Explanatory note

Program Subject: Conflict Prevention Technologies.

The purpose of the program: Development of conflict behavior skills and providing the opportunity to participate in the program to gain experience in preventing conflicts, assimilate the ketical and practical database of conflict management, improving conflict prevention skills, adequate to the perception of conflict situations for constructive solutions.


  1. training methods for the prevention and resolution of conflicts, finding a solution in conflict situations;
  2. development of the skills of unpredictive assessment of the conflict situation;
  3. help the participants adjust their behavior in the direction of reducing its conflict (to remove conflict in the personality-emotional sphere);
  4. communication of the collective, the development of skills and command interaction skills.

Form of carrying out: The occupation is carried out in the form of mini-lectures, role-playing games, individual and group exercises, modeling conflict and emotional-tense situations, followed by their analytical analysis.

The composition of the group: the optimal number is 5-10 people (student 7-8 classes), groups must be completed on a voluntary basis. The program is designed for 5 classes for 3 hours (total duration of 15 hours).

Location: Hall for training.

Themed Plan

The program is designed for 5 classes for 3 hours (total duration of 15 hours).


Goals and objectives


acquaintance, getting the opportunity to participants to learn about themselves the following points: on the levels of conflict, about behavior types in a conflict situation, about the style of interaction with people

What am I doing wrong?

armament of participants with the system of concepts and ideas necessary for the psychological analysis of their behavior in a conflict situation; Working out of the skills of analyzing your behavior

My changes

awareness by each member of the group of their negative traits that interfere with them in resolving conflict situations, the inclusion of participants in the process of self-improvement

analysis and awareness of each member of the group of those qualitative changes that occurred during the work


analysis of your own path traveled and evaluating the results of achieving your goal, the expression of good feelings for each member of the group

Lesson 1.

Objective and task: acquaintance, getting the opportunity to participants to learn about themselves the following points: about the levels of conflict, about behavior type in a conflict situation, about the style of interaction with people.

Visual materials: Designer "Lego", cards with instructions, ball, cards with animal names, scheme of behavior types in a conflict situation.

First stage: acquaintance, disclosure of goals and objectives, the adoption of the rules (principles) of the training ("here and now", sincerity and openness, the principle of "I", the principle of activity, the principle of confidentiality, the rule "speak on the merits", the rule "zero-zero "(On punctuality), rejection of the use of" labels ", behavior control, principle of responsibility, the" stop "rule, tolerance) (Appendix No. 1), creating a working atmosphere.

Exercise 1. "Story about yourself"

Participants are given a task to make up a short story, trying to tell about yourself as much as possible. Then everyone prepares a brief view of himself, starting with the name of his name. The main task is to emphasize its individuality, dissimilar to others.
The purpose of the exercise: Development of the ability to listen to other participants and improve communication skills, reducing the communicative distance between the participants of the training.

Exercise 2. "Space Speed"

Instructions: "Control in a circle, in any order, except for the neighbor on the right and a neighbor on the left of the ball, but so that the ball visits each team member 1 time." Complication: do the same thing, but for a while; "Can you faster?". The presenter offers all the participants of the team after completing the exercise to sit down in the circle and express their condition at the time of the start of work and its endings. Lead questions: What did you feel? What has changed at the time? Why did you choose this decision?

The purpose of the exercise: Working out the skill of a group decision on the strategy and tactics of the task. Promote group cohesion and deepening of self-discharge processes.

Exercise 3. "Compliment"

Participants are sitting in a circle. "Let's say compliments to each other. Let's do it. The one who wants to start, takes this ball, will throw him a member who he will choose, and will tell this person a compliment. The one who is intended the ball will throw him the next and says his compliment, etc. until the ball has each. " The coach is very closely making the ball to each group member.
The purpose of the exercise: establishing interpersonal positive feedback, to find adequate wording for their impressions.

Exercise 4. "Guess Animal"

All group members are sitting in a circle.
"Now I have been distributed to each of you cards, (Appendix No. 2) on which words indicate different animals are written. You will have a minute in order to come up with gestures, facial expressions that you can accompany the message about these animals. After that, each in turn will present us your option. " When discussing the exercise, participants share their impressions from what he seen, highlighting the most adequate combinations of gestures, poses, facial expression with the indicative of the words. The exercise makes it possible to reflect the individual features of non-verbal manifestations of the group participants, expanding the idea of \u200b\u200bthe methods and means of expressing meaning.

The main stage: the implementation of the arranged training goals, the development of conflict prevention skills.

Exercise 5. "If ... I would be ..."

The goal is to develop rapid response skills to a conflict situation.
Exercise occurs in a circle: one participant puts the condition in which some conflict situation stipulated. For example: "If I had been checked in the store ..." The next, next to the sitting, continues (finishes) the offer. For example: "... I would demand a plaintive book." The presenter notes that both conflict situations and exits of them can be repeated.

Exercise 6. "Hell Towers"

The goal is an exercise to build a team in which an attempt is made to show the conflict that arose due to communication barriers between the participants. Such barriers arise due to the fact that people, regarding their perception of the world as the only true, often refuse to accept other points of view. In "Hell Towers", this concept is taken into service and is used to encourage players to think about the factors of both contributing and preventing the construction of a single team.

Description of the exercise. Give the team more details from "Lego" or any other similar designer. Explain that they need to build a tower. All participants handate the card on which data will be recorded regarding some one part of the task. Emphasize that this information cannot be divided into this information. Announce that the game will take place in complete silence, and allow the players to take a case. The following are instructions for cards, but you can freely replace them with your own. (Appendix No. 3) The main condition is their inconsistency: the tower should consist of 20 blocks, the tower must have a height of 10 levels, the tower should be built only from white, red and yellow "bricks", the tower should build you. If the "bricks" will take other members of your team, stop them and insist that build the tower yourself.

Analysis: for the game in the "hellish towers" it is interesting to observe from the part, since individual players will inevitably come to confusion, which will lead to confusion and disappointment, barely only realize that all their attempts to follow the instructions exclusively to oppose the members of their teams. They will be afraid of disappointment as soon as they understand that all the joint work on the common task comes down to identifying the fact that nothing in fact does not happen. For example, some player tries to put the blue "brick" only for another player to remove him with clear indignation, the third will try to keep others from any actions at all, etc. Discussion: At the end of the action it is useful to discuss situations - they repeat whenever they use this game.

Mini lecture: Next, the presenter tells the different types of behavior in a conflict situation: adaptation, compromise, cooperation, ignoring, rivalry, competition. (Appendix No. 4)
Third stage: Completion, removal of emotional fatigue, reduction of neuromuscular tensions.

Exercise 7. "Account"

Participants are sitting in a circle. "Now we will consider with you, just consider: one, two, three, etc. one of us will begin the bill, and next to the sitting will continue. We will try to consider as quickly as possible. In the process of the account it will be necessary to observe one condition: if you have to name the number in which the figure 6 (for example, 16) includes, then, pronouncing this number, you will need to call your name. "
The purpose of the exercise: contributes to the mobilization of attention, allows participants to realize their regulatory resources, creates conditions for their workout.

Exercise 8. "Position"

Participants form 2 circles: internal and external. The outer circle is moving, the inner remains in place. In the outside, they express their impression about the partner in the inner circle, starting with the phrase "I see you," "I want to tell you," I like in you. " After 2 minutes, the external circle shifts per person, etc.
The purpose of the exercise: the reflection of the mutual positions of the participants in the training sessions.

Exercise 9. Farewell (goodbye)

Each participant in turns says goodbye to all participants, calling them by name.
The purpose of the exercise: awareness of the participant's significance for other members of the group.
Reflection of the work done. At the end, participants share opinions about what happened to each of them.

Natalia Kuznetsova
Psychological training for teachers "Conflicts and ways to exit them"

Psychological training for teachers

"Conflicts and ways to exit them"

Purpose: introduce teachers with the concept of "conflict"; promote the development of the skills of the constructive release of their conflict situations; establish contacts between participants; Promote the destruction of familiar stereotypes of greetings, development of creativity.

Preliminary work: Diagnostics of teachers (test "30 proverbs")

Training move

1. Greeting Greeting "Tram"Everyone is sitting in a circle. One chair is free. He starts the one who has a free chair on the right. He must transfer to a free chair and say: "And I'm going." Next: "I'm near." Next: "And I'm a hare." Fourth: "I'm with ..." and calls the name of any participant. The one whose name was called, hurry to sit on a free chair, and everything is repeated at first.

Conflict - This is a hidden or explicit opposition of the parties whose interests in any sphere began to compete with each other.

The conflict is a phenomenon resulting from the collision of opposite actions, views, interests, aspirations, plans of various people or motives and the needs of one person.

2. Exercise "Alphabet of Emotions"Task - in a few minutes I remember and write down in a conflict situation - on one emotion for each letter of the alphabet. In general, a single data bank is created.

Conflicts are a natural part of our lives. Since we are all different: every of their views, habits, dreams. And this means our interests and interests of others may not coincide. Sometimes it becomes the cause of conflicts (barriers to communication).

It should be remembered that almost on any matter of different people are distinguished. People are different! These differences are natural and normal. At the same time, in conflict situations, we behave differently.

3. Exercise "Conflict in Transport"The goal of the game: to acquire the experience of the ability to negotiate in the context of the collision of interest.

The room is chairs: two - near (imitating paired seats on the bus, one - ahead. Participants of the game Three (two plus one). Two receive the instructions in secret from the third, the third - secret from two. Task two: "Log in to the bus" and Sit next to talk to an important topic. The task of the third participant: take one of the paired places, for example, "by the window" and give way to the place only if this desire really will occur.

Discussion: Participants of the game answer questions:

Why did the "third" died (or, on the contrary, did not give way) his place?

Have moments, when "third" wanted to free this place?

What feelings experienced players?

Whose way to solve the problem is the most successful?

What exactly was the cause of success (or, on the contrary, failure?

In conflict, when a person is experiencing strong negative emotions, there are problems with their expression: stress, voices increase, heartbeat, accelerated breathing, pale, rude words that humiliate the other.

4. K. Thomas allocates five ways to exit conflict situations:Competition (competition) involves focusing only on its own interests, complete ignoring the interests of the partner. "So that I won, you have to lose." Avoidance (evasion) is characterized by the lack of attention to both its interests and the interests of the partner. "I don't care, you will win or lose, but I know that I do not accept in this participation."

The compromise is the achievements of the "half-one" benefits of each side. "So that each of us has won something, each of us must lose something."

The device involves increased attention to the interests of another person, while his own interests are departed to the background. "To won you, I have to lose."

Collaboration is a strategy that takes into account the interests of both parties. "To won me, you must also win."

"Akula" more often use the competition ";

"Turtles" - evasion;

"Bear" is a device;

"Foxes" - compromise ";

Sovie - cooperation.

In pedagogical practice, there is an opinion that such ways to exit conflict are the most effective, as cooperation and compromise. However, any of the strategies presented by Thomas may be in different situations efficient, since it has both positive and negative sides.

No matter how much it wanted this, it is hardly possible to submit and even more so fulfill a completely conflict interaction between people. Sometimes it is even more important not to avoid conflict, but to competently choose a behavior strategy in a conflict situation and lead to a part of a constructive agreement.

5. Exercise "Pros and Cons Conflict"The conflict, as, probably, and on any phenomenon of reality, can be viewed from different points of view and find our pros and cons. Many of us conflicts are considering most often as a negative phenomenon, which leads to a violation of relationships and other negative consequences. But it is impossible to forget that overcoming crises, including conflict situations, often allow you to switch to a new stage of interaction with other people, to a new level of perception of the surrounding world and himself. And now we will make sure of this when performing the exercise.

Wake up for 2 commands. The first team records as many positive consequences of conflict situations, the second team, describe the negative consequences of conflicts.

Next, each group announces its list, and the presenter fixes it on a sheet of watman or blackboard. If the opposing team has questions and comments, they can voice them after the team completely finish its answer.

The conflict reveals the "weak link" in the organization, in relationships (diagnostic function of conflict);

The conflict makes it possible to see hidden relationships;

The conflict makes it possible to spill negative emotions, remove the voltage;

The conflict is impetus to the revision, the development of its views on the usual;

The need to resolve the conflict determines the development of the organization;

The conflict contributes to the unification of the collective when confronted with an external enemy.

Negative emotional experiences that can lead to various diseases;

Violation of business and personal relationships between people, a decrease in discipline. In general, the socio-psychological climate is worsen;

Deterioration in the quality of work. Complex restoration of business relationships;

An idea of \u200b\u200bthe winners or defeated as enemies;

Temporary loss. For one minute, conflict accounts for 12 minutes of post-conflict experiences.

There are two types of statements that can be used during a conflict situation. One of the most effective means of expressing their emotions, there is an understanding of his feelings and the ability to tell her opponent. This method is called "I-statement". Such an approval improves the relationship, opposite "you-approval" undermines them and lead to the deepening of the conflict. Using "I-statement" we concentrate our attention on the fact that we ourselves think or feel in a conflict situation, while we do not charge and do not condemn other people.

6. Game "We are united with you"Objective: learning mutual understanding and empathy, receiving feedback from the group.

Tasks: identifying general traits and differences, teach to detect the positive advantages of other people, rally the team.

Work move: Participants get into the circle; One of them is in the hands of the ball or another item acting as a relay stick.

He throws this ball to any of the participants with the words "name". We are united with you (quality). This quality can be anything: character traits, hair color, habits, beloved places of rest, zodiac sign, aspects of life experience, etc.

If the ball agrees with the statement, he responds with the words "yes, it is so," if I do not agree, says "Thank you." I'll think about it". After that, he transmits the ball to his chosen one and denotes a reason for explaining. If you wish, it can attach the third, relying on the same criterion that was designated.

Issues for discussion:

1. Do you think you managed to detect the positive advantages of other people?

2. Did the difficulties arise when performing the exercise?

3. What did you feel when you were given feedback?

4. What did you feel when you appeal to your opponent?

5. What emotions did you have when performing the exercise?

7. Reading and discussion of parables. (Application)


1. Avidon I. Gonchukova O. 100 Workouts that will decorate your training. "Speech" St. Petersburg, 2007;

2. Monina G. B. Lyutova-Roberts E. K. Communicative training: teachers, psychologists, parents. "Speech" St. Petersburg, 2007.


Parable about gossip... One person came to his mentor and asked:

Do you know what you said today about your friend?

Wait, "the teacher stopped him, - at first everything you're gonna say through three sieves.

Three sieves?

Before talking about something, you need to sift it three times. First, sift through the truth. Are you sure everything you want to tell me is the truth?

No, I just heard ...

Very good. So you do not know, however, it is or not. Then we ask it through the second sieve - a sieve of kindness.

Do you want to say about my friend something good?

No, opposite ...

So, the teacher continued, "you are going to say something bad about him, but it's not even sure that this is true. Let's try the third sieve - a sieve of use. Is it so necessary to hear me what you want to tell?

No, there is no need for this ...

So, I concluded a mentor, - in the fact that you want to tell me there is no truth, no kindness, no need.

Why then say it?

Training for schoolchildren "I and the conflict".

Purpose: promoting the awareness by the participants of their behavior, the formation of the ability to positively resolve conflicts.

Actualizing students' knowledge of conflict;

Introduce the participants with the entry strategies from the conflict situation;

To form the ability to find mutual understanding with people;

Promote mutual understanding in the class;

Teach children adequately evaluate themselves.

Leading. The famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery called human communication the biggest luxury in the world. Communication of people is a subtle and complex process. Each of us learns this all life, acquiring experiences often due to errors and disappointments. Unfortunately, we often get into situations defined as conflict. They contribute tension in relationships, deprive peace and joy, do not allow to work fully. The less conflicts arise, it is better to find people, then warm and confidential relations.

Exercise "I do not want to brag, but I ..."

Purpose: development in adolescents the ability to self-test.

All participants sit in the circle, each in turn calls her name and continues the phrase starting with the words: "I don't want to brag, but I ... a wonderful friend."

All participants speak.

Exercise "Repeating Rules"

Purpose: consolidation of rules and development of a sense of responsibility.

Each participant in turn calls one rule and explains its meaning.

Exercise "My idea of \u200b\u200bconflict"

Purpose: actualization of participants regarding the concept of conflict. The psychologist offers on a sheet A4 to draw a drawing on the topic "My idea of \u200b\u200bconflict". After completing the work, the psychologist suggests in turn to tell that he painted.


What sensations did you have during drawing?

Did you like the drawing?

Exercise "Conflict is ..."

Purpose: Finding out the essence of the concept of "conflict".

The psychologist appeals to the participants of the groups with the question "What is a conflict?". All response options are recorded on Watman. After that, all together find out the positive (+) and negative (-) part of the conflict.


Information message "Conflict"

The word "conflict" of Latin origin, translated means a collision. This refers to the collision of opposite goals, interests, positions. The conflict is based on a conflict situation. So that the conflict began to develop, the incident is needed, i.e. So that one of the parties began to act. The causes of conflicts are the most diverse: the inability to understand another person, intolerance to the opinions of others, egoism, a tendency to gossip, the discrepancy between opinions and desires.

Exercise "Box of misunderstandings"

Purpose: Formation of the skills of successful conflict resolution.

Small groups are formed (associations on the selection of various types of candy). One participant from each team retrieves the description of a certain situation from the "box of misunderstandings". Each situation is a situation of originating a peculiar conflict. Find the right way out of the situation without proving the conflict.

1st situation. One student says to another: "I will never sit with you at one desk: let's spawn like an elephant, but it's inconvenient to write! " Another answers ... (Extract). Comment on the situation.

2nd situation. There is a lesson, students perform tasks. Suddenly one student begins to knock the handle on the desk. The teacher makes a comment: "Sergey, not knocking, please, on the desk, perform the tasks." Sergey replies: "Why am I again? Again extreme! What did you see? "

What is the teacher's response to the words of Sergey?

How would you do in this situation?

3rd situation. Mom came from work and says daughters: "How much can you say? Remove with me, scattered everything, like a tornado swept in the apartment! Not a girl, and some kind of misfortune! You say, and she, like a pea wall! ".

What is the girl's reaction?

How would you do at the place of mom?

4th situation. The teacher checks homework. Return to Oleg. Andrei Ivanovich, checking the work of the student, said: "What is it? This launcher again did not, as he should, wrote in a notebook so that they would not understand anything! "

What is the student's reaction?

How would you do on the site of the teacher?

The conclusion of the leading among habits that generate conflicts between people, excessive emotionality, aggressiveness, demands, inattention and interests of others are especially common, are inequalities to listen to others.

Destructive ways to solve their problems and conflicts by violence and aggression. Destructively think-means working in the direction of self-destruction, and not self-improvement. If you want peace and love for yourself, then your way is a conscious control of negative thoughts and actions.

Exercise "Australian Rain"

Purpose: Reducing the psychological load of participants.

The psychologist proposes to get up to all participants and repeat movement:

In Australia, the wind rose (the presenter rubs his palm);

Begins to drop rain (cotton palms on the chest);

A real shower begins (hips cotton)

And here is a hail, a real storm (trampled legs);

Drops fall on the ground (click with fingers);

Silent wind rust (rubbing palms);

Sun (hands up).

Exercise "Your Mood and Wishes"

Purpose: creating a positive mood. All participants are taken by arms and in a circle they talk about their positive emotions and express wishes to others.

Class hour "Conflict resolution in class"

Purpose: to form confontuous relationships in the class through the upbringing of respect for each other; Teach evaluating conflicts and their participation in them, fictional or real.

Tasks: the formation of a tolerant and respectful attitude to classmates; Training skills of confonflial communication.

Conflict (from lat. Coplictus - a collision), according to an intelligent dictionary, a hard-time contradiction associated with confrontation and sharp emotional experiences. The conflict arises as a result of the incompatibility of ideas about the situation, about the act of action. The conflict stops if the parties are satisfied with the winning (or loss) or recognize that the continuation of the collision is meaningless.

Conflicts in the class are conflicts between students. Often they arise due to the desire of students to leadership. The path to leadership is associated with a demonstration of superiority, cynicism, cruelty and ruthlessness. Children's cruelty is a well-known phenomenon. The child is susceptible to the temptation of herldness, which gives rise to unmotivated cruelty, infant with itself.

The positive impact on the resolution of the conflict has the involvement of conflicting in joint activities, participation in resolving the conflict of other students, especially class leaders.

Event flow

Teacher. Let's listen to the student's dialogue with the teacher.

Dialogue read two student.

Kirill, why did you hit him?

He first hit me.

And he says, you hit him first.

No, not me. He first hit me.

You never answered my question. Why did you hit him?

I was defended. I did not want to retreat. I had to defend yourself.

And so you hit him?

He hit me first ...

Teacher. What happened?

Pupils. A fight, finding out the relationship between the guys, the teacher finds out, wants to understand: who is right who is to blame.

Teacher. So, there was a conflict, and the boys have chosen far from the best way to resolve it. What does the word "conflict" mean for you? Try to write "an ambulance" list of some associations, images, memories associated with the word "conflict" (in class).

Pupils write on notebook sheets, and then read out loud: tears, irritation, insult, pain, cry, rudeness, misunderstanding, torn notebook, comment in the diary, challenge parents to school.

Teacher. Perhaps you have surfaced pictures of broken noses, "pile-small" in the corridor, crying eyes. What do you feel when you are with someone in conflict, what is your mood?

Students are written on notebooks, and then read out loud: anger, fear, disorder, irritation, outrage, tears.

Teacher. And now, closing the eyes, imagine an absolutely conflict class. What is he?

Students. Delicious, boring, hard-controlled, uninteresting.

Teacher. Tell me, do you need conflicts?


Oh, why are they needed?

Yes, without them it is impossible to find the truth.

No, it is always better to find an acceptable solution without a quarrel.

Conflicts cause pain and suffering to people.

Without conflict in the classroom, it is impossible, the real life is the same.

Teacher. The conflict can lead or to improved climate in the classroom, to mutual understanding, or, on the contrary, to greater injustice. Unfortunately, it is impossible to live life without conflict. But the resolution of the conflict largely depends on our behavior.

Let's check if you have a person conflict. To do this, answer the questionnaire questions.

1. The class has a dispute on elevated colors. Your reaction:

i do not accept participation;

briefly spoke in defense of the point of view that I consider correctly;

actively interfere and "I caught fire on myself."

2. Do you come at meetings (class clock) with criticism of adults?

only if I have good reasons for this;

critically always for any reason.

3. Do you often argue with friends?

only in a joke and then if these are not touchy people;

only on fundamental issues;

spores - my element.

4. You are standing in line. How do you react if someone climbs forward?

restracted in the shower, but silent: it is more expensive;

i make a remark - you need to teach the rude good tone;

i pass forward and start watching the order;

5. Sailed soup came at home for lunch. Your reaction.

i will not raise Burch because of a trifle;

silently take salt

i will not resist from caustic comments, and, perhaps, defiantly refuse food.

6. On the street or in the transport you stepped on the foot ...

i look at the offender with indignation;

dry without emotions will make a remark;

i speak, not shy in expressions.

7. Someone in the family bought a thing that you do not like.

i wonder;

i will limit the short, but tactful comment;

i will express everything that I think about it.

8. Not lucky, on the street in the lottery you knew a bunch of money. How do you react to this?

i will try to seem indifferent, but I will never give myself a word again in this disgrace;

i will not hide annoyance, but I reaches the happening with humor, promising to take revenge;

losses will spoil me the mood, I'll think about how to take revenge on the offenders.

Key: 1st answer option - 4 points, 2 - 2 points, 3 - 0 points. There is a calculation of points. The class is divided into three psychological types.

The presenter gives such information.

22-32 points. You are tactical and peaceful, go away from disputes and conflicts, avoid critical situations at work and at home. Saying "Plato to me a friend, but truth is more expensive!" Can't be your motto. You are sometimes called adaptable. Take the courage and, if circumstances are required, express the principal, despite the faces.

12-20 points. You will hear a person conflict. But this is an exaggeration. You conflict only if there is no other way out when all other means are exhausted. You are able to fully defend your opinion without thinking how it will affect the relationship to you comrades. At the same time you do not "go beyond", do not humiliate to insults. All this causes respect for you.

Up to 10 points. Disputes and conflicts are your element. After all, you like to criticize others, if you hear the comments in your address - you can eat a person alive. This is criticism for criticism. Do not be an egoist. It is very difficult for those who are next to you. Your inconsistency repels people. Isn't you doing real friends? Try to curb your character.


It is proposed to discuss with students following questions:

What is the similarity and difference between the concepts of "dispute" and "conflict"?

What, in your opinion, is a conflict situation?

Have you had to get into a conflict situation?

What is most often the cause of conflict for you?

Is it possible to resolve the conflict without infringe upon the rights and feelings, the advantages of all people participating in the conflict?

What prevents people (for you personally) to resolve conflicts exactly?

Learning to resolve conflict

The resolution of the conflict is the process of finding a mutually acceptable solution to a problem with the overall importance for participants in the conflict, and on this basis - the improvement of their relationships.

First, the rules for resolving the conflict are formed.

Next step: Analysis of specific conflict situations (group work). For 10-15 minutes, discuss situations in accordance with the assimilated rules and give your version of the possible way to resolve the conflict, and it is important to find a solution that is acceptable to both conflicting parties, otherwise this conflict will continue and will soon break out a new conflict.

Memo "Learn to live without conflict"

Do not speak immediately with a breeding, excited person.

If you have to say something unpleasant, try to create a benevolent atmosphere, to note the merits of a person, his good deeds.

Try to look at the problem with the eyes of the opponent, "get up in his place."

Do not hide a good attitude towards people, more often express approval, not bothering praise.

Thieme to make yourself be silent when you are touched in a shallow quarrel, be above the petty disassembly.

Goal :

    Informing students about the concept of "conflict";

    The development of the ability of an adequate response to various conflict situations;

    Training to constructive outputs from conflict situations.


    Determination of behavior strategies in conflict from students;

    Development of non-aggressive behavioral methods to solve individual problems;

    Learning how to self-control emotional states;

    Analysis of the significance of the emotional sphere of a person and its influence on communication during the conflict.

Time spending: 40-45 minutes.

Location: normal cool room.

Equipment: cards with conflict situations for group work; multimedia presentation; "Dictionary of Good Qualities"; Memo "Learning to live without conflict."

Training course.

Stage I. . Information

Slide 1.

Pedagogian psychologist:

Hello guys. Our today's training will be devoted to the topic of conflicts. Today we will consider the concept of "conflict", we will study the tactics of behavior in various conflict situations, we will learn to constructively overcome conflicts.

Let's first give you a definition of the word "conflict". Students answer.

Slide 2.

Pedagogian psychologist: The conflict is a violation of the communication process that arises as a consequence of opposing interests, views, opinions and a serious disagreement.

Psychologist. Is it possible to live without conflict? Do they need a person?

( Children's statements.)

Conflicts are part of our life. They contribute to reforms, transformations, development. The conflict is a manifestation of activity, upholding its position, point of view.

W. Thomas and R.Kh. Kilmen was allocated main strategies for behavior in a conflict situation. There are five basic styles of conflict behavior:






The style of behavior in a particular conflict is determined by the measure in which you want to satisfy your own interests, acting in passively or actively, and the interests of the other side, acting together or individually.

The opposite interests of people do not always lead to conflict: for example, athletes compete with each other in all the rules, in this case the conflict does not arise.

Outputs from this and other situations may be several, it all depends on the person's behavior strategy in conflict.

Let's define your leading behavior strategy in a conflict situation. To do this, we will conduct a simple diagnostic methodology "Festive Pie"

Stage II. . Diagnostic

Slide 3.

Exercise "Festive Pie"

This exercise will allow you to determine your strategy.
behavior in conflict situation.

Pedagogian psychologist. Imagine that your birthday came to your birthday to drink tea with a festive cake, decorated with chocolate figures, sliced \u200b\u200bfruit slices. The cake is small, it must be cut. Are you a birthday boy and how do you behave?

Variants of behavior and the corresponding strategies of behavior:

Slide 4.

    Let us refuse to cut, ask someone from guests or relatives about it in order not to offend anyone. (Avoiding.)

    We canree yourself, at your discretion, who some piece is not important, my best. (Competition.)

    Taking into account the wishes of the guests, you will take a piece which will get. (Fixture.)

4. You will try to share equally between all the participants of the holiday, including yourself. (Cooperation.)

5. Say that you don't really want a cake, let him
all will come to guests, but chocolate figures you
would eat.

Pedagogian psychologist: Chose? Let's look at each strategy.

Acquaintance with the characteristics of various behavioral strategies in conflicts.

On the board during the story of the psychologist, slides of behavior strategies in conflicts appear, their characteristics.

Slide 5.

Avoiding - You pretend that there is no disagreement. Such tactics requires deposits. However, it can be used if the subject of the dispute does not have much importance for you. (For example, a dispute about any actor, which you do not really and love.) Or you hope that after a while the situation is permitted by itself. (For example, the person who annoys you will soon leave, so why argue with him?!) But it's not necessary to use it, since in this case there are unpleasant emotions (anger, anger) in one way, and this will not be better reflected in On our health. Moreover, conflict situation is not permitted, it persists .

Slide 6.

Competition - You stubbornly defend your point of view, you are not inferior to the opponent. Such tactic is justified when something important and significant and any concession really affects your dignity and the dignity of your loved ones is seriously affecting your well-being, health. The constant commitment to this tactics can provide a reputation as a scandalist and an unpleasant person.

Slide 7.

Device - This option suggests that one of the conflicting parties refuses his own interests and brings them to sacrifice . In some cases, this option is the most correct. For example, Mom cannot tolerate rock music. Should I conflict with her, make a dear, beloved person nervous? Digid, turn on the music when it is not at home.

Slide 8.

Cooperation "You look at the opponent as an assistant in solving the problem that has arisen, try to figure it out at his point of view, understand how and why he does not agree with you, find a solution that suits you, and the opponent. The most faithful strategy, but not everyone is kept, as it takes a lot of time and strength.

Slide 9.

Compromise it assumes that both parties go for concessions in order to overcome the controversial situation. Interests are not fully satisfied, but partly. Compromise requires both parties to a clear compliance with obligations. For example, negotiate with the parents that you can come home in the evening. An hour later, provided that I made my homework in advance, I was taken in the room and so on.

Slide 10.

Pedagogian psychologist: All strategies have both pros and cons (see Appendix 1), so any of them can be effective. It is necessary to take into account the situation, the personality of the opponent and its own. It is necessary to make a focus not on the "Who is to blame?", And on "what to do?".

However, if the conflict occurred due to rudeness, injustice, deception, these strategies may be powerless.

Strategy name



Competition - adjusting its interests to the end, sometimes to the detriment of the other.

All your interests are observed.

Reputation of the scandalist and an unpleasant person.

Avoiding - decoration of the solution of the conflict.

Win time.

The problem is not solved, the negative emotions did not disappear, but driven inside.

Cooperation - a mutually beneficial solution to the conflict solution.

The interests of both sides are taken into account.

Requires a lot of effort and time.

Fixture - ignoring your interests in favor of another.

Relations with a person are not corrupted, since his interests are observed.

Your interests were left without attention.

Compromise - mutually beneficial concessions, but not everyone is taken into account.

Part of the interests of both sides is observed.

He received only a part of what was counting on, and it is necessary to strictly comply with the terms of the contract.

Stage III . Game

Exercise "Conflict situations"

Students are divided into five groups in which there are playback of situations using different behavioral strategies: competition, avoidance, cooperation, adaptation, compromise.


A. You call a friend (girlfriend) to the disco, and he (she) wants to watch the movie on TV at this time.

B. Parents send you to the store for bread, and you want to play computer games.

V. Grandma is angry when you loudly listen to music. She told you that she needs silence. But you can't without music.

G. You have a bad mood, and you sit at home, listen to music. Friends come to you and call for a walk.

D. Your friend has serious problems with physics, so he constantly asks you to write off your homework, and you give. But one day the teacher noticed that you and your friend are completely the same entries in the notebook. She said that if once again you give your friend to write off my homework, you will have great trouble.

After discussion in groups, children tell everyone about the strategies chosen by them, their discussion passes.

Slide 11.

Pedagogian psychologist: There are four rules for effective behavior in conflicts. Let's look at them. Slide 12.

Star conflicts as peace. People always tried to understand the world and each other. Sometimes it is difficult, because not everyone sees the problems equally. Listen to the Indian fairy tale and try to determine the cause of the wise men's mistakes.

Slide 13.

Wise men and elephant.

A long time ago in a small town lived - there were six blind wise men. Once in the city led an elephant. The wise people wanted to see him. But how? "I know," said one sage, "we feel it." "Good idea," others said, "then we will know what kind of elephant." So, six people went to study the elephant. The first fell a big flat ear. It slowly moved forward - back. "Elephant looks like a fan!" - shouted the first sage. The second sage touched the legs of the elephant. "He looks like a tree!" - he exclaimed. "You are both wrong," said the third, "he looks like a rope." This man groped an elephant tail. "Elephant looks like a spear," the fourth exclaimed. "No, no," shouted the fifth, - an elephant as a high wall! ". He spoke so, feeling the side of the elephant. Sixth sage pulled an elephant tail. "You are not right," he said, "the elephant looks like a snake." "No to the rope!" - "Snake!" - "Wall!" - "You're wrong!" - "I'm right!". Six blind shouted on each other for a whole hour. And they never learned how the elephant looks like.

Questions for students: Why did the wise men really learned how the elephant looks like?

Everyone could imagine only what his hands could feel. As a result, everyone thought he opened the truth and knows what an elephant looks like, no one wanted to listen to what others say.

They had a conflict based on differences in perception.

Were the wise men in fact wise?

How could the wise men find out how an elephant looks like? The presence of the other side.

Pedagogian psychologist: It is no secret that the conflict always causes unpleasant emotions from conflicting. What do you think, what consequences can conflict be? (Student responses).

Pedagogian psychologist: You are right at the conflict may be a lot of negative consequences, the result of conflicts is often unpredictable. Slide 14.

Slide 15.

Pedagogian psychologist: But many conflicts can be avoided if you learn to monitor your emotions and listen to the opinions of others.

A teacher-psychologist introduces students with recommendations on self-control methods, disassembled every way in practice.

Slide 16.

"How to learn to control your emotions."

1. Draw on paper. If the emotions have overcome you, you can draw what the first will come to your mind, allow the Gryph to break the paper, with force to shake the drawing and ultimately break the leaf itself, squeeze it and throw it out.

3. An unusual way. During the dispute, try to calculate your teeth into your mouth with the help of the language.

Slide 17.

4. In any situation, before you come out, stop for a moment and think about the best and unforgettable moments of your life, take a deep breath and breathe smoothly on a smile. It is in this moment that you determine your choice - to go about the destructive emotions or take yourself in hand

5. There is another effective way to cope with emotions, these are exercise. And this is improved by the mood. And it does not have to be a certain sport, but simply regular walks and active rest.

Pedagogian psychologist: Let's consider another reception that helps avoid conflict situations.

Exercise "Sorry, conflict will not be"


    Training to accept conflict avoidance.

    Development of cooperation and empathy skills.

Many conflicts can be avoided if you stop in time. So, for example, in our culture, in order not to bring the case to conflict, it is customary to apologize. One person takes the role of guilty and asks for forgiveness, and the second answers him: "Nothing terrible." The British come even easier, they do not find out who was to blame, - apologize both sides. For example, someone inadvertently hit someone and asked apologies: "IAMSORRY"He will hear in response"IAMSORRY" First " IAMSORRY", Means" Sorry, that I hid you ", the second"IAMSORRY", Means" Sorry I got on the road at the moment when you passed. " If someone deliberately hurts the other, because he has a bad mood, he will again hear in response "Sorry."? Which means: "Sorry, but there will be no conflict" or "I am very sorry that you have a bad mood, but I don't want to swear with you at all."


You are inappropriate pushed in the school corridor

Odnoklassnik, being in a bad mood indicates your shortcomings

You, being in a bad mood heated to a friend, and then regretted what happened

You are late for school and teacher scolds you

You are inappropriately pushed by a random passerby on the street

Parents scold you due to lower progress.

Performing this exercise, you have to act in accordance with the rules of the English etiquette.

Discussion: After the game, the participants talk about their feelings and how and in what life situations this technique can be used.

Pedagogian psychologist: Now let's think about how rarely in everyday life we \u200b\u200bpraise someone, admire something or someone, especially if we have a bad mood or conflicts occur. The next our exercise on the development of the ability to confront stress.

Slide 18.

Exercise "Dictionary of Good Qualities"

Remember and call all the synonyms and shades of the qualities "good", "joyful", "beautiful", "happy", "good." Which life phenomena are quality data? Try to find as more objects to apply these synonyms.

Reflection: what feelings, associations, memories arise when they say the words "magnificent", "charming", "adorable", "excellent", "amazing". How does the pronouncement and use of word data on the mood and the state of the soul?

Output: This exercise has shown that from the use of positively colored words, the presentation of positive associations affected our mood.

Stage IV . Reflexive

Questions to students

    How do you think, which of these five ways is more often found in real life?

    What method do you use most often in resolving conflicts with friends?

    What kind of parents? teachers?

    Which one, in your opinion, is the easiest? Most difficult?

    How to control your emotions? Is it necessary?

    Do you think you need to do that conflicts happen as less as possible?

    What new have you learned about today's lesson? Will you use the knowledge gained today in everyday life?

Stage V. . Final

Psychologist. Dear guys, you were today active, initiative, creative! Our meeting came to the end, I want to wish you so that you and the people around you will always be ready for cooperation and conflicts in your life as small as possible!


Examples of the resolution of situations.

Situation number 1.

Competition. You arrange your girlfriend hysteria, threaten to break friendship, and she goes with you.

Avoiding. Unhappy, but not at the moment in the argument (I will postpone until next time), you go to the disco one.

Cooperation. Contract with my brother that he will record a film on video, and you go along with a friend to the disco.

Device. Forget about your desire to go to the disco and stay with the girlfriend to watch the movie.

Compromise. You look at the beginning of the film, then you go to the disco, and you return the plot to the plot.

Situation number 2.

Competition. You stay at the computer, someone else is sent for bread.

Avoiding. For parents behind and gave to play in the future, quickly run to the store.

Cooperation. Keep the game and go for bread, then you get along with the computer.

Device. Without a lot of desire, you go immediately for bread.

Compromise. You play a little more, turn off the computer and go for bread.

Situation number 3.

Competition. You close for your grandmother the door of your room to the key, continue to listen as before.

Avoiding. Turn off the music, with my grandmother to quarrel your arms: she promised to give me money for pocket expenses.

Cooperation. Well, today will have to listen to music through headphones.

Device. Turn off immediately music and sit down to do lessons.

Compromise. Listen to music by turning on the volume only half.

Situation number 4.

Competition. From this day you never give off your homework.

Avoiding. We promise to a friend that you will think about whether to give it or not to write off my homework.

Cooperation. We offer not to write off the ready homework, and work out with it, explain how to solve such tasks.

Device. Continue to give write off, despite the warnings of the teacher.

Compromise. You give a friend to write off the beginning of your homework, and then let him decide himself.

Situation number 1. You call a friend (girlfriend) to the disco, and he (she) wants to watch the movie on TV at this time.

Situation number 2. Parents send you to the store for bread, and you want to play computer games.

Situation number 3. Grandma is angry when you listen to music loudly. She told you that she needs silence. But you can't without music.

Situation number 4. You have a bad mood, and you are sitting at home, listen to music. Friends come to you and call for a walk.

Situation number 5. Your friend has serious problems with physics, so he constantly asks you to write off your homework, and you give. But one day the teacher noticed that you and your friend are completely the same entries in the notebook. She said that if once again you give your friend to write off my homework, you will have great trouble.

Purpose: assistance to the awareness by the participants of their behavior, the formation of the ability to positively resolve conflicts.

A task:

Actualizing students' knowledge of conflict;

Introduce the participants with the entry strategies from the conflict situation;

To form the ability to find mutual understanding with people;

Promote mutual understanding in the class;

Teach children adequately evaluate themselves.

Leading. The famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery called human communication the biggest luxury in the world. Communication of people is a subtle and complex process. Each of us learns this all life, acquiring experiences often due to errors and disappointments. Unfortunately, we often get into situations defined as conflict. They contribute tension in relationships, deprive peace and joy, do not allow to work fully. The less conflicts arise, it is better to find people, then warm and confidential relations.

Exercise "I do not want to brag, but I ..."

Purpose: development in adolescents the ability to self-test.

All participants sit in the circle, each in turn calls her name and continues the phrase starting with the words: "I don't want to brag, but I ... a wonderful friend."

All participants speak.

Exercise "Repeating Rules"

Purpose: consolidation of rules and development of a sense of responsibility.

Each participant in turn calls one rule and explains its meaning.

Exercise "My idea of \u200b\u200bconflict"

Purpose: actualization of participants regarding the concept of conflict. The psychologist offers on a sheet A4 to draw a drawing on the topic "My idea of \u200b\u200bconflict". After completing the work, the psychologist suggests in turn to tell that he painted.


What sensations did you have during drawing?

Did you like the drawing?

Exercise "Conflict is ..."

Purpose: Finding out the essence of the concept of "conflict".

The psychologist appeals to the participants of the groups with the question "What is a conflict?". All response options are recorded on Watman. After that, all together find out the positive (+) and negative (-) part of the conflict.


Information message "Conflict"

The word "conflict" of Latin origin, translated means a collision. This refers to the collision of opposite goals, interests, positions. The conflict is based on a conflict situation. So that the conflict began to develop, the incident is needed, i.e. So that one of the parties began to act. The causes of conflicts are the most diverse: the inability to understand another person, intolerance to the opinions of others, egoism, a tendency to gossip, the discrepancy between opinions and desires.

Exercise "Box of misunderstandings"

Purpose: Formation of the skills of successful conflict resolution.

Small groups are formed (associations on the selection of various types of candy). One participant from each team retrieves the description of a certain situation from the "box of misunderstandings". Each situation is a situation of originating a peculiar conflict. Find the right way out of the situation without proving the conflict.

1st situation. One student says to another: "I will never sit with you at one desk: let's spawn like an elephant, but it's inconvenient to write! " Another answers ... (Extract). Comment on the situation.

2nd situation. There is a lesson, students perform tasks. Suddenly one student begins to knock the handle on the desk. The teacher makes a comment: "Sergey, not knocking, please, on the desk, perform the tasks." Sergey replies: "Why am I again? Again extreme! What did you see? "

What is the teacher's response to the words of Sergey?

How would you do in this situation?

3rd situation. Mom came from work and says daughters: "How much can you say? Remove with me, scattered everything, like a tornado swept in the apartment! Not a girl, and some kind of misfortune! You say, and she, like a pea wall! ".

What is the girl's reaction?

How would you do at the place of mom?

4th situation. The teacher checks homework. Return to Oleg. Andrei Ivanovich, checking the work of the student, said: "What is it? This launcher again did not, as he should, wrote in a notebook so that they would not understand anything! "

What is the student's reaction?

How would you do on the site of the teacher?

The conclusion of the leading among habits that generate conflicts between people, excessive emotionality, aggressiveness, demands, inattention and interests of others are especially common, are inequalities to listen to others.

Destructive ways to solve their problems and conflicts by violence and aggression. Destructively think-means working in the direction of self-destruction, and not self-improvement. If you want peace and love for yourself, then your way is a conscious control of negative thoughts and actions.

Exercise "Australian Rain"

Purpose: Reducing the psychological load of participants.

The psychologist proposes to get up to all participants and repeat movement:

In Australia, the wind rose (the presenter rubs his palm);

Begins to drop rain (cotton palms on the chest);

A real shower begins (hips cotton)

And here is a hail, a real storm (trampled legs);

Drops fall on the ground (click with fingers);

Silent wind rust (rubbing palms);

Sun (hands up).

Exercise "Your Mood and Wishes"

Purpose: creating a positive mood. All participants are taken by arms and in a circle they talk about their positive emotions and express wishes to others.
