The study of the Greek language requires patience and amplitude. Looking for the first time in the Greek "hieroglyphs" it is difficult to imagine how this language can be rhythmic and melodic. I remember my first impression when the textbook was opened: neither Cyrillic nor Latin is not clear what. And when he began to learn and broke the tongue on unusual height of strokes ... It was precisely such thoughts to write a post about the first difficulties of people encountered with the study of Greek.

I will not sin and I will say frankly, this post wrote not alone. Everyone has their own difficulties, and I asked Anya - - to tell about the most systemic mistakes. So, in essence, retell.

So, the complexity of beginners when studying the Greek can be "put on several whales": writing and rules of reading, personal pronouns and verb-bunch "be", as well as case. And now all this is a little more detailed.

In Greek writing and the rules of reading, the main difficulty is laid in their difference from Cyrillic close to us or universally studied English. Due to the fact that the brain at the first contact with the new is trying to refer to the previously studied material, students are often confused by the Greek ν (NU) and ρ (RO) with visually identical English V and p.

Spelling also causes certain difficulties: for example, there are 6 in Greek !!! Different letters and letters for symboling sound "and", similar situation, also with the sounds of "E" and "O".

But, as a rule, difficulties in reading are quickly overcome, and in the third lesson, the average student reads fluently. With spelling, due to the above reasons, things are more complicated, since the writing of many words you just need to get off.

The second common complexity is personal pronouns and verb-bunch of "be". Although students are often "stuck" at this stage, with practice, it also successfully overcomes. We emphasize that the relevant rules are simple - they simply differ from Russian and English due to the fact that Greek belongs to another language group. And the point here is not difficult, but in elementary practice.

The third main "stupor" - case. Studying Greek cases, you begin to understand how difficult it is to engage in the study of Russian. But still the Greek cases are easier than Russians - not counting the challenge, there are only three of them.

The main point in cases is the change in endings and stress. And if with the first students they cope quite easily and quickly, the second comes a little later with systematic practice. The greatest number of complaints is associated with a genitive case, since it occurs in it as a change in the end and the ogin of stress. However, as practice shows, several days of perseverance, and this "proud node" is also possible to eliminate.

The verb itself is uncomplicated, but when it is studied, it is important to feel the rhythm. This is especially important when changing the verbs time, when, as in the previous case, accepted accents.

If you add the nuances of the passive pledge here, it becomes clear that it will not be easy to mask this topic without adopting. But there is a good way out: the verb can be taught immediately in all forms (in time and by persons). This not only helps better focus on the future and grab the feeling of rhythm, but also contributes to a more rapid replenishment of the vocabulary stock.

Thus, the study of Greek has its own nuances. However, they follow not from the complexity of the tongue or the presence of some special designs, but from his differences from the usual Russian and English.

The Council of the teacher is not desirable at the first difficulties and not to retreat. In many moments, Greek is much easier than it seems at first glance. Just need to be patient, work out your approach and everything will work out.

Language is a means of communication. Language allows people to understand each other. At the same time, the language can become a serious obstacle to understanding, since thousands of different languages \u200b\u200bexist on our planet.

You read it because you want to learn the Greek language, and want to know how quickly and effectively do it. Most languages \u200b\u200bare bored and they are disappointed. Continue to learn Greek with the Lingo Play tutorial, and you will learn how to teach Greek yourself with pleasure and efficiently. Start with the best exercises to teach Greek, and you will be free to speak Greek. Lingo Play lessons are structured so that you can practic in all areas at the same time. Learn Greek in such a way as you have never studied it - with funny and logical lessons, tests.

We have a unique method, which simultaneously teaches reading, perception of hearing and writing. Lessons begin with the very basics, free Greek lessons are open to all who have no knowledge of Greek language. Learning a language such as Greek requires a special approach. Each lesson contains many words, stages, exercises, tests, pronunciation and bright cards. You choose what content want to use. After the initial content for beginners, you can quickly go to things that you are interested else. In the early stages of studying the Greek language, you are interested in finding how the language works.

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Success in learning a language depends mainly from the student, but more specifically from access to learning and interesting content. Success is more dependent on interaction with interesting content than from the teacher, schools, good textbooks or even living in the country. You have more freedom of choice when and how to learn Greek. As soon as you understand that you can learn more languages \u200b\u200band enjoy the process, you want to discover all new languages.

The number of people speaking in Greek today is relatively small, but modest statistics completely does not reflect the significance of the language, many centuries who have formed Western philosophy, science and literature, on which more than four thousand years have been continuously communicated.

By choosing a training resource, it is important not to confuse in the definitions of "Greek" and "New Hydogreic". They are equivalent to those whose goal is a living chat and acquaintance with modern sources of information. And those who want to read the historical works in the original language are better to focus on sites where it is proposed to study a more complex option - ancient Greek.

Free tutorial Novogreic for beginners. A suitable solution for those who are not able to learn from the carrier and is afraid to master the artificial language. Dialogues and texts laid into the project are created by Greek carriers, and if you repeat them often, the most imitating source, then the information will be part of consciousness as ready-made formulas for communication. In the list - 25 of the voiced lessons. The course is starting with the topics about the alphabet, sounds, reading rules, articles. Then there is a transition to grammar and syntax classes, which are relevant to diverse life situations: family, appearance, work, health, travel, holidays. After each lesson, tasks and exercises are proposed.

The initial course of phonetics and reading rules. The author of Methodology M.L. Ryttova, according to her textbook, explore Greek in Russian-speaking universities. Information is fed in text format. For understanding how to pronounce the sounds, the nuances of articulation are described, the rhythm of words, the rules for reading letters, stress, intonation are explained. Talks about the signs of punctuation and pending peculiarities. The entire textbook can be downloaded to PDF, in addition to phonetics, the main course is included, designed for two years of study, as well as grammatical tables and dictionary.

Block of video programs for beginners, oriented towards tourists. Working language - Russian. The duration of lessons, on average, 10 minutes. In annotations to each lesson, it is indicated how many new words after its passage will be lit. After passing, the study will know them over hundreds. The feature of the approach is in an emphasis on the vocabulary, and not on grammar, and in the absence of homework.

If such a learning method seems efficient to the user, then the possibility of further receiving new lessons to email is provided. By paying classes to two hours daily, it is possible, according to the authors of the project, to speak Greek after a month.

Author's project teacher who lives in Greece for more than 20 years. In addition to the paid version of the training, there is a complex of free lessons on modern language for newbies. Initially, it does not offer complex grammatical rules - it starts with learning letters and reading skills, followed by building dialogues. More serious transition to decisions, suits, etc. carried out when the student has already mastered a little in spoken. Lessons are accompanied by voice acting, there are exercises with solutions.

Free lessons with Larisa Khlebnikova. The teacher, who lived in Greece for many years, offers a selection of 23 video, each of which is assigned to a separate topic. The plots of 3-7 minutes are designed to tell about the alphabet, all parts of speech, the structure of proposals. Separate videos highlighted the "Figures" and "family" topics. The author's monologues are accompanied by displaying tables, characters and other explanatory information.

Podcasts in an audio format with PDF-decoding, it is possible to download. The material is built in the form of lessons, with a consistent passage of which the level of the tongue is complicated. The focus of the first lessons is acquaintance, family, shopping. Complete a list of 81 theme lesson from the category of philosophical and global: superstition, poor-quality food, climate change. The supply of material is carried out in English, which must be taken into account by Russian-speaking users.

Anglo-language resource dedicated to modern Greek phonetics and phonology. Relevant for those who are already familiar with the Greek alphabet and the pronunciation of all letters separately. The site addresses how letters are combined and how they are pronounced in the bundle. The perception of textual information is enhanced by the option of visualing examples. In the material there are many tables and references to related articles, word formation sections.

Proposal to master Greek for 7 lessons. Of course, no one can not learn for such a short time, but the course creators are convinced that for seven lessons on their methods really begin to navigate in Greek and try to establish minimal communication on it.

On this page, I post links to all the most necessary (in my opinion) to explore the modern Greek language yourself. Sites, books, programs There are quite a lot, but they all repeat each other in some sense, or the material is set out there only partially, or without example, or something else. I understand all the greed when I want to download as many courses, tutorials, reference books in grammar, etc. But chanting the number of books found is not to exit in learning a language, it is better to use literature less, but more qualitative. And instead of honing three tutorials in parallel, it is better to go through at least one. Therefore, below I give links that I consider the most useful for beginners, the main, basic, although they can come in handy and those who have been studying the Greek language for a long time and deeply:


Rytova M. L. Novogreic language. Practical course. Once it was the only textbook of Greek in Russian. And although the topics of the Soviet lessons, often even boring, but the sequence of presentation of grammar I like most of all Ritebecause the rules are presented comprehensively, without breaks.

Borisova A.B. Greek without tutor. (Try the download PDF. I hope the link is still valid. Also the most frequently used tutorial, compared to Rite I like themes, more simple and modern words, expressions, are easier to remember. The book is often found in stores, on the Internet you can also find an archive consisting of DJVU and MP3 files, I can not give a permanent link, because the files are constantly removed for copyright infringement. But find it and free download is not so difficult. And VKontakte can be found audio files "Greek language for beginners".

G. Feller, M. Vorobyova. Tutorial of Greek. Modern method Studying the Greek language for 25 lessons.I did not quite understand what this method is modern, for me so far I have not yet invented a different study method. foreign languagethan to work: listen, read-read-write. But also a good tutorial, with modern light expressions.


Greek verbs are an excellent site dedicated to verbs in the Novogreic language. It is very convenient to check and recognize how the verbs are hidden, as they change around the numbers, persons, there are all times, collected, inclination and communion. For convenience, the flowers are shown and the verbs are conveniently divided into types (similar endings / similar lifting). And although the verbs of the order of 800 pieces, they are enough of their ears to catch the rules of the arrangement. Well, sooo is a useful thing.

Handbook of Greek grammar. Second part. One of my favorite directories, I especially like the fact that there are many (dozens, and not two or three, as usual) examples of the decline in nouns and adjectives in Greek.

Tresoekova I.V. Greek language. Handbook of grammar. This is the second directory that I really like, there is a lot of information, everything is high quality and convenient, sooo useful. You can buy a paper version in stores, but I have never seen in the city. Therefore, the links to this directory on the Internet constantly appear and removed, but with sufficient perseverance, it can be found and downloaded for free relatively easy. Very advise!


Internet polyglot: pronunciation of Greek words. Reading and pronunciation of Greek words at the initial stage causes certain problems, and when independent study Sometimes not to ask anyone. In this case, you can contact the "Internet polyglot" site, the Russian pronunciation of some words is often strange there, but Greek is quite nothing, the words are divided into themes, you can play the game to memorize with pictures. But the optimal version of the control over the correctness of the reading of words is songs. Here on site Allala songs They are enough - you can listen and read \u003d)

Separate partition with Greek grammar on the site "Allala songs", with tables of decline in nouns and examples of their use in songs. Perhaps I approach the incarnation of my original idea - to make a site to help learn Greek through music. In the section, the nouns are divided by childbirth and groups depending on the type of declination, the rules for which nouns are inclined are described. And the examples are taken from songs, you can always listen and remember. It is very convenient - to remember the phrase from the song, then she comes herself (even when it is not necessary :)). So far, the section is made only for nouns male and female childbirth, but it's just beginning!


Greek language with song: texts. When learning the language it is important to read, a lot, but it is difficult to find your level when you know little. They say, for a comfortable reading it is necessary that there are no more than 40% of new words in the text. On the specified site you can find many small and large texts, simple and not very, as well as parallel translations, which is also very convenient. Yes, and in general there are a lot of things - proverbs, aphorisms, poems, comics, etc.

Barn-Allada - Big Bar Greek allotes Alexei Pogromov, many references to useful resources, one way or another connected with Greece and the study of Greek language - these are music, and radio, television, and newspapers, and programs, and translations of Greek songs t. d. etc.


Tests on the knowledge of the Greek language. Uncomplicated tests for checking their knowledge in the field of Novogreic, many tests, although the same.

Tests on the song "Song Eldlats" to work out the decline in nouns on the machine.

When you move to another country, the study of a foreign language is easy to study, and, even recently someone else's speech, quickly becomes native. But, if you have already turned 18 and special abilities to languages \u200b\u200byou do not possess (namely it was in my case), then the study of a foreign language can become a difficult task, especially if you need to teach Greek ...

Today I want to tell how the Greek language learned, perhaps my experience would come in handy to someone and will help in a difficult moment (yes, I even rushed with notebooks, in full confidence that Greek is practically Chinese, and they never seize them).

How it all began.

Moving to Greece was not a spontaneous solution: I knew in advance that, one way or another, before in this wonderful country. Therefore, I decided to prepare for moving to start with the study of Greek. And then there was a problem: I don't know how now, but another 7 years ago in Belarus simply did not have tutors or greek courses. I had to start learning the language yourself. Among the means available to me there were few lessons of language on the Internet and several textbooks of the Greek language. About the best books to explore the Greek language I wrote. Whether it is surprised that by the time of the move, I mastered only the alphabet and several elementary grammatical structures.

"Jasa Malaka".

My integration into the linguistic environment began with the building of the Athens airport, where I heard and learned my first two words in Greek. "Language carriers" uttered these words so often that sin was not remembered. Guess what popular Greek words are we talking about? Of course, "Yasu" is a Greek greeting / farewell and "Malaka" - (EEE, how to translate so much to be expressed). The word "Malaka" in Greece has a kind of magical, almost sacred meaning.) Word, initially meaning cursing, the Greeks managed to give a completely ordinary meaning and comfortably use it in the company of friends or at work, to describe emotions or giving the characteristics of things and events. And no one is offended by anyone. But I would not advise to immigrants to use it at least in the first pairs.

From the ship on the ball.

Naturally, with the knowledge of the alphabet and already the whole 2 words in Greek, my journey could only lie in the group A (for beginners) of the philosophiks of the Schcoli of the University of Athens.

How exactly to study the language: independently or on courses, everyone chooses based on their preferences and opportunities, but I was just vital () a diploma for the knowledge of the Greek language, so my choice was predetermined.

On the courses, we often repeated the phrase, the meaning and the right of which I understood only some time later: "If you know the grammar of the Greek language - everything else will be applied." At that time I did not categorically agree with this statement. The years of learning English were affected: taught, taught in school grammar, and a sense? I started to talk freely and communicate in English only when I got into the language environment, and there was no one who understood anyone in Russian. You want, you don't want to - speak. At school, I, like other guys from class, could not be clearly associated with each other and several phrases in English, despite the long hours spent behind the "combaling" of the rules of grammar. Therefore, I didn't believe in Greece to teachers, and grammar taught solely because of the grammatical test included in the upcoming exam.

As the time has shown, the teachers were right. When you are in the language environment (and not outside it, as in the case of school English), the knowledge of grammatical subtleties helps a lot. After a year, I spoke in Greek better than some foreigners who lived in Greece not one dozen years. And all because having even a small vocabulary, but a good grammatical base, I clearly understood the "formula": how, what and why you need to talk.

Thorny path.

If we talk about the process of studying Greek - it was very difficult. The time of the exam was rapidly approaching, and knowledge and skills were copied very slowly.

Five days a week I attended the courses, I did a huge homework for hours, taught words. The clock was ticked, the deadlines were pressed, and at some point, bad thoughts were filmed in the head: I "this" will never learn, I do not understand anything, and in general, I probably, I am a fool is not a very capable student. If you "do not press" time and there is no definite fixed term, the day "x", to which you need to know everything, then the study of the Greek language will be much easier and more pleasant. If there is no time, then you will have to collect all the forces in the fist and "tool" further.

At some point, when my vocabulary expanded significantly, and in grammar I was already focused on how fish in the water - all the pieces of puzzle were formed in a single whole. Everything somehow suddenly quickly went easy, very easy. I began to understand the conversational speech, talking on Greek herself, read - all this began to be given without much effort, as something lost. From here I made an important conclusion: the main thing is when you just start learning the Greek, overcome yourself and not looking at the fact that much does not turn out that you do not understand something - just continue. And at some point when you have a "skeleton of a language" in your head, all subsequent knowledge will come themselves, without much effort on your part.

What helped me.

Undoubtedly, being in the language environment, the language to learn is much easier. But, even in Greece, many foreigners manage to stretch this process for decades. I want to give a few recommendations that helped me and my friends faster to learn the Greek language.

No Russian channels! Especially at the beginning of the study of Greek, Russian television must be under the strictest prohibition. I have one friend who lived in Greece for 15 years and with difficulty able to associate 2-3 words in Greek. And if it were not for her love for transmissions and films in Russian, everything could work out otherwise.

See Greek series and foreign films with titers in Greek. For me, this item was one of the most difficult, since I don't like the series at all, and the Greek especially. But, the Greek series is the key to understanding the spoken speech, so I had to look at. If the serials contribute to the development of speech skill on rumor, then films with Greek titers will enrich the vocabulary and help to make less orphographic errors in writing.

Greek songs. To be honest, I do not agree with the fact that listening to the songs, you will begin to understand faster oral speech. I will explain why: to get into the notes (and indeed the melody requires) the singer is forced somewhere to pull the words, but somewhere to "eat" them parts. For a song, it is permissible for life - no. So it turns out that the series Il radio is much more efficient. This is only my point of view, many argue that they learned the Greek language precisely thanks to songs.

Read. Read as much as possible, try to find the type of literature that you like: It can be Greek myths, children's fairy tales, fiction, mod magazines and even just pointers on the roads. The more you read, the faster your vocabulary will be replenished.

Ask. Feel free to ask what the word unknown you mean. Ask friends to specify you on your mistakes in speech. The fact is that when a foreigner loudly learned the Greek language and begins to talk with mistakes, it is corrected, but exactly the first half an hour. Then the Greeks begin to understand your speech even errors, get used to you understand and so, and cease to point out errors. What happens next: making one and the same mistake 3-4 times the foreigner begins to think that since it is not corrected, it means that he says correctly, and the word with the error "crashes" in memory as a true version. It turns over it is very difficult.

Try to refuse to communicate on english language. I know on my own example, that sometimes it is very difficult to do. Especially when I want to quickly convey my thought before the interlocutor, and there is still not enough vocabulary in Greek. It turns out that I am much easier to tell the phrase in English and faster than "strain" the brain and learn the word in Greek from the bins. As a result: the study of Greek will delay indefinitely.
