You found out that your friend is talking bad about you. You:
    A) You will look for a convenient opportunity to sort things out with him;
    B) You will stop communicating with him, and you will avoid meetings.

    When you get on the bus, you are roughly pushed. You:
    A) You protest loudly
    B) Silently you try to get forward;
    E) You wait for everyone to enter, and then, if possible, you enter yourself.

    Your classmate defends the opposite of your point of view. You:
    B) You do not express your point of view, because you still cannot convince him;
    D) You defend your point of view, trying to prove your case.

    You were late for the school evening. All seats are already taken, except for one in the front row. You:
    B) You stand at the door and scold yourself for being late;
    D) Without hesitation you head to the front row;
    E) You decide for a long time whether or not to go to the front row, but then you still go to an empty seat.

    Do you agree that your classmates often take advantage of you?
    D) Yes;
    E) No.

    Do you find it difficult to start a conversation with strangers?
    D) Yes;
    E) No .

    You bought a thing, a defective thing. Is it easy for you to return a purchase?
    B) No;
    IN) Yes.

    8. Can you say that your classmates are more confident than you?
    D) No;
    E) Yes.

    Your friends demand a service from you that is fraught with trouble. Is it easy for you to refuse to fulfill it?
    B) No;
    IN) Yes.

    You have the opportunity to speak with famous person. You:
    D) Use this opportunity;
    E) You don't use.

    11. The teacher instructs you to call the institution and arrange a meeting for the class. You:
    B) Under any pretext you refuse;
    IN) You call without hesitation;
    Gather your courage and call.

    You got an unfairly low rating. You:
    B) Silently you experience;
    G) Arguing with the teacher about this grade.

    You don't understand the teacher's explanations. You:
    B) You will not ask questions to the teacher;
    IN) Calmly ask to explain again;
    G) Seize the opportunity and ask a question after class.

    You have come to the cinema. The people sitting next to you are talking loudly. You:
    B) You endure the noise, and then you swear at them;
    IN) You ask them to stop talking;
    E) Silently endure.

    You are standing in line. Someone is trying to get in front of you. You:
    B) You swallow resentment and are silent;
    D) You fight back.

    Do you find it easy to strike up a conversation with someone of the opposite sex you like a lot?
    B) Very hard;
    IN) Easily;
    G) It is very difficult to start, then it gets easier.

    You are going to the market. Is it easy for you to bargain?
    A) Yes;
    B) No.

    Do you get nervous when you have to speak in front of the class?
    B) Yes;
    D) No.

    You are praised in front of the class. You:
    B) Don't know what to say in response;
    D) Thanks for the praise;
    E) Feel free to accept gratitude.

    At good knowledge subject would you like to take a written or oral exam?
    A) Oral;
    B) Writing;
    IN) I don't care what exam I take.

Test results.

A - 3 points , B– 0 points, IN- 5 points , G- 2 points, D- 4 points, E- 1 point.

Calculate the total.

  • 12 points - strong self-doubt.
  • 12-32 points - low self-confidence.
  • 33-60 points - the average level of self-confidence.
  • 61-72 points - high self-confidence.

Over 72 points- a very high level of self-confidence.

II. Test "Character"

Answer questions "Yes" or "No"

  1. Do you think that many of your acquaintances have a bad temper?
  2. Do everyday small responsibilities annoy you?
  3. Do you believe that your friends are devoted to you?
  4. Do you feel uncomfortable when a stranger on the street says "you" to you?
  5. Are you capable of hitting a dog or a cat?
  6. How often do you take medicine?
  7. Are you tired of going to the same grocery store?
  8. Are you weighed down public duties?
  9. Are you able to wait for a late person for more than five minutes?
  10. Are you able to wait for a phone call without being anxious?
  11. Do you often think about your bad luck?
  12. How often does your figure change?
  13. Can you take the jokes of your friends with a smile?
  14. Do you like the life of your family?
  15. Are you vindictive?
  16. Do changes in nature annoy you or “nature doesn’t have bad weather”?
  17. Do you happen to be in a bad mood in the morning?
  18. Do modern paintings, music and songs annoy you?
  19. Do you get tired of the presence of strangers in the house?

Processing of results.

Give yourself one point for each negative answer to questions: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18.

Give yourself one point for each positive answer to questions: 3, 9, 10, 13, 14, 19.

Calculate points.

  • If you scored more than 15 points, then you can live well with your character. You are flexible, people who are close to you can rejoice. You are friendly and tactful, there is no awkwardness around you.
  • If you scored from 8 to 15 points, then you have not lost everything. There are flaws in your character, but there are many virtues as well. You just need not be stingy to reveal your merits. Although it is quite difficult for you. You are afraid of losing your authority in the eyes of others.
  • If you scored less than 8 points, you will not envy your family and friends. Next to you in life there are quarrels and conflicts that you cannot resist because of your character. Character character, but after all, you can stay with nothing.

III. Test "Do you know how to care for the sick?"

    Normal human body temperature is...
    A) 36.4°C;
    B) 36.9°C;
    C) 36.6°C.

    At an elevated temperature, a person should be given ...
    A) drink more
    B) more food
    C) more drugs.

    If there is no medicine in the house, then the temperature can be lowered ...
    A) putting a cold compress on the forehead of the patient;
    B) releasing the patient into fresh air;
    C) moving the patient closer to the refrigerator.

    If the medicine should be taken half an hour before meals, and breakfast will be at 9:15, then what time should the patient be given the medicine?
    a) at 8:50 a.m.
    B) at 8 hours 55 minutes;
    C) at 8:45 a.m.

    Signs of food poisoning are...
    A) elevated temperature;
    B) headache;
    C) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

    If the thermometer for measuring temperature is accidentally broken, then you should ...
    a) throw away glass fragments;
    B) quickly and carefully collect the balls of mercury in a closed container and discard them;
    B) pay no attention.

1 2 3 4 5 6
A 1 3 3 1 2 2
b 2 1 2 2 1 3
V 3 2 1 3 3 1
  • If you scored 6-9 points, then self-care of the sick will seem difficult and troublesome to you. You have to constantly seek outside help.
  • If the sum of your points is from 10 to 14, then if you wish, you can become a good nurse close person. One has only to be a little more attentive to the advice of adults.
  • If you scored 15-18 points, you can say that you are a reliable, almost professional carer. Your ward will be comfortable, warm and pleasant to be sick next to you. Maybe in the future you should think about a career medical worker Or even a doctor?

IV. Crown-Marlow technique "Social Desirability Scale"

Instruction for high school students:“Read each of the following statements carefully. If you think that it is true and corresponds to the peculiarities of your behavior, then write "yes", if it is incorrect, then - "no"

  1. I carefully read each book before returning it to the library.
  2. I don't hesitate when someone needs help in need.
  3. I always pay close attention to how I dress.
  4. At home, I behave at the table in the same way as in the dining room.
  5. I never dislike anyone.
  6. There was a case when I stopped doing something because I was not confident in my abilities.
  7. Sometimes I like to gossip about those who are absent.
  8. I always listen carefully to the interlocutor, whoever he is.
  9. There was a time when I came up with a good reason to justify myself.
  10. It happened that I took advantage of a human oversight.
  11. I am always willing to admit my mistakes.
  12. Sometimes, instead of forgiving a person, I try to repay him in the same way.
  13. There were times when I insisted on doing it my way.
  14. I do not have an internal protest when I am asked to provide a service.
  15. I never get annoyed when people express an opinion that is the opposite of mine.
  16. Before a long trip, I always think carefully about what to take with me.
  17. There were times when I envied the good fortune of others.
  18. Sometimes I get annoyed by people who come to me with questions.
  19. When people are in trouble, I sometimes think they got what they deserved.
  20. I never said unpleasant things with a smile.

Key for processing results:

For each answer that matches the key, 1 point is awarded.

Answers "Yes" - to questions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15, 16, 20.

Answers "No" - to questions 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 17, 18, 19.

The overall final indicator of "approval motivation" on the scale is obtained by summing up all the "working" questions.

Interpretation: The higher the final indicator, the higher the motivation for approval and, therefore, the higher the willingness of a person to present himself to others as fully conforming to social norms. Low rates may indicate both a rejection of traditional norms and excessive demands on oneself.

1. A collection of tests will help you determine the psychological state of the child at school, at home, with friends.

2. Usage project activities children, which requires knowledge of Literary reading(Kudina-Novlyanskaya), the world around (Chudinova). The result of the project activity is a real product created by children and their parents.

3. tasks are presented to test the knowledge of children on the topic "Tabular multiplication and division."

4. International Women's Day is a celebration of ordinary women who have become the creators of history; it is rooted in the centuries-old struggle of women to participate in society on an equal footing with men. Therefore, on this significant day, we decided to hold the Miss Mom 2010 contest.
5. Olympiad tasks will help the teacher prepare children for the Olympiad around the world



Test "Adult or small?"

  1. I go shopping without my parents
  2. I never lose my things
  3. I'm not afraid to stay at home without my parents
  4. I can babysit younger children
  5. I choose my things, not my parents
  6. I very rarely cry
  7. I'm not afraid to take on difficult tasks
  8. Sometimes I stay home alone
  9. Parents don't check my homework
  10. They call me independent

Results processing

10-8 ticks : You are an adult. You can rely on, but do not rush to say goodbye to childhood.

7-4 ticks: you are a normal child for your age, i.e. moderately adult.

3-0 ticks: don't call you an adult. You are still a child!


  1. I rarely get lonely.

Test "do you have enough attention from your parents?"

Check the box next to the phrases that apply to you.

  1. I know that my parents love me very much;
  2. Sometimes it seems to me that my parents pay too much attention to me;
  3. I tell my parents how my day went;
  4. I can always go up to my mom or dad and talk to them;
  5. Mom and Dad remind me when and what I need to do;
  6. We often go for walks with the whole family;
  7. My parents want to know everything about me;
  8. They never forget my birthday;
  9. My parents watch how I look;
  10. I rarely get lonely.

Count how many ticks you got _________

Results processing

0-3 ticks: Your parents' attention is not enough for you. Sometimes you feel like no one cares about you. This is wrong! It's just that adults are often busy. Help them more, do not forget to say that you love them, and everything will be fine.

4-6 ticks: you usually get enough attention from your parents, but sometimes you feel lonely. No need to be offended by your parents if they do not give you every free minute. Try to be more independent.

7-10 ticks: your parents never leave you! This is very good. They love you, they care. They try to do everything to make you feel good. But you also need to learn to be an independent person!


Learning focus on acquiring knowledge.

Conducting research.

Questionnaire test.

  1. Having received a bad mark, you, having come a crowbar

A) you immediately sit down for lessons, repeating what you answered poorly.

B) (sit down to watch TV or play on the computer. Thinking that the lesson on this subject is in a week.

2. after receiving a good mark:

A) continue to conscientiously prepare for the next lesson.

B) you do not prepare carefully, because you know that you will not be asked anyway.

3. Does it happen that you are dissatisfied with the answer, and not with the mark?

A) yes

B) no.

4. What is study for you?

A) learning new things

B) a burdensome task.

5. Do your grades depend on the thoroughness of the preparation of the lessons?

A) yes.

B) no.

6. After getting a low mark, do you analyze what you did wrong?

A) yes

B) no.

7. whether your desire to cook depends homework from whether they put marks for it?

A) yes

B) not.

8. Is it easy for you to get involved in studies after the holidays?

A) yes

B) no.

9. Do you regret that sometimes there are no lessons due to the teacher's illness?

A) yes

B) no.

10. When you go to the next class and receive new textbooks, do you wonder what they are talking about?

A) yes

B) no.

11. What do you think is better: getting sick or studying?

A) study

B) hurt.

12. what is more important for you_ grades or knowledge?

A) marks

B) knowledge.


Test "How does school affect you?"

  1. Did you make new friends at school?

A) yes, a lot

B) no

B) yes, one

  1. Do you trust your secrets to any of the guys in the class?

A) no!

B) yes, many guys

C) one classmate

  1. Did your parents start giving you more chores when you started going to school?

A) don't know

B) yes, much more

C) no

4. Do the younger guys listen to you carefully and consult with you?

A) yes

B) sometimes

C) no

5. Now that you go to school, do you feel more confident?

A) no

B) yes

C) in some ways yes, in some ways no

6. Did school change you?

A) no

B) yes, a little

C) yes!

7. Did you develop new interests and hobbies at school?

A) yes, but not much

B) no

B) yes, and a few

8. Do you like school?

A) no

B) so-so

B) yes

How many points did you get, count according to the table

From 0 to 7 points: school has made you a more mature and independent person. You have made new friends, the younger ones want to be friends with you, and the older ones can now entrust important things to you.

8 -11 points: school hasn't changed you. Be more confident, don't be shy, try to trust others. Take a closer look at the guys, perhaps among them there are those who want to become your friends and who you like.

12-16 points: school makes you shy and worried. Don't worry, you can feel safe at school - there are always good guys among the guys - make friends with them! Be bold.


Test "How do your friends feel about you?"

Check the box next to the phrases that apply to you

  1. My friends often hurt me
  1. Sometimes I cry because of them
  1. Sometimes my friends deceive me
  1. Some friends call me names
  1. My friends can't keep secrets
  1. I can't rely on friends
  1. My parents don't like my relationship with my friends
  1. My friends betrayed me
  1. Sometimes my friends are not friends with me
  1. My friends and I often argue and quarrel

Count how many ticks you got ____________

Results processing

0-2 ticks:

Friends treat you well. They try not to offend you and support you in difficult times.

3-5 ticks:

Sometimes you have fights with your friends. But it happens, no big deal! Try to be more polite and respectful to each other.

6-10 ticks:

Well, I don't know if you can call these people your friends. Friends never do that! Maybe you should look for new friends?


Test "How do you treat people?"

Circle the answer that best suits you.

  1. If someone slipped and fell. What will be your reaction?

A) I will help you up

B) silently pass by,

B) I laugh.

  1. When someone asks me for help:

a) I will try to help

b) What good will it do me?

B) here it is! Full of business.

  1. If the whole class is teasing someone, I...

A) intercede

B) I will not do anything, let them figure it out themselves.

C) I will tease with them.

  1. If someone does not understand the task, ...

A0 I'll try to explain to him,

B) let him think

C) laugh at his stupidity.

  1. If my friend is in an awkward situation...

A) I will forget about it and will not remind you,

B) don't know

c) I will play a joke on him.

  1. If I was asked to pull up a classmate in mathematics ...

A) happy to help

B) well, it must be so

B) I don’t think to help.

Processing of results.

A - 0 points

B - 1 point

B - 2 points.

0-3 points: you try to help people. Do not laugh at their shortcomings. Well done!

4-8 points: sometimes you can help someone. But usually you charge for it. This is not good. Friendship is not built on relationships: "you - to me, I - to you!"

9-12 points: well, you're like an old Shapoklyak! “He who helps people is wasting his time!” you are not afraid that the moment will come when you need help, and everyone will turn away from you.


Test "Do your parents love you?"

Check the box next to the phrases that apply to you

  1. My parents feed and clothe me
  1. They miss me when I'm not around
  1. Mom and dad help me out when I'm in trouble
  1. Parents are very worried when I stay late
  1. Parents take care of me
  1. Mom and dad spend a lot of time with me
  1. Sometimes they punish me, but they forgive me anyway
  1. The family rejoices in my success
  1. Parents say they love me

Count how many ticks you got _______

Results processing

0-4 ticks: Of course your parents love you! But sometimes they are too busy and cannot pay much attention to you. Perhaps you need to help them more, be more attentive, and then your relationship will become better!

5-9 ticks: your parents just love you! They do everything to make you feel good. You need to appreciate it and reciprocate. Don't forget to tell your parents how much you love them and help them in everything!


Test "Can I trust you?"

  1. If you cross your fingers, then you can not tell the truth.
  2. My friends don't take my word for it, and I don't trust them.
  3. If I promise something, I do it, even if it is not profitable for me.
  4. If I'm not sure, I'd rather say "I don't know"
  5. If I deceive someone, then I worry for a long time.
  6. I can cheat to avoid punishment.
  7. If I take something from someone, I definitely return it.
  8. If I give my word, I will keep it.
  9. My word. I can take it back.
  10. I can promise make-believe to achieve some goal.

How many ticks did it turn out?____________

Results processing

0-3 ticks: Well done! Can I trust you! You are the epitome of honesty! If, of course, he answered the questions correctly.

4-7 ticks: You try to be honest, but you don't always succeed. Try! Don't be afraid to speak the truth.

8-10 ticks: No, you can't live like that. You constantly lie and dodge. This could end badly! Try to get better!


Test "what kind of relationship do you have with girls?"

Check the box next to the phrases that apply to you

With boys?

Count how many ticks you got ___________

Results processing

0-2 ticks: you have a wonderful relationship with the opposite sex! You can be friends and play with both girls and boys. Well done!

3-5 ticks: among your friends there are both girls and boys, but fewer friends of the opposite sex. Because you are a little shy.

6-7 ticks: almost all of your friends are of the same sex as you. And with the opposite sex you almost do not communicate. Well, in vain. You don't have to be ashamed of it.


Test "Do you have willpower?"

  1. You've been asked to wash the dishes, but your favorite cartoon is about to start!

A) I'll run to watch a cartoon! The dishes aren't going anywhere.

B) I will wash the dishes and go to watch a cartoon.

C) I will wash before the start of the cartoon, what I can do, the rest later.

  1. You know you shouldn't eat oranges, but you love them.

A) I won't eat what I can't.

B) I will eat only a couple of slices,

B0 even if it is impossible, I will eat as much as I want.

  1. You need to study to “pull up” your grades.

A) I can't force myself!

B) I will definitely practice and improve.

C) I will try.

  1. They told you: "We're leaving, don't watch TV"

A) I will not watch TV

B) I will watch, no one will know anyway.

C) turn on the TV, but not for long.

  1. You want a bike, but your parents don't have money:

A) I will hint to my parents that I want a bike,

B) I will demand great!

C) I will keep silent, I will suffer.

  1. You need to get up early in the morning. The alarm clock is ringing.

A) wake up and get up without any problems.

B) I will lie down for another 10 minutes after the alarm.

Processing of results.

Calculate points:

0 to 4: you know how to endure, you have willpower. This is good. But remember, in many situations you need to act, not wait.

5 to 8: you have willpower. But sometimes you can't get over yourself. Try and everything will work out!

9 to 12 : You can't force yourself at all! Try to be less lazy and mischievous. Need to develop willpower!


Test "Do you respect teachers?"

Check the box next to the phrase that suits you

  1. In class, I try not to disturb the teacher.
  1. Putting a button on the teacher's chair is fun!
  1. I deservedly got 2 points, I'm angry at the teacher
  1. Before the lesson, I often help the teacher, for example, hang up a map
  1. If the teacher is ill, I rejoice
  1. I willingly follow the instructions of the teacher
  1. The teacher wants the best for his students
  1. After the call, I immediately run to the break
  1. We are talking about the teacher bad words "behind the eyes"
  1. If the teacher asks to stay after class and help him, I will gladly agree

Count how many ticks you got ____________________

Results processing

0-3 ticks: you respect teachers and try to obey and help them in everything. Well done! This is very good, keep it up!

4- 7 ticks: sometimes you allow yourself to say bad things about teachers. But when a teacher has real problems, you worry about him.

8-10 ticks: you don't respect teachers at all, that's bad. Try to change your mind! These people are trying for you, you need to understand and appreciate it.


Quiz: Are you good at making friends? »

  1. If you like someone, can you come and meet?

A. no, I will be shy;

B. yes, I’ll come and get acquainted;

B. I don't even know.

  1. Will you immediately start telling your new friend your secrets, or will you get to know him better first?

A. I'll tell you everything!

B. I will reveal to him only some secrets about myself.

B. I will not reveal my secrets.

  1. If you don't like something in your friend, will you point it out to him?

A. It is unlikely that I will tell him about it;

B. Yes, I will say that I do not like it;

B. I won't say anything.

  1. When you have a new friend, will you forget about the old one?

A. no, I will be friends with both of them;

B. Yes, this is a new friend;

Q. No, I will pay more attention to an old friend.

  1. Are you shy when you get into the company of strangers?

A. No, I'll get to know them right away;

B. Yes, I am very shy;

B. When how.

  1. If you have the last piece of candy left, would you give it to your new friend?

A. no, of course! Better eat it myself.

B. I will give half;

B. I'll give you a whole.

Processing of results.

O-3 you're shy. You can't meet, you blush. You stumble. Not worth it! Don't worry! To make friends, you need to overcome yourself and try not to be such a constrained person. Try, you will succeed!

4-8 You are great! Feel free to approach anyone you want, meet and make friends. and most importantly, at the same time, you also take care of your friends and do not behave arrogantly. Congratulations, keep it up!

9-12 you are a very determined and courageous person. Absolutely no one is embarrassed. On the one hand, this is good. The main thing is that friends need to be helped and they need to be handled very carefully.


Do you need attention test?

  1. If I study better:

A) they will immediately notice it and praise me;

B) no one will pay attention to it;

C) they might notice.

  1. If I wear very nice clothes...

A) no one will notice!

B) everyone will start complimenting me;

C) Some people will notice.

  1. If I feel bad...

A) others will notice this and come to my aid!

b) No one cares!

C) can only be replaced by the closest person.

  1. If I do something with my own hands ...

A) no one will praise me

B) people around me will definitely praise me

C) most likely, they will notice it.

  1. If I skip school...

A) I can get away with it!

B) they will immediately notice it, and it will fly into me!

C) they might notice, they might not.

  1. I hear kind words, praise...

A) from time to time

B) very often!

C) I almost never hear.

Processing of results.

From 0 to 3: you lack attention! Try talking to your mom.

From 4 to 8: you usually get enough attention from others. But sometimes it happens that important point no one to turn to.

From 9 to 12: you are taken care of, you are always ready to help, support. You get a lot of attention. Perhaps even too much.


Questionnaire "Me and my family"

  1. Almost always +
  2. Sometimes ±
  3. Never -
  1. My parents always support me
  2. I find it difficult at home
  3. I am limited in many ways
  4. They give me pocket money
  5. Parents are busy with themselves

Questionnaire "Me and my family"

Answer the questions. Answer options:

  1. Almost always +
  2. Sometimes ±
  3. Never -

1. Parents always support me with everything

  1. We have disagreements, even quarrels
  2. I find it difficult at home
  3. My parents place too high demands on me in my studies.
  4. I am limited in many ways
  5. Parents always take into account what I want to have from clothes, with my other needs.
  6. They give me pocket money
  7. I would like to have more independence
  8. We have classmates at home, friends
  9. Parents are busy with themselves



Written Verification work on this topic

"Tabular multiplication and division".

Option number 1.

  1. 35 paintings were brought to the exhibition and hung in the halls, 7 paintings in each hall. The guide has already led a tour of 3 halls. How many rooms are left to show the guide?
  2. Fill in the blanks.

7 * _ = 56 36:_ = 24:6 _*8 = 32

42: 7 = 18: _ 6*_ = 30 6*_ = 4*9

1 * 5= 5 0*7 = 7 6*0 = 6 0*4 =4

  1. Find the area and perimeter of a square with a side of 5 cm.

Option number 2.

  1. 72 candies were placed in several New Year's gifts, 9 candies in each gift. 6 gifts have already been given to children. How many gifts are left?
  2. Fill in the blanks.

9* _ = 54 42: _ = 56: 8 _*4 = 28

27: 3 = 72: _ 7 * _ = 49 3*_ = 4*6

  1. Insert instead of * sign arithmetic operation so that the equalities are true.

1 * 3=3 8*0=8 0*2 = 2 0*9 =9

  1. Find the area and perimeter of a square with a side of 3 cm.

Option #3 *.

  1. Vera has 7 toys. If Vera is presented with 2 more soft toys, then she will have 3 times more of them than Alyosha. How many soft toys does Alyosha have?
  2. From the numbers 2,1,8,4 make records of the form:

_ * _ = _ * _ _ * _ >_ * _ _ : _ <_ :="" _="">

  1. Paste instead? the sign of the arithmetic operation so that the equalities become true.

8 ? 0 = 6*6 - 4*9 9 ? 1 = 8*8 – 6*9 0 ? 3 = 6*4 – 3*9

  1. The perimeter of a rectangle is 10 cm. Find its area if the length of the rectangle is 3 cm.



(20… - 20… academic year)


1. Name the mineral and the object made from it.

A.This is an item that you cannot do without in everyday life. Ohm is made of a common mineral of brown and white color, consisting of the smallest particles, practically impervious to water. In the old days, these items were made by potters._______________________________

B.This is an unusual mineral product from which fuel, gasoline, plastics and even fragrant oils are obtained. All people love to use it, but especially women._____________________


b.This item is very helpful. Without it, many people find it difficult to read and write. Its main parts are made from a mineral widely distributed on the earth. It has a granular structure, passes water well, and is used in construction.________________

2. Find these islands on the map of the hemispheres. Determine which continents they are located near. Sign under the pictures.







Great Britain


Tierra del Fuego


New Guinea


Task 3. Having solved the crossword puzzle, you will find out what is most precious for a person in life.






1. He is invisible and yet we cannot live without him.

2. In order for the body to receive vitamins, they must be consumed in food.

3. It's a bad habit.

4. Rest for the brain is ...

5. This sport strengthens the human spine.

Task 4.Put the numbers in the table in order from cause to effect to explain why there are many birds in the tundra in summer.

1. The sun does not rise high.

2. Many lakes and swamps.

3. The earth is not warm enough.

4. Permafrost - under the moss.

5. Lots of mosquito larvae.

6. Water does not seep into the ground.

7. Plenty of food for the chicks.

8. Many birds nest.

Task 5.How does human activity affect the nature of the steppes: the steppes are almost completely plowed; due to the plowing of the steppes, the number of wild plants has decreased, the number of wild animals has decreased; studied and described the nature of the steppes; many plants and animals have been taken under protection; the number of steppe lemmings, saigas and other animals is being restored.

Fill in the table. Continue the list if you know of other examples.

Task 6.Think about what plants are produced from:


Flour: ____________________________________________



Underwear: ________________________________

Bed sheets:_____________________________

Vegetable oil:___________________________


Task 7.Find the mistakes in the text and underline them.

Good in the forest April! This is the very beginning of spring. The snow has long since melted. Green leaves appear on the trees, lilacs bloom. In the glades under the spring sun, the first spring flowers bloom: coltsfoot, blueberry, daisies. Starlings, rooks, nightingales returned from warm lands. Hedgehogs, squirrels, bears woke up from hibernation. Bunny flaunts in a new fur coat. Everyone is excited about spring!

Task 8.Collect from the letters as many names of the rivers of Russia as possible(letters can be used multiple times)


Olympiad tasks around the world

(20… - 20… academic year)


1. Using conventional signs, depict the movement of travelers.

Travelers set out on their way from the village to the north along the path. The village was in the south. We came to a river that flows from west to east. The banks of the river are overgrown with bushes. The travelers then crossed the bridge over the river and went straight north along the road. To the right of the road there was a meadow, to the left - a mixed forest. They reached the coniferous forest and turned west. On the way we reached the village, which is located in the west.

2. Add the name of natural areas:

1 ...................................- this is a natural area where there is no continuous grassy cover.

2.................................. - this is a natural area where the vegetation is from trees, shrubs, herbs.

3..................................- this is a natural area with a continuous grassy cover.

4 ...................................- this is a natural area where the vegetation cover of shrubs, grasses, lichens, mosses, no trees.

3. Distribute the indicated animals according to natural zones.

4. Read the text. How many mistakes are made in it? (...)

Rewrite the text correctly.

Coniferous plants do not have leaves, but have needles. In pine, larch, they are green all winter. In early spring, you can see how coniferous plants bloom. Pine and spruce fruits ripen - cones. They contain seeds.









5. Under the influence of what changes is the destruction of mountains?Complete the chart.

6. What plant is popularly called "silk grass"?

7 . A lot of minerals are extracted from the bowels of our region.

Write some of them in the empty cells.

8. Write what is nature?

Complete the diagram:

Olympiad tasks around the world

(20… - 20… academic year)


  1. The students went on a hike. In the morning they walked from the school building several kilometers to the northeast, turned east, made a halt, then moved south, turned southeast and reached their final destination.(Write the place where the children came).

2. Rearrange the letters so as to get the names of the rivers of our region:

bottom, usim, als, chanym____________________________________________


3. Look at the world map. Next to it are drawn different types of human dwellings. What do you think, in what regions of the Earth are such houses being built? Put the numbers in the right place on the map.

Hut. Tipi. Yurt.

Igloo (house made of snow). Hut on stilts.Clay house.


(A)Of the listed types of fuel, underline only minerals:

kerosene, oil, wood, peat, coal, fuel oil.

b)What do oil, coal, natural gas have in common.


V)Can it be argued that the batteries in your house are heated by solar energy? Justify the answer.







5. Solve the crossword.









1) Gas necessary for plant life.

2) An ice mountain floating in the ocean.

4) A green space that replenishes the atmosphere with oxygen.

5) Huge expanse of salt water.

6) Part of the world in the Northern Hemisphere.

7) A place where a river flows into another body of water.

8) The science of the relationship of living beings with the environment.

6. Which object is made from something that was once alive? (Underline what you think is true).

a) a clay mug;c) linen dress;

b) steel knife;d) brick house

In cold winters, birds are often fed. What kind of food should not be given to them? (Underline what you think is true).

a) plant seeds;V) salted fat;

b) rye bread;d) unsalted fat.

7. Solve the environmental problem.

The hedgehog and the mole belong to the same order of insectivores. But the hedgehog falls into hibernation, andmole - no. What explains the differences in animal life?









8. Find the extra word.

1) Brick, clay, cement, asphalt.

2) Lemming, chipmunk, reindeer, arctic fox.

3) Tradescantia, lily of the valley, coleus, begonia.

4) Earth, Venus, Mercury, Moon.

5) Oak, maple, larch, birch.


Olympiad tasks around the world

(2008 - 2009 academic year)


1. The Earth is at the same distance from the Sun as the Moon. But the surface of the Moon heats up during the day to +100 °C, +170 °C. And with the onset of night, it cools down to -200 ° C. Why does our planet never cool down and heat up as much as the Moon?


2. Our Earth is constantly changing: ravines appear, mountains collapse, plains form in their place. Scientists even say that the change in the surface of the Earth is the result of the work of three "great masters". What is this master?


3. Find out minerals by description. Fill in the table - indicate the name and use of minerals.



Human use


black, solid, burning, heavier than water


gray (may be a different color), hard, does not burn, pricks with difficulty, heavier than water


black, liquid, lighter than water, burns


white, loose, easily pricked, crumbled

4. Insert the numbers in the empty cells in order: from cause to effect, to explain the water cycle in nature.

1. Water flows into reservoirs.

2. In the air, water turns into fog.

3. Heated air lifts the water up.

4. Water precipitates.

5. Air cools down.

6. The sun heats the air.

5. Guess the riddle. Explain the relationship between this animal and soil fertility.

My tail is indistinguishable from my head,
You will always find me in the earth.


6. Distribute representatives of wildlife into groups (communities). Show them with a line (arrow).

7. Underline environmental disasters in the list.

A heavy downpour, a fire at an enterprise, a discharge of fuel oil into a stream, a tornado, the death of an oil tanker in the Black Sea, a storm in the ocean.

  1. Learn from the description of the natural area.

a) Dwarf birch, reindeer moss, which is eaten with pleasure by the indigenous inhabitants of these places - deer. And people in these places lead a nomadic lifestyle and they live in special yaranga houses covered with deer skins. (_________________________________)

b) The climate is temperate. A variety of deciduous and coniferous trees, shrubs. An abundance of berries and mushrooms. Rich animal world. In the raspberry forest you can meet a brown bear. In June there is no rescue from mosquitoes. (_________________________________)

c) January. 12 a.m. The sun is hidden behind the horizon. The snowy plain is illuminated only by the dim light of the stars. The area seems lifeless. (_________________________________)

9. We live in a beautiful and great country Russia. Its greatest wealth is its people and nature. The future of Russia depends on the health of people and the nature around them. Nature must be saved and protected. It depends not only on adults, but also on you - children. Take the first step: prove that you know which plants and animals from the Rostov region need special attention and protection, i.е. listed in the Red Book.



Olympiad tasks in mathematics

(2008 - 2009 academic year)


1. Three ducklings and four caterpillars weigh 2 kg 500 g, and four ducklings and three caterpillars weigh 2 kg 400 g. How much does one gosling weigh?


2 . There are four children in a large friendly family: they are 5, 8, 13 and 15 years old, and their names are Tanya, Yura, Sveta. Lena. How old is each of them if one girl goes to kindergarten. Tanya is older than Yura, and the sum of Tanya and Sveta's years is divisible by 3?


  1. In a rectangle ABCD, side AD is 12 cm, side SD is 3 cm shorter, and diagonal BD is the same length as AD. Find the perimeter and area of ​​rectangle ABCD and triangle ABCD.


  1. It takes 12 minutes to cut a log into 3 pieces. How long does it take to cut a log into 6 pieces?


  1. 101 Dalmatians were brought to the dog show. 56 of them have a black spot on their left ear, while 65 have a spot on their right ear, and 29 have white ears. How many dogs have spots on both ears?


  1. Write down all two-digit numbers using the numbers 1, 2, 3 (digits in the number entry should not be repeated), and find the sum of these numbers.


  1. Cheburashka went to the birthday party of Crocodile Gena. When he had gone half way, he remembered that he had forgotten the gift at home, and returned. Therefore, he was late to Gena for 20 minutes. How long could Cheburashka have come to Gena if he hadn't been so forgetful?



Olympiad tasks in the Russian language

(2008 - 2009 academic year)


  1. Determine how many times the sound occurs in the following sentence.

[ T] The director of the enterprise signed the document and gave it to the representative of the sponsored factory.

  1. For some reason, the newspaper editor does not like the wordtry. Tell the reporter which of the five words he can replace this word in his note so that the meaning of what was said does not change:to try, to refine, to hope, to be zealous, to strain.(underline as appropriate)
  1. Make up phrases in which the wordsgray, velvet, straightwill be used in a figurative sense.


  1. Underline the words with prefixes.

Trust, home, kindness, run, finished painting.

Splatter, hall, curlicue, riddle, bunny.

The village, looked, gifts, field, regiment.

  1. Which nouns do not have a singular form? (Underline as appropriate.)

Eyes, curlers, blinds, mustaches, sleds, skis, skates, holidays.

  1. Explain the case in which the nouns are, prove with examples.

Birch, hands, human.


  1. Replace the statements with one word - a feminine adjective. Select endings.

Plants that are in the room - __________________________

Work done at home - __________________________

The car that met on the way - _____________________

The road that runs far

The mail we receive in the morning is _____________________

Journey that was summer - __________________________

  1. Put the nouns in the genitive plural form.

Apple, tomato, calf, kilogram, stockings, socks, clouds, shoes. Boots, puddle, Dasha.


  1. Compose verbal portrait any acquaintance, using as much as possible 2









    Number of points

    Answers to tasks

    around the world.

    1. Thanks to the air shell - the atmosphere. The moon has no atmosphere.
    1. Water, sun, wind.
    1. coal, fuel

    granite, building

    oil, fuel

    chalk, construction

    4. 6 – 3 – 2 – 5 – 4 – 1

    5. earthworms loosen the soil, pass dead parts of plants through the intestines, forming humus.

    1. field: lark, oats, cornflower, wheat, vole, (grasshopper)

    forest: wolf, mountain ash, elk, (vole, mole), lily of the valley, pine

    meadow: clover, mole, mouse pea, grasshopper

    1. Draining fuel oil into a stream, the death of an oil tanker in the Black Sea.

    8. Tundra


    arctic desert

    9. Plants: feather grass, thin-leaved peony, water lily, steppe tulip

    Animals: belladonna crane, little bustard, bustard, steppe eagle, steppe grasshopper, muskrat, sturgeon, egret, snake, peregrine falcon

    Answers to tasks

    In Russian.

    1. 10
    1. Sample.
    1. Gray fog, straight nose, velvet season.
    1. Trust, run, repainted. Splatter, curl, riddle. The village, looked, gifts.
    1. Curlers, blinds, sleds, holidays.
    1. Birch - I.p. Hands - I.p. , V.p. , hands - R.p. Human - R.p., V.p.
    1. Homework, oncoming car, long road, morning mail.
    1. Apple trees, tomatoes, calves, kilos, stockings, socks, clouds, shoes, boots, puddles, Dash.
    1. Creative task.

    Answers to tasks


    1. 1) 4 + 3 = 7 (ut.)

    2) 4 + 3 = 7 (goose)

    3) 2500 + 2400 = 4900 (g) total weight of goslings and ducklings

    4) 4900: 7 = 700 (g) weight of 1 duckling and 1 gosling

    5) 700 x 3 \u003d 2100 (g) weight of 3 ducklings and 3 goslings

    6) 2500 - 2100 \u003d 400 (g) weight of 1 caterpillar

    1. Sveta is 5 years old, Yura is 8 years old, Tanya is 13 years old, Lena is 15 years old.
    1. 1) 12 – 3 = 9 (cm) SD side

    2) 12 + 3 = 15 (cm) diagonal ID

    3) 12 x 9 \u003d 108 ( square area

    4) (12 + 9) x 2 = 42 (cm) square perimeter

    5) 12 + 15 + 9 = 36 (cm) triangle perimeter

    6) 12 x 9: 2 = 54 (sq cm) area of ​​the triangle

    1. 1) 12: 2 = 2 (min) - time for 1 cut

    2) 6 x 5 \u003d 30 9 min) - time to get 6 parts

    a) a woodpecker; b) swallow; c) titmouse;

    d) sparrow; e) nightingale; e) haircut. 3 points

    3. Which expression is correct?
    a) everything that surrounds a person is called nature;

    b) everything that is made by human hands is called nature;
    c) everything that surrounds a person and is made by his hands is called nature.

    4. The sun is setting...

    a) in the east b) in the south; c) in the west. 1 point

    5. Specify objects of nature:

    a) closet b) clay; c) glass;

    d) shoes; e) air; e) stone. 3 points

    6. Where do crayfish winter?
    a) in the ocean b) in a swamp; c) in lakes;

    d) in the seas; e) in the muddy banks of rivers. 3 points

    7. The more rings, the older the tenant. What is it about?

    a) about an old man; b) about a stump; c) about a tree. 1 point

    8. Two citizens were walking. Stopped. One asks the other:
    - Black? - No, red. -Why is she white? - Because it's green.

    What are they about?

    A) about mountain ash; b) about viburnum; c) about currants. 1 point

    9. Which tree turns yellow faster?

    A) poplar; b) birch; c) aspen. 1 point

    10. From which poisonous plant is the medicine used for heart disease prepared?

    A) lily of the valley; b) raven eye; c) celandine. 1 point

    11. What wood are matches made of?
    a) from linden; b) from birch; c) from aspen. 1 point

    12. Which bird breeds chicks in any frost?

    A) woodpecker b) crossbill; c) sparrow. 1 point

    13. What is the name of our republic?

    A) Russia; b) Izhevsk; c) Udmurtia. 1 point

    14. What is in a soap bubble?
    a) soap b) air; c) water. 1 point

    15. Which of these plants do you meet in your region?

    3. Underline which of these words denotes a natural phenomenon?

    Stone, lightning, river, tree, earth.

    4. Find an extra animal in each line and underline it:

    A) Goat, horse, elk;

    B) Duck, rooster, swan;

    C) Calf, chicken, duckling.

    5. Fill in the missing words in the sentence.

    Water in nature occurs in three states: in liquid, in ____________, in _____________.

    6. Choose signs of inclement weather:

    A) it is raining b) the sun is shining c) the sky is covered with clouds;

    D) a cold wind is blowing d) there are clouds in the sky; e) a light breeze is blowing.

    7. Underline the names of conifers:

    Spruce, maple, hazel, larch, pine, poplar, juniper, oak, fir, cedar, birch.

    8. What bird is calledforest doctor?
    a) a titmouse; b) nuthatch; c) woodpecker.

    9. What are the names of animals whose body is covered with scales?

    A) birds b) fish; c) mammals.

    10. For life, plants and animals need:

    A) meat, fruits, juice;
    b) fish, vegetables, kissel;
    c) sun, air, water.

    Test "Are we able to listen correctly"

    1 - I never do that;

    2 - rarely act;

    3 - almost always;

    4 - always.

    1. Do I give the speaker the opportunity to express his thoughts completely without interrupting?

    2. Can I discover hidden meanings in words when talking to people?

    3. Am I actively trying to develop the ability to remember what I hear?

    4. Do I write down the most important details from the messages I hear?

    5. When writing a message, do I concentrate on capturing the main facts and key phrases?

    6. Am I repeating to the speaker in my own words the essential details of his message in order to better understand?

    7. Do I refrain from stopping the speaker when I find their message boring, uninteresting, or when I personally dislike the speaker?

    8. Do I avoid showing hostility or emotional arousal when the speaker's point of view is different from my own?

    9. Do I notice when I'm distracted while listening?

    10. Am I expressing genuine, sincere interest in what other people are saying?

    Calculate your points:

    32 or more points - you are the ideal listener;

    27-31 points - the listener is above the average level;

    22-26 points - need additional training and must consciously practice listening skills;

    21 points or less - you perceive many messages in a distorted form, biased, without delving into the meaning.

    You can discuss the most typical results for the whole class as a whole. To do this, mark four groups on the board based on the results of the survey and write down the number of students who fell into each of these groups.

    Test "My optimism"

    Self-confidence is the basis for enjoying life and having the strength to act.

    F. Schiller

    A sense of self-confidence and one's strengths, cheerfulness, cheerfulness, desire and the ability to see life in bright colors favorably distinguish an optimist. The main thing is that he is sure that he is able to change a lot in life for the better.

    A pessimist is characterized by a constantly depressed mood, a lack of self-confidence and, as a result, there is no desire to change anything in his own life nor in the lives of the people around him.

    Let's check your level of optimism. After carefully reading the statements and answer options below, in the answer sheet, next to the number of each statement, put the letter that matches the option that is specific to you.

    Then we will decipher these letters, assigning to each of them and according to the test key a certain number of points, and by the sum of these points we will determine the level of your optimism.


    1. What do you think about in the morning, just waking up:

    a) about the activities that you like most of all;

    b) about upcoming affairs that you do not like;

    c) about a person who is nice and close to you;

    d) about a person who is unpleasant to you.

    2. During breakfast, do you usually:

    a) take your time, calmly set the table;

    b) grumble that there is not enough time, that you did not get enough sleep again;

    c) like to talk with loved ones;

    d) Hurry up to eat, as you are constantly late.

    3. When you first meet a stranger, you:

    a) immediately trust him;

    b) wait for him to ask you something;

    c) watch him with interest;

    d) start a conversation yourself.

    4. If you notice that someone is looking at you (at the theater, cinema, on the street...):

    a) First of all, it seems to you that there is something funny in you;

    b) you enjoy it;

    c) look at yourself in some showcase, mirror;

    d) don't pay attention.

    5. If you are looking for an address in an unfamiliar area (city), then:

    a) prefer to go directly to the information desk;

    b) you will ask your friends;

    c) try to find it yourself;

    d) you will always be afraid that you will not be able to find it yourself.

    6. Starting the school day, you:

    a) hope that it will be successful;

    b) wait for classes to end quickly;

    c) enjoy the opportunity to see your friends;

    d) hope that on this day you will not have trouble.

    7. If you lose in any game, then:

    a) it upsets you and you think: “This is a bad day for me”;

    c) you think that the game is a game - someone has to lose, so why not you;

    d) trying to think of a way to win.

    8. When you quarrel with a person you like, then:

    a) you are afraid of quarreling with him completely;

    b) take it easy, and this has its own meaning;

    c) you think that for sure you will quickly make peace and everything will be in order;

    d) think that too “smooth” relationships are boring.

    9. While waiting for the results of the medical examination, you:

    a) you are afraid that something serious will be found with you;

    b) you know that the doctor will not tell you the truth anyway;

    c) you think, since you have nothing, then why should you be afraid;

    d) think that it is better for everyone to know the whole truth in time.

    10. When making a decision, you expect:

    a) luck and luck;

    b) only on himself;

    c) to “avoid meeting a black cat”;

    d) fate.

    Answer sheet

    Last name, first name Date

    Approval number

    Answer (letter)

    Results processing

    Use the key provided to find your result. To do this, you need to translate all the letters of the answer options indicated by you in accordance with the key into numbers and find their sum.

    Key to the test

    Interpretation of results and psychotechnical exercises

    11-17 points . You are an almost incurable, morbid pessimist. You need to do something with yourself!

    You hear inner voices all the time that convince you that life is boring, people are not worth paying attention to, etc. Even accepting a little important decision accompanied by a struggle of various inner voices that advise quite the opposite. One says, for example: “Don’t go for a walk today, it’s cold outside, you can catch a cold and get sick.” Another voice coaxes: “Go for a walk, fresh air is very good for health!”

    This dialogue can go on indefinitely, and as a rule, you succumb to the persuasion of the first voice and stay at home. Learn to make a more optimistic decision. Moreover, this must be done as quickly as possible, in the very first minutes of this internal dialogue. And if you have made a decision, then you need to act in accordance with it, for example, go for a walk on the street.

    18-24 points. Although from time to time you have some glimpses of optimism, pessimism most often takes over your mood. Try to look at the world more joyfully, do something pleasant for yourself.

    On a large sheet of paper, make a list of "My virtues" and place it in a conspicuous place. Regularly (at first once a day, then less often) supplement the list of your virtues. To do this, you need to carefully study yourself, your characteristics, inquisitively peer into your habits, actions.

    If you yourself cannot find another advantage in yourself, first contact the closest people, those whom you especially trust and whose opinion is significant to you. They will help you find your strengths. The same question can (and probably, after some time it is necessary) be asked to a variety of people. All that kind and good things that they will say about you, include in the list “My virtues”.

    25-30 points . You have a very sober look on the world, but you cannot completely give up pessimistic moods.

    At the first signs of a pessimistic mood, start praising yourself for every little thing: "I'm good, I'm very good." And so every time when it will be necessary.

    31-41 points. You have a clear, realistic outlook on life, usually in any situation you remain optimistic. You are an optimist from birth. And you are right! But this quality of yours to a certain extent prevents you from correcting your mistakes. It's a pity!

    Develop the habit of analyzing your optimism. What is happening, how do people around you feel, does your energy interfere with others, etc.? Ask yourself questions like this more often. And when you get two or three dozen answers, see which of the reasons are more common.

    Now the most important thing remains - to eliminate the reasons why your mood and optimism interfere with others. Try not to get into those situations that lead to possible conflicts.

    42-49 points . This is no longer optimism, but unbridled frivolity. You need to think about your attitude towards life.

    Try to enter the image, for example, of a phlegmatic, calm person who has seen everything, knows everything, and live in this image for several hours in a row. No matter how difficult it is for you, no matter what reasons and reasons arise, you cannot leave the image.

    React to what is happening the way your hero would react - a phlegmatic person. First, calmly think about what actually happened, collect additional information to make the necessary decision, postpone it for a while (suddenly something else happens), and only then act.

    A comment. The list of statements of this test is open for additions, especially those directly related to the life of the schoolchildren themselves. The very process of discussing the available statements and possible answers is a good diagnostic of the children's real attitude to the realities of modern life.

    During the discussion, it should be emphasized that today it is really difficult to remain optimistic, but only such an attitude to life will help to overcome the difficulties that almost every person experiences.

    Test "My creativity"

    Strive for the highest goal available to you and do not fight over trifles.

    G. Selye

    Man is by nature a creator who is in constant search for new ways to transform the world around him. But what is the creative potential of each of us?

    The proposed test will help answer this question. For each question of the test, you need to choose only one answer option and write down the corresponding letter on the answer sheet.


    1. Do you think that the world around you can be significantly improved?

    a) yes; 6) no; c) just a few things.

    2. Do you think that you yourself can participate in changing the world around you?

    a) yes; b) no; c) in some cases.

    3. Do you think that some of your ideas would accelerate progress in the area you are in?

    b) yes, but only under favorable circumstances;

    c) only to some extent.

    4. Do you think you will play like this in the future? important role that you can fundamentally change something?

    a) for sure; b) unlikely; c) maybe.

    5. When you decide to undertake something, do you think that you will carry out your undertaking?

    a) yes; b) no, c) yes, sometimes.

    6. Do you feel like doing something you absolutely don't know?

    b) the unknown does not interest me;

    c) It all depends on the nature of the case.

    7. You have to do something unfamiliar. Do you feel the desire to achieve perfection in it?

    b) be satisfied with what I managed to achieve;

    c) Yes, but only if I like it.

    8. If you like something you don't know, do you want to know everything about it?

    a) yes, of course;

    b) no, I want to learn only the most basic;

    c) No, I just want to satisfy my curiosity.

    9. When you fail, then your actions:

    a) I persist for some time, contrary to common sense;

    b) give up on this idea;

    c) keep doing it even when it becomes obvious that the obstacles are insurmountable.

    10. Based on what will you choose a profession?

    a) from their capabilities, prospects for themselves;

    b) from the necessity of the profession;

    c) of the benefits it will provide.

    11. When traveling, could you easily navigate the route that you have already traveled?

    c) yes, but only where I liked the area.

    12. Immediately after the conversation, can you remember everything that was said?

    a) yes, without difficulty;

    b) I can’t remember everything;

    c) I remember only what interests me.

    13. When you hear a word in an unfamiliar language, can you repeat it syllable by syllable without error, even without knowing its meaning?

    a) yes, almost without difficulty;

    b) yes, if the word is easy to remember;

    c) I can repeat, but not quite right.

    14. In free time you prefer:

    a) stay alone, think;

    b) to be in the company,

    c) to be alone or in the company - it makes no difference to me.

    15. You are doing something. You decide to stop this activity when:

    a) the job is finished and seems to me perfectly done;

    b) I am more or less satisfied with the result;

    c) the job is not over yet.

    16. When you are alone, your actions:

    a) I like to dream about abstract things;

    b) at any cost I try to find a specific occupation for myself;

    c) sometimes I like to dream, but about things that are connected with my studies.

    17. When an idea captures you, you think about it: a) no matter where and with whom I am;

    b) only when I am alone;

    c) only where it is not too noisy.

    18. When you defend an idea, your actions:

    a) I can refuse it if I listen convincing arguments opponents;

    b) I will remain with my opinion, regardless of the arguments of opponents;

    c) I will doubt the arguments of my opponents.

    Answer sheet

    Last name, first name Date

    Question number

    Question number

    Total points: _____________

    Results processing

    For each answer "a" you get 3 points; for the answer "b" - 1 point and for the answer "c" - 2 points.

    Interpretation of results

    23 points or less. Your creative potential, unfortunately, is small. But maybe you just underestimate yourself?

    You need to believe in your strengths and knowledge, in your abilities and talent. Believe that there are no non-talented people in the world. Each person has the makings of talent, it only needs to be discovered. In order for this to happen, look for your talent, start various businesses, try yourself in different areas of activity. And you will definitely find your talent, your place, yourself.

    From 24 to 28 points. You have a good creative potential, but there are also problems that hinder progress.

    If you want, you will succeed, only for this you need to understand yourself deeper, figure out what attracts you especially, find the area of ​​activity in which you can show your talent to the maximum. Ask yourself the question more often: “Is this my business?”

    29 points or more . You have significant creativity. If you can actually apply your abilities, you will achieve great success.

    You are lucky, because you already know what your talent is and where you can show your abilities. But you have a difficult task ahead of you - to preserve and develop what you have. Therefore, constantly improve your memory, acquire new knowledge, create and invent new things.

    Questionnaire for high school students

    Target: determine the state of interaction between teachers and senior students in the team, as well as the dynamics of its development.


    Respondents are asked to answer the following questions:

    1. Which adults should be invited on the hike?

    2. Who serves as a moral example for you:

    a) comrades;

    b) parents;

    c) teachers;

    d) heroes of books;

    e) outstanding athletes;

    f) members of youth ensembles;

    h) add _________________.

    3. In what areas of life are your students educational institution have real rights:

    a) in improving the educational process;

    b) in the organization of leisure;

    c) in control over the quality of knowledge;

    d) in encouragement;

    e) in the organization of educational work;

    g) Add _________________.

    4. Where you can most fully express your personality (where you are most interested, where you are appreciated, understood):

    a) in educational work;

    b) in the classroom;

    c) in the company of friends;

    d) in public work;

    e) in industrial training;

    f) in leisure activities;

    g) in the family;

    5. Who can you be honest with:

    a) with no one

    b) with the guys from our company;

    c) with the director of the educational institution;

    d) with group mates;

    e) with parents;

    f) with the head of the circle, section, club;

    g) with grandparents;

    h) with the class teacher;

    i) with an old acquaintance; j) with a loved one; k) with a teacher;

    l) Add _________________.

    6. What would you do if the teacher, in your opinion, unfairly offended you:

    a) keep silent

    b) I will answer with impudence;

    c) turn to parents for support;

    d) turn to comrades for support;

    e) calmly try to prove my case;

    e) complain to the administration;

    g) I will take revenge on occasion;

    h) contact the group leader;

    i) contact a teacher I trust;

    j) ask to put my question at the group meeting;

    l) add _________________.

    7. In what cases do teachers of an educational institution participate on equal terms with students?

    8. Add phrases:

    “I want to go to a technical school when...”; “I don’t want to go to a technical school when…”;

    “A model of moral attitude towards people in our technical school is...”;

    "The relationship between teachers and students in our technical school can be called ...".

    9. What systems of relations at school need to be improved:

    a) teacher - student;

    b) teachers - teachers;

    c) teachers - administration;

    d) teachers - parents;

    e) parents are students;

    f) students - students;

    g) administration - students.

    10. Who can you turn to in a difficult moment for help?

    11. What cases in an educational institution, in your opinion, can be resolved:

    a) one teacher;

    b) jointly by teachers and students;

    c) independently by students.

    12. The following relations prevail in the team of employees of our educational institution:

    a) hostile

    b) unfriendly;

    c) business;

    d) group;

    e) you - to me, I - to you;

    e) complex;

    g) all sorts;

    h) friendly;

    i) Add _________________.

    Psychological tests for the diagnosis of psychological readiness for school

      Kern-Jerasek test - a technique for diagnosing the level of readiness for schooling. A significant advantage of the test is its versatility (the use of verbal, graphic methods of research, focus on a wide range of social factors that affect the child).

      Test "Ability to study at school" G. Witzlak (1972) is intended to diagnose the psychological readiness for school in children aged 5-7 years.

      Method N.I. Gutkina "House "Designed to diagnose the formation fine motor skills in children.

      Methods A.L. Wenger's "Draw mouse tails" and "Draw umbrella handles" designed to diagnose the formation of fine motor skills in children.

      Technique "Riding on the track" It is designed to identify the level of development of the child's psychomotor skills.

      Methodology "Pattern and rule" (developed by A.L. Wenger) is aimed at identifying the ability to be guided by the system of the task condition, overcoming the distracting influence of extraneous factors. The results of its implementation also reflect the level of development of visual-figurative thinking.

      Methodology "Graphic dictation" D. B. Elkonina is aimed at identifying the ability to listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of an adult, correctly reproduce a given direction of lines on a sheet of paper, and independently act on the instructions of an adult.

      Method "Politeness" is designed to diagnose voluntary attention and memory in determining the readiness of children for school.

      Method "Labyrinth" is designed to identify the level of formation of visual-schematic thinking (the ability to use diagrams, conditional images when orienting in situations).

      Methodology "Explanation of plot pictures"

      Method "Sequence of events" designed to diagnose thinking.

      The method of interpreting proverbs proposed B.V. Zeigarnik is designed to diagnose thinking.

      Technique "Find the sound" serves to study the development of the speech sphere (checking phonemic hearing).


    Technique "Recognition of figures" designed to diagnose the features of perception.

    Method for determining short-term memory.

    Technique "Random Access Memory".

    Technique "Figurative memory".

    Method A.R. Luria "Memorizing 10 words" is designed to determine the state of memory, attention, fatigue.

    Technique "Reproduction of the story" is designed to determine the level of semantic memory, its volume, as well as the ability to memorize texts.

    Technique "Mediated memorization" (proposed by L.S. Vygotsky and A.R. Luria, developed by A.N. Leontiev) is intended to determine the features of mediated memorization, thinking.

    Method "Pictogram" is designed to study the features of mediated memorization and its productivity, as well as the nature of mental activity, the level of formation of conceptual thinking.

    Method "Correction test" (Bourdon test) designed to study the degree of concentration and stability of attention.

    Methodology "Schulte Tables" is designed to determine the stability of attention and the dynamics of performance.

    Gorbov's technique "Red-black table" designed to assess the switching and distribution of attention.

    Methodology for studying the level of attention (proposed by P.Ya. Galperin and S.L. Kabylitskaya) is aimed at studying the level of attention and self-control of schoolchildren in grades 3-5.
    Methodology "Intellectual lability" designed to diagnose attention switching.

    Methodology "Interpretation of proverbs" purpose for the study of the level of thinking.

    Technique "Simple analogies" allows you to identify the nature of logical connections and relationships between concepts in children older than 10 years.

    Technique "Complex analogies" designed to diagnose thinking.

    Methodology "Comparison of concepts" is aimed at the study of operations of comparison, analysis and synthesis in childhood and adolescence.

    Method "Isolation essential features" allows you to identify the features of thinking.


    Methods for determining the level of mental development of children 7-9 years old E.F. Zambiciavichene .

    verbal test G. Eysenka designed to evaluate intellectual abilities persons aged 18 to 50 years with education not lower than secondary.

    D. Wexler test designed to study mental development. There are currently three forms of Wechsler scales designed to different ages. It is believed that the test can be used to diagnose school readiness and assess the causes of underachievement. In our country, the Wexler test was adapted by A. Yu. Panasyuk (1973) and later published in an updated edition in St. Petersburg (Yu. I. Filimonenko, V. I. Timofeev, 1992).

    J. Raven test designed to study mental development."Raven's Progressive Matrices" - This is a non-verbal test developed by L. Penrose and J. Raven in 1936 in black and white and in 1949 in color. The black-and-white version of the test is designed to examine children from 8 years old and adults up to 65 years old. The test consists of 60 matrices or compositions with a missing element.

    Culturally-free intelligence test by R. Cattell is designed to measure the level of intellectual development, regardless of the influence of factors of the surrounding social environment.

    Group Intelligence Test (GIT) by J. Wanda. The test has been translated and adapted for the sample Russian schoolchildren in LPI (M. K. Akimova, E. M. Borisova et al., 1993). Designed to diagnose the mental development of students in grades 3-6. The test reveals how much the subject at the time of the examination has mastered the words and terms offered to him in the tasks, as well as the ability to perform certain logical actions with them - all this characterizes the level of mental development of the subject, which is essential for successful completion of the school course. GIT contains 7 subtests: instruction execution, arithmetic problems, addition of sentences, definition of similarities and differences of concepts, number series, analogies, symbols.

    School Test Mental Development (Shtur) developed by the team of K.M. Gurevich to diagnose the mental development of students in grades 7-9. The tasks of the STC include concepts that are subject to mandatory assimilation in the subjects of three cycles: mathematical, humanitarian and natural sciences.

    Intelligence structure test by R. Amthauer. It was created in 1953 (last revised in 1973). The test is designed to measure the level of intellectual development of persons aged 13 to 61 years. The test consists of nine subtests, each of which is aimed at measuring different functions of intelligence. Six subtests diagnose the verbal sphere, two - spatial imagination, one - memory. The test contains 9 subtests: awareness, classifications, analogies, generalizations, arithmetic problems, numerical series, spatial representations (2 subtests), memorization of verbal material.

    ASTUR (for Applicants and Senior Students Test of Mental Development). The test includes 8 subtests: 1. Awareness. 2. Double analogies. 3. Lability. 4. Classifications. 5. Generalization. 6. Logic circuits. 7. Number series. 8. Geometric shapes.


      Questionnaire for assessing the syndrome of mental burnout designed to diagnose the manifestations of the syndrome emotional burnout: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduction of personal achievements.

      Depression scale (according to T.I. Balashova, O.P. Eliseev) designed to diagnose the presence and severity of depression.

      Beck questionnaire designed to diagnose depression.

      Tsung Depression Scale .

      Test "Determination of a typical state" by E.E. Eidemiller, V.V. Yustitsky designed to measure professionally conditioned states: general dissatisfaction, neuropsychic stress, anxiety.

      Luscher color test designed to study the features emotional state. The essence of the testing procedure is the ranking of colors by the test subjects according to the degree of their subjective pleasantness (cuteness).

      Rosenzweig's pictorial frustration method is intended to study reactions to failure and ways out of situations that impede activity or satisfaction of the needs of the individual.

      Methodology for assessing psychological activation, interest, emotional tone, tension and comfort (according to N.A. Kurgansky and T.A. Nemchin)is designed to diagnose states of mental activation, interest, emotional tone, tension and comfort.

      Anxiety test C.D. Spielberger - Yu.L. Khanina . This test is a reliable and informative way to self-assess the level of anxiety at the moment - reactive anxiety and personal anxiety as a stable characteristic of a person.

      Taylor's Anxiety Measurement Method.

      Anxiety test according to V.M. Astapov designed to study the level of anxiety in preschoolers.

      Test school anxiety Phillips allows you to identify the nature and level of anxiety in schoolchildren.

      Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS) is designed to measure the level of personality alexithymia.

      The technique of emotional-color analogy (color painting) by A.N. Lutoshkin designed to study the characteristics of the emotional state of the subject.

      Methodology for diagnosing neuroticism (T. Tashev's questionnaire) is designed to determine the presence and degree of neurotic personality disorder and its type.

      Method for measuring the severity of the state of neuropsychic stress "(according to T.A. Nemchin) allows you to identify the level of neuropsychic stress.

      A method for identifying the severity of reduced mood - subdepression (according to V. Zung-T.N. Balashova).

      Drawing test by J. Book "House. Tree. Person" allows you to identify the degree of severity of insecurity, anxiety, self-distrust, feelings of inferiority, hostility, conflict, communication difficulties, depression.

      Fairy tale test. This technique is a type of projective test. The research procedure is as follows: a fairy tale is read to the child, and he must come up with its continuation. Depending on the answers of the child, it is possible to draw a conclusion about the features emotional experiences(first of all, anxiety, aggressiveness) and the sources that cause these experiences.

      SAN - a technique that allows you to clarify the characteristics of well-being, activity, mood.

      Color test of relationships (A. Etkind). This is a non-verbal compact diagnostic method that reflects both conscious and partially unconscious levels of human relationships. The methodological basis of this method is a color-associative experiment. During the experiment, the subject is asked to express his attitude towards the partner using color.

      Method "Cactus" M.A. Panfilova is designed to determine the state of the emotional sphere of a preschooler, the presence of aggressiveness, its direction, intensity.

      Methodology for diagnosing the level of emotional burnout V.V. Boyko, which allows you to establish the leading symptoms, phases of emotional burnout ("tension", "resistance" and "exhaustion").

      Methodology "Differential scales of emotions" (according to K. Izard) It is designed to identify dominant emotions that allow you to qualitatively describe the well-being of the subject.


      Sociometric game "Secret" (T.A. Repina) reveals the system of electoral preferences existing between children.

      Method "Captain of the ship" designed to diagnose the status of preschoolers and junior schoolchildren in a peer group.

      Methodology "Mosaic" - a natural experiment in which features are studied interpersonal relationships between children in a peer group, including: the degree of emotional involvement of the child in the actions of a peer; the nature of participation in the actions of a peer, the nature and degree of empathy with a peer, the nature and degree of manifestation of prosocial forms of behavior in a situation where the child faces a choice to act "in favor of another" or "in his own favor".

      Rene Gilles technique allows you to explore the social adaptability of the child, the scope of his interpersonal relationships and its features, the child's perception of family relationships.

      sociometric test is intended for diagnosing emotional connections, i.e. mutual sympathy between members of the group.

      Methodology for diagnosing interpersonal relations T. Leary is designed to study the style and structure of interpersonal relationships and their characteristics, as well as the study of the subject's ideas about himself, about his ideal self, attitude towards himself.

      Methodology for studying mutual relations "student-teacher" (according to Khanin-Stambulov).

      Methods of studying the psychological atmosphere in the group (scale-questionnaire F. Fiedler). The methodology is designed to study the characteristics of the psychological (emotional) atmosphere in the work team.

      Methodology for studying the psychological climate in the team of A.N. Lutoshkin.

      Test "Psychological climate circle" designed to diagnose the psychological climate, measured through the business and emotional component

      Methodology "Team management style" is designed to diagnose the style that the leader implements in managing the workforce (liberal, democratic or authoritarian).

      K. Thomas test is designed to determine the behavioral strategies of the subject in conflict situations.

      Methodology "Constructive quarrel" S.Kratohvil is aimed at determining the degree of constructiveness of the course of the conflict and its results (it is used in family psychology).

      Methodology "Studying the cohesion of the team" (indicators of value-oriented unity) R.S. Nemova allows to identify the level of cohesion and value-oriented unity of the team by determining the frequency of distribution of positive positive and negative characteristics of a phenomenon significant for the group

      Methodology "Analysis of family relationships" (DIA) E. Eidemiller, V. Yustitsky is designed to diagnose the characteristics of the relationship between parents and the child, the degree of satisfaction of his needs, the level and adequacy of the requirements applied

      Marriage satisfaction test questionnaire by V. Stolin, T.L. Romanova, T. Butenko. The purpose of the methodology is to determine the level of satisfaction - dissatisfaction of spouses with marriage.

      Methodology "Conflict in different spheres of family life". The methodology uses the predominant spread of conflicts in 8 areas family life, namely: a) problems of relations with relatives and friends; b) issues related to the upbringing of children; c) manifestation by spouses of the desire for autonomy; d) situations of violation of role expectations; e) situations of mismatch of norms of behavior; f) manifestation of dominance by spouses; g) manifestation of jealousy by spouses; h) differences in relation to money.

      Methodology "Distribution of roles in the family" is designed to determine the practice of distribution of roles that has developed in a young family.

      Methodology "Diagnostics of parental attitude" A.Ya.Varga and V.V. Stolin allows you to identify the features of the attitude of parents to the child, described in terms of the following five scales: 1) Acceptance - rejection of the child. 2) Cooperation. 3) Symbiosis. 4) Authoritarian hypersocialization. 5) "Little loser". This last scale shows how adults relate to the child's abilities, to his strengths and weaknesses, successes and failures. The parent sees the child as younger than their actual age. The child appears to be unadapted, unsuccessful, open to bad influences.

      Drawing test "Family drawing" (T. G. Homentauskas) allows you to identify the features of intra-family communication.


    Cattell's sixteen-factor personality questionnaire - allows you to get multifaceted information about personality traits, which are called constitutional factors. The factor is the depth personal characteristic, defining a group of stable behavioral manifestations, relatively independent of other characteristics of the same series. The questionnaire contains 187 questions that the subjects are asked to answer.

    G. Eysenck's personal questionnaire is designed to identify character traits that are called "extroversion", "introversion" and "neuroticism".

    Questionnaire Mini-mult (abbreviated version of the MMPI questionnaire) designed to study the following personality traits: hypochondria, depression, hysteria, psychopathy, paranoia, psychasthenia, schizoid, hypomania.

    Shmishek test questionnaire designed to diagnose the type of personality accentuation. Theoretical basis questionnaire is the concept of accentuated personalities by K. Leonhard.

    Bass Questionnaire - Darkie - designed to diagnose the type and level of aggressiveness, including: 1. Physical aggression - the use of physical force against another person. 2. Indirect - aggression, in a roundabout way directed at another person or not directed at anyone. 3. Irritation - readiness to display negative feelings at the slightest arousal (temper, rudeness). 4. Negativism - an oppositional manner in behavior from passive resistance to active struggle against established customs and laws. 5. Resentment - envy and hatred of others for real and fictional actions. 6. Suspicion - ranging from distrust and caution towards people to the belief that other people are planning and causing harm. 7. Verbal aggression - the expression of negative feelings both through the form (shout, screech) and through the content of verbal responses (curses, threats). 8. Guilt - expresses the subject's possible belief that he is a bad person that evil is doing, as well as the pangs of conscience he feels.

    "Q-sort" technique is designed to diagnose the subject about himself, as well as to determine the ideal I of the individual.

    Multilevel personal questionnaire "Adaptiveness" is designed to assess the adaptive capabilities of the individual, taking into account socio-psychological and some psycho-physiological characteristics, reflecting the generalized features of neuropsychic and social development.

    Keirsey test for the diagnosis of communicative personality traits.

    Questionnaire of the level of subjective control Rotter is designed to determine external or internal personality types.

    Methodology "Motivation for success" by T. Ehlers .
    Motivation for success and fear of failure (A.A. Rean's questionnaire). Methodology "Purpose-means-result" is designed to study the features of the structure of activity.
    Methodology for determining the orientation of the personality It is designed to evaluate priority areas for the individual by focusing on oneself, on communication or on business.
    Methodology for the study of empathic features of personality VV Boyko. Methodology for determining the self-esteem of a preschooler (V.G. Shchur).


      Giessen Somatic Complaints Inventory reveals the intensity of emotionally colored complaints about the state of physical health.

      Questionnaire Serdyuk to study self-assessment of the social significance of the disease.

      Kellerman-Plutchik Questionnaire designed to identify defense mechanisms.

      Sachs-Sydney's Unfinished Sentence Technique, modified for psychosomatic patients, is aimed at studying the following parameters: attitude towards mother, attitude towards father, attitude towards family, attitude towards women (men), attitude towards sexual life, attitude towards friends, attitude towards superiors, attitude towards subordinates, attitude towards workmates, fears and concerns, consciousness of guilt, attitude towards oneself, attitude towards the past, attitude towards the future, attitude towards illness, goals.

      Questionnaire Garbuzov to identify the dominant instinct.

      K. Machover's test "Draw a person" is designed to explore ideas about the past, present, future, the specifics of human relationships with others.

      Clinical Questionnaire to identify and evaluate neurotic conditions.

      Rorschach test is aimed at studying the personality characteristics of the subject during the associative test.

      Sodney test allows you to identify satisfied and unsatisfied needs of the subject.

      TAT - thematic test of apperception is designed to diagnose the aspirations, needs of the subject, the impacts exerted on him, conflicts that arise in relationships with others.

      Projective test "Image of yourself" It is designed to study the characteristics of the subject's perception of their physical parameters and self-image.


      Methodology for determining stress resistance and social adaptation of Holm and Ray

      Methodology for studying the level of social frustration L.I. Wasserman is aimed at studying the level of satisfaction with various factors of the social environment.

      The questionnaire of psychological difficulties is intended for express diagnostics of the level of experiencing one's own troubles in the sphere of interpersonal relations.

      A method for diagnosing the consistency of family values ​​and role settings in a married couple in both groups of A.N. Volkova. The method allows to determine: 1. Spouses' ideas about the importance of sexual relations in family life, personal community of husband and wife, parental responsibilities, professional interests of each of the spouses, household services, moral and emotional support, external attractiveness of partners. 2. Spouses' ideas about the desired distribution of roles between husband and wife in the implementation of family functions, united by a scale of role expectations and claims.

      Test "Level of satisfaction with life" by E. Golizek.

      The scale of loneliness D. Russell, L. Peplo, M. Ferguson is designed to study the level of a person's subjective feeling of his loneliness.

      Sensation seeking scale It is designed to study the level of needs for sensations of various kinds in relation to adolescents and adults.

      Methodology "Value Orientations" by M. Rokeach is based on a direct ranking of the list of values ​​and allows you to explore the individual rank of values. M. Rokeach distinguishes two classes of values: 1) terminal - beliefs that some ultimate goal of individual existence is worth striving for; 2) instrumental - beliefs that some mode of action or personality trait is preferable in any situation.


      Methodology "Motives for choosing a profession" is designed to determine which motives are leading when choosing a profession: internal individually significant or internal socially significant.

      D. Holland test is designed to diagnose the type of personality depending on abilities, desires, hobbies, interests.

      Differential-diagnostic questionnaire of E.A. Klimov "I prefer" aimed at determining the type of professional field of activity of the optant.

      Questionnaire for research cognitive sphere personality in the context of professional orientation.

      Determination of inclinations according to the method of L.A. Yovaishi.
