Many kids can't wait to finish ninth grade. They want to leave the walls of the school as soon as possible and go to higher education. educational institution.

Therefore, there often comes a moment when families ask themselves the question: where can I go after grade 9? After all, this is a very responsible and important step in the life of every person.

Should I leave school after ninth grade?

Not so much children as parents worry and doubt whether it is necessary for a child to change his life at such a young age? First, they will miss the high school prom, which will never happen again. Secondly, the question becomes acute: where can I go after the 9th grade?

To begin with, do not panic, but weigh the pros and cons well. At this age, the child becomes a teenager, and it is difficult to convince him. Therefore, if a student is categorically determined to leave school, do not interfere with him, but support him. Think together about where you can go after grade 9 so that your child is interested in learning.

Most importantly, remember that nothing bad happened. Many children leave school after 9th grade and find themselves faster than their peers. Even if your child made a mistake with the choice of specialty, he will always be able to finish his studies.


Learning outside of school after 9th grade has many advantages. For example, it is easier for an applicant to enter the budget. After all, it is after the 9th grade that higher educational institutions offer much more budget places than after the 11th grade.

A child who enters a college, college or technical school after the 9th grade learns not only school material, but also receives a specialty in which after the third year he can already work.

There is another significant plus: if the child graduated from a technical school, he enters the institute immediately for the third year. That is, he receives higher education faster than his peers who have completed 11 classes.


There are also disadvantages. Children leave their parents earlier and live an independent, not always correct life. Often the guys are spoiled by the hostel, where control is minimal, especially with regard to study. Parents cannot always control their child, so systematic absenteeism and “deuces” can begin, and this, as you know, threatens with expulsion.

Another important disadvantage is when children make the wrong choice of specialty. As a result, their performance decreases, interest in learning process, and then the next problems can begin. To prevent this from happening, carefully consider and study options for where you can go after grade 9.

Choice of profession

It is good if the student has long made his choice and knows what he wants from life. And if he has no idea where to go to study after grade 9 and what profession is acceptable for him? Then parents have to help their student decide.

In fact, the list of professions that you can go to study after grade 9 is quite large. Therefore, not only children, but also parents are lost in the choice. Before choosing a specific specialty, institution or profession, you need to understand the interests of the student. After all, both academic performance and the future of a person depend on it.

Every ninth grader has different abilities. One student is good at studying the humanities, the second is exact. The same is true in the profession. Some like medicine, others like driving a car, others like everything related to manicure, etc.

Since a profession is the future of a person, its choice must be approached thoroughly. Even the nature of the child depends on the choice of both a specialty and an educational institution.

Parents should remember that admission after 9th grade is an important step. Therefore, it is impossible for a student to impose his opinion. Indeed, in the future, he will reproach you for not giving him the right to choose for himself. If you show your child a list of professions, educational institutions, take an interest in his hobby, he will understand what he needs. Do not put pressure on a teenager, and he will make the right choice.

Choosing an educational institution

This is a difficult task. Especially for those who cannot decide where to go to study after grade 9. Suitable for many colleges, schools and technical schools for schoolchildren. It remains only to choose according to interests and abilities.

However, there are other points as well. If the child does not enter on a budgetary basis, you will have to pay. It remains to be seen whether parents will be able to provide financial support to their student.

Educational institutions after grade 9 are famous for a large number of budget places and a small competition. If the child has at least a little knowledge, then it is not so difficult for him to act. Especially if you go to this institution for courses and prepare for exams before entering.

Technical school, college or college

If you have chosen an educational institution, after the 9th grade you pass exams and enter. Since many can not decide, we can give some advice. As a rule, those applicants who want to get a practical specialty go to the school. It can be useful in production or a factory. Knowledge in the school is given, but the requirements are not quite complicated. Although absenteeism and poor academic performance may be expelled.

There is an opinion that they go to college to study a fashionable or prestigious profession. This may be related to aviation, programming, medicine, etc. In colleges, the requirements are higher than in the school. Therefore, they can be safely equated with a technical school, in which a technical specialty is obtained, which is more in demand.

Based on the above, you can visit all the educational institutions you like. After grade 9, you can safely apply to several educational institutions. If you don't get into one, then you'll probably get lucky in the other.

Specialties for boys

For the guys there are many wonderful and sought-after professions that are valued and paid quite well. However, now the conversation is not about the salary, but about the interests of the young man. A lot of guys want to be officers. To do this, we can offer the Suvorov School, where there is very good military training, excellent discipline and increased academic performance. Many parents sleep soundly knowing that their son is under excellent supervision.

Aviation College is a great opportunity to prove yourself. Here, too, excellent discipline, physical training and rigor. These two institutions turn young men into real men.

Schools after grade 9 make it possible to obtain a diploma in electrician, car mechanic, tractor driver, plumber and many other similar specialists. But the technical school teaches more serious specialties. This is a driver of different categories, a builder, an estimator, etc. Technical schools after the 9th grade help prepare for the university.

For boys, there are a lot of different specialties that open the way to the future. However, look not only at interests, but also at the prestige of the profession. After all, a person's salary depends on this.

Colleges after the 9th grade, as well as technical schools, will help the student to master a certain specialty, go to university and work at the same time. Therefore, you should not be afraid to let your child go to school. After all, you are doing everything for his own good.

Specialties for girls

Schools after grade 9 offer applicants the following specialties:

  • Seamstress.
  • The hairdresser.
  • Salesman.
  • Cashier.
  • Cook.
  • Confectioner.
  • Visagiste.
  • Teacher.
  • Preschool teacher.
  • Nurse.
  • Midwife.

Colleges after the 9th grade are mostly girls who want to get an initial pedagogical or medical education. However, after it it is desirable to enter the university. After all, after college it is difficult to build a good career.

After grade 9, girls enter technical schools who want to become an economist, programmer, administrator, tour guide, salesperson, accountant, and so on. In fact, the list of specialties is very large. It remains only to choose a profession of interest and study for it.

Professional areas: nature, communication, the person himself

So that the child is not initially mistaken with the choice, you need to conduct small tests. Only then will you understand to which sphere the soul of a son or daughter lies. It is best for the student to talk to a psychologist.

There are first 3 main professional areas:

1. Nature is professions that are directly related to animals, plants, forestry, etc. If a child empathizes, loves to observe nature, appreciates it, watches films on this topic, then such professions are perfect for him:

  • Agronomist.
  • Zoologist.
  • Biologist.
  • Geologist.
  • Botanist.
  • Vet.
  • Vegetable grower.
  • Beekeeper.
  • Gardener.
  • Ecologist.
  • Florist.

2. Communication - these are professions that are associated with collective or interpersonal communication. If a student likes to communicate, treats people well, he likes to share experiences with others, creates a fun and cozy atmosphere in the team, then professions are suitable for the child:

  • Administrator.
  • Bartender.
  • Waiter.
  • Manager.
  • Policeman.
  • Teacher.
  • Educator.
  • The hairdresser.
  • Guide.
  • Lawyer.

3. The person himself is a profession that helps a person work on himself, monitor his appearance, gait, plasticity, etc. Such people can work:

  • Actor.
  • Model.
  • Fashion model.
  • Athlete.
  • Vocalist.
  • Cyclist.

Professional areas: technology, aesthetics, information

There are other specialties that children like. Choose professions after grade 9 carefully and deliberately. To do this, talk with the student to understand his interest in professional areas. We suggest you consider 3 more options.

1. Technique. These are professions related to technical devices (creation, assembly, adjustment or repair). A student who wants to connect his life with technology can go to such specialties:

  • Auto mechanic.
  • Driver.
  • Gas cutter.
  • Welder.
  • Pilot.
  • Driver.
  • Radio mechanic.
  • Steelworker.
  • Tractor driver.
  • Miner.
  • Electrician.
  • A carpenter.
  • Baker.
  • Confectioner.

2. Aesthetics are creative professions. They are associated with art, writing, modeling. You can go to such specialties:

  • Architect.
  • Designer.
  • Journalist.
  • Writer.
  • Art critic.
  • Composer.
  • Musician.
  • The hairdresser.
  • Seamstress.
  • Director.
  • Jeweler.
  • Artist.
  • Photographer.
  • Producer.
  • Visagiste.
  • Cosmetologist.

3. Information. These are the professions where exact science is needed. Here you need to work with numbers, calculations or formulas. If the student likes exact science, then you can go to the specialty:

  • Auditor.
  • Accountant.
  • Sound engineer.
  • Estimator.
  • Engineer.
  • Cashier.
  • Programmer.
  • Financier.
  • Economist.

Determine professional sphere and help your child make the right choice. After all, this is a very important step in the life of a student, which partially determines the future of your children.

Experts say that after the 9th grade, it is easier for a student to get comfortable both in school and in a team. So parents don't have to worry. The list of professions after grade 9 is very large, and you can easily choose what your child needs.

If a student chooses the specialty of a locksmith, bricklayer, welder or hairdresser, he must understand that this is a very responsible job. After all, one wrong step can lead to serious problems.

The work of a loader is not so much responsible as hard. The child must understand what to prepare for. Getting into a medical college after grade 9 will only help you become a nurse or nurse. The doctor is out of the question. But after college, you can go to university to get a higher medical education and become a doctor. This is not only a prestigious job, but also a highly paid one.


As it turned out, admission after the 9th grade is not difficult. It is important that more budget places are provided. Therefore, even schoolchildren with little knowledge there are good chances to enter a school, college or technical school. However, if the child has a very poor certificate, then he may not go to free education based on points.

First, find out from the student what he wants from life. Then find out the important parameter that he can do. Much depends on the abilities, talents and inclinations of the child.

Pay attention to the possibilities of the student and your family. Will you be able to support your son or daughter financially. After all, state employees also have some financial costs. Plus, pay attention to the psychological and physical health of the child.

And the very last question you can ask yourself: does society need what a son or daughter will do? It can be a doctor, teacher, manager, programmer and other professions in demand. After grade 9, you can enter if you were able to answer the above questions.

All professions are important, you just need to help the child choose the one that will match his inclinations. It is worth reading in detail possible options study them in detail. What is the list of professions after grade 9 today.

In contact with

How to make a choice

Schooling is an essential part of a teenager's life. At this moment, basic knowledge is laid, the arsenal that will accompany a person throughout his life. It is known that a person receives half of all his knowledge before the age of 14. This fact has scientific confirmation. After graduating from 9 classes, the teenager has already received all the necessary knowledge in order to go to the next stage - to begin studying the work of his life.

Once at a crossroads, the student is lost:

spend two more years at home, having completed the entire school curriculum, or embark on a long voyage through adulthood. Such fabrications always take away the time and nerves of the young man and hinder his studies.

The first option should be chosen in one case: if a teenager accurately identified with the university, and does not want to leave the walls of his native school prematurely.

The second option has obvious advantages:

  1. A teenager will begin to live independently earlier, it will be psychologically easier for him to enter the rut of adult life than for someone who will remain a careless schoolboy for another two years.
  2. Early training in a specialty will help to delve deeper into its basics.
  3. At this stage the adolescent can make mistakes: having understood that the specialty was chosen incorrectly, it will be possible to get a second one at the university, after graduation.
  4. New acquaintances and a change of scenery are useful for developing communication skills, realizing oneself as a person.
  5. Places where to enter after the 9th grade will not be difficult, there are quite a lot.
  6. In the most extreme case, if study was completely uninteresting, you can return to your home school and finish your studies.

Thinking about how to choose a profession after the 9th grade, students are lost. They have a poor idea of ​​the real picture of adult life, which makes it difficult for them to make a decision.

What to consider when choosing a future profession:

  • the opinion of the child: his preferences, craving for a certain type of activity;
  • his abilities: the skills he already has, the steps taken to develop them.

What not to consider when deciding with a specialty for a child:

  • the wishes of the parents
  • inclinations of family members;
  • convenience of the location of the educational institution;
  • job prestige.

Solution must be accepted by the student because this is his life. - the first thing to trust a person. Otherwise, the child will spend years learning what he is not interested in. Reproaches against authoritative parents are guaranteed.

Important! Work should bring not only income, but also joy. Without this, life becomes gray, anger and inner dissatisfaction appear.

Let the teenager decide on their own profession. Let the choice be wrong, but it will be his mistake. There should be no people to whom you can blame for your failures. This approach develops responsibility.

Narrowing the range of specialties

Coming close to the selection of a specialty, it is worth considering the desire of the child and his abilities. Well, if these criteria are the same. If not, you'll have to choose. entrust future student. You can only indicate the direction that the teenager can follow. Everything will depend on his skills and abilities.

Important! Many school graduates do not know the correct name of their type of education, they have not yet entered college, but the first certificate is already in hand. Education of 9 classes is called incomplete secondary.

After leaving school, a teenager enters a college, or vocational school, where he will complete his studies school curriculum and at the same time learn a certain specialty.

Education after graduating from a college, lyceum or college is called special education. That, what is the name of education, in the end, will not play a big role. More important is how much a person has mastered knowledge.

If a guy spends hours making homemade devices in a room, easily copes with physics, and you won’t have to think long about how to choose a profession after grade 9. It is worth thinking about technical specialties.

  • locksmith,
  • painter,
  • miller,
  • welder,
  • engineer.

Medical direction - It's not just a job, it's a way of life . Assumes full return. Day and night, without days off and holidays, medical workers are obliged to help sick people. It is hard mentally and physically, but very important. Such a choice presupposes the presence of the desire of the child himself, his deep understanding of the specifics of the case, the availability of knowledge in the field of chemistry and anatomy. Doctors are in demand at any time.

  • nurse,
  • paramedic,
  • pharmacist.

The medical college is the place where you can apply after 9th grade. The doctor is taught in universities. The level of knowledge for such a responsible position is insufficient. After graduating from a medical college, you can continue your studies there.

The mathematical mindset of the child will make it possible to consider schools after the 9th grade, in the arsenal of which there are economic professions.

  • cashier,
  • salesman,
  • manager.

Popular today police school who are ready to accept school graduates into their ranks.

Creative inclinations suggest development in this direction. Do not bury talent in the ground - let it develop.

  • choreographer,
  • music director,
  • theater group leader
  • designer.

Popular destinations

What professions can you choose after grade 9 for girls. Most often they choose those specialties that they like. Subtle female nature requires full compliance with the desired and the actual. The work should inspire the girl, promote her self-expression.

Great choice for the modern guy

We offer a list of professions after grade 9 for boys, rating for 2017. For a guy, choosing a profession is the choice of a lifetime. A man must be a support, be able to earn. And you can achieve heights in any direction only by going into it with your head. This will work only if the work is loved. Fortunately, educational institutions where you can enroll after grade 9 offer a wide range of specialties.

Schools after the 9th grade are popular, offering to become a defender of the fatherland. Police School offers students an interesting specialty, which, like medicine, is a way of life.

When choosing where to go after grade 9, you should not worry too much. Yes, it is the choice of a lifetime. But at this stage, 50% of people are wrong.

The direction can be changed by transfer within the educational institution. You can learn another specialty, or enroll in courses.

The education of a 9th grader will not become superfluous, by saying “mistake”, we only mean that in the future a person will not want to work in this direction.

It's not scary. But in the future it will allow you to independently make a decision about the industry of work.

Choosing a future profession for boys and girls

Where to go to study after school for a girl


Choose your life's work with your heart. School after grade 9 opens its doors for you. Choose the direction you like. It is important to approach the matter responsibly.

State colleges of Moscow after the 9th grade on a budgetary basis

State colleges of Moscow after the 9th grade on a budgetary basis. List of the best state colleges, vocational schools, schools and technical schools in Moscow after grade 9 at state institutions

Searching results:
(found establishments: 180 )


10 20 30

    The Gnessin College is a structural subdivision of the federal state educational institution

    In the conditions of an acute shortage of teaching staff, by the decision of the Moscow Council in 1981, Pedagogical School No. 10 was opened.

    Specialties: 4

    Medical College with over 50 years of experience vocational training qualified mid-level personnel.

    Additional education programs of artistic and aesthetic orientation are implemented for all students at the stages of primary and basic general education

    Specialties: 4

    Currently, College No. 1 is not just an educational institution of vocational education, but a living developing organism with its own traditions, individuality with special internal patterns that have their own history, their biography, their achievements, their specialties and professions.

    Specialties: 6

    The technical school was created by merging PU-72 and PU-37 in 2004. to the College of Metrostroy No. 53. These vocational schools date back to 1947.

    Specialties: 3 Cost:

State colleges in Moscow can be divided into several groups that are strikingly different from each other. On the one hand, there are prestigious colleges that can compete with universities. But on the other hand, there are colleges that were formed by renaming vocational schools to college. In such institutions, most often they teach plumbing and welder professions. And it's not even about recruiting professions, but about teaching students. It takes place on old equipment in crumbling buildings.

The best public colleges in Moscow

There are a huge number of large public colleges who provide educational services of the highest level. Typically, these colleges specialize in training specialists of a certain specificity. This number includes mid-level medical staff, teachers, and representatives of creative professions. These specialists do not need to study for five years at the institute in order to master the profession. The college cuts off part of the theoretical knowledge from the curriculum. But a huge number of subjects taught in universities are aimed at general development and not for the training of a specialist in a particular profession.

Advantage of public colleges

Colleges have a huge advantage over universities - this is the term of study. You can go to college after 9th grade. And in three years to master the specialty. At the same time, if there is a desire to receive higher education you can go directly to the second year of the university. You can also get a job first and see if there is a need to continue studying for another four years.

A state diploma is a guarantee that the time and money spent is not wasted. This diploma is valued both in all Russian universities and is recognized by employers. In addition, public colleges are thoroughly tested, so you can be sure of a high level of educational services. Of course, there are also very weak colleges, but these are immediately visible. They can be distinguished by the profile of specialties and the poor condition of educational buildings.

Choice of public colleges

It is unlikely that you will be able to find many public colleges in your chosen specialty. Therefore, the choice is more related to the specialty. Since most universities have their own college, you should pay attention to the possibility of continuing your studies at a university, and compare universities with each other. So carefully consider the chosen specialty, because during the training it will be difficult to retrain. Of course, after graduating from college and at the beginning of studying at a university, there will be an opportunity to choose a specific specialty, but the profile will remain the same. Therefore, be more attentive to such an important step as choosing a specialty when entering an educational institution.

After the 9th grade, the girl will have to choose where to go to study further in order to subsequently become a representative of the most profitable profession in the labor market. The main problem is that the choice is huge. At this age, all the doors are still open to a person, but it is completely incomprehensible what is worth learning in order, on the one hand, to have a stable income, and on the other, not to get bored and not waste your life.

Selection rules

Before starting to consider the most profitable professions, and the best educational institutions where a girl can go to study after grade 9, she better sit down and think a little.

Be sure to think before entering

In fact, the amount of possible earnings is secondary. It is much more important to determine for yourself the following points:

  1. Chance for employment. Many specialists, especially narrow-profile ones, face the problem of finding a job. A nuclear physicist education certificate does not at all guarantee that a former student will get a job in a research laboratory or at a nuclear power plant. Therefore, you should first visit the local employment center and job sites to find a real list of vacancies.
  2. Time for training. Medical specialties are a vivid example of how earnings are completely dependent on the time spent studying. A college-educated nurse will work hard and struggle to pay for her needs. But by adding another 5-7 years and having received the profession of a narrow medical specialist, you can count on a good salary by the age of 30.
  3. Working conditions. The most difficult question, which is related to personal preferences. Every girl has her own ideal of work. It could be 5 days in the office. There is shift work, when after shock work you can lie on the couch for half a month. The cook has to be in any weather at the fire of the stove and oven. Every profession has its downside. Therefore, it is advisable to find its representative and communicate closely before the final choice.

Separately, it is worth looking at the possibility of opening your own business, albeit in the distant future.

This is always one of the most profitable, albeit risky, methods of earning money.

Do not forget about your own preferences, character traits and abilities.

A girl with a soft and good-natured character is unlikely to succeed in a profession associated with regular stress and extensive contacts with disgruntled customers, such as trading.

On the other hand, these are outstanding characteristics for a children's educator, medical officer, or service professional.

Having spent a little time after school, a girl can much better understand the choice of the most profitable profession for herself and ruin where to go to study after grade 9.

And the chance of problems with employment after graduation will be significantly reduced.

Top 5 professions

Among the most sought-after professions that offer optimal earning opportunities for a girl in the future, there are 5 areas:

  1. Document flow. The secretary, accountant and representatives of similar specialties have a fairly high chance of getting a job in many firms, both public and private. But it is worth preparing for the fact that you will have to sit in the office for days and constantly fill out documents and reports. Also in this area, if you do not advance to the level of the boss and do not get a higher education in the future, it is almost impossible to provide earnings above the average level.
  2. Trade and warehouse. A cashier, marketer, merchandiser, logistician and other professions related to commodity turnover consistently provide career opportunities. But at the same time, there is always a high chance of facing terrible working conditions and low wages in the early stages, if you make a mistake with the choice of workplace. Among the starting vacancies, the most reasonable choice is a merchandiser, as it allows you to get the necessary experience, with a relatively high salary and maintaining freedom of movement.
  3. Food industry. Chefs and technologists never experience problems with employment. But confectioners are the elite of public catering. This is a creative profession that allows you to create a good financial base at the main place of work and get a high income when working for private clients.
  4. Beauty. It is enough to walk along the streets to see numerous advertisements for hairdressers, pedicurists and others. But it is more profitable to go “free swimming”. Private specialists are gaining popularity among the population due to the opportunity to receive the necessary services at home at any convenient time.
  5. Design. This direction is limited not only to the development of fashionable clothing styles. Possessing artistic talents and imagination, one can specialize in the development of architectural projects, advertising, art objects, websites and more. Specialists in this area are highly valued, but you can face quite tough competition. Therefore, the penetration character is also important.

In addition to these general specialties, there are narrower areas. The list of the most profitable professions varies significantly depending on the place of residence, influencing the final choice of where to go to study for a girl after grade 9.


When choosing an educational institution, it is important to decide in advance for yourself how long you want to study:

  1. The school offers elementary professional education. On the one hand, the duration of training is from six months, allowing you to start working as soon as possible. But in the future, most likely, in order to move up the career ladder, you will need to obtain a diploma of a higher class.
  2. The technical school allows you to get a crust on secondary specialized education. The atmosphere close to the school allows you to learn a wide range of specialties. Some technical schools also help in the future to enroll in the 2-3 course of the corresponding university, saving time.
  3. The college is considered the most prestigious institution offering fast specialized education for ninth graders. But its value is highest if the girl plans to receive higher education at a pre-selected university.

Also, do not forget that some professions, such as a copywriter, a specialist in the processing of graphic information, as well as a number of others, can be trained at home using the Internet.

How to find a job online free time. But the absence of a certificate of education will significantly limit the possibilities for finding vacancies.

For every 10 9th grade graduates who decide to continue their studies outside the school, there are 7 boys. These are the statistics for 2013–2016. This will determine the acuteness of the issue of choosing a profession for the representatives of the strong half. Where can a boy go after grade 9? Let's start with the priorities of the qualifying program itself.

It is necessary to build a job search on 3 main conditions (in the same order of importance).

  • child's interests.
  • Aim for further education. The standard set of a locksmith, painter, electrician does not leave room for growth. There are other areas that expand perspectives - economics, jurisprudence, management theory.
  • Actual demands of the market of vacancies. New markets, technologies, opportunities appear daily, it is important to keep abreast.

Who and what can help make the right choice of profession

A 15-16-year-old child is mature enough to make a decision, a sober assessment of opportunities, development prospects, but he should not remain alone in front of the list of professions after the 9th grade for boys. Parental support (discussion, recommendations, advice, experience) is the first level of assistance. From other options:

  • numerous master classes for children aged 12–17: they are held by the educational institutions themselves (day open doors), Moscow parks, schools;
  • consultation school psychologist may be useful;
  • the results of profile tests will determine the direction of the search;
  • the selection committee of our college is people who are not indifferent to the fate of their applicants: they can reveal the essence of the proposed professions, suggest, advise where to move, give a full consultation;
  • the success stories of “people-brands” in Russia and Europe are a great example for a young person.

College majors for admission after grade 9

We are interested in right choice your son, therefore we offer only in-demand (today and with a view to the next 7-15 years) professions after grade 9 for guys. Attention applicants:

  • Faculty of Business. Graduates are ready-made business consultants, trainers, competent managers.
  • Department of Economics. Upon completion, you can go to work as an economist, accountant, businessman, or continue your education on a preferential basis.
  • Faculty of Banking (crediting experts, specialists in retail banking, cash and settlement services).
  • Faculty of Law. Our graduates go to work as investigators, lawyer-consultants, secretaries of court sessions.
  • Faculty of Hotel and Restaurant Management (porter, tour operator, administrator of a hotel, restaurant, cafe).
  • The Faculty of Information Technology is raising AIS administrators, instrument makers, and IT specialists.
  • The Faculty of Sports Management is the choice of ambitious people (you can get a job supporting Olympic teams, sports clubs as a manager / administrator).
  • The Faculty of Internet will be an excellent launching pad for the captain of a startup team, an Internet marketer, and an SMM specialist.
  • The Faculty of Design studies the basics of graphics, technical design, web design - an indispensable platform for a web designer, future layout designer, information security specialist.

What professions are more suitable for guys?

What is the best fit for a boy? Psychology insists on a pragmatic mindset of most young men, so close attention should be paid to technical areas - programming ( Information Technology), Internet professions. The male ambitions of a leader can be satisfied in hotel management, sports sponsorship, entrepreneurship (business).

What entrance exams are required

A big plus for entering college after grade 9 is a simplified enrollment program. It is enough for the applicant to score the established average score in the school certificate, passing the exam not needed at this stage. Individual cases may require an additional interview.
