Physics comes to us in grade 7 general education schoolAlthough in fact, we are familiar with her almost with the pellery, because it's all that surrounds us. This subject seems very difficult to explore, and it is necessary to teach it.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years

Have you already turned 18?

You can teach physics in different ways - all methods are good in your own way (but they are not equally given to everyone). School program Does not give a complete concept (and acceptance) of all phenomena and processes. Wine everything is a lack of practical knowledge, because the learned theory in essence does not give anything (especially for people with a small spatial imagination).

So, before proceeding to the study of this interesting object, you need to immediately find out two things - for which you learn physics and what results are counting on.

Want to pass the exam and enroll in a technical university? Excellent - You can start distance learning on the Internet. Now many universities or simply professors lead their online courses, where the entire school course is set out in a fairly affordable form. But here there are small cons: first - get ready for the fact that it will be far free of charge (and the steeper the scientific title of your virtual teacher, the more expensive), the second - to teach you will be exclusively theory. Applying any technology will have at home and independently.

If you simply have trouble learning - inconsistencies in views with the teacher, missed lessons, laziness, or simply incomprehensible the language of the presentation, then the situation is much easier. You just need to take yourself in hand, and in your hands - books and teach, teach, teach. Only so you can get explicit items (and immediately in all subjects) and significantly increase the level of your knowledge. Remember - in a dream to learn physics unreal (although I really want). And very effective heuristic training will not bring fruit without good knowledge of the theory. That is, positive planned results are possible only when:

  • qualitative study of the theory;
  • developing learning the relationship of physics and other sciences;
  • performing exercises in practice;
  • classes with like-minded people (if it was impatient to do heuristics).

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The beginning of teaching physics from scratch is the most difficult, but at the same time a simple stage. The difficulties are only that you have to memorize a lot of enough contradictory and complex information at a strange language - above the terms will need to work hard. But in principle, it is all possible and nothing supernatural for this will not need.

How to learn physics from scratch?

Do not expect that the beginning of learning will be very difficult - this is quite simple science, provided that it is understood to understand its essence. Do not hurry to learn many different terms - first disappear with each phenomenon and "try" it on his daily life. Only so physics will be able to come around for you and will become the most understandable one - the bang you just do not achieve. Therefore, the rule is first - we teach physics measured, without sharp jerks, without falling into extremes.

Where to begin? Start with textbooks, unfortunately, they are important and needed. It is there that you will find the necessary formulas and terms, without which you can not do in the learning process. You can't get them quickly to learn, there is a reason to paint on pieces of paper and spend on prominent places (no one has canceled the visual memory). And then literally in 5 minutes you will refresh them daily in memory, until finally, do not remember.

You can achieve the most qualitative result somewhere for a year - this is a complete and understandable course of physics. Of course, it will be possible to see the first shifts for a month - this time will be enough to master the basic concepts (but not deep knowledge - please do not be confused).

But with all the easiest of the subject, do not expect that you will get everything to learn for 1 day or a week is impossible. Therefore, there is a reason to sit down for textbooks long before the beginning of the USE. Yes, and looted on the question, for how much the physics can not come down - it is very unnemptified. All because different sections of this subject are completely different in different ways about how you "go" kinematics or optics no one knows. Therefore, study sequentially: paragraph over the paragraph, formula for the formula. Definitions are better to register several times from time to time to refresh in memory. This is the basis that you must remember, it is important to learn to operate with definitions (use them). To do this, try to transfer physics to life - use terms in everyday life.

But the most important thing, the basis of each method and method of training is daily and hard work, without which you will not raise results. And this is the second rule of easy study of the subject - the more you will find out new, the easier it will be to you. Forget the recommendations of the type of science in a dream, even if it works, it is definitely not with physics. Instead, deal with tasks - this is not only a way to understand the next law, but also a great training for the mind.

Why do you need to teach physics? Probably 90% of schoolchildren will answer that for the exam, but it is not at all. In life, it will come in handy much more often than geography - the probability of getting lost in the forest is somewhat lower than to change the light bulb. Therefore, to the question, why do you need physics, you can definitely answer for yourself. Of course, not all it will be needed in full, but basic knowledge is simply necessary. Because we take care precisely to the Azam is a way, how to easily and just understand (not learn) basic laws.

c "\u003e Maybe to learn physics yourself?

Of course you can - learn definitions, terms, laws, formulas, try to apply the knowledge gained in practice. Important will be the explanation of the question - how to teach? Highlight for physics at least an hour per day. Half this time to leave for a new material - read the tutorial. Quarter Leave a quarter for a bunning or repetition of new concepts. The remaining 15 minutes - practice time. That is, observe for physical phenomenonMake experience or just solve an interesting task.

Is it possible to quickly learn physics with such pace? Most likely no - your knowledge will be deep enough, but not extensive. But this is the only way as correctly you can learn physics.

The easiest way to do is if knowledge is only lost for grade 7 (although, in grade 9, this is already a problem). You just restore small gaps in knowledge and that's it. But if on the nose 10th grade, and your knowledge of physics is zero - this is of course a difficult situation, but the corrected. It is enough to take all the textbooks for 7, 8, 9 classes and how it should be gradually studying every section. There is a path simpler - take the edition for applicants. There, in one book, the whole school course of physics is assembled, but do not wait for detailed and consistent explanations - the utility materials involve the presence of an elementary level of knowledge.

Teaching physics is a very long way, which can be passed with honor only with the help of daily hard work.

Depending on your purpose, free time and the level of mathematical training, several options are possible.

Option 1

The goal is "for yourself", deadlines - not limited, mathematics - also almost from scratch.

Select the textbooks line more interesting, for example, and study it, outlining in the notebook. Then go through the same textbooks G. Yaakishev and B. B. Bukhovtsev for the 10-11 class. Secure the knowledge gained - read.

If the benefits G. S. Landsberg did not come to you, and they precisely for those who study physics from scratch, take the line of textbooks for 7-9 classes A. V. Pryskin and E. M. Gutnik. No need to be shying that it is for young children - sometimes five-hundred students without preparing "float" in a penny for grade 7 from the tenth of the page.

How to deal

Understand the questions and turn the tasks after paragraphs.

At the end of the notebook, make a reference book on basic concepts and formulas.

Be sure to find rollers on YouTube with physical experiments that are found in the textbook. Survey and outline them according to the scheme: what saw - what I watched - why? I recommend the resource - all experiments and theory to them are systematized.

Immediately make a separate notebook to solve problems. Start with and rewrite half of the tasks from it. Then rewrite by 70% or, as an option - "for the 10-11 classes of N. and A. P. Stepanov.

Try to solve yourself, peep in the reshebnik in the most extreme case. If faced with difficulty - look for an analogue of the task with the analysis. To do this, you need to have 3-4 paper books at hand, where they disassemble the solutions to physical problems. For example, N. E. Savchenko or Book I. L. Kashatkina.

If everything is clear to you, and the soul will ask for complex things - take for profile classes and sharpen all exercises.

We invite everyone to learn physics

Option 2.

The goal is an exam exam or another, the term is two years old, mathematics - from scratch.

Handbook for schoolchildren O. F. Kabardina and "Collection of Tasks in Physics" for the 10-11 classes O. I. Gulotov O. I. ("sharpened" under the exam). If the exam is not EGE, it is better to take the tasks of V. I. Lukashika and A. P. Rymkevich or "Collection of issues and tasks in physics" for the 10-11 classes of N. Stepanova, A. P. Stepanova. Do not be rendered to contact the textbooks A. V. Pryschkin and E. M. Gutnik for 7-9 classes, and better, too, be mistaken.

Stubborn and hardworking can be completely completely according to the book V. A. Orlova, G. Nikiforova, A. A. Fadeeva et al. In this manual there is everything necessary: \u200b\u200btheory, practice, tasks.

How to deal

The system is the same as in the first version:

  • get a notebook for the abstracts and solving problems,
  • independently outline and decide the tasks in the notebook,
  • survey and analyze the experiments, for example, on.
  • If you want to most effectively prepare for the exam or OGE for the remaining time,

Option 3.

Objective - EGE, deadlines - 1 year, mathematics at a good level.

If mathematics is normal, you can not access textbooks 7-9 classes, and immediately take the 10-11 classes and a reference book for schoolchildren O. F. Kabardina. The kabardine benefits contain topics that are not in textbooks 10-11 classes. At the same time, I recommend browing video with experiments in physics and analyze them according to the scheme.

Option 4.

Objective - EGE, deadlines - 1 year, mathematics - on zero.

Prepare for the exam for the year without a base in mathematics is unrealistic. Is that you will do all points from version number 2 every day for 2 hours.

Teachers and tutors of the online school "Foxford" will help achieve the maximum result for the remaining time.

Everything that happens in our world is due to the impact of certain forces in physics. And to learn each of them will have to be done if not in school, then at the institute exactly.

Of course, you can try to drive them away. But much faster, more fun and more interesting will simply realize the essence of each physical force as it interacts with the environment.

Forces in nature and fundamental interactions

Forces There are a huge set. The power of Archimedes, the power of gravity, the power of the ampere, the power of Lorentz, Korealis, the strength of friction-rolling And others actually, all the forces are impossible to learn, since not all of them are still open. But it is very important - all the forces known to us can be reduced to the manifestation of the so-called fundamental physical interactions.

In nature, there are 4 fundamental physical interactions. It will rather say that people are known 4 fundamental interactions, and at the moment there are no other interactions. What is this interaction?

  • Gravitational interaction
  • Electromagnetic interaction
  • Strong interaction
  • Weak interaction

So, the force of gravity is the manifestation of gravitational interaction. Most mechanical forces (friction force, strength of elasticity) are a consequence of electromagnetic interaction. Strong interaction holds the nucleons of the atom nucleus together, without giving the kernel to get enough. Weak interaction causes disintegrate free elementary particles. At the same time, electromagnetic and weak interactions are combined into electroslab interaction.

Possible fifth fundamental interaction (after opening boson Higgs) Call field of Higgs. But in this area, everything is studied so little that we will not hurry with the conclusions, and it is better to wait that scientists from Cerens will tell us.

Learn the laws of physics in two ways.

First - Stupidly learn the values, definitions, formulas. A significant drawback of this method is unlikely to help respond to additional teacher questions. There is another important minus of this method - having learned in this way, you will not get the most important thing: understanding. As a result, learning the rules / formula / law or anything there it allows you to purchase only fragile, short-term knowledge on the topic.

Second way - Understanding the material being studied. But is it easy to understand what to understand (in your opinion) is impossible?

There is, there is a solution to this terribly difficult, but a brave problem! Here are some ways to learn all the strength in physics (and in general, in any other subject):

On a note!

It is important to remember and know all the physical forces (well, or learn the entire list of them in physics) to avoid awkward misunderstandings. Remember that the mass of the body is not his weight, but the measure of its inertness. For example, in conditions of weightlessness, the body does not have weights, because there is no gravity. But if you want to shift the body in weightlessness from the place, you will have to affect it with a certain force. And the higher the mass of the body, the greater the power will have to use.

If you manage to imagine how a person's weight can vary depending on the choice of the planet, you will be able to quickly deal with the concept of gravitational strength, with the concepts of weight and mass, acceleration force and other physical forces. This understanding will bring with it a logical awareness of other occurring processes, and as a result, you do not even have to memorize the incomprehensible material - you can memorize it as you pass. It is enough just to understand the essence.

  1. To understand the electromagnetic effect, it will be enough to simply understand how the current flows through the conductor and what fields are formed as these fields interact with the other. Consider this on the simplest examples, and you will not be difficult to understand the principles of the electric motor, the principles of the combustion of the light bulb, etc.

The teacher will first of all be worried how well you understand the material studied. And it's not so important if you will remember the izubok all formulas. And in the case of a solution of control, laboratory, tasks, practical work Or will you always be able to help our specialists, the strength of which is lightened in knowledge and many years of practical experience!

If you are going to enter technical specialties, physics is one of the main items for you. This discipline is far from everyone with a bang, so you have to practice to cope with all the tasks. We will tell you how to prepare for the exam in physics, if you have a limited amount of time, and the result wants to get the highest possible.

Structure and features of the exam in physics

In 2018 year of ege Physics consists of 2 parts:

  1. 24 tasks in which you need to give a brief answer without solving. This may be an integer, fraction, or the sequence of numbers. The tasks of various levels of complexity themselves. There are simple, for example: the maximum height to which the body rises weighing 1 kg is 20 meters. Find kinetic energy at the time immediately after the throw. The decision does not imply a large number of actions. But there are such tasks where you have to break your head.
  2. Tasks that need to be solved with a detailed explanation (recording the condition, decision of the solution and the final response). Here all tasks are quite high. For example: a balloon containing M1 \u003d 1 kg of nitrogen, when testing strength exploded at a temperature T1 \u003d 327 ° C. What kind of mass of hydrogen M2 could be stored in such a cylinder at temperatures t2 \u003d 27 ° C, having a fivefold margin of safety? Molar mass of nitrogen M1 \u003d 28 g / mol, hydrogen M2 \u003d 2 g / mol.

In comparison with last year, the number of tasks increased by one (in the first part added a task for knowledge of the foundations of astrophysics). Total 32 tasks that you need to solve for 235 minutes.

This year, schoolchildren task will be filled

Since physics is a subject to choosing, the exam on this subject is usually purposefully renting those who are going to go to the technical specialties, and therefore a graduate knows at least the basics. Already on the basis of these knowledge, you can dial not only the minimum score, but also much higher. The main thing is that you are preparing for the exam in physics correctly.

We suggest familiarizing yourself with our advice for the preparation for the exam, depending on how much time you have to learn the material and break the tasks. After all, someone begins to prepare a year before passing the exam, someone in a few months, well, and someone recalls the exam in physics only a week before the delivery! We will tell you how to prepare in a short time, but most effectively.

How to prepare yourself for several months to day x

If you have 2-3 months to prepare for the exam, then you can start with the theory, since you will have time for reading it and assimilation. Divide the theory on the 5 main parts:

  1. Mechanics;
  2. Thermodynamics and molecular physics;
  3. Magnetism;
  4. Optics;
  5. Electrostatics and constant current.

Work out each of these, the one separately, learn all the formulas, first the main, and then specific in each of these sections. You also need to know all the values, their compliance with one or another indicators. It will give you theoretical Foundation In order to decide both the tasks of the first part and the tasks from Part No. 2.

After you learn how to solve simple tasks and tests, go to more complex tasks.

After you work with the theory in these sections, proceed to solve simple tasks that are calculated in just a couple of action to use formulas in practice. Also, after a clear knowledge of the formulas, decide the tests, try to break their maximum amount so that not only to reinforce your theoretical knowledge, but also understand all the features of tasks, learn how to correctly understand the questions, apply those or other formulas and laws.

After you learn how to solve simple tasks and tests, go to more complex tasks, try to build a solution as correct as possible using rational paths. Decide as much as possible tasks from the second part, which will help to understand their specifics. It often happens that the tasks in the ege almost repeat last year's, you only need to find several other values \u200b\u200bor perform reverse action, so be sure to review the EE for the past years.

The day before surchase EGE It is better to refuse to solve problems and repetition and just relax.

Beginning of preparation a month before the test

If your time is limited to the 30s, then you should follow these steps for successful and quick preparations for the exam:

  • From the above sections, you must make a consolidated table with basic formulas, learn them on the teeth.
  • View typical tasks. If among them there are those that you solve well, you can refuse such tasks from working out such tasks, paying the time "problematic" topics. It is on them and make an emphasis in theory.
  • Imagine the main values \u200b\u200band their values, the order of translation of the same value to another.
  • Try to decide as many tests as possible, which will help you understand the meaning of the tasks, understand their logic.
  • Constantly refresh the knowledge of basic formulas in the head, it will help you to gain good points in testing, even if you do not remember the complex formulas and laws.
  • If you want to swing on sufficiently high results, you will definitely familiarize yourself with the past eg. In particular, make focus on part 2, because the logic of tasks may be repeated, and, knowing the solution of the solution, you will definitely come to the correct result! You can hardly learn how to build logic to solve such tasks yourself, so it is desirable to be able to find a common between the tasks of previous years and the current task.

If you prepare for this plan, then you can score not only minimum pointsBut and much higher, it all depends on your knowledge in this discipline, the base that you have before preparation.

A pair of fast weeks to memorize

If you remembered the surrender of physics in a couple of weeks before the start of testing, you still have hope to gain good points if you have certain knowledge, as well as overcome the minimum barrier, if you are full of 0 in physics, such a plan should be held for efficient training. Works:

  • Write out the basic formulas, try to remember them. It is advisable to study well at least a couple of topics from the main five. But the basic formulas you need to know in each of the sections!

Prepare for the exam in physics in a couple of weeks from scratch unrealistic, so do not give good luck, but tonted from the beginning of the year

  • Work with the exam of the past years, deal with the logic of tasks, as well as typical questions.
  • Try to cooperate with classmates, friends. When solving tasks, you can know a good one topic, and they are others if you just tell each other's decision, you will get a quick and efficient exchange of knowledge!
  • If you want to solve any tasks from the second part, then you better try to explore last year's ege, as we described when preparing for testing for the month.

With the responsible implementation of all these items, you can be sure of obtaining the minimum allowable score! As a rule, on larger peoplestarted training for the week, and do not count.

Time management

As we said, you have 235 minutes or almost 4 hours. In order to use this time as rationally as possible, first perform all simple tasks, those in which you least doubt the first part. If you are good "friends" with physics, then you will have only a few unresolved tasks from this part. For those who started preparing from scratch, it is on the first part and it is worth making the maximum emphasis to score the necessary points.

Proper distribution of its forces and time on the exam - the key to success

The second part requires a lot of time, since you have no problems with him. Carefully read the tasks, after which you first follow those in which you understand the best. After that, go to solve those tasks from parts 1 and 2, in which you doubt. If you do not have much knowledge in physics, the second part is also worth at least read. It is possible that the task solution logic will be familiar to you, you can solve 1-2 tasks correctly, based on the experience gained when watching last year's exam.

Due to the fact that there is a lot of time, you will not have to hurry. Carefully read in the tasks, in the essence of the task, only after that decide it.

So you can well prepare for the exam on one of the most complicated disciplines, even if you begin to prepare when testing is already literally "on the nose."

The question of how to learn to solve problems in physics, worries most of the schoolchildren. This science is given hard even to smarter children, because it contains a lot of the theory that you need to be able to apply in practice. Tasks are a way of learning that teachers use so that the children have mastered the subject from a practical point of view, they realized why physics needs and how it can be used in everyday life.

The book "How to learn to solve problems in physics, grade 7"

Since physics is the science that needs to be mastered gradually, moving from simple material to complex, to delve into the basics of the subject it is necessary from the first school lesson. Usually, for the first time students face this subject in grade 7. Since the study of physics is an old and painful question for schoolchildren, a lot of textbooks have been developed for today, which greatly facilitate the process of solving problems.

One of the successful authors who are in demand among schoolchildren and their parents is L. Orlovskaya. How to learn to solve problems in physics, it describes in detail in his book for class 7 students. It is at this age that children have an impression of science. If they can be treated positively from the very beginning, there will be no problems with understanding the subject in the future.

Book Orlovskaya can be used and how tutorial, and as a reference book on physics. In addition, the textbook is designed not only to the audience of schoolchildren. Useful information It will also find parents and teachers.

As a rule, many modern schoolchildren neglect teacher's advice, trying to find a special method of solving problems. And this is the biggest mistake. The recommendations of the teacher acted at all times if schoolchildren treated them seriously.

These are the tips usually give teachers:

  • Carefully read the condition of the task. Professional teachers We are confident that if you fully understand the condition, the task will automatically be solved by half.
  • Draw the scheme for clarity. Virtually any task in physics, you can draw a graph, drawing or drawing. This will help you to realize the meaning of the decision.
  • Schedu out in the smallest detail. So you will see the most complete picture, you can eliminate the shortcomings and check yourself if necessary.

If you do not know how to learn to solve problems in physics, then try to follow these tips strictly. Most likely, you will quickly remove that the volume of your knowledge will increase significantly.

Psychological preparation for the lesson

Many schoolchildren underestimate the role of the right psychological attitude when solving problems. In fact, he underlies educational process. With the right setting, you will not only be able to calmly overcome all the difficulties, but also take your success as proper.

So, use the algorithm to create the desired motivation:

  • Calm down and understand that you are just a task. Nothing will happen if you do not decide it from the first time.
  • Examine the condition of the task, try to realize its meaning.
  • Draw a scheme to the task, even if it is not specified by condition. This will significantly simplify the decision process.
  • Make a brief condition of the task in which only information you need will be present.
  • Word the question you need to answer in writing.
  • Look at the picture formed and realize that half of the decision you are ready.

These simple steps will not only lead you to the right solution, but also help to form self-confidence. As soon as you realize that nothing complicated will not expect you, and you are a completely capable person, proceed directly to the decision.

The algorithm for solving the problem

When you understand, with what numbers and what information you have to work, realized the essence and meaning of the task, you can start solving. Its algorithm looks like this:

  • Write out for clarity all formulas that may be useful to you. Let them always be before our eyes.
  • After analyzing all the formulas, select only the necessary, crossing the rest.
  • Substitute the numbers into the formula, solving the examples. If you have the equations, then find an unknown variable. Here you will be helped by the knowledge of mathematics.
  • If the task is volume, then repeat the previous action until you find all unknown values.
  • After describing the solution, specify the final answer.

People who go to figure out how to learn to solve the Olympiad challenges in physics, this algorithm is also suitable. Just some of his items will have to repeat repeatedly.

If any science needs additional advice to perform practical tasks, then the task that is easily solved is likely to be incorrectly incorrectly. Or you so figured out this science, which in training no longer needs. From this follows the first advice. It lies in the fact that you need to constantly practic. The larger the number of tasks you decide whether automatism will work out. Other recommendations of professional teachers:

  • All the information studied is based on theory, and the simplest. It is studied at the very beginning of the course of physics. Therefore, do not neglect textbooks for grade 7, if any information you have been forgotten.
  • If you can not find a solution for a long time, take a break for a few hours, and then again begin to think about it.
  • If you do not understand how to learn to solve problems in physics, try to explore the whole theory. Most likely, you have a lack of knowledge.
  • Feel free to ask for help.
  • All tasks in physics are based on the understanding of their meaning. Therefore, do not try to simply make mathematical actions that you are not clear.

Examine these tips to apply them practically in the following physics classes.

Special warning

Sometimes it happens that a person cannot understand physics, because she is not given to him. This is justified by the humanitarian mindset. Do not be discouraged if you feel about this category. A understanding teacher will help you master the basics of science that you will need to get a decent assessment.
