1. Give the definition of a measuring transducer (sensor)

a) a technical tool designed to generate measurement information in a form that can be perceived by an observer (operator)

b) technical means serving to convert the measured value into another value or a signal of measuring information, convenient for processing, storage, indication or transmission and having normalized metrological characteristics

c) technical means for converting non-electrical energy into electrical

d) technical means intended for carrying out measurements

2. Relative error

a) measurement error, expressed as the ratio of the absolute measurement error to the actual value of the measured quantity

b) measurement error, expressed as the ratio of the absolute measurement error to the measured value of the measured quantity

c) measurement error, expressed as the ratio of the absolute measurement error to the actual or measured value of the measured quantity

d) measurement error, expressed by the difference between the measured and true values ​​of the measured quantity

3. Measuring mechanisms of ratiometers

indicate the figure number corresponding to the design of the ratiometer

a) A b) B c) C d) all

4. Physical quantity

a) expressed quantitatively in the form of a certain number of established units of measurement

b) a property that is qualitatively common for many objects, physical systems, their states and processes occurring in them, but quantitatively individual for each of them

c) values ​​inherent in social sciences

d) belongs to the field of mathematics and is a generalization (model) of specific real concepts, calculated in one way or another

5. Basic physical quantities used in the SI system

a) meter, second, kilogram, ampere, kelvin, mol

b) second, meter, kilogram, volt, ampere, mole, candela

c) ampere, second, meter, kilogram, kelvin, mole, radian

d) meter, kilogram, second, ampere, kelvin, mole, candella

6. Measurement

a) finding the value of a physical quantity using technical means and calculations

b) comparison of a physical quantity with a reference value in the SI system

c) finding the value of a physical quantity empirically using technical means and calculations

d) indication on the scale of an analog measuring device

7. Means of measurement

a) technical means intended for measurements

b) technical means intended for measurements, having standardized metrological characteristics

c) a technical device that complies with the established standards

d) electrical measuring device

8. Absolute measurement error

a) the difference between the actual and measured values ​​of a physical quantity

b) the sum of the actual and measured values ​​of a physical quantity

c) the ratio of the actual value of the physical quantity to the measured

d) the ratio of the measured value of a physical quantity to the actual

9. Accuracy class of the measuring device

a) the main metrological characteristic of the device, which determines the permissible values ​​of basic and additional errors that affect the measurement accuracy

b) a characteristic of the device, indicating the measurement error

c) the main metrological characteristic of the device, which determines the permissible values ​​of the basic errors that affect the measurement accuracy

d) characteristic of the device, indicating the relative measurement error

10. Accuracy class of an exemplary measuring instrument

a) must be equal to the accuracy class of the calibrated

b) must be 1 unit higher than the verified

c) must be 2 units higher than the verified

d) must be 3 units higher than the verified

11. Compare definitions

Direct measurement

measurement in which the sought value of a quantity is found from the known relationship between this quantity and quantities subjected to direct measurements (finding the density by mass and size)

Indirect measurement

simultaneous measurements of two or more non-identical quantities to identify the relationship between them

Aggregate measurements

measurement in which the desired value of a quantity is found directly from experimental data

Joint measurements

simultaneous measurements of several quantities of the same name, in which the sought-for values ​​of quantities are found from a system of equations obtained from direct measurements (finding the mass of a weight in a set by the known mass of one of them and by comparing the masses of various combinations of weights)

a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D

b) 1-A, 2-C, 3-D, 4-B

c) 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B

d) 1-C, 2-A, 3-B, 4-D

12. Types of verification of measuring instruments (compare)

a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D

b) 1-B, 2-C, 3-D, 4-A

c) 1-C, 2-B, 3-D, 4-A

d) 1-C, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D

Test No. 13. The shape of the horizontal voltage sweep of the electronic oscilloscope

a) in the absence of a signal at the input - rectangular, if present - constant

b) depends on the measured signal

c) sawtooth

d) sinusoid

14. Classification of electrical measuring instruments (compare)

By execution for different climatic regions








by the type of energy used (physical phenomenon)

ordinary with increased strength

resistant to mechanical stress (shaking, vibration, shock)

By the influence of mechanical stress

for regions with a temperate climate

moderate and cold

humid tropical

dry tropical

dry and humid tropical

marine and general climatic use

By the type of protection against the action of external magnetic and electric fields

protected from electric fields

protected from magnetic fields

mounted on ferromagnetic shields

mounted on non-magnetic shields

installed on any shields

By the method of converting electrical energy into mechanical

electromechanical, electrothermal, electrokinetic, electrochemical

a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-D

b) 1-C, 2-D, 3-B, 4-D, 5-A

c) 1-B, 2-A, 3-C, 4-D, 5-D

d) 1-D, 2-A, 3-B, 4-C, 5-D

15. Devices for expanding the boundaries of measurement in DC circuits.

a) for current measurement - shunts, current transformers, for voltage measurement - additional resistances, voltage transformers

b) shunts, additional resistances, current transformers

c) shunts, additional resistances

d) current transformers, voltage transformers

16. Designations on the scales of electrical measuring instruments (compare)

electrodynamic system

magnetoelectric system

electromagnetic system

heated filament heating system

induction system

ferrodynamic system

vibration system

electrostatic system

a) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-E, 5-D, 6-D, 7-W, 8-F

b) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-E, 5-D, 6-D, 7-W, 8-F

c) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-E, 5-D, 6-D, 7-W, 8-F

d) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-E, 5-D, 6-D, 7-W, 8-F

17. The principle of operation of the measuring mechanism (compare)

Magnetoelectric system

torque is created due to the interaction of an alternating magnetic flux with currents induced in a closed winding, disk or cylinder of conductive non-ferromagnetic material

Electromagnetic system

the torque that moves the moving part of the device occurs as a result of the interaction of the magnetic field created by the permanent magnet and the electric current passing through the turns of the winding located in this field

Electrodynamic system

the phenomenon of mechanical resonance of oscillations of spring plates, excited by the action of an alternating current electromagnet, is used

Induction system

the torque is generated by a core drawn into the slot of the coil when current is passed through the winding

Electrostatic system

the torque acting on the moving part is generated by energy electric field forces of attraction arising between oppositely charged conductors

Vibration system

the torque is generated when the current of the frame winding, fixed on the axis, interacts with the magnetic field created by the stationary winding

a) 1-A, 2-D, 3-E, 4-B, 5-C, 6-D

b) 1-B, 2-D, 3-E, 4-A, 5-D, 6-C

c) 1-A, 2-E, 3-D, 4-C, 5-B, 6-D

d) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-E, 5-D, 6-B

18. Cathode-ray tube of the oscilloscope:

a) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A, 4-D, 5-D, 6-E, 7-D

b) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D, 5-D, 6-E, 7-J

c) 1-B, 2-E, 3-A, 4-F, 5-G, 6-D, 7-B

d) 1-B, 2-E, 3-A, 4-F, 5-D, 6-D, 7-B

19. To measure the liquid level, the following can be used:

a) levelers with constant immersion float

b) equalization based on the use of the physical properties of the liquid

c) all listed types

Test - 20. To measure pressure can be used:

a) liquid pressure gauges

b) spring pressure gauges

c) manometers of all listed types

d) none of the listed types

21. For direct measurement of force, the following can be used:

a) magnetoelastic sensors

b) piezoelectric sensors

d) none of the listed types

22. Principles of operation of an electric moisture meter:

a) by the value of the electrical conductivity of a wet substance

b) by the value of the dielectric constant

c) by the value of dielectric losses

d) all of the above

23. The device and principle of operation of digital devices.

1 Analog to Digital Converter

3 Display Device

4 Input Device

5 Power unit

6 Control device

7 Computing Device

a) 1-B, 2-D, 3-D, 4-A 5-F, 6-E, 7-C

b) 1-F, 2-E, 3-D, 4-D, 5-A, 6-B, 7-C

c) 1-E, 2-F, 3-D, 4-A, 5-B, 6-D, 7-C

d) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-D, 5-C, 6-E, 7-F

24. The operation of a resistance thermocouple (thermocouple) is based on:

a) change in electrical resistance of metals or semiconductors with voltage change

b) change in the electrical resistance of semiconductors with a change in temperature

c) the change in the electrical resistance of metals with a change in temperature

d) change in the electrical resistance of metals or semiconductors with a change in temperature

25. Measurement of resistance with direct-acting devices.

a) 1-for measuring low resistances, 2- for measuring high resistances, 3-based on a magnetoelectric ratiometer

b) 1-for measuring high resistances, 2-for measuring low resistances, 3-based on a magnetoelectric ratiometer

c) 1-based on a magnetoelectric ratiometer, 2-for measuring low resistances, 3- for measuring high resistances

d) 1- for measuring low resistances, 2- based on a magnetoelectric ratiometer, 3- for measuring high resistances

26. Bridge method for measuring resistance

27. To measure linear or angular displacements, the following can be used:

a) rheostat converters

b) inductive and transformer converters in

) capacitive converters

d) converters of all listed types

28. Test. For direct measurement of force, the following can be used:

a) magnetoelastic sensors

b) piezoelectric sensors

c) sensors of all listed types

d) none of the listed types

29. Accelerometer with piezoelectric transducer:

a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-B; b) 1-B, 2-C, 3-A; c) 1-A, 2-B, 3-B; d) 1-B, 2-B, 3-A

30. For non-contact temperature measurement, the following applies:

a) photometer

b) pyrometer

c) thermometer

Test with answers on the basics of metrology
1. State the purpose of metrology:
1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy; +
2) development and improvement of measuring instruments and methods of increasing their accuracy
3) development of a new and improvement of the current legal and regulatory framework;
4) improving the standards of units of measurement to improve their accuracy;
5) improvement of methods of transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object.
2. Indicate the tasks of metrology:
1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy;
2) development and improvement of measuring instruments and methods; increasing their accuracy; +
3) development of a new and improvement of the existing legal and regulatory framework; +
4) improving the standards of units of measurement to increase their accuracy; +
5) improvement of methods of transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object; +
6) establishment and reproduction in the form of measurement standards. +
3. Describe the principle of metrology "uniformity of measurements":
1) the development and / or application of metrological tools, methods, techniques and techniques is based on scientific experiment and analysis;
2) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in terms of approved for use in Russian Federation units of quantities, and the measurement accuracy indicators do not go beyond the established limits; +
3) the state of the measuring instrument when they are calibrated in legalized units and their metrological characteristics correspond to the established standards.
4. Which of the following methods ensure the uniformity of measurement:
1) the use of legalized units of measurement; +
2) determination of systematic and random errors, taking them into account in the measurement results;
3) the use of measuring instruments, the metrological characteristics of which correspond to the established standards; +
4) carrying out measurements by competent specialists.
5. Which section is devoted to the study theoretical foundations metrology:
1) legal metrology;
2) practical metrology;
3) applied metrology;
4) theoretical metrology; +

6. Which section considers the rules, requirements and norms that ensure regulation and control over the uniformity of measurements:
1) legal metrology; +
2) practical metrology;
3) applied metrology;
4) theoretical metrology;
5) experimental metrology.
7. Indicate the objects of metrology:
1) Rostekhregulirovanie;
2) metrological services;
3) metrological services of legal entities;
4) non-physical quantities; +
5) products;
6) physical quantities. +
8. What is the name of the qualitative characteristic of a physical quantity:
1) value:

size 4;
5) dimension +
9. What is the name of the quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity:
1) value;
2) a unit of physical quantity;
3) the value of a physical quantity;
4) size; +
5) dimension.
10. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, which ideal way would reflect in qualitative and quantitative terms the corresponding physical quantity:
1) valid;
2) what you are looking for;
3) true; +
4) nominal;
5) actual.
11. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, found experimentally and so close to the true that for the set task it can replace it:
1) real; +
2) what you are looking for;
3) true;
4) nominal;
5) actual.
12. What is the name of the fixed value of a quantity, which is taken as a unit of a given quantity and is used to quantify quantities homogeneous with it:
1) value;
2) unit of value; +
3) the value of a physical quantity;
4) indicator:
5) size.
13. What is the name of the unit of physical quantity, conventionally taken as independent of other physical quantities:
1) non-systemic,
2) fractional;
3) systemic;
4) multiple;
5) main. +
14. What is the name of the unit of physical quantity, defined through the basic unit of physical quantity:
1) main;
2) derivative; +
3) systemic;
4) multiple;
5) fractional.
15. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity in an integer number of times greater than the system unit of a physical quantity:
1) non-systemic;
2) fractional;
3) multiple; +
4) main;
5) derivative.
16. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity in an integer number of times less than the system unit of a physical quantity:
1) non-systemic;
2) fractional; +
3) multiple;
4) main;
5) derivative.
17. Name the subjects of the state metrological service.
2) State Scientific Metrological Center; +
3) metrological service of industries;
4) metrological service of enterprises;
5) Russian Calibration Service;
6) centers for standardization, metrology and certification. +
18. Give a definition of the concept of "measurement technique":
1) research and confirmation of compliance of measurement procedures (methods) with the established metrological requirements for measurements;
2) a set of specifically described operations, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with established accuracy indicators; +
3) a set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments;
4) a set of operations performed to determine the quantitative value of a quantity;
5) a set of measuring instruments designed to measure the same quantities, expressed in the same units of quantities, based on the same principle of operation, having the same design and manufactured according to the same technical documentation.
19. What is the name of the analysis and assessment of the correctness of the establishment and observance of metrological requirements in relation to the object being examined:
1) accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to perform work and / or provide services in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
2) certification of measurement techniques (methods);
3) state metrological supervision;
4) metrological expertise; +
5) verification of measuring instruments;
6) approval of the type of reference materials or the type of means
20. What is the name of the set of operations performed on the stump for determining the quantitative value of a quantity:
1) value;
2) the value of the quantities;
3) measurement; +
4) calibration;
5) verification.
21. Indicate the types of measurements by the method of obtaining information:
1) dynamic;
2) indirect; +
3) multiple;
4) single entry;
5) straight; +
6) joint; +
7) cumulative. +
22. Indicate the types of measurements by the amount of measurement information:
1) dynamic;
2) indirect;
3) multiple; +
4) single entry; +
5) straight;
6) static.
23. Indicate the types of measurements by the nature of changes in the information received during the measurement:
1) dynamic; +
2) indirect;
3) multiple;
4) one-time
5) straight;
6) static. +
24. Specify the types of measurements in relation to basic units
1) absolute +
2) dynamic
3) indirect
4) relative +
5) straight
6) static
25. For what types of measurements the desired value of the quantity is obtained directly from the measuring instrument:
1) with dynamic;
2) with indirect;
3) for multiple;
4) for single use;
5) for straight lines; +
6) with static.
26. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several quantities of the same name are determined, and the value of the required quantity is found by solving the system of equations:
1) differential;
2) straight;
3) joint;
4) cumulative; +
5) comparative.
27. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several inhomogeneous quantities are determined to find the functional relationship between them:
1) converting;
2) straight;
3) joint; +
4) cumulative;
5) comparative
28. Indicate the types of measurements in which the number of measurements is equal to the number of measured values:
1) absolute;
2) indirect;
3) multiple;
4) single entry; +
5) relative
6) straight.
29. What measuring instruments are intended for reproduction and / or storage of a physical quantity:
1) real measures; +
2) indicators;
3) measuring instruments;
4) measuring systems;
5) measuring installations;
6) measuring transducers;
7) standard samples of materials and substances;
8) standards.
30. What measuring instruments are a set of measuring transducers and a reading device:
1) real measures;
2) indicators;
3) measuring instruments; +
4) measuring systems;
5) measuring installations.
31. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, geographically separated and connected by communication channels:
1) real measures;
2) indicators;
3) measuring instruments;
4) measuring systems; +
5) measuring installations;
6) measuring transducers
32. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, collected in one place:
1) measuring instruments;
2) measuring systems;
3) measuring installations; +
4) measuring transducers;
5) standards.
33. Discovery is:
1) the property of the measured object, common in quantitative terms for all objects of the same name, but individual in quantitative; 2) comparison of an unknown quantity with a known one and the expression of the first through the second in a multiple or fractional ratio;
3) establishing the qualitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity; +
4) the establishment of quantitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity.
34. What technical means are intended to detect physical properties:
1) real measures;
2) measuring instruments;
3) measuring systems;
4) indicators; +
5) measuring instruments.
35. Indicate the standardized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments:
1) range of indications; +
2) measurement accuracy; +
3) uniformity of measurements;
4) measurement threshold;
5) reproducibility;
6) error. +
36. What is the name of the area of ​​the scale value, limited by the initial and final value:
1) measurement range;
2) range of indications; +
3) error;
4) threshold of sensitivity;
5) scale division value.
37. What is the name of the ratio of the change in the signal at the output of the measuring device to the change in the measured value causing it:
1) measurement range;
2) range of indications;
3) threshold of sensitivity;
4) scale division value;
5) sensitivity. +
38. What is the name of the technical means intended for the reproduction, storage and transmission of a unit of magnitude:
1) real measures;
2) indicators;

4) standard samples of materials and substances;
5) standards. +
39. Indicate the means of verification of technical devices:
1) measuring systems;
2) measuring installations;
3) measuring transducers;
4) calibers;
5) standards. +
40. What are the requirements for the standards:
1) dimension;
2) error;
3) immutability; +
4) accuracy;
5) reproducibility; +
6) comparability. +
41. What standards transfer their sizes to secondary standards:
1) international standards;
2) secondary standards;
3) state primary standards, +
4) calibers;
5) working standards;
42. What is the fundamental difference between verification and calibration:
1) mandatory; +
2) voluntary;
3) declarative nature;
4) there is no correct answer.
43. What standards transmit information about dimensions to working measuring instruments:
1) state primary standards;
2) state secondary standards;
3) calibers;
4) international standards;
5) working measuring instruments; +
6) working standards.
44. What is the name of the set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements:
1) verification; +
2) calibration;
3) accreditation;
4) certification;
5) licensing;
6) control;
7) supervision.
45. Calibration is:
1) a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements;
2) a set of fundamental regulatory documents designed to ensure the uniformity of measurements with the required accuracy;
3) A set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments. +
46. ​​What are the alternative results of verification of measuring instruments:
1) verification mark;
2) certificate of verification;
3) confirmation of suitability for use; +
4) notice of unsuitability;
5) recognition of unsuitability for use. +
47. Indicate the ways of confirming the suitability of the measuring instrument for use:
1) applying a verification mark; +
2) application of the type approval mark;
3) issuance of a notice of unsuitability;
4) issuance of a certificate of verification; +
5) issuance of a certificate of type approval.
1. Give the definition of metrology:
A. the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and required accuracy a set of documentation describing the rule of using measuring instruments a system of organizational and legal measures and institutions created to ensure the uniformity of measurements in the country A + VD. all of the above is true
Answer B
2. What is measurement?
A. determination of the desired parameter using the senses, nomograms or in any other way a set of operations performed with the help of a technical means storing a unit of magnitude, which makes it possible to compare the measured value with its unit and obtain the value of B. the use of technical means in the process of laboratory research the process of comparing two quantities, a process, phenomena, etc. all of the above are true Answer B
3. Unity of measurements:
A. the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legal units, and the errors are known with a given probability and do not go beyond the established limits application of the same units of measurement within the healthcare facility or region the use of the same type of measuring instruments (laboratory instruments) to determine the same physiological indicators obtaining the same results when analyzing a sample on the same measuring instruments all of the above is true Answer B
4. The error of the measurement result is called:
A. deviation of the results of successive measurements of the same sample difference between readings of two different instruments obtained on the same sample deviation of measurement results from the true (actual) value difference in readings of two devices of the same type obtained on the same sample deviation of measurement results of the same sample using different methods Answer B
5. Correctness of measurement results:
A. the result of comparing the measured value with a value close to it reproduced by the measure characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of the result the proximity of the average value of the results of repeated measurements to the true (actual) value of the measured quantity is determined. "B" + "C" D. all of the above is true Answer D

6. The measures include:
A. standards of physical quantities standard samples of substances and materials all of the above is true
Answer A
7. A standard sample is:
A. specially designed sample of a substance or material with metrologically certified values ​​of some properties control material obtained from an organ conducting external quality control of measurements B. sample of biomaterial with precisely defined parameters all of the above is true
Answer A
8. Indirect measurements are those measurements in which:
A. the method of the fastest determination of the measurand is applied. The sought-for value of the quantity is determined on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other physical quantities associated with the sought-for known functional dependence B. The sought-for value of the physical quantity is determined by comparison with the measure of this quantity. the desired value of the quantity is determined from the results of measurements of several physical quantities all of the above are true Answer B
9. Direct measurements are such measurements in which:
A. the desired value of the quantity is determined on the basis of the results of direct measurements of other physical quantities associated with the desired known functional dependence the method of the most accurate determination of the measured value is applied the desired value of a physical quantity is determined directly by comparison with a measure of this quantity the calibration curve of the device has the form of a straight line "B" + "D"
Answer B
10. Static measurements are measurements:
A. carried out in a hospital carried out at a constant measured value the desired value of a physical quantity is determined directly by comparison with a measure of this quantity "A" + "B" D. everything is right
Answer B
11. Dynamic measurements are measurements:
A. carried out in mobile laboratories the value of the measured value is determined directly by the mass of weights sequentially installed on the balance a time-varying physical quantity, which is represented by a set of its values ​​with an indication of the points in time to which these values ​​correspond associated with the determination of the forces acting on the sample or inside the sample Answer B
12. The absolute measurement error is:
A. The absolute value of the difference between two consecutive measurements component of the measurement error due to the imperfection of the adopted measurement method which is a consequence of the influence of the deviation towards any of the parameters characterizing the measurement conditions difference between the measured and actual value of the measured value all of the above is true Answer D

13. Relative measurement error:
A. error resulting from the influence of the deviation towards any of the parameters characterizing the measurement conditions component of the measurement error, independent of the value of the measured value the absolute error divided by the actual value of G. is the component of the measurement error caused by the imperfection of the adopted measurement method error in the result of indirect measurements due to the influence of all partial errors of the argument values
Answer B
14. Systematic error:
A. does not depend on the value of the measured quantity B. depends on the value of the measured quantity error component repeating in a series of measurements D. the difference between the measured and the actual value of the measured quantity valid "A", "B" and "C"
Answer B
15. Random error:
A. the component of the error that randomly changes with repeated measurements an error exceeding all previous measurement errors C. the difference between the measured and actual value of the measured quantity D. absolute error divided by the actual value D. "A", "B" and "C" are valid
Answer A
16. State metrological supervision is carried out:
A. in private enterprises, organizations and institutions at enterprises, organizations and institutions of federal subordination at state enterprises, organizations and institutions of municipal subordination at state-owned enterprises, organizations and institutions employing over a hundred people at enterprises, organizations and institutions, regardless of the type of property and departmental affiliation Answer D
17. Verification of measuring instruments:
A. determination of the characteristics of measuring instruments by any organization that has more accurate measuring devices than the calibrated one. calibration of analytical instruments for accurate control materials B. a set of operations performed by public service bodies in order to determine and confirm the compliance of a measuring instrument with the established technical requirements D. a set of operations performed by organizations in order to determine and confirm the compliance of a measuring instrument with a modern level all of the above is true
Answer B
18. The spheres of the state metrological control and supervision include:
A. health care B. veterinary medicine environmental protection ensuring labor safety all of the above
Answer A
19. Verification of compliance with metrological rules and regulations is carried out in order to:
A. determination of the state and correctness of the use of measuring instruments control of compliance with metrological rules and norms determination of the presence and correctness of application of certified measurement procedures control over the correct use of measurement results everything except "G"
Answer D
20. Verification in comparison with external quality control provides:
A. more accurate control of the instrumental error of measuring instruments greater coverage of control over various stages of medical research more precise definition sensitivity and specificity of the research method implemented on this device obligatory determination of the systematic component of the instrumental error "A" + "G"
Answer D

1. Indicate the purpose of metrology: 1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy; +

2) development and improvement of measuring instruments and methods of increasing their accuracy

3) development of a new and improvement of the current legal and regulatory framework;

4) improving the standards of units of measurement to improve their accuracy;

5) improvement of methods of transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object.

2. Indicate the tasks of metrology:

1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy;

2) development and improvement of measuring instruments and methods; increasing their accuracy; +

3) development of a new and improvement of the existing legal and regulatory framework; +

4) improving the standards of units of measurement to increase their accuracy; +

5) improvement of methods of transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object; +

6) establishment and reproduction in the form of measurement standards. +

3. Describe the principle of metrology "uniformity of measurements":

1) the development and / or application of metrological tools, methods, techniques and techniques is based on scientific experiment and analysis;

2) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in units of quantities admitted for use in the Russian Federation, and the measurement accuracy indicators do not go beyond the established boundaries; +

3) the state of the measuring instrument when they are calibrated in legalized units and their metrological characteristics correspond to the established standards.

4. Which of the following methods ensure the uniformity of measurement:

1) the use of legalized units of measurement; +

2) determination of systematic and random errors, taking them into account in the measurement results;

3) the use of measuring instruments, the metrological characteristics of which correspond to the established standards; +

4) carrying out measurements by competent specialists.

5. Which section is devoted to the study of the theoretical foundations of metrology:

1) legal metrology;

2) practical metrology;

3) applied metrology;

4) theoretical metrology; +

6. Which section considers the rules, requirements and norms that ensure regulation and control over the uniformity of measurements:

1) legal metrology; +

2) practical metrology;

3) applied metrology;

4) theoretical metrology;

5) experimental metrology.

7. Indicate the objects of metrology:

1) Rostekhregulirovanie;

2) metrological services;

3) metrological services of legal entities;

4) non-physical quantities; +

5) products;

6) physical quantities. +

8. What is the name of the qualitative characteristic of a physical quantity:

1) value:

size 4;

5) dimension +

9. What is the name of the quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity:

1) value;

2) a unit of physical quantity;

3) the value of a physical quantity;

4) size; +

5) dimension.

10. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, which would ideally reflect the corresponding physical quantity in qualitative and quantitative terms:

1) valid;

2) what you are looking for;

3) true; +

4) nominal;

5) actual.

11. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, found experimentally and so close to the true that for the set task it can replace it:

1) real; +

2) what you are looking for;

3) true;

4) nominal;

5) actual.

12. What is the name of the fixed value of a quantity, which is taken as a unit of a given quantity and is used to quantify quantities homogeneous with it:

1) value;

2) unit of value; +

3) the value of a physical quantity;

4) indicator:

5) size.

13. What is the name of the unit of physical quantity, conventionally taken as independent of other physical quantities:

1) non-systemic,

2) fractional;

3) systemic;

4) multiple;

5) main. +

14. What is the name of the unit of physical quantity, defined through the basic unit of physical quantity:

1) main;

2) derivative; +

3) systemic;

4) multiple;

5) fractional.

15. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity in an integer number of times greater than the system unit of a physical quantity:

1) non-systemic;

2) fractional;

3) multiple; +

4) main;

5) derivative.

16. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity in an integer number of times less than the system unit of a physical quantity:

1) non-systemic;

2) fractional; +

3) multiple;

4) main;

5) derivative.

17. Name the subjects of the state metrological service.


2) State Scientific Metrological Center; +

3) metrological service of industries;

4) metrological service of enterprises;

5) Russian Calibration Service;

6) centers for standardization, metrology and certification. +

18. Give a definition of the concept of "measurement technique":

1) research and confirmation of compliance of measurement procedures (methods) with the established metrological requirements for measurements;

2) a set of specifically described operations, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with established accuracy indicators; +

3) a set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments;

4) a set of operations performed to determine the quantitative value of a quantity;

5) a set of measuring instruments designed to measure the same quantities, expressed in the same units of quantities, based on the same principle of operation, having the same design and manufactured according to the same technical documentation.

19. What is the name of the analysis and assessment of the correctness of the establishment and observance of metrological requirements in relation to the object being examined:

1) accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to perform work and / or provide services in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

2) certification of measurement techniques (methods);

3) state metrological supervision;

4) metrological expertise; +

5) verification of measuring instruments;

6) approval of the type of reference materials or the type of means


20. What is the name of the set of operations performed on the stump for determining the quantitative value of a quantity:

1) value;

2) the value of the quantities;

3) measurement; +

4) calibration;

5) verification.

21. Indicate the types of measurements by the method of obtaining information:

1) dynamic;

2) indirect; +

3) multiple;

4) single entry;

5) straight; +

6) joint; +

7) cumulative. +

22. Indicate the types of measurements by the amount of measurement information:

1) dynamic;

2) indirect;

3) multiple; +

4) single entry; +

5) straight;

6) static.

23. Indicate the types of measurements by the nature of changes in the information received during the measurement:

1) dynamic; +

2) indirect;

3) multiple;

4) one-time

6) static. +

24. Specify the types of measurements in relation to basic units

1) absolute +

2) dynamic

3) indirect

4) relative +

6) static

25. For what types of measurements the desired value of the quantity is obtained directly from the measuring instrument:

1) with dynamic;

2) with indirect;

3) for multiple;

4) for single use;

5) for straight lines; +

6) with static.

26. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several quantities of the same name are determined, and the value of the required quantity is found by solving the system of equations:

1) differential;

3) joint;

4) cumulative; +

5) comparative.

27. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several inhomogeneous quantities are determined to find the functional relationship between them:

1) converting;

3) joint; +

4) cumulative;

5) comparative

28. Indicate the types of measurements in which the number of measurements is equal to the number of measured values:

1) absolute;

2) indirect;

3) multiple;

4) single entry; +

5) relative

6) straight.

29. What measuring instruments are intended for reproduction and / or storage of a physical quantity:

1) real measures; +

2) indicators;

3) measuring instruments;

4) measuring systems;

5) measuring installations;

6) measuring transducers;

7) standard samples of materials and substances;

8) standards.

30. What measuring instruments are a set of measuring transducers and a reading device:

1) real measures;

2) indicators;

3) measuring instruments; +

4) measuring systems;

5) measuring installations.

31. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, geographically separated and connected by communication channels:

1) real measures;

2) indicators;

3) measuring instruments;

4) measuring systems; +

5) measuring installations;

6) measuring transducers

32. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, collected in one place:

1) measuring instruments;

2) measuring systems;

3) measuring installations; +

4) measuring transducers;

5) standards.

33. Discovery is:

1) the property of the measured object, common in quantitative terms for all objects of the same name, but individual in quantitative terms;

2) comparison of an unknown value with a known one and expression of the first through the second in a multiple or fractional ratio;

3) establishing the qualitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity; +

4) the establishment of quantitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity.

34. What technical means are intended to detect physical properties:

1) real measures;

2) measuring instruments;

3) measuring systems;

4) indicators; +

5) measuring instruments.

35. Indicate the standardized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments:

1) range of indications; +

2) measurement accuracy; +

3) uniformity of measurements;

4) measurement threshold;

5) reproducibility;

6) error. +

36. What is the name of the area of ​​the scale value, limited by the initial and final value:

1) measurement range;

2) range of indications; +

3) error;

4) threshold of sensitivity;

5) scale division value.

37. What is the name of the ratio of the change in the signal at the output of the measuring device to the change in the measured value causing it:

1) measurement range;

2) range of indications;

3) threshold of sensitivity;

4) scale division value;

5) sensitivity. +

38. What is the name of the technical means intended for the reproduction, storage and transmission of a unit of magnitude:

1) real measures;

2) indicators;

4) standard samples of materials and substances;

5) standards. +

39. Indicate the means of verification of technical devices:

1) measuring systems;

2) measuring installations;

3) measuring transducers;

4) calibers;

5) standards. +

40. What are the requirements for the standards:

1) dimension;

2) error;

3) immutability; +

4) accuracy;

5) reproducibility; +

6) comparability. +

41. What standards transfer their sizes to secondary standards:

1) international standards;

2) secondary standards;

3) state primary standards, +

4) calibers;

5) working standards;

42. What is the fundamental difference between verification and calibration:

1) mandatory; +

2) voluntary;

3) declarative nature;

4) there is no correct answer.

43. What standards transmit information about dimensions to working measuring instruments:

1) state primary standards;

2) state secondary standards;

3) calibers;

4) international standards;

5) working measuring instruments; +

6) working standards.

44. What is the name of the set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements:

1) verification; +

2) calibration;

3) accreditation;

4) certification;

5) licensing;

6) control;

7) supervision.

45. Calibration is:

1) a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements;

2) a set of fundamental regulatory documents designed to ensure the uniformity of measurements with the required accuracy;

3) A set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments. +

46. ​​What are the alternative results of verification of measuring instruments:

1) verification mark;

2) certificate of verification;

3) confirmation of suitability for use; +

4) notice of unsuitability;

5) recognition of unsuitability for use. +

47. Indicate the ways of confirming the suitability of the measuring instrument for use:

1) applying a verification mark; +

2) application of the type approval mark;

3) issuance of a notice of unsuitability;

4) issuance of a certificate of verification; +

5) issuance of a certificate of type approval.

Full name .________________________ Group ________ Course _______ Date _________

Grade __________ Teacher _______________________


1 . Metrology is ...

a) the theory of transferring the sizes of units of physical quantities;

b) theory of initial measuring instruments (standards);

v ) the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy;

2 ... Physical quantity- this is …

a) the object of measurement;

b) the quantity to be measured, measured or measured in accordance with the main purpose of the measuring task;

c) one of the properties of a physical object, qualitatively common to many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each of them.

3. The quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity is called …

a) size;

B) dimension;

c) the object of measurement.

4.Measurement is called …

a) the choice of technical means with standardized metrological characteristics;

B) the operation of comparing the unknown with the known;

V ) experimental determination of the value of a physical quantity using technical means.

5. The objects of measurement include …

a) exemplary measures and devices;

b) physical quantities;

c) measures and reference materials.

6. When describing spatio-temporal and mechanical phenomena in SI, the basic units are taken …

A) kg, m, N;

b) m, kg, J,;

c) kg, m, s.

7. For verification of working measures and devices are used …

a) working standards;

b) copy standards;

c) reference standards.

8.According to the method of obtaining the result, all measurements are divided by …

a) direct, indirect, joint and aggregate.

b) direct and indirect;

c) static and dynamic;

9. Unity of measurements is called …

a) a system for calibrating measuring instruments;

b) comparison of national measurement standards with international ones;

v ) the state of measurements in which their results are expressed in legalized units of quantities and measurement errors do not go beyond the established limits with a given probability.

10. Correctness of measurements is …

a) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to zero of systematic errors of measurement results;

B) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result; c) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but brought to the same conditions.

11. Reproducibility of measurements is …

a) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of systematic errors of measurement results;

B) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result; v) characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but brought to the same conditions.

12. The essence of standardization is ...

A) legal regulation of relations in the field of establishment, application and use of mandatory requirements;

b) confirmation of compliance of the characteristics of objects with the requirements;

V ) activities on the development of normative documents establishing rules and characteristics for voluntary repeated use.

13. The goals of standardization are …

a) audit of quality systems;

B) implementation of the results of unification;

c) development of norms, requirements, rules ensuring product safety, interchangeability and technical compatibility, uniformity of measurements, saving resources.

14. The principles of standardization are …

a) voluntary confirmation of conformity of the object of standardization;

b) obligatory confirmation of conformity of the object of standardization;

v ) harmonization of national standards with international ones while taking into account the legitimate interests of stakeholders.

15. Documents in the field of standardization do not apply…

a) national standards;

b) business plans.

c) technical regulations;

16.The leading organization in the field of international standardization is …

a) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC);

b) International Organization for Standardization (ISO);

C) World Health Organization (WHO).

17. The list of products subject to mandatory certification regulates …

a) RF Law "On Technical Regulation";

b) Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

v ) The range of products, works, services subject to mandatory certification.

18. With the mandatory certification of products, one of the 10 analyzed indicators turned out to be inconsistent with the normative documentation. Can a certificate be issued?

A) yes;

b) no;

c) yes, with an indication of the indicators by which the products comply with the normative documentation.

19. The right of the manufacturer to mark products with the Mark of Conformity is determined by ...

a) a license issued by a certification body;

B) a license issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;

C) declaration of conformity

20. The functions of the national certification body in the Russian Federation are performed by ...

a) Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;

B) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrology named after V.I. DI. Mendeleev (VNIIM);

c) All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS).

1. Indicate the correct position option Federal law"On technical regulation"

a. voluntary confirmation of conformity is carried out in the forms of acceptance of a declaration of conformity (hereinafter - declaration of conformity) and voluntary certification;

b. voluntary confirmation of compliance is carried out in the form of voluntary certification;

c. voluntary confirmation of conformity is carried out in the form of declaration of conformity and voluntary certification;


2. Which of the standards is relevant to the development of websites

a. ISO / IEC 12207: 1995;

b. ISO / IEC 90003: 2004;

c. ISO / IEC 15288: 2002;

d. ISO 9127: 1988;

e. ISO / IEC 23026: 2006;

f. ISO / IEC 19760: 2003;

g. ISO / IEC 25001: 2007;

h. ISO / IEC TR 16326: 1999;



a. MBQ;

b. QFD;

c. TQM;

d. UQM;

e. SQC;

f. TQC;


4. Indicate the correct version of the final part of the provision of the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation": Confirmation of conformity on the territory of the Russian Federation can be carried ...

a. proactive or mandatory;

b. mandatory;

c. proactive or voluntary;

d. voluntary, proactive or binding;

e. voluntary or mandatory;

f. voluntary;


5. List the 8 quality management principles that form the basis for the ISO 9000 series of standards.

a. leader leadership;

b. customer-oriented organization;

c. systems approach to management;

d. approach as a process;

e. decision making method;

f. the role of leadership;

g. mutually beneficial supplier relationships;

h. making decisions based on facts;

i. involvement of employees;

j. continual improvement;

k. systematic approach to management;

Answer: b d e f g I j k

6. International standards relate to:

a. Corporate standards;

b. National standards;

c. Organization standards;

d. ISO / IEC Directives;


7. Indicate the number of the standard which is least related to quality

a. ISO 9000;

b. ISO 9004;

c. ISO 9001;

d. ISO 19011


8. Which series of standards is currently the main one for IT standards

a. series 25000;

b. series 9000;

c. series 14000;

d. series 16000;


9. What is the opposite method of making decisions based on facts?

a. comparing alternative solutions;

b. in a collective discussion;

c. on intuition;


10. In what year was the law "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection" adopted?

a. 2006;

b. 2007;

c. 2008;

d. 2004;

e. 2009;

f. 2005;


11. The declaration of conformity applies to

a. an optional form of confirmation of conformity;

b. voluntary form of conformity confirmation;

d. proactive form of conformity confirmation;

e. mandatory form of conformity confirmation;


12. Please provide the correct definition of the term "Quality Management System (QMS)" in ISO 9OOO / ISO 9000.

a. QMS - a system for developing policies and goals to achieve these goals;

b. QMS - coordinated activities for the leadership and management of the organization in relation to quality;

c. QMS - a management system for the leadership and management of an organization in relation to quality;


13. Harmonization (basic)

a. harmonization of the requirements of national and international standards;

b. coordination of the naming of national and international standards;

c. agreement on the numbering of national and international standards;


14. Indicate the number of the standard with the title "Quality management system. Fundamentals and vocabulary"

a. ISO 9002;

b. ISO 9003;

c. ISO 9001;

d. ISO 9004;

e. ISO 19011

f. ISO 9000;


15. Which of the forms related to general management appeared later than all

a. Taylor system;

b. matrix organizational structure;

c. Industry management;

d. classical school of management;


16. Indicate the abbreviation for the term "Static Quality Management"

a. TQC;

b. MBQ;

c. UQM;

d. TQM;

e. SQC;

f. QFD;


17. Which technical committee is involved in the development of the ISO 9000 series of standards

a. ISO 276

b. ISO 275

c. ISO 176;

d. ISO 175;

e. ISO 177


18. Which of the forms related to management appeared before anyone else?

a. Deming's principles;

b. Taylor system;

c. Reliability theory;

d. Quality mugs;


19. Is there a harmonized national standard for ISO / IEC 12207: 1995. Information Technology... Processes life cycle software.

a. Yes;

b. No;


20. In what year was the Federal Law "On Technical Regulation" adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation?

a. 2002;

b. 2004;

c. 2003;

d. 2001;

e. 2000;


21. Indicate the correct combination of designations for the national standards of the Russian Federation.



c. GOST R, iso, mek;

d. GOST R, GOST R ISO, GOST R iso / mek;


22. Please enter the correct answer

a. market circulation mark - a designation that serves to inform purchasers about the compliance of the certification object with the requirements of the voluntary certification system;

b. market circulation mark - a designation that serves to inform purchasers about the compliance of products put into circulation with the requirements of technical regulations;

c. market circulation mark - a designation that serves to inform the purchasers about the compliance of the certification object with the requirements of the voluntary certification system or the national standard;

d. market circulation mark - a designation that serves to inform purchasers about the compliance of products put into circulation with the requirements of technical regulations and national standards;


23. Indicate the abbreviation for Total Quality Management

a. TQC;

b. MBQ;

c. UQM;

d. TQM;

e. SQC;

f. QFD;


24. What is the abbreviation for International Telecommunication Union:

a. IEEE;

b. IEC;

c. ITU;

d. ISO;


25. Highlight two main IT standards

a. 12207: 1995;

b. 19760: 2003;

c. 16326: 1999;

d. 90003: 2004;

e. 15288: 2002;

Answer: a e
