For some reason, the phrase pops up in my head: “Whoever doesn’t smoke or drink will die healthy!” This, of course, is a joke, but still, as they say, in every joke there is only a fraction of a joke, and everything else is true. Agree that this phrase, whatever one may say, is fair. Look around: various diets, therapeutic fasting, various types of healing breathing - holotropic breathing, rebirthing, and so on have come into fashion today. There are whole movements of followers of Porfiry Ivanov and even there is a movement of "Sun Eaters" (people who allegedly have not taken solid food for years), vegetarians, "yogis", various schools of natural movement, and so on.

And the question is: “Why all this? After all, the result is still the same - the body will die and be buried or burned, or, preferably, given away for anatomical research (any, but still benefit to society). So why are so many people investing their time and attention into various wellness techniques? Is it really just to live 5-10 years longer than a neighbor who smokes and drinks? Or is there some kind of subconscious fear hiding under the desire to improve your body, for example, the fear of death? This question became very interesting to me personally, because I myself was fond of various sports, tourism and I am familiar with many systems of natural healing of a person ... Let's try to figure out together what drives a person in his desire to spend his time and attention on improving his own body and what is the true purpose of our body.

Let's start with the fear of death. I don’t know how anyone, but I personally faced the fear of death when a person close to me died. Up to this point, I somehow did not pay attention to this fear, well, people die to themselves and die. But when you face death loved one you begin to realize that one day you too will die. And from this understanding some kind of animal fear is born. It even seemed to me that I was upset not because of the death of a loved one as such, but because of the understanding, or rather the realization of the fact that death would not blow me away. It was this fear that prompted me later to study various techniques of healing and playing sports ...

I think it will be interesting and informative for everyone to know what young people think about death. Below is a survey conducted among Russian students of the Tver State technical university. The survey involved 90 boys and 60 girls aged 18-20 years. To the question of young people “What is death in your opinion?”, the guys answered most often like this: “this is a transition to another, more perfect world” (19.3% of respondents answered this way); “this is the process of separating the soul from the body” (about 18%); “this is the cessation of biological existence” (about 12%); “death is summing up the results of all life” (about 7.3%); other answers: “this is the beginning of eternal life”, “this is life after life”, “death is freedom”.

It is also interesting that American students, in accordance with the data obtained when conducting a similar test in the United States (the results are taken from specialized literature), answered most often like this: “Death is the stoppage of the functions of the human body”, “this is the cessation of existence” , "death is the end of everything", "it is the beginning and the end at the same time."

But let us return nevertheless to our Slavic students.

To a direct question to respondents: “Could you imagine your own death?” 30% of respondents gave a positive answer, 54.7% - negative; and 3.3% of the young people surveyed said that they didn’t even want to imagine such a thing, that they were scared to even think about it, and another 2% of the respondents admitted that “now we all live in such a difficult time that it’s practically impossible to foresee anything in advance - it is quite possible to die both from old age, and to go into another world unexpectedly and with a bullet in a crazy head. The survey also showed that only a few respondents are going to, so to speak, "die with dignity." Others see the end of their existence "in extreme old age, in the family circle, surrounded by children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren."

Statistics show that only about 28% of all respondents experience fear of death, and only 39.3% of respondents deny it. The following comments were also received from students: “you can’t get away from death, you have to rejoice at its arrival”, that “recently, many are afraid to live”, or “I’m afraid of the process of dying, but not death as such”, “in general it is pointless to be afraid, it will not make anyone feel better, and it will not come later than the due date. Apparently, this is typical for young people - they are not afraid of death itself, but of breaking off relations with loved ones. The survey showed that 36.7% of respondents now believe in immortality, but 44.7% do not. And only 2% of respondents see their immortality as a continuation in their children and grandchildren. And most still believe in the immortality of the soul itself. It is quite obvious that this is why in response to the question: "Do you believe that you have a soul?" The vast majority of respondents answered in the affirmative - 87.3%.

Let's find out what the world's leading religions say about death?


It is believed that after the death of the body, the souls of the righteous are saved and enter the threshold of paradise. "The beggar (Lazarus) died, and he was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom" (Luke 16:22), well, the souls of sinners go to hell and spend time "in hell, in torment" (Luke 16:23). The final division of people into saved and unsaved will take place at the so-called terrible Judgment, when “Many of those sleeping in the dust of the earth will awake, some to eternal life, others to everlasting reproach and shame” (Daniel 12:2).


In the Islamic religion, for every Muslim who has reached the age of majority, the mention of death in the teaching is very important. This reminds him of the transience of life and distracts from attachment to everything material. Almighty Allah through the Qur'an mentions death as many as 164 times! This speaks, of course, about the importance and significance of this issue in Islam. Here are just a few quotes from the Qur'an on this subject:

In the pages of the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty says: “Say: “Indeed, that death from which you are all running away will surely overtake you anyway. But then you will all be resurrected and returned to the Almighty, who knows both the secret and the obvious, and, truly I say, in the next world you will be informed about what you did on this earth, and you will be responsible for all your deeds there. here"" (Sura Al-Jumu'a, verse 8). The Holy Qur'an further says: “Every living soul will taste death. On the Day of Judgment, all of you will be fully rewarded: the one who will be delivered from the fire of Hell and will be entered into Paradise will achieve success. All life in this world is but a deceitful pleasure.” (Surah Alu ‘Imran, verse 185). And in other verses of the Holy Qur'an on the same occasion it is said as follows: “Every living soul will taste death; in this life, Allah tests all of you with your good and bad deeds, and in the next world you will be resurrected and returned to Me and will be responsible for all your deeds ”(Sura Al-Anbiya, ayat 35).


It is believed that after death physical body Three options can await a person’s soul: instantaneous rebirth, falling into hell (the time before the immortal soul enters a new body) and leaving for nirvana (God’s world). Here are some of the expressions of the Buddha that have survived to this day: "I have passed through the samsara of many rebirths." “Birth again and again is sad.” "Immortality can only be achieved by continuous acts of kindness." “Some return again to the mother’s womb, while others who do evil fall into the underworld for this, the righteous go to heaven, and those without desires reach Nirvana.”

So we see that many world religions believe in the further life of the soul after the death of the body. Moreover, almost all religions say that heaven awaits the righteous, and hell awaits the sinners. The righteous are those who adhere to the commandments, but sinners, respectively, are those who do not adhere to them. Of course, behind all these wise, associative sayings lies a deep spiritual meaning.

Let's analyze all of the above:

1. In their youth, people rarely think about death, because they are still so young and full of energy, they have their whole life ahead of them!

2. The thought that you will die comes to our mind after you have lost one of your close relatives, then the realization comes that you, too, will someday die. It is at this moment that many people begin to engage in various healing systems, they want to live in the body as long as possible.

3. And although most world religions talk about life after death, people do not believe in it and prefer to live here, rather than think about life after death. As many say, “nobody has ever returned from there”, therefore, illusory thoughts draw a deception to them and lead to the fact that they need to take everything from life.

4. And finally, people who practice various health techniques do them only in order to live without getting sick and to live longer. To the question: “Why do you strive to live longer?”, No one can clearly answer.

And really, why? And what is the meaning of our existence? And what will happen to us after death?

Let's try to figure this out together. There are now mountains of esoteric literature on the Internet and on bookshelves. In search of an answer to this question, I studied a lot of it, read books by such famous authors as Osho, Richard Bach, Paulo Coelho, Kryon, Anthony de Maylo, Den Milman, Costaneda and many others. They all talk about the same thing, about the need for self-development and self-knowledge. Figuratively speaking, after reading such literature (esoteric and religious), we can conclude that it is all about the fact that the main goal in human life is self-improvement. For example, through prayer or meditation and doing good deeds. But it’s not clear what self-improvement is and where is the ultimate goal? Esotericists say that there is no goal, there is only a path. For me personally, this statement did not seem too convincing, because, in my opinion, if a person does not have a specific goal, then he goes nowhere. In other words, I did not see clear and precise answers to the questions: “What is self-improvement and spiritual development?” And, of course, I really wanted to know what the soul is and what relation I have to it.

I received a clear and precise answer to these questions quite recently. The AllatRa book by Anastasia Novykh has been published. Reading this book opened up a whole new world for me. But first things first.

From the book, I realized that the main and only goal of any person is to merge with his soul. Now I will decipher it in my understanding... Every person has a personality and a soul. And the goal of the individual is to merge with his soul at all costs. If this happens, then a new spiritual being is born in the spirit world. I will give a clear associative example. There is a female egg - this is the soul, there is a sperm - this is a personality, if the sperm-personality reaches the soul-egg, then a new creature will be born. If it does not reach, then the sperm-personality dies, and the soul-ovum continues to exist. And then a new personality, after the rebirth of the soul into a new body, will try to fertilize the cell - the soul.

I understood the following. I, as a person, have only one goal - to reach my soul. What to do for this? The book gives clear instructions: control your thoughts and emotions, awaken deep feelings in yourself, clearly separate your desires from the spiritual and material world, develop deep feelings through meditative techniques and in Everyday life to live from the soul, and not from the animal mind, to realize that the entire visible material world is a school of testing for the personality, this is the domain of the Animal mind, which will do everything possible to distract the personality from its true purpose- merge with the soul. Agree, he has plenty of tools for this, I will give only the main ones: money, power, manipulation, sex, selfishness, pride and others. The main task for me, as a person, is to ignore all the traps of the material and strive only for the soul. This does not mean, of course, that one should go into a cave and meditate all day long. You just need to clearly understand what is important in your life and what is not ...

A few more words about the AllatRa book. Everything I said above is my opinion and my reasoning. I'm just sure that you will be shocked after reading this book. And after reading, you will be able to understand many things, from the structure of the Universe to the structure of man and the spiritual world. But most importantly, you will make a choice in which direction to steer in your life. It will become clear to you what you spend your life on, an understanding will come of whether it is necessary to engage in various health-improving techniques. It seems to me that you yourself will answer the question of whether it is worth spending such close attention of your life on them, or do a lot of useful things for people and your soul during this time.

Vladimir Kocherov

B Most people experience the fear of death, but not everyone has an idea where it comes from. Such a phobia can accompany a person all his life or appear completely suddenly. In this case, it is necessary to differentiate the cause of the occurrence of such a condition. An obsessive fear of death can haunt people who are unsure of themselves. Psychotherapists often find other concomitant phobias in such patients.

The feeling of fear of death can be so great that psychosomatic disorders occur. A patient with similar manifestations becomes irritable and aggressive. Life without fear of death is possible after the necessary psychotherapeutic work. It is not always easy to force such a phobia out of a person's consciousness, because the reason may be the most unexpected.

Life without fear of death is possible only after a person realizes the naturalness of this process. The cycle of existence begins with birth and ends with departure to another world. Religious people are often intimidated by the very process of this transition. Fantasies affect much more than the very fact of a fatal outcome.

Why is there such fear?

There is no need to be afraid of death, because this is the natural end of human life. However, not everyone can accept this fact and do not want to come to terms with it. In depth this phenomenon there are problems associated with personal perception of the surrounding reality.

Complete absence of fear of death is also impossible. This is considered one of the types of psychological disorders. It is absolutely impossible to give up fears about your death. The presence of unexpressed fear should not be too frightening. However, when emotions about this go off scale, it is worth considering.

Fear of death can be associated with a lot of factors. They may have been present since childhood. The fear of death, which has a variety of causes, is one of the most serious types of phobic disorders. Main factors:

  1. Fear of illness or severe death. Many people are afraid of this. Their phobia is based on bodily sensations. Such patients are afraid of pain and agony. These fantasies may be reinforced by some kind of illness or certain negative experiences that a person experienced in the past.
  2. Pointless care. Most patients are afraid to die without leaving a trace. That is, not to do something significant in life. These people are always late. They are chasing luck. They want to achieve something meaningful, to be appreciated. The fear of leaving without a successfully completed task is worse for them than bodily pain.
  3. Loss of contacts. This phobic disorder affects people who suffer from loneliness. At the same time, they are afraid to die, left alone with themselves. Such patients cannot be alone for a long time. Here the cause is reduced self-esteem and a violation of socialization.
  4. Religion and superstition. People who are immersed in any beliefs are afraid to die because after death they will end up in some terrible place. The fear of hell is often much stronger than that of death itself. Many are waiting for death with a scythe or something like that.

Why are people afraid of death? You can answer unambiguously. People are primarily afraid of life. Both fears are identical.

Symptoms of this type of fear

Fear of death has a variety of symptoms. First of all, there is an increased sensitivity to any stimulus. A person is afraid of almost everything. He is afraid of being mortally ill. Concomitant phobias appear, which provoke a number of serious psycho-neurological disorders.

People who fear for their lives often sit at home and avoid any change. The upcoming flight on an airplane can cause them to faint and panic attacks. The second type of disorder deserves special attention.

Panic attacks, in which the fear of death often underlies, are a complex somatic disorder. At the same time, shortness of breath, dizziness, tachycardia appear quite suddenly in a person, blood pressure jumps, and nausea occurs. There may also be upset stools, frequent urination, and intense fear that leads to panic. Patients with these disorders think they are about to die, but these are just manifestations of the autonomic nervous system, which thus responds to phobias.

The fear of death at the same time reaches a peak of intensity. The person may fall into despair. Panic attacks can occur at different times. Sometimes they happen at night, in some people they appear in in public places or some drastic change.

Fear of death always accompanies people with panic disorders. Often an attack begins with a sharp release of the hormone adrenaline into the blood. In this case, the vessels spasm sharply and characteristic symptoms occur, accompanied by a jump in blood pressure and nausea. Panic attacks can be accompanied by feelings of lack of air.

Panic fear of death in children is less common than in adults, and is much easier to correct. People who live in constant expectation of illness and trouble are afraid to leave the house, refuse relationships, as there is a phobia of contracting an infection.

Thanatophobia is often accompanied by anxiety disorders. The person cannot relax. He is in a constant state of flux. As a result nervous system depleted, blood circulation worsens in various organs and systems. People with a constant sense of anxiety often feel painful manifestations in the stomach and intestines, suffer from colitis, gastritis and ulcerative defects of the mucous membrane. As a result of increased anxiety, the production of gastric juice is stimulated, which negatively affects the walls of the organ.

Often there are stool disorders. A person may be tormented by constant bouts of diarrhea or constipation. Often there is a lack of appetite. Patients with this fear lose weight and performance due to obsession with the phobia.

How to get rid of the problem?

Working with the fear of death is divided into several stages. First of all, it is necessary to be aware of the pathological nature of this phenomenon. Psychologists recommend approaching treatment with awareness of the inevitability of the transition from temporary to eternal life.

Most people want to know how to learn not to be afraid of death. Some psychologists use a unique technique that is based on playing a disturbing phobia. To do this, you need to imagine your own death, how to survive it here and now.

Additionally, you should realize that a certain reason is hidden under this phobia. Revealing it is much more important than all the techniques combined. It is important to understand not how to stop being afraid of death, but what tool is better to use in this case. It will not be possible to eradicate fear forever, but it is quite possible to correct it and make it more rational.

How not to be afraid of death? It is necessary to eradicate fear by replacing it with a positive image. When a phobia comes to mind and haunts, you should imagine something exactly the opposite. For example, a wedding, some kind of fun event, and so on. This must be done until this fear ceases to be so intrusive.

To say how to get rid of the fear of death, it is recommended to understand the specifics of phobias. The more you feed a negative thought, the more dynamically it will progress. We need to recognize the need to replace the negative with the positive. Over time, positive changes will be noticeable.

In order to accurately answer the question of how to overcome the fear of death, one should delve into the essence of the problem and understand what a person is really afraid of. If this is due to the fear of painful sensations during the transition to another world, then it is recommended to analyze all cases when a similar fear or unpleasant manifestations arose. Perhaps the person has experienced a serious illness or something like that.

Knowing how to overcome the fear of death, a person receives a powerful tool that allows him to look at life in a new way. When an attack sets in, and the thought literally begins to choke, it is recommended to turn it off abruptly. You can do this in any way. Turn on the music, start cleaning up, replace the negative fantasy with a positive one, etc. You need to do anything, just do not concentrate on fear.

What to do if constant fear is accompanied by panic attacks, you also need to know. First of all, when an attack occurs, you should stop and pinch yourself. You can simply hit yourself with the palm of your hand or leg. The main thing is to get involved in reality. It should be immediately realized that this condition does not threaten life and health. Additionally, it is recommended to change the breathing. Make it deeper, more conscious, learn to breathe with your stomach. In general, it is recommended to engage in reality using the described approach.

What methods can be applied?

How to overcome the fear of death? You need to understand that all people are subject to this. Do not be afraid of her premature arrival, as this is only negative thought and has nothing to do with the real state of affairs. It is very important to learn how to take care of yourself. Relax more and indulge yourself with pleasant little things.

It is not always easy to understand how to cope with the fear of death, because sometimes phobias are so progressive that they prevail over common sense. In this case, you need to work with a psychotherapist. Good effect gives breathing exercises.

To get rid of the anxiety that accompanies such a phobia, you need to inspire yourself with positive attitudes. Change the bad for the good. Thus, one must mentally chew the problem and digest it. As long as the subconscious of a person cannot do this, nothing will work.

Additional techniques

It is necessary to answer the question, what is the worst thing about death. Then analyze your answer. If it is pain and torment, then try to remember similar situations. When the feeling of loneliness is the basis, then it is already necessary to solve the problem of socialization.

Fear of death is a phobia that affects almost 80% of people on the planet. To live with it, you need to be aware of your presence in real world and not in the cloud of their negative fantasies. The phobia of death tends to progress if the thought is constantly replayed in the head and experienced. It is very helpful to write down your fear on a piece of paper. It is desirable to state in detail all the unpleasant sensations, down to minor details. Then imagine yourself as a different person and read what is written, analyzing from the outside.

The fear of death has been studied by psychology for a very long time. The described method is effective. When a state of aggravation occurs, and the thought begins to choke, it is recommended to imagine yourself from the outside. Look at your condition from the position of a doctor and draw a conclusion.

You can even give yourself advice and prescribe treatment. Death from fear occurs in isolated cases. Therefore, you should not be afraid that a panic attack will end in death. This type of somatic manifestations refers to cyclic. During an attack, it is recommended to take any sedative and vasodilator drug and sit in a horizontal position.

It must be understood that the stronger the fear, the more intense the symptoms will manifest. All this can be easily avoided if you keep peppermint essential oil or ammonia on hand. When there is a feeling of the onset of an attack, you just need to inhale the listed funds and it will immediately become easier. Proper breathing will help. If the heart beats very strongly, then you need to try to calm yourself. To do this, you can slowly walk around the room, turn on relaxing music or your favorite movie.

How to deal with the fear of death correctly, the psychotherapist will tell you after a preliminary consultation. In this case, the assessment of the patient's condition is very important.

If you are overcome by the fear of death, and thoughts about the inevitable end poison your present, try to change your attitude towards the future and adjust your own behavior.

fullness of life

Those people who live to the fullest are not afraid of death. It is important to enjoy every passing day and even moments, realize your own abilities and talents, achieve what you want and be with the people you love and cherish.

Otherwise, you will join the group of those people who do not live, but exist. They vegetate and waste own life on trifles. Such individuals rush from one entertainment or pleasure to another, abandon the path to their dream at the slightest obstacle and do not dare to claim more than they already have.

Expand your horizons, don't be afraid to live and feel. And then you will not have the feeling that life is passing by, and the world has not revealed the best that is in it for you. Understand that it is the feeling of wasted time that leads to fear.

And those who do everything possible to take everything from life are more philosophical about the future end of life.

Death is like a dream

Some people are not afraid of death because they understand that when death comes, they will no longer be, but they are afraid of what is meaningless. This is a fairly simple and logical statement, and if you delve into it, the fear of death recedes. When a person, he plunges into eternal sleep and no longer feels pain, fear, or anxiety.

Treat death as an infinite peace and stop being afraid of it.


There are people who relate to death more calmly with the appearance of their children and then grandchildren. They see in their offspring a continuation of themselves and understand that with the onset of death, parts of their personality and soul will continue to live in their descendants.

Children and grandchildren take a lot from their mothers, fathers, grandparents. Appearance, character, mind - all this is a combination of ancestral genes. Therefore, a person who has successors of the family can overcome the fear of death.

No fear

Finally, there are people who do not experience fear at all. They are not afraid of heights, darkness, disease, or even death. On the contrary, these individuals feel the need to constantly be in extreme situations. Such people do not have enough adrenaline in their lives and fear is not known to them at all.

What associations does the word "death" evoke in ordinary person? This is absolute evil, pain, tears, losses... That is why no one can think about death without fear. Well, when this fear is somewhere in the depths of the soul. A person likes his life, he wants to live happily ever after and, of course, does not want to die. But there are people who are terribly afraid that something bad will happen to them, at every step they see dangers, more and more phobias appear every day. The fear of death turns into paranoia and begins to poison life. In this case, one cannot do without consulting a good specialist who can determine the cause that caused a person to have a panic fear of death.

The fear of death is worse than death itself

It is worth starting with the fact that it was on the fear of death that culture arose in its time. The history of intelligent people begins from the moment when the first burials appeared. Just when living beings thought about death and began to fear it, they turned into real people.

Trying to escape from death, to see something positive in it, people created a religion. Each religion has its own idea of ​​life after death. But it has always been based on the fact that if a person lives with dignity, then after death he will go to a place where he will feel no less good than in life. Thus, people tried to overcome the panic fear of death. Some people succeeded, some didn't.

Fear of death haunted people from ancient times to this day. Many theorists, scientists and doctors are trying to study the fear of death in order to understand how to deal with it. Thus, it was found that men are less afraid of death than women, although many experts tend to argue that the representatives of the stronger sex simply refuse to admit their fears, because they do not want to look weak.

As for who is more afraid of death - young or old people, the opinions of experts are divided. Some argue that the fear of death does not decrease with age, so older people are no less afraid of death than young people.

Studies have shown that even terminally ill people begin to fear death much less when they get into specialized institutions where they receive a qualified psychological help. This once again proves that a normal healthy person should not be terribly afraid of dying, seeing a threat to his life in everything.

What scares people at the thought of death

Each person is absolutely individual, therefore, death is understood and presented in its own way. What exactly can scare a person when he thinks about death?

Pain, suffering, loss of dignity

Very often, people are not even afraid of death itself, but of the circumstances with which it will be accompanied. This is primarily the fear of severe pain, suffering, loss of dignity. Such fears are experienced by terminally ill patients, although some healthy people suffering from nosophobia, that is, the fear of getting sick, also feel a similar fear.


No matter how much we fear death, no one really knows what it is and what awaits a person after he dies. But people have always tried to understand and comprehend everything in this world. Since death is an unknown, no one returned after death, it is simply impossible to comprehend it, no matter how hard we try. All thoughts about death are only fantasies, not supported by real facts. Fear of the unknown is very powerful, sometimes so much so that it turns into a serious illness.

- Non-existence

Many people, including believers, are afraid of death because they are afraid that they will cease to exist. The idea that there will be absolutely nothing after death seems to people not only unfair, but also truly terrible.

Eternal punishment

Thoughts of eternal punishment are more likely to worry believers who are afraid of getting punished for sins they have committed throughout their lives. Simply put, a person is terribly afraid of going to hell and suffering after death, atoning for their sins.

Loss of control

Every person wants to control his life. Unfortunately, death is beyond our control. Some people who want to take matters into their own hands want to control even death. They are fixated on healthy way life. As a result, in addition to the fear of death, such people also earn the fear of getting sick.

Problems with relatives

Every person has relatives that need to be taken care of. But some fear for their relatives more than for themselves. More often, such fear visits young parents who are worried about children, or adult children who take care of elderly parents. A person is not afraid of his death, but that his loved ones will experience problems and material difficulties.

Separation from loved ones

Those who have already lost loved ones know how hard it is. That is why it is not death itself that frightens a person, but the fact that he will have to part with his loved ones.

long dying

If sooner or later every person has to come to terms with death, then the fear that it will take a long time to die, experiencing pain and humiliation, frightens absolutely everyone. In addition, people are afraid to die alone, in isolation from their loved ones and relatives. First of all, this fear concerns patients who die in intensive care. Many experts are convinced that for those dying in last days the presence of loved ones is extremely important in life.

Fear of death and how to overcome it

Not always the fear of death brings trouble. Healthy fears for their lives make people more careful and responsible. But sometimes the fear of death crosses all boundaries and turns into tanaphobia. A person begins to panic fear of everything that is somehow connected with death. In this case, you can not do without the help of a qualified specialist.

The course of treatment for tonaphobia for each patient is compiled individually, which depends on the severity of the symptoms. A good specialist will be able to find the right approach to any patient in order to figure out what causes the fear of death.

Of course, whether to see a doctor or not, everyone decides for himself. For starters, you can try to overcome your fears on your own. It is not easy to do this, but it is possible. To conquer the fear of death, like any other fear, you first need to acknowledge it. Be alone with your thoughts and try to understand what caused the fear. Learn to relax. This is the only way you can control your thoughts and fears.

And most importantly - appreciate every moment of your life, enjoy the little things that are here and now. People often think about the distant future, they are afraid of the unknown, forgetting about the present, which carries real value.
