Development of the lesson of the Russian language in the 7th grade "Journey to" Prucastinsk "ยป

Author: Tokmakova Oksana Anatolyevna, Teacher of Russian Language and Literature, Mobu Ust-Yarulskaya Sosh
- systematization of knowledge of communion;
- the formation of the ability to find communion and determine its grammatical signs; find and correctly write orphograms in communion; Select commas involved turns.
Description of the lesson: I present to your attention the lesson of the Russian language in grade 7. This lesson is conducted by the final in front of the dictation when studying the topic "Communion", which helps children eliminate certain gaps in knowledge, which contributes to a better result when writing a control dictation. With the help of gaming form, children are actively involved in the educational process. The material is recommended for Russian teachers, students of philological faculties.
During the classes
1. ABOUT rG. moment. Greeting.
2. The word of the teacher.
Guys, today we have not exactly an ordinary lesson. We will go on a journey around the city of Prucastine, consider all its sights. It will not be lost in this city, we will not give us a map, but I take the role of a guide.
To begin with, I will tell you the story of the creation of the city of Prucastinsk.
Tale of communion.
There were lonely subfixes in the light of the lonely suffixes -, -, -, -the-, -s-. -T-. They were boring to live on white light. \\ And they decided to go for advice to the verb, complain to their loneliness.
He tells them the verb: "I will give you the most expensive thing that I have - the foundation." "Thank you!" - answered the delighted suffixes and immediately joined the foundation, turned out to be ugly, unfinished words. Again the suffixes were labored, something else was missing.
Here they are brave on the road with their foundations, and they meet a good wizard adjective. She listened to their grief and agreed to help unhappy suffixes.
-Tress my endings, they will help you.
- Thank you, kind adjective!
And suffixes, taking gifts satisfied and happy. Went to the lawn to the river. They had fun long, played, danced, painted composed words. One of them suggested:
"Let's live as we want, we will have fun, we will not obey anyone."
The rest agreed, I really wanted to be carefree. They forgot that in their big country, grammar can not be an egoist. The parts of the speech were indignant, and they decided to punish nothing of those who are not involved in persons. Glagol said: "To be called now you will be communions. And for your leprosy, leave you only two times - the past and present. And no future to you. Well, and also, so be, leave two types - perfect and imperfect "
"And I punish you that you will be forever inclined by cases, they will change according to childbirth and numbers," said adjective.
Immersed the communion Yes, there is nothing to do - it works. No longer noticed for them noticed. And parts of the speech forgive them. Forgive, it is also necessary to be able to. Since then, all the parties live in the same city, and referred to him became Podchastinsky.
3. Repetition of the material passed
So, our journey begins. But before entering the city, it is necessary to name the correct definition of the communion, it serves as a password of the city.
We will travel along the "Highway Ophogram". Let's remember what orfograms did we study during this topic? (Writing the suffixes of communion, nn in communations, a fusion and separate writing not with the parties. The letters e and it after hissing in the suffering times of the past time, vowels in front of n and nn in the suffering and adjectives formed from the verb)
Explanatory dictation
Not climbed the sun; not painted benches; The guys are outraged by the behavior of a comrade; speeches are penetrating and excited; trimmed hair; painted oil paint floor; marinated mushrooms; A clear grass, a scanned leaf, ranged from the basement of the barrel; Rocked oil; hearing conversation; sent to the squad; A misliminary envelope, which did not submit on time; The book is not read; Not written writing in English.
We are approaching the museum of involved turns.
-Guys, let's remember what is the involvement of turnover?
- What cases involuntary turnover is allocated by commas?
The task. (Over the cards)
Set the missed punctuation marks, emphasize the involvement of the roads as members of the sentence.
1. The river runs the path barely visible in the dark.
2. Silver moon is weakly illuminated by the moon.
3. Slashtite reed slightly heated by the wind.
4. The wind-inflated bonfire.
5. The grass beyond the wind fell to the ground.
6. Almost the visible forest was gone away.
7. I saw two almost connected nuts for some reason did not congestive forgotten by us.
8. I went out into a darkening garden, went down the path with the thick of the leaves, then stopped in front of the Oheshnik frozen twilight in the cold real estate.
Now we walk through the alley of the suffering and valid communcies.
Let's remember how to distinguish a valid communion from the suffering?
-How formed valid communion?
-How are the suffering parties?
The task. Fill out a table with communion from the text, allocate suffixes. (Text either is displayed through the projector, or is heard on the parties)
Action. POST.V. Act. Nast. Strades. Vros. Stradi.Nast.VR.

We entered the forest illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. The cleared track led to the sea. We often stopped, affected by the bright beauty of the forest. At the yellowed grass lay fallen leaves. Birchs were covered with gold foliage, sparkling in the sun. Very beautiful maples, dressed in the crimson. Often we see yellow leaves, quietly falling on the ground. And on the tracks leaves, sad rustling under their feet. Sometimes there is a cottage, surrounded by wooden painted fence.
So, our journey comes to an end and I suggest you consolidate your knowledge with the help of a small work on the text.
The task. Work on the text.

(1) Anton with enthusiastic eyes looked at the father's cabin. (2) Little room, tested only by the necessary furniture, was very comfortable. (3) Everything was unusual here. (4) Over a coach, covered with a woolen blanket, hung the painted painting, depicting a windmill under the straw roof, the flowing of the flowers meadow. (5) Not ordinary, and specially attached to the walls of the shelves accommodate many interesting things. (6) On one of them was a written device, a stack of books in leather bindings was lying near it. (7) Among them, the boy saw the books dedicated to the sea, the history of ships. (8) One of them attracted his attention. (9) On her cover was drawn by shhun waves.
1. From Proposition 4 to write involuntary turnover.
2. To write out the words from the text that are subject to the rule: "In complete suffering parts with suffixami -Ann- and, two letters of H were written if the communion has a prefix (except)." (Attached)
3. From Proposition 4 to write a valid communion.
4. To write out from Proposition 6-9 Brief Communion.
5. Disposable suffering.
Multi-test. (Students are changing notebooks and check each other using teacher's comments)
4. Reflection.
Guys, did you like our journey?
What conclusion can we do?
5. Homework.
Preparation for the control dictation.

Skills; Formation of practical skills and skills of sectors on the conscious use of knowledge gained in everyday practice; Education of careful attitude to the Word.

Tasks lesson:

    consolidate the ability to find the communion and determine its grammatical signs; Improve the ability to see and correctly solve spelling tasks in a particular communion; Improve the ability to see and, if necessary, to allocate commas involved.

Equipment lesson:

    Prints of materials for students' work. Multimedia installation.

During the classes

V. Dal.

1. Teacher reads lines:

Here is my property mandatory:
I'm leaning, as an adjective.
I answer all questions.
The verb is reminded. (P. Chesnokov)

What part of speech is this mystery?

Appeal to the epigraph.

V. Dal noticed that " The sacrament is part of the speech involved in the verb in the attachment. " How to understand the meaning of this statement? Why did I take these words as an epigraph?

2. Message Topics lesson

- Pay attention to the type of lesson, on how it is formulated by its topic.

What will happen to us at the lesson? Formulate his goal.

Repeat theoretical information on the topic, to summarize and systematize the knowledge gained on the involvement, repeat the spells and the topic of the topic.

3. Orphoepic warm-up








Named brother

3. Creative dictation

Name the signs of communion. Determine the actual or suffering.

Galloping horses that jump

Unexplored road

The program is made

Wounded fighter

The project under consideration

Attending doctor

Marinated mushrooms

Scattered across the sky


4. Relations: Valid - Paddative.

6. Correct communion errors, explain what they are called?

1) I was entrusted to destroy the fallen sniper on the tree.

2) We approached the house standing on a small clearing and which was lit by the bright rays of the sun.

6. Game "Magic Square" Purpose: Checking the knowledge and skills of spelling not with communions, adjectives, verb.

7 Working with text.

Complete suggestions suitable in the sense of communion (see words for references); Highlight commas, where necessary, involvement, emphasize them as members of the sentence.

We entered the forest ...................... .................. ... The track led to the sea. We often stopped ............................... . On .................. .. Lyed ......... .. leaves. Birchs were covered with gold foliage ................................................................................................................... ... Often we see yellow leaves ..................... .. and on the tracks leaves .................................... sometimes there is a cottage .........................

Words for references:

Corrected, fallen, sparkling on the sun, lit by the rays of the autumn sun, surrounded by wooden painted fence , The bright beauty of the forest amazed, quietly falling on the ground, sadly rustling under their feet, yellowed, dressed in the crimson.

We entered the forest illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. Calculated trackled to the sea. We often stopped, affected by the bright beauty of the forest. On yellowthe essay grass lay fallen leaves. Birchs were covered with gold foliage,king in the sun. Very beautiful maples, dressed in the crimson. Often we seeyellow leaves, quietly falling on the ground. And on the tracks leaves, sad rustleunder legs. Sometimes there is a cottage, surrounded by wooden paintedfence.

- Compare texts with communion and without. What is the role of communion?

B1. Inteit in the text of the suffering communion of the past time, write them down.

B2. Direct method of word formation word falling

8. Stylistic role of communities.

- Is it always appropriate to use communities? To answer, listen excerpt from Faketon V. Ardova "Sukonny Language".

People walking on the grass growing behind the separating grille, scrapand outstanding robbles, as well as pushing, sticking to walking, rushing in those who use growing plants, substituting the legs attending, sprawling on passing and sitting, frightening existing children driving on bicycles, starting animals, polluting and biting, feeding flowers and litters, are Penalty.

- Why does the text cause a smile?

What is the stylistic role of communion? In what speech are mostly used by communion: in conversational or book? What style in the texts are used more often?

Your classmates will help us to answer this question.

Student 1. . For conversationalstyles use of communion, or rather involuntary revolutions, uncharacteristic. The involvement of turnover is more correlated with book styles. This was indicated in the 18th and 19th centuries ,. They celebrated the highness and solemnity of communities. "Communions have some high quality in themselves, and in order to use them very decently in a high way of poems," Lomonosov wrote. The sample of the use of high-style communities can serve as works by Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Zhukovsky.

In the theory of "three calm" Lomonosov divides a literary language by 3 styles: high, medium and low. So, according to this theory, the communities should be used in the works of high style, as they give speech solemnity and shade of high.

Oh, your days are blessed!
Dare now encouraged
Laundry your show
What can own platonists
And rapid mind of nonsense
Russian. Greate the earth

Student 2. The possibility of connecting the action and indication on the characteristic of the subject in one word increases the semantic capacity of the semides, allows you to get rid of the variance. This feature noted. He says with regret: "We do not say: the carriage, galloping along the bridge; the servant, the room; we say: the carriage, which is jumping; servant, which sweeps, etc. - replacing the expressive brethren of communion of sluggish." Pushkin widely used communion in his works.

He sees: he is still loved;
He is a repentance tom,
Ready to ask her forgiveness:

Gonimy rays,
From the surrounding mountains already snow:

Student 3. Brevity, accuracy and expressiveness of communities made them indispensable assistants scientific and business stylesWhere thought should be expressed as briefly, but quite accurately and clearly. For example: the adverb is an independent part of speech that does not change. (It sounds long and not quite beautiful). And if part of the proposal is replaced with the party, it will turn out: the adverb is an independent immutable part of speech. Briefly and Emko. And it sounds beautiful.

Also in business speech. Here it is necessary to say about short switches. Brief communities used in a business style, firstly, express volitional acts, secondly, as if "dewincing" suggestions. For example, it is prohibited, scheduled, provided, recommended, established. After consideration of the case file, it was established that the fact of this offense is proved.Communion i have been established, proved.

Student 4. There is another sphere of use of communion - texts artistic style. The fact is that the communion, connecting the action and sign, are bright language means. They can transmit the speed and slow motion, sound and silence, flowering and fading nature, various physical and spiritual states of a person. It is not for nothing that Pushkin in his poetic works widely used communion as a fine-expressive agent.

Waking up early
In the window I saw Tatiana
In the morning the Whitard Dvor:

But the ball is tired
And morning at midnight
Calmly sleeps in the shade of blissful
Fun and luxury child. (Pushkin)

Above the waves of the shelter, the light month of the slant. And please the motley flower beds and a sharp cry of crows in the Black Sky. (A. Akhmatova).

9. Test

1 option

A) flavored dog
B) wavy hair
C) sunny morning
D) cold hands

2. In which communcies - , - ?

A) write. man
B) CE. Rain
C) Pen. Thread
D) count Item
E) build Stadium

3. In which communcies n. ?

A) shipped. OE letter
B) a letter sent. about
In heat. oh in mushroom oil
D) Corrosen. Aya Fish

A) District. nome friends
B) Izmuch. Put guns
C) boiled. Water
D) Non-day. Naya road

5. What are the intersices are written with not separately?

A) (no) sent letter
B) (not) sent by me
C) (no) performed task
D) (not) an error is noticed

D) on the yellowed grass lay fallen leaves

Option 2

1. In what phrase is the communion?

A) a dense forest
B) a dormant child
C) rough hands
D) elder brother

2. In which communcies -raise , - ?

A) ver. in everything
B) Tone. Pain
C) Clee. Paper
D) Steel. fog
E) Kicle. reed

3. In which communcies n. ?

A) sow. OE Field
B) Sale field. about
C) Elm. Mom Mom Kofta
D) Vare. Cyato

4. In the suffixes of which communals is written?

A) army. Soldier
B) confusion. Pupil
C) offense. Need baby
D) Current. Window

5. What communities are written with not apart?

A) (not) proven work
B) (no) verified by the teacher
C) (not) bevel grass
D) (no) read book

6. In which sentence is a separate involvement? (Punctuation signs are not arranged)

A) the cleared track led to the sea.
B) We entered the forest lit by the autumn sun.
C) The wind challenged the paths torn from the trees of the leaves.
D) on the yellowed grass lay fallen leaves.

10. Summing up the lesson.

11. Homework.

Perform test tasks.

Correct the errors 1) I was charged with destroying the fallen sniper on the tree. I was entrusted to destroy the sniper fallen on the tree. I was entrusted to destroy the sniper fallen on the tree. 2) The image of the poet-prophet, created by Pushkin, determined his own life. The image of the poet prophet, created by Pushkin, determined his own life. 3) We approached the house standing on a small clearing and which was lit by the bright rays of the sun. We approached the house standing on a small clearing and the illuminated bright rays of the sun.

Explanatory dictation Dicken horses, unexplored road, the program is made, a wounded fighter, weakly illuminated, the project in question, launched on the moon, the attending physician, the heard steps, pickled mushrooms, barely visible, scattered across the sky that mounted snow, painted, wrought-iron leaves.

Complete suggestions suitable in the sense of communations, we entered the forest ...................... .................. ... The track led to the sea. We often stayed .............................. .. on .... ... The grass was lying ......... .. leaves. Birchs were covered with gold foliage ..................................... Very beautiful maples. .................. often we see yellow leaves ..................... .. and on the tracks leaves ............................................................... ... ... words for references: Cleaning, fallen, sparkling on the sun, lit by the rays of the autumn sun, surrounded by a wooden painted fence, affected by the bright beauty of the forest, quietly falling on the ground, sadly fluttering under his feet, yellowed, dressed in the crimson.

Check themselves entered the forest illuminated by the rays of the autumn sun. The cleared track led to the sea. We often stopped, affected by the bright beauty of the forest. At the yellowed grass lay fallen leaves. Birchs were covered with gold foliage, sparkling in the sun. Very beautiful maples, dressed in the crimson. Often we see yellow leaves, quietly falling on the ground. And on the tracks leaves, sad rustling under their feet. Sometimes there is a cottage, surrounded by wooden painted fence.

Smile people walking on the grass growing behind the separating grille breaking and escalating rakes, as well as pushing, sticking to walking, rushing in those who use growing plants, substituting the legs attending, sprawling on passing and sitting, frightening children driving on bicycles Animals, polluting and biting, pulling flowers and litters, are fine. B. Ardov "Sukonny Language"

Communions have some high quality in themselves, and to use them very decently in a high way of poems. M.V. Lomonosov we do not say: the carriage, jumping along the bridge; servant, vaccinated; We say: the carriage that jumps; The servant, which swees, etc. - replacing the expressive brevity of communities of sluggish. A.S. Pushkin
