School years are considered by many to be the best time of all life. On the one hand, high school students already consider themselves quite old, and on the other, they, as a rule, are not yet burdened with the serious concerns of adulthood. However, the first difficulty associated with school time arises when the child enters the 9th grade. It is then that the student himself and his parents have a question, and what is better, to continue studying at school until grade 11 and then go to higher educational institution or go somewhere right after grade 9. It should be noted right away that there is no universal answer here and there cannot be, because each individual case is unique. That is why the answer to this question is best based on your own preference.

Is it worth leaving after grade 9

Before listing the most popular options for where it is better to enter after grade 9, you must first understand whether it is worth leaving school at all after 9 years of study. First of all, it is worth noting here that in modern society there is a rather popular stereotype that people who have completed their studies in a technical school or college are all unsuccessful members of society. Although there are some grounds for this opinion, it is impossible to judge so unequivocally about all graduates of institutions of secondary specialized education. That is why there is nothing wrong with the fact that a child may express a desire to leave school and begin his path to gaining a profession immediately after the 9th grade.

This solution has a number of advantages, which are expressed in the following:

  • a sufficient number of budget places, which facilitates admission;
  • a high probability of getting a place in a hostel;
  • providing work after graduation;
  • the opportunity to continue their studies at the relevant institute or university and work in their specialty at the same time.

However, it would be foolish here to believe that given path will be incredibly easy for learners. In addition to learning difficulties, studying at a technical school or college after grade 9 is accompanied by the following possible disadvantages:

  • leaving the parental home early, which can have negative consequences in terms of discipline and education (bad company, bad habits, problems with the law, etc.);
  • a mistake in choosing where it is better to enter after grade 9, which can lead to wasted years and the need to study again, but for a different profession.

Only after weighing all the pros and cons, you can come to a reasonable conclusion about whether it makes sense to leave school in advance and start getting a profession.

How to choose a future profession

If the decision to leave school has already been made, then the next question arises as to whom you can apply after grade 9. It must be approached very responsibly, since the answer to it will greatly affect the future of the child. Sometimes there are times when a child himself knows exactly who he wants to become in the future. The ideal option here would be when the child himself chooses where to go after the 9th grade. The list of professions can be easily found and it is he who can help with the choice.

If the situation still remains unresolved, then the choice of a profession should be based on the individual characteristics of the child, and not on the special beliefs of the parents. Here you need to immediately mention that, when choosing his future profession, a teenager does not need to rely heavily on the opinion of the people around him. First of all, this applies to those people who advertise a certain educational institution or specialty in it. For example, the statement of your distant acquaintance that an accountant is one of the most promising and profitable professions in the world should not force you to apply for a relevant specialty if you hate mathematics.

Certain inclinations and interests of the child can be of significant help in choosing a profession and where to go after grade 9. Parents here should advise the child, and not impose their opinion on him. The ideal situation is when the parents simply offer possible options for the profession, and the child makes a choice on his own. Naturally, parents can and should provide all possible help in this matter. So, the best approach here would be one in which the parents only offer hints to help the child choose his own path. These tips include the following:

  1. Good grades in profile subjects future profession.
  2. Repeated consultations with specialists.
  3. Certain confidence in employment in the specialty after graduation.
  4. Passing special tests or having practice that is directly related to the future profession.

Below will be presented the most popular professions for boys and girls if they want to enter a technical school or college after grade 9.


Oddly enough, it is the institutions that train welders that are the best option for a boy to enter after the 9th grade. Many teenagers, and adults too, may be skeptical about the profession because of its name. For most people, this word is associated with an employee of the housing office, who is drunk almost all of his work time.

However, any prejudice disappears if we look at this profession in more detail. As you know, a welder is a specialist who connects elements of metal structures. This profession implies a high degree of responsibility, since the durability of these structures and how safe they are depends on the welders. That is why qualified specialists are in demand at any large plant in many industries. Thus, we can safely say that this profession is quite promising. At the same time, it is worth mentioning that the main disadvantage of the welder's profession is hazardous working conditions, which will have a noticeable effect on the human body.


This profession occupies a confident position in the list of the most popular professions for guys. Its relevance cannot be overestimated, drawing attention to the fact that the construction of large facilities, it seems, will never stop. It is also worth understanding that the builder becomes in demand when people need to make repairs in their house or apartment. In addition, it is worth noting that the knowledge and skills acquired in the learning process will be useful to the future man in his personal life.

It can also be mentioned here that this profession has the status of a mass one. This means that people can work as a builder with or without a special education. In favor of training, the fact that an employer is more likely to give preference to a graduate may be in favor of training, so a builder is another option for a man to do after grade 9.


If you do not know where it is better for a girl to enter after the 9th grade, then pay attention to the profession of a seamstress. This profession is quite popular, primarily due to the fact that you can earn money both on your own (in every city there is a huge number of ateliers and sewing workshops), and working in one of almost 200 sewing factories throughout Russia. Here you need to immediately understand that the seamstress is not always engaged only in sewing new clothes. Very often she has to deal with the simplest and monotonous activities in the form of removing threads or cutting out parts of certain sizes. However, in any of these cases, the seamstress spends a huge amount of time working with the sewing machine.

Although this is a surprise to many, there is a whole list of diseases that can prevent a girl from becoming a seamstress. These include eczema, low vision, and back problems. If your health is in order, then the profession of a seamstress will suit you if you have the following qualities and skills:

  • are well versed in the types of fabrics;
  • have perseverance and concentration at a high level;
  • you can boast of a good eye.


The next popular option for a girl to enter after grade 9 is a nurse. Representatives of this profession provide qualified and very important assistance to doctors. Thus, this profession is suitable for those who want to help other people, but do not want to study to be a doctor for many years in a higher educational institution.

First of all, if you decide to enter a nurse, then you need to understand that there has always been and remains a very large competition for this profession. As a result, only applicants with high school grades and successfully passed the entrance tests can expect to receive the coveted place.

Next, you need to perfectly understand the specifics of your future work if you want to become a nurse. Taking into account their main responsibilities, the representatives of the nursing staff are forced to put IVs, give injections, bandage wounds, distribute medications to patients, fill out outpatient cards and much more. At the same time, one cannot fail to mention that the nursing profession is distinguished by quite large employment opportunities, since hospitals, polyclinics, maternity hospitals, children's clinics and even military hospitals need this personnel. Here we can safely say that nurses will never be left out of work.

The hairdresser

This profession is the third popular option for a girl to enter after 9th grade. From the very beginning, you need to understand that this profession is suitable for creative personalities who will be able to offer this creative to their clients in the future. In addition, do not forget that it is a rather difficult profession - at first it is very difficult to spend the whole day standing on your feet. The more practice, the faster the body will get used to this load, so that fatigue will no longer be felt so strongly.

To be a successful hairdresser, you need to not only be able to implement the wishes of your clients, but also have a great idea of ​​fashion trends in order to offer your services. The popularity of this profession is also due to the fact that in each city there is a huge number of beauty salons, which periodically require new employees. That is why we can safely say that a hairdresser can find a job quite easily. In the end, do not forget that a hairdresser can have an additional source of income in the form of working from home.

Military or police officer

These professions are the last on our list where it is better to apply after the 9th grade. The most interesting thing here is that they enjoy a certain popularity among both boys and girls. As a rule, after the 9th grade, those guys enter the military who either have military among their relatives, or they themselves have firmly decided to go to serve in the army. Fortunately, they have many opportunities presented by specialized schools to do this. The main thing that the future military should understand is that the study will be quite difficult, and very great attention will be given discipline. If you have problems with the latter, then the years of study will be very difficult for you.

As for the girls, you can very often come across the question, are girls taken to the police, is it possible to enter after the 9th grade? The answer is unequivocal - you can, but not every girl can do it. First of all, you need to adequately assess your physical data. Even despite the fact that less stringent requirements are imposed on girls, pass entrance tests physical fitness is within the power of few. Also, do not forget about assessing the state of health and psychological state.

How to choose an educational institution

When you have finally chosen your future profession, you need to decide on an educational institution. It often happens here that the applicant finds several educational institutions that train specialists in the direction he has chosen. In this regard, there are a number of criteria that can help make right choice in this case. They are the following aspects:

  1. Place. Some teenagers want to quickly leave their parental home to study in another city in order to start their adult life. Others prefer to continue their studies in their hometown, close to family and friends. Quite often, it is the location of the educational institution that plays a decisive role.
  2. Communication with potential employers. Preference should be given to those institutions that maintain direct contact with employers. In this case, you can be sure of regular practice and employment after graduation.
  3. Learning foreign languages. Modern society is going through an era of globalization, which increases the importance of in English... Since not everyone can learn this language on their own, it is best to study it in parallel with mastering the main profession.
  4. Leisure. As strange as it may sound, years of training in the profession should not be spent exclusively on study. At this time, do not forget about your hobbies, entertainment and meeting new people.


The choice of a future profession is very important for every student. Therefore, if a teenager expresses a desire to leave school after the 9th grade and start mastering a profession in a technical school or college, then parents should support him as much as possible and, if necessary, help in the question of where it is better to enter after grade 9.

The choice of a profession after studying in the 9th grade takes into account personal interests, abilities, material considerations and the proximity of the location of the educational institution. A specialty can be obtained at a school, college or technical school, after which you can continue your studies at a university. Higher education is especially appreciated in the economic and legal fields.

What are the professions after the 9th grade for boys and girls?

There are specialties that are popular among boys and girls. They can be obtained in secondary specialized educational institutions.

  1. Administrator (warehouse, hotel complex or restaurant)
  2. Accountant
  3. Confectioner
  4. Masseur
  5. Manager
  6. Waiter
  7. Shop assistant
  8. The hairdresser
  9. Programmer
  10. Advertising specialist
  11. Tour operator
  12. Pharmacist
  13. Paramedic
  14. Lawyer
  15. Economist
  16. Guide

List for girls

Girls are more suitable for professions that do not require as much physical strength as in men's specialties.

  1. Visagiste
  2. Educator
  3. Housemaid
  4. Designer (landscape, clothing, interior)
  5. Cashier
  6. Cosmetologist
  7. Nurse
  8. Salesman
  9. Commodity specialist
  10. Florist
  11. Seamstress

These professions are in wide demand and make it easy to find a job after graduation. However, when choosing creative directions, you need to pay special attention to the presence of talent in a teenager.

List for boys

Young people more often prefer the following blue-collar jobs:

  1. Driver
  2. Crane operator
  3. Painter
  4. Locksmith
  5. Welder
  6. PC technician
  7. Turner
  8. Milling machine
  9. Plasterer
  10. An electrician

These specialties are also in great demand in the labor market and allow you to receive a decent salary. Their lack of prestige easily outweighs the demand in the labor market and rather high salaries.

Professions at the institute

After studying in the 9th grade, you can get to the institute only after graduating from a technical school or college. Many educational institutions cooperate with each other and allow you to immediately enter the second or third year. After graduating from the university, you can get in-depth knowledge of the chosen specialty. It is also possible to choose a completely new profession, only the study will begin from the first year.

In colleges attached to universities, the following areas are presented:

  1. Economic specialties - commodity expert, cashier, economist, manager, etc.
  2. Medical direction - for example - homeopath, massage therapist, etc.
  3. Areas of the media - announcer, journalist, copywriter, translator, etc.
  4. Technical professions - engineer, car mechanic, crane operator, etc.
  5. Transport sector - taxi driver, driver, freight forwarder, machinist, conductor, etc.
  6. Creative professions - conductor, actor, musician, architect, model, etc.
  7. Pedagogy - educator, teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, etc.
  8. Food professions - cook, miller, baker, baker, pastry chef, etc.
  9. Sphere Agriculture- agronomist, horse breeder, farmer, machine operator, etc.
  10. Jurisprudence - notary, lawyer, investigator, interrogator, etc.

College Professions After Grade 9

College is considered more prestigious than a technical school or college. If you plan to enter a university, then it is better to stop your choice at an educational institution of this type. Educational programs they often offer multidisciplinary specialties. The choice of directions is very wide, here are just a few of the options.

  1. Aeronautical engineering
  2. Art
  3. Biological sciences, medicine
  4. Biotechnology
  5. Chemical technology
  6. Information Security
  7. Informatics and computer engineering,
  8. Mechanical engineering
  9. Nanotechnology and nanomaterials
  10. Applied geology, geodesy, mining
  11. Nuclear power and technology
  12. Construction technology
  13. Environmental management
  14. Industrial ecology
  15. Physicotechnical technologies
  16. Electricity and heat power engineering
  17. Electronics and radio engineering

Professions in the technical school after the ninth grade

The technical school provides secondary specialized education as close as possible to the school format. A deferment from the army has recently been provided for male students. Training usually takes 2 to 3 years. After college, there is also an opportunity to enter a university. The areas of study are different, each of them has many specialties.

  1. Design, culture and art
  2. Information and telecommunication technologies
  3. Medicine and healthcare
  4. Education and pedagogy
  5. Development and operation of technical systems
  6. Building
  7. Services sector
  8. Economics and Management
  9. Jurisprudence and Social Services

In school (at the end of grade 9) - the following professions

At the school training is in progress from six months to three years, during which they receive primary vocational education. The choice of specialties is quite extensive in various fields.

  1. Mechanic
  2. Clerk
  3. Projectionist
  4. Service technician
  5. Master of construction works
  6. Master of furniture and joinery production
  7. Driver
  8. Installer
  9. Waiter, bartender
  10. The hairdresser
  11. Baker
  12. Operator
  13. Fireman
  14. Seller, controller cashier
  15. Electric and gas welder
  16. Secretary
  17. Locksmith
  18. Milling machine operator
  19. Artist
  20. Elevator Electromechanic
  21. Electrician
  22. Jeweler

Choosing a profession, it is better to have the opportunity to work close to home, demand and future income. For admission to a university, it is better to stay at a college assigned to it in order to shorten the study time. However, in technical schools and colleges, you can also get a decent education.

Continuation. ... ...


With the birth of a child, the main task of parents is to take care of the health of the baby and his full physical and mental development... However, the older the children become, the more often the family raises the question of their future, namely, the choice of a profession. You can unlearn all 11 grades and only then enter the chosen higher educational institution, there is also an alternative option - to leave school after the end of the 9th grade.

Should I leave school after finishing 9th grade?

One of the first important decisions for adolescents, which will affect how their lives will develop in the future, is leaving school after the end of the 9th grade. Its adoption should be deliberate and balanced, and not hasty. One unwillingness of the child to continue studying in school institution not enough.

It is necessary to weigh all the pros and cons of the act, and parents should not do it alone, but together with their children, taking into account their abilities, aspirations and state of health. The latter plays an important role, since getting some professions requires physical strength (for example, builders, military) or special training (gymnasts or musicians).

It should be understood that not all boys and girls want to receive higher education, even if their mom and dad dream about it. A prestigious specialty can be acquired not only at a university.

The choice of educational institution is very important, making which, you should not follow the lead of friends or neighbors and listen to their recommendations. It is advisable to visit several institutions at once, talk with teachers, learn the principles of teaching.

Studying at an institute or university is expensive, which not all families can afford. However, even after a technical school or college, if you wish, you can get a higher education in full-time or part-time.


The decision to leave school after grade 9 and continue to study full-time or part-time in another institution has a number of advantages, including:

  1. A large number of budget places. This gives the applicant the opportunity to get on the budget, study for free, and receive a scholarship.
  2. Getting a specialty. In addition to mastering school material, in technical schools girls and boys are taught a specific specialty, in which they will be able to work after the 3rd year.
  3. Opportunity to get higher education faster than peers who graduated from grade 11. This is due to the fact that sometimes, after college, the institute is taken not for the first, but immediately for the third year.
  4. Easier admission than a university. To enter the school, sometimes it is enough to have a 9th grade certificate and pass an interview. To enter the university, you must pass exams, pass an interview and have a good GPA, so it is better that there are no triples in the certificate.


Leaving school before the end of grade 11 has its own significant drawbacks, directly related to the future life of a boyfriend or girlfriend:

  1. The first disadvantage is that it gets out of control and parenting too early. Often children move to live in a hostel, get almost complete freedom of action. On the one hand, this is good - a person learns to be independent, on the other - at a too young age, such lack of control is fraught with problems with studies, truancy, poor grades. The result is a deduction.
  2. The second significant drawback is the wrong choice of profession. For this reason, the child begins to study poorly, he loses interest in learning and, as a result, academic performance falls. So it is necessary to approach the choice of where to go to study after the 9th grade with all responsibility.

How to choose the right profession?

Having finally decided to leave school earlier, boys and girls need to first of all decide on their future profession and do it right. At this age, it is quite difficult to fairly assess all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular profession, since often an opinion about them is formed from films or stories of friends. With this choice, it is better to seek advice from parents, educators and people with experience behind them.

There are two ways to obtain information about the required specialty:

  1. The first and most reliable is to visit Day open doors". Similar events are held in all educational institutions. At them, teachers and students share their knowledge about those specializations that a particular institution provides.
  2. Website of the educational institution. V modern world almost every educational institution has its own website on the Internet, where you can find all the information of interest.

Also, when choosing a future profession, it is important not only to have an idea about it and its features, but also to take into account other nuances:

  • demand in the job market;
  • working conditions;
  • opportunity for career growth;
  • age restrictions, because they will not be hired to work in a specialty where it comes to material responsibility or safety of other people, boys and girls under 18 years of age.

Choosing an educational institution after grade 9: college, technical school, school

The choice of an educational institution where you can enter after grade 9 is on the same level in importance with the definition of a specialty. These include:

  • technical College;
  • school;
  • college.

Each of the listed institutions has its own characteristics of building educational process, obtaining knowledge, conditions of admission, profile orientation and further prospects. Having entered the school, you can master a practical specialty from a fairly wide choice of professions, which will be in demand, for example, in production - a factory or a factory. Training lasts from six months to three years. The requirements for admission are the simplest, even the presence of a certificate with triplets is not a hindrance. However, for absenteeism and low academic performance, expulsion is possible.

The technical school is considered to be of higher rank in comparison with the school. Accordingly, the requirements are more serious. It provides secondary specialized education, which is as close as possible to the school format, but, unlike school, after it, a young man or a girl receives a technical specialty. The duration of training takes from 2 to 3 years. This educational institution provides an opportunity to enter full-time or part-time at a university.

The most prestigious institutions are colleges. They are best suited for those who are going to graduate later. Their programs provide an opportunity to obtain a multidisciplinary specialty, which includes not only technical or working professions, but also such as management, law, medicine and others. However, it is possible to get education in them mainly on a commercial basis.

Entrance tests for applicants

When a teenager has succeeded in choosing a profession that he wants, and the institution where he specifically wants to go to study, all that remains is to enter (for more details in the article:). Naturally, the requirements and competition for admission after 9 classes are less than for universities, however, there are certain conditions here too:

  1. Timely submission of documents to the selection committee. They include: passport or birth certificate, copies of parents' passports for minors, certificate, personal file and medical record from school, medical certificate and vaccination card, standard photographs - 4 pieces.
  2. Exams passage. The subjects that must be passed on admission depend on the specialty. For example, a future programmer - mathematician and computer science or physics, a physician - biology or chemistry. However, there is a compulsory exam that is passed regardless of the chosen profession, namely the Russian language.
  3. Additional tests. For example, a creative competition for professions such as architect, musician or dancer.
  4. Competition of certificates. The higher the average score in the certificate, the more chances you have to enroll in the chosen educational institution. The presence of triplets narrows the choice of specialty.
  5. Interview. Upon admission to some schools, it is enough to provide a certificate and pass an interview.

List of the most in-demand specialties after grade 9

Demand in the labor market and wages are important aspects in choosing a future specialty. In the modern world, the first in the list of the most in-demand professions are those related to construction, for example:

  • mason;
  • welder;
  • designer;
  • specialist in finishing works.

With such a specialty, you can easily find a job in almost any region. Also, employment largely depends on the presence in the city of enterprises, factories and plants. Typically, educational institutions train specialists who are required in closely located industries.

Another promising industry is the service sector:

  • visagiste;
  • the hairdresser;
  • Cook;
  • seamstress;
  • stylist.

Despite the fact that the line between purely male and female professions is gradually blurring, there are those that are more suitable for one of the sexes. There are also universal professional areas in which both boys and girls can achieve success, for example, a lawyer, designer or manager.

For boys

Below is a list from which representatives of the stronger sex can choose a profession after the end of 9 classes:

  • mechanic;
  • driver;
  • crane operator;
  • painter;
  • mechanic;
  • collector;
  • locksmith;
  • welder;
  • PC technician;
  • turner;
  • milling machine;
  • plasterer;
  • an electrician.

Another option is the military field. However, in addition to knowledge upon admission, you must have good physical fitness. With development information technologies more and more specialists are required to work, repair and maintain computer equipment.

For girls

Women's professional areas include:

  • visagiste;
  • the hairdresser;
  • obstetrician;
  • educator;
  • housemaid;
  • cashier;
  • cosmetologist;
  • nurse;
  • salesman;
  • commodity expert;
  • florist;
  • seamstress.

These options will provide the girl with a paid job when she graduates. For creative professions, special attention should be paid to the presence of talent.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Psychology of the Reproductive Sphere and the Volgograd State Medical University clinical psychologist

Technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade will not be a problem. Educational institutions are represented in various directions. Consider some of the most popular institutions, as well as reviews about them.


To begin with, we will study the list of colleges, technical schools after grade 9, and we will analyze the features of some of them in more detail.

  • Medical College (Marshal Timoshenko str., Building 19).
  • College them. Gnesins (Povarskaya str., Building 1, building 38).
  • College of Tourism and Service No. 29 (Donetskaya str., 28).
  • Pedagogical educational institution №7 (lane Armenian, p. 2, d. 4).
  • Construction College No. 1 (Rabochaya str., Building 1/2, building 12).
  • College of the Service Industry (Bolshaya Kalitnikovskaya St., 34/3).
  • College of Technology, Economics and Law (named after Krasin) - st. Bolshaya Gruzinskaya, 13.
  • Construction College No. 30 (Akademika Petrovsky str. / 10).
  • Industrial College (7 Kholodilny Lane).
  • College of Architecture and Urban Planning (79, Anadyrskiy Avenue).
  • College of Technology (Tikhomirova, 10/1).
  • Metropolitan College of Management and New Technologies (General Belova Street, 6).

These are not all technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade. Let's dwell on the most popular of them.

Medical College (Office of the President of the Russian Federation)

For more than half a century, the institution has been preparing experienced specialists of the middle category. In addition, retraining of personnel is carried out, as well as an increase in the level of their qualifications. The institution makes a significant contribution to the development of treatment and diagnostic activities of medical institutions. The project was created in 1960 as a medical school at the Country Polyclinic No. 4, in 2001 it was transformed into a college. During its activity, more than 10 thousand nurses and about 1000 specialists in laboratory diagnostics have graduated.

According to user reviews, the institution enjoys success among applicants, has a well-developed educational base and a high level of teaching. Many parents are planning to place their children here. It should be noted that there is a budgetary form of education.

College named after the Gnesins

We will continue to examine the metropolitan technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade with this institution. The institution is located in the center of Moscow, has group rooms and classrooms for personal training. There are dance rooms, computer rooms, a library, sets of various musical instruments, a reading room, Internet access, concert halls, a laboratory and a number of other specialized facilities, including a gym, dormitory, first-aid post and dining room.

Judging by the responses of users, the institution does not require additional advertising, is famous for a decent level of teaching and ample opportunities for organizing extracurricular activities.

Technical school number 29

This educational institution, which occupies a worthy place in the ranking of colleges and technical schools after the 9th grade, is in leading positions, trains specialists in the field of tourism, beauty, trade, fashion industry. This approach allows you to get a profession that will always be in demand. The technical school uses the best programs and materials recommended by domestic and foreign brands. The quality of education is confirmed by a certificate of the Russian Chamber of Commerce.

As the graduates note, the students of the institution regularly win prizes at city and international Olympiads. Many teachers periodically take advanced training courses and have received state and regional awards.


Colleges and technical schools in Moscow after the 9th grade are adequately represented by the pedagogical educational institution №7. It is one of the oldest institutions, founded in 1964. College status was awarded to the school in 1998. Graduates receive secondary education professional education higher category. During its existence, the college has trained more than 16 thousand specialists. In addition, the institution uses rich experience in the innovation field, which allows it to create an atmosphere of creativity and scientific research, as well as improve the quality of professional retraining.

Judging by the reviews, the institution is a success and provides a high level of knowledge. Also, users attribute the benefits to the responsibility of educators and ample opportunities organization of extracurricular life of students.

Construction College №1

The institution implements a variety of programs, including integrated, multi-stage, successive and mandatory options. Their content is focused on expanding the capabilities of students, as well as on obtaining a specialty that optimally matches the existing qualifications. Any student can choose a personal educational direction.

Metropolitan College of Architecture and Urban Planning

Decently represents technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade in Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning. This institution was founded in 1951, confidently preparing personnel for the construction industry. The institution provides training in 11 categories of vocational education, including architecture, construction and operation of structures, applied informatics, landscape construction, accounting, economics.

There is a decent scientific and material base, modern geodetic equipment, a laboratory, a model workshop, a computer room, and a television studio. In addition, the college has a lot of different sections and circles, additional education programs, courses foreign language, dance studios, technical extracurricular programs.

Colleges and technical schools (St. Petersburg) after grade 9

St. Petersburg has an equally rich list of educational institutions in this category. Below is a list of the most popular ones:

  1. College of Economics (Baskov Lane, 8).
  2. Metropolitan educational institution (Kupchinskaya st., 28-A).
  3. Petrodvorets College (settlement Strelna, Teatralnaya alley, 19-A).
  4. College of Electronics and Instrumentation (223-A, People's Militia Ave.).
  5. Optical and Mechanical Lyceum (61 Polyustrovsky Ave.).
  6. Road educational institution (Pridorozhnaya alley, 7-A).
  7. Naval College of the Navy (Red Fleet St., 18/48).
  8. Pedagogical College (Kostroma prospect, 46-A).
  9. Radio Polytechnic (23 Engels Ave.).

As you can see, there are more than enough educational institutions of the middle category in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many of them have both paid tuition and a budget option. The choice is up to you and the applicants.

Not all students can continue their 11-year education within the walls of a school, and such situations are very disturbing for both the students themselves and their parents. The most correct and common decision is considered to leave after grade 9 to study a narrower profile. In addition, when entering a school, college or technical school, you can always count on continuing your studies at a higher educational institution.

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Many parents are not very happy about this development of their child. There are a huge number of various rumors that studying after the ninth grade outside the home school can have a bad effect on the future, getting a place in a university will be an overwhelming task, and you should not count on decent employment at all. Fortunately, all this is a myth and in the modern world such a teaching technique, on the contrary, is welcomed. And this has several reasons:

  1. For ninth grade graduates in higher educational institutions, it is planned to allocate more budgetary places. This is very helpful for the child, especially from a low-income family.
  2. Graduates of ninth grade do not have the same hassle of getting a place in a college dormitory that high school graduates have.
  3. Such a decision is likely to lead to an accelerated acquisition process, which will allow the graduate to go to work faster and acquire the necessary skills. In addition, in such situations, cases of receiving education by correspondence are most common.
  4. After graduating from a technical school or college, graduates have opportunity receive accelerated education at the university for 2 or 3 years instead of the full 5 years.
  5. This makes the child independent and responsible.

Of course there is a number disadvantages that appear after such a choice. First, the graduate often has to leave the parental home. This does not always happen if a child enters an institution located in his hometown, but most often young children strive to new places, which becomes an unequivocal reason for the parents to worry.

Secondly, the chosen profession in the ninth grade does not always turn out to be a child's dream and he is quickly disappointed. I don't want to go further to study in the desired profession, which can cause stress and depression in the graduate. Thirdly, if the decision to change educational institution after the ninth grade appeared due to low academic performance, then one can hardly count on prestigious training Further.

Specialties after grade 9

Each person has a certain set of qualities and character traits that can manifest themselves in the chosen specialty and make him a professional. It is very important to remember that untalented people do not exist. There are only those who have chosen the wrong specialty. Thus, people with a humanitarian mindset will find it difficult to comprehend all the subtleties of the exact sciences like mathematics or physics, while "techies" will prefer solving complex problems than learning languages ​​or history.

First of all, you need to figure out which groups of professions exists:

Each of these groups has a huge number of specialties that ninth grade graduates can pursue. Therefore, the first step in choosing a specialty that is interesting for a child is to understand in him the profiling qualities and interest in one of these groups. For example, if a graduate has good language skills and a good memory, then he may like one of the linguistic professions.

Professions after grade 9 for boys and girls

Young people usually prefer more classical and working professions with their hands, so there are a large number of programs for guys in colleges and technical schools, where they teach in such specialties:

It is worth mentioning that these professions are quite in demand in the modern world and success awaits a true lover of their craft.

Girls prefer more creative specialties, where you can show creativity and a new approach to things. In addition, they do not require such physical efforts as was necessary in male professions. Girls can go to college or technical school for such specialty, how:

This kind of profession will always be in demand, which guarantees good chances for subsequent employment and a high level of wages. The only thing worth paying attention to is the child's creativity. If such things are difficult, then it is unlikely that it will be good. idea.

Who can go to college after ninth grade

If the question has already arisen about admission somewhere after the ninth grade, then most often it is recommended to stop in choosing a college. The college is considered more prestigious, offers much more programs and various specialties - there are more opportunities, which will not go to the detriment of the child. This type of educational institution can provide more opportunities for development for a ninth grade graduate, so most often the choice of parents stops at him.

Who can apply for after the ninth grade in a technical school

Technical College has a more close to school education. It is also possible to study in it from two to three years, and then take state exams for admission to a higher educational institution. The technical school also provides a wide range of interesting professions for all tastes.

There is a huge amount of very different advice on choosing a specialty that you can go to after the ninth grade. It may depend on financial component, on the proximity of the college or technical school to home, demand and expected results for the future.

The main thing to remember is that regardless of where the child wants to go and what desires for the future, you need to support and help him as much as possible. For those who have not yet decided on their future specialty, it is recommended not to panic and try to soberly think over their capabilities, skills and preferences. You can once again look through all the lists of professions and decide on the choice that will be most suitable for the personal qualities of the applicant.
