I chose the technical school right away. A high reputation and a large number of stellar graduates speak for themselves. Studying is very interesting and prestigious, the technical school has an excellent composition of social partners and employers. I plan to continue studying further in my specialty at the University, with which TSiT №29 cooperates. I will study in the evening. I have been working in my specialty since the second year. I am very glad, I studied at TSiT №29!

I graduated from college in 2014 and I can confidently declare that the level of preparation here is at the highest level! An excellent option for those who do not want to waste time in vain, but want to get high-quality knowledge. The college employs kind and understanding teachers who have found an approach even to me. Thank you for the great time and excellent preparation, my dear and beloved college!

For those who have an internal dilemma about entering this place, and for those who are trying to survive in it ...

Disclaimer: The perception of each person is subjective. One, looking into a puddle, sees dirt in it, and the other - stars reflected in it.

I give Luzhe KMPO 2 stars out of 10 - for the received crusts about secondary special education and life experience.

The furnishings are overwhelming since appearance a six-story building and steps leading into it with chipped tiles.
It is better to enter the gate to the right, with a barrier - there is less smoke from cigarettes.
The rooms were cleaned of poor quality, trash bins were rarely cleaned, smoke of dust flew like tumbleweeds, desks and floors were dirty. Half of the toilets were locked, the rest were often dirty even in the morning, there was no soap, toilet paper was a luxury, the dryers could hardly breathe, you should not touch the doors of the booths - they were always smeared with snot (it is better to use the toilet on the 2nd floor). On the 4th floor, there was a crack in the wall, extending from the floor to the ceiling, it seemed that that circus was about to split into pieces. There were wooden benches in the corridors, there were always not enough of them (there is an option to sit in the library, there are several semi-soft ottomans), Wi-Fi was available, I could not catch it everywhere. On the 6th floor there was an office where students were allowed to print for free with their paper.
In winter, the staff smoked on the ground floor by the emergency exit under the stairs in the right wing. It was cold in places in the corridors and in some offices, the batteries were working partially (warm clothes and a thermos for help). The windows in the corridors did not open; some were broken. There were elevators prohibited for use by students. There were cockroaches.
On the whole, the contingent of students is pet-school, teenagers who dropped out of school after the 9th grade. Sometimes students from the academy dropped by.
There are few adequate staff, a pleasant woman worked in the dining room. It is better not to meddle in the first-aid post, not to mess with the guards.
Big break from 12:10 to 12:50. Because of the queues and hungry tension of teenagers, it is better to run to a small dining room (there are good pastries) 15 minutes before the big break, or to the very end of it.

1 pair 9: 00-10: 30
2 pair 10: 40-12: 10
3 pair 12: 50-14: 20
4 couple 14: 30-16: 00
5 pair 16: 10-17: 40

Organization of the educational process:
The work of the department - the places where they make schedules, make inquiries, give out information, and have power over students - is disgusting, probably due to poor organization or a lack of staff.
O.V. Sadovskaya, the deputy of the department, is a separate staff, with her it is especially not worth having conflicts.
Regular errors of all kinds in the schedule, boorish attitude towards students, poor quality information provision. If you are going to solve problems with the help of the department, then take care of this in advance and be patient.

Most have hordes of cockroaches. Think for yourself whether self-confident, highly qualified people, professionals in their field, will take up work in vocational schools? There are desperate or altruists. Teachers have a chronic zest - from above, they are loaded with a large amount of various unnecessary work.
A lot of time from couples will be spent on discussions of topics not related to study, as well as on personal affairs of teachers and their extra work - you will have to constantly be on standby.

Absolutely the entire educational program is rotten and ineffective. Most of the information is outdated: 10% useful, the rest is water, oceans. During the lectures, you will have to rewrite more than one textbook under the dictation of teachers. Tons of tasks for the sake of a tick, you will have to print a lot, a lot. Basically, some pretend that they are teaching, while others - that they are learning.
A significant number of academic hours were devoted to non-core subjects: physical education, bzhd, history, philosophy, computer science, statistics, English. (If this moment is important to you, the English program is very weak).
If you really care about the positive human qualities of teachers and the quality of information, then without the accompaniment of cockroaches, you can squeeze out useful information in pairs (profile): Nikitina S.V., Kalinkina O.A., Boldyreva A.N., (non-core): Maskarina T.A., Khrapacheva T.K., Zorina E.G.

1) Access to electronic libraries
2) Free access to MS Office
3) Free printer
4) Computers in the library

The term of study is 2 years.

First year of study:
In the first half of the year, the curriculum consisted mainly of non-core subjects. In a few specialized ones (Economics, Management, Fundamentals of Accounting), they slowly walked through the material. At the end of the year, tests were taken in non-core subjects (history, philosophy, physical education, bzhd).
They passed exams and one differentiated test for the profile.
In the second half of the year, the curriculum was replenished with profile ones. There was a training practice. The most useful thing, one can say for the entire training period as a whole, is working in 1C in educational practice.

Second year of study:
Passed mostly
profile items, the material was chased at the speed of light.
In pairs of legal support of professional activity, there was an opportunity to understand the legislation and work with Word and PowerPoint (you can download it for free using your credentials, most likely they will not tell you about such a possibility).
The largest "educational burden" fell in the second half of the year:
1) credits / differential credits for the remaining non-core and some core subjects
2) educational practice
3) term paper
4) production practice
5) examination session
6) pre-diploma practice
7) defense of the diploma
The teaching practice is sluggish, badly organized. It is better to choose the place of industrial practice yourself.

Bullying (practiced by some faculty and staff in the department):
1) deductions for absences and poor academic performance
2) a formidable uncle director and his deputy
3) the complexity of exams, tests, passing a diploma (they were intimidated like a babay with everything they could. In fact, technically everything went quickly and easily).

There are internal rules followed by staff and students, depending on the number of cockroaches:
Unspoken rules:
1) "silent greeting" with teachers: getting up at the desk before the start of the pair (As in elementary school)
2) you need to take time off to go to the toilet. Exit is allowed only out of need, you should not have other personal matters during the couple. (Like in elementary school)
3) gifts for teachers. (Before exams, tests, be ready to invest in flowers / sweets, + for a buffet table before the exam session and diploma. Be prepared for quirks such as buying a microwave or a tea set for the department)
4) compartment doors physical culture lockable during couples. (No one cares about a clear violation of fire safety rules)
Default rules:
1) outerwear is subject to mandatory delivery to the wardrobe (it is better to pick it up in advance, because at rush hour there is a chance to stand in line for about half an hour; or you can put it in a large bag and carry it with you)
2) teachers are forbidden to release students home a few minutes before the end of the classes (even if there is nothing to do, you will wait for a call. Or when the teachers leave for the whole couple on personal matters - they will leave you waiting in the office)
3) passes must be closed with certificates of good reason, or in advance - with statements (in academic performance, this will not cover the fact of your absence, this will just become your excuse, alibi. There is a register of passes. Probably, they will assure you of the danger of absenteeism and tell you stories about expulsion - but this is all feigned, twisted with a finger. Be smarter if you cannot avoid it)

If you feel like a fish in water in such a system, or you want to go through a survival school, observe various social strata of society, feel the importance of self-education, see how to live and work is not worth it - congratulations, you have found your place!

If you still have doubts after reading this review, then re-read it again, and do not sit in a puddle. Respect yourself and your time.


After you graduate, you can go to study at any commercial higher education institution, however, there may be some problems with studying in such a place. First, not everyone can afford the luxury of paid education, and secondly, it is a graduate of a state university that will be hired more willingly in his specialty. That is why it is best to give preference to a government agency.

Which of the state universities to enter can be judged by several criteria. The first criterion is entrance tests... A person entering a university can pass his own exam of the institute, or he can take the standard exam. If the results of a single state examination the applicant already has, he can provide them, and they will be counted as the results of the entrance tests.

The second criterion is the timetable for attending classes. The applicant can choose the schedule of classes that he needs. Recently, students have been trying to study by correspondence, as it allows you to combine study with work or any other activity.

The third criterion is location. If the applicant studies on weekends, the location of the educational institution is not particularly important, but if on weekdays, it is advisable to choose a university located close to the center, so that it is more convenient to get to it from anywhere in the city.

The very last fourth criterion is the cost of training. Even if you have chosen a public educational institution, you must understand that in order to study on a budgetary basis, you must have a very high passing score. If the results of your entrance tests are poor, you will have to pay money to study.

At all times, a full-fledged education promised a good future for its owner. No matter how your fate turns out, you can easily find yourself a job. But first you need to pass exams or pass an interview in order to enter a higher educational institution. Many after schools go to college, where they are finally convinced of the correct choice of their profession.

You will need

  • passport, school certificate, USE results, photographs for documents, college diploma


Having passed the exam for the highest possible score for you, apply to the university. You can choose a maximum of five majors in three universities and send them or personally to the admissions officers copies of your USE certificate and diploma of completion.

Wait for the announcement of the results of the recruitment of applicants. Typically, higher education institutions publish enrollment recommendation orders at the beginning of August. If you find yourself on the appropriate list, submit the originals of your documents to the admissions office. Please note that most have two credits. In the first enrollment is offered to people who have scored the maximum number of points, in the second - the remaining places are distributed if the applicants who passed in the first wave left to study in another place. Therefore, you still have a chance even if your name is not on the first enrollment order.


At the moment, college graduates are deprived of an important opportunity to increase their chances of admission, which schoolchildren have - participation in the Olympiads. Therefore, it is important for people who graduated from colleges and technical schools to pass the exam as best as possible.

In recent years, the popularity of higher education has gradually declined. This is due to the high cost of education in paid universities, high competition for admission to free institutions and difficulties with employment. You can quickly get an interesting and demanded specialization by going to college.


Consider regional technical schools. In the Moscow region, it is worth paying attention to the Moscow Regional College of Industry Technologies, or to the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Textile College. Voronezh has power engineering, assembly and mechanical technical schools. In Kaliningrad, you can go to study at a cooperative technical school. In Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod motor transport, agrotechnical and construction technical schools are waiting for applicants. Among the Rostov educational institutions, the Donskoy banking technical school can be distinguished. In Yekaterinburg, secondary specialized education can be obtained at a power engineering college.

After graduating from college or college, a graduate can get a job with a diploma. He also has an alternative - entering a university. Many higher educational institutions provide graduates of secondary vocational schools with the opportunity to receive more and higher education.


Decide if you want to continue studying in your chosen specialty or change it. In the first case, you can count on an abbreviated training program. In this case, it is not necessary that the specialties completely coincide. For example, if you studied at a school, then you can continue accelerated education at the Faculty of Economics or the Faculty of Management.

Find out which universities in your city offer special accelerated learning for college graduates. If you manage to enroll there, your study period will be 2.5-3.5 years, depending on the specialty. If the desired university does not have special groups for graduates of specialized secondary schools, then you can only enroll in the first year. However, in this case, too, you can get some advantage - to credit the disciplines that you have already studied at the school, and not to take exams on them again.

When choosing a university, be guided by its reputation, place in Russian rankings, as well as whether the training program meets your goals. For example, at the Faculty of Economics of various universities, the study programs and requirements for students may differ quite widely.

Submit your documents to the chosen university. Graduates of schools do not pass the exam upon admission, so you will not need a certificate of passing this exam. However, you still have to pass the entrance tests. This can be either passing three or four written exams, or an interview, for example, if you are entering a non-state university from a college. Also, there are some restrictions for graduates of secondary schools - for example, they are not entitled to participate on an equal basis with schoolchildren in university Olympiads, in case of victory in which it is possible to enroll in a university out of competition.

Useful advice

Try not to postpone your university entrance for a long time - with fresh knowledge it will be easier for you to study and, if necessary, take entrance exams. But even if you graduated from college a few years ago, the doors of the university are still not closed for you. In this case, you may simply need a longer preparation for admission.

In the life of every person there comes such a crucial moment when one of the most important decisions in life must be made - the choice of a profession. Based on this, his further fate, salary level, career growth and prospects in the future will depend. Therefore, sooner or later, graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions face the question of where to go to study?


There are many options for where you can go to study after college. These include institutes, academies and universities. Their main difference is the level of training of applicants, and they are united by a document (diploma) on obtaining higher education, received after several years of diligent study. However, the choice of one or the other educational institution will depend solely on the individual factors of a person, his characteristics. More often than not, it is higher education that becomes the goal of graduates. Undoubtedly a disadvantage, but at the same time an advantage of such training is the presentation of high demands on students. But the reward of mental work will be the acquired knowledge in a certain area, and hence the receipt of a worthy start in life. Before choosing a specific university, consider all the options, listen to your inner "I" to make right choice... After all, everyone wants to receive a decent salary and be a competent specialist in their field.

Another important point is the choice of a specialty. Globally speaking, this is much more important than choosing an educational institution. Therefore, before deciding where to go to study after college, decide on your future specialty. Most students are guided by their interests, preferences, and intellectual capabilities. And that makes sense! However, there is no certainty that in a few years the chosen one will be relevant in the labor market and will be able to give the owner a comfortable existence. Therefore, one should proceed not only from personal, but also economic factors, look into the future and approach this thoughtfully. After all, what is prestigious now does not mean that it will be in demand later. Currently, there is a large selection of professions for which there is and will be in demand in the foreseeable future. These include builders, managers, translators and linguists, nanotechnologists, educators and doctors. Also, before admission, take a career guidance test, which will allow you to determine in which particular area, becoming a specialist in the future, you will achieve excellent results. And this means a real opportunity to get Good work, which means a ticket to the beautiful far away.

At the end comprehensive school, the question arises before the graduates: "Where can you go?" Parents are concerned about the child's enrollment in educational institutions. There are certain forms of study, in the system of which passing exams for admission is not required.


The first option for admission is vocational and technical lyceums. In such educational institutions, there is a shortage of applicants, so young people are admitted there only upon application and interview. As a result of training, you can acquire a variety of specialties that will later come in handy in life. For example, a locksmith, a painter-plasterer.

The next option for you will be educational institutions, after graduating from which you will receive secondary education. These places include technical schools or academies. With a high passing score in the certificate, you can effortlessly apply without passing exams and start your educational activities. Having received the appropriate education after school in, you can try your hand and apply to the university. If you are applying for a correspondence course and have work experience in the relevant field, passing exams is not required for you. For example, the University of Engineering and Economics is popular among applicants in St. Petersburg. The faculties for admission that the educational institution offers are very relevant. Admission to some faculties of this institution does not require passing entrance exams. The university operates simple system recruiting students. Seats on a budgetary basis of study are allocated by rating system... When collecting the number of passing points for the commercial form of education. Preference is given to Olympiad winners and medalists. The economic education received at the university is the optimal ratio of the result obtained and the efforts made to study.

Currently, there are non-state educational institutions. Upon completion, you can receive a specialist diploma. But the fact is that training in this system is based on payment, therefore, upon admission, you will need to deposit a certain amount of money, while passing exams is not mandatory. Subsequent training will be paid.

After graduating from college, it may turn out that the profession you have chosen does not suit you at all. However, there is nothing wrong with that, because today you can get an education at any age.


Before you start getting a higher education, you need to decide exactly which higher education institution you need: public or commercial. Of course, it is better to give preference to the state one. If you did not have time to get a job before entering a university, remember that when employed, the employer is more inclined towards the state model than to diplomas issued by any commercial educational institution. However, it is worth remembering that some commercial universities go through the accreditation procedure and begin to issue state diplomas to their graduates.

If you already have a graduation diploma, you will receive a higher education in the relevant specialty under an accelerated program. An example is Tomsk Agricultural. Its graduates who received legal education, have the right to enroll immediately in the third year of the same specialty of some other higher educational institutions of the city of Tomsk.

In addition to continuing education in an already acquired specialty, you can completely change the direction of your activity. The choice is yours. You can choose how you want to build your educational process.


  • how to study for the exam

College graduates receive secondary specialized education, it seems that all the roads are open to them. Indeed, there are quite a few options - and where to go after college. The most important thing is to choose the right one so that you don't regret anything later.


The easiest way is to continue your studies or university after graduating from college. The only negative is that the one who graduated is likely to be taken to the first year. That is, he will study all five. And even six years. There are very few institutions of higher education that accept college graduates right away for their third year. Although it used to be quite common practice.

And after graduating from college, you can go to work. Some employers take great pleasure in accepting graduates of colleges, technical schools and vocational schools. Employers do not mind that college graduates have no work experience. In their opinion, all the gaps can be filled with practical activities. According to statistics, graduates of medical, economic and law colleges are the easiest to get a job. It is more difficult for the rest, but this does not mean at all that it is impossible for them to find a job.

It happens that a person who graduated from college, in one specialty, realizes that he does not have a soul for a previously chosen profession. That is why such a college graduate is usually looking for a higher education institution that would suit his current interests. And he continues his studies in the specialty that interests him. For example, he graduated from medical college, and continues his education in the economic field.

Some graduates of prestigious colleges stay for a while at their institution. For example, in quality. This is done in order to be more engaged in practical activities. And this, in turn, will then come in handy either at or at work.

Finally, the least desirable option for most male college graduates is service. But those who do not plan to enter any university, as a rule, go to serve in the armed forces, and after the end of the service they get a job.


  • how will i be accepted in college

College graduates already have a specific profession and can work in a number of organizations that do not require a higher education diploma. But concepts such as career advancement and wage increases are often not available to those who were educated only in college.

You will need

  • - a reference book or the Internet for searching for universities;
  • - a psychologist for vocational guidance;
  • - reviews and printed materials about universities.


Decide on the direction that will dominate the choice of a future profession. There are a number of universities that are willing to offer college graduates an abbreviated educational program within three years. This option will be the most optimal, since it will be possible to continue education without wasting time spent on studies.

Find public universities that allow you to continue your education. Perhaps there are such people near the place of residence. In this case, it will be possible to avoid a big move and get an education close to home. This has a great advantage, since it will be possible to combine training with a part-time job, many college graduates.

Decide on the form of obtaining higher education. Part-time or part-time, it is evening, will allow you to combine work with training. In this case, you will be able to maintain a stable income and not lose your job. If the education received at the college does not meet the needs of the graduate, if there is a desire to acquire another specialty, a different model of choosing a university must be followed.

See a college psychologist. It so happens that the graduate does not like the education on which he was educated in college. Career guidance will help to determine where to go to study, which young people can go through in advance, before handing over the final qualifying work. Often, the results can dramatically change lives and open up new paths. However, the recommendations of a psychologist are not always worth following if you have your own dreams or goals that you want to go to.

Read various statistical reviews, this will help you find out in which industry there is a shortage of specialists. This approach will help to get a demanded specialty and not remain unemployed. However, running to study in a specialty that requires knowledge and skills for which there is no ability is not worth it - there will be no success. It is better to choose another profession - such a direction in which personal potential is most fully revealed.

Submit documents to the university where you can not take the exam again, this option is possible. Or try taking exams at several universities that meet the required requirements.


You should start choosing in advance where to go to study after college in order to have time to prepare for the entrance exams.

Admission to the abbreviated form of study does not mean that the student will be immediately enrolled in the 3rd year - this is a gross violation that will entail expulsion of the student and punishment to the university. Successful admission to the abbreviated course of study will be marked by the acceptance of the applicant for the 1st year of the abbreviated training program.

Useful advice

Choose only state universities, because only in such an institution you can get a quality education that will be useful in later life.

Before paying for tuition at a commercial educational institution, make sure the university is reliable and the founders are honest.

It is believed that secondary vocational education does not provide any particular advantages. Moreover, there is an opinion that schools exist for those who could not enter a higher educational institution. However, it is worth considering school as a stage for further life choices.


There are several options for where to go after college. For example, try learning a different profession. Sometimes, during or after graduation, a person realizes that he simply made a mistake with the choice of a specialty. The solution is simple - retrain. It is important to prepare and not make a mistake with the choice this time. It is necessary to re-choose the school, university, specialty and get the desired profession. In this case, there will be an important advantage - there will be more options when looking for a job.

Continue your studies in your specialty at the university. Most now use this option. If the chosen specialty is to your liking and is suitable for creating a career, but the employer needs an employee with a higher education? Go to university and feel free to upgrade your qualifications. You should start by choosing a university. The management of the school can help here by providing information about universities, some schools have agreements on cooperation with them. Then take the exams. Those who have chosen a direction in a university that is directly related to the specialty of the school may not take the Unified State Exam. It is replaced by an entrance test in the form established by the university.

If you do not want to study further, find a job after school. Modern system job search is greatly simplified. On the Internet, you can easily post a resume, as well as see the list of vacancies offered by the employer. Then you shouldn't sit still and wait for the employer to consider the resume. Schedule a series of interviews. This will not only add experience, but also speed up the search for work, allow you to quickly start the desired duties and create a career.

Consider the possibility of combining work and education - further education after college is a very profitable option when you can independently support yourself and improve your knowledge. It is legally established that the employer is obliged to provide the employee with leave for the duration of the session, so you should not be afraid of the lack of time for preparation.

Grade 9 of high school is the first frontier that separates the student from adulthood. Finishing the 9th grade, the student receives his first certificate, confirming the completion of the first stage of study. A high school student can choose the further path in the world of education on his own.

You will need

  • - Successfully passed the GIA exams
  • - Certificate of secondary education


The easiest and most obvious way for many is to continue learning. Not everyone wants to leave school for other educational institutions afterwards. You can choose a traditional curriculum and study in high school before, in order to pass the exam, get a certificate of maturity, and then enter any educational institution of higher or secondary vocational education. For two last years study, you will have the opportunity to better prepare for admission and make the final choice of a profession, if you have not already made it.

If by the time you finish 9th grade you have already definitely chosen a specialty for yourself and you know who you want to work with later, you can enroll in. Technical school () - secondary vocational education, which gives good skills in the area of ​​specific professional sphere... It is easier to study there than at a university, and if you wish or college, you can go to university. College is considered to be an intermediate link between high school and tertiary education.

School is a good option for schoolchildren who are interested in a narrow specialization. After graduating from a culinary or hairdressing school, you are guaranteed to get a profession and are unlikely to face difficult employment.

If you want to deepen your school knowledge and get a high-quality higher education, admission to the lyceum at the university would be a good decision. While studying at the Lyceum, you will simultaneously receive a certificate of maturity and graduate, as well as prepare for admission to the chosen faculty with professional teachers. The universities to which they are attached provide graduates of such educational institutions with admission benefits.

Correspondence education is the best alternative for those who want to get a degree, but do not seek to waste many hours in the university classroom. Indeed, books and the Internet are a faithful assistant to a part-time student, will allow you to gain knowledge in full. Where can you study by correspondence?


Most of the federal universities in the country have a faculty of correspondence and evening education. This norm, and it corresponds to the provision of the Russian Constitution. Everyone has the right to get higher education - and this applies not only to yesterday's schoolchildren, but also to adult mature members of society who have not had time to graduate from a university for some reason. It is logical, because it is difficult to quit work - this will affect the family budget. Distance education will help you find a balance between work and study.

Distance education is offered by polytechnic and specialized universities of the country. In many (universities of communication,) you can study at the budgetary department. The state needs technical specialists, so it financially supports their training. For study, you need to provide the results of the USE in specialized disciplines. The Dean of the Faculty of Evening and Distance Learning of the university to which you want to apply will be able to answer your questions. As a rule, for admission to technical specialties you will need to pass exams in mathematics and the Russian language, for the humanities - mathematics, Russian and social studies.

Successful delivery exams will allow you to study perfectly. Many people ignore this opportunity, but in vain! Successful preparation includes the purchase of USE problem books with their subsequent resolution, writing test tests in an atmosphere close to the exam, training with tutors and working with them on problematic topics from trial test.


Distance learning is close to distance learning. Moscow University Witte, UMIK are the leaders in Internet education. On the university website, you can watch lectures in video format. Assignments are sent to you on a mail server or a special client, you can take exams at a convenient time for you (agreed with the curator). The cost of the study itself is many times more profitable than full-time or traditional correspondence education.

Useful advice

Think about whether a diploma is so important to you. If you need specialized skills or knowledge, there are free educational resources available. Coursera.org allows you to listen to dozens of lectures from Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge and other universities. Not theoretical knowledge, but real skills attract employers.

Education is a vital necessity. It provides skills and knowledge, a diploma and a portfolio for further implementation in the profession. But does a good education always cost a lot of money? If not, how do you get it for free?


According to Russian law, any resident of the country has the right to receive a free first higher education. With one clarification - on a competitive basis. Almost all public universities have budget places. They are waiting for applicants. But first, you have to prove your seriousness by demonstrating the level of training required to start learning.

For a number of reasons, it is easier to enroll in a technical university than in a humanitarian one. The profession of a journalist, director attracts great attention... The competition is high. At the same time, fewer people dream of becoming or a programmer, and the demand for specialists in high-tech industries is hundreds of times greater.

In order to enter a technical university, you need to pass three exams (mathematics, physics and Russian) better than other applicants. It is traditionally easier to enroll in a regional university than in a capital one (after all, people from all over Russia come to Moscow and St. Petersburg universities).

Buy a collection of USE problems for the subjects you are interested in for the current year. You can find them in major bookstores or order them online. Usually, the collections contain an analysis of tasks. Having solved the problems from such a collection, you will take a key step towards admission.

Give yourself a mock exam. At the end of the collection of problems, tests for preparation are given. Make the conditions as close as possible to "combat" - set a timer, use only permitted means when deciding. Check back after the test and find out your score.

On the websites of federal universities there is information about those who entered for the last year, including the maximum USE score for state employees. Compare it to your trial. If the points are not enough, use the services of a tutor to work through the most difficult topics, mistakes from the mock exam.


Choose a Polytechnic University. They are found in almost every constituent entity of the Russian Federation and offer many specialties with low passing scores.

Useful advice

If you do not want to get exactly higher education, but passing the exam scary, you might get a major in college. Your certificate is enough for admission there.

After studying in college, the student opens up new opportunities for himself. But how to implement them correctly, few people know, because in a secondary specialized educational institution, teachers rarely talk about it. Therefore, a vital question remains unanswered.


If you do not know where to go, then first decide what is more important to you: to continue to study and devote full time to education or to work in a specialty that you have already received. There is also an option for those who want to combine both.

More often it turns out that vocational secondary education is not enough to get a job with decent pay. Employers entrust important assignments to those who have a higher education diploma, considering such people more reliable. Accordingly, they have higher.

Therefore, the first option, which college graduates rarely use, is to enter the university for 1 year with a full program of study. Many universities do not require USE results in people who have graduated. This will suit you if you, having studied film and video technology, suddenly realized that this is not yours at all, and now you want to become a designer or journalist.

The overwhelming majority of applicants before entering the university do not know how much time they will have to spend studying. There are no more calendar periods, but a new word appears - semester. How much it? Such a question is quite justified from a future student.

In this article, we will look at where such a study routine came from, as well as how such a word appeared. For this we will consider historical origins university education in Europe.

Where did the word semester come from?

This term originates from France. Initially, the word semestre was translated as half a year. However, the roots of this concept go back to Roman times, where the word "six months" was designated as secsmestris. This term is split in half - six (six) and mensis (calendar month). Traditionally, a half-year is six consecutive months. IN Ancient rome this was the name for a sequence consisting of 6 months. However, in the Gregorian calendar, strictly defined seasons were called semester.

The first half of the year is January-June. The second began in July and ended in December.

Note that in everyday vocabulary the word "semester" is practically not used, but it has found its application within the walls of educational institutions when planning educational programs.

Semesters at universities

In the earliest times, the first semesters began as soon as fieldwork was completed. In winter, there was a certain calm, and children could study freely in schools. History is silent about the number of six months. A few years later, the beginning of the first semester was set to September 1.

European traditions have had a significant impact on the formation of a modern educational framework. The answer to how many in one half of the year was followed by the following answer: as much as the student needs so that he can assimilate the volume of educational material assigned to him.

Compared to the calendar semesters, the training counterparts are significantly shifted in time. There are usually two academic semesters per year, and each of them has a set start and end time. The duration of one half-year is determined by the university administration. The educational process is coordinated with the Ministry of Education of the country (in particular, Russia).

Great discussions about the number of semesters in academic year not happening. Two semesters of the school year are generally accepted. All this is observed in any educational institution, regardless of its accreditation.

Vacations at universities

Rest is included in the first study period. As a rule, the first 4 months are academic (September-December), followed by a month of rest (January) and in February the second semester begins, which lasts until the end of May-June.

In summer, the holidays are longer. Usually it is two to three months, depending on the workload curriculum and having summer practices.

The beginning of the semester at a technical school or university

As a rule, the first semester begins on September 1 and the educational process is extended until the New Year holidays. Accordingly, the first half of the year lasts only 4 months. After winter break the second training period begins, which is extended until the end of June. If you take into account the summer holidays, then the duration is extended until the end of August.

Is it possible to change the duration of the second semester

Each educational institution may well adjust the duration of the second half of the year. This decision is influenced by the university's own curriculum. There are situations when the administration of an institute / university or technical school shifts the beginning of the semester by a whole month. This situation may be associated with severe frosts, quarantines and other factors. Even so, however, the syllabus must be read to the students. Here one of two possible paths is chosen:

  1. Consolidation of the training schedule. There are 4-5 pairs per day in the student's schedule. The result of this approach will be that studies will end when it was planned by the university. Accordingly, summer vacations will not be reduced. Whether students and teachers will be able to withstand such stress is anyone's guess. Indeed, with an increase in the load, the training period is reduced, and in a short time it is not always possible to convey all the necessary information to the students.
  2. The second way involves a shift in the last academic month. In this case, the summer holidays are shorter, but there will be no time additions to the program.

You can get a second education for various reasons. Someone wants to improve their qualifications and is studying areas related to their specialty. Someone is chasing prestige and a beautiful resume. And someone realizes that they made a mistake in their choice after school, and decides to turn in a completely different direction.

In any case, before you run to the admissions office, look at a different level. There are 3,500 secondary specialized educational institutions in Russia, the vast majority of which are state-owned. There are about the same number of colleges and technical schools among them.

Many, like universities and academies, offer the chance to receive education remotely. Almost every college or technical school has an evening department.

Why secondary specialized education can be better than higher education?


The time it takes you to complete your college degree is 3-4 years. In a technical school - 2-3 years. At the university - 4-6 years. When you are no longer 16, it makes no sense to spend another couple of years studying subjects that are not useful.

Specific specialty

If you decide to change your profession, secondary vocational education gives you more chances to get ready-made professional skills. University gives more general knowledge, college and technical school are specific.


If you went to university after school, you can go to college for free.

IN Russian Federation guaranteed availability and free of charge in accordance with federal state educational standards of preschool, primary general, basic general and secondary general education, secondary vocational education, as well as on a competitive basis free higher education if a citizen receives education of this level for the first time.

Federal Law No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

Even if the budget options do not suit you (for example, there are very few evening and part-time free departments), the cost of training will be lower than at a university.

Universities will cost 40-300 thousand rubles a year. Colleges - at 30-150. The specific price depends on the region, and on the specialty, and on the rating of the educational institution. But the price tag of the best college is about the same as the average college. But the choice of colleges, ready to teach you for 30-50 thousand, is many times greater.


The conditions for enrollment for obtaining a second education are different for each university and secondary school. But entrance tests in many colleges, especially evening classes, are effortless. Even the number of exams is less than that for a university.

According to statistics, last year only one out of ten applicants entered universities. In colleges, the rate is five to one.


After work, you pick up your child from kindergarten, stand in traffic, go to the store, run to the gym or to your second job. But now you are learning! You need to cancel everything and rush to the lecture. In history, if you study in the specialty "banking". Or physical education (and this subject is in almost all federal education programs). It's not even funny.

So, in the secondary school, the general subjects program is much simpler. Most you do not even need to attend, just bring your first diploma and write the appropriate application. At the same time, special subjects are taught at a high level.

Accelerated Learning

After college, you have a new profession in your hands. And the opportunity to grow in it, to receive at least the third, at least the fourth higher, mastering accelerated programs universities (in bachelor's degree) in parallel with a new job.


Colleges "train" students to work. The number of practical classes will go off scale, after the college you will come to the workplace and calmly start working.

Of course, we are talking about a good college. But you won't go bad, will you?


I already foresee a wave of comments: "All employers demand a higher education!" In fact, the employer is more willing to hire a person with work experience, albeit in a different field, and a college diploma, than a graduate of an eminent university who has seen work only in rare practices. And well-known colleges are listed no worse than many universities.

And now, for objectivity, let's talk about the cons.


Decide what you are looking for. If you want to scientific work and in-depth study of a particular area, go to the university. If you want a certificate, go to courses. If you need management skills, read books. You need to expect very concrete results from college and technical school, and not the ability to do everything at once. Secondary specialized education is still narrowly focused.


It's not about qualifications, experienced and knowledgeable people teach in secondary schools. But they were used to dealing with children who often came after the ninth grade. It is more difficult for them to switch to adults, and this often leads to distortions. Evening students are sometimes expected to have 200% of attendance, or they are forced to draw posters and wall newspapers, or they threaten to give a grade lower, not realizing that no one will scold you at home for a C or C. Sometimes it is annoying, but it helps to remember childhood.

Is secondary vocational education suitable for you as a second education?

This factor plays important role when calculating a pension. If a person has worked a sufficient number of years, then he will definitely receive a pension, otherwise he will be assigned a minimum benefit.

Until 2001, the accrual procedure was different, and the length of service was called labor. Now the name "insurance experience" is relevant and the main emphasis is on the periods when the contributions were actually transferred, and not on the years of service. But in order to earn a pension, some minimal amount years will have to work.

Seniority for calculating a pension is the total length of periods of a person's life during which he or his employer made contributions to the Pension Fund.

This year the minimum term is 8 years. Every year this figure increases by 1 year.

And this will continue until, by 2024, it reaches a 15-year deadline.

What periods of life are considered?

In addition to the periods when pension contributions from the employer were made, may include the following periods of life:

All this will be included if the person transferred contributions to the Pension Fund before or immediately after the onset of such periods. Owners of their own business have to make deductions for themselves in order to take into account the time of their activities.

Is the training included in these terms?

The years of obtaining a working specialty in a technical school is directly related to the future professional activities... But is studying at a technical school included in the length of service for calculating a pension?

The procedure for determining the length of service is regulated by the Federal Law No. 400 "On Insurance Pensions" dated 01.01.2015. It does not say anything about training periods.

When deductions to the Pension Fund are not made, the seniority does not go. This is the main meaning of the new law.

Why are many interested in the inclusion of periods of study? This is due to the fact that one of the regulations refers to the pension rights of people who studied and worked before 2002 (clause 4 of article 30 of the RF law of 17.12.2001 No. 173-FZ). They have a loophole for accounting for the period of study when calculating pension, if this option turns out to be more profitable than modern method.

How do the years spent on obtaining a specialty affect?

If a person had a work book before starting his studies at a technical school, then the period of work will be counted and summed up with similar periods after graduation. But the time of education will not be taken into account.

However, if there is any opportunity to take into account some periods of time spent on education, then this must be taken advantage of. For example, periods of industrial practice.

If at this time the student was paid a salary and all the necessary deductions were made, then this must be taken into account.

Students have opportunities for official employment during their studies:

  1. during vacations under an employment contract;
  2. freelance or remote work with deductions to the PF.

All these terms will also be taken into account when calculating the insurance experience. Until 2002, the length of service depended on the number of years worked and included periods of study in educational institutions, in particular, technical schools.

For those who have earned such experience, according to the law, it is possible to resort to the appropriate formula for calculating a pension, taking into account the time spent on training. A pensioner has the right to insist on this if this option seems to him more profitable than modern methods.

Registration and confirmation

So, we found out that studies at a technical school can be taken into account when calculating a pension in two cases:

  • if a pensioner who graduated from a technical school before 2002 has chosen a method of calculating pensions in which years of study are taken into account;
  • if, as a student, he passed an industrial practice and the employer made contributions to the Pension Fund.

In this case, he may need to register training as an experience.

The procedure is standard when proof of work experience is required:

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the time of study at a technical school is not included in the length of service for calculating a pension.

But a student can spend this period of his life without prejudice to seniority. If during this period deductions were made to the Pension Fund, then this will certainly be taken into account when calculating the minimum period for the payment of a pension.
