Choosing only one or several directions from this list, and in-depth study of them, will not make you an IT specialist, but at the same time you will become a good programmer or computer assembly engineer. An IT specialist covers the basics from all these areas, and knows how to properly apply this knowledge in practice, when setting up a particular program, or the work of an entire enterprise.

Let's give an example. A private medical clinic needs an IT specialist. The list of his duties includes:

  1. Moderation of the site, which will provide all information about the work of this enterprise (a list of working specialists, the name of services and their detailed description, a price list, certificates and licenses, feedback, addresses and phone numbers, the ability to sign up for an online consultation).
  2. Setting up and maintaining the operation of the accompanying software, on which the work of the clinic administration depends.
  3. Maintenance of the work of all computer equipment of the enterprise.
  4. Determination of malfunctions.

These are far from all the functions of an IT specialist at an enterprise. Additionally, he may be asked to format information carriers, create a banner or business cards in a graphic editor, and sometimes even prove himself in Internet marketing.

In short, an IT specialist is a versatile worker whose work is highly valued and well paid.

IT education by correspondence

Distance-learning vocational education in the specialty of information technology is as realistic to obtain as in any other direction. But there are a number of specific differences, as in the case of receiving correspondence-distance education in this specialty:

  1. Most teaching material you will have to master it on your own, which can be quite difficult for some students.
  2. Practice is the basis of this profession, because all the knowledge gained is necessary precisely for their implementation. Without certain computer skills, mastering practical activities will be difficult.
  3. Information Technology are being improved every day, and you need to be aware of all the updates. For further demand in the labor market, you must have the most relevant skills.
  4. It is advisable to communicate with people already working in this area, since the exchange of experience is one of the most important elements of self-education in this area.

In order to become a qualified IT specialist, you need to invest a lot of work in the development of the field of information technology. To make the education process easier, it is worth pointing out some of the undoubted advantages of this profession:

  • relevance and relevance;
  • high profit payment;
  • relatively free work schedule;
  • combination with other activities;
  • there is still low competition in employment.

Among other things, a competent IT specialist can make good money without being an employee of a particular organization.

Where can I get IT education by correspondence in Moscow

A certain distinction of this profession is that an IT specialist does not even always need a diploma of higher education. Many young people who are fond of computers, without noticing it, master many different information disciplines, which allows them to engage in IT activities at a professional level.

Nevertheless, many serious organizations require a document on higher or secondary vocational education, in view of the fact that having a diploma increases the competitiveness of an IT specialist, if there is a competition for one job. That is why getting such a profession in absentia is a very popular phenomenon.

Many universities and colleges of correspondence education offer to master the IT specialty on a part-time basis. In Moscow, such an opportunity is provided by the following educational institutions:

  1. Russian Academy of National Economy and State Service under the President of the Russian Federation (RANEPA):
  • IT manager, project manager, business analyst;
  • e-Bussines;
  • Information Security;
  • e-Govemment.
  1. Moscow Aviation Institute (State Technical University) (MAI (GTU)):
  • Applied Informatics;
  • information systems and technologies;
  • management and informatics in technical systems.
  1. Moscow State Technical University N.E.Bauman (Moscow State Technical University named after N.E.Bauman):
  • Information Systems;
  • applied computer science and mathematics;
  • software and administration of information systems;
  • high technology management;
  • robots and robotic systems;
  • information and measuring equipment and technologies;
  • informatics and computer technology;
  • software for computer technology and automated systems;
  • automated programming systems;
  • automated information processing and control systems;
  • computers, complexes, systems and networks;
  • computer security;
  • comprehensive information security and automated systems support;
  • countering technical intelligence;
  • Applied math;
  • information systems and technologies.

Due to its versatility, this profession allows you to master the material at the university, and at the same time develop practical skills, working in the information sphere.

Being an IT specialist today is not only honorable, but also profitable!
The quality of education received by specialists is directly related to the level of development and literacy in the use of information technologies.

To obtain an education, it is necessary not only to transfer knowledge; it is also necessary to transfer skills and abilities, and this should be done systematically. Those who transfer knowledge, skills and abilities should be literate people in all respects.

The higher education system is not the only one, but at the moment it is officially the dominant basic part of the Russian system for training the young generation of high-class IT specialists. More than 270 universities work in Russia with IT. Today, an IT specialist is a fairly popular profession. The main direction in the IT market is "Programming, Development". Also quite popular directions - "Project Management", "Engineers", "System Integration" and "Support, Helpdesk".

What universities and institutes train professional IT specialists?

Based on the analysis of the largest SuperJob database and the current ratings of Russian universities, including those prepared annually by RA Expert, a rating was drawn up among universities that produce more demanded and highly paid IT specialists¹. According to the site, there are 33 Russian universities that train IT specialists:

  • Moscow State University - Moscow State University them. M.V. Lomonosov
  • MEPhI - National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"
  • MIPT - Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)
  • NSU - Novosibirsk State University
  • MSTU them. Bauman - Moscow State Technical University. N.E.Bauman
  • MIEM - Moscow state institute Electronics and Mathematics "MIEM" (Technical University)
  • NSTU - Novosibirsk State Technical University
  • NNSU - Nizhny Novgorod State University named after I.I. Lobachevsky (national research university)
  • SPbSU - Saint Petersburg State University
  • UrFU - Uralsky federal university them. the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin
  • SSTU - Saratov State Technical University
  • USATU - Ufa State Aviation Technical University
  • KFU - Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
  • MAI - National Research University Moscow Aviation Institute
  • MIET - National Research University Moscow Institute of Electronic Technology
  • NSTU - Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University named after R.E. Alekseeva
  • MPEI - National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute
  • OSU - Orenburg State University
  • PSU - Penza State University
  • VolgSTU - Volgograd State Technical University
  • SPbSPU - Saint Petersburg State Polytechnic University
  • TulSU - Tula State University
  • ISTU - Izhevsk State Technical University
  • VlSU - Vladimir State University. A.G. and N.G. Stoletovs
  • MSTU MIREA - Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation
  • RGRTU - Ryazan State Radio Engineering University
  • KNITU them. Tupolev - Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev
  • SPbGETU "LETI" - St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" V.I.Ulyanova (Lenin)
  • VSTU - Voronezh State Technical University
  • MGUPI - Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics
  • MIIT - Moscow State Transport University
  • SPbGUAP - Saint Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation
  • SPbSU ITMO - Saint Petersburg State University of Information Technologies

These universities train specialists in the following specialties:

  • Information Systems.
  • Information Technology.
  • Modeling and research of operations in organizational and technical systems.
  • Applied math.
  • Applied Informatics.
  • Computer security.
  • Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks.
  • Automated information processing and control systems.
  • Computer-aided design systems.
  • Computer hardware and automated systems software.
  • Organization and technology of information protection.
  • Comprehensive protection of objects of informatization.
  • Comprehensive information security support for automated systems.
  • Information security of telecommunication systems.

The table shows the salary data of IT specialists employed in the specialty:

A qualified IT specialist is now worth its weight in gold.

¹ SuperJob Portal

Kovalchuk Tatiana
Recruiting company AVICONN
Recruitment Consultant

An IT specialist is one of the most demanded professions of our time. What do you need to know and be able to do to master such a profession? Where can you get this profession? What "inconveniences" do IT professionals face? Let's try to figure it out.

In the twenty-first century, information decides everything, and already, practically, no industry operates without the use of information technology. Hence, a high demand constantly arises, both for the development and implementation of special programs for operating and newly opened enterprises, and for specialists in this field.

That is why an IT specialist is one of the most demanded professions of our time. What do you need to know and be able to do to master such a profession? Where can you get this profession? What "inconveniences" do they face? IT Professionals? Let's try to figure it out.

What is an IT specialist?

Scientists began to develop information technologies back in the middle of the twentieth century, when the need arose to automate the processing, systematization and storage of information, since classical sources (library, periodicals) could no longer cope with this task in full.

By the way, at the present time, librarianship also does not do without the use of technical support: the network is expanding electronic libraries, ancient manuscripts and archives are entered into electronic filing cabinets and duplicated in digital form. This makes rare editions more accessible to the general public, while access to the original sources remains very limited.

The first computers (electronic computers), which appeared in the late sixties of the last century, have already sunk into the past. This technique recorded information on punched tapes, long strips of dotted paper. But such information also needed to be stored somehow. Since the beginning of the 60s, mankind began to actively use magnetic records, cellular communications, and by the end of the 90s, hard disks appeared that record information in the language of numbers. To process information, it took people who can create commands (programs) for machines, as well as specialists who create artificial intelligence.

This is how a whole family of professions appeared, which are united by one name: programmer, systems analyst, system architect, system administration specialist, information systems specialist, information security specialist, PC operator, information technology manager, database administrator, web master, etc. .d.

Today, information technologies are widely used for communication, in the field of management, banking, on their basis educational programs are developed and implemented, geo-prospecting and resource extraction, high technologies are necessary in modern industry, medicine, and security. The areas of application of information technologies in various industries are gradually expanding, and this directly indicates the constant and increasing need for the services of IT specialists, which means we can safely say that this is profession of the future.

What personal qualities should an IT specialist have?

To become a sought-after IT specialist, you must first of all have a high a basic level of training in disciplines such as mathematics and English. This requirement is due to the fact that all computer programs are written in the language of numbers, while international language, English.

Also, a future IT specialist must:

  • have a good memory;
  • be able to find a logical relationship;
  • show non-standard approaches to solving various problems;
  • be assiduous and attentive;
  • have a tendency to self-organize;
  • be able to work in a team;
  • take the initiative.

We emphasize that the listed requirements are only the "Minimum" program.

To realize yourself in one of the specialized areas of information technology, certain creative abilities are often required: artistic taste, creativity, passion for the field of activity for which the program is being developed.

Advantages of the profession of an IT specialist

It is believed that every job should have at least three benefits, which are the incentive to do it. The profession of an IT specialist has the following advantages:

  • Each person strives to keep up with the times, engaging in self-development, improving education, expanding horizons. But for this, most often, it is required to specially allocate free time from work. An IT specialist has the opportunity to improve his intellectual level on the job, since this is also his direct responsibility.
  • Since the labor activities of an IT specialist is intellectual, then, thanks to the same technologies, he can carry out it, being at a great distance from the direct place of work (that is, remotely).
  • It should be noted that the profession is in demand and the level of salaries is quite high (both in private business and in the state system). According to statistics, this profession is marked by an annual increase in wages of 10-16%, which is often paid in dollar terms.

In addition, the still persisting shortage of personnel in the field of IT technologies makes it easy to solve problems with employment, while for specialists in other professions, finding free vacancies is associated with great difficulties. This trend will continue for a long time, because the training of specialists in the field of technology provision is still noticeably lagging behind the growing demand for their services.

Disadvantages of the profession of an IT specialist

It's no secret that even the smartest machines sometimes fail and require the intervention of a person who is able to adjust their work - an IT specialist. Well, since the machines have not yet learned how to determine whether it is working time or a day off, they break down at any time of the day. This means that such a profession is most often associated with irregular working hours, which, of course, often violates personal plans.

TO the disadvantages of the profession of an IT specialist also can be attributed to constant and high mental stress, which negatively affects emotional state and normal functions nervous system... Therefore, when choosing a profession, a person should be able to properly organize the work and rest schedule, despite the irregular schedule.

Do not forget about the negative impact of professional activity on health: constant and very high visual loads require careful attention to the organs of vision, and a "sedentary" lifestyle often leads to problems with excess weight and musculoskeletal system.

Where can you get the profession of an IT specialist?

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The best higher educational institution, the "forge of personnel" in the field of information technology is considered the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, which has two branches. The diploma of this educational institution is recognized all over the world, and the profession of an IT specialist in it can be obtained in fifteen programs.

The IT direction is very popular today all over the world. It is not so easy to understand the diversity of educational institutions that provide specialized education. We decided to choose the best universities operating not only in St. Petersburg, Moscow or the regions, but all over the world.

IT education abroad

Leading in many international rankings Massachusetts Institute of Technology... 92% of its graduates either continue their doctoral studies or work in their specialty. Suffice it to say that this institute holds an amazing record - 81 people from among those who worked or studied in Massachusetts are Nobel laureates.

If you are depressed by its location (not everyone will like Boston), then choose Stanford University located in sunny California. It offers quality education, and its location next to the famous "Golden Valley" will allow you not to worry too much about employment. By the way, such bison of the IT industry as Google creators Larry Page and Sergey Brin graduated from this university. Nineteen living billionaires are Stanford alumni. Not a bad motivation, isn't it?

Carnegie Mellon University not as well known in Russia as in the West. But it consistently ranks in the top 5 best IT universities. And that says a lot. Located in a cozy and quiet Pennsylvania, it will allow you to concentrate on your studies, as well as go to the small Pennsylvania town of Punxsutawney, where the world famous Groundhog Day is celebrated on February 2 every year.

There are other interesting options as well. Loses a little to neighboring Stanford University of California, but still considered one of the best in the world. Widely known Harvard and Oxford, Cambridge and Priston- these are generally win-win options, in whatever areas you would like to study there. But if you do not like the Anglo-Saxon environment and you are, for example, a Francophon, come to study in Zurich. Switzerland is famous not only for its amazing cheeses and a developed banking system, but also for the Federal Institute of Technology. At one time it was fashionable to send your children there to study among the Moscow elite. Finally, if you are sick of Europe and want to get quality knowledge in a non-trivial place, then go to the South-East. Singapore National University often hits the ratings the best universities the world.

IT education in St. Petersburg

Studying abroad is good, but too expensive for the wallet. However, a quality education can be obtained without leaving your hometown. Fortunately, there are no problems with technical universities in St. Petersburg.

SPbPU "Polytech"(or, more officially, the Peter the Great Polytechnic University) in last years carried out a whole series of repairs, seriously updated the material base and entered a new era, consistently occupying a place in the top ten of the best technical universities in Russia. The Electronics and Telecommunications Division is one of the best places in the country for higher education in the field of IT. Still - after all, it works here nobel laureate Zhores Alferov.

ITMO- in recent years, this university has taken its place among the leading institutions of the city. The scientific priorities of the institute are information and photonic technologies. And among the pluses is an amazing technical base. This is one of the few St. Petersburg institutes that appears from time to time in international rankings of higher education institutions.

SPbSU- the main St. Petersburg university offers many specialties for applicants. The Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Management Processes was founded in the 60s of the last century and combines the tradition of quality education with innovative developments. The only negative (though very relative) is that you will have to go to study in Old Peterhof.

SPbGETU "LETI" - at the end of the 19th century, the institute was the first electrotechnical university in Europe. Now, of course, the times are not the same, we have to withstand serious competition, but LETI copes with this. The Faculty of Computer Technology and the Faculty of Electronics are two powerful educational centers where every student will be happy to study, study and study again, following the precepts of the leaders.

SPbSUT- St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications named after Professor M. A. Bonch-Bruevich. In the early 2010s, he underwent a major renovation, which allowed raising the quality of education to a new level. It is interesting that the Faculty of Information Systems and Technologies is a partner of Cisco and actively implements its developments in studying proccess... It will be of interest to those citizens who live on the right bank of the Neva, the institute is located near the metro station "Ulitsa Dybenko".

IT education in other cities of Russia

If St. Petersburg universities do not suit you with something, and non-poor relatives live in Moscow, or there is an opportunity to rent an apartment or live in a hostel, then take a closer look at Moscow higher educational institutions. There is plenty to choose from, but get ready for a high competition and no less high cost learning. There are interesting options in other Russian cities as well.

Lomonosov Moscow State University- one of the best universities in the country for a variety of criteria. It is not surprising that IT specialists are trained here at a high level. True, the CMC faculty, "sharpened" under technical education, places great emphasis on scientific and theoretical training- for some it is a minus, but for someone a plus. The competition is quite large - five or six people per seat, there are budget places, but at the same time, an additional exam must be passed at Moscow State University - one exam will not be enough here.

Bauman Moscow State Technical University Is one of the most famous technical universities in the country. The Faculty of Informatics, as well as the Faculty of Robotics and Integrated Automation are in constant demand. However, other faculties also pay maximum attention to technical training. With the education received in "Baumanka", you can not worry about employment especially.

MIPT Is another very strong university with several faculties suitable for young people with a technical mindset. The faculties of radio engineering and cybernetics, management and applied mathematics, and a relatively new one - innovation and high technology - provide an opportunity to get a quality education. At the same time, the competition is not so high - just a little more than two people per seat.

MEPhI- one of the most difficult institutions in Russia for admission, working in the direction of IT. The competition here in some years reaches 16 people per seat! However, this does not mean that it is completely unrealistic to enter here. The Faculty of Business Informatics provides many opportunities for smart and resourceful students.

HSEgraduate School economics is an established brand of quality education. And not only for economic specialty... The Faculty of Business Informatics here is focused more on obtaining practical rather than theoretical knowledge. V modern world- that's exactly what the doctor ordered.

Also noteworthy are some regional universities. They are interesting primarily for the lower cost of education and, in general, for life. Take a closer look at Kazan, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Nizhny Novgorod universities. So, for example, Novosibirsk University occupies one of the leading places in salary among IT specialists and competes in this indicator with Moscow MEPhI and MIPT.

Hacker magazine articles alone will not get you far. This I tell you for sure. If you want to become a real IT specialist, you need to study and be sure to get fundamental knowledge about the subject. Fortunately, there are more opportunities for this today than ever. Not only are there many textbooks available on the Web for free, but completely new, progressive ways of learning are rapidly developing. And this especially concerns our - IT's - specialty.

The purpose of this material is to show how easy it is today to learn on your own. To quickly master new technologies and programming languages. At the same time, it is not strained to do it and get real pleasure from learning. I do not claim to be complete, and this article, of course, is not a collection of all projects that can help you in self-education. But I tried to collect some especially interesting services that were of interest to me personally. I am sure they will be useful to you too.

Learning English

I am taking a serious risk starting this material with the words "English". Many people have difficulties with it, and the irony is that the more serious the problem, the more people resist studying it, coming up with excuses and excuses. Be that as it may, I can tell you with full confidence: a truly successful IT specialist, if he can do without English, then he misses many interesting opportunities. Most reputable conferences are held in English. In the largest communities of specialists, English is adopted. Famous scientists blog and write articles on English language... English is spoken in Silicon Valley. And programmers from India speak on it, of whom there are so many that you will not be able to hide from them with all your desire :). In short, language learning should be added to your personal to-do list as a priority. To tell you the truth, the vast majority of the resources, which I will talk about further, require at least a minimal knowledge of English. The reason is simple: they don't do anything like that in Russian (I'm sure only for now). However, for the first project from our review, a foreign one is just not needed - on the contrary, it is aimed at quickly pumping your knowledge of InYaz. And it was made in Russia :).


There is a simple rule: in order to better and more confidently pull up on the horizontal bar, you need to pull up on the horizontal bar more and more often. Just work harder. The same is with English: in order to understand English speech well by ear, without listening attentively to every word in an attempt to make out at least something, you need to listen to this very speech more. You can start by watching a series, connecting the original subtitles for confidence, but ... compared to what the LinguaLeo service represents, this is the last century. Its database has already collected a huge number of TV series, all kinds of films, recordings of various seminars and speeches (for example, thematic mini-talks with, lectures from Western universities (including foreign language) etc. All of this is broken down into categories by topic, difficulty and user rating. But the main thing is how exactly the service allows this content to be consumed. A complete transcript of the speech is displayed next to the video, so you can always read a fragment that you cannot understand by ear. Meet an unknown word? One click - and LinguaLeo immediately shows the translation and enters this word into your personal dictionary, so that you can remember it and start using it in the right context with the help of a variety of exercises. No more poking around with subtitles and dictionaries - you just watch interesting content for yourself and quickly deal with incomprehensible places. For myself, I do not see a better way, firstly, to replenish vocabulary and secondly, get used to English speech... To "work out" those words that are simply found on the Internet, I have long ago installed a special browser add-on for myself that implements integration with the service.

Online Universities

There are many people who want to argue about whether an IT specialist needs higher education... Those who say that fundamental knowledge is urgently needed are right. But one can also agree with those who argue that you can learn everything on your own - there would be a desire. The latter became even easier after leading Western universities with off-scale tuition fees began not only uploading videos of their lectures (for example, in iTunes), but also generally shaping the culture of teaching university subjects online. Now I would like to note similar initiatives on the part of Russian universities, but there is nothing to say so far.

Training courses from Stanford

Stanford University, located in California, is known all over the world. In fact, it is the forge of human resources for Silicon Valley technology companies, many of which are located in Palo Alto - in the same city as the university itself. Getting to Stanford is a dream come true for many young people looking to pursue careers in IT. The more you read about Stanford, the more you rejoice in the fact that the university launched a project of free online courses in the fall. Initially, everyone was offered to take three courses: "Machine Learning" (, "Artificial Intelligence" (, "Introduction to Databases" ( Each of the courses consists of lectures, verification work and the final exam. In case of successful completion of the training, the student receives a certificate in the form of a PDF file, certified by the digital signature of the teacher. The experiment was a success, with Stanford announcing a dozen new courses at the start of the year, including:

  • Information security (;
  • Algorithm design and analysis (;
  • Game theory (;
  • Computer Science (;
  • Cryptography (

In addition to the direct IT subjects, there are a couple of courses on entrepreneurship (in the field of high technology). I have so far managed to take a course on machine learning and have had great pleasure. The course is structured in such a way as to be understandable to almost everyone, although, of course, knowledge in the field of discrete mathematics and mathematical analysis will be very useful here. I must say that the video of any of the courses is accompanied by subtitles in case something is difficult to make out by ear. As a rule, the language is very simple, so everything is clear even with an intermediate level of English.

MITx from Massachusetts Institute of Technology

You've probably heard about MIT, an equally well-known Western university. He also followed in the footsteps of Stanford and at the beginning of the year announced the development of MITx, a technology platform for online education. And now, in February, information appeared about the first course, which will be held with the help of this system - "6.002x: Circuitry and Electronics". The training will begin in the spring and will require approximately ten hours per week. The subject is not easy, therefore only students with the necessary knowledge of electricity, magnetism and differential calculus are allowed. Among the three teachers is Professor Gerald Sussman, who created the Scheme language and is the author of one of the most best textbooks on programming - "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs". In the near future, the appearance of other items is promised. I am sure that the same is in the teeth and Russian educational institutions who simply have to keep up.

Try the technology!

Interactive tutorials that allow you to quickly feel the new technology appear like mushrooms after a rain. Below I give a few more similar projects that were not included in today's review, but will be very useful if you want, for example, to get acquainted with the emerging functional programming languages ​​or newfangled NoSQL databases.


However, English courses - although necessary, but still a step to the side. The main thing that I want to talk about today is services that allow you to learn a very specific programming language. A pattern is very noticeable here: the more actively a language develops and gains popularity, the more tools appear for its study. For example, I took a few particularly trendy programming languages: Python, Ruby (plus Ruby on Rails) and, of course, JavaScript (HTML5). Let's start with the latter. No modern web application today is complete without a shock dose of JS code that fully implements user interaction. Special geeks manage to implement absolutely impossible things in JavaScript: take at least a virtual machine project on which Linux is quite successfully launched ( But we will not consider this case :).


Simple question: what's the most proven way to learn new language programming? Take a smart book and start reading it. This approach will never become obsolete. It was like that twenty years ago, and it is so now. However, it is difficult to imagine that by the 21st century no more progressive teaching methods have been invented, especially teaching programming. Codecademy is a startup that positions itself as a developer school. In seventy-two hours after its opening, it gathered more than two hundred thousand (think about the number!) Novice programmers, inviting them to take an interactive JavaScript course.

The secret of success lies in the elegance of the learning process. Using a special interface, students immediately begin to learn about the basic features of the language and its syntax, and, most importantly, they are offered to immediately test the knowledge in action by typing the code in a special console. All this happens in the browser, without having to install anything on your computer. Step by step, you can quickly figure out what's what and understand all the basic principles of JavaScript. To further encourage students to learn, awards are given as they progress through the course.

The project has received funding quickly and promises significant replenishment very soon training courses... A system for creating your own courses on the ready-made Codecademy platform is already available.

Learn jQuery in thirty days

The jQuery library has gradually become an integral part of JavaScript, making it easier to work with an HTML document, handle events, create animations, and implement AJAX. In fact, jQuery has changed the way we do JavaScript programming a lot. Dealing with the library is, in principle, not difficult. But to make it even more painless, Nettuts +, known for its quality tutorial articles, has created a dedicated course. The course is divided into thirty screencast lessons of fifteen minutes each, which allows you to gradually adopt the library day after day. Whatever one may say, but fifteen minutes can always be found. And the training format is very pleasant: for me personally, there is nothing more understandable than a direct demonstration of coding with comments along the way. For those who are just starting to learn JS, there is also a video course by the same author (

First flight to jQuery

If you ask who is filming screencasts of reference quality, then the winners will definitely be the online coding school.<>de school. This is very professional project, offering both paid and free courses for specialists of various levels. The course "jQuery Air: First Flight" has been paid for a long time, but recently it has been open to everyone. It consists of five levels, each of which includes an educational screencast and interactive programming exercises, implemented right in the browser. For completing tasks, points are awarded (for example, 350 for a solved problem). If there is a difficulty somewhere, you can ask for a hint, but in this case you cannot avoid penalty points. At the first level, it is proposed to go through the basics of JavaScript, at the second - selectors, at the third - CSS attributes, at the fourth - manipulating HTML elements and the DOM, at the fifth - working with events. To complete the course, you need to complete fifty-five simple and not so exercises.

Ruby and Ruby on Rails

If you read in the last issue of the interview with Alena Vladimirskaya, who is rightfully considered the leading headhunter of the Runet, then you already know how popular Ruby on Rails programmers are now. Everyone is chasing after competent specialists who are ready to quickly raise growing web projects. And the more demand grows, the more salaries become. If you have programming experience and want to retrain for a more in-demand direction, then Ruby in conjunction with Ruby on Rails is definitely a very good option. And now you can learn it pretty quickly. However, knowledge of the language will come in handy even if you are not going to work as a professional developer. Ruby is also popular among information security experts: for example, the well-known hacker framework Metasploit (including all of its modules) is written in Ruby.


The project is an interactive book of fifty exercises to quickly walk you through the basics of Ruby. They say to you: "An array of elements is created like this - try it." And you try. Then something else is explained - you again immediately check it in action. As soon as you have enough knowledge, you are offered more complex exercises. The check of completed tasks is absolutely amazing (the solution code, of course, must be typed directly in the browser, and the editor even supports syntax highlighting). For each exercise, control points are set, by which the correctness of the solution is checked. Thus, at any time you can understand what exactly the interactive system does not like, what the result should be, and where the error was hidden in your solution.

try ruby

If you had a little bit of programming experience, then this interactive tutorial will allow you to walk through the basic concepts of the Ruby language in just fifteen minutes and understand what's what. However, even if you have never dealt with programming at all, try ruby ​​will be too tough for you. However, in this case, the training will probably take a little longer. In total, you need to complete eight lessons and cope with more than fifty tasks. The project got even better after being taken under its wing by the aforementioned school c<>de school. Now she is practically the perfect tutor.

The Intro to Rails Screencast I Wish I Had

As already noted, the Ruby language is clearly associated with the most popular framework for building web applications, Ruby on Rails. The latter helped take off more than one Silicon Valley start-up, including Twitter. Jeffrey Way, editor-in-chief of, has recorded a killer screencast with the telling title "A Screencast for Dummies in Rails I Would Like to Start Myself with." This 40-minute video shows you how to use Rails in the most intelligible form. After that, the words “Models”, “TDD”, “ActiveRecord”, “RSpec”, “Capybara”, “Partials” will no longer scare you. This is not the only screencast for beginners: there are many video tutorials for programmers themselves different levels can be found on another profile project -

Rails for Zombies

After (and only after!) You have the necessary knowledge of Rails and some experience in creating web applications, you should definitely take the free course "Rails for Zombies" from the same school c<>de school. Lessons recorded at a consistently high level, spiced with a healthy dose of humor, are accompanied by exercises drawn from situations that programmers encounter on the "rails" every day. If this course is not enough for you, then the authors have a sequel to "Rails for Zombies 2", but you can take it only for money.


Python is one of the most popular programming languages ​​among information security professionals. A huge number of plug-in libraries allow you to quickly write complex scripts and helper applications. Many pros generally consider Python to be the ideal tool for prototyping complex information systems as quickly as possible. However, the matter is often not limited to the prototype: there are many projects, the code of which is written in Python, and which can withstand huge loads. You can even learn this language just for yourself: I have had a situation dozens of times when it was necessary to optimize something, and each time knowledge of the language turned out to be very useful.

Moreover, Python is often embedded in many serious applications as scripting language to have rich scripting capabilities.

Try Python!

The best way to get started quickly is to try the online Python tutorial. In terms of interactivity, the service loses much to similar projects for JS and Ruby, but, nevertheless, it allows you to complete a basic training course directly in the browser. You don't even need to install an interpreter on your computer. This is very convenient: any given example can be immediately tried in action. However, this is where the interactivity ends: Try Python does not check your code in any way, does not monitor the correctness of actions, and does not offer tasks to test your knowledge. The entire course consists of seven parts (five in Python and two in IronPython). It's funny that the service itself is written in Silverlight.

Online Python Tutor

The funny service was developed as part of a programming course at the famous American forge of programmers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Its idea is to visualize the execution of scripts written in Python, allowing you to step through them (back and forth) and at each step view the values ​​of different data structures (variables, objects in the heap, stack frames). This can be arbitrary code typed right in the browser, or one of several pre-made snippets taken from the MIT Python curriculum. It's funny that there are several tasks that are offered to applicants for the position of programmers. With solutions. The service could be called an online debugger, but it can no longer be used to execute complex scripts due to the lack of the ability to connect modules, perform I / O operations, and so on.

Python lessons from Google

Google has long been renowned for its heavy use of Python. The company even has a special course designed for people who still have little experience in programming (of course, they do not work as developers). This course is now completely open and free. It includes step-by-step manuals, video lectures, as well as many exercises for training and consolidation of materials. The first lessons deal with basic concepts in Python (such as strings and lists), then the development of full-fledged applications that work with files, processes and HTTP connections is sequentially covered. I must say that in Google this course is an intensive scenario and fits in two days.

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