
The modern education system in England is based on its own traditions of teaching the younger generation, which have been accumulating for centuries. It is not just that she earned the status of a reference. As already mentioned, many educational institutions in the UK are known for their centuries-old history and are famous for the amazing quality of teaching.

At the moment, the English education system includes four main stages:

  • Primary education - from 5 to 11 years;
  • Secondary - from 11 to 16 years old;
  • After school - from 16 to 18 years old;
  • Higher education - from the age of 18.

The main stages of education in England (based on public schools):

  • children 5 - 11 years old attend primary school;
  • children 11 - 16 years old go to secondary school;
  • at the age of 16 - 18 they receive a complete secondary education;
  • at 18 - 22 students receive a bachelor's degree.

Before going to school, the child takes a course preschool preparation(from 3 years old), during which the emphasis is on educational issues and developmental activities, the material is presented in a playful way. Knowledge at this stage is not overloaded. The basic principle is that everything has its time.
At the age of 5, all children, without exception, without exception begin their education in a mandatory manner, where they study until 11.

When going to high school exact sciences and additional lessons are added to the basic list of subjects: geography, history, the basics of religion, art, music, foreign languages.
At the age of 16, children graduate from high school. In order to receive a diploma of secondary education, you must pass the GCSE final exam. However, this diploma does not qualify for admission to higher education institutions.

To try your hand at admission to, you need to become the owner of an A-Level certificate (with a fairly high average score), which is issued upon completion of the course in schools preparing for universities - the so-called Six Form. Training here lasts two years, during this period there is a deep immersion in the study of 4-6 selected subjects. At the end, an exam is taken, according to the results of which an A-Level certificate is issued.

The academic year in English schools is divided into terms. Holidays among school year twice, lasting two weeks, timed to coincide with the Catholic holidays - Easter and Christmas, summer holidays - six weeks. There is a short seven-day break during each trimester.

Secondary (school) education in the UK is expected to:

  • Transfer of cultural experience. Schools and other educational institutions should pass on to the new generation the cultural heritage, the wisdom of previous generations, which from time immemorial are recognized as valuable and are zealously guarded by the British.
  • Socialization of the younger generation. Schools are guides to accepted behaviors and the values ​​behind them. Children are aware social roles that they have to play in society, in professional field activities, personal, family.
  • Preparation for the profession. This refers to the knowledge and skills necessary for the subsequent professional activity... This includes both the academic knowledge and the practical skills required to master a particular profession.

In England there are a lot of schools for children requiring a special approach. They are visited by children with mental or physical disabilities. The program in them is simpler and focused on the characteristics of the students. Here in the process learning psychologists and physiotherapists are sure to be involved.

Many parents have a cherished dream - to send their child to study at. Pupils here, in addition to a prestigious and high level of education, receive full support. The range of subjects studied in a private school is much wider than in a public one, and the teaching staff is highly qualified and an impressive material base.

Do not forget that the school education system in the UK is famous for the strictest discipline, so even in a private school, where tuition is paid and costs impressive money, do not expect concessions. Students may be dropped for poor academic performance and inappropriate behavior.

Modern system higher education in England is distinguished by its democracy. Universities have a wide selection of different courses, from which you can choose the one that suits you, and, if necessary, even change the list of selected subjects for study.

UK universities are divided into two types:

  • Collegiate (consisting of colleges. For example, the universities of Cambridge and Oxford);
  • Unitary (with faculties and departments in the form of subdivisions).

The British government has completely entrusted the formation of educational policy to higher educational institutions, the state only controls the quality of teaching.

Without exception, all students of English universities have access to libraries and scientific laboratories, equipped according to modern standards. Students have the opportunity to attend various electives. Educational programs allow in the learning process to get not one, but two academic degrees different directions.

Popular enough in the UK and. This training format, as usual, takes place independently, but relying on educational materials designed specifically for such students, as well as for periodic consultations with teachers online and by e-mail.

Historically, British education resembles a pyramid: in the early stages, training is carried out in a wide range of disciplines, later their circle is narrowed based on the choice of the students themselves, who at the age of 14 determine which exams they will take in the future.

The UK education system is perhaps one of the most conservative in the world. This is partly due to her age - the appearance of the first secondary schools in the country and Oxford University dates back to the XII century. From that time to this day, discipline and a high level of teaching quality have remained the main distinguishing features of the British educational system. However, this does not mean at all that it does not undergo any changes. On the contrary, the English education system not only keeps pace with the times, but also often ahead of it: the pursuit of excellence and respect for traditions here perfectly coexist with the latest educational programs and practices.

Preschool education in England

Preparation for school in the UK starts as early as kindergarten. From 2 to 5 years old, children learn to read, write and count. The academic load is small, the emphasis is on discipline and general education. At the same time, the state finances only 15 hours of kindergarten lessons per week, so if you plan to give the child for a longer period, you will have to pay extra from your own budget. Parents send their children to preschool institutions at will, and only the school level is compulsory - from 5 to 18 years old.

England's secondary education system

Secondary education in England includes four main stages(Key Stages): beginner from 5 to 7 years old and from 7 to 11, secondary for children from 11 to 14 years old and from 14 to 16. Set compulsory subjects(Core Subjects) varies with age. In elementary school, children learn English language, mathematics, history, geography, music, industrial technology and art. From the age of 11, Core Subjects include English, mathematics and science (the basics of chemistry, biology and physics). The student, together with his parents, chooses the rest of the subjects based on his own preferences. From 14 to 16 years old, students prepare for the GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) exam.

In 2015, English legislation on compulsory education has undergone changes: previously it was limited to the age of 16 years. Today's students will have to spend another 2 years at their desks. Those who plan to get started as quickly as possible go to professional colleges. After 2 years of study, they receive GNVQ "s (Secondary Special Education Certificate) or BTEC" s (Secondary Secondary Diploma) technical education). Those who are interested in further admission to the university remain at school for Sixth form... During this period - 16 to 18 years old - students prepare to take A-levels in their chosen subjects.

By the type of funding, schools in the UK are divided into public and private. Unlike many countries, the gap between municipal and private educational institutions in England is not so great: the level of secondary education in the country is monitored at the state level. Although, of course, private schools are distinguished by stronger training: the presence of the material and technical base, and the high level of the teaching staff, and the intimacy of the classes, and even the historical heritage, which a considerable part of boarding schools can boast, have an effect. Many of them have been working for more than one century, and the oldest ones did not appear at all in the XII century under Catholic churches.

It should be noted that historically separate education has developed in England. Some private schools have kept this approach to this day: many Britons believe that it is easier for boys and girls to concentrate on their studies. Public schools are mostly mixed.

The grading system in British schools is alphabetic, ranging from A * (excellent) to U (extremely unsatisfactory). In some private educational institutions, a second grade is also given - for diligence, from 1 (active work and interest in the subject) to 5 (the student does not try at all). The double grade is very convenient for both the student and his parents. It seems to restore justice, because it often happens that some subject is not given, despite great efforts, and bad grades finally demotivate.

The academic year in the English school is divided into terms, the duration of each is 12 weeks. The number of lessons depends on the age of the students, but always includes creativity and sports. Much attention is paid to general education: schools are trying to develop in children leadership skills, curiosity, to nurture free individuals who know how to make choices, defend their point of view, strive for professional development, and at the same time be worthy members of society who have the right to be called true ladies and gentlemen. It is noteworthy that educational traditions are especially strong in private boarding schools for boys.

In general, the secondary education system in England is assessed positively, although the level of training of students shows last years some reversibility. So, according to the monitoring of the assessment of the quality of education in schools PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) for 2015, Great Britain got 15th place. In 2009 - only 24, and in 2000 - 7. According to experts, fluctuations are mainly associated with a less stable level of teaching in the sector of public schools. As for private establishments, their indicators remain quite consistently high from year to year.

UK higher education system

The system of higher education in Great Britain is considered one of the most perfect in the world - this is demonstrated both by the world rankings of higher educational institutions and the demand for specialists who graduated from the universities of Foggy Albion. It is believed that it was the British educational model that formed the basis of the Bologna educational system.

The country's higher education sector includes:

  • classical universities and university colleges(University Colleges), in which great attention paid to research activities.
  • polytechnic institutes(Polytechnics) and colleges of higher education(Colleges of Higher Education), which trains specialists in applied specialties.

Education includes 3 stages: bachelor's degree (3 years of study, with the exception of Scotland), master's degree (1-2 years) and doctoral studies (2-3 years). The academic year consists of 3 terms. Classes are held both in the classical formats of lectures and seminars, and in the form independent work and tutorials (work in small groups with a mentor-tutor). Students' progress is assessed by intermediate work (essays, coursework, projects) and by the results of final exams. The system for calculating the average score depends on the institution and can be either point or percentage.

Despite the conservatism inherent in the British, they are constantly working on improving the education system by introducing innovative teaching methods and actively using modern technologies... So, under the influence of market needs, so-called "sandwich courses" appeared in many universities - periods of industrial practice, which can last up to a year and are considered part of the training.

But, of course, it is mainly the British higher educational institutions that are famous for their strong academic preparation, which has absorbed the best from the centuries-old history of the education of this country. For quality, students from all over the world come here, ready to pay a lot of money for the coveted diploma: a year of study at an English university costs from 10,000 to 25,000 pounds sterling.

Realizing the importance of higher education not only in terms of reputation, but also economic benefits, the government regulates the quality of education at the state level. To this end, the country has a Quality Assurance Agency for Education (QAA), which checks the "academic standards" and "academic quality" of universities. Thus, a student of any educational institution in the UK can be sure that he will receive an up-to-date education, and his diploma will be quoted in any country in the world.

The UK education system is a very successful combination of tradition and advanced educational technology. She sets her goal not so much the encyclopedic knowledge of students in any area, as the all-round development of the personality, the focus on obtaining knowledge and Professional Development... It is not surprising that graduates from British educational institutions are so in demand in the world labor market and show excellent career growth.

Today 400 thousand students for various reasons receive education in Britain on programs of British educational institutions located outside the country - this is both cheaper and often closer to home. But still, a significant number of students value the experience of life in this country no less than the diploma they receive, and that is why they dream of studying in the UK.

Everyone who chooses to study in the UK understands very well that at this moment they are making a confident step towards a successful career.

UK education system

The education system in Great Britain in the form in which it exists today took shape in the middle of the 20th century. Then the country faced serious global challenges, which required a significant number of qualified personnel to respond. First of all, education reform in Britain affected technical specialties and institutions.

Then and school education became universal and free, as it is to this day - although, of course, the choice remained, and if they wish, instead of a free public school, parents can send their child to a paid private school.

Moreover, the most important task was to make education in the UK for foreigners the first in the world in terms of attractiveness. We can confidently say that Britain has coped with this task: today 157 higher educational institutions have the right to award bachelor's and master's degrees within the country and more than 550 - outside the country.

The education system in Britain includes the following levels (the names are given in Russian and in English):

  • Preparing for school - pre-school;
  • Primary and secondary school education - elementary / secondary school;
  • University Preparation - A-level, International Foundation, International Baccalaureate
  • Professional training - further education;
  • First higher education - bachelor's degree, baccalaureate;
  • Second higher education - master's degree, masters;
  • Postgraduate studies, research programs - doctorate.

In general, study in the UK begins at 4-5 years old, and can continue throughout life, so diverse are the offered students different ages levels of study and programs. This is how British education implements the concept of life-long education - education that lasts a lifetime.

UK higher education

Higher education in the UK is one of the best and most successful UK brands, delivering long-term benefits to individuals and society as a whole, therefore it is always closely monitored by the state. The development and strengthening of the higher education system in the UK is an important part of the country's policy.

The British education system is unique in that the country's universities not only provide highest quality student training and large-scale research, but also demonstrate commercial success. Unsurprisingly, UK education attracts significant amounts of private funding every year. This allows not only to improve material and technical equipment and infrastructure, but also to create scholarship funds for the best foreign students who are interested in studying in Britain.

A student who has completed higher education programs in the UK will receive one of the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Science or Arts - BSc / BA. The title of the degree in English is bachelor;
  • Master of Science or Arts - MSc / MA. The title of the degree in English is master;
  • Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science with an indication of the field - PhD / EdD, DBA, etc. The name of the degree in English is doctor.

Although in Russia the first two types of degrees have been awarded for more than 10 years, for many these names are still unusual and even sound somewhat old-fashioned. Which, however, is not surprising, because in Europe these degrees began to be awarded during the late Middle Ages, and today they are a tribute to the classical academic tradition and a symbol of the continuity of eras.

More about the educational system of Great Britain, levels and degrees of Great Britain (in English, degrees).

Concerning educational programs- their choice is huge. Programs - educational, applied, sandwich panels - a huge variety of programs and options for passing them. Practical and theoretical bias. - Thus, higher education in Britain is truly multifaceted and diverse.

The rating system in Great Britain differs from that adopted in Russia and in many other countries of the world. The grading system for undergraduate and honors programs is detailed here.

Studying in Britain is always a brilliant knowledge, the contribution of graduates to science and culture. Studying in Britain is always a brilliant knowledge, the contribution of graduates to science and culture.

Education system in England

The English education system is one of the oldest and most successful in Europe and the world. It is in England that historically the first universities of the country are located, which began to work in the 13-14 centuries. Getting an education in England means not only acquiring a range of general and professional knowledge and skills, but also revealing your creative potential in any subject area.

Study in England

Conservatism and an unshakable adherence to tradition are integral features of English culture. However, in the case of the educational system in England, these cultural characteristics served good service... It is in tradition that many of the competitive advantages of English education that are important in the modern world originate.

The education system in England today combines classical traditions and an innovative approach to research, the organization of work of educational institutions, and the selection of students. So, in educational institutions in England, to this day, they study the main provisions of the old classical sciences - rhetoric, logic, philosophy - but not in their pure form, but as part of a mandatory program for developing basic skills of employment (transferable skills). As a result, graduates acquire the knowledge and practical skills necessary for successful employment and career.

Education in England is a very intensive process and requires maximum commitment from the student. Unlike many European countries, the education system in England involves a significant number of shortened programs. Thus, a bachelor's degree in Britain can be obtained in 3 years, and a master's degree in a number of disciplines can be obtained in just a year instead of two, but you will have to study at that time twice as fast. This practice is very common in MBA programs.

Higher education in England

Students going to study abroad in England will need to get used to the new realities of educational life for them. The educational system in England is very different from the Russian in everything - from the choice of the future specialty and the program and the admission process to the methods and everyday teaching practices and the assessment system.

In order to study in England at the first higher, bachelor's degree, the Russian school certificate is not enough. A prospective student needs either one year at a Russian university or university preparation programs A-level or Foundation.

You can apply for a master's degree with a bachelor's or specialist's degree, which is recognized in the UK. In some cases, additional training is required before admission.

Admission to postgraduate studies is possible with a master's degree.

Academic year in England lasts 9 months. Start of the school year in England- as a rule, in autumn, in September-October or in winter - in February. Grades in England are most often given according to the generally accepted system of degrees of distinction (Honors).

Education in England for adults - both British, and even more so for foreigners - is always paid. However, the best students can count on partial or full funding. Read more about this here.

The higher education system in England is broadly in line with the UK higher education system. Students have a wide choice subject areas, levels of education, degree of practical or theoretical orientation of training.

Higher education in England for foreigners

Opportunities for foreigners to get education in England are very wide - from short-term courses to full-fledged master's and postgraduate programs.

The most popular courses in England are language courses, but in the summer, universities offer numerous programs for both students and adults wishing to undergo advanced training or professional retraining.

Working and studying in England

In England, international students can work up to 20 hours a week during their studies.

Education in England for students from Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus

When applying to universities, it is important for students from the CIS countries: to find out whether their educational documents are recognized in Britain and what level of education they correspond to. For example, a Russian specialist is more than a bachelor's degree, but less than a master's degree. It follows from this that on programs close to the previous education, the study time can be reduced by a year, which will reduce tuition fees and quickly convert an English education into a stable and high salary.


Higher education institutions in the UK are subdivided into:

- classical universities (University)

- polytechnic universities (Polytechnics)

- University Colleges

- Colleges of Higher Education

Most of them are public universities which are characterized by their autonomy. They can freely invest finance at their discretion and receive income, but at the same time, in order to receive government funding, which, by the way, can make up from 30 to 90% of their total balance, they must demonstrate excellence in research and teaching.

And it is worth noting that the state is closely monitoring the quality of education. British Universities work under the constant supervision of the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA). The responsibilities of the organization include monitoring compliance with all mandatory requirements, as well as encouraging universities to continuously improve their programs.

Stages of higher education in the UK:

- Bachelor's degree (Degree courses or Undergraduate courses)

- Master's degree (Postgraduate studies)

- Master of Philosophy (MPhil) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

England, Wales and Northern Ireland have three-year undergraduate programs, while Scotland has four years. After completing this program, applicants graduate with a Bachelor's Degree (or First Degree). According to research, the number of foreign students enrolled in undergraduate studies is 10%.

Types of programs for applicants and students of British universities:


If you have studied for a year or several years at a domestic university and decided to continue, then this program is for you. In 9 months you can master the material of the first academic year of a British university, get language training and adapt to studying in England. Successful completion of the Diploma program makes it possible to go directly to the second year of an English university without entrance exams. But we recommend that you familiarize yourself in advance with the list of universities that recognize this program and work on it.

The next steps master's and doctoral studies... Here, the preparation for admission is much easier. A Russian higher education certificate is sufficient for admission to a British university. But sometimes it happens that there is not enough existing knowledge and language practice for successful admission and passing a master's course in England. And it turns out that preparatory programs are necessary to get comfortable with the new system. educational process understand the essence British teaching and adapt the existing knowledge for it.

Pre-Masters, Pre-MBA

These programs are designed specifically for applicants whose second language is English. They provide active language and academic training and help students get comfortable in the English-speaking environment and study abroad. Training takes place in universities and colleges and the duration can vary from one to three semesters.

Graduate Diploma

Suitable as a preparation for entering a master's program for those wishing to change their specialization. First, students learn English and the basics of a new chosen specialty. At the second stage of preparation, they study in depth profile subjects by specialization. Upon completion of the program, exams are taken. If the scores are high, students are guaranteed admission to the graduate program of the selected university.

Themselves master's and MBA programs in the UK are designed mainly for one year, although in other countries they take two years. At this stage, the number of foreigners among future masters reaches 45%. It is almost always necessary to pass written exams in the area of ​​specialization and submit a thesis upon graduation.

The third stage of higher education - Master of Philosophy, Ph.D.... This stage consists exclusively of research activities. This period lasts two years and ends with the defense of a dissertation, after which a master's degree in philosophy is awarded. Then you can continue your studies for another three years and apply for a Ph.D. degree. Again, by submitting a dissertation.

The final stage - Scientific research ... This doctoral level is awarded to professionals in the fields of jurisprudence, natural sciences, humanities, medicine, music, and theology. To obtain the title, you must publish a certain number of research papers.

The variety and choice of preparatory and basic programs is impressive. Sometimes, to understand them on your own, and most importantly, to prepare Required documents it can be difficult in a timely manner. Therefore, so that your nerves and time are not wasted, it is better in this area.

Education system v Great Britain

In the UK, schooling is compulsory from the age of 5 to 16. Some may immediately argue that, they say, since 2015, education in the UK has become compulsory up to 18 years old... It's true! But for the last 3 years of study (15-18 years), young people have the right to study in other educational institutions, for example, in private Sixth Form colleges, colleges of further education, analogs of our vocational schools, or work as an apprentice under the supervision of an experienced master who has the right to train young specialists.

But back to the schoolchildren. Before the start of training, namely from the age of 2, children attend Nursery or Pre-preparatory School(analogue of our kindergartens). It can be either an independent educational institution or part of an elementary school. It is worth noting that it is precisely due to the fact that Kindergarten may be part of a school, and a legend arose that children in the UK go to school from the age of 2.

With the difficulties of understanding education systems in the UK we are facing from the very beginning. Despite the fact that the compulsory age for starting school is 5 years, children have the opportunity at 4 years old to enter a kindergarten called the Reception Year. Parents can use this opportunity at their own discretion. This is the first difference from our system. English parents who believe that their child is not mature enough can send him to school from the age of 5. In this case, he will begin his studies no longer with the Reception Year, but with the first grade (Year 1). In other words, such a child does not lag behind and does not outrun his peers. In our country, if the parents believe that a child is mature enough at 6 years old, then he goes to school with 7-year-olds, and thus is one year ahead of his peers, but more on that later.

In the kindergarten, children are prepared in a playful and entertaining way for the beginning of schooling. This year does not count towards the general curriculum. But not everything is so simple. For the sake of fairness, it should be said that there are "difficulties" in the English system. Not all children have the opportunity to attend the Reception Year. In England, there is such a thing as "summer children", that is, children born between April 1 and August 31. They are considered "less ready" in relation to their peers born at the beginning of the year. That is why it is recommended for them to start their studies at the age of 5. According to the law, the parents of such children have the opportunity to apply for admission to kindergarten, but the final say rests with the school administration, which in most cases refuses to do so, motivating this decision by their unwillingness to have a "deliberately lagging" child in the classroom. Scandals often arise on this basis. Every now and then in the newspapers there are articles about how some parents file a complaint against the school authorities, refusing them to accept a "year old child" in kindergarten. Despite this, the issue still remains unresolved, since both sides are right in their own way. The school does not want to accept a child less mature than other students, as it may distract other children. It is difficult to doubt the consistency of this decision. But parents can also be understood. They are concerned that their child's peers, who are "lucky" to be born a few weeks or even days earlier, will begin their studies, and next year, when their baby will go to school, he really will lag behind those who by this time have already completed the preparatory year.

However, the law is the law. And it says that the child is obliged to start school on September 1, following his fifth birthday. A child born between January 1 and April 1 has the opportunity to start school on September 1 following his or her fourth birthday.

School education in England is inextricably linked with the biological age of the child. Upon admission to school, or when changing educational institution, the class in which a child is admitted is determined by his age on September 1 of the year when he begins his studies. Sometimes it comes to an incident when a child born on September 2 has to go to school a year later or, in case of a change of school, a grade lower. The law exists, but not all schools apply it, no matter how certain "grief agents" convince you of this. Yes, indeed, the more prestigious and older the school, the more reverently this rule is followed in it. In my practice, there was a child born on September 2 who was refused admission to one of the schools on our list for this very reason, despite all the parents' attempts to "negotiate". At the same time, there are a lot of schools, sometimes no worse, which are more flexible in their approach to this issue. Here we should return to the previously mentioned feature of "our" education, to the possibility of sending a 6-year-old child to school together with 7-year-old children.

It is because of this that one of the main problems arises when transferring a child to a British school. As we have said, most English schools make decisions about enrollment in a particular class based on the biological age of the child. But in this case, it turns out that the child, despite the difference of 1 year, has already graduated from this year in his native school, and if we consider the situation in terms of the number of school years, such a child is actually "left for the second year."

I am sure that the absolute majority of parents do not even notice this, no one tells them about it, they were accepted into school and it is good. I had a chance to learn this lesson from my own bitter experience, when, after signing all the documents and transferring money, dad decided to count the number of school years, and came, to put it mildly, at a loss, realizing that his child was being left for the second year. Fortunately, the situation was resolved, and everyone was satisfied. By this I am trying to warn other parents who find themselves in a similar situation. Yes, indeed, most schools will not make exceptions for you and will insist on enrollment based on the biological age of the child. But there are schools that agree to "get into position" and accept such a child into the class above. Here everyone must decide for himself what is best. Insist on the sequence of classes, sometimes sacrificing the level of school, or, taking advantage of the moment, to give the child the opportunity to unlearn a year lower, to tighten up the language, to join the team and continue learning with their peers. My task is to convey to you that such a possibility exists, no matter how your agent punches himself in the chest.

The academic year lasts from September to July. It is divided into three parts, trimesters: the fall trimester from September to Christmas (Christmas in the UK in December), the spring trimester from January to Easter, and the summer trimester from April to July. Each trimester lasts approximately 12 weeks, with half-term holidays lasting about a week each and held in October, February and May, respectively. Holidays between trimesters, Christmas and Easter, last about 2 weeks every and summer about 6-8 weeks.

Compulsory schooling consists of two levels: elementary or preparatory ( Preparatory Education) and secondary (Secondary Education ) education. Accordingly, Preparatory (abbreviated as Prep School) and Senior School. Primary School ends in Year 8 (in most public schools in Year 6). During this period, children take exams twice: at the end of the second (7 years) and sixth (11 years) years of study, respectively, Key Stage one and two ( Key Stage 1) (Key Stage 2 ). Children enrolled in the parallel American program graduate from Elementary School, and those enrolled in IB graduating from the course IBPYP ... Test results are recorded in a single national database of student performance.

Exams are taken in compulsory disciplines: English (English), Mathematics (Mathematics) and Natural Sciences(Science), block of chemistry, physics and biology. Other subjects such as History, Geography, Technology, Music, Art and Physical Education (or PE for short) are also included in the curriculum, but exams for these stages don't give up.

There is also the concept of "Primary Education", what does it mean? In the UK, there are two sectors of education, state-funded and private (independent or private). So "Primary Education" means the same initial stage of education in public education as "Preparatory Education" in private. Accordingly, "Pre-preparatory School" in private education means the same as "Pre-school" in public education. By the way, it should be noted that private schools in England are called Public Schools, which literally translates as Public Schools, which often confuses foreigners. You can familiarize yourself with this issue in more detail in our separate article (Public school).

After graduating from Primary School, at the age of 13, students move to Senior School. In the public sector, this school is sometimes called the Secondary School. The confusion here arises precisely because of the inaccurate translation. Literally Secondary means "Second". In the Russian translation, it is called the Middle. Therefore, it turns out that secondary and second schools are one and the same. During the training, students also take exams at the Key Stage 3 (Year 9, 14 years old) and Key Stage 4 (Year 11, 16 years old).

The fourth stage, according to the traditional British program, is also called GCSE. In parallel programs, it is called IGCSE, IBMYP or High School Diploma. This stage is final in school curriculum, children finish it at the age of 16.

Upon reaching the age of 16, most students, provided successful delivery GCSE exams, enter the Sixth Form, that is, a two-year university preparation program. It can be a traditional A-level or alternative IB Diploma, IBCC, Pre-U or American Advanced Placement. At the end of the 2nd year of study, they take exams, according to the results of which they are enrolled in the university. Already at this stage, the student must decide on his future profession and choose exactly those subjects that are necessary for entering the corresponding faculty of the university.

It is at this stage, at the age of 16, that the largest number of foreign students come to study in England. As for those who continued to receive education in their country and arrived a little later, at the age of 18, they are offered two ways to choose from. First: enroll in a one-year, compressed A-level course, which is mandatory for English students(some colleges accept children up to 19 years old), or for the one-year Foundation Program (Foundation UK) course, created specifically for international students wishing to study at one of the British universities.

The greatest advantage of the British education system is its consistency, interaction and interchangeability of different directions. Regardless of which path the student continues after 16 years of age, he will still be able to get a higher education. Let me explain what I mean. At the age of 16, young people have a wide range of opportunities. Despite the fact that they are required to continue their studies for another 2 years, they can either continue to move along the academic path (A-level or alternative programs), combine theoretical knowledge with practical skills (BTEC), or get a working specialty (NVQ or Apprenticeship ). What is meant by the fact that all roads lead to higher education. The education system is built in such a way that a clear algorithm is provided for each of the areas of what needs to be done if the student changes his mind and decides to get a higher education. Let's leave the obvious, academic path for now, and consider others, for example, BTEC and NVQ. In order not to go into details BTEC and NVQ, these are analogs of diplomas of "our" specialized schools (where children simultaneously receive a specialty) and vocational schools. If the example with specialized schools is not very eloquent, since there are still some differences, then the example with vocational schools speaks for itself. Guys who are bored or disliked to study, who have ended up in vocational schools, in the absolute majority "shine" the road to "working days", since it is unlikely that they will be able to enter the university with such a diploma. In the UK, the opposite is true. The system is designed so that a young man who has had time to try " working life"while studying, having received the NVQ certificate, on the basis of it, you can enter the university. Yes, you may have to start with a special preparatory course and choose not from top universities but it's better than nothing. Moreover, those who retained the desire to start working as soon as possible during further education, worked for several years and only then realized that it is better to get a higher education, they have the opportunity to find their old NVQ diploma and enter the university a few years later. ... Many people studied with me at the university, who managed to work for several years after school, realized that they needed to study, and entered the university.

After successfully completing one of the university preparation programs or after obtaining a working degree, students of their choice submit documents to the university. There is even an opportunity to “send” documents to several universities you like in order to increase your chances of success. Each faculty has its own requirements for applicants. A mandatory necessity is a list of major subjects and academic performance in them, therefore, the right choice and diligence during the Sixth Form is simply necessary.

After 3 years of study at the university, students receive a Bachelor Degree. Further education is called Postgraduate Study, the first stage of which is a master's degree. At this stage, many foreigners come to the UK. The best way for them will be the Master's Program ( ).

For a better understanding, I suggest you look at the diagram of possible training options in the appendix to this article.

We sincerely hope that our article will help you deal with the incomprehensibleeducation system in the UK... Some private schools, following centuries-old traditions, offer their own education system and age limits for each stage of education. It is better to find out more about this before you apply.

Our advice! The child's education should be planned in advance, starting from the opposite. That is, first decide in which country and in which university you "see" your child. Then determine the list of Sixth Form schools / colleges from which this institution is accepted, or take a closer look at the Further Education college option. For many, this has become an excellent alternative in terms of financial costs and assistance with the definition of a future profession. Next, you need to find secondary schools that prepare for admission to a specific Sixth Form or Further Education. Complete the plan by picking Primary schools, and we will help you with this!
