Informatization of education. Changing the role of the teacher in the context of informatization of education. Multimedia didactics. The use of ICT in teaching history.

Informatization of education.

(Pedagogy.Edited by P.I.M.

Informatization of education - part of the informatization of society, a process that has taken on the character of an information explosion or revolution since the middle of the 20th century, which gives grounds to characterize modern society as information society. This means that in all spheres of human activity the role of information processes is increasing, the need for information and the means for its production, processing, storage and use increases. Information becomes a scientific and philosophical category along with such categories as time, energy, matter ...

The growing demand for information and an increase in the flow of information in human activity leads to the emergence of new information technologies (NIT) - the use of electronic means to work with information, along with traditional information technologies that use traditional media (paper, film).

Informatization of education - a set of measures to transform pedagogical processes based on the introduction of information products, tools, technologies into education and upbringing.Theoretical basis informatization of education is primarily informatics, then cybernetics, systems theory and, of course, didactics. Informatics, as you know, is a branch of knowledge that studies the production, processing, storage and distribution of information in nature and society.

Therefore, the informatization of education should be considered not just as the use of a computer and other electronic means in teaching, but as a new approach to the organization of education, as a direction in science, which scientists call pedagogical informatics. The informational approach to teaching poses a number of problems for didactics and pedagogy in general.


1. Creation of favorable conditions for access to educational, scientific and cultural information.

2. Intensification of the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process through the use of information technology.

3. Changing the model of education management.

4. Improving the quality of education through the use of ICT.

The development of informatization of education has the following prerequisites :

The rapid process of informatization of society as a whole. So, today more and more people have personal computers, are connected to the worldwide network, including schoolchildren and students.

The growth of the technical capabilities of informatics and the decrease in their cost, which makes them more accessible. Almost every school has its own computer lab, and most modern schools and universities install computers, multimedia projectors and whiteboards in every classroom.

The course towards the formation of a new information environment of society, the infosphere. Naturally, with such prospects, it is important to teach schoolchildren and students to use ICT correctly and profitably.

Informatization of the educational sphere is based on the achievement of pedagogical and computer sciences, such as :

Informatics; - cybernetics; - systems theory; - didactics.

Thanks to them, not only new computer technologies are being introduced into education, with the help of which students can more effectively master knowledge, but also methods and approaches to teaching and its control are being developed. Electronic textbooks, tests, educational programs are created that use both the latest advances in computer science and the fundamental principles of didactics.

To implement the main goals, the center for informatization of the quality of education proposes to carry out work in the following areas:

1. Computerization of educational institutions, which includes not only providing schools and universities with computers, but also peripheral equipment such as multimedia projectors and whiteboards, printers, scanners, modems, and more.

2. Connecting educational institutions to the Internet. In the future, this will allow students to use information and educational resources directly during the lesson, and teachers will be able to conduct lessons remotely or attend remote training courses in the workplace.

3. Creation and implementation of distance learning technologies. Today this form of education is considered one of the most promising. But at the same time, distance education has a number of disadvantages, among which are the high cost of courses and a somewhat unworked knowledge control system. In the future, it is planned to carefully work out the training methodology and reduce its cost, which will make it accessible to everyone.

4. Creation of a unified information system for monitoring training, which will help to carry out timely sections of knowledge, to determine the disadvantages and advantages of a particular method of training. This is one of the main tasks that informatization pursues. At the same time, the quality of education should increase significantly, experts say.

5. Providing educational institutions with electronic teaching aidscorresponding educational programs... Recently, the problem of developing electronic textbooks has also become popular, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching. At the same time, today there are no uniform textbooks compiled according to the curriculum. In most cases, teachers independently develop electronic manuals for their students.

6. Opening of information educational centers, where not only students, but also teachers can improve their computer literacy, get acquainted with the latest information technologies and methods of their application in the educational sphere.

7. Informatization of education is also the creation of a regulatory framework for the introduction of information communication technologies into the educational process. Naturally, for the introduction of new technologies, a legislative base is needed that will not only fix the rights and obligations, the procedure for the introduction of ICT, but also take into account the issue of copyright for electronic manuals.

Benefits of informatization. Let's note the main advantages of this process. .

1. Improvement of methods and technologies for the selection of educational materials.

2. Introduction of new specialized disciplines related to the study of computer science and information technology both in universities and in schools.

3. Changes in teaching methods of traditional school subjects not related to computer science. For example, the use of computers in biology or chemistry lessons will allow experiments to be carried out by simulating them using special programs.

4. Additional motivation of students, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of training. It is noticed that lessons with the use of computer technology are more interesting for children than traditional ones.

5. Informatization of the education system will also create new forms of interaction in the course of learning: student - computer.

6. Improving the education management system.

7. Development of alternative and logical thinking.

8. Formation of strategies for finding solutions to educational and practical problems using ICT. 9. Individualization of training.

Despite its attractiveness and many advantages, the informatization of modern education has a number of significant disadvantages:

1. Limitation of live communication between teacher and students. When using ICT, the main role in teaching is gradually shifting to technical means, while the teacher, for the most part, is engaged in the selection of the necessary material and its subsequent presentation.

2. Decrease in communication skills due to the presence of dialogue: student - computer. The more time a student interacts with technical teaching aids, the less time is left for conversations with the teacher and other students. In such a situation, communication skills are significantly reduced, which further negatively affects socialization.

3. Decrease in social contacts, which is directly related to the previous point. Communication with a computer reduces the level of social activity not only in the classroom, but also in life in general.

4. Use of prepared information. Using modern ICT, children spend less and less time searching and processing information. They take ready-made reports and abstracts from the Internet and read them out. At the same time, they do not carry out a detailed selection and analysis of the material, but take ready-made samples. In the future, it will be quite difficult for such children to independently write term papers and theses with a high level of uniqueness.

5. Constant computer work can lead to addiction. This is a serious problem that can lead not only to learning problems, but also mental, physiological deviations.

6. Decreased health. Constant work at the computer negatively affects the formation of the child's posture, his vision.

The Center for Informatization of Education notes that the introduction of ICT in the educational process will allow:

Create an open education system that provides an opportunity to obtain high-quality self-education. The learning process will become differentiated and individualized.

To make changes in the organization of the cognition process and its shift towards systems thinking.

Provide new opportunities to accelerate the intellectual development of a person.

Develop new teaching practices.

Provide instant feedback between students and ICT tools.

Visualize educational information.

Create a new highly efficient education management system.

The informatization of the education system has two main problems that significantly affect the speed of ICT implementation in the educational process..

1. Formation of the constant need for teachers to use computers. The transition to a new system requires a constant and continuous application of ICT during training. Today, not all teachers understand the importance of this process and strive to conduct classes according to old standards, without using technology.

2. The need to continuously improve the information competence of the teacher. When working with ICT, the teacher must constantly improve, learn new methods and techniques of work, master more and more new programs. Not everyone is happy with this state of affairs. In addition, sadly, not all teachers know how to use a computer.

The main means of informatization include:

Means for recording and playback of sound and video;

Radio and TV equipment;

Projection and optical cinema equipment;

Computer teaching aids - programs, textbooks;

Telecommunication training tools.

Use of computers in the educational process As already mentioned, the informatization of education is also the use of computers in the educational process. This direction is called computerization and implies the active use of computer technology in the learning process.

How can you diversify the lesson using a personal computer?

1. To acquaint students with a particular topic, supporting it with a colorful presentation. With its help, two channels will be involved at once, responsible for receiving information - hearing and sight. The presentation can contain not only pictures and tables, basic definitions, but also video, audio materials.

2. Use of video materials - films, videos. The use of such materials is especially successful in the study of history, literature, biology and geography, chemistry, astronomy.

3. Use of special computer software modulators. They can be used to carry out various experiments - physical or chemical, to model galaxies and systems in astronomy. All you need to do is ask the computer data.

4. Use of training programs. The most famous programs for learning languages, which offer not only to choose the correct answer, but also to enter a translation of a word, leave phrases from a certain set of letters.

5. Introduction of computer testing. Using computers to verify knowledge will not only make life easier for teachers, but also allow for more accurate assessment. The computer itself in random order asks students questions from the knowledge base embedded in it and offers options for answers. Depending on how many correct students will give, the final mark is given.

6. Use of special reference programs, dictionaries and translators. Work is underway on electronic dictionaries and reference books. Thanks to them, students will be able to find the information they need in a matter of minutes, just by opening the desired program and entering a search keyword.

Electronic textbook as one of the main means of informatization

The classic electronic textbook contains:

1. Text information. These can be rules, facts, reading texts.

2. The schedule. This includes not only illustrations and photographs, but also tables, diagrams, graphs.

3. Audio and video materials. This includes audio recordings of works, texts for listening and retelling, etc., scientific documentaries, thanks to which students will be able to better assimilate a particular topic.

4. Block of test tasks. This includes tests and open form assignments. It is important that the electronic textbook contains fields for entering answers, can check and analyze them, pointing out the mistakes.

5. Block of reference information. There should be links to additional materials, online libraries and other information resources.

However, the problem is that there is no single electronic textbook for teaching a particular subject. In the future, the Center for Informatization of Education is obliged to work on the creation of uniform textbooks on subjects for their further use in schools.

Informatization of education Is a complex and lengthy process aimed at introducing ICT tools and new teaching methods into teaching. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education at all levels.

In addition, there is a seriesgeneral pedagogical and social pedagogical problems or aspects of informatization of education ... The term appeared"visual education ", which means that in teaching the image, image, models, signs will play an increasing role, pushing aside the familiar texts. Working with signs and sign systems, translation from one sign system to another, encoding and decoding - these and other procedures should be able to make the information society man.Personal information culture , scientists believe, it is necessary to form at school. Therefore, in the second half of the 20th century, the direction ofmedia education , which examines the question of the study of mass communication by schoolchildren.

The main tasks of media education scientists understand this: to prepare schoolchildren for life in an information society, to form their ability to use information in various forms, to master methods of communication using information technologies and media, that is, to carry out communications, to understand the consequences of the impact on a person of the media, in particular the media ... A special subject is studied in schools in developed countries, designed to solve these problems. Its content is approximately the following: the concept of communication, sign systems, presentation of information, mass media. In recent years, computer literacy has also been added to this, which gives the name to the subject -"Fundamentals of Computer and Media Literacy".

The main goals and directions of scientific and practical work are determined:

    development and implementation of new information technologies in teaching, upbringing and education management based on research in didactics, computer science;

    the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren, that is, information knowledge, the ability to study with the help of a computer and other electronic means, elementary programming skills;

    changes in methods, forms and content of education in connection with the penetration of information technology into the educational process;

    preparing teachers for teaching in an electronic environment.

Can see,at first, that the informatization of education affects such important components of education as goals and content. Information culture is becoming one of the main components that make up the model of a school and university graduate. This requires not only the introduction of special subjects in schools and universities, but also a revision of the content of traditional school disciplines; and the nature of these changes is not yet clear to scientists.

Secondly, the use of automated teaching systems and other technologies in the educational process leads to a revision of the methods and forms of teaching ~ the school, to the analysis and new understanding of the didactic process, to the establishment of new principles of teaching, as well as to a new view of the learning process from the point of view of psychology.

Thirdly, informatization of education presupposes, first of all, the development of educational support for the didactic process based on new and traditional information technologies. You should know that new information technologies in education include 1) three components: technical devices, software and educational support. Modern technical devices, in addition to a computer, include a printer, a modem, a scanner, television and video equipment, devices for converting information from one form to another, etc. Since the computer is the basis of information technology, informatization of education is often understood as the computerization of education use of a computer as a means of teaching and wider multipurpose use of a computer in the educational process.

The second component of information technology is programs, managing work on the computer, serving this work.The third and most important component of information technology from the point of view of didactics, it is educational support, it is, in essence, a special class of programs - training programs, training systems. Actually, they set, define the process, the technology of computer learning. They are constantly being improved by specialists. Currently, there are databases and data banks, hypertext systems created specifically for educational purposes.... Among the training systems, the most common are : to train skills and abilities; training; for the formation of knowledge, including scientific concepts; problem-based learning programs; simulation and modeling programs; didactic games.

The most complex programs includeintellectual ( including expert) training systems. Their peculiarity is that they diagnose a student and compose a history of his learning, a model of a particular student, and offer an individual training program on this basis.

In this way,informatization of education leads, as has been said, to a change in the essential aspects of the didactic process. The activity of the teacher and the student changes. A student can operate with a large amount of diverse information, integrate it, have the ability to automate its processing, simulate processes and solve problems, be independent in training activities and other. The teacher is also freed from routine operations, gets the opportunity to diagnose students, follow the dynamics of learning and student development. It should be said, however, that the mass of teachers is not ready for the transition from the classroom-lesson form of teaching and from explanatory traditional teaching to the use of information technologies in education. Electronic technology is still used mainly as a teaching aid. To a certain extent, teachers are right: the computer and new information technologies will gradually change the didactic process and, probably, will not completely replace traditional technologies learning.

In Russia, much attention at the state level is paid to the informatization of society in general and the education sector in particular. Federal, interdepartmental and sectoral programs are being implemented, aimed at solving urgent problems of informatization of education, including the development of the infrastructure of a unified educational information space, the development of electronic educational resources and their use in educational institutions, professional development of teachers in the field of information communication technologies, their implementation in the organization of the educational process, management practice of educational institutions.

Within the framework of the Federal Target Program"Development of a unified educational information environment" in the last 5 years, educational institutions have been equipped with computers and software.

An important result of the implementation of this program was the creation of systems of federal educational portals.

In 2005, the project "Informatization of the education system" was launched, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the informatization of schools, the systemic implementation and active use of information and communication technologies, and the orientation of the education system towards entering the global information space.

This project is designed for 5 years and is carried out in three main areas "Teaching materials of a new generation", "Professional development of teachers in the use of ICT for education" and "Creation of a system of interschool methodological centers."

The issues of informatization of education are given priority attention andFederal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010 ... Within the framework of this program, a number of projects are being carried out to create electronic educational resources of a new generation, ensuring the implementation of educational programs in the subjects of basic general and secondary (complete) general education. Remote access to these resources is provided to all educational institutions.

Integration of Internet resources placed on educational portals, on the websites of educational institutions, in electronic libraries has become a significant problem. To solve this problem, a new information system has been created"Single window of access to educational resources" , aimed at providing free access to the integral catalog of educational resources on the Internet, to the electronic library of educational materials.

A powerful impetus to the introduction of information and communication technologies into the general education system was given by the priority national project"Education", the implementation of which began in 2006. Within the framework of this project, the problem of connecting more than 50 thousand schools to the Internet was solved and the provision of schools with a package of licensed software products, which significantly expanded the possibilities of using a computer both in the classroom and in additional education of schoolchildren, in extracurricular activities, in managing the quality of education.

Thus, in recent years, within the framework of programs and projects aimed at creating and developing a unified educational information space, measures have been taken and are being carried out, which made it possible to position information technologies in a new way in the field of education. This includes the supply of new computers, software, Internet access and advanced training for educators, etc.

Connecting schools to the Internet makes it possible for both teachers and students to use educational resources, first of all, of the main federal educational portal "Russian Education".

Informatization is one of the main factors forcing education to improve. The content, teaching methods are developing, the role of the teacher is changing, who is gradually transforming from a transmitter of knowledge into an organizer of trainees' activities to acquire new knowledge, skills and abilities.

60% of our school teachers use modern educational technologies. Members of circles, scientific society of students, class groups present their work annually at the scientific - practical conference. Students of the first stage of education also joined the project activities. It is difficult for us to imagine the organization of additional education for schoolchildren, preparation of schoolchildren for final certification, preparation for seminars, teachers' councils, etc. without using a computer.

Administration workstations are computerized, and there are computers in two classrooms (one for primary school). E-mail allows external communication with teachers and students.

Changing the role of the teacher in the context of informatization of education.

The most important task of the teacher - to teach the younger generation to live in the information world, to be able to find and use the necessary knowledge.

to successfully tackle this challenge, every teacher in the Information Society needs:

    deeply know the processes taking place in education;

    promptly and constantly update their professional knowledge;

    be able to master and use the constantly expanding range of new technologies;

    improve your computer literacy and information culture;

    collect, evaluate, modify and reasonably use the information received to improve the lesson methodology;

    work closely and fruitfully with other participants in the educational process (administrations, teachers, students, parents);

    theoretically comprehend the results of their activities;

    have a wide erudition.

Consequently, the effectiveness of education directly depends on the level of teacher training. With the transition to the new information society, the requirements for the professional level of the teacher grow.

With the transition to a new type of education, combining traditional forms with the use of modern information and communication technologies, education occurs:

Changing the model of “education for life” with a new approach - “education throughout life”.

This is due to the acceleration of the pace of development of civilization. Knowledge quickly suits in a changing world and requires constant updating, which leads to continuous learning.

Shifting the center of gravity from learning to learning.

Today, the teacher ceases to be a source of primary information, turning into an intermediary helping students to obtain this information. And the most important task of the teacher is to teach the younger generation to live in the information world, to be able to find and use the necessary knowledge. And in order to successfully cope with this task, each teacher needs not only to improve his computer literacy and information culture, but also to be able to master and use an ever-expanding range of new technologies in his classes, promptly and constantly updating his professional knowledge.

The domestic education system, which is undergoing transformations associated with large-scale informatization, presents new key requirements for the teacher's professional activity: the orientation of teaching to the use of innovative technologies using ICT, maximum consideration of the individual characteristics of each student, readiness for professional interaction, the transfer of advanced teaching experience. Under the influence of the large-scale introduction of ICT in education,the role of the teacher is changing in the educational process, requirements are put forward for its compliance vocational training modern level of informatization.

In this regard, the main function of a modern teacher becomes accompaniment, correction of independent work of students, organization of high-quality search for information in world information resources.

In the current conditions, the teacher must be ready to any changes in his professional activity, to be able to quickly and effectively adapt to new conditions, to strive for professional development.

Let us characterize the features of the teacher's professional development, which are determined

active informatization of education. Adhering to an integrative approach to the concept of "teacher's professional development", which presupposes an interconnected study of the teacher's personal and professional growth, we will consider the following components of this concept: focus, competence, creative achievements, self-motivation.


The growing expansion of e-learning defines new characteristicspedagogical focus teachers. In these conditions, the teacher needs to show interest in transforming the system of education and upbringing of a person who will live and work in an information society. Understanding the didactic potential of information and communication technologies in the development of the student's personality, his individuality and creative abilities is an important characteristic of the pedagogical orientation of the teacher.

Computer technologies, having the ability to create an educational environment for experimentation, self-knowledge, stimulate cognitive interest, but without timely support and guidance from the teacher, this interest can fade away.

Such a professional quality of a teacher as the ability to take responsibility for the results of e-learning, taking into account the health of saving and personality-oriented educational technologies, is becoming in demand. This requires a focus on the development of new forms and techniques, constant improvement of their professional level, adequate to modern trends in the development of the information society.

Important characteristics of a pedagogical focus today, the teacher is becoming aware of the need for an advanced solution to the problem of student development in the context of informatization of education and motivation to study the influence of computer technology and information tools on the process of formation and development of the personality of students. The subject orientation of the teacher in the context of the active introduction of ICT is determined by the desire to study and use in the lesson and extracurricular activities modern software tools used in the relevant field of knowledge in order to model the studied objects and phenomena.

The professional development of a teacher is characterized by another significant factor that has an activity and personal character, - professional competence ... In the context of informatization of education, an important component of the professional competence of teachers isinformation and communication competence (ICT competence).

Professional competence of a teacher in the field of information and communication

technologies (ICT) is considered as a prerequisite for ensuring the quality of education results in the context of its informatization.

From this point of view, the teacher's ICT competence is characterized by:

- the ability to carry out effective search, structuring information and its adaptation to the peculiarities of the pedagogical process;

- qualified work with various electronic educational resources, professional software tools, ready-made software and methodological complexes that allow you to design a solution to pedagogical problems and practical problems;

- organization and use of automated workplaces for teachers and students in the educational process;

- readiness for regular independent cognitive activity based on ICT;

- the readiness to use computer and multimedia technologies, digital educational resources in the educational process, maintaining school records on electronic media.

Thus, the information and communication competence of a teacher is currently an actual characteristic of the professional development of teachers.

Another component of the professional development of teachers is itscreative achievements ... If a teacher is aware of the creative direction of his work and is determined to exchange innovative experience with colleagues, then this contributes to the development of his creative potential. If the solution of urgent professional problems arising in the process of pedagogical activity with the use of information and communication technologies allows the teacher to achieve qualitatively new educational results, then we can talk about pedagogical creativity.

Pedagogical creativity in the conditions of informatization of education is manifested:

- in the use of electronic educational resources in lesson activities (controlling, imitation, teaching, demonstration, etc.), independently created by the teacher;

- organization of design and research activities of students based on ICT tools;

- development of network educational initiatives for schoolchildren in subject, interdisciplinary, socially significant areas of knowledge;

- active use of distance learning technologies for teaching schoolchildren in order to ensure their productive lesson and extracurricular cognitive activity;

- preparation and execution of our own teaching materials for the exchange of experience with colleagues during master classes, seminars, teachers' councils, held both in person and remotely.

A teacher striving for professional growth, possessing new pedagogical and information technologies of teaching and upbringing and testing them in practice, can present his creative experience to colleagues with the help of a professional electronic portfolio.

The electronic portfolio allows the teacher to systematize their own teaching materials, analyze and evaluate the productivity and results of their teaching activities, track the progress of students' development and evaluate their educational achievements. The electronic portfolio of a teacher, as a rule, is presented in the form of a web resource (website, blog, wiki page) allows you to collect, replenish, edit a bank of the most effective teaching materials, the results of the teacher's professional activity, helps to visually present information in the form of tables , charts, graphs, presentations. Modern means of creating electronic portfolios (social services, content management systems, etc.) allow you to include interactive elements such as forums, chats, voting systems, search tools, etc. an essential direction of professional development in the context of informatization of education.

An important component of the teacher's professional development is hismotivation for professional self-education ... Modern level of development computer telecommunication technologies expands the forms of professional development of teachers, creates conditions for accessible and open support of teachers directly at the workplace. The growing a set of various Internet services provided to teachers. One more, a fairly new form of professional self-education for teachers is virtual methodological association (WMO). Participation in the WMO allows teachers who are geographically remote from each other to solve professional problems and improve their professional level. This expands access to useful sources of information, allows you to quickly receive consulting help, creates conditions for effective cooperation through remote forms of educational activity. Means of interaction in networked pedagogical communities are various communication channels, social services for storing and joint editing of information on the Internet.

The activity of the virtual methodological association of teachers is implemented through various forms of methodological work, among which the following can be distinguished:

- scientific and practical Internet conference, network seminar. These forms of methodological work allow discussing topical professional problems, reviewing advanced pedagogical experience, analyzing modern programs, teaching aids;

- the creation of banks, archives of these methodological developments allows you to systematize information about pedagogical experience in teaching methods of teaching subjects, educational work of the school, innovations in the field of pedagogy and methodology, provides open access to useful Internet resources;

- a thematic forum, remote consulting assistance, methodological webinars allow organizing communication between teachers, during which many professional issues are openly and professionally resolved, with interactive communication there is an intensive exchange of pedagogical findings;

- distance contests of methodological developments, virtual master classes (allow you to present innovative pedagogical experience to the network community of teachers;

- informing the members of the association about new regulatory documents, methodological materials, information about competitions, competitions, projects promotes the prompt dissemination of information about best practices, the exchange of methodological developments.

Thus, the professional development of teachers is realized through the active use of information and communication technologies. The modern level of informatization of education not only introduces new forms and methods of professional development, but also qualitatively changes the essence of this concept, in which new characteristics of such components as pedagogical orientation, pedagogical competence, creative and self-educational activity appear.

Multimedia didactics

Multimedia didactics Is a common name used to describe the cognitive theory of multimedia learning. This theory includes several principles of learning with or through multimedia.

Multimedia is: describing the procedure for the development, operation and use of information processing tools of various types;

2. an information resource created on the basis of technologies for processing and presenting information of various types;

3. computer software, the functioning of which is associated with the processing and presentation of information of various types;

4. computer hardware, with the help of which it becomes possible to work with information of different types;

5. a special generalizing type of information that combines both traditional static visual (text, graphics) and dynamic information of different types (speech, music, video fragments, animation, etc.) ”.

Multimedia objects are used to:

    strengthening the pedagogical impact on students by creating additional emotional or mnemonic connections providing visual and auditory images and objects that cannot be imagined in the classroom (visiting the Kremlin for rural schoolchildren, ballet at the Bolshoi Theater, opera in the Grand Kremlin Palace, service in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, etc.) illustration and demonstration of phenomena that cannot be observed in real time, for example, the process of photosynthesis or the action of magnetic fields;

    the ability to conduct virtual practical work (for example, conduct an autopsy of a virtual frog);

    the ability to develop the necessary skill in simulators (for example, when training pilots).

Multimedia lessons help to solve the following didactic tasks:

1. master the basic knowledge of the subject;

2. to systematize the acquired knowledge;

3. to form skills of self-control;

4. to form motivation for learning in general and for computer science in particular.

5. to provide educational and methodological assistance to students in independent work on educational material.

The simultaneous use of audio and video information increases memorization up to 40 - 50%. Multimedia programs present information in various forms and thus make the learning process more efficient. The saving of time required for studying a specific material is on average 30%, and the acquired knowledge is retained in memory much longer.

Lesson Is, first of all, a form of organization of the educational process, which makes it possible not only to learn, but also to learn, to acquire the necessary skills. And in accomplishing this task, multimedia techniques are far superior to traditional ones. Interactive exercises and simulators in the lesson will effectively help form a student's wide variety of educational skills and abilities - from determining the verse size to solving a system of equations. The developed methodology for the formation of intellectual skills, based on the achievements of modern developmental and educational psychology, allows us to say that students in CT lessons know not only “what” to teach and what knowledge to test, but also “how” to really learn.

Multimedia methodological techniques compensate for many of the disadvantages of the traditional lesson (the predominance of reproductive teaching methods, the impossibility individual work with each student in the class, lack of time for independent study of students, etc.) and at the same time have a number of advantages:

1. The student's activity, which is caused by the absence of a stressful "assessment situation". Interactive exercises aim to build skill, not mark.

2. Individual rhythm of classes. Unlimited repetitions possible. Feedback from the user allows you to create a "situation of success", individual success, to record the personal dynamics of the development of a particular skill. Interactives allow students to show an active creative position in learning to the maximum extent possible.

3. Variability. You can form a concept or develop a skill using a variety of materials. Variability stems from the very nature of the multimedia educational process, which is capable of rebuilding a huge amount of content in seconds to solve a specific methodological problem.

4. Diagnostics of skills and abilities to determine the causes of learning problems.

5. Formation of meta-skills, for example, skills of working with information, mastering mnemonics or speed reading techniques.

6. Conscious formation volitional qualities and independence, striving for self-improvement.

Multimedia technologies allow combine various forms of presentation of educational information into a single one: text, music, graphics, illustrations, video, audio materials. Learning using multimedia resources is becoming a real means of developing education technology. But, although being a new pedagogical technology, such teaching is subject to the basic laws of pedagogy, that is, the traditional didactic principles of education are also its basis, but they are supplemented by new conditions and criteria of the learning environment.

The principle of systematicity and consistency in training allows you to achieve great results: educational material is memorized in greater volume and more firmly; in addition, with multimedia teaching, it becomes possible to implement the principle of individualization of teaching.Strengthening the activity and independence of the student becomes possible thanks to the system of choice of the educational process at all methodological levels: when setting your own educational objectives, the choice of the form and speed of learning.

In multimedia education, the principle of virtualization of education is used to solve these goals.

Expansion of opportunities in the implementation of the principle of visibility on the basis of modern information and technical means creates an illusion in practical pedagogical activity complete solution problems with technical means, to the detriment of the content and goals of training. To avoid these negative trends, in multimedia teaching and in the development of electronic teaching aids, it is necessary to adhere to the principle of consistency and to correlate new technical and pedagogical parameters of modern visual aids with the main structural components of the didactic system: goals and objectives, content and methods.

Many believed that the use of multimedia technologies in education would significantly increase the effectiveness and quality of the educational process in record time. As a result, companies have emerged that constantly fill the Russian market with CDs with multimedia textbooks.

It would seem, what is needed special to create such a guide? It is enough to take a generally accepted paper textbook, materials from encyclopedias, reference books, convert all this into a hypertext electronic form, illustrate and get an ideal modern textbook. Indeed, many companies using this technology have accumulated a wealth of experience in creating masterfully designed products of this kind.

Unfortunately, the expected revolution in education is not happening: The fact that the most interesting developments of highly respected firms are not in a position to do this by themselves, says a lot. In particular, that at the moment pedagogical science is not yet ready to solve this problem, and numerous experimental studies are needed to solve it. These experiments include the work performed by the authors of the article, which will be discussed below.

Always in the educational process, the main thing is the Teacher, his talent, knowledge and skills ... That is why it is most rational to strive to ensure that the content of an electronic textbook does not repeat paper textbooks, but embodies the pedagogical experience as fully as possible.

So the idea arose to create author's multimedia teaching aids. The developers of the electronic version of the manual are present at the lessons, analyze the course of the classes. Thus, each component of the manual, while still a semi-finished product, undergoes an experimental practical test. In addition, the author's electronic manual has another remarkable distinguishing feature. Ordinary textbooks and manuals, as well as their branded multimedia counterparts, can only be corrected when they are republished, that is, for the current educational processes they are unchanged and the necessary changes and additions have to be performed by the teacher independently. Author's electronic manuals are completely devoid of this limitation. After all, those educational institutions where they are used are under constant supervision of developers. And, therefore, there is no time limit for correction and continuous improvement.

Creation of copyright electronic manuals - this is an event in an educational institution, since this is a completely new, interesting and exciting business for a thinking, talented teacher, therefore this process cannot take place without the interested attention of colleagues, that is, that the manual "matures" in a very fruitful fire of criticism and advice. For this purpose, each author's multimedia manual should be accompanied bylibrary of his rationale. It primarily includes a detailed author's justification : the teacher describes the dynamics of the formation of each element of his methodology, the results of experiments. All criticisms of interested colleagues are then included in this library. It would be very reckless to create a manual without consultation and expertise from professionals and scientists of the relevant profile. Their criticism, assessments and argumentation will have to be carefully recorded in the library.According to the authors of the article, the library of justifications is a constantly operating generator of intellectual impulses that both educate and activate creative processes in the pedagogical environment.

In addition, experience shows that multimedia textbooks require the development of special methods and scenarios for their use by teachers and students, that is, universal training in the techniques of working with such textbooks is required, as well as the creation of technical conditions for working with them.

The process of creating author's multimedia teaching aids is a powerful invasion of computer technology into the holy of holies - an educational process that has developed over the years.Practice has shown that the close cooperation of school teachers with multimedia programmers is extremely fruitful:

    in the pedagogical environment, the fear and rejection of the computer automatically disappears (it is still typical for most subject teachers);

    the teacher's creative activity increases;

    there is a rethinking of teachers of their educational function from new positions for him;

    exchange of experience in the teaching environment becomes more active and really necessary;

    exceptionally favorable conditions are created for the influence of scientists and professionals on the course of current educational processes.

Together with the teacher, with the participation of his colleagues, multimedia specialists effectively implement the method that the author-teacher has gained through suffering, making it a powerful, modern educational tool. In our opinion, this is one of the main parts of those effective mechanisms that can ensure the transition of school education to a qualitatively new level.

The use of ICT in teaching history.

The modern process of teaching history is characterized by an increasingly widespread use in itcomputer technology ... Computer learning technologies are understood as a set of methods, forms and teaching aids that are based on the use of modern computer tools and aimed at effectively achieving the set learning goals in a given subject area. Combining many traditional information technologies, computer technologies allow to significantly optimize the process of teaching history and social studies.

    It can become more interesting, emotionally rich, dynamic and visual;

    computer technology is also able to individualize and differentiate the educational process;

    to realize its creative nature, to organize flexible management of educational activities, to intensify and intensify training.

In addition, computer technologies make it possible to study various courses in history and social studies at a qualitatively new level. They provide information in a student-friendly form -in the form of graphs, tables, diagrams, screen pictures, as well as for a static assessment of historical and social science facts and comparison of different objects by some parameter ... Performing the function of informative support of the subject, the computer is able to significantly facilitate the process of mastering students, both reproductive skills and general logical (systematization, classification, analysis and synthesis), as well as reflexive (the ability to process statistical data, carry outinformation). The computer opens up wide possibilities for constructing models of historical processes. History as a science is characterized by the prevailing methods of direct observation, registration and classification of facts. Nevertheless, the static and fragmentary information that is obtained as a result of using such methods does not allow to fully restore, reconstruct a certain fragment of the historical process.

A simulation computer model (which, for example, simulates a socio-economic process or military action) allows : to reconstruct, clarify the numerical material of the investigated fragment of the historical process; to conduct a dynamic analysis of historical information related to the period under study; to simulate the development of the historical process over the years, to calculate the coefficients (incomes, expenses, reserves) that characterize the economic situation of each segment of the population during the studied fragment of the historical process; to better understand the meaning and significance of certain political events; predict events of an economic and political nature.

One of the most effective methods of improving the general educational process in the context of teaching history and social studies at school is the use of educational multimedia products , as well as access to information through the use of global computer networks, and primarilyinternet networks .

The place of the computer in the educational process is generally determined by the type of computer program. A significant part of them are intended to consolidate knowledge. It is advisable to use such programs after mastering a certain theoretical material within the framework of the traditional training system. Other programs focused primarily on the assimilation of new concepts in a mode close to programmed learning. Such programs, as a rule, contain a fixed set of teaching influences and do not provide for a detailed dialogue with students. Therefore, the didactic possibilities in them are relatively limited. Curricula that implement problem-based learning have much greater opportunities. They allow not only to carry out reflexive control of educational activity, but also make it operatively controlled. They can take into account such parameters as the sequence of concepts that are being studied, as well as the time taken to complete the training material by sections, presentation methods and the complexity of tasks and questions, types of prompts and explanations.

Separately, you should separate the programs, the training for which is built in the form of a game ... By the measure of influence on the student, didactic computer games can be divided intothe following types : educational, reinforcing, controlling and developing. Depending on what kind of game the game belongs to, it is possible to determine at which stage of the lesson - the stage of updating the basic knowledge and methods of action, the stage of forming new concepts and methods of action, the stage of applying knowledge andplaying tasks in the process of using computer games helps students to recreate the previously acquired knowledge and methods of action. At the stage of the formation of concepts and methods of action, the opportunity provided by the computer to deeply concentrate on the game material contributes to the formation of new concepts. At the stage of applying knowledge and forming skills, a computer game allows the student to apply and develop the knowledge gained, skills and abilities.The process of using computer games at all stages of the lesson has a multifunctional character : during the solution of a game educational problem, not only knowledge is formed, but also various intellectual qualities, motivation and will develop, initiative and creative thinking are stimulated, i.e. personality development takes place.Realizing the basic principles of didactics, computer technologies bring some new regularities into learning. First of all , all elements of the educational process should be focused on the individual informational capabilities and characteristics of the student, i.e. they must be adaptable to the individual characteristics of the student in terms of the form, volume and pace of information provision. The ways of using computer technologies in teaching should be determined by the age-old, physiological and mental capabilities of schoolchildren.Secondly , training should be multimedia, i.e. complex in the content of information and in the form of organization. The combination of visual and audio forms of providing educational information in educational computer programs significantly increases its clarity and expressiveness and thereby allows turning the study of history into an interesting and meaningful process. Aware of the high didactic potential of computer technologyOrganizationally, any teaching technology, including computer technology, must necessarily contain traditional forms of interaction between a teacher and a student. Thus, the use of a computer in the educational process significantly increases its efficiency; it can be used not only in the classroom, but also after school hours.

General purpose programs : MicrosoftWord, MicrosoftExcel, MicrosoftPowerPoint, MicrosoftFrontPage, MicrosoftPublisher, AdobePhotoshop and others can be used with success by history teachers. The range of application of these programs in the educational process is quite large. They can be used for visualization, quizzes, creative educational products for students, and more.Program PowerPoint , has great potential for creating a visual - figurative representation of the historical past. The history teacher can independently create such presentations for their lessons or use ready-made ones.

Text editor Microsoft Word can also serve as an example of the simplest use of office applications. Using a text editorWord a teacher can create simple didactic materials and present them to students for independent work in a lesson in a computer class. Such material can be prepared in the form of text with explanations, illustrations, hyperlinks and check questions. Students can create with the editorWord own intellectual product, for example, an abstract, report, message.

Table processors or spreadsheets are primarily designed for processing numerical data. However, the capabilities of a tableprocessor Excel in the learning process, stories are also very diverse. With this office application, you can create graphs and diagrams while exploring topics in socio-economic history, in which quantitative indicators appear (production volume, unemployment rate, pricing process).Excel allows you to process statistical data of an economic and sociological nature, to carry out a comparative analysis of such data.

An important link in the activities of a teacher is the diagnosis of students' knowledge. Using a table processorMicrosoft Excel you can create control tests for different sections of the history course. There are known examples of using this program to create electronic journals.

Programs - libraries (collections of various texts), equipped with search engines. They are also electronic versions of paper editions. In seriesCD "Classic. Russian history" the collected works of N.M. Karamzin, I.N.Kostomarov, S.S. Platonov, V.O. Klyuchevsky, etc.

Tutor programs - focused on the final stage of training (example: intensive preparation for the exam). CD "History Tutor" is a testing program for schoolchildren and applicants.

Problem books - programs that allow you to organize the process of acquiring new knowledge in a fun way. In form, these programs are similar to games, but in essence they contain serious educational tasks. For example, tasks on the history of the ancient world are contained inCD "Riddles of the Sphinx".

Electronic textbooks - combine the properties of the above programs and can be the main tool for regular systematic studies in the subject. In 1997/98 academic year the first computer (multimedia) textbook on the subject of history was published in the domestic pedagogical practice:CD "History of Russia: XX century" ... This tutorial is a comprehensive tutorial that implements a closed loop learning algorithm. Later, virtual textbooks appearedCD « History of the Fatherland IX-XVIII centuries. " , CD "The history of homeland. 882-1917 " other.

The main content blocks of teacher training courses:

    Technological block involves the practical improvement of user skills, the formation of readiness to use ICT in their professional activities.

    Program-methodical block is aimed at the formation of the skills of the conscious use of modern technologies in teaching history, familiarity with software, methodological techniques for working with a PC at all stages of the educational process, multimedia teaching and reference materials. An important component of this block is the systematization of Internet resources on history,

    Content block, is aimed at improving the information competence of the teacher: the ability to understand the essence of information processing, find information in various sources, use automated information retrieval and processing systems, interpret information, convert visual information into a verbal sign system,widely use modeling to study various objects and phenomena, analyze information models.

mass introduction in ped. practice of methods and means of collecting, processing, transferring and storing information based on microprocessor technology and information transmission facilities, as well as ped. technologies based on these means, in order to create conditions for the restructuring of cognitive activity and enhance the intellectual capabilities of students.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


in a broad sense - a complex of social and pedagogical transformations associated with saturation educational systems information products, tools and technology; narrowly - the introduction of information in educational institutions. means based on microprocessor technology, as well as information. products and ped. technologies based on these means (see Computerization of learning).

Io.- part of the process of informatization of society, to-rye can be considered as one of the determining factors in the turn to highly organizations. stages of civilization. It is customary to associate the informatization of society with chinformats. explosion ”(S. Lem), the essence of which is the ex-potential increase in the number of socially significant information (scientific, technological, cultural, etc.). This phenomenon was outlined in the end. 18th century, when the processing of all new information became practically unbearable for one person. naib. this process became widespread in the 20th century. Socio-economic. prerequisite "information. explosion "is a rapid development produces, forces, a cut, on the one hand, leads to an increase in information. flows for the implementation of more effective management of the economy, on the other - associated with development produces, forces growth of labor productivity entails the release of people from the industrial sphere. and s.-kh. production and creates the basis for expanding the scope of information. production-va. There is an increased need for the development of production-va information. means for creating, transferring, storing, processing, replicating information and automating information. processes. This need led to the emergence, along with traditional information. technologies based mainly on "paper" (books, newspapers, etc.) and "film" (photo, film) presentation of information, new information. technologies (NIT), which are based on electronic media. Among the latter, computers (computers) and audiovisual electronic means (television, video, etc.) played a special role. The term "new information. technologies "is increasingly associated with the use of computers in combination with a variety of" peripheral "devices (display, printer, devices for converting data from graphic and sound forms of information representation into numerical and vice versa, etc.).

New information technologies do not supplant traditional ones - the number of "paper" and "film" information continues to grow, so the process of informatization is not limited to the introduction of BIT. Gradually, a multi-level system for presenting information is being developed. carriers and decomp. sign systems in which traditional and NIT closely interact.

Along with the development of information. structures there is a process of "semiotization" of society - the emergence and development of numerous. sign systems, thanks to which a multicomponent "information. field ", which is a specific. information human environment (a combination of texts, graphic images, sound and audiovisual messages, etc.). There is a problem of informational (communicative) adaptation of a person in society.

Theoretical the basis of informatization of society is informatics. This term was introduced three times into Russian. scientific. lexicon. In the 60s. 20 century - to designate scientific. discipline about the organization of search and accumulation of scientific and technical. information. Its other meaning was introduced from the French. lang. (informatique-information. automation) and defined the science of automation. the processes of transmission, processing, storage of information on the basis of a computer. This understanding of the term is close to the English. Computer science ("computer science"). Since the 80s. there are qualities, a change in the understanding of the term "informatics" associated with the understanding of the concept of "informatization", a cut has become "one of the active points of growth of philosophical science in recent decades" (A. P. Ershov). Informatics is understood as a system of knowledge related to the production, processing, storage, search and dissemination of information in its most diverse aspects in nature, society, and the technosphere.

Among the specific. socially ped. problems center. the place is occupied by the contradiction between the rate of growth of knowledge in society and the limited possibilities of their assimilation by the individual. Attempts to resolve this contradiction lead to the rejection of the abs. educated. ideal ("comprehensively developed personality") and the replacement of its social determinants. educated. the ideal is max, the development of a person's abilities for self-realization. It is necessary

at the same time, provide a person with the right to choose directions of education, which leads to the introduction of a sufficiently early differentiation of education and the creation of systems continuing education... It is possible to implement the idea of \u200b\u200blifelong education only by preparing the necessary conditions for self-education: the creation of organizations. and the legal basis for access to decomp. sources of information, the formation and development of a person's abilities associated with its search, processing, perception, understanding, use. A person who does not own information. technology, loses one of the adapters. mechanisms in a dynamically developing society. Information means and technology become a kind of informational organs, "extensions" of man (H. M. McLuen). The problem arises of the formation and development of information. culture of the individual (see. Media education).

In the USSR, the term “I. about." all R. 80s used in a narrow sense. In 1988, a group of scientists led by Acad. A.P. Ershov was developed the first odech. concept: I. o., in a cut a number of directions are highlighted: the formation of computer literacy as an element of general education. human training; training prof. the use of BAT; development of content and teaching methods based on BAT; the use of BAT as tools of labor; NIT and spec. pedagogy; leisure use of computers; Computers in education management. Were outlined DOS. stages of acting: initial acquaintance of graduates cf. and higher. uch. institutions and teachers with computer capabilities; deployment of a complex of studies of forms and methods of using computers in the account. process; working out organizational and tech. questions of creating ped. software, etc .; in the 90s - wide distribution of forms creative work teachers and students using computing, technology; the organization of a mass experiment on the use of computers in teaching, the creation of computer communication systems between educational institutions, etc. In the future, a massive transition to the study of general education was supposed. disciplines with the use of calculus, technology at all levels of education; putting into operation publicly available databases to support distance learning, retraining and advanced training systems; creation of an integrated computer system for the management of educational institutions, etc. The concept fixed the prevailing to the end. 80s the level of ideas about the process of I. o., computerization of training and information technology. and organiz. aspects, leaving aside psychology, social, etc.

In 1990, a refined concept of I. about. (B. E. Alginin, B. G. Kiselev, S. K. Lando, I. S. Oreshkov, V. V. Rubtsov, B. G. Semyaninov, A. Yu. Uvarov, D. S. Chereshnin and others .), reflecting a more general understanding of the I.O. process, its connection with the informatization of society. The components of NIT that are promising for educational purposes were singled out: computer laboratories, telecommunications (computer, audiovisual, etc.), operational printing, interactive video systems, etc. The authors interpreted the next stages of information technology differently, without specifying their time limits: mass development new information technologies, deployment will explore. work on their ped. implementation; active development and fragmentary introduction of NIT tools and, on their basis, new methods and organizational structures. forms uch. work in the tradition. uch. discipline; changing the structure of the content of education at all its levels and method. learning apparatus based on NIT. Several were envisaged. directions of changes in the content of education, the development of a qualitatively new model of training a member of "information. society "- the development of the ability to communicate, creative activity, etc. Turn to a broader understanding of the acting. stimulated research into the laws of this process. It was found that decomp. links of structure cf. uch. institutions are not equally "predisposed" to decomp. components And. about. naib. the need for computerization is experienced by the support structures for teachers and educators. process: account management system. institutions, information-ped. service (libraries, media tekas), ped. and honey. service. The intensive inclusion of audiovisual means in the learning process is more successful in the framework of the subjects of the humanities cycle and biology. Teachers accept basically three areas of computer use: the computer as information. means for preparing for classes (search, selection, creation, replication of information); diagnostic tool, training, correction of knowledge, skills and abilities of students; means of possible facilitation of work with ped. documentation. The teacher reserves the teaching function.

The practice of informatization cf. schools posed a number of problems. One of the naib. acute (in addition to material and organizational) is the problem of "resistance of teachers" - the introduction of scientific information technology in the learning process, caused by the contradiction between the collective forms of learning, characteristic of the classroom system, and the individualization of learning, stimulated by personal computers. Dr. the problem is the likely decrease in interpersonal contacts due to the expansion of the appeal to impersonal information. This problem, in particular, is associated with the phenomenon of “hacking” - the emergence of a category of people seeking to plunge into the illusory world on a computer screen, actively interacting with it, but cut off from the real world. An important circle of problems is associated with the legal basis for the dissemination of information in the education system: the rights of students to receive information, protection from the use of information about students by other persons to his detriment and from unauthorized persons. access to school. databases; copyright, and, in particular, use in education. for information purposes, which is banned for free distribution; protection of information from intentional and unintentional damage (especially relevant in connection with the emergence of computer "viruses"), etc.

Lit .: A. A. Korennoy, Information and communication, K., 1986; A.P. Sukhanov, The World of Information. History and prospects, M., 1986; his, Information and Progress, Novosib., 1988; Ershov A., Shk. informatics in the USSR: from literacy to culture, "Informatics and Education", 1987, no. 6; In about p about b e in G. G., Your information. culture, M., 1988; The concept of informatization of education, ed. A. Ershova, M., 1988; Semenyuk E. P., Informatics: achievements, prospects, opportunities, M., 1988; Grishchenko V., D about v-gyalo A., Ways of development of informatization of education, "Informatics and Education", 1989, no. 6; Computers in the school. education of socialist countries: state and prospects, M., 1989; A. Shatrov, Y. Tse-venkov, Problems of informatization of education, "Informatics and Education", 1989. No. 5; Informatics and Culture, Novo-Sib., 1990; The concept of informatization of education, "Informatics and Education", 1990. No. 1; Reyzema Ya. V., Informatics of social reflection, M., 1990; Uvarov A., Computer Science at School: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, “Computer Science and Education”, 1990, No. 4; Information technology in university education, M., 1991; Science and technology in education in the 1990s: Sov. and Amer. perspectives, M., 1991; Sergeeva T., New information. technologies and content of education (on the example of subjects of the natural-scientific cycle), "Informatics and Education", 1991, No. 1.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Informatization of education is a part of informatization of society, a process that has taken on the character of an information explosion or revolution since the middle of the 20th century, which gives grounds to characterize modern society as information society. This means that in all spheres of human activity, the role of information processes is increasing, the need for information and the means for its production, processing, storage and use increases. Information becomes scientific and

The growing demand for information and an increase in the flow of information in human activity leads to the emergence of new information technologies (NIT) - the use of electronic means to work with information, along with traditional information technologies, which use traditional media (paper, film).

Informatization of education - a set of measures to transform pedagogical processes through the introduction of information products, tools, technologies into education and upbringing. The theoretical basis for informatization of education is, first of all, informatics, then cybernetics, systems theory and, of course, didactics. Informatics, as you know, is a branch of knowledge that studies the production, processing, storage and dissemination of information in nature, society, and the technosphere.

The penetration of new information technologies into education makes us look at the didactic process as an information process in which students receive information, process and use it. Programmed learning and, after it, learning technology have shown that learning, understood as a process of information processing, can be strictly controlled, similar to the processes in complex systems that cybernetics deals with. Therefore, the informatization of education should be considered not just as the use of a computer and other electronic means in teaching, but as a new approach to organizing education, as a direction in science, "which scientists call pedagogical informatics. An informational approach to teaching puts before didactics and pedagogy in general a number of problems.

So, for example, the question arises about the forms of representation of knowledge in the educational process, we mean both traditional texts, visual materials, and new forms created by analogy with informational ones: a text divided into blocks, or otherwise structured, a thesaurus, a frame (something like Shatalov reference signal), a concept tree (something similar to graphs in computer science), hypertext and others. In turn, the forms of knowledge presentation determine the search for means of their presentation in the didactic process and methods for processing information, that is,

educational and cognitive operations, teaching and teaching methods. But these and other questions are the main questions of didactics.

In addition, a number of general pedagogical and social pedagogical problems or aspects of informatization of education arise. The term appeared "visual education",which means that in teaching, the image, image, models, signs will play an increasing role, pushing away the familiar texts. Working with signs and sign systems, translation from one sign system to another, encoding and decoding - these and other procedures should be able to be done by a person of the information society. In this regard, the question arises about the information culture of an individual, which is understood as the presence of knowledge in the field of information and the ability to work with information. The information culture of the individual, scientists believe, must be formed at school. Therefore, in the second half of the 20th century in pedagogy, a direction is formed - media education, which examines the issue of the study of mass communication by schoolchildren. Scientists understand the main tasks of media education as follows: to prepare schoolchildren for life in an information society, to form their ability to use information in various forms, to master communication methods using information technologies and means, that is, to carry out communications, to understand the consequences of the impact on a person of the media, in particular mass media. In the schools of developed countries, a special subject is studied, designed to solve these problems. Its content is approximately the following: the concept of communication, sign systems, presentation of information, mass media. In recent years, computer literacy has also been added to this, which gives the name to the subject - "Fundamentals of Computer and Media Literacy".

In domestic pedagogy, there was and still is something close to media education in individual schools in the form of teaching cinematography, journalism, and audiovisual culture. We can say that our schoolchildren learn information culture on their own, working with home electronic means.

In the USSR, and in Russia, the concept of informatization of education was developed and implemented. Its main

provisions are reduced to the following. The main goals and directions of scientific and practical work are determined:

development and implementation of new information technologies in teaching, upbringing and education management based on research in didactics, computer science;

the formation of the information culture of schoolchildren, that is, informational knowledge, the ability to learn with the help of a computer and other electronic means, elementary programming skills;

changes in methods, forms and content of training in connection with the penetration of information technology into the educational process;

preparation of teachers for the implementation of teaching in the context of working with electronic means.

It can be seen, firstly, that the informatization of education affects such important components of education as goals and content. Information culture is becoming one of the main components that make up the model of a school and university graduate. This requires not only the introduction of special subjects in schools and universities, but also a revision of the content of traditional school disciplines; and the nature of these changes is not yet clear to scientists.

Secondly, the use of automated teaching systems and other technologies in the educational process leads to a revision of the methods and forms of teaching at school, to the analysis and new understanding of the didactic process, the establishment of new principles of teaching, and also to a new view of the learning process from the point of view of psychology.

Thirdly, informatization of education presupposes, first of all, the development of educational support for the didactic process based on new and traditional information technologies. You should know that new information technologies in education include three components: technical devices, software and educational support. Modern technical devices, in addition to a computer, include a printer, a modem, a scanner, television and video equipment, devices for converting information from one form to another, etc. Since the computer is the basis of information technology, the informatization of education is often understood as the computerization of education, that is, the use of a computer as a means of teaching and wider multipurpose use of a computer in the educational process.

The second component of information technology is the programs that control the work on the computer, serving this work. The third and most important component of information technology from the didactic point of view is educational support, this is, in essence, a special class of programs - training programs, training systems. Actually

they set, define the process, the technology of computer learning. They are constantly being improved by specialists. Currently, there are databases and data banks, hypertext systems created specifically for teaching purposes. Among the training systems, the most common are: for training skills; training; for the formation of knowledge, including scientific concepts; problem-based learning programs; simulation and modeling programs; didactic games.

The most complex programs include intelligent (including expert) training systems. Their peculiarity is that they diagnose a student and make up the history of his learning, a model of a particular student, and offer an individual training program on this basis.

Thus, the informatization of education leads, as it was said, to a change in the essential aspects of the didactic process. The activity of the teacher and the student changes. A student can operate with a large amount of various information, integrate it, have the ability to automate its processing, simulate processes and solve problems, be independent in learning activities, and more. The teacher is also freed from routine operations, gets the opportunity to diagnose students, follow the dynamics of learning and student development. It should be said, however, that the mass of teachers is not ready for the transition from classroom teaching and from explanatory traditional teaching to the use of information technologies in education. Electronic technology is still used mainly as a teaching aid. To a certain extent, teachers are right: the computer and new information technologies will gradually change the didactic process and, probably, will not completely replace traditional teaching technologies.

Questions and fortune-telling for self-control

1. How to understand the two-sided nature of the learning process?

2. Describe the essence and structure of teaching and learning.

3. Describe the integrity and cyclical nature of the learning process.

4. Give a brief description of the functions of training: educational, developmental and educational.

5. Place in front of each statement the name of the type or learning system to which the statement applies.

StatementEducation system
1. Learning activities are carried out on the basis of an indicative action framework.informative learning,
2. Knowledge is given in small doses and the degree of assimilation is immediately checked.developmental training,
3. Knowledge is acquired in the process of solving problem situations.learning technology,
4. The learning process is based on diagnostically set goals and the reproducibility of the training cycle.theory of the phased formation of mental actions, problem learning, programmed learning
5. Learning is at a high level of difficulty with the leading role of "theoretical knowledge.
6. Knowledge is given ready-made, it must be memorized and reproduced.

6. Complete the table and write down the types of training it represents at the top.

7. Fill in the missing stages of the formation of mental actions of students:

1) creating motivation for learning;


3) performing actions in a material, materialized form;


5) the formation of actions in external speech "to oneself";


Check yourself on the text.


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Dyachenko V.K.The organizational structure of the educational process and its development. M., 1989.

Lerner I. Ya.The learning process and its patterns. M., 1980.

Lerner I. Ya.Problematic learning. M., 1974.

Klarin M.V.Innovative teaching models in foreign pedagogical searches. M., 1994.

Kupisevich Ch.Fundamentals of General Didactics. M., 1986.

Matyushkin A.M.Problematic situations in thinking and learning. M., 1972.

Makhmutov M.I.Organization of problem learning at school. M., 1977.

Menchinskaya NA.Problems of learning and mental development of the student. M.g 1989.

Pidkasisty P.I., Goryachev B.V.The learning process in the context of the democratization and humanization of the school. M., 1991.

Pidkasisty P.I.Independent cognitive activity of schoolchildren in learning. M., 1980.

Skatkin M.N.Problems of modern didactics. M., 1970

Talyzina N.F.Management of knowledge assimilation processes. M., 1984.

Theoretical Foundations of the Learning Process in Soviet Skoda Ed. V.V. Kraevsky, I. Ya. Lerner.M., 1989.

Shaporinsksh S.A.Training and scientific knowledge... M., 1981.

Shchukina G.I.Enhancement of cognitive activity of students. M., 1979.

Yakimanskaya I.S.Developmental training. M., 1979.

Pedagogy. A textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Perky. - M: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998 .-- 640 p.

The development of technology has led to the informatization of society. Today it is difficult to imagine a house without a TV and a computer, a person who does not know how to use the Internet. firmly and confidently penetrate all areas of our life. The education system was no exception. Today, not only the ministry is involved in implementation problems, but also the center for informatization and education quality assessment, located in the city of Ivanovo.

Defining the problem

Informatization of education is a rather complex modern trend associated with the introduction into the educational process of various kinds of information tools operating on the basis of microprocessors, as well as electronic products and new pedagogical technologies based on the use of ICT for teaching.

Informatization of education, first of all, is aimed at the development of methods and means focused on the implementation of the main educational and educational pedagogical goals by using the latest achievements of computer technology. This includes computer training of schoolchildren, their mastery of modern ICT achievements, modernization of methods and forms of education, its content.


The process of informatization of education has its own goals. These include:

1. Creation of favorable conditions for access to educational, scientific and cultural information.

2. Intensification of the interaction of participants in the pedagogical process through the use of informatization tools.

3. Changing the model of education management.

4. Improving the quality of education through the use of ICT.

Main reasons

The development of informatization of education has the following prerequisites:

The rapid process of informatization of society as a whole. So, today more and more people have personal computers, are connected to the World Wide Web, including schoolchildren and students.

The growth of the technical capabilities of informatics and the decrease in their cost, which makes them more accessible. Almost every school has its own computer lab, and most universities install computers, multimedia projectors and whiteboards in every classroom.

A course towards the formation of a new information environment for society, the infosphere. Naturally, with such prospects, it is important to teach schoolchildren and students to use ICT correctly and profitably.

Process basics

Informatization of the education sector is based on the achievement of pedagogical and computer sciences, such as:

Computer science;


Systems theory;


Thanks to them, not only new computer technologies are being introduced into education, with the help of which students can more effectively master knowledge, but also methods and approaches to teaching and its control are being developed. Electronic textbooks, tests, educational programs are created that use both the latest advances in computer science and the fundamental principles of didactics.

The main directions of informatization of education

To implement the main goals, the center for informatization of education quality proposes to carry out work in the following areas:

1. Computerization of educational institutions, which includes not only providing schools and universities with computers, but also peripheral equipment such as multimedia projectors and whiteboards, printers, scanners, modems, and more.

2. Connecting educational institutions to the Internet. In the future, this will allow students to use it directly during the lesson, and teachers will be able to conduct lessons remotely or attend remote training courses in the workplace.

3. Creation and implementation of distance learning technologies. Today this form of education is considered one of the most promising. But at the same time, distance education has a number of disadvantages, among which are the high cost of courses and a somewhat unworked knowledge control system. In the future, it is planned to carefully work out the teaching methodology and reduce its cost, which will make it accessible to everyone.

4. Creation of a unified information system for monitoring training, which will help to carry out timely sections of knowledge, to determine the disadvantages and advantages of a particular method of training. This is one of the main tasks pursued by informatization. at the same time, it should grow significantly, experts say.

5. Provision of educational institutions with electronic teaching aids corresponding to educational programs. Recently, the problem of developing electronic textbooks has also become popular, which will significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching. At the same time, today there are no uniform textbooks compiled according to the curriculum. In most cases, teachers independently develop electronic manuals for their students.

6. Opening of information educational centers, where not only students, but also teachers can improve their computer literacy, get acquainted with the latest information technologies and methods of their application in the educational sphere.

7. Informatization of education is also the creation of a regulatory framework for the introduction of information communication technologies into the educational process. Naturally, for the introduction of new technologies, a legislative base is needed that will not only fix the rights and obligations, the procedure for introducing ICT, but also take into account the issue of copyright for electronic manuals.

Benefits of informatization

Let's note the main advantages of this process.

1. Improvement of methods and technologies for the selection of educational materials.

2. Introduction of new specialized disciplines related to the study of computer science and information technology both in universities and in schools.

3. Changes in teaching methods of traditional school subjects not related to computer science. For example, the use of computers in biology or chemistry lessons will allow experiments to be carried out by simulating them using special programs.

4. Additional motivation of students, which leads to an increase in the effectiveness of training. It is noticed that lessons with are more interesting for children than traditional ones.

5. Informatization of the education system will also create new forms of interaction in the course of learning: student - computer.

6. Improving the education management system.

7. Development of alternative and logical thinking.

8. Formation of strategies for finding solutions to educational and practical problems using ICT.

9. Individualization of training.

Disadvantages of using ICT in education

Despite its attractiveness and many advantages, the informatization of modern education has a number of significant disadvantages:

1. Limitation of live communication between teacher and students. When using ICT, the main role in teaching is gradually shifting to technical means, while the teacher, for the most part, is engaged in the selection of the necessary material and its subsequent presentation.

2. Decrease in communication skills due to the presence of a dialogue: student - computer. The more time a student interacts with technical teaching aids, the less time is left to talk with the teacher and other students. In such a situation, communication skills are significantly reduced, which further negatively affects socialization.

3. Decrease in social contacts, which is directly related to the previous point. Communication with a computer reduces the level of social activity not only in the classroom, but in life in general.

4. Use of prepared information. Using modern ICT, children spend less and less time searching and processing information. They take ready-made reports and abstracts from the Internet and read them out. At the same time, they do not carry out a detailed selection and analysis of the material, but take ready-made samples. In the future, it will be quite difficult for such children to independently write term papers and theses with a high level of uniqueness.

5. Constant computer work can lead to addiction. This is a serious problem that can lead not only to learning problems, but also mental, physiological abnormalities.

6. Decreased health. Constant work at the computer negatively affects the formation of the child's posture, his vision.


The Center for Informatization of Education notes that the introduction of ICT in the educational process will allow:

Create an open education system that provides an opportunity to obtain high-quality self-education. The learning process will become differentiated and individualized.

To make changes in the organization of the cognition process and its shift towards systems thinking.

Provide new opportunities to accelerate the intellectual development of the individual.

Develop new teaching practices.

Provide instant feedback between students and ICT tools.

Visualize instructional information.

Create a new highly efficient education management system.

Difficulties in implementation

The informatization of the education system has two main problems that significantly affect the speed of ICT implementation in the educational process.

1. Formation of the constant need for teachers to use computers. The transition to a new system requires constant and continuous use of ICT during training. Today, not all teachers understand the importance of this process and strive to conduct classes according to old standards, without using technology.

2. The need for continuous improvement of the teacher. When working with ICT, the teacher must constantly improve, learn new methods and techniques of work, master more and more new programs. Not everyone is happy with this state of affairs. Besides, sadly, not all teachers know how to use a computer.

Informatization tools

Another issue that needs to be considered is the means of informatization of education. It is computer hardware and software used for educational purposes.

The main means of informatization include:

Means for recording and playback of sound and video;

Radio and TV equipment;

Projection and optical cinema equipment;

Computer teaching aids - programs, textbooks;

Telecommunication training tools.

Below we will consider the features of the use of computers and electronic textbooks in education.

Use of computers in the educational process

As already mentioned, the informatization of education is also the use of computers in the educational process. This direction is called computerization and implies the active use of computer technology in the learning process.

How can you diversify the lesson using a personal computer?

  1. To acquaint students with a particular topic, backing it up with a colorful presentation. With its help, two channels will be involved at once, responsible for receiving information - hearing and sight. The presentation can contain not only pictures and tables, basic definitions, but also video, audio materials.
  2. Use of video materials - films, videos. The use of such materials is especially successful in the study of history, literature, biology and geography, chemistry, astronomy.
  3. Use of special computer modulator programs. They can be used to carry out various experiments - physical or chemical, to model galaxies and systems in astronomy. All you need to do is ask the computer data.
  4. The use of training programs. The most famous programs for learning languages, which offer not only to choose the correct answer, but also to enter the translation of a word, leave phrases from a certain set of letters.
  5. Introduction of computer testing. Using computers to verify knowledge will not only make life easier for teachers, but will also allow for more accurate assessment. The computer itself in random order asks students questions from the knowledge base embedded in it and offers options for answers. Depending on how many correct students will give, the final mark is given.
  6. Use of special reference programs, dictionaries and translators. Work is underway on electronic dictionaries and reference books. Thanks to them, students will be able to find the information they need in a matter of minutes, just by opening the desired program and entering a search keyword.

Electronic textbook as one of the main means of informatization

When we examined the technologies of informatization of education, we also mentioned electronic textbooks and manuals. It is believed that with their help, students will be able to master the educational material much better. What are the reasons? In the use of not only text, but also multimedia material.

The classic electronic textbook contains:

  1. Text information. These can be rules, facts, reading texts.
  2. Graphics. This includes not only illustrations and photographs, but also tables, diagrams, graphs.
  3. Audio and video materials. This includes audio recordings of works, texts for listening and retelling, etc., scientific documentaries, thanks to which students will be able to better assimilate a particular topic.
  4. Block of verification tasks. This includes tests and open form assignments. It is important that the electronic textbook contains fields for entering answers, can check and analyze them, pointing out the mistakes.
  5. Reference information block. There should be links to additional materials, online libraries and other information resources.

However, the problem is that there is no single electronic textbook for teaching a particular subject. In the future, the Center for Informatization of Education is obliged to work on the creation of uniform textbooks on subjects for their further use in schools.

Ivanovo center of informatization

Today, the most interested in solving these problems is the Ivanovo Center for Informatization and Education Quality Assessment.

The center's specialists carry out work in the following areas:

1. Informatization of educational institutions of the Ivanovo region.

2. Training of teachers in the field of ICT application.

3. Assessment of the quality of education in the region.

4. Work with schoolchildren in the field of ICT.

5. Conducting annual training courses for ICT and computer science teachers.

6. Presentation and assistance in purchasing new textbooks on ICT and computer science.

7. Creation of a software bank for the course of informatics and ICT.

8. Conducting seminars and courses on new computer technologies.

9. Creation of a bank of informatics and ICT teachers.

10. Work of the camp "Young Informatics".

11. Distance school of correspondence education "Create and communicate".


Informatization of education is a complex and lengthy process aimed at introducing ICT tools and new teaching methods into teaching. It has both advantages and disadvantages. Its main goal is to improve the quality of education at all levels.


The informatization of education is considered today as a prerequisite for creating an intellectual base for the future information society. The goal of informatization of education is the global rationalization of intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies, a radical increase in the efficiency and quality of training specialists with a new type of thinking, the formation of a new information culture through the individualization of education. Over the period of existence of personal informatics, new educational technologies have been developed, and the special role of the Internet in education has emerged. For example, in Europe today, 37% of Internet users use it for educational purposes - this is the receipt of educational and educational materials, and distance education using virtual reality.

Document text

Currently, the world community is developing the processes of global informatization of all spheres of public life. The state of the economy, the quality of life of people, national security and the role of the state in the world community depend on the level of information technology development and its pace.

In all developed countries and in many developing countries there are intensive processes of informatization of education. Ways to improve the effectiveness of general education are being developed, large funds are invested in the development and implementation of new information technologies.

In the world, the tendencies of widespread use of distance learning in education as an essential component of the emerging system of open education are becoming more and more apparent.

System informatization russian education (analytical review)

The Unified Information and Telecommunication System (UITS) of the Russian Federation is being created, in principle, to implement the concept of advanced education, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich, proposed by Academician A.D. Ursul, is essential for the development of modern education. The essence of this idea is to ensure the advanced nature of the development of education against the background of other factors of the socio-economic and cultural development of society.

According to academician K.K. Colin, the advanced education system will allow people to form a noospheric consciousness that promotes understanding of their role in relation to nature, high responsibility for the present and future of the planet, as well as a new information culture.

The main components of a single information space in the field of education in Russia. A unified information space in the field of education should be an integral part of a unified information space in Russia and include four main components:

· Information resources - documented data and knowledge of the education sector circulating through information channels, accumulated in libraries, archives, funds, databases, etc. in suburban form for use;

· Information community - a set of subjects (organizations and individuals) in the field of education, acting as generators of information, intermediaries and consumers of educational information;

· Information infrastructure - information channels and storages, information technology, legal and financial and economic base of information activities in the field of education;

· Information activity - a set of processes and actions carried out by the information community using information resources and infrastructure for the production of products and services in the field of education.

Consider the state of informatization in Russian education in two schools:

Comprehensive school

In the last 7 - 8 years, there have been practically no centralized supplies of computer equipment to schools. It should be noted that one computer with a modern interface accounts for more than 500 students, while in many European countries - for 10-15. Less than 2% of educational institutions have at their disposal means of networking, and only 1.5% of educational institutions have access to the global network.

Analysis of the software of computer classes in educational institutions of general education revealed that computer classes based on IBM-compatible computers are equipped mainly with unlicensed software products.

Today, less than 20% of schools have a computer science specialist on staff, and there are about 1000 students for one specialist (who is most often a computer science teacher).

As practice shows, the use of information technologies and the Internet in general education schools is still limited and very little connected with the educational process. Currently, these are usually computer science classes. Distance learning for schoolchildren is in its embryonic state. The development of Russian-language educational resources is proceeding extremely slowly.

The outdated and weak material base of informatization of education, the lack of educational information built into the educational process of a traditional school, and teachers' unpreparedness for the use of information technologies hinder the widespread dissemination of Internet technologies in the Russian secondary school. The use of the Internet in the educational process requires the creation of new electronic teaching materials, the restructuring of the content and organizational forms of educational activities and the retraining of teachers. Information technologies and the Internet should appear in schools not by themselves, but as technical means of solving its main tasks during the formation of new socio-economic conditions of society.

The rural school occupies a special position in the process of building a unified educational information environment. Even according to the current standards, rural schools at the end of 2000 were equipped with computers by only 5%. The lack of telephone communication in many villages makes it impossible to provide schools with regular e-mail, as the most widespread and simple telecommunication means. The above circumstances create additional obstacles to improving the quality of education in rural schools, hinder the equalization of accessibility in obtaining the required education.

Professional school

Currently, most Russian universities have access to computer networks. However, it must be admitted that the level of informatization of educational and scientific activities in the absolute majority of them is still low. In this regard, the main tasks to be solved in this direction include: the creation of educational programs and electronic libraries, the development of distance learning, the modernization and development of the existing network infrastructure and an increase in the bandwidth of the channels used. Universities require a permanent high-speed connection with a bandwidth of 256 Kbps - 2 Mbps. In this case, Russian universities can become important sources of information and telecommunication services for institutions of secondary general and vocational education.

Influencing factors, main strategies, results of informatization of Russian education

The problem of informatization of education is a fundamental and most important global problem of the XXI century. The formation of a unified information educational environment makes increased demands on the quality of work and the level of qualifications of pedagogical, scientific and managerial personnel of general and vocational education. Progress in this direction is largely determined by the level of material and technical, scientific, methodological and informational equipment of the education system, training of teaching staff.

Factors of influence of informatization of Russian education

Only in 2001, in connection with a gradual recovery from the crisis, the state again starts purposeful activities to informatize education. From this time on, the funding has been competitive.

The implementation of programs in the Russian Federation was carried out:

In the development of the project, the Ministry of Education of Russia prepared and approved the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 630 dated 28.8.01 Federal Target Program "Development of a unified educational information environment for 2001-2005" (REOIS). It provides for a comprehensive solution: providing educational institutions with modern hardware and software, developing an infrastructure that provides access to information resources and guaranteed maintenance of equipment, improving the relevant qualifications of educators, developing e-learning tools that allow students and teachers to learn remotely, and the best teachers - to teach ... The result of the implementation of this Program should be the development of a unified educational information environment in order to:

1) improving the quality of Russian education through the use of new information technologies;

2) providing conditions for ensuring equal opportunities for all citizens of Russia to receive education at all levels and stages.

In 2002, the Ministry of Education organized activities to implement the main directions of informatization of education in the 2002 competitions, approved by the board on February 28, 2002, and in 2003 - the activities of the Ministry of Education to implement the directions of informatization of education in the 2003 competitions.

At this stage, the following directions of informatization of education were the main ones:

Training for the Information Society

Development of electronic educational resources

Computerization and communication support of education

Support for regional informatization programs

Development of information and communication technologies in education management

Russia's accession to the Bologna Agreement in 2002 led to a revision of the domestic education system. Recently, there have been tendencies towards its integration into the world educational space, which led to the beginning of its modernization. One of the main directions of modernization of domestic education is its informatization, which at the present stage is developing in the following four main directions:

As part of the implementation of these areas, the following programs were developed:

scientific, scientific and methodological support for the development of technologies of the information society and the education industry for 2003-2004; creation of an open education system (OED) for 2003-2004; federal centralized program "Electronic Russia for 2002-2010".

In 2005, within the framework of priority national projects, the Education project was launched at the state level. The implementation of this direction is an integral part of the process of informatization of domestic education. In the course of its implementation in 2006, the following results were achieved:

by the beginning of 2006, the provision of computers in general educational institutions reached the ratio: 1 computer per 13-45 students; in the field of vocational education - 1 computer for 4-15 students.

from 11 to 60% of educational institutions have access to the Internet, 11-14% of schools are connected to remote access systems. During 2006 it is planned to provide 633 schools with new computer labs, of which 233 for the first time. To 1003 schools with Internet access, 1545 more will be added this year (in general, this will be 69%), of which about 750 are in rural areas.

Stages of informatization of Russian education (main strategies)

The first stage is 2001. Initiating supply of software and hardware to rural schools. Preparing teachers of rural schools to work with information technologies in education. Selection of software applications for use in rural schools during the transition period.

The second stage is 2002-2003. Software development, curricula and materials, deployment of advanced training courses for teaching staff. Providing educational institutions with information technology. Development of modern e-learning materials. Conducting refresher courses and professional retraining of pedagogical, administrative and engineering personnel. Deployment of the system of access of educational institutions to information and educational resources.

The third stage is 2004-2005. Completion of supplies of informatization means to educational institutions. Development of a unified educational information environment. Development and replication of electronic educational materials. Advanced training and professional retraining of pedagogical, administrative and engineering personnel. Service organization.

Results of informatization of Russian education

In general, the widespread dissemination of modern information technologies in Russian educational institutions is hampered by the outdated and weak material base of informatization of education, the extremely insufficient number of Russian-language educational resources on the Internet, and the unpreparedness of teaching staff to use information and communication technologies. The current state of the equipment of general education institutions leads to a certain isolation of students, creates unequal conditions for obtaining a quality education. As a result comprehensive school is unable to use the information resources accumulated in the higher education system, and is unable to fulfill its main social function - Providing equal educational opportunities for every student.

Today, one of the main directions of informatization of national education is the formation of information culture. However, this direction requires, in our opinion, a more comprehensive and integrated approach, since in most concepts of informatization of education information culture is understood narrowly professionally - as a professional characteristic of a modern specialist in the field of application of information and communication technologies in his professional activity.


The state of the educational sphere in Russia and the trends in the development of society require an urgent solution to the problem of the advanced development of the education system based on information technologies, the creation of a unified educational information environment in the country. Informatization presupposes an essential change in the content, methods and organizational forms of education. The inclusion of modern information technologies in the educational process creates opportunities to improve the quality of education.

The informatization of education today is considered as an absolute and mandatory condition for creating an intellectual base for the future "information society". In the Concept of Informatization of Higher Education, approved on September 28, 1993, it is determined that the goal of informatization of education is to global rationalize intellectual activity through the use of new information technologies, to radically increase the efficiency and quality of training specialists with a new type of thinking that meets the requirements of a post-industrial society, a new information culture of thinking through the individualization of education. Analysis of modern directions of development of the process of informatization of education shows that its rational organization in the interests of further scientific, technical, socio-economic and spiritual development of society is a complex and very urgent scientific, organizational and social problem. To solve this problem, coordinated and constant interaction of specialists in education and science is required, as well as effective support of this interaction on the part of government authorities and bodies. local government.


1. I.V. Sokolov "Social Informatics", 2008, 188-192s.

2. The concept of the federal target program "Development of a unified educational information system for 2001-2005." - GNII ITT, 2001.

3. Federal program for the development of education (draft). M., 1997, 63 p.

4. Associate Professor D.E. Prokudin "Informatization of national education: results and prospects"

Network sources - documents and materials of the activities of the federal education agency for the period 2004-2010 (periodization was carried out on the site) - Institute for the Development of the Information Society (periodization was carried out on the site)

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