Research program
Adaptation of first graders

Adaptation in the first grade is a special and difficult period in the life of a child: he masters a new social role of a student, a new type of activity - educational; Social environment changes, classmates, teachers, school, as a big social group, in which a child is included; Finally, the way of his life changes. The six-seven-year-old child has already the main prerequisites of the exercise: ways of cognitive activity, motivation. The formation of it as a student occurs only in the process of teaching and all school life. The process of such a formation under favorable conditions covers the first half of the first year of study at school.

But recently more and more children appear, who are already in elementary school do not cope with the training program. These children require special attention of the teacher and psychologist, as chronic lagging in elementary school adversely affects further intellectual and personal development.

Our research program for the adaptation of first-graders was used in the work of 117 students of the first grades of secondary school No. 31 of Syktyvkar for three years. The age of students is 6-8 years.

Description of research methods

The program for studying the adaptation of first-graders consists of five techniques:

1. Determination of the formation of the "internal position of the schoolchild". The technique helps to find out if the child is aware of the goals and the importance of the teachings, as the learning process perceives, for which he goes to school.

2. Definition of exercise motives. The technique is aimed at studying the formation of the exercise motives, identifying the lead motive.

3. Study of adaptation by Lucher -determination of the emotional state of the child at school, the presence of positive and negative emotions in various training situations. Emotional self-esteem of the child is revealed.

4. Projective methodology for diagnosing school anxiety (A.M. parishioners). With it, it is revealed by the level of school anxiety, school situations are analyzed, causing fear, voltage, discomfort in the child.

5. Picturesque technique "Figure man" - Allows you to determine the level of mental development of the child, identify children with a lag from the age norm, which may be a consequence of the violation of the intellectual development of the child.

This program is easy to use and does not require special equipment (devices, computers, etc.), it is carried out in a convenient environment for a researcher, in the form of an informal conversation with a child who does not need to solve complex tasks, write answers, perform tests. In addition, the processing of the results is simple, therefore the program can use not only a psychologist, but also any pedagogical worker.

Conditions for conducting

Studying the adaptation of students of the first classes is better in October-November, because you first need to give children the opportunity to adapt independently, to get acquainted with classmates, get used to the teacher. In September, a school psychologist can simply attend classrooms and monitor children, noting the features of their behavior in the lessons and during change.

The study is carried out individually with each child. According to prior arrangement with the teacher or parents of children, it is better to take from lessons, and not after them. There is nothing terrible if the child will miss 15 minutes of one lesson, of course, provided that children do not pass a new topic for them. But in this case, there is a high probability that the child is not yet tired and with interest will be responsible for questions of a psychologist.

As already mentioned, a survey of one child usually takes 15-20 minutes, so in one lesson you can have time to take three children. Thus, in one week, the psychologist may well test the whole class, and for the month - the entire parallel of the first classes. Moreover, in the first half of the day, the psychologist conducts a study, and in the second - processes the results, concludes, and at the end of the month the ready-made material is accumulated to compile a final analytical report.

Before starting the study, a psychologist must prepare a workplace: a small (magazine) table, chairs or chairs for yourself and a child, the necessary stimulus material ( appendix 4.), And he must be aside to not distract the child. On the table is a questionnaire sheet ( attachment 1), individual examination protocol ( appendix 2.) And the handle. If the school has a voice recorder or any other recording device, it would be good to use it. This will greatly facilitate the survey process itself, since the psychologist does not need to be in a hurry when the child's responses is fixed.

The study is built by the type of conversation: a psychologist meets students, asks how many years he is, in which class he is studying, in what school. Then he suggested to talk a little about his school life, asks questions on the school. At the same time, the child does not need to write anything, decide, he only answers the questions asked by a psychologist, and he, in turn, records the responses of the child in the protocol.

At the end of the study, the psychologist analyzes students' responses, gives them an interpretation, taking into account the behavior of the child during the conversation, the observation data, the survey of teachers and parents. The psychologist then writes a conclusion for each child ( attachment 3 ), which describes the general characteristics of the adaptation process, allocates features and makes a forecast. Each conclusion, a psychologist should discuss with the teacher, if necessary, invite parents and inform them the results of the study of the child's adaptation.

Interpretation of results

We used two analyzing systems: high-quality and quantitative (points). They allow you to quickly calculate points and identify a certain level of formation of a particular psychological adaptation of the child at school.

1. Study of the internal position of the schoolchild

(See "Personal Sheet" in Appendix 1.)

1st question. To this question, children, as a rule, respond to "yes." If on an additional question: "What do you like most?" "The child responds to" learn, write, read, lessons ", then you can put 1 point. If the child says that at school he likes the most: "How friends are friends with me", "walk in the morning to school", "Play, run, fight, walk", "Teacher", "Change" - in general, everything What is not related to academic activities, then such an answer is 0 points.

2nd question. You can put 1 point if the child says that he likes the teacher to "as teaches", "I ask questions," "teaches to write, read," "teaches children good," and there is no point, if the child gives the answer "good , beautiful, good, does not scold "," puts fives "," looks good "," attitude towards children, "because such attitudes towards the teacher does not affect the educational process.

3rd question. 1 point is placed if the child responds that he likes the most "writing, read," "mathematics, reading, letter." 0 points - if you like to "walk", "to draw", "modeling, work, physical education", "play", especially if the child says that the rest of the items do not like it.

4th question. Most children are responsible for this question: "Houses are bored without a teacher, without a part," "I'm not good at home, and I can not write at home," I can not write at home, and we are told to school what to do, "" I will be a skimmer ", "Houses cannot be worn at home, you can blur", "the house is not a school, there is no teacher." When the student gives a similar answer, sometimes it may seems to be the impression that he simply did not understand the question, so if desired, it can be repeated. But if the child does not change his answer, then it is estimated at 0 points. 1 point is placed if the student's answer is about this: "I want to go to school, not to walk, do lessons," "I can read, read, misfit", "I want to learn", "then you won't know anything, you need to learn" "You can learn everything at school."

5th question. This is a fairly tricky question, as the child with a non-proficated position of a schoolboy will take it not as a question about school, but as a question about the game. Thus, the child shows its universality to school training, the predominance of the game, and not educational leading activities. Therefore, if the first grader chooses the role of the teacher ("I always play teachers," "I want to teach children") or the role of a student ("Student to be more interesting," "I'm still small and I don't know anything," you can raise your hand "), the answer is estimated In 0 points. If the child chooses the role of a student because he wants to "become smart", "like learning", "I like to solve examples, write", then you can put 1 point for this answer.

6th question. In the interpretation of this issue, the same principle applies as in the previous one. The child is a preschooler "will choose a change (0 points), because its leading activity is still the game. The child is "a schoolboy" chooses a lesson (1 point), since he first has training activities.

7th question. With this issue, you can find out the relationship of a child with classmates. If the student is poorly adapted to the new environment, it may have problems in communicating. Therefore, 1 point is placed if the child says he has two and more friends, 0 points - if there are no friends or only one friend.


Quantitative: If the child's responses are summarized in 6-7 points, then the position of the schoolchildren is formed. If 4-5 points, the position of the schoolchildren is formed average. 3 and less points - the position of the schoolchildren is not formed.

Qualitative: Position formed - the child wants to go to school, he likes to learn. He is aware of the goals, the importance and necessity of teaching. Shows cognitive interest. Leading activity - educational.

The position is formed by the middle - the child likes to learn, I like to go to school, but the goals and importance of the teachings are not realized, and the desire to learn is replaced by the installation: "We must learn, I have to learn."

The position of the schoolchildren is not formed - the child is not aware of the goals and importance of the exercise, the school attracts only the outside. The child comes to school to play, communicate with children, walk. The educational activity of the child does not attract the leading activity - the game.

2. Definition of exercise motives

In this technique, educational and educational motifs (training, social, mark) are basic, but you need to consider why the child chooses this motive. If the student chooses educational and informative motives, answering "I want to learn", "I will learn at school and get a profession," "If there were no school, I would still study," then such an answer is 1 point. If he chooses a teaching and informative motive, because the "fives are good", "answer and lift the hand", "at school is better than at home", "because he is an excellent job, you need to be friends with him", "because she is beautiful "For such an answer, 0 points are placed. Also 0 points are placed if the child chooses a motive that is not related to training activities (external, game, positional). This suggests that he is not ready for training activities and, most likely, in the process of adaptation to school, he may have difficulties: reluctance to learn, go to school, skips of lessons, etc.


Quantitative: If the child's responses are estimated at 3 points, then the level of learning motivation is normal. If 2 points are the level of learning motivation average. If 0-1 score, low level.

Qualitative: Outdoor - your own desire to go to school does not show a child, he visits school only for coercion.

Educational - the child likes to learn, please visit school.

Game - in school a child just likes to play, walk, communicate with children.

Positional - the child goes to school is not in order to master the training activities, but in order to feel like adults, increase its status in the eyes of children and adults.

Social - the child goes to school is not in order to be educated, to learn something new, but because he knows: it is necessary to learn to get a profession in the future, "parents say so.

Mark - the child goes to school to earn five, for which parents and teacher praise.

3. Study of adaptation by Lucher

Since the quality interpretation of this technique is the author, we used it unchanged, and developed only quantitative.

Determination of the child's emotional relationship to school situations

When choosing a blue, green, red, yellow colors, a positive attitude, installation, emotional state, good mood is marked.

When the black selection is selected, negative attitude, negativity, a sharp rejection of what is happening, the prevalence of a bad mood is noted.

When choosing gray, a neutral attitude, no emotion, passive rejection, indifference, devastation, sense of unnecessaryness are noted.

When choosing brown, anxiety, anxiety, tension, fear, unpleasant physiological sensations are noted (stomach hurts, head, gently, etc.).

When choosing purple color, infantilism, whims, instability of installations, irresponsibility, preservation of the "child's position" are noted.

Determination of the emotional self-assessment of the child

If the overall color choice of the child begins with blue, green, red, yellow, then in this case the child's self-esteem is positive, he identifies himself with good children.

If the overall color of the choice begins with black, gray, brown, then in this case the child has a negative self-esteem, he identifies himself with bad people, does not like himself.

If the overall color selection begins with purple, then in this case the child has infantile self-esteem, personal immaturity, preservation of installations and behaviors characteristic of the younger age.

Interpretation of results (see Table)


Determination of the emotional state of the child at school

Color Red Yellow Green Purple Blue Brown The black Grey
Scene 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Place of color in choosing a child 3 8 2 1 5 7 4 6
Difference 2 6 1 3 0 1 3 2

ES \u003d 2 + 6 + 1 + 3 + 0 + 1 + 3 + 2 \u003d 18

20 < ES. < 32 - the predominance of negative emotions. The child dominates poor mood and unpleasant experiences. A bad mood indicates a violation of the adaptation process, the presence of problems that the child cannot overcome independently. The predominance of a bad mood may violate the learning process itself, but indicates that the child needs psychological assistance.

10 < ES. < 18 - emotional state normally. The child can rejoice, sadness, there are no reasons for concern, adaptation proceeds in general normally.

0 < ES. < 8 - the predominance of positive emotions. The child is cheerful, happy, is optimistic, resides in the state of euphoria.


When choosing a child brown, gray in all seven cases and purple color in situations "House of home, a general installation in relation to school, a customer relationship" - placed 0 points.

When choosing a black color - 1 point.

When choosing a blue, green, red, yellow - 1 point.

If the child's responses are estimated at 6-7 points - the overall emotional attitude of the child to school is positive.

If the answers are estimated at 4-5 points - the manifestation of a negative relationship is possible both in general to school and to individual parties to the educational process.

If the answers are estimated at 0-3 points - the child prevails a negative attitude towards school.

The emotional state of the child at school is analyzed separately.

4. Study of school anxiety

This technique ( see Appendix 4) It is of great importance in student adaptation. Conducting high-quality analysis of children's responses, it is possible to detect not only school anxiety, but also different indicators of school deadaption. Indicators of deadaption can be: the overall negative attitude towards school; the reluctance of the child to learn and attend school; Problem, conflict relations with classmates and teacher; Installation to receive bad estimates, condemnation by parents, the fear of punishment, etc. Thus, the methodology for studying school anxiety can also be applied to the study of the overall adaptation of the child to school.

The authors of this technique offer not to interpret the picture number 1, as it is training, and No. 12, which is intended to make the child finish fulfilling the task with a positive response. In our study, we took into account the answers of children to all pictures. First of all, because the first picture is some diagnosis of intra-family relationships. In second place, because the responses of students on the picture number 12 were not always positive. Moreover, many children misunderstood the meaning of this picture and interpreted it in their own way, in connection with this, the answers in children were completely different.

We also believe that it is impossible to determine the level of school anxiety in the number of child's negative responses, because these answers do not always indicate anxiety. For example, picture number 8 (a child does lessons). In our opinion, such answers as "he is sad, because the TV broke down," he is sad, because one and it is bored, "are not indicators of school anxiety. We refer them to a group of neutral responses that do not give any data on the presence or absence of a child of school anxiety. But such answers make it possible to receive additional information about the child, about his hobbies, desires, needs, interests.

However, it happens on the contrary: the positive answers "he is cheerful, because he sits at home, and the rest of the guys go to school", "He is cheerful, because the lesson ended and you can play for a change", "he is cheerful, because not asked lessons" Do not consider as a lack of school anxiety in a child. Rather, on the contrary, the theme of the school causes an anxiety from a child and, perhaps, he tries to get around it in every way. In addition, such answers are indicators of the child's adaptation. If he does not want to learn, he is hard, I want to relax and play, it means that he is not ready for school education and gradually emerging learning difficulties may later be the cause of school anxiety and disadaptation.

Wallpaper № 1. This picture can be used to analyze the relationship between parents and children: how close these relationship is; What unites this family; Do parents show love and care towards their child, or do not pay any attention to him. Many children give a positive interpretation of this picture: "The boy rejoices, because it goes to walk with mom and dad", "The girl's mood has fun, as mom and dad go buy her a birthday present", "They have a good mood, dad and Mom go to work, and a girl in school. " Such answers are estimated at 1 point. School anxiety may be observed in the answers: "He has a sad mood, he does not want to go to school," "Mom and Dad make him go to school, he does not want." Such answers are estimated at 0 points.

Picture number 2.This picture is the interpretation of the child's learning motivation: he wants to go to school or not. Answers talking about high motivation, desire to learn, go to school: "The mood of the fun, goes to school, wants to learn," "happily goes to school", "she likes to go to school", "she has a bad mood, she is sick and Can't go to school "Estimated at 1 point. The answers of the children in which school anxiety is found is estimated at 0 points: "He's sad, he does not want to go to school," he does not want to go to school, it's not interesting, "I'm leaving from school, I do not want to learn." These answers are not only anxiety indicators, but also explicit signs of school deadaption. A number of neutral answers are also allocated: "The mood is bad, his mother is calling home, and he wants to walk," "Her someone offended, they do not want to be friends with her," "Mood is good, she speaks with her mother," "looks up and thinking " These answers are assessed as follows: if the answer is positive, 1 point is raised if the answer is negative - 0 points.

Picture number 3.This picture diagnoses the relationship between children - whether the child can communicate, establish contact with classmates. Since the picture shows the game of children, almost all students' responses were positive: "He plays, he has fun," he runs, "he scores a goal" - 1 point. Negative responses like: "He's sad, he could not catch the ball" - are not anxiety indicators. In this case, 0 points are set for the answers: "She is sad, because no one wants to play with her, to be friends," "The boy stands aside, he is afraid to approach the guys," she has fun, she does not want to learn, but wants the whole Day to play, "" Sad mood, three against one thing is impossible. "

Picture number 4. A woman drawn in this picture is most often for children as a mother, and not as a teacher. Therefore, there were such positive answers: "Walking with mom", "Mom praises him", "Mom pulls her hands to hug" - 1 point. Negative answers were divided into two groups. The first group is the answers in which school anxiety is observed: "Mom scolds, the wrong lessons did," "I learned poorly, my mother scolds," Mom scolds for not received by the top five, "Mom scolds for not I went, does not want, "" she does not want to go to school, "evaluated in 0 points. The second group is neutral answers: "Mom scolds, she left home," "Mom scolds for painted water," "Mom scolds for the fact that the flower dropped," the aunt swears on him, "they are evaluated as positive .

Picture number 5. The image in this picture is not always perceived by children as an academic situation. As in the previous picture, some students associate a teacher with mom. Therefore, answers not related to the teacher and to the learning situation can be considered neutral and evaluated in 1 point. These are such answers: "Mom says" went home ", and he does not want," "she came to visit, she rejoices," "Mom asks to do something," "Mom gives money to go to the store." Nevertheless, in some answers, children could be discovered school anxiety. "The teacher asks:" Where is your portfolio? " "And he scolds it," "The teacher scolds her, she didn't do it," the mood of the fun, she indulges, "" He has a good mood, he does not scold the teacher, "" He is good, he is first, and the last boy can soak ". "He was offended by the teacher, he scolds him." Such answers are estimated at 0 points. The answers that are estimated at 1 point: "The teacher calls for children", "she has fun, she talks to the teacher," they are studying "," they want to learn well. "

Picture number 6. This picture draws a specific academic situation, so the problems with the understanding of its meaning did not arise from the guys. With this image, you can identify the manifestation of school anxiety in the situation in the lesson. Positive responses that are estimated at 1 point: "They want to learn well," "He reads a lot," "Sits at the desk well", "He is at school, he learns everything," she is sitting in a lesson. " Negative responses in which the child's reluctance is observed to learn, poor mood, fear, evaluated in 0 points: "She is learning, it is difficult for her," she has a bad mood, she has not written, "," the mood is bad, keeps his hands at the desk. " "I don't know what to write," "does not want to do," "mood is bad, tired."

Picture number 7. The picture shows a teacher, several children stand at her desk, and one child stands aside, in the corner of the room. Most children with low adaptation are told about this child and give the appropriate answers: "He stands in the corner, the teacher punished, he did something," she stands in the corner, she broke the sheets from the teacher, "he was put by a teacher in the corner For the fact that he misinterpreted "," everyone read, and he stands in the corner, calls, "" in the corner set for not heard. " Such answers are a sign of possible deadaption and disruption of the child's behavior. They are estimated at 0 points, as well as children's responses with school anxiety: "The mood is bad, she does not want to give a job, because he wrote badly," she is afraid, she can put a "deuce", "one girl was given a book, and She is not. " The positive answers of the children look like this: "He talks to the teacher," the teacher praised him, "" they put assessments "," the teacher checks the lessons and praises, "she received" 5 "- 1 point. The remaining responses that are not related to academic activities are considered neutral and evaluated by the sign.

Picture number 8. In this case, it is easy to recognize the answers containing school anxiety and low motivation of the exercise: "She does not want to do," "He makes her lessons," she is sad, she can put "2", "She could not do lessons" . For such an answer, 0 points are placed. Children with no anxiety gave such answers: "He writes, he likes," "She did lessons on" 5 "," he sits, "," He has a good mood, he reads "," He learns at home "," Mood Good, she makes lessons "- 1 point. Some children gave answers that are not related to academic activities, on them it is impossible to judge the presence of anxiety and adaptation of the child at school: "She draws at home," the mood is fun, because the day off, "" TV looks "," her sad, she is at home One "," watching cartoons "," He is one and him boring, "" He is sad, the TV does not work. " These answers are neutral and also assessed by the sign.

Picture number 9. It also has great importance to what kind of child (standing aside or talking) the student will begin to tell. This picture helps to identify the problems of the child in relationships with classmates, fear to quarrel, crouch, fight with the guys, fear that no one will be friends with him, play and talk. Children with such fear gave such answers: "No one communicates with him, he is a two-way," they are swearing, fighting, someone took the ball "," They do not play with her "," she did not give chocolate, they did not share it. " "Classmates turned away from her," "Girls kicked her out of the game," "he was offended," no one plays and not friends with him. " These answers are estimated at 0 points, since the fear is the first sign of anxiety, and if the child is afraid that it will not be friends with him, it means that he is not confident in herself and in what can find a common language with classmates. And this is one of the main indicators of deadaption. The rest of the answers: "They talk", "she plays with girls," "He meets the boys," he plays with a boy, "it is estimated at 1 point.

Picture number 10. Analysis of the responses of children in this picture primarily allows you to identify the relationship of a child and teacher, in the second - anxiety in a response situation at the board. Students with an elevated level of anxiety gave such answers: "He has a sad face, he does not know the answer," "The teacher asks to draw, and he does not know that", "the teacher scolds him for the fact that he was indulge in the lesson," His sad face, he is afraid that the task will not get, "the teacher scolds for the fact that she didn't do lessons," "Teacher says the lessons, and he doesn't", "the teacher makes it write, and she does not want "The teacher scolds." They are estimated at 0 points. Answers, estimated at 1 point, gave children who have a favorable relationship with the teacher and a high level of doing doctrine: "The teacher tells her something good," "went to the chalkboard to solve the task," she answers the question "," she is an excellent "," She has a good mood, she was called at the board "," the teacher teacher teaches "," he is interested in responding, "" her praised her lessons, "he wants to write on the board."

Picture number 11. In this picture, it is impossible to identify the presence of school anxiety in the child. But since the first grader is a former preschooler, the attitude to gaming activity has great importance for research. In the game, the child projects its life situations that can be divided into situations and failure. In fact, the answers of children were divided. Positive responses, assessed by 1 point, reflect the situation of success: "He bought a game," he builds "," guests will come to her and play with her, "she is sitting at home and playing," she has no lessons. "

And negative - the situation of failure: "He spreads toys, does not help mom," "Doesn't want to do," the mood is bad, you need to collect toys, "" She is sad, could not make the game, "" He scattered toys, "she broke Toys. " Such answers are estimated at 0 points.

Picture number 12. The image in this picture is understood by children in different ways. From a set of answers, we chose those that help to identify school anxiety or, on the contrary, confirm its absence. Answers of children in which anxiety is observed: "The mood is sad, many lessons were asked", "she just came, she needs to do lessons, but she does not want," he is awesome, the portfolio threw and went to class "," her sad, " She was late for a lesson, "" She barely came to school, "" He's sad, forgot the portfolio, "" angry, does not want to learn. " They are estimated in 0 points.

Positive answers regarding the school are estimated at 1 point: "Go home to do lessons, he loves to do lessons, and then can relax, play with someone," "Glad that goes home," "dresses to school to To learn to learn "," goes home with a portfolio, she will do lessons, and then walk, "" go home to do homework. " We also allocated a group of neutral answers: "She wore the wrong coat", "Briefcase is heavy", "her backpack is not raised, she is tired," it goes to walk with a portfolio "," Dancing "," I found my mother's mother, "" I bought myself a jacket "," Measures clothes. "


Quantitative. 10-12 points - we can say that the child's school anxiety has been detected.

7-9 points - the level of school anxiety is normal.

0-6 points - the presence of school anxiety.

Qualitative. Conducting a qualitative analysis of a separate picture, you can identify situations when a child is experiencing difficulties.

Wallpaper № 1 - Communication with parents. Analyzes the relationship of a child with parents, the desire to communicate, to spend together time.

Wallpaper № 2 - Road to school. The child's desire to go to school, desire or reluctance to learn.

Wallpaper № 3 - Interaction with children. The attitude of the child to gaming activities. There are problems in communicating and interaction with a group of children.

Wallpaper № 4 - Communication with adults (teacher). With this picture, you can identify whether the child can communicate with adults, as well as obey its requirements. Problems are found in the relationship between the child and the teacher, the child and mom.

Wallpaper № 5 - Communication with an adult (teacher). The situation is similar to the previous one. Whether the child can interact in the group of children and obey the rules, the requirements of an adult.

Wallpaper № 6 - Situation of the lesson. You can define the mood of the child in the lesson, his desire to learn, to fulfill the task as a teacher; In addition, you can identify problems in learning. You need to pay attention to whom the child chooses: the boy behind the first desk with the records in the notebook or the boy for the second desk, whose notebook is empty.

Wallpaper № 7 - Situation of the lesson. This picture allows you to determine the relationship with the teacher and with children. In addition, you can understand how the child estimates his knowledge and himself. For example, a child says: "He rejoices, because he was set" 5 "or" He was sad, he received "2". The picture makes it possible to identify violations in behavior. For example, the child says: "He was put in the corner, he was indulged."

Wallpaper № 8 - Situation at home. With the help of a picture, you can define the mood and well-being of a child at home and evaluate the desire to perform homework.

Wallpaper № 9 - Interaction with children. The situation of the personal communication of the child with children. He identifies problems in communication, the establishment of friendly contacts, the attitude of a child to a quarrel.

Wallpaper № 10 - answer at the board. Allows you to reveal the fear of the child to respond in front of the whole class, perform tasks on the board, helps to evaluate the problems in the relationship between the child and the teacher.

Wallpaper № 11 - Situation at home. This picture does not reveal school anxiety, but helps to clarify the child's attitude to a single game.

Wallpaper № 12 - Return from school. You can understand the overall attitude of the child to school, as well as his desire or reluctance to leave school.

5. Picturesque technique "Picture of man"

This technique is taken by us as an additional to the main set of methods and is used to identify deviations in the mental development of the child. Thus, if a school psychologist has doubts about the school psychologist, it is worth further thanking the child to make a drawing of a person.

The interpretation of this technique is taken by the author with no change.

For each of the main parts put 2 points. The main details include: head, torso, eyes, mouth, nose, hands, legs; Paired parts are estimated at 2 points regardless of whether they are depicted both or only one. 1 score is placed for each of the following secondary parts: ears, hair (or cap), eyebrows, neck, fingers, clothes, feet (shoes). For the correct amount of fingers add another 1 point.

For the plastic image method - 8 additional points; for the intermediate (if there are at least separate plastic elements) - 4 points; If the image is schematic, and the hands and legs are shown by double lines, 2 points are added. For a schematic representation in which the hands or legs are depicted by a single line or are absent, no additional points.

Age Point
5,1–6,0 14–22
6,1–7,0 18–25
7,1–8,0 20–26
8,1–9,0 22–27
9,1–10,0 23–28
10,1–11,0 24–30


If the child's drawing corresponds to the norm, then no additional points to the general score is added.

If in the figure of the child is detected by the backlog from the age norm, then from the total score as a whole, the study takes out another 5 points.

Features of the child's behavior during the study

Within two years, when we conducted a study, we noted not only intellectual, speech and psychological, but also behavioral features of first-graders. After all, it's no secret that the main difficulty facing a first class teacher is the inability of some children to be engaged in general academic work: children often ignore the task proposed by the teacher, do not even try to fulfill it, ask questions that are not related to academic work. . Yes, the child tries, but it is very difficult to stay and not to look into someone else's portfolio, it is difficult not to turn to the friend and not tell him about something important. These children have real, deep interests are still very immediate and impulsive. The arbitration is still very unstable, she did not have time to become a genuine acquisition of the child. And there is, on the contrary, children are alarming. The child with school anxiety most often appears a habit of step-by-step control by the adult. Some children refuse to continue work without such control, others often cry and name to mom, etc.

Part of the first-graders discovers a very high degree of intellectual training for school. They come to school able to read, count, etc. However, they do not have a common readiness to take school organizational forms of training. In fact, these children are not ready for school, therefore, they may have problems in educational activities and, as a result, the occurrence of deadaption may begin. Thus, a psychologist should immediately take these children note and subsequently treat them with special attention.

So, we concluded that these and other behavioral features of first-graders can significantly affect the course of the educational process and subsequently lead to child deadaption.

In this section, we also introduced a scoring system for assessing the behavioral features of children and we propose to take one point for each such manifestation. Of course, this system is very conditional, and for the most part, the psychologist is forced to act here intuitively. That is, if the psychologist sees and feels that the child, despite the fact that he copes with the tasks, nevertheless behaves somehow inadequately, it is worth changing the score system and take into account not only the behavioral manifestations of the child, but also their intensity and possibly , even quality. Thus, the child can get and minus two and minus three points for some one behavioral feature.

If a child: Point
1. Medalitenen – 1
2. Poor responds to additional questions – 1
3. Thought long – 1
4. Silent – 1
5. Cannot formulate thought – 1
6. Can not pick up words – 1
7. For additional questions, I often answer "I do not know" – 1
8. Is defined, spinning, spinning – 1
9. Does not understand the question or instructions – 1
10. Improves thoughts not related to the task – 1
11. Does not know the class number – 1
12. Does not know the school number – 1
13. Does not know the name of the teacher – 1
14. Does not know what the name is parents – 1
15. Can't call your last name – 1
16. Does not argue words, letters – 1
17. Other – 1

Some of these behavioral features of children can be combined into groups and thus suggest the cause of these violations. We offer the following groups:

Alarm children. Most often, during the study, the alarming children are very slow, silent, and, despite the fact that they understand the instructions and task, it is sometimes very difficult to answer the question. Such children are afraid to respond, they are afraid to say something wrong and at the same time they do not even try to answer. In the end, they either say that they do not know the answer, or are silent.

It may be that the child will begin to shake from fear or cry, although in our practice this did not happen.

Hyperactive children. Hyperactive child learn easy. He is constantly spinning, spinning, can chat with his foot during the study, swing. Most often, the hyperactive child does not delve into the essence of the task, does not look at the psychologist, looking at the office. These children answer questions without thinking, the first thing that will come to mind. May begin to have fun, laugh at the pictures that the psychologist offers to discuss. Sometimes, in rare cases, the child can get up, walk around the office, cross, touch the interior items, etc.

Socially and pedagogically launched children. In such children, there are most often problems with understanding the instructions, they constantly ask the psychologist and even after that they are responsible wrong. Such a child sometimes does not know the names of the parents, the teacher calls the "aunt", it can not always call his name, age, school number and class. As well as the alarming children, they answer many questions "I do not know." In the lessons such a child, although sitting calmly, listens to the teacher, little understands and little with what tasks is coping with. In addition, socially and pedagogically launched children may have problems with pronunciation, writing words. They have a meager supply of words, the speech is monotony, and sometimes they simply cannot choose words and correctly formulate their thought.

Processing and analysis of results

At the end of the study, the psychologist treats all the responses of the child, calculates points for each technique, analyzes the characteristics of the behavior of the child during the study and writes a conclusion.

Since for each technique we have developed not only high-quality, but also a quantitative analysis, respectively, we have developed a certain scale of child adaptation levels to school. Next, we present the conditional criteria for assessing the level of adaptation of first-graders allocated by us on the basis of the analysis of psychological literature on this topic, research results and our observations. For example, according to our observations and opinions of teachers, most of the children with an average level of adaptation, one way or another, in their school life met with a number of difficulties, and children with low adaptation and their parents more often had to resort to the help of a psychologist. Many teachers in subsequent work with the children agreed with the fact that the levels of adaptation of the child to school offered by us to a large extent correspond to the real development of the child.

General analysis of results

22-30 points. Adaptation of the child to school goes fine, there are no reasons for concern. I like the child at school, he learns with pleasure, performs all the tasks that the teacher gives, responsibly refers to the fulfillment of homework. In his school, he prevails a good mood, an emotional state is normal. Attitude towards the teacher, for classmates and in general, a positive school.

12-21 points. Adaptation of the child to the school passes medium, may have some problems in the assimilation of school rules and behaviors. The child with an average level of adaptation may not be formed by the position of the schoolchildren, that is, the school attracts it not in itself by the study content, but what is interesting in it, fun, many guys. In general, the child visits school with pleasure, he likes to learn, but there may be difficulties in educational activities due to the low level of motivation and unwillingness to fulfill certain tasks of the teacher. Such a child can show a low concentration of attention, often distracted. In order to begin to engage, it is necessary for him by the presence of an adult in the position of the teacher, that is, if the teacher did not personally appeal to him, he did not personally say what to do, he could not start performing the task. However, after helping or simply emotional support for the teacher, he may begin to act independently.

0-11 points. The child's adaptation is low, negative emotions and poor mood may prevail at school. Such a child most often refuses to fulfill the tasks of the teacher, engaged in unauthorized affairs, distracts the neighbors on the desk. Academic activity does not attract him if she is not interested in him. Often a child with a low level of adaptation does not want to learn, in the morning refuses to go to school. Problems are possible in behavior, non-compliance with school standards and violation of school rules. Such a child often encounters problems in relationships with classmates, a negative attitude towards the teacher may be negative.

PRIKSKA considered criteria for the child's adaptation level to school are conditional, we prefer the qualitative analysis of children's responses, as well as observation data, opinions of parents and teachers. The above-mentioned adaptation levels are developed in the first place for the purpose of simplifying and ease of processing and analyzing the results of the study. In the second place - to allocate certain psychological characteristics of the child's stay at school. And to the third - for the further prediction of the child's adaptation to school and identify possible school difficulties and future problems. Therefore, we insist that the researcher who uses this program does not adhere to the criteria clearly allocated by us, and produced a holistic qualitative analysis.


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Miklyaeva A.V., Rumyantseva P.V. School anxiety: diagnosis, correction, development. - St. Petersburg., 2004.

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The child goes to the first class. Why is it difficult for him to get used to school and how can his parents help in this?

It seems that you just recently took your crumb from the maternity hospital. And here are unnoticed years, and the time has come to lead him to the first class. Joyful expectations, new impressions, elegant bouquets, white bows or butterfly ties - a picture of a wonderful holiday for first grader is drawn. But the effect of novelty and charm with an unusual setting quickly passes, and the child begins to understand that he did not come to school for the holiday, but for study. And now the most interesting ...

Suddenly you begin to notice that your previously obedient and kind child suddenly becomes aggressive, refuses to go to school, crying, capricious, complains of teachers and classmates, or fall from fatigue. Of course, a loving parent immediately begins to beat the alarm: what to do about it? How to help your child get used to school? Is everything normal what happens to him?

As usual, there is no single answer to all these questions. After all, your child is a person, and he has its own individual features, his temperament, character, habits, state of health, finally. Factors such as:

  • the level of readiness of the baby to school learning - mean not only mental, but also physical, and psychological readiness;
  • the degree of socialization of crumbs - how much does he communicate and cooperate with the peers and with adults, in particular, did he go to the kindergarten?

How to understand how successfully the child gets used to school?

The beginning of school learning is a serious event in the life of a little man. In fact, it is his step, or even a jump, in the unknown. Try to put yourself in place of your daughter or son or, if possible, remember your first school impressions. Vacityalty, right? Even if the mother with dad as possible and in advance told the crumb about what awaits him in school, the first time will be very unexpected for him. Yes, and the words "you will learn there", in fact, a 6-7-year-old man is unlikely to say a lot. What does it mean to learn? How to do it? Why do I need it? Why can I not, how before, playing and walking with my mother and sisters-brother? And this is only the first level of experiences of your child.

New acquaintances are added here, the need to get used to new working conditions. Do I like Masha and Vana? And teacher? Why do I need to sit at one desk with Vasya, who pulls me for the pigtails? Why are everyone laugh when I want to play with a typewriter? Why should I sit for so long if I want to run? Why doesn't the call that long does not ring? Why, if I want to go home to my mother, I can not?

It is easy to guess what huge intelligent, physical, emotional loads are experiencing children during adaptation to school. And we, like loving parents, are simply obliged to help them go through this period as softer and painless. It is for this purpose that it is possible to periodically try to put yourself in the place of the child, learn to look with his bell tower, remember how you felt when "the stars brighter shine were big." And to give an emboss exactly what he needs most now.

To get used to the new setting, the crumb is needed. Not one day, not one week and not even one month. According to the observations of specialists, the average duration of adaptation to school - from two months to six months. Successful adaptation is considered if the child:

  • calm, in a good mood;
  • speaks well about the teacher and classmates;
  • quickly turns friends among the peers in the classroom;
  • without discomfort and easily performs homework;
  • understands and accepts school rules;
  • normally reacts to teacher's comments;
  • not afraid of teachers or peers;
  • it comes normally a new day mode - gets up in the morning without tears, in the evening calmly falls asleep.

Unfortunately, it happens not always. Often there may be signs of child deadaptions:

  • excessive fatigue of crumbs, heavy fallbacks in the evenings and the same difficult awakening in the morning;
  • child complaints about teacher requirements, classmates;
  • complex addiction to the requirements of the school, resentment, whims, resistance to order;
  • as a result, difficulties in school. The child is simply unreal with all this "bouquet" also focus on receiving new knowledge.

In such cases, complex assistance of parents, a psychologist and a teacher is needed. So you can help your child go through this period the most optimal way for it. But, for more conscious assistance, the crumbs, it is not bad to figure out, and what about him, actually, occurs during the period of addiction to the school?

First of all, we will understand with the increased physiological burden on the kid. Training classes require a child with retention relatively fixed postures throughout the lesson. If earlier your child devoted most of the time all sorts of activity - run, jumping, cheerful games - now he has to sit on his desk for a few hours a day. Such a static load for a six-seven-year-old child is very difficult. Muscular activity of the crumbs becomes actually half less than until the receipt of the school. But the need for movement is so simple in one day, it is not turned off - it still remains big and now is not fully satisfied.

In addition, at the age of 6 - 7 years, large muscles ripen faster than small. In connection with these children, it is much easier to perform sweeping, strong movements than those for which great accuracy is necessary - for example, a letter. Accordingly, the child quickly gets tired of performing small movements.

The physiological adaptation of the first grader to the school passes several stages:

  1. "Physiological storm" - so experts call the first couple of weeks of school learning. All children's body systems in response to new external influences are strongly strained, taking a significant part of the crumb resources. In this regard, many first-graders in September begin to hurt.
  2. Next begins an unstable adaptation to new livelihoods. The body of the kid is trying to find the most suitable reactions to the outside world.
  3. And only then the phase begins on a sustainable device. Now the body already understands what they want from him, and less strains in response to the load. The entire period of physical adaptation can last up to 6 months and depends on the initial data of the child, its endurance and health status.

Parents should not underestimate the difficulty of the period of physiological adaptation of their Chad. Doctors argue that some first-graders by the end of October lose weight, many have such signs of overwork, as a decrease or increase in blood pressure. Therefore, there is nothing to be surprised when 6-7-pilots complain about the constant feeling of fatigue, head or other pains in the first two or three months of schooling. Children can become capricious, partially lose control over their behavior, they can often change the mood to change. For many children, the School itself becomes an etgreement factor, because it requires increased voltage and attention. As a result, by the middle of the day, children are overwhelmed, without having full relaxation opportunities. Sometimes the children are sad in the morning, they look empty, they can complain about pain in the stomach, sometimes the morning vomiting even appears. If the crumbs before entering the school there were also some difficulty with health, adaptation can be difficult to pass. Remember this before you reproach your child in the laziness and unwillingness to perform new responsibilities!

First of all, we will deal with some psychological peculiarities of first grades. By 6 - 7 years of age is established greater than earlier, the balance between the processes of excitation and braking. But still, the excitement is still prevailing over the braking, because of which first-graders are mainly very active, restless, strongly excursed emotionally.

After 25-35 minutes of the lesson, the child's performance drops, and in the second lesson it can even fall sharply. With high emotional saturation of lessons and extracurricular activities, children can be very tired. All this must be considered adult to help your child in adaptation.

Turning to age psychology, we can say that a new type of activity comes to the child - training. In general, the leading activities of the child are:

  • from 1 to 3 years - an object and manipulative game;
  • from 3 to 7 years old - role-playing game;
  • from 7 to 11 years old - training activities, operational and technical activities.

On the basis of this new one for a child in the center of consciousness, thinking is put forward. It becomes the main mental function and gradually begins to determine the work of all other mental functions - perception, attention, memory, speech. All these functions also become arbitrary and intellectualized.

Thanks to the rapid and continuous development of thinking, such a new property of the child's personality appears, as reflection - awareness of itself, its position in the group - class, family, the assessment of themselves from the position "good is bad." This evaluation of the child takes from the relationship to him closely. And, depending on whether his relatives are taken and encouraged by his native people, translating the message "You're good", or condemn and criticize - "you are bad" - a child has a sense of psychological and social competence in the first case or inferiority in the second.

According to psychologists, no matter how old the child goes to school - in 6 or 7 - it still passes the special stage of development, referred to as the crisis of 6-7-year-old age. The former kid acquires a new role in Sociume - the role of the student. At the same time, the child's self-consciousness is changing, the reassessment of values \u200b\u200bis observed. Indeed, what was previously significant - the game, walks - becomes secondary, and the first and main plan comes out of the study and everything connected with it.

In 6-7 years of age, the emotional sphere of the child changes radically. Being a preschooler, baby, experiencing failure or having heard unpleasant reviews about his appearance, of course, offended or felt annoying. But such emotions did not influence radically on the formation of his personality. Now, all failures are transferred to the child much sharper, and can lead to the emergence of a persistent incompleteness complex. In other words, the more often the child receives negative evaluations in his address, the more flawed he feels. Naturally, such a "acquisition" can adversely affect the child's self-esteem and the level of its further claims and expectations from life.

In school education, such a feature of the pediatric psyche was taken into account, so the first class of studies of a priori is without charge - in assessing the work of schoolchildren not used. But parents also need to support the baby in every way:

  • celebrate all the achievements of the child, even the most minor;
  • not to evaluate the identity of the child, and I am his actions - instead of the phrase "you are bad," say "you did not very well"; - Communicating with her son or daughter about failures, explain that it is temporary, to support the desire of a child to overcome various difficulties.

Socio-psychological adaptation of first grades can flow in different ways. Conditionally allocate three types of adaptation:

1. Favorable:

  • the child adapts to school learning during the first two months;
  • he likes to go to school, he is not afraid and does not feel insecurity;
  • the child easily copes with the school program;
  • he quickly finds friends, is mastered among the new team, it communicates well with the peers, establishes contact with the teacher;
  • he actually has a smooth good mood all the time, he is calm, friendly, friendly;
  • he without tension and with interest and desire performs school duties.

2. Average:

  • time addictive school is dragged to six months;
  • the child cannot accept the situation of study, communicating with the teacher, the same age - he can find out the relationship with a friend or playing lessons, reacts to the comments of the teacher with insults and tears or does not react at all;
  • it is difficult for the child to assimilate the curriculum.

Usually addictive to school and adjustment under the new rhythm of life in such children occurs only by the end of the first half of the year.

3. Adverse:

  • the child has negative forms of behavior, it can dramatically show negative emotions;
  • the child is not able to master the curriculum, it is difficult for him to learn to read, writing, account, etc.;

On such kids, parents, classmates, teachers are often complaining of, they are capable of unpredictable reactions, they can "interfere with the lesson." All this in the amount creates a whole range of problems.

Causes of socio-psychological disadaptation

Experts allocate the following factors of violation of social and psychological adaptation:

  • inadequate requirements from adults - teachers and parents;
  • situations of constant failure;
  • educational problems of the child;
  • dissatisfaction, punishment, reproaches from adults;
  • the state of internal stress, anxiety, cautiousness in the child.

Such tension makes a child undisciplined, irresponsible, inattentive, he can lag in study, quickly gets tired and simply does not want to go to school:

  • unbearable additional loads - various circles and sections that gradually create stress and "overload" of a child, he is constantly afraid of "do not have time" and eventually sacrifices the quality of all work;
  • the rejection of schoolchildren in the same time. Such situations in turn generate protest and poor behavior.

All adults - and parents, and teachers - it is important to remember that bad behavior is alarm signal. It is necessary to show additional attention to the disciple, watch him, deal with the reasons for the difficult adaptation to school.

Question to the help of children in painless and smooth addiction to school without prejudice to health is more important. Experts recommend observing simple tips:

  1. Help the child is born in a new schoolboy's role for him. To do this, it is necessary to explain to the child what is a school, why do you need study, what rules exist at school;
  2. Properly build the mode of the day of your first-graders. Day module must be consistent and constant, and take into account the personal features of the child;
  3. Discuss with the child the concept of self-assessment, evaluation, various criteria: accuracy, beauty, correctness, interest, diligence. Together with the child, work out ways to achieve all this;
  4. Teach the child to ask questions. Explain to him that he is not ashamed not ashamed and not shamefully;
  5. Develop the learning motivation of his first grader. Tell him what gives training, what advantages he will receive and what can achieve thanks to successful studies. But, of course, be honest with him and first of all with them - no need to say that the Golden Medal will open the door to a carefree life. You yourself know that it is not. But here to explain that it is interesting to learn, it is important and necessary to realize yourself in some kind of actual, still worth it?
  6. Learn the child to manage your emotions. This does not mean suppressing and making their problems and fears. But the development of arbitrary behavior is very important for every person. The schoolboy should be able to comply with the rules, accurately perform, carefully listen to the tasks. Assist in this can playing the rules and didactic games - through them the child can come to understanding school tasks;
  7. Teach the child to communicate. Communication skills will help him act normally in terms of group activities in school;
  8. Support a child in his attempts to cope with difficulties. Show him that you really believe in him and are ready to always help him if necessary;
  9. Show genuine interest in class, school in which your child goes. Be sure to listen to the child when he wants to tell you something;
  10. Stop criticize the child. Even if he does not get to read, count, write, he is neakuten. Criticism from loved ones, especially in the presence of foreign people, is capable only to aggravate problems;
  11. Encourage the child. Check not only his success in school, but also other achievements, even the most minor. Any supporting words from parents will help the crumb to feel significant and important in the case he is engaged;
  12. Consider the temperament of your chad. Active children are physically unable to sit for a long time in one place. Slow, on the contrary, with difficulty getting used to difficult school rhythm;
  13. Forbid yourself to compare your child with other children. Such comparisons will lead or in high pride - "I'm better than everyone!", Or to the fall of self-esteem and envy to others - "I am worse than ...". You can only compare your child with himself, his new successes with the previous achievements;
  14. Do not think that children's problems are easier than adults. The conflict situation with the peer or teacher may be no longer easier for the crumbs than the parent conflict with the boss at work;
  15. When a child arrives at school, do not change the relationship in the family. You should not say: "Now you are already big, my dishes myself and remove in the house," etc. Remember, he and so now school tension is now;
  16. If possible, during the adaptation period, do not overload the child. Do not drag it immediately on the sea of \u200b\u200bcircles and sections. Wait, let him cope with the new setting, and everything else will have time and then;
  17. Do not show your trouble and concern about its academic performance. Just interest His deeds without assessing it. And be patient in anticipation of success - they may not appear from the first day! But, if you hang a loser label to the child, his talents may not manifest themselves;
  18. If the child is very painful about school, reduce the importance of school marks. Show the Chad that you appreciate it and love, and not for good studies, but just so, that is, of course;
  19. I sincerely interest the school life of crumbs, but accentuate attention not on the estimates, but on his relationship with other kids, for school holidays, excursions, duty, etc.;
  20. At home, create a child the opportunity to relax and relax. Remember - at the first time for your Chad, the school is a very serious load, and it really gets tired;
  21. Provide the child a friendly atmosphere in the family. Let him know that at home he is always waiting and loved, not looking at anything;
  22. After classes, walk with the child. Help him satisfy his need for movement and activity;
  23. Remember that late evening - not for lessons! After classes, give the crumb to relax, and then do the lessons as early as possible tomorrow. Then the child needs a full sleep;
  24. And remember that the main help for the child is good, trust, open communication with parents, their love and support.

The most important thing - This is upbringing a child's positive and joyful attitude to life in general, and for daily school activities in particular. When the study starts to bring joy and pleasure to a child, then the school will cease to be a problem.

The problem of school adaptation is not Nova. However, due to the modern conditions (mobility and globalization of the world; social, economic and political changes) and the device of the education system (system-activity approach; change goal of education - to "teach learning", new standards) the relevance of this problem has increased more.

Education at school, the transition from one level to another and the admission itself always requires a child of special costs. But the situation of admission to school deserves special consideration, especially over the past few years she has gained new features while maintaining established.

  • Technical progress and informatization of society, as well as the introduction of educational standards complicate the adaptation process.
  • Federal State Educational Standards require serious costs (physical, moral, psychological) from first-graders. In addition to the usual learning knowledge, skills and skills, it is necessary to achieve substantive, meta-delta and personal results, correspond to the portrait of an elementary school graduate.
  • Overnight, the first-grader turns out to be in the new status and role, environment, responsibilities and rights. The child comes on an endless stream of new information.

Adaptation to the school is a kind of difficult life situation for a child and parents. At the same time, primary adaptation to the school has an impact on the entire further educational, professional and personal path of the individual.

What is adaptation to school

The problem of school adaptation is at the junction of a number of sciences (psychology, pedagogy, sociology, medicine). Speaking about school adaptation, we will consider it as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon.

  • The very concept of adaptation refers to biology and means the adaptation of the body to changing environmental conditions. By definition, V. I. Dolgovaya, adaptation - the process and result of internal changes, external active adaptation and self-implantation of the individual to new conditions of existence.
  • For a person, this is the process of assimilation of norms and values, replaced conditions, responsibilities and requirements.

School adaptation - the process of adoption and assimilation by the child of the social situation of school learning, its new status (schoolboy) and new interaction systems ("Child - Teacher", "Child - Persener"); Develop new means of behavior.

From the point of view of psychology, school adaptation can be characterized by 4 specific criteria:

  • Mastering a new social situation in the unity of its components.
  • The adoption of a new social position and status reflected in the inner position of the student.
  • The development of new forms and means of social cooperation in the emerged systems "Student - Teacher", "Student - student".
  • Differentiation of the relationship "Child - Adult" relationship, purposeful restructuring of the entire lifefriend of the child (initiator and manager - adult).

The school adaptation can last from 2-3 months to a year. Therefore, it is the first class is considered the most difficult and important.

Structure and types of adaptation

Adaptation to school is a system process. It is divided into social, physiological and psychological adaptation, each of which passes:

  • approximate phase (2-3 weeks);
  • unstable fixture (2-3 weeks);
  • relatively stable adaptation (from 5-6 weeks before a year).

At the first phase, all organism systems are strained, the body is spent on the second - the body is looking for optimal solutions on the third - the voltage falls, the system of the body comes to normal, sustainable forms of behavior are produced.

Suggests skill:

  • listen;
  • react to teachers;
  • independently perform tasks;
  • organize and analyze their execution.

At the same time, the ability to establish contacts with peers, adequately evaluate itself and others.

Physiological adaptation

Ensures the voltage of the body from the burnt loads. Regardless of what activity and what kind of activity is the child in school, its body works at the limit. It is dangerous overwork.

Depends on the readiness of the child to school. Suggests:

  • desire to learn and perform tasks;
  • the desire for their successful implementation and understanding.

Important ability to memorize and process information. You can read more about this element in the article.

Effect of adaptation

From the above described above, it follows that school adaptation affects the entire body and personality as a whole. It is possible to distinguish 3 main spheres and characteristic changes in them with disadvantaged adaptation:

  1. Mental (cognitive component). During problems there are internal tensions (anxiety) and stress.
  2. Psychophysiological (emotional component). During problems there is emotional deadaption and physical manifestations of stress.
  3. Psychological (behavioral component). During problems, it is impossible for the formation of new communicative connections.

This can be monitored (table below).

Adaptation components Criteria Indicators
Cognitive The level of development of self-consciousness, the presence of skills, opinions, installations, stereotypes, views, knowledge of school Awareness by the child of their rights and obligations, the presence of adequate ideas about what the school needs
Emotional Self-esteem, levels of claims Adequate self-esteem, high levels of claims
Behavioral Child behavior at school, relationships with other people The desire to meet the roles of adults, formed by the idea of \u200b\u200bhis social role, relevant behavior

Criteria and indicators of child adaptation to school (according to V. V. Gagai)

Signs of successful adaptation to school

  1. The child's satisfaction with the learning process, mastering training skills.
  2. Independent organization of educational, accomplishing homework; Adequate behavior.
  3. Satisfaction with teachers and classmates; established contact.

Adaptation levels

A. L. Wenger highlighted 3 levels of school adaptation (low, medium, high) and the following components of school adaptation: attitude to school, interest in learning activities, behavior, position in the classroom (see the table below).

Adaptation level Characteristic of the student
Low Negative or indifferent attitude to school; There is no interest in learning; often disrupts the discipline, ignores the tasks, needs the direction and control of parents and teachers; does not have friends, knows some classmates by name
Middle Positively applies to school; easily copes with the main material; complies with the discipline, performs orders; Friends with classmates
Tall Positively applies to school; Deals quickly and easily even additional material; Clears the initiative in class affairs; Class leader

School adaptation levels (A. L. Wenger)

From the table, it can be stated that the low level indicates, the average - about the light manifestations of deadaption and risks, high - about the successful adaptation of the first grader.

Adaptation success factors

The success of adaptation to school depends on a number of factors. Allocate external and internal school adaptation factors.

  • External are relationships with class, teacher and family.
  • To the internal - educational motivation, readiness for school, health and stress resistance to the child.

External and internal factors are interrelated. There is no consensus on the subject that is secondary and determines the rest. To the end this question has not been studied. But many psychologists and teachers (S. N. Vereikina, F. Ushairskaya, S. I. Samyagin, T. S. Coposova, M. S. Poba, V. I. Dolgova) converge in the opinion that the family is primary. Children's child-parent relationship depends on the health of the child (physical, psychological and mental), training for school, educational motivation and ability to establish social contacts.

Family role in adaptation

V. I. Dolgova calls children-parent relations the main factor in the adaptation of the child. The author in his study on identifying the influence on school adaptation relied on 2 indicators of the success of adaptation: and training motivation. The results of the study showed the following:

  • in families with the type "Symbiosis" in children there is an increased anxiety;
  • high parental control contributes to a decrease in the child's learning motivation;
  • reducing anxiety contributes to the "Cooperation" style and the ability of the parents to take the failures of the child.

The best position (style) in the family in the adaptation of the first grader - the recognition of the child by the active subject of family relations; Adequate control in the form of an emotional adoption of a child and volumetric, clear, suturing, consistent requirements.

Children from such well adapt to school. They are:

  • active (socially, physically and communicatively);
  • initiative;
  • independent;
  • empathy and friendly.

However, the subject-object attitude of parents towards the child is actually predominant in most families. This causes problems with the adaptation and socialization of the child.


School adaptation is a crisis situation, since the child turns out to be in new conditions without the relevant "tools" and the experience of such situations. Training in the first grade coincides with the crisis of 7 years. This further complicates the adaptation process. The period of school adaptation can be called a conflicting period of transformation of the preschooler in a schoolboy.

If a child's readiness for school, family support and teacher, school adaptation can pass in 2-3 months. Otherwise, the process can stretch for a year and accompanied by problems or pour into disadaptation (the inability of the child is psychologically and physically adopted a new way of life).

It is favorable for the development of a child and his adaptation to any conditions affects the democratic style of upbringing. Children's and parental relations in which every member of the family acts as an active subject, is interested in the affairs of others, supports, sinny to all that is happening and is waiting for the same from others.

The school puts a large number of new tasks in front of the child who require the mobilization of its physical and intellectual forces. First-grader must be used to new conditions that have arisen in his life, adapt to them. We are talking about the intense period in the first year of study. It occurs on the social, physiological and psychological level.

The period of adaptation every child occurs individually. Its deadlines can range from three weeks to six months. It is important to monitor the dynamics of the adaptation process, detect the causes of the outadaption and conduct the necessary correction of the revealed deviations during the "adjustment" of the first grader to school life.

Social adaptation factors

Factors of physiological adaptation

Psychological adaptation factors

  1. New forms of relationships have been established, new communications.
  2. There are sustainable ways of relationship with peers and adults.
  3. The direction of further personal self-realization of the first grader in school is scheduled.
  1. High efficiency.
  2. Good sleep and appetite.
  3. No symptomatic diseases.
  1. There are no mood and whimping drops.
  2. There is a positive learning motivation.
  3. Mastering the main skills of educational activities.
  4. Readiness for self-standing.

The main issues of diagnostics

The diagnosis of the adaptation of first-graders implies a deep individual examination. It is aimed at obtaining information on the qualitative indicators of the main necessary changes that should occur in all spheres of the child's life and activities.

The main purpose of the diagnosis is to determine children who experience difficulties in adaptation and need professional assistance. According to the results of the study, individual trajectories of schoolchildren's development should be identified and developed.

The diagnosis is initiated by the school administration to obtain general information about the level of adaptation of all first-graders. Such a type of activity is necessarily recorded in terms of school work for the school year. Directly conducting research and data processing is engaged in a school psychologist in close cooperation with the class manager of first-graders.

Diagnostics are carried out in several stages.

  1. Observation - It goes during the first month of learning to detect features in the behavior of a child in lessons and change.
  2. Survey - held from 15 to 30 September. Aims to establish:
  • the level of mental development of first-graders, the identification of children who have a backlog of the age norm;
  • the degree of formation of motives to the teaching, the allocation of the lead motive;
  • the stability of the emotional state of the schoolchildren, the presence of negative or positive emotions, which is experiencing a child in different training situations;
  • the level of school anxiety, analysis of factors that cause discomfort from the first grader, voltage, fear.
  1. Drawing up individual conclusions - After the survey, the total processing of the data obtained is based on the basis of which:
  • the children entering the risk group are determined;
  • recommendations are developed for teacher and parents.

The basis for the preparation of such a conclusion should be a summary table with the results of diagnostics. It can have such a kind.

  1. Acquaint participants in the educational process withthe results of the diagnosis of the adaptation of first-graders - the final conclusions are discussed during:
  • small pedsove or conservima (most often they are carried out during the autumn vacation);
  • individual consultations;
  1. Drawing up individual work programs with children having signs of deadaption - There is a close cooperation with all stakeholders. This work should be completed by the end of the first quarter. The program needs to include:
  • group classes;
  • individual psychological and pedagogical support;
  • individual forms of work aimed at solving specific problems.

  1. Implementation of individual programs - takes 1 - 4 months.
  2. Repeatal - Must be held at the end of the school year (April - May) for the final data.
  3. The final stage - We are needed to compare the starting and final indicators. At this stage, the dynamics of the child's development is analyzed and the effectiveness of implementing the recommendations developed and is established.

On the basis of the information proposed, the psychologist must compile a plan for diagnosing the level of adaptation of first-graders, specifying the specified areas of activity. It may have such a form:

To obtain full and reliable information about each child in the diagnostic process, it is also necessary to carry out:

  • parent poll;
  • interviewing teachers;
  • studying medical maps of children.

The main direction of diagnostic activity is to conduct the surcharge and testing of first-graders using various techniques. It can be carried out both individually and in group form. Usually, the examination of one child is spent 15-20 minutes.

The main techniques for the diagnosis of adaptation of first-graders

To diagnose the adaptation of first-graders, a psychologist selects the most effective techniques that meet such criteria:

  • aimed at learning all key adaptation parameters;
  • not only identify signs of deadaption, but also allow to identify factors affecting the emergence of problems in adaptation;
  • do not require significant organizational, temporary and material costs for their conduct.


The most common diagnostic method is observation. Sample observation is most often used. In the process of its conduct, only those features of the behavior of a child who allocate it from the total mass of first-graders are recorded. Observation is carried out simultaneously for all children in the class. Basic requirements for the organization of observation:

  • availability of monitoring scheme;
  • systematically;
  • objectivity.

Surveillance should also include:

  • analysis of child performance;
  • view notebooks;
  • listening to oral answers;
  • analysis of the prevailing interpersonal relations.

As a result of observations, estimation (on a 5-point scale) of the main seven components occurs:

  • educational activity;
  • assimilation of software materials;
  • behavior in the lessons;
  • changes on change;
  • relationship with classmates;
  • relations to the teacher;
  • emotions.

The corresponding points and conclusions must be added to the school adaptation card.

The total number of points can be interpreted as follows:

  • 35 - 28 - high level of adaptation;
  • 27 - 21 - medium;
  • 20 and less - low.

To carry out observations during the adaptation period you can use map Stottawhich provides for the study of asociality, infantality, subordination, activity and uncertainty.

Factor asociality, infantility, subordination, activity, insecurity - see.

With this technique, the overall score is not displayed, but each criterion is estimated separately. After that, groups of children having the highest (above 65%) indicators for each factor are determined.

Test "Houses"

Another method of diagnosing the adaptation of first-graders to school is the test "Dominics". It is carried out with the purpose of determining:

  • value orientations;
  • social emotions;
  • personal relationship.

This test is a color-associative study. The test author is O.A. Orekhov. To carry out it, it is necessary to prepare:

  • questionnaire;
  • 8 pencils (black, gray, brown, purple, blue, green, yellow, red).

Pencils should not look outwardly from each other.

For research, you need to invite a group of children (10-15 people), and sear them separately from each other. Be sure to exclude the finding of the teacher in the class during the diagnostics. Children must complete three tasks.

Exercise 1.

It is proposed a house of a house to which a track of 8 rectangles leads. First-graders are offered to decorate them in order, while each color can only be used once. First you need to choose the most liked color and decorate the first rectangle. Next is the color that more like the remaining. The last rectangle will be decorated in the most ugly, according to the child, color.

Task 2.

Children will find out the picture on which the street is depicted with several houses. The psychologist must explain that in these houses there are various feelings and children need for each of them. That color, the association with which occurs when the name of such words: happiness, grief, justice, resentment, friendship, quarrel, kindness, malice, boredom, admiration .

In this task, one and the same color can be used several times. If schoolchildren do not understand the meaning of any of the named words, then the psychologist clarifies him.

Task 3.

The picture is used as in the previous task. Now children should decorate the houses in such a color that symbolizes their inhabitants. In the first house lives the soul of a child. Inhabitants of 2-9 houses are responsible for his mood in such situations:

  • when goes to school;
  • in the lesson of reading;
  • in the lesson of the letter;
  • in the lesson of mathematics;
  • when communicates with the teacher;
  • when communicates with classmates;
  • when is at home;
  • when doing lessons.

In the tenth house, the child himself must settle any "color" tenant, who will mean its special state in an important situation for him. After performing this task, each first-grader must tell a psychologist that it means this tenth house for him (it is better to do that so that the rest of the children do not hear), and he makes the appropriate note on the questionnaire.

When summing up this diagnosis of the adaptation of first-graders, a psychologist should focus on such a numbering of colors: 1 - blue, 2 - green, 3 - red, 4 - yellow, 5 - purple, 6 - brown, 7 - black, 0 - gray.

In order not to engage in independently difficult calculations, you can try to find a special program on the Internet, designed to process the results of this test.

Questionnaire "School Motivation Level"

To determine the level of adaptation of first-graders to school, you can also use the diagnosis of the motivational sphere of the child methodology N.G. Luskanova. It is carried out in the form of a brief questionnaire, which questions are read out loud, and children must choose the appropriate answer.

When processing results, all the answers must be applied to a table that contains a special key to determine the number of points received.

The counting results must be interpreted as follows.

This technique allows not only to identify the level of adaptation of schoolchildren, but also to identify the reasons leading to a decrease in the child's motivation to visiting the school.

Methods "Lestenka"

To determine the level of self-assessment of the child in the diagnosis of adaptation of first-graders to school, it is recommended to use the "Lestenka" technique. To carry out it, it is necessary to prepare the drawing of the stairs with numbered steps.

The child is invited to familiarize themselves with such a placement of schoolchildren on the steps:

  • on 1 - the best guys;
  • on 2 and 3 - good;
  • on 4 - neither good nor bad;
  • on 5 and 6 - bad;
  • at 7 - the worst.

The first grader must designate the step on which, in his opinion, he must be. You can draw a circle on this step or put another mark. No need when conducting a test to focus on the numbering of steps. It is desirable that the same ladder is drawn on the board, and the psychologist would simply show on each step and explained its meaning, and the children simply would simply relate her with her image.

The results are assessed as follows:

  • 1 - overestimated self-esteem;
  • 2 and 3 - adequate;
  • 4 — ;
  • 5 and 6 - bad;
  • 7 - sharply lowered.

This technique can be replaced with a similar test "Mugs".

Also to determine the level of self-assessment of the first grader, you can use the adaptation study method. luchera methodwhich is carried out using special blanks.

Test for anxiety

To determine the level of anxiety, the first grader is invited to conduct a survey of the teacher and parents ,.

Also to determine the emotional problems of the child can be held test "The chart" good is bad. "

There is another similar projective method of diagnosing school anxiety (A.M. parishioners).

Other techniques

There are a large number and other techniques.

  • Questioning of parents.
  • Tests for studying the level of mental development of first-graders.
  • TA Technique Gentle "talk about school."
  • Methods "Definition of exercise motives".
  • Methods "Drawing up a story in the picture."
  • Picturesque technique "What I like in school."
  • Test Toulouse-Pieron.
  • Methods of determining readiness for learning in school N.I. Gutkina "Domiki".
  • Method "Sigdition".
  • Method "Paints".
  • Methods "Sun, Tuchka, rain".

To carry out full diagnostics of the level of adaptation of the first grader, it is not necessary to use the entire spectrum of available techniques. It is enough to choose 4-6 different methods and tests that will be more suitable for class conditions and the style of the professional activity of the psychologist.

Sometimes it is allowed to use two similar techniques to clarify the results obtained. When re-diagnostics, it is recommended to use the same techniques that were used for primary surveys.

In completion, I want to emphasize the following points. Individual diagnostic results should not be in public affairs. They are used by a psychologist and teachers only to implement correctional work.

It is wrong to compare the data of the diagnosis of different children for the implementation of the expert assessment. It is important to remember that the dynamics of the child's development is established only on the basis of its individual indicators at the beginning and at the final stage of diagnostic research.

It should also be borne in mind that the above methods of interpretation of the obtained diagnostic results are focused on averaged generally accepted norms in the behavior and training achievements of first-graders. Therefore, it is necessary to correct the data obtained in accordance with the individual characteristics of the learning skills, the nature and temperament of the child. Taking into account this fact, a comprehensive examination should be carried out, taking into account the opinion of parents and the expert assessment of the teacher.

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Chapter 1. Theoretical Justification of the Adaptation of Junior Schoolchildren

1.1 General characteristics of children of younger school age

1.2 Characteristics of school adaptation of the younger schoolboy

1.3 The concept of school deadaption, causes of occurrence

Chapter 2. Diagnostics of the level of adaptation of younger students

2.1 Research Organization, Description Methods

2.1.2 Methods "Paints"

2.1.3 Methodology "Classification"

2.1.4 Methods "Test in pictures"

2.1.5 Questionnaire for younger students

2.2 Results of empirical research

2.2.1 Methodology Projective drawing "What I like in school"

2.2.2 Methods "Paints"

2.2.3 Methods "Classification"

2.2.4 Methods "Test in pictures"

2.2.5 Questioning

2.3 Use of games

2.4 Organization and principles of classes


List of used literature



Relevance of the study: The first years of study can sometimes determine the entire subsequent school life of the child. At this time, schoolboy under the leadership of adults are performed quite important steps in their own development.

This period is considered to be equally difficult for children who entered the school and six, and in seven years. According to observations of physiologists, psychologists and teachers, among first-graders there are children who, due to personal psychophysiological characteristics, are quite difficult to adapt to new conditions for them, they only partially cope with the work and curriculum.

In the classical education system, lagging and recent times are usually formed from these children.

The beginning of school learning for all guys is a strong stress. After the child went to school, strong changes begin to occur in his life.

All children, together with their overwhelming feelings of joy, pride or surprise on everything that happens in the educational institution, is experiencing anxiety, confusion, tension.

Some of the first-graders can be very noisy, crying, sometimes not even attentive during classes, are able to behave confused with teachers: to hold, capricious.

The rest are quite fidgeted, timid, try to keep quietly, do not listen when they are treated with a question, with the most low failure or comments can cry.

A child who goes to school should be mature in physiological and social terms, it should achieve a certain level of mental and emotional-volitional development. Educational activities require a certain stock of knowledge about the world around the world, the formation of the simplest concepts.

It is important to be a positive attitude towards the teaching, the ability to self-regulation of behavior.

The question regarding the adaptation of first-graders to school, considered L.M. Kostin.

She sought to determine the possibility of exposure to school adaptation by adjusting the level of anxiety in children using non-training game therapy during the period of finding future first-graders in preschool institutions.

According to the data, a conclusion was made about the effectiveness of the method of playing therapy in the correction of high anxiety from preschoolers, which provides the opportunity to increase their school adaptation and performance in the first grade.

Uskovova M.V. An analysis of the peculiarities of primary adaptation of first-graders to the school was carried out, then it was concluded that the level of deadaption was very impact, the hyperkinetic syndrome, the inertness of the nervous system, unaware of school, the insufficient arbitrariness of mental functions, as well as their combination of each other.

The purpose of our study is to study the features of diagnosing adaptation skills in younger students with elements of practice.

To achieve the goal of the following tasks:

1. Consider the concepts of "Adaptation" and "Dezadaption".

2. Analyze the forms and levels of adaptation.

3. Explore the features of adaptation skills in younger students with elements of practice.

The object of research is the guys of younger school age.

The subject of research is the features of the diagnosis of adaptation skills in younger students with elements of practice.

Research Hypothesis: Timely determination of the child's adaptation level to school and the creation of the necessary psychological conditions reduces the level of school deadaption.

Chapter 1. Theoretical Justification of the Adaptation of Junior Schoolchildren

1.1 General characteristics of children of younger school age

The boundaries of the younger school age, which coincide with the period of study in primary grades, are installed at the present stage from 6-7 to 9-10 years. At this time, the subsequent physical and psychophysiological development of the child proceeds, which provides the possibility of regular training at school.

First of all, the work of the brain and the nervous system is improved. As evidenced by the data of physiologists, by 7 years, large hemispheres are considered already mature. But the imperfection of the regulating function of the cortex is manifested in the characteristic children of this age, the peculiarities of the behavior, the organization of activity and the emotional sphere: the guys of younger school age can easily be distracted, they are not capable of focusing for a long time, they are usually excited, emotional.

In the younger school age, you can trace the unevenness of psycho-physiological development among different children. The differences in the pace of development of boys and girls are preserved: girls, as a rule, go ahead of the boys. As a result, many authors draw conclusions that in fact in the younger classes at one desk are sitting by the guys of different ages: on average boys younger girls for a year and a half, despite the fact that this difference is not at calendar age. Sapogova E. E. Psychology of human development: Tutorial. / E. E. Sapogova - M.: Aspect Press, 2010. - P. 54

Educational activities in the younger school age is the lead. It causes the most important transformation that occur in the development of a children's psyche at this age stage. As part of the training activities, psychological neoplasms are developing, which characterize the most important achievements in the development of younger students and are the foundation for development in the next age stage.

Throughout the youngest school age, a completely new type of relationship with the surrounding people is formed. The flawless authority of the adult is gradually lost, children of the same age are of great importance for the baby, the role of the children's community increases.

So, the central neoplasms of younger school age are:

· A qualitatively new level of development of arbitrary regulation of behavior and activity;

· Reflection, analysis, internal action plan;

· Development of a new cognitive attitude to reality;

· Orientation for a group of peers.

Thus, in accordance with the concept of Erikson, the age of 6-12 years is considered as a period of transferring a child systematic knowledge and skills that provide admission to labor life. Mizherikov V.A. Introduction to Pedagogical Activities / E. Mizherikov, T.A. Yuzfavichus.- M.: Rospenedaenty, 2009. - P. 114

Perhaps the most important neoplasms appear in all spheres of mental development: intelligence, personality, social relations are transformed. The special importance of educational activities in this process does not exclude that young schoolboy is actively involved in the remaining types of work, in the process of which new achievements of the baby are improved and strengthened.

The specificity of younger school age is that the goals of activity, mainly adults ask the guys. Teachers and parents define that it is possible and that it is impossible to make a child, what should they give tasks, what rules to stick to.

A typical similar situation is the fulfillment by a child of any order. Even among those children who, with a special desire, take the commission of adult, are quite frequent of cases when children can cope with the task, due to the fact that they did not care if his essence, sustained the initial interest in the task or simply forgot to fulfill him term. Data difficulties can be avoided if, charging the guys, adhere to certain rules.

If a child has a friendly relationship with any of their class, the child has a friendly relationship, this means that the child knows how to establish relationships with the peers, to maintain relations for a long time that communication with him is also important to someone and interesting . Between 8 and 11 years old for children, those who provide them with help respond to their requests and share their interests. In order to appear mutual sympathy and friendship, the following qualities become meaningful: kindness and attentiveness, independence, self-confidence, honesty.

As the child is mastering school reality, the system of personal relationships in the class begins to form. It is based on direct emotional relations that are dominant.

In some domestic psychologists, the most essential conditions are allocated, which provide an opportunity for an adult person to form a child to independently manage their own behavior. Such conditions are considered:

1) strong and acting motive behavior;

2) restrictive purpose;

3) the dismemberment of the digestible complex forms of behavior on relatively independent and small action;

4) External means, which are support in the process of mastering behavior. Psychology in the XXI century: Materials III International. scientific study. conf. (November 30, 2011): Sat. Scientific Tr. / Center Scientific thoughts; under scientific ed. A. E. Slinko. - M.: Peno, 2011. - P. 98

The most important condition for the development of arbitrary behavior of a child is the participation of an adult, guiding the effort of a child and providing means of mastering.

From the first minutes, the child is included in the interpersonal interaction process with classmates and the teacher. During the whole younger school age, this interaction is characterized by certain dynamics and patterns of development. The development of certain mental processes is carried out throughout this age.

The ability of the child to analyze and differentiate the items that he perceives are in direct communication with the formation of a more complex type of activity, rather than the feeling and distinguishes between the individual direct features of things. This type of activity, which, as a rule, is referred to as observation, is particularly intensively formed in the process of school teaching. In the lessons, the schoolboy receives, and then and independently expands the tasks of perception of various examples and benefits.

Due to all this, perception turns into targeted. The teacher systematically demonstrates the guys inspection receptions or listening to things and phenomena. After that, the child is able to plan the work of perception and intentionally carry out it, respectively, to separate the main ones from the secondary, to establish the hierarchy of perceived signs and so on. Such perception, synthesizing with the rest of the cognitive activities, becomes targeted and arbitrary supervision. If a child has a sufficient level, observation is developed, then we can talk about its observation as a special quality of his personality. As multiple research is evidenced, in primary training it is possible to largely develop this important quality in all the children of younger school age.

1.2 Characteristics of school adaptation of the younger schoolboy

There are many definitions of school adaptation. As an example of a traditional definition, you can cite definition M.V. Maximova, which school adaptation treats as the process of entering the child to a new social development situation for him. An analysis of foreign and domestic literature shows that the term "school deadaption" or ("School Insuit") actually define any difficulties in the child in the process of schooling.

In modern society, the question of how to help the future or current first-grader is safely adapted to new school conditions. As not strange, but today, schooling is a stressful situation for any student, and especially first grader. This may be associated with new microsococilities.

The microsocium is a certain territorial community that includes the neighborhood, family, group of peers, various kinds of state, religious, public, educational and private organizations, and of course a variety of informal groups of residents. Semeniac S.I. Socio-psychological adaptation of a child in society. - M.: Arcta, 2012. - P. 32 Consequently, any children's age is characterized by increased sensitivity, varying in different micro-social media. Therefore, for the first class child plays an important role in the process of adapting his family, because it can always support a child, respond and help with something.

The main positive factors of the family microsocochenial environment should be highlighted: the diversity of phenomena and items that surround the child; Positive emotional communication with all family members, which leads to the individual attention of his characteristics. In addition to positive factors, it is necessary to allocate the negative factors of the microenvironment: the error of family education of the child; violation of relationships and understanding of the family; Inability to find out the necessary moments and more.

All of the above negative factors may lead to somatic and mental diseases of the child. The causes of the disease can be what the hard appeal towards the child occurs; Communicative barrier between father and child, or a limited effect of his father for family education; Negative interpersonal relationships between spouses; conflict situations in the family; inconsistency between parents of certain requirements towards the child and the other.

In the period of adaptation, the crisis of seven years plays a huge role. During this period, the child takes a turning point in his life, and that in the investigation leads to the fracture of emotional instability. Therefore, the family should be vigilant during this time period for the child.

There are quite a few adaptation classifications, but the most optimal classification in our opinion is classification by A.L. Wenger. He considers the adaptation of the child to school and allocates three levels of adaptation of first-graders: high, medium and low level of adaptation. Psychology in the XXI century: Materials III International. scientific study. conf. (November 30, 2011): Sat. Scientific Tr. / Center Scientific thoughts; under scientific ed. A. E. Slinko. - M.: Feather, 2011. - P. 105

High level

The student is positively related to the school, the requirements perceived adequately;

The training material assimilates easily, deeply and fully, successfully solves complicated tasks;

Listen to the teacher carefully;

Performs instructions without external control;

Exhibits great interest in independent academic work (always prepares for all lessons).

Public orders perform willingly and conscientiously;

It takes a favorable status status in class.

Average level

The student has a positive attitude towards school, its visit does not cause negative experiences;

The schoolboy understands the educational material if the teacher explains it in detail and clearly;

Assisters the main content of the curricula, independently solves typical tasks;

Focused and attentive when performing tasks, instructions, instructions of an adult, but subject to control of it;

It happens only when it is engaged in an interesting interesting thing for him;

Prepares for lessons and performs homework almost always;

Public orders perform in good faith;

Friends with many classmates.

Low level

The student is negative or indifferently refers to school;

Often complains of health, dominates the depressed mood;

Systematic disorders of the discipline are observed;

School material absorbs fragmentary;

Independent work with the textbook is difficult;

When performing independent learning tasks, it does not show interest;

The lessons are preparing irregularly, it is necessary for permanent control, systematic reminders and motivating from the teacher and parents;

Working capacity and attention with extended pauses for recreation;

To understand the new and solving problems on the sample requires significant educational assistance to teachers;

Public orders perform under control, without much desire, passive;

At school has few friends. Biragov B.C. The problem of adaptation of the personality in the educational process of the university // University Bulletin (State University of Management). 2009. -№4. - P. 17-19

Stage 1 is an indicative when, in response to a full range of new impacts related to the beginning of systematic learning, they correspond to a rapid reaction and considerable voltage of almost all organism systems. This "physiological storm" lasts long enough - 3 weeks.

Stage 2 is an unstable device when the body is looking for and finds some optimal (or close to optimal) reactions to these effects. This period lasts about 2 weeks.

3 Stage is a period of relatively sustainable device when the body finds the most appropriate variants of the load response requiring less voltage of all systems. Whatever work is a schoolboy, be it mental work on the assimilation of new knowledge, the static load that the body is experiencing under the forced "sitting" posture, or the psychological burden of communication in the large and team, the body, or rather, each of its systems should respond its tension, its work. Therefore, the greater the voltage will "issue" each system, the more resources the body is spent. And we know that the possibilities of the children's body are far from infinite, but a long-term stress and the associated fatigue and overwork can cost the body of a child of health. The duration of this stage is 1 week. Nalchazhyan A. A. Psychological adaptation. Mechanisms and strategies. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - P. 167

The duration of all 3 phases of adaptation is approximately six weeks, this period lasts until October 10-15, and the most complex, and most complex are 1-4 weeks.

1.3 The concept of school deadaption, causes of occurrence

To the number of main primary external signs of manifestations of school deadaption, scientists unanimously include difficulties in studies and various violations of school standards of behavior.

The main factors capable of being the cause of school failure: Disadvantages in the preparation of the child to school, socio-pedagogical nestry; long and massive mental deprivation; somatic mind of the child; violation of the formation of school skills (dyslexia, disgrave); Motor disorders; Emotional disorders.

Under the influence of constant failures that go beyond the actual training activities and propagating relationships with peers, a child has a sense of self-reality, an attempts appear to compensate for their own inconsistency. And since the choice of adequate tools for compensation at this age is limited, then self-actualization is often carried out in different extent to the conscious counteraction of school standards, is being implemented in disorders of discipline, increased conflict, which against the background of loss of interest in school is gradually integrated into the asocial personal orientation. Often, such children arise neuropsychiatric and psychosomatic disorders.

School deadaption of the child is a multifactoric phenomenon. Loge in learning is due to such factors as a teaching technique, teacher's personality, child assistance from parents, atmosphere at school and classroom, place of a child in relationships with children and teachers, the identity of the child himself. Semeniac S.I. Socio-psychological adaptation of a child in society. - M.: Arcta, 2012. - P. 47

Such a factor in school failure, as the personal features of the child, is also multifaceted. Researchers allocate the following variables: the position of the student, the motivation of the teachings, the level of mental skills, the ability to arbitrary regulation and self-organization, the level of health and health, the child's intellect. Loge in development and low indicators of school success is not the same thing. With lagging in development, we can talk about the presence of intellectual, volitional, motivational structures in comparison with the age norm. While school failure can be caused by the influence of the environment, learning techniques, student position, etc. Thus, unsuccessful schoolchildren - the group is inhomogeneous. Children get into it with a variety of interference to learning.

Personal interference can be divided into two large groups: shortcomings of cognitive activity; Disadvantages in the development of the individual (the motivation of the teachings, self-organization, disharmony of personality).

G.S. Bhunovsky offers a different classification of lagging students. Its classification is based on the accounting of two variables: the level of cognitive independence and interest in the subject. Accordingly, the following types of students are distinguished: the average level of cognitive independence and low learning (learn mainly on twos and three); Cognitive autonomy is high, there is no interest in the subject (it is highly uneven, it is possible to evaluate "excellent" and "unsatisfactory"); Cognitive independence is low, the interest in the subject is positive (success in learning depends on self-confidence); Cognitive autonomy is low, interest in the subject potential, for these students is characterized by mental passivity and small self-confidence; The level of cognitive independence is low, there is no interest in the subject, they are learning extremely weakly; Pupils of this group are at the lowest level of trainee, they are not afraid of anyone, often brave them with disregard for teaching at school; To pull up these students, it is necessary not only to develop the techniques of mental activity, but also to form a positive fit for training. Nalchazhyan A. A. Psychological adaptation. Mechanisms and strategies. - M.: Eksmo, 2009. - P. 205

The term "school dezadaption" or "School Insuit" determine any difficulties arising from a child in school learning.

It is usually considered 3 main types of manifestations of school deadaption:

The abominability of training, expressed in chronic failure, as well as in the insufficiency and ability of general education information without systemic knowledge and training skills (cognitive components);

Constant violations of an emotional and personal relationship to individual subjects, learning in general, educators, as well as to the prospects related to study (emotional-valued);

Systematic repetitive behavioral violations in the learning process and in the school environment (behavioral component). Grigorieva M.V. The structure of the motives of the teachings of younger students and its role in the process of school adaptation / M.V. Grigoriev // Primary School. -2009. -№1. - P.8-9

Causes of school deadaption:

Insufficient development of educational motivation;

Psychological problems when communicating with the teacher;

Psychological difficulties of adapting to school life, to systematic learning;

The specific attitude of the child to his personality, its capabilities and abilities, to their activities and its results, understated self-esteem;

Inflated requirements from parents;

Health problems.

If the child has problems with school adaptation, it is necessary to apply for psychological and pedagogical help.

Chapter 2. Diagnostics of the level of adaptation of younger students

2.1 Research Organization, Description Methods

The purpose of our study is to diagnose the adaptive skills of younger students.

Research hypothesis: timely identification of the level of adaptation of the child to school and the creation of certain psychological conditions reduces the level of school deadaption.

The study used the following techniques:

· Method "What I like in school"

· Method "Paints"

· Method "Classification"

· Test in pictures

· Application for school motivation

The study was conducted in MBOU SOSH No. 1

The number of subjects is 10 people (girls - 5, boys - 5).

2.1.1 Methods "What I like in school"

Consider the first methodology - the projective drawing "What I like in school" (according to N. G. Luskanova)

Purpose: to identify the attitude of children to school and the motivational readiness of children to school learning.

Instructions: "Children, draw that you like most of all at school. You can draw everything you want. Draw, as you can, not be estimated. "

Equipment: Standard sheet of paper for drawing, pencil and eraser.

Analysis and evaluation of the drawings.

1. The topic discrepancy indicates:

a) the lack of school motivation and the predominance of other motives, most often gaming. In this case, children draw cars, toys, military actions, patterns. Indicates motivational immaturity;

b) Children's negativity. In this case, the child stubbornly refuses to draw on a school theme and draws what he best can and likes to draw.

Such behavior is peculiar to children with an inflated level of claims and difficulties of adaptation to a clear execution of school requirements;

c) incorrect interpretation of the task, its understanding. Such children or do not draw anything, or refer to other plots that are not related to this topic. Most often it is characteristic of children with mental delay.

2. Compliance with the given topic confirms the positive attitude to the school, while the plot of the picture should be taken into account, i.e. what exactly is depicted:

a) Educational situations - teacher with a pointer sitting at the part of the students, a blackboard with recorded tasks, etc. Testifies to the high school motivation of the educational activity of the child, the presence of cognitive learning motives;

b) the situation of irregularity is the school task, students on change, students with portfolios, etc.

Characterized by children with a positive attitude to school, but with greater focus on external school attributes;

c) Gaming situations - swing on the school yard, game room, toys and other items in class (for example, TV, flowers on the window, etc.). Overcoming anxiety and fears from first-graders: diagnosis, correction / auto-comp. G. Morgults, O. V. Rasulova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - P. 43

Sophisticated for children with a positive attitude to school, but with the predominance of gaming motivation.

For greater reliability, evaluating the drawings of children, it is important to ask the child to tell me about the fact that he portrayed why he painted one or another item, one or another situation.

Sometimes with the help of children's drawings, you can judge not only about the level of their learning motivation, about their attitude to school, but also to identify those sides of school life that are most attractive for the child

2.1.2 Methods "Paints»

Purpose: Determine the emotional attitude towards school education.

Equipment: Set of paints or color pencils (the more colors, the better); Album sheets, each of which has drawn 10 circles, words associated with the school: call, book, teacher, briefcase, class, physical education, classmates, lesson, homework, notebook.

Instructions: Runs are heard sheets with a request to read the words written in circles carefully. Read in order words written in circles, and each circle is painted in any color. It is optionally to paint the circles with different colors. Choose the color every time you want.

Analysis of the results: If the child stains most of the circles in the dark (purple, blue, lilac, gray, black) colors, - this suggests that he is experiencing negative emotions towards school learning in general. Overcoming anxiety and fears from first-graders: diagnosis, correction / auto-comp. G. Morgults, O. V. Rasulova. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2012. - P. 48

2.1.3 Method "Classification"

Purpose: helps to identify the level of formation of concepts through the classification operation.

Equipment: Cards with Concepts

Instructions: The child is proposed to choose the fourth superfluous (the correct answers are highlighted):

1. Skzorets, tit, chicken, pigeon.

2. Rose, Carnation, Astra, Vasilek.

3. Cow, goat, horse, calf.

4. Cap, coat, dress, shirt.

5. Cup, glass, pan, mug.

6. Sailor, soldier, child, pilot.

7. Tiger, elephant, lion, bear.

8. Ax, scissors, knife, saw.

Rating Results: 3 points - one error, 2 points - two errors; 1 score - three errors, 0 points - four mistakes.

2.1.4 Methods "Test in pictures"

Purpose: helps to determine the preferred type of activity.

Equipment: pictures

Instructions: The child is offered to consider drawings. After making sure that their content is understandable, the psychologist asks: "What would you like to do in the first place in the second, third?"

Evaluation of the results: If the child chooses pictures with training activities as the most important, desired primarily, this indicates a high level of its motivational readiness, in the second stage - about the average level, if he chooses studies in the third place or does not choose at all, it says On the low level of its motivational readiness.

3 points - the orientation of training activities prevails; 2 points - orientation for educational and game activities; 1 score - orientation for game activity.

2.1.5 Profilefor younger schoolchildren

Purpose: assess the level of school motivation (Appendix 1).

Instruction: Children are credited, and they answer them.

Rating Results: Answers to questions are rated from 0 to 3 points (negative response --- 0 points, neutral - 1, positive - 3 points). Students who scored 25 --- 30 points are characterized by a high level of school adaptation, 20--24 points are characteristic of the average norm, 15--19 points indicate external motivation, 10--14 points indicate low school motivation and below 10 points - On a negative attitude to school, school deadaption.

2.2 Results empiricalresearch

2.2.1 Methodology Projective drawing "What I like in school"

These results according to the method of the projective drawing "What I like at school" is offered in Appendix 2.

Angela G. Figure corresponds to a given topic, but the situation of irregular nature is depicted - the board and table of the teacher, which indicates a positive attitude towards school, with an excessive direction on external school attributes.

Irina V. Figure corresponds to a given topic, since it depicted a typical learning situation - a teacher with a pointer at the board. This testifies to the high school motivation of the educational activity of the child, the presence of cognitive learning motives.

Veronica M. Figure corresponds to a given topic and is irrelevant - a notebook for the work of the Sunshine. It can be said that the child has a positive attitude towards school, but has a greater focus on external school attributes.

Diana N. The picture shows the calendar of nature. Therefore, the drawing corresponds to a given topic and is irrelevant, which indicates a positive attitude to the school, but with a large focus on external school attributes.

Valeria D. depicted a computer that stands in the office. This is a game situation, the drawing corresponds to the topic. This speaks about a positive attitude towards school, but with the predominance of gaming motivation.

Evgeny J. Figure corresponds to a given topic, irregularity. Stripping from what, we conclude a positive attitude to school, while the focus on school attributes.

Artem M. The figure shows the board - the drawing corresponds to a given topic and is irregular, which indicates a positive attitude to the school, but with a large focus on external school attributes.

Vadim K. depicts a typical play situation - swing. This speaks about a positive attitude towards school, but with the predominance of gaming motivation.

Maxim D. depicted himself on the horizontal studies is a game situation. The drawing speaks about a positive attitude to school, but with the predominance of gaming motivation.

Egor S. Figure corresponds to a given topic, but an inactive situation is depicted - board, table, door. This speaks about a positive attitude to the school, but with a large focus on external school attributes.

Thus, all subjects have noted a positive attitude towards school. In 60% of children there is a focus on external school attributes, in 30% - play motivation and 10% high school motivation of the child's educational activity.

Data will provide graphically on the diagram (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Attitude of younger schoolchildren to school

After reviewing the data, we conclude that school attributes are more attracted to children, and not training activities.

2.2.2 Methods "Paints"

The following was the "Paints" techniques, the data is listed in Appendix 3.

Artem M. Most of the circles are painted in dark tones ("bell", "class", "lesson", "notebook", "homework", "classmates"). The word "teacher" is painted in red, which speaks of aggression.

Angela G. In her drawing, a positive attitude towards school and training is traced. Only with the word "call" there are negative associations, as his student painted dark blue.

Irina V. In dark colors painted the words "call", "homework", "Notebook", "Physical culture". The word "class" is painted in red, which speaks about aggression. The child is experiencing negative emotions in relation to school learning as a whole.

Maxim D. revealed a negative attitude towards such concepts as "bell", "Notebook". In general, a positive attitude to learning.

Evgeny Zh. In dark tones painted mugs ("call", "Notebook", "homework", "classmates"). An excited attitude to the words "teacher", "Portfolio", "Class".

The child can be characterized as active, movable, excited, with a negative attitude towards the learning process as a whole.

Vadim K. In the dark tone painted the "Class" mugs, "Notebook", "Odnoklassniki". In general, training does not cause strong negative relations, with the exception of some concepts that cause a slight tension.

Valeria D. in dark colors painted the words "teacher", "Class", "Physical Education". The teacher is afraid, heavily gets used to a new setting. In general, positively perceives the learning process.

Diana N. Most of the circles are painted in dark tones ("Teacher", "Book", "Portfolio", "Notebook", "homework"). The girl is difficult to get used to it.

In general, the child is experiencing negative emotions in relation to school learning.

Egor S. In the dark tone painted the "Call" mugs, "Physical culture", "homework". The words "class", "Notebook" are painted in red. The child is experiencing negative emotions in relation to school learning as a whole.

Veronica M. noted quite a positive attitude towards school, only the "notebook" was painted in red, which can be characterized as a manifestation of aggression.

We form Table 1 to compare the results.

Table 1.

Attitude to school education

Thus, we see that most students have most children with a negative school training (60%), and less than half (40%) - positively refer to it.

2.2.3 Method "Classification"

Results are given in Appendix 4

Irina V. - 6 Errors - 0 points

Veronica M.- 4 Errors - 0 points

Angela G.- 1 Error - 3 points

Valeria D.- 4 Errors - 0 points

Diana N. - 7 Errors - 0 points

Artem M. - 5 Errors - 0 points

Egor S. - 4 Errors - 0 points

Maxim D. - 6 Errors - 0 points

Vadim K.- 2 Errors - 2 points

Evgeny J. - 1 Error - 3 points

Stripping from the results, we see that almost all the children made mistakes, so they received 0 points.

Only 2 children were allowed one error and received 3 points each.

Thus, 70% of the children revealed a low level of formation of concepts, 10% - the average level, 20% is a high level of formation of concepts.

Graphically, the results were provided in the chart 2.

Figure 2. The level of formation of concepts in younger students

2.2.4 Methodik"Test in pictures"

Results are shown in Appendix 5

Irina V. All three choices are gaming. Since there was no choice of educational activities, then the girl has a low level of motivational readiness (1 point).

Diana N. first of all chose educational activities, the second and third selection - labor activity, so the child has a high level of motivational readiness. At the same time, orientation on educational and game activity (2 points).

Veronika M. Educational activities did not choose, chose labor and game. From this it follows a low level of motivational readiness (1 point).

Valeria D. learning activities chose in the second place, and in the first - labor.

This demonstrates the average level of motivational readiness and orientation for educational and game activities (2 points).

Angela G. First of all chose labor activity, and the study chose in the second place.

This indicates the average level of motivational readiness and orientation for educational and game activities (2 points).

Egor S. primarily preferred labor activity, and the study chose to the second place. Therefore, the child has a medium level of motivational readiness (2 points).

Maxim D. in the first and second line chose learning activities, which indicates a high level of motivational readiness (3 points).

Vadim K.The first of all chose learning activities, in the second - labor, to the third - game.

From this it follows a high level of motivational readiness, but with orientation on educational and game activity (2 points).

Evgeny Zh. In the first and second turn chose learning activities. The predominance of orientation on educational activities speaks of a high level of motivational readiness (3 points).

Artem M. has not chosen learning activities, but preferred game. This indicates a low level of motivational readiness (1 point).

Thus, according to the results of this technique, it can be seen that 40% of the subjects have high motivational readiness, 30% secondary and 30% low motivational readiness.

At the same time, only 20% of children have an orientation of training activities.

Figure 3. Motivational readiness for learning

2.2.5 Anktyi.rsc

The last we conducted a survey (Appendix 6)

Angela G.- 25 points - high level of school adaptation

Valeria D.- 30 points - high level

Artem M. - 21 points - Middle level

Grinnia Arina - 16 points - external motivation

Diana N. - 7 points - negative attitude to school

Veronica M.- 16 points - external motivation

Vadim K.- 13 points - Low school motivation

Maxim D. - 16 points - external motivation

Evgeny Zh. - 26 points - high level

Egor S. - 21 points - Middle level

Thus, calculating the number of points for each student, the following percentage ratio was obtained: 30% - high level of school motivation, 20% - average level, 30% - the presence of external motivation, 10% - low school motivation and 10% - negative attitude to school , School deadaption.

Thus, it is necessary to emphasize that one schoolchild has revealed school dezadaption. In order to reduce the level of deadaption and creating conditions for the subsequent full-fledged development of a junior student in paragraph 2.3, we will provide recommendations on the adaptation of the child to school life.

2. 3 Using games

The specifics of the games allows you to use in work with students of younger school age any game separately to solve specific tasks. Specially organized classes accumulate the positive impact of individual games, allow you to significantly improve the overall adaptation to the school.

Teachers and psychologists, adapting a child to school life, must remember the creation of conditions for the subsequent full development of the younger student.

The class teacher implements the program of adaptation of first-graders to school learning, given the results of diagnosis in the process of upbringing and learning.

In order for the process of entering children to a new life smoothly and painlessly, it is necessary:

· I am as soon as possible to acquaint children with each other, help them see and every new new comradist in the class of positive parties, show that every child is valuable and interesting with something: knows how to do something special, he is fond of him, in his life was some interesting events;

· Start immediately to form a class team, create a benevolent atmosphere in the classroom, to organize interaction between children;

· Give the opportunity to reveal yourself, asserted;

· Provide every child the scope of success, self-realization;

· Use the most gentle appraisal mode in the spheres of failure.

The key moments of the success of the work at the initial stage of study are also:

· Assistance to first graders in the awareness and adoption of the rules of school life and themselves as students;

· Accustomation to the regime of the day and observance of sanitary and hygienic standards. Basina T. A. Features of psychological support of teachers at the stage of adaptation of first-graders to school: dis. Cand. psychologist. Sciences: 19.00.07 / Basina Tatyana Anatolyevna; [Protection site: Psychoneurol. In-t]. - M., 2010. - P.73

To improve the well-being of children during the adaptation period, it is desirable to ensure that the administration of the educational institution ensures the following conditions:

1. Fixed amount of homework.

1. On the house only those tasks that the child can do it yourself.

2. Mandatory additional walks in the fresh air in the extended day group.

4. Sports sections and circles in the afternoon, contributing to the activities of children.

These and other similar measures, with a full-fledged (two or three-time) nutrition, will contribute to good adaptation of children to the conditions of school learning. Nikitina E. V. Program of psychological and pedagogical support of the adaptation period of students of the 5th grade in the context of the transition to federal state standards [Electronic resource] // ERP Externatr.rf: [site]. - St. Petersburg., 2011-2012. - URL:

Objective criteria characterizing the success of adaptation of first-graders to school training are:

· Adequacy of behavior;

· The involvement of the child in the class life;

· Manifestation of the ability to self-control, to comply with the order, to communicate with peers and adults;

· Tolerant, calm attitude to temporary failures;

* The ability to find a constructive exit from complex situations. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the health status of the child and the change in its indicators under the influence of the training load is one of the main criteria characterizing the flow of adaptation to systematic learning.

1. Crying graphic samples (geometric shapes and patterns of different complexity).

2. Conditions along the contour of the geometric figures of different complexity with a sequential expansion of the stroke radius (by an external contour) or its narrowing (stroke through the internal circuit).

3. Cutting along the contour of paper figures (especially - cutting smooth, without cutting scissors from paper).

4. Coloring and hatching (the most famous technique of improving motor skills usually does not cause interest in children of younger school age and therefore used mainly in class lessons as a teaching task. However, giving this occupation to the competitive game motive, you can successfully apply it in extracurricular time ).

5. Different types of visual activities (drawing, modeling, applique).

6. Designing and working with mosaic.

7. Mastering crafts (sewing, embroidery, knitting, work with beads). Vachkov I.V. Group methods in the work of the school psychologist / I. V. Vachkov. - M.: Axis-89, 2009. - P. 143

In primary school teachers need to adhere to the following recommendations:

Combine gaming, productive, educational and other activities;

To achieve efficiency in the training of six years, it is necessary to form a positive, emotional attitude to classes;

The management of the activities of the six-year-old children is carried out, widely used (especially in the first half of the first half) methods of pre-school education with partial and dosage application of school methods;

It is necessary to observe continuity not only in the methods, but also in the styles of pedagogical communication;

Use large educational opportunities for joint (group) students' activity;

To form abilities to role and personal communication - an important condition in the preparation of the change of leading activities;

In the process of adapting to school, consider the individual psychological features of students, which are manifested in the level of their trainee, the pace of learning knowledge, the attitude towards intellectual activity, the features of emotions and volitional regulation of behavior.

2.4 Organization and principles of classes

Classes in the group can conduct psychologists or specially trained teachers. Classes are held in groups.

Training School adaptation was carried out in the classroom at the location of the circle. Work in the circle also contributes to the creation of a psychological security atmosphere. The leaders turn to children by name and watch all children acted. The tasks are selected so as to ensure success in their implementation. Each exercise is offered to children first as much as possible. Gradually, the exercises are complicated by increasing the tempo, semantic load in tasks with words.

Presenters carry out the principle of an excreable approach to children. The successes of each child is important to compare with his own previous achievements. This principle is observed in cases where the exercises are carried out in the form of a competition.

2. 5 Containse training "School Adaptation"

The purpose of the first lesson is to educate the child to identify their abilities and opportunities, the development of the desire for the goal, the ability to creatively think, to see the relationship between events, to build hypotheses and constitute judgments.

The purpose of the second classes is the formation of a sustainable self-assessment, the ability to take itself and other people, adequately perceiving their own and other people's advantages and disadvantages, the development of self-confidence the formation of such qualities of personality, as courage, courage, mutual support.

The purpose of the third lesson is to develop the spiritual principle (orientation to absolute values: truth, beauty, good); Teaching children to empathize, the formation of reflexive skills, the ability to realize their feelings, the causes of the behavior, the consequences of actions, carry responsibility for them. Since the socio-psychological readiness of children to school, in particular, such a component, such as communicative competence, emotional sustainability, as communicative competence, emotional sustainability, as communicative competence, emotional sustainability, is needed to enter children's society, to act together with others, to inflict in the same circumstances and Be able to not give up - in others. These qualities provide adaptation to new social conditions. The formation of communicative skills contributes to all the games with the rules.

The goal of the fourth occupation is to consolidate the skills of cooperation in the younger schoolchildren, the development of strong friendly contacts, the development of sustainable cognitive interests and needs. Diryagal E. A. Psychological and pedagogical support of the process of adaptation of first-graders to school: dis. ... Cand. psychologist. Sciences: 19.00.07 / Diryagal Elena Alexandrovna; [Protection site: Nizhegor. State Architectures. - Build. un-t]. - Nizhny Novgorod, 2010. - P. 69

All classes, like training in general, is a set of events that ensures a smooth transition of younger schoolchildren to a new activity for them - educational, and the active development of this activity.

At the end of the training, you can trace a significant improvement in the emotional state of children. They become more equilibrated emotionally stable, less disturbing. Training teaches children to adequately evaluate their achievements, opportunities and abilities, as well as teach cooperation skills in the team in the process of joint activities.

adaptation First Classroom Cognitive


Currently, the problem of adaptation of the first grader to the school is one of the most sharp and mass.

The first class for the child is a complex and difficult period of life.

Adaptation to school is the restructuring of the cognitive, motivational and emotional-volitional spheres of the child when moving to systematic organized schooling.

In more winning conditions, children visited the kindergarten are provided, since elements of readiness for school learning are purposefully formed by pedagogical impact.

Difficulties arising from insufficient readiness for school may be the cause of child deadaption.

With the concept of "school dezadaption", any deviations in the training activities of schoolchildren, the emergence of which is preceded by some reasons.

Three forms of adaptation are distinguished: the adaptation of the body to new living conditions and activities, physical and intellectual loads; adaptation to new social relations and connections; Adaptation to new cognitive conditions.

The process of physiological adaptation of a child to school can be divided into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics and is characterized by varying degrees of voltage of body functional systems.


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