A recent study showed that Americans spend nearly 11 hours a day interacting with electronics. Of course, this includes not only chatting or watching social media feeds, but also passive listening to TV shows.

All this leads to quite tangible consequences, such as sleep disturbance, decreased memory and concentration, physical inactivity, visual impairment, etc.

How to conduct an information detox and build a healthy relationship with technology - read the article.

If you are the kind of person who has become a part of their body with their smartphone, if you check the time on your phone and after 5 minutes you find yourself somewhere in the depths of the Facebook feed, then you definitely need a digital detox.

Don't be afraid, there is nothing to worry about in this procedure with a medical name: you and only you control the whole process. Here are some tips to help you overcome your addiction to gadgets. For greater convenience, we divided them by difficulty levels. Start with the first one and work your way up the list. How long to linger at each level is entirely up to you. As well as which recommendations to implement and which not.

The point is to learn how to consciously interact with technology, and not drive yourself into the stone age.

Digital Detox: Level One

The purpose of this level is to introduce small changes that will reduce the dosage of technology in your life. You need an easy start, quick wins, and therefore additional motivation. The implementation of most of the recommendations will take no more than 5 minutes, so you can start right after reading.


  • Remove all programs that you rarely use;
  • To the maximum, delete all shortcuts and folders from the desktop. Use the search to find the desired program or file;
  • Use full screen mode for programs. This is a good way to get rid of distractions. Before you will be only what you need;
  • Remove frequently visited sites (especially social networks) from your bookmarks. The more difficult it is to access them, the less often you will go there;
  • Don't eat at your desk. The brain cannot concentrate on 2 processes at once. Or food, or Instagram;
  • At the end of the day, close all your tabs and programs, delete or move all files from Downloads, empty your trash, and shut down your computer.


  • Just like on a computer, remove unnecessary or rarely used applications;
  • Turn off the sound (including vibration) for all notifications except calls;
  • Buy yourself a regular alarm clock. This will eliminate the temptation to check email or social networks first thing after sleep;
  • Use your wristwatch instead of checking the time on your phone;
  • Don't check your phone while talking to people. Whether it's with your friends or waiters at a restaurant;
  • Turn off mobile internet when you are not at work or at home.

Digital Detox Level Two

At the second level, you will learn to be mindful of the use of technology and expand on the achievements of the previous stage. You will also get rid of some bad digital habits.


  • Stop reading and browsing sites that do not contribute to your goals;
  • If you accidentally find an interesting video or article, do not read it right away, but bookmark it. Set aside a special time to read everything in one go;
  • Install StayFocusd - an extension that allows you to block certain sites for a specified time;
  • Don't check your mail before 11 o'clock. Dedicate your morning time important tasks that bring you closer to achieving your goals;
  • Unsubscribe from unnecessary email newsletters: news, companies, etc.
  • Put your phone into flight mode an hour before bedtime and turn it off only after completing your morning routine;
  • Move all apps off the home screen. Now you have to consciously select an app and swipe right to find it;
  • Turn off all notifications except calls and SMS. If you want to check something, just open the app you want;
  • Unsubscribe from useless content. If some channel or public no longer entertains or educates you, feel free to leave it;
  • The same can be done with "extra" friends in social networks - delete them.

Digital Detox: Level Three

The third level is the "golden mean" for most people. The habits that you learn will be enough to feel complete control over technology.


  • Set aside dedicated time to check email and social media. Do this no more than 2 times a day;
  • Turn off WiFi when you are not surfing the Internet;
  • Challenge yourself! Spend 1 day without using a computer. Neither online nor offline. Just turn it off. The best time to do this is on the weekends.


  • Now the hardest part. Uninstall all social media apps. If you need something specific, use the web version and don't forget to log out afterwards;
  • Choose only one application for communication. Give preference to instant messengers such as WhatsApp or Telegram.
  • When you get home, put your phone in some predetermined place instead of carrying it around with you.
  • Charge your phone in another room.

Digital Detox: Level Four

Finally we got to the level for the champions. If you want to try real digital asceticism, here are some recommendations for you.


  • Rediscover paper and use it for the things you used to do on your computer. These can be to-do or shopping lists, notes, journaling, reading, and more;
  • Create tech-free zones in your home. Start with the bedroom - it should be a piece of the pre-digital era. Ideally, leave only one room where you will deal with gadgets;
  • Do not go online to check non-work related information such as the title of a TV show or the year a song was released. Postpone it for 24 hours. Most likely you have already forgotten about it, which means that the information is not so necessary;
  • Go ahead and not use gadgets for at least a week during your vacation. Relax and unwind;
  • Get rid of devices that do not bring you significant benefits. For example, fitness bracelets, smart watches, smart speakers.


  • Disable email not to check it during the day;
  • It makes no sense to have a profile on all social media platforms. Leave only one that you need for work or communication;
  • An even tougher option is to access social networks only from a browser on a computer a limited number of times a day.
  • Buy yourself an old-school mobile phone with no Internet access and use it only for calls and SMS;
  • Set Airplane Mode to last all day and only exit it when you really need to use your phone.

Don't go too far

It was difficult to work on making recommendations for the fourth level. It is too easy to go too far and go beyond the boundaries of common sense. We need technology. And not because we are dependent on them, on the contrary, they make our life more productive, diverse and give unprecedented opportunities.

Therefore, you must approach the implementation of the above recommendations wisely. Choose what suits your desires and abilities. Do not fight with your boss or friends because you decide to use only WhatsApp and nothing else.

The point of a digital detox is not to throw technology into a landfill, but to use it consciously and for your own good.

Do you feel like you need a digital detox? What are you willing to do to get rid of addiction?

Maxim Polgin

Publisher: Gaya - April 27, 2019

Renowned psychologist and writer explains how to push the boundaries of what is possible by alternating simple activities with complex ones.

In struggling with all my many problems, in working on new habits, in the process of writing books and teaching others, I have discovered something very useful for growth, learning and learning.

I call this the Limit Rule.

Here it is: spend most time at the limit.

And it will help you grow significantly over time.

What do I mean by "your limits"? I mean moving towards the edge of discomfort, towards the edge of what is difficult for you and what pushes the boundaries a little.

If you're into music and just play the scale all the time, after a while it becomes too easy for you. You won't learn much by just playing the scale. Of course, this is good, but you need to strive for something more difficult for you.

If you're into sports, light exercise is good... but you also need to push yourself forward. Little bit.

You just have to not push yourself to the point of exhaustion, to injury, to the point of not being able to train tomorrow. Don't study all day until the brain melts.

Approach the edge, but do not break down.

And when I say, "Spend most of your time at the limit," notice the phrase "most of the time." You don't have to be on edge all the time. This is tedious and may require a lot of attention. Try to spend more than half of your time on this. Do not be lazy, but also give yourself time for simple things.

Simple things are very important - they reinforce what you have learned, keep you in good shape, in good shape. And they can be very pleasant.

You can also experiment with going a little outside if you know it's safe to do so. But if you are not sure, it is better to do it under the supervision of a teacher or trainer.

More than half of your sessions should be at the limit, but somewhere between 20-40% should be easy. It is best to alternate them: not “first everything is easy, and then - at the limit”, but “light, at the limit, easy, at the limit, at the limit, easy, easy” or something like that.

What does it look like in practice?

  • If you do yoga, you can spend an hour of practice where about 60% of the stances (approximately) will be difficult for you (but not so difficult that you get injured or exhausted), and the rest are easy, allowing you to focus on breathing and recover from activities on the edge.
  • If you run, alternate days: four days are hard, but not crazy, and between them - light loads. And a day or two of rest, of course.
  • If you're learning to play chess or go, solve difficult problems or exercises, as well as a few easy ones. Lungs fix templates. Complex ones teach new patterns.
  • If you are working on a practice, such as learning to meditate, start with short meditations (say 2-5 minutes) as this will be your limit in the beginning. But in the end, you will want to meditate for longer (10 minutes, 20 or even more), testing the limits. And alternating with lighter and shorter sessions will help you maintain your tone.
  • If you want to learn how to deal with discomfort and insecurity, find a way to feel uncomfortable every day and practice mindfulness in the midst of that discomfort. For example, a cold shower might be your limit. And on another day, when it's a little chilly, you can just go outside in one T-shirt for 20 minutes. You can practice being at the limit of discomfort through exercises, stage performances, longer meditations, and so on.

How to practice stretching to the limit

When you're at your limit, it's one thing to just endure with gritted teeth until it's over... and quite another to consciously step out of your comfort zone.

If you want to get the most out of it, here's what I suggest:

  • Go to the edge and stay there a little longer than you'd like. I want to fail, I want to stop. Instead, hold the pose a little longer. Take it as growth in action.
  • Now consciously dive into the discomfort and uncertainty. Immerse yourself in your body, noticing the sensations of discomfort. Standing on stage in front of hundreds of people? Pay attention to feelings of anxiety or nervousness (or excitement, whatever you want to call it). Ran the hard mile? Pay attention to the sensations in your legs and torso.
  • Practice opening up to this uncertainty and discomfort. See what you can do to relax and feel at your limit. Can you feel curiosity? Examine bodily sensations by noticing what they are like. Relax your muscles. Experience the feeling of tenderness. Feeling of compassion. Sense of humor. Open your mind to all sensations in the present moment, including discomfort, but also to everything around you. Discover the vast heavenly mind.

With practice, you will be able to feel comfortable, being at the limit of possibilities. Feel light. And the joy of how delightful it is not to feel the ground under your feet.

A few rules about the limit rule

  • Don't always be on the edge. Relax. Do something easy too.
  • Sometimes it's okay to step outside if you feel safe. This feeling of exploration, the search for new limits.
  • Your limits will change over time. Pay attention to how it happens. Step a little off the edge if you feel a shift.
  • Approach the limit consciously, don't just try to push through it.
Publisher: Gaya - April 27, 2019

Journalist and writer Eric Barker talks about an amazing way to solve many of life's problems.

What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? Something that you still think about or that still affects you.

We'll come back to it later, okay? And now it's time for stories from Uncle Eric.

More than thirty years ago, there was a guy named Jamie, his marriage was in turmoil, and he was depressed. Despite the big problems, he did not go to a therapist. (Ironically, Jamie studied psychology himself.)

Instead, he began to write. Lot. He wrote about his marriage, his career, his childhood. He mainly talked about the serious problems of his life and how he treated them. And then something happened...

He got better. Much better. And he realized how much his wife meant to him. They solved their problems. Then he had an idea: writing can help someone else feel better in life's struggles. As a graduate student in psychology, he conducted research to test his theory...

And he turned out to be right. Since the first article about it was published in 1986, hundreds of other studies have shown the power of expressive writing to help people with nearly every problem in their lives. In the thirty-odd years since that first writing binge, scores of students approached Professor James Pennebaker and said things like, “You don't remember me, but I was in your experiment a year ago. I just wanted to thank you. It changed my life."

Pennebaker is a psychology professor at the University of Texas at Austin and author of Opening Up by Writing It Down: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain.

So how can expressive writing in the evening change your life? And how can the worst event in life lead to the best?

This may be hard to believe...

Jamie's research has shown that expressive writing has effects similar to therapy. It's like talking to a close friend or therapist about your problems, but without being judged or paid $200 an hour.

You probably won't be too surprised that writing has helped people suffering from depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder. It also helped their relationship. But that's not all…

Their physical health also improved.

People who wrote about their deepest thoughts and feelings about traumatic experiences showed improved immune function compared to those who wrote about superficial topics. Although this effect was most pronounced after the last letter, it persisted six weeks after the study. In addition, it was noted that people who wrote about trauma were less likely to go to medical institutions compared to those who wrote on trivial topics.

Well, did they catch colds less? Yes, and...

Women with breast cancer reported fewer symptoms and needed fewer cancer-related doctor visits. People with asthma and arthritis "reported a significant improvement in quality of life, an outcome that was comparable to successful treatment with a new drug." It has helped people with HIV, cardiovascular disease, and chronic pain. People slept better. Smokers were more likely to quit smoking. Several studies have shown that even wounds heal faster after expressive writing…

Don't get me wrong: this is not a panacea. Writing does not cure cancer. Its benefits are modest or moderate, and it does not help everyone all the time. But it is worth paying attention to. It's easy. It doesn't require some app that will cost you $9.99 a month for the rest of your life. It's free.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

Within three months, 27% of the participants in the experiment got a job. For comparison: among those who worked in the time management group and those who did not write, this figure was less than 5%. Seven months after the experiment, 53% of those who wrote about their thoughts and feelings had a job, compared to 18% of people in other groups. A striking feature: the participants in all three groups underwent the same number of interviews.

Some might argue that they don't have depression or cancer, so they'll stick to their current evening routine of chips, salsa, and watching old movies. They don't have big tragic problems, so this evening ritual doesn't suit them.

Not properly. Each of us faces an emotional struggle, whether we are aware of it or not, whether it causes us clinical depression or not. Expressive writing has shown positive effects in people who did not have major problems.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

Research shows that people who are not clinically depressed also benefit from expressive writing in terms of feelings of overwhelm and general mental turmoil.

So what is the biggest benefit people talk about after a few nights of expressive writing? "Understanding". Most people say they understand themselves better. They feel more meaning in life.

Well, Sherlock, we have a riddle. How can something so accessible and easy do so much good?

How witchcraft works

We all face stress, pain and various failures in the source code of life. Yes, you can ignore them, bury them or get distracted, but they stay with you. Emotional turmoil that you do not get rid of leads to stress. Mental and physical. They can increase the chance of disease, stroke, heart attack, or worst of all, erectile dysfunction.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

In the short term, holding back thoughts or feelings can immediately affect the body, such as increased sweating or heart palpitations, as seen during lie detector tests. Over time, the job of keeping secrets acts as a cumulative stressor on the body, increasing the likelihood of illness and other stress-related physical and mental problems… Key life experiences that you hide from others surface in the form of anxiety, obsessive thoughts, disturbing dreams, and other disturbances. thinking.

Oh, so if it's about emotional things, just need to "say it"? Chill out. Right?

Not properly. Simply expressing feelings only makes things worse.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

The effect was not due to simple catharsis or the release of pent-up emotions. Generally speaking, people who just let off steam by expressing their feelings without any thoughtful analysis got worse… Telling or writing about the source of problems without self-reflection just adds to the suffering…

If all it took was just speaking up, complainers and those who litter our social media feeds with irritated tirades would be the most emotionally prepared people.

Not expressing emotions, but understanding their meaning is beneficial.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

The authors asked students to write about their thoughts and feelings from life. Those who showed deeper thinking along with constructive problem solving were less depressed afterwards and sought less medical help. Students who simply expressed their emotions and described their anxiety were more likely to visit medical facilities. A large number of good scientific research came to the conclusion that the simple expression of emotions in itself usually does not bring any benefit. Rather, people must learn to recognize and identify their emotional reactions to events. Talking (and other forms of expression) is useful when it helps people understand their experiences.

You need meaning in life. V modern world we are overwhelmed by a sea of ​​information, but there is about as much meaning in it as in three-legged ballerinas. Inevitable emotional upheavals shake our vision of the world and undermine self-awareness.

We think endlessly, but it only makes things worse. Just thinking about your problems, you jump from one to another without solving any of them. Writing forces us to build the structure of life. To understand its meaning.

You may have heard some version of the expression "If you can't explain something to another person, you don't understand it." This also applies to the emotional life. Writing - like talking to someone - makes you look for meaning. And that's what you need most when life takes your vision of reality and shakes it like a snowball.

Once you understand something, once you find a place for it in your life story, you can leave it behind and move on.

Did you get the gist? Okay. Now that you're savvy enough, let's start over...


Your writing ritual can be used for many purposes: to solve life's problems, to permanently close an old business, during difficult transitions, or to calm a restless mind.

The only time you really shouldn't write about something is when it's still a little fresh and raw, or if you find the approach overwhelming.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

In studies that hinted that expressive writing might be harmful, people were encouraged to emotionally process overwhelming events, or events that had not yet ended or happened in previous days or weeks.

Also keep in mind that awareness should not be used as a substitute for actual action. If a problem is having a negative impact on your life, don't think you can stop dealing with it.

Just because you've emotionally come to terms with debt doesn't mean you can stop paying off your credit card debt.

How can you get the most out of your writing ritual?

How to write

Don't try to deal with the big problems in life right after you wake up. This is not a morning ritual. And Jamie confirms: “In several studies, we had the most success when people wrote at the end of the workday.”

How to start? Here's what Jamie says:

Find a time and place where you won't be disturbed. Ideally, choose a time at the end of the working day or in the evening when you know it will be calm and quiet. Make a promise to yourself that you will write at least 15 minutes a day for at least three or four days in a row, or on a fixed day and fixed time for several weeks (for example, every Thursday night this month). Once you start writing, write continuously. Don't worry about spelling or grammar. If you don't have enough to write about, just repeat what you've already written. You can write by hand or type on a computer. If you cannot write, you can dictate into a voice recorder. You can write about the same thing every day - or every day about something different. This is entirely up to you.

Many people are paralyzed by the need to start writing something. Do not worry. It's pretty simple. Listen to Jamie:

I want you to write down the deepest emotions and thoughts about the most upsetting experience of your life for the next four days. Really explore your feelings and thoughts about it. In your letter, you can link this experience to your childhood, your relationship with your parents, the people you loved or love now, or even your career. How does this experience relate to who you would like to be, who you were in the past, or who you are now? Many people have never had a truly traumatic experience, but we have all had major conflicts or sources of stress, and you can write about them as well. You can write about the same problem every day or about a series of different difficulties.

You can write about anything, but be sure to focus on feelings. Don't just write down a summary of events. Look for meaning. The rule I use is: “If you are afraid to write about something, write about it.”

And remember that this is for you and only you. If you think that someone else can read it, you will hold back or distort history. After you have written what you wanted, the notes can be destroyed, you can save - it does not matter. The exercise is important, not the result.

Be prepared to feel a little sad or out of sorts when you're done. Don't let that scare you or stop you from returning to the exercise the next day. Most people in the studies said that these feelings dissipated fairly quickly, in a matter of hours. It's like watching a sad movie. But weeks and months later, most people felt much better.

Okay, you know what to do. Let's sum it up and answer the big question: if writing about problems is almost like telling a friend, why not just talk about it?


Here is an evening ritual that will make you happy and healthy:

  • How much time has passed? If you are still in the middle of a problem or are constantly thinking about it, give it time. Come back to her in a month.
  • Give this at least four evenings of 15 minutes: choose a time and place where no one will disturb you. Yes, you can hide in the bathroom if needed.
  • Constantly write about the most embarrassing moment in your life: you won't be deducted for spelling or grammar. Write only for yourself.
  • If you want to achieve more powerful action, focus on the feelings that permeate many aspects of your life, improve the narrative, and look for cause and effect - all of which are associated with higher results. Look for meaning.

There is plenty of evidence that relationships are the key to health. Damn, I've written about this a lot. But here's a point that isn't often talked about: If you don't tell your friends about your problems, your relationship isn't healthy.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

In large surveys of both corporate employees and college students, we find what other social support researchers have shown: the more friends you have, the healthier you are. However, this effect is due almost exclusively to how much you talk to your friends about any of your injuries. If you have an injury that you have not talked to anyone about, the number of friends will not affect your health in any way.

Why write then? Isn't it easier to communicate with people?

Talking to friends is definitely preferable - but it's not always safe. There are some damn good reasons not to share certain things with others. Some people are talkers who can't keep your secrets.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

According to a study by Bernard Rimet at the University of Louvain in Belgium, on average a secret shared with one person is shared with at least two others.

We need to feel secure in order to really open up. And it is very important to feel that we will not be judged. If you are punished for your frankness, your health deteriorates.

From the book "Opening the Soul on Paper":

Several studies have shown that people who are “punished” for sharing traumatic experiences experience worse psychological and physical health… Vanessa Jute and her colleagues assessed the health of more than 200 people who lost children several years after the loss. Those people who were most pressured by others not to talk about the loss were more likely to admit to mental and physical health problems than others.

That's why many people pour their hearts out to bartenders or hairdressers instead of friends or family. This way they feel safe. And the letter also has this security.

Writing shouldn't stop you from getting support from friends - but if communication doesn't seem safe to you, pen and paper will always come to the rescue.

One more thing: it is important to remember that by default you are very resilient. You can handle 99% of what happens to you. This is best illustrated by the simple fact that you don't even remember most of what happened to you.

For a long time we lived in a culture where it was customary to keep everything to yourself, and this is not a good idea. Now the pendulum has swung the other way, and everything is considered traumatic, but this is also not true and does not bring benefits.

You are stronger than you seem. But from time to time, things happen that are unsettling, and perhaps they are too sensitive to share them with friends. In this case, writing can really help.

Okay, I've written more than enough. Now it's your turn.

Publisher: Gaya - April 27, 2019

Do only your own business, occupy only your niche, understand your desires and hear the inner response.

The topic of prosperity is always relevant and burning - and not because it concerns status, wealth, gloss - sometimes it is directly related to bio-survival. Something to eat, something to wear, to educate children.

Where lies the boundary that separates the necessary from the desired, luxury from the simplest consumer basket? Answer: in our mind and perception.

Why is prosperity often lacking even for practicing people (and sometimes especially for them?) We understand everything, but we continue to persuade ourselves that happiness is not in money and not even in their quantity. It is with the concept of “happiness” that everything begins. Do we need to figure out what happiness is for us?

To do this, we must consciously dip our attention into the space of our desires and isolate from the whole heap only those that are truly true.


Our environment imposes on us the latest developments in technology, brilliant success, mega-corporations and at the same time quiet solitude in our own townhouse or luxury yoga tours to the Maldives.

All this, together with the parting words of parents, friends, partners, really forms, or rather deforms the space of our desires, taking into the background what we need, and, accordingly, not allowing the important things to appear in life.

Right desires create the right direction in life and are the gates of prosperity.

Therefore, to begin with, sort out your desires, filter out strangers. Keep in mind that deep programs, including generic ones, can offer tangible resistance and continue to muddy the waters. In this case, call for help from specialists, psychologists, practitioners - especially meditative ones!


Together with a desire, especially the right one, which has received an inner response of the soul (it is impossible to miss it!), an emotion is born in your system and a charge of energy for its implementation. And this is a concrete prerequisite for implementation!

But! The energy charge of a person is also very different. Both starting and current. When there is little energy, we cannot let prosperity into our lives, being rather in a shortage and cold depression, feeling our life is mediocre.

People with a starting low charge have developed an intuitive energy thrift, which makes them, having felt a lack, learn to concentrate their attention and not be scattered, to give themselves a proper rest.

energy exchange

What do you think will happen if you doubt all the time, think first one thing, then another, then believe in yourself, then not?

The universe will not know what you really want. It will accordingly be directed either towards you or away from you. And the result is an average option that you may not like. Therefore, do not doubt your abilities. What you have in mind, you will definitely succeed. You can take the bar higher, you should not be modest in your desires and aspirations. For example, if you want financial well-being, then in your fantasies, increase your earnings by several thousand or tens of thousands of rubles. Then you will like the already accomplished reality.

What to do if bad thoughts crept into your head?

If you already have a negative lifestyle, then you will have to gradually get rid of negative thoughts. For example, you crept into your head negative thoughts and you caught yourself on this, then immediately replace this thought with a positive opposite.

How to do it? reality transerfing: You need to instill confidence in your head about how the event will happen. Not because it can happen according to logic, but because it must happen according to your desire.

For example, you wake up in the morning and are going to work. There are many reasons why you could hesitate or miss time. At the same time, you understand with your mind that you are late for work and you have to run to the bus stop. Imagine that you are getting on your bus, you can even see the bus number in your mind. At the same time, there should be an idea in your head that you have time to arrive at work on time.

Once I was late for an important event for me. I really understood that in 30 minutes I would not be able to get to the city center. And usually I get to the city center in about 50 minutes by bus. I really wanted to arrive on time. Leaving the house, I had the thought in my head that the taxi I needed would arrive, and I would be in time for where I was late. I walked quite quickly and there was very little time. Approaching the bus stop, I saw from a distance how a fixed-route taxi was approaching. Since there was a distance, the number was not yet visible. I even had to run a little to the stop. Exactly the taxi that I needed arrived. Of course, you might think that this is a coincidence. But in my life these coincidences happen all the time.

I tried with queues, it always works too. But you imagine that constantly living and thinking like this, turning on your imagination - you need to tune yourself in to this all the time. For the most part, we live unconsciously. And sometimes we don’t even remember what we thought five minutes ago. Here the main thing is to set yourself up for the mechanism of luck and then you will always succeed and you won’t have to consider individual cases. The main thing is not to despair. After all, with a delay in work, the most important thing is to come to work before the boss. This will also be good luck. If you want:, and not on TV, then the best option is to open the site nrk.cdom.ru now. In this case, aim at the result and see it in front of you. Thus, on trifles, we learn to achieve the desired result. The universe begins to rebuild itself according to our thoughts. Just try to keep them clean and bright.

In this article, you will learn how to consciously enter the state of a rich and successful person, which"money is coming". You will do a powerful practice"Your new fortune" and learn to play the imitation that will allow you to actually gain money, fame, fame. And also watch a video from and hear proven tips from"first-hand" Transurfing coach!

Do you have enough money for a decent life, but still have a lot of things that you dream about, but "can't afford"? You would like to have not just a car that goes and "thank God" - but a car with 200 horsepower and leather interior. You would prefer to drink coffee in the morning not in your kitchen, but on the terrace of your own country cottage, admiring the sunrises. You would not refuse to completely update your wardrobe and start dressing in Bottega Veneta, Alberta Ferretti and Armani.

And this is quite understandable: every person always strives for more, and if he is a smart and purposeful person, if he practices and understands that everything is possible in this world, then even more so. “Happiness is not in money, but in their quantity,” you know such a joke? Of course, you can treat money with ostentatious contempt and snobbishly exclaim: “The whole world is mired in money!”, Scold expensive brands and protest: “A bag from Bottega Veneta for 226,000 rubles is too much!”. But why? To deny the value of money and find fault with wealth is the lot of people with the psychology of poverty, who have achieved little in life. First you need to get access to all these expensive luxurious things - and only then you can refuse them, arguing with knowledge of the matter that happiness is not about money.

Have you heard of the term downshifting? When a person reaches certain heights in a career or business, and then suddenly abandons everything, sells, gives away his luxurious houses and cars - and goes to live in a village, travel the world with one backpack or meditate somewhere in a mountain monastery. Downshifters have been talked about literally in the last decade, although such examples can be found in ancient history.

For example, the Roman emperor Diocletian renounced power and settled on his estate, where he grew cabbage until the end of his days. Or Gautama Buddha, who left his father's palace and went in search of himself and his spiritual path. Yes, everyone has their own path, and this path does not have to be associated with wealth and success. But you must admit, there is a difference: to achieve something in life, to gain wealth and voluntarily give it up - or never have it at all. In the first case, a person is looked at with respect, even if he dresses in simple clothes and is not attached to luxury, in the second, he is quite naturally considered a loser.

Get 7 specific Transurfing tips on how to get out of debt in the article:

Rich Man's Golden Rules

From here we can deduce the first rule of a rich person - never treat luxury and expensive things with contempt, do not consider yourself "above all this", do not condemn those who, in your opinion, "spend money, squander". Wealth does not start with your wallet - it starts with your head, with your internal settings, with your level of permission. And how can we strive for money if we subconsciously consider it evil?

The second rule of a rich person is to allow yourself what you want. Of course, if possible, if you do not have serious financial obligations at the moment. But the problem is that many people have this opportunity, but stubbornly do not see and do not recognize it. For example, you have enough money to eat quality products, buy fresh tomatoes from the market, fruits from the vegetable warehouse, milk and eggs from the farm ... but you unconsciously continue to look for red price tags in supermarkets and eat convenience foods. Or you can afford to drink tea from expensive porcelain, which is pleasing to the eye, but for some reason you still use that rough old mug, it is not clear where it came from.

The third rule of a rich person is to always ask for more, increase your level of permission, expand your comfort zone. When you declare to the Universe: “I deserve all the best, I need this, this and that” - you begin to broadcast the right energy that attracts money. And at this very moment, when you begin to follow the above rules, your brain switches from the usual thoughts “Not enough money again” to new ones – “What else can I do to earn more? Where to invest your energy, what new way to earn money to find, what else to learn to increase income, what skill to acquire, what opportunity to use? This is how the rich think successful people. They look for opportunities instead of focusing on problems. They think “how to make it work” instead of coming up with excuses and reasons why it won’t work.

Much is given to those who ask for much. If you always want more - whether it's an expensive piece of furniture or a new mansion - the world itself will give you a way to get what you want. If you are used to being content with little, you will remain at the current level for the rest of your life. Interestingly, these levels are different for everyone. For someone, the level of income sufficient for life is $ 1,000, and someone in all seriousness says: “I'm tired of huddling in a 250-meter apartment, it's time to move to a cottage!”. And he does not lie, he simply measures this apartment with his ruler, and the length of the ruler is individual for everyone. Our task is to constantly lengthen this line of “permission”, pumping over the topic of money, including with the help of Transurfing practices, for example, on a new

Practice "Your New State"



  • You will create a new scenario for yourself where you are rich and successful.
  • Let go of old broken scripts and disidentify from ineffective patterns of thought and behavior.
  • Start raising your vibration to stay on the same wavelength with the energies of the New Time.
  • Find out which tools are especially powerful in the fifth dimension.
  • Learn to consciously work with energy, manage attention and create events with your feelings.
  • Practice Tufti's techniques for working with image assignment and a reflection job where you get money, recognition and financial freedom.
  • You will enter your new mannequin and at the same time begin to effectively and easily interact with the current reality and create your desired one.
  • You will “jump over your head”, overcome your own bar and start allowing yourself more!
  • You will take for yourself the "impertinent right" to have. And the more you intend to have, the more opportunities and doors the Universe opens for you.

If you want to not only close all your questions about money, but also get real results and changes in your life, take part in a 7-day online intensive! Its effectiveness was confirmed by one of the participants, Inna:

“After the online training “Season of Money”, real miracles have been happening for me for a month)) What I ordered is realized! Money comes literally from unexpected sources!!! Thank you!"

And indeed, program participants get the first results by the 4-5th lesson:

  • give bonuses at work;
  • unexpected prospects for increasing income open up;
  • profitable deals are concluded in business;
  • offers of high-paying jobs.

We invite you to take part in the course where you are expected to: 7 days of intensive practice, 7 webinars of 1.5 hours, more than 10 powerful Transurfing techniques, a 3-month plan for independent work with the constant support of Tatyana Samarina.

“Theory is theory, but what about practice?” - I thought and decided that I want to write about how I apply the knowledge of Transurfing in my life. Perhaps this technique is in the book, but it seems to me quite universal in relation to any technique of working on oneself, it’s just that in transerfing a model is brought to it, which makes the essence of the technique more obvious.

At the beginning, a squeeze from the theory:
Reality has an infinite variety of forms of manifestation. Space options- this field information about what was, is and will be. Your choice always implemented. What you choose is what you get. Each organism contributes to the formation of material implementation. No need fight for happiness- you can just to choose yourself option to your liking.

Implemented not desire, but intention- the determination to have and act. Inner intention is the determination to act. The outer intention is the determination to have. The goal is achieved by internal intention, and by external - is chosen. Inner intention seeks to directly influence the world. Outer intention gives green light for self-fulfilment.

A dream is a virtual journey of the soul into space of options. In reality, the dream continues awake to one degree or another. In order to gain control over external intention, it is necessary wake up. Until reality is realized, it is not controlled, but "happens". Control should be aimed only at allowing into your life desired scenario .

Initial situation: a person has a goal, but there are stable failures on the way to the goal. From the point of view of transurfing, firstly, the person is clearly asleep, his dream does not coincide with reality (as we say, “reality does not coincide with reality”), and secondly, there is a problem with external intention. Why with him? A person takes action, which means that the inner intention is in order: the determination to act goes directly into action. The determination to have, formulated in a dream, does not translate into acquiring what is formulated in a dream.- this is how the initial situation is described in terms of transurfing.

What to do? We take ourselves and, at a minimum, a sheet of paper / notebook and a pen / pencil / felt-tip pen (any writing utensil that you like / want to write). It is not recommended to use a computer or perform actions in the head, because taking actions here and now is important, it reduces the percentage of sleep in our actions.

So, sit in a comfortable position, relax, take a deep breath and a deep exhale. Describe your goal one word and write it in the center of the sheet with a capital letter. So that you can write, for example, "Elephant". The elephant is written with a capital letter, because there are many elephants: both concrete, and not concrete, and living, and toy, etc. It can be quite difficult for someone to choose a name, but you will have to come to terms with yourself. If you are shy, you can use the Elephant, meaning by it what you want. The main thing is to feel what you want visually, auditory, kinesthetic, gustatory, olfactory, in general - fill the Elephant with sensations, imagine it.

Further, a little to the side - it doesn’t matter whether it’s to the right or left, but to the side - we move the arrow from the inscription “Elephant” and write small “I want an Elephant”, and then we move the arrow to the center and write in the usual font “I get an Elephant”. As you might guess, "I want an Elephant" is your inner intention, "I get an Elephant" is your outer intention. Since we assume that this is where the dog is buried (well, yes, we are sleeping, so the dog is buried in the elephant /:) ), then we put the inscription "I get an Elephant" in the center.

How does it feel? Do you feel that emotions from experienced failures are approaching? Or, in order to get what you want, can you write about the Elephant?

Now slowly, slowly ignoring the critic's inner elephant trainer, we begin to write down all those sensations, all those characteristics, all the expectations that the Elephant is filled with. I deliberately do not give any epithets, so that even while reading this instruction, you can let your imagination shoot with various associations and fantasies, what kind of Elephant can be found. The characteristics of an elephant do not have to be written in one word: they can be phrases, whole sentences. Release those emotions that have accumulated in the process of obtaining completely different Elephants. If the sheet is over, just take another one and write further, without repeating the “I want” / “I receive” entry (in other words, if you want to repeat it, repeat: this is your work on your own external intention).

Everything recorded? Re-read what you have written over and over again, looking for inaccuracies in the wording. If there is a desire to correct - correct: it is better to let the paper endure than you - another failure.

When the desire to correct and supplement dries up, put your writing instrument aside and take what you have written in your hands. How do you like your elephant? Do you want it? Generally speaking, most likely you want it, but in some cases it may turn out that you didn’t want the Elephant, but yourself Elephant Getting Process, I wanted all these trials, errors, searches and experiments. This is also possible, and - congratulations: You have what you really want.

If the Elephant has not been transformed into a process, then reread for the 101st time the same list that has already been read 100 times. Are all the characteristics of the Elephant really important, do they all have significance? Now try to give up this characteristic and get an Elephant. Would you choose this Elephant if there were no others? If not, we leave the characteristic, if we would have chosen, we cross it out. All those characteristics that do not affect the choice are superfluous, create unnecessary significance and force us to get a completely different Bishop that we want.

So, you crossed out all unnecessary characteristics. Among the rest, are there those in the wording of which there is a “not”? Small, does not eat bananas, etc. Formulating the characteristic through “not”, you are not describing the receipt of an Elephant, but the rejection of other Elephants. That is, the significance is transferred not to the Elephant, but The Process of Relinquishing Other Elephants. Again, congratulations: you have what you want. If, however, you still need an Elephant, and not refusals from other Elephants, then you need to clarify all the characteristics so that the “not” particle disappears, or even remove them from the agenda, since they are also completely insignificant and do not affect Elephant's choice.

Now let's reread the list. If you had to strike a lot, then you can even rewrite it, although in fact it is not what the piece of paper looks like that matters, but what happens to your intentions. What do you feel now in relation to the Elephant and the sensations that still fill it after all the transformations? Do you want it?

If you want, then answer the last question: does it exist at all? If exists, then just go and get it. Are there any resources missing? Not a question: we take the resources, go and get the Elephant. We decided that we want an Elephant, and we decided that we get an Elephant. It remains just to complete all the steps to get the Elephant - and the Elephant will be happy for us.
