Elekstural lesson

in 1 b class

"In the world of electricity"

During the classes

I.Organizing time

Teacher's introductory word.

Guys, listen carefully to the riddle and guess it:

On paths I run,

Without paths I can not.

Where me guys no

Does not light in the house light. ( electricity)

What do you think you need an electric current to man? Yes.

What benefits does the electricity bring a person? Refrigerators, washing machines, kettles, computers, TVs, trolleybuses work from electricity.

Without electricity, doctors, accountant, teachers, installers, drivers of trolley buses will not be able to work without electricity. Because the electricity employs many devices necessary to man. Without an electric current, the tooth doctor will not be able to paint the tooth, the driver of the trolleybus will not be able to transport passengers, the installer will not be able to sharpen the part on the machine.

Output:But every person must remember - electric current is needed, but it is not safe for life.

(Knock at the door. Forest animals include: hare and fox)

Hare:Oh, trouble, oh, trouble

Help us friends!

Teacher:What? What happened?

Scene (squirrel stroking ribbons)

A fox:Ribbon stood Belochka Annie

And I saw the girlfriends in the window,

And completely forgot about the iron.

Hare: It's not a joke here!

That's what it means three minutes,

There are no ribbons, a circle of avgar,

I almost got a fire.

Teacher:Guys, why did the protein have a fire?

(Children's responses). A squirrel threw the iron on the ribbon.

Teacher:How to be? How do we be?

How do you sit down?

Teacher:I know one secret.

So that no more troubles

We invite we all animals

On the lesson to yourself soon.

Pass forest inhabitants, sit down with the guys.

II. . Message themes and lesson purposes.

The topic of our lesson "in the world of electricity".

Game: "What can be dangerous"

Now we will play the game. I will call items, and you, if you hear something dangerous, raise your hand.

(electric stove, book, electric socket, soccer ball, washing machine, table, plate, vacuum cleaner, iron)

III. Study of new material but

Today we will talk about electric current, about the rules for using electrical appliances.

Teacher:Guys, what do you know about electric current? Where is he located?

(Children's responses) in the wires of the TV, refrigerator, computer, outlets.

Teacher:Electricity is also the "pipes", only in them the energy comes into our house. And how water finds a hole in the pipe, and the accident happens, also electricity becomes dangerous if the wires are faulty.

A person may accidentally touch the wire bare hand, and it will hit him. The wires can be connected, and a short circuit will occur (the light goes out), or even a fire may occur. Therefore, if you see a bare wire, a faulty switch or a rosette, you must immediately say about this adult!

The history of the occurrence of electricity takes its beginning from 550 BC.

For the first time, the phenomena, now called electrical, were noticed in ancient China, India, and later in ancient Greece.

The preserved legends say that the ancient Greek philosopher Fales Miletsky was already known to the property of amber, satellular fur or wool, attractscraps of paper, empty and other lungs.

And you, more than once, I think, watched the fact that the fountain pen or comb, grated the hair attracts pieces of paper.

Let's spend with you such an experience. You have fountain pen and small pieces of paper on the table. They took pens, fined about the hair and brought to the papers. What do you watch? Yes, papers are attracted to the fountain pen. This phenomenon received the name of electrification.

But from same in our house Does electricity come? (children's responses)

Electricity comes on wires.

Teacher:The electricity comes into the house on the wires, and it comes to the wires from the power plants.

The very first power plants were windmills. (slide 2-3)

https://pandia.ru/text/78/573/images/image003_74.jpg "width \u003d" 250 "height \u003d" 178 src \u003d "\u003e

Then they began to build solar power plants. (Slide 5)

https://pandia.ru/text/78/573/images/image005_49.jpg "width \u003d" 214 "height \u003d" 141 src \u003d "\u003e and nuclear power plants


Tili - Bom! Tili - Bom!

Caught Koshkin House!

Caught Koshkin House,

Going smoke pillar!

Rusie runs with a bucket

Pour cats

And the horse with a lantern,

And a dog with a dying.

Time! Time! Time! Time!

And the fire went out!

IV.Continuing work on new material.

Teacher:Guys, but so that such trouble does not happen like a cat, what should every person know? (children's responses)

And what safety devices with electrical appliances do you know?

(children's responses)

V. Development of electrical appliance safe handling rules

Now we will guess riddles, and explain, in what cases things are dangerous.

1. On the head button,

In the nose is solido

One hand

Yes, and that on the back. (Teapot.)

- whendoes the kettle are dangerous?

(When the electric kettle includesnot pouring in it, water, plug the plug into a faulty outlet, touch the working electric kettle with wet hands; An ordinary teapot forget to turn off after it boiledwater, etc.)

2. There is a steamer -

Then back, then forward

And behind him such a smooth -

No wrinkles see ( Iron.)

In what cases people risk using this necessary device?

(Electric iron is left unattended, taken with wet hands, etc.)

3. Masha Kamfeta Zamarala.

But the hands did not wash.

There is a special car -

Fits from the soul to us. (Washer.)

Guys, when this indispensable thing for any mistress becomes dangerous for children? (When it is included without parental permission, take wet hands for the electric plug, open the lid during operation, etc.)

Well done! And remember: you can not poke your hand in the washing machine while working, trying to pull something out of it. Hand can tighten and cripple. In most modern models, the hatch is blocked during operation, but if not - be alert yourself.

4. So house, one window.

Every day in the window - movies. (Television.)

(Children and teacher discuss the rules for using the TV.)

-Generalization:So, all these things belong to the group of hazardous things - electrical appliances. They make a threat for two reasons:

First, these items can cause a fire.

Secondly, it passes an electric current that can hit.

Teacher: Let's summarize our statements. What basic safety rules with electrical devices exist:

VI. Work with proverbs about dangerous situations.

No wonder the people folded such proverbs:

"The fear is half of salvation",

"Beware of troubles until they are"

How do you understand the meaning of these proverbs?

(Student responses: We must be careful, know and follow the rules of safe behavior to not fall into difficult situations)

VII. View the presentation "Electrical Safety Rules

in everyday life and on the street »

Presentation.Electrical Approach Rules.

1. The first rule (slide)

Never penetrate transformer substations.

It is very dangerous for life!

2. The second rule (slide)

It is impossible to use electrical appliances in bathrooms, baths, pools and saunas.

3. Third Rule

Do not insert the plug into the rosette with wet hands.

4. Fourth Rule (Slide)

In no case do not come to a bare wire and do not touch it. Can hit the current.

5. Five Rule (Slide)

Having a plug out of the outlet, never pull hands for the electric wire, a short circuit can happen.

6. Sixth rule

Never wipe the included appliances with a damp cloth.

7. Seventh Rule

It is impossible to extinguish the fired electric appliances with water.

Household appliances "href \u003d" / text / category / "Rel \u003d" Bookmark "\u003e Household appliances, which runs from electric current. And the electrical appliances help a person in everyday life. But in order not to become a victim of a fire, you need to properly handle the electrical appliances at home, At school, at work. Electric current is a true friend and assistant man. And we must treat electricity carefully and carefully. And we have already talked about the dangers of circulation of electrical appliances.

Pupil:Everyone knows that iron -

Good, but serious friend.

He who with an iron sign

Does not play with an iron.

Pupil:Who studies science,

So the devices do not include:

Overheated socket

It lights up often.

Teacher:Very often in the outlet, we turn on several electrical appliances at once. For example: TV, iron, washing machine, refrigerator, computer. And this can not be done. Because the overhaul rosette can also cause a fire or short circuit.

Vi.Summing up the lesson.

Teacher:Well done boys! Today you have worked well at the lesson. I think our forest guests learned what an electric current is and how dangerous it is for life, from where electricity comes to our house, they got acquainted with the rules of safe handling of electrical appliances.

Hare:Oh, trouble, oh, trouble

Help us friends!

A fox:Ribbon stood Belochka Annie

And I saw the girlfriends in the window,

Distracted for only three minutes

And completely forgot about the iron.

Hare: It's not a joke here!

That's what it means three minutes,

There are no ribbons, a circle of avgar,

I almost got a fire.

In the yard of Sasha Bud

On the door drawing there

If you want to be healthy

You don't climb into this booth!

Electricity is useful

Electricity is fine

But if you are going to the post

Electricity is dangerous!

If you see - the wire is torn

Get out to the side:

After all, electric charge

Dense for a child!

Know that the wire is bare

Not at all toy

A little once did not die

Our neighbor Andryushka!

In the bathroom you can brush your teeth

You can wash your head,

Only there we will hardly

Hair dryer drying.

Pupil:We would tremble from cold,

Without it, it would be dark.

Much did not know

Well, of course, it was bad.

Pupil:Tv b did not know

Neither eat and drink

In "Dandy" also not played,

In general, it was bad to live.

Pupil:Everyone knows that iron -

Good, but serious friend.

He who with an iron sign

Does not play with an iron.

Pupil:Who studies science,

So the devices do not include:

Overheated socket

It lights up often.

Elekmage lesson at school


Today it is impossible to imagine a human life without electrical energy. Electricity is our faithful assistant at home and at school, at work and on vacation, but it becomes very dangerous to human life if it is wrong to contact him.

In order not to get into trouble, each of you must remember and comply with some very simple rules that we are with you today and talk.

First, let's see what electricity is? Where does it come from? The easiest example of source -lectric energy is a battery! All of you guys probably have a lot of toys that work from batteries. If such a toy stopped working, then in the battery, which in her inside, ended the charge.

Who knows what you need to do, so that the toy began to work again?

Our life uses a large number of electrical appliances. What electrical appliances can you call?

In order for small toys and tiders (for example, a flashlight), there is enough voltage from the batteries, and in order to work large devices - a refrigerator, a TV or electrical heater - you need much more electricity. Therefore, in each electrical outlet there is a variety of ways as in 150 batteries together! This is a lot!

Electricity is transmitted by wires. All of you, children, saw such wires on the street, saw that the wires were attached to special high supports and descend from them to each home so that there were such useful electricity in each house.

But the fact is that electricity is not only useful, but also very dangerous!

In order to properly and safely use the electricity, each person needs to know and follow several very simple rules.

Electricity on the street. What you need to remember and perform.

Electricity is supplied to the house, as a rule, over air lines of power - so called supports with wires attached to them. Supports of air lines are specifically made as high so that people even accidentally could touch them and whether to get closer.

However, due to a strong wind or ice, as well as from other different damage on the wires of the wires can be saved or break. If you trigger to the torn or wire, you will definitely get a strong electric shock! It is very painful and dangerous! Very often, people get burns from touching the wires and even die! So guys, remember the 1st rule:

It is impossible to touch the airline wire cutting or hanging from support, climb on supports growing under wires trees or buildings next to which electric wires pass!

You can not touch the torn and hanging wires

You can not climb on support

But not only touch the wire is dangerous. Electric current can hit and even kill a person who simply approached the wire, which lies on Earth, for a distance of 8 meters, that is, a distance equal to ... (visually show the distance of 8 meters, using the size of the classroom or other examples).

So guys, remember the 2nd rule:

You can not approach the wire lying on Earth closer than 8 meters, and also do not approach the tree, if you noticed a broken wire on it!

Now, guys, we know that the power lines are very dangerous for people, and therefore the wires are suspended at high supports, and with these supports go down to each home. And where do the wires come from? Where do the air lines begin?

All airlines are connected to transformer substations, in which the voltage is many times more than the outlet! Of course, such tension is even more dangerous for a person, so you need to be able to distinguish transformer substations from other buildings.

Transformer substations may look different. It may be a small brick house, maybe an iron kiosk, similar to a shed, and maybe an iron drawer standing on the pillars. In order to anyone accidentally not confused a very dangerous transformer substation with some other house, on the doors of substations draw special signs. For example, such:

These signs warn all people to go further! May kill electric shock.

This clearly demonstrate drawings drawn by children of our employees. (You can also organize a contest of children's drawings to consolidate the information received).

Of course, in no case can you approach transformer substations, play near them, and even moreover, enter into or climb on them!

And this will be our 3rd rule, guys:

(Demonstrate Figures No. 4, №5 and №6 of our employees drawn by children.)

And what should be done if suddenly any of you see anywhere lying on the ground the wire? Or will you seen a transformer substation with open doors?

In this case, guys, you need to tell us as soon as possible about all adults.

And now let's remember all our rules that we learned today!

    You can not touch the carved or hanging with the support of the wire of the airline, climb on supports or trees growing under wires!

    You can not approach the wire lying on the ground closer than 8 meters!

    You can not go into transformer substations, touch their doors and lattices, arrange the game next to them!

    If you see a broken or provisted wire, open doors of the transformer substation or that other children violate the rules for handling electricity - immediately tell adults!


1 Elemental lesson Methodological manual for educational institutions

2 Dear colleagues! Before you, guidelines for carrying out an extracurricular hour on the topic "Electrical safety", which will help convey information about the danger of electric current. Energy "IDGC of the Urals" call for vigilance and compliance with the rules of safe behavior when interacting with electricity. This is especially true for the children's and teenage audience. In order to protect children from the unwanted effects of electric current, we are adults, are obliged to constantly train children the basics of life safety. After all, it is so scary when the reason for the tragic chance is five minutes that we did not give our children. Among children of different ages, cases of electrical exchanging are unevenly distributed, to more effects of electric current, children of younger school age fall. Particular attention should be paid to the interaction with this age category and more tightly organize work with parents. These guidelines were developed by IDGC of Urals for the Urals teachers, class teachers of educational institutions, children's recreation camps. They present the basic rules of behavior with electricity at home and on the street to carry out extracurricular hours "Electrical safety". The methodological manual was developed in conjunction with the Ministry of General and Professional Education of the Sverdlovsk Region

3 Plan for extracurricular hours on "Electrical safety" 1. Introduction: Electricity friend or enemy? The concept of electricity. What it is? 2. View of the danger of electric current. 3. Electric current action on the body. 4. Rules of behavior with electricity in everyday life. 5. Rules of behavior near power facilities. 6. Help the victim from an electric current. 7. Warning electrical safety signs. 8. Test for key electrical safety rules. 1. Introduction Dear guys! You know well what an important role is played by electricity in everyday life and studies. It gives us light, warm, leads to various mechanisms that facilitate human labor. Electricity took such a strong place in our life, which now it is simply impossible to do without it. She is our indispensable assistant. But, providing great help to people, electricity is in themselves a deadly danger for those who do not know or neglect the rules of electrical safety, does not know how to handle household appliances, violates the rules of behavior near the energy facilities. 2. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe danger of electric current The danger to a person's life represent electrical installations of any voltage. Remember: Safe electric current does not exist! Electrical installations are such equipment that is used by energy, as well as all household electrical appliances surrounding us in everyday life. A person who touching the current parts of electrical installations and uninsulated wires under voltage turns out to be included in the electrical circuit. Under the influence of voltage through its body, an electric current flows, which violates the normal operation of the body, which is why convulsions arise, breathing stops and the heart stops. With overheating of individual parts of the body, heavy burns occur. A person dies or becomes disabled. The larger the current flowing through the body, the more dangerous! The value of the current is the greater, the higher the voltage under which the person turned out to be. Safe is the voltage of 12 volts. Electrical networks, voltage 220 and 380 volts (220 volts - for lighting and household appliances, 380 volts - for three-phase machines of machines and mechanisms) were obtained. This tension is economically profitable, but very dangerous for a person. The greatest amount of deadly accidents occurs with people who fell under voltage of 220 and 380 volts. Electrical devices that you use at home and school, electrical networks and substations, by which you pass in the courtyard, on the street and in the field, while normal operation is safe. Energy took care to exclude a random touch to the current parts. All electrical installations have fencing, warning signs and safety posters and closed on the castle. However, with various injuries of isolation, wire break, lifting support, penetration in the substation and electric shields there is a real threat to life. That is why it is so important to know the rules for handling electrical appliances and electrical wiring, on time to prevent comrade from dangerous pranks near electric lines and substations, to be able to protect themselves and other people when the network damage is detected. 3. Electrical current action on the body The danger of electric current is that human has no special sense organs to detect electrical current. Electric current does not smell, colors and acts silently. It is impossible to feel without special devices, whether this part of the electrical installation is under voltage or not. This leads to the fact that people often do not realize actually existing danger and do not take the necessary protective measures. Of great importance in the outcome of the lesion is the path passable in the human body. The defeat will be heavier if the heart is turned out to be the heart, chest, head and spinal cord. The most dangerous ways of passing the current through a person are: Hand-legs, hand-hand. Direct reasons for the death of a person affected by electric current is the cessation of heart work, stopping the breath due to the paralysis of the muscles of the chest and electric shock. The most unfavorable outcome of the human damage to electric current will be in cases where the touch occurred with wet hands to electrical appliances or electric pipes in cheese or hot room. Electricity damage can occur in the following forms:

4 џ about the formation of a heart or breathing during the passage of electric current through the body; џ Electrogress; џ Mechanical injury due to muscle contraction under the action of current; џ Electric arc blinding. Death usually comes due to the stop of the heart or respiration, or the other. Under the action of electric current, the muscles of the body are reduced. If a person undertooks under stress part of the equipment, it may not be able to break away without any help. Moreover, it may be attracted to a dangerous place. Under the action of alternating current, the muscles are periodically reduced at the current frequency, but the pause between abbreviations is insufficient to be free. Damage from electric current is determined by the current and the duration of its impact. The smaller the resistance of the human body, the higher the current. Resistance decreases under the action of the following factors: џ high voltage; џ skin moisture; џ long exposure time; џ increase carbon dioxide in the air; џ High air temperature; џ carelessness, mental and psychological unpreparedness to a possible electrical impact. The central nervous system suffers most of the electric current. Because of its damage, breathing and cardiac activity is disturbed. Plots of the body with the least resistance (i.e. more vulnerable): џ side surfaces of the neck, whiskey; џ Palm's back, palm surface between large and index fingers; џ hand on a plot above the brush; џ Shoulder, back; џ Front of the leg. The electric grids are cured much more difficult than ordinary thermal. Some effects of electricians can manifest a few hours, days, months. The victim should live for a long time in the "gentle" mode and is under the supervision of specialists. 4. The rules of behavior with electricity in everyday life of the handling of electrical appliances are not difficult, and they are easy to remember: 1. It is impossible to use electrical appliances without adult resolution. 2. You do not have to independently replace the electrolympics and fuses, repair the electrical wiring and household appliances, open the rear to the rear to the rear, and the r and r and d and o p ore In, set calls, switches and plug sockets. Let it make an adult or specialist plant! 3. You can not use switches, plug sockets, forks, calls buttons with broken lids, as well as household appliances with damaged, charred and twisted cords. IT IS VERY DANGEROUS! You should not pass by such facts. Timely report adults about damage! Remember, breaking the covers of switches, calls, plug sockets from mischief, damaging the wiring, you, and make an offense equal to a crime, as this can lead to the death of people. 4. It is impossible to use the faulty electric rolls (e if it smells from the TV, refrigerator or vacuum cleaner, if sparks are visible - it is necessary to disable the device from the network immediately and tell about the faulty adult instrument). 5. It is impossible to repair and disassemble electrical appliances. 6. Turning off the electrical appliance, it is impossible to pull over the cord. We must take a plug and smoothly remove it from the outlet. 7. You can not play with electrical sockets (if you saw a faulty outlet, switch, bare wire, do not touch anything and immediately tell about this adult!). 8. Remember, electricity does not tolerate the neighborhood with water (so as not to get a blow to the current, it is impossible to touch the electrical appliances with wet hands or wipe the electro rolls with a damp cloth).

5 5. Rules of behavior near the energy facilities of power facilities These are air and cable power lines, substations, transformer substations, distribution points. Electric lines with voltage 3 5, 11 0 to and l o oh oxo and in the power supply of cities and towns. Air and cable power lines with a voltage of 6 and 10 kilovolts are responsible for electricity supply within cities and towns, as well as rural settlements. 380 volts voltage power lines are equipped with electricity apartment buildings, and 220 volts are separate apartments. Substations and high-voltage power lines are divided by voltage classes: 35 and 110 kilovolt and higher and transformer substations with voltage 6-10 kilovolt This is just those transformer booths. P O D C T A H C and and are designed to reduce the voltage in the AC network and for the distribution of electricity. Transformer substations are located in each settlement and, due to their ubiquitousness, they are of particular danger to the population! All energy facilities carry a real danger to life! Remember the simple rules: 1. In no case cannot be concerned with tested wires or lying on Earth or even approach them. The blow of the current can be obtained a few meters from the wire due to step-down voltage. Therefore, let's agree: any wire or electrical appliance is considered to be stressed! Even if two dozen people tentged it to you. And what if it is at the same time when you took it in hand, someone turned on the chop from you for a few meters! If still a person got into the Zone "Step Tension" can not tear out the soles from the surface of the earth. It should be moved towards removal from 8 meters of the wire "goose step" - the heel of the walking legs, without breaking away from the ground, is attached to the sock of another leg. Remember, seeing the trimmed wire lying on the ground, in no case approach it to the distance closer than 8 meters. 2. It is fatally dangerous to the supports of high-voltage power lines, play under them, breed fires, break the insulators on the supports, to make the wire sketches and other items on the wires, run under the wires of air coils. 3. If you saw the trimmed wire, unlocked or damaged doors of transformer booths or electric shields, do not touch anything and immediately adults. 4. In no case cannot open the stairwells that are in the entrances of the houses, to climb n and to p and d omphi about B and stations, where electrical wires are passing nearby, and how the ho d and o N with f about r m and t o r n e bond to and, electrical and other electrical room, tall electrical equipment, wires. 5. In the summer, being in the campaign, or going fishing, it is dangerous to stay on vacation near the air lines of the electric lines, or substations and fish under the wires of the power line. 6. Help the victim from electric current It is necessary to remember that a person affected by electric shock can be saved, return to life, if correctly and, most importantly, to quickly help him help. Remember! You should not make an independent event to save the victim. It will be better done adults or specialist energy. Immediately call them for help! Only a person who knows the rules for the liberation of the injured from electric current and first aid can provide effective assistance.

6 What actions should an adult take help? џ Call an ambulance brigade; џ Rate the situation. And, if possible, to freely at the action of electric current. In no case cannot be touched upon the victim immediately. Perhaps it is still under the action of electric current. Touching to the victim, a person can also hit. You must turn off the power source (twist the plugs, turn off the switch). If it is impossible, it is necessary to push the current source from itself and from the injured dry, non-conductive current item (branch, wooden stick). If it is necessary to drag the injured from the wire of the power grid, it is necessary to remember that the body of a person through which the current has passed, spends the current as well as the electrical wire. Therefore, naked hands should not be adopted to the open parts of the body of the victim, you can concern only the dry parts of his clothes, and it is better to wear rubber gloves or wrap your hands with dry silk matter. џ Render the first help before the arrival of the ambulance brigade. After the termination of the electrical current, it is necessary to pay attention to the presence of signs of life (breathing and pulse on large vessels). In the absence of signs of breathing and pulse, urgent resuscitation activities are needed: carrying out a closed massage of the heart and artificial ventilation of light (artificial respiration). Inspect the open areas of the injured body. Always search for two burns (electric current entry and exit sites). Take a sterile or clean napkin on the burned areas. Do not use a blanket or a fiber towel with them can stick to the burned surface. To improve the work of the heart, an increase in blood flow to it should be increased. To do this, put the victim so that his breasts be somewhat lower than the legs. All those affected by shock should be hospitalized as soon as possible. 7. Warning signs for electrical safety to prevent accidental penetration in electrical installation, and thereby preventing electric shock people, there are special warning signs and posters. They are hanging out or applied to supports of air lines of any voltage, doors of various electrical panels, in the rest! Voltage do not fit! The kill whose electrical equipment is located, on the fences and fences, increasing electrical installations. The presence of such signs implies the prohibition of the penetration of the population in the electrical installation or the rise on the power lines support. Signs warn a man about the danger of electric shock. Neglect them, and even more so to shoot and disrupt them unacceptable! Dear guys! Do not upset your parents with your rampartive actions! Stop, warn comrade from hazardous pranks near power facilities! By this you will save him life! When the blasting of the wires, sparks, damage to the supports, insulators, unclosed or damaged doors of transformer substations or electrical shields, discovery of torn marks and posters for electrical safety to avoid accidents, it is necessary to immediately inform adults or call 112. Sometimes it seems that trouble can happen With anyone, just not with us. This is a deceptive impression! Be careful guys! Take care of your life and the life of your friends! 8. Test for knowledge of key electrical safety rules Where does a person meet with electricity? What are the main causes of human lesion by electric shock? Why is it dangerous to use electrical appliances without adult resolution? Is it possible to use a TV, kettle, vacuum cleaner, if they are not working? 5. What needs to be done if the contacts are sparkling in the outlet and smells burned? 6. Why can not touch the bare ends of the wire? 7. How to behave on the street so as not to get a blow to electric shock? 8. What do you need to pay attention to you by choosing a place for games? And for fishing? 9. What should I do if you saw a broken wire on the street? 10. What should I do if you see the victim of the electric current? How to properly assist the victim? 11. What do warning signs mean?

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Topic 3.6. Ensuring electrical safety according to statistics Most severe industrial injuries (up to 75%) are electrician. Electric shock is possible when touched a person to

Electrical safety Invisible power electricity helps and turns material for the lesson of Igor Makuha, head of the labor protection service PJSC "Moskovoy United Electric Grid Company" since 2009

Ninth grade Theme of the lesson: electrical safety at the railway facilities (material for training the teacher to carry out a lesson on this topic) on the railway transportation are operating

Good electricity Children Methodical recommendations for conducting an electric safety lesson Dear teachers You keep in your hands a methodological manual for a lesson on the topic "Electrical safety",

DEAR GUYS! Dear adults! Railway is a zone of increased danger. While in the territory of railway transport, you need to know and accurately follow the rules of safe behavior.

1 2.8. Electricity. Analysis of the danger of damage to the current of the circuit of electrical networks of the ZNT UT U L U F int U L 3 U F 0 0 R 0 \u003d 2-8 ohms R and from the ZNT - a network with an enthusiastic neutral transformer point; Int.

Electrical safety Action of electric current on the body. Electricity lesion can occur in the following forms: stopping the heart or breathing when the electric current is passed through the body;

Children's electrical safety lesson Danger of electric current Sometimes electricity can be dangerous on large power facilities with improper handling in broken electrical appliances. Why electric

Consultation for parents How to protect children from electric shock Senior tutor Kozak Olesya Olegovna Electricity brings many benefits to man. But it is dangerous, especially for children. If a

Basics of security and rules of conduct on the railway (lecture material) St. Petersburg 2018 Introduction The main purpose of this methodological manual is the prevention of cases of children's injuries

Instructions for labor protection for non-electrical personnel I qualification group 053-2016 1. General labor protection requirements. 1.1. Requirements of this Instruction apply to personnel 1 of the Group

Test "Fundamentals of electrical safety" 1 Testing allows you to determine the level of knowledge of schoolboy the basics of electrical safety when answering a question Select 1 Correct Option 2 Question 1 Electricity: A.

First aid for electricians: low-voltage (voltage up to 1000 V) is the most frequent lesion to industrial and household current at a voltage of 42-380 V. It can lead to death from choking, stop

Prevention of children's injuries on the railway Railway is a zone of increased danger. But there are people who, looking at posters that promote the safety rules of citizens when

9.2 from action 1 Objectives: After studying this section, you will know: Provision of first prefigure assistance to victims from exposure to electric current; Ways to liberate affected

Automatic switches and cork fuses must always be properly; - Replacing factory fuses Even temporarily various metal woes, for example, "bugs", can serve

Instructions for labor protection for the Biys Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Technical University.

Memo to prevent electrical exchangerism Signs of short circuit 1. The wire is broken and concerns the surface of the earth, trees, shrubs, etc. 2. In the short circuit site is possible fire

Caution, electric current! Lightning is a spark discharge in an atmosphere, occurring between differently charged clouds or between the cloud and the Earth. Medicine on electric trauma electric damage

Autonomous Non-Profit Organization of Higher Education "Outdoor Humanitarian University" (ANO in OGU) U T V E R Y D A U: Rector A.V. Lukianova "" 2018. Labor protection instructions for

1. What is electrical installation? Questions to testing II Group of admission for electrical safety 2. What electrical installation is considered valid? 3. What electrical installations, according to PUE, are called closed (or

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Lecture 9 Fundamentals of electrical safety Any modern production, including thermal power, is saturated with electrical equipment, measuring equipment, automation. Places of boiler, heat-consuming

Washing, dishwasher, refrigerator firmly entered our life. Almost every family has a refrigerator, more than half families have washing machines, and dishwashers stopped being

First aid to a person who received the Electrocrem Update Article 07.06.2019 The ElectroShum man most often receives due to violation of safety regulations when working with electricity: from devices,

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Memo on electrical safety Electrical safety of citizens near the current electrical installations is prohibited from unauthorized persons to be in the territory and in the premises of power grid facilities, produce

Consultation for parents The rules of safe conduct in handling of electrical appliances The main task of adults to follow the security rules themselves and tell the child about those dangerous situations with which

The dangerous effect of electric current on a person. Operation of the main and auxiliary industrial equipment is related to the use of electrical energy dangerous. Electricity,

1. The general provisions Instruction on labor protection for personnel with a group of electrical safety II, an employee of the qualifying group must have an elementary idea of \u200b\u200belectrical equipment,

Ensuring electrical safety. The main causes and types of electric shocks. The specificity of the affecting effect of the electric current. The thresholds are tangible, uncomfortable and fibrillation currents. Touch voltage.

The quality management system of the Bisi Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Technical University. I.I.

Siberian State Geodetic Academy of the Department of BC Railways Investigation of the Hazard of Human Defeasure in three-phase electrical networks voltage up to 1000 in Estimated work on safety

This Regulation on labor protection at night DPO "Linguistic Center" (hereinafter - "Regulations") was developed in accordance with the requirements of the current labor legislation, labor protection and other regulatory

1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS OF LABOR PROTECTION 1.1. This Instruction is designed for students living in a hostel, in which the use of electrical appliances may have a danger of lesion.

Memo on the danger of electric shock for adults and children Senior tutor Kozak Olesya Olegovna Electricity firmly entered our life. In the home source is becoming increasingly used

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E.Alekseeva Department "Production Safety, Ecology and Chemistry" Study of Electrical Safety

Instructions for electrical safety for the briefing and assignment of the I group of electrical safety 1. Requirements to personnel 1.1. Elek-safety group I are assigned to persons who do not have a special

Posters for electrical safety Rechargeable battery package of security batteries when working with rechargeable batteries of high-voltage electric power lines and

Teaching item: Labor protection Theme: The main factors affecting the outcome of the human lesion by electric shock. Electrical resistance of human body. The severity of electric shock depends

2 Contents: 1. General safety requirements. 3 Page 2. Requirements for labor protection before work. 3 3. Requirements for labor protection during operation. 3 4. Requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Religious spiritual educational organization of higher education "Zaoksky Rules, Procedures, Instructions, Lists, Registers Instructions for Labor Protection for non-Elelectric staff requiring

Class hour.

Topic: "Schoolchildren's electrical safety."

(Age group - 5-6 class. You can also use for primary school students).

Developed a teacher of the highest category MBOU SOSH No. 18. Bryansk Zavadskaya E.V.


Push to the culture of safe behavior on the street and at home. Proprietary sense of responsibility for their actions.

Developing cooperation skills with adults and peers in different situations, especially in critical, the ability to find outputs from non-standard situations.


To introduce students with signs warning about electrical hazard. To teach himself to behave in the life situations associated with electricity.

Class hour.

Organizing time. Setting goals and objectives.

Guys, today we will talk to you about the electrical safety of schoolchildren. What do you think what questions will we consider today?

(Estimated Answers Children: We find out what electricity and his story. Who discovered and when. What benefits and how harm brings electricity. Causes of electric shock. Signs warning on danger. How to behave in different everyday situations. Checking work.)

According to children's answers, the teacher is on the chamomile board, which is the joint setting of goals and objectives of classes and plan to action.

Teacher: So. We live in the modern world and in everyday life we \u200b\u200boften meet with electricity. And where is the electricity "around us"?

Presumbage answers of students: These are various electrical appliances, household appliances, power lines, transformer booths. And in nature there is electricity in the form of lightning discharges ....)

Teacher: Right. Guys and what is the benefit of electricity.

Pupils:(The guys allegedly answer that it is human progress. This is television and the Internet. These are various home appliance items that simplify our life. And, in general, it is a big step in the development of mankind.)

Teacher: What is the harm?

Pupils: (The children say that with the advent of electricity, life has been simplified and people began to move less. There is harm and environmental. And because of the non-skilled circulation, electricity can cause physical harm to man.)

Teacher:Okay. The guys, electricity has such a feature as the lack of alarm or fear for a person. For example, we see the approaching transport and hear. Gas leakage We can recognize the characteristic odor. And electricity has no color or smell.

Teacher:Preparing for today's class hour I instructed one of the students to prepare a brief reference about electricity. Let him give him a word.

Student : I learned that we will study electricity in the lessons of physics. There we will learn that the electric current is permanent and variable. That the current has the power and resistance. And many other interesting facts.

I also learned that the fact of the action of EL. The current per person was installed in the last quarter of the 18th century. The danger of this action for the first time established the inventor of an electrochemical high-voltage voltage source V.V. Petrov. The description of the first industrial electricians has appeared much later in 1863, the DC and in 1882- from the variable.

Teacher: Guys, what do you think, what causes the defeat of the current can be?

pupils (Supplementary Answers): Touching non-insulated electrical appliances, to metal parts of equipment provided by voltage as a result of damage. Lightness damage. If you are climbing in an electrical work ...)

Teacher: That's right. Tell me, how to warn about danger?

Pupils: Tell about it. Or with the help of signs.

Teacher. A group of students prepared a story about signs. Let them give them a word.

Pupils show signs and talk about them. (Display is accompanied by the Slides of the presentation)

1 : "Caution! Electrical Voltage! " - Permanent sign for warning about the danger of damage to the current. It is used in electrical installations. Attached on the outside of the door

2 Standing warning sign "Caution! Electrical voltage "is used on reinforced concrete supports of air lines.

3. Poster "Stop! Voltage!" It is used in electrical installations. It is hanging on the temporary fences of the current-carrying parts under the voltage.

4 Poster portable "test. Life threatening". It is used in electrical installations. It is hanging on the fences and equipment of the current-carrying parts that are under voltage in preparation for testing.

5 Poster "Do not fit! Kill! ". Hanging next door to a design designed to raise staff to height


Teacher: Guys, do you like cartoons? Sometimes the characters of cartoons also make mistakes. I suggest you see 2 plots and find Heroes mistakes.

(They look at the plot of the cartoon about the crocodile genes and Cheburasha, where the gene helps children in the courtyard to organize leisure and climbs into the electrobus under voltage. It hits the current as well as from the cartoon "Well, wait!" About Wolf and Hare in Studio.)

After watching the plot organizes a discussion that the gene and the wolf did incorrectly.

5) Teacher: Guys, and now I suggest you to show your creative abilities. We will split into groups. You get a poster, which shows the plots of improper handling of electricity. You must quickly paint it and present your work, accompanied by her verses that are also offered to you. You can present your poems. You must have a scene-mini presentation of the right behavior .. Your task is artistic and convincing!

Works in groups of 5-7 minutes, and then submission of teamwork.

1 Group:

I'm on the roof of the garage

Kota decided to plant

Let it get on the roof

The roof to the sun is closer!

Pave! Over the roof of the wire!

The current flows on them always!

And therefore, Usa

You, the boyfriend the law is:

Neither with cats or friends

Do not strive to get there!

There is danger and trouble !!!

2 Group:

Red ball carries Annie,

Blue ball carries Denis

And let's let go of them

We are in the transcendant flight !!

Only balls took off,

Rushed only in return,

How the wire was caught ....

Oh, what to do to us, Denis!?

Long Six Denis is enough:

We must free them!

(Unfortunately, he does not know what it threatens it!)

Children!!! Remember the main rule:

Lie stick, branch, sixth-called

Do not touch the electric pipe

A big trouble may happen !!


Standing somehow the outlet

Thought Little Fedot:

"I wonder who in these

Black hole lives?

Maybe tiny mice,

Two girlfriends, two horns?

Or tiny raccoon

Settled and lives?

And to check it all

And to find out all

It is necessary carnations or a twist,

Or take a wire ... and .... "

Stop, kid! Stop !!

Under the threat of your life!

In addition to the plug, in the outlet

Nothing can be inserted!

Even a five-year-old boy

Must be firmly known !!!

6) Teacher: Well done. What are you creative and artistic.

Before we draw a check job, I suggest you to see another small cartoon "T-trunk lessons. - Caution lessons. - Electricity."

(Children look cartoon.)

Now, I think you are ready to test your electrical safety knowledge.

Get ready for the test. Take handles and paper.

(A test is held, which is demonstrated on the presentation slides)


Question # 1.


A. Can be seen

B. You can hear

B. Not heard, not visible, does not smell

G. can taste

Question # 2.

Seeing an open lapse of a transformer substation (TP) What do you do?

BUT . walk by

B. Call friends to look at the substation together

B. Call the phone specified on the TP and report an open door.

Question number 3.
The guys are trying to sketch the rope on the wire of the power line. WHAT WILL YOU DO?

but. Walk by
b. help them sketch rope
in. Explain that throwing the rope on the power line is deadly dangerous

Question number 4.

The wire broke into the power line, its end fell to the ground. YOUR ACTIONS?

A. Walk by
B. Try to approach him and raise
B. Will you go around the side within a radius of 20 meters, you will immediately report this for adults.

Question number 5.

You have a socket broken at home. WHAT WILL YOU DO?

A. Try it to disassemble and repair yourself

B. Report this adult

Question number 6.

What does this sign mean?

A. Hereu Bila Zipper?

B. Nothing means

B. Electricity! Life threatening!

Question number 7.

Choose a special sign warning about the danger of electric current.

Question number 8.

For the plug of the electrical appliance can not be taken?

A. Dirty Hands

B. Children's hands

V.Mokry Hands

Question number 9.

Do you not use electrical appliances?

A. in the living room

B. in the kitchen

B. In the bathroom

Question number 10.

Power line wirestitching:

A. Not threatened

B. Safe for life and health

V. is deadly and punished with a fine of up to 1 million rubles. or criminal punishment of up to 10 years of imprisonment

Test answers:

Question №1 - Electricity has no taste, no color, no smell. It can not be seen or hear

The correct answer is in

Question number 2 - Penetration into the territory of the transample substation is deadly. The open door must be informant to energy.

The correct answer is in

Question number 3 - to throw any items on the power line are deadly dangerous

The correct answer is in

Question No. 4 - to the wire lying on Earth it is impossible to approach the closer than 10 meters. In this radius, a danger zone is formed, conductive electric current!

The correct answer is in

Question number 5 - use the wrong socket is dangerous for life!

Correct answer - b

on transformer substations, power lines supports.

The correct answer is in

Question No. 7 - This sign warns about the danger of electric shock.

The correct answer is in

Question No. 8 - water-conductor of electrical energy taking wet hands over the socket, you can hit by electric shock.

The correct answer is in

Question №9 - Bathroom - Help with high humidity, which negatively affects the work of electrical appliances

The correct answer is in

Question number 10 - the presence of the wire from the power line conditionally punishable. In contact with the wire, a person can get burns and fatal injuries.

The correct answer is in

"Key" to assess the test results.

8-10 Right answers

You are "excellent" with the task!

8-6 correct answers

You're on "good" coped with the task!

6-7 correct answers

You coped with the task at "satisfactory. You need to repeat the rules of electrical safety.

5- and less correct answers

You need to familiarize yourself with the rules of Eletscable. Your life and health is threatened.

7) Teacher: Guys will summarize. What have we learned new today?

pupils They talk about signs and rules of behavior with electricity.

Teacher: Guys, and what is the result of our classes and what useful we could make more guys learned about the rules of safe conduct with electricity?

pupils They offer to hang on the stand of the resulting posters and with the materials of today's lesson to hold mini lectures for elementary school students.

Teacher: Guys, and at home I suggest you view the cartoons of "Fixiki. Short circuit" . And find in them the mistakes of the heroes.

Our occupation is completed! I wish you health and success!

2) http://electricvdome.ru/electrobezopastnost/znaki-elektrobezopasnosti.html

This lesson - the conference was conducted as a final lesson on the topic: "Electric phenomena" in grade 9 (according to the textbook of Gromov S. V.); as an extracurricular event during the month of physics; as an integrated physics lesson - Obzh; Part of the material was used in grade 11 when studying the topic: "Production, transmission and use of electricity" "Development of means of communication". With a two-hour program, it is convenient to consider data themes in the form of protection of projects on different sections of the topic, paying attention not only to high matters, and the reality of this phenomenon in everyday life, developing and maintaining interest in physics in students with the humanitarian warehouse of the mind, on specific problems and features of life situations .

Preparatory work
At the beginning of the study of the topic in classes, the topic of the lesson - the conference "Electrical safety" is voiced; Groups are formed, managers are assigned, the themes of performances are determined.
Students get acquainted with the form of a creative work: a poster on electrical safety, slogans, a story, a message on the topic. The library and the office there is a folder on this topic, a list of references, a presentation. All students should discuss their work with the teacher during the study of the topic.

Tasks lesson:

  1. Teach students to work independently with additional literature and Internet resources on this topic.
  2. To develop the ability to draw up and make reports, reports on a given topic and issue information stands.
  3. Work out in students the ability to explain the observed phenomena.
  4. Develop the interest of students to physics.
  5. To introduce the rules of behavior during a thunderstorm.
  6. In non-standard form, introduce students with the rules of electrical safety.

Objectives lesson:

  1. Educational - to teach students to allocate the main thing, draw conclusions, apply knowledge in practice, give knowledge about precautions when communicating with an electric current, assimilate knowledge about electrical current actions per person.
  2. Educational - raising the ability to listen and analyze the speeches of classmates; Education in student care about your health.
  3. Developing - the development of logical thinking and cognitive activity, development of cooperation.

Lesson Plan - Conferences:
I introductory word teacher.
II reporting class students

  1. Lightning
  2. History of research lightning
  3. Gromber
  4. Rules of conduct during a thunderstorm
  5. First assistance to lightning victims
  6. Electric Current Action for Living Organisms
  7. Rules of electrical safety in everyday life

During the classes:

Teacher's introductory word.
Dear guys, our today's lesson will be unusual and will lead it your classmates. Within three weeks, we worked on messages, reports, performed drawings on electrical safety in nature, everyday life and technique. They wrote stories, composed slogans, poems and chastushki. Today, on a generalizing lesson, we will summarize the best, we will call their reports, we will estimate the results of our groups.
Let me present you today's rapporteurs
(There is a view of the guys who have prepared messages)

Rapporteur №1
We all have changed more than once to observe zipper - this is a beautiful and unsafe phenomenon of nature. It is cleaned that in the Earth's atmosphere every second occurs about 100 lightning.
