Expansion of the legal boundaries of Moscow in the XV-XX centuries.

Legal and actual border of the city. Each city has a legal (administrative) boundary, or city limits, within which the actual urban population lives, paying taxes to the city budget. As the number of residents grows, urban-type development extends beyond the legal boundary, first along the main radial roads, and then begins to fill the gaps between them, absorbing the satellite city>satellite cities and nearby villages.

Actual city boundary coincides with the boundary of its agglomeration. Urban agglomeration "> Urban agglomeration (from Latin agglomerare - to attach, concentrate) - a cluster of closely spaced settlements with a continuous common transport infrastructure and close industrial ties.

Wherein legal boundaries each of the settlements exist only on paper, and the real border of the agglomeration is determined by the end points of pendulum migrations. The legal boundary of the city very often changes after the actual one.

The discrepancy between legal and actual boundaries complicates urban management. The city administration is forced to provide food, transport, services not only to residents of the city within its administrative boundaries (that is, real taxpayers, at the expense of which the city budget is formed), but also to the so-called "pendulum migrants"- people living in the suburbs, but daily coming to work in the city.

The solution to this problem can be found by joint participation in urban spending by residents of the city and suburbs or by expanding the administrative boundary of the city.

Most often, such problems arise in the capitals, as a rule, largest cities countries. In most countries of the world, the solution to these problems is found in the allocation of a special capital district (for example, in France it is Ile de France, including Paris and suburbs, in Brazil - Brasilia, in the USA - the Federal District of Columbia, including Washington). That is why data on the population of cities may differ depending on the boundaries in which they are given.

agglomeration economy. The growth and development of modern cities are associated primarily with economic benefits, primarily with the agglomeration economy "> agglomeration economy.

The concentration of producers and consumers in a limited area in itself becomes a source of additional income. Reducing production costs per unit of output (due to the creation of production facilities of optimal size) and reducing transport costs (proximity of buyers and sellers, the creation of a common infrastructure).

However, the economic gain from the growth of the area and population of the city increases only as long as the increasing transport costs for the transport of goods, raw materials and passengers will be profitable at given production costs.

The problems associated with the growth of cities are also obvious. First of all - transport. Higher urban incomes encourage universal motorization, with actual street speeds rarely exceeding 10-20 km/h during rush hour; the time spent on travel increases sharply. Pendulum migrations require significant investments in transport infrastructure - the construction of new highways, including in the historical part of the city, transport interchanges, and high-speed transport lines. All this is accompanied by an exacerbation environmental situation- pollution of air, soils, reduction of islands of wildlife.

Development major cities requires increasing volumes of water supply, suburban areas for the construction of sewers, landfills.

Suburbanization">Suburbanization. Aggravation environmental issues large urban agglomerations, on the one hand, on the one hand, the growth of prosperity and the development of personal transport, modern means of communication, on the other hand, lead to an outflow of the population to suburban areas. This process is called suburbanization. Suburbanization is facilitated by lower prices for land plots outside the cities, the relocation of science-intensive industries to suburban industrial parks, for which the significance of the agglomeration effect is small.

Megalopolises- clusters of agglomerations. With the "growth" of agglomerations, Megalopolis "\u003e Megalopolises are formed - huge areas of continuous urban development in terms of area and economic potential. Megalopolis is the name of the real Ancient Greece city ​​- the center of the union of Arcadian cities, which arose in 370 BC. e. as a result of the merger of more than 35 settlements.

The largest modern megalopolises: Tokaido in the west (“front” side) of Japan with the largest agglomerations of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe; Northeast US megalopolis Boswash, consisting of almost 40 agglomerations and stretching for a thousand kilometers from Boston to Washington; megalopolis Chipitts, adjoining the Great Lakes from the south and stretching from Chicago to Pittsburgh. In Europe, English (agglomerations of London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool) and Rhine (cities of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium in the lower and middle reaches of the Rhine) megalopolises stand out. Megalopolises are actively growing in China, Brazil (Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro), Indonesia (Jakarta - Bandung).

The area of ​​urban development and the population of the largest megalopolises of the world, the beginning of the 21st century:

Name of Megalopolis
(major alomerations)
Number of agglomerationsPopulation, million peopleArea, thousand km2Main axis length, km
(Baltimore, Boston, Washington, New York, Philadelphia)
40 50 179 1000
(Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Chicago)
35 35 160 900
san san
(Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco)
15 18 100 800
(Yokohama, Kawasaki, Kyoto, Kobe, Osaka, Nagoya, Tokyo)
20 55 70 700
(Birmingham, Liverpool, London, Manchester)
30 30 60 400
(Ranstadt, Rhine-Ruhr, Ruhr-Main)
30 30 60 500

the outer boundary of the lands of a city, town, rural settlement, which separates these lands from other categories of lands. In accordance with federal law"On the general principles of organization local government in Russian Federation» establishing and changing the boundaries of municipalities (i.e. all settlements) is within the scope of authority of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation related to self-government.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓


the outer boundary of urban land that defines the location and overall size of each city's territory. In Soviet legislation, the concept of landed rights is used to define urban lands and delimit them from rural areas adjacent to urban areas (see Article 145 of the Land Code of the RSFSR). Art. 57 of the General principles of land use and land management indicates that urban lands are recognized as lands located inside G. h., with the exception of special-purpose lands (see).

Determination of G. h. is made in the general order of land management production both at the request of the city Council and the surrounding population. The exact establishment of G. h. is of great economic and legal importance. As cities grow and expand, there is a need to increase the urban area. Its expansion is carried out by changing the existing G. h. and establishing a new one. The initiative to initiate the issue of expanding the G.'s office belongs to both local and central authorities.

The procedure for changing the existing civil division in cases of need to expand the territory of the city, as well as the establishment of civil divisions of newly formed cities, is regulated by the legislation of individual union republics. According to the current legislation, the establishment of the G. of the newly formed cities, workers, summer cottages, resort settlements and the change of the G. of the existing cities (workers, summer cottages and resort settlements) is carried out by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Union Republic. The lands located inside the G. h. represent a special legal category, the regime of which is regulated not by general land legislation, but by special legislative acts. In the RSFSR, such a legislative act is the Regulation on land regulations in cities (SU RSFSR 1925 No. 27, Art. 188). The legal regime of lands located outside the state h. is determined depending on the legal category to which they belong and to whom the right to use them is assigned.

In order to prevent improper development of lands that may eventually enter the G. h., city councils are given the right, regardless of the establishment of a new G. h., to prepare plans and rules for the development of lands located outside the G. h. From the date of approval of these plans and rules and their announcement in the press, arbitrary development of land outside G, part 1 is prohibited.

Urban planning projects may provide for the future expansion of the city's district through the subsequent inclusion of suburban lands designated by the master plan for urban development. So, for example, the expansion of the boundaries of the city of Moscow: provided for by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR and the Central Committee. party of June 10, 1935 on the general plan for the reconstruction of Moscow (SZ 1935 No. 35, art. 306). The city of Moscow is assigned all the territories outlined by the general plan for urban development, as reserve lands of the city, to be included in the city limits as they are developed by development.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Each city has LEGAL BORDER, or city limits, within which the actual urban population lives. So, for example, the legal border of Moscow is the ring road with a length of 109 km. With an increase in population, urban-type buildings begin to overcome the legal border of the city, first along the main radial roads, and then fill in the gaps between them. In this way, ACTUAL BORDER The city goes far beyond the administrative. The discrepancy between these boundaries complicates urban management. The city administration is forced to provide food, transport, services not only to residents of the city within its administrative boundaries (i.e., real taxpayers, at the expense of which the city budget is formed), but also to the so-called "pendulum" migrants - people living in the suburbs, but daily coming to work in the city. The solution to this problem can be found in two ways: by joint participation in urban spending by residents of the city and suburbs, or by expanding the administrative boundary of the city to the level of actual urban development.

If it is impossible to expand the legal border of the city (for example, due to the existence of private ownership of land), the growing city begins to absorb the surrounding villages, merge with suburbs and satellite cities. This is how the urban AGGLOMERATION(from Latin agglomerare - to attach, concentrate) - a cluster of closely spaced settlements with a continuous, common transport infrastructure and close industrial ties. At the same time, the legal boundaries of each of the settlements exist only on paper, and the real boundary of the agglomeration is determined by the end points of the pendulum migrations.

For these reasons, data on the population of large cities and agglomerations often differ depending on the boundaries in which they are given.


The growth and development of modern cities are primarily associated with economic benefits - the so-called agglomeration economy: the concentration of producers and consumers in a limited area in itself becomes a source of additional income due to lower production costs per unit of output (the possibility of creating industries of optimal sizes) and reducing transport costs (proximity of buyers and sellers, creation of a common infrastructure).

However, the economic gain from the growth of the area and population of the city increases only up to certain limits - as long as the increasing transport costs for the transportation of goods, raw materials and passengers will be beneficial at given production costs.

The aggravation of the environmental problems of large urban agglomerations, the development of personal transport and modern means of communication lead to an outflow of the population to suburban suburbanization zones. This phenomenon is largely facilitated by cheaper prices for land plots outside the cities, the relocation of science-intensive industries to suburban industrial parks, for which the significance of the agglomeration effect is small.

When "growth" of agglomerations are formed MEGALOPOLICY huge areas of continuous urban development in terms of area and economic potential. The largest of them are the Tokaido megalopolis on the "front" side of Japan with the largest agglomerations of Tokyo, Nagoya, Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe; The northeastern megalopolis of the United States Bos-Vash, consisting of almost 40 agglomerations, stretching for almost 1000 km from Boston to Washington; the megalopolis of Chig Pits on the southern coast of the Great Lakes - from Chicago to Pittsburgh.

In Europe, English stands out (the agglomerations of London, Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool), and the Rhine, which includes the cities of Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium in the lower and middle reaches of the Rhine, megalopolises.

Agglomeration Number of inhabitants

Megalopolis was the name of a city that really existed in Ancient Greece - the center of the union of Arcadian cities, which arose in 370 BC. as a result of the merger of more than 35 settlements.

The section is very easy to use. In the proposed field, just enter the desired word, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-building dictionaries. Here you can also get acquainted with examples of the use of the word you entered.

What does "city limits" mean?

Glossary of financial terms


the outer boundary of the city, defining its territory and separating urban lands from other categories of lands;

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998

city ​​limits

the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit.

Big Law Dictionary

city ​​limits

the border of the city as an administrative-territorial unit.

city ​​limits

the outer boundary of the city, which defines its territory and separates urban lands from lands of other categories. A city h is also the boundary of a city as an administrative-territorial unit. In the USSR, the establishment, as well as the change of the civil code, are carried out by the Presidiums of the Supreme Soviets of the Union republics, and the procedure for establishing and changing the civil code is regulated by republican legislation. For example, in the RSFSR, these issues are regulated by the Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of February 11, 1929 "On the definition of the city or town limits of newly formed cities, workers, summer cottages and resort settlements" and the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of September 12, 1957 "On the procedure for classifying settlements to the category of cities, workers and resort settlements. Establishment and change of G. h. is made in the order of land management.






As of January 1, 2000, the lands of cities and towns under the jurisdiction of their administrations occupied 7.7 million hectares. They were characterized by a high proportion of built-up areas (about 31 % area), as well as significant areas of land used for agricultural production (20.9%), and urban forests (16.2 %).

The composition of the lands of cities and towns includes building lands: common use; agricultural use; nature protection, health-improving, recreational and historical

cultural purpose: occupied by forests; industry, transport, communications and other purposes.

These lands are united by a city (village) line. The city (town) line is the outer boundary that separates the settlement from other categories of land. It does not serve as a land use boundary, does not have the corresponding legal and economic significance, but is an administrative-territorial boundary (the same as the boundary of an administrative region). The lands within its boundaries are under management, i.e., in management, administration, and not in use or ownership. Within the city (village) boundaries there are numerous plots for various purposes, which are owned, used, leased. Striped plots located outside the boundaries of a city or other settlement, used for its needs or by enterprises located on its territory, are not part of its lands. Sometimes land use is included in the land of a settlement only partially and it can be placed on both sides of his features.

The inclusion of land plots within the boundaries of a settlement does not lead to the termination of the right of ownership, use and lease on these plots.

All lands of cities, towns and other settlements are used in accordance with general plans, planning and development projects. Such plans and projects define the main directions of their use for construction. Land management plans cities and towns define main directions of their use, not subject to development and temporarily not built-up lands of the city.

The boundaries of city and settlement administrations (line of settlements) are established on the basis of urban planning and land management documentation commissioned by the executive authorities (administrations) of cities and towns that have an administrative-territorial status. The basis for carrying out these works is the decision of the relevant authorities.

The project of establishing or changing the city limits is carried out in the following order: development of a design assignment; preparatory work; drafting a project; consideration and approval of the project.

IN design assignment indicate:

name of the project;

basis for design;

project customer;

project developer;

the timing of the development of the project or its individual stages;

information about the existing city limits or the border of the city (village);

data on the current use of the city's land fund;

information on the territorial development of the city according to the approved master plan;

proposals of the customer to establish or change the city limits;

a list of survey works with an indication of the area. on which they will be carried out;

protection requirements environment;

the composition of materials transferred to the customer, indicating the scale of the graphic part of the project.

Attached to the task is a plan of the territory of the city and adjacent lands; a copy of the master plan; data on the use of city lands and lands planned for inclusion in it (but land accounting materials); a list of available materials that can be used in the design.

Preparatory work is completed:

in the collection of legal documents on the existing line;

collection, processing and reduction to a single scale of graphic materials (including land management);

making the required number of copies from planning and cartographic material;

collection of statistical data on the settlement included in the city limits;

studying the organization of the territory and the management of the territories adjacent to the city;

identifying and studying the wishes and suggestions of participants in land management and other interested parties;

other works.

The boundary setting project consists of a project plan, an explanatory note and supporting drawings. The project plan is carried out on a scale depending on the area of ​​the city (1:2000, 1:5000, I: 10,000, I: 25,000).

When drawing up a project, special attention is paid to the justification:

the possibility of including in the urban area areas of industrial enterprises located adjacent to urban lands, as well as settlements;

the expediency of excluding agricultural land from urban lands;

the need and expediency of expanding the territory of the city at the expense of agricultural land.

The lands of agricultural enterprises are included within the city limits only in exceptional cases, taking into account the present or future needs of the city. When scrap, they take into account the prospects for their agricultural use, observe the principle of priority of agricultural land use. After being included in the city limits, these lands for some time

(sometimes for quite a long time) are used for their former purpose, but sooner or later the time will come when the city may need them for development.

When designing, it is also necessary to check the validity of the size of the urban area, to determine the appropriateness of its use.

On the project plan show:

existing city limits or established border;

modern use of adjacent lands included in the city limits;

design solutions of the approved master plan of the city or other urban planning documentation that serve as the basis for establishing and changing the city limits;

projected city limits;

description of the lands adjacent to the city;

explication of the lands of the city indicating the area of ​​the existing and included in its composition.

Explanatory note contains:

information about the city, existing city limits, explication of land by category, land ownership, land use, types of use;

a statement of the design decisions of the approved general plan, other urban planning documentation, substantiating the territorial development of the city;

design solution and its justification: inclusion or exclusion of land, inclusion of settlements, industrial enterprises, social and cultural institutions, systems of engineering equipment;

explication of included and excluded lands;

consolidated balance of city lands under the project by category, land ownership and land use;

description of the design city limits.

TO explanatory note attach materials for the consideration and approval of the project.

The project is coordinated with the local administration, architecture and urban planning, land management, land users and land owners.


In accordance with the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the organization of the use of land in urban and rural settlements is carried out on the basis of town planning documents.

mentations on urban planning for the development of territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipal entities and urban planning documentation on the development of territories of urban and rural settlements.

Urban planning documentation on urban planning for the development of territories of urban and rural settlements, other municipalities includes:

territorial integrated schemes of urban planning for the development of the territories of districts (counties), rural districts (volosts, village councils);

master plans for urban and rural settlements;

projects features of urban and rural settlements, features of other municipalities.

Urban planning documentation on the development of territories of urban and rural settlements includes:

planning projects for parts of the territories of urban and rural settlements (hereinafter referred to as the planning project);

land surveying projects;

projects for the development of quarters, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements (hereinafter referred to as the development project).

In the general plan of an urban or rural settlement, the following are determined:

the main directions of development of the territory of the settlement, taking into account the peculiarities of socio-economic development, natural and climatic conditions, the population of an urban or rural settlement:

zones of various functional purposes and restrictions on the use of the territories of these zones;

measures to protect the territory of an urban or rural settlement from the impact emergencies natural and man-made nature, development of engineering, transport and social infrastructures:

the ratio of the built-up and unbuilt territory of an urban or rural settlement;

territory of the reserve for the development of an urban or rural settlement;

other measures for the development of the territory of an urban or rural settlement.

Projects for the features of urban and rural settlements are developed on the basis of master plans or territorial integrated schemes, and in the case of small cities and towns, rural settlements - as part of the master plans of these settlements.

Land surveying projects are developed for built-up areas and areas to be built up within the boundaries of the established red lines.

Rice. 24. City limits and use of urban land:

/And 2- Borders cities suikstnuyushaya and projected. 3- highways and streets; 4 - Railway. 5 utilities & garages; 6- industrial facilities; 7 - objects of agricultural purpose, 5 - agricultural land; 9~ storage facilities; 10 - capital support building; //and /2-dilapidated two-story and one-story buildings; 13- OUTLETS Floor construction: /-/-boundary of the appraised land. 1..LH- numbers of evaluation chon plots, ZO - yuna of rest

Land surveying projects can be developed as part of planning projects for parts of the territories of urban and rural settlements and development projects for blocks, microdistricts and other elements of the planning structure of urban and rural settlements.

A fragment of the master plan of the urban settlement is shown in Figure 24.


All lands within the boundaries of rural settlements are under the jurisdiction of local executive authorities (administration). Previously, the lands of rural settlements were part of the land use of agricultural enterprises. Household plots were transferred by the main land users to residents for secondary use. On the contrary, the lands of cities and towns have always been under the jurisdiction of the respective governments.

As of January 1, 2000, there were 10.9 million hectares of land within the boundaries of rural settlements. Compared to 1999, the area of ​​these lands has decreased by 2.4 million hectares. This happened mainly in connection with the ongoing work on the exclusion from the composition of this category of the land fund of land plots that are under the jurisdiction of administrations, but located outside the boundaries of settlements.

Territories of rural settlements are dynamic formations. Therefore, work to establish and change their features is carried out as necessary and they have their own characteristics. This is usually done in the following cases:

ambiguity or lack of fixed boundaries of the settlement;

changes in the master plan and the project for planning and setting up the settlement;

providing additional land for the development of settlements or the needs of the rural administration.

To clarify the areas and land use of rural settlements, their inventory is carried out. Its main goal is to create a basis for maintaining the state land cadastre, to ensure the registration of property rights, possession, use (lease) with the issuance of documents of the established form to landowners (land users), to create a data bank on conventional and computer media, to organize constant monitoring of land use.

The main tasks of the inventory of land settlements:

identification of all land users (land owners) with fixation of the existing boundaries of the occupied plots;

identification of unused and irrationally used lands and making decisions on them;

establishing the boundaries of land use (land ownership), the boundaries of the line, the removal and consolidation of them on the ground.

All work on the inventory of land settlements is technologically divided into two stages - preparatory and production. The source materials are graphic, textual and legal documents on land plots, materials of previous inventories, topographic maps and scale plans

And - Ush

tabs I: 500... 1: 2000, catalogs of coordinates of points of the urban (village) geodetic network.

Preparatory work when making an inventory of green land, include:

collection, study and analysis of available materials;

analysis of technical, methodological and technological support for land inventory work;

breakdown of quarters and arrays and drawing up a map-scheme of topographic security;

preparation of a working inventory plan (scheme).

On the basis of the collected and analyzed materials, a technical task is drawn up for conducting an inventory of the lands of settlements, which should provide for the procedure for performing the following work:

breakdown of the territory of settlements into quarters (arrays);

the choice of technology for the production stage of the inventory;

creation of a working inventory plan (scheme);

drawing up a land management grandfather of a quarter (array);

geodetic network surveys;

establishing boundaries of settlements.

Depending on the size of the settlements, a general breakdown structure of its territory is chosen, which should take into account the existing administrative-territorial division and the characteristics of the territory. Small settlements, depending on their area and structure, may not have a quarterly breakdown. A specific land ownership or land use (a personal plot, a garden plot, etc.) acts as an accounting cadastral unit, and a block or any other compact array bounded by red lines or natural boundaries acts as a working cadastral unit.

The terms of reference give a description of the technology of the production stage. It is determined by the presence of topographic support for the territory of a settlement or its separate part (block, array).

The development of this section is guided by the following principles:

to create a working inventory plan, it is usually necessary to have topographic plans as a basis;

the scale of the original topographic material should not be smaller than I:2000;

the source material may not display underground structures and terrain;

in the absence of topographic plans as a basis for additional

Emptyly used, aerial photographs enlarged to scale 1:20,000.

On the production leg, for each quarter (array), a land management file is formed, which is replenished with the necessary documents as the work is completed.

An inventory within a quarter (array) begins with a list of all landowners (land users); they are sent summonses and receive from each declaration (statement) on the fact of using the land plot and the availability of all documents certifying their right to land.

Field survey consists in searching, detecting or identifying turning points and lines of boundaries of land ownership (land use). At the same time, visual and instrumental inspection is possible, as well as a survey of landowners (land users).

Based on the results of field surveys, preliminary areas of all land use within the established boundaries are calculated. The land management business for the quarter (array) includes:

a list of all landowners (land users) indicating the areas of their plots according to documents and according to the results of surveys;

a working inventory plan (scheme) with pre-drawn boundaries of all land holdings (land use) (Fig. 25);

a list of land users without properly formalized rights or with expired rights (including cases of unauthorized construction or seizure of a site);

data on unused or irrationally used lands;

revealed inconsistencies between the actual use of land and their intended purpose and mode of use.

Based on survey materials and collected documents within a quarter (array), in cases where there are no clear boundaries of land ownership (land use), a draft of these boundaries is drawn up, listing issues that have not been resolved during field surveys along the boundaries of land plots, And proposals but to resolve disputes.

In land management, landowners (land users) are subject to restrictions on the use of land plots (servitudes) regarding the provision of passage and passage, access and preservation of underground and external engineering communications, landscaping, installation of fences and fences, taking into account building rules, urban planning norms and rules. The composition of the lands (explication) is applied here according to land use and types of land.

Rice. 25. Working inventory plan of the settlement:

l - breakdown into cadastral quarters: /i 2- the borders of the settlement and the quarter. 3 - pasture; 4 - industrial lands. 6- fragment of the inventory quarter: 1- land use boundary with coordination points; 2- land use code; 3 - land with a special mode of use; 4 and 5 residential and non-residential buildings; 6 traverse turning point numbers

The land management case goes to the committee on land resources and land management, which submits it for consideration to the inventory commission under the local administration.


In rural settlements (villages, villages, villages, farms, etc.), a significant part of the inhabitants is employed in production in agricultural enterprises on the territory of which they are located. The composition of these lands also includes additional plots for the placement of personal subsidiary plots, individual and public construction, haymaking and grazing.

The line of rural settlements includes existing at the time of land management and reserve territories (necessary for development in the future);

residential (residential) zone - an existing residential development with

personal plots, sections of public buildings, public buildings, reservoirs, squares, streets, etc.;

production zone - production centers, workshops, warehouses, machine and tractor yards, enterprises for processing agricultural products, transport facilities, etc.;

agricultural and other lands located inside and outside settlements and intended for keeping livestock, haymaking and construction;

sanitary protection zone - protective gaps between residential and industrial zones;

reserve territories necessary for the expansion of settlements for the next 5 years.

The boundary of a rural settlement is established on the basis of town-planning documentation, calculations to justify reserve and additional areas using materials that take into account the standards and limit sizes of homestead and other plots established by the local administration of on-farm land management projects.

The boundaries of settlements include, as a rule, the lands of the farms on whose territory they are located, which leads to the termination of their right to use or property. Such agricultural land can be used by the land user, and they can be taken from him as needed. Unused or misused lands of outside users are also subject to withdrawal.

Land management work is carried out in the following sequence: preparatory work, drafting, coordination and approval of the project.

Preparatory work include:

obtaining information about the population, number of families, number of personal livestock, areas of household plots, prospects for their growth, and maximum sizes;

preparation of planning and cartographic material on land ownership and land use of farms and the territory of settlements that are under the jurisdiction of specific rural administrations, material on calculating the areas of land contours, information on foreign lands;

analysis of the existing project of on-farm land management, its indicators;

study and analysis of existing projects (schemes) for the planning and development of settlements;

study and analysis of land inventory materials;

study of survey and design materials for land reclamation and other engineering activities in the projected area.

In the project for establishing the boundaries of a rural settlement:

determine the income needed for personal subsidiary farming, gardening, haymaking, and grazing. To this end, an assessment is made for the next 5 years of the number of households, population, livestock, land needs for household plots, vegetable gardens, fodder lands (hayfields and pastures);

identify and clarify existing and potential land users and the area of ​​their plots;

design the features of settlements and the boundaries of fodder lands beyond this feature;

make an explication of the lands included in the territory of all settlements (within and outside it);

determine the areas of land seized from the former landowners (land users) and remaining in their use and ownership;

establish reserve areas of land withdrawn as needed.

When determining the area of ​​​​the residential area required for the placement of public, cultural and other buildings and structures, streets and driveways, indicators of the building area per one house are used. For a settlement with crowbars of manor mud with plots at the house, they are:

For sectional houses without plots, the indicated areas are taken from 0.02 to 0.04 hectares, depending on the number of storeys (SNiP 2.07.02-89). If separate runs for livestock are created, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe residential area is increased by 10%.

When placing production centers, buildings and structures of agricultural enterprises located on the territory of a rural settlement, the relevant sanitary, veterinary and fire safety requirements, technological design standards are taken into account.

On isolated land plots of industrial zones of rural settlements, the sanitary protection zone must be at least 300 m. Around rural settlements located in sparsely forested

nyh areas, I foresee! placement of wired forest belts up to 50 m wide.

In settlements located near water bodies, water protection zones are distinguished: for small rivers - from 100 to 300 m, for reservoirs - up to 500 m.

Let us consider as an example the calculation of the area of ​​land transferred to the rural administration in the settlements of Ivanovka and Orlovka in the Petrovsky district of the Saratov region. The areas of land within the existing boundaries of settlements are established according to land registration data at the time of drafting the project.

Additional areas for personal subsidiary farming are calculated taking into account the prospects for the development of the settlement, the number of households, the population (Table 14) and the limiting land allotments established by the local administration (Table 15).
