Parents of future first-graders are dedicated ...

You often hear: "We are engaged in grape ...", "And we are taught in the classroom in Zankov." Unfortunately, the majority of parents can only call the author of the curriculum, others will say "we praised it," the third, maybe tell about the specific advantages and minuses. But in general, the ordinary parent with difficulty understands than all these programs differ. And not surprising. It is really difficult to get through the scientific style and terminology of pedagogical texts.

So let's go together and try to understand.

First, there is a pedagogical system and a pedagogical program.

Systems are only three: system Zankova (developing), elkonina Davydov System (developing) and traditional (See Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 21.10.2004 N 93).

The programs are much larger. In addition to officially recognized, there are many experimental systems, as well as copyright, intra-school, which we will not consider in this article.

Schematically it will look like this:

All system-approved system and programs meet the general requirement: they allow the disciple to assimilate the mandatory minimum knowledge. Authorship is manifested in ways of filing material, additional information, organization of training activities.

Features that will allow the child to successfully learn from this program: since the program, on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe authors, echrones with the Elkonina-Davydov system, will use all the qualities that have been described above. But since this is still a traditional program designed for a "average student", almost any child will be able to successfully learn.

"School of Russia" (Pleshakov)

This is the set for elementary school, according to which we all studied, with some changes.

Purpose: How citizens of Russia. School of Russia should become a school of spiritual and moral development.

Tasks. The main purpose of primary school, according to the authors - educational. Hence the tasks:

  • development of human qualities that meet the ideas about true humanity: kindness, tolerance, responsibility, ability to empathize, willingness to help another
  • child learning to conscious reading, writing and account, correct speech, instill certain labor and health-saving skills, educate the basics of safe life activity
  • formation of natural doctrine motivation

Principles: Fundamentality, reliability, stability, openness.

Problem-search approach. It provides for the creation of problem situations, nomination of assumptions, search for evidence, formulation of conclusions, comparison of results with a standard.

Features that will allow the child to successfully learn from this program: no special qualities are required of the child. Of course, the more abilities are developed in the child, the better. For example, the ability to self-esteem will be useful, readiness to work in problem situations. But according to this program, even the most unprepared for school children learn.

"Harmony" edited by N. B. Istomine

This system correlates with the main ideas of developing learning and, in particular, with the System of Zankov, in which Natalia Borisovna Istomina worked for a very long time.

Purpose: The multilateral development of the child, comfortable training, prepare the thought apparatus of the child to further education. Overcoming differences between the traditional and developing learning scheme.

Tasks: Provide an understanding of the child studied issues, to create conditions for the harmonious relations of the teacher with a student and children with each other, create a situation of success in cognitive activity for each student.

Principles: organization of educational activities of students related to the formulation of a learning task, with its solution, self-controlling and self-esteem; organization of productive communication, which is a prerequisite for the formation of educational activities; The formation of concepts that provide an awareness of causal relationships, patterns and dependencies on an affordable school age.

Features that will allow the child to successfully learn from this program: the requirements for the peculiarities of the thoughtful process of the child flow from the claimed author of the communication with the System of Zankov. But as a traditional system, this program mitigates the requirements for a student of the Zankov program.\u003d200300905 - very good, with examples, sets out information about the program.

"Primary school of the 21st century" (grape)

Purpose: Organization of educational activities of junior schoolchildren in such a way as to ensure comfortable conditions for the development of the child in the process of learning knowledge, skills and skills.


  • the formation of the main components of the training activity (if you discuss the position of the schoolchildren, then this is the answer to questions "Why am I learning", "what I have to do to solve this learning task", "How I perform a learning task and how I do it", " What are my successes and that I can't get ").
  • the organization of the educational process in such a way as to ensure the situation of success for each student and the ability to study at an individual pace.

Principles: The basic principle of training - the elementary school should be naturally like, that is, to meet the needs of children of this age (in knowledge, communication, diverse productive activities), take into account the typological and individual features of their cognitive activity and the level of socialization. The schoolboy is not just a "viewer", "listener", and "Researcher".

Content: In accordance with the main principle (naturalness), the authors paid special attention to the implementation of the "soft" adaptation of children to new activities. A system of using a role-playing learning, which makes it possible to develop various verge of role-playing behavior, which means the imagination and creativity of the student. All textbooks provide for additional training content, allowing everyone to work in accordance with its capabilities (for example, introducing in the textbook from the very beginning of learning interesting texts on the full alphabet material for well-reading children).

Features that will allow the child to successfully learn from this program: based on the principles, it can be assumed that this program will be comfortable to learn children who require a soft adaptation to everything new to them, whether it is a team or type of activity. All courses provide for a long preparatory period.

Choosing for us. I hope we managed to at least approximately "what kind of beast" is a program. And now we can consciously approach the selection of school, class, teacher. We now imagine what questions to ask, to appreciate whether this teacher can fully implement the principles of the selected program in this school ... We will be able to properly prepare a child to the beginning of school sessions, if possible, considering the inclinations and character of our little, but personalities.

Elena Aristarhova

Modern primary school offers two children's education systems: the traditional, which includes seven programs: "School of Russia", "School 2100", "Elementary School of the XXI Century", "Harmony", "Classical Primary School", "Prospective Primary School" , "Planet of Knowledge", and developing, including two programs: L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

Recently some traditional primary school programs Significant changes have undergone, they are very modified and they can already be attributed to educational programs.

The traditional program "School of Russia" - the name speaks for itself. This educational and methodical complex was created specifically for the training of children living in Russia, bringing them to the traditions and culture of their great country. This is a kind of school of spiritual and moral development. The program "School of Russia" is focused on education in children of such qualities as kindness, responsibility, the ability to empathize and assist in a difficult moment. Develops in schoolchildren interest in the study of his homeland, her nature, history, thereby raising such an important and rare quality as patriotism.

The authors, creating this program, relied on the long-term pedagogical experience of the Soviet, and later the Russian school. Training is based on a smooth transition from simple to complex. The program thoroughly manages reading skills, letters and accounts, which is the basis for further successful learning.

Textbooks on the program "School of Russia" are very modern, colorful and interesting for the child, perfectly stimulate informative activities.

The program "School 2100" is the only one of all, which is a system of continuous education from preschool age until graduation. According to her benefits, children can do, starting with a three-year-old age and ending with the graduation class. The program clearly comes out of the traditional framework, including elements of the developing program.

The educational and methodological complex of the program "School 2100" is focused on developing a child as a person, identifying and developing creative abilities and interest in learning. Develops in children such qualities as determination, independence, the ability to make a decision, the ability to analyze, logical thinking, imagination and speech.

Training was built on the fact that the basic concepts, rules and conclusions are not given to children in the finished form, they must reach them themselves, the teacher only sends the child to the right direction. That is, children learn to act independently. Many tasks are based on obtaining information from other sources in addition to educational literature.

The educational program "School of the XXI Century" refers to traditional programs, however, is also essentially developing. She softerly adapts former preschoolers to a new activity for them - school studies. Training built in the form of a game. Most teachers in Russia prefer to engage in this program. The program is aimed at the harmonious development of the personality, on the development of motivation to learning activities and self-education. It helps the child to understand why you need to learn, why you need to relate to your education seriously.

Considering this program, children learn to independently obtain knowledge by reflections, analyzes, fantasies. They can evaluate their successes and failures in school. A teacher with children in the lessons behaves on an equal footing, allowing children to think themselves, to discuss and, thus, reach the truth.

Each student has the ability to learn in an individual pace, because the training material contains tasks of different levels. The set of textbooks includes the so-called notebooks for the correctional development work of the student, which can be additionally engaged in the child in the event of a lagging and misunderstanding of the material. Attention is paid to the wrong answer, but the process itself.

Set of textbooks for the program "Elementary School of the XXI century" was awarded the President of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education, is the winner of the "Competition for the creation of a new generation of textbooks for elementary school."

"Harmony" is a program that combines the methods of traditional education with developing. The name says that the program is aimed at developing the harmonious relations of the teacher with students and children among themselves. The program helps develop logical thinking, creative abilities. Aims to strengthen the physical and mental health of the child.

The educational material is very interesting, the emphasis is on advanced training, new promising technologies are used in teaching children of different levels of development. Children do not cut the rules, and their own mind with the help of special exercises come to the desired conclusions.

The kit includes textbooks containing the methodical part, so parents themselves can explain the child themselves, help to cope with the homework. Children who received primary education under the Harmony program are characterized by high literacy.

The educational and methodical set of mathematics of the program "Harmony" was awarded the Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

"Classical Primary School" is a traditional program, practically identical to the program "School of Russia". It differs from her with a set of textbooks. This is the most classical generated effective program for primary training. Fully built on traditional techniques, but with the introduction of modern scientific pedagogical approaches. Thanks to the arrogant study and solid consolidation of reading skills, letters and accounts gives children a good base to continue learning in high school. The program from the first days of occupation is focused on the interest of children in further training.

All textbooks and notebooks are decorated with colorful illustrations. Lessons are filled with various contests, games and quizzes. Part of the tasks are aimed at work together with parents, thereby bringing them to the fascinating process of education of their children. The program helps the child to love the book and teaches to work with it. The knowledge of the program is not given in the finished form, but should be mined jointly by students and teacher, that is, the program contributes to the development of logical thinking.

The program "Perspective Primary School" is the most successful program of all existing, suitable for rural schools, in which students of 1 - 4 classes are trained at the same time. It contains all important methods from all existing programs. The program was created taking into account the age categories of schoolchildren, whether it is a six-year first grader or an eight-year-old, and takes into account the different level of schoolboy's training. The emphasis is done both on the individual activities of the child and the joint work of students, contributing to the development of the dialogue between them. Learn to work not only with a textbook, but also with various directories. The teacher gives the task of a group of students, it is removed to work with another group. Thus, schoolchildren develop independence, the ability to work and live in the team, that is, to assist others, criticize and adequately respond to criticism in their address, be able to explain and defend their point of view.

The program is built strictly according to the principle of complication of educational material. According to this program, children are quickly mastering the skills of fluid reading, letters and accounts.

Tutorials are filled with interesting fabulous material that helps develop creative thinking, logic and memory. Much of time is given to the physical health of children, the child's collaboration to clean, order, gymnastics and the regime of the day. Educational tasks attract parents to jointly fulfill the tasks.

The traditional program "Planet Knowledge" is good because even the smallest children can learn. The approach to learning non-standard and departs from the classics "The teacher explains the task, children perform." All tasks are developing. The program is focused on developing creative abilities. For each child, studying on the program "Planet Knowledge," there is a teaching method that helps him greatly learn the material. The program stimulates the manifestation of independence, initiative, helps to see the same subject in different ways.

A set of educational literature is interesting in that before the beginning of each section there is a plan for further training. Thus, the child sees what it will be studied in the future. Each section after studying is completed by test work and a test sheet that allow the teacher, as well as the student itself to test their knowledge of this section. Tutorials contain many tasks of various levels of complexity, which allows students to choose the task for themselves. Many exercises are focused on working with reference literature and to work in a group, forming in children communication skills in society.

Developing program L.V. Zankova is the exact opposite of traditional programs. It is based on the trust of the teacher and the student. The teacher first proposes to perform tasks, and before the theory of students must reach by their mind by various discussions, mining information from various sources, reflections and disputes. The program perfectly reveals the individual abilities of each child. Focused on the awakening of interest in learning, on the development of intelligence and curiosity. Being rather heavy, because the learning process goes with a rapid pace, at the same time it is very attractive and fascinating for children.

In addition to school lessons, the program involves close communication between the teacher and children and outside the school through joint visits to various cultural events, walks and excursions. Children who studied according to the program L.V. Zankov, excellent interlocutors, possess a wide range of horizons and their knowledge is much higher than in children engaged in traditional systems.

Developing program D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov is focused on the development of strong theoretical knowledge in children, that is, the rules and concepts here occupy the dominant position, but they are not given in the form of ready-made truths. Children must reach them themselves by logical thinking, working in a group or individually, debating, arguing among themselves and discussing results. And only then with the help of a teacher to make the right conclusions. The program develops in the child the ability to think deeply and unconventional.

The program is much richer than ordinary traditional programs. Children who studied on it are very sociable, respect the opinions of others, but do not take all words on faith, they require mandatory evidence.

According to this program, there are few homework, everything is solved in the class where children are loaded with interesting work, but at home they rest.

Many textbooks are winners of new generation textbooks.

The program is considered difficult, but only because there are very few competent teachers who know how to work on this program.

Art learn

35 sites with which the school program will be easier and more interesting

It doesn't matter whether you are making a decision to train the child yourself, choosing a family education, or give it to school, lyceum or gymnasium, and there are never unnecessary assistants. We picked up 35 sites with which the study of the school program will become a real holiday and for the child, and for parents.

1. is a real storehouse, there are video tutorials, simulators and tests for all school subjects from 1 to grade 11.

2. - a stunningly beautiful program, imitating the planetarium. Indispensable to all who are interested in astronomy, given that this subject will soon appear in the school program.

It is possible to search for nebula and galaxies on this site by hours.

3. - On the site there are ready-made homework in different subjects and textbooks, but sections with online versions of school textbooks and biographies of Russian writers are more valuable here.
4. - "Speed" lessons in English for an entry level.
5. - this is 2000 works of the school program in a brief statement.
6. - Interactive service to explore English. There are free and advanced paid access (cost per year relationship with 2-3 studies with a tutor).
7. - a major online children's library that contains texts of program works on literature from 1 to 11 classes.

On the portal online you can read software works

8. - a huge reference and information portal according to the rules and difficulties of Russian.
9. - portal on which links to useful resources, books and texts in all subjects of the school program are collected.

On the site you can find textbooks and tasks for many school subjects.

10. - Curious Survey to study English for students of varying degrees of preparation.
11. - site with a huge number of biographies of writers, short contents and full texts of literary works and hundreds of critical articles.
12. - program in mathematics from 1 to grade 11, preparation for exams on the subject and ready-made homework.
13. Loviotvet.Ru is an online reshebnik and a calculator with solutions of examples and equations in mathematics of various complexity.
14. - textbooks, tasks, laboratory work and tests in physics for students of 7-9 classes and physics teachers.
15. - the draft department of the general nuclear physics of the physical faculty of Moscow State University. Lectures in physics and a separate section for schoolchildren "Popular about science".
16. - Foundation for publications in chemistry, contains textbooks and workshops on the subject, as well as in Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
17. - Interactive multimedia textbook on organic chemistry for schoolchildren.
18. - Electronic training course "Open Biology" with division in the directions of "botany", "Zoology", "Man", "General Biology" and "Ecology".
19. - Megaencyclopedia about animals inhabiting the planet. - a national project in which the author's developments and presentations of teachers in all subjects are collected.
21. Do.Gendocs.Ru is a training portal with a huge number of lectures, reports and reference books in different subjects.
22. - Universal Research and Popular Online Encyclopedia.
23. is a universal dictionary and interdisciplinary encyclopedia.
24. - Electronic library of non-counted literature
25. - online platform, where students study school subjects in an interactive and fun form. In addition, subject Olympiads are held here and the archives of the Olympiads already spent are stored.
26. - interesting quests and tasks for mathematics, logic, reading and English for children 5-10 years.

Pixelia is one of the most interesting tasks on the site, children can perform them for a long time.

27. - Collection of elementary school lessons from 1 to 4 classes in mathematics, Russian language surrounding the world and literacy learning. Access is paid, but the cost per year does not exceed thousands of rubles.
28. - a magazine dedicated to entertaining issues and objectives in mathematics, linguistics, physics and other sciences.
29. - online courses in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, technology, architecture, art historian, linguistics.
30. - Free training videos and lessons in physics and mathematics.
31. - online school from 5 to grade 11. The resource has preparations for OGE, EGE and Olympiads.
32. Metaschool.Ru - Internet mugs and Olympiad in foreign languages, chess, mathematics and subjects of natural science profile for students of grades 1-9. Access paid.
33. - a convenient and simple service for learning English.
34. - Mathematics service for students of grades 5-11. Detailed analysis of themes and step-by-step solution tasks.
35. - online translator with a dozen languages, as well as grammar, German and French.

P.S. Want to know about the most interesting children's books and receive discounts on the best novelties?Subscribe to our newsletter . In the first letter - a gift.

Parents very carefully choose school for their first grades. Not the last role in the selection list, as a rule, they are discharged training programs. Have you already studied existing primary school educational programs?

Educational Programs for Primary School

To date, there are educational programs for primary school of two types. These are traditional educational programs (School of Russia, "Classical Primary School", "School 2100", "Planet of Knowledge", "Harmony", "Initial School of the XXI Century", "Perspective Primary School" and "Perspective") and educational educational Programs (Elkonin - Davydov and Zankova).

In one school, it is possible to use various training programs in different classes, but, regardless of which training program in elementary school is applied, all students receive those knowledge provided for by the State Standard (GEF).

Some traditional elementary school educational programs (for example, School 2100, "Elementary School of the XXI Century" or "Harmony") Recently were finalized in such a way that they are widely used by developing learning techniques, moreover, additional tasks of increased There are difficulties in any training program, and not only in developing how to think.

In connection with these parents, it is not necessary to immediately give preference to developing programs, categorically rejecting traditional, you need to approach the choice, weighing everything "for" and "against".

Traditional training programs in elementary school

  1. "School of Russia" - Primary school program, familiar to many, not one generation learned about it. After 2000, the content of the program was seriously changed, but the tasks of learning and its goal remained the same.
  2. "Harmony" (ed. Istomine N.B.). The name of this project speaks by itself: in this program, priorities in the methods of training and the form of the organization of the learning process itself are rather harmoniously defined, and uniform and objectives are allocated for all items. In addition, the training system "Harmony" includes methods of educational training Zankova L.V. (On this system, Natalia Borisovna Istnomna also worked for a long time).
  3. "Elementary School XXI" (Ed. Vinogradova N.F.). In this system, special attention is paid to the problem of adaptation of younger students at the very beginning of educational activities. This is the only educational kit that includes the parallel program "Training Activities". The school program of the 21st century also uses educational learning techniques.
  4. "School 2100" (Ed. Leontiev A.A.). About 12 years ago, for this system, teachers began to teach the subject "Literary reading". Over the years, more and more teachers began to use this program in their work, it has become one of the most common. It is worth noting that this school program successfully solves the problem of continuity of pre-school learning and education in primary and middle classes. All textbooks 1 to grade 7 have a vulture of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Training program "Primary School of the 21st Century" and "School 2100"

Educational Primary School Programs

Developing system of Zankov It has the principle of learning, directly opposite to the traditional system. Here, the priority is given to the independence of the students, who must make theoretical conclusions themselves, based on the tasks offered by them. The learned knowledge is fixed with practical training.

The peculiarity of this training system in elementary school is a fairly fast development of the material, with its high level of complexity, the leading role in this is given to theoretical knowledge. For example, students study parts of speech in the first grade and, due to the understanding of system relationships, successfully achieve independent comprehension of these concepts.

System DB Elkonina - V.V. Davydov - One of the controversial developing systems, which focuses mainly on the development of the depth and unusual thinking in the child, paying particular attention not to so much learned knowledge, how many ways that this goal is achieved. So, for example, it is assumed that the student may not remember any previously studied material, but at the same time it must know, with what, how to fill this gap in knowledge.

It distinguishes this system and lack of assessment of the quality of knowledge, but at the same time the teacher is a portfolio of creative student work (which should reflect their performance), as well as for the purpose of control, reports all the necessary wishes and recommendations to parents.

One of the features of this developing training system - children not only explore and assimilate school truths, and at the same time they comprehend why, for example, two two will be four, in other words, knowledge of rules is supported by understanding their reasons.

Another emphasis The authors of the Program for the elementary school of Elkonin - Davydov do on the development of communicative abilities in children, giving preference to collective work. In small groups of 5-7 people, students conduct peculiar studies, then discuss their results with the teacher and come to general conclusions.

With all the advantages, a significant disadvantage of the developing educational systems of Elkonin - Davydov and Zankov is the lack of their relevant continuation in the next levels of school training (medium and older). Parents who choose one of these educational systems for their child should be prepared for the fact that after the end of training in elementary school, their child will still have to adapt to one of the traditional programs, which can create certain problems in studies.

It is also important to note that when choosing an elementary school, you should pay attention not only to the system of learning used in it. Not the last role in choosing a school should also play its equipment, qualifications of teachers and director, degree of comfort of classes, quality of knowledge. In this situation, the parents of the parents of students can be most benefited, to which it is worth listening, because it is not dependent on the learning system used, a good, qualified teacher will give the child all the necessary knowledge, and at the same time a tired teacher will not help even the most "advanced" developing system.

Primary school programs

Currently, there are two training systems in elementary school: traditional and developing. Inside each there are your programs. Traditional includes programs: "Primary School of the 21st Century", "School 2100", "School of Russia", "Harmony", "Perspective Primary School", "Classical Primary School", "Planet of Knowledge", "Perspective". Developing systems include two programs: L.V. Zankova and D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov.

Within one school, different programs can be applied. Regardless of the student's program, it has the opportunity to get the same knowledge assumed by the state standard. The tasks of increased difficulties that are associated only with developing systems are in all prints, but are not mandatory for study.

School of Russia

The traditional program "School of Russia" (ed. A. Pleshakov) There are dozens of years. School of Russia is the program in which all Soviet schoolchildren studied. Of course, there were serious changes in terms of content, but the learning goals remained the same. The most common misconception about this training program is that it is outdated. This is not so. The program has been renewed repeatedly since 2000, improved and complemented. This program allows you to carefully work out training skills (reading, letter, account), which are necessary for successful education in high school.

Program "Harmony"

Educational and methodical kit "Harmony" (ed. N.B. Istomy (Mathematics 3 class), M.S. Solovychik and N.S. Kuzmenko (Russian), O.V. Kubasova (literary reading), O. T. Podgoz (surrounding world), N.M. Konysheva (Labor training)) is successfully practiced in many schools. This program highlighted uniform objectives, tasks for all training items, priority learning methods and the form of training activities are identified.
Pros of this program : There is an advanced learning that included textbooks contain a methodical part with which parents can learn and explain to the child missing theme. The program uses new learning technologies that allow you to develop a child's ability to logical thinking. It is also noteworthy that the sets are offered tasks designed for children of different levels of preparedness. But there are also cons: in mathematics, the task solution begins only in the second grade, and the test works are offered the same for all classes.

Elementary school XXI century

Elementary school XXI century edited by N.F. Grape. This set is very seriously considered the problem of the formation of the educational activities of the younger student, and this is the only set, where there is a parallel program "Educational activities". The material of this program is designed for strong erudite children. With what luggage knowledge, the schoolboy will go to high school depends on the primary school teacher. Therefore, the main goal is to teach a child to learn. It is important that the kit of grape realizes the right of a child to his individuality: children are delivered to the conditions when they can independently produce knowledge, apply them, think, fantasize, play (special notebooks are provided "Learning to think and fantasy", "Learning to Know the World")

School 2100.

School 2100 edited by A.A. Leontiev. This program, according to some estimates, is the most common in our region. Every year more and more teachers are working on this educational program. The main advantage of this program is the deep continuity and continuity of education. For this program, children can learn from three years and up to admission to the university. All textbooks of the program are constructed with the psychological specificity of age. The characteristic feature of this educational program is the following principle: the educational material is offered to students at the maximum, and the student must learn the material to minimize the standard. Thus, every child has the opportunity to take as much as he can. The program teaches children to act independently and aims to develop logical thinking, speech, imagination, memory.
