I king Peter wanted to seem to the most. He will change back sometimes in a simple dress and go around the city: he listens to human molva and comes in conversations.
This is somehow he went to the tavern so manner. And the day was a festive. The people in the restaurant scored a lot. Sit three, four, and who are talking about something.
Peter looked around and hooked up to the extreme table, and at the table the soldier sits.
Peter asks:
- Where does it come from, serving?
- Kostroma I, - the soldier answers.
Smiled Peter:
- Countrymen, it means. My grandfather is the same from Kostroma.
- And for what part of the countryman? What do you do in the city?
- Master I, on the carpenter. Petr Alekseev is called.
"That's it," the soldiers picked up, "so I thought." We have, in Kostroma, this is the first craft. And grandfather, and parent, and I myself am also carpenters. And what, countryman, order the counterschik?
Peter refuses:
- No money. Yes, and you will get up early in the morning - the service!
- It's nothing, but there is no money - the Palash will navigate.
Peter persuades:
- What are you, Countryman, invented! Palash laid - what if the alarm at night, what will you do?
Love soldiers:
- Our officers da general sleep until noon. Seven times you can buy a mortgage.
- Well, how do you want, and it's time for me.

Rose Peter and gone. And the soldier of the Palash laid, drank the counterschik and went to the barracks with the songs.
In the morning, neither the light is neither dawn, in an alarm regiment.
- Tsarsky review, royal look! The king came to the regiment!
The soldier jumped up, the ammunition was put on, and the Balash is not. What to do?
Inflatable underwent. Ground the rauchinka, the carot of the Sazhi drove the launcher into the sheath.
And the officers from small to the big and general himself run, fuss.
The king passed on the ranks of times, the other, he saw a soldier.
- Four steps forward!
The soldier fulfilled the team, came out before the rank.
- Show how to teach you the crash service. Ruby me by the Palash!
- No, I can not raise the weapon against your majesty.
- Ruby - I order!
Castled soldiers for the handle and shouted in full:
- Lord, refer to the formidable weapon in the tree!
I swung and hit Peter - only sins flew.
All soldiers and officers are neither alive are not dead, and the regimental pop has become praying:
"Miracle, a miracle God cited!"
Winched Petr Soldier and a little heard said:
- Well done! I love these. Three days at the Gaupvanka Sitty, and then go to the navigator school.

repeated: Nechaev A.N.

Lesson theme: People's festive suit.
Tasks lesson:
1. To introduce students with the species and symbolic meaning of the people's festive costume,
2. Rail interest in folk culture,
3. Develop creative independence, skills to work in the appliqué technique.
7 lesson in the topic "DPI in a person's life."

Stages of the lesson, content.


formation of artistic knowledge
- Remember what we started talking about the previous lesson?
- Read the proverb. (Chickens will not feed, but do not dress the girl.)
- How do you understand her meaning?
- For several centuries, in different ends of the land of Russian, their features were folded in clothing.
- Consider a men's festive suit.
The basis of a male costume was a shirt. She reached his knees and tied up the belt. Sewed it from white, blue, red cloth.
Part of the costume were pants (ports). They refuel into boots or wrapped on onuchi.
- Women's suit was much more difficult and larger.
- The basis of a female costume - a shirt. Embroidery on the shirt not only decorated, but also defended the woman.
- In the central and northern regions of Russia, women for the holidays dressed sundress
Festive sundress sewed from expensive fabric, decorated with a patterned strip.
· In the festive outfit, it was also the so-called degrees - Epanechki or short - short blouses on the stray, similar to the saragins
- And in the southern regions of Russia, fashionista dressed a deer complex. Ponion - skirt. She delighted without fail on top of the shirt, then she walked the apron, and then cramped. Apron generously decorated with embroidery
- Much attention It was paid to the head helpors. For women of different ages There were different seats.
formation of practical skills
Today you have to fulfill the festive outfit in the technique of appliqués. At the last lesson, you made a blank of dolls. Now you need to cut out the outfit from the fabric and stick it on the template.

performing a creative task

total lesson
- Look at each other's work, give an estimate.
(Fragment of the song "In the field of Bereza stood")
d / z
- Find out O. folk holidays. As we were dedicated.

Slide 1.
Slide 2.
Communication with literature, development of thinking

Slide 3.

Slide 7.

Slide 8.

Working with a template.
TB when working with scissors

Individual. Help

Exhibition of work

Applied files

Russian folk tale "Resume Soldier"

Genre: Folk household fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Resistant soldiers" and their characteristics

  1. King Peter first. Sly, smart, curious, strict, fair
  2. Soldier. Merchant and a walk, frivolous, witty, resourceful.
Plan of recovery of the fairy tale "Resposable Soldier"
  1. Character of king Peter
  2. Countrymen
  3. Pledged Palash
  4. Royal look
  5. Dores in sheaths
  6. Order of the king
  7. Tsarist justice
The shortest content of the fairy tales "Responsive Soldier" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. He loved the king Peter to be unrecognized among the simple people.
  2. I met Peter in the countrycarm kabaska, and he suggested that, yes the Palash wants to lay
  3. Refused Peter, left, and in the morning a sudden look arranged
  4. Soldier in a panic in the sheath rustled, only the pen was cried only.
  5. The king orders to hit himself with the Palash, and he will fly into chips
  6. The king praises a soldier for resourcefulness and invites to the navigator school.
The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Resume Soldier"
Responsiveness can also help the battlefield, and the royal anger to take away.

What teacher "Responsive Soldier" teaches
The fairy tale teaches not to break the discipline, do not lay off state property, do not walk through the kabaks and restaurants. He teaches to be bold and resourceful, teaches to find a way out in any situation. Learn to have a sense of humor.

Feet on the fairy tale "Resistant Soldier"
I liked it in this fairy tale that the soldier quickly realized how to take trouble from myself. He pretended to be a miracle and many people believed. King Peter knew the truth, but he liked the resourcefulness of the soldier and he did not punish him.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Resume Soldier"
Response - Great Power.
Cooker and water stops.
Frequently from the kings - so you will go.
Stupid kitchen, and smart all fishery.
Fossary not puzzling.

To read summary, short retelling Fairy tales "Resume Soldier"
Rules earlier in Russia King Peter first. And loved the king to everything himself. Here will change to simple clothes and goes on the restaurants to walk, listen to who will speak.
Tsar Peter comes once again. She sees, sits at the table of soldiers. Harred the king to him, greet, asks from Kakovsky soldiers will be. Having learned that the soldier from Kostroma smiles, and reports that he himself Kostroma. Say a carpenter.
The soldier rejoices the countryman and proposes to lay the Palash to get drunk. Tsar Peter is trying to cut a soldier, asking what he will do, happen at night anxiety. And the soldier replies that his generals sleep until noon.
But Peter refused to drink and left. And the soldier laid the Palash, got drunk and went to the regiment. And in the morning, early the royal look, everything is on the place, and the soldier of the Balash is not. Then the soldier takes the wooden, the pen has crossed the handle, and put in the sheath.
There is a king Peter Mim's soldiers' ranks, sees a familiar soldier. Commands to make four steps forward, and then orders hack himself with the Palash. The soldier replies that he cannot raise the weapon on the king, but the king orders it is stricter. And the soldier with a cry: "Lord! Make this weapon with a tree!", Beats Peter the first wood. That splits in chips.
Everyone froze, pop praizes, a miracle broadcasts, and the king Peter smiled and quietly soldier says: "Well done! Responsive. Three days of Gaupvakta and to go to the navigator school."

Pictures and illustrations for a fairy tale "Responsive Soldier"

Summary of the reading lesson for students of 4 "in" class MBOU SOSH No. 1, conducted by a student 4 "A" course of the GBPOU "KonstPK", specialty 050146 Teaching in primary grades

Matushkaya Alexandra Vladimirovna

Subject: Folk tales "Resume Soldier"

Objectives: introduce students with the content of the work of the fairy tale "Responsive Soldiers"

During the classes

    Organizing time

    Greeting (acquaintance)

Hello guys! Today's reading lesson I will have you, I call me Alexander Vladimirovna.

II. . Repetition studied

Now we will repeat what folk fairy tales are, and what folk tales you know.

1. Drawing up chronology on the fairy tale "Vasilisa lovely" (presentation)

2. Repeat explanations of words

Let's now repeat with you who is the Baba Yaga, who is Lada, Perun, Serpent Gorynych, Koschey, Island Buyan, Yarilo?

3. Poll on folk tales (presentation)

1. Is one of the names of Vasilisa? (Beautiful, led)

2. The name of the king, who sent Ivan Tsarevich for the firebird? (Berendei)

3. Apples, giving youth? (Moldivny)

4. Tree, most often found in fairy tales? (Oak)

5. Weapons who used fabulous warriors? (Sword)

6. Cat in Russian folk tales? (Bayun)

8. An animal in which a wonderful girl is enchanted by a misfortune? (Frog)

9. Fabulous heroine, the owner of the world's first aircraft? (Baba Yaga)

10. Fabulous creature, a resident of the forest, the so-called spirit of the forest? (Les)

11. The most alone representative of the unclean power? (Water)

12. What is the name of the sister of Baba Yagi, the mistress of swamps? (Kimor)

13. What fairy tale contains a recipe for making a color,

unique in your taste quality dishes from a joinery tool?

(Porridge from the ax)

14. Call a fabulous character driving out of leather? (Frog)

15. What is the name of the Russian folk fairy tale, in which the story is told about the long path of the bakery product to the consumer? (Kolobok)

16. What is the most reliable fairytale orientation tool? (Clew)

17. What are the name of a fabulous character who burst into the form of a poorly built bridge? (Bubble)

18. What is the name of the sewing belonging, in which the mortal danger is lurking for fabulous long-livers? (Needle)

19. What are the name of the princess, whose smile was fabulous expensive? (Nasmeyana)

20. What is the need sent the kings on the path of their sons? (For the bride, for mulware apples and for the heat - bird)

21. What reward promise fabulous kings, fabulous heroes? (Half the kingdom, daughter)

22. Calachy

Driving a guy on the furnace.

Rolled around the village

And married the princess. (Emel)

23. What was the first one aircraft? (Mortar)

Well done guys, you actively worked in the lesson.

III . Message Topics lesson

Today we will continue to study the section Folk fairy tales.

The topic of our lesson Russian folk fairy tale "Resistant soldiers".

Before reading the fairy tale, we will spend the vocabulary work.

1. Reading the story by the teacher

Open your tutorials on page 35

Listen carefully to answer the question. Who is the heroes of fairy tales? (PeterI., and serviced)

2. Reading fairy tales by chain children

3. Analysis of the work

We will understand in the read

1. Tell me about the actions of a soldier?

2. Combine into groups are loved by the meaning of the word:

Sly, smeared, resourceful, dodgy, inventive.

Explain their difference.

Which of these words can be used to characterize the soldier?

Try to pick up other words. (Cutty, resourceful)

3. What did you know about PeterI. From the fairy tale "Resume Soldier"? What qualities of the king are revealed in words:

"Well done! I love these. Three days on Gaouptava Sit, and then go to the navigator school? "

4. In the third grade, you read the fairy tale "Porridge from the ax"

a) Compare soldiers from the fairy tales of "Porridge from the Ax" and "Resposable Soldier"

b) How does the people who described these fairy tales belong to the soldiers? Justify your conclusion.

5. What do you know about Russian emperor PeterI.? Read about him in the children's encyclopedia "History". Tell me to comrades about what seemed to you especially interesting. (Three hundred years ago, in 1672, when Tsarevich Peter was born. The army was poorly armed and trained, and the military fleet did not exist at all. It was necessary to bring Russia from backwardness, to build factories and plants, adopt new laws, attract to management The state of energetic and educated people. And the king Peter studied himself and forced to learn his subjects. In many ways, he was distinguished from other kings. It was an outstanding statesman, Talented commander and Flotodets, he participated in many battles. Peter I was an educated person, well knew mathematics, artillery and maritime business. He loved to work in a blacksmith, on the lathe, to carpent, follow. He owned 14 crafts, in Holland, the king received the title of ship carpenter, in England - engineer.)

4. Wise work

Palash is a straight long heavy saber with a wide blade.

Gauptwahta is a room in which they kept the arrested - the guilty military.

Navigator is a ship training specialist.

Ammunition - Soldier's Equipment (Ie Military Form)

Mortgage -property or other values.

IV. . Work in the working notebook

Open the tutorial on page 11, work number 2 Section "Folk Tales"

Read the excerpt from the text "Vasilisa Lovely" textbook 4 CL. Part 1, p. 31

Reads to us ...

1. What is a fairy tale?

The fairy tale is the type of oral narration with fantastic fiction;

2. How to say correctly?

This is an excerpt from: fairy tales;

3. Main idea of \u200b\u200bthis passage. Word and write it down.

4. The proposed excerpt and three parts. Once every part of the text.

1) Mother for Vasilisa;

2) doll Vasilisa;

3) Vasilisa Beauty;

What was Vasilisa? Why she every day is all good and good.

Vasilisa was good, doing all the work, everyone pleased. She helped her doll.

2. Read the synonyms for the words:

Picky -wheel, dazzling, capricious, chopulus.

Excelerate - to regain, pass, sink, twist.

Sweat -Treat, poop, offering.

IV. . The outcome of the lesson.

What fairy tale did you meet today?

Today, the lesson was well worked ...

Teacher _____________ Tarahtieva N.P.

Methodist ____________ Shevchenko I.S
