Repetition and generalization on the topic: Peace in the first half XX century ".

1. The Schlieffen plan in the First World War is:

1 ) The plan of the German General Staff for the conduct of the First World War, based on the idea of ​​a blitzkrieg

2) The plan of the German chancellor to conclude a separate peace with France

3) Plan of the German Foreign Minister on the alienation of part of the territories from Russia

4) Plan of conducting peace negotiations with defeated countries

2. The program of recovery with loans to the German economy was called the plan:

1) Dawes 3) Briand-Kellogg

2) Jung 4) Harding

3. What is the cause of the economic crisis?

1) Restriction of competition as a result of monopolization of production in a number of industries

2 ) Limited mass consumption in terms of mass production

3) Strengthening government intervention in the economy

4) Reducing government intervention in the economy

4 .. When was the Soviet-German non-aggression pact signed?

2 ) August 23, 1939 4) June 22, 1941

5. Reparations are:

1) state debts to foreign powers

2) temporary cessation of payments by the state of its external debts

3) monetary contributions of the state to the budget of international organizations

4 ) post-war compensation of the losing country to the victorious powers

6. The following events became a radical turning point in the Second World War:

1) the battle for Moscow and the battle at Midway Island

2) Operation Bagration and Berlin operation

3 ) Stalingrad and Kursk battles

4) Operation Sea Lion and Plan Barbarossa

7. The opening of the second front in World War II took place:

8. After what event did the USA enter World War II?

1) after the Japanese attack on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor

2) after the opening of the 2nd front

3) after the Tehran conference

4) after the surrender of France

9. The start date of the Second World War is:

1) November 3, 19403) September 1, 1939

10. Match the goals of the countries participating in the Paris Conference



1) USA

2) UK

3) France

A) return of Alsace and Lorraine

B) the creation of an international peacekeeping organization

C) the elimination of German naval power

10.1-b, 2-c, 3-a

11. Arrange the events of World War II in chronological order.

a) the surrender of Germany

b) the surrender of Japan

c) battle on Kursk Bulge

d) Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

e) opening of the 2nd front

13.d, c, e, a, b

12. The main method of the national liberation struggle for the independence of India was:

1) winning a majority in parliamentary elections

2) partisan movement

3) nonviolent civil disobedience movement

4) armed uprisings in a number largest cities

13. Which of the US presidents pursued a policy called the "New Deal"?

1) G. Truman 3) V. Wilson

2) F. Roosevelt 4) J. Kennedy

14. In what year was the United Nations established?

1) in 1945 ... 3) in 1950

2) in 1947 4) in 1949

15. Start date of the global economic crisis:

1) March 1928 2) October 1929 3) October 1931 4) October 1933

16 . Which of the following international conferences not applicable to the events of World War II:

1) Postdam 2) Tehran 3)Munich 4) Yalta

17 ... Match the term and its definition:



A) disarmament; the prohibition established by an international treaty for any state to have a military industry and maintain

military establishment over the assigned amount

1) Anschluss

B) the policy of creating large-scale colonial and economic empires, expansionism, the struggle of the state for world hegemony

2) the popular front

C) illegal annexation of any territory

3) compensation

D) the unification of various political forces of the state in the fight against the threat of fascism

4) demilitarization

E) payment of the defeated state to the state of the winner

5) indemnity

6) new imperialism



18 . Select from the list provided the consequences of the world economic crisis in the social sphere and write down the numbers under which they are indicated :

1) a sharp drop in production

2 ) mass unemployment

3) rise in prices

4 ) growing distrust of the ruling circles

6) change of governments

7 ) decline in living standards of the population

19. Indicate the features characteristic of totalitarianism and write down the numbers under which they are indicated:

1 ) full control of the state over all spheres of society

2) bankruptcy of enterprises

3 ) repressive suppression of any dissent

4) the cult of the personality of the leader

5) modernization of society

20. Write a short essay on the topic: "The consequences of the Second World War for Russia."

Final test of the course "History of Russia XX century"

1. The first monopolies in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century existed in the form of:

A) cartels and trusts

B) trading companies and joint stock companies

C) syndicates and cartels

D) peasant communities and cooperatives

2. The first manned flight into space took place:

3. Establish the sequence of periods of leadership of the country:

A) K. Chernenko D) Y. Andropov

B) L. Brezhnev E) N. Khrushchev

C) M. Gorbachev E) I. Stalin

4. Decipher the abbreviations:


5. On what basis are the ranks formed:

A) 1918, 1924, 1936, 1977, 1993

B) V. Chernomyrdin, S. Kirienko, E. Primakov, S. Stepashin, V. Putin, M. Kasyanov, M. Fradkov

6. The system of dual power existed in the country in:

A) February-September 1917. C) February-October 1917.

B) March-July 1917. D) March-August 1918.

7. The transition to an industrial society is called:

A) industrialization B) modernization

B) industrial revolution D) civilization

8. Refusal in the early 1990s. from state regulation of most prices is called:

A) privatization B) nationalization

B) inflation D) liberalization

9. Arrange the events in chronological order:

A) Battle of stalingrad

B) Battle of Moscow

C) Nuremberg trials

D) crossing the Dnieper by Soviet troops

D) Battle of Kursk

F) Crimean (Yalta) conference of the leaders of the allied countries

10. Who owns the words?

“Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters! Soldiers of our army and navy!

I appeal to you, my friends!

The treacherous attack of Nazi Germany on our Motherland, which began on June 22, continues ... The war with fascist Germany cannot be considered an ordinary war. It is not only a war between two armies. It is at the same time the great war of all Soviet people against Nazi troops... ... All forces to defeat the enemy! Forward, for our victory! "

11. The positive results of the first revolution in Russia were:

A) reduction of investment in the domestic economy

B) cancellation of redemption payments, reduction of land rent

C) the weakening of the activity of entrepreneurs

D) reducing the length of the working day

E) creation of a representative body

12. Form logical pairs:

1) Party of Socialist-Revolutionaries A) P.N. Milyukov

2) RSDLP (b) B) A.I. Guchkov

3) Party of Constitutional Democrats B) V. I. Ulyanov (Lenin)

E) L. Martov

Indicate which of the listed figures headed the wing of the Social Democrats, called "Mensheviks".

13. The "War Communism" policy included the following measures:

A) the nationalization of all industries

B) guaranteed wages

C) confiscation of all surplus grain from the peasants

D) prohibition of free trade

E) labor mobilization

14. The first measures of the Soviet government:

A) elimination of class division

B) the adoption by the Constituent Assembly of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People"

C) Separation of church from state and school from church

D) the introduction of universal suffrage

E) proclamation of a democratic parliamentary republic

15. The Soviet political regime in the 1920s. expressed in:

A) economic independence of enterprises

B) command and control methods of management

C) the abolition of artistic dissent

D) the presence of political opposition

E) domination of the nomenclature

E) pluralism in ideology

G) recognition of the primacy of human values

16. Set the correspondence:

1.the results of industrialization

A) development of the military-industrial complex

2.the results of collectivization

B) liquidation of private peasant farms

C) lagging behind in the development of light industry

D) socialization of the means of production

D) first place in Europe and second place in the world in terms of industrial production

E) "dispossession" of almost 15% of the peasantry

G) wide involvement of foreign experience

17. World War II began:

18. What kind of battle are we talking about?

"Operation Typhoon is developing almost classically ... The enemy continues to hold unattacked sectors of the front everywhere, as a result of which a deep encirclement of these enemy groups is planned in the future."

19. Fill in the blanks in the diagram:


(according to the Constitution of __________)

_______________________________________ -

Head of state


supreme body ________________________________ power


parliament, ________________________ and legislature



20. The presidential elections in the Russian Federation, which Vladimir Putin won for the first time, took place:

Right answers











B, D

1-D, 2-B, 3-A, 4-B D

A, B, D, D

A, B

B, C, D

1-A, B, D, F

2- D, B, E



Option 1.

At the beginning of the XX century. Russia was a country with:

A - one religion b - federal structure c - high level of literacy of the population d - multinational composition of the population

2. What was the peculiarity of Russian modernization:

A - ended at the beginning of the XX century. b - started earlier than in other countries

B - passed under the control of the state; g - mainly took place in agriculture

3.. The initiator of the monetary reform in Russia was

a) S. Yu. Witte

b) V.K. Pleve

c) S.V. Zubatov

d) P.D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky

4. The reason for the land shortage of peasants in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was

5. By what principle is the row formed?

Nobility, clergy, philistines, peasants, merchants.

6. Who owns the statement: "We need a small but victorious war"

A) Nicholas II, b) V.K. Pleve, c) S.Yu. Witte, d) P. A. Stolypin

7. What does the expression "Tsushima Happened" mean. Explain the origins of its origin.

8. Who is Zubatov and what is his role in domestic policy n. 20 in

9. Name the features economic development Russia early. 20th century.

10. Why is there a radicalization of the opposition movement in Russia at the beginning. 20th century

11. Relate.

Party leaders

Provisions from the Program

V. Chernov

A) RSDLP (b)

b) Socialization of the land

12. . Name the provisions that characterize the main feudal-serf survivals in Russia at the beginning of the XX century

1) landlord ownership

2) political rights and freedoms of peasants

3) peasant land community

4) absolute power of the monarch

5) serfdom

6) the estate system

7) the presence of peasants - land owners

Answer: _________________

Option 2.

Leader of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party:

A - Martov b - Chernov c - Ulyanov g - Milyukov

At the beginning of the XX century. Russia was a member of the international union:

A –Three emperors b –Triplet c –Sacred Mr. Antanta

3. The reason for the land shortage of peasants in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was

a) limited land resources

b) preservation of landlord ownership

c) the reluctance of peasants to cultivate large land plots

d) serfdom of peasants

4. A characteristic feature of the socio-economic development of Russia at the beginning of the 20th century was

a) the preservation of feudal-serf survivals that hindered socio-economic development

b) non-interference of the state in economic life

c) low level of concentration of production

d) low level of capital concentration

5. The initiator of the monetary reform in Russia was

a) S. Yu. Witte

b) V.K. Pleve

c) S.V. Zubatov

d) P.D. Svyatopolk-Mirsky

6. What naval battle refers to Russian - Japanese war:

A - Battle of Chesme b - Siege of Corfu fortress c - Tsushima battle

d - the battle at Cape Gangut

7. Set the correspondence:

A - Socialist Revolutionary Party b - Bolsheviks c - Mensheviks

8. The agrarian system in Russia at the beginning of the XX century. characterized by:

A - a high level of connection with the market of peasant farms

b - prevalence of farms in - peasant land shortages

9. According to the political structure of Russia at the beginning of the XX century:

A - parliamentary republic b - parliamentary monarchy

B - autocratic monarchy g - mixed republic

10. By what principle is the series formed

Land scarcity, redemption payments, low purchasing power, communal consciousness

Party leaders

Provisions from the Program

V. Chernov

A) RSDLP (b)

a) Growth of the bourgeois-democratic revolution into a socialist

B) Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (SRs)

b) Socialization of the land

c) Convocation of the Constituent Assembly

d) The overthrow of the autocracy through the bourgeois-democratic revolution, ESTABLISHMENT OF THE REPUBLIC,

e) Establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat

12. What does the term "Zubatovshchina" mean? Goals, results of this policy.


General humanitarian and socio-economic, technical

cycle of the main professional educational program of open source

History tests Russia in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries

Vladivostok 2013

Tests on the history of Russia XX - early XXI century for current and final control. Many test tasks developed by analogy with the tasks of the Unified State Exam. They will help students to better assimilate the material being studied and at the same time prepare for the exam.

Tests can be used for teaching and self-control of students, checking homework, current and final control when working with any textbook on the history of Russia from the Federal List of Textbooks.

Compiled by O. A. Shapovalova

teacher of the highest qualification category

College of Service and Design VSUES

Foreign policy of the USSR and the beginning of the Cold War

Soviet Union in last years the life of I.V. Stalin

The first attempts at reform and the XX Congress of the CPSU

Changes in foreign policy the USSR

Soviet society in the late 1950s - early 1960s.

Spiritual life in the USSR in the 1940s-1960s.

“The Soviet Union in the first post-war decades. 1945-1964 "

Economic restructuring policy

Development of glasnost and democracy in the USSR

New Political Thinking: Achievements and Challenges

Crisis and disintegration of Soviet society

The course of reforms and the political crisis of 1993

Social and political problems of Russia in the second half of the 1990s.

Russia at the turn of the century: on the path of stabilization

A new stage in development Russian Federation

Foreign policy of the Russian Federation

Spiritual life of Russia by the beginning of the XXI century

Option 1

A1. Which of the above relates to the causes of the Cold War?

                      1.the desire of European states to prevent the strengthening of one of the states

                      2.the struggle of the USSR for the accomplishment of the world revolution

                      3.dissatisfaction of the countries participating in the anti-Hitler coalition with the decisions of the Potsdam conference

                      4.the struggle of superpowers for their spheres of influence

A2. Which of these events took place in 1946?

                      1.The USSR demanded consent from Turkey to place Soviet troops in the straits area

                      2. the "Marshall plan" was presented to the European public

                      3. Representatives of the opposition communist parties were included in the governments of Bulgaria and Romania

                      4. USA tested a nuclear bomb

             1945 1950

             1947 1953

A4. Which of the above points characterizes the Marshall Plan?

1.provision of economic assistance to European states

2.organization of supplies to European states within the framework of Lend-Lease

3.the creation of American military bases on the territory of European states of nuclear power plants

A5. The Council for Mutual Economic Assistance was created

A6. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) includes states

1. USA, Canada, UK

2. Hungary, Albania, Poland

3. Germany, East Germany, Mongolia

4. Japan, Italy, China

A7. The Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the USSR and China was signed 1945 1950 1949 1953

A8. A military clash between the USSR and the USA and their allies took place in the early 1950s. Korea China Vietnam Afghanistan

A9. Which position of the above characterizes the policy of the USSR in relation to the countries of the socialist camp?

1.military presence

2. permission to accept economic aid according to the "Marshall plan"

3.supporting the idea of ​​multivariate construction of socialism

4. granting the right of reparations

A10. In 1947, instead of the previously dissolved Comintern, an organization was created

3. Information Bureau (Cominform)

Foreign policy of the USSR and the beginning " cold war»

Option 2

A1. Which of the above statements does not relate to the characteristics of the Cold War?

1.the ideological confrontation between the superpowers - the USSR and the USA

2.expansion of political and economic contacts between the USSR and Western countries

3.participation in military conflicts on the side of third countries

4.arms race

A2. W. Churchill concluded that the Iron Curtain has descended on Europe

A3. NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) bloc was created 1945 1952 1949 1955

A4. Which of the above events took place in 1947?

1.the creation of the WEU

2.the establishment of communist rule in Czechoslovakia

3. "Truman Doctrine" is formulated

4.the Nazi criminals were sentenced

A5. Indicate the chronological framework of the Korean War, in which the USSR and the United States took part.





A6. Which of the above points characterizes the "Truman Doctrine"?

1.the formation of the UN

2.provision of economic assistance to European states

3.increasing the US military presence in countries bordering the USSR

4.creation of an international organization preparing the overthrow of communist regimes in Europe

A7. In what year was the Warsaw Pact Organization established?

A8. Which organization of the named was created in 1949?

1. United Nations (UN)

2. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)

3. Organization of the Warsaw Pact (ATS)

4. League of Nations

A9. The first Berlin crisis has broken out

A10. The leader of the Yugoslav communists I. Broz Tito put forward the thesis

1.on the construction of socialism in a single country

2.on the need for financial assistance from the USSR to the construction of socialism in European countries

3.on the need to prepare a world revolution

4.on the multivariate construction of socialism

Foreign policy of the USSR and the beginning of the Cold War

Option 1

Job No.

Option 2

Job No.

A1. The state of emergency in the USSR was canceled

1.Cancellation of the card distribution system

2.pig iron production increased by 1.5 times

3.Restored pre-war indicators of agricultural productivity

4.drought and famine

A3. Which of the above is one of the results of the fourth five-year plan?

1. finally solved the "grain problem"

2.reached and surpassed some pre-war indicators of economic development

3.the pre-war standard of living of the population is exceeded

4.increased agricultural productivity

A4. In 1947-1953 about 280 thousand people were evicted on charges of complicity with the Nazi invaders

1.from the Baltic republics, Moldova, from Ukraine

2.from Georgia

3.from Azerbaijan

4.from Poland

A5. Which of the above refers to the policy of I.V. Stalin in 1945-1953?

1.creation of a multi-party system

2.rehabilitation of peoples deported during the war years

3. liquidation of the Comintern

4. repression

A6. The economic recovery after the Great Patriotic War, it was decided to start

1.s Agriculture

2.with heavy industry

3.with mining industry

4.with railway construction

A7. In what year were the cards canceled?

A8. NKVD fabricated "the doctors' case"

A9. "Rootless cosmopolitans" in the USSR were called

1.returned former prisoners of war

2.people who were credited with admiration for the West

3. defendants in the "Leningrad case"

4.cooperating with the enemy during the war years

A10. All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) - VKP (b) - was renamed the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU) 1946 1950 1949 1952

The Soviet Union in the last years of I.V. Stalin

Job No.

A1. In 1953, the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR became

1.L.M. Kaganovich

2. G.M. Malenkov

3. L.P. Beria

4. M.I. Kalinin

A2. The elimination of the GULAG system was started

A3. The initiator of the reform in agriculture was

1. K.E. Voroshilov

2. G.K. Zhukov

3. G.M. Malenkov

4. NS Khrushchev

A4. The development of virgin lands began

A5. In the 50s. XX century were rehabilitated

1.Participants in the "Doctors' Case", "Leningrad Affair" and many military leaders

2. repressed in the 30s. statesmen who had alternative views on the construction

socialism in the USSR

3.former prisoners of war and prisoners

4.all named

1.N.S. Khrushchev made a report "Overcoming the personality cult and its consequences"

2.N.S. Khrushchev was elected Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR

3. dismissed G.M. Malenkov

4. L.P. was arrested at a meeting of the Council of Ministers. Beria

A7. In what year was the XX Congress of the CPSU held?

A8. NS. Khrushchev, remaining the leader of the party, headed the Council of Ministers of the USSR

1. in 1952 3. In 1958 1955 1964

A9. In the report of N.S. Khrushchev "On Overcoming the Cult of the Personality and Its Consequences"

1. about the rehabilitation of N.I. Bukharin, L. D. Trotsky

2.on the need to revise the strategic goals of the party

3.on the responsibility of the highest military personnel for the tragic start of the Great Patriotic War

4.about Stalin's guilt for mass repressions

A10. Check it out characteristic feature"Thaw" in the political life of the USSR in the second half of the 50s. XX centuries.

1.permission of a multi-party system

2.the lifting of bans on criticism of Stalinist repressions

3.decreasing ideological censorship

4.rejection of control over the creative intelligentsia

The first attempts at reform and the XX Congress of the CPSU

Job No.

A1. A characteristic feature of the foreign policy course of N. S. Khrushchev was the normalization of relations

1.with China 3.with Yugoslavia

2.with Japan 4.with Albania

A2. The Warsaw Pact Organization was created

A3. Which event took place in 1956?

1.the suppression of the anti-communist uprising in Hungary

2. Berlin Crisis

3. the first visit of NS Khrushchev in the USA

4.Korea War

A4. Which of the following is one of the main causes of the Cuban missile crisis?

1.the attempt of the USSR to create a military base on the territory of Turkey

2.test in the USSR of a nuclear bomb

3.Speech by W. Churchill in Fulton

4.US dissatisfaction with the deployment of Soviet missiles in Cuba

A5. In what year was the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite in the USSR?

1. in 1957 3. in 1961 1959 1964

A6. Which event of the named happened later than the others?

1.the conflict between the USSR and the former allies in the anti-Hitler coalition around the Suez Canal in Egypt

2.unilateral reduction of the Armed Forces of the USSR

3.the construction of the Berlin Wall

4.the execution of Nazi criminals

A7. NS. Khrushchev believed that peace could be guaranteed by

1.only tough confrontation between socialist and capitalist systems

2.reduction of nuclear weapons

3.nuclear balance between the USSR and the USA

4.elimination of military blocs

A8. Anti-Soviet sentiment intensified in Poland

A9. In 1955 the German Democratic Republic

1. entered the NATO bloc

2. joined the "Marshall plan"

3.Established a special status for Berlin

4.joined the Warsaw Pact Organization

A10. The conclusion about the possibility of coexistence of states with different social systems was made at the XX Congress of the CPSU

Changes in the foreign policy of the USSR

Job No.

A1. The reason for the attempt to remove N.S. Khrushchev from power in 1957 became

1.dissatisfaction with the USSR foreign policy proclaimed at the XX Congress

2.the desire of the military to take leading positions in the Central Committee of the CPSU

3. dissatisfaction of the "Stalinist guard" with the beginning of the process of de-Stalinization

4.the desire to carry out serious democratic transformations in the country

A2. Marshal G.K. Zhukov was dismissed from the post of Minister of Defense of the USSR

A3. "Complete and final victory of socialism in the USSR" was proclaimed 1956 at the XX Party Congress 1959 at the XXI Party Congress 1961 at the XXII Party Congress

4.In 1964, after the resignation of NS. Khrushchev

A4. Which of the above refers to the economic policy of N. S. Khrushchev?

1.increasing investment in agriculture

2. liquidation of labor exchanges

3.increase in the size and equipment of the army

4.Priority development of heavy industry

A5. Which of the following is one of the results of N. S. Khrushchev?

1. end of the cold war

2.increase in grain supplies abroad

3.increase in the volume of housing construction

4.Cessation of the arms race

A6. Which of the above was characteristic of the development of the social sphere of the USSR during the Khrushchev period?

1.increase in food prices

2.the termination of the compulsory purchase of government bonds

3.permission of free entrepreneurial activity

4.introduction of the workers' insurance system

A7. National economy councils (economic councils) were created instead of sectoral ministries

1.In 1954 3.In 1961 1957 1963

A8. Which of the following happened later than the others?

1.Events in Novocherkassk

2. liquidation of MTS

3.monetary reform

4.An attempt to create union-republican administrations

A9. Mark the start date of the "corn epic".

1.the beginning of the 50s.

2. second half of the 50s.

3.the beginning of the 60s.

4. second half of the 60s.

A10. The slogan "Catch up and overtake the USA!" was nominated

Soviet society in the late 1950s - early 1960s.

Job No.

Option 1

A1. What year did the first manned flight into space take place?

A2. Which of the above events took place in 1946?

1.the USSR tested a nuclear bomb

4.the death of A.A. Fadeeva

A3. Which of the listed events relate to the cultural life of the USSR in 1953-1964?

1. publication of the novel by I. Orenburg "The Thaw"

2. creation of the sculpture "Worker and Collective Farm Woman"

3. construction of the mausoleum of V.I. Lenin on Red Square

4.creation of the Union of Soviet Writers

A4. The monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator E. Vuchetich was erected Berlin Moscow Prague

A5. Boris Pasternak was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature

A6. "Rehabilitation" of the science of genetics took place after leading scientists addressed a letter to the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU

A7. XXII Congress of the CPSU put forward the task

1.multi-style development of culture

2. forging creative alliances

3.increase in feature films

4. education of the "new man"

A8. The work of artists was called the Soviet underground realists


3.theatrical decorators


A9. Theater "Sovremennik" opened in Moscow

A10. Which of the named scientists led the development of the nuclear bomb project?

1. A.F. Ioffe

2. S.P. Korolev

3. N.I. Vavilov

4. I.V. Kurchatov

Spiritual life in the USSR in the 1940s-1960s.

Option 2

1. A. Fadeev

2. A. Solzhenitsyn

3.V. Dudintsev

4.V. Shukshin

A2. The world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker "Lenin" was launched

A3. Which of these writers was persecuted in the USSR for publishing his novel Doctor Zhivago abroad?

1. B. Pasternak

2. K. Fedin

3.L. Leonov

4. M. Sholokhov

A4. NS. Khrushchev, at one of the meetings with cultural and art workers, criticized the film "Ilyich's Outpost" by the director

1. M. Khutsieva

2.S. Gerasimova

3. T. Lioznova

4. E. Ryazanova

A5. In 1956-1964. physicists became Nobel Prize laureates

1. A. Ioffe and S. Korolev

2. N. Zelinsky and I. Kurchatov

3.S. Vavilov and T. Lysenko

4. N. Semenov and L. Landau

A6. The scientific center in Novosibirsk was established

A7. Design bureaus A.I. Mikoyan and M.I. Gurevich, as well as I.O. Sukhoi worked to create

1.fighter planes


3.nuclear weapons

4.technologies for oil and gas production

A8. In what year was the Olympic Committee established in the USSR?

A9. V. Sinyavsky, Yu. Ozerov, K. Makharadze were known throughout the country as talented coaches

2. gymnasts

3.sports commentators

4.weight lifters

A10. Legendary athlete who played both for the USSR national football team and for the national hockey team

1.V. Bobrov 3.E. Grishin

2. Yu. Vlasov 4. I. Poddubny

Spiritual life in the USSR in the 1940s-1960s.

Option 1

Job No.

Option 2

Job No.

History test.

Topic: "Russia at the beginning XX century. "

Option I.

    Liberal movement in Russia at the beginning XX century represented

    social democrats 3) anarchists

2) the cadets 4) the SRs

    The Portsmouth Peace Treaty included:

    Russia's concession to Japan of South Sakhalin

    withdrawal of Russian troops from Manchuria

    payment of war costs

    restrictions on Russian naval forces in the Far East

    The first Russian revolution began as:

    action prepared by the Socialist Revolutionary Party

    action planned by the Bolsheviks

    action organized by Zubatov's "Meeting of Russian factory workers"

    Leader of the Cadet Party at the beginning XX century Was

    L. Martov 3) V. M. Chernov

    P.N. Milyukov 4) A.I. Guchkov

    At the beginning of the 20th century, Russia entered

    to the Triple Alliance

    to the Entente

    military - political bloc with the USA

    did not join any union

    Tried to direct the revolution in the course of reforms

    V. I. Lenin 3) L. D. Trotsky

    P.N. Milyukov 4) Nikolay II

    In 1907 - 1913. Russia was

    aristocratic republic

    limited monarchy

    autocratic state

    state of democracy

    The main task facing Russia after the revolution of 1905-1907 was reform

    industrial production 3) financial systems

    agricultural production 4) transport

    Indicate the wrong judgment. By 1913, industry

    Developed dynamically, confidently 3) caught up with the advanced


    successfully entered the foreign market 4) occupied the leading

positions in production per capita

    Indicate the dates of the First World War

    1913 – 1914 3) 1914 – 1917

    1914 – 1916 4) 1914 -1918

    The artist who headed the "World of Art"

    A.N. Benois 3) Yu.A. Bilibin

    I.E. Repin 4) N.K. Roerich

    The consequence of the abdication of Nicholas II in March 1917 became

1) the immediate establishment of the republic 2) the establishment of a military dictatorship in the country 3) the decision of England and France to start an intervention against Russia 4) proclamation of the Provisional Government by the supreme body of power

    Which monarch is associated with the term "State Duma"

    Nicholas I 3) Alexander II

    Alexander III 4) Nicholas II

    The consequence of the Kornilov rebellion was (o)

    establishment of a military dictatorship in the country

    withdrawal from the Provisional Government of all representatives of the socialist parties

    The dissolution of the Constituent Assembly took place in

    Allies of Russia in the First World War were

1) Austria - Hungary 3) Bulgaria 2) France 4) Turkey
17. The line of the Provisional Government to continue the war until the victorious end was reflected in the document 1) "Milyukov's Note" 3) "April Theses" 2) "Decree on Peace" 4) "Peasant Mandate"

    spontaneous explosion

    the result of deep internal contradictions

    well-prepared uprising of the Bolsheviks

    conspiracy of terrorist groups

19. In 1917. The interim government did not 1) held a political amnesty 2) gave land to the peasants 3) introduced democratic freedoms 4) abolished national and religious restrictions
20. The 1917 Land Decree stated

    on the transfer of land to peasants for ransom

    on the principle of equal land use

    on the transfer of all land to local authorities

    on the liquidation of the peasant community.

Part B

IN 1. Establish a correspondence between political parties early. XX century and political directions to which these parties belonged Political parties Political directionsA) Constitutional democratic 1) extreme nationalismparty 2) right-wing liberalismB) Union of Michael the Archangel 3) social democracyC) RSDLP 4) anarchismD) Union October 17 5) left liberalismAnswer:

IN 2... Below is a list of the names of the parties early. XX century. All of them, with the exception of one, belong to the socialist direction.
Octobrists, Socialist-Revolutionaries, Mensheviks, Bolsheviks.Answer:
AT 3. Arrange in chronological order the events associated with the first Russian revolution. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events, in the correct sequence.

    Uprising on the battleship Potemkin

    "Bloody Sunday"

    All-Russian political strike


AT 4. Fill in the blank cells in the table using the information in the list below. For each cell indicated by letters, select the number of the desired item
Games early. XX century

Missing items: 1) Cadets 2) Socialist-Revolutionaries 3) Bolsheviks 4) V.M. Purishkevich 5) A.I. Guchkov 6) V.M. Chernov 7) A.I. Dubrovin 8) preservation of the entire completeness of executive power in the hands of the monarch9) the right of nations to self-determination, up to secession. Answer: Answers: 1-2; 2-1; 3 -1; 4 -2; 5 -2; 6-2; 7-3; 8-2; 9-1; 10-4; 11-1; 12-4; 13-4; 14- 1; 15-2; 16-2; 17-1; 18 -2; 19-2; 20-2. B 1 -5132; B2 - Octobrists; B 3 - 31452; B4 - 261583

Option II

Part A

    Does not apply to 1905

    "Bloody Sunday"

    December armed uprising in Moscow

    Permission to form workers' unions

    The uprising on the battleship "Prince Potemkin - Tauride"

    The Octobrist Party in 1905 put forward a demand:

    Democratic republic with wide autonomy of regions and communities

    The liquidation of the autocracy

    Establishment of republics with a unicameral parliament

    State Duma institutions.

    Indicate the dates of the Russo - Japanese War





    Indicate an event not related to 1905.

    The beginning of the first Russian revolution 4) the end of the Russian - Japanese war

    The main means of struggle of the proletariat during the first Russian revolution are:

    Strikes 3) the defeat of the landowners' estates

    Rallies 4) demonstrations

    Consequences of the agrarian reform of P.A. Stolypin:

    Gave impetus to market relations

    Swept away the remnants of serfdom

    Destroyed landlord ownership

    Completely destroyed the rural community

    Pursuing a resettlement policy, tsarism did not seek

    Send millions of landless and rebellious peasants away from the landlords

    To develop empty lands beyond the Urals

    Provide every peasant family with land

    Weaken the discontent of the peasants with the power

    By 1913 the Russian economy

    Became an active participant in the global market

    Took a leading position in the production of machines and machine tools

    Was in a state of stagnation

    Lagged significantly behind the average developed countries.

    By 1916 belongs

    The beginning of the first world war

    The death of the Russian army in East Prussia

    Army offensive on the Southwestern Front

    End of the First World War.

    To the figures of Russian literature " silver age"Cannot be attributed

    A.S. Pushkin 3) N. S. Gumilyov

    A.A. Akhmatov 4) A.A. Blok

    During February revolution 1917 in Russia was:

    The monarchy is overthrown 3) freedom is given to peoples from its composition

    Republic established 4) an agreement was reached with Germany on

the conclusion of a separate peace

    At the II Congress of Soviets:

    Soviet power was proclaimed

    All political parties participated

    All parties approved the uprising

    Russia was proclaimed a republic.

    Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly in January 1918

    Contributed to the democratization of the country

    Provided a chance for the Mensheviks and Socialist-Revolutionaries to seize power from the Bolsheviks

    Hastened the beginning of the Civil War

    Strengthened the contacts of the Bolsheviks with other socialist parties

    In March - July 1917, the Provisional Government:

    Introduced 8 hour work day

    Introduced democratic freedoms

    Did not transfer the land to the peasants

    It proclaimed Russia a republic.

    The conclusion of the Brest Peace in 1918 led to

    The real implementation of the course for the world revolution

    Convening the Constituent Assembly

    Forging an alliance with Germany

    Large territorial losses

    The name of the association created by Russian liberals during the First World War in the State Duma

    Progressive block 3) Left block

    State Defense Committee 4) secret committee

    At the head of the first Soviet government was

    J.V. Stalin 3) F.E. Dzerzhinsky

    V. I. Lenin 4) M. I. Kalinin

    What was one of the consequences of P.A. Stolypin's reforms

    Strengthening the power of the rural community over members of society

    Abolition of serfdom

    Agricultural development in Siberia and Central Asia

    Growth of landed estates

    Which of the events happened before the rest

    II All-Russian Congress of Soviets

    X Congress of the RCP (B)

    Convening of the Constituent Assembly

    Creation of the Provisional Government

    The term "socialization of the land" was contained in 1917 in the program requirements of the party



    "Union of the Russian people"


Part B.

IN 1. Match names political parties start XX century and their leaders: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column

Party Leaders A) Union October 17 1) V. I. Lenin B) RSDLP 2) V.M. Chernov C) Constitutional Democratic Party 3) A.I. Dubrovin D) Party of Socialists - Revolutionaries 4) P.N. Milyukov 5) A.I. Guchkov
Write down the selected numbers in the table Answer:

IN 2. Below are the names of the military leaders. All of them, with the exception of one, became famous in the Russo - Japanese War. Z.P. Rozhestvensky, S.O. Makarov, A.A. Brusilov, A.N. Kuropatkin. Answer:

AT 3. Arrange the events in chronological order. Write down the numbers that indicate historical events in the correct sequence.
1.The beginning of the Russo-Japanese war 2. Manifesto October 17 3.P.A. Stolypin's reform 4. Convocation of the First State Duma 5. Second Congress of Soviets Answer:

Q4.Fill in the blank cells in the table using the information in the list below. For each letter box, select the number of the item you want.


Missing items:

    The murder of P.A. Stolypin

    "Bloody Sunday"




    Nizhny Novgorod

    Brest - Litovsk


    Ivanovo - Voznesensk.


Answers: 1-3; 2 - 4; 3 -2; 4-3; 5-1; 6-1; 7-1; 8-1; 9-3; 10-1; 11-1; 12-1; 13-3; 14-2; 15-4; 16 -1; 17 -2; 18-3; 19 -4; 20 – 4. B1 -5142; B2 - A.A. Brusilov; B3 -12435; B4 - 498371.


    N.V. Zagladin, S.I. Kozlenko, S.T. Minakov. "Russian history. XX - early XXI century "Grade 11, M.," Russian word", 2013 A.S. Orlov, A.Yu. Poluyanov. "Basics of the course of history", M., LLC "Prospect", 2013. L. V. Selyanina, “History of Russia. 9-11 grades ". Simulators, tutorials, Volgograd, "Teacher", 2008.
