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Logical operators

The default operator is AND.
Operator AND means that the document must match all elements in the group:

research development

Operator OR means that the document must match one of the values ​​in the group:

study OR development

Operator NOT excludes documents containing this element:

study NOT development

Search type

When writing a request, you can specify the way in which the phrase will be searched. Four methods are supported: search with morphology, without morphology, search for a prefix, search for a phrase.
By default, the search is performed taking into account the morphology.
To search without morphology, just put a dollar sign in front of the words in the phrase:

$ study $ development

To search for a prefix, you need to put an asterisk after the request:

study *

To search for a phrase, you need to enclose the query in double quotes:

" research and development "

Search by synonyms

To include the word synonyms in the search results, put a hash " # "before a word or before an expression in parentheses.
When applied to one word, up to three synonyms will be found for it.
When applied to a parenthesized expression, a synonym will be appended to each word if found.
Cannot be combined with non-morphology search, prefix search, or phrase search.

# study


In order to group search phrases, you need to use brackets. This allows you to control the boolean logic of the request.
For example, you need to make a request: find documents whose author is Ivanov or Petrov, and the title contains the words research or development:

Approximate search the words

For an approximate search, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a word from a phrase. For example:

bromine ~

The search will find words such as "bromine", "rum", "prom", etc.
You can additionally specify maximum amount possible edits: 0, 1 or 2. For example:

bromine ~1

By default, 2 edits are allowed.

Proximity criterion

To search by proximity, you need to put a tilde " ~ "at the end of a phrase. For example, to find documents with the words research and development within 2 words, use the following query:

" research development "~2

Expression Relevance

Use the " ^ "at the end of the expression, and then indicate the level of relevance of this expression in relation to the rest.
The higher the level, the more relevant the expression is.
For example, in this expression, the word "research" is four times more relevant than the word "development":

study ^4 development

By default, the level is 1. Allowed values ​​are a positive real number.

Interval search

To indicate the interval in which the value of a field should be, specify the boundary values ​​in brackets, separated by the operator TO.
Lexicographic sorting will be performed.

Such a query will return results with an author ranging from Ivanov to Petrov, but Ivanov and Petrov will not be included in the result.
To include a value in an interval, use square brackets. Use curly braces to exclude a value.


The monograph is devoted to the study of the system of scientific substantiation of tourism as a complex, multicomponent socio-economic phenomenon. The author considers the emergence of the words "tourism" and "tourist", the issues of the concept of "science of tourism", the essence of the terms "tourism studies", "tourismology" and "tourism", presents the structure of tourism studies, individual research methods, etc. Addressed to university professors, those involved in the training of personnel in the direction of "Tourism", graduate students, students receiving the qualification "organizer of tourism". Of interest to all managers of tourism organizations. It can be used in the work of youth tourism circles.

The book is part of the collection:

  • KazNU named after al-Farabi. Economy and business
  • South Federal University

Dolzhenko Gennady Petrovich

Excursion business in higher educational institutions: history and teaching methods: Textbook / G.P. Dolzhenko. - Rostov n / a: YuFU Publishing House, 2011 .-- 134 p. ISBN 978-5-9275-0802-0 - Access mode: http: // site / catalog / product / 550477 read


V study guide G. P. Dolzhenko "Excursion business in higher educational institutions: history and teaching methods" analyzes the development of excursion business in universities for the period 1968-2010. It is shown how, with the development of tourism in the country, there was a modernization of excursion curricula. The reasons that caused the decline in interest in excursion among modern students of the specialty "Tourism" are considered. The methodology of teaching students to excursion business, tested at the Rostov State and Southern Federal Universities, is proposed. The manual is aimed at students and teachers of universities, will be useful for the leaders of children's tourist and excursion circles.

Higher education G.P. Dolzhenko) jqjrpqhnmmne dekn Textbook for bachelors and masters Fourth edition, revised and supplemented .ru UDC 379.8 (075.8) ББК 77я73 КТК 581 Д 64 Reviewers: head of the department physical culture, sport and tourism of the Rostov State Economic Academy (RINH), professor, full member of the National Academy of Tourism Yu.I. Evseev; Ph. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department "Social Technologies" RGUPSa S.М. Petkova Executive editor: chief specialist of the Rostov regional closed joint-stock company "Rostovtourist", guide of the first category O.I. G.P. Kostyukova Dolzhenko D 64 Excursion business: a textbook for bachelors and masters / G.P. Dolzhenko. - Ed. 4th, rev. and add. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2012 .-- 308, p. : ill. - (Higher education). ISBN 978-5-222-19808-7 The textbook summarizes many years of experience in the development of excursion business in Russia: history, methods of preparing and conducting excursions. Detailed recommendations are given for conducting city sightseeing and natural history excursions, as well as excursions to Orthodox churches. Recommended for university students enrolled in tourism specializations. The manual can be used in the work of training courses for tour guides, as well as teachers of secondary schools. UDC 379.8 (075.8) BBK 77я73 ISBN 978-5-222-19808-7 GP Dolzhenko, 2012 Design, Phoenix LLC, 2012 Dedicated to all the guides - the glorious army of local historians and propagandists of the Motherland's achievements b " food ..., e Excursion. With this word each of us has different memories of tourist trips, new places, emotional experiences. It is difficult to imagine a person who has never participated in excursions in his life. kindergarten kids are taken on excursions to the zoo to get acquainted with the outlandish animals, to admire the gold of fading nature in the nearest grove in autumn and collect fallen leaves for the herbarium. At school, students visit museums, enterprises, participate in city tours. As adults, we ourselves choose the excursions we are interested in, where you can meet something unfamiliar, but extremely curious, or once again see something already known in order to discover something new for ourselves, without which life is simply boring, uninteresting ... The tour accompanies us all our lives. She is a wonderful teacher who observes an unshakable cognitive rule: it is better to see once than hear a hundred times. Excursions for their participants are an intellectual pleasure, and for guides it is a complex creative process, the success of which depends on the depth of the local history knowledge of the guide and on whether he owns a refined 3 * “* 3!“,% ....... % e cases% excursion technique, does it have the talent of a teacher and an actor. The excursion is the heart of tourism. Only complex sports trips and a few specialized tours, such as hunting and fishing, can do without it. When organizing other types of tourism - cultural, archaeological, botanical, scientific, ecological, contemplative, religious, congress, educational, educational and others - excursions must be included in the travel programs. The excursion is the subject of excursion research. This scientific direction studies the history of the development of excursion business, the methodology of preparing and conducting excursions, the pedagogical and psychological foundations of excursions, the peculiarities of serving various groups of the population, training excursion personnel, organizing excursion work. The textbook "Excursion business" was written on the basis of the study of numerous literary sources that were published in Russia for more than a 100-year period from the last quarter of the 19th to the end of the 20th century. Their authors are the classics of Russian excursions B.E. Raikov, V.A. Gerd, I.M. Grevs, N.P. Antsiferov, N.K. Krupskaya, Yu.N. Alexandrov, B.V. Emelyanov, R.A. Dyakova, P.S. Pasechny and many others. In preparing the manual, personal observations and versatile experience of the author were also used, who for 30 years has been engaged in the development of the specialization "Tourism and preparation and conduct of excursions ". The author expresses sincere gratitude to the modern classic of Russian excursion business Boris Vasilyevich Emelyanov for the valuable advice on excursion issues, which he received at the beginning of his pedagogical path. hqŠnph) eqj` ")` qŠ | 1. Excursion business in educational institutions Russian Empire (late 18th - early 20th century) Excursion business in our country has more than two centuries of history, dating back to the first school excursions in the last quarter of the 18th century. It was at this time that leading Russian teachers, educators, among whom, first of all, it is necessary to name the names of a member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a participant in the development of a plan for school reforms in 1782–1786. Yankovich de Merievo, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author of the first Russian textbook on natural science "Beginnings of Natural History ..." Vasily Fedorovich Zuev, writer, journalist, publisher Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, have repeatedly spoken out about the advisability of taking walks and excursions with schoolchildren to nature. Thanks to their activities, recommendations on conducting school excursions to nature were reflected in the "Charter of public schools" in 1786. And in the "School charter", approved in 1804, indicated the need to "arrange" not only walks-excursions into nature, but also organize 5 * “* 3!“,% ……% e cases% for the purpose of acquaintance visits to manufactories, artisan workshops and other enterprises. A deep theoretical substantiation of the use of such a method as excursions in the process of teaching children was found in the works of the founder of scientific pedagogy in Russia, Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky. He criticized the scholastic methods of teaching that reigned in the Russian school of the 19th century, and proposed new ones, based on the ideas of nationality, the requirements for the development of students' ability to observe the phenomena of the surrounding reality. K. D. Ushinsky strongly recommended using such an active teaching method at school as an excursion, and first of all excursions into nature, since they allow the child, with the help of the teacher, to see and perceive the world of objects and phenomena around him. At the end of the XVIII-XIX centuries. excursion as a teaching method was used by a rather limited number of teachers. For example, it is reliably known that the Decembrist I.D. Yakushkin, being after hard labor in the 30s. XIX century. in a settlement in the Siberian Yalutorovsk and working as a teacher at the Yalutorovsk girls' school, he widely used walks and excursions into nature in his teaching practice. Popularity among the teaching environment in Russia in the last quarter of the 19th century. received an excursion activity at the Alexander Teachers' School in Tiflis. Created in 1866 and later transformed into a teacher's institute, it enjoyed great fame in the Transcaucasus. For a long time this educational institution was headed by a well-known teacher in the Caucasus Nikolai Petrovich Zakharov. An advanced man of his time, who thoroughly studied the experience of organizing education in Russia and abroad, he managed to organize an exemplary educational process. An important teaching tool for N.P. Zakharov considered excursions on which the knowledge gained in classrooms should be consolidated. Pupils were introduced to nature 6 h “2%!” * = H = “2b Caucasus, its history, culture. The objects of the excursion study were the city of Tiflis with its ruins of a fortress and ancient temples, a botanical garden, a beautiful Caucasian museum, a huge arsenal, factories, factories, a telegraph, ancient monasteries, the Karayaz steppe with the famous irrigation canal 40 miles from Tiflis, the cave city of Chimes-tsikhe near the town of Gori, 80 versts from Tiflis, etc. Excursions were usually made by the whole school on foot. An excursion to the cave city of Chimes-tsikhe, which all its future participants were looking forward to, turned into a real journey. In nature, under the guidance of teachers, students observed various phenomena, natural and man-made objects, learned to describe them, make botanical and geological collections. N.P. Zakharov considered it compulsory to organize excursions when studying subjects such as history, geography, and other disciplines of the natural cycle. At the end of the XIX - beginning of the XX century. Already in a significant number of educational institutions in Russia, teachers realized the need to include excursions in the curriculum, seeing them as an effective form of acquiring knowledge and an important means of patriotic education. These include individual grammar schools and real schools in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinodar, Simferopol, Kazan, Yekaterinoslav, Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog and in many other cities of the Russian Empire. So, the Zhytomyr gymnasium, starting with one-day walks of its students in the vicinity of the city, then sent them on a large excursion around Volyn, and later to the Caucasus, to Sevastopol, Odessa, to an exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod. The excursions of the 5th Kiev gymnasium, which were held in the summer, were distinguished by their long duration - a month or more. In the Sumy real school even a "Society for organizing the travel of students of the Sumy real school to get acquainted with the Fatherland" was created. Its charter stated that the society aims to “enable 7 *“ * 3! “,% ……% e cases% for pupils to familiarize themselves with their homeland through travel, thus contributing to the development of scientific interest in surrounding phenomena, as well as moral and aesthetic feelings while contemplating the beauties of nature. " The first trips, in the programs of which a variety of excursions were planned, were made by the students of the Sumy School to the Caucasus and Finland. In the east of Russia, the students of Blagoveshchensk and Vladivostok made excursions along the Amur, to the Ussuri taiga, to the sea. In 1903, during the industrial exhibition in Osaka, the Vladivostok office of the Russian Tourist Society held a 20-day educational excursion to this Japanese city for the children of city and folk schools. An important impetus for the expansion of the excursion activities of schoolchildren was the circular of the Minister of Public Education of August 2, 1900 No. 20.185, which canceled the summer vacation work of students and in return recommended that the heads of educational institutions and pedagogical councils organize health walks, excursions and travel for students during the holidays. ... A certain role in the development of student excursions in Russia was also played by the introduction on March 9, 1902 of a special tariff No. 6900 for the travel of students going on educational excursions. On all Russian railways, cheaper travel in third-class carriages was established for groups of excursion students, and students of lower educational institutions were provided with free travel when traveling up to 50 km. In subsequent years, the conditions of this special rate for students making group excursions changed somewhat, but it remained in general terms until 1917. After 1910, county and provincial zemstvo 8 www.phoenixbooks paid attention to the development of excursion business among students. ru h “2% !, th“ * = h = “2ytva ​​who began to allocate some funds for excursions. In their estimates, even a special column appeared - "Student excursions". History has preserved information about the role of a number of Russian zemstvos in the formation of school excursions. An example is the activity of the zemstvos of the Moscow province. So, in 1914, they allocated a total of about 9 thousand rubles for excursions to rural schoolchildren. For individual zemstvos it looked like this: Moscow provincial - 5,000 rubles. Moscow district - 1800 rubles. Bronnitsky district - 400 rubles Bogorodskoe district - 500 rubles Vereyskoe district - 300 rubles Serpukhovskoe district - 300 rubles. Zvenigorodsky district - 200 rubles. Volokolamskoe district - 200 rubles Kolomenskoye uyezdnoe - 250 rubles In addition, the Moscow provincial zemstvo provided excursionists with breakfasts and dinners in the amount of 14 kopecks. per day per person, took upon itself the payment of inspection of the institutions included in the excursion route, travel by steamer along the river. Moscow in the amount of 5 kopecks. per day and half the cost of travel railways excursionists from the four poorest or most remote counties: Vereisky, Volokolamsky, Mozhaisky and Ruzsky. In total, 393 schools used the services of the zemstvos of the Moscow province in 1914. Almost 14 thousand students visited Moscow and got acquainted with the Kremlin, the Armory, the ethnographic museum, the airfield, the Borodino panorama and other sights. The most significant in the development of excursion business in rural schools was the role of the Moscow district zemstvo. For example, in 1913 it facilitated excursions from 152 schools in the Moscow district, which accounted for 75% of all schools; they were attended by 40% of students - 6 708 people. 9 * “* 3!“,% ……% e cases% Naturally, the funds allocated by the zemstvos for the excursions of rural schoolchildren to Moscow were not enough. They accounted for a third of the total cost, with the remaining two-thirds attributable to the parents of students, school trustees and others. Among the district zemstvos of other provinces of Central Russia, Rostov, Yaroslavl province, stood out for its attitude to the development of excursions among students, which annually increased allocations for excursion work (Table 1). Table 1 Excursion activities of the Rostov district zemstvo of the Yaroslavl province Year 1912 1913 1914 The amount allocated by the zemstvo for excursions (rubles) The number of schools that made excursions The number of participants in excursions 300 400 500 23 36 40 213 400 900 By 1914 the Rostov district zemstvo organized excursions in almost half of the schools in the county. It sent in advance to all schools questionnaires, the analysis of which made it possible to find out the prospects for the upcoming excursion season, and then allocated funds primarily for those schools that made excursions for the first time, as well as for those located in remote, remote places of the county. In addition, the zemstvo government entered into agreements with organizations to assist excursionists on the road and when sightseeing cities. The contribution of a number of other zemstvos of the country to the development of excursions in schools is also known. So, the Saratov district zemstvo in 1914 and 1915. allocated 1000 rubles for excursions, the Perm provincial allocated 500 rubles in 1914, and the Nizhny Novgorod provincial in the same year released 2000 rubles. for "summer homeland studies", that is, for organizing excursions around the country. 10 h “2%!” * = H = “2b However, most often the sums allocated by county zemstvos for excursions amounted to 100-200 rubles. excursions from the periphery. The development of the school excursion business was facilitated by the practice of those created in the 10s. XX century excursion commissions of various educational districts, which helped educational institutions in organizing excursions. So, the Tver excursion commission conducted excursions to factories, out of town to nature, to the local museum, Smolensk - to the historical monuments of Smolensk, to museums, to nature, Orlovskaya - to exemplary farms in rural areas of the region, etc. In connection with the increase in the number of school excursions in the country, it became necessary to coordinate the activities of the organizations conducting them. This led to the creation of the Central Excursion Commission under the Moscow educational district, which became the leading informal excursion organization in Russia. The commission had a library on excursion issues, determined educational institutions - gymnasiums, real schools, universities, etc., which were supposed to receive tourists. Among them were the Kazan University, the Riga Lomonosov gymnasium, the Kazan higher women's courses, the 2nd Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium, the 2nd Ekaterinoslavsky real school and many other educational institutions of the country. The Central Commission developed a "Questionnaire" in which the educational institution directing the excursionists indicated the number of students by grade, accompanying persons and their specialty, the purpose of the excursion, preparedness for it, its connection with the program, the number and nature of previous excursions. All this helped in further work with the group. "Rules for sightseers" were also developed, which were posted in each host educational institution... Their implementation was strictly controlled. 11 * “* 3!“,% ……% e cases% The Commission brought together enthusiastic teachers with excursion work experience - V.I. Komarninsky, V.Yu. Ulyaninsky, N.G. Tarasova and others. They analyzed and generalized the experience of excursion work with students, gave methodological advice and recommendations. Not only educational institutions were engaged in the development of the excursion business, interest in it at the beginning of the 20th century. showed, for example, the Russian Orthodox Church, offering the organization of travel to holy places. During the winter holidays in Moscow, the church arranged “Christmas excursions” for the students with a tour of the Kremlin and Moscow as a whole. Before the start of the excursions, a prayer service was always served. By the same time, the church also published special guidebooks - "Companions for sightseers", for example, "Sputnik on the Trinity-Sergius Lavra", "Guide to the shrine and sacred attractions of Moscow and its environs." Excursion activities, which developed quite intensively in the country, received at the beginning of the 20th century. and a certain theoretical basis. In various publications there are more and more articles in which the authors are making the first attempts to cover the issues of the theory of excursions. An important milestone in this regard was the book School Trips, Their Significance and Organization, published in 1910, written by a group of teachers from the St. Petersburg Forestry Commercial School, edited by B.Ye. Raikova and G.N. Bocha. For the first time, it clearly formulated the basic principles of the school excursion methodology, gave a system of educational excursions in all subjects, laid the foundation for subject thematic excursions, taking into account the program requirements of the school. The appearance of a book on the theory of excursion business at the St. Petersburg Forestry School was not accidental. It was it that was among the first among the educational institutions of St. Petersburg to include local and long-distance excursions in studying proccess as a mandatory form of work, 12 Contents INTRODUCTION ..................................... ........................... 3 HISTORICAL PART .................... ....................... 5 1. Excursion business in educational institutions of the Russian Empire (late 18th - early 20th centuries) ..... 5 2. The role of tourist associations in the development of excursion business ( end of XIX- early XX century) ..... 20 3. Activities of excursion commissions, bureaus, committees (early XX century) ....................... .............. 25 4. Excursion business in the first years of Soviet power (1918-1930) ..................... ......................... 28 5. Excursion activities of the Society of Proletarian Tourism and Excursions (1930–1936) ........ 39 6 Revival and development of excursion business in the post-war period (1945–1990) ........................ 44 6.1. Resolutions of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions on tourism and excursions ...................... 45 6.2. The content of the excursion work .................. 49 7. Excursion business in modern Russia (90s. XX - early XXI c.) ............................... 54 METHODOLOGICAL PART ............. ........................... 57 1. The essence and features of the excursion ................ ............. 57 2. Classification of excursions ................................ ..... 60 3. Preparation of the excursion ........................................ .. 69 3.1. Topic, purpose and objectives of the excursion ........................ 70 3.2. Study and selection of excursion objects, development of the excursion route ....................... 73 3.3. Study of materials on the topic of the excursion ........... 77 3.4. Clarification of the excursion route ....................... 79 307 * “* 3!“,% ……% e div% 3.5. Control and individual texts of the excursion ............................................. ....... 79 3.6. "Guide's portfolio" ................................ 83 3.7. Routing excursions ..................... 84 3.8. Conducting a test excursion and its approval .......................................... 89 4 . Conducting an excursion .......................................... 90 4.1. Display of excursion objects ........................ 91 4.2. Excursion story .................................. 99 4.3. Special methodological techniques for conducting excursions ............................................. ...... 103 4.4. Crises of attention and ways to overcome them ....... 108 4.5. Technique of guiding excursions ............................ 112 5. About the culture of the guide's speech ............ ................... 119 6. Gestures and facial expressions ......................... ....................... 130 7. Contact of the guide with the group .................... ........ 132 PRACTICAL PART ....................................... .135 1. Methodological features preparation and conduct of sightseeing city bus excursions ........................................... .............. 136 2. Sightseeing tour of nature in the botanical garden (version of the individual text of the guide) ..................... ...................... 153 Conclusion .......................... ............................. 196 3. Practical work on educational field trips .............................................. .......... 196 4. Thematic city bus tour "Echoes of the Past War" ............................ ........... 215 5. Thematic ecological and botanical excursion in the city park ............................ .................. 225 5.1. General remarks ......................................... 225 5.2. Urban flora and vegetation: materials for preparing an individual text for an excursion ....................................... ............ 227 308 q% de! ›= ..., e 6. Thematic geological excursion" Stones in the city ": individual text of the excursion ........ ......................................... 237 7. Methodological features of preparation and conduct of excursions on religious topics in Orthodox churches ....................................... 252 8. Works of fine art art as an object for the development of excursion story skills (from the experience of the Southern Federal University) ................................... ................. 263 8.1. The first story ............................................ 265 8.2. The second story ............................................. 271 8.3. Third story ............................................. 273 9. Excursions - a reflection of the socio-economic conditions in the country (experience in the development of excursions in a modern travel agency) ................................ 274 9.1. Periods that left a mark on the history of the excursion business in Russia .......................... 274 9.2. The program for the development of excursion business in the travel agency "Rostov-tour" .................... 279 Literature ................ ........................................... 283 APPENDICES ..... .................................................. 285 GOST R 50690-2000. Tourist services. General requirements .............................................. 285 Job description guide's instruction ..................... 298 Tour guide's job description ...................... 302 Series "Higher Education" Dolzhenko Gennady Petrovich EXCURSIONAL BUSINESS Textbook for bachelors and masters Executive editor S. A. Ostashov Technical editor L. A. Bagryantseva Signed for print on 09.07.2012. Format 84 × 108/32. Boom. offset. Headset Newton. Offset printing. CONV. n. l. 16.8. Circulation 2500 copies. Zach. No. LLC "Phoenix" 344082, Rostov-on-Don, per. Khalturinskiy, 80 Printed from ready-made transparencies at ZAO Kniga 344019, Rostov-on-Don, st. Soviet, 57
