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At preschool age, the subject of personality-oriented pedagogy is the formation of an emotionally positive attitude towards oneself, pride in one's successes and achievement of interest in others, initiative, activity, independence, goal-setting and purposefulness, the development of self-awareness (a critical attitude to the assessment of an adult and a peer, self-esteem, awareness of their physical and mental capabilities), the ability to motivate self-esteem, self-criticism, etc.

The popularity of the personality-centered approach is due to a number of circumstances:

First, the dynamic development of society requires development in a person, not so much typical as brightly individual, allowing the child to remain himself;

Secondly, psychologists and teachers note the emergence of emancipation in modern children, a certain pragmatism, which requires teachers to apply new approaches and methods in interaction with children.

Thirdly, modern education needs to humanize relations between children and adults, to democratize it.

By definition, personal oriented approach is a methodological orientation in teaching activities, which allows, through relying on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, to provide and support the processes of self-knowledge, self-construction and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality

This approach is associated with the aspirations of the teacher to promote the development of the child's individuality.

Also, as a rule, a personality-oriented approach contains such components as concepts and principles. Let's reveal their meaning.

The first component is concepts. The absence of these concepts or a misunderstanding of their meaning makes it difficult or even impossible to consciously and purposefully apply the considered approach in practice. These are the concepts:

Individuality is the unique identity of a person, the unique features of his traits that distinguish him from others;

Personality is a constantly changing systemic quality that characterizes social essence a person;

Self-actualization - a conscious active desire to fully reveal their capabilities and abilities;

Self-expression is a process and result of development, the manifestation of one's qualities and abilities;

Subject - an individual (or group) with a conscious creative activity in cognizing and transforming oneself and the surrounding reality;

Subjectivity - the quality of an individual (or group), reflecting the ability to be a subject and to have activity and freedom in the implementation of activities;

Self-concept is a system of ideas about oneself, perceived and experienced by a person, attitude to oneself and others;

Choice - the exercise by a person (or a group) of the opportunity to choose from a certain set the most preferable option for the manifestation of their activity

Pedagogical support is the activity of a teacher to provide preventive and operational assistance to children in solving their individual problems related to physical and mental health, communication, success in educational activities, etc.

The second component is the starting points and basic principles of building the process of education and training:

Self-actualization principle.

Every child has a need to actualize his intellectual, communicative, artistic and physical abilities. It is important to encourage and support the child's desire to manifest and develop his natural and socially acquired capabilities.

The principle of individuality.

The creation of conditions for the formation of the individuality of the personality of the child and the teacher is the main task of the educational institution. It is necessary not only to take into account the individual characteristics of a child or an adult, but also to promote their further development in every possible way.

The principle of subjectivity.

Individuality is inherent only in those who really have subjective powers and skillfully use them in the construction of activities, communication and relationships. The child should be helped to become a true subject of life in the group, to promote the formation and enrichment of his subjective experience. The intersubjective nature of interaction should be dominant in the upbringing process.

Selection principle.

Without choice, the development of individuality and subjectivity, self-actualization of the child's abilities is impossible. It is pedagogically expedient for a child to live and be brought up in conditions of constant choice, have subjective powers in choosing the goal, content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process.

The principle of creativity and success.

Individual and collective creative activities allow you to determine and develop the individual characteristics of the child. Through creativity, the child reveals his abilities, learns about the "strengths" of his personality. Achieving success in a particular type of activity contributes to the formation of a positive self-concept of the child's personality.

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Municipal government special (correctional) educational institution for students, pupils with disabilities health Krasnobakovskaya special (correctional) general education boarding school of the VIII type of the Nizhny Novgorod region

Development of cognitive activity of students

based on a person-centered approach


Teacher: A.I. Ovsyannikova

Red Bucky


Since the creation of the traditional classroom-lesson learning system, there has always been a problem of forming a high and stable motivation for learning, active cognitive activity in students, as well as the problem of finding the most effective methods and means of organizing the educational process.

As a rule, the average pace of work in the classroom chosen by the teacher turns out to be normal only for a certain part of the students, for others it is too fast, for others too slow. The same learning problem for some children is a difficult, almost insoluble problem, while for others it is an easy question. Some children understand the same text after the first reading, others need repetition, and still others need clarification. In other words, the success of the assimilation of educational material, the pace of mastering it, the strength of the meaningfulness of knowledge, the level of development of the child depend not only on the teacher's activity, but also on the cognitive capabilities and abilities of students, due to many factors, including the characteristics of perception, memory, mental activity finally, physical development. Every teacher knows about the presence of natural differences in schoolchildren, and often the student's successes or failures are explained by them. Environmental conditions in most cases are such that for many people they are not adequate to their natural inclinations. There are many more people born with outstanding hereditary potencies than those who managed to realize these potencies.

The main and very responsible task of the school is to reveal the individuality of the child, help it to manifest itself, develop, settle down, gain selectivity and resistance to social influences. The disclosure of the individuality of each child in the learning process ensures the construction of a personality-oriented education in a modern school.

2. Goals and objectives of student-centered learning

Goal: creation of a system of psychological and pedagogical conditions, allowing to work in a single classroom with an orientation not to the "average" student, but with each separately, taking into account individual cognitive capabilities, needs and interests.

The technology of student-centered learning is due to the following tasks :

    to interest each student in educational material and ensure its development in an atmosphere of mutual understanding and cooperation;

    develop the individual cognitive abilities of each child;

    help the individual to know himself, to self-determine and self-actualize.

The implementation of a student-centered approach is one of the methodological techniques for increasing the cognitive activity of students and the quality of education.

This idea of \u200b\u200bthe essence of the personality-oriented approach allows more purposeful and effective modeling and construction of specific training sessions, more effectively provide and support the processes of self-improvement of the child's personality, developing his individuality.

In the interpretation of personality-oriented education, the most concentrated expression is the idea that it should appear in the educational system as a means of differentiation and individualization of education.

3. The system of the teacher's work consists of the following components:

    Diagnostics of learners' learning and learning ability as a condition for implementing the technology of student-centered learning.

    Differentiation of training with the setting of multi-level goals for each study topic allows the teacher to use an individual approach to children, to manage the educational and cognitive activities of students.

    Reflective learning; students' assessment of their capabilities and learning outcomes; providing students with a choice of content and forms of learning; combination of self-control; mutual control of the student and control by the teacher; an incentive system that gives an integrated approach to getting an assessment; independent formulation of real and future goals of the lesson.

    Creating conditions for the inclusion of each student in the activity: organizing a system of differentiated tasks throughout the entire topic, working with algorithms, tests - allows you to organize the dominant independent student activity in goal-setting, self-planning, self-control, self-assessment and correction of your knowledge, skills and abilities.

    The teaching and upbringing methods are that the teacher:

    manages the cognitive activity of the student

    motivates the student's cognitive activity

    organizes independent work in the lesson, including work with various sources of information;

    includes all students in collective creative activity, organizing mutual assistance;

    creates a situation of success, i.e. develops a methodology and offers tasks that are feasible for each student;

    creates a positive emotional atmosphere for educational cooperation, which is implemented in a system of humane educational relationships;

    organizes self-analysis of the student's own activities and forms his adequate self-esteem.

    Personality-oriented education rules

    To revise traditional methods, forms, means of education, as they were developed for other purposes and in other socio-economic conditions.

    Eliminate methods of punishment that demean the person.

    Encourage the child to be honest about their responsibilities.

    It is principled but friendly to discuss bad deeds.

    Help detect errors.

    Maintain the emotional well-being of the child.

    Form a positive self-esteem in the child.

    Constantly increase requirements, consolidate the achieved results.

    Look for an opportunity to cause the active activity of the individual in the right direction, and not passively wait for the appearance of a negative act.

    To understand, accept, love a child with kind but demanding love.

    Live by the interests, experiences of the child.

    It is good to understand yourself, your strengths and weaknesses.

    Look closely at the children in order to know at every moment how the learning process is going.

    Rejoice sincerely in every child's success.

    Provide the child with opportunities for self-affirmation.

    Constantly remind the child what is required of him, how they want to see him.

    Take into account the state and mood of the child.

    Listen to the child very carefully, defiantly putting aside the most urgent work.

    Keep the educational and upbringing process tightly under control within the chosen strategy.

    Enjoy communication with children.

    Talk to children the way they want to be talked to.

    Condemn the act, but respect the person.

    Principles of student-centered learning

The principle of goal setting and motivation... The organization and management of students' activities in goal-setting, motivation and determination of the topic of the lesson, which is implemented in practice in various ways, are of great importance in the lesson in the implementation of this principle:

    in some lessons, students together with the teacher formulate a problematic question;

    on others, students go out to set goals by analyzing homework;

    on the third, the teacher writes on the board only key and question words like: a) What? How? What for? Why? What does it depend on? How does it affect? What common? b) Determine, deduce, reveal a pattern, prove, etc., and on the basis of this, students make up a holistic picture of the goals for the lesson.

The principle of openness, understood as the ability to supplement, modify information, forms of organization of educational and cognitive activities, is implemented on the basis of processing the results of diagnostics with a monitoring approach. Control diagnostics allows the teacher to objectively determine the number of students working at different levels, to correct pedagogical influences. In the classroom, the main emphasis is on independent work with an individual pace in combination with methods of peer learning and peer review.

The principle of variability implemented by using several alternative textbooks, reference books, tables in the classroom, which allows you to consider many issues from different positions and develop your own approach to solving them.

Orientation Principle the development of the student's personality is carried out through the creation of conditions for each student to form an individual style of activity, namely through independent and control work with multi-level tasks; choice of roles in the activities of groups; choice of level homework.

The principle of learning success means the own success of each student, the use of stimulating encouragement for his vigorous activity during the work of the assessment system (encouragement through the accumulation of points, tokens). This allows you to increase the intensity of the lesson by increasing the activity of students and the ability to evaluate everyone, creates a high emotional uplift and mood for the entire lesson, a condition for increasing interest in the subject, increasing the number of students involved in active educational and cognitive activities.

The principle of individualization of training relies on the preparation of individual programs for the assimilation of educational material for each student based on the results of monitoring to determine the zone of proximal development.

The main and very responsible task of the school is to reveal the individuality of the child, to help it manifest itself, develop, settle down, gain selectivity and resistance to social influences. Disclosure of the individuality of each child in the learning process and ensures the construction of personality-oriented education in a modern school.


    T.V. Masharova Pedagogical technology: student-centered learning. Tutorial. - Moscow: Publishing house Pedagogika-PRESS, 1999.

    Selivanova O.G. Didactics of Personally Oriented Learning: Textbook \\ Kirov: Publishing House of VyatGGU, 2006.

    Selivanova O.G. Management of the quality of education of schoolchildren: a person-centered approach: a guide for school leaders, teachers, class teachers. Kirov: KIPK and PRO, 2007.

    Bondarevskaya E.V. Theory and practice of student-centered education. - Rostov-n \\ D: Publishing house of the Rostov Pedagogical University, 2000.

    Bespalko V.P. The components of pedagogical technology. - M .: Pedagogy, 1989.

    Geometry, 10-11: textbook. For general education. institutions: basic and profile. Levels / HP Atanasyan, V.F. Butuzov and others - M .: Education, 2008.

    Geometry, 7 - 9: textbook. For general education. institutions: basic and profile. Levels / HP Atanasyan, V.F. Butuzov et al. - M .: Education, 2008.

  1. The program of personal development and the formation of universal educational actions among students at the stage of primary general education (personal and metasubject results)


    Specific principles learning junior schoolchildren: Principle conscience ... rules road traffic. rules fire safety. rules behavior in everyday life. rules ... and implementing personally-oriented paradigm education... Selected ...

  2. Educational program of primary general education school works according to umk

    Educational program

    ... education Principle integrity Principle continuity and continuity of the process education Principle personally-active approach Principle ... implementation personally-oriented model education means ... of these rules. Training carried out ...

  3. Basic educational program of primary general education Department of Education of the Kalininsky District of Chelyabinsk

    Main educational program

    Children's health. 7. Principle variability. This principle provides right teachers on ... differentiated and personally-oriented-new education schoolchildren; predominance of problem-search methods learning

1. Content of the innovation project:
1.1. The concept of student-centered learning;
1.2. Features of personality-oriented technologies;
1.3. Methodological foundations of organizing a student-centered lesson;
1.4. Types of tasks for the development of an individual personality.
2. Implementation of an innovative project
2.1. Diagnostics of the personality traits of students;
2.2. Monitoring the impact of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process;
2.3. The relationship of student-centered learning with the problem of child differentiation.
2.4. The use of technologies for differentiated and group teaching of schoolchildren

The scientific foundations of the modern concept of education are classical and modern, pedagogical and psychological approaches - humanistic, developing, competence-based, age-related, individual, active, personality-oriented.

Much has been said and written about the personal orientation of education in recent years. It seems that no one needs to be convinced of the need to pay attention to the personal qualities of students during their training. However, how much has the teacher's approach to planning and conducting classes in academic subjects changed in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard? What technologies for conducting a lesson are most consistent with personal orientation?

Russian education today is going through a crucial stage in its development. In the new millennium, another attempt has been made to reform general education through the renewal of structure and content. The key to success in this matter is a deep, conceptual, normative and methodological study of the modernization of general education, the involvement of a wide range of scientists, methodologists, specialists in the education management system, teachers, as well as students and their parents.

The loss of universal human values, spirituality, culture led to the need for a highly developed personality through the development of cognitive interests. And today Federal State Educational Standard of the second generation, aimed at the implementation of a qualitatively new personality-oriented developmental model of the mass school, is designed to ensure the implementation of the main tasks, among which is the development of the student's personality, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of desire and ability to learn.

Personal and individual approaches answer the question of what to develop. The answer to this question can be formulated as follows: it is necessary to develop and form not a single set of qualities oriented towards the state interests that constitutes an abstract “graduate model”, but to identify and develop the individual abilities and inclinations of the student. This is an ideal, but it must be remembered that education should take into account both individual abilities and inclinations, and the social order for the production of specialists and citizens. Therefore, it is more expedient to formulate the task of the school as follows: the development of individuality, taking into account social requirements and requests for the development of its qualities, which implies an essentially social and personal, or rather, a cultural and personal model of education orientation.

In accordance with the personality-oriented approach, the success of the implementation of this model is ensured through the development and mastering of an individual style of activity, formed on the basis of individual characteristics.

An active approach answers the question of how to develop. Its essence lies in the fact that abilities are manifested and developed in activity. At the same time, according to the personality-oriented approach, the greatest contribution to human development is made by those activities that correspond to his abilities and inclinations.

In this regard, it is interesting to get acquainted with the personality-oriented approach as such.

Object The study of this work is student-centered learning.

Subject research advocates ways to implement a personality-oriented approach in primary school.

goal research - to identify the features of a student-centered approach to students in the learning process in primary school.
The following were highlighted tasks:

  • study theoretical literature on the research problem;
  • to define the concepts: “personality-oriented approach”, “personality”, “individuality”, “freedom”, “independence”, “development”, “creativity”;
  • identify the features of modern personality-oriented technologies;
  • to reveal the features of a personality-oriented lesson, to get acquainted with the technology of its conduct.

1.1. The concept of student-centered learning

Person-centered learning (LOO) - this is such a teaching that puts the child's originality, his intrinsic value, the subjectivity of the learning process at the forefront.
Personality-oriented learning is not just taking into account the characteristics of the subject of learning, it is a different methodology for organizing learning conditions, which involves not “accounting”, but “inclusion” of his own personal functions or the demand for his subjective experience (Alekseev: 2006).
The goal of personality-oriented education is “to lay in the child the mechanisms of self-realization, self-development, adaptation, self-regulation, self-defense, self-education and others necessary for the formation of an original personal image”.

Functions student-centered education:

  • humanitarian, the essence of which is to recognize the intrinsic value of a person and ensure his physical and moral health, awareness of the meaning of life and an active position in it, personal freedom and the possibility of maximizing one's own potential. The means (mechanisms) for the implementation of this function are understanding, communication and cooperation;
  • culture-creating (culture-forming), which is aimed at the preservation, transmission, reproduction and development of culture by means of education. The mechanisms for the implementation of this function are cultural identification as the establishment of a spiritual relationship between a person and his people, the acceptance of his values \u200b\u200bas his own and the construction own life taking them into account;
  • socialization, which involves ensuring the assimilation and reproduction of social experience by an individual, necessary and sufficient for a person to enter the life of society. The mechanism for the implementation of this function is reflection, preservation of individuality, creativity as a personal position in any activity and a means of self-determination.

The implementation of these functions cannot be carried out in the conditions of the command-administrative, authoritarian style of teacher-student relations. In student-centered education, a different position of the teacher:

  • an optimistic approach to the child and his future as the teacher's desire to see the prospects for the development of the child's personal potential and the ability to maximally stimulate his development;
  • attitude towards the child as the subject of his own learning activitiesas a person who is able to study not under compulsion, but voluntarily, of his own free will and choice, and to show his own activity;
  • reliance on the personal meaning and interests (cognitive and social) of each child in learning, promoting their acquisition and development.

The content of personality-oriented education is designed to help a person in building his own personality, determining his own personal position in life: choosing values \u200b\u200bthat are meaningful for himself, mastering a certain system of knowledge, identifying a range of scientific and life problems of interest, mastering ways to solve them, discovering the reflective world of his »And learn how to manage it.
The criteria for effective organization of student-centered learning are the parameters of personal development.

Thus, summarizing the above, we can give the following definition of student-centered learning:
“Personally-oriented learning” is a type of learning in which the organization of the interaction of learning subjects is maximally focused on their personal characteristics and the specifics of the personality-subject modeling of the world (See: Selevko 2005)

1.2. Features of personality-oriented technologies

One of the main features by which all pedagogical technologies differ is the measure of its orientation towards the child, the approach to the child. Either technology comes from the power of pedagogy, the environment, and other factors, or it recognizes the child as the main character - it is personally oriented.

The term “approach” is more precise and more understandable: it has a practical meaning. The term "orientation" reflects mainly the ideological aspect.

The focus of personality-oriented technologies is the unique holistic personality of a growing person, who seeks to maximize his capabilities (self-actualization), is open to the perception of new experience, is capable of making a conscious and responsible choice in a variety of life situations. The key words of personality-oriented education technologies are “development”, “personality”, “individuality”, “freedom”, “independence”, “creativity”.

Personality - the social essence of a person, the totality of his social qualities and properties, which he develops in himself for life.

Development- directional, natural change; as a result of development, a new quality arises.

Individuality - the unique originality of any phenomenon, person; the opposite of the general, the typical.

Creation Is the process by which a product can be created. Creativity comes from the person himself, from within and is the expression of our entire existence.
Personally-oriented technologies are trying to find methods and means of teaching and upbringing that correspond to the individual characteristics of each child: they adopt psychodiagnostic techniques, change the attitudes and organization of children's activities, use a variety of teaching aids, and rebuild the essence of education.

A personality-oriented approach is a methodological orientation in pedagogical activity, which allows, through relying on a system of interrelated concepts, ideas and methods of action, to provide and support the processes of self-knowledge and self-realization of the child's personality, the development of his unique individuality.

Personally-oriented technologies oppose the authoritarian, impersonal and soulless approach to the child in the technology of traditional education, create an atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, conditions for creativity and self-actualization of the individual.

1.3. Methodological foundations for organizing a student-centered lesson

The personality-oriented lesson, in contrast to the traditional one, first of all changes the type of interaction “teacher-student”. The teacher moves from the team style to cooperation, focusing on the analysis of not so much the results as the student's procedural activity.

The student's positions change - from diligent performance to active creativity, his thinking becomes different: reflexive, that is, aimed at the result. The nature of the relationships developing in the classroom also changes. The main thing is that the teacher should not only give knowledge, but also create optimal conditions for the development of the personality of students.

The table summarizes the main differences between a traditional lesson and a student-centered lesson.

Traditional lesson Person-centered lesson
1. Teaches all children an established amount of knowledge, skills and abilities 1. Promotes the effective accumulation of each child of his own personal experience
2. Determines educational tasks, the form of work of children and demonstrates to them an example of the correct implementation of tasks 2. Offers children a choice of various educational tasks and forms of work, encourages children to independently search for ways to solve these tasks
3. Tries to get the children interested in the educational material that he offers himself 3. Seeks to identify the real interests of children and agree with them on the selection and organization of educational material
4. Conducts individual lessons with lagging or better prepared children 4. Conducts individual work with each child
5. Plans and directs children's activities 5. Helps children plan their activities on their own
6. Evaluates the results of the work of children, noting and correcting mistakes 6. Encourages children to independently evaluate the results of their work and correct mistakes made
7. Determines the rules of conduct in the classroom and monitors their observance by children 7. Teaches children to independently develop rules of conduct and monitor their observance
8. Resolves emerging conflicts between children: encourages the right and punishes the guilty 8. Encourages children to discuss issues between them conflict situations and independently look for ways to resolve them

Teacher activities in the lesson with a personality-oriented focus

  • Creation of a positive emotional mood for the work of all students during the lesson.
  • The message at the beginning of the lesson is not only the topic, but also the organization of educational activities during the lesson.
  • Application of knowledge that allows the student to choose the type, type and form of material (verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic).
  • Using problematic creative assignments.
  • Encouraging students to choose and independently use various ways of completing assignments.
  • Assessment (encouragement) when questioning in the lesson not only the correct answer of the student, but also the analysis of how the student reasoned, which method he used, why he made a mistake and in what.
  • Discussion with the children at the end of the lesson not only about what “we learned” (what we mastered), but also what we liked (did not like) and why, what we would like to do again, and what to do differently.
  • The mark given to the student at the end of the lesson must be reasoned according to a number of parameters: correctness, independence, originality.
  • When assigning homework, not only the topic and scope of the assignment is called, but it also explains in detail how to rationally organize your study work when doing homework.

The purpose of the didactic material, used in such a lesson, is to work out the curriculum, teach students the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Types of didactic material: educational texts, flashcards, didactic tests. Tasks are developed by topic, by level of complexity, by purpose of use, by the number of operations based on a multilevel differentiated and individual approach taking into account the leading type of student's learning activity (cognitive, communicative, creative).

This approach is based on the ability to assess the level of achievement in mastering knowledge, skills, and abilities. The teacher distributes cards among the students, knowing their cognitive characteristics and capabilities, and not only determines the level of mastering knowledge, but also takes into account the personal characteristics of each student, creating optimal conditions for his development by providing a choice of forms and methods of activity.

Technology student-centered learning presupposes a special design of the educational text, didactic and methodological material for its use, types of educational dialogue, forms of control over the student's personal development.

Pedagogy, focused on the personality of the student, should reveal his subjective experience and provide him with the opportunity to choose the methods and forms of educational work and the nature of the answers.

At the same time, not only the result is evaluated, but also the process of their achievement. In personal oriented learning the student's position changes significantly. He does not mindlessly accept a ready-made sample or teacher's instruction, but he himself actively participates in every step of learning - he accepts an educational problem, analyzes ways to solve it, puts forward hypotheses, determines the causes of errors, etc. Feeling free to choose makes learning conscious, productive and more rewarding. In this case, the nature of perception changes, it becomes a good "helper" for thinking and imagination.

1.4. Types of tasks for the development of an individual personality

Challenge to create opportunities for self-knowledge (the position of the teacher in addressing the students in this case can be expressed by the phrase "Get to know yourself!"):

  • meaningful self-assessment, analysis and self-assessment by schoolchildren of the content of the tested work (for example, according to the plan, scheme, algorithm set by the teacher, check the work performed, draw a conclusion about what worked and what did not work out, where are the mistakes);
  • analysis and self-assessment of the method used to work on the content (rationality of the method for solving and formalizing tasks, imagery, personality of the composition plan, sequence of actions in laboratory work, etc.);
  • the student's assessment of himself as a subject of educational activity according to the given characteristics of the activity (“can I set educational goals, plan my work, organize and adjust my training activities, organize and evaluate the results ");
  • analysis and assessment of the nature of their participation in educational work (degree of activity, role, position in interaction with other participants in the work, initiative, educational ingenuity, etc.);
  • inclusion in the lesson or homework of diagnostic tools for the self-study of their cognitive processes and features: attention, thinking, memory, etc. (One of the moves in solving this methodological problem can be motivating children to diagnose their cognitive features as a means for choosing a method, a plan for completing a further educational task);
  • "Mirror assignments" - the discovery of their personal or educational characteristics in a character set by educational content (literature is the richest for this, of course), or diagnostic models introduced into the lesson (for example, descriptive portraits of various types of students with a proposal to estimate themselves).

Challenge to create opportunities for self-determination (address to the student - "Choose yourself!"):

  • reasoned choice of various educational content (sources, electives, special courses, etc.);
  • selection of tasks of various qualitative orientations (creativity, theoretical-practicality, analytical synthesizing orientation, etc.);
  • tasks involving the choice of the level of educational work, in particular, the orientation to a particular academic score;
  • tasks with a reasoned choice of the method of educational work, in particular, the nature of educational interaction with classmates and the teacher (how and with whom to do educational tasks);
  • choice of forms of reporting educational work (written - oral report, early, on schedule, with delay);
  • choice of the mode of educational work (intensive, in a short time, mastering the topic, distributed mode - "work in portions", etc.);
  • a task for self-determination, when the student is required to choose a moral, scientific, aesthetic, and maybe ideological position within the framework of the presented educational material;
  • the task of determining by the student himself the zone of his proximal development.

The task of "turning on" self-realization("Check yourself!"):

  • requiring creativity in the content of the work (coming up with tasks, topics, assignments, questions: literary, historical, physical and other essays, non-standard tasks, exercises that require solving, performing at a productive level, etc.);
  • requiring creativity in the way of educational work (processing of content into diagrams, supporting notes: independent setting of experiments, laboratory tasks, independent planning of the passage of educational topics, etc.);
  • selection of different "genres" of tasks ("Scientific" report, fictional text, illustrations, dramatization, etc.);
  • tasks that create an opportunity to express themselves in certain roles: educational, quasi-scientific, quasi-cultural, reflecting the place, functions of a person in cognitive activity (opponent, polymath, author, critic, generator of ideas, systematizer);
  • tasks involving the realization of oneself in the characters of literary works, in a "mask", in a play role (a specialist, historical or contemporary figure as an element of the process under study, etc.);
  • projects in the course of which educational knowledge, educational content (analysis of projects) is implemented in the extracurricular sphere, extracurricular activities, in particular, socially useful.

Besides. It is possible to motivate self-realization (creative, role-based) assessment. It can be both a mark and a meaningful assessment of the type of review, opinions, analysis, it is important that this is a different assessment, not for knowledge, skills, skills, but for fact, involvement, manifestation of their creative inclinations.

Tasks focused on the joint development of schoolchildren ("Create together!"):

  • joint creativity using special technologies and forms of group creative work: brainstorming, theatricalization, intellectual team games, group projects, etc .;
  • “Ordinary” creative joint tasks without any distribution by the teacher (!) Of roles in the group and without special technology or form (joint, in pairs, writing essays; joint, in teams, laboratory work; joint compilation of comparative chronology - in history, etc.) etc.):
  • creative joint tasks with a special distribution of educational and organizational roles, functions, positions in the group: the head of the "laboratory assistant", "designer", export controller, etc. - (such a distribution of roles works for joint development only if each of the roles is perceived by the guys as contribution to the overall result and presents opportunities for creative expression);
  • creative play joint tasks with the distribution of play roles in the form of business games, theatricalization (in this case, as in the previous one, interdependence, coherence of assigned roles, opportunities for creative manifestations and perception of play and creative results: general and individual) are important;
  • tasks involving mutual understanding of the participants in the joint work (for example, joint experiments to measure the properties of their nervous system - in biology or joint assignments such as interviews foreign language with mutual fixation of the level of mastering this skill);
  • joint analysis of the result and the process of work (in this case, the emphasis is not on mutual understanding of personal and individual characteristics, but on active, educational, including the quality of joint work, for example, a joint meaningful assessment of the degree of mastering the educational material by each participant group work and group assessment of the quality of group work, coordination, independence, etc.);
  • tasks involving mutual assistance in the development of individual educational goals and individual curriculum plans (for example, joint development of a plan for the implementation of individual laboratory work with subsequent independent, individual implementation of it or joint study of the level of the answer on the test and individual plans for preparing for such a test);
  • stimulation, motivation of joint creative work is assessed by teachers who emphasize both the joint result, and individual results, and the quality of the joint work process: emphasizing when evaluating ideas of mutual development, joint development.


Work on the student's individuality refers to student-centered technologies that create scientific basis for internal and external differentiation.
I have gained some experience on the issue of personality-oriented technologies.

The means to achieve this goal are:

  • the use of various forms and methods of organizing educational activities, allowing to reveal the subjective experience of students;
  • creating an atmosphere of interest for each student in the work of the class;
  • stimulating students to speak out, use various ways of completing assignments without fear of making mistakes, getting the wrong answer;
  • use of didactic material, digital educational resources during the lesson;
  • encouraging the student's aspirations not only in terms of the final result, but also the process of achieving it;
  • the creation of pedagogical situations of communication in the lesson, allowing each student to show initiative, independence, pretentiousness in work methods.

And now specific examples from my work experience.

In 2010 I got the 1st grade. The different level of development of first graders influenced the low ability of children to assimilate knowledge. In this regard, my goal was the formation of cognitive abilities in junior schoolchildren as the main mental neoplasms in the structure of the personality. This became the basis for work on the introduction of a personality-oriented approach in the learning process of younger students.

My position as a teacher was as follows:

The basis In teaching and educating younger students, a personality-oriented approach (LOP) was put in place, which assumed not only taking into account the individual characteristics of students, but a fundamentally different strategy for organizing the educational process. The essence which - in creating conditions for the "launch" of intrapersonal mechanisms of personality development: reflection (development, arbitrariness), stereotyping (role position, value orientations) and personalization (motivation, "I-concept").

This approach to the student required me to reconsider my pedagogical positions.

To implement the key ideas, I set myself the following tasks:

  • to conduct a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the subject of the current state of the problem;
  • organize an ascertaining experiment to diagnose the personality traits of students;
  • to test an experimental model of the influence of the personality-oriented approach on the effectiveness of the learning process.

The educational process was built on the basis of the Harmony program.

At the beginning school year together with the school psychologist, an entrance express diagnostics of students' readiness for school was carried out. ( Attachment 1 )

Its results showed:

  • ready for training 6 people (23%)
  • ready at an average level of 13 people (50%)
  • ready at a low level 7 people (27%)

Based on the survey results, the following groups were identified:

Group 1 - high age norm: 6 people (23%)

These are children with high psychophysical maturity. These students had well-formed skills in self-control and planning, self-organization in voluntary activities. The guys flexibly owned images-ideas about the world around them, for them it was an accessible level of work, both according to the model and according to the verbal instruction. Students had a fairly high rate of mental activity, they were interested in the content side of learning and are aimed at achieving success in learning activities. At the same time, the level of readiness for school is high.

Group 2 - stable middle: 13 people (50%)

They were characterized by the emerging skills of control and self-control, stable performance. These children worked well with adults and peers. The arbitrary organization of activities was manifested when they performed tasks that were interesting to them or inspired confidence in the success of the performance. They often made mistakes caused by their lack of voluntary attention and distraction.

Group 3 - "risk group": 7 people (27%)

These children experienced partial slippage from the suggested instruction. The skill of voluntary control over one's own activities was absent. What the child did, he did poorly. They found it difficult to analyze the sample. Uneven development of mental functions was characteristic. There was no motivation to learn.

Based on the results of these diagnostics, recommendations were given, in which the main attention was focused on the development of students' independent cognitive activity (this included knowledge and skills of goal-setting, planning, analysis, reflection, self-assessment of educational and cognitive activity).

All these points, in general, constitute the formation of educational and cognitive competence. And since the lessons of teaching literacy are not a small place in the curriculum of the 1st grade, the formation of educational and cognitive competence, I decided to carry out in the lessons of the Russian language, through the technology of student-centered learning. The purpose of this training is to create conditions for the formation of cognitive activity of students.

Not only the content has changed, but also the forms of teaching: instead of the predominant monologue of the teacher in the classroom, dialogue, polylogue is widely practiced, and with the active participation of students, regardless of their academic performance.

Having processed a large amount of literature with tasks for the formation of educational
cognitive interests, I have compiled a selection of first grade exercises that you can use in your literacy class.
I will give examples of some of them.

1. Exercises of a verbal and logical nature

Based on these exercises. The logic of children, working memory, coherent evidence-based speech, and concentration of attention are developing. They are specially composed text that corresponds to the studied topic. This text serves as the basis for the lesson. Based on its content, all subsequent structural stages of the lesson can be carried out: a minute of calligraphy, vocabulary work, repetition, consolidation of the studied material. Students perceive the text by ear. Initially, these texts are small in volume.

Nr: The wolf and the hare made holes under the roots of the pine and spruce. The hare mink is not under the spruce.
Determine in what place each animal made a home for itself?
You will find the letter with which we will work for a minute of calligraphy in one of the words of the logical exercise. This word is the name of the animal. It has one syllable. The letter that we will write in this word denotes a voiceless paired solid cons. sound.

2. Exercises to develop thinking, the ability to make inferences by analogy

Birch-tree, violet- ...; bream-fish, bee- ... etc.

3. Creative exercises

Compose a story based on key words or plot pictures.
In the proposed word, replace any letter with a letter wso that you get a new word: rat-roof, steam-ball, raspberry-machine, revenge-six.

4. Didactic game

The didactic game has a great influence on the development of students' cognitive activity. As a result of its systematic use, children develop mobility and flexibility of the mind, such qualities of thinking as comparison, analysis, inference, etc. are formed. games built on material of varying degrees of difficulty make it possible to carry out a differentiated approach to teaching children with at different levels knowledge. ("The letter got lost", "Living words", "Tim-Tom", etc.)

This is just a small example of what can be used in first grade Russian lessons. Since I started working on this topic in this academic year, in the future I plan to continue studying theoretical material on this topic, compile a collection of tasks and exercises to develop the cognitive competence of students and actively use this in my teaching practice.

By the end of grade 2, a group study was conducted by a psychologist"Research of verbal - logical thinking" by E.F. Zambacevičienė based on the test of the structure of intelligence. The results of this technique illustrated not only the level of development of verbal-logical thinking, but also the degree of development of the student's educational activity itself. In the course of execution, the students demonstrated varying degrees of interest in the tasks, which indicates the development of cognitive activity, the presence of interest in intellectual activity. ( Appendix 2 )

2.1. E.F. Zambitsevichena "Indicators of mental development of children"(Appendix 3 )

At the beginning of the 2012-2013 academic year, with the help of a school psychologist in the classroom, diagnostics was carried out according to the method of E.F. Zambitsevichena "Indicators of mental development of children" according to the following criterion: the cognitive sphere of the child (perception, memory, attention, thinking).

As a result of the survey conducted with children ( Appendix 4 ) it was found that the majority of children (61%) have a good level of school motivation. The priority motives in educational activity are the motives of self-improvement and well-being.

Psychological diagnostics the cognitive sphere made it possible to identify the background level of mental development of students, to determine the level of development of such cognitive processes as attention and memory.

I have identified the level of development of the cognitive activity of students.

In the first (reproductive) - low level, students were included who did not systematically, poorly prepare for classes. The students were distinguished by their desire to understand, remember, reproduce knowledge, master the methods of their application according to the model given by the teacher. The children showed a lack of cognitive interest in deepening knowledge, instability of volitional efforts, inability to set goals and reflect on their activities.

In the second (productive) - the average level was attributed to students who systematically and sufficiently qualitatively prepared for classes. Children strove to understand the meaning of the phenomenon being studied, to penetrate into its essence, to establish connections between phenomena and objects, to apply knowledge in new situations. At this level of activity, the students showed an episodic desire to independently search for an answer to the question that interested them. They showed a relative stability of volitional efforts in an effort to bring the work started to the end, goal-setting and reflection together with the teacher prevailed.

In the third (creative) - high level were attributed to pupils who always prepared for classes with high quality. This level is characterized by a steady interest in the theoretical comprehension of the studied phenomena, in an independent search for solutions to problems arising from educational activities. This is a creative level of activity, characterized by the child's deep penetration into the essence of phenomena and their interconnection, the desire to carry out the transfer of knowledge into new situations. This level of activity is characterized by the manifestation volitional qualities learner, stable cognitive interest, the ability to independently set goals and reflect on their activities.

The information I received as a result of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics made it possible not only to assess the capabilities of a particular student at the current moment, but also made it possible to predict the degree of personal growth of each student and the entire classroom.

Systematic tracking of diagnostic results from year to year allows you to see the dynamics of changes in the student's personal characteristics, to analyze the compliance of achievements with the planned results, leads to an understanding of the patterns of age development, and helps to assess the success of the corrective measures being taken.

2.2. Monitoring the impact of a student-centered approach on the effectiveness of the learning process

Systematic diagnostics and correction of the process of personal development of each student is carried out from the moment the child enters school. All teachers, class teachers under the guidance of a school psychologist take part in diagnostics and correction of the process of personal development of students. Assessment of the results of diagnostics of mental and personal development of students is carried out mainly from the point of view of the dynamics of the individual development of each student.

  • Classroom lessons, group lessons.

Lessons in the system of student-centered education involve the widespread use of various technical teaching aids, including personal computers, the accompaniment of some lessons with quiet music ....

  • Aesthetic training cycle

Teaching all subjects of this cycle (drawing, singing, music, modeling, painting, etc.) is widely represented at various exhibitions, systematically held at school, at amateur competitions, in the performances of students outside of school.

  • After school work

The school has a large number of different circles, choral ensembles, sports sections, and other associations of students of interest, so that each student can choose an activity outside the classroom.

  • Labor training and labor activity of students

The main principle on which this component is built is that the development of work skills and habits in students is carried out in the process of useful work activities carried out by modern scientific and technical methods. ( Appendix 5 )

In the 3rd grade, a teacher-psychologist carried out the diagnosis "Determination of sociometric status" (17 people participated in the diagnosis). As a result of the data obtained, four status categories were identified:

  • Leaders (12 people - 71%)
  • Preferred (5 people - 29%)
  • Accepted (0 people)
  • Isolated (0 persons)

This BWL (relationship well-being) is high.

2.3. The relationship of student-centered learning with the problem of child differentiation

Since the definition of student-centered learning emphasizes the need to take into account the characteristics of its subjects, then for the teacher it becomes urgent problem differentiation of children. To solve the problem of differentiating children in Russian lessons, I have developed task cards on the topic "Spelling literacy is a guarantee of the accuracy of expressing thoughts of mutual understanding." ( Appendix 6 )

In my opinion, differentiation is necessary for the following reasons:

  • different starting capabilities of children;
  • different abilities, but from a certain age and inclinations;
  • to provide an individual trajectory of development.

Traditionally, differentiation was based on the "more or less" approach, in which the amount of material offered to the student only increased - the "strong" received the task more, and the "weak" less. Such a solution to the problem of differentiation did not remove the problem itself and led to the fact that capable children were delayed in their development, and those lagging behind could not overcome the difficulties that arose in them when solving educational problems.
The technology of level differentiation, which I used in my lessons, helped to create favorable pedagogical conditions for the development of the student's personality, his self-determination and self-realization.

Let's summarize the methods of differentiation:

1. Differentiation of the content of educational tasks:

  • by the level of creativity;
  • by the level of difficulty;
  • by volume.

2. The use of different methods of organizing the activities of children in the lesson, while the content of the tasks is the same, and the work is differentiated:

  • according to the degree of independence of students;
  • by the degree and nature of assistance to students;
  • by the nature of educational activities.

The differentiated work was organized in different ways. Most often, students with a low level of success and a low level of learning (according to a sample of the school) completed tasks of the first level. The children worked out individual operations that are part of the skill and tasks based on the sample considered during the lesson. Pupils with an average and high level of success and training - creative (complicated) tasks.

In student-centered learning, the teacher and the student are equal partners in educational communication. The younger schoolchild is not afraid to make a mistake in reasoning, to correct it under the influence of the arguments expressed by peers, and this is personally meaningful cognitive activity. Younger students develop critical thinking, self-control and self-esteem, which reflects a fairly high level of their general abilities.

Many teachers are of the opinion that in the classroom, children should work strictly according to instructions. However, such a technique allows only to do the work without mistakes and deviations, but does not form cognitive processes and does not develop the student, does not bring up such qualities as independence, initiative. Creative abilities develop in students in practical activities, but with such an organization, when knowledge needs to be obtained by ourselves. The task set by the teacher should encourage children to search for solutions. Search implies a choice, and the correctness of the choice is confirmed in practice.

2.4. Using technologies for differentiated and group teaching

In my teaching practice I systematically use differentiated teaching technologies. The degree of manifestation of the student's activity in the educational process is a dynamic, changing indicator. It is in the power of the teacher to help the child move from the zero level to the relatively active and then to the performing active. And in many respects it depends on the teacher whether the pupil will reach the creative level. The structure of the lesson, taking into account the levels of cognitive activity, provides for at least four basic models. The lesson can be linear (with each group in turn), mosaic (inclusion of a particular group in the activity, depending on the learning task), active role (connecting students with a high level of activity to teach others) or complex (combining all the proposed options) ...

The main criterion of the lesson should be the involvement in the educational activities of all students without exception at the level of their potential capabilities; study work from a daily compulsory duty should turn into a part of the general acquaintance with the outside world.

I usually use group technologies or pedagogy of cooperation (work in pairs and small groups) in repetitive and generalizing lessons, as well as in seminar lessons, in the preparation of oral journals, and creative assignments. Thinking over the composition of the groups, their number. Depending on the topic and goals of the lesson, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the groups may be different.

Groups can be formed according to the nature of the task being performed: one may be numerically larger than the other, it may include students with varying degrees of formation of skills and abilities, or it may consist of "strong" if the task is difficult, or from "weak" if the task does not require creative approach.

Groups receive written assignments (a kind of observation programs or algorithms of actions), written in detail, and the time for their implementation is negotiated. Students complete assignments by working with text. The forms of organization of relations in groups can also be different: everyone can perform the same task, but in different parts of the text, episodes, they can perform individual elements of the tasks prescribed in the card, they can prepare independent answers to various questions ...

Each group is assigned a leader. Its function is to organize the work of students, collect information, discuss the assessment of each member of the group and give a point for the part of the work assigned to him. After the time has elapsed, the group reports on the work done orally and in writing: gives an answer to the question posed and submits a sketch of its observations (from each student or from the group as a whole). For a monologue statement, the grade is put directly in the lesson; after reviewing the written answers, the score is given to each member of the group, taking into account the point that the group gave him. If an assignment is given to make notes in the course of the group reports, students' notebooks are collected for checking - each work is assessed from the standpoint of the quality of the assignment.


The modern education system should be aimed at the formation of students' needs and skills for independent development of new knowledge, new forms of activity, their analysis and correlation with cultural values, the ability and readiness for creative work. This dictates the need to change the content and technologies of education, focus on personality-oriented pedagogy. Such an education system cannot be built from scratch. It originates in the depths of the traditional education system, the works of philosophers, psychologists, and teachers.

Having studied the features of student-centered technologies and comparing the traditional lesson with the student-centered one, it seems to us that at the turn of the century the model of a student-centered school is one of the most promising for the following reasons:

  • at the center of the educational process is the child as a subject of cognition, which corresponds to the global trend of humanization of education;
  • student-centered learning is a health-saving technology;
  • lately, there has been a tendency when parents choose not just any additional items, services, but are looking, first of all, a favorable, comfortable educational environment for their child, where he would not get lost in the general mass, where his individuality would be visible;
  • the need to move to this school model is recognized by society.

I believe that the most significant principles of the personality-oriented lesson, formed by I.S.Yakimanskaya are:

  • using the child's subjective experience;
  • giving him freedom of choice when performing tasks; stimulation to independent choice and use of the most significant ways of working out educational material, taking into account the diversity of its types, types and forms;
  • the accumulation of ZUNs not as an end in itself (the end result), but as an important means of realizing children's creativity;
  • providing personally significant emotional contact between the teacher and the student in the classroom on the basis of cooperation, motivation for achieving success through the analysis of not only the result, but also the process of achieving it.

The personality-oriented type of education can be viewed, on the one hand, as a further movement of ideas and experience of developing education, on the other, as the formation of a qualitatively new educational system.

The set of theoretical and methodological provisions that determine modern personality-oriented education is presented in the works of E.V. Bondarevskaya, S. V. Kulnevich, T.I. Kulpina, V.V. Serikova, A.V. Petrovsky, V.T. Fomenko, I.S. Yakimanskaya and other researchers. These researchers are united by a humanistic approach to children, "the value attitude towards the child and childhood as a unique period of a person's life."

The research reveals the system of personal values \u200b\u200bas the meanings of human activity. The task of personality-oriented education is to saturate the pedagogical process with personal meanings as an environment for personality development.

The educational environment, diverse in content and forms, makes it possible to reveal oneself, to self-actualize. The specificity of personality developmental education is expressed in considering the child's subjective experience as a personally significant value sphere, enriching it in the direction of universality and originality, the development of meaningful mental actions as a necessary condition for creative self-realization, self-valuable forms of activity, cognitive, volitional, emotional and moral aspirations. The teacher, focusing on a socially significant personality model, creates conditions for free creative self-development of the individual, relies on the intrinsic value of children's and youth's ideas, motives take into account the dynamics of changes in the student's motivational-need sphere.

Mastering the theory and methodological and technological basis of the personality-oriented pedagogical approach and interaction, a teacher with a high level of pedagogical culture and reaching the heights in pedagogical activity in the future will be able and should use his potential for his own personal and professional growth.


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  2. A.G. Asmolov Personality as a subject of psychological research. Moscow: Moscow State University Publishing House, 2006.107 p.
  3. Bespalko V.P. The components of pedagogical technology. - M .: Pedagogika 1999. 192 s.
  4. Beetle. N. Personality-oriented lesson: technology of implementation and assessment // School director. No. 2. 2006. - p. 53-57.
  5. The concept of modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010 // Bulletin of education. No. 6. 2002.
  6. Kurachenko Z. V.Personality-oriented approach in the system of teaching mathematics // Elementary school. No. 4. 2004. - p. 60-64.
  7. Kolechenko. A.K. Encyclopedia of Educational Technologies: A Guide for Educators. SPb .: KARO, 2002.-368 p.
  8. Lezhneva N.V. A lesson in student-centered learning // Head teacher of primary school. No. 1. 2002. - p. 14-18.
  9. Lukyanova M.I. Theoretical and methodological foundations of organizing a personality-oriented lesson // Head teacher. No. 2. 2006. - p. 5-21.
  10. Razina N.A. Technological characteristics of a personality-oriented lesson // Head teacher. No. 3. 2004. - 125-127.
  11. Selevko G.K. Traditional pedagogical technology and its humanistic modernization. M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2005 .-- 144 p.

Person-centered learning - teaching, which is based on the principle of subjectivity, that is, "the recognition of the student as the main acting figure of the entire educational process."

Then the entire educational process is built on the basis of this provision.

Student-centered learning positions:

Person-centered learning considers the student as a full-fledged subject of the pedagogical process;

Personally-oriented learning should ensure the development and self-development of the student's personality, based on the identification of his individual characteristics as a subject of cognitive and professional activity;

Person-centered learning, relying on the student's abilities, his inclinations, interests, value orientations and subjective experience, creates the conditions for self-awareness, provides opportunities for self-determination, self-affirmation and self-realization in knowledge, profession, behavior, etc.

Person-centered learning is built taking into account the variability of the content of education and the learning process. This means on the one hand, the recognition of the diversity of content and forms educational process, the choice of which should be carried out by the subject teacher, taking into account the development of each student, his pedagogical support in the cognitive process, difficult life circumstances, on the other hand, the content of education, its means and methods are organized so that the student can show selectivity to the subject material, its type and shape.

Figure 1 schematically shows the essential characteristics of personality-oriented technology.

Figure: 1. The essence of personality-oriented technology.

The procedural component of the implementation of student-centered learning includes the most appropriate methods of teaching this approach. The technological arsenal of the personality-oriented approach is made up of methods and techniques that meet such requirements as: dialogism, activity-creative nature, focus on supporting the individual development of the student, providing the student with the necessary space, freedom to make independent decisions, creativity, choice of content and methods of learning, and behavior.

Basic concepts in the implementation of pedagogical actions are the main tool of thought activity. Their absence in the mind of the teacher or the distortion of their meaning makes it difficult or even impossible for the conscious and purposeful application of the technology under consideration in pedagogical activity.

Choice - the realization by a person or group of the opportunity to choose from a certain set the most preferable option for the manifestation of their activity.

Individuality- the unique uniqueness of a person and a group, a unique combination of singular, special and common features in them, distinguishing them from other individuals and human communities.

Personality - a person as a representative of society, freely and responsibly determining his position among people. It is formed in interaction with the surrounding world, the system of social and human relations, and culture.

Self-actualized personality - a person who consciously and actively realizes the desire to become himself, to fully reveal his capabilities and abilities.

Self-determination - the process and result of a person's conscious choice of their own position, goals and means of self-realization in specific life circumstances.

Self-affirmation - achievement of subjective satisfaction with the result and (or) the process of self-realization.

Self-realization(self-expression) - the most complete identification of a person's individual and professional capabilities.

Subject - an individual or a group possessing conscious and creative activity and freedom in cognition and transformation of oneself and the surrounding reality.

Subjectivity - the quality of an individual or group, reflecting the ability to be an individual or group subject and expressed by the measure of the possession of activity and freedom in choosing and carrying out activities.

Pedagogical support -the activities of teachers to provide preventive and operational assistance to children in solving their individual problems related to physical and mental health, communication, and successful advancement in learning. Life and professional self-determination.

I-CONCEPT -the system of ideas about himself perceived and experienced by a person, on the basis of which he builds his life activity, interaction with other people, attitude towards himself and others.

The principles of student-centered learning:

Principles - the starting points and basic rules for building the process of teaching and educating students. Together, they can form the basis of the pedagogical credo of a teacher or head of an educational institution.

Self-actualization principle. Every person has a need to actualize his intellectual, communicative, artistic, physical and other abilities. It is important to awaken and support the desire of students to manifest and develop their natural and socially acquired capabilities.

The principle of individuality.The creation of conditions for the formation of the individuality of the personality of a student and a teacher is the main task of an educational institution. It is necessary not only to take into account the individual characteristics of the subjects of the pedagogical process, but also to promote their further development in every possible way. Each member of the human collective must be (become) himself, acquire (comprehend his image).

The principle of subjectivity... Individuality is inherent only in the person who actually has subjective powers and skillfully uses them in building activities, communication and relationships. The student should be helped to become a true subject of life in the classroom, educational institution, contribute to the formation and enrichment of his subjective experience. The intersubjective nature of the interaction should be dominant in the pedagogical process.

Selection principle... Without choice, the development of individuality and subjectivity, self-actualization of human abilities is impossible. It is pedagogically expedient for a student to live, study, and be brought up under the conditions of constant choice, and have subjective powers in choosing the goal, content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process and the life of the educational institution.

The principle of creativity and success... Individual and collective creative activity allows you to define and develop the individual characteristics of the student and the uniqueness study group... Thanks to creativity, a person reveals his abilities, learns about the "strengths" of his personality. Achievement of success in one or another type of activity contributes to the formation of a positive self-concept of the student's personality, stimulates the implementation of further work by students on self-improvement and self-construction of their “I”.

The principle of trust and support... A decisive rejection of the ideology and practice of the sociocentric in orientation and authoritarian in nature of the educational process inherent in the pedagogy of the forcible formation of the child's personality. It is important to enrich the arsenal of pedagogical activity with humanistic personality-oriented technologies for teaching and educating students. Belief in the personality of the student, trust in him, support for his aspirations for self-realization and self-affirmation should replace excessive demanding and excessive control. It is not external influences, but internal motivation that determines the success of teaching and educating students.

The main criteria for the effectiveness of the lesson using student-centered technology.These include:

The presence of a variable component curriculum lesson depending on individual characteristics, class readiness, etc.

· Use of problematic creative assignments.

· The use of assignments that allow the student to choose the type, type and form of material (verbal, graphic, conditionally symbolic).

· Creating a positive emotional mood for the work of all students during the lesson.

· Communication at the beginning of the lesson not only the topic, but also the organization of educational activities during the lesson.

· Discussion by students at the end of the lesson not only about what “we have learned” (what we have mastered), but also what they liked (did not like) and why; to want to do it again, but what to do differently.

· Encouraging students to choose and independently use different ways of completing assignments.

· Assessment (encouragement) when questioning in the classroom not only the correct answer of the student, but also the analysis of how the student reasoned, which method he used, why and where he was mistaken.

· The mark given to the student at the end of the lesson must be reasoned on a number of parameters: correctness, independence, originality.

· Variability of homework, explanation of not only the topic and scope of the task, but also the rational organization of educational work when doing homework.

The virtues of student-centered learning:

· Respect for the student's personality, attention to his inner world and his uniqueness (subjectivity).

· Education is aimed at developing the personality of the student.

· Original construction of content and teaching methods.

· Search for new forms and means of teaching.

Unsolved problems of student-centered learning:

· More research is required to build an ideal student personality model.

· A systemic psychological and pedagogical characteristic of the student's personal qualities is needed, which would naturally fit into the logic of the teacher's educational and educational activities.

· A deeper study of the idea of \u200b\u200bdesigning "and the individual trajectory of the student's personality development in learning" is needed.

· The teacher needs to systematically accumulate differentiated tasks and assignments, additional and variable content of educational material, which requires serious work on the scientific criterial study of the material in terms of complexity, difficulty, problematicity and other parameters.

Weak sides student-centered learning:

Overestimation of the interests of students, determining the content and methods of teaching, leads to a decrease in the academic level of knowledge, to fragmentary, unsystematic knowledge.

Education, built on the principle of subjectivity, in the work on the formation of the personality is to some extent opposed to the collective cognitive activity of the same students. After all, a person lives not only in a family, but also interacts with classmates, experiencing their influence, which affects the inner world of the same person. Therefore, this influence cannot be ignored in the system of student-centered learning.

Person-centered learning in its entirety and with all the nuances is difficult to carry out in classes, groups in which 25-30 students study. At the proper level, it can be implemented in a small group and in individual lessons. Therefore, this type of training must be combined with others, including traditional ones.
