Municipal educational institution of the city of Dzhankoy of the Republic of Crimea "Secondary School No. 7"

Developed by:

Tkalenko Anna Igorevna

Physical education teacher

Dzhankoy, 2016


Introduction ................................................. .................................................. ........... 3

Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of development of innovative pedagogical potential ........................................ ..................................... 6

1.1. Development of the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of vocational education as a psychological - pedagogical problem.............................................................................................................. 6

1.2. Pedagogicalteacherin the process of professionaleducation ................................. 8

Chapter 2. Experimental and experimental work on the development of innovative pedagogical potential in the process of vocational education of teachers …………………………………………………………………… ... 11

Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… 14

References ………………………………………………………… ... 19

Appendix. ……………………………………………………… ... …… .. 21


In the very general view The pedagogical potential of a teacher denotes the totality of the capabilities of a person engaged in pedagogical activity.

The pedagogical potential of a person is a complex complex concept, which is usually understood as the ability and synthesis of certain qualities and properties of a person.

The concept of "pedagogical potential" allows us to consider the teacher's capabilities not only as they are now, but also from the standpoint of their formation and development prospects. The pedagogical potential of a teacher concentrates in itself three aspects:

    past - a set of qualities and properties accumulated by a person in the process of personal and professional development;

    the present - actualization of opportunities and their application in a professional - teaching activities;

    future - trends for future professional and personal development.

Pedagogical potential is a biosocial system that develops in the process of "transformation" of inclinations into pedagogical abilities. This process, depending on the conditions, can be more or less successful.

The basis of such formation is professional training, which can maximally contribute to the disclosure of inclinations and the formation of abilities and associated professionally important qualities and professional and pedagogical orientation.

Relevance of the project. Representing a continuous stream of changes, modern pedagogical activity puts forward quite definite requirements for the personality of teachers - to be capable of changes both in activities and in their personality, since the teaching staff is tasked with creating conditions for the development and transition to a new quality of education that meets the needs of the individual. society and state.

At the same time, the educational process, the purpose of which is the development of the student's personality, determines the teachers' own activity in the search and implementation of internal resources for changing themselves.

The potential of teaching staff acts as such a resource. After all, no matter what changes occur in education, the teacher remains one of the main carriers of social progress, the main strategic and technological resource. Not only the quality of education, but also our future depends on his professionalism, moral values \u200b\u200band intelligence. Awareness of its priority role in transforming society requires increased attention to the development of pedagogical potential so that the pedagogical staff meets the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow.

Project object : the vocational education process.

Project subject: pedagogical conditions for the development of the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of vocational education.

Objective of the project : to identify and substantiate the pedagogical conditions for the development of the innovative potential of the teacher in vocational education.

Project objectives:

    Consider the development of the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of vocational education as a psychological - pedagogical problem;

    To reveal the essence of professional education as a factor in the development of the innovative potential of a teacher;

    To develop the provision of pedagogical conditions for the development of the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of vocational education;

    Organize experimental work to implement the identified pedagogical conditions;

    Experimentally check the effectiveness of the developed provision of pedagogical conditions for the development of the teacher's innovative potential.

To solve the set tasks, the following research methods can be chosen: analysis of social - philosophical, psychological - pedagogical and scientific - methodological literature, scientific periodicals on the research topic; pedagogical experiment; experimental methods: survey (questioning, conversation, testing); pedagogical observation; analysis of products of educational and learning activities teachers; methods of self-examination, self-assessment of the teacher's personal and professional qualities.

Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of development of innovative pedagogical potential

1.1. Development of the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of vocational education as a psychological - pedagogical problem

The analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature in the aspect of the topic of my project allows us to conclude that the pedagogical conditions influencing the development of the teacher's innovative potential have not been comprehensively studied. In scientific works on the problem under study, more attention is paid to the search for patterns of the process of introducing innovations, general and specific features of innovative pedagogical activity, etc., but the content and technological aspects of the development of innovative potential in the process of vocational education are not sufficiently highlighted. The existing need for practice is provided with theoretical support: the pedagogical content of the concepts "innovative pedagogical potential", "development of innovative pedagogical potential" needs to be clarified, it is necessary to determine the criteria for the development of a teacher's innovative potential.

But in the conditions of a general educational institution in which I work (Dzhankoyskaya comprehensive school I - III levels No. 5), our teaching staff have to face a number of contradictions between:

Awareness by the majority of teachers of the need to activate the creative forces of the individual and the lack of proper pedagogical conditions for initiating the process of the value of teachers' understanding of their own professional experience;

The requirements of society for an active creative position of a specialist and the lack of mechanisms for the inclusion of teachers in purposeful, practically-oriented innovative activity;

Scientific and practical information in the field of pedagogical innovation that is constantly increasing in volume and becoming more complex in content and insufficient mobility of forms of scientific and methodological support for the development of the teacher's innovative potential.

Understanding of these contradictions made it possible to formulate the research problem, which consists in creating effective pedagogical conditions for the development of the teacher's innovative potential in the context of vocational education.

Social relevance, theoretical and practical significance of this problem determined the choice of the research topic "Development of innovative pedagogical potential".

1.2. Pedagogical conditions for the development of innovative potential teacher in the process of professional education

Development of innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education - difficultintegrativethe process of problem-oriented educational search for the creation, development, development, use of innovations. The development of innovative pedagogical potential will be carried out more efficiently if a special program of professional education for teachers is implemented, which provides for the creation of the following pedagogical conditions:

Initiating a Value Reflection Processeducatorsown professional experience;

Inclusion of educators inpurposefulpractical - indicative search based on research, modeling, analysis and correction of real innovative activities of participants educational process;

Scientific and methodological support of the process of development of innovative pedagogical potential.

As a result of the creation of these conditions, the development of innovative pedagogical potential is revealed in its desire for an active reflexive and creative position in professional activity.

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

    substantiated the position on the conscious and purposeful development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of continuous professional education, according to which the studied process in direct connection unfolds under the influence of the teacher's personality striving to adopt a reflexively creative position in professional activity, and according to feedback is the initiating mechanism of this activitysubject to continuing education;

    developed to ensure the development of the innovative potential of the teacher in the process of continuous professional education, represented by a theoretical model, consisting of three components:substantive, operational - activity (a set of pedagogical conditions of the studied process), evaluative - regulatory (definition of the main - cognitive, emotive - axiological andactivity criteria), and experimentally proved the effectiveness of this provision in the context of the research problem;

    it has been proved that the pedagogical conditions that ensure the development of innovative potential in the process of continuing professional education are: initiation of the process of value comprehension by teachers of their own professional experience; the inclusion of teachers in a targeted practice-oriented search based on research, modeling, analysis and correction of the real innovative activity of the school; scientific and methodological support for the development of the innovative potential of a teacher in the process of continuing professional education;

    a special program of professional education of teachers should be developed, the essence of which is to use the resources of the reflective - analytical and creative activities of each teacher and the creative innovative activity of the entire team through the implementation (passing)activitystages that provide continuous self-motivatedinitiationpersonality to innovative processes and the development of the corresponding potential.

The theoretical significance of the research lies in the enrichment of the theory and methodology of vocational education in the field of development of the teacher's innovative potential in the process of vocational education due to the fact that: the pedagogical content of the concepts "», « development of innovative pedagogical potential"; summarized philosophical and psychological approaches to the essence of vocational education as a factor in the development of innovative pedagogical potential, which can later serve as the basis for the development of theoretical provisions for the training and retraining of a teacher. A set of provisions has been built to ensure the development of innovative pedagogical potential.

The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that a special program for professional education of teachers has been developed and implemented, which can be used in mass practice of scientific and methodological support for the professional development of teachers in the context of vocational education, as well as in the process of improving the qualifications of teachers.

The connection between the developed theoretical base and the practical part of the work should be ensuredphasedprogress of work.

Chapter 2. Experimental work on the development of innovative pedagogical potential in the process of professional education of teachers

Diagnostic stage (indicative).

At this stage, it is necessary to diagnose the innovative pedagogical potential and determine the conditions of their work, the readiness of teams to innovate. To carry out such a diagnosis, it is proposed to use several questionnaires for teachers.(Attachment 1)

    The receptivity of teachers to the new.

    Information readiness of the teaching staff.

    Motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations.

    Anti-innovation barriers of teachers that hinder the development of innovation.

    The level of innovation of teachers in the school team.

Also, at the tentative stage, diagnostics of satisfactory conditions for the development of innovative potential is carried out. When analyzing the result, special attention is paid to the following problems:

    lack of teaching experience;

    poor motivation of teachers for their professional growth;

    lack of technical means for training;

    the problem of independence and creativity of teachers.

The main stage

Implementation of the following key conditions.

    The school should be well equipped technically for the creative self-realization of teachers - interactive whiteboards, computers, teaching videos, projectors, sports equipment, etc. Good equipment helps to create an innovative environment, and also reduces the coefficient of "resistance" of teachers to innovations, and they feel more confident when they know that all the necessary equipment is at their fingertips.

    It is possible to open a master class for teachers and increase teacher independence. For example, give him the opportunity to choose the program of work himself, develop various new methods and share his experience with colleagues.

    It is advisable to send teachers for internships, and at the same time pay for scientific and methodological literature, as well as give time for independent methodological work.

    The moment of competition will be useful: give material encouragement and certificates for outstanding achievements.

The main means of developing the innovative potential of the teaching staff of the school is the innovative activity of teachers. The main stages of introducing innovations into the work of teachers:

    studying the potential of teachers;

    motivating teachers for work and creativity;

    direct implementation of innovations;

    control over the result.

Final stage (control and evaluation)

The task of the stage is to identify the results of work aimed at developing the innovative potential of the school's teaching staff. For this, the compliance of the performance indicators is determined according to the following criteria:

    the criterion "the ability to positively - critically perceive new information" - using questionnaires with questions where teachers could put "" "" or "", which would clearly show their attitude to innovation;

    the criterion "the ability to increase general and professional knowledge" - by testing the knowledge of teachers;

    the criterion "the ability to put forward new competitive ideas" - to assess the number of ideas put forward by each teacher during the academic year;

    the criterion "the ability to find solutions to non-standard problems and new methods of solving traditional problems" - to assess whether teachers use new methods or use old ones, whether they show flexibility of mind;

    the criterion "the ability to use knowledge for the practical implementation of innovations" - it is established whether teachers develop their own methods, whether they are engaged in some kind of creative projects.

The effectiveness of the activity of the teaching staff for the development of potential will be achieved if it is designed as a dynamic process. This process is characterized by the continuity of its stages in accordance with the content, forms and methods of work, aimed at developing the potential of the teachers of the institution. This will allow consistently developing teachers' susceptibility to innovation; ensure they are prepared for capacity development; to increase the level of innovation and creative activity of teachers in the team; provide psychological-pedagogical and organizational-pedagogical conditions for the development of the potential of the institution as a whole.


The nature of the provision of innovative processes in education is determined by three interrelated components: the degreevalueunderstanding by teachers of their own professional experience, the innovative potential of the teacher and the environment and the quality of scientific and methodological support for innovative activities.

The project is based on the conceptual position “educationall through life”, Where the strategic goal of adult education is defined not simply as an opportunity for an individual to adapt to changing circumstances, but as a requirement for education - to take a proactive stance in order to equip each individual with the ability to overcome obstacles encountered, provide him with the ability to cope with numerous uncertain situations.

Accordingly, the project highlighted characteristic signs, allowing to get an idea of \u200b\u200bvocational education as a factor in the development of innovative pedagogical potential:

a)stages: the stages of educational activity become developmental to the extent that, on the one hand, they expand the scope of possible choice, and on the other hand, they retain some uncertainty of the situation that awaits the teacher in professional activity;

b)choice: teacherbecomes the creator of his educational situation only in a situation of choice and readiness for it, then various sources of information become means of educational activity, and the process itselfinitiationa person to various sources of knowledge determines the processself-education;

in)subjectivity: a teacher becomes a subject of educational activity when he realizes the need to replenish knowledge, inwhen communicatingto an innovative culture. itawarenessdue primarily to his needs, which are based on several groups of contradictions;

d)motivation: the richer the motivation of the teacher's education, the deeper the awareness of its value and the more effective the process of developing the teacher's innovative potential;

The level of development of innovative pedagogical potential depends on his professional and personal qualities. Innovative potential can be manifested, developed and actualized when creatingappropriate pedagogical conditions in the process of vocational education, of which the initiation of value comprehension is a fundamental conditioneducators

The content of the concept "development of innovative pedagogical potential"In the context of the study is characterized as complexintegrativethe process of problem-oriented search for the creation, development, development, use of innovations. The development of innovative potential is found in the teacher's desire for an active reflective and creative position in professional activity. The development of innovative potential contributes to: a)awarenessa teacher of value orientations in the process of finding the meaning of innovative activity; b) active involvement of teachers in innovative activities; c) improving the quality of innovative solutions.

Under the pedagogical essence of the concept "innovative pedagogical potential»I understand a complex of professionally significantpersonalqualities of a teacher, renewable arbitrarily, i.e. guided by the person himself in accordance with the goals of innovation. The innovativeness of the potential is determined by the teacher's focus on solvingnon-standardprofessional tasks. The structure of innovation potential includes two components:operationalrelated to the specifics of innovation, andpersonalallowing the teacher to effectively participate in innovative activities through the manifestation of his professionally significant personal qualities.

The identified criteria helped me to discover the main regularities of the process of development of innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education: the higher the degree of the teacher's involvement in the real innovative process of the school, the more effective the process of development of innovative pedagogical potential; the more active the reflexive - creative position of the teacher in professional activity, the higher the level of development of innovative pedagogical potential; the higher the level of comprehensionteacherown professional activity, the more intensive is the process of development of innovative pedagogical potential.

The above patterns and principles can serve as a basis for drawing up a program for vocational education:

a) orientation to the unique personality of each teacher; providing a differentiated and individually creative approach;

b) providing a space for professional interaction, cultivationreflections, constructive - activity style of discussing professional problems;

c) research, modeling, analysis and correction of real innovative activities of participants in the educational process of the school;

d) creating an informational resonating space;

e) providing multivariate content, forms and methods of the process and a free choice of ways and forms of entering it.

Psychologically - pedagogical understanding of the concept "teacher as a subject of innovation»And the criteria for the development of innovative pedagogical potential in lifelong professional education formed the basis for the conclusion that the level of development of innovative pedagogical potential depends on its professional and personal qualities. The innovative potential can be manifested, developed and actualized when creating appropriate pedagogical conditions in the process of vocational education, of which the initiation of value comprehension is a fundamental condition.educatorsown professional experience.

The process of developing innovative professional potential in vocational education is based on the analysis and solution by teachers of their own practical problems in collective innovation activities in close connection with real life practice through the systematic organization of problem-oriented educational search.Personalthe development of the innovative pedagogical potential, itsoperationalcomponent contains the technology of mastering new educational technologies in the context of a real innovation process. The essence of the program lies in the use of the resources of the reflective - analytical and creative activities of each teacher and the creative innovative activity of the entire team.

The real meaning of the development of the innovative pedagogical potential of a teacher in vocational education is not so much in the volume of knowledge from the field of alternativepedagogyhow much in their correlation with the individual integrity of the teacher, which each has its own and has its own set of characteristic properties, qualities and methods of work. Consequently, the creation of conditions for the development of innovative pedagogical potential is associated with the use of thin tools and flexibleheuristictechnologies: the teacher should have a real opportunity to choose those techniques and methods of pedagogical activity, the content of innovations that maximally contribute to this. The process of developing innovative pedagogical potential in vocational education must necessarily be based on the analysis and solution of teachers' own practical problems in collective innovative activities in close connection with real life practice through the systemic organization of problem-oriented educational search.

Natural connections, manifested in the development of the teacher's innovative potential, determine the purposeful and systematic nature of interpersonal interaction. The need for activesubjectivethe position of the teacher, the increase in his potential in personal and professional activity determine the connection between the nature of human activity and the result of the development of his innovative potential.

The problem of developing innovative pedagogical potential in the vocational education system has not been sufficiently posed and solved. Thus, the chosen research topic is relevant.

General theoretical and didactically - methodological provisions of the research suggest further development. We have outlined the main pedagogical opportunities for the development of innovative pedagogical potential in the context of vocational education through itsself-motivatedinvolvement in the innovative activities of the school. Prospects for further work are to consider the impact of the development of innovative pedagogical potential on solving the problem of ensuring information and psychological safety of the teacher in the innovative process of the school.


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Attachment 1

Questionnaire number 1: Sensitivity of teachers to new

    Do you constantly follow the advanced teaching experience in your activities, strive to implement it, taking into account the changing educational needs of society, the individual style of your teaching activities?

    Are you constantly educating yourself?

    Do you adhere to certain pedagogical ideas, develop them in the process of pedagogical activity?

    Do you work with scientific advisors?

    Do you see the prospect of your activity, do you predict it?

    Are you open to new things?

Determine your susceptibility to new things using the following rating scale: always - 3 points, sometimes - 2 points, never - 1 point.

The level of the teaching staff's susceptibility to innovations is determined by the formula: K \u003d Kfact: Kmax, where K is the level of the teaching staff's susceptibility to innovations; Kfact is the actual number of points received by all teachers; Kmax is the maximum possible number of points.

The following indicators are used to assess the level of IPPK:

    critical level - K< 0,45;

    low level - 0.45< К < 0,65;

    permissible level - 0.65< К < 0,85;

    the optimal level is K\u003e 0.85.

Questionnaire No. 2: Information readiness of the teaching staff

1. From what sources do you get information about innovations:

    at meetings and seminars;

    from the media;

    from books on innovation issues;

    at meetings at school;

    from communication with colleagues at school;

    from communication with colleagues from other schools.

The qualification readiness of the teaching staff for the development of innovations is determined by the formula: K \u003d Kfact: Kmax, where K is the level of qualification readiness of the teaching staff for innovations, Kfact is the number of teachers with the highest, 1st and 2nd qualification categories, Kmax is the number of members teaching staff.

The following indicators are used for assessment:

    critical level - K< 0,45;

    low level - 0.45< К < 0,65;

    permissible level - 0.65< К < 0,85;

    the optimal level is K\u003e 0.85.

Questionnaire No. 3: Motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master innovations

If you are interested in innovation, apply innovations, what motivates you
to that? Choose up to three answers.

    Awareness of the insufficiency of the achieved results and the desire to improve them.

    High level of professional aspirations, strong need to achieve high results.

    The need for contacts with interesting, creative people.

    Desire to create a good, effective school for children.

    The need for novelty, renewal, change of scenery, overcoming routine.

    The need for leadership.

    The need for search, research, a better understanding of patterns.

    The need for self-expression, self-improvement.

    Feeling of one's own readiness to participate in innovative processes, self-confidence.

    The desire to test in practice the knowledge gained about innovations.

    The need for risk, overcoming the routine.

    Material reasons: higher wages, the ability to pass certification, etc.

    Striving to be noticed and appreciated.

Note. The stronger the teachers' motives associated with the possibility of personal self-realization, the higher the level of the innovative potential of the teaching staff.

Questionnaire No. 4: Anti-innovation barriers of teachers that hinder the development of innovation

If you are not interested in innovation and do not apply innovations, then what are the reasons for this:

    Poor awareness in the team about possible innovations.

    The belief that you can teach effectively in the old way.

    Poor health, other personal reasons.

    Little work experience, in which the traditional does not work either.

    Lack of material incentives.

    Feelings of dread of negative results.

    Lack of help.

    Disagreements, conflicts in the team.

Note. The fewer innovation barriers teachers have, the higher the level of IPPK.

Questionnaire No. 5: The level of innovation of teachers in the school team

What group of teachers do you think you belong to? Choose one of the answer options.

Group A. You are absorbed in innovations, are constantly interested in them, always perceive them first, boldly implement them, take risks.

Group B. You are interested in innovations, but do not follow them blindly, you calculate the feasibility of the innovation. You believe that innovations should be introduced immediately after they have appeared in conditions close to yours.

Group C. You are moderate in your perception of innovation. Do not strive to be among the first, but do not want to be among the last. As soon as the new will be accepted by the majority of your teaching staff, you will also accept it.

Group D. You doubt more than you believe in new things. Give preference to the old. You only perceive the new when it is perceived by the majority of schools and teachers.

Group E. You are the last to innovate. Doubt about innovators and innovators.

Note. The smaller the group D and E, the higher the level of PPI.
The IPPK development program is a mechanism that ensures the effectiveness of management functions. The results of its implementation in the practice of the school are:

at the preparatory stage - the motivational readiness of the teaching staff to master the innovations;

    at the organizational stage - theoretical readiness;

    at the practical stage - practical readiness;

    at the control and evaluation stage - reaching agreement between the desired and real levels of IPPK.


1L. Socio-philosophical conceptualization of the concept of "pedagogical potential" from regional positions.

1.2. Regional culture is the foundation that determines the pedagogical potential in modern Russian society.

1.3. Methodology of socio-philosophical analysis of the pedagogical potential of regional culture.


2.1. The crisis of the Russian pedagogical potential against the background of the leveling of regional cultures by globalization processes.

2.2 The role of the regional component in overcoming the crisis of modern Russian education.

2.3. Prospects for improving the pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education.

Recommended list of dissertations

  • Development of the ethno-regional identity of a primary school teacher in the process of higher pedagogical education 2007, candidate of pedagogical sciences Shcherbina, Elena Nikolaevna

  • Integration of the traditional culture of the Russian North in the educational process of the gymnasium: On the example of the Arkhangelsk North 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Shumilina, Tatyana Olegovna

  • The pedagogical potential of Islam in secular educational practices 2008, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Koichuev, Aytek Alim-Dzhasharovich

  • The national-regional component of the education standard as a factor in the patriotic education of students 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Demyanova, Elena Gennadievna

  • Regional-ethnic orientation of education as a system-forming factor of the pedagogical process in a preschool educational institution 2007, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Kozhanova, Marina Borisovna

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "The pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education"

Relevance of the research topic. Over the years of reforms and renovation in Russia, the existing system of public education has changed significantly and the system of communist education has become a thing of the past. Today, there is a lack of a program of integral social and pedagogical work with a person, his education in the field of educational, labor, leisure activities, his preparation for independent and vigorous activity in society.

There is a contradiction between the state of socio-pedagogical activity and the objective need of the individual and society for its optimization in modern conditions.

The worldview of the individual as a system of views on the world as a whole finds expression in the system of values \u200b\u200band ideals of the individual. The worldview is based on the worldview, i.e. body of knowledge about the world. This knowledge and ideas are related not only to the present, but also to the past. They bind the spiritual world of people into a single whole. On the basis of such knowledge and ideas, traditions arose, formed and developed in all spheres of human activity. The world outlook function of regional traditional culture is designed to solve the following tasks: broadening the horizons and systematizing students' knowledge in the field of regional culture, forming moral and ethical qualities in the personality, beliefs, views, value judgments on issues of traditional culture, forming behavioral norms and rules inherent in the inhabitants of the region. At the same time, it is important to remember whose full-fledged formation of worldview orientations is possible only on the basis of detailed ideas about universal human values. To avoid the closure of the personality only in one's own culture, the assimilation of its foundations should take place against the background of the achievements of world culture.

The culture of a region of any rank is unique. The originality of regional cultural traditions is formed from the geographical, economic and social characteristics of the territory. The regional culture reflects the socio-historical experience of people living in a given territory, representatives of different social groups, nationalities, and religions. For many centuries, at the regional level, there has been a process of mutual influence, mutual enrichment, but not a fusion of various subcultures.

Consequently, the relevance of the topic is determined by the scientific and practical need to study the pedagogical potential of regional culture. The research problem is formulated as follows: what is the pedagogical potential of regional culture and what are the conditions for the influence of this potential on the system of modern Russian education. The solution to this problem forms the basis of the dissertation research.

The degree of scientific elaboration of the research topic.

Regional culture has a rich, multidisciplinary historiographic tradition. An analysis of published sources gives an idea of \u200b\u200bresearch on this issue in the domestic and foreign spider, which made it possible to restore in sufficient detail the deep roots of such a specific sphere of social life as regional culture.

At the turn of XX-XXI centuries. there is an increase in interest in the problems of regional culture. Research issues of regional culture are touched upon in theoretical works: in the field of philosophy, philosophy of culture and cultural studies (M.S.Kagan, JI.H. Kogan, A.F. Losev, L.L. Shumilina), cultural policy (A.I. Arnoldov, V.M. Mezhuev, G.S.Knabe), ethnoculture (T.V. Devyatkina, N.F. Mokshin, V.A.Yurchepkov, N.G. Yurchenkova) and others.

Russian progressive leaders, writers and teachers (V.G.Belinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, N.I. Ilminsky, M.V. Lomonosov, N.I. Novikov, A.N. Radishchev, JI.H. Tolstoy, KD Ushinsky, YG Chernyshevsky, etc.) they took the idea of \u200b\u200bnationality, history and geography of the people, morality and their spiritual creativity as the basis for the education of the younger generation.

During the development of the Soviet school, many theorists and practitioners in their research and experience turned to the sources of folk pedagogy (V.P. Vakhterov, V.I. Vodovozov, E.A. Zvyagintsev, P.F.Kapterev, N.A. Korf, N. K. Krupskaya, A. V. Lunacharsky, A. S. Makarenko, A. I. Nikiforov, S. A. Rachinsky, V. N. Soroka-Rossinsky, V. Ya. Stoyunin, A. V. Sukhomlinsky, N.G. Tarasov, S.T.Shatsky, and others).

In the second half of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century, the studies of K. III. Akhiyarova, G.I. Baturina, M.I. Bogomolova, T.S. Butorina, G.N. Volkova, T.F. Kuzina, L.V. Kuznetsova, B.C. Kukushina, Yu.V. Lazareva, D.S. Likhacheva, I. V. Pavlova, O. N. Prokopets, I.Z. "Skovorodkina, LP Shabalina, and others.

RAS Academician D.S. Likhachev in the 80s. XX century created a culturological concept, in the mainstream of which he considered the problems of humanizing people's lives and the corresponding reorientation of educational ideals, as well as the entire education system as a determining social development at the present stage. The concept of culture D.S. Likhachev interpreted not only as the sum of moral guidelines, knowledge and professional skills, but also as historical memory, as the creative preparation of the culture of the future based on the past and the present.

Scientific substantiation of the new branch of pedagogy - ethnopedagogy was carried out by G.N. Volkov. From his point of view, “ethnopedagogy is the pedagogy of the universal wisdom of upbringing, because its natural purpose is the constant initiation of a multilateral dialogue of cultures. Ethnopedagogy is a global pedagogy, it opens the way to the hearts of people and peoples: in order to get to know a people, you need to know its traditional education system. Therefore, it unites, unites peoples ”1.

B.C. Kukushin made an attempt to determine the current trends in the development of regional education and take them into account in the upbringing of children of different nations, highlighted the general and special in the traditions of folk pedagogy, presented the experience of moral upbringing of the individual in the educational complex of ethnoculture 2.

Folk traditions as the basis for organizing the educational process in an educational institution were studied by I.V. Pavlov. "The organization of upbringing of students on traditions presupposes an understanding of its essence and content, the identification of those pedagogical conditions under which this work brings the greatest educational effect."

The role of folk pedagogy in the modern educational process is studied by K.Sh. Akhiyarov, M.I. Bogomolova, G.I. Baturina, T.F. Kuzina and others. “Ignoring the folk foundations of education, the centuries-old wisdom accumulated by many generations of people, has already yielded negative results: whole generations of our compatriots have grown up who are indifferent to the history of their native land, their native

1 Volkov G.N. Ethnopedagogy: textbook. for students of environments, and higher. ped. study. head / G.N. Volkov. - 2nd ed., Rev. and additional - M .: Academia, 2000.

2 Kukushin B.C. Ethnopedagogy / B.C. Kukushin. - M .: MODEK, 2002 .; Pasovets Yu.M. Towards a social portrait of Russian youth: general features and regional specificity of property status // Sociological studies. 2010, no. 3.

3 Pavlov I.V. Education on traditions / I.V. Pavlov. - Cheboksary: \u200b\u200bChuvash book. publishing house. 1988. language, destinies of the people "4. “Right now, in difficult economic and social conditions, in a period of falling spirituality and moral principles, folk pedagogy, the traditional culture of the peoples of Russia should become the core for the younger generation that can save not only our children, but also the future of Russia from many troubles” 5.

The contradiction between the need of the modern community of educational institutions to consider the pedagogical potential of regional culture as an integral phenomenon and the need to combine disparate studies in this area to solve practical problems of ensuring the implementation of the pedagogical potential of regional culture, as well as the logic of the development of humanitarian knowledge, on the one hand, and the lack of relevant socio-philosophical works, on the other hand, identified the research problem.

The purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation research is a socio-philosophical analysis of the pedagogical potential of regional culture. This goal is realized by solving the following tasks:

Conceptualize the concept of "pedagogical potential" within the framework of social philosophy from a regional perspective; consider regional culture as the basis that determines the pedagogical potential in the conditions of modern Russian society;

Clarify the methodology of socio-philosophical analysis of the pedagogical potential of regional culture; paccMOipeib crisis tendencies of the Russian pedagogical potential against the background of the leveling of regional cultures by the globalization process;

1 Akhiyarov K.Sh. Folk pedagogy and modern school / K. Sh. Akhiyarov. - Ufa: BashGPU, 2000 .; Zamyatin D.N. The image of heritage in culture. Methodological approaches to the study of the concept of heritage // Sociological research. 2010, no. 2.

5 Baturina G.I. Folk pedagogy in the modern educational process / G.I. Baturina, T.F. Kuzina. - M .: Shkolnaya pressa, 2003.

Determine the role of the regional cultural component in overcoming the crisis of the pedagogical potential of Russian education; analyze the prospects for improving the pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education,

The object of the research is the social processes taking place in modern society and pedagogy.

The subject of the research is the pedagogical potential of regional culture in relation to the situation of a crisis in Russian society.

Research theory and methodology. The dissertation research is based on philosophical and general scientific methodology, the principles of system-structural and comparative analysis, historical and social cognition. The general methodological basis of the study was a systemic and socio-philosophical approach based on the reflection of the provisions on the socio-pedagogical orientation of the activities of various sociocultural institutions operating both in the field of education and in the field of leisure; on the relationship between management and self-management of the pedagogical process; about the poly-subject nature of pedagogical interaction.

Theoretical basis research served as the main provisions of the theory of personality, set forth in the works of A.G. Asmolova, JI.C. Vygotsky, I.B. Kotova, A.I. Leontiev, the theory of socialization by B.G. Ananyeva, G.M. Andreeva, I.S. Cohn, B.F. Lomova, A.V. Mudrik, E.N. Shiyanov, studies of ethnopedagogy as a social and pedagogical institute - in the works of M.A. Ariarsky, B.I. Berezina, D.M. Genkin, A.D. Zharkova, Yu.D. Krasilnikova, GL. Tulchinsky, S.V. Churilova.

The study is based on the results of various scientific disciplines, which allows us to consider the pedagogical potential of regional culture in the space of social philosophy with the help of socio-philosophical reflection. It was based on a systematic and logical approach. In addition, when studying the pedagogical potential of regional culture, an interdisciplinary approach is of particular importance, since any social phenomenon is multifaceted and requires consideration from various angles.

The novelty of the dissertation research is as follows: the concept of pedagogical potential is conceptualized from the standpoint of social philosophy in a regional context, which allows us to consider it as an integral education with a pronounced prognostic focus, using the necessary resources of regional culture and ensuring the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity; the author's interpretation of regional culture is given as the basis that determines the pedagogical potential in the conditions of modern Russian society and reveals it in the traditions of moral, spiritual, patriotic, labor, aesthetic, environmental education and testifies to the richness of the history and culture of our country; clarified the methodology for analyzing the pedagogical potential of regional culture on the basis of dialogue in choice methodological basis, methods of argumentation and consistency in the construction of socio-philosophical research; it is substantiated that the crisis tendencies of the Russian pedagogical potential against the background of the leveling of regional cultures by globalization processes are associated with the fact that as the society of the post-industrial type develops, the level of general culture decreases, symptoms of a spiritual crisis appear; the role of the regional cultural component in overcoming the crisis of the pedagogical potential of Russian education is determined, based on the fact that the history, culture and modern development of any region contain a powerful educational and educational potential, the implementation of which depends on the development of folk pedagogy and ethnopedagogy;

The prospects for improving the pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education, consisting in the formation of an active-activity attitude to folk culture, are outlined.

Provisions for Defense:

1. The phrase "pedagogical potential" is quite often used in scientific literature, but often the authors, using this term, put in it a different meaning. Conceptualization of the scientific status of the category of “pedagogical potential” is associated with the dialectical movement of the analysis of the concept from the general through the particular to the particular: potential - social potential - creative potential - spiritual potential. Within the framework of the theory of integral individuality, the pedagogical potential can be considered in a slightly different way, namely, as a structure that includes psychodynamic, instrumental and motivational characteristics. The intellectual characteristics of the pedagogical potential are represented by the teacher's professional experience and some personal qualities. Pedagogical potential is an integral education with a pronounced prognostic orientation, which creates an opportunity for a specialist to broadcast cultural experience and promote its appropriation by subjects of culture and education. The pedagogical potential accumulates the necessary resources of the regional culture and ensures the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activity.

2. The processes of globalization and modernization, the strengthening of the interdependence of the world community, of which Russia is a part, pose the problem of the existence of local units within the framework of the global and Russian social systems - regions. Regionalization as a trend is interconnected with the global process; it precedes globalization, as it were. In the era of globalization in the world, which is making a transition from an industrial economy to a post-industrial one, from administrative integration to economic and cultural integration, the growth limits of the regions of the Russian Federation have clearly emerged. The contraction of the space of the "administrative" Russian regions began. The supporters of the historical and cultural approach define a cultural region as a space necessary and sufficient for the implementation and reproduction of human life. For representatives of the geographical direction, regionality is also a fusion of human culture and the geographical environment, their interpenetration, reflective reflection in each other. The Russian world consists of the Russian cultural world and the integration into it (with varying degrees) of other cultural worlds. The pedagogical potential of regional traditional culture is laid down in the traditions of moral, spiritual, patriotic, labor, aesthetic, environmental education and testifies to the richness of the history and culture of our country.

3. Socio-philosophical research reveals the social significance of various forms of activity and their role for a person's self-affirmation in society, showing the nature of society itself, the dynamics and direction of its development, helping people to realize the immediate and distant consequences of their actions for themselves and other people , social groups and, possibly, for the whole society. The methodology of socio-philosophical analysis of the pedagogical potential of regional culture in the dissertation work is based on a dialogue in the choice of methodological foundations, methods of argumentation and consistency in the construction of socio-philosophical research. Achieving an interdisciplinary vision of a pedagogical object is ensured on the basis of the reorganization of relevant knowledge, i.e. knowledge that has a disciplinary origin and reflects only certain aspects of a pedagogical phenomenon or process as an object of study. In addition, it seems possible to use the following aspects of the analysis of regional culture - ontological and functional.

4. The world's diversity and cultural pluralism constitute its wealth. At the same time, there may be reasons for it. mistrust, suspicion, leading to the perception of others as enemies. Human history has known many different wars and violent conflicts, the reasons for which were declared to be spiritual, confessional and cultural differences. At the same time, the same story provides much more examples of tolerance and peaceful coexistence of representatives of different cultures and civilizations. In the scientific literature of the last decade, various aspects of the manifestation of the crisis in education are considered, the nature of which lies in the deep gap between the spiritual values \u200b\u200bof culture and the material values \u200b\u200bof civilization characteristic of the late XX - early XXI centuries. This gap has actualized the opinion that with the development of a post-industrial type society, the level of general culture decreases, symptoms of a spiritual crisis appear. The crisis in the educational system has affected all of its components, namely upbringing. However, with the development of ethnoregional educational systems in each subject Russian Federation connect the ideas of the "revival" of national culture, language, traditions and customs. At the same time, it became possible to interpret education itself as a socio-genetic mechanism for the transfer of culture to subsequent generations, a mechanism that predetermines the formation of an individual.

5. One of the brightest signs modern education - the growing role of regionalization in teaching and educating young people. The regional originality of the educational environment allows teachers to form an effective educational space in an educational institution, village, city, district. The history, culture and modern development of any region have a powerful educational and educational potential. The purpose of the regional component is the protection and development by the educational system of national cultures, regional cultural traditions and characteristics in a multinational state; preservation of a single educational space in Russia; ensuring the rights of the younger generation to accessible education; equipping schoolchildren with a system of knowledge about the region; preparing young people for life in a problematic socio-cultural environment in the immediate area and beyond. Considering the problem of regionalization of education, attention should also be paid to such an aspect of it as the revival, development of folk (traditional) pedagogy - an important area of \u200b\u200bpedagogical knowledge and living folk experience in the field of training and education. Along with the concept and term folk pedagogy, another term has been established - ethnopedagogy.

6. One of the world tendencies of the current stage of development of general and secondary education is the upbringing of a citizen, the formation of a system of values \u200b\u200band relations corresponding to a multinational society. In multinational Russia, the most important value is highlighted by an active-activity attitude to folk culture, including history, traditions, customs, language, religion, and so on. As studies have shown, the urgency of the problem of forming an active-activity attitude to folk culture is obvious, but its effective solution depends on a number of factors, among which the influence of the pedagogical potential of regional culture is very important. However, at present, at the regional level, due attention is not paid to introducing children to their native language, history, traditions, customs, folk literature, art, songs, dances, etc. In this situation, the national school should become a center for coordinating the activities of teachers, parents , religious figures, aimed at the formation in children of an active and active attitude to the culture of mankind, the country in general and national culture in particular.

The theoretical and practical significance of the study is due to its relevance, as well as the fact that the results obtained by the author concerning the problems of the pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education make it possible to deepen, systematize and conceptualize the existing scientific ideas about its specifics and features.

The main conclusions made by the author during the study of the pedagogical potential of regional culture in modern Russian education make it possible to identify the features of this social phenomenon. The provisions and conclusions of the dissertation can be used in teaching social philosophy, cultural studies, sociology, pedagogy, sectoral social disciplines, sociology of culture, ethnic pedagogy, as well as in the development of special courses on pedagogical and regional problems in modern Russia.

Approbation of work. The main provisions of the dissertation research were discussed at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, regional scientific conferences on the problems of social philosophy, pedagogy and social policy in this area.

The author took part in a number of postgraduate seminars, the results of his reports are reflected in 9 scientific publications, with a total volume of 2.75 pp, including 1 edition recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, with a total volume of 0.5 pp.

A number of conceptual provisions of the dissertation work were used by the author in lecture materials and at seminars in the teaching process.

Work structure. The dissertation research consists of an introduction, two chapters, each of which contains three paragraphs, conclusions, a list of used literature.

Similar dissertations in the specialty "Social philosophy", 09.00.11 code VAK

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  • Development of ethno-art education based on regional socio-cultural traditions 2000, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Dolzhenkova, Marina Igorevna

  • Ethnocultural education of students of the specialty "music education" on the basis of folk art 2005, candidate of pedagogical sciences Akhlestina, Alla Yurievna

  • Genesis of ethnopedagogy in Russia 2012, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Nezdemkovskaya, Galina Vadimovna

Thesis conclusion on the topic "Social Philosophy", Bozhinskaya, Tatiana Leonidovna


The prospects for the development of modern education are focused on free and responsible relations of its participants. The interests of the individual are proclaimed dominant, and the provision of opportunities for its development is the main task of education. Discreteness of education comes into conflict with the infinity of a person's personal development and determines the emergence of a new view of education as education “throughout life” that accompanies and supports the spiritual development of a person. However, the idea of \u200b\u200blifelong education does not so much solve the problem of transition to a qualitatively new education corresponding to the changed conditions, as it raises a number of questions related to the specification of the content, mechanisms, conditions and factors that ensure human development in the process of education.

Strengthening regional trends in education provided the formation of new approaches and views on the place and role of a person in the educational process. Any subject of the educational process, including a teacher, acts not only as a consumer, but also as an active creator of culture. The educational system, focused on the activity and uniqueness of its figures, requires an appeal to the immanent qualities of the individual. This situation brings to the fore the study of the problems of training a modern teacher, the possibility of her orientation towards the improvement and development of the personality, strengthening the subjectivity of the participants in the educational process, the development of focus on another person.

The emphasis is shifting from a utilitarian approach to a teacher as a performer performing socially significant functions, to a personal approach focused on the development of subjectivity and personal potential of the figure, providing the transmission of culture in a wide social space.

The study of various aspects of providing conditions for the successful realization by a person of his capabilities in various areas of life, including professional, is a promising area of \u200b\u200bpedagogical science. In philosophy, culturology, pedagogy, psychology "a certain fund of scientific works has been accumulated, which contain sufficiently substantiated preconditions for studying the process of development of the professional and pedagogical personality of the individual.

However, the analysis of modern research shows that there is a large amount of information in various, including related, areas of studying the pedagogical potential, while the development of the professional and pedagogical potential of the culture of the region as an independent problem has not been studied, and the term "pedagogical potential of the culture of the region" is not yet received sufficient justification.

Thus, there is a need for a complex of studies of the phenomenon, the content of the influence of the subjects of regional culture on the processes of development and implementation of the hidden possibilities of the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region.

In this regard, it is necessary to emphasize some aspects of the study that sharpen the attention to the problem of the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region. So, it is important to identify the place of the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region, its capabilities in the educational system and the role of the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region in the organization and implementation of professional pedagogical activities, since the system of relations of all subjects of education depends on the size, quality of the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region and the possibility of maximizing it. the effectiveness of pedagogical activity in general. Of particular importance is the identification of conditions for the development and implementation of potential at different levels of education. The answer to the question - how the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region is realized, how it acts as the subject of self-realization of its potential capabilities - allows us to find out the real situation of education in the region, the strength of its influence on socio-cultural processes in society.

Studying the process of developing the professional and pedagogical potential of the region will make it possible to predict the situation in the educational sphere, which is important for the development of theory and practice.

Based on the analysis of theory and practice, the work establishes contradictions between the growing need for a successful personally and professionally competent teacher and the lack of conditions for the optimal implementation of integral personal qualities.

The social need for the development of methodological, theoretical and practical foundations that ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the pedagogical potential of the culture of the region in the process of continuous pedagogical education and the lack of developments on this issue. The objective need for lifelong pedagogical education and the lack of real technologies that ensure consistency and continuity between the stages of higher and additional professional education of a teacher.

The leading idea of \u200b\u200bthe dissertation research is the development of regional pedagogical potential and its implementation in the conditions of modern Russian society.

The implementation of this idea is possible only if there are content and teaching technologies that are adequate to the laws of development of modern Russian society, creating conditions for harmonizing the processes of interaction between the regional pedagogical potential of culture and personality development. It is this problem that can serve as a strategic direction for the development of this research topic.

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Panteleeva Irina Valentinovna,

deputy director for teaching and educational work,

MBOU gymnasium No. 3, Gryazi

Everything that is happening today in the field of education is aimed at fulfilling one of the main tasks - improving the quality and efficiency of education.

I would like to pay special attention to one of the directions of the program "Our New School", namely: "Development of teacher potential."

The management of a modern school is one of the complex processes. The head of an educational institution needs not only knowledge of the intricacies and specifics of professional pedagogical activity, but also practical and theoretical knowledge from the field of management.

All the transformations taking place today in the field of education are aimed at fulfilling one of the main tasks - improving the quality and efficiency of education. And only professionals can solve this problem.

What is professionalism? Maybe this is a thorough knowledge of the subject? Or the ability to sense the state of the child? Or something else? Professionalism is a personality characteristic representing the relationship of pedagogical competence, pedagogical skill, professionally significant qualities and the individual image of a teacher. Today, a teacher is extremely in demand, personal and professional quality which would be at the level of complexity of the tasks facing society.

Such requirements should be supported by appropriate conditions, because without high-quality training of a teacher, without his social protection, without providing him with the necessary working conditions, without motivating his success, high quality education cannot be achieved.

And the first of them is a comfortable educational environment of the institution, which is a launching pad for the development of human resources and includes the material base of the institution, its technical equipment and financial support.

We focus on an effective human resources policy that contributes to the creation of a team of educators ready for creativity and innovation. That is why a whole system of incentives has been created to retain the best teachers and replenish with a new generation of teachers capable of working in modern conditions. This is a model of the system for assessing the quality of education; the mechanism for calculating the incentive part of labor remuneration based on work results works effectively, which is the basis for increasing the average wage. Thus, the problem of bringing the average salary of teachers to the level of the regional average can be solved.

Stimulates the professional development of the teacher, promotes his self-realization, allows him to get more satisfaction from his work, his scientific and methodological activities. For this, the school can take part in the experimental work "Approbation of organizational mechanisms for the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education", implement, for example, the programs "Gifted children, children with increased motivation to study", "School project as a means of integrating educational and extracurricular activities ”and others. Working with such programs allows each teacher to feel that the experience accumulated by him, his knowledge allows him to lead his students.

A person's education determines his personal and professional destiny, and the progress of society as a whole. Our graduates enter various educational organizations to continue their studies, occupying budgetary places in them, choose specialties that are in demand today, in order to subsequently bring undoubted benefits to the country and society, their native country.

Undoubtedly, this is facilitated by the high indicators of graduates in the state final certification.

Particular attention should be focused on creating conditions for full inclusion in the educational space and successful socialization of children with disabilities, thus implementing the "Accessible Environment" program

We are pleased with the increased activity in the participation of teachers in the competition movement in recent years. This is important not only for the prestige of the educational institution, for improving the teacher's self-esteem, but is also a powerful incentive for the teacher's professional growth.

The high professionalism of teachers is confirmed by the achievements of their students.

One of the most important directions of the personnel policy of the gymnasium is the dissemination of effective teaching experience. It is carried out at seminars, conferences, through publications and publishing activities of teachers and their students.

An innovative school model also needs a new teacher. Does this mean that the former teacher should be thrown off the "ship of modernity"? In no case. You just need to go to the formula by which people live in the civilized world - "education throughout life."

Our teachers today have already understood: in order to achieve professional success, it is not enough to graduate from a university once and rest on our laurels until retirement, being convinced of their knowledge acquired once and for all. That is why it is necessary to systematically carry out work on professional development and certification of personnel.

All of the above makes it possible to successfully solve the issues of increasing the efficiency of education in the context of modernizing the educational environment of the school.


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2. Ten signs of a professional. [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:

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Konopleva Lyudmila Vasilievna
Position: teacher
Educational institution: Volodarsk branch of the Astrakhan State Polytechnic College
Settlement: Astrakhan region Volodarsky district, settlement Volodarsky
Material name: Methodical project
Theme: "Development of pedagogical potential"
Date of publication: 17.11.2015

The text part of the publication

Ministry of Education and Science of the Astrakhan Region GBOU AO SPO "Astrakhan State Polytechnic College"
Pedagogical project

"Development of pedagogical potential"
Completed by: Lyudmila Vasilievna Konopleva, teacher in Astrakhan 2015
Pedagogical project "Development of pedagogical potential" This project is a material from the experience of working on the development of vocational pedagogical potential. The introduction of the project into the work allows to make the process of managing the development of professional and pedagogical potential more productive, contributes to the development of educational institutions, team building, and the development of the potential capabilities of each teacher. In the context of modernization of education, there is a need to create a new model of school methodological service. This is due to the state policy of modernizing education and the problems and contradictions that arise: - between the existing system of methodological work and the school's need for innovation; - between the existing organizational structure, forms of work and the need to create conditions that contribute to the professional and personal development of the teacher. The solution of these problems in the context of the development of the methodological service is associated, first of all, with the quality of pedagogical resources and the management of this quality. The transition to new federal standards of primary general and basic general education provides for a new level of teacher training, which is ensured through the meta-subject direction of the content of methodological work. It is necessary to create an educational environment in which some teachers would receive the advanced pedagogical experience they need, and others - the opportunity for self-expression, disclosure of professional and creative potential.
Objective of the project:
create conditions for the development of the teacher's professional and pedagogical potential and its implementation in the context of education modernization
Study scientific and methodological literature on the topic; Determine the content and structure of pedagogical potential, as well as the mechanisms of its functioning; Develop a model for the development of professional and pedagogical potential; To reveal the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the model and experimentally test the effectiveness of its functioning. The project of the national educational initiative "Our New School" defines the ways of modernizing Russian education. One of the directions of the initiative is “Development of teacher potential. A system of incentives for the best teachers, continuous improvement of their qualifications, replenishment with a new generation of teachers. " This is due to the fact that the modern Russian education system is undergoing a number of changes today: both in the use of new programs and aids, and in the content of education, and in the application of new pedagogical technologies... In such conditions, the teacher must have a number of qualities that allow solving professional problems. Therefore, we need a professional teacher. The concept of "educational potential" is interpreted as "the means available, as well as the means that can be mobilized, used to achieve a specific goal, to solve a problem." After all, no matter what changes occur in education, the teacher remains one of the main carriers of social progress, the main strategic and technological resource. Not only the quality of education, but also our future depends on his professionalism, moral values \u200b\u200band intelligence. Awareness of its priority role in transforming society requires increased attention to the development of pedagogical potential so that the pedagogical staff meets the requirements of not only today, but also tomorrow. Studying this issue, we can conclude that professional and pedagogical potential can be represented as follows:
Professional - pedagogical potential Professional knowledge, abilities, skills Professional competence Considering professional - pedagogical potential as a system of methodological service work, it is possible to manage its development. The school has created a comfortable educational environment, which is a kind of launching pad for the development of human resources. Vatinskaya secondary school is equipped with computer, interactive technology for 100%, there is an Internet connection, the library and media funds are systematically replenished. Most teachers work in specialized classrooms. A new, innovative school model also needs a new teacher. Educators understand that in order to achieve professional success, professional development is necessary. We strive to ensure that professional development of teachers is primarily reflected in improving the quality of education for students. One of the important indicators characterizing the qualitative composition of the teaching staff is their educational and qualification level. The main part of the teaching staff is made up of experienced teachers with extensive experience of work, possessing high professional skills, having the highest and first qualification categories. Management of potential development is based on the following provisions: - the leading role belongs to the teacher himself; -development takes place in the joint professional activity of teachers, administration, colleagues of other educational institutions. Potential management consists of: -the possibility of manifestation of professional and personal creativity of teachers; - in the implementation of a free choice of ways to master the educational space; -in sanctioning activity and "initiative from below", involving more teachers in management activities; - in creating conditions for strengthening and developing the ability to social adaptation when changing conditions of study, work, life; stimulating creative productivity and self-development of teachers. One of the main factors in the management of the quality of education in our institution is the democratic management style (leader + teachers), which allows making management decisions aimed at developing the potential of teachers. To maximize the development of pedagogical potential, we pay great attention to such factors of teachers' activities as:
- the prestige of mastering a new pedagogical technology, focusing on the creative nature of work, opportunities for professional growth and self-improvement;
- creating a comfortable social and psychological climate, establishing favorable relations in the areas of teacher - student, teacher - teacher, teacher - leader; Activity Social competence Personal competence Individual

- mutual information of teachers, everyone's participation in planning work and implementing jointly adopted decisions;
self-development and career advancement -
providing teachers with conditions for intellectual and professional growth;
- providing opportunities for the implementation of creative ideas, the manifestation of their abilities to develop innovative ideas. Management functions
contributing to the implementation of the project:
diagnostic and analytical function
is associated with the cognition and self-knowledge of the personality and professional and pedagogical activity, its results, the socio-psychological climate in the teaching staff with the aim of optimizing it and realizing the creative potential, the individual style of teachers' activity, etc .;
design and construction function
manifests itself in planning the work of a preschool institution, designing the development of the teaching staff, determining its close, middle, long-term prospects, ways to overcome difficulties, growth of professional potential, teachers' skills, self-improvement;
exploration and innovation function
associated with the selection, search for new progressive psychological and pedagogical ideas, management technologies, effective methods and techniques for developing the potential of teachers;
organizational and regulatory function
manifests itself in the organization of the activities of the teaching staff, its rallying, in the regulation of the system of relations in the teaching staff and the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in it; finding the best practical application of the ability and potential of each member of the teaching staff; in the organization and self-regulation of the teacher's professional activity;
stimulating function
it is expressed in the activation, stimulation of the development of the potential of teachers, its improvement; formation of the need for professional self-realization;
regulatory information function
manifests itself in the prompt informing of the teaching staff about new achievements in the field of psychology and pedagogy of school education, advanced experience of social and family education; on documents related to changes in the functional responsibilities of teachers, etc.
Stages of project implementation
Item No. Name of events Terms Responsible
Stage I (2015-2016 academic year)
1 Diagnostics of the teacher's professional training September Methodist 2 Diagnostics of the level of teacher's professional competence October Heads of the Moscow Region 3 Diagnostics of pedagogical difficulties in the work of a teacher September Methodist 4 Analysis of the professional field: filling out cards of teacher's professional difficulties November Methodist 5 Creation of temporary problem groups, development of a plan for identified problems November Methodist , heads of AGPK 6 Drawing up a map of an individual educational route December Teachers of special disciplines 7 Group and individual Throughout the year Methodist
consultations 8 Fair of methodological ideas February Teachers 9 Diagnostics of professional success and difficulties April Methodist
Stage II (2015-2016 academic year)
1 Participation of teachers in the work of a permanent seminar "Pedagogical skills" October, December, February, April Methodist 2 Development of work programs for academic subjects, elective and elective courses September teacher and - subject subjects 3 Development of programs for educational work September Classroom teachers 4 Development of control - measuring materials for the control of knowledge September, December, May Heads of branches 5 Participation of teachers in the work of a creative laboratory on the topic "Technology of problem learning", "ICT as a way to improve the quality of knowledge of students" October, November, January, February, March Head of the branch 6 Increase qualifications through course training on identified problems During the year Methodist 7 Advanced training through certification Throughout the year Methodist 8 Days of mastery in the implementation of modern pedagogical technologies December, February, March Methodist, school teachers 9 Carrying out a day of diagnostics of regulation and rrections on the problem "Development of the teacher's creative potential" April Heads of the VPG 10 "Round table" on the exchange of experience May Methodist
Stage III (2015-2016 academic year)
1 Participation in the competition of professional skills "Teacher of the Year" November Khasanova A. N., Safuanova G. Kh. 2 Participation in the competition of pedagogical initiatives on the use of ICT December Zemlyanushina A. Yu. 3 Dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience (publication of articles) October, March Gamza O. A., Shamionova S. V., Karpenko E. A.
In the process of project implementation:
- the quality of students' knowledge increases; - subject and key competencies are formed; - cognitive interest in subjects increases; - the rating of the school among the educational institutions of the district is increasing; - the level of professional, pedagogical, methodological, technological, informational, didactic training is increasing. Competition of pedagogical initiatives on the use of information and communication technologies: 2010-2011 - I place (Shamionova S.V.), 2011-2012 - III place (Zemlyanushina A. Yu.),
2012-2013 - III place (Zemlyanushina A. Yu). Competition "Elite of Russian Education" 2011-2012 - Second degree diploma in the nomination "Health-saving technologies in education" 2008-2009. - Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for high professionalism, creative initiative (Shamionova S.V.) 2007-2008. - Grant of the Head of the Volodarsky District in the category "Education and Society" (100,000 rubles), "The best parenting committee" (30,000). Participation in the competition of professional skills "Teacher of the Year". 2008-2009 - victory in the nomination "Professional teacher" (Shamionova S.V.), 2009-2010 - victory in the nomination "Best competitive lesson" (Nikiforova A.G.), 2011-2012 - audience award (Safuanova G.Kh) ... Participation in the regional methodical exhibition 2009-2010 - certificate for participation 2012-2013 - III place. 2012-2013 - grant of the award of the Head of Nizhnevartovsk region in the nomination "The best social teacher of an educational institution" (K. Baktimirova). 2013-2014 - grant of the award of the Head of the Nizhnevartovsk region in the nomination "Best teacher" (Nikiforova A.G.). 2012-2013 - All-Russian competition "Elite of Russian Education" in the category "Best Lesson" (Ilyina L. I.). Participation in regional methodological competitions, festivals. 2009-2010 - III place for participation in the competition - festival "Methodical service for a new school". Publications: - Gamza O. A. "School management in the context of education modernization", "Science today: theoretical aspects and practice of application", Tambov, 2011; - Karpenko E. A. “Problems of ecological education”, “Science today: theoretical aspects and practice of application”, Tambov, 2011; - Gamza O. A. "Problematic education in literature lessons", "Theoretical and applied problems of science and education in the 21st century", Tambov, 2012; - Shamionova S. V. "Application of ICT in physics lessons", Theoretical and applied problems of science and education in the 21st century ", Tambov, 2012; - "Rural school: experience, problems, prospects" (Nizhnevartovsk, 2011).

academic performance and learning quality of students
Academic years Academic achievement Quality of education 2010-2011 100% 44.25% 2011-2012 100% 47% 2012-2013 100% 48% 2013-2014 100% 50%
Prospects for further development of the project
In the future, it is planned to develop a program "Improving the qualifications of teachers in the context of the introduction of FSES LLC." The relevance of this program lies in the fact that in 2015 educational institutions will switch to the new FSES LLC.
