Often you get into a situation where I want to say any nastyness. But I don't want to roll to the kindergarten level. Hamsia can also be art, Khmitty need beautifully!

1. The mouth will be discovered from the dentist.
2. Mind of like a shell.
3. What to see for life? Or run quickly?
4. Another beep with your platform and your dental composition is touching.
5. Drink, Herbarium!

6. So that you will notice your wedding in McDonalds.
7. Do not evil me, I have already a corpus to hide anywhere! Okay, I'm kidding, kidding, there is another place.
8. Sorry, the victim of a drunken midwife!
9. Yes, the beauty of the world you will not save.
10. Your mind eclipse is capable of flying light.
11. Can you go to you? And then I'm not comfortable in the face to give you.
12. Speak, say ... I always yaw when I'm wondering!
14. When a stork brought you to your parents - they laughed long and wanted to take a stork first.
15. Hey you, five! Yes, yes, you, four! Go here Three! Once again I will see you together - Open * Dyach! You understood me?!?
16. Go to the kitchen and Ruby Vienna with an ax.

17. Why would you have a teaspoon in a bathhouse!
18. Babe, I do not scare you, I'm not a mirror.
19. You did not scare in your childhood in childhood?
20. - And the legs are like Gazelle! - What are such slim?
- No, coated with wool ...
21. - What are your long legs ... especially left.
22. Another "Velik" in my direction ... And your dad was in vain dot ....
23. VKontakte - a site for normal people, and for such frostbitten brakes, like you, it's time to create a new site, for a long time.
24. Pushkin joined, Gagarin did, and you're getting quitting right now.
25. - Go to x ... th!
- Do not worry, it will come to orgasm!
26. - Thank you.
- Worry.
27. -Deschka, miss?
-Not by that much...

To any of us sometimes have to face humanly rudeness and listen to offensive words and expressions in their address. Someone the intense atmosphere reigns at home, and someone is not very lucky with the work, where the scandalous atmosphere is prevailing, ready to explode in the stream of brave and insults. So how to answer rudeness and rudeness?

Why do you need to answer rudeness, and not be silent?

Psychologists have established that each aggressive output from the side gives rise to autoagression in a normal person, with time, reducing in depressive mood, decreased performance, understated self-esteem, etc. Such a reaction of the body does not carry anything good with them, and, therefore, you need to learn to effectively protect against the manifestations of alien aggression and the correct reaction to it.

Causes of rude behavior

One of the most frequent causes of gross attacks on a person is not enough developed. Such people are much more likely to be victims of rudeness than strong and self-confident individuals. Hama and Grabians are characterized by a fairly well developed flaunt and will never communicate with those who can give them a worthy answer.

If there is a person from another category in front of them, then why not to shoot yourself and not tell him something rude. Most often, the following types of people fall into the number of offended:

  • high cultural and educated in old traditions;
  • possessing low self-esteem;
  • trying to avoid conflict situations;
  • with a high sense of guilt;
  • outful to hurt and offend other people.

In this situation, the reaction to rudeness can be different, but it should be pre-work on its own in order not to be a constant victim of poorly educated citizens. The acquisition of the inner strength will ever save from third-party aggression, because a strong person cannot be an object for attacks.

36.No, well, did you see this moral amone?! This is just a shoe infusor on the topic of man!

37. When a person is pontoon, throw him a ruble and tell me: "When you know the price - to return the surrender ..."

- How are you?
- Better than your way to start a conversation!

39. You have such an intelligent family ... But, as they say, in the family is not without you.

40. I have ever offended you, mp * zy?

41. With your behavior, everything is simple * the area of \u200b\u200bthe district will soon remain without work.

- Girl, are you the last?
- Yes.
- I'm yours.
- Very nice. And I'm behind the cola.

43. Always be yourself, as the letter "C" on the keyboard.

44. See which cool empty place. Let's build a quarrel on it ...

- What are you still harmful!
- All claims to manufacturers!

46. \u200b\u200bI hear my sugar, dissolving.

47. To say that I hate you? Few.

48. Thank you, native, for not mine.

49. All men goats. Who is not a goat, he is not a man.

50. - Sorry, and you do not say that an hour?
- Farewell, but I will not say!

51. ... And at night I dream every x * ya. And you.

52. When you online, my heart ...
Yes, I'm kidding me, I like * th me.

53. I am the kindest man in the world. If there is someone kinder, I will kill him and will become the best person in the world. Are you ready?

- advise me a movie.
- SD * HNNI.
- Is this a movie?
- This is advice!

55. For guys
- Let's list the pros and cons of each other in turn. Let's start with the advantages.
- Okay, you are the first.
- You are very kind.
- C * Sitches.

56. Instead of "kill yourself about the wall", you should say "You, about the ridiculous creation that the world is full of terrible evil, save: about the wall of the Mirozdanya, sick with a vast man!"

- Hello. Can you talk?
- Yes, from two years.

- Hello, did you get flowers?
- Yes, but the courier faced me a bouquet on the head.
- Okay. This is my whim.

59. I do not like rats. Especially when it is people.

60. My business is to tell the truth, and not forcing it to believe in it

- Bunny, what to say to uncle when he gave you a candy?
- I know what you hope, the old library * puzzle!

62. You have an iPhone - U * Side, you have android - y * Side, watch football - y * side, hate - U * side, fat - worse, skinny - get up ...
Love people.

63. - I am a messenger of God!
- I did not send anyone!

64. Well, sorry, not all the same * hami be

65. * Pensive look in the sky *
Most people some kind of idios * evous

- I want us to die in one day!
- Grandfather, stop!

67. Infuriates when they advise the guy. Sorry, I'm not a dog.

68. I do not pack my life with people who do not appreciate me. Retribute.

69. And God created a woman. The creature was harmful, but funny.

- Stupid to stop on one person.
- Standing in people is generally indecent.

71. We buy patties:
- And meat in the pies earlier than the Havage or meoweow?
- All sorts of x * we asked ...

72. I do not hate you, I'm just not always glad the fact of your existence ...

73. Oh yes, I am the person you all hate. I'm a beast. I am horror on the wings of the night. I am answering your kilometer emoticon.

74. When it is bored, I can go even to extreme measures and talk to someone. Even with you.

75. Your mother must be written a book "How to spoil the child for 10 seconds"

"Yes, I, in general, in this life, I love only chocolate ... I reciprocate does not respond, but I do not behave as a scho.

77. I hate everything that moves. And what is not moving, I move and hate.

78. Everything breaks: feelings, people, iron. I was upset especially Iron. I did not expect from him!

79. There is a couple of people in my life, the correspondence with which I am willing to print and shove instead of wallpaper to read and extend my life daily.

- Hello, My name is Sasha. (Calm down, not Sasha is called me. This is an example.)
- Very nice!
- It's not for long.

81. The main thing is not the age, but what in the head.

82. Oh, well, you just do not need this: "I am easy to lose, it's hard to find ..." What are you sock?

Learning how to heat beautifully or how culturally put in place!

"Hamsia makes sense only when it causes an equal to itself the intellect reaction."

Every force there is another force. When a man is full of malice and resentment, it does not always come out to be silent on his foul language. Sometimes I want to answer.

How to answer without leaving yourself and not falling to the level of the interlocutor?

1. To talk to you on the same level, I need to lie! ..

2. I do not know what you eat at breakfast, but it really acts! Intellect is striving for zero!

3. Only it is not necessary to remove the headphones from the ears. God forbid the brain from the inside.

4. Is it time for me to a psychologist? No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you should not hear everyone.

5. The mouth will be discovered from the dentist.

6. To shock me, you will have to say something clever.

7. Another beep with your platform and your dental composition is touching.

8.The you have noted your wedding in McDonalds.

9. If I had a pleasure to communicate with bitches, I would have had a dog for a long time.

10. Mind of like a shell.

11. Looking at you I begin to understand that nothing is a little man alone. He has an excellent sense of humor.

12. Speak, say ... I always yaw when I'm wondering!

13. Would you decorated the world with your absence while I didn't take sin to the soul!

14. From positive qualities you have only the "Rh Factor".

15. I live opposite the cemetery. You will shift, you will live in front of me.

16. Do you love you all? A, well, yes, love is evil ...

17. Why would you have a teaspoon in a bathhouse!

18. -Deschka, miss? -Not by that much…

19. Your right to own opinion does not even oblige me to listen to nonsense.

20. - "Thank you" in your pocket do not make it.
-The hands incur !!!

21. Hear, you rose! Tulip from here, otherwise, as Zagurny, they will oversee!

22. I came to you with greetings, with an iron and a gun

24. It is better to be cleverly silent than stupidly talking

25. Is this a set of words, or do I need to think about?

26. Sorry that your stereotypes did not meet

27. Some heads of thought come to die

28. He: Will we go to you or let's go to me?
She: at the same time. You are to yourself, and I am to myself.

29. What, the verbal oil supply dried?

30. Madhouse on the road, psychos in nature!

31. What are you looking? Are you in the museum or what? I will arrange a cultural event in two actions without intermission! Ladies landing - the head will fly away

32. And what do you think, what if you wonder on me louder, will I listen quiet?

33. You now have my glasses to carry our home. In different pockets.

34. Your speech style reminds me of a market language of distant nineties of the past century.

35. And do not laugh! Laughter for no reason is a sign that man is either an idiot or a pretty girl. Want to convince me in the second - for a start, smashed.

How to respond in specific situations. Examples!

  1. Agree with insult you man.Classic:

- Yes, you are a round fool and idiot!
- Yes. I have a certificate! Do you think it is very clever to prove something fool?

- You're just a fool!
- Agree! This is the fact that you constantly have to talk with fools.

- I am not satisfied with your answers!
- What questions, such and answers!

- Yes, I am smarter than all of you combed!
- Sure! After all, you have the mind of the Chamber. Stores to this shed ...

2. To bring a statement directed to your side to the absurdity:

- Hey, Pribramiosi!
- I can not, the brake should be one. (It is impossible, in our pair already there is one brake!)

- What are you doing?
- I do in pants.

- You, what do you build me now?
- Do you now consider yourself a bee or rabbit?

3. Turn the negative statement to a positive:

- You are a horse!
- If it were not for Loi, where would you be now?

- Some idiots around!
- Do you not usually feel smart?

- What did the phone grabbed when I talk to you?!
- I also prefer to talk with smart people!

4. Davate the man "on weakly". After all, no one likes to feel a weaklock:

- Something you somehow dancing shit ..
- I'm not dancing, I just remove my legs so that you do not give me from ... (And you know how I embroider with a cloak!)

- What are you letting?
- Strange, and others like my speech ... You have something, no feeling of beautiful, or hearing problems?

- Clear from yourself?
- Do you have problems communicating with smart?

5. What do you want?

- Well, and what do you come?
- And what did you already want to get on the table to the surgeon by this time?

- Well, who is bold here?
"You're talking to me that way, as if you had a subscription to the trauma disappear."

- You are a simple housewife!
- Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

I need to fight with rudeness! If, when you Hamyat, I want to cry - then the interlocutor has achieved his own. Self-harded at your expense and reinforced a considerable share of your energy! Do not encourage such behavior in any way!

How much did you like the publication?

Learning how to heat beautifully or how culturally put in place!

Every force there is another force. When a man is full of malice and resentment, it does not always come out to be silent on his foul language. Sometimes I want to answer. How to answer without leaving yourself and not falling to the level of the interlocutor?

1. To talk to you on the same level, I need to lie! ..

2. I do not know what you eat at breakfast, but it really acts! Intellect is striving for zero!

3. Only it is not necessary to remove the headphones from the ears. God forbid the brain from the inside.

4. Is it time for me to a psychologist? No, of course, thank you very much for the good advice, but you should not hear everyone.

5. The mouth will be discovered from the dentist.

6. To shock me, you will have to say something clever.

7. Another beep with your platform and your dental composition is touching.

8.The you have noted your wedding in McDonalds.

9. If I had pleasure to communicate with Cyka, I would have had a dog for a long time.

10. Mind of like a shell.

11. Looking at you I begin to understand that nothing human God is alien. He has an excellent sense of humor.

12. Speak, say ... I always yaw when I'm wondering!

13. Would you decorated the world with your absence while I didn't take sin to the soul!

14. From positive qualities you have only the "Rh Factor".

15. I live opposite the cemetery. You will shift, you will live in front of me.

16. Do you love you all? A, well, yes, love is evil ...

17. Why would you have a teaspoon in a bathhouse!

18. - Girl, miss? - Not by that much…

19. Your right to own opinion does not even oblige me to listen to nonsense.

20. - "Thank you" in your pocket do not make it. - In your hands you will carry !!!

21. Hear, you rose! Tulip from here, otherwise, as Zagurny, they will oversee!

22. I came to you with greetings, with an iron and a gun

24. It is better to be cleverly silent than stupidly talking

25. Is this a set of words, or do I need to think about?

26. Sorry that your stereotypes did not meet

27. Some heads of thought come to die

28. He: Will we go to you or let's go to me?
She: at the same time. You are to yourself, and I am to myself.

29. What, the verbal oil supply dried?

30. Madhouse on the road, psychos in nature!

31. What are you looking? Are you in the museum or what? I will arrange a cultural event in two actions without intermission! Ladies landing - the head will fly away

32. And what do you think, what if you wonder on me louder, will I listen quiet?

33. You now have my glasses to carry our home. In different pockets.

34. Your speech style reminds me of a market language of distant nineties of the past century.

35. And do not laugh! Laughter for no reason is a sign that man is either an idiot or a pretty girl. Want to convince me in the second - for a start, smashed.

How to respond in specific situations. Examples!

1. Agree with an insulting person. Classic:

- Yes, you are a round fool and idiot!
- Yes. I have a certificate! Do you think it is very clever to prove something fool?

- You're just a fool!
- Agree! This is the fact that you constantly have to talk with fools.

- I am not satisfied with your answers!
- What questions, such and answers!

- Yes, I am smarter than all of you combed!
- Sure! After all, you have the mind of the Chamber. Stores to this shed ...

2. To bring a statement directed to your side to the absurdity:

- Hey, Pribramiosi!
- I can not, the brake should be one. (It is impossible, in our pair already there is one brake!)

- What are you doing?
- I do in pants.

- You, what do you build me now?
- Do you now consider yourself a bee or rabbit?

3. Turn the negative statement to a positive:

- You are a horse!
- If it were not for Loi, where would you be now?

- Some idiots around!
- Do you not usually feel smart?

- What did the phone grabbed when I talk to you?!
- I also prefer to talk with smart people!

4. Davate the man "on weakly". After all, no one likes to feel a weaklock:

- Something you somehow dancing shit ..
- I'm not dancing, I just remove my legs so that you do not give me from ... (And you know how I embroider with a cloak!)

- What are you letting?
- Strange, and others like my speech ... You have something, no feeling of beautiful, or hearing problems?

- Clear from yourself?
- Do you have problems communicating with smart?

5. What do you want?

- Well, and what do you come?
- And what did you already want to get on the table to the surgeon by this time?

- Well, who is bold here?
"You're talking to me that way, as if you had a subscription to the trauma disappear."

- You are a simple housewife!
- Would you like me to be a currency prostitute?

I need to fight with rudeness! If, when you Hamyat, I want to cry - then the interlocutor has achieved his own. Self-harded at your expense and reinforced a considerable share of your energy! Do not encourage such behavior in any way!
