The greatest excitement among school graduates is the USE exams. Indeed, depending on what the results will be, admission to the desired university may depend. And what is even more important for many parents of eleventh graders is the ability to educate their children on a budget, not commerce. One of the compulsory exams is the Russian language, preparation for which can provide a "safety cushion" for the final score of all examinations taken together. What can help in successful passing the exam In Russian? Spelling dictionary for the exam-2019. FIPI has posted it on its official website to facilitate preparation for this topic.

What is orthoepy?

Orthoepy is a section of the science of language, where emphasis is studied in particular.

The French do not need to bother in this regard, since everything in their language is extremely simple - the stress is constant, on the last syllable. But in Russian, the stress is mobile. It can fall on different parts of the word:

  • on a prefix (nowhere);
  • root (garbage chute);
  • suffix (pamper);
  • ending (removedA).

In addition, different parts of a word of the same part of speech and in the same form can be in a strong position. For example: in verbs of the feminine singular, as a rule, the stress falls on the ending (sleepA, tookA, tookA). But in the words of krAla, krAla, she sent the stress “runs away” from the ending to the root.

What is the difficulty of the spelling task?

Often from students when studying the topic "Orthoepy" you can hear such phrases: "Well, why is it so correct?" After all, everyone speaks differently! "

The difficulty of comprehending the rules for setting stress lies in the fact that children from the people around them constantly hear incorrect sounding words. Remember how often you hear, for example, "teftels", "wednesdays", "cakes" or "witchcraft"? But this is the literary pronunciation norm.

Therefore, this must be taken seriously and taught aloud the words with the correct stress.

Task number 4 on the exam in Russian

It is under this number that a graduate will find a task for an accentological norm.

Its wording in the 2019 test and measurement materials is as follows.

One of the words below contains a production error.

emphasis: WRONG highlighted letter for stressed vowel sound.

Write this word down.

  • disconnected
  • Adolescence
  • chauffeur
  • Wholesale
  • nEWS

Correct answer: wholesale.

Some orthoepy rules

To facilitate the preparation for assignment number 4 on the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, graduates need to learn some of the rules of spelling.

Orthoepy rule Examples of
Many feminine singular past tense verbs have a stressed ending. lied, started, locked up Exceptions: klala, krAla, sent
Some short adjectives and feminine participles also emphasize the ending slim, right, locked, started
In a group of words with the root - accent - stress falls on this root water pipe, garbage pipe, gas pipe.
But the electric wire
In words with the root -bal-, the stress on this root does not fall pamper, pampered, balUet

An exception is the word baloven

In these verbs, the stress should be at the end. turn it on, turn it on, turn it on
In words ending in -log, the stress falls, as a rule, on the last syllable: dialOg, katalOg, monolOg, necrolOg
In words denoting measures of length and ending in -meter, the stress falls on the last syllable: kilometer, centimeter, millimeter, decimeter
In some nouns, the stress is fixed and remains at the root in all cases: aIRPORTS - AIRPORTS
bant - bant - with bant
book-alter - book-alter
X - with X - X - X
kran - kran
lecturer - lecturers - lecturers
cake - with cake - cakes - cakes
scarf - scarf - scarf - scarf
Some adjectives have the same stress as the original nouns from which they are derived: lAYER - LAYER
kitchen - kitchen
sorrel - sorrel
In verbs ending in -IT, when conjugated, the stress falls on the endings: -ISH, -IT, -IM, -ITE, -AT / -ЯТ: turn on - turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on, turn on
hand over - hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over, hand over
Call - call, call, call, call, call, call
bleed - bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed, bleed.
Verbs are conjugated in the same way: call, exclude, endow, tilt, mess, call, relieve, encourage, cheer up, lend, surround, repeat, call back, call, drill, strengthen, pinch.
The following verbs ending in -YIT do NOT stress the ending: poll - poll
freshen up - freshen up
In verbs formed from adjectives, the stress most often falls on -IT:

BUT: the verb to embitter, formed from the adjective evil, does not obey this rule.

fast - to speed up, sharp - to sharpen, light - to lighten, vigorous - to encourage, deep - to deepen
In reflexive verbs, the stress in the past tense often goes to an ending or suffix (in masculine past tense verbs): to begin - began, began, began, began, began
Accepted - Accepted, Accepted, Accepted, Accepted, Accepted
The gerunds are often stressed on the same syllable as the infinitive of the verb from which they are derived: aSK - ASKING, FILLING - FILLING, TAKING - TAKING, START - STARTING, RAISING - RAISING, TAKING - ATTENDING, CREATE - CREATE
In gerunds with the suffix -ВШ-, -ВШ-, the stress falls on the vowel that stands in the word before these suffixes :. starting, giving, raising, arriving, starting
On the prefix DO- stress falls in the following adverbs: to the top, to the bottom, to the dry.
On the prefix ZA- stress falls in the words: dawn, dusk, dawn. BUT: envy is envious

How to prepare for an orthoepy assignment?

To learn the correct formulation of stress in words, you need to practice. How to do it:

  • download the orthoepic dictionary on the FIPI website;
  • be sure to pronounce difficult words out loud;
  • you can learn words alphabetically:
  • or by parts of speech.

Here you can watch a video on the topic “. Task 4. Theory and practice. Accents ":

Among the 27 tasks of the KIM in the Russian language in 2019, there will traditionally be questions on spelling, therefore, at the stage of preparation, it is important to learn all the words that are included in the orthoepic minimum of the USE, compiled by FIPI.

Orthoepy is a section of the Russian language that studies the norms and rules of word pronunciation and stress placement.

Orthoepic norms in oral speech

Compliance with orthoepic norms is an important parameter for assessing oral speech, because incorrect pronunciation words and wrong stress cut the ears of those around them and characterize the speaker as an illiterate and uneducated person.

Among the millions of words, the sound of which everyone has heard, there is a small group, memorization of which is problematic for many people.

It is worth noting that the norms of orthoepy are not something static. Over time, the pronunciation of some words changes under the influence of a variety of factors. All modern norms are collected in an orthoepic dictionary, but for successful delivery in 2019 year of the exam in Russian, 11th grade graduates will have a good enough knowledge of the orthoepic minimum, which includes about 300 words.

KIM structure 2019

The exam in Russian lasts 3.5 hours (210 minutes).

The 2019 ticket for the Russian language will include 27 tasks, 5 of which will be aimed at checking how the graduate speaks the language norms of oral speech. Among these tasks of the 2019 exam, there will definitely be questions on the placement of stress in words included in the orthoepic minimum.

All ticket tasks will be divided into difficulty levels as follows:

Thus, for the correct execution of 27 tasks, the examinee will be able to score 58 primary points.

List of words for spelling tasks

Especially for 11th grade students who are going through the preparation stage for the 2019 USE, FIPI compiled an orthoepic minimum - a mini-dictionary that lists all stressed vowels in words that are difficult to memorize.

We bring to your attention such a dictionary with convenient alphabetical division of words and indication of the correct stress.

Among the 27 tasks of the KIM in the Russian language in 2019, there will traditionally be questions on spelling, therefore, at the stage of preparation, it is important to learn all the words that are included in the orthoepic minimum of the USE, compiled by FIPI.

Orthoepy is a section of the Russian language that studies the norms and rules of word pronunciation and stress placement.

Compliance with orthoepic norms is an important parameter for assessing oral speech, because incorrect pronunciation of words and incorrect stress cut the ears of others and characterize the speaker as an illiterate and uneducated person.

Among the millions of words, the sound of which everyone has heard, there is a small group, memorization of which is problematic for many people.

It is worth noting that the norms of orthoepy are not something static. Over time, the pronunciation of some words changes under the influence of a variety of factors. All modern norms are collected in an orthoepic dictionary, but in order to successfully pass the exam in the Russian language in 2019, 11th grade graduates will have a good knowledge of the orthoepic minimum, which includes about 300 words.

When is the exam held?

An important stage of the Russian language exam is usually planned in the spring and lasts until the beginning of summer.

Already in March-April, teachers will organize an early stage, some schoolchildren will pre-write an exam, in particular those who:

  • graduated from high school last year;
  • received a certificate, and not a certificate of completion of secondary education;
  • graduates from evening school;
  • plans to continue her studies abroad;
  • refers to applicants of the current year who have previously completed the curriculum;
  • is involved in events of a local or international scale, at the time of the official stage of the examination;
  • studies in the 11th grade, but must undergo treatment, rehabilitation, etc. at this time.

At the beginning of autumn, the exam will be taken by guys who have earned low scores, or who missed exams for a good reason, but this fact must be documented.

How is the exam conducted?

Obviously, any of the tickets is designed for 26 tasks, test questions will be encountered, and at the end you should write an essay on a specific topic.

In the potential future, the ministers would like to introduce a task that would predetermine the knowledge of lexical aspects. A couple of years ago, officials started talking about the rational introduction of such a stage in the exam as "Speaking".

It may be that immediately next year, in addition to the previously listed tasks, specialists will test adolescents' ability to convey personal thoughts orally, summarize, and also give a reasoned answer, defending a position.

Orthoepic minimum information

It is no secret that the difference between the Russian language and others is that the emphasis in words is sometimes placed on different syllables, for comparison: the French always emphasize the last syllable. Accordingly, not all schoolchildren are able to correctly identify stress. To successfully pass the orthoepic minimum in the Russian language, it is rational to learn more than 300 words.

A complete list of them for a new school yearare usually officially published on the FIPI portal.
The words presented below cause the greatest difficulties for the guys: alphabet, airports, bands, verba, religion, on time, long-standing, dispensary, up to the top, to get through, down, blinds, obviously, spoiled, old, bloody, hot, rolled, lighten, seal, wholesale, adolescence, partner, right, dowry, drills, orphans, slave, tools, joiner, cakes, chain, scarves.

How do I earn the maximum points?

The first part of the selected assignment includes 25 assignments, their excellent performance provides 34 points, this is almost 60% of the total result of the exam in the Russian language.

As for the task number 26, this is an essay, it is evaluated at 24 points, this is the final 40%. You need to responsibly prepare for the test, focus on the topic, time, personal confidence. And only knowledge will allow you to earn the highest score!

List of words for spelling tasks

Especially for 11th grade students who are going through the preparation stage for the 2019 USE, FIPI compiled an orthoepic minimum - a mini-dictionary that lists all stressed vowels in words that are difficult to memorize.

We bring to your attention such a dictionary with convenient alphabetical division of words and indication of the correct stress.

Secrets of effective preparation

So, you already have an orthoepic minimum, which will help you prepare for the 2019 USE in the Russian language.

If, despite reading a lot of words, you can't remember the correct stress, try changing your tactics. Instead of. to cram a dictionary. Come up with a simple rhyme for a difficult word. So you can always accurately determine which syllable should be stressed.

Here is an example of such verses.

In one of the words given below, do-poo-shche-na-ka in-sta-nov-ke of blow-re-niya: NOT-FAITH-BUT you-de-le-on a letter cha-yu-shchaya stressed vowel sound. You-pee-shi-te is the word.



Explanation (see also Rule below).

Error in the word "accepted".

Let's remember two rows of words at once. These are the group words "accept" and "start."

We need to start learning stresses. I began. Mom started A. We started together, hurray! And we are STARTED now.

We need to make a decision. I accepted. Mom accepted A. We drank together, hurray! And we have ACCEPTED now.

I love these FAQ and NYAV: all forms - with stress. Whatever one may say - STARTED, ACCEPTED, ACCEPTED - just pleasure!

Answer: accepted.

Answer: accepted

Relevance: 2016-2017

Difficulty: normal

Rule: Task 4. Stressing

ORPHOEPIC STANDARDS (stress setting) are checked in task 4.

Students are required to write out one of four words in which the stress is incorrectly highlighted - the stressed vowel is indicated by a capital letter. In the answer, the word is entered without changes, without emphasis in capital letters. Pay attention to the letter E: if the misspelled word contained this letter, it must be written in the answer as well. For example, from four words:


the first has misplaced stress. We write out this word in response without change, with the letter E. We draw your attention to the fact that the question of the possible spelling of E instead of E is solved simply: in front of each examinee on the exam there will be a form in which ALL allowed letters and signs are indicated. At the moment, there is a letter E in the sample forms.

For training in the skill of staging the stress, RESHUEGE offers both words from the Orthoepic minimum of FIPI (2019), and words that have not entered or left it.

In tasks with an increased level of difficulty, along with words with clearly erroneous stress, words with two variants of stress are included.

FIPI Spelling Dictionary 2019

An important aspect of orthoepy is stress, that is, the sound selection of one of the syllables of a word. The stress on the letter is usually not indicated, although in some cases (when teaching Russian to non-Russians) it is customary to put it.

Distinctive features of Russian stress are its diversity and mobility. The diversity lies in the fact that the stress in Russian can be on any syllable of the word (book, signature - on the first syllable; lantern, underground - on the second; hurricane, orthoepy - on the third, etc.) .d.). In some words, the stress is fixed on a certain syllable and does not move during the formation of grammatical forms, in others it changes its place (compare: TONNA - TONS and WALL - WALL - WALLS and WALLS). The last example demonstrates the fluidity of Russian stress. This is the objective difficulty of assimilating accent norms. “However, - as K.S. Gorbachevich, - if the diversity and mobility of the Russian stress creates some difficulties in its assimilation, then these inconveniences are completely atoned for by the opportunity to distinguish the meaning of words with the help of the place of stress (flour is flour, tricky is cowardly, immersed on a platform - immersed in water) and even functional and stylistic fixation of accent variants (bay leaf, but in botany: the laurel family).

Particularly important in this regard is the role of stress as a way of expressing grammatical meanings and overcoming the homonymy of word forms ”. As established by scientists, most of words of the Russian language (about 96%) have a fixed stress. However, the remaining 4% are the most commonly used words that make up the basic, frequent vocabulary of the language.

Here are some spelling rules in the area of \u200b\u200bstress, which will help prevent corresponding mistakes.


airports, stationary stress on the 4th syllable

bANTS, motionless. stress on the 1st syllable.

borod, vin.p., only in this form unit. h. stress on the 1st syllable

bukhgAlterov, b. n. pl. h., fixed stress on the 2nd syllable

creed, from faith to confess



dispensary, the word comes from the English. lang. through the French language, where the blow. always on the last syllable



blinds AND, from French. lang. where the blow. always on the last syllable

eminence, from adj. significant

Xy, them. n. pl. h., motionless. stress


quarter, from it. lang., where the stress is on the 2nd syllable

kilometer, in line with words

centimeters, decimeters, millimeters ...

cones, cones, immobile. stress on the 1st syllable in all cases in singular. and many others h.

cRANES, motionless. stress on the 1st syllable

flint, flint, blow. in all forms on the last syllable, as in the word fire

lecturers, lecturers, see word bow (s)

localities, genus. n. pl. h., on a par with the word form of honors, jaws ... but news

garbage pipe, in the same row with the words gas pipeline, oil pipeline, water pipeline


necrolOg, see catalog



but it is, but it is motionless. stress in all forms of singular. h. Adolescence, from Boy - teenager

pARTNER FROM FR. lang. where the blow. always on the last syllable



calling, in a row with the words calling, recalling (ambassador), calling, but: Feedback (for publication)

orphans, them. n. pl. h., stress in all forms of pl. h. only on the 2nd syllable

sredstva, them. n. pl. h.

convocation, see Convocation

stolYar, along with the words malYar, doYar, shkolYar ...

cakes, cakes

scarves, see bows

chauffeur, along with the words kioskier, controller ...

expert, from French. lang., where the stress is always on the last syllable


In full forms of adjectives, only fixed stress on the base or on the ending is possible. The variability of these two types for the same word forms is explained, as a rule, by a pragmatic factor associated with the distinction between little used or bookish adjectives and frequency adjectives, stylistically neutral or even reduced. Indeed, uncommon and bookish words often have an emphasis on the base, and frequent, stylistically neutral or reduced words on the ending.

The degree of mastery of the word is manifested in the variants of the place of stress: circle and circle, spare and spare, near-earth and near-earth, minus and minus, clean and clean. Such words are not included in uSE assignmentssince both are considered correct.

Nevertheless, the choice of the place of stress causes difficulties most often in short forms of adjectives. Meanwhile, there is a fairly consistent norm, according to which the stressed syllable of the full form of a number of common adjectives remains stressed in a short form: beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful - beautiful; inconceivable - inconceivable - inconceivable - inconceivable - inconceivable, etc.

The number of adjectives with movable stress in the Russian language is small, but they are often used in speech, and therefore the stress norms in them need comments.

The stress often falls on the base in the plural, as well as in the singular in the masculine and neuter gender, and on the feminine ending: right - right - right - right - right - right; gray - gray - gray - gray - sulfur; STRONG - STRONG - STRONG - STRONG - STRONG.

Such adjectives, as a rule, have monosyllabic stems without suffixes or with the simplest suffixes (-к-, -н-). However, one way or another, it becomes necessary to refer to the orthoepic dictionary, since a number of words "knock out" of the specified norm. You can, for example, say: long and long, fresh and fresh, full and full, etc.

It should also be said about the pronunciation of adjectives in the comparative degree. There is such a norm: if the stress in the short form of the feminine gender falls on the ending, then in a comparative degree it will be on its suffix: strong - stronger, sick - sicker, alive - alive, slim - slim, right - right; if the stress in the feminine gender is on the basis, then in a comparative degree it is preserved on the basis: beautiful - more beautiful, sad - more sad, opposite - more opposite. The same goes for the superlative form.


One of the most tense points of stress in common verbs is the past tense. The stress in the past tense usually falls on the same syllable as in the infinitive: sit - sit, moan - moan, hide - hide, start - start. At the same time, the group of common verbs (about 300) obeys a different rule: the stress in the feminine gender goes to the ending, and in the other forms it remains on the stem. These are the verbs take, be, take, twist, lie, drive, give, wait, live, call, lie, pour, drink, tear, etc. It is recommended to say: live - lived - lived - lived - lived; wait - waited - waited - waited - waited; pour - lil - lilo - lil - lilA. Derivative verbs are pronounced in the same way (live, take, drink, spill, etc.).

The exception is words with the prefix you-, which accepts an emphasis on itself: vyzhit - vyzhila, vylit - vylila, vyzvat - invoked.

For the verbs to put, steal, send, send the stress in the feminine form of the past tense remains on the basis of: sent, sent, stlAla.

And one more pattern. Quite often, in reflexive verbs (in comparison with non-reflexive ones), the stress in the past tense passes to the ending: start - began, began, began, began, began; Accepted - Accepted, Accepted, Accepted, Accepted.

About the pronunciation of the verb, call in the conjugated form. Orthoepic dictionaries of recent times quite reasonably continue to recommend the stress on the ending: you call, call, call, call, call. This

the tradition is based on classical literature (primarily poetry), the speech practice of authoritative native speakers.

pamper, along with the words

pamper, spoil, spoil ... but: the balloon of fate




take it

turn on-turn on

turn on, turn on


break in-break in



hand over




get it-got it



will call




seal up

borrowed, borrowed

occupied, occupied


lock-locked (with a key, lock, etc.)


call, call, call,



hiding - hiding












start, start, start, start


make it easier




cheer up-skinned


cheer up-cheer up



to anger


to seal, along with the words

to form, normalize, sort,

reward ...








call back - call back















take off








pinch-pinch, pinch

Stress in participles and participles

The most frequent fluctuations in stress are recorded when pronouncing short passive participles. If the stress in full form is on the suffix -YONN-, then it remains on it only in the masculine form, in other forms it goes to the ending: conducted - carried out, carried out, carried out, carried out; imported - imported, imported, imported, imported. However, it is sometimes difficult for native speakers to choose the correct place of stress and in full. They say: "introduced" instead of imported, "translated" instead of translated, etc. In such cases, it is worthwhile to refer to the dictionary more often, gradually practicing the correct pronunciation.

A few notes on the pronunciation of full participles with the -T- suffix. If the suffixes of an indefinite form o-, -nu- are stressed, then in the participles it will go one syllable forward: weasel - full, prick - chipped, bend - bent, wrap - wrapped.

Passive participles from the verbs pour and drink (with the suffix -t-) are characterized by an unstable stress. You can say: spilled and spilled, spilled and spilled, spilled (only!), Spilled and spilled, spilled and spilled; DOPITED and DOPITED, DOPIT AND DOPIT, DOPITA and DOPIT, DOPITO and DOPITO, DOPITA and DOPITA.



included-included, see reduced






spoiled, see spoiled



who clicked






brought down-brought down, see included ...








who understood






The gerunds often have an emphasis on the same syllable as in the indefinite form of the corresponding verb: nesting, asking, filling, borrowing, writing, exhausting (NOT: exhausted), starting, raising, living, watering, putting, understanding, anticipating, Arriving, accepting, selling, cursing, spilling, getting through, drinking, creating.


having sealed



Accent in adverbs

Stress in adverbs should mainly be learned by memorizing and referring to the spelling dictionary.



enviously, in the meaning of the predicate

zAgoda, colloquial


more beautiful, adj. and adverb in compare Art.

Orthoepic norm is the only possible or preferred version of the correct pronunciation of a word.

In order not to violate this norm, you should simply look more often in the orthoepic dictionary. But there are also a few rules that you can use.


  • In the nominative plural, the stress is on the ending -ы and the ending -ы is unstressed.


  • In the genitive plural, the ending -s is most often unstressed, and the ending -e is most often stressed.

    For example: bookkeepers, conuses, lecturers, cakes, jobs, news
    BUT: localities, judges

  • In nouns of foreign origin, the stress usually falls on the last syllable.

    For example: agent, alphabet, hyphen, dispensary, document, blinds, catalog, necrolOg, quarter, partner, apostrophe, percents, cement, expert, fetish
    BUT: fOrzats, facsimile

  • Often derivative words retain stress from the derivative words.


airports, fixed stress on the 4th syllable
BANTS, fixed stress on the 1st syllable
borod, V. p., only in this form unit. h. stress on the 1st syllable
bookkeepers, R. p. pl. h., fixed stress on the 2nd syllable
creed, from: faith to confess
dash, from German, where the stress is on the 2nd syllable
dispensary, the word came from in English through frenchwhere the stress is always on the last syllable
blinds And, from French, where the stress is always on the last syllable
eminence, from adj. significant
catalog, in one row with the words: dialOg, monolOg, necrolOg, etc.
quarter, from German, where the stress is on the 2nd syllable
CRANES, fixed stress on the 1st syllable
lecturers, lecturers, accent on the 1st syllable, as in the word bow (s)
localities, R. n. pl. h., along with word forms: honors, jaws ... but: news
butt, butt, fixed stress in all forms of singular. h.
Boyhood, from Boy - teenager
orphans, I. n. pl. h., stress in all forms of pl. h. only on the 2nd syllable
Medium, I. p. pl. h.
there fire
cakes, cakes
scarves like bows
chauffeur, in a row with the words: kiosk, controller ...
expert, from French, where the stress is always on the last syllable


  • The stress in short forms of adjectives and passive participles always falls on the stem. But in the form of the singular feminine, it carries over to the ending.

    For example: created - created, A - created, taken - taken A - taken, occupied - busy A - taken, started - started - started.

vernA, short adj. g. R.
more beautiful, adjective and comparative adverb
most beautiful, adjective superlative
dexterity, short adjective R.
foresight, short adjective r., in one row with the words: smudge, fuss, chatter ... but: voracious
LAYER, formed from: LAYER


busy - busy
locked - locked
inhabited - inhabited
who clicked
brought down - brought down
encouraged - encouraged - encouraged
who understood
filmed - filmed


  • Many feminine past tense verbs have a stressed ending:

    For example: take away - took away - took away - took away, understand - understood - understoodA - understood, start - started - beganA - started; but: klAst - clAl - clAla - clAli.

  • In verbs formed from adjectives, the stress usually falls on the ending:

    For example: deep - to deepen, light - to lighten, vigorous - to encourage, invigorate

take - take
to fight - to take
take - take
take it - take it
burst in - burst
to perceive - to perceive
hand over - hand over
drive - drive
chasing - chasing
kindness - kindness
to get it - got it
wait - wait
call - get through, get through
wait - waited
seal up
borrow - borrowed, borrowed, occupied, occupied
Locked - Locked
lock - locked (with a key, lock, etc.)
call - called
call - call, call, call
to lie - to lie
pour - lilA
pouring - pouring
lie - lied
endow - endow
overstrain - overstrain
name - named
tilt - tilt
pour - pour
start - start, start, start
call - call
make it easier - make it easier
doused - doused
hug - hugged
cheer up - ripped off
cheer up - cheer up
borrow - lend
to anger
surround - surround
to seal, in a row with the words: form, normalize, sort ...
freshen up - freshen up
depart - depart
give - give
to open up - open up
revoke - recalled
overflow - overflow
repeat - repeat
call - called
call - call - call
watered - watered
put - put
understand - understand
Arrival - Arrived - Arrived - Arrived
to tear - tore
remove - removed
rip off - ripped off
remove - removed
strengthen - strengthen
pinch - pinch




to the top
to the bottom
more beautiful, adj. and adverb. in ref. Art.
for a long time
