the moon in Viman (or "Astra"), and describes the battle in the moon with "Ashwin" (or the Atlanti) ship in detail. This is just a small part of the evidence of the use of antigravity and aerospace technology.

To understand this technology in reality, we must return to more ancient times. The so-called the kingdom of the frame in Northern India and Pakistan was created at least 15 millennia ago and there was a nation of large and sophisticated cities, many of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan, North and Western India. The kingdom of the frame existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantic civilization in the center of the Atlantic Ocean and was managed by "enlightened priests-kings", which stood at the head of the cities.

The seven greatest metropolitan cities of the frame are known in classic Indian texts as "seven cities of Rishi." According to the Old Indian texts, people had aircraft called "Vimanami". Epos describes viman as a two-candy round aircraft with holes and a dome, which is very similar to how we present a flying plate. He flew "with wind speed" and published a "melodious sound." There were at least four different types of vimans; Some are similar to sauces, others are similar to long cylinders - cigar-like aircraft. The ancient Indian texts about the vimans are so numerous that the retelling would take the whole volumes. Ancient Indians who created these ships wrote entire flight management guides various types Vimanov, many of which still exist, and some of them are even translated into English.

Samara Sutraradhara is a scientific treatise, examining air travel in viman under all possible corners. It contains 230 chapters telling about their design, takeoff, flight to thousands of kilometers, normal and emergency landing, and even possible collisions with birds. In 1875, Vyamanik Shastra was discovered in one of the temples of India, the text IV century. BC, written by Bharadvaji Wise, who used even more ancient texts as sources. He talked about the operation of Vimanov and included information about their driving, caution about long flights, information about the protection of aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and manual to switch the engine to "solar energy" from a source of free energy, which was called like "antigravity". Vymannika Shastra contains eight chapters equipped with charts, and describes three types of aircraft, including devices that could not light up or crash. It also mentions 31 the main part of these devices and 16 materials used in their manufacture, absorbing light and heat, by which they are considered suitable for the design of vimanov.

This document is translated into English J. R. Josier and published in Mysor, India, in 1979. Mr. Josier is the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit research in Mysor. It seems that the vimans were undoubtedly driven by some kind of antigravity. They took off vertically and could hang in the air like modern helicopters or airships. Bharadvagi refers no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts in the field of antiquity aeronautics.

These sources are now lost. The vimans were kept in the "Viman Grich", the types of hangar, and sometimes it is said that they were driven by a yellowish-white liquid, and sometimes some native mercury mixture, although it seems that the authors are insecure in this matter. Most likely, the later authors were only observers and used their early texts, and it is clear that they were confused about the principle of their movement. The "yellowish-white liquid" suspiciously resembles gasoline, and perhaps the Vimana had various sources of movement, including internal combustion engines and even jet engines.

According to Dronapleba, parts of Mahabharata, as well as Ramayan, one of the Vimanov is described as a view of a sphere and carrying at high speed by mighty wind created by mercury. He moved like a UFO, climbing, dropping, moving back and forward, as he wanted that pilot. In another Indian source, Samara, the vimans are described as "iron cars, well-collected and smooth, with the charge of mercury, which escaped from the back of it in the form of a roaring flame." Another work under the name of Samaranganasutradhara describes how the devices were arranged. It is possible that mercury had some kind of attitude to the movement, or, more possibly, to the control system. It is curious that Soviet scientists have discovered what they called "ancient tools used when navigating spacecraft" in the caves of Turkestan and the Gobi desert. These "devices" are hemispherical objects made of glass or porcelain, ending the cone with a drop of mercury inside.

Obviously, the ancient Indians flew on these devices throughout Asia and probably in Atlantis; And even, apparently, in South America. A letter found in Mohenjo Daro in Pakistan (alleged one of the "seven cities of Rishi Empire Rama"), and still uncapped, also found at another point in the world - Easter Island! The writtenness of the Easter Island, called the Rongo-Rongo letter, is also unfinished and very much reminds the writing of Mohenjo-Doro. ...

In Mahavir Bhavabhuti, the Jain Text of the VIII century, collected from more ancient texts and traditions, we read:

"Air chariot, Pushpaka, delivers many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge aircraft, black, like a night, but littered with yellowish lights."

Vedas, the ancient Hindu poems, considered the oldest of all Indian texts, describe the virts of various types and sizes: "Agnihotaviman" with two engines, "Elephant Viman" with even more engines and others, called "wintering", "Ibis" and Other animals name.

Unfortunately, Vimana, like most scientific discoveriesUltimately used for military purposes. Atlants used their aircraft, "Vaikali", similar to the type of devices, in an attempt to conquer the world, if you believe in Indian texts. Atlants, known in Indian Scriptures as Asvin, apparently have been more developed technologically than Indians, and, of course, were more warlike temperament. Although it is not known about the existence of any ancient texts about the Atlantic Vaiksi, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their aircraft.

Similar to Vimana, but not identical to them, Vyliksi were usually cigar-like and were capable of maneuvering under water as well as in an atmosphere and even in outer space. Other devices, like the Vimanam, were in the form of meals and apparently could also dive. According to Eclal Kuzhani, the author of the "marginal border", Vyliksi, as he writes in Article 1966, was first developed in Atlantis, 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "obscure and usually trapeing in a section with three hemispherical covers for engines at the bottom. They used The mechanical anti-gravity installation, driven by engines, developing the capacity of approximately 80,000 horsepower.

Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts talk about the disgusting war, which took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was carried out using the weapon of destruction, which could not submit readers until the second half of the 20th century.

Ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources of information about Vimanov, continues to describe the terrible destructiveness of this war:

"... the only shell, charged with all the power of the universe. The split column of smoke and flames, bright, like a thousand suns, rose in everything with his magnificence. ... Iron shock of zipper, a gigantic death sentiment, who turned into ashes of the Raspanis and Andhahkov. .. The bodies were so burned, that they became unrecognizable. The hair and nails fell out; the dishes were crashed without visible causes, and the birds became white ... After a few hours, all the products were infected ... to escape from this fire, the soldiers rushed into streams, To laugh yourself and their weapons ... "

It may seem that Mahabharata describes atomic war! Mentions similar to this are not identified; The battles using a fantastic set of weapons and aircraft are common in epic Indian books. One even describes the battle between the Vimanov and Vaiksami on the moon! And above the quoted passage very accurately describes how the atomic explosion looks like and what is the effect of radioactivity on the population. Jump in the water gives the only respite.

When the city of Mohenjo Daro was excavated by archaeologists in the XIX century, they discovered skeletons, just lying on the streets, some of them kept their hands as if they were captured by the surprise some trouble. These skeletons are the most radioactive from ever found, along with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The ancient cities, whose brick and stone walls literally glazed, woven together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. The glazing of stone fortresses and cities there is no other logical explanation, except for the atomic explosion.

Moreover, in Mohenjo Daro, beautifully planned on the grid, with a plumbing, superior to those used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were covered with "black pieces of glass." It turned out that these round pieces were clay pots melted from strong heating! With the cataclysmic immersion of Atlantis and with the destruction of the kingdom of the frame atomic weapons, the world rolled towards the "stone century" ...
