Natural emergencies have threatened the inhabitants of our planet since the beginning of civilization. In general, every hundred thousandth person on earth perishes from natural disasters. Natural disasters are terrible in their unexpectedness; in a short period of time they devastate the territory, destroy homes, property, communications. One catastrophe is followed by others - accompanying: hunger, infections, diseases. Floods are one of the most frequent natural disasters.

Floods lead to natural disasters in more than 20% of cases. Natural disasters in the twentieth century killed about 8 million people on the planet, that is, more than 80 thousand people a year. Half of them died during floods.

In terms of frequency of occurrence, area of \u200b\u200bdistribution and total average annual material damage on a Russian scale, floods rank first among emergencies, and in terms of human casualties and damage per unit of affected area, they rank second after earthquakes.

Flooding is a significant flooding of an area with water as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea, caused by various reasons and their spill above the usual horizon, which causes material damage, damages the health of the population or leads to death.

There are the following types of floods:flood; flood; mash, jam (jam, jam); surges (surges); flooding during dam breaks.

a brief description offloods of various types are presented in the table:

Flood types


The nature of the manifestation

High water

Spring melting of snow in the plains or spring-summer melting of snow and rainfall in the mountains

Repeated periodically in the same season. Significant and prolonged rise in water levels

Intense rains and snowmelt during winter thaws

There is no clear-cut periodicity. Intense and relatively short-term rise in water level

Jam, jam (jam, jam)

High resistance to water flow, formed in certain sections of the river channel, arising from the accumulation of ice material in narrowings or bends of the river during freeze-up (jam) or during ice drift (jam)

Mash - in late winter or spring. High and relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river. Hot - at the beginning of winter. Significant (not less than with a congestion) rise in the water level and a more significant duration in comparison with congestion

Surge (surges)

Wind surges of water at sea estuaries and windward sections of the coast of seas, large lakes, reservoirs

In any season. Lack of periodicity and significant rise in water level

Damage flooding

Outpouring of water from a reservoir or reservoir, formed during the breakthrough of the structures of the pressure front (dams, dams, etc.), in case of emergency discharge of water from the reservoir, in the event of a breakthrough of a natural dam created by nature during earthquakes, landslides, landslides, movement of glaciers

The formation of a breakthrough wave, leading to the flooding of large areas and to the destruction or damage of objects on the way (buildings and structures, etc.)

Main characteristics floods are:

Water level- the height of the water surface in the river (lake) above the conventional horizontal comparison plane, called the post zero. The height of this plane is usually measured from sea level. In the estuarine sections of rivers flowing into the sea, the water level is measured above the ordinary, that is, above the average long-term level at a given point. The sum of the two values \u200b\u200b- the water level at the post and the zero point of the post - is the absolute level mark, that is, the excess of the water surface in the river above the sea surface. In the Baltic system of heights (used in the country), heights are calculated from the average level of the Gulf of Finland near the city of Kronstadt.

Water consumption- the amount of water (in m3) flowing through the closing section of the river per second. The graphical relationship between the flow rate and the water level is called the flow rate curve, and the graph of the change in water flow rate over time is called the flow hydrograph.

The criterion for hydrological emergencies is the maximum water level, which is associated with some other important characteristics of the flood - the area, layer, duration and rate of rise of the water level.

The flood has become another big disaster for the Primorsky Territory, Russia and the whole world. In Russia alone, dozens of citizens die every year during floods, thousands and thousands of people are deprived of their property. Whole villages and cities are washed away with spring water. Every spring, we see on TV confused helpless people caught in a flood zone. This year the problem remains relevant.

According to news agencies only for june - mid-July this (2005) year the following floods occurred:

In early June, 27 children were killed in a flooded school in China. The rains continue. The total number of flood victims reaches several hundred people, fields are flooded, houses are destroyed, communications are disrupted

In late June, flooding from the flooding of the Kabul and Swat rivers evacuated more than 4,000 people. The massive melting of glaciers and snow caps in mountainous regions is the reason for the powerful flooding of rivers in the northern and north-western regions of Pakistan.

Since late June, heavy rains have caused flooding in Romania and Bosnia. In Romania, 8 thousand houses have already been destroyed. The most destructive flood in the last half century.

July 8 . The downpours that hit Venezuela led to the death of 27 people, two are considered missing. Tens of thousands of families lost their homes.

In Tajikistan, the flood occurred due to the flood of the river. Pyanzh. The reason is the melting of glaciers due to hot weather.

Primorye, due to its location in the monsoon climate zone, is also a zone of frequent floods.

On July 4, a powerful cyclone hit the Primorsky Territory. More than a monthly norm of precipitation fell in the city per day. According to forecasters, 166 mm of precipitation fell in the Vladivostok area over the past day, with a monthly rate of 130 mm. Intense rains have been going on in the south of Primorye for five days. In total, one and a half monthly precipitation rates fell in the Vladivostok area (according to experts of Primorskhydromet). The damage from the past cyclone was about 40 million. rub., of which 35 mln. due to the destruction of roads. In addition, 9 million were allocated for the previously planned roof repairs.

On July 14, a cyclone came to Vladivostok again. As of 11 hours, 63 mm of precipitation fell in Vladivostok. The damage is still being calculated, but it is already known that an 8-year-old child drowned. The cyclone exacerbated the difficult situation on the communications of the city, which had not yet recovered from the floods of last week.

Summarizing the above, I would like to note that to this day the urgency of the flood as an emergency not only has not diminished, but on the contrary - is constantly increasing. It would seem - a spontaneous phenomenon known for a long time, studied and boring to everyone. But until now, entire regions and even countries are suffering huge losses from the wild nature.

In the Primorsky Territory, since 1995, the federal target program "Protection from floods of settlements, national economic facilities, agricultural and other valuable land in the Primorsky Territory for years" has been implemented, approved by the Government Russian Federation from 01.01.2001 No. 000.

It should be noted that the volumes of the approved program were so grandiose that no one seriously thought about its full implementation. For 6 years it was planned to carry out work in the amount of 1,292.7 million rubles in 1991 prices, or about 20 billion rubles in 2000 prices. On average, it was necessary to allocate more than 3 billion rubles annually for the implementation of program activities. In real life, funds were allocated in a much smaller amount, as a result of which the program was completed by only 2.76%.

Then the program was finalized to continue its implementation until 2010. The program includes the reconstruction and overhaul of existing hydraulic structures (GTS). In the Primorsky Territory, 213 GTS are currently in need of major repairs. Judging by the low rates of implementation of the program, the financial provision of its protection against floods is not being carried out properly.

The number of natural disasters, including floods, is growing steadily every year. Taking into account the increasing risk of floods and the increasing relevance of the Primorye flood protection program, we recommend allocating the necessary funds for its speedy and full implementation.


1. Official website of the Ministry of Emergencies. http: // www. ***** Forecast of emergencies and man-made disasters for 2005.

2. Barinov situations of a natural character and protection from them. - M .: Publishing house VLADOS-PRESS, 2003.

1. Transport accidents and disasters, including: wreck and accidents of freight and passenger trains, subway trains; accidents of cargo and passenger ships; aircraft accidents outside airports and settlements; major car accidents; traffic accidents on bridges, level crossings and tunnels; accidents on main pipelines.

2. Fires and explosions in buildings, communications and technological equipment of industrial facilities; at facilities for the extraction, processing and storage of flammable, combustible and explosives; by various types of transport; in mines, underground and mining workings, subways; residential and public buildings; in places where unexploded ordnance and explosives fall; underground fires and explosions of fossil fuels.

3. Blowout accidents (ejection threat) and cloud spread potent poisonous substances (SDYAV)during their production, processing or storage (burial), transportation, in the course of chemical reactions that began as a result of the accident; accidents with chemical munitions.

4. Accidents with emission (threatened blowout) radioactive substances in case of accidents at nuclear power plants, nuclear power plants for production and research purposes and other enterprises of the nuclear fuel cycle; accidents of vehicles and spacecraft with nuclear installations; accidents during industrial and test explosions of nuclear weapons with the release of radioactive substances; accidents with nuclear weapons during storage and maintenance.

5. Accidents with emission (the threat of release ) biologically hazardous substances (BOV): at industrial enterprises and research institutions; in transport, as well as during storage and maintenance of biological weapons.

6. Sudden residential collapse, industrial and public buildings and structures, elements of transport communications.

7. Accidents at electric power facilities: power plants, power transmission lines, transformer, distribution and conversion substations with a long-term interruption of power supply to main consumers or large areas; failure of transport electrical contact networks.

8. Accidents on communal life support systems, including: on sewer systems with massive emission of pollutants; drinking water supply systems for the population; heat supply networks and on municipal gas pipelines.

9. Accidents at sewage treatment plants waste waters of cities (districts) of industrial enterprises with massive emission of pollutants and industrial gases.

10. Hydrodynamic accidentswith the breakthrough of dams (dams, sluices, cofferdam, etc.), the formation of breakthrough waves and zones of catastrophic flooding and flooding, with the formation of a breakthrough flood and the washout of fertile soils or the formation of sediments in vast areas.

Emergency rescue and other urgent work - actions to save people, material and cultural values, protect the natural environment in the emergency zone, localize, suppress or reduce to the minimum possible level of its characteristic hazardous factors. For all types and classes of work, typical are: exploration and parametric survey of the emergency zone; engineering processing (preparation) of the emergency zone; elimination of primary sources and secondary factors of an emergency; reducing the risk of exposure of people to factors of an emergency environment; search for victims and their recovery from the emergency environment; primary medical care of victims and their evacuation; clearing the emergency zone and neutralizing pollution (contamination) of objects.

Safe area - the territory located outside the zones of action of the damaging factors of the source of a particular emergency.

Acceptable risk of an emergency - the risk of an emergency, the level of which is acceptable and justified based on socio-economic conditions.

Life support of the population in emergency situations - a set of coordinated and interrelated in purpose, tasks, place and time of actions of territorial and departmental governing bodies, forces, means and relevant services aimed at creating the conditions necessary to preserve life, maintain the health of people in the emergency zone, on evacuation routes and in zones of temporary resettlement of the population.

Protection of the population and territories from emergencies - a set of measures interconnected by place, time, purpose, resources and aimed at eliminating or minimizing the level of threat to the life and health of citizens, property of individuals and legal entities, state and municipal property in the event of a real danger of occurrence or in the conditions of implementation of damaging factors of emergency situations.

Zone of possible dangerous radioactive contamination- the territory or water area adjacent to the facilities for the use of atomic energy, within which, in the event of an accident or their destruction, it is possible to exceed the established upper critical value of the radiation dose limit for the population.

Zone of possible strong radioactive contamination- the territory or water area adjacent to the zone of hazardous radioactive contamination, within which the contamination of soil, buildings, structures, atmosphere, water, food, food raw materials, etc., is possible above the established permissible limits.

Potential hazardous chemical contamination area - a territory with settlements located on it, individual objects, within which the spread of hazardous chemicals with concentrations that cause damage to people, animals and plants located in this territory is likely.

Area of \u200b\u200bpossible catastrophic flooding - an area within which, as a result of possible flooding, mass loss of people, destruction of buildings and structures, damage or destruction of other material values \u200b\u200bare likely.

Potential flood area - an area endangered by flooding as a result of an intensive increase in water content and an increase in water levels in rivers (lakes, reservoirs), which may be accompanied by a threat to human life and health and causing material damage.

Area of \u200b\u200bpossible dangerous earthquake - the territory within which the seismic impact intensity can be 7 or more points.

Zone of possible continuous fires - an area within which the occurrence of massive fires is possible, posing a threat to human life and health.

Zonepossible destruction - the territory of an urban district, rural settlement, where the destruction of buildings, structures and communications as a result of an earthquake or other dangerous natural phenomenon is possible, taking into account the possible destruction of a potentially dangerous object.

Zone of temporary resettlement of the population- the territory from which, in the event of a threat of an emergency, the population is evacuated for a certain period in order to ensure its safety.

Zone of protective measures - the area around a potentially dangerous facility, within which a special set of measures is carried out to ensure the protection of the population, environment from the possible impact of damaging factors of emergencies.

Individual risk of emergency - the risk of an emergency, which can lead to the death of one person as a result of the impact of the entire set of damaging factors of an emergency at the considered point in space.

Natural source of emergency - this is a dangerous natural phenomenon or natural disaster, as a result of which a natural emergency situation has developed or may develop in a certain territory or water area.

Source of a man-made emergency - this is a dangerous man-made incident, as a result of which a man-made emergency may develop or develop at a protected object, a certain territory or water area.

Local warning system - organizational and technical association of the duty service of a potentially dangerous facility, technical warning devices, broadcasting networks and communication lines, designed to alert the population living in areas where potentially hazardous facilities are located, the consequences of accidents at which may go beyond these facilities and pose a threat to life and health of people.

Population - citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Non-production facility - building, structure, construction of housing stock, social, cultural and communal services, as well as other non-production capital construction object.

Protected object- property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property (including territory, buildings, structures, vehicles, technological installations, equipment, units, products and other property), for which requirements have been established to ensure the protection of the population and territories from emergencies.

Dangerous man-made accident- these are accidents at potentially dangerous objects or transport, fires, explosions or the release of various types of energy.

Hazardous chemical - a chemical substance, the direct or indirect effect of which on a person can cause acute and chronic diseases of people or their death.

A damaging factor of a man-made emergency source (a damaging factor of a man-made emergency) is a component of a dangerous man-made accident, characterized by physical and chemical actions or manifestations that are determined or expressed by the corresponding parameters.

A striking factor of a natural emergency Is a component of a hazardous natural phenomenon or process caused by a source of a natural emergency and characterized by physical and chemical actions or manifestations that are determined or expressed by the corresponding parameters.

Potentially hazardous facility Is an object at which radioactive, fire and explosion hazardous, hazardous chemicals are used, produced, processed, stored or transported, as well as a hydraulic structure, a particularly dangerous, technically complex and unique object, determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, creating a real threat of an emergency technogenic situations.

Production facility - an industrial or agricultural facility, including buildings, structures, structures located on its territory, objects of transport infrastructure (railway, automobile, river, sea, air and pipeline transport) and communications.

Radiation protection - a set of special measures carried out to prevent or minimize the impact of penetrating radiation and ionizing radiation of radioactive contamination of air and terrain in conditions of destruction of radiation hazardous objects.

Nuclear pollution - the presence or spread of radioactive substances on the surface of the earth, in the atmosphere and water, or on food products, forage, food raw materials and other items that have a dangerous effect on human life and health.

Emergency risk - the likelihood of causing harm to the life or health of people, property of individuals or legal entities, state or municipal property, the environment, life or health of animals and plants in the event of an emergency, taking into account the severity of this harm.

Emergency protection system - a set of organizational measures and technical means aimed at protecting people, property and territories from the impact of damaging factors of emergencies and / or limiting the consequences of their impact on the protected object.

Emergency warning system - measures taken in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergencies, as well as preserving human health, reducing the amount of damage to the environment and material losses in case of their occurrence.

Construction- a building system of an overground and / or underground type, which includes premises intended, depending on the functional purpose, for the stay or residence of people and the implementation of technological processes.

Social risk of emergency - the risk of an emergency that can lead to the death of a certain number of people or a certain value of material damage as a result of the impact of the entire set of damaging factors of an emergency.

DisasterIs a destructive natural and / or natural-anthropogenic phenomenon or process of a significant scale, as a result of which a threat to life and health of people may arise or arise, the destruction or destruction of objects of protection (products) and components of the environment may occur.

Territory - all land, water and air space within the Russian Federation or part of it, production and non-production facilities, as well as the natural environment.

Technical means of notification of emergencies - a set of technical means designed to alert people about the threat and / or occurrence of an emergency.

Chemical protection - a set of special measures carried out to prevent or minimize the impact of emergency chemically hazardous substances (AHOV) on the population, animals, food and water sources.

Chemically hazardous facility - an enterprise (or organization) that uses, manufactures, processes, stores or transports emergency chemically hazardous substances that pose a real threat of a man-made emergency, accompanied by chemical contamination.

Chemical contamination - the spread of hazardous chemical substances into the environment in quantities that endanger the life or health of people, animals and plants.

Stability of the object of protection in emergency situations - the property of the protected object to preserve or restore in the shortest possible time its structural integrity and / or functional purpose when exposed to damaging facts of emergency situations and their secondary


Evacuation - a set of measures for the organized withdrawal (removal) of the population from the emergency zone or a probable emergency situation and its short-term placement in safe areas prepared in advance according to the conditions of priority life support.

Economic Remergency claim - the relationship between the frequency of implementation of certain damaging factors of an emergency and the amount of material damage.

Biological and social emergencies include:

Endemic- the constant presence of any infectious disease of people in a certain area.

Epidemic - massive, progressing in time and space within a certain region, the spread of an infectious disease in humans, significantly exceeding the level of morbidity usually registered in a given territory.

Pandemic - an unusually strong epidemic affecting more people in an area that usually extends beyond the borders of one state.

Enzootic - the simultaneous spread of an infectious disease among farm animals in a certain area, farm or point, the natural and economic conditions of which exclude the widespread spread of this disease.

Epizootic - the simultaneous spread of an infectious disease among a large number of one or many species of farm animals, progressing in time and space within a certain region, significantly exceeding the level of morbidity usually registered in a given territory.

Panzooty - This is a massive simultaneous spread of an infectious disease of farm animals with a high incidence rate over a vast territory, covering entire regions, several countries and continents.

Enphytotia - a massive plant disease that manifests itself in the same territory and has slight fluctuations over a number of years.

Epiphytotia - a massive, progressive in time and space infectious disease of agricultural plants and / or a sharp increase in the number of plant pests, accompanied by massive death of agricultural crops and a decrease in their productivity.

Distinguish such concepts as flood, flood and flood.

High water refers to a relatively long-term increase in the water content of rivers, which is repeated annually in the same season, accompanied by an increase in the water level.

Flood - a relatively short-term and non-periodic rise in the water level. Following one after another pickups can form floodand the last one is flood.

Significant flooding of the area adjacent to a river, lake or reservoir with water, which causes material damage, harms the health of the population or leads to the death of people, is called flood.

Causes of floods are heavy rainfall, intense snow melting or underwater earthquakes, which result in giant waves -. The greatest danger is posed by sudden floods during the destruction of hydraulic structures. Floods are often accompanied by loss of life and significant property damage. If flooding is not accompanied by damage, it is an overflow of a river, lake, or reservoir.

River floods in Russia

Floods are more or less periodically observed on most rivers in Russia. In terms of frequency of occurrence, distribution area and total average annual material damage, they rank first among natural disasters. In terms of the number of human casualties and material damage, floods rank second after earthquakes. Neither in the present nor in the near future is it possible to prevent them entirely. Floods can only be mitigated or contained.

Numerous rivers of the country differ from each other by different conditions for the formation of water flow, and this, to a large extent, determines the conditions for the occurrence of floods.

Based on this, the rivers of Russia, according to the conditions of flooding, are divided into four types:

  • rivers with maximum runoff caused by melting snow on the plains... Most of the rivers of the European part and Western Siberia belong to it.
  • rivers with the maximum flow occurring when melting mountain snows and glaciers... Floods can be observed here several times throughout the year. These are mainly the rivers of the North Caucasus.
  • rivers with maximum flow due to heavy rainfall... The rivers of the Far East and Siberia belong to this type.
  • rivers with maximum flows from joint the influence of snow melting and precipitation... Their regime is characterized by spring floods from melting snows, an increase in summer and winter runoff due to abundant groundwater supply, as well as significant autumn precipitation. The presence of this type of rivers is typical for the northwestern regions of Russia.

Figure: 1. Consequences of floods

Especially dangerous floods are observed on rivers fed by rain and glaciers, or with a combination of these two factors.

Flooding characteristic for rivers of the first type, often call flood... This is a significant and rather long rise in the water level on the river, which is repeated every year in the same season. Usually floods are caused by spring melting snow on the plains or rainfall.

Flooding characteristic for rivers of the third typeusually called flood... This is an intense, relatively short-term rise in the water level. Formed by heavy rains, sometimes melting snow during winter thaws.

In addition to these sources, floods can occur due to other hydrometeorological phenomena such as congestion, surges and dam breaks.

Flood characteristics and factors

The most important basic characteristics are maximum level and maximum water flow during the flood. The maximum level is associated with the area, layer and duration of the area flooding. One of the main characteristics is the rate of water level rise.

To carry out a flood forecast, it is necessary to know such a characteristic as flow rate, which is expressed in meters per second.

The factors that determine the values \u200b\u200bof the maximum level and maximum water discharge for the case of spring floods include the following:

  • water reserve in the snow cover before the spring thaw;
  • atmospheric precipitation during the period of snow melting and floods;
  • autumn-winter soil moisture by the beginning of spring snowmelt; depth of soil freezing; ice crust on the soil;
  • intensity of snow melting.

It should be borne in mind that in the European part of Russia, after the snow melts, the amount of precipitation is 1.5-2 times higher than during the period of snow melting itself. To determine the magnitude of the intensity of snow melting, the method of measuring the so-called coefficient of melting is widely used - a layer of melt water falling per one degree of the average daily air temperature. Snow melting coefficients are given in table. one.

Table 1. Dependence of snow melting on the natural zone

The behavior of a person caught in a flood zone

Hydrologists have divided all floods into four types: low, high, outstanding, catastrophic.

Low - observed on flat rivers and occur every 5-10 years. They practically do not break the rhythm of life with some preparation.

High floods quite large areas of river valleys are flooded and sometimes significantly disrupt the usual way of life, even require evacuation and happen every 20-25 years.

Outstanding floods (once every 50-100 years) flood at least 50 percent of agricultural land and require a massive evacuation of the population. The flooding of cities and towns begins.

Catastrophic floods happen once every 100-200 years: several river systems are flooded, the way of life is completely changing. They say this is what the Flood looked like.

In case of a flood threat, preventive measures are taken. First of all, this is informing people about the emergence of a threat, strengthening monitoring of the water level, alerting the forces and means to fight the elements and to evacuate the population. The condition of dams, dams, bridges is checked and the identified deficiencies are eliminated. Additional embankments are being erected, drainage ditches are being dug, and hydraulic structures are being prepared.

Enterprises introduce a regime of emergency measures, protection of food, livestock removal, removal of equipment and inventory begins.

When the threat of flooding increases, the work of enterprises, organizations and institutions is stopped, people are sent home or evacuated to safe areas. First of all, children, child care facilities and hospitals are evacuated.

In the event of flash floods, the population is warned by all available technical means of warning, including with the help of loud-speaking mobile installations.

The evacuation of people is carried out using watercraft: boats, boats, ferries, etc. During the evacuation, it is necessary to observe safety measures: enter the boat, boat one at a time, during their movement do not sit on the boards, do not change places and do not push.

Evacuation is carried out to the nearest settlements outside the flooded areas. The evacuees are resettled in public buildings, in the living area of \u200b\u200blocal residents or in tent camps.

What to do with a flood forecast?

Hydrologists usually warn in advance about floods - the rise of water from the spring melting of snow (the water rises for a long time). It is more difficult to predict a flood - a short rise in water due to heavy rainfall or winter thaws. Even more difficult is a rise in the level in rivers due to a surge of water from the sea or a reservoir, and even more so - a flood due to a break in dams or.

However, most floods can be predicted and losses reduced: flood commissions are created to check the condition of dams and dams, various special means, inform the population and, if necessary, begin engineering work. For example, drainage ditches are being dug and embankments are erected, for which, in addition to construction organizations and civil defense services, local military units are connected.

Typically, a flood forecast contains information on the expected evacuation order. If your home falls into the declared floodplain region, you need to: turn off gas, water and electricity; extinguish the fire in the ovens; transfer valuables and things to the upper floors and attics; close windows and doors, if necessary - upholstery windows and doors of the first floors with boards or plywood.

If you receive an evacuation warning: prepare warm comfortable clothes, boots, blankets, money and valuables; collect a three-day supply of food; prepare a first aid kit and medications that you usually use; wrap your passport and other documents in a waterproof bag; bring your toiletries and bed linen.

The weight of things and groceries is best placed in a backpack, suitcase or bag. It will be announced where and how (by special transport or on foot) should be directed from the danger zone. At the final point of evacuation you must register. After that, people are placed for temporary residence. First of all, children, child care facilities and hospitals are evacuated. Enterprises introduce a regime of emergency measures, protection of food begins, the withdrawal of livestock, equipment and inventory.

High water usually lasts seven days even in the floodplain of a small river. For medium rivers, this period is from two weeks to a month. However, there are torrential floods, which literally fall for 2-3 hours.

It happened in the center of Moscow on July 29, 1924: a real river was rushing down Tverskaya to the Kremlin and newsstands floated in it. The zoo's ponds overflowed their banks and merged into a lake with neighboring streets. The most remarkable thing is that not a single drop of rain fell on the outskirts of the city that day. Also, a sudden downpour in July 1948 in Chisinau turned some streets into ravines 5-6 m deep. Flash floods can be longer.

What to do if the water rises sharply?

First, take measures to protect the home (described above) and prepare for the evacuation. Secondly, as quickly as possible to take a safe elevated place and stock up on any items that can help in the case of the so-called self-evacuation.

Simply put, in addition to boats or rafts, barrels, logs, shields, doors, fragments of wooden fences, posts and car cameras can be prepared for forced sailing. There is a recommendation even to fill a shirt or trousers with plastic sealed bottles and balls, if nothing else is available to support you in the water.

Until help arrives or the water subsides, you need to stay on the upper floors and roofs, in the trees or other elevations. In order for rescuers to quickly find victims, it is necessary to hang a white or colored canvas on a high place during the daytime, and to give light signals in the dark.

When the rescuers come up, you need to go to the boat or boat alone, without panic and suppressing it by all means from others. During the movement, it is not allowed to change places, walk on the watercraft, sit on the boards. You can get out of the flooded area on your own only in desperate situations - when one of the victims needs medical assistance, when the water is still rising and there is no hope for rescuers. Lack of food (even prolonged) cannot be considered a valid reason for the risk of self-evacuation. The decision to choose on your own should be taken deliberately and well prepared: floating craft, protection from the cold, route and taking into account the situation (current, rise or fall of water, no signs of rescuers' activity, etc.). It is possible to jump into the water with an improvised means only in the most extreme case, when there is no hope of salvation and the hill is completely flooded. You should only wade into elevated places with insurance and checking every step ahead, because the familiar path can be blurred. If you have to leave your car, you must not leave it on the road.

Experts point out two ways in which water destroys settlements. Direct flooding, when the streets, courtyards and first floors of buildings are flooded, and flooding - when water enters the basements through the sewerage system, through various ditches, and the groundwater level rises sharply. In both cases, the foundations of houses suffer, rude ones, highways for gas, electricity and communications are torn.

Therefore, after the water has disappeared, one must enter the buildings with caution, after making sure that the structures are not damaged. Before lingering in the room, it must be ventilated by opening all windows and doors, and in no case should a fire be lit or the electricity not turned on - a gas leak is possible. To dry the house, you need to leave the windows open, take out, if possible, all the wet things, collect water and wet debris. Use of electricity, gas, water supply and sewerage is allowed only after the permission of specialists.

As with other natural disasters, secondary risks must be borne in mind: industrial accidents, chemical spills, the risk of various damage to pipes and breaks in electrical wires. However, there is also its own specificity: you can not eat products that have fallen into the water, and flooded wells must be drained and then pumped out until it becomes drinkable. If you see the body of an animal, report it to local authorities. Only sanitary workers should decide when to take drinking water and use soggy food supplies.

What if a person is drowning before your eyes?

First of all, give yourself a second to think. Her is there a lifesaver nearby? It can be anything that will increase the buoyancy of a person and that you are able to throw at him. The lifebuoy can be thrown at 20-25 meters, the end of Aleksandrov is a little further (from the side of the ship, due to the height - much further). Is there a boat? Can I call someone else for help? Having encouraged the victim with a cry, you go to the rescue.

If you get to a drowning swimmer, you need to take into account as much as possible the flow of water, wind, distance to the coast, etc. When approaching, try to calm and cheer up the exhausted swimmer. If this succeeds and he can control his actions, the swimmer should hold onto the shoulders of the rescuer. If not, you should treat him harshly and unceremoniously. Some instructions even recommend stunning the drowning person to save him and his life.

Short the rescue technique looks like this. Having swum up to the drowning man, you need to dive under him and, taking one of the capture techniques from behind (the classic one by the hair), transport him to the shore. If the drowning man managed to grab you by the arms, neck or legs, free yourself and immediately dive - the instinct of self-preservation will force the victim to let you go.

If a person has already plunged into the water, do not give up trying to find him in the depths, and then bring him back to life. This can be done if the drowned person has been in the water for about 6 minutes. After pulling ashore, inspect the victim: the mouth and nose may be clogged with mud or sand, they must be cleaned immediately (with your fingers, turning the person's head to one side). Then place the victim with his stomach on your knee (head hanging face down) and, pressing firmly, throw out the water from the stomach and respiratory tract. All this must be done quickly and just as quickly put the victim on his back, unfasten his belt and top buttons, and start artificial respiration.

Kneel down to the left, tilt the drowned person's head back as much as possible (this is very important!) And, moving his jaw down, open his mouth. Take a deep breath, put your lips to the victim's lips (recommended through a handkerchief or gauze) and exhale with force. In this case, the victim's nostrils must be clamped by hand. The exhalation will occur on its own.

If the victim does not have a heartbeat, artificial respiration should be combined with chest compressions. To do this, put one palm across the lower part of the sternum (but not on the ribs!), The other palm - on top of the first crosswise. Press on the sternum with your wrists so that it bends 3-5 centimeters, and release. You need to bend strongly, pushing, using your body weight. For each blowing of air, do 4-5 rhythmic pressure.

It's good if two people help. Then one does artificial respiration, the other then - heart massage. Do not stop resuscitation measures until the ambulance arrives: thanks to your actions, the body can still live.

Of course, the techniques of revival and salvation are not at all easy to apply without practice, and one should learn such things in advance. But even if you don't have any preparation, do it! Every chance must be used.

And by the way, in the end, let's return to the first echelon of human protection: not to find yourself in an extreme situation. After all, there are also purely social methods, for example, equipping the beach, cleaning the bottom, organizing a departmental or public rescue post of OSVOD. True, here it is also easy to notice the prerequisite for protection already known to us - act.


1. Causes of the flood

2. Consequences of floods

3. Measures to prevent floods, rescue operations




It is well known that the state and development of both the biosphere and human society is directly dependent on the state of water resources. In recent decades, an increasing number of specialists and politicians among the problems facing humanity, number 1 is called the problem of water. Water problems arise in four cases: when there is no water or insufficient water, when the water quality does not meet social, environmental and economic requirements, when the regime of water bodies does not correspond to the optimal functioning of ecosystems, and the regime of its supply to consumers does not meet the social and economic requirements of the population, and, finally, when inhabited territories suffer from floods from excess water.

In a global aspect, the first three problems were the product of the outgoing century, and the fourth has been accompanying human society since ancient times. And paradoxically, for many centuries, humanity, making incredible efforts to protect against floods, can in no way succeed in this event. On the contrary, flood damage continues to increase with every century. It increased especially strongly, about 10 times, in the second half of the past century. According to our calculations, the area of \u200b\u200bflood-prone areas on the globe is about 3 million square meters. km, which is home to about 1 billion people.

1. Causes of flooding

Flooding is the temporary flooding of a significant part of the land with water as a result of the action of natural forces. Depending on the causing reasons, they can be divided into groups.

Floods caused by heavy rainfall or heavy melting of snow, glaciers. This leads to a sharp rise in the level of rivers, lakes, the formation of congestion. The breakthrough of congestions and dams can lead to the formation of a breakthrough wave, characterized by the rapid movement of huge masses of water and significant heights. A flood in August 1989 in Primorye demolished a significant number of bridges and structures, with a huge number of livestock killed, power lines and communications were damaged, roads were destroyed, and thousands of people were left homeless.

Flooding caused by a surge wind. They are typical for coastal areas where there are mouths of large rivers flowing into the sea. The surge wind delays the movement of water into the sea, which sharply increases the water level in the river. The coasts of the Baltic, Caspian and Azov seas are under constant threat of such flooding. Thus, St. Petersburg has experienced over 240 such floods during its existence. At the same time, there were cases of the appearance of heavy ships on the streets, which caused the destruction of city buildings. In November 1824, the water level in the Neva rose above the norm by 4 m; in 1924 - by 3.69 m, when the water flooded half of the city; in December 1973 - by 2.29 m; January 1984 - by 2.25 m. And as a consequence of the floods - huge material losses and casualties.

Floods caused by underwater earthquakes. They are characterized by the appearance of giant waves of long length - tsunami (in Japanese - “ big wave in the harbor ”). Tsunami propagation speed up to 1000 km / h. The height of the wave in the area of \u200b\u200bits origin does not exceed 5 m. But when approaching the coast, the tsunami steepness increases sharply, and the waves crash with great force on the coast. Near flat coasts, the wave height does not exceed 6 m, and in narrow bays it reaches 50 m (tunnel effect). The duration of the tsunami action is up to 3 hours, and the coastline hit by them reaches a length of 1000 km. In 1952, the waves almost washed away Yuzhno-Kurilsk.

The natural causes of floods are well known to our readers and therefore we will only mention them. In most parts of the globe, flooding is caused by prolonged, intense rainfall and cyclone rainfall. Floods on the rivers of the Northern Hemisphere also occur in connection with the rapid melting of snow, jam, ice jams. The foothills and high-mountain valleys are subject to floods associated with outbursts of intraglacial and dammed lakes. In coastal areas, with strong winds, surge floods are frequent, and during underwater earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, floods caused by tsunami waves.

In recent centuries, especially in the twentieth century, anthropogenic factors have played an increasing role in increasing the frequency and destructive force of floods. Among them, first of all, we should mention deforestation (the maximum surface runoff increases by 250-300%), irrational agriculture (as a result of a decrease in the infiltration properties of soils, according to some calculations in the central regions of Russia from the 9th to the 20th centuries, the surface runoff increased by 4 times and the intensity of floods increased sharply). A significant contribution to the increase in the intensity of floods and floods was made by: longitudinal plowing of slopes, over-compaction of fields when using heavy equipment, over-watering as a result of irrigation norms violation. The average flow rate of floods in urbanized areas has approximately tripled due to the growth of waterproof coverings and buildings. A significant increase in the maximum flow is associated with the economic development of floodplains, which are natural flow regulators. In addition to the above, several reasons should be named that directly lead to the formation of floods: improper implementation of flood protection measures leading to the breakthrough of embankment dams, destruction of artificial dams, emergency drawdowns of reservoirs, etc.

2. Consequences of floods

In the structure of sanitary losses during floods, injuries (fractures, injuries of joints, spine, soft tissues) prevail. Cases of diseases as a result of hypothermia (pneumonia, acute respiratory infections, rheumatism, aggravation of the course of chronic diseases), the appearance of victims from burns (due to liquids spilled and ignited on the water surface) have been recorded.

In the structure of sanitary losses, children take a significant place, and the most frequent consequences among the population are psychoneuroses, intestinal infections, malaria, and yellow fever. Human casualties are especially high on the coasts during hurricanes and tsunamis, as well as during the destruction of dams and dams (more than 93% of those drowned). An example is the aftermath of the 1970 floods in Bangladesh: on most of the coastal islands, the entire population died; 46 thousand of 72 thousand fishermen died in coastal waters. More than half of the death toll were children under 10 years old, although they accounted for only 30% of the population of the disaster zone. The mortality rate was also high among the population over 50 years old, among women and patients.

Large-scale poisonings are frequent companions of floods. Due to the destruction of treatment facilities, warehouses with hazardous chemicals and others harmful substances sources are poisoned drinking water... It is not excluded that extensive fires will develop when flammable liquids are spilled over the water surface (gasoline and other flammable liquids are lighter than water).

3. Measures to prevent floods, rescue operations.

Floods are successfully predicted and relevant services provide warnings to hazardous areas, which reduces damage. In places of floods, dams, dams, hydraulic structures are built to regulate the flow of water. In the winding places of rivers, work is carried out to expand and straighten their channel. During the threatened period, watch and maintenance in readiness of civil defense units are organized. Advance evacuation of the population, cattle theft, removal of equipment are carried out.

Rescue operations in flooded areas often take place in difficult weather conditions (heavy rains, fog, squally winds). Rescue work begins with reconnaissance, using floating craft and helicopters equipped with communications equipment.

Crowded places are established, and funds are sent there to ensure their rescue. Work on hydraulic structures is carried out by the formation of engineering and emergency technical services of the Civil Defense and Emergencies: this is the strengthening of dams, dams, embankments or their construction.

In case of floods, rescue operations involve: rescue teams, teams and groups, as well as departmental specialized teams and units equipped with watercraft, sanitary squads and posts, hydrometeorological posts, reconnaissance groups and units, consolidated teams (teams) of mechanization of work, formation of construction, repair and construction organizations, public order protection.

Flood rescue operations are aimed at finding people in the flooded area (boarding them on watercraft-boats, rafts, barges or helicopters) and evacuating them to safe places.

Reconnaissance groups and units operating on high-speed floating craft and helicopters determine the places where people congregate in the flooded territory, their condition and periodically give sound and light signals. Based on the reconnaissance data received, the head of the civil defense clarifies the tasks of the formations and advances them to the objects of rescue operations.

Small groups of people in the water are thrown out lifebuoys, rubber balls, boards, poles, or other swimming objects, taking into account the flow of water, the direction of the wind, they are removed to the floating craft and evacuated to safe areas. For the rescue and removal of a large number of people from the flooded territory, motor ships, barges, launches, boats and other floating facilities are used. Landing of people on them is carried out directly from the shore. In this case, they select and designate places convenient for ships to approach the shore, or equip berths.

When rescuing people in a break in ice, they feed the end of a rope, board, ladder, or any other object and pull it out to a safe place. To approach people in the hole, one should crawl with arms and legs outstretched, leaning on boards or other objects.

To remove people from half-flooded buildings, structures, trees and local objects or to rescue them from the water, all floating crafts used to perform rescue operations must be equipped with the necessary equipment and devices.

Medical assistance is provided by rescue units or sanitary squads directly in the flooded area (first aid) and after delivery to the pier (first aid).

The situation in the flood area can become sharply complicated as a result of the destruction of hydraulic structures. In this case, works are carried out in order to increase the stability of the protective properties of existing dams, dams and embankments; prevention or elimination of water undermining of earthworks and increasing their height. Fighting flooding during the ice drift period is carried out by eliminating congestions and congestions formed on the rivers.

Conducting rescue and urgent emergency recovery operations in the course of flood control causes a certain danger to the life of the formation personnel. Therefore, the personnel of the formations must be trained in the rules of behavior on the water, methods of rescuing people and using rescue equipment. When carrying out work, it is prohibited to use faulty equipment, overload boats, conduct blasting operations near power lines, underwater communications, industrial and other facilities without prior agreement with the relevant organizations.

Flood prevention measures:

1. During the economic development of flood-prone areas, both in river valleys and on sea coasts, detailed economic and environmental studies should be carried out. Their goal is to identify ways to obtain the maximum possible economic effect from the development of these territories and, at the same time, to minimize the possible damage from floods.

2. When developing flood control measures in river valleys, the entire catchment area should be considered, and not its individual sections, since local flood control measures that do not take into account the entire flood situation in a river valley may not only not give an economic effect, but also significantly worsen the situation as a whole and result in more flood damage.

3. It is necessary to skillfully combine engineering methods of protection with non-engineering ones. These include, first of all, the restriction or complete prohibition of such types of economic activities, as a result of which the increase in floods is possible (logging, etc.), as well as the expansion of measures aimed at creating conditions leading to a decrease in runoff. In addition, in flood-prone areas, only those types of economic activities should be carried out, which will suffer the least damage during flooding.

4. Engineering structures for the protection of land and economic facilities must be reliable, and their implementation must be associated with minimal disturbances to the natural environment.

5. A clear zoning and mapping of floodplains should be carried out with delineation of the boundaries of floods of different availability. Taking into account the type of economic use of the territory, it is recommended to allocate zones with 20% flood coverage (for agricultural land), 5% coverage (for buildings in rural areas), 1% coverage for urban areas and 0.3% coverage for railways. It goes without saying that in different natural zones and ecological regions the number of zones and the principles of their allocation may change to some extent.

6. The country should have a well-functioning system for forecasting floods and notifying the population about the time of the onset of a flood, about the maximum possible marks of its level and duration. Forecasting floods and floods should be carried out on the basis of the development of a wide, well-equipped with modern instruments, service for observing the hydrometeorological situation.

7. Great importance should be given to informing the population in advance about the possibility of flooding, explaining its likely consequences and measures to be taken in the event of flooding of buildings and structures. For this purpose, television, radio and other media should be widely used. In flood-prone areas, flood awareness should be widely promoted. All government agencies, as well as every inhabitant, must clearly understand what they should do before, during and after the flood.

8. The development and further improvement of methods for calculating both direct and indirect damage from floods is very important.

9. Regulation of the use of flood-prone areas should be the prerogative of republics, territories, oblasts, districts and cities. The state can direct and stimulate their activities only by adopting certain laws on the regulation of land use.

10. The system of measures to protect against floods should include both state and public organizations and individuals. The successful operation of such a system must be coordinated and directed by a central body at the federal level.

11. The best tool for regulating land use in flood-prone areas may be a flexible flood insurance program that combines both compulsory and voluntary insurance. The main principle of this program should be as follows: in the case of adopting a rational type of use of the territory from the standpoint of flood protection, the policyholder is paid a significantly larger sum insured than if he ignores the relevant recommendations and norms.

12. A set of measures in flood-prone areas, including forecasting, planning and implementation of work, should be carried out before the onset of the flood, during its passage and after the end of the natural disaster.

The detailed development of the above provisions of the concept is an urgent task of a number of research and design institutes, a number of ministries, and primarily the Ministry of Emergencies.


The analysis of floods over the past century, carried out by us in many countries, showed that all over the world, including Russia, there is a tendency for a significant increase in flood damage caused by irrational management of the economy in river valleys and increased economic development of flood-prone areas.

It is necessary to study the factors leading to an increase in floods, especially catastrophic ones, in the 21st century: climate change (increased precipitation, melting ice and rising ocean levels, etc.), further growth in the economic development of river valleys due to an increase in population. Special problems should be studied in the valleys of those rivers, the channels of which are fenced off by dams, and the bottom of which sometimes rises many meters above the floodplains and terraces above the floodplains (Huang He, Yangtze, etc.).

Further clarification of the concept of flood protection is required, taking into account a wide range of environmental, social, technical, cultural, educational and medical measures to be implemented in flood-prone areas in the periods before, during and after the end of floods.

Among the priority tasks in the field of flood studies should also include: the development of a methodology for accounting for damage caused by changes in the natural environment: the morphology of the valley, soil cover, vegetation, fauna, water quality, as well as a methodology for accounting for damage to human health in the period and after completion of floods.

List of used literature:

1.http: // 01/3 1.htm

2. Floods // Fundamentals of life safety. - 1999. - N: 3. - S. 60.

3. Avakyan, Artur Borisovich. Floods / Artur Borisovich Avakyan, Alexey Alexandrovich Polyushkin ,. - M .: Knowledge, 1989 .-- 46 p.

4. Osipov V.I. Natural disasters at the turn of the XXI century / V.I. Osipov // Vestn. RAS. - 2001. - N: 4 - S. 291-302

5. Avakyan A. Natural and anthropogenic causes of floods. / Avakyan A. // Fundamentals of Life Safety. - 2001. - N 9. - S. 22-27.
